THE JS T ATE RE V I BL I C AX . "iSTStriffg'le of to-day is not altogether for to-day, it is for the vast future also." EUGENE CITY. OCTOBER 11. 1862. AMERICAN IDOL-WORSHIP. While wo are pitying the Hindoos, and the in habitants of the South Sea Islands to such an cx tent that we send off missionaries to them, at a great cost of life and treasure, to let them know that we are so much better off with our ono GoJ, than they are with their many gods albeit we still insist on having threo heads to ours it does not seem to occur to us that we are, in spirit, if not in extent, just as much idol-worshipers as our heathen friends are, on the yonder side of the planet. Whereas they set up little blocks of gold curiously wrought, and carved, and offer to them the incenso of truly grateful hearts ; we pay exactly tho same devotion (yet with less honesty of purpose) to exactly tho Siine metal, the only difference between their and our gods being in the general size and shapo of thom ; they putting theirs in the shape of men, animals, birds, and reptiles and we coining ours into what we call money. The American people must have an idol to worship. It doesn't much matter what it is, so that it appears to answer for tho time the popu lar turn. Now McClellan comes up for idol-worship, and now it is Stanton. We go all ono way to day, and all another way to-morrow. Wo stand in want of nothing so much in this world as bal last stability. Our judgments are thus impuls ive, conflicting, flighty, and continually putting us to shame and confusion of face, simply because we do not take tho troublo to look into character for ourselves, but jump at conclusions, and jump away from them again, as fast as our nervous inclinations lead. This is one of the leading rea sons why our leading men are so topling and u:i steady as they are ; but get themselves up just to meet tho popular demand, and not on any firm and fixed principles of growth of character whatever. They are but the pro J net of the ag? ; they look into tho public judgment as a man would look into his own mirror. Look at the case of Fremont ; ono day almost a god, intellect, will, heart-every thing was what it should be ; the next day deposed from com mand, and as it were, partially disgraced by his own government, even those who once covered him with unstinted praises, decline to say a word ono poor, paltry syllable in his defense. Fremont certainly can have no less capacity now than he onco had ; and if he received such un bounded confidence from the people, only a little time ago, on account of their acquaintance with the worth of his character, it cannot bo that his character is less of a possession to him or them now than it was then. But no ; the mischief was just here the former adulation was only factitious and partisan ; to feed a temporary ex. citemcnt for a temporary purpose, and to an wcr a need for offering worship, just at that mo ment, to somebody. All such idols have their day ; and they inva riably live long enough to feel sorry, if they do not feel ashamed that they suffered themselves to be used by the crowd, or, tho selfish leaders of tho crowd, for ends that never centered in themselves at all. And this is tho experience they gain ; tho good it docs them is to be set down to their own profit, and they are to con sider that they havo got just so much growth in consequence, but, seeing how tho folly works once, it would naturally bo supposed that they would give such temptations rather a wide berth the next time ; events declare pretty undeniably however, that they are about as silly gulls the second time as tho first. And thoy oftentimes get no well fixed, firm, and well anchored ex perience, while life on this planet lasts them. What peculiarity predisposes us as a people to these habits of idolatry, is tho fact patent to all beholders, that we aro as ficklo as tho spring winds, and aro blown about by almost every breath of opinion. Some things we never will concede, and others we take on trust, without even being requested. Our common judgment has become paralyzed, or clso it has" never yet jeeoived development at all. Whichever it is, it requires immediate and closo attention. Chil dren might reasonably laugh at us, were wo to give them the real grounds of our likes and dis likes, and especially tho former. In point of fact, we could not ourselves tell, half tho time w hy we- were such adorers of this person, and why wo offered such unstinted praises to that. We require to have clearer perceptions and clearer judgments. Wo should not lavish our professions of love upon persons, until they have actually earned tho right to enjoy and retain it. It is this senseless thoughtlessness and haste that causes all our trouble. Tho popular estimate has