The state Republican. (Eugene City, Or.) 1862-1863, October 11, 1862, Image 4

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It it compounded entirely from (iL'.MS, and lias become
an established fact, a Standard Medicine, known and ap
proved bv all that have used it, ami is now resorted to
with confidence in all the disease lor which it is recom
mended It bus cured thousand n itliiu fie last twoyears
who had (riven up all hopes of relief, as the mimeruus un
solicited certilicatei in iny possession show.
The dose must bo adapted to Hie temperament of the
Individual taking it, and used in such quantities as to act
gently on the llowels.
Let the dictates of your judgment guide you in the use of
the Liver inrigorator, and it will cure Liver Complaint,
llilious Attacks, Dvspcpsiu, Chronic Diarrhaa, Summer
Complaints, Dvsenlerv, lliopsv, .Sour Stomach, Habitual
Custiveness, t'iiolic, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera la
faiitum, Flatulency, Jaundice, Female Weakness, und may
be ued successfully as an ordinary Family Medicine. It
will cure Sick Headache (as thousands can testify), in
twenty minutes, if two or three teaspoonl'uls aro taken at
the commencement ol attack. All who use. it ore giving
their testimony in its favor.
Mix water in the mouth with the Iuvigonitor, and swal
low both together.
Sanford's Family Cathartic Tills,
Puro Vegetable Extracts,
And put iu glass cases, air light, and will keep in any cli
mate. The Fami!v C.YTII VIITUJ I'lLL is a gentle but active
Cathartic which the proprietor has used ill his practice
for more than twenty years.
The constantly increasing demand from those who have
long used the 1'ills, und the satisfaction which all express
in regard to their use has induced me to place them within
the reach of all. The profession well know that dillerent
Cathartics act on dillerent portions of the bowels.
The Family Cathartic 1'ill has, with due. reference- to this
well established fact, been compounded from a variety of
the purest vegetable extracts, which act alike upon every
part of the alimentary canal, und are good ami sal'c)iu ull
cases where a Cathartic is needed, such as Derangement.!
of the Stomach, Sleepiness, I'aius in the Hack and Loins,
(NiHtivencss. l'ains. and Soreness over the whole body,
from sudden col I, which frequently, if neglected, end in a
long course of Fever, Loss of Appetite, u Creeping Sensa
tion ol Cold over the Hody, Restlessness, Headache, or
Weicht iu the Head, ull lnllaiiniiatory Disease, Worms
in Children or Adults, Rheumatism, a great I'urilier of the
blood and many diseases to which liesli is heir too numer
ous to mention in this advertisement. Dose, one to three.
Tho Liver Invigorator mid Family Cathartic I'll Is arc
old by the Druggists everywhere, und by
Redington & Co.,
Sole Agents for the I'acilic Coast,
410 and 418 Front street, San Francisco.
fTMIESE Extracts possess, in the most concentrated, form,
X the delicious tastu and much iidmircd llavor id' the
dillerent articles ubovu enumerated, und for all culinary
purposes will be found the most economical and convenient
manner of communicating the llavor. He particular to ask
for the kinds prepared by us, its there arc many kinds in
market possessing but little, if imv, of the real llavor.
l'reparcd und sold by RKDINFTON k CO.,
4K1 und 41 S Front street, San Francisco.
Any One Who Professes
ENCES, ASSUMES to impose an absurdity upon the public. On
the same principle, any one medicine which professes
tr cure all diseases is unworthy of the slightest conlidencc
nd should nt once be denounced as u quack nostrum. The
GraBfenberg Family Medicines
Do not assume to cure all diseases with one remedy They
have eleven dillerent medicines, each adapted to lis pecu
liar disease, und time has proved beyond ft iiuestion the
ellicacy and certainty ol these preparations.
Their list
comprises tne loiiowing nieuicines :
For sale by all Druggists throughout the State.
REDINOTON A CO., Wholesale Druggists,
4 1 it und 4 IS Front street, San Francisco.
Bloom of Youth,
Sole Air'MiM fur tho lnitH i'ottixt,
415 nml 4l!t Front street, San Knuieisco.
Dr. Baker's Pain Panacea
Is composed entirely f licalimr cums, nml veetaMo oils
uiul herb:, ll is per.'eellt stile lor the iiiot ileln'ute to use.
t can most ninreivlv miv that I have never known any,
however ilelieate, to he injured hy it in tho lenst. I will
continue to uk the ulilii-Uil, who have not n-u-ti it, to try it
for the follow in ilivuHf . If t hey lire not KitlMirtl ith
iU healing pruptTtte, Ihu money will he eheerliilly refund
ed hy the tiuvnt win re tlie nit'dicme m tor title.
