The state Republican. (Eugene City, Or.) 1862-1863, December 27, 1862, Image 4

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ft is C'Mipiiiimled entirely from tit' MS, atiJ low Ltooiu
afc established fact, SlunJaril Medicine, known aud up
p rove. I Uv ull t'.iat have u.-l it, anil i now resorted to
Willi cjiiiiJ. ii. e i all the disease for wliicb it i tecum
ruuii'l '.l U his cuiei thousands vritliiu the lust twoyeai
w;io had (j'uen up all hoots of relief, us the uuuicrou uu-
iliciteil eei t.lijales ill luv lio-.sei.sion show.
The !. must he adapted to the temperament or the
individ.i il t.iUn, it, mil use I ill such qualiliti. as In act
iceilllt' oil the Umvel.
i,.-l" toe diet'ilc of vour judgment guide you in the ue of
t!u Liver In irirator, mil it will care L.ver Complaint,
II, lion. Atia-is, l)n(ipiu, Chronic IJiuirhiea, Summer
C iv I lints, l. mmUti', D.-iysy, Sour St. ich. Ilaliitnal
Cj-.1u;ii.'i. I'liolin, Clinlerii, C.ioleru Mirlnis, Cholera lil
l inl i n. Kl lUleni-v, J inil liie, Female Weakness. mar
lie ns.-J sue c.'ssuiilv us an ordinary Family Medicine. It
will cure r-ii Headache, (as thousands cun testily ), in
twenty minutes, if two or three teaspuonfiil are taken ut
the cjuiiiiciimiiicnt ol attack. All who use it are giving
their testimony in us favor,
Jin in tiiu uioiiiii with the Invig.iiator, and wul
low o,4ii to'jatlier.
S.t:ifard's Family Cathartic
Pure Veetalla Extracts,
An-1 put in glass cases, air tight, and will keep in any cli
mate. . ,
Tne Fitnilv C.VTH VUTIC I'll.L u aentle but active
C it 1 n ii j whic.i the proprietor has used in hi practice
for more tliau twenty years.
Ta- cj.Htant v increasing deiiiniid Ironi those who have
loiu used ilic 1'ills. and the sasi.ilaclion which all express
in rcjirl to their ne lias induced me to place them within
the reach of all. Tne profession well know that dillcreut
C1t11.11 ties s"t on dillerent portion of the bowels, Family C.uiiartic Till has, with due reli icnce to thi
w.-ll o'l.iolisiied fact, been compounded from a variety of
the p nv! vegetable extracts, which act alike upon everv
part of t!i ! ull in 'nt uv canal, and are (fund am' safe in nil
civm vii :'i a Cam li t'ic is uce.lcl, such os DeniniMiieiits
of tin- Slo nach, Sleejiiiows, I'aius in the Hack und Loins,
Cosiiveiii'ss, l'.iius, 1111 I Soreness oter the whole body.
f. . ii-ii I leu rolrt. which frcuiieiitlv. il ueislecti-d, end 111 a
1 111 r iMiirsi- of l''.'ver. Loss ol
.iss ol Appetite, a Creeping Sensa-
ti. HI ol Cald over tile ItoilV, Hesllc.sncss, lieauai-ue, or
Weiit in the lli-nil, all lull nn.ilatory Diseases, Worms
i.i t niden or A InlN, lllieu.n.itisui, a jireut I'unlier of the
Ijioj I in I many diseases to wiiicli llcsh is heir too iniiner-
ias toin intioii in tins inlvurliseiueiit, u isc, one 10 uiice.
T',10 I.ivor Invigilator and Family Cathartic Tills arc
old hy liiu 111 ii'4lsls ei ei VH here, und by
Redington &. Co.,
Sole Agents for the I'acilie Coast,
11 1 und 41) Front street, San Francisco.
fililE TeXTRAC f 3 FTr FLA V0F7lN3i
KAMKi.r :
MOM), LTf.
i tin
'li.l.-E Extracts possess, in the nmst concentrated lorin,
; delicious und much admired iiavor 01 111c
iliilorent arii' le above eniiinerated, and tor all culinary
purposes will be tnunil the most economical and convenient
iiiiinuur of enunnuiiicating the ll.ivor. He particular to ask
tor the kinds prepmcd by us, as there are many kinds in
market imse-dng but little, il any, of the leal llavor.
I'repared and sold by HrdllXFTON k CO.,
41U iiud iia Front atieel.San trancisco.
Any One V !io rroftsscs
ENCES, VSSHMKS to impose an absurdity upon the public. On
the same principle, any one medicine which professes
tr cure all ill-eases is unworthy of tile slightest contldcnce
mid should at once bu d"iinuiiccd as a quueic iiostrmu. The
Groefenterg Family Medicines
Do not assume to cure all dieuses with one remedy They
have eleven different nn dicini s, each udiipti d to its iiecu
liar disease, und lime has proved beyond a iiiestinn the
ctHcaci and iciiiiinty of these preparations. Their list
comprise thu billowing medicines:
' till F.FKNilKUtl VhtlKTAIILK I'lI.LHi
M VliSII U.l.'.s UTclilNB CA'l'ilol.U'ON ;
lili.KrKMIKKO'S S A US A I'A ill LLA i
(It.KI'DMil'.ltii'S I'll.r; KKMLDV ;
,;t.i;Ki:Mll.lill'S DY:-K.Yr.KY SVHl'P;
t.l:.;!;N Mol'NTAIN OIN I'M KM I' i
OR .'I'l'.NI'.lil.'il I'll 1 1. IHi HNS I' AN ACE A J
(;i:.i;r'i:M!i.i:ii kvk Loins ;
on i;i nNiii:itu FnvKit and aoitk KKMKUYj
(,ii.i:i'KNui:Ki iiKAi.Tii urn 1 ks -.
ou.ii;niii.U() ma.ncllof hualtii.
