EUGENE CITY, OCTOBER 25, 1852 Alii U NTS l'UK TUB STATU KWIHLK A.. Tho following named geiitk-me reive mid receipt for money on ar. Lll't.V. Sau Francisco, California, - Oregon City, Salem, Oregon, Silverton, Albany, Corvuili. Kuiene. City, lioseburj;, ' Jacksonville, ...-.- Ashland, .-.--- Traveling Agent, . - - Postmasters ure also requested aubscriptious. Mony uiay be sent risk. n wre authorised to re hicriptiuu to the lvi.rm- Ch:trlcs A. Crane. W. C. lolni!on. J. ('. l ait n.-l,t. . - '. li. Dunbar. . - D. V. Wttkclicld. - - - A. U. lluvoy. - - - 11. K. K incaid. ..- J. 11. Kouera. . - . J. li. llnd-cil. - - - J. M. Mel'all, - M. Ci. Melarty. to receive anil forward Ihruuirli the niaila ut our Immigrants. A gontloinati who has boon lo cateJ on tho immigrant road near tho Dalles, for tho past six or eight weeks, and has seen and conversed with great numbers of emigrants Bays that tho majority nro not sece-sionists, as reported. IIo says they are mostly from Iowa, and there nro very f-w if any secessionists among them. Countv Agricultural Society. At a meet in of tho citizens of tho county held in pursuance of published call, at the Court House, Oct. 18th, 1SC2, for the purpose of re-organizing tho Lane County Agricultural society, II. u. HaUIey was called to tho Chair, when after some discus sion of tho object of tho meeting it was reslovcd to hold nn ndjourned meeting at the Court IIouso on Wednesday of Court week, Oct, '"J, at 1 f. m., w hen it was hoped there woulj be a still more general attendance. Adjourned II. G. If adlev, Ch'n, D. Locke, Soc,y. Ix exchange wc have tho IT tekhj Missouri Democrat of Sept 23 1. It is a journal of wide influence, reflects tho sentiments of tho loyal masses of the great west, and strongly advocates the policy of emancipation. - -- Hemkmiieii tho funeral of Willio Urumley, at the M. E. Church, to-morrow (Sunday) at 11 o'clock a. m., by Ilev. I. D. Driver. Univeiisalism. Tho i'irst Uuivcrsalist Soci ety of Eugeno will meet at the Court House to-morrow (Sunday) at 2 o'clock p. m., also preaching at 3. Subject, Tlio Infernal licgions, or, how to niuko converts to I'artialiiiii. Head Ben Despaiu's advertisement in anoth er column. It is only seccssary to kiiow that Ben is in the Livery business to insure him sue cess. He understands his business, call on him and he'll give you sntUfaclion. . . . -v - Dr. Ramsay is again in town. See his card. M Alt HI I'D. On: the l!tli inst., by Keeler Farrinirton, Ks,., Mr. .John T. HloomheId,ol liiieiie, to Miss Fanny M. Hall, of L'unip qua. dii:i. -Oct. "17th, nt tho residence of John Stowell, I, ann county, 4reon, 11:;rw v II., sun of 1. 1$. and Ajianha (J hay, aged C mouth, unit l'J Unvs. "Mother, ha tho dove that nettled Lovingly np'ni thy bri;:i.t, Tolded li its little pinions. And in darkness g'.no to rest ? "Nay ; the rrave is dark and dreary, lint tho loved one is not (hero : Hearest thou not its irentle whisper, Floating on the ambient nil ? It is near thee, trentlo in:dhe Near thee at the evening hour ; Its soft kiss is in the i:ephvr. It loo!;s up from every Slower. And when the night's dark shadows fleeing, I,mr then Ijendest thee in prayer, And thy heart feels nearest heaven Then thv amel babe is there." Important to Debtors. HAVING KEXTKD OUT MY SHOP ANT) RF.TIUKl) from the blacksuiithina business, it Incomes nec t'asarv to settle up all accounts ; therefore, all persons knowintf themselves indebted to me, will confer a favor and Have themselves trouble by coming forward at once and making a settlement of the same. N. MAKTIX. Eugeno City, Oct. 21, ls. 41 if G. S. RAMSAY, FHYSICIN AND SURGE 0 IV, AT THE IiKSini'XCE OF MR. CHARLES, Eugene City. October 21, Isii-'. 