If von tme Tain in the Stoiiuu-li or llowels, trv a (Into
of I'rtin I'anaeeu intonmllv, b.itlie externally over the parU
utlt'cted, and you will ut once restore the proper uclion ami
relieve the pain.
If yon have n ItniUo or Wound, Imtlio it well with the
Puin Tanaeeu four time ti day. It will relieve the pain,
mid tuke out ull the poison, and heal the wound in idiurt
If you nre aullVrini; from Neuralgia or Uhemnatie rains,
Apply the 1'aiu Punur' fively, und take n dose of it inter
nuliy, morning, noon and inuht ; it will not only cure the
pain, but will remove thy rat se ot the disease.
If you have the lvspepia. And your food distressf
your Stomaeh after eating, take a done of Tain i'tiuaee
fter each meal.
If yon have a Cankered or Sore Mouth or Throat, Apply
the 1'am 1'iinacea to the nllerlt d parts, And garble the
mouth or throat three or four tunes a duv
If you have the )iarrhu-a, or a relaxed state of the how
cN, take A few doses of the Wi'xn TauaeeA, and they w ill
Anon he restored. If you have a painful swelling, hut he
the partfl freely, and you will soon retievethe pain, aul the
swelling will he re t need. If you have a severe toothache,
Apply the liin Panacea on n tueee of cotton, and bathe the
gum at the same time ; it will stop the pain inMnntlv.
If you have a puin in the Urea!, Side, Hack or Kidneys,
bath i the parts nlt'eeted morning and uiht ; at the s.iiue
time take a dose inlermtllv.
If a mother has a t'akcit Hrcust, apply Hie Tain ranacea
At hot as it can ho borne.
If yon feel ehill v or cold, ns though ymn were p'ing to
have a fever, take a dose of Pan nee a.
If vou have a wound, cut, or unlls on your horse. Apply
the Paiu Panacea; it will take out the inthtination, and
heal the sore in a short tune. Sold hv nil the principal
druggists, and by IU IIN(iTO H ,
and 4H Front street, San r'raneisco.
I I und how tew me tree tnun tin numerous nihucnt
rising from un impure Mate ol the hhnl Ite warned in
time, und purity your !hod and restore healih, by tukinu;
McnTitl't ltlond n I Liver .yrup -the bet Idood punlier
known, as the numermi cerliiicates ot reniHi kable cures,
in the hsiuN ol the propriftor. uiuuetionubly prove.
As ft Spring remedv, to purity nud cl-itne the blood,
leaving it fret from ull humor mid impurittfs, w nerl
with ronhdi'ncr that then i no hriter remedv thn St'O
VILlh AM) I.IVKU SYRM'. Hire it trial.
UKl)ltiT(N A fO
V'hoUiite Aifnt(,
IS and 11 Fi"Mt lie'''. n riucico
Dr. Wm. Hall's I!ai.-am Tor the Lungs has no
c;nal as a lung medicine, and is especially
adapted to the Constitutions of Females and
thosa suttcring from Consumption or any
Lung complaint Give it a trial.
ltcdiu','lou A: Co.,
Wholesale Agents, 41 ami IIS Frout street,
San Francisco.
Sarsaparilla & Stillingia!
It is hereby recommended by plivsicians to cure the
following diseases having thuir origin in a disordered
state of the blood:
Canker, Ulcerations und Enlargement of the Joints, Ciiu
cerotis Tumors, Erysipelas, King's Evil, St. Anthons
Kire, White Swellin.t, Obstinate Eruptions, Pimples
on the Face, Rheumatism, lilotches, Pustules, Uysp siu,
etc.; Syidiilitio and Mercureal Ail'ectioiiA are cured ;
Chioaosls or Ohatiuctions hi Females; Lcucorrhea or
Whites, are relieved by tl.'ju-se of this Medicine.
The medical properties, of S irsaparilla iu conjunction
with Stillingia are well known by ull medical men to be the
best compound yet discovered to cleanse und purity the
blood, and eradicate all humor from the system.
We have given tdo receipt to most physicians in the
country, that they may know what they are using, and will
continue to send it hv mail to those desirous of knowing
the ingredients entering into this compo.-ition, that they
may prescribe it in their practice.
'ihis preparation stands at the head of the list of reme
dies for curing ull diseases arising from impurities of the
blood or diseased matter lurking in the system.
Thousiuids who h ive used the StihinjiU and Sarsaparilla
will testify to its remarkable eli't'ct in mining ull impuri
ties from their blood, giving tone uud vigor to the whole
human frame, und restoring u healthy uctioti to nil the
functions of the body.
The testimonials reeeived in its favor from many mem
bers of the Medical Faciiltv would, were we to publish
them, till u large volume
It is prepared under the supervision of one of the oldest
and best practical themisis iu the country, Mr. W, S.
Merrill, (Jineinmilj , so us tn insure a uniformity of com
position und purity iu ull the ingredients.
