The state Republican. (Eugene City, Or.) 1862-1863, March 07, 1863, Image 1

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T II P (! I! l IP V P F P I' 1' I I T
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WrittcuTfor theVV.ishoc Times -by Americano.
It was ft delightful tlnv in March, 1S4T ; the
rentle breez' from the Gulf moved softly over
the surface of Southern Alabama, bringmging
with it the fragrance of the magnolia bloom, of
t'.e jessamine, and of the thousand flowers which
t-r.iee the Southern portion of that flowery State.
) was standing listle.-sly upon the plazn in the
center ot the village, beneath nn onk, whose top
l,l b en nrtistienlly trimmed to gratify the taste
f the most artistic eve. Half a dozen little
girls of f om eight to ten years of age, came
I ripping across the plazi to me, and, all chatter
i ,., together, nsked me if I would ramble with
-4nrriH the w.U, to gather fl lwcrs. J In y
looked likesx little inwing-d angels, with their
f ,ir, r i ldy faces, and their dresses as gay as their
. wu Alabama spr rig. .
Yes" I aiKWcreu, -'fr I love little girls, and
especially s.i. h good little girls as I know you
S . nffivp st -r'ed on n ramble for the wild wood
fl.i.ver. The cotton in the fields which we
passed, was j ist peeping up trough its earthly
covering, mti'kii'g th brown loam with bright
rreen mv s. fun side to side ; while, here Bud
there, in the fl -Ids, were clusters of negroes,
iih their hoes, and leav.
i igonlv Three or four little two leaved stalks in
"Oh, how sweetly that magnolia smells ! Do
they h ive magnolias in Heaven, Mr." said
little K'iz.beth.
' Can you get us some magnolia blooms I said
I hud not been in Heaven, though I felt well
satisfied with the little heaven 1 was then enjoy,
ing, and I could not answer the first, but to the
second quest ion I answ ered :
I will try to get you one, Lizzy, and tine for
. i. . i . ....' .t,,riiu, our walk, and Mill mav think
j ii
ll will have I lie same, ricn n nnoni,
On finding a small msgnoli:, tree, afterward,
dint o dunning. I Kepi my prom.e m, iuc
. . II j 1 I L
e cherubs. tl;l we ralliwrii, aim ni icngui
!,. ,m1s ntnon!? honevsuckles and
ewect buds, Indian pinks, and nil innumerable
variety of minor but fragrant mid beautiful flow
rs twining tendrils of the passion flowers and
of the gayer yellow jessamine, clung fondly to
the tall tree "and covered their surface with gold,
and pink, and blue, in rich profusion, and in
greater beauty thnn any hnquet fashioned by
.iher than Nature's magnificent hands. Soon
my little compmions dad gathered more
flowers than they could manaae, at.d they dust
vied around me to arrange them into garlands
and boqiiets, to beautify them, if Kwible, still
more, and to adorn their r ms at home.
Seated in ft circle around tne, little Mary
Coleman, looking up to me with her mild blue
rjes, said :
"Mr , Lizzie wants me to ask you to tell
us npout Heaven will you 1"
1 will confess that I was at my wits' ends, for,
though I had heard many descriptions of th it
Imppy country, 1 feard that my powers of word
painting were" too weak to insure me the active
attention of my little auditors.
"When little boy or girl, or people older than
tliev. die," I said, '"'I think they hardly know ihe
oh iiige thev pis through. They may see the
bodies their spirits have left, and they see their
friends uround them grieving and cry u,g because
they are dead. We say they are dead because
their bodies are cW aim nave no me -, mu i.e. ,.
spirits are alive, and when they leave the body
Ihey meet beautiful angels the spirits of their ,
freinds who have gone bet -re them. Then, hand j
in hand, with the angels, they go over the hills
and vallies and mountains, and river and fields,!
and from star to star, and from sun to sun, until
they come to a mot henitTuI home in the midst ,
of a most beautiful garden, planted with fig and ;
pomegranate, and peach, and orange, and fruit,
..f all kinds, and with beds of li.wer of all kind,
and pretty walks, and nice arbors, covered with .
all varieties of roses ; and everything you can j
think of that is beautiful nd good ; and the
angels walk with them and talk with them, and
'overy ''""y show the "'w spirits, just come
: ll,.ave"n someth.n" new in m1 s'.iil more lovely,
to Heaven, something new and s'.iil more lovely;
ttiiu during their inputs which wo would lu re fun
d.iy, because they are so light they sing songs
of joy and praise to God w ho made them, and
lias given them so much to iiuike them happy ;
while God always look upon them with pleasure,
because they are good and love each other
-I tliluk Heaven must do a very pretty piacc,
said little 'Jim' Coleman, a beautiful little black
eyed girl of eicht years of age.