41-tf LIVERY & FEED Ninth Street, Eugene City, Oregon. HATING RETURNED FUOM tiii; MIVK.S AD njain taken possession (if the EL'f.KNK CITY MV KKV STAHLK, tho nnl ri irnol wWheatn inform h old patron and the travelinj public that lie in prepared to do evervtliini; in the I,iror;, and Hale busiiK on the most ni Minnbfe term, mid" in the mn.-jt fati-d'actory manner. Jiavinu bad lonaj experience in the business lie H itters himself that he will be able to yive general ffat i s lac t ion. Hrro and Ilnsk', S.tdtlle Horse-, Carriage, etc., to let; teaming done t alt tiim ; horse bought and fold ; and everything elc Ton want done in mv line. Oct. -2i.f W2. 41-lr JIK.NJA.MIX DESPAIN. Valuable Property Fcr Sale. ASIX-ACUE CLOCK OF LAND JOlNINf THE Town Tint of huene (,'ity. This land in inclosed with a ifood plank fence ; ha nn Orchard of j"o trees cmbmciniy a variety of il liferent kimU of choice fruit, in bearing condition ; a neat ami well I'nti-dii'd Iwellinu House, tatfiilly jmrrounded with Ornamental Trees. The situation is bwinthful, and would furni-h a pleasant nnd convenient Residence for any person wishintt to locate hr-re for the purpose of engaging in professional or niereanti le lusines.4. Also, aTractnfa acres and one of 2 aero, joining ach other, and joininz the Town on the eat side, will be nold toaetlier or separately, or in hits to unit purchaser. Thit land is nnder cuHivHiion, is hih anl rullitiL'. sloping towards Town, and would furni-h beautiful builiiiiijj lots. AnT or all of the above property can be purchased on lib ril terms. For particulars apply at this Otliro to U. K. KI.NCAID. SherifT s Said. BY VIRTt'E OF AN EXKCL'TKlV to mp direct.!, isnofl out of the Countv Court for the countT of l)tutf las, and State of (rviron, I have levied upon anf will pro ceed te sell to the highest bidder, for caii, on ttic 7th day of November, fcctwwn the hours tf lo o'clock a. and fmr o'clock p. w., on the premise, the f dlowiu described property, situ ated in Doii-Ih cn inrr. Oregon. xi wit; All tin' ei-t hj't of the cat halt' of rM-ciifm iJ.'mni the east n.lf cf the mfli rat n,usrter of S.ftion ' and the north wt quarter of the Miith fat qii.irir oi 1 . -sect inn I"., and t'oe n'Tth ci-t qnartcr of the south Wtt quarter of ecttn 1"', Town-Oiip 'J. South, Kanj S Vet, containing . .- i n smore or h"s, to'thr Willi ail the a vtm:i -naMoes tiiereuoT.i belonin. Satd prnpert." i ?' I i to sati-ty an execution iued out rtf said Court id tavor d" Jr nu.ih Kapph-r arid ajain-t Jaekson Wr's'it. Is. no liailey, and J imi.-s li. Weaver, for th sum of ?j U 1 judgment an i r ti and acrrmn e.,t. October t'-tt L. H W FI. ilCinr Douglas Cjuutv. LLLsUOUTH. J. B. I 'lfc li WiMti. X. LI VICKY. HKNKV PAKSONi. Nutai v I'ublie. i ELLSWORTH & UNDERWCOD, Attorneys and Counwlors at Law, Ol VICE Ol'I'OSITK 0I.0IJE HUTEI., KI C1ENE CITY, OGX. i'ltf H. C. SHALL, ATTOIiXEY AT LAW, will practice in nil tho Courts I ut' tliij Mate. I'ui'ticjlur uiu'iitiuu given to I'mivcj- J uiiciiiir, Culli'diim of Ufbts, etc. OIlicc in (lie I'uurt Uimim-; JOHN CUMHINS, ATTORESY AKD COUNSELLOR AT LAW, LAFAYETTE, OUMGOX, Will fiiitlifnllv- nttend to ull business iiitinstcJ to liis lirot'cssionul t'uie. To All Whom It May Concern. 