EUGENE CITY, OCTOBER 11, 1862. AG E .NTS FOK TIIK STAT E BEPI B L1C A N. The folluw iiiji nmileJ gentlemen: are authorized to ro eeivo uud receipt lor uiouey uii subscription tu the Ktrt B- Lll'ix. Suo. Francisco, California, ... Charles A. Crane. Oregon City, ------- - W. ('. Juhuson. Halem, Oregon, ' J. ('. Curtw right. tilverion, W. K. Dunbar. Albai.r, D. W. Wukclicld. Corruflis, A. U. Huvey. Kugcne City, - -- -- -- -- II. It. Kincuiil. Koscburg, ..--J. II. lingers. Jacksonville, - - - - - - - - J. K. Hodden. Aahlund, J. M. McCall. Traveling Agent, ...... SI. O. McCarty. l'ostiuusters are also requested to receive and forward subscription. Stony way be sent through the muils at our risk. Tub Rev. A. C. Edmonds, (Universalist) will preach in the Court House on the third sunday, (19th) of this month at 11 o'clock a.m. Subject, a funeral discurse. Also same day and place at 2 o'clock p m. the First Univcrsalist Society of Oregon will meet. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AX EXKCUTIOX to mo directed, issued out of the County Court for the countv of Doug lus, and State of Oregon, I have levied upon and will pro ceed to null to the highest bidder, for cash, on t lie 7th day of November, 18(W, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. M., and four o'clock p. II,, on the premises, the following described property, situ uteil in Douglus county, Oregon, to wit; All the cast half of the cast half of Section 83, and the east half cl'tlie south cast quarter of Section IS, and the north west quarter of the south cast quarter of Section lft, and the north cast quarter of the south west quarter of .Section 13, Township South, Range 5 West, containing 820 acres niore or less, together with all the ummrtenances thereunto belonging. Said property is sold to satisfy an execution issued out of said Court in favor of Jereniiah Rapplev and against Jackson Wright, Isaac lluilcy, and James H. Weaver, for the sum of M Is, judgment and costs and accruing costs. October J, 1S6J. 8H-H L. HOWE, .Sheriff Douglas county. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AX EXKCUTIOX TO SIE DIRECTED, issued out of the County Court for Douglas county, Oregon, I have levied upon and will proceed to sell to the highest bidder, fur cash, on the 8th day of November, 1802, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 4 P. m., on the premises, the following described property, situated in Douglas countv, Oregon, to wit; All the donation laud claim of Josepli Roberts, in Sections '.'7, 5M, 33, and Si, Township .'SO South, Range 5 West, containing 140 acres mure or less, together with all the uppurtcuauces thereunto be lunging. Said property is sold to satisfy an execution issued out of said Court in favor of H. S. Woodford, and against Joseph Roberts, for the sum of fS'i') i'i, judgment, costs A id accruing costs. L. HOWE, October z, iwi. sv-ii &nenii uougias couuty; Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OK TWO EXECUTIONS TO ME directed issued out of the County Court, tor Douglas county, Oregon, I have levied upon and will proceed to sell to the highest bidder, for cash, on the 7th day of November, 18G2, between the hours of 10 A. st. and 4 p. M., on the premises all the right, title and interest of John S. Burnett, iu and to the following described property, situated in Douglas countv Oregon, to wit ; All thedunation land cluim ufJohn ri. Iturnett and his wile, being in Suctions 1, tl, 11, 12. 13 and 14, in township 2i South, Range West, containing 3:M acres more or less, together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging. Said property is sold to satisfy two executions, issued out of said Court in favor of Addison R. Flint, and against John S. Uiirnctt, oucfor the sum of Uss 29, and one for the sum of :!J3 03, judgement and costs and accruing costs L. HOWE, October it, lsnj. 