Three weeks after our wildwood ramble. Mar)
E. Coleman, one of my little companions, came
running to my room in great trepidation her
checks blanched, and her lips lividly white.
"What is the matter, Puss ?" said I. Puss
was her common nickname.
"Oh ! Mr. , said she, "Lizzie Moats is very
sick, and she wishes to see you, (iraiidiiiamtna
says she is going to die, and I have run all the
way up here, from Lizzie's house, to tell you, so
that you might go mid see her."
"I will go and see I,izzio, and you may go
with me, l'uss ; but 1 hope Lizzie will not die,
"Oh, yes she will Mr. , for grandmamma
said she would !" Then little l'uss burst into
We walked into the room where dung little
Lizzie lay. l'uss walked up to her bedside and
whispered in her ear.
"Has Mr. come?" said the little one;
and seeing me, she said : "I w ant you to take
hold of n. y hand. I am going to that Heaven,
now, you told us of; and 1 shall seuihose pretty
gardens, and flowers, and the angels, and oh ! I
shall be so happy there ! JJut I shall want to
see my play mates, and Pa, and Ma, and you,
Mr. ! but you will all come and bo with me
by and by, won't you V
The emaciated little form was wasting rapidly
away, and she, feeling death's hands upon her,
asked me to remain with her until her spirit
should leave her little frame.
I did so. At limes her mind seemed wander
ing, and she would talk with beings w hom those
standing around her could not see. At times
her gleeful and silvery It.ujh rung out on the air,
in strange cont rust with the nll etioiis of the
sandeiieil hearts around the death bed.
Mr. Come, oh, come here ! Don't vou
hear that music 7 Oil! what sweet singing!
Don't you see these angels f 1 see the n ! They
are coming, lleretliev are, rignt anui:id my
ed ! Thev want me, and I am going now-
Good live. Mr. !'' And my name was tin-
last llnit little Li:-zie prfei.inced on earth.
P'nee then, sirnen years have pus ed away.
But that scene and the h i lowed associa: I-eis i o i
nected with it, I nevershill forget. Of.eii, whin
engaged with the busy t xigencies of life, thai
scene passes before me. I expect to meet L'z
zie ng-iiii, when my spiri' shall throw If lliis fl eh
did blood, and be fr-. I expect to le .reeted
by her, among the first, as pass through the
tortals of life into the spirit land.
Sweet Lizzie ! beautiful in death ! Y"! lie in
her norrow receptacle, she lay so qui tly sleep
ing, a wreath of wild flowers, which she loved
so well in life, encircled her pale 1 row, while, in
her tiny hands, claped upon her breast, she held
the swelling bud of a moss rose lit tipeof her
nipped befure life's maturity.
The Record of the War.