As a spring remedy, to purily and cleanse the Mood,
leaving it free from all humors and impurities, we ussert
with contideiK'p there is n i belter remedy.
Sold hv all JJruiriists. and hv
A CO., Ag'hts,
t, Sun Francisco,
I. 3o-l v
41'i and 4h Front stre
To whom all orders should be u dtlress
Fish'o Infallible
It prevents the Hair from falling olY. It cures
HaMiu'ss and removes all daiidruir from tlu;
It allays all irritation of the scalp. It cools
and ivfivsin's the head, and imparts to the hair a
healthy lively appearance.
P. S. The properties which remove dandruff and scrufl
from the head, ullay irritation and free the scalp from hu
mors, renders this article invaluable ns a lotion in all en
taneous affectum s ; Mich as Itch, Kash, Salt liheuni, Chil
blains, Erysipelas, Ringworms, Shingles, Itites and Stings
of Insects, nud all eruptions of the skin, especially tbut
caused by Vo'iton Oiil;
This onhj genuine article is put up in Pint RotiU'At and
has the written signature of A'. Mit's, the original pifprie
tof and mtiitfitctifre on the label and wrapper. Peware
of nil put up iu dillerent style, w hich is c-juntt ijtit,
4o9 and 411 C'luy Struct, Francisco.
A. S. McCLl'RK.
10-1 ill
For sale by
Dr. William Zlaira Balsam for the Lungs
TiNu UhtMH). CtLOS. COl till, INKI.CKNZA,
Dr. Win. Hairs IhiMum for tlic l-uu-, iu sll cases ives the
best of ati.sf;u-tion.
Dr. Win. Il.dl'a i Kiilsam for the t.un, has wrimht more
cures since its introduction than any other cough medi
cine. Dr. Wm. Hall's Hulsam for the T.unii, is endorsed by your
leading physicians as the safest and best remedy now
before the public,
lr. Wm. Hall a Ihdsatn for the I,unp, is safe touseanion
children, nud yet powerful in of chronic pulmona
ry disease.
Dr. Wm. Hall's Dalsam lor the Luns, hi ins in cer:nicates
almost daily, ut' its wonderful cures in ull parts of the
The more striking proof the intrinsic worth mid excel
lence of Dlt. WM. HAl.lS HAI SAM hr the I.l Nt.S. is
plum n in the rapidity with which it becomes n ireneral
fuvorile with the people. There is nothing of n .similar
nature hut w hut is cast into the .shadi w heu the Ihilsam has
been tlioroiii;hlv tested. The agents for its .sale, the coun
try ov.T, in ordering new supplie-., me very euthitiat ic
iu its favor, sa in:;: "It is ju-t the tiling; it acts like a
charm; its etlects are tinly nniuic.d."
The purcha r sh.Mild b.' crv pattieular t ask for, nud
take none hut Dr. Willi am Hall's P.aUatii fr thtf huncs
which is warranted to ive satisfaction or the money re
turned. Por aale bv all Di'iiiiyt. '"id bv
Solo Agents, 4' ' and III Clay St., San r'riuicUeo.
fcjuperlor Yeast Powders. to make l.ilit fweet and nutritious
i:.iiallv adapted to fl.l
imv nist-riT. , a--
II ..IV .l.
oiiit.u c.ikes, ).i.i;ei;j;ee.u.
.1 . ' I ,tA Ut .11.1. A..
Warranted fiillv e.pial to miv in the market.
Ask for IlKIMSlU'tlN A Ct S 1 FAST I'llWDKUS. nud
take no other, if vou v old have umtormly goad bread.
Manufactured and old at wholesale, by
4.D and 411 1 lav St., San Francisco.
CURSEli .'A'C.l'll .1 F AM S.I.WOMf: a,.1;.
San rmncisro.
TIIK Tropriehir of tliit well known and old es
tablished ll.iU!i ia -till t his old trick feeding
the public (or the low mini of roi H pa'I Lvrs ier
et'K, HI Ml 111' ITT IS .-Milt i:H"T TOUir . llll IIOU'I WilS
established in mid the l'riprietor proudlv appeals to
its well known reputation, and ut the iimr time rdedtrc
himelt tt ime every endeavor to mid to the comt.rt and
con, enience of his ucsIm. The ltrooklyn Hotel WAtitN
wi!l always be ready en the wharf on the irrnal of the
stei!iicr, to convey paener mid their batface to the
House, free of charge. T jrevetit imposit iu he positive
und see that KUOoM YN IIOTKL is painted in lm-g let
ters on the sides of the Omnibus.
Itonrd per day. f 1 ; IhvuM per week, 1 ; Meals. "ots,
lo,lifiii,, ;v-ts. I.odi'.is per week. to $t ;,s;tl0
ro nns ." rent pernii;i't. JlMIN Kb. 1.1 V, Jr.