'J-it Sheriff Douglas County. Administrator's Notice. 3. M. Pirn, having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Edward V. Harden, deceased, by the County f 'ourt of Lane cnunty, all persons owing said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, und nil persons Inn ing claims agifiust the same, are requested to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, to him at his residence in Camp Creek, or leave the same with Ellsworth A Un derwood at Eugene City, within one year from this date, orthev wili thereafter be burred from collecting the same. Eugene Citv, i KLLSWOUTH 4 UNDERWOOD, )ot. 7, lS'Jii. f S'.-4t Att'ys for Adm'r. J vpanksk Sai.vk. This article is proved to be tho best for the cure of the vurious complaints for which it is rec ommended, that is known. It can be used with most per tect safety, and will work like a charm proving the fact that one great good has resulted by the opening of trade with the Japanese. See advertisement. Education. B. CORNELIUS respectfully announces that his School will be opened on Mobility, 13th of October, on reduced terms for pupils under twelve years of age. In the inter! um a Card ot Terms will be priuted and distributed. S7--'t . x. LL'CKKT. IIK.VKV PARSONS. TRIFLUVIA MARKET. LUCKEY & PARSONS, nAVE purchased the above market where they are realty to furnish the trade with the best of beef, mutton, pork, salt tisli, und every thing in their line that the country will afford. W will take in exchange- all kinds of nuirkctnhlu produce. Our motto is SMALL PROFIT AXD READY PAY1 We will delivei beefbv the quarter as cheap as it can be afforded by fanners. Thankf ul for past favors, we hope by strict and careful attention to business to merit the pub lie patronage in future. 34-tf Eugene City, Sept., 8, HHi. LIVERY STABLE, Eighth Street, Eugene City, Oregon. rpilE UXDEKSIOXED, having fitted tip and reopened I the large and commodious Livery Stable, formerly kept by Chase 4 Co., would respectfully solicit the patronage f their friends, and of the traveling public generally. We will keep constantly on hand horses and buggies to let at reasonable rates. Horses intrusted to on rcarc will be well fed and carefully attended to by experienced host lers. Teaming of every kind promptly attended to. 2-3m " D. C. FELCII 4 J. MULHOLLAX. NOTICE. T have this d;ir sold mr entire interest in the Wholesale JL Liquor business, lately conducted under the firm of Jlumiston a 31a I' an, t'ortlanu, Ueegon, to Messrs. J. 1. Wilson and Geo. W. Stevens of San Francisco. C. M. Humiston is dtilv authorized to settle all acconts of the late firm of liumistoo k Ma'Dan. J. T. MADAXf Portland, July 81, 152. NOTICE. THE nndersigned being duly authorized will pay all the liabilities nfthelate firm of Humiston k .Ma'I'an on de mand. A II. parlies indebted to Humiston k JIa Dun will please par to C. X. IIUMISTOX. Portland, July 31, lSi. J. Y. WILSON and CEO. W. STKVEN3 of San Fran-1 Cisco have this day purchased from Mr. JL T. Ma'Dan his entire interest in the boleale Liquor buisness, lately con ducted under the name aud firm of Humiston k Ma'Dan, Portland, Oregon. The business will hereafter be conducted under the name and firm of UUMISTOX, WILSON k CO. Portland, July CI, 1562. S4-t J. B. Underwood, "V'OTARY PUBLIC, will punctually attend to all bns 1.1 in-ss entrusted to bis care. ;-tf E'irrne Ci'y, Orryn. To All Whom It May Concern. FTM1ERE are many obligations in tnr hands for School L money loaned, with back interest due. Parties are requested to come forward immediately, and fiay the iuterest on such obligations, in accordance with a aw which requires the interest to be paid semi-annually in advance. A. S. MeCLUUE, Treasurer' Office I Treasurer of I.aue county. Sept. 13, l0i ) . KLLSWOUTH. 