The state Republican. (Eugene City, Or.) 1862-1863, October 04, 1862, Image 2

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    THE STATE II EPl IiLI CA. . L'r"a'" : 1 !.' ..grot',,-'' "':rul Sanatarr t out.ibutiou.
-j- ------ - : . - -- v- - .gg . on Southern rights" Unappealing A letter was received from Amorv ILbr-.
xas arrujjie o: itway n tci a.-DgeTitrT :cr . ,v . .
t-dav. it is for the vset fat-are also.'' , '-'
uoii 0:1 u ira.ior, noi on, lor our uay L'rf-gf'B, Lav a gent le:a.i!i
Gujdati.s.-TLe Saeraii' len as usual
"run: '..lit j at vur coir. murder in gc e ral and
23. Gen. Wright has re
Kso., ir tLe S-r.atarv 1'utJ for M. i:i particular. We would ad vise list . . .n,. ,ir,b r r...orrin the f usieiision of bus
TLe most import .lit ii-ue e ve r pros cr..c-3 to
ir.arikiuJ, will soon an J ha It-L.y bo p.-e. 3
to tb American people. And the ;-es-l' n
to whether it will be kept "fj till the pre .-!.: v..-.;
is ended, cr will Le force! upon cs t? c-i.d th.
war, is Immaterial ; it i ju-t come, a:.j this i
the iisue : Shall we Lave a See country, !". te in
in it broadest cx$t, cr thai v. e crojeh
and cringe- before that fiions'.cr evil, that gigantic
tyrant! theA semi of vua'nv ! ! O.attle
Slavery ? Shall we meekly Low down
the Slave Oligarchs a:! say, yes! ye-! v, e'il
protect your slavery by enforcing the Fugitive
Slave Law ; we'll receive you into the councils
of this Nation and girt you a chance to a sain
f this town, who
are lun.U-rt-J. i U g'.onou. uu vt Urty has the ptot Javs k:s solicited contribution-. : that, if h
risen, Lis i:.i: d ytt arcing lays are Legltitdr.g , Mr. Holbrook states that wit the ( xc-e tior. c f Le had Utter j is! ride over U the Okoi
to l.inme t:.e I-oJ;!.c.: f.or Zjti :.J t-j penetrate !.. from Mr rtawl, v, M' !:.,:., I . . ao ....-,,',...' .n . t . .r ... .;,., f
e . hi the dis;;:..l 5-.V3M Hi-j deiiie fjr.-s! (a::i- Count v Lad i:ot, to the 3 te i hi letter, c-n-
j..-1 i..ver, ar.J to beawi l.-..rn . trlbtited hrv'hlr-' f .r the r.-!lef f f 'h.- c",
c y.:i;te:.a'.ce J n-lll. .:. of Gi "J'jred , . i;n 3.. J,A. Lie City La! vt-n 1.2- ' of veter.-.ns vhleh was MiHj.-ifi.t'y sir,.,;, it it h;n.
D.tile, ; M.i-Aaukle, 5C'. t '.::vr t j-a l been propel ' v ma:i::jeJ to have j revei.ted tLt
el bv the s'.ui
r ; i:ei: a i-
:i!J to
f w u. .v v vu.Lt tin iTi.iv n"e' aa uvae j.o-
. . r F-'Z c;t'z- :i f K;:i'ci.e re; f'r:-3e! t: th
7J.JC7, M0L!1.I;, -.Jt. 2'. 114. )
Jv t'r.t frtt vA'jet'l Inholl.'uxts "f Lvaluonu :
T''T'ifj a ft'ttudct 2'yllr-j. y-.u Lave been
L.-.-ttvi-re deprived o! a purtwiflion in the "lo
ll". : t:-i)2.le t-r uu.ioi,a! rlcr.S In w hic-.'i our
Country i ei.g..jed. 'J his s-LuJl no Ixjt i'er exist.
s ,. f J.-ee.J..m. are now Ca..eJ upon to 10 ; J. X. One. 10 ; II. C. U.vei:, 10 ; S. M.
i our mot j;.e.-!.mab. L...5M: A Luekev, 5 : V. X. Lwkev, 5 ; J. Lu'-kev, ,lr
1:m:.. ywr lo 'ks w;:h e..!ii;denee L-iVi. t.:i.-k r. J Vf. S-. v, A s
111 1 . f '.1!, I V'.'-. h T,!- l I"... ,ht- L.--T t - it'1 11 Tt I It '1 ?
