EUGENE CITY, OCTOBER 4, 1862. aukxts" run this statu iu;iihlica. - The following named gentlemen are tmfhoi ired to re- reive uml receipt tor nionev uu ubseiiutiLi to tin Ktii iv UCN. San Francisco, California, ... Charles A. Crune. Oregon City, - - V. C. Johnson. Sulem, Oregon, J. C. Cai iwtiht. iSilvi-t ion, V. It. Dunbar. AUiiinv, 1. W. Wakctiehl. I'nrvullis, A. U. lluvt'v. Kugciic City, H, H. Kincaid. Koseburg, --.------. ,1, II. lingers. Jacksonville, . - - . - - J. K. llodncu. Ashlaud, ). M. McCaH. Traveling Agent, ...... M. G. MeCurty. Poitiuastcrs arc also requested to receive nnd forward subscriptions. Muy yiay be sent through tlie mails at our Tlio tax list is mailu out anl tho books placed In the Hands of tho Treasure!", therefore any per soil wishing to ay his tx has only to call in ut MeCIure's store, " punglo up," and get a receipt. The assessment is nine mills on on llio dollar, .against eight mills last year. I'm in the des triietioi of property, and .depreci;rt.iou in value, tho assessment rolls full short of last year about $350,000. Then we want to collect a revj ctnio o(T our secesh citizens before their prop, crty is corroseated, to pay tho debts incurred by them, through their chosen tools. Every good loyal man is willing to aid in getting out of debt, every traitor should be made help, and we hope our collectors will use due dilligence in collecting the taxes before the con fiscation act is enforced. Til ebb .is nil tEiirt being made in our Legis lature to impose a poll tax ok dogs. We do heartiiy hope it may succeed, and tho tax be Hot less than five dollars per head, end we'd rather sec it ten, then we should get rid of so many useless and noisy curs. Oregen looses ihousauds of dollars annually in the destruction of sheep and the prevent'."; of sheep, on account of bad dogs. lp on the tax, and .that will thin out the ch'g-:. Wk see by our E istern exchanges that Gen. Jim Lano is drilling negroes prjiarattmy to put ting them into the field, and that he njalies tho eeesh prisoners do all thccainp duty, and wait mi tho colored soldiers who are lighting for the Union. IJully for Jim Lane. JIkad the President's proclamations in another V'odimn, they begin to ring right. Ea jeno Ccraiuc-a School. J. I.. fill.iiF.RT, I!i:SI-Kl'Tn"l.l,V axxoi-ntks. liut lie will npi.'il sulin'il in tile I)i!rict Sclnml ilntise, ml Mxiiilav, tJlh i 1 1 -st. A u:iiiiieieiit usil;tnt will be employ 4'1 it' tho iutrmuL;e unl interests nl'tiie S4!iiil ilemiwiil it. Aiijil erery eltort luiule tu ln:ike the seluiol nne ut irittit to tnne vrli i in ty t"-i v.u it w i r ! i tlieir i:iti-.ti ie. Term- of instruction in Common Sehonl ItiMnelief. por Hession no. Sin lents w!io reiiiire it, will reeeive instruction iti I)n(l"rt system of li nik-k'-eiiii;, Higher AriiUiuetie, Alcbru, 9'liiloiliy. et. rttt. w. 'saye' yor eggs" I XKW AND t'SKFIT, 1XVKXTKIX ivlierf'ir ca i":m J le priiscrveil perlcclly fresh almost imlclioilcly, with nit the i-Mcuriihraiic of l.ime. Salt, or iiny oilier onliuarv presenratiiTH. There i no more necessity of farmer sel ling their c;X'.i ut IVoin live to seven eenlv per V.ten, when they can. ut u trilling cost, save them till thev connnanil good price. For fin tluT particulars, enclose reii stump to I.. If. M ., iakni, II. WANTED. 2,000 I1CSIIKI.S 01? OATS, for whirli I will II pav edeliv- leuts cush tier bushel. Oats tn be cre l in Eiigfito City. ltKX.IAMIX DESI'AIX. a-itt. Agricultural Notice. TIIK 1 ITI7.EXS OF I.AXK COt XTY nre notifies! that ft llieeting of the I. nne County Agri mltutul Society, w ill take place on the lsth Oct. iii I o'chck p. . for the pur iose of electing oilieers for the couiitig year, und to trans-ji.