1. B. rSDKRWOOD. Notary l'ublic.J ELLSWORTH & UNDERWOOD, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, OFFICE OPPOSITE GLOBE HOTEL, EUGENE C1TV, OUH. J'itf A. S. McClure, DEALER IX DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SALEM CLOTH, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARWARE AND CUT. LERY, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, DRUGS AND PATENT MED ICINES, tic Also BACON, FLOUR, WHEAT, OATS, BUTTER, EGGS, AND ALL OTHER KINDS OF SALE- ABLE PRODUCE TAKEN AT LIBERAL PRICES IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS, Cohnkr Oak and Ninth stkfkts i front or Coi bt Hoi sb Eugene City, Oregon, Augi i: 1st, ltjtfS. Sl-tf LOOK HERE ! ! BLACK SMITHING. rnilE UNDERSIGNED. HAVING PURCHASED AXD 1 re-onened the lilacksmith Shop on Ninth street, is prepared to uo an Kiuus oi worn in ins nue, siieu as WA G ON IR ONING, GUNSMITIIING, HORSE SHOEING, MAKING and REPAIRING EDGE TOOLS. Jobbing of all kinds executed on short notice, and in the latest and best style, ' A T SA TES TO SUIT THE 11 A It D TIMES. GIVE ME A CALL. I ulso have about ten thousaud pounds of assorted iron, which I will sell for cash. J. C. LUCKEY. Eugene City, August 1st, 162. 2-6iu ID JR. ALL HEALING JAPANESESALVE!I rpiIK JAPANESE SAI.VK IS THE BEST PUKPAKA JL tion thnt ha beon discovered for the cure of P0IS0X from rOLSOA OAK, Musquito Bites, Nursing sore lireasts, Salt Rheum, 15oils, Bruises, Corns, Chilblains. Gunshot Wounds, Cuts, Duns, Sprains, 1'il OS, And in fact, all kinds of Sores. Try it all everybody. Xo family should be without it, and, although the in gredients are rare and expensive, only FIFTY CENTS is charged for a box. For sail bv all Druggists. HED1XUTOO k CO., Wholesale Agents, 02-6m San Francisco. Eugene Common School. J. L. GILBERT, RESPECTFULLY AXXOUXCES, that he will open school in tho District School House, on Monday, l:Uh inst. A competent assistant will be employ ed if the patronage and interests of the school demand it, and every etlurt made to make the school one of profit to those who may favor it with their patronage. Terms of instruction in Common School Branches, per Session 0 no. Students who require it, will receive instruction in DnlTa System of Hook-keeping, Higher Arithmetic, Algebra, Philosophy, etc. etc. 3S "Jw. SAVE YOUR EGGS. ANEW AN'D USEFUL IN VENTION whereby epgs can be preserved perfectly freidi almost indefinitely, with out the cncun.bri.nce of Lime, Suit, or nny other ordinary rirescrratives. There in no more necessity of farmers el inat their cgis at from lire to seven cents per dozen, when they can, at a triHinir cost, nave them till they command a good price. For further particular, enclose red stninn to L. 11. SILVER, Salem, O. WANTED. 2 AAA BUSHELS OF OATS, for which I will pay j V)J S!.! cents cash per bushel. Oats to be deliv ered in Eugene City. liEXJAMIX DESl'AIX. 3S tf. Agricultural Notice. THE CITIZENS OF I.AXE COUNTY are notified that a meeting of the Lane County Agricultural Society, will take place on the lsth Oct. at 1 o'clock p. . for the pur pose of electing otlicers for the coming yeur, and to trans act such other important business as may come before the Society. A general attendance is rcpictcd. C. C. CKOXEIt, Treasurer, S. ELLSWORTH, Cor. Sec'tr, D. LOCKE, Secretary. BLACKSMITHING. N. MARTIN, OX ElOIITH STREET, OPPOSITE ClI ASE & Co.'g LI VERT Stable, is now prepnred to do all kinds of smithing in his line at CHEAP RATES for KEADY PAY, such as f.rmers and teamsters want. It i said by the farmers of Lane county that MARTIN'S PLOWS are the best erer manufactured in this plare ; therefore, ne is