played such silly pranks, that even they who aro getting the present fruits of its favor put no faith in its permanency, and thus do their part toward bringing it into contempt and dishonor. We are not, as a people, serious enough in our Aims ; not that we require to become any more so, considered from the fortunemaking point of view, but we trifle, we boast, we banter, when we should reflect ; we are like spoiled children that do not know what they do want, and so handle everything within their roach in a day. Such elements arc not going to advance the na tional character, or build us up influence abroad at all worthy cf tho opportunities which Heaven lias so generously endowed us with, Steadfast-1 uess of judgment with as much of a disideratum as steadfastness of purpose and aim. e must take more ballast aboard, and learn at the same time to consult our own compasses, and steer our own rudders. Self reliance, cool disppsslon ato judgment, self control not rely on others, to think for us, but thiuk for ourselves, net for ourselves, and rely on reason strengthened by a close study of Human Nature. Oregon State Fair. The State Fair commenced at the Marion County Fair Ground, a mile northeast of Salem, oh Tuesday the 30th ult., and closed on Friday . the 3d inst The Fair ground is a loll" narrow ,' r . b . , , . , , . . str.pof about fifty acres, niolosed with a high board fence, with a milo racetrack at one end, and a large wooden building or " pavilion at the other end. Next to the entrance at tho north end is a grove of small oaks, covering about ten acres. This space was densely crowded with wagons and carriages, and their occupants, camp ing on the ground, in tho rain, for all the beds in and near Salem, were engaged. Tho exhibition of horses and cattle was good, and, considering tho disagreeable weather and the unfavorable condition of the roads, tho stock department generally was well represented. The ladies' department contained many fine specimens of needlo work, and other fancy fixings too numerous to mention. Also various sam ples of jellies and little nick Hacks, which, if they are only half as palatable to the taste as they were pleasing to the eye, would be splendid tnuckamuck. Of home manufactured articles the display was rather slim, but all that could be expected ot a people who havo depended or. foreign manufactories so long that they can't make a broom stick or an ax handle until poverty drives them to it. Considering the very unfav orable condition of the weather for the rain poured down in torrents each day tho Fair was quite a success, but still it must be admitted mat the great throng of people, wagons, carriages and horses that crowded promiscuously over tho Fair , .. i .,, i ,i,.,,,i, i, .,,,,,1 t.T. ,,ri b'""""l i c from there each day, constituted the main feat ure of the show. Census Returns. From an abstract of the census as returned bv tho U. S. Marshal in 1S0C and on file in the ofliee of the Secretary of State, it appears that the population of Oregon is o2, SSS. Of this number 31, U40 aro males, 19,42 females, and 90S are put d wn as " colored,'' French half-breeds. Chinamen, and negroes. Of those put down as colored, Marion county has 583, which is considerably more than halt" of all that class of population in tho entire State, and must mean French half-breeds, as tin-re are cer taiuly but few negroes in that county. Jose pliino has 150, mostly Chinamen. Marion coun ty, the most populous in tho State, has a popu lation of 7,130; Linn county comes next, with a population of 0,752; Lano next, with 4,782; Multnhmah next, with 4,153. Some of the bills from tho Legislature have ths name of this county marked " I'liion." A good name, but there are probably as many bad things in the world called by that name as there are bad men called by the nanio which the coun ty now bears. There is but little difference in names, except that those are the best which are the easiest spoken and written, for all names are sometimes applied to bad as well as good ob jects. Changing tho name ot a county is a bin of expense to its people, dertroys the value of maps, etc., which is sufficient reason why the Legislature should find more useful employment. Tub news this week seems unimportant, yet there is a feature in it which will make the heart of every truly loyal man beat quick with pleas urablo emotion, when it is known that our new recruits are fast being brought into line, and express a strong desiro to be brought before the enemies of their country, who can doubt that our country is safe? Tho Richmond Examiner says it will bo impossible for the Confederate Army to be wintered in Virginia, as that State is but desert wilderness." They must transfer the war to Northern soil or disband