-t such other important tutwincss us may come before the Society. A general utteri lance is rctpn ". : .-d. C. '. 7 surer, S. iXI.SWOKTll. Cor. Sec'tT, D. I.OCKI-:, Svcu.tarv. Education. It. rOIlNr.MrS rpf-rtrnMy jiiiix.iitHM'! tliat I'm School will bi npciit'tl 011 Mrtlulay, i.".tli nl" OctiilxM', n ntluct'il tonni for jtiijiilH untler twi'lvc yours of !H (u tliv it I ori uui u Curd of Term will bo pfintcUivl distribntcl. :i7-Jt a. x. li;ckky. FIBNUV PlOSONS. TEIFLTIVIA lilAHKET. LUCKEY & PARS0IM3, nAVK pun-linsLil the iilmvc market where I hoy are reu'ly Ut furnish the trails witli the bet nf beef, mutton, j.ork. suit tisli, hihI vvvrv tiling in their lino tlutt tin country will tifHtrii. We will take in exchange all kinds of mniketablH nroiluce. Our motto in SMALL PROFIT AXD READY PAY! We will i.elivci href bv tlie quarter ho cheap an it can by fiirmeM. Thankful for past tarnrs, we hope by ttrict mitfj careful attention to huMiic. to merit th pub lic ptitronairr in future. ;!(-tf Kugene t'ity. Sept., , lt'.j. I hare thi day ftobt my entire interet in tlie Wh'tlesale l.iqitor bitMer, Intel v cotnlucte! under the firm of Humiston A Mu, I'oriland. teoL"n, to Me-srs. J. Y. Vil!n uml Oen. W. Steven of Sun Fr.nieiro. M. Humiton dulv ntitliorizcd to .settle ull aceonU of the lute tirm of Hutmstou & Mu'Dan. J. T. MA'DAN, I'ortland, July 51, l"fij. TIIK iinibT-iiftied beiu dulv authorized will pav nil the liabilities of the late firm of Huiniston A M.i'I' in mi de mand. All parties indebted to Humiton A M.VDnn will please pay to C. X. 1IC MILTON. Tortland, July SI, I $$2. J. Y. WII.SOX und (iKO. Y. STrVKNS of Sn Frnn cico hare thi dar pnrcliaeil from Mr. J. T. iia'ltnii lii. entireintcre!t in the l.iiior huiiK4. t-.if'-Iv con ductetl muter the nunic aud turn of lluinisloii it M.i'l);in, rorllatid. Oregon. Tin1 buiiiesd will liereuftcr be coD-luctcl uniler the nunie and tirm of HOUSTON, WILSON A CO. rortlmul, July .".1, 1 . S4-t LIVEEY STABLE, Eighth Street, Eugene City,'Oregon. I rpilKUNDKIISlONKD. having fitted up mi l ropenel X the lare nud c.nnmodini Livi rv Stable, formerly kept hy Chne A Co., won! 4 Tv-peetriil!y nitcif fh: patromie i of their fnend. and of the traveling publte uenerUv. ! We will keep constantly un lutud und loiiei t. , let at reasonable mtev ll"re intrute i tn mi re;ne will ( well fed and careful I r attended to hv rxpt nencc-l hn.-.t- I l,". ' ' Timlin of ftvr-- lind pr."iT't!c aft n'l "l t.. . ";i.' .ri.! l .W MCI.IT'O.I.A v. j To All Whom It May Concern. IIIKUE aro mam' tlIirti ls in mv hands ft School 1 .X. latiiK-v loaiU'U, wilU Imvk interest due. ! : ... i ... ..... .i ;.,....-..,...., ,i J III HI'S 4111- IVIIVaUU II'IHIHII IUIIHI liy the iuteivl uii ueU obligations, in nceirdanct with a i luw which icon tics the interest lu be punt iMiii-Aimnullv in advance. A. S. MctJU'KK. Treasurer's Oflict Spt. In. f Treasurer uf ..aiic county. Confiscation! ! T ''III'. i"X!'l!SK;i:r Imviiiir sold In enure interest in the '1 Itll'l.l VIA 31 A UH I'M', would hereby noti- !v those knotting tUcnisvhcs inilehleu lu the turn ol STKPHUXSOX i l.l'l'KKV, Hint utter Ute tal iust. be will In; in readiness ut tlie Market tu settle witli them ; uml I nil those huviut; claims uifaiiisl the tirm will please present ! them, ii n i! we w ill ui;ree tu puv them or tiki- tin nmli of AlU!ium'ciiitaiiti-i:. ' J. M. SI KPUKXSOX. A. S. ure, lilvVI.Kli IX DRY GOODS, CLOT 11 IS G, C I T Ir O.lLi&Jl CLOT, BOOTS AXD SIOLS, HARWAllE AXD CUT LERY, CROCKERY AXD GLASSWARE, DRUGS AXD l'A TEXT MED. JCIXES, tt'-c. Also DA COX, FLOUR, WEE AT, OATS, BUTTER. EGGS, AXD ALL OTHER R'JXDS OF SALE- ABLE PRODUCE TAKEN AT LI HE HAL PRICES JX