nm airaio io warrant lucm io penorm wen. particu lar attention paid to HOBSE-SHOEING, and work warranted to give satisfaction. Oire me a call at my shop, and you shall be accommodated. Produce, and all kinds of Money, except "Confederate Bonds"? t-ken f?r wrk Euj'-na City, AiguM i, 1 ,,2 : t john cunniNS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, LAFAYETTE, ORLG0X, Will faithfully attend tu all business entrusted to his professional care. Sheriff' Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AX EXECUTION' TO ME DIRECTED, issued out of the Circuit Court for Douglas County, Oregon, 1 have levied upon and will proceed tu sell to the highest bidder, fur ea.-h, on the S 1st day of October, ISM, between the hours of lo o'clock a. m., and 4 o'clock P. on the premises, ull the right, title and interest of James M. Arrtngton, in and to the following decribed property, situutedin Douglas county, Oregon, to wit : All the dona tion Land Claim of James M. Arringtoli anil his wife, known as claim 4, in Township South, Kange ti West, beginning at a point s.lo chs. South and .'i.'lo ehs. from the N. W . corner of Section Is, thence running East iio.m.i chs.. thence X. si.i.oci chs.. thence E. ."3."o. thence X. .'2.0"' chs., thence W. 73 ehs., thence S. loj.oo chs. to place of beginning, containing tliree linmireil and twenty ii('.w) acre.i, of w hich the north luilfis designated for' the bus band und the south half for the wile, together with ull the appurtenances thereunto belonging. The Buid proper ty is taken to satisfy an execution issued out of the said Court, in favor of Antouie A. r ink, and against James M. Arriinrtun. for the sum of live hundred and furtv-eight dollurs and seventy cents .vts 70) judgement and costs and accruing costs. L. HOWE, Kosehurg, Oregon, I Slierifl" Douglas county. Sept. liitli, 1m!2. 1 00-lt H. C. SMALL, VTTORXEY AT LAW, will practice in nil the Courts of this State. Particular attention given to Convey ancing, Collection of Debts, etc. Oince in tlielourt House Eugene City, Oreguu. S3-tiiu Administrator's Notice. LL PERSONS HAVINU CLAIMS AUAIXST THE Estate ot Itaniel I ushinan, deceased, are neielv re ijuired to exhibit the same, with the necessary vouchers, w ithin one year from the date of this notice, to II. C. Small, Administrator of said Estate, ut his luwr office in Eugene City, Lane County, Oregon, or they will be forever de barred. 3t-''t H.C. SMALL, Dated September 1, l"'i2. Administrator und Att'y, TX the matter of petition for the sale of the real Estate A. ot Alexander liood past lire, deceased, it is ordered by the County Court for the county of Lane, Oregon, that ail persons interested in the said Estate appear before said Court, on the first .Monday in October, lnii-J, and show cause why an order should not be grauted to tho Adminis trator of said Estate to sell so much of the real Estate of the deceased as shall be reipisite to pay the allowance to the family, the debts outstanding against the deceased, and the expense ot Administration. liv order ot met oun niaue ai tne rcpieinoer n-nn, Attest, II. SMALL, I D. M. lilSDOS, Comity Clerk. . j 84 County Judge Notice to Absent Defendant. James Estep tu. Joseph A. Dillon and Elias Williams. rpO JOSEPH A. DILLON : You arc hereby notified that I unless yon appear iu the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for'the county of Lane, on the fourth Monday of October, A. 1). 1 sii-', and answer the complaint of James Estep, plaintirt', which has been tiled with the I lerk id said Court, und prays for u judgment against you for 1111 14, besides interest and costs of suit, tlie said complaint will be taken for confessed, ami thepraver thereof will he grant- ted by the Court, liv ol der of said Court made at the April erm, ls.ij. 1). M. lilSDOX, I' Ills Atty. Eugene City, May 3-, H 23-Sm TUALATIN ACADEMYr" EDWARD A. TAXXER, A. M., (of Jacksonville, III ) PlIINUIPAL. MISS MARY HODGDOX, (of Ipswich, Mass.) Assistant. Tuition .", A, 7 and 8 dollars per quarter of 11 weeks. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. REV. SIDNEY H. MARSH, A. M., Presipkxt, and Acting Professor of Languages. REV. HORACE LYMAN. A. M., Piiofessihi of Mathematics. EDWARD A. TANNER, A. M., Pkokessok Elet-t of Ancient Languages. These two Institutions are at Forest (irnre, Washington county, Oregon. Arrangements arc being made by w hich students can board in a club at about tho cost of provisions. Hoard in families is now J J 75 per week. lly help of Endowments obtained at the East, Collegiate instruction is furnished students, however small the num ber. The situation of the College is unsurpassed in beau ty and hcalthfiilncss, uud is in the midst of a moral com munity. The Library contains L'.loO choice books. Collections in Natural History are being made. Feb. l.", lstij. F. DUDLEY. (sl'CCESSOll TO P. W. JOIINSOX TOST OFFICS DC1LDINO,) DEALER IN BOOKS and STATIONERY, Keeping constantly on hand all the SCHOOL HOOKS in use in Oregon, and an immense variety of standard Miscellaneous Books. Paper ot all kinds Cap. Legal, Letter, Note, Printing, etc.; f.nvclops, reus, rcncns, inaiiK hooks tncij variety, Slates of all qualities and sizes, all first quality and cheap. HARRISBURG ACADEMY. REV. E. P. HENDERSON, A. !., (Late President of" Columbia College"), rm.ti-iPAt. This Institution is situated at the town of llnrrisburg, in Linn County, Oregon, in a pleasant and healthy local ity. THE BUILDING IS LARGE AND connoDious. The first Session will begin on the FlUST DAT OP SKPTEMI1KR, The Academic year is divided into two Sessions, of l'j davs each. Tuition will lie J', ?M and liper Session : one hair in advance, and the other half at the close nf the Term. Stu dents admitted at any time. nd charged from the time of entrance to the close of Session, unless a special contract is made otherwise. The undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to his former patrons and friends, tha after an absence of three years he has returned to Oregon, and located permanently at the above named Institution, and will be happy to meet any of his former students in this nw and elegant Acad-! eniv; where erery facility will be atl'orded to Ihetn that I tber enjoyed with him in the brightest dav of ' Columbia Colleire."' K. P. HENDERSON, P. S. Boarding can be had, iu private families, very low. 81-tf I Saddlery ! Saddlery ! ! j A I.AR'JE LOT OF EVERY DKSrillP. I tion of Snddlrs. Ilridlcs, IIr-I?Tl hps, I'ack. Middles, etc., etc., at SAM. COX'S Old Stand, I Where w will be nn 'I aint going to Salmon i to i mske any kind of work, in our line, to ord.r. j Sane bit! the !! .Ittciil iivd. M. ROSENBLATT, tVIIOLESALK AND RETAIL DEALKK IN Dry Goods, Clothing;, Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Mechanic's Tools, Boots, Shoes, etc., etc., Announces to tlio public and patrons that lie is still in tho trade, nt tho old and well known stand ofS. ROSENBLATT & BROTHER; and selling poods at the Lowest Prices, for CASH AND PRODUCE. His stock is entirely new. l'urolmsers will find here every article- usually kept in the stores of this city new and well selected. Those wishing to buy are requested to call and examine his slock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Remember tho place and that tho slock is WHOLLY NEW, and will continually bo re plenished with fresh new goods of tho LA TEST STYLES, PATTERNS AND VARIETIES. ltf HUMISTON, WILSON &Co., IMlOIiTIG'RS AND WHOLESALE DEALKliS IN Fine Brandies, VINES AND LIQUORS, Fire