Wj copy the following sensible comments on
the management of the war from the Louisville
Journal, of January 20th :
If the record r.f the war thus far till our side
is not as b, ight as it might have been, and as it
would have been if the iiieu in authority had
possessed greater abilities with loftier patriotis n,
it is nevertheless a record of w hich, under the
circumstances, we need not be ashamed. Indeed,
it appears to us to be, under the circumstances,
a very creditable record. With as good a civil
record th war might have been at an end. Our
little army of some 18,000 men, as a con
temporary says, has expanded t" a well organized
and splendidly appointed force of nearly fcs(R),
000, soon to number a million. lur navy from
42 vessels in commission and ?G all told, with
1 ,78-1 guns, has grown to a force, afl at or near
completion, of All Vessels of w;ir, carrying
8.208 guns. No i.atiou has ever had m vast a
military and naval armament, viewed in its ape
ial adaptation to our national purposes, mid in
cludinir powerful elements both of attack and
defence unknown to earlier warfare. Tho vast
sums necessary to raise, organize, tquip and
maintain tais immense force have been raised i even w here. It is theii w hole political excuse
without borrowing a dollar from foreign nations. ! for discontent and insubordination to lawful an
Nor are the actual achievements of the war i thority. (io any w here in public or private life,
wholly unworthy of these gigantic preparations, in business places or the sK-ial circle, and ihe
Nearly three thousand miles of sea coast, from Democrat is snr to drag the woolly he id. It
Norfolk to New Orleans and Galveston, ull be i is truly disgusting, because a man endorses
longing to the insurgent region at the beginning emancipation as a war measure, to be denounced
of the war, have been reclaim-d to the U. don, j w ith nigger, nigger, nigger. The whole c itise is
and we now hold them fist under the guns of the ; self interest, mid were there no ofl'n ial place, in
nnvv, or ele g trrisoned and governed by our fl ienee and chance for fivoritism, there would
military fore-. The Mississippi, the main arte ! be very little contrariety of opinion in support
ry of the great central valley of the I'uion, with ing the Administration. It matters not the least
its nrincioal tributiries, embracing many thous to us who crushes rebellion, because we do not
amis of miles of inland navigation, once in the
possession of the rebels from Ciiro to New
Orleans, has been restored lo national control.
New Orleans, bv far the most opulent and im
.. , . , .. .i.
portant commercial city of the rebellion,
Vicksburg Memphis, Nashville, Norfolk,
and ;
miniTiiK eilies of inferi r, have
been re-
covered to the Union. And foreign nations, 1
uh ofvpr aecret eninitv thev rnsv indulge, have ;
been citnt elled io obss-rve a guarded and respect-1
fil tone bv the dcvelojiement of a power which
has astonished them as well as ourselves. I
Meanwhile not a city or a river can the rebels
to as a conouest of Ihe war. .t tort
re -s i now in tin ir j
, .,..), mi w hi'-h w as not
'seized when disarmed and inadequately defended
in the first sun. rise of the rebellion. Thev have
in the first surprise of the rebellion. They have
i lust many and giiined not one. At raids, and
surprises, and burning unarmed merchant idiips,
they have had some success. But such transient
and unfruitful advantages are lur from establish,
jng their claim to be a nation, and present a
I marked contrast to the steady, though slow, ad
' vanced and per uiunent occupation of the Union
, forces.
We have sustained, it is true, a few very se
rious defeats in the battle field, but no wars, not
even Napoleon's, were ever u series of unbroken
successes. As nn offset, we have had Mill Soring,
Fort Doiielson, New Madrid, Pen Ridge, Sliiloh,
luka, Corinth, Boston Mountain, Antietam, Mur
fre.esboro, and Vicksburg ; but, as a completer
ofTset, the irrepressible valor of ot.r troops, who
are more determined ai d effective now than
ever before. Great military abilities cannot be
improvised. They are the work of time. They
spring gradually from the exigencies of circuui
stances. Europe for centuries has been engaged
in war, and you may number the names of its
really great, generals on the finger ends. How
many has England had besides Wellington ; how
niHiiy France besides Bonaparte ; how many Ita
ly, Austria, Kussia ? What, indeed, has been
the history of all comprehensive campaigns, of
all vast movements ot armies, but a history of
binders, errors, and disasters. "He never made
war," says Tureiiue, "who never made mistakes;"
and that u young and peaceful imlion like ours
should have made great mistakes is to say only
that it has made a great war.
Jn spite, therefore, of errors and failures of
errors in plans and of failures in execution we
believe that the martial record of the last twenty
Iwo mouths w ill compare gloriously with that of
any other nation, ancient or modern, beginning
under the same embarrassments, and conducted
by a similar inexperience.
Phentick says : " 'Tis a pity, thai when a pro
f -ssedly loyal editor begins to write desponding,
ly about the rcf ult of the war, the coldness of
liis patriotism docs nut congeal the- ink in his
Changes in Ladies' Fashions.
The New York A'cenini Post says there has
been an evident inclination among the ladies of
fashion to revive the absurdities of dress of olden
times, at any expense of comfort and beauty,
it then adds :
"The 'sky scraper' bonnets have assumed
pr p irtions of singular extent and inconvenient
shape. The dressing of bonnets is becoming a
study ot no ordinary complications. White
ostrich feathers are the prevailing ornament for
the bonnet, and have a very pretty effect, lm
incuse hows of white muslin are also coming in
vogue. They are worn at ihe throat, and are in
gcnioiisly constructed so as to cover the breast,
being furnished with white tabs .which do' end
from the bows at length to suit the wearer.