Juno 1 1. 'm
Private Medical and Surgical Insti
Opposite the Puciliu Mail Steamship Compuuy's Ullicc,
Efr?'lihrii hi tsoufr the f' rmamnt C-tt'e of all prU'lte
tt nd chronic J itn-taen, uu-i Jur tiit tijp'Ctvn tf iJtuuLtry.
( Z U'KAY, M. 1)., late iu the Hungarian Uevolu
tiunary War, Chief Physician to the Joth Kegiment of
Ifoiiveds, Chief Surgeon to the Military liuspital of Pesth,
Hungarv, lalo Lecturer on dicuMs of Women ami Child
ren, an-1 Honorary Member of the Philadelphia College of
i'urticular attention paid to the treatment of diseases
peculiar to women und children.
Office hours from y a. M. till y. p. u. Communications
strictly contidential. l'eruiauent cure guaranteed, or no
pay. Consultations by letter or otherwise free,
Address Jjt: L. J. IZAJ'KA i Sun Fra ucieco, Cat.
To tho Atil ic ted.
DTt. 1. J. CZAPKAY returns his sincere thanks to his
numerous patients for their patronage, und would
tuke this opportunity to remind them that hit continues to
consult ut ins Institute for the cure of utl forms of Private
Lhscases such us Syphilis, Gonorrhea, nocturnal emis
sions, uud ull the consequences of self abuse. Iu the rirst
stages of syphilitic or gonorrhoea! diseases, he guarantees
acme in u few days, without iiieonvenienca to the patient
or hindrance to his btiMiio.s. When a patient, by ne
glect or improper treatment, has developed the secondary
symptoms of syphilis, such as buboes or painful swellings
on the groins, or ulcers m the throat and nose, which, if
not cheeked, destroy the soft parts and cause the bones to
mortify, separate uud come away, leaving the sulleror un
ohjoct hideous to behold ; or when blotches and pimples
break out on the skin ; or wl. en lie has painful swellings
upon the bones, or wlum his constitution is injured so as to
predispose to consumption or other constitutional disease,
the l)oetor guarantees a cure or uks no compensation.
In rlieumati.uu chronic or acute ; tn dysentery or diar
rhoea, lie has safe and effectual remedies For the treat
ment of the consequences of self abuse, such us nocturnal
emissijns, nervouMics, timidity, headache, pains in the
back und limbs, with general weakness, loss of appetite,
loss of memory, injury to the sight, restlessness, confusion
of ideas, dislike for society, and u feeling of weariness of
life; with the nervous Mstem so excitable that slight
noises shock or startle the patient, making his existence
miserable. For the above maladies the doctor will guaran
tee u cure or ask no compensntiou. He can be consulted
free of charge, und invites all to call, us it will cost them
nothh'g, und may be much to theirudvantage. Ollice hours
from J a. m. to y i m.
Dr. Ii. J. C'z:ikav i. daily receiving npplicutiiinn from
every part of tliishtatc und" from Oregon und from Wash
ington Territory for the treatment of every form of disease,
unit there is not one who will collie forwurd und express
dissatisi.ietion j on the contrary, the Doctor is in dally re
ceipt of letters expressive of gratitude und thunkfulncss,
some of which urc published below by permission.
.S tockton, May 21, l.-.3.
Dear Sir Having entirely recovered from my sickness
I avail myself of this opportunity to return my thunktul
acknowledgement for the relief that you have c;ireu me.
lii'ii 1 think of tho distressing bodily weakness, under
which 1 have siitl'ered, und the nervousness, headache,
tcai fulness, want of coiilideiicc db'incss. restlessness.
weakness iu the limbs, loss ol memory, confusion of ideas,
uiMihu mi miciui, iioeiiirnai emissions, mill muny oilier
syinptonis. which had made my life miserable, 1 call hardly
express the jjratitudu 1 feel, for mv existence hud become
a burthen to me, anil nothing uli'oidud me the least uratili
cation, whilst now, I feel perfectly well und can enjoy life
to my enure saiisiacuou. ivnoivmjj inai tiiero ure many
iiiincicd us i i. uve oeen, you nave permission to ninku use
of this letter us you thiiik projier. lfelieve me e;iatefully
jours, ji. .iutllr.l,s.
To Dr. L. J. C'zapkay, Si.n I'runeisco.