their armies. This concession from the leading rebel paper, speaks volumes ior tho Union cause. Tub CoLLEtiB. what has gone with those : petitions to the Legislature m relation to lo eating the Agricultural College. Our members are waiting to receive them, or some favorable proposition from this County, and will not venture to bring tho matter up until they d, as they expect favorable propositions to be made by other Counties which will be con- 'gallant oilieers and men under mm, ior meir sidcrcd if there is none from this County. ( distinguished gallantry in expelling the rebel , , jarmy torn Maryland. Philip Ritz, has laid on our table his j Chicago, Oct. 1. A letter from Fort Amber descriptive Catalogue of fruits and ornanuntal crombie, Sept. 22 1, says : " For four weeks we shrubbery, Mr. R. has one of the finest nurse have been surrounded ly large bands of Indians. " ... , . ITl..n- h;iv made two attacks already. Ha.f net on this coast, ins larm is near Oregon. Persons in this vicinity wanting to procure any of hi shrubbery can do so by aprdvinu to Mr J O. Grav, cf this Citv. j MoTTha been elected Del sate to Congress from Neva It Territory. j Ij A T E S T EASTERN NEWS. Fortress Monroe, Sept. 30. Tho Charleston Mercury of September 25. says, there aro grounds for believing that the enemy are sending heavy reinforcements to Hilton Head, and along tho shores of Broad Hirer, Piuk ney Island is now occupied by a largo body of troops. Tho Richmond Examiner of September 20. says, Bragg with ten thousand men is at Glas gow Junction, and that Rousseau has gone to meet him. The Nashville Union rejrards tho defeat of Bragg as certain und says there are two hun t jred thouand Federal troops between Nashville and Louisville. t r .t. - ..l. . u'geou uenerai Jiooro reports mu uumuci 'of sick and wounded received at the Richmond hospit;lIs ginco thoir 0 niz,ltion ftt lliut v-nine I thousand. Of this number l,S0O have been furloughed, and seven thousand six hundred oil" all tho cattle ; tho Red La';e Indians, howev died. or interfered, and tho cattle wore returned." A biJl passed tho Confederate Congress au m , T.,,i! proM tt S.-nt 2Sthavs: A thorizing tho Secretary of the Treasury to issue copper coins of the denomination of five, ten ana twenty-tivo cents, to tio amount oi live millions. Fortress Monroe. Sent. 29. An army ofiiccr irom omioiK reports irus r. m., an quiet in ' . . . - . . that quarter and says no immediate attack is arnrehetided from the rebels for the present. Washington, Sept. 30. The following official report has been received by General llullec-k : "At South Mountain our loss was 4 l:J killed. 1,800 wounded, and TO missing; at Antiatem our killed numbered 2,010; wounded, 9.41G ; missing, 1,0-14. Major Davis, Assistant Inspect or General, who superintended the burial of the dead, reports that 3,000 rebels were buried upon the field ot Antietam by our troops. Previous to this, however, the rebels buried many of their own dead on a distant part of the battle field, which they occupied utter tho battle probably 500 in number. The loss of the rebels at South Mountain cannot be ascertained with accuracy, but as our troops drove them fiom the com mencement of tho action, and as a much greater number of their dead was seen on tho field than our own, it is not unreasonable to suppose their as greater than ours. Estimating their i kiIoJ at -joO in that fight, the total number of ! rebels killed in the two battles would be 4,000. 'According to the rates of our own killed and wounded, this wouldiuake their loss in wouud- ed, 13,700. As nearly as can bo determined, the number of prisoners taken by our troops in I the two battles was at least 5,000. O;' these j 1,200 was wounded. This makes the rebel loss in Killed, wounded and prisoners, zo.a. it will bo observed that this does uot include strag glers, tho number of whom is said to be very largo. It may be safely concluded that tho rebel army lost at least 30,000 of their best troops from tho time our troops first encountered thorn in Maryland until they were driven back into Virginia. We captured 13 guns, 7 caissons, 9 limbers, and two field forges, Leside 39 colors, one signal flag. We have not lost a single gun or color. On tho battle field of Antietam fourteen thousand small arms were collected, b. side a largo number carried offby citizens. At South Mountain no collection of small arms was made, owing to tho haste of the pursuit from that point. (Signed) McClellah. Baltimore, Sept. 30. A Sharpsburg, letter to the American says: Harper's Ferry is now held in large force by our troops, and is evidently regarded an important point by the Army of the Potomac. All indications bespeak renewed activity on the part of the army. Philadelphia, Sept. 