EXC1IAXGE FOR GOODS, Or.N'KTi Oak ash Kits strkkts in frost or Cotkt llotsc F.irene i'itv, Oregon, August 1st, 10J. ;U-tf LOOK HEP.E ! I BLACKSllITHING. rpiIE rXOEHSKiXED. lUVIXfi ITRCH ASF.W AXD L re-opened the Hlacksluith Shop on Xinlli street, is prepared to do all kinds i f work in his line, such ui rAG0X IR0X1XG, G UXSMIT 1IIXG, HORSE SIWEIXG, MAKIXG and REPAIR1XG EDGE TOOLS. Jubbiugof nil kind's executed ou short notice, und in the latest and best stvle. A T ti.l Tf:s TO Sl'IT THE HARD TIME. GIVE ME A CALL. I nl so livt' iiliout tiii tluMtuitU pounds of assorti! iron, wlitcli I will soli tut- cash. J. C. LL (. RK J . EutfiMic Ciiyt ui;u 1st, lSrti 2C-Jui O R. D L .A V 2s S ALL HEALING JAPANESE SALVE!! T .TAI'ANKSK SAI.VI5 IS TIIK HEST I'lU-.I'AKA- lin tlnit Im-i bci'ii (Iieovcri'cl Inr tlitM-iirc of 1'0IS( from PMSOX OAK, J.tnsntiito Mites, Nursing soro Breasts, (jiitnshot Wounds, Cuts, 15 nw, Sprains, l'ih-s, SuU Iilieuui, lioil.S U ruises, Corns, Cliiibliiins. And in fact all kinilsuf tson-s. Try it nil everybody. X. I g-' ,1 fat: i'y s'uiuld be without it, .lid, although the in onlv FIFTY (T.XTS is diciiis-jre rare anil ixpeustvc cli:H-it il tiir A I'OX. Kor sail !v ill Onr.'Lnts. KKDINUTOO & CO., WliuU-sali oJ -'im Air el its, mi Francisco, HARRISBURG ACADEMY. REV. E. I'. HEXDEUSOX, A. M., (Late rresidcut of" Colombia Cullege"), PlilxciPAl.. Tiiis Institution is situated ut the tmvn of ilarrisbitrg, in Linn County, Oregon, in a pleasant uud heullby locul ity. THE BUILDING IS LARGE AND COMMODIOUS. The Grst Session will bcin on tho F1H8T DA V OV SEPTEMUKK, 18(J2. The Academic year in divided iutu two SejiMotm, of 100 davs euch. Tuitimi will Im ijs ?10 and i?!2 per e--sion ; one-half in advance, and the other hall ut the close of the Term. Stu dents admitted nt any time, and charged from the time of entrance to the rinse of Scsioii. unless a special contract is made otherwise. The undersigned takes pleasure in nnnomirinir to bis former patrons und friends, th:i after an absence of three years he has returned to Oregon, and bwnted permanently itt the nbine named Institution, und will he hamiv to meet 'uny of his furmer students in this new und elegant Acad : emv ; wlicre everv f.icilitv will bu nlVorded to ihetn that thev enjoved with him in the brightest davs of 'M'oltimbin rol'leie." i;. I. ilKNDKKSON. P. S. lio irdin can be had, in private families, vcrr low. .! tf Japnkhc fLVr:. Tin. article provetl to be the bent for the cure nf the varioii complaint fur which it i rec ommended, that m known. It can be ued wirh ni"i"t per tect safety, ant) will work like a charm proving the fact that one renl imh hint resulted by the opening of Itade with the Japanese. .S'c udvcrti.sciuciit. BLACKSBIITHIIJG. N. 3IARTIN, OsKtmiTII 8THKKT, OfPOflTf. CilASK C'o.'b LIVKI1V Stattle. now prepnrr-d to do all kind of .mittiiug in hi tin- al li;-..l' li I !'.. tor Ith.MlV rAV. ii.h a fanner and tcamlcM want. It i. p. til by the former. if Lane cwunir MARTIN'S PLOWS are the be-tt erer mannfiiettiriMl in thi placi ; therefore, : be is not afruid tn w.irraul them to perform welt, pm ticu- iai iittcntiifu paid to HORSE-SHOEING, ami work w arr!inti to ive -Jati.