For aalv by nil Druggists throiiglioul tlie Stute.
KL'DIXOTON A CO., Wholesale DiuggisU,
tl'i and 41s Front street, Sun Francisco.
Bloom of Youth,
- OH -
C()M!'li:.IO AX 1 .SA7.V.
1U'.I)!(1T0X . ro..
Sole Ajrctils tor Ibe I' citic t oast,
41 'i nud 41s Kiniil street, San Francisco.
Dr. Baker's Pain Panacea
In composed entirely of hciiliuit' auins, and veiretable nils
.inl herns. It ispeit'eclly sale lor the most delicate to use.
I can most sincerely say that I have never known liny,
turnover delicate, to'ie injure I bv it in Ihe has!. I Mill
continue to a the atllicled, who have not ued it, to try it
t'tr l ie t'lillniviiiix dtsrasrs. It I hey are nol satisfied with
its hi.iunix tiri.n'i ties, the niouev will be cheerfully rcfund
e I hv th. a'-nt where the medicine is tor sale.
It i on ha e Tain in the Siomacti or llowels. try .dose
of I'. mi I'aiiaccii lotei nuilv, bathe externally over the part.
n I i I an I y.m will al one restore Ihe proper action mid
relieve the pa.n.
Ii ton tinea Itiiii-e or Wound, Iiitbe it well with the
I'.nii r.uiai'i to ir linics a d.iv. It will relieve the pain.
'i 1 1 ike out all the poison, uml heal the wouml in short
H. n". - , . ,
If you are sulT.-rinir from Neuralgia or Rheuinntie Paiim.
,iplv the I'ain I'.innca freely, and lake dose of it inter
ii o.t. ni'irtuiii, noon and mud! ; it will not only cure tile
p uti, but w ill remot e the ol the disease.
It y.m have the tspepsi.i. and your food distresses
v.nir St, mi. i, h alter eaiiu, take dose of I'uiu I'anaces
linr eacii meal.
Il t .u u it e a Cankered or Sore Month or Throat, upplv
t ie I'n'l I'.iniuca In the alVei tcd purls, and garble Ihe
in.i.itti or tiiroal thrre or four tunes a dav
Il v in h ive the Hi irrhn-a. or a related state of the bow
el, t.ise a l.-w iltnc uf the I'.iin 1'an icea, Mini they will
s.i, 1. 1 r'.'stiin'd. If you have a painful sA-eltiiitt, bathe
t i p irts Ii-itIy, nui! Tml will soon relievelhe pain, hiiiI the
s.v -l i-i: will he rcMice.i. If you haves severe lonth.lch'.
tt;.;ilv rn' p. i,n I'.ni.icca on m piece of enitnn, and bathe the
i;Vii',it the same tune; It will stop the pain instanlly.
W vna h ive a pain in the ttreast, Snle, Hack or Kulueys.
huili ' tne parts ail'.. cted morning uud nijibt; at the aamt
Inn take .1 it-ist- intern-iltv.
It s moiliei has a (' iked llreivst, apply the I'ain I'auacea
ftt b it as it can be borne.
I. y.i.i leel c or cold, as thnimh yun wer Roinjf to
I. It e M li t e.', lake dose uf I'llimei a.
Il t hi hate a wound, cut, or nails imTnnr horse, apply
b I'. nil I'liniKr i; il mil take out the iiill.imaliou, huh
e il l ie s ue hi a shot I tune. Sl id hv all the principal
la -it-, and by KKKIMiTON A CO..
414 and 41 s From street, San Frani iscn.
mid how er are Ire troin Hm niiineroii ailinein
f titi ti 4ii nu'Mire t ite o! the blNd t K irnH in
il , h i t mtrit'v your Sl.toJ and ivitore health, by takitw
i Hi s t I n I l.ircr S rup -Hie hrst bl.HH pun tie i
nvii, m t i. intoii-nms vi iiiieates of remarkable cure,
1 i W N "f th' prt'pritMors, umfiielionably prove.
Al So-hi si; re tied'. t. pnr.IV and clean lb blood,
ti t it fi . fi o n all hiimora and impurities, w aeri
cm 1 1 oe-tti il t nre is no tetter reiiHdr than ht'o
1 ttaVMU AND LIVLU SVKI'I. Mneii a trial
r KlltTO.N TO.,
Wholesale Arfenla,
it kn l ! Fr mt iUet, Sau Kiovi-ro
Dr. Win. ll'ill' Balsam for the Luns has no
equal as a lung medicine, and is especially
adapted to the Constitution of Female and
those iifleriii) from Consumption or any
Lung complaint (Jive it a trial.
Iiediu-'ton 6c t o.,
Wholesale Agent, 41U aud 4)1 Front street.
Sun Francioco.
Sarsapariila & Stiilingia!
It is hereby recommended by phvsicinns to cure the
following tli.-eiiM's having their origin iu a disordered
8tuU of the. hloud :
Canker, Vlcurutioria uml Eulurjjcment of t!ie Joint. Can
ceroua Tumora, Krvrtipelaa, King' Evil, St. Anthony'
Fire, While Swelling, Ootinate r.rup.iuns. Pimple
on the Face, Kheumiitism, Mutches, Pustule, )ytppii.t
etc.; Syphilitic and Me re ureal Affections are fined ;
CMiioaosh or Obstructions hi Female; Leueorrhea or
White, are relieved bv th'1 useof this Mt-dic. lie.