Proof Brick Store, Front St., corner of Oai: rOKTLANI), oi;.., OFFER to tlie f rude of Oreiron and Washington Terri tory' inducements second to no other hoitde ou this coast. Our Mtock consists in part of Fine Old Brandy, Otard, Dupny & Co., James Hennesey, A. Boniott & Co., United Vineyard Proprietors, I'inett, Castillon & Co., Union of the proprietors, C. Marquet, A. Signette, And various olher brands. Also, very choice OLD BOURBON WHISKY, Old Rye Whisky, And nil other choice brand now in market. Pure Holland Gin, St Croix and Jamaica Rum, Cordials and Wines of every description. Also, of tnir own btittliit, which we claim tu be superior tu anything now in tho imu kct, OTARI), DITL'Y & CO. & C. MARQI ETT'S 3 mA.3NTD TIES, OLD BOUR150N WHISKY, of a superior quality, and OLD RYK WHISKY. Also, a (toneral nsaortmont of case good, ami ovorvtliini; t'lse appertaining to tho I.iiiir TrutK. which wo oh or ut Sun Francisco prioos. J v,'" Orders from country mer chant and dealer. respectfully solicited. N, B. All hijuor Hold by us are guaranteed to be gen uine, ami u reproHoutcd, except imporlcd cuo goods, auch as Schnapps, etc. I'oHlaini, Oregon, July Si, lstJ- S.l -Cm To merchants and Shippers. PORTAGE AT OUEGON CITY. rpilE MKUCII.WTS AM) Sliiri'EHS of the Willamette L Vulloy are not i lied that HAHSTOW A FRAKH are now prepnred with plenty of team. ami careful driver to pass Ireiglit over tho I'ortage between Hregon t ity and L'anemali us fast as could be expected. One of us will be at all times ut each end of tho route to attend to the forwarding of tho freight, uo as to prevent anv unnecessary delay. Oregon City, Oregon, January 1, lfctJS. &ff The following letter, which rmplintically speaks for itself, was written by the Dean of tho Faculty of the Philadelphia College of Medicine to the editors of the rucitic Medical and Surgicut Journal, Sun Francisco for publication : Iitii.Air:i.i!UAt January 17th, sV. To the Editors of the I'ucilic Medical Journal Gentle men : .My attention has been railed to an article iti the December number of your journal, in reirard to the ad rundem degree granted by the Philadelphia College of Medicine to Or. L. J. Czankav. When the application for the degree was made to the Faculty, it was accompanied by affidavits and testimonials to the effect that Or. Czupknv, was a regular graduate M. I, of the University of I'esth, had served a a surgeon in the Hungarian army, and was ft regular practitioner of medicine. On tho Mrength of tl.n .I,...-.,. f I, nA .1... unuiv m.kc ni.ii. a iic n-i. i mi mi i as its name implies, is conferred on graduate only, and gives us new prmluufs. Hud there been the slightest suspicion ot irregularity, the application would have been rcnisea. jiy inserting this in your journal you will Uo un net of justice to the college, oud confer ft favor on, Yours, very respectfully, il. KAr), i;can ot me rucuity or the rinia. t.oiiegeot MnUicine. OR. I.. J. f'ZAl'K A V S I'nvntu Medical and Surgical In stitute is on Sacramento street, below Montgomery, oppo site the I'a'itic Mail St'-amnhip t'ompauv's (jtbee, Nut r ranei-ico. l he Doctor otters tree consultHtion and aks uo remunerHtion unless he effects ft cure. Office hours from 9 A. m. to 'J r. m. C'EitTirir itk. I, the undersigned, Governor of Hungary, ! do testify hereby, thut Or. L. J. Oiipkay ha served during Thecuntfst lor iliingariun lihertv, as Thiei ?iurg'fin, In the Hungarian army, widi faithful p-re vera nee. Whereof have given him this certificate, and recommeml him to the sympathy, attention arifl protection of all those who ffre capable of appreciating patriotic solf-jMicrihce, and mule served misfortune. KOSlTII LA JOS, Governor of Hungary. Washington City, January ,'jth, 1-J. JT" Persons not wishing