'pilKRE lire many obligations in my lunula for School I inonuy loaned, with back interest ilue. l'arties ui'e feiiuesteil to eome tui vvuril immeiliately, nnd nnv tins interest on sueh obligations, in ueeoiilance with a law which requires the interest to be paid semi-annually in advance-. A. S. Mcv'I.L' UK, Treasurer's Ollice 1 Treasurer ot'l.aue county. Sept. lo, lv;a f Eugene Common School. J. L. C.II.liKKT, i:i:sriXTKi"i.i.Y AXXOCSCES, that ho will open school in the District School House, on .Monday, Kith inst. A competent assistant will he employ ed if the patroiiai,'-) and interests of the school demand it, and every tdort made to make the school one of prolit to those w ho may favor it with their patronage. Terms of instruction in Common School liranches, per Session ?" ("'- Students who require it, will receive instruction in Duff's System of ISook-kcepin;;, Higher Arithmetic, Algebra, l'hilosophy, etc. etc. -' -v. WANTED. r,L'SlIi:i,S Dl' OATS, for which I will pay h oer bushel, tlats to be clchv- liUXJAMlX DKSl'AIX. ) tf. UU U.-i cents cash ered in Eugene City. Administrator's Notice. VLL PERSONS HAVlXti CLAIMS AUAIXST THE Estate of Daniel Cushinan, deceased, are hereby re quired to exhibit the same, with the necessary vouchers, within one war fmm the datoof thisnotice, to H. C. Small, Administrator of said Estate, nt his law ollico in Eugene Citv, Lane Countv, Oregon, or thev w ill be forever de barred. 'l-a II. C. SMALL, Dated September 1, Aduiimstrator und Att'y. IX the matter of petition for tho sale ot the real Estate of Alexander Coodpnsturo, deceased, it is ordered bv the County Court for the county of Lane, Oregon, that ail persons interested in the said' Estate appear before said Court, on the lirst Monday in October, 1m:-.', nnd show cause why an order should not be granted to the Adminis trator of "said Estate to sell so much of the real Estate of the deceased as shall be requitc to pay the allowance to the family, the debts outstanding against the deceased, und the expense of Administration, liv order of the Court made at the September Term, l-oii. Attest, II. SMALL, 1 1). M. KISDOX, County Clerk. J SI County Judge. Notice to Absent Defendant. James Estop !'. Joseph A. Dillon and Elias Williams. rX JOSEl'II A. DILLON : Yuu are hereby notilied that .1 unless von appear in the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon, for'toe county of Lane, on the fourth Monday of October, A. D. l-'l-', and answer the complaint id' .lames !'!..! i,t:iimi!l' which has been tiled with the Clerk of said Court, and pravs for a judgment against you for SI In I t. besides interest und costs of suit, the said complaint will be taken for confessed, and the prayer I hereof will be grant led bv the Court, lly ordered' said Court made nt the. pi I erin, ls-.j. l. -o. lti;sin;.-s, r ins - i ly . Eugene City, May 30, si)-. y-i-Sm WELLS. FARGO & l'OsS EXPRESS. -lYTELLS, FA1U10 & CO. HAVE EXTENDED THEIR V V Express to VAXCOUVEIl, CASCAPES, DALLES, WAI.LULA, WALLA WALLA, I.EWISTOX, 0U0F1X0, I'lERCE CITY, ELK CITY, nnd the SALMON RIVER MINI'S. '. 'A list of Agents w ill be published as soon as practicable, and each .Went w ill be furnished with a commission speci IVing his nuthurity and the extent to which he w ill be bound bv his nets, which w ill be publicly exposed in his ollice for the inspection of those doing business w ith os. WELLS, EAUL10 A CO. E. W. TRACY, Superintendent for Oregon nnd Wash ington Territory. 