-faet imi. fivc m: a call at mv hop, and ym fh.tll be acctinnuodatcd. Produce, and all kinds of Money, vpt 'C"iif derate It. in t:r a ! I.; ! t if , A'L'of 2', J. -rk. I s. tLLswiiuru. j. 0. ixmwvk iNut.irv Publie.j ELLSWORTH & UNDERWOOD, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, OFFICE Ol'l'OSlTE GLOUH HOTEL, EfOESK CtTV, HON. Hi'.lf JOHN CUMMINS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. I.AlWYI'.TTi:, OUKtlOX, Will f . i i 1 1 j f 1 1 v ult.MiJ to all bushiest entrusted to. hi. professional I'ui'c. Sheriff's Sale. I1Y VIRTUK OF AX KXKCI TION TO MEDIKECTKn, issueil out of the Circuit Court for lloulus (ninty, Orc'joii, have levictl upon utul will proceed to sell lu the highest biililer, fur cush, uu the ylst day ot October, ISti'i, betireMi tlie liotirs of 1'' o'clock w., ami 4 o'elock r. on the ureinises. all the ri'-ht. t ille uml interest of .tunic Arnngton, in uikI In the tidlow ilij: ilcscribeil property, i situated in Douglas county, Oregon, to wit : All the donu. tlotl l.uliil Claim 01 James ,i. Arriuginii ana ins wne, known us eluilil 4o, in Tow nship Js South, Uunge i West, hrviiiniug ut u point t.lo chs. South utul i chs. I'loni the X. W. curlier of Section Is, thence ruli'iing Kust jo.ou chs., thence X. so.oo chs., thence K. .'Aon, them e X. Ti, chs., thence W. Techs., thence S. loj.oo chs. to place (if beginning, containing three hundred and twenty t"Vjn.lo) ilcre.4, of which the north half is designated for the hits hand mid the south half for the wile, together w ith nil the appurtenances thereuntil belonging. The said proper1 IV is taken to satisfy an execution issued out of the said Court, in favor of Antoine A. Fink, und against James M. Arlington, for the sum of live hundred und forty-eight dollars and seventy cents .Vls Tm judgement und costs and accruing costs. h. 110WK, Itoscliurg, Oregon, 1 Sheriff Douglas eoiintv, Sept. Mill, IsCl'. j D'i-lt H. 0. SHALL, VTTOUXrY AT LAW, will practice in all the Courts of this State. I'artiu jar attention given to Convey ancing. Collection of Debts, etc. U'licc iu the Court House, F.ugcue City, Oregon. 23-0ui Administrator's Notice. V1.1, n-usoxs having claims auaixst tiik F.slate of Daniel Cuslimnn, deceased, are lierchy re quired to exhibit the same, with the necessary vouchers, within onevciir from the date of this notice, to II. 0. Small, Administrator of suitl F.state, ut his law olliee in Kugene Citv, l.une I'ouutv, Oregon, or thev will be forever de baiVcd. :-it II. C. S.MAIX, Uztril September 1, ISiii. Administrator ami All'y. IX the matter of petition for the sale ol the real Estate of Alexander (iood past ure, deceased, it is ordered hi l? Cwuiity Court for the county of l.une, Oregon, that ail persons interested in the said Estate appear before said Ciurl, nu the first Monday in October, lsilj, and show cause why uu order should not be grunted to the Adminis trator of Wid Estate to sell so much of the real lvstatc of the deceased as shall be reiusitc to pay the ullowuuce to the family, tlie debts outstanding against the deceased, und the expense of Administration. liv order of thcCoiirt made ut the September Term. 1 ii;. Attest, 11. SMALL. I D. M. UISDOX, Count v Clerk. ) SI County Jud'f. SberifTs Sale. VIltTriC OK A KXi:ClTH)N' to me directed. ) issued out of the Circuit ( 'our t for the count v of Pou- lu., und SljjJe of Orcorou, 1 have levied upon und will pro ceed to -sell to the highest bidder, for cash, on the 20th (l.i)- of October, 18tii, between the hours of In o'clock a. ., und fuur o'clock r. m., on the premises, the followini; describtl property, to wit i All the donation land claim of John Jeisur, bciin uine; at a po'iut :i".7 chs. Must, uml 1"J.I" chs. North from corner to Sections IV, 'j uiul "Jl, Township South, Kiiui;e tl West, Claim r.::, thence West jo chs., thence South 4j.vl chs., thence Kust 77. 