The medical pinpfitifH of S trapui ilia in conjunction
with ritilliiiiii.i are w ell known by ull medieitl men to be the
bent compound yet divovcicd to ck'iuiao itnd purity the
blood, and eradicate ull humors from the system.
We have given uie rcct-ipt to h ost physicians in the
emmtrv, that tlny may kumv wuat they uie usini;, and will
eontiniie to simhI it hy mad to those desirous, of knowing
the iiitfiedit'iiiit eiittM-inir into this composition, that they
may (ircsci ibe it in their practice.
Tin preparation stands at tli hend of the list of rente
die tui eui iiiii all disease at iiuir fi 0111 impurities of the
blood or diseased matter linking in the system.
Thousands who h ve use'l tiu: Suliiigta and Sarsapariila
will testily to its remarkable i-IRlI iu moving all impuri
ties t'ruiu their blood, lining tone und Mur tu the whole
hiimiiu frame, und le.tiuiin u healthy actiuu to uil the
functions of the hoilv.
The testimonial received in its favor from mativ mein-
' bers of the Medical FVnltv ivould, ttcre we to publish
ineiu, uiiu uire vtfiiiiiie
It is prepared under the supervision of one of the oldest
und best prui-lind eheiuisi in the vuunlry, (Mr. W, S.
Merrill, Ctneinnuti t, so as to insure a uinlunaily of com
position 11 ud purity iu all the loreo'iciiM.
An a spring remedy, to purity and cleanse the blood,
leaving it fieu from all humors und impurities, we assert
with confidence- there is no better remedy.
tSuld by uil Dru&Mats. and hv
Kr.iMNCTOX A CO., ApeiiN.
4ft and 41H Frntt street, iau Fratici.seo,
To whom all order.- should be addressed. ii.Vly
Fish's Infallible
It pri'vonls tlio Hair from (iillin; (ill. It cures
I!;ililiii-s.s mid rcntmr.s nil il.iinli'iill' fintu th'
It allays till iriit iliuii of t lie sculp. It cools
ami I'l'fVi'slics tint IhmiI, and iinjiui'H to tlie Imir 11
lienlllty lively npiiwiratict',
I'. S. The properties which remove d.indrulf and scruft
from the head, allay irritation uud free the scalp from hu
mors, render this article in uluable as a lotion in ull eu
taiieous affections ; such as Itch, U.tsh, Salt lOietim, Chil
blains, Ivrysipclas, Kingworms, Shingles, llites und Stings
of Insects, und all eruptions of the skin, especially tfut
caused by I'uium (talc.
This nn '1 genuine article is put up in '!nl Hoflt.', and
has the uriili-u signature of .V. Ju', tin' oritjimtl n-ij'
tor atul ni.thi'f'.ri-ti'i fr, on the label and wrapper, licwure
of all put up iu dillcicnl style, which is emthti ijr'.t.
vuoi.i:sau-: agknts,
409 uml 411 Chi) Strict, San Francisco.
For sale br A. S. McCl.l'Kli.
Dr. William Hall's Balsam for the Luns
TlXt lll.OOD. COLDS, CUt'dll. INH.I KNZA,
Dr. Win. Mall's It.iU.ou for t ie l-uus, iu -11 cases jives the
be t ot Madtaetion.
Dr. W ni. Hall! UaUani for tlie I.nmri, ha wroui;ht more
eures since ita introduction than aoy other cotih medi
eino. Dr. Win. Il.dl'i Italsnm for tV Ijuilt. i endorsed hy your
leading physieian as the tallest uud best remedy how
he fore the pul'lie.
Dr. Win. Uall'it Italsiim for the I.imL". is j;ife to ue nnionic
ehihben, and yet powerful iu eaenof chronic puluioua-
rv lise.i-e.
Dr. Wtn. II ill! It.iKam tor the Tuni;, hi inns in c.-rtitieate.-
almost daily, ol it! uondeiful cures in all part of the
eminti y.
The mop strikinif proof the tntrinsie wotth nnd exeel
l nee of DIt. WM. DAIJS lULVWI f.-r the I I NtJS. i-.
shown in the rapidity wiih whteh it bernun's a eneial
favorite with the people. There is notlnni; of a similai
nature but what is eml into the shade when llie Ihdvitu has
been thorimi;hlv testt'd. airents for it- sale, the eoun
try over, in nderin lo w supplies, are Very enthniiaMic
th its favor, siviu: "It is ju-t the tiling; it ttv Is Lku a
ehurni; its etleets are truly logical. "
The purchaser sh"iild b very partienlar 1 1 ask fur, nnd
take none but Dr. Hall's M d-ani tor the l.un;s
wlinh ia wan anted to ie aatisltiettou or the money re
tut neii.
For aale b all PniirUts, and hv
Sole Aiienls, 4 "J and 411 ( lay Si., San Fruncisco.
Superior Yeast Fowders.
rARIt NTi.D to n ake l.i;ht Sweet and nutrition.
Konillv adapted to CI I7.' .''' iVrV7r. Hf't'K
M il k a i; a i'liEU t a a a s', ;i;eki:keai,
A A ' I .1 A "AN ('" A I..'. A".VN.
Warranled fullv eipiai to anv i:i t'.e ii'iitkei.
Ask lor KKIll SliTi'N A K'S CAST I'dWDKIi, an.'
take no other, if von would hate uniformly oa,t biead.
Maniifaclured aud sold at aholesalc, bv
4i'. and 411 i'lai St., S.m r raneinco.
mkooiv rv x 1 1 o' v : i
COAWEN HKOtl'W tV Al N.Is(.UA- SiEEtl'
Sun t'rniuiM-o.