30. The Washington corespondent of the Inquirer says it is ru mored that the reason of the existing quietude in tho army of the Potomac is that Commis sioners are on the way from the Confederate Congress to propose terms for peace. They are said to be something like the following. The loyal States to take all the Territories, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky and Maryland, and make them free or slave as may best please them; the cottou States to have a Con gress of their own to regulate their own do mestic affairs only, in all other things to be again as one inseparable people for defensive and offensive operations against other countries to be in unity in matters of postage rnJ revenue service the samo as heretofore; they pledge themselves to return all Government property as they found it; they, in addition to a separate Congress to regulate their pe culiar institutions, to be permitted Senators, and Representatives in our Congress in such num- bers as tneir w nue population emmcs mem to. Chicago, Oct. 1. Tho rumor that rebel Commisioncrs are on the way from Richmond to treat for peace is probably entir.-ly sensational, and w as telegraphed you by mistake. New York, Sept. 30. A Washington letter to the Commercial, dated the 29, states tint twenty-seven thousand troops have le.t the Tie Washington Star of September 9, reports areconnoissancaeto Warreuton Junction without city, but thofr destination is not stated. fmdiiir any siiiiis of tho enemv. h doubts the that leo is making serious movemouts to re- cross into Maryland, and says twenty thousand troops left A aslnngton last night in one diree tion, and another body iu another dircctiou. Cincinnati, Sept. 30. Gen. Morgan left Cum berland Gap about two weeks ago with all his forces. He is supposed to bo marching in a northeasterly direction, which will lead him to i strike Ohio somew here about i onsmouui. i ic i brought away all his artilery and stores and blocked up the Gap so as to render it im- passable. j Annapols, Sept. 30. Governor Bradford to dav issued a proclamation tendering his earnest : anJ hearty thauks to Gcnjal McClellan and the I . - J ' 1 -4T..-I ..I !.... 1 .1. , : . nQW gono 0 gpt ,ssisUnce from ti,0 Yanetons. Some days ;tlce they came within a hundred yards of the Fort, and drove off 250 head of cattle and horses. 1 Four Java later they made a tierce attack, lhe fn - ht lasted two hours, when the Indians with- drew, takin? all their deal .vij wounded. At o'clock in the morning the pickets discovered their approach in large numbers. Spreading out they soon completely surrounded the Fort, at tacking it from tour sides. Tho numbers en gaged are variously estimated at from 400 to 000. Tho fight lasted live hours. Tho loss of the enemy must have been great, tho lire from the howitzers telling with terrible effect. In their retreat they carried oil their dead. The inhabit ants of the towns of Breckinridge, Evansvillo, Georgetown, Pomme do Tcrro and Chippawa havo left, and the whole country for 200 miles is deserted. It has been nearly five weeks since a mail arrived at the lort, and but one messen ger came through from St. Cloud. Tho mail carrier between "Georgetown and Pembina re I ports that the Red Lake Indians show no signs , i. . i" .. . i. i r.AA 1 ; ot Hostility yet. x or a woe some i.uw mumus ; and half-breeds have been gathered at Grand Forks, the place selected for tho treaty. Be !Comin" dissatisfied, tho Pembina Indians drove I party 0( yinncl i 0,. e,,j m SJttle at. I aul bairoes made an attack on the emeiit south side of north fork of Wautouman, near .Medelia, and killed nine persons. This new outbreak is followed by a I stampede of tho remaining settlers in that viein . - . it v. A body ot mounted men nave been sent in pursuit of the Indians. It was believed they would bo overtaken and punished. Col. Sibly's report of tho battle near YN ood Lake says a severe chastisemaut was inflicted on the Indians, ! and so far subdued their ardor that they sent a flag of truce into the camp to stato that they are not strong enough to light ns, and desired peace. Cairo, Oct. 1. There has been no arrival from Memphis for twenty-four hours. Appre (tensions aro felt that the guerrillas aro at work again. That they swarm on tho banks of the river between here and Memphis is well known. Appearances seem to indicati a battle at Bolivar Teun., before long. General Grant's headquar ters have been removed to Jackson. Washington, Sept. 30. Exchanged prisoners who lately arrived here from the rebel Capital, represent that there is the most monstrous lying among the Confederate journals. There is among the masses a truthful impression as to tho bat tie of Antiatem, and consequently general de pression among the citizens. Oct. 