raise in arms and attemt t t. ovc-rthr.- f,tir . 1 ' i-' . 1 1 . ' ; . i ..uer.!;, ; . i. n.intnf,, iv.i .c!:i,iiigS
.. - . , . , . ia '' auvaiita?- ei..yci j; p;. aud, 5;-.N.j., 5: r..n!B
net ivuuin , eu jeeei.u a.iu i e-g ,:!. j,.r tier in : J J M..J ej 'J .'.ible goven.iue;. t. As tuln, 5 ; lP.rvcv S.iv.l!. 5; J. Ware. 5; i".
you as brothers in the church of G" J, or th.iii fathers, hj-l.m is, brvtlier, oj arc summoned ) j ;lcv. 5 M..r"y S. llvd.- 5 ; J. R f'n 1. rw ood
w o raise our voice f .r freedom ? We believe '' ' ;.v s.r-.w.l the Mai. hir 3 of the on.''e to de- j ; X.'M ir'ln, o S. Cl:f rd.'o : J. J. Walton,
Ki.. a.J V.1..1 ;a .jear in c;st., Sr., .1 ; Harriet MeM.irrav, 5 : Marv MeMr-
io.r country, aithouh fc.inrg on yoa l..r rav,2; Hei.rv l'..:--oi.s, 5 ; K. II. l'ar-ons 2
1 your t.trt...ns o hs not w vou to tni'aLre tn II ,rrVt P-,r,,r r.rt . W W l.,r r.
tier t.-.e Yil
Cincinnati. Sept. 23.
The irJ,-r ri-O'lln
!.:.-" :zu n ! 5--l? to M.-C!.-!!.in li.f .irinir? hln. .M r 4 ..Vl.K-k -. on t-verv S iturduy, how
rea!?r true an .1 1. va! to the Ci.,vtn.. ever, between the liours ol U ana o iUMtie wi
le snspe ided, and the citiz.'ns ot Ui.ieliiualir
C'vli.t'. n and XeJort are to meet for drill.
Ne York, Se t. 24. The Tribune Mgard
the eniaiicipatioii fiusage as the beginning of
the end of the rebellion.
W.-i-hin"t'.n.'Ser.t. 24. Dispatches from head-
1 uartirs ot tfce arinv on tne roioinae, m
tj-.-c and "-t I --n if orviatit.ns U-r tLe taturc-
I r'c.;-i.'tkTi ot the war. The- I'uloa ar that
.J -r.;;el has arrived at Lonlstille with his army
ea". and we bor
will f .IhvJT he
:r cx-
anjple and f..nd at ltat H 2; to Mr. ILdbrwk.
The 'jlio'.lrc' jer-ons in Eu'-.-ne City coiill.
utc-d the sun.s oj'pOiite their n:i::x5 :
1 iva-i n o!
ve e.rjVe!
:f Krr.'u'.-kv, and ao to h
the rcje.s cut of J; 1 -1 lei:r.issee. ' .Now ;t i
an eldei.t, th-t the Union ku-iws a great
deal tin re about 1! aril's army, its itritgth.
jei:y an! position thr-.n Lell Llmse.f. Why
sijoiilu'i.t they ' They've Uvthing todobut hok
M. B'andi; . ? 20 t X. IluwrLrry, ; I. M. over (the and see all that's g-lnu; on.;
Kisdon, 10 ; A. S. McC'ure, 10 ; G. 1 1. Ueldeii. while Davll has to rerfvrm the duties of an!
Ainericari General ai.d conseijucntlv cannot be
txrectcd to k
f..rnj.,tjo!i rec-ived from rebel deserters, wh-
..arm- in v ester Liv. show their loss 111 General
orhVers d'uring tile l.ttc battles, to have beeru
Ttater than our. llebels admit their loss i;t
. . . . . , . - r, n j
Uie battle of Antietcia ts Dave wen sj.uow, aim
lite intasioii of Maryland, S0,000. An
Alabaua brig-ide, commanded by Col. Corninp,
U.s not bi-eu able to muster over fitly men since
the battle.