Kackamexto, Mav 1.",
Dear sir Nidi n t lie tliaukli.lness I feel tor the preser
vation of my health of both body und mi;ul, and I believe
of my life, that 1 hope I will not be considered intrusive
m teutleniiH my thankful acknowledgement ljf restoring
me to healln, and making my lite a boon worth preserving
w hen it had become a burthen too great for mo to bear,
Victim us I was to a vice that had undermined mv constitu
tion, and developed u train of nervous symptoms, such as
nervous debility, headache, distressing timiditv. sclf-dis-
trust, dizziness, love of solitude, loss ot memory", and want
ot resolution, besides a lossot strength and energv, w hich
liail m. ute iny waKing moments wretched and my sleep un
relieshing, and was last bringing mo to the grave, but
thanks to your skill, 1 am restored to health, viiror and
energy. Hoping to guide others where they inuy Uud
rcuei, vuu uuifiio permission lo maKe tins puonc.
Grab -fully yours, Ll'ONAKU AVI1ITK.
To Dr. L. J. C'japkay, .San Francisco.
51 ir.vsvn.i.K. June 3. Is").
llr. I.. J. ( zapkay, San I-'ranciseo fir 1 have used tho
last of your medicine, and do not think I si:. ill need any
more, us 1 feel very well, except that I have not entirely
got my strength yet. but scam v ill Willi the appetite I have
It is j ust tn fee weeks, you may recollect, since 1 called at
your Institute, with mv constitution, as 1 thouiilit. entirely
broken, und never thought vou would be uble to cure me
perfectly, but thought yon mi-Jit be uble to do sonicthin"
lo ease the pain iu my back un 1 lieacl, and strengthen mv
limbs, w hieli were so weak that thev would almost give way
under me, when 1 walked, and to strengthen my nerves so
that I would not get excited und Iremblo ut every little
thing. ow that you know what I expected, yoit may
judge of iny satisfaction at my complete recovery from
those symptoms and tiie removal ot those blotches anil
sores from my skin, uud the ulcers from my throat, and
the entire stoppage of those emissions, wliicli you said
were principally Hie cause of iny sickness.
I can hardly tell you which is'thegreatest, my jovormy
surprise, for except not having fully got my strength, 1 feel
as well ua any man can feel,
Iviiclcised 1 send you Twenty Dollars over your charge,
and think myself cheaply cured. If you think anybody
will be benetitted, vou mav put this let'ter in the papers.
Ilelievc me gratefully yours, 'I UOM.Vf? HAY l)i:.
The undersigned, desirous of ccpiiiiiitinij those whn mar
be uiifortunute enouiili to be similarly ulliicted, where a
permanent relief of their 8Utl'erins may be obtained, feels
it his duty to thus publicly express his sincere gratitude to
Dr. L. J. t 'zapkay, tor the permanent recovery of his health.
Home down by the distressing symptoms incident to the
vicious practices of uncontrollable passion in youth, de
pressed in body und mind, unable to perform even the most
trilling duty imposed upon the daily avocations of life, I
s.ui;ht the ad ice of many plivsicians, w ho nt tirst regard
ed mv disease as of trilliiu; importance, but alas! alter a
few weeks, and in several instances months, of their treat
ment, I found to my unutterable horror, that instead ot
relief my symptoms became more alarming in their torture,
and bein;x told by one that the disease, being principally
conliued lo the brain, medicines would be of no conse
quence, 1 despaired of ever regaining my health, strength
uiul energy ; and as u last resort, and with but n faint hope
of recovery, I called upon I'r. i'apkay, w ho, utter exam
inini; my cae, preset ilu I sonic medicine which almost in
stantly relieved me ol the dull pain and dizziness in mv
head, l-.ncoui ageti try the result, 1 resolved to place mv
sell immediately under hi cure, and, by strict obedieuce
to his directions and advice, mv head became clear, mv
ideas collected, the constant pains in iny back and groins
thewcakiuss of my liml s, the nervous reaction of mv
whole body on the slightest alarm or excitement, the mis
anthropy uud cv il forebodings, the self-distrust and want
of eonhdence iu others, the incapability to study and w ant
of resolution, the frightful, exeitinir, and at tunes pleas
urable dreams at niht, follow vd by unolunlary discharges
have all disappeared, ami, in fact, two months after hav
ing consulted the Doctor, I felt as if inspired bra new life,
that life w hu h, but short tune ago, 1 contemplated to end
by my own hand.
With a view to guard the unfortunate from fulling into
the snares of incompetent quack-, I deem it my duty to
oiler this testimony to I ho merit and skill of Dr. I'.apltay,
and i cct'ui::;.-ii I him to all who may stand in need ot medi
cal nd. i.v, being assured b tny own experience t!:at, once
under his care, a radical und permanent euro will be etf
eetcd. It. V. FILLMOUE.
State (f California, city and county uf San Francisco
Subscribed and sworn to before nie, tlii Kill dav of AnnL
A. D. 1 t. tSined' Jous Mimu-ktox,
i I-. . J Notary I'ubiic.