These bows are eminent ly suggestive of mourn
ing garbs, and thus our young ladies are ii-suin-ing
the appear dice of those dangerous creatures,
" vidders," for which see the warnings of Satni
vel Weller, Senior.
Bat far beyond crinolines, beyond "pages,"
beyond "sky. scrapers," and beyond widows'
bows, looms up a new horror. It may bo lit
erally Raid lliat "horsors on horror's head aer-ii
initiate-" A number of the leading fashionable
ladies of this city have decided to revive the
obsolete custom of powdering ihe head, and have
appeared at several parties and social gath rings
with their hair done np in the old style, and
then thickly bestrewed with powder. Of course,
by this process of application all the In-ads ap
proximate a similar hue. lied hair becomes
like snow 'though thy hair be as scarlet, it
shall be as wool." Black hair becomes a dirty
whitish gray. And after the evening is over
often a whole hour is occupied in washing the
hair, and freeing it from its powdery guise. The
days of sackloth and ashes seem to have been
We understand that the innovation has elicit
ed no little opposition, but that the ladies who
have the matter in hand or rather, on head
are determined to carry it nut. It is probable
that if successful they will follow it up with
those disgusting "beauty patches" once in vogue.
After that the ladies will, perhaps, denotnd that
the gentlemen wear ruffl ... red coat . words and j
cunea wigs. v e sounu u.e note oi aiurm.
Niookr ostiik BitAM. The Democrat politi
cians are continually howling about tho negro
i I :. .ill .. - l
iook upon ll as a party measure, sun r iiiivn no
sympathy to bestow in favor of rebels or their
negro property, or any other property. We
care not for their industrial pursuits, systems, or
any forms of society, our object is to restore
the Union, and crush out rebellion without any
if's or huts. There is no Constitution and no law
on the battle field, but the war code. W e have
not the least doubt il Mr. Lincoln was1 only a
Democrat, his acta would be upheld by Demn
er.its. We have very often found fault with the)
Administration, but are willing to forego com-
plaint o Jong as the war lasts, n hen we see the
etiorn made have rjctn imcnaco lor ine nesr.
Trtlt Joirrnl,
As Amlsinq Dkvil. Mrs. Swisshulm, (if the
St. Cloud lhmocrat. lutelv started on a trip to
j St. Cloud lkmocrat, lately started on a trip to
the Last. Two davs afterward, the following
amusing "Personal" appeared under the editorial
head of her journal :
The editor deserted this establishment on lnt
Tuesday morning taking the stage for St. Paul.
Shu proposes to ci utiuue her trip East. All
persons are forbidden to trust her on our ac
count, as the "devil"' now the only responsible
person connected with the oflice utterly refuses
to recognize any of hor bills. Si mxeh. The Xatlonal Iue'liten
cer. noticing the election of Sumner, of Massa
chusetts, to the United States Senate, says :
If we are not able to concur with Sumner in
certain of his opinions on questions of deniestic
polities, it gives us only the greater pleasure to
bear our cheerful and candid testimony to (lie
enlightened judgment and peculiar qualifications
ho brings to the discharge of the important duties
devolved on him as Chairman of the Committee
on Foreign Relations in tho Senate. In this ca
pacit y be ha:i deservedly won tho confidence of
ihe w hole country.
Piuck avo His Missot itiANS. Of the 10.000
gallant fellows whom Gen. Price led from Mis-
souri in April una May last, not more than -i,
.r00 were lately left, survivors of the casualties
of battles and camps fit for service. Sdma
(Ma.) Sentinel.
Dsn Mom Foil JlixiK. Ihe lice says it is
rumored that David S. Terry of Stockton, an
ex-Judge of the Supreme Court of this State,
has left for Dixie, having been tendered a com
mission in the rebel army, which he accepted.