11-tf 13 "l i . D E I j. V J JsT ' W ALL HEALING JAPANESE SALVEI! rpilK JATAXKSE SA LVK IS THE V.KST TRKPAUA JL tinn that li;i been discuvoivd fnr the cure nt' roiso from roiSttS OAK, Gunshot Wounds, Cuts, n.inis, Sprains, Piles, NurMiigsoro Urcabts, Salt IIliL'iitn, P..ils, I'iiiisos, Corns, ChiilIaiu. And in fact, all kiwi of Sores. Try it all everybody. No family should be without it, nnd, although the in gredients are rare nnd expensive, only FIFTY CENTS is clmrced for a box. For siiil bv all OruirsrMts. KEUINOTOO A CO., Wholesale Agent. CJ-t'm San Fnmcisco. Administrator's Notice. J. M. PifK, having b'n njointid Alniini-itr:itor of the Estate of Edward V. Ilarben. deceased, by tin; County Court of Lane county, n!l imm-oiis owing aid Estate are reiiu.titl to make immediate payment, nnd all nertn having claims ftiiuhift the p;imi ure reijiiested to exhibit them, with the niTO-sary voueher, X him :it hi- r-vidi-nee in Can'p Cre-k, or hive tip1 jauiu wifh Ellsworth A. Un derwood nt Eugene City, within one ye:ir from this date, or thev wili thereafter be b.trn-d from rnlb'cting the smiuc. Eugene Citv, KLLWoKTII A I N DEItWtlOh, Oct. 7, ) .'- It Att ys for Adin'r. Sheriff ' Sale. IY VIRTUE OF TWO j:KCUTIOST0MEdireeted J issued out of theCounty Court, tor roitnty, ttri'iron, I have b-vit-d iiMn and will proceed to sell to the highest bidder, fnr cah, on tho 7th day of Novomhor, 1S'2, between the hour of l' a. m. and i p. ., nn tho premise- nil the rii;ht. title and ititfi-t of John S. llarm-tt, in and to tho fallowing described jTot-rty, jitnaTi in D-mlns county On-irriii. to wit ; All the donation land claim of John S. IS: irnt-tt and hi wib. bi-ing in Section- 1. ti, 11, 2. I-J and 1 t, in township U ' South, Kane i Ve-t, containinir .".J" aTHS more or less, together wirli all the appurtenances thcreuntn b'.-lonning. a proper. v is sold to atitV two executions i--i'-d nut of aid CoTirt m favor of Addison H. Flint, an.! arr;iin-it .bhn S. Itcmett, one fr tho sain ;f f -s '., arid mi" for the sum ol fii i ;, judgement nnd cot and accruing cot , HoWE, October (I, It Sheriff Doughis County. Sheriff's Sale. T Y VIRTUE OF AN lA'Kt'UTlOV TO ME !IREfTETf 1J lr -l out ot ti trt nit nitlt t'T Ih.lllji-. cttuiitv, tr'' .n. I h-ivp levi.-d noon aod will pro.'ee 1 to ill to the ; highet bi l l. t, for c;is':i. ou the j Sth t,i v f November, ii-J, I botrern tiif hour f l-1 a. w. ond V p. w., on the prrmi-", the foilon in i d-- nbi d r '! ty, it'iti'd in Omi zl-i- ' countv, (in .-on, to wtt ; Ail tii- dorui.i.-i bind clii;;i of, Jr.-;. j,h Roh.-n-, i-i ' ,.ni 27, ' '., and .". t-, T wn!iip' : 1 ." jt'i, li.inj0 "' Wt-r. coijt;Moing 1. af-p s more or i ), , t"g liier w ith ail t ie ii; p'irt--iia:ie-4 tin re into be- t h.n.-.i.x. ' .aid pr.tjierty is .id to v i - fir h n e f"ut ion i-uetl out of i ( ieirt in f tvor t II. S. ''H' ilr.r-l, nu i iriut ( Jo-.'ph K d.erts, f r the n:t of . j i-ioi- nt, co.l- . ;id accruing rrnts. L. IHMVK, ' October-, 1: j. Z 4t Jv.'iUf IonUi cotintr 1 TPJFLUVIA MARKET. LUCKEY & PARSOKS, nAYE purchased the ubovo ma:ket w here they are ready lo turni-di the trade with tho best of beef, mutton, po'ik, salt tih, nnd every thing in their line thai' the country willatlotd. We wi'f take in exehange ail kinds of inaiketabbi prtnluee. Our motto is SMALL PROFIT AM UFADV PAY! We will delivei ocefbv the quarter as cheap ;is it can bo atbtrded bv farmer.s. 'l'hanktul for past lav or-, we hope by triet uudearetul attention to buinesi to uierit the pub lic jtalrouage iu lutiue. J1 tf Eugene City, Sept., o, U'W. F. DUDLEY. (Sl'CCKSSOH TO P. W. JOIlVillX POST Ol'FICB BI IMUXC.) DEALER IN EOOSS and STATIONERY, Kc 'i'ing onstimtly on hand all the SCHOOL I5001CS in use in Oregon, nnd nn immense variety of standard Miscellaneous Books. Taper ot nil kind.