The state Republican. (Eugene City, Or.) 1862-1863, February 28, 1863, Image 1

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M If1, A N
i. M 0
NO. 7.
io 1 A I Jjj
JLJ? J1J ii y '1 L
u l n t! T i T P I !' 'I I' I' ! ! I' 1 v
Published every Saturday by
Term of Subscription,
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'To Advkktukih. -Business men tlirniii;linnt Oregon and
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The Law oi Newspapers.
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Advice of PoloMius to Lnertea.
"(i;vo! t It y tli'inirhts no tiiij:'it,
Nor any tinpnippr i tlpuilit its net
Ho thou, lint I iy no iiumus vuir.
Tho fneii Is tli iu hust, mi l th -ir n.loptioii tried,
(Iriijiplo tliem to thy soul with hooks ot steal ;'do not tin 1 thy'ialni -.villi eiiti'i-li.inirient
Of each new- h itehed, u illiij'd ci'iurui'e li-war
K)f enti-ntiee to a q i:i'-ivl ; Im, l' i"Ji in
I5oar it, that the upposer may liewniv of thee.
Give every iti.-t.ti tliiue ear, hut few thy voire ; eaeli''s ei-nsure but reserve tK- j nl'
Costly tliy h iliit, us thy purse ran luty, merit.
I'.ut not etpresse.l in fitiiey ; ri h, not gaudy ;
Y -r the aim uel "tt proclaims the man.
Neil her a borrower, n r 'endur b.' ;
For loa i . ft o os. s lioili i:sclf and ri. n 1 ;
A i I b riM,vi 14 d iln the e.l i of h.i shan dry.
'.'J ins above nil To thine rwnscit be true;
A id' it must, follow, lis the ii'.plii. ti e dny,
T.M!l c nist ii t I'd hi (a se to .in v m iu. '
r.djial ion Trn' and l iitversal.
Ii the mid lie of the la.-t re'itury, n pret' dis
pnto arose Hiuoi g afr n.onii rs, rrspetti g otic
if the plabeM. S.i-iie, in tin ii" folly, lommencpd
a war ot words, an I wrote h- t books against
fiieh min i ; ollieis in tin ir w;sd.m, in. proved
their telexrupi-s, and soon settled t ie question
i'.n-vir. Ii Iti'-aiioii tlioiild i uitnte the latter.
If till to ate mo i.eiit ms quesiioiis, which, with
pres.uit lights, we cannot demon-1 rate and deter
mine, let us re ir up tdroiijer, mid jiun-r, am!
more imparti;.! iniiels, for t!ie solemn ai bitra
lueiit. Let it be forever .rid ever inculcated,
that no bodily wounds or maim, no dclor.nity ot
person, nor disease ol liny kind, can be so pain
.fill or disablit ";, as error ; tv.A he who heals us d
our prrjtidici s, is a thousand fold more our bene
factor, than he w ho heals us oCuiort d maladies.
Teach children, if you will, to be aware of th
bite nf a mad doo; ; but teach them s-till more
faithfully, that no horror i I water is so fatal ns a
horror of truth beeau -o it does not. come from
iui- leader or our parly. Then we shall be
more conscientious mid correct thinkers not
thousandth an 1 ten thousandth transmitters i f
falsity not eopt isla ol copyists, and blind fol
lowers of blind followers ; but nu n who can
understand and tench the ways of wisdom. A
love of truth a love of trulh ; this is the pool
if a moral Jclhesila, whose waters have wond
ertal healing. And thotili we lament that we
cannot bequeath to posterity this precious boon,
in its pertictness, as the jjreatesl of nil patrimo
nies, yet let us rejoice that we ati inspire a love
of it, a reverence for it, a devotion to it ; and
thus circumscribe mid wiakeii whatever is wroig,
and enl.-it'!" "d streii-hen whatever is riht, in and tvil, which,
iu the or ltr of Nature, one g. nerjtion transmits
to (mother
If we contemplate the snl j ct w i.h the eye of
a statesman, what re-ouices nre there, in the
whole dominion of Nature, at ail compnr tble to
that vast influx of pot-r w Inch comes into the
.world with every iiieoiniiio; oeiieration of child
Ten J Kuh ctulirxo lilt- is more than
the plobe which il is sent to inhibit, and more
gloimiis tlia i the sun upon w lii. ii it fir-t opens
its eyes. Euh one of these loi. lions, with a
filtinl! toll, is c iip.ib.e of ml In g ihie
the su f h in happiness, ntcl o mil. tract-
il rr soinet liiic Ir.en the s un of lm uau rv ;
and map y.i c,.t i,iin.:s iinndij; -t tli.m tlx re are,
win. iiiav l ' ' '"ts f.r' the
.CuiilM- o't t. iti.'t.s. as tl.e riv rs of w it. r lire
turned. It is ti.e d ty ot coi r. i t e.'.u.-itn.n t"
i nitloya-id admii i-t. r ail t!e -e o p., cities t
good, for lotty purj s i t hum ol bein licence,
as a wise rui-reci, !oys the resources of a great
We can have a liiueli better world
than the prce,, w feu the Jiropir means ale
....1 it i , ii . .ro en lit.