to loc time in correspondence ph n-e encfoselo in their i''tTS, nd Ihey will gt t iin- meuiaTe aiK'nuou io iiieir rai . Address, L. J.CZAPKAV. M. 0., I San Francisco, Oil. W ELLS," FAKGOT 1'0'S E IMttSSi i rf:i..s, FAIiUO k CO. HAVE KXTE.NUK0 THKIrJ VANCOUVER, CASCADES. DAM.K.S, I WAI.LULA, W.W.I.A WALLA, LEWIST0X, 0KOH.NO, I'lKIl' K CITV, ELK CITV, nd the SALMON RIVEIl MINKS. A lit r,f Antn will he pulililinl ai soon priwlicahlp, nnl r.v:h Atfcnt will m iumiftUrtf witli a otl1rui!llOD ..neci. fvinn hi tiitlioritjr anil the rxtent to which lie will he li'iiin.l by hi art!!, winch will be pnhlirlr rxpufud in his office for the Inspection of th-jse hu j buinf--s w ith hs. weiXs. fak;o Ci. E. W. TflACV, Sirfrinf'cd-Dt f',r hfn and Wi h inyt'in 1 ei ri'frjr. 1 1 if E. W. TRACY'S DVILY EXFEESS. 1 W. TRACY will continue the Ftpross from TORT Ut LAN1J tu JACKSONVILLE, with the followiug OFFICES AND AGENTS. Oregon City, llutuvillo,' . Lafayette, Hayton, Siih'in, Allionv, . CorvnllH, Eugene Citv, OaUuiul, lioi-burir, Canyom ille, Juclhsonvilli. 1 1 tf Clmrman k Warner. X. Uathiau. - M. WuUu. Williams k Lippviieota. ikll 4 llrowa. . J. Couiior. E. Vox. H. M. ElUwortb. Lord, 1'utiTS k Co. A. It. Flint. SiJi'iuan, WollcnbT( 4 Co. ('. E. Hit knmn. E. W. TKACV. CHAELES A. CRANE, ADVERTISING AGENCY. Cor. Washington & Sansome Streets, (iovernnu'iit Hou.e I'p-Stnira. SAX FfiAXCISCO. STATE KKPniMCAX, -StowH Stock Reporter, Daily Itee, Nevada National, - - Outte Democrat, . - - . Placer Courier, - - - - Northern Calitornitui, - Cohmia Times, .... Mooney's Express, - . -Plumas Stamlnrd, - -Southern News, - - - - Daily Argus, - - - - - Daily Appeal, - - . - . Napu County Time, San Joc Telegraph, Ahimeda Herald, - - -CohtrnCostuGuy.clte. - - Santa Cruz News, - -Petalumu Argus, - - - - Sonomu County Democrat, Los Anixeles Star, - - . -Daily Oreiron Advertiser, Mannosn Star, - - - San Andreas Independent, Columbia News, - - - - Territorial Enterprise, Ah n led a County Gazette, -Democratic Age, - - -Arizonian, ------ Oregon Farmer, - - - - Mountaineer, - - - - - llutching's Magaii.'e, - California Culturist - - Kugeno City, Oregon - San Francisco - Sacramento - Giusm V til ley - Orovillu - Forest Hill L'niou Culoma FoUom Qiiincy - - - I,os AngelcK - - - - Stockmu - - - Murysvitla Napa - - Sun Jofttj Oakland - - Murtines - - Santa Cru - - - - Petal u m - - - Suutu lios - - ,oa Angelei - - - - Portland - - Muriposa - - - San Amlreaa .... Columbia - Carson Vulley - - - San !eiuulro Sonora - Tucson, Arizona - - Oregon - - Dalles, Oregon - - Sun Francisco ' - Sun Francisco Advertising in the Atlantic States. C. A. C, will also attend to forwarding advertisements to papers published iu any portion of the Atlantic .State. HOMESTEADS AND VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Building Lots from $10 to $200 Each. Also, .r0 Vara lots and Entire Blocks of Beau, tiful Garden Land ! FT TIIK CITV AND COUNTY OK SAN EKANCISCO. on tlit1 line ot the Sun Jorc If nilrouil, ut tlio Wext Enit Di-pot. Thi' title U abmiluti'lr 1'EKEKCT. bi'inj a Spnnisli lirnnt. finiilly enntinned unl pHteitttnl by tlio Unitftl Stntca. Tlii-Sliallor Hill n-sppcla this Title; the City Authorities rt'sjiort it ; the District Courts uiul Sujirt'iue Court of the Lulled StuU's rt'sin'ct it. Hcsiili'S tho TitU Inn t nfjrerrr tjiiittfl by a linttl IcfeandJiidijiiifttta'Hiirittthe (Vi!y. So tliat tluTe ia not even a cloud or'u iluttlow ujioii it. Who ever uriliusi'3 one of these lots will buy a tot ami not a lawsuit. Ofliru No. 19 Nairlee'a lliiililiue, corner of Jlontirewiorjr and .llrrrhiuit atreels,, Sau Kiuuciro. l-i-3iu iiakvkv n. imowx. ijnosiiccT"Lrs OF THE NATIONAL1, REPUBLICAN. V'AsmxiiTor,-, D. C, July 1. The undersiiiiH'd roinuienei'd, in the month