TIIK Proprietor of fhi well known and old es
tablished Ihmse is still at his i1d trieks -te-Mliu.
Ibe publie fr the low sum of run poi i.ik ie
. erfc, nnd the cr is " till I'tey rome ; Ibis Motel wa
'stablihd in Is ". and the I'loprtetor prondiv appeals t
its well known repulatuui. aud m! the me time pledge
litnsoll to use rrery pndentr tt add lo tin eomtt-rt an
ioi. euienee f his uuests. The Httiokh n Hotel VAtiO
.rill alwav s be rendy on the linf on the ai riral f tin
'trainer. I cotit ev p4ss.ners and ttieir hat;i;,nre l tbi
House, fne of eiarve. T oieveul iiop'iH n be (Mtsitivt
md aee thnt HHOOkl.YN IDM KL is painted iu Ure let
tern on th aideaof Uie thtiuitius.
Hoard per drtv, It.mnl pr we-V, l ; Moala, .Vets.
l.od jititE, V , (. Lodinc per w eek, a to Sinylt
runs A cents pernijit JtHN KKI.I.Y.Jr.
J one , s. a la
Private Lledical and Surgical Insti
Opoite the 1'acitic Mail Steamship Company' OUice,
M!i Fit CISCO.
Etlll)itd in 154. .or the i'enmtitettt Cur tf nil prifat?
and vhrontv Ut4tt.i, ami 'of tllv upl'toik of uucitt-l.
I ZAI'KAV, M. 1.. late iu the llunuariun Hemln
tlooary W'ur. Ctiiet l'oy..iciaii 10 the 'Ji'th lteuilnent of
llnnveds, Chief .Surgeon to the .Military Hospital of IVsth,
Hungary, late Lecnner on diseases of Women and ( liiht
reu, and Honorary Member ol the I'hiladelphia College H
.-t" Particular atteutiou paid to tlie treatment of disease.
peculiar to women ami children. J
(tiliee hours from u . M. till v. v. M. Communicatioin
triclly coiiti.lciilial. I'crtuaueut cure iruaiautccd, or no
pay. Consultations by letter or otherwise tree
Address Jjr. L. J. CZAI'KA ', Xit t'mncuco, Cat.
To the Alllirled.
J. CZAPKAY it-turn hid Rincere thanks to U
uuuHTous i,tttiini!4 t)i their tmtmnuge, und would
lAne tluri upnui Innilv to temind them that he cntinntA to
connnlLut iits institute tor ttit uiirc of ull lottij. of J'rivute
lieci.ei( Midi as .S phiii', (itmnn lira, nnctuml emis
(iim?, amt till the con jtc'i unices of cf ubn. In th first
Atiti-A of ht phi ! it ic or U'ntui rhoei.1 ilieitnea, he imruntei
acme in a tew (lav, ittiout iucoinenifncs to the nutient
or liinJninc to his bnsimsH. When a jintieiii, hy ne
glect or iin;ruer ircutim nt, b in developed the secondary
itvitjptoiu of Mphiiis, such tn buboes or piimful swell in i:
on the niin, or ulcers in the tin out and nose, which, if
not cheeked, destroy thesott parts und cune the bones to
mor tify, septirule and come awav, lnvini tlie snlt'erer mi
oltjt'ct hidtons to behold ; or when bloteoes und pimples
break out on tlie kin ; or wl.en he has painful swelling
upon the bones, or when his coiittttntioii is injured so as to
piediinMe to con.mnption or other constitutional disease,
tiie Doctor t uuraiitei s uenre or uks no compensatiun.
Iu rlicumatisiii chrooic or acute ; in dysentery or diar
rhoea, he has safe und ellectual remedies.' 1' or the trcut
ment ot Ihe consequences (f self ubiise, such us nocturnal
emissions, nervousness, timidity, headache, pains in ihe
buck and limbs, with general weakness, loss of appetite,
ls ot memory, injury to the siht, restlessness, contu-ion
ot idiax. dislike for society, uml u feeling of wruhncss of
lite; uith the nervous svstein so excituble that slight
muses shock or startle the patient, imikinif his existence
tnUcrublc. i"ur the above maladies the doctor will uarati-
lee a cure or usk no compensation, lie can oe coiisultcil
ficeof cliaiue. and inv ites all to call ' us it wilt cost them
nothin g, uud may be much to their advantage. OUice hum s
irum v a. u. 10 y i. u.
Dr. Xj. J. rznpkiir is daily receiving applications from
every pint of this State und from Oregon and from Wash
ington Territory for the treatment of every lot ui of diseuse,
and tin-re is not one who Hill come tonv. rd and express
uissiiiisiaeuoii ; on tne contrary, ihe Doctor is in duly re
ceipt of letters, expressive id' gratitude and thuukfulncss,
some of which uie pnbliaiirU below by permisziiuu.
Stocktom, Mar 24, 1 $55.
Pear Sir Having ontiretv recovered from niv sickness
1 u uil myself of tins opportunity to leturtt my thuuklul
acknowledgement for tne relief that you have ircn me.
hen 1 tlnuk of the distressing bodily weakness, under
which 1 have sutVered, uud tl it nervousness, headache,
feat fulness, want of confidence, dizziness, restlessness,
weakness in the limbs, loss ot niemorv, confusion of ideas,
dislike for societv, nociuinal emissions, und mnnv other
symptoms, whicli liad made my life miserable, lean baldly
express the gratitude I feel, foi my existence hud become
u burthen to ine, und nothing idVorded me the least ratiti
cation, wltilat now, I leel perlectly well uud can enjoy life
to my entire satisfaction. Knowing that there uie muiiv
ulllicted us 1 i.uve been, yon have permission to make use
of this letter a von thuik proper. Jelieve me ;iutetullv
yurs, ' M. MlCliKLS. "
To Dr. L. J. Citapkay, Sun Francisco.