E ion inu t be universal. It is well,
. . . . ..
when tild wt8 learn, il discover new
truth ' but how l;i ul. be"rr to .!,,! use the truth-;
but how much better tod.;, no the truth already
bsoovered, aum g-t the multitude ! Every ad-
rfitioti to true knowledge is an addition to hnmati
j.onrr ; vet whi'e a h.'os'4her is discovering
one new truili, it il i i ! fii iv he f rj:ij iti-il
di-cowry , is t lie duty of our government.
MIS, tile qualification lit' VlltlTS IS US iillplll tullt IIS
U, e . i
:o uu.ililicutloli i. governors, mi. I even inmi'S
' . n . .. . .
! fir-t in I lie liiiturul nr.ii'i
I I I ' K 11 .11
hath of rest, in our contests ! it tho latter,
while , little is ilnnetn foialil'v the fi.1 ...! The
hem v of our uovernmeiil is- not that all men.
however unlit, th.ill be voters but tint every
iniin, by the power of reason and the sense ofj
duty, shall become tit to bo a voter. Education j
must bring the practice as neat ly as possible to j
the theory. As the children now are, so will'
the sovereigns be. (low can we expect the
labile ot the government to stand, if vicious
matei iuls are daily w roii.'lit into its frame woi k ?
Education in list pit pare our cit'z lis to become
municipal olti.-crs iuteili'' lit lurors, honest
witnesses, Icgislotors, .r cotnpi ti lit judges of
legislation iu line, In till all the manifold relit
tioi 8 of life. For this end it must be universal.
The wlmle hill I must be ua t-re.d i h the streams
of know lodge. It is not enough to have, here
and there, a beaiitilul fountain pl.tving in palace
gardens ; but let it come like the abundant fat
ness i f the clouds upon the thirsting earth.
ltstn lui'vs.'iy ilir.
Tit k. hi Tat. A boy went into a baker's shop
for o tw i pctiiiy loaf, and conceiving it to be
diminutive in slz remarked to the baker t h it he
did not think it was weight.
"Never mind thai," said the man of dough,
"you wi I hate the less to carry."
"Tn ','' sai l the lad, ninl throwing throe hull
pence on th counter he left the shop.
The baker cai'ed hi n.siying that hu had Hot
left tin nicy enough.
"Novir . iml thai," said the boy, "you will
have ihe loss to count.' '
A Ptv.'.Lt D luisilMAs. Mr. O'FlnghiTty tin
del took ! ti ll how many were nt the party.
"The t .Vo (Jrogalis was one, niesclf was two, Mike
Film was three, and and and who tho niisehiel
was four ? Let me see coin li g bis fingers
the two Crogulis Was one, M ke Finn ws two,
mcsoif w is three, and b.'dad ! there was four of
us; but St. I'ati ick coiildul tell the name of the
other. Now its meself that have it ; Mike Finn
was one, he two (Yogans was to, nieself was
three, und and by the powers, I think there
was but three of us after all."
Y iinitB Tncv (l i, A Scotch pastor rccog
niz.-d one of his female pal'isliiouei s sitting lo,
the side ot the road, a '.itt e fuddled. "Will you
just help me tin with my bundle, gudo nion !v
s.i.l (-he, ns he slopped. "Fie, liie, Juliet !'' cried
the pastor, "to see the like 'o y oil ill sic a plighl;
do tui kie.w wl ere ail (irinkarjs go's' "Ay.
sure," sai I dauul, "they just go w here a drop o'
gude di ii !; is to bo k"'."