'H chs., thence North 4S.4 chs., thence S. tis tlf ," luiu. W. iU.Wt chs., thence S. 7S dey 4' mill. W. clis., thence N. 71 dee;, tf't min. W. 1 -'.!" chs. ti place of betrinDin ; CHUtuinini; -fj'i.7,.i .tore, w ith ttll the appui tenanccs theieuuto behiHi;ine;. Said proptTty is old to satisfy un execution issued out of said Court in favor of AutnA. Kink, and against John I.eiser, tiir llie sum of .pfj live hundred and eighty-nine dollars uud fortv cents, judgment nd cosis uud accruing costs. Sept. ;), lNil. J IHtWK, Z,-t Slicrill Jiouglas county. Notice to Absent Defendant. James Kstep r. Josedi A. Dillon nd Kluis Wiltiains. fli JtJSi:iJI l.Dir.J.ON: Vou mv hcreliv notilied that J. uiilcst. you upM'ar in th Circuit Court of the Slate of urciron. lor me i-oiiinv i-aue, on me louriu .uomiav n Octtdicr, A. I. lsii und answer the complaint of Jumcs Kstep, idaititilf, which has been tiled witli the Clerk of said Court, Hitd prays for ti judgment HLruiuft you for $1 Ui I t, bcsidi-s intcj'cst uud costs o suit, the said couipbunt will he taken for confessed, md the prayer therettf will br grant ted bv the Court. Hv order id' said Court nuule tit the April erm,'ls.;j. ' I). M. KISUON, I'MHh Atty. Kugene City, May ISt'c. i';;-;;m KDWAKI) A. I'AXXKI!, A. M., (of Jacksonville, HI ) J'mxoir.w.. MISS MAItY IIOIXJDOX, (of Ipswich, Mass.) Assistant. Tuition H, 7 and s dollars per quarter of 11 nwks. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. i:ev. sikxkv 11. maksii, a. m., I'ttKsttiFXT. and Acting I'rfessor of Languages. KEV. IIOItACE l.VMAX. A. M., I'ltoPKSSutt of Matlietllatics. Ei)WAl(l) A. TAXXE1I, A. M., J'hofkssoii Eln't ut Ancient l.nnnai; Tliese to Instilnlions are at Forest drove, Washington county, Oregon. Arr:in;etnetits arc lieiti- made hy i Inr uidcnts can board in uelnb at ahonl the cost of provi.-ioLS. Hoard in families is now T" per wci'k. Ilv help of Endowments obtained nt the East, Collegiate tnstriirlion is furnihe.l students, lio-.vever small the num ber. The situation of the College is unsurpassed in bcun ty and licaltbfnlncss, und is in the. midst of moral com mnnitv. The Library contains 2,'oo choice bonks. Colleciions in Xatnral History nre betnj; made. Fell. ! ", 1"-'. F. DUDLEY. lariTKsiiD ti P. w. jiinxox post orrn s rn.niMi,; DEALER IN BOOKS and STATIONERY. he-iiig coimtantly m hand all the HCJIOOL JiOOlCH in use in Oregon, and an inimcnc variety cif tndnrd Miscellaneous Books. aj.erot all kind. -fnp. I.mal, l.'ttcr. N"t". rrinttni, etc.; Kiivrlnp, Pens Pencil", Ithitik ltook. every rarieiy, Sl.ite of nil " and ie, all lir.t ipuillty and ch-ap. fioflrllorTr? RnMfllprv !! A I.AIiiiK LOT F KVKKV !!' HIP kla""' "f S:'ldl-, l:rill'. liar- I. -75 riip.H, I'm, rtc, etc., atS- SAM. COX'S Old Stand, ! Where we will b t t hand n'n1 uoin-x In :M;iioii t' !n iko any kind "f Hoik, in our tin tu d r. Vjnr fmt thp U'pt .Mtcnnl uW, H, ROSENBLATT, WHOLESALE AXD KETAII. DEAI.KR l.S Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Mechanic's Tools, Boots, Shoes, etc, etc., Announeos to tho public ami patrons that lio is still in tho traJo ut tho okl unj well known sttti.a i.r s. i:osi:.m,ATT & iiuotiikiij ami sfllin good nt tho Lowest Prices, for CASH AND PRODUCE. His Ktm-k is 1'iitiri'ly new. l'urehttst'rs will (iiid horo every ni tielo usually kept in tho stores of this city new ntkl well selected. Thoso wishing to liny nt'o reipiestod toenll and examine his stock and prices hefore puichasitijj eisewhero. lJememlier tho plaeo mid that tho stock is WIIOIJV NKNV, and will eontintially be re plenished with IVsli new floods of the. LA TEST STYLES, PATTERXS AXD VARIETIES. lif HUMI8T0IT, WILS0H &Co., AND WIIOI.KSAI.E llKAI.KliS IS Fine Brandies, WINES AND LIQUORS, Fire Proof Brick Slurc, Front St., corner of Oak. I'OKTI.AXl), (ICS., Ol-'KEU to the trade of Oregon and Washington Terri tory inducrniciiLs sccnud lo no other bousu ou this coast. Onr stock in part of Fine Old Brandy, OtarJ, Duptiy A; Cd., Jiiines lleinicscy, A. Iioniott