U'JJIU L '.. L . . I..", . , .. REPUBLICAN. Th3 Strujjla of to-day it not altogether for to-day, it itior the vast future also." EUGENE CITY, DECEMBER 27, 1862. THE SECESSION PRESS OX THE .MESSAGE. Tho President's Message has sent dismay into the secession ranks, and they send up a wuil ot despair. The JUrysville (Cul. ) Express, the leading secession p:1fer on this coast, expresses its grief and disappointment in the following train : His message is devoted principally to the sub- jeet of "Compensated Emancipation." He seems, m tact, to be a monomaniac on mis suiiject. lie now proposes amendments to the Constitution providing for the emancipation of all the slaves in the South by the year li)00, and also for pay. ing the owners. lo ask them I the loval states to assume hun deeds ot millions more ill addition to what the war is costing to 'pay. for slaves would be join ing insult on injury. -They would never consent to it. Nor would' the" slaveholders cor.sent to receive small compensation ! for their property and then be taxed to pay themselves. What will foreigners say of this mcs age of our Chief Mag istrute ? Asa State paper it is h disgrace to the country, and will be a subject of ridicule through out the civilized world. It will make the cheek of every proud American crimson to read the comments which will appear in the English and French journals. The President is "tharaetarized as a "monoma niac" because he proposes to pay fJr slaves. If he had proposed to take tlicia witliout paying anything, ho would have been assailed as a "mon liter" or a "despot," To ask the loyal States to "assume hundreds of millions" to pay for slaves "would be adding insult on injury," and they would never consent to it. Then, in the next sentence, that is flally contradicted by the asser tion that the slaveholders would have to "receive smart compensation for their slaves and then be taxed to pui themselves" "-' And, then, Oh ! w hat will tho aristocracy of Europe say ? That is what troubles this suffering patriot ! If he could only induce England and France to speak well of the Message he 'Would bo no happy ; and yet the white-livered traitor has said things in the same article which the meanest aristocrat in Europe would be ashamed to repeat. Our neutral neighbor, the Eugene Review, tries to imitate the grief-of the Express, but utterly fuils to shed a tear for poor Old Abe, and finally gives up the effort, and breaks out in a spirit of genuine neutrality as follows t lias he the President not le:,rncd that two men who have found it, impossible to cultivate with harmony the Ranie firm in Common, have been able peaceably to do it when each cultivated his share to himself, though no more tlmn fitrrotirh furrow divided their possessions ? Has he not learned, from history, that sectional animosities are far more bitter "than national? He also speaks of the difficulties likely to arise from the circumstance that inure are no natural bound. tries by which the two sections can be se aruted. But how many nations of Europe are separated only by an imaginary line ? And when have wars originated from that circumstance? Canada is separated, from us partly by a "river easily crossed," and art by surveyor's lines over which people may walk back and forth without any consciousness of their presence." But I as this ever occasioned disturbances be tween the two countries 1 His whole argument is based on the supposi ton that slavery is t ie cause ot tlie war ; ih t tts removal will end the contest and all tliat is necessary to that end is an amendment lo th Constitution to that effect, forgetting that there are eleven States that entirely ignore the Consti tution, while in four others its obligations are but imperfectly acknowledged. He speaks as though the people of the North were the nation and the remainder of the States mere dependencies. But, perhaps, he will wake up somo of these days to the leulity that the great mass of the Northern people still recognize the rights and respect1 the wishes of these same States whose existence ho appears to ignore. First, tho benefits' w hich are to arise from se cession are set forth, and the objection urged against disunion, ih consequence of there being no natural boundary, are speedily disposed of, and the line of separation indicated, though it is not said exactly wlidre 'it shall pnss between th two sections. In the next paragraph we are in formed that this separation has actually taken place ; and the President is censured for "for getting that eleven of the State have en tirely ignored theConstitution,' and forreterring to them in his Message as a part of the nation. And in the third paragraph, he is blamed because he does not rceogtiize them more distinctly a a part of the nation. ,Tho w hole is concluded with the declaration that' thu "great mas secession mass of the Northern people still recognize the rights and