Mi' vino Naii.s "Do you keep nuils here?"
rtskeij a sleep looking lad, wa king into a hard
tore the other day.
s," replied t he tllleiiiaii! V proprietor, "we
keep all kinds of n
"Well," s.:id tho boy, sliding towaads the
door, "I'll take a pound f finger nails l.l.d about
a pound and a haii el toe nails."
An Ami sino Mistake. A gentle. uau of Do.
ii ii was going out iii his carriage, to make some
calls w il li his w ife, w lien he discovered that he
had left his visiting cards. He ordered his font
man, recently come lito his service, to go to the
m .litlelieice in the sitting room and brn g the
cards hi-should see tin-re. The servant did us
he was ordered, retained the article lobe Used a
he was directed, nnd i 0" started the g.-nt Ionian,
sending in his lootmau wilh cards w hctit-v.-r 1 he
'not at home" occurred. As these were very
numerous, he tniiied to the servant with the
question, "iiow many c rds have you left ?'
"Well, sir," says the footman very innocent ly.
"tin re is the king . f snad, s, the six of I e irts and
the ace ot clubs !" "The deuce !" exclaimed his
master. " That's gone," said Joi n.
A Muhnmde Canard. The romantic story
about Gen. Murnsido being a tailor's apprentice,
and receivit g his appointment as a est Point
cadet from Seer'tary Caleb Smith, thi n member
ot Congress fr.uu Indiana, is said to boa canard
made out of whole cloth. Cuniside's f itlnr
was a wealthy and i: fl uuiti il man ; tic son nev
er mended bn dies f..r a living, but assisted his
fither in the Cork's o(Ti e of 1'uioii oountv,
Indiana, and the culet-hip was secure. I through
O.ivrr II. Smith .tho member of Congress (rom
that District. j
sk s.
AnBlTRtRT AniiKKT AT KicilMoND. A Tctmes j rium, terminating in roma (a slupor) am death.
see Mapttst ciorgvt.iall Hal I Graves recently 'I ln disras- has been recognized ns crrhrn
made nil extend il tmir to the North, Hint then'"'"".' m"ii:ifh, a disease which first appeared
returned to Ilu hmon.l, w!;, ro ho v. rv inno-.-.tlv (in N-w York ami N -w E g an I during the war
.ip, I Ih.te would bono harm iii publisaiig 1 "f ' 'I I. earn itig olf .nil y of the American
the results ot bis ol.serv , lions. He aceordii U I v .soldiers; nil iu irguii in the 111 .st f.-art il
did ... 1 1 is statciiui ts were calculated to show i form. 'm Is22. '1 nc disease appeared in Michigan
that the resources, ener.rv and drterminatioii of in lM-"-'-II), H'al known as the spotted lever
the North, would in the" end, not wil!i-t.uling I or spotted death. It .commenced in Kalamazoo,
pre t nice n ances, prove too much for th,. j w here it is mof severe, but ravag.-d U-rribly
Soinh. Ft th.s he was arreted and sent to "th-r portions ol thSia'e.
prison, ft" it appears tnat n insu must K. ep Ins,
u n ions to himself ill Ki. h oon I .1 th- v nr. ml I
t ivoral.le to the success of ihe re.
is iiiiw illii g that Lis diipt ate
el i.ui. Davis
lid know the
N e taken the trout, e to ren i two roi i
imuis of a lv. rt sements of runaway n. gr. s,
rno-tly Iron. Alabama and 1 eiiuessre, arrested in
K-ntin kv. and adverti-r, in the L-.uis; ille
J.firaal I 1' persons iu all.) and we find but two
ol tiiern ilecrii.e. (. " '
various tylr, f-om "wlete, wi'h frr.kl.-s on the
fee," to "dark brown, with beautiful wavy hair." (
An I the ow: ers and father of these sbivo talk '
.f Northern a n Vr' nntioti. ' I ''. ,
Miscellaneous Paragraph.
Folks wiih liuli! smi's should bo watchful of
their t-'iii pers. Siiiall kettles over quickly.
n'i. ..i1 i, .1,. i....... i... i.. ..c
1 III" riuiioii m mown, n I M. un; I'liri" ih'ib i
, . . . " . ....