S u'icamknto, May 15, lS.'S.
Dear air Such is the thankfulness 1 feel foi the preser
vation of niy health of both body uud mind, and I believe
of in v life, that 1 hope I will tiol be considered intrusive
in tendering my thankful acknowledgement fir restoring
me to health, and making my life -x boon worth preserving,
w hen it bad tiecouie a burthen too eat tor ine to bear.
Vk ti i as 1 was to a vice that had undermined my constitu
tion, and developed a train of net vous symptom, such as
nervous debility, headache, distressing timidity, aelf-dis-trust,
di.iness, hue of solitud", loss ol ineinorv, und want
of resolution, besides a loss of strength aud eneiyv, which
hail made my waiou moments vvrtlehed aud my sleep uu
refresiiiu, and w;is last briiiiu me to the rave, but
thanks to your skill, L am restored to health, vior and
energy. Hoping to uide others where they luuv tind
relict, )On haeinv p ruiission tu make this publ'c. efully yotn, i.KONAKD WUITB.
To Dr. h. J. i'zai'ka, l-'iancisco.
M.uiyhvillk, June 3, 1V.V
Dr. L. J. rapkiiy. San Francisco - ir 1 have used the
lust of your medicine, uud do not think 1 shall need uny
more, us I leel very well, except that 1 haw not entirely
ptt my strength yet, but soon will with the appetite 1 have.
It is just three weeks, you may recollect, since 1 c.d'ed ut
your Institute, with my constitution, us 1 thought, entirely
broken, uud newr thought you would be uble to cure tne
perfectly, but thought voii might be able to do something
to eae the pain in my back und head, uud strengthen my
limbs, which were so weak that they would almost give wav
under me, when I walked, and to strengthen my nerves so
that 1 would not get excited and tremble at every little
thing. Now that you know what I expected, you may
pidge of my Mitisfaction nt toy complete recovery troin
those symptom and tne removal of those blotches and
sores from my skin, and iie ulcers from my throat, and
the entire ttoppuge of emissions, w hich you auid
were principals tuc cause of my sickness.
1 can harilly leil you which is the greatest, my joy or mv
surprise, for except imt having fully got my strength, I feel
as well us any man can feel.
Knelosed 1 send you Twenty Dollars over your charge,
and think mvsell cheaply cured. Jf you think anybody
will be bcni'hticd, you mnv put this letter in the papers.
Uclic e me giaiefully yours, THUM Ad 11AYDKX.
The undersigned, desirous of ccqnuintittg those who may
be unfortunate enough to be similarly ulllicted, where a
permanent relief of their nuil'erings may be obtained. f.vis I
it h a duty to thus publicly express his sincere giatiimie to
t r. I. J. t'.ipkay, for the permanent recovery ot bis health,
liorne down by the distressing ovmptouis incident to the
vicious practices ol unconirolhihle pa-si on in onth, de
pressed in body aud mind, unable to perform e en the most
n uliHii duty iiuposed upon the d uly avocations of life, I
soimlit the advice of many physicians, who at hist regard
ed inv disease us of trilling importance, but alas! utter a
few weeks, and tn several instances months, ot their treat
ment, 1 found to my unutterable honor, that instead ot
relief niv symptoms beeume more tilarmiug iu their torture,
nid being toht oy one th tt the disease, heing
contined to the train, ineilicines woiihl he ot no eon se
ntence, I iespairMl ol ever reX 'ining inv liealth. strength
and energv ; ami as a last resoi t, untl w Hh hut a taint hope
of rvcoveiv, I ealied upon lr. zapk.ty, who, after exam
ining mv cise, presc. iin il some ii.eoieme winch almost iti
stautiv Veiici eX me of theduil pain and luitiess in my
ucal. hncoMi agetl hy the result, l reso'veit to place my
self immediately under Ins care, and, bv strict obedience
to hia d-rectnnis and auviee, my head hovautr clear, my
ideas collected, the constant pains iu my back aud gruina
:he weakness of my limbs, the nervous reaction ( my
whole hoilv on the slignteM alarm or excitement, the mia
anlhiopv uud evil forebodings, Ihe seltdisliust uud Want
ot eonhdeiice in others, the mc;i;ahditv to study and want
of resolution, the ft ightlul, exeiliog, and al tunes pleas
urable div.misut nigot, followeil b involuntary discharges
iae all disappear l, ind, in (act, to uioutiis alter bav
in consulted lite Doctor, I tclt as if inspired by a new life,
.hat hie w Inch, but a abort tune ao, eutitcmplalcd to end
by toy ow n hand.
With a view to guard the unfortunate from Citlin-j into
thesitai esot no ompetent tpi icks, I diem it my duly to
o;ler th.tctiimnv to the merit and skill of Dr t zapkay,
in 1 recommend bun to all who may statu! in need of medi
:al adue, being ussuied hi my own expei leuee that, once
mnler hia rare. radical and permanent cure will be i fl
rted. K. KII.I.MtiKK.
?t ite of California, citv and county of fa Fr.mciseo
sn-scribed and awora to before me. (his 17th day of April,
. D. I-
JoU?l MllllitKTO.
N.iUri I'ublic.