respect the wishes of these same States w hich he tho President appears to ignore.'' To "respect the wishes" of these States would be to establish that "boundary " which secessionists ad vooate with so much seal, and that would be con trary to the wishes of a greater number of State, as vitally interested in this question as those that have "ignored the Constitution." Silly as these self contradictions are, they are fair speci mens of secession logic First, they want the "Constitution as it is and the Union a it was ;" in the next breath they want a boundary line between the North and South ; then they say that eleven States have ignored the Constitution, and they want the, President to ignore them by l..ni,i iimm mI..h. , uul mmiii ili..v u a.rlv 1 grieved because in hi Message he has Ignored them too much. - ' L J I I , 1 - THE STATE Th StatesnuH aiid- TWIe. Mutainter are, 'pursued by hi aaaaibint. he drew a revolver, and !ik Art.mm Wr!l and Kew it.:" unit una'urttSho(1Iwr. inflict'insr wh it was snppoKvl to be a-! inseparable, and a paragraph Ootn the latter wilt ( .1 Wli1 ' 'JL . U s'lflice to give u correct idoa of tlio style of Loth : The message of President Lincoln is full ot absurdities, and his reasoning is such as would scarcely be creditable to a half grown school boy. To tell the people, or even Congress, that they are acting history, is to tell them a truism, for it they are not acting history, whut in the name ot fortune are they acting ? To tell thb writer of the above that ho is aid ing secession, is to tell him a "truism," lor if h' is not aiding secession, whut in the name of for tune is he doing t And yet he is so thick heade that he seems unconscious of thi fact, or so d h inest thut he does not caro for it. So with 1. . . t.:. . .1. -. t i i ! . "iany h" are auti"g history ; they go blundering a'oug seemii gly unconscious of the great respon- s bility which is resting upon them, and such simple truisms as the one mentioned above, are necessary to arrest the attention and penetrate the sculls of these same beef heads that find so much fault with them. Tint Partisan Phatkks. The man who at the present time, when the Republic is menaced with destruction, and her patriotic children are shedding their blood for her safety, prefers party to country, and prates of stinking political fossils which he calls his principles, is unworthy the name of American citizen, and is only fit to be the serf ot some European or Orieutul despot. Mountain Messenger. That fits the Oregon " pizarinctums" exactly. Hit them again, they have no friends, .traitors fear to trust them, and patriots feel disgraced by having such creatures among them. Another Star i.x tub Union. A mass meet ing was recently held in Virginia City, Nevada Territory, to take into consideration the propri ety of memorializing the Legislature to call a Convention to draft a State Constitution, for the purpose of admission into the Union as a State. .-. Mutual Admiration. It is amusing to observe the disposition of 'you tickle me and I'll tickle you" which exists between the Mountaineer and Statesman. They turn up their noses at Put Maloue and his kind, yet find the same fault with the Administration and the means of prosecuting tho war that these traitors have urged from the first. The Moun taineer says, in substiinco : " We ure in favor of a vigorous prosecution of tho war witliout any ' ifs' or buts;' but we are lesparately opposed to the currency which en ables the Government to prosecute the war." The Statesman copies tho article the next week, and adds : " Yes, Mr. Mountaineer, you are a greet fat lump of political sagacity, and as wise as a ser pent. We, too, are in favor of a more vigorous prosecution of the war, witliout any ' ifs,' ' buts' or.'ands;' but we are disgusted with this rag money which the Government uses in carrying on the war; and we ure entirely opposed to this emancipation humbug of taking slaves from their rebel masters and thus deprive the poor fellows of tho means of support md ot carrying on the rebellion ; and, like the Hon. Jefferson Davis, we are unalterably opposed to this miserable abolition faction of addle-brained radicals and eruzy fanatics, such as the Garrisons, tho Phil- lipses, the Greeleys, the Dickinsons, the Wades the Sunmers, the Ben Butlers, the Lincolns, and the thousand-aiid-one other radicals who are prosecuting this war." The next week the Mountaineer copies the en tire article, and adds : Yes sir you are a gentleman and scholar, and a first rate judge of pure Democracy, and a good judge of whisky. V .ire in favor of a more vigorous prosecution of the war, without any qualifications; A we are heartily di-gusted with these abolition fanatics and their manner of prosecuting the war." Really, the ludicrous figures cut by these papers are more amusing than any nigger show. What ore says the other invariably repeats, and