, i l..o. .1 ui.ri'iK mi nl u.r miri.o.e tint, ii Ii I
" i -
Tilt loss a Vehicle hllS ill it the more Hoise it
I ".akes. to Willi a tool a Deinl the emticr it is
l""dcr it rallies.
Never judje iUy of a man liecuse bis exterior
is plain and homely, for within may be. the
brightest and noblest quilitii hidden. The
sparklin! diamond is often envel ped iu a coarse -ring, that wholly hides its j.'teciou8 worth
and beauty.
The man who loves not music, whese soul
remains untouched by the many voiced melody.
w hose heart is iinlilt. rent to the itispti iiig strains
of gentle voices blent in song upon whose ear
the harmonies of .sound fill blank and dead, "is
composed of such stud' as miti ilcrrors are made
ol." There is evfl in s.ich a man ; avoid him.
Should you a-k another to perform a task for
you, seek to secure its accomplishment by kind
w ords and geiulo uieaiis, and not by harsh epi
tin ts and the tli eatening of a bully. During
'he Revolutionary war, w hile our enemies held
Mo-don, a Mrilish olli -er entered a bart er shop
and said he would be shaved, but with an oath
declared that if the barber should chance to cans
his fice to bleed during the operation by cutting,
he would ni'i him through w ith his sw ord. Upon
such terms the barber declined to put his hand to
the woik ; but a boy standing by oU'errd to un
dertake the ta It, and picking up a ruz-ir sh ived
the bullvin;; colonel without the least injury to
the skin. When the l.tlbr rose from his seat
he address, d the buy sternly. ''Lad, how could
you have the courage to undertake so dangerous
a w. rk ?" '-Why, sir," said the youth, "had I
drawn b'ood upon your face I should have cut
oiir i In-oat before you could have raided a hand!''
I'lii) olli, 'ct- turned pale at his narrow escape, und
iitt. the room without uttering a syllable.
Never allow your stupidity to run awny with
your caulioii iu the presence of tho desiuniiio; mid
cratly. A i aiikee pedlar, nieetii ga Jiutclmiaii
on the highway, offered to wager inui live dollars
thai, he could guess the name of his dog at the
first trial. Tim honest Teuton neeepling the
proposal, the Yankee, said. "Call your doo here,
then." The other cried out, "Ik-re Vatch ! here
Vatch ! here Vatch ! ' The dog came running
up to iiis nia-ler. Slid the pedlar, "That dog's
name is Watch." 'l,ot-taiiend ! ' exclaimed
the Dutchman, "may do tuyful take do man vat
to'e. you !''
Extend your hospitality freely to the stranger
that may be thrown upon your bounty, for you
know nut whom you may eiiititaiu. Lot wcl
coined niigcls unawares, und ihey saved his life
by warning him to f I .re from the doomed city of
So loin.
it you would succeed in life let not (lift. initio
discoiir.iiro you. nor allow repeated failures to
relax yor exertions. All have heard of the fugi
tive kin;-, who to hide hints It from his ic or ous
foes, tooK ret gr in an old dwelling, where he
observed an nut endeavoring to carry a kernel of
colli over nil obstacle, but (lul Hot succeed in Its
(eject until it had mud - the seveiiticlh attempt.
The king, encourage, j by the example i f the in
sect, took courage, went foith and conquered his
A terrible epidemic, h is now broken out in Ply.
moiilh, ludi-ttci, 'completely balllmgall elliirts ot
the local physicians, and carrying oir every pa
tienl in a t w hours. There are no symptoms ng its approach. The patient is attacked
w ith a chill, and I hanks ho has ail attack ot the
ague; but as soon as tho chill is over, the patient
sinks into a -tupor from which ho rarely revives.
Tho muscles are rigid ; the pupil ot the eye is
insciisinle cither to light or touch ; the surface of
the bo.J; is e ! reinch tender and sensitive ; the
Ileal isdrawu back, the j iw are fixed and the
breath is drawn forcibly, with a hissing sound,
as if by great vffrt throiioh the closed teeth ; 'he
patient is blind and deaf.