OR .cal enkne, nervous ilchility. low pirits, lni
tmle. weakni'-ss of the limb, ami h ick, iuili.Hsiti,in
inl iiiciipsinliiv for labor Mint study, duiluiv.. ut pprr
leiisuin. Ins. of memory, aversion to socieiv. love of suli
ii.le, iniiulitv. at H'-ili. trust, diiiue.. heail.iche, involun
arv disvlmrtfes. pains in the sole, KiliTtions of the eves,
unpli-s on il.e face, sexual and other iiitirtmlie. in man.
ire cured illmill fail hv Ihe jnsllv eei. braleil phvsician
nut siiiiritiil, I.. J. Oapkav. His melhoil of curinix dis
cs is ner, ( to othcrsi, and hence llie real
.uiv.-ss. All eoii.iilt.iiions by Idler or otherwise! free.
dilrrs 1.. J. Ciapkay, il. !., Sao Francisco, Caliloruia,
1 I. res! In mankind ! Innocent. Iml Vtnl ! j
lr L. 1 l lipkst' I': uphil ti um, (si !l" di.inleolinc I
sent 1, a mre preventative against (ronorrhoea and ayph
ilTtic itiseases, and 1111 unsurpassed remedy lor all vuereal,
.crolnlous. ifaiiu'ienous slid cancerous ulcer, fietid di
charge from the vagina, uteru und urethra, and all cuta
neous eruptions and disease. As vaccination ia a pre
ventive against small pox, no 1 J)r. L. J. Ctapkay'a l'ro
philaciicuni a preventive against avpliililical and gouor
1 hu?al discuses, harmless iu itself, it possesse the power of
cluinicallv destroying the syphilitic virus, and thereby
saving tlioosaiiils Iroui being infected by ihe most loaib
ome If nil discuses. Lei no young man who appreciate
health, be wiilmut Dr. Ciupksv I'rophilacticuiii. It i in
very convenient packngi's, and will be found very conve
nient to use, being used as a snap. I'nce ". For sale at
Dr. Ciapkuv' I'l ivate Medical and Surgical Institute. Sac
ramento street, below Montgomery, opposite 1'. M. S. S.
Co.' ullice, Sau Francisco. j.4'""'
TTBTrlB? s
1 J
Yellow Dock and Idoide cf Potass.
Tins celebrated preparation has stood the test of nix
years with tlie California public who are justly consid
ered as a community the mot intelligent in the world
during which period we are proud to aay it ha given more
thn autiafactiou- it has become rhe
For Californiuns particularly, ho, from much exposure,
bud food, imperfect shelter uud irregular habits, auUvr
more fiom
Than any community iu the world; und we are nfc in say
ing that as a rule, California Itheuuialisin cannot be cured
thoroughly without u free use uf
Hall's Sarsapariila.
It is the only preparation that will CCU Rheumatism, as
thousands can testily w ho have tiled the medicines of the
llest Doctors in the country, wi tbout receiving any bene tit
therefrom. In ull cases it gives immediate relief when
tuktn as per directions on the bottle.
In delicate health would do well to try the virtues of this
remedy, as it insures a peculiar beneficial inttuenee upon
the vascular nystem not obtained by any other remedy, it
quickly removes from the blood uud other Huids the im
purities ef unhealthy secretiuun, which engender a lou
truin of diseases, bin h as
Ulcers, lloils, Blotches und I'imples on the Face and Hody,
Humors. Pustules, Tumors, Sores, Hose or Erysipelas, Tet
ter, Scald Head, dwelled .Neck, Liter Complaint, Lumbago,
trout. Chronic Sore Kves, Cuncer, Lulai geiucut uf the
Ovaries, uud discuses ul'
Th Heart.
are cured by the renovating action of this truly valuable
medicine. It ucls like a ch 'm, purifying the blood of ull
mot bid and corrupt matter, and ut the same time strength
ens uud invigorates the entire srstem.
Salt Rheum
will positively yield to the medicinal powers of this reme
dy, in conjunction with Ilall'a lioscmary Cerate, it
has cured curies d over twenty years siuuUing, me disease
covering uearly the w hole surface of the body.
TXercurial Diseases
and ull diseases arising from Lead, .Mercury, and Arsenic,
such as Aching pains iu the Hones, Dimness of Sight, Low
Fevers, uud worst of uil, Mercureal ltheuuiutum, are re
lieved by one bottle of this remedy.
Night Sweats,
Wasting of Flesh, Spiuimr of lilood, Habitual Costiveness,
uud Files thousands can testify tu the ellicaey of Hal's
Sarsapariila, Yellow Dock anil Idoido of Fotasa iu the
above named diseases. D met eases the appetite and the
llesh, gives a healthy tone und vigor to thu whole system,
building up ' ,
A New Constitution. j
As the constitution is the blood uud this remedy thorough
ly purities, elenses, and purges it of impure mutters, uud
ut the same time stimulates into healthy uetion the whole
Visceral System, which is engaged in the muuuf.ictnre ot
the blood, hence the health of the whole system will fol
low and a long life, with a healthy aud cheerful mind
sure indications of a healthy bodv can be obtained by lb?
h ost delicate person, by thorouu! ly purging the blood in
the spring and fall of the ear, with Hall s Sarsapai illu.
Yellow Duck, audluoi-teof I'otash.
Owing to the great aud unparalleled '-itecss tf
remedy, hundreds id' unprincipled persons seek u pain
on tti- public, vtuirTtiLE'S tuau c.otcd bv the ?atn iiuiiic
loe Ucuuiiie Halt s Saraapunlla cuntaii
llie Ucuuiiie Halt s Saraapunlla cuijtuiii iiciliur S.iitit
Mercurv nor Arsenic.