ck Co., United Vineyard Proprietors, Pinett, Castillon & Co., Union of the proprietors, V. Manpiet, A. Signctte, Ami various other brands. AV-o, very choieo OLD BOURBON WHISKY, Old Rye Whisky, And till other choice brands now in market. Pure Holland Gin, St. Croix and Jamaica Rum, Cordials and Wines of every description. Also, of our own bottling, which wecluim to be superior to iiny linng now 111 tlie luurkel. OTA 111), 1)1 TUY & CO. & C. MAIiQUETT'S im.ATi:ri:s, OLD ISOUKKON' WHISKY, of a superior quality, and OLD llYli WHISKY. A1jn a trenend DssorOneut of rase ponds, und everything else iiptiei liiiiiini; to the I.iouor Tnide, which we oiler ut S.iu Knim i-icu prices. J -i'?" Orders from country iner ehniits and denW reiw-cltiU y sdicited. N. it. Ail I ii not s wld by u.s me giiurnntecd to be gen uiue, uml us i cjn e.-.enled, except imported Ciisc goods, audi us Schmipps J'orUaud, (Ire-Mil, Jnlv :;l. To Merchants and Shippers, POUTAOK AT OliFOX CITY. rjHK M KHCIIANTS AND SlIlI'l'lCILS of the Willamette X Valley nre notilied that HAliSTOW it FUAZKIt ure imw prepared with plvnty nf tcfuusaml rareful drivers to puss freight over tin l'ortrtifi between Oregon City und Canemali as titt as could be expected. One of us wdl tte all time, ut pch cud of tho route to attend to tin' forwarding of the freight, so us lo prevent any unnecessary delay. Oregon City, Oregon, January 1, 3tf The follnwini; letter, uhich rtnplinticnlly MpeukK fir itself, wan written by the Dean of the Faculty of the I'hiladelpbia College of Medicine to the editor nf the I'nciiic Medical aud Surgical Journal, .wau j'rnu' iscu for publication : I'hii.aio:i.imii a, Jamiiiry 17th, InOj. To thn Kditor f The r.icifie, Mcdieal Journal (eutle inen : My tttteution ha been called to nn article iu the Decemlii-r number of your joiiniid, in regard to the nd eundein decree granted by the Philadelphia College, of Medicine to Dr. I.. J. (Vipkav. When the application tor thedetree was made tn the I' acuity, it was accompanied by ulliduvits nint tetiiuiuual- to the e licet that Dr. Czapkav, wh a regular graduate .M. J. of tin University of I'estii, had served a surgeon in the Hungarian aiin , itud wu a ri'tfiilur practitinuer id' medicine. On the -treuth of tln-e the decree wiw granted. The ud eiiudem decree, a it name implies, s conferred on (rnidtiatei onlv, and (livt's it new pih iIclo'. Had there been the jtii;hte-t iu.-M' inn nt irrculanty, the ttiplication wnuid hare been n in-iMi, i,v in-sertiiiir tins ui your journal von will no mi act of justice to the college, und eonler a fa or fin, Vour-, very reaped fully, I!. KAND, Dean of the Faculty of the IMiila. 4'nllejreof Medicine. Ml. f. J. CZATK AV'S Private Medicul ami Surgical In- i 'itute i.H mi Sacramento street, blnw M'Hilnmerx , oppo- site the r.ieitic Mail StiMtn-hip Cniiipiiny! otlii'e, San Francisco. The Doctor oti' r fre cin-ullaiion- hikI askn J n rcinntieraiioii unle he cllcct a cure. Olliee houiA ! from 'J a. m. lo J r. u. J CKnTtrtrTE.f , the underinr-d, f..vrrnrr nf irunff.iry, I do testily Jn-iebv, lhat Dr. I.. J. Czapkav ban vrved durinn ' therotitt -t for lliinuMi ian libeitv, us Chief Surgeon, in the t llitn:.rian at mv, with taitiifnl perscvemnce. Whereof I buvr L'ivcu hint thi- c i tilicnl.-, and recommend him to the f vtnpalhy, titietitimi und pmtection of hII those win are capable t.f nppre inline patriotic nef-iu rilice. and tinde rveil misfortune. M.-SCTir LA.HS, ;overuor of Hungary. Washington ''t.v January ,"th, 1""l'. fVT I'crsnn not wi -.hint! tn Iom timr in correspondence p!eii-c cnroe o in thfir letters, nnd tlny will get im- mediate Htt.