OU local weakness, nervous debility, low spirits, lasst
tnde. weakness of the limbs and back, indisposition
ami iucapabihtv for labor and study, dullness ot appre
hension, lot of memory, aversion to society, love of soli
tude, timidity, s It distrust, diimes, headache, involun
tary disch.nxes, pains in the side, alVections of the eves,
pimples hi the face, sexual ami other infirmities in man,
are cured w ithout tad bv th hily rvlebrated physician
ami surgeon, I,. J. Oa) kay. Ihs method of curing dis
eases is new, nu'known to oihis, ami hence the ureat
sneers. All consultations - by letter or otherwise free.
Address L. J. C'zapkay, M. D., S in F rancisco, Catiforma.
1 tireat blessir to mankind ' Innocent, but 1'otent . i
eif tlMfri'VctlMS
ai;eut t sure preventative against gononhoe und iyph
ilitic diseases, und un unsurpassed liincdy tor all vnereul,
scrofulous, gangrenous and cancenim ulcers, fectid di
cl.arjeii from the viiL'ina, uterus und iirethm, nd .11 cutn
ncoin eruptions and diseases. As vaccination i pre
lentive against smiill pun, so is Dr. I.. J. Ciapkay'i rro-
il.ilurtiiMiiii a tireventive iiL'ainsI vuliilitical and irouor-
rhu:al diseases, harniless in itself, it possesses the power of
chemically destroyujr the kyptniitic virus, ana inereoy
saving thousands from being infected by the most loath
some of all diseases. Let no young man who appreciates
health, be without Dr. fzapkay's I'rophilacticum. It is in
very convenient packages, and will be found very conre
niciit to use, being used us a soap. 1'rice $". For sale at
Dr. Ciapkuy's I'rii ate Jledieal und rlnrgical Institute, Sac
ramento street, below Montgomery, opposite 1. M. S. 8.
Co.' ollice. Sau Fruncisco. jy 10 ly
Hall's Sarsaparilla,
Yellow Dock and Idoide of Potass.
This cck-brated preparation has stood the test of six
year with the California public who are justly consid
ered us a community the most intelligent in the world
during which period we are proud to nay it hu given more
than but is action it has become the
For Culifornians particularly, who, from much exposure",
bad food, imperfect shelter and irregular habits, sutler
more from
Than any community in theworld; und we are safe in say
ing that "as a rule, California Hheuinatism canuut be cured
thoroughly without a free use of
Hall's Sarsaparilla.
It is the only preparation that wilt CL'KE Rheumatism, as
ihousumUcau testify who have tned the medicines of the
Best Doctors iu the couutry, without receiving any benetit
therefrom. In ull cases it gives immediate relief when
taken us per directions on the bottle.
In delicate health would do well to try the virtues of this
remedy, us it insures a peculiar beneiiciM in linen ee upon
the vascular system nut obtained by any other remedy. It
quickly removes from the blood and other tiuids the im
puritios of unhealthy secretions, w hich engenders a lung
train of discuses, such as
Ulcers, HoiU, Illotchcs and I'implcs on the Face and Body,
Humors, 1'urstules, Tumors, Sores, Hose or Erysipelas, Tet
ter, .Scald Head, Swelled Keck, Liver Complaint, Lumbago,
Gout, Chronic Sore Eves, Cancer, Enlargement of the
Ovaries, and diseases of
The Heart,
are cured by the renovuting action ot tins truly valuable
medicine. It acts like a ch inn, purifying the blood of all
morbid and corrupt matter, and at the same time strength
ens and invigorates the entire system.
Salt Rheum
will positively yield to the medicinal powers of this reme
dy, iu conjunction with Hall's KoMmary Cerate, it
has cured cases of over tweuty years standing, the disease
covering nearly the whole surface of the body.
iYTercurial Diseases,
and all discuses arising from Lend, Mercury, and Arsenic,
such us Aching pains in the Bones, Dimness of Sight, Low
Fevers, and worst of all, Mercureal Itheumutum, ure re
lieved bv one bottle of this remedy.
Night Sweats,
Wasting of Flesh, Spitting of Blood, Habitual Costivencss,
uud Files thousands can testify to the ctheacy of Hall's
Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock ami Idoide of Potass in tho
above named diseases. It increases the appetite and tho
tlesh, gives a healthy tone und vigor to the whole system,
building up
A New Constitution.
As the constitution is the blood and this remedy thorough
ly purities, clenses, and purges it of impure matters, and
at the same time stimulates into healthy action the whole
Visceral System, which is engaged in the manufacture ot
the blood, "hence the health of the whole system will fol
low and u long life, with a healthy and cheerful mind
sure indications of a healthy bodv can be obtained by the
most delicate person, by thoroughly purging tho blood iu
the spring nml fall of the vear, with Hall's Sarsaparilla,
Yellow Dock, and Idoide ot' l'otass.