- Cap. 1 regal. Letter, Note, Printing, eto.; Envelop-, I'ens, Pencils, lilank Hooks every variety. Slates of all qualities and sizes, ull lirst quality and cheap. LIVERY STABLE, Eighth Street, Eugeno City, Oregon. rpilE UXIEHK;NEI, having fitted up nnd reopened ,1 the largo and commodious Livery Stable, formerly kept by Chase & Co., would respeeltully solicit the patromige of their friends, ami of the traveling public generally. We will keep constantly on hand horses and bougies to let ut reasonable rates." Horses intrusted to ou rcare will be well fed and carefully attended to by experienced host lers. Ten-ning of every kind promptly attended to. iii-Sm ' 1). C. 1TXCH & J. MUL1I0LLAX. SAVE YOUR EGGS. VNT.W AND USEFUL IN V I'N'TION' whereby eggs can .be preserved perfectly freh almost indefinitely, with out the eneunibrmice of Lime, Salt, or any other ordinary preservatives. There is no more necessity of farmers sel ling their eggs at from live to seven cents per dozen, when thev can, ut a trilling cost, save them till they command a good price. Eor further partimbir-i, enclose red stamp to L. li. SlLVi:h Salem, O. Saddlery ! Saddlery ! ! A I.AlUiK LOT OF KVi:i:V DKSClill' (fUiiun of Middles, liiidlcs, liar- J "j V4 nctis, ruck-saddlj-s, etc., clr., iitSt- SAM. COS'S Old Stand, Where we will be on hand (I nint going to Salmon) to make any kind of work, iu our line, to order. None but the lirst Hatciiul used. n ure, DKAI.l-It IN' DllY GOODS, CLOTIIIXG, SALEM CLOTH, LOOTS AND SHOES, JIAli WARE AND CUT. LEIiV, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, DRUGS AND PATENT MED JCIXES, tlx. Also DACOX, FLOUR, WHEAT, OATS, BUTTER, EGGS, AXD ALL OTHER A'JXDS OF SALE ABLE PRODUCE TAKEX AT LIBERAL PRICES IX EXCIIAXGE FOR GOODS, Cor.NT.n Oak and Ninth stiiki-.ts in front or (.'mi ut IIdi sk. Kiigt-ue City, Oregon, Angi : 1st, s-. :;l -if LCOK HERE ! ! 'XL BLACKSMITHIHGr. rpiiF. uxi)i-:n?iNi-:t). iiavinu ii itnisi'.i axi X n-oii'ru'J the l!l:i -liKii.itli Simp on Xiiith atrcrt, is iiTinrcl to do nil kimh of v-oik m ln line, sucli us WAGOX IROXIXG, GUXSMITIIIXG, HORSE SIIOEIXG, MAKIXG and REI'AIHIXG EDGE TOOLS. Jobbing nf all kimls execnti-d on nlmrt n'Hicp, nrA in tlic btii-st ftml bi.-st t U, a r j;a 7: r- srir rm: iim:; iimi:. GIVE ME A CALL. I nUo li;vi nbr.ut o n tliou-aii j noiui'ls of assorii d iron, which, I will si' 1 1 for ca.h. J. C. I.K'KKV. Ku'.nc City, An'it lt, 1 '' BLACK SMITHING. N. MAKTIN, os Kt'itiTii dTitEET. opposite Chase & '.' i.ivkut l;ilil. i nnw Tr''i:ir -1 t-, il- :t!l liri-u f-f finitliiti in hi lin" mCHKAI' KATKS for I. l:DV I'A V. Kh fnr-i.r nn.l team. ti.-rs want. Ills sari I. y tin; funnels of l.aiiu countv MARTIN'S PLOWS arc tlif It,-t i-r.T nianiiro-iir. l in this lai-i' ; tlo-n-f-.r', he is not uli .ii l lu w irr.inl li.i i'i lo -t t-Tin well. .arlic:u hir alt. iiu in u i I to HORSE-SHOEING, nnd work warrant H to iv. .-i -'mmi. Oivc me a crdl at mv jhoj, an l von "hull b1' d. Produce, and all kinds of Money, c T-ppt r-ntV(lrra'p Hon I" t.ikn for work. Engine (. ny, Anuit J -'J. i - 2 1 Tin' follow iug letter, w hirh t'liiphuticully leaks for itself, was written by l!ie Oean of the Faculty of the rhihulelphia College of Medicine to ihe editors of the Tacitic Medical and Surgical Journal, San Francisco lor publication : run. u.Kt.rnt v, .Tanu iy 17th, 1 . To the Editor- of the Paeilic. .Medical Journal -Ocutlc-men : Mv aHentiuii bus been called to an urtiele iu the December number of your jtuit mil. in repaid to the tul eiiudeiu degr.