Dkath of tub Sos. Captain B. C. Yancey,
son ot tho old rebel William L. Yancey, was
otic ot the slain at the battle of Murfree.sboro
Coercion. A case of coercion, in the fullest
sense of the term, oecnred a few days since, in
the back parlor of a bank which lately closed its
doors. A mechanic who had deposited five
hundred dollars of well-euncd money in
the bank, went to draw it out. He was informed
that he could be paid in the same money which
he had deposited, which was as much as to say
that he could have broken down Illinois money,
worth from fifty cents to nothing, for tho banka
hie funds which he had put into the bank. He
walked into the private office and confronted the
manager wdio gave him the same satisfaction he
had received from the clerks currency or noth
ing. Without a word, he commenced pulling
off his coat. He was a hard fisted, stalwart man
and the banker looked at htm in dismay. "What
are you agoing to do ?" he arked. "I am going
lo take that five hundrod dollars out of you,"
was the answer. "Do you take care, sir !" cried
tlie enraged presided'. "I'll call in the police. '
'Call them if you choose. I'll hve you well
thrashed before they get. here. If you have n
whole bone in your s'iin in two minutes you'll
be ii lucky man.". It is needless to say thai
that proposition was a poser. A movement
would have been the -i,'nal for a trip hammer
blow, and the only alternative was the five hun
dred dollars. The amount was forthcoming,
without another word, and the cot rcionist depart
ed with a pocket fill of hard gold. (Jhicngn
Ilounty for Soldi -ra.
We clip the following from the Tiinn of the
28lh ii' t. It would be nothing more, than sim
ple justice, that those enlisting should have pay
corrc spending with tho prices of tho country ; yet
there are hundreds of idlers w ho would be better
off in the army, without any bounty, than loafer
ing away their time as they are doing :
Id.the absence of more exciting news from the
Slates, wo take advantage) of the pause thus per
mittcd our readers to editorially call their alien
lion to the fact, that at the present tinio the
Governor of our State is endeavoring to raise
six additional companies of cavalry. Ci renin
stanced as most of the States of the I'uion arc,
it might not be necessary for public journalists
to give an i ff rt of that kind by the chief mugis
trateany very prominent notice. But in a Slate
so very remote from the scene of active opera
tionsasour, it becomes the dut y of the press to
imetni' f4 n frt!1 ()f , " f J,, ' f caru.
tn-uL-Ai.t l.u ru,i,,ir ...... id,. fl,..
UvMlmm lf 1I)t ,;,,, ildferenee. The
which are most likely to retard the Governor in
his recruiting at this time, are the great induce
merits which the mines ffer, the low prices
soldiers receive compared with the ordinary
wages of ihe country, and tho probability that
these low wage will be paid in a depreciated
currency. Ihe impediments in the way to a
successful filing up of the rerpiired number of
volunteers Ix-'nig known, it becomes the duty of
all those w ho have the love of country and pride
of nlale at heart, lo do all that laysiu their power
to, if not remove them, to at least counteract
The objection urged, on the grounds of low
wages, can be overcome in a great measure here,
as it has been done elsewhere, by the State
coming forward and saying to her young men
who are desirous of serving their country, go,
and those of us who cannot go will make your
wages equal to that of our own. This is noth
ing but simple justice. If the people of Oregon
can earn at the ordinary labor of the country
more than the avenge wages throughout the
L iiited Slates, lliisfe t should not absolve thorn
from the military duty which they owe to their
common country. Neither should those who re
main at home expect that their brothers or
neighbors who do enlist should ! "lake a greater
sacrifn-e I ban those of other States. If we ran
mase more ai our istsir at, nome, we are nctier
prepared to do our alure towards equalizing the
NO. 8.
pry of the soldier.
To our mind it is clearly the duty of the
people, either by subscription or by law, to give
the volunteers of Oregon a bounty sufficient t
make his time of equal value to the average
wages ot the State. There are plausible ob
jections to a private subscription, because the
amount promised might bo liberal, while the
sum actualy paid might not correspond. The ob
jection to a bounty by law is that in order to
accomplish it, an extra session of the legislature
would be necessary. We do not doubt but that a
najority of the people of this Slate would gladly
see the egislalure of the State assemble and
vote a reasonable bounty to thoso of her sons
who have or may enroll their names as soldiers
in tho armv of the Union.
Tub Democrats are very fearful, lest the rad
icals should hurt the rebels very bad, hence their
squalling so much against men whose whole en
ergy is used to crush rebelion.