In children the stupor is liable to be broken
by trt quent convulsions. During 'hu stupor
large black spots, many if them raised up like
blisters, appear mi the surface of the body and
limbs, the patient u-u.dly dying in from two to
four hours. In sotne rare cases the patient ling
g rs a'oug f -r days, in a aperies of typoid (ever,
accompanied by biiu luess, deafness, p truly sis of
the extremities, etc. Iu some eas.-s the patient
revives Irotil the stupor, tooling so well as to
b li.'v e himself couvaleseeiit ; but in the course!
of an hour or two is seized with a terrible dde !
Mrs F 'R.ikst. My the ft nil decision of the
oiirt of A t pr lis of Ni w York, Mis. Forrest
.; ivrs f til.ObO) ni-iii ii ii ' ate I alimony from
I w ui Forrest, and h 'iiceforth the auin of 1 1,.
(lot) a var.
V..B..r !ik-s to bo nulla Iv ; but. everyb.Kly
u , lUhlk himself so...eb.U ; but when
miuU ,!,;!,, llimwf , ,e a,.n.ebodv. heK-n-
era:) , . ,Mi) , , ,)(, t,,,M'v
Ji (IT men tail in Ida because ti"n young'
,n,.v tr;l1P t ,. judgement touching their men.1
t "capacities and inclinations, and are ever after
,.ng iged iu the ;,k of proving to themselves and
other that their vcr li. I is a ju-t one.
; r'roin U Wasiiuk Tios. I
tVha.1 are I In: Hunts of Vtuiiicu f
Kind bieiids! I w rite this, not as many have
done before me, to expatiate upon t he judgment
and declare the superiority ot our humble solves.
Oh, lm ! I hope Prov idence has ordained that I
may fulfill a far iioitier mission. Many ot us ut
our Atlantic homes have heard our sex publicly
declared capable of casting voles lor tho govern
ment of our nation and ot pleading at the bar of
justice for the rights of others; and are even ab-
suid i lit. ugh to suppose that we " weak vessels
have the gift from Heaven (common sense)
enough to dictate tho notions of our " Lords of
Creation." Poor simple woman, how can you
bo so presumptions ! I am astoiii-hed ! astound
ed! horrified!! And oh dear me! if it were
not tor some powerful antidote, I should really
try tainting at the idea, to say nothing of the
deed, But as I can't faint, I shall h ive to he im
niortalized as one ot the heroines of " Ovi," as that
art is one of the charaotoristios of the "weaker
vessels." And I am very glad that Providence
has denied m. that shall I say blessing !
Presuinptoiis woman! how dare you even en
tenant the thought, for one moment, that you
are on equality with those A .irthy " Lords "
How dare you presume to raise your thoughts
above pots and kettles, wash tubs mid kitchen
pianos, biittonless shins and toelcss socks
W hy do you wish for any other divertiseineul
llinii those t Are you not serenaded from night
till morn, and vice rerun, by six or seven howl
ing children, hanging to you like a mess ot
hungry cnyotrs? Why do you wish for any
thing else i V ill you never be content with
tho position that tln-so " Lords of Creation"
(not God) have assigned you ? Yes there are
other rights given to woman the right to link
her desuuy witli some earih'y lord ; to boar his
abuse, his coldness and neglect ; to toil on pit
tieiil.iy and humbly, looking only to him tor
comfort, and that he denies her and well have
we deserved the name of the " weaker sex."
had w e an v stability of character, how well might
wo work a great rrtorniatioti in our houses ns
will ns society. And when they begin to set
that they receive no countenance or sanction from
tho " weaker sex," then in this, our youthful
cily, would this great ri formation begin. Sa
loons would be vacated, gambling houses ban
ished from among us, and homes, now sad and
unhappy, made glad, and those aching hearted
wives in i.lo"to rejoice. Look lit even the society
here. Drunkards and gamblers, libertines und
husbands, who, with tiiikindiiess and neglect, are
silently committing murder, slowly but sureley,
are countenanced and smiled upon, and welcomed
in our homes hy mothers, wives and daughters.
This is thu greatest error in the life of woman.
Oh, ye men, who will be selfish enough or gen
erous enough, just as you see proper to term il,
if m tho vocabulary ot vices, I have enumerated
any of your "good qualities," I am really happy
to say that I menu all I have said, and if any of
you can vindicate your six, come out and do it.
and I will try to do tho same, hoping that the
spirits of some of my departed grandmothers
will come to my rescue.