Owing to the great and unparalleled success of tho
remedy, hundreds of unprincipled persons seek to palm otf
on the public, wokthi-kss tkash called by the same name.
The Genuine Hall's Sarsaparilla contaiug neither Spirits,
Mercury nor Arsenic.
Sold by Druggists and Dealeis everywhere for $1, and
by the proprietors. It J1ALL & CO,
33:tiin and .V3 Clay street, San Francisco.
Turner Bro's,
Cor. Trout and Eroadway Streets
t u ii :n jl k s'
The Greatest Remedy of the Ajt.
...FOR TilE Cl'ItE OF...
Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint,
Weakness of the Stomach,
Or Derangement of tlie Digestive Organs.
" Turners' Forrest Wine Bitters,"
Are ure to regulate the stomach, the main tviruuo td the
whole botly ;
Are sure to counteract liilliousnes, when in a malarous
climate ;
Are sura to agree ith the most wcaklr, as well as the most
rooiisi persou ;
Arc sure to create a good appetite ;
Are very pleasant to the taste as a beverage,
Arc economical und cheap.
All travelers should carry these bitters with them to pre
vent Htliiinisness und Kevers causeu br
change of climate und water.
Seamen should carry them to prevent Scurvy. Shin Fever,
nnd Hie like, when Uicy are deprived ot
cooling, nuiriiious vegctuoies.
Thev are a vcrv rich, nutritious Wine, formed bv the
addition of nine dillerent kiihlsof roots, barks and lierhs,'
making a vcrv palalalile us well as one of the most nourish
ing Union in the known world.
Sold Wholesale hv
Corner Washington and traiiklin streets, X. Y.
Ninirara street, Butl'alo, X. Y.
Corner ilroadwav and Front street,
And for sale by Merchants and Druggists,
Turners' Ginger Wine ! !
Turners' Ginger Wine ! !
Thi article ij prepared from pure White and Jamaica
Ginscr Koot, in such manner a to form tlie bet and most
plcusitnt tonic ever introduced : and i an invaluable fern
edy for Uvspep.i. ln,lii; and for all disease where
a (tentle stimulant is reunited to bring tlie ivsteu into
healthy action.
One Million Gallon, hi Larrth and Cases, told
Throughout the world. ther-!.y proving iti utiequiled and
unrivalled merits. It has received the approbation of the
Medical Faculty throughout the I niteJ Stales, and wher
ever known.
S..M Vl,,,le.,le hr
Corner " aslunuinn and hrunklin streets, X. T.
Nid.-ara strcit, HutUlo, X. Y.
Corner llroadtray aud Front jtreets,
And for a!o lv Jfcrelunj stul
c e-vwli.;re.
Jamaica Ginger.
it is not onlv harmless, but it is eminently beneficial iu
all cses where' a warm t'oidiul or a gurteful stimulant it re
quired. Kspecially is this the case when there is felt by th .
patient a sense of exhaustion, arising from either heat or
fatigue. Under such circumstances a few drops taken in
half a tumbler of water, with a little sugar, will be useful.
It will be found in such cases a pleasant u(t eltetive resto- (
rative ; on this account this Ksscnce is a highly important
udditiou to the vovager and traveler's portuianfeaa. It li
also iuiportuut to the family collection of reined"; for Ui
euses. ,
This article, like the Ginjer Wine, is carefully and labo- .
rutely prepared and selected from the best .quality of artl- ,
clcs. It possesses all the true properties of the Jamaica t
liinger, and we do not hesitate to warrant it to be free lrom
any uud every injurious or irritating properties.
When there is a great Sauseaof the stomach, or oppres
sion of Spirits, arising from imperfect digestion, from
riding in a carriage, or from the motion of a vessel at sea,
this Essence, if taken in uceordanee with the above direc
tions, will be found invariably to give relief.
In ordinary Diarrhoea, incipieut Cholera, and indeed in
ull diseases bv which the nervous system may become pros
trated, and the digestive organs deranged, this Essence
will be found most invaluable.
Corner Washington und H unklm streets, Xew York
Niagara street, Hull'alo, N. Y.
Corner Broadway and I'ruut streets,
And for sale by Merchants and Druggists,,
Manufacturers ot every description of
Corner Front nnd Broadway streets,
June S, 1802.
This new and rerrmrknble Chemical Remedy a prepara
tion of oxydiznble phosphorus was discovered by the cele
brated Dr. J. F. Churchill, of Paris. It ha been Md by
overtoil thousand plivsicians, during the last three years
with results unparulh-U?d in the annals of medicine ; crea
ting an entire revolution in the treatment of Chronic Dis
eases uf the Luiiixx, Stomach, and ull morbid conditions of
the Nervous und lilnnd Systems. Consumption i no lon
ger an incurnhfc mafinf, for this Remedy has rtttvrtd iw
drcilnf in all xUtijcxof the diiutxt,
Have a two-fold and specific action on the one hnnd in
creasing the principle which CONSTITl'TKS NKHVOUif
KNKKti V ; and, on the other, hcinr the MOST I'OM'KR
act with promptness and certainty in ull gencraf morbid
conditions, such as Chronic llronchitis, Asthma, IScrofnln.