-e grauti-d by the 1'biladelphiu t'ollege of Meilo inwlo Dr. L. J. l.ipk"av. When the application for the degree was made to the r' acuity, it was uceompaitied by i;!lid;u its and testimonials to the cll'ect that Dr. Oapkay, was u regular graduate M. D. of the L"nierity of'h, hud nerved as u surgeon iu the Hungarian army, und u a tegular iraetitioitcr of inedieiue. ln the strength if these the decree was granted. The tul cuudein degree, as its name implies, i.s conferred 0:1 graduates only, und gives us new pi i ih'ires. Had there been the slightest Mi-spieii'U ot irregularity, the application would have been rctiifed. liv inserting this in ytuir journal you will do tin act of justice to the college, and confer u favor on, Vours, very respectfully, II. K VXD, Dean of the Faculty of the 1'htla. College of Medicine. DH. L. J. CZAFKAV'S I'nvate Medical mid Surgical In stitute is on Sacramento street, below Montgomery, oppo site the Faeilie Mail Steamship Company's otiiee, San Fratici.-eo. The Doctor o tiers tree consultations ami itks no remuneration unless ho ctleets ti cure. Ollice hums from v a. v. to ) v. u. Ckutu'ic vtk. I, the undersigned, (Jovernor of Hungary, do testily hereby, that Dr. li. J. C.apkay has served during thecoutest for liungaiian liberty, us Chief Surgeon, in the Hungarian army, with faithful perseverance. Whereof 1 have ghen hnn this cei tilicate, and recommend him to the sympathy, attention and protection of all those, who are capable of appreciating patriotic self-saeritiee, and unde served misfortune. KOSSCTH LAJDS, fiovernor of Hungary. Washington City, January ,Mh, Fersons not wih!ng to loe time in correspondence please eneloselo iu their letters, and they will get im mediate attention to their caes. Address, L. J.CZAPKAY. M. !., Sau Francisco, Cal. EL ROSENBLATT, W 1I0I.KS A.I.E AND 11ETAIL DEALIIi IX Dry Goods, J u'axksk S i.vk, This article is proved tube the best for the cure of the various complaints tor which it is rec ommended, that is known. D can be used with most per fect safety, and will work like a charm proving the fact that one great good has re.-ultcd by the opening of trade with the Japanese. See advertisement. TUALATIN ACADEMY. KDWAIil) A. TAXXKK, A. M., (of Jacksonville, 111 ) l'KlM'llwr.. MISS MARY ml; HON', (of Ipswich, Mass.) Assistant. Tuitiou ", 0, 7 uiul s iloll.n-s ior qusirtiT of 1 1 weeks. TACIFIC UNIVERSITY. UEV. H1DXKY II. MAKSI1, A. M., I'iiksihkxt, uml Actinij 1'rolVssor of l.nngiiogra. i:i:Y. llDRAC!'. I.YMAX, A. M., ri:ori:ss'ti: of Mutlu'inutii'S. ' EIYAK1 A. TAXXKK, ... !., l'liofKysoit ;7i..' of Ancient I.!inj;ii;ies. Tliesc two In titulions nre ut Forest llrove, 'Wxsliington eounty, Ort "on. A ri Mlii;omfnt s ii-e Ijeinj; liiiulo liy ivliioll hlil.l.'iils rnn Ijouril in a club ut nlmut t lie cost of irovi.sions. lloanl in funiilies is now 2 To per werk. 1I- help of Endowments oliliiineil ut the Eust, Collegiate instruelion is funitslieil stiolents, liowever simill Hie num ber. The situation of the College is unsurui.sseil in bcun ty uml liealthl'tilness, uml is iu the luiilst of u mural com munity. The Library contains tl.-'oo choice books. Collections iu Natural History are bemj; miwle. lVb. lo, lstf.'. HUE1IST0N, WILSON & Co., VH0I.ESA1.E DEAI.F.K8 IM Fine Brandies, VV 1 11 E S AND LIQUORS, Fire Proof Brick Store, Front St., corner af Oak: rouTLAxn, x;., OFI'Ell to the trade of Oregon and AYnsli!ii(;ton Terri tory inducenu nts second to no other house on this coast. Our stuck con:-i.