-ntum to their case. Ad Ires. L. J. CZAPKAV. M. D., I Sun Francisco, Cal. j WELLS, lAlt(.Js tO'S EM'llLSS. FAIdiO ii ( tl. HAVE KXTENLtUI) TIIEIrt T Kxprr ti VAN'()LVi:it, fASAIKS, DAI.I.K.S, WAM.fl.A, WAI.I.A WAI.l.A, I.KWI.TDN, OHOFINO, PIKUf K ( ITY, KI.K f.'ITV, an I t!i- S I.MO KIVr.K MINKS. 1 i 'A lit of A'iit will he puldi-lied .14 oon a pract icaltle, and (nm'Ii A.-tit mil Im fiinti.lied uitii a comtnii..ioll peci- j f in lit- niithoi ity and llie ptent to Hindi lie Hill be bound tv hi, a4't., Inch will be pnhlirty eltpoeil in Ilia o!!!''c tor the nisju ttoii ol" tlm-ie doioj loi.ine., with ns KI.I.S. KAItt.O k I'll, K. V. TItACV, ..iperin-:ti.e!it l r Oreir-u and Wa.U T...,,.,,,r. ;i if , E. W. TRACY'S 17 W. TRACY will continue the Express from I'OItT J, LA Ml io JAi'KnO.WlLI.K, will, tin- lullowin OFFICES AND AGENTS. 1 Orcmi City. HiUleville, l.:ll'aveltefc Hiiytou, t Saletii, .Ml.anv. . I I'orviiilis. I'll'ene Citv, I Oakland, j Kosebnri;, Cliarman X W'urner. Y. X. Mnthieu. M. Wolfe. William. & I.inpencott. Hell i ltrown. J. Conner. K. Vut. 11. M. Ellsw.nS. Lord, Petur. A Co. - - A. R. Flint. Siileinaii, Wollenber X Co. ('. t lici tiimtl K. W. TKACY. UO UO II IC, Jacksonville. 11-tf CHARLES A. CRANE, ADVERTISING AGENCY. Cor. Washington So Sansome Streets, Ciovcrniiiciit House l'i-Slaira. SAX F1UXCISC0. STATE UEPrilMCAX, .Stow Stock ltcpurter, -J)uily Hee, ------ Nevada Nationtil, - - -Ihitte ltiiuncrut, . - -J'lucer Cpnrier, - - - - Northern Ciilifortiiun,- t'olouia Times, . - - -Mooiicv'h Kxpress, - - -J'luinus Stsimlurd, . . Soulheni News, - - . -Jhuly Argus, - Daily Appeal, - - - &upu t'ouuty Tuned, - . San Jose Telegraph, - -Alumedii Herald, - - -Conhit t'ostu Uuzctle, - - Santa t'ruz Ncw.s, - -Pctalumu Argus, - - - - Sonoma t'ouuty Dciuocrut, J.ns Angeles Stnr, - - -I holy Oregon. Advertiser, Manposii Star, . - -Sun Andrea Independent, f'oltimbia News, . . . . Tcrritoriul Knterprise, Ah'iueda ('utility Oazelte, -Dcnucratic Age, . , . Arionian, ...... Oregon t aruiel", - - - - Mountaineer, - - - - - llutchiiig's Magazine, - California - - Eugene City, Oregon Sttn Fruneihco - - - Sacramento - (iruss Vulh-y - - - - Orovilfo - - Forest Hill - - I'niou - - f'uloina - - FoUom . - . - Quiney - - I.osAngclc r - Stockton Murysvillo . Nnpu - San Joo Oakland - Martincx - - Santa Crux - J'ctalumu ' - Santa Kosu - - l.os AngcIeA , 1'orlluiid Muripudu w S;n Andrens 9 r Cuhiinbiu Carson Vulley - - - Sun l.eiuidr'u - . . . . Sounra Tucson, Arizoiiu ' OlMgDtl - Dulles, Oregon - Sun Francisco - - San Francisco Advertising in tho Atlantic States. C. A. (, will iilso attend tu forwarding iidvertjaenictita topupvu JubJihrd in ny portum of the Atlantic platen. 10IlKxVL35. HOMESTEADS AMD VALUABLE JOL ESTATE. Building Lota from $10 to $200 Each. Also, 50 Vara Loin und Entire Blocks of Beau, tifnl Garden Lund ! IX TIIK CITV AM COrNTV OF SAX KKAXCISCO, on llie line of llie Sun Jose Itiiilrond, nt the West Knl Depot. The tilli is iilisolntelv PKK I'KCT. beill uSnunisli (ii'iiiit, liimlly conlirnicd und jiuteuted hy the United .Stutc-a. ine stouter lint respects tins Title; the City AutlHirilica lespeetit; t,.e District Courts nnd Supreme. Court of thn l.'nited .Sliites respect it. ltesides the Titlt hu bten furectr 'iiilil lip ii l imit Dn reaml Jii.hiHitnt tiiiit 'iHt the City. Su there is no) even a cloud or' a, shadow upon it. ' Who ever purchases one of the:.e loin will buy a lot and uot a lawsuit. Olliee Xo. lit Naplee'n IttiiMine;, corner of Wontgotnery uud Mcrcliaut Ktrvcl.s,, .San I'runeisro. li -"m I1AKVEV R I1KOW.V. 1J 1 1 OS I ; ECTUS NATI0NAL1REPUBLICAN. Wasiiis(it(n, I). C., July 1, isr.i. The undersigned entniueticed, in the month nf Decem ber last, the publication, iu thin city, uf a weekly new.spu per, called the Att!imtl lit ptthlion'. It is printed on u laiye sheet, twenty-ncren bv fnrty-twa indies, and i furnished ti the low prices stated belnw. It w ill contain all the original mailer nf Ihr daily Xnt'ion til ti-fnMirttn, with the exception of locul new not inter esting to country Mibrxiibctfi. It will ive full report ut the imcredin of Coheres.