" Nctiii:," "the Pilgrim Authoress."
Massachusetts und South Carolina.
These States have always entertained feelings
of hostility , one towards the other, and have had
an illy concealed desire to get at each other's
throats, especially on thu part of Carolina, which
said that if it could meet Massachusetts on a (air
field, faeo to face, a d loot to foot, they would
ilbistrc tho superiority of the Huguenot blood to
that of Puritan. One of the act i.lents ol the War
has furnished mi opportunity for gratifying this
benevol. nt wish, and, contrary to expectations,
South Carolina was thrashed. Tiio New York
Punt siys two regiments of these Slates the 'i.'td
M is-.'ichiisetts and the '2'.i I South Carolina regi
iiienl -have come together in North Corolma,
and Massachusetts has whiped ! The Soul h Car
oliuans have pretended to ache for an oportuuity
to get t the mudsills from tho old it iy State,
threatening more dire results to the latter, who
have quietly awaited the opportunity to carry
their w hite Slate tl ig over the remains of any.
thing in that Slate llmt South Carolina should
place in her pathway. No truer representative
regiment of Mes-arhusctts could be found th in
the twenty-third it rniiks were recruited from
iho workshops, from the plow, from the rocky
shore of Gloucester and Alarblehvail, mid th. re
is c ir ely a mechanic t'.rt or laborious occupation
but is represented. Il s commanding officer, M.t
jor John . (ih iu.bcrs. is a printer by trade, hav
ing served his apprenticeship iu the ofli o of the
Boston Jjnrial, and subsequently h is been holli
a soldier and reporter, lie is in-counted one of
ih.i bravest officers iii the service and is the idol
of his regiment. It was a fit and timely meeting,
the sturdy blade of M issarhnsctts has made it
self li lt on its brag . 'art and malignant foe, and
the s.. ns of Massachusetts will always feel proud
of this gall tut regiment and its bravo couiman
ib r. ( :her regiment from the same Slate are
also iu (ten. Foster's expedition, and thooaptiire
of the Lieutenant Colonel and seventy men of
the !'! I South C I ol urn by the 23 I Massachusetts,
will give an additional cinulatory incentive to
" do or die."
It is folly for men of merit to think of escap
ing censure, mid a weakness to be nllei'ted with
it. Fibius M ixiniii said he wass greater cow
ard that was air. lid of r.-proach than he that fled
from his enemies.
Wiit w ill American h ie more cause to re
iiiemln-r tho letter S' th in any other in the alpha
b-l ? Because it is the beginning of Secession
and the cud of Jctf. Davi.
Aw orator told hi audience that he wa try
ing to taper off hi speech, when one of them
exclaimed that he had been a long time waiting
f.r him to make a point.
IMiiying the Possum.
Some few years since, I witnessed rather a
strange scene in Siiakspearo'a beautiful tragedy
of " Komeo and Juliet;" it was at one of tho
Western theatres. The piece had passed well
without interruption, until tho last scene. Tim
character of K nneo was excellently enacted and
loudly applauded. The very nv. del of tho lover
was before tho tomb of the Cupulets, giuiug
upon the motionless form of her w ho had so at
tracted his soul, and meditating upon an act
which would send his spirit to the undiscovered
country where ho u .posed Juliet's had gone.
Just as he cxclaiim d " lk re's to love I" and nt
the nir,e time raising the vial which contained
tho poison to his lips, a stalwart young country
man jumped upon the stage, seized him, dashed
the vial f i o.n his hand, crushing it into atoms,
und yelling
" Yer darii'd fool ! alio ain't dead ! Only been
liikiii' a little sloepin' inudicino. Didn't yer git
the pars m's letter?"
"Sirrah!" growled out the enraged tragedian,
while tho house fairly shook with laughter.
" Why yer gal ain't dead, I tell yer. Tha
way it was, they wanted to make J ulio marry
that chap tha'r," pointing to Paris, whoso busi
ness you hove just s. tiled, but I tell yon Julie
was spunk she got her back right up, ami
vowed she wouldn't do it, even if w hile she war
ly ing in the vault the ghost of the other feller
w hom you kilt should dash her brains out with
the bones ot soiuo ot her dead cousins, Wal,
her spunk war up, and she took tho stall' tho
parson fixed, so she could play the possum till
y on got hum. That's the way it w ar," replied
l he country man, giving the dosparate lover a
tremendous poke in tho ribs with his elbow, and
at the same time releasing his hold.