of Decem ber lust, the publication, in this city, of u weekly BcNvaua ier, eallcd the Atttituml 11 piihtknn '. It is printed ou a Inrpc sheet, twenty -acfrn bv fiivty two inches, uiul is furnished ut the low prices stated betow. It will contain ull the original matter of the daily Aiititm al f'jitiflit-iM, with the exception of locul news tiot inter esting to country xuhsciilHTS. It will ive full reports ot the proceedings of Cohgress, and f theotherib'purtuienta of the national Oovcruineut. It will eontniu all the newa of the day, foreign und domestic, markets, etc., aa well us uiuat correspondence from nil purts of the country. The niiscclliiiicousdi-purtiHcnt will receive spcciul uttctitioti und, in ull restiects, tfieelVort will be tniidc to establish tho ct.urairliT of the .Xtttitinttl tiptiUii'ttit na a Kumily Newspa per. Washington being now the central point of the cur rent militurv operations, great iitlentioii will be paid to furnishing the readers of the Xtifi'Mitt Ii'.tiliiran with full, und especially with niri(ntt't uecounta ot tho progresa of the war fov the Union. In polities, the paper will be Ropublirnn, sustaining the Administration of Mr. Lincoln, but disclaiming, however, any pretention to be the organ of the President. There ia mi IteiMilihcnn paiH-r in the District of Cofiiiubm, or in the vicuiiivot if, unit it is believed that recent events hav openeil to such paper un important Kphcreof nvcful effort. The time has come, w hen theucttiul wiiuinislrution of tha (jloverumeiit upon Itciiublican principles will explode the misrepresentations W'hicli huve made those nrinciplcs ao distasteful to the South. Hut it is not only here, and in this vicinity, that the projectors of the A(ffirf tVyoiWiViiia hope to make it useful. To the whole country they oiler ournal which will lia?ns national politiea fmm national stiindjiniut, and which w ill neter be swerved from patriotic duty by any overpowering pressure of local (nttreal. Terms of Subscription One copy for ono yeur, '- f 2 on Three copies, for one year, - - - - - - ft ih Five Copies for one year, .-7 Ten eepies for one year, 12 iw) Tw'enty copies for one yea, '- .... . 2o ihi When a club of subscribers hM hCti forwarded, additions muv fie mnde to it on the same terms. It ia not neceasarr that the subset ibcrs to a Hub nhould receive their nnnera ut the ftamc jmst olliee. .Money may be forwarded by mail, at our ri'k. I.nrge aerolinls can be remitted in dm Its on Hu.ston, New 'ork, I'hiluflclphia or Ifaltimore ; smaller amounts in gold, or in notes of solvent bunks. The D.iily Xitiniinl K ihiMiivh ia published everv morn. ing (Sundays excepted i at .'I fri per aonuiii, in advance. Aelicsa . J. Ml K I .M. It A I U., Washington, I). C. TRACY & CO'S OREGON EXPRESS. I'orti.iMi, March Slst, IMS. I r pi IE I'AKTNnltSim'lim'tnrore existii Utweon tha X undersigned is tins day dissolved bv uiutunl conseut.- K'. W. TUACY K. NOKTOX, U If K. L. James. NOTICK TO DULG(iISTS. WI, IIAltiMS HAND and are eonslanltT reeeivinff the finest nniiliii.s of IIRA N HI US AND WINKS, expressly for the Drug Trade, which we guarantee to be genuiue. Ilt'MIaToN, WILSON Co. Estrayed. A DKLT BAY, niiildle sined American horse; about firs rears otd, with a small slur in his forehead, and some. smldle marks. Any per. on taking him up and returning Unit to the subscriber wilt be libcrallr rewarded. A.'W. l ATTF.RSOS. Kngene City, May f h, Is- tf Estrayed. I.'KOXI the lubseriber. living Ihreeniilra soulh of Euarna ! 1 City, a strawberry roan filly, two vrnrs old Inst spring ; J no murk or branl except the hair inthe face is a little light er than on the other parts of the bodv. Anv information cMieer iii. the luit "ill l c puiLiLlv reaidrd Kugrs (Ci'.". Ofg. n. ( Yx n lltkHV.