adds, " ves sir." Thicrb is but one point upon which all ma agree to day and tomorrow the Federal Union must be preserved. If all were resolved upon so simple a creed, and upon pursuing the most direct means for securing it, there would be small employment for mere politicians. Statesman. As the majority of the people are "resolved upon so simple a creed," the sore headed "pizi i inotum" politicians will find that they have bui "small employment" in this State, as all th-ir efforts to reorganize the "Democracy" will cer tainly prove to be a great fuss over a dead dog. Tim Dalles Mountaineer says: The last issue of the Eugene Republican as sailed the editor of tho Mountaineer in choice billingsgate. When t urcotemporarie resort to billingsgate, which is the only stock in trade with some of them, we are compelled to follow suitor let the blackguards have it all their own way, and when they get "played out" at their own game, they should not complain. Amur at Olvmpia. From the Washington Standard of December 20th, we learn that an MlTVay occurred in Olympia on the morning of that date, between B. F. Kendall, of the Overland Press, and an old man named Horace Howe. Kendall had published an article in the Press aceusinir Howe of beine an incendiary . Ill con sequence of this he attacked Kendall in the street with a hazle rod. Kendall fled, but on being mortal wound. JUILUL'-L TUB NEWS. Last week the new was of u more cheering nature than for some time past. Bumaide was on the rebel side of the Rappahannock, and after two days of unparalleled fighting, bith for da ring bravery and unavailing slaughter our troops ere withdrawn across the river. What's wrong? A'ho's to blame? Gen. Bnruside crossed tie lappahunnock with, all told, about 190,00' len, in the face of an enemy 200,000 stroii: ith almost impregnable fortifications. Wl liould this movement have been made, and win i is responsible ? The Sacramento Union of tho ' if.i . i . p . i - 19th inst. in speak ing of this matter says "Tho extraordinary strength of tho rebel' po sition was fuily understood by the commander of the Army of the Potomac and tho newspaper correspondents. It was thought that even the passage of the Rappahannock would be attended with fearful loss of life. According to Forney's Press of Nov. 27th, Burnside's dispatches to Gen. Ilalleck fully informed the General in-Chief of the situation, and Forney adds : Burnsidu is now ordered to cross in force. lhe response bility for the advance, under these circumstances, falls upon Gen. Ilalleck. IJurnside obeyed or ders. Forney proceeds to say that the concen tration of the rebel army at Fredericksburg was anticipated, from which it may be inferred that the object of Ilalleck in ordering the demonstra tion on tho rebel woi ks wus twofold to carry them, if possible, and thus open the northern road to Richmond, or, at all events, to keep Lee in that position while an armyndvunced on Richmond from the south. The article we have quoted concludes with the following declaration: 'The Army of the Potomac will win Richmond on the Rappahannock, but the army of the James will occupy the city, and show to the world the true greatness of all that composed that noble army now lying quietly before Fredericksburg.' Bearing in mind then that Bnruside obeyed or ders in crossing tho the Rappahannock and as sailing the enemy in their impregnable position, the reputation of the General wil be enhanced, rather than diminished by his management of the movement." From all we can gather from tho various di.s patches there remains no doubt that there is a large army marching from North Carolina, with a view to strike Richmond from un entirety new direction, and also an army is ordered up the Ji.mes river. Upon the whole, the prospect for a cruching blow to be dealt to the rebellion is now brighter than it has been for many months, and what is even more cheering to the cause of our country is, our military officers seem to be all pulling together, and all desiring the same great object-tho salvation of Republican liberty. ii Oregon War Debt. Editors Alta : Part;es from Oregon complain bitterly of tho action of the Treasury Depart merit in reference to the payment of the Oregon war debt. In March, lSbl, Congress appropria ted two million eight hundred thousand d'lhirs for thu payment of claims amounting to six mil dons, incurred by citizens of Oregon in their wars against the Indians several years ago. By the act of Congress, the sum appropriated was to be paid pro rata upon tho claims as they wre adjusted by the Third Auditor of the Treasury. the Secretary of the Ireusury was authorized lo pay these debts in bonds bearing six per cent. interest from July, 1801, or in money. Plates were prepared at great expense to print these bonds ; but after nine hundred thousand dollars had been paid out they rose above pur, and th Secretary reluses to issue any more of them, or to allow any interest, lhe debt is to be paid in green hacks. But these ore not printed fast enough for the current demands of the Govern ment. The citizens of Oregon must, therefore, suffer great inconvenience and loss, as the rates of interest there are two to three per cent, per month. It is charged that one great cause of the delay is the action of the Third Auditor, wh has been a year nod a half in adjusting the claims and making awards, for which he has received one thousand dollars extra in tho appropriation. The matter will be looked into by the Oregon delegation.