-ts in part id" Fine Old Erandy, OlarJ, Diipny S; Co., Jellies i Ii'iiiicscy, A. ISoiiiolt & Co., Unitcil Vincyanl rropriutorn, i'iiH.'tt, C.iMilloti ts Co., I'liiijii of tlio jimpi-ii'iurs, f. Misi'itict, A. . . Si'tntto, And various other brands. Also, very choice OLD BOURBON WHISKY, Old Ryo Whisky, And all ollo-r choice brands now in market. Pure Holland Gin, fit. Croix and Janiaica Rum, Cordials and Wines of every description. A No, of our own btdtliii'j, which wecl,.;m to be superior to niivthinguow in the maiket, OTAKJ, DL'I'UY & CO. & C. MARQUE'lTS OU) noi'KltO.N W111SKV. .f ii stiucrior quality, and OLD JIYJI WHISKY. Also, a general assortment f rase goods, nnd everything rhe iipportaiumg to the J,0iior I raoc, wlucu we oiler nt San r i ancico price-. J ' Order, from country mer chants uml drah-v.s n-spei-t fully solicited. N. II. All li-jnoiH Mild by iisare guaranteed to be gen uine, and as represented, except imported case goods, such a.t Sebnapps, etc. jrortlaid, Oregon, July r.l, ',jt Ku To Mercliant3 and Shippers. voutaca-: at oi:i:;o city. IMII-: MliUfH .TS AMI SIIII'Ii:US of the Willamette X Valley are notilied that liAUSTOW A FKAKll nre now ;r p:ircd wilh plenty of tt nnd earefid drivers In pa-s li ilit over tin 1'ort.iu'" between Oregon City und Citoi lii.ih as liit as emild be i-xpei ted. Due nt' us will be nt all times at co b (ml of the route to atteu.l to the Jui wiii ding id" th-) freight, (to us to prevent any unio-ee, -ary delay. Oregon City, Oi'V'" January 1, r 2, tf HARRIGBURG ACADEMY. i:kv. k. r. in;i)i;n-iv, a. m., i l.nte I'resjd nt of" Columbia Culh j,uf, ruivrnMr.. This Institution is situ;.! d nt the town of H arribur7, in Lion County, Oregon, in pleaant and luallby local- THG BUILDIIJG IS LARGE AND C0nil0DI0U3. Tiie fust S- -'i'in w ill b' 'in ou the KlFtT IAV K SKPlKMftKU, I V. The Ar:id tnic year i di v idi-d into t o Sesioul of I"o da- erfli. T ni'i'in will be i . k I 1 nnd '. I yr ."e.ion ; one half in ndv.inre, and th oiio-i ,lklt i-l tie- ei.j-e.,f the Term. Mo dt-i.ts n lont'ed at imv lirn--, M'ld e'taie;.") fn,i,i )n time of Oitritne.; to the rlo-y of :ni, uidesji a sperial COIitTitet is mteb: othorwi!, lie uiol'i-'ned takes pl-;i-:ire in nniionneing to Ids fanner p:tf mns and fi .en'!, tha after at) nb-f net of three years le- Ins p-lnne d to (ie-m, a,i h-eate. pennaneritlv at tiie nh" n.ihe-d I n -i 1 1 u 1 1 .n, wnl w ill be loipf V to meet any of his foi.M-r "Met' nu in this n.w nnd eh want Ae;id eiov ; where everv ( i dry will be allordeil t theni that T 1 1 v rn;'-v-d Willi bim in tin; bi !gbt.-t ,, .f '.dnnilua -.lie.-.; k. r. in Mti K.-ov. 1'. li'ia.iling I in be bid, in private aiinlos, my km. : I t Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Mechanic's Tools, Boots, Shoes, etc., etc., Announces to tho public find patrons that ho is still in tlio trtulo nt tho old nnd well known stand ofS. K0Sl-:XBLATT & HUOTIIEIt; and soiling good nt tho Lowest Prices, for CASH AND PRODUCE. His stock is entirely now. Purchasers will find hero every nrtiolo usually kept in the stores of this city new nnd well selected. Those wishing to buy nro requested to cull nnd cxntnino his stock nnd prices before purchasing elsewhere. Ueniember the place nnd that tho stock is WHOLLY NEW, mid will continually bo re plenishod with fresh new goods of tho LA TEST STYLES, PATTERNS AXD VARIETIES. ltf A. Ill SWELL & Co., BOOK BINDERS, PAPER RULERS, AM) I1I.ANK HOOK MAX U F ACT U UK US, .M7 Clay, uml M4 Conuuei'ciitl . street, between Muntgnnxry uml Suntfomc. San l'Yuneiseo. Ul.mks, Way Hill, Itill lleails, Ilrief puner, etc., ruled to ovtler, ut the fhortest luitice. Itlunk Huhkh ruluil, hounU und ptiiitisl tn ot'iler, uutl old botkrt reboiuul. Orlr t'l'uiu llieeuuuti-v bv letter ur Expres., prumptlv ulteuded tu. s':s-ly E. W. TRACY'S I? W. TUAC'V will rnntiiiiip the Kxpre. fix)tn IDRT !i. I,AM (o JACKSON VII. I. II, with tha I'ullowiuir OFFICES AND AGENTS. Oreixon Citv, -linttevilh', -Ijilnyetto, l);iy ton, Salem, Alhiinv, Cnrvidlis, Kurene i'itv, Oakluiid, ' -Itosebufif, Ciinyonville, Jclv.;onvilb. -1 i tf Chiirmnn & WArncr. F. X. MntliHa. - Al. Wlf. Williams k I.ippencuit. - Jiell k llruu-D. J. 