-, nnd of the other departments of the national tioveruiueiit. It will contain all the news of the day, foreign ami domestic, markets, etc, an well ;is o-; cin h-iiee from ull parts uf the country. Tin- miscellaueoiiH(ejHrtmeiit will receive special attention and, in till respects, tlie elici t will be made to establish tha cLiit'iU'ter of tlie tfu'mi A'oAvfrt im a Family Newspa per. Wahinton being now the central point of the cur rent military operations, jrrcat attention will be paid tn lurnidiini tlie readers nf llie Xttiotftl , tniUUwH with full, and especially with tto'nrat-, uceouuU of the progress of the war for tlie t'nbm. In politics, the paper will be Hopublicnn, sustaining the Administration nf Mr. Lincoln, but disclaiming, however, anv nrcteiition to be the organ of the President. There ia lio Republican patter tn the District of Ciditmljia, or in the vicinity ut it, ami it is believed that recent events hava npencd to such a paper nn important sphere of useful effort. The lime has come, when the act mil mhniuistration of tho (Joverniuetit iipnu Kenublicua principles will explode the miirepreseutaiions wtticli liave inuile those nrinciples no listuslcful to the South, lint it is not only here, uml jn this viciuitv, that the projectors of Stimuli JitpuhCtcan hope to imike it usetul. iu the wliole country they oiler a ouriial which will cis uhs national noiitics from a national Ktandpoint, uud which will never be Mverved from patriotic itnty hy any overpowering pressure ui local micrcst. TrrniN vt Subscription One copy for one year, - 'J'hree eiiptes for one year, - Five copiei for one year, - - Ten cepies for me year, - Twenty copies for one year, - - 2 00 - ft (Ml 7 - IU 0f - Co no When a ctnbof subscribers has hern fbrwrirded. additions may he made to tt on the same terms. It tn not liecessarr that the subscribers to a Hnb should receive their miner ut the same post olliee. Money may he forwarded bv mail, nt onr ri-k. nccnunts can be remitted in drafts on iin.-tni). New oik, Philadelphia or llaltitnure; smaller anmiiiiN iti gold, or in notes ol solvent banks. The Daily Xit'unnl 'yoAov is published every morn ing Sumhu s eicepted i at $1 -,o per annum, in advance. Address W. J. ML liTAt.U A CO., Washington, J. C. TRACY & CO'S OREGON EXPRESS. I'oRTLtxn, March r,lst, lsiSJ. 'pilH PAriTXKPSIIlP herelofori. existinn hctween th L undcriucd i. this day dissolved hv mutual ronscut K. W. TKACY i:. XOKTO.N. " f K. 1,. J.iiiu s. NOTICU TO Dia (i(;iSTS. I! H A K 4 X 1IAXD ninl an ronstantlr rerrivinir Ihf linct oualitii-s of liltAMUKS A.N'D WINKS. expressly for the Druir Trade, which f triiarnntee to ba g. nuinc. lll.Ml.sTO.N, WILfiOX A Co. Estrayed. tuiddle-siied Amv;in.n brs; atoiit flra A lKi:i HAY t Veurs old w ith a small star in hi. forrbead, and wma ildte marks, Any per'n taking htm np aad returning bim ta the sol: cril, r will bi lihvrallr rewanti.t. A. W. P.VTVKBSOX Kiiifone City, May Mh, Is-tf Estrayed. IIfuM the sulwriher, luintj tlin-c n.ili .vaitti of I'unrn Cite, a ftrawlxrry roan tillv. Inn ear. old la .priuz 1 no iiiutk or hraud r.ct-pt the hair in tfie face ia a little litit cr than on the other part, uf the hodv. Any iiiliirinution) rotici-riiioit the ame will lie ui':iljlv rewarded Kiiif-n I ,tr Or..- n. i; ' Wn I I CKKY.