Sii.l.l l,w llrii.r.i.u'unil n..lnp. ,r ..i-v w!, r vi f..r- ci..'
. .... ,v.... ...
by the opi,ct,.,r, K. ft 1,1, ft V. ,
for. Front and Ha;hvay
T CJ II s" i: Ti S'
The Greatest Remedy of the Age,
...fur the cuke of...
Pyspepsiii, Liver Complaint,
Wi'iiktii'ss of tlie Stoiilitch,
Or Dcruugomeut of the Digetirt Organ t.
u Turner' lrrest Wine Bitters,"
A re aure tu rvgulate the stntmich, the main tvenua to the
whole body ;
Are sure to counteract Uiiliuimness. wheo iu a mularous
climate ;
Are sure to agree with the most weaklr, as well as the most
rubust person ;
Are sure to create a good appetite ;
Are very pleasant to the taste aa a beverage,
Are economical and clietip.
All trarelcra should dirrv tbese bitterd with them to pre
vent jtiHiouMH-M ami Fi'vm caused bv
change ut climate and water
Seamen should carry them to prevent Scurvy, Sl.ip Fever,
and ihe likr, when they are Hrprived of
c.Kliiiif. nutiitioua vectubles.
They are a Terv rich, nutritions Vhu, formed br the
addition if time tltftci ent kiiMUot' roots, barks and herbs,
making a very pittntahte as well as onrut the most nourish
ing liiticrs in the known world.
Wholesale- hv
Corner Wuslunuui utivi tiailKlln elievls, X. Y.
Ni iif ira sire.'!, llultal S. Y.
Corner lirouiltvav aud r'ruiit atrei'ts,
s.vx rn.vxctsco.
AnJ fur sule by Mon-h.-itits uuJ l)rii:gi;.ts,
wr$ lu-re.
Turner' GIi'giT Wine ! !
Turners' Ginger Wine ! !
Thi article i prepnretl from pure White and J.imaica
Oiiiifer Kont, in uch munner ns to ft.rm the lM"t aud nmt
ph)s!int tinie ever inf ntditced : and 1 an iuvnlualte rem
edv ftr iypcpsiii, Imlietiiui. and fur all diseases wht-ro
a ir-title stimulant ia required to bring Ihe system iuto
healthy action.
0i Miilinn Gallon, i fttrrtls and Cast, tM
Throughout the world, therebv prm inu its nnrqunled and
uiirivHiid merits. It h i received the appnhation of tlie
MiNlical Kacutty throghout the t inted States, and wher
ever known.
M.t M'tfolnstle hv
Corner Wssluntffcm nd rrsnkliii streets. X. Y.
Nini'nm slreel. linttslo. X. Y.
Cotvcr UmmiIost wnl ( rtnt s woe's.
fur liy MiT hint's n-l PrupgUtji.
iimiia.a.jnaii ;i'imiau. .
Jamaica Ginger.
It is rn?! only harmless, but it is eminently beneficial In
all esea w here a warm Cordial or a gat teful stimulant is re
quired. Lspeeiully is this the case when there is felt by the
putieut a sense of eahuuslron, arising from either heal or
fatigue. Under Mich circumstance a few drops taken ia
half a tumbler of water, with a little angar, will be useful.
It will be toutid in such cases a pleasant ant etlutive resto
rative ; on this account this Essence ia a highly important
addition to the voyager aud traveler's portmanteau. It ia
also important to the family collection of remedies for dis
eases. This article, like the Ginger Wine, is carefully andelabo
rulely prepared and selected from the best quality of arti
cles. It possesses all the true properties of the Jamaica
tiiugcr, aud w e do not hesitate towairant it to be free from
uny and every injurious or irritating propei tie.
When there is a great Nausea of the stomach, or oppres
sion of Spirits, arising Irom imperfect digestion, from
riding in a curriage, or from the motion of a vessel at sea,
this Lssence, if taken in accordance with the above direc
tions, will be found mvuriably tu give relief.
Iu ordinary Diarrhoea, incipient Cholera, and indeed i
all disease by which the oervnnssystcm may become pros
trated, und tlie digestive organs deranged, this Iimum
will be louiid most invidunble.
Curlier V uMliiii:liu anil rituikiiii sireetti, New York
Mii'uru .In el, llulliilo, X. V.
Coruec Ijruudwnv uud r iuut trei-t.
And fur sul Mcrchitnts iinj Druggist,
cv try win- re.
Manufacturer ot everj dvacription of
Corner Front nnd Brnailway strefts,
June S, 1S62.
Tlii new nnd remarkable Chemical Rrmrdr a prepr
tion of oxyilizutili! iliiisiliorin irus discovered It the eel
bruteil Dr. J. K. Churchill, uf I'm is. It ha be n used by
orer ten thousand ihvii-iiin, durintr the lu.t three Year
with results unparalleled in the annuls of medicint ; 'crea
tin,' an entire revolution in the treatment of Chronic Vik
ease, of the Lnnif... Stomach, and all morbid condition of
ihe .Nervous uud Uluoil Systems. Lunmniztion u tio ten
ger an iiu-uraUe maUidtj, for this Remedy hn ratittd Attn
dreds, t all ttuye f tht dUtum.