" Curses on the fellow !" muttered the raving
tragedian, as he stalked behind the see ics.
" Wal, ii w," said the country in. m, fronting
the audiaiicc, if that aii.'t a lectio of the do.l
dain-d meanest cuss I ever did see, I hope to be
swowed. Thai's all the thanks I git for stoppiu
him trotii pi'Uiiu' himself," ho continued, as he
clambered buck to his scut, just ill time to pre
vent his upper story from coming in contact
with the curtain as it doceiidcd.
Hush ! let not a sound disturb tho calm, holy
stillness of this hour, let not tho fluttering of :t
single leaf be heard, for it ts midnight deep,
solemn midnight ! when tha dark unknown gath
ers in the last moments of tho day we have just
spent; and wo inorlajs linger near the confine
ol the land of rest. Angels on noiseless pinions
hover round us, to carry home to their bright
world our words, our deeds, our very thoughts.
Ah ! me thinks it is a strange catalogue that each
day will be recorded in t tat great book from
w hich we must all bo judged. Life is a queer,
romantic game; and oh, how all its various
scenes run through one's mind tit such an hour
as this; when the bright moon smiles lovingly
down upon a sleeping wur.d, und nature, ua if it
too were tired with man's busy turmoil, stands
still, and everything but thought is at rest.
No ! not everything ! for as I write, iu fancy I
see tho weary warworn picket slowly pace his
beat, with mind full of the past and tho deir
scenes he has left to light for his country, her
honor, nil I her (1 ig. Tonight iu tho soft, still,
moonlight he thinks not of danger, though it
m iy be ere the sun shall bnlhe the eastern sky
with glory, he shall have laid him down to rest,
to "sleep the sleep that knows no waking." But
to-nijjil, all is love, and joy, and a sunny smile
flits over his sun burnt countenance as he recalls
tho so familiar faces of the loved ones left be
hind ; and then a shade passes over it as ho
dw ells iu faulty on thu fond tun fill farewell..
O how near him they all seem! distance melts
away iu the moonlight, and the past and tho
present, merge ns it were into each other, while
the mellow twilight shades all the future, and he
is content ambition loves not this hour, it la
too sweet, too soft, too holy !
Mystic midnight! tha touch of thy sombre
wing lias more, of magic in it than any ol thy
sister's, though they were, hung round with all
tho pearly drops of tho morning, or dressed in
all tho peerless beauty of th,; summer sunset.
Tub DirKEKKNCt:. Oregon's quota of the Uni
ted Sei.te tax, which she has assumed to pay,
is about $d",M)'. If this amount i paid in
greenback, the Stttlemmin estimate that the na
tion will mi lli r a loss of $1 l.tii'.d (Id, and receiva
only cj:,.'t-'!-'t IJ.'I, instead of the full amount due
her. If men may cheat e ich other and counties
the State, w hy not the State the Union f It i
absolutely necessary to have uniformity in the
payment ol taxes, and wc hope it will be enforo-
ed. Orri'miuit.
Tine OnKtT Evknt ! -V--yro KiMncipatio
Pt.tcUiiinel ! Ou the lirst hist , President Lin
coln, in conformity with previous statements to
that tiled, issued a proclamation declaring "All
person held as slaves within any State or part
of a Stale, the people w licrof are in rebellion
against tin United Sates, are thcncefoith and for
ever free." By tin act, slavery is in a fair way
to bo removed from a great part of the country
when the war terminates, ami eventually it will
be entirely gone, it is to be hoped. A Free Ke
public ough not to h ive even one slave in iu
The President's Proclamation elicited great ra
joieing in this city, and on Saturday last the Gov.
ernor ordered a national salute to be tired on the
Comm. ni in honor of the event. The day wa
also cel. tinted in New Bedford. Iu m..ny town
the belis were rung. liontnn Paper.
Pliny very beaut ifuly said : The highest of all
character, in my estimation, is he who it ready
to pardon the error of mankind, a if ha were
j rvery day guilty of some himself.