1. A spec al to the New Yol k papers says: ' We have the authority of a gentleman one of Gen. Butler's stuff for saying that Butler has already organized three regiments of Louisi anians one white, ai.d two not so white. New York, Oct. 1. The N. Y. Herald's Washington correspondent says it is understood that EU Thayer's new appointment as Military Governor of Florida, is with a view to enable him, and those acting with him to carry out their scheme for tho introduction to Southern States of a white population. Chicago, Oct. 1. The following is from the Louisville Journal of Sept. 30 : Col. Keiinctt, in command of the Federal cavalry at Elizabethtowu, had a skirmish with tho llnrd Geor. la cavalrv. and succeeded in capturing the entire regiment. There was no information as to the casualties on either side. A gentleman who has opportunities of possess ing information as to the movements of tho en emy, informs us that tho w hole number of rebel troops in Kentucky is sevnet v-eiht thousand. including 9,000 recruits, who joined since they entered the State. them Louisville, )et. 1. A lanje portion of Buvll's army moved toward the interior of Kentucky, in several columns, and over different roads. The Democrat is informed of a skirmish be tween our troops and the rebels last evening, in which the Federals were successful. Washington. Oct. 1. A Port Roval letter, dated S,-pt" 2d, says tile rebel steamer Nashville i is penned up i:i O-echeo river, with no chancel of escape. Her late chief officer has been cap-1 turcd. The streets in Charleston are defended by rifle Iia It.if -Ktriiofo1 lif rvilta fin I:iff I etc' There arc also three gunboats in the harbor. Every one seems to think the cit v will be attack- J , , ... i i . ed soon. i I,,. i-ia npfn rn wt, ,n t v in creased at Port Royal .-md vicinity Thf health iiii, ncaiiu of tho troops is excellent. Tho Fingal ram is nearly completed at Sa vannah. New York, Oct. 1. The statement that Sigel has resigned or is about to do so is denounced as a mischievous falsehood. yvra Cruz dates oi Sept. 19th say the French j iavo t,1jiell possession cf La Solidad. The tv- phoid fever is raging in Vera Cruz. Washington, Oct. 1. There aro about 18,000 ,' patients in the hospitals here. Secretary Stanton has appointed Simeon Dra per of N. Y., Povost Marshal General of the War Department, a new office created a few days ago. Wash;;: "ton. Oct. 2. D. D. Porter has been appointed to command all the naval forces on fhe Miss.ssipp river 1 he force under bis orders, ' vesscls g""9. "'1 !"f I !" 'li??' " was ever beiore under tne oi anv United States naval officer. His squadron will be distinct in every way from that of Admiral Farragut, who still commands the Wcrtern Gulf squadron-headquarters being at Pensacola. Wb would remind our readers, that the first Vol. of the Rettblicax will close with tho month o December, and all who have been receiving it from the commencement and fail to pay up before that time will bo charged four dollars, and twenty-five per cent interest till paid. Bring on your wheat, oats, beans anvthinj that is marketable. We take legal tender notes at par. Tub California State Fair was held at Sacra mento on the same days as the Oregon Fair, and the papers pronounce it a grand success. Tub steamer Union, from Oregon City (first ! boat of the season) arrived at Salem on Friday ! 3J injt ? a;lJ Peturned lhc ncxt morning loaded with passengers from the State Fair, A Yankkb has just invented a su-pender that so contracts on your approa aeh to water, ruddle it lifts that the moment veil come to a you over, an 1 d:vps you ta the opposite siJe. Legislative Proceedings. Salem, Monday, Sept. 29, 1802. HOUSE. The following bills passed : Bills for tho relief of II. Camman, H. G. Blake and John Fullerton. Tho object of these- bills was to release tho above named persons, cxTreas-" urers of Douglas, Coos and Curry counties, from the payment of the penalty the law requires where the county fails to pay over tho State tax befbro the first of February, they having shown that their failure to do so was on account of una voidable circumstances. An act to create a Fifth Judicial District bo ing on its third reading, Mr. Dufur moved that bill be indefinitely postponed. Mr. Dufur said i I made this motion because I am opposed to this bill. Tho people of this Stato are already burdened with taxes for tho support of the Stato and National Government. Our penitentiary needs repairing or rebuilding ; our insane paup ers must bo provided for according to an act just passed ; our new code is to be printed, and tho amount ot our expenses, before tho couveri ing of the next Legislature, will crowd close up on the heels of threo hundred thousand dollars. Messrs. Moores, Ilumason, Fay, and