Marasmus, Annmiu, Female Comphiints, etc., and in nil dis
orders of the Nervous or iilood Systems, Their etlect upon
tlie tubiircuhtr condition is immediate all tho gen era K
symptoms disappearing with u rapidity which is really
marvelous. They increase the nervous or vital energy, re
lieve Conjrh, check Nijiht Sweats, diminish KxpeftorHtton,
Improves the Appetite, arrest Diarrheii, and promote re
freshing sleep. A FAIR TRIAL IS A CKRTA1N CURE..
"Winchester's Genuine Preparation
OF TIIK HYPOPHOSPI11TE.S is the only reliable form of
Dr. Churchill's liciuedv, nnd ii approved hv the Medical
Profession m-uerallv. 'LK NO OTHER, Oil ANY KKM
J: Circulars containing the only authentic information
in regard to the new treatment, free.
lf" Price 2 per bottle. Sold Wholesale and Retail atf
the Califoniiii Lranch Depot, bv 8
Got Mission St., tiro doom west of Second, Sun FrmicUca..
SandsT Sarsaparilla,
All Diseases arising from an Impure
State of the Blood or Habit
of the System.
IN this preparation are strongly concentrated all the
medicinal properties of Sarsaparilla, combined with thr
most cll'eetual auis, the most salutary productions, the mostt
potent simples of the vcsict:ililc kingdom; and thes combi
nation is such that one mndilies and improves the other,,
producing a compound (litl'ering entiitly in its character
nnd properties from any other preparation, and unrivalled!
in its operation on the system w hen laboring under disease.
It has been so fully tested, not only by patients thcmsclvri-,
but also by physicians, that it haa'receircd their unquali
fied recommendations and the approbation of the public:
tail nits eiauiisuru on us own mem a repntution lor tal
l EJn.1 srricACT fur superior to the various compound
bearing the name of Sarsaparilla.
Mox-EiifcV, Cm., Jan. 18, Ig.-ft
Messrs. A. B. A D. S.NTs--Geutlcnicn : 1 beij leave to add
my testimony iu favor of your in ;iltmblc medicine, liopina;
it mav lead some other unfortunate beii; to try its effects,
and that they may be benelited as I have been. I arme-l
here by the overland route, iibout the lirst of (tttober last.
A few days after I was attacked with a very disagreeable
eri:j'Mi,n ui me smii, my pnvsician coma not cure.
I happened to rind your Sarsaparilla in a store in this plate,
and remembering the populn: itv of the medicine at home.
I purchased three bottles, which had the desired effect ol
removing my ditliculty entirely.
With high regards, vonrs, etc..
J. II. Mlf.I.EU, Lieut. U. S. A.
Prepared and sold by A. H. Ac I. Minds, Wholesale
I)riiL'i;ists, loo Fulton street, corner of William, New York,
For sale by 1kWitt. Kittls 4 Co., II. Johnson A r
and R-intNOToN A t o., San Francisco ; -fiiri M Corrin, Via-,
rvsville: K. II. MeOnxAi.n A Cm., Sacramento ; Surra k
IUvis. l'ortland ; WM. WALKER Eugene Citv; and by
Druggists generally. 'ti27-m
$100 REWARD.
better Antidote for all adections of the
Antidote and Rose Injection,
The worst cases of Ooxorrihc are rilicnllr mrA k. .
or three bottles. Sli.-ht cases in two or three dava. "Thi
preparation will do what no other remedr can, or hat been
known to do, vn : Cure every case, no matter how eompli-
v ... KTiii, , ,ms mei, wno nad, prevt
ons to usmn Or. Allerton's Antidote and Rose Injection,
expended hundreds of dollars on worthless nostrums and
humnnir ncfnrs.
TRY THIS REMEDY! Two or three doses is sufficient
to convince vou ot its superior medicinal virtues. The,
only restriction while usinu the Antidote is to avoid all
'"."l"":! ,!oer' or Alp- I'e re to ak for Dr. FRANK
Al.nrt X S Antidote and Rose Injection. Take it accor
(Imit to din-ctions on the buttle and it will cure yoo
old by all regular Drui.-ists and Dealers in Californi.,
Oregon and llntih Columbia.
I'nce for Antidote, 1 Rose Injection. 1 Of: Thr
bottles is nearly always suncient to perform radical cur
not be truthfully said of any other known preparatto.