-iYiew VorlLCor. S. F. Alta, Xov. 1 1 A max named William Riley, stabbed A. C Humphreys on the 11th inst. in a dringiug s.t loon at Kanaka Flat, about two miles from Jacksonville. The Sentinel says Humphreys died on the 13th, and Riley was committed to jail. Editorial Chasok. Charles Westmoreland. t'le talented and humorous editor of the Shasta Courier, has gone to Marysville to tuke editorial charge of the Appeal. The steamer Sierra Nevada arrived at Port land on the 23J inst., from S ill Francisco via ictona. ' Tkmpkranck Msetino. There will be a pur. 1 o temperance meeting held in the Court House, on Monday evening, Jan. atn. Die evenings entertainment will consist ot speaking, vocal and instnimenial music. All persons who feel interested in the cause of timperance are cordially invited to attend. Exercises to commence at t.J o'clock. - A Goon Exampi . While tho English are assisting to try to subdue the Yankees, by aiding and abetting the rebels, the Yankees are fitting out vessels w ith supplies to feed the Hnlfer'uig poor of England, the same as "addition" Mas- sachusetts did years ago, for suturing Ireland lurinir a creat famine. That is the character of the " fanatical abolitionists," to aid suffering hu manity wherever found. I consequence of the slight rise in the Wil lamette, steamers have commenced plying between Oregon City and Salem. The Portland Time say, the bark Almy left that place lor 5at. f rancisco, on me t int.,!on .ul nmt water.t everywhere, on all sides the ith'4.0(aboxe apple, a. Urge quantity of movement of Federal armie and fleets indicate wool, hfdtfs 0i,d other freight. NEWS Cairo, Dec. 11. Gen. Grant is encamped at Oxford uwaiting a supply train from Holly Springs. Reports are contradictory as to wheth er the rebels ro occupy Grenada or not. San Francisco, Deo. 12. The Goldtin Ag rook 023 passengers and $1,593,599 in treasure. The Moses Taylor took 55.'1 passengers. The Times' Washington dispatch asserts pos ively thut Governor Hamilton, of Texas, sailc vith Banks' expedition. Louisville, 10. Advieexjnst received at Ilea garters express upprrehonsioiis of immediat. movements m ienncssee. Morgan is seven miles from Murfreesboro, organizing for another raid into Kentucky. New York, Dec. 13 Concerning Saturday night's fight, the Herald has the following: The buttle raged fiercely through the day and evening till after dark. Th - lighting in our immediate front, and on the right and beyond Fredericks burg, was carried on by Sumner's division. Shortly utter 9 o'clock, General Couch's corps moved out from the upper part of the city with a strong detachment of skirmishers, lhe enemy yielded gradually, but contested our progress with great stubbornness, and for some time the rattle of musketry was incessant. At the time this movement commenced, batteries of the di vision stationed on the blutl's, across the river, opened with shell, to cover our advance. The infantry having fallen back to their first lino of works, their batteries opened with vigorous and rapid lire upon our columns, which brought them to a temporary halt. For some time our artil lery on the blutl's kept up the fire on the rebel batteries with consideraple success; and the rebel bittery on Taylor's Hill, opposite Falmouth, was finally silenced. During all this time the rebel artillery was entirely devoted to shelling our advance. Soon alter the whole corps was deployed into line of battle, and moved forward to attack r.nl storm tho rebel batteries on the right, while from tho enemy's works a terrible showea of shell, grape and shurpnel tore through their bleeding ranks. Notwithstanding this, they st adily pushed on to the rifle pits within a short distance of the first line of intrenchmeiits. They drove the rebels from the former, making pri -oners of some while the remainder took shelter behind the iiitreuchments. This was accomplish ed after a most heroic and long continued effort under a most galling and murderous fire. Un able to stand against this terrible fire, they re turned in good order, carrying off their wounded, to their original line of pickets, though holding tl e ground they first occupied, after having been six hours under fire. Chicago, Dec. 15. The following is believed to be nearly correct, as to the number of our army at Fredericksburg : Hooker's corps about 50,000. Franklin on left and Sumner on right, each with equal numbers. Sigel with 25 000 advancing on center, and Slocum with 15.000 is executing flank movement of enemy's left. Tho situation at Fredericksburg, as bri. fly ituted, is as follows : We have crossed in force mid hold the city. The rebels hold a semi eircu lur line of works, ranging from one to thret miles back from the river. ihet'C remains three things for us to do. We mnv attempt to storm their works, or stand on the defensive where we .ire, or bring up reserves and atte'npt to turn their Hmk. In the fust case, if detenied, we would bo thrown bock on the i.vor witiei it. iiuv sufii-ient means of frossng. There was no lighting of any consequence yuslci-J.iy. Fortress Monroe, Dec. 13 Th R: ''iniond Examiner has the following: Heavy tin t wis going on at Fredericksburg, and canno,..,ding i severe. On the 10th ourbuUeiies st.LlluUt.d above and below town, opened lire on gunbnnts in the stream. The firing lasted an hour and n half, and was very heavy and rapid. Eleven houses were s ruck, four being cunipletcl) demolished. Washington, Dec. 15. Up to midnight no intelligence of importance had been received from the army. There was occasional firing during the night. The Richmond Enquirer says twelve regiments of Yukees left Newburn, Sat unlay. Some think their destination is Wil 'iiiugton, but more general belief is that they will attack Weldon and Petersburg. Cincinn ti. Dee. 15. Southern dispatches say that Jetf Davis arrived at Murfreesboro' on Friday. Gov. Brown, of Georgia, acti g under iiuthority ot the Legislature, seized half a million dollars worth of goods, in Augusta, for the use of soldiers, to be paid for at reasonable rates. Nashville, Dec. Vi. The rebels hive a heavy force near Nolauville, another nt Murfreesboro', and a considerable force this side of Nolan's creek the entire number is estimated at 70,000. Washington, 15. At 8 o'clock last night 400 rebel cavalry made a dash into 1 oolesville, MJ., where only 25 l'ederals were stationed ; after a brief but determined struggle, when the building in which the Federals were quartered was set on tire, our men surrendered, lhe rebels lost two killed olid thirteen wounded. New York, 1U. The papers this morning vn tain nothing new from Fredericksburg. Tile whole number of killed, wounded and missing. in Franklin's division, is 5,932. Our army, Sun lav, was engaged principally in taking care of i s wou men and burying the dead. lSurusidc has been reinforced by Gen. Sigel' corps. Gen. llurnside h is unquestionably good reasor for delaying another attack on the enemy' lines. T e following dispatch was received by the President, at 4 o'clock Sunday morning : Ilondquarters, Army of the Potomac, Dec. 11. We have carried the first line of the ene my's works, opposite the town, and three miles below, and hope to gain the crest of the hill to day. Our loss in killed and wounded, is estima ted at 5,000. Fortress Monroe, 11. Southern papers say that Gen. Foster's North Carolina force is de iMieJ to co operate with the Yankees, at Suf folk, ngainal Richmond, either by direct advance upon Petersburg, or by attempting to seize our Railroad communication at N eldon. The Rich moiid papers acknow ledge a loss of 225 killed a -. rr rt-t a 'd wounded at ilartsvi le, t.nii. ineuicti mond Eximiner says the preparations of the United State to subjugate tho South are now truly gigantic. In the East, W est and North, : zeal, hope, fanaticism and dcsrur.ite aridity that LATEST EASTERN should banish from every Southerner's mind all thought of an early peace, and nerve every Southern hand for battle in which there will be no quarter. Northern Virginia is again over run ; Richmond, Petersburg, Weldon, Charles ton and Mobile are once more threatened ; Tex ts, undefended, lies helpless and bleeding at every pore ; tho enemy's forces are being concentrated ii Missouri and K insis for the invasion of Ar ausas; communication between the West and iliehmoud is menaced at Chattanooga and Knox .-ille; the Mississippi river and its tributaries re bristling with gunboats, and operations will . gin a soon as tho rains come. The free labor lovement which has been extensively but quiet ly organized in Eastern North Carolina, is now uudersti od to be preparatory to an organization of tho Government ot the State on a loyal basis so that North Carolina may accept President Lincoln's policy of compensated emancipation. Head quarter-', Army of Potomac, Dec 10. h, 1:30, P. M. During last night, the army of the Potomuo evacuated the position of opposite bank of the river. The movement was a per ilous o ie, bit it was conduct d in suf ay. The artillery was first across the river. The lust ot the infantry brought up the rear shortly after" daylight. The enemy never discovered our movement until too late to do us any damage. As soon us the lust man