Mallory, opposed tho motion to postpone, and spoke in favor ot tho bill. Mr. Gillette opposed the bill. He said : Gen tlenieu have not convinced mo that this new district is necessary. I cannot see why three udges would not be able to do all the business of this valley, and let the other reside east of the mountains. In Ohio there is only ono judge to over one hundred thousand inhabitants, and why do we need five judges with fifty-two thousand. Tho motion to postpone was lost, and the bill passed. Tuesday, Sept. 30. HOUSE. Mr. Gillette presented tho bienni al report of the Columbia River Pilot Commis sioners, which was referred to Committee on Commerce. An act regulating tho rights of miners and farmers in mining districts, passed the House. This act provides that persons discovering mines on farms or ranches in mining districts, shall have the right to work the same by paying dam ages, provided such lands have not been patented to the occupant by the United States Govern incut. SENATE. The Governor returned the bill requiring all claimants to take tho oath of allegi ance, and if required to furnish additional evi donee of loyalty, before drawing money from the Treasury, to tho Senate, with the following, message : Gentlemen of the Senate: I herewith return Senate bill No. 7, with my objection to one pro vision thereof. I have no objection to the main feature of tho bill ; but do not approve of that part which provides that the Secretary of State may, if he deem it necessary, call upon claimants for tho production of other evidence of their fidel i t y to tho United States and to this State. Nor do 1 approve of that provision which allows tho secretary to reject eiaMivs if proof to hi3 satisfao lion is not procured.. A person, through malicious motives, may unknown to the claimant,-go to the Secretary of State and prejudice his mind against a low I citizen having a just claim against, the IStirre, which would lead to the production of additional testimony. It is a disgrace to bo suspected of disloyalty and the suspicion resting upon any man of whom the Secretary had rcouired addi tional proof, would degrade him in the estimation , ot loyal men, not Having a lull knowledge of tho facts.. It places the Secretary of State in an unenvi ' able position when he is to say to one man, I sus pect your loyalty, and to another, I do not. 1 lie secretary ot atate is a ministerial and not ja judicial ofiiccr. The decision of a question as j to whether a man i-s entitled to a claim against the State, when his lovalty is at Ustie, is a iudi i cial question involving a knowledge of law and j tlie rules ot evidence w inch should not be passed ! upon by a ministerial ollicer, without tho right "PI'; ?il3 "i" Provides no right of appeal lro ' .' "..s.on c.t me secretary ot atate, and under It a IovjiI citt7n nnrht l.-m. mof d-iini - ... . n--- - - -- j - ' un sustain a greater has that of his character I r,lniw Governor of Oregon. Executive Oftick, Sept. 29, 1802. After considerable discussion, Messrs. Mo Bride, Mitchell, Bowlby, and Holtou speaking, in favor of the bill, and Messrs. Drew and Kel ly against it, the bill was passed over the Gov ernors veto twelve members voting for it and four azainst it. No other business ot importance- j except tho reading of the code. Sax Francisco, Oct. 3J, 1802. Sin : Enclosed 1 send you a copy ot an order this day received from Brigadier General G. Wright, commanding Department of the Pacific, in relation to treasonable newspapers. You will obey the instructions contained ii said Order, notifying the Postmasters and Ex press companies in your vicinity of the same, and report to this offue any departure from its re quirements, that the same maybe immediately attended to. Very respectfully, S. II. Parkeb, P. M. Postmaster, Eugene City, Ogn. Headquarters Department or Pacific, )' Sax Fraxcisco, Oct. 3d, 1802. J Sir : I have to request that you will give in structions excluding the following named news papers from the United States Mails and Post Offices, also prohibiting their transmission by any Express Agency or Company, viz: " Thr Albany Inguirer" Albany, Oregon ; M The Democratic Jiegiifcr" Eugene Citv, Oregon j " The livening Advertiser ," Portland, Oregon. Very Respectfully, Your Obt. Svt, G. WRIGHT, Brig. Genl. U. S. Army, Cotumdg. S. II. Parker, P. M., San Francisco. Stratma!cSj Co., of San Francisco have sent us large files of late Eastern papers for which thT have our thanks. They are the most ex- tensive newspaper dealers on this coast, you can get any paper that is published in the world, by sending to them. "Will you open the services ?"' asked the- , deacon of an oysterman who was dozing away 'near the altar.' "No." said he. half wakinz 14 1 have no knife." i