The Sugar crop of Louisiana will not exceed
sixty thousand hogsheads, when but. for the re
belion it would have been half a million.
QiiRKT. The ( juiney Union asks, does JetT
Davis draw on Northern "conservative" jour
nals for his arguments ? Or do they copy from
Jeff's message their thunder? As the old darky
said of his baby, "it looks just like its father,
especialy in the completion, for wo are both
dark colored."
Kemp from History.
While Alexander the Great was engaged in
the conquest of the ancient Indian territories,
he happened on ono occasin to be present at au
assembly in which Rraimin stepped forward and
drew a mark with his foot around a small piece
of ground, stamping upon it with great energy.
The general demanded explanation of this strange
proceeding. "To every man" said the Braimin,
"is such a portion of earth allotted as I am meas
uring out with my feet. Thou, O, king, shalt have
no more ; and yet led on by an idle furiosity,
and regardless of justice, thou art traveling from
country to country, without allowing rest cither
to thyself or to thy fellow creatures."
Alexander then desired an Indian sage by the
name ot'Daudaiiiis to come lo him, declaring him
self to be the "sou ot Jupiter" and having pow
er to reward him.
"I am," replied the sage, "tho son of Jupiter
as well as you ; and as for your rewards, you
have none to give for you have not enough to
satisfy yourself ! "
Prior tip Books. What an ininn ne reduc
tion has been made in the price of books by the
invention of the art of printing. It is recorded
of Plato, that although hi-i paternal inheritance
was small, ho bought three books of l'hilolaus
the Pythagorean, for ten thousand denarii, nearly
$1,200. We are also informed that Aristotle
bought a few books belonging to Spencippus the
philosopher, for three Attic talents, a sum equiv
alent to about $2,800. St. Jerome also ruined
himself by purchasing the works of Origen.
Tim G.jpess op LiHttitrr visits Coyrmuss
A correspondent of the Sacramento Union,
w riting from Washington, under date of Jan. 17,
says :
Day before yesterday, just after the House of
Representatives had assembled, a tall, fine look
ing woman, dressed in deep mourning, entere 1 one
ofthedoorsof (ho cast gallery, ami advanc
ing to the front of the balustrade, looked down
upon the members below, for a moment, thou
drew from under her mantle a small silk flag,
and, unrolling it from its staff, she waved the stasrs
and stripes over the heads of the astonished
members once or twice, and then rolled it up
again departed as she came. Who .he is and
w here she came from are unknown. Possibly
she is the Goddess of Liberty in flesh and blood,
or America in mourning fir her children, and ad
monishing Congress to be about their business.
Tkait'iks. One Bonner a member of the Mis
souri S unite in a speech on the 10th of January,
on the d uty of the h mr, thus stated his abhorrence
of traitors, North and South ;
Sir wohiva not only arupd foes to bittle
against, but traitors in civil life, who have not
the pluck to take their chances on tho battle
field, who whisper words of treason in the ears
of loyal men. Sir could I have my way I would
bind the rebels in arms and rebels in civil life,
who give aid and comfit to them, hind and
foot and on wings of fire would speed them down
to their native hell, and let them abido with their
father, the prince of traitors.
At CDEST to Hohace The philoso
pher was ill Albany at the opening of the Ivcg
islalure on what business is best known to
himself. As usual, he overworked himself, and
sitting to read a newspaper in the pleasant par
lors of the 1 elvan, he fell asleep. 1 Ie was seen
by C.iptaiu Ryuders, and that wag summoned
a bonthhuk and set him to work on Horace'
boots ; the boy went at it with a will, and
polished one boot before the distinguished jour
nalist awoke. A polished boot was to much
for the old Roman ; he essayed escape ; but thw
boy held him fast, and he was forced to submit,
amid thd hearty roars of the Democratic friends
who had gathered to witness the sport. Suffice
it that when the boy had completed his work,
Horace immediately fled in search of mud hole,
and when last seen nj one would have dreamed
that by any accident his cowhides had been cor
rupted by lampblack and oil.
M AssACiiusxTrs Stats Quota. There ar
now about three hndred men lacking to fill li e
quota of Massachusetts under the last Call. Tho
will be raised without a draft.