got safely over the pon toon bridges were removed, thus rutting oil" communication between tho two shores. Our wounded are all safe on this side. Heavy wind prevailed last night, which assisted us in our movements, and prevented the rebels from learn ing our intentions. Chicago, Dec. 15th. Reports of Banks' expe. dition still contradictory. The B ston papers s iy it Por.. Royal letter oated 10th, states it pass ed there on the 8th, bound south. San Francisco, Dec. l(5th. Tho opposition steamer Moses Taylor returned to port this morn ins.', having broke her center shaft on the 12th. at 9 P. M. during a severe gale. She soon fell in to the trough of the sea and lost her foremast. Next morning the port engine was disconnected. The starboard engine was put to work, and chu got under weigh for San Francisco. During the night of the gale an unknown steirigo passenger jumped overboard. The passengers speak w il of the steamer, stating that none but a good steamer disabled, would have withstood the gale. The Herman will probably be chartered to take her place. New York, Dec. 17. Tho morning papers are filled with detailed accounts of the Sunday fighting at Fredericksburg. They contain no reliable news, but comprise many incident rn luting to the buttle. The Times nns Bninside's retreat across the river was to avoid a battle which would result in nothing but loss of valua ble life. Their correspondent adds that Sebastn pool was not half so strong a this rebel position.. A dispatch to Ilalleck from Bnruside, received last night, siys Burnsidc fe. ling fully convinced that the position in front could not be carried, it was n mil. tar necessity o either attack or retreat a repulse would have been disastrous. Hc.i''qnrters Army of Potomac. I), c. 17th. lister lav morning thoeneinv si-emed a-tiisi ed to find us on this side of the river. About o'clock they advanced skirmishers along the eu tire line, and established pick ts n h- river bank. We had a large number of dead on whit was reg nded as neutral ground ; the rebels worn plainly seen robbing these LoJies. On Monday, Gen. Fra kli.-i sent a fl igof t-n for an exehane of dead, which was done yesterday. Lee sent a ll ig of truce to B irside a king hi n lo detail men to bury his dead, in front of Gen. Su nuea division. Our entire ur.ny is now on camped on the ground previously oeojpieJ, ih.i army lias been considerably reiufoeed. Tho opinion of military men is that had we taken the lir t ridgjou the rebel works, their o;poi tunit ei for slaughtering i would have been greater tlwu before. Last night, tho enmy increased their intrench ments on the terrace, in In the rear of Frederiks burg, andlhrewnp rirlu pits nearjlhe river, on lhe left of the city. Their drills are plainly vis ible on the plain to day. No movemot of ini porluuce takes place by our forces to day. Washington, Dec. 17. A large delegation of members of both Houses of Congress, with Vi President Hamlin at their head, waited on the President today, with a request signed by the loyal men of Florida, asking the appointment of Eli Thayer us Military Governor of that State, with authority to raise 20,000 loyal emigrants. They also presented a paper signed by thirty- i f .i ... - rour memoers oi me ojnaie ana House concur ring in the request. NVhville, Dec. 15. Bragg having issued orders for the conscription of every exiled Ken. tuckii n and Teunesseean, Bucknerand Breckin-. ridge threatened to res g u if this was done. Tha Murfreesboro' Banner says that Jell Davis has gone to Mobile. St. Louis, Dec 17. Oltieial reports place our loss at Prairie Grove, Ark. at 995. Latest ac counts increase the rebel loss to 2,700 killed ami wounded, and near y 0,000 by desertion. Gen. Ilindmnn is on the south side of tho Arkansas river. Marmcduke is on tho north side. Gen. Ilerron telegraphs to Curtis that the victory at Prairie Grove was more complete than at firl reported. Over 1,300 rebels have been buried. Many of the wounded died from want of attcnT tion. Cairo, Dec. 19 h. The gunboat Cairo when 20 miles below the mouth of the Y'azoo river, was blown up by a torpedo, no one hurt, the boat and armament a total loss. Wishington. Dec. IS. A resolution was of fered, that the committee on conduct of th? war. inquire into the facts relative to the recent battle t t redcr eksburg particularly as to what officers are responsible for the as-ault, and also f de lay that occurred in preparing to meet the ene mv. Tho resolution was adopted. S in Francisco Dec, ISth. The U. S. Assi taut Treasurer here, received the following dis piiic.ii relative io stamps; Washington. Dec. 17th. D. W. Cheesemaii U. S. Assistant Treasurer. No stamps V) send-have no power. Bill pending before Con gress to remedy difficulty. Californians need give themselves no trouble about the matter. Biiisne may go on as usual. No penalties. Geo. S. BoiiwEtL. Ccuiinissk'iicr, Internal Revenue,