Have two fold and specific action nn the one hand q
creasing the principle which CONSTITt'TES NKh VOL'S
Fi;i;i. Y ; and, on the other, beinir the MfhT I'OVVI-R.
act with promptness uud certiiintv iu all (fciieial moibiil
eonilitioiis, aucli us Chronic Ilioncliitis, Asthma, Si rofula,
Murasinns. Anemia, Female Conipl::i:,is, etc, aud in all dis'
orders ol the Xerrmi or lilood Svstcma. Thuii etlcct upon
the tiibuiculiir condilioii is iiruntfli.tte all tht ccner.l
i- ui' liinis ilisiipneariiiir with a runiilitr, ,. ,..n.
marvi.'lin . 1 hey increase the nervous or vnal utfv ie
h"l'e C'oul., cl.cek M-lit .-vcit, 1i;i..;:,i,U.Mi:iI.. Jjfii'imm-
I... . Tl. .. : .i 1 .
... I:r.l ;x-V( A tlie Aonetile. mii.vt lli.,,1 .'....! .-.T . ..
I '"-'"'iS '-'I' A I'.VIU Tul A I. I.s A tKllWfS ( LlUi.
1 TTlrif Tirnrr1 P-i-,! T. V-
--.v. unm.uo ' ini.'iH.ora g
I t'V TT7 ITVnillllin..ilii.,. . ... ... "
. , in,, nn i.i nyr-r i',7i s t 1" I. Il V re ill tivn r f
lr. Chinrl ill". !i,m, Jv. , ;s ,
J E I Y COY) UXi.Sji Iltov. ' A1 l,4M
'i.Tllh.t s I!
a I'd to the le
ii'uiiiinj: tl e only Riittn-ntir inli i uiaiiun
iv ircaliueia, tu
per bottle. Id IioIpmiIo ai d l;eiil at
I.i.-Caiiii'tuia lliuncii 1'vjn.i, l.y
T y.
Z'l jiasiwii ;.;t., to uuois v.mrUt
vti'iiii, ,vi, Eiacinf.
A. 7
rou tiik nr:.Mov.u. a.nd etui: of
Diseases arising from an Impur
State of the Blood or Habit
of the .
)f the JSystem.
inn ari statwglr con
L'rties 61 l1saiu'rillB. t
I P'Hmraiion arc, stamglv concentrnted all th
u . i 1 "l''"" T""n!" 'uriiiu. coniLiuedw t ith.
most ellectual uuls, the most .;, uturv .,,.,1,,. ,, i.. ' "T
potent simple, ,,f the regetiililekinplum; nj tu. wmbi
nution is such that one inodities und inii.roTes (be oilier
producing . coBipnoHil dilleiin entirelr n jl9 chrete
and properties Horn anv oilier preparation, and unrivalled
in its operation on the svstein hen luboi inK under disc....
t hit, been u tnllv tested, not only by paiict, themselvev
but also by physicians, that it has received their unnualil
hed recoinnieiidutiiins and the application of Ihe publie'
and has established on its own merits a reputation for tal!
i'K and trrii-Acr lar supeiior In the Tariuu. compountf.
bearing the name ol Sarsuparilla.
, . -MosTKRer, Ost.. Jan. 1,15,
Messrs. A. B. k D-SAXos-U.-ntienien : I be leareto.ddi
my lestiniony in favor ot your invaluable medicine, hnpinr
it mav lend mine other unlortiinute being to try il eflecuS
and that they may be hem tiled as I have keen I arrived'
here by the overland route, obout Ihe tirsl of t'letober lust.
A tew days alter I as attacked witb a verv Hi.a.,r...i.i-.
eruptu.n ut Ibe skip. wli.cKtuy pbysieian could not cure
I happened lo hud your Jiars.iiiai illa in a store in tins nlace"
and renieinberin)t the populurityot the medicine at home'
I piirchus,d three botiles. whicli kail the denned tfiect f
reniuviug my dilhciiltv eulir. lv. '
W ith high reirui(ts, vours, etc .
. . ,, . J- " illM.KR. Lieut. C. S. A.
Prepared nnd sold by A. II. A I. Hlid, Wholesale
IViitfiiiiM. isi rnlton sti eet. corner iV ilium,.. New t ork
For sale bv HkWitt. Kittl A Co., II. JonssoR k Co !
and ItcnixnTDX k Co., Wan Francisco ; Ha A ( orris Mai
rvsville; U II Mriox,i.n A Co., Sacramento : Mii'itb A
I .v,s. Portland i WM. WALKER Kueu. titr : and b,
Uruxgists jjvneially. "ii -T-im
0XE lU'Xr.Rnn rOI.I,AK.KnWARD i. offered for
better Antidote tor ull affections of the
f TBX '
Antidote andRose Injection
The worst of are nlicallr cured br tw
or three hottl. . Slurhl eases in Iwo or ll.ree Thi.
priparation wil! do w hat no other reniedr can. or h.sbeen
known to rt. vi : Cure even- cae. iia matter how compli
cat.1. Thousand, e.ia te-nfr to thi, fiict, who hsd. preri.
ous to nsmK lir. Allen,. o". .-J u. i.
expended hundreds of dollars on worthies nostrum, and
TUYTIIlJtRKMKHY! Two or three .s i. .nffieient
to convince you ..f it. superior mnlirinsl virtue. The
imiIv restiiriion while nsinit the Antidote is to avoid all
iirn. anri Hwr, or Ale. He sur to ak for lr. FRANK
Al.laTtl.N S Antidote and ko.e Ini.-etion. Take it weeor
diiin to diiwtions on the Inittle and it will eirre vow.
N.lil bv all reifular Dnnransu and Ilealer in California,
Oreiron and Hnti-h Columbia.
Price for Antidote. 1 A.i; Roe Tnjeetlon, f 1 w.. Threw
hollies is nearlv alwavs suticier! In perform a radical cure.
-'iiK n i r,rn wi me ITilll.T
t in the system, which
other knr wn
no! he truthfnllv id of anr