'otinr. R Vox. II. M. KlUwnrth. Lord, I'eters A t'o. A. K. Flint. ISideinmi, AVtdlenberg k Co. '. E. lieekman. K. W. TKACV. CHARLES A. CRANE, ADV t:UTISIN( J AG ENCY. Cor. Washington &. Sansome Streeti, (luvernnicnt L'p-.Stiur. SAX FJUXCISCO. STATK UKPrill.ICAN, Stow's Stork Kenorter. luih- Ho... ...... Nevaihi Xutiutml, - - -Itntte beinocrHt, . - -I'tneer Cunrier, - - . -Nin thi't n rHiiforiiian, "(donni, Time?, - - - - Alouney's Kvnress, - I'htinu.s tiindard, - - -S'Mithern NtMV.s, - - IbulyArns, - - - -I'uily Appeal, - - - - Nupii Cunnty Time, - -S;tii Just; Telegraph, -Alameda lleruhl, - - -Contra Co.! a inette, - -Santa Cruz News, - I'etiilnnia Arru, - - -Sonoma Comity Oi-rnnerat, K'S Ainide.s Star, - - Daily Oregon Advertiser, Marijiosa Star, - - Sau ,ndn-jn Independent, i 'obuiibia Newfi, ... Territorial Knterprise, Alemeda County Gazette, -)eiuo(-ratic Age, - - -Arizonian, ...... Oreiron Farmer, - - - Mountaineer, ilutehin'.s MHirnrine, Californiu Culturi-t. - - Advertising in the C. A. C., will ii I so attend lo to paper published iu tiny por Kugenc City, Oroti " Sun Fnmciaco - Sacrntnentu Oraa Valley Orvtll - - Forest 11 ill - - L'nitin - - - - Cnhuil - Vol soin - - - - - (juiiiey - LofvneJe - - - - SliK-litim - - Murynville Xnpa - - San Joso - - Oakland Marline - - - - Suuta Crux I'etaluina - - - Santa ltosu - - Lo Aneleii Portland - Mariposa - - Sun Andre - - Columbia - - - Vftrnuti Valley - - Sun Learn! ro Sonora Tucson, Arizona - - - Oregon - - J)nlle!, Oregon - San FrnnciHCo - - Kan Fram?iico Atlantic States. forwarding (idvrrtinementg tion of the Atlantic Stats. HOMESTEADS ANJ) VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Building Lots from $10 to 200 Each. AU,!iQ Vara Lota and Entire Hlockt of Beau, tif'il Garden Land! IS Till: CITV AM) COUNTV OF SAX KUANCIHCO on the line of ihe Sun June Ituilrraul, nt the West Oi'ix.t. The title is iibsolutely I'KIIKKCT. heinir tSnaniih (Jr inl, fltnill v r'Mitirmed nnd pntented by the United Stnten. ine r-ii iiri .t mil respeets this I it lo ; the City Aiithnritiei repeet it; the lir.trie! Courts und Supreme Court of th ... I .-Mini--. n".-.-. i ii. ii-i'it-s iu inr rirrnjitrwrrr l'i ft. l I, if a limit Ihrrr tinlJ'hltni?tt fitinitit tht 1'i'ty. H unit there is not e; en u eloucl or a slnidonr upon it. Who ever purclm.tes one of thene lots will buy a lot and not luwuit. oi!ix o. lv N'iiijlee's lluitdinir. comer of Montgomery and Merehunt streets., Sun r'ruiieieo. h in iiAiivKv n. nnowx. TRACY & CD'S CRECON EXPRESS romusn, Murch 31st, 1)2. rpili; PAKTNT.HSIHI' hen eitiiit betwern th 1 iiinjeriiied is this duy dissolved hr inntunl eonsent. K". V. TH ACY V.. NOHTO.N, 1 1 tf K. I,. Janie.. NOTICE TO DUr(;iSTS. lfK IIWKO.V HANI) nnd nro rnntnntl reeeirin tin- hiM-t ru:ilities of KUA Mil KS A.N'I) WI.NtS, for the Dnia Trnde. hieh w euamntr lo b Kenninc. llt'.MISTUN, VII.Stl.N Co. Estrayed. !U'!P II A V, middle -sized Ameriean horse ; about Art yrai old, tviih a sihmII stwr in his fnreheatl, and anm -.iMl-lu.-it 1.4. Anv p'Tonn lktntf hnn up and returning hint to the subetiber will btt llhenilll' rewardetl. A.'W. l ATTKRSOt. Ilu. nc City, Mny Mh, 1- :.'. l-tf Estrayed. Ij'UiiM the siib.eriber, living three miles smith of Eugea nv, a Mtran twny roan hlly, lo years old last spring j let imui a. or brand evei-pt the hnir in ihe t'aee is a little light rrt'rin on fh ether parts of the body. Anr information eom eniie the .uie i.l be luitabir regarded Kiiirn Cit;-,treu-.ii. tf Wa. Ll'OKKY.