Baltimore. Ser t. 24. The American's or-
eral uu-i conseciuentiV cannot t.e 7.4.5. .undent from Slrpsbrg under date of JWd,
.o.v m;K-h abvut mi.itary ttLlrs. !s,avs bth armies are-Vying quietly, with the
awaiting deveiopmenis.
in strong force.
ne t even the powers of his o n t-itfnmaijj. It funse baween them, awaiting
- ' certainly iio-.vs a want of discretion in journalists ; Wt hold the river at Sharburg i
1 .1
idu'ire so freelv in denun-
as did Jeff.rson, that " all men were create J fr-.e ,
anl equal," and " posessed of certaia inallet. ible
right," among which " are life liberty an 3 the
the J urs'iit of ha pl!iess.''
Shall we not say to the op; res.-e 1 At"; lc..:i.
stand ye uj my b. other, (f..r Jet !;o t:i tu call
God his father, who calls not every man his
brother) crouch no longer, walk upr'.ht
in the manner in which God i;,'en i ,-d ye .u.d,
breathe the free air of h .-aveii, '.ill vor Ltl.-r
earth, choose your oa:j luh.-rs from among y.;:;
selve. and never og-sia Low the knee to Baal
thattle servitude.
Shall we, who Lave always boasted of e il'-i 1' '
our country as .in a- lam to the oppres.-cd 1 1 .
other countries iiow perpetuate tie.- n.. t !
and abject servitude eer imposed ubon (i.ij's
children by their brothers ' h.ili we allow mif
Americi's nan.e to Lcco ne a hissing and a by
word for "I -reign f'.''' t j carp a, byagdiij
establishing the now dead curse uj wi our lair
land ? Forbid it Ahn:i;V.y Go i ! Nv; l;t v
arouse to a tense of j istloe, right, Lj::;.i' ity, let '
us shake olfthis incubu, thi-li-nl -tai:i, !":) .r
otherwise fair name. Let us m..l;e cur C" ...try
a free country. Hark! tnt-thli.ks I L- ar s'-n.e ,
treason-reeking liberty. hutli g b'xj 3-lhlr-ty slave-
ocrats luwl'Mig abohiioii," negro eouuhty, '
nnd as many more opprhrious ej ithets as their
disordered intclleets call invent, ag-iii.-t t!.oe
who have the morn! courage to denounce -ir
ty rant,:i;ig, hell-sustaiulng institution-.
V" e hold it as a self evident fact, lli.t the wis- !
dom of the gre it Super-rniii.g Ii.te!!'g-i v.- in
forming the di.lerent c mi '.trie, and -pl'.i-g
them with t! e dili'erei.t r..ce, is fl.ul and e n
elusive evidence that they were i.tver intended
to mi and euiigUiocratc, and whi-iiuvcr man
transcend this just and wise I iv t (jo l, Le i
doomed sooner or later to su!h r the penally.
We earnestly urge the iiicrican J ..,- to
appease an insulted deity by removing f. om
among us the cause. We therefore s igg. -t that
a sutlicieiit area of country be roc u red in .-onie
troj ical cliiuate ai d ail the n g:ocs coh i.ized in it
with all the necessary means for instruction, and
implements of husbandry, ineehanirs it,-., and
that the property olall tor!e, whe th'-r Xort!; or
South, bi3 confiscated to pay the expenses of c !
onizatien ; and that the rice and cotton fields H
the sunny South be thrown oj en to Iree white
labor, and peopled by t! o honest yeomanry 1
tliis and other nations. Tin 11 we will have a
model He-public, a government wi nhy the name
of the Anglo Su.xoii r ice. B it in our rus-.i.t
struggle cd civilization against .vna':-ii. may
the god of battles never st.'y li s h m.l t il the
last vest-ige of the slavj'tu:ii-n Is wljel
from the American Coiiiii.ent.
Men may talk of the ir rig' t, "political rights,"
"legal rights," or aiy other class e.f man made
"rights," it is an indisputable proposition, a
self evident truth, that nothing is, or eau be, po
litroaDy right which is morally wrong. There
are none who deny that slavery is a tnor.vl oil,
except a class of ignoramuses who vittu.iiiy
in the estimation e-f the I
while the rebels hold the o4ite bunk. We
also hold Williamsport, with sufficient force to
repel any attempt of the rebels to dislodge us.
0:1 this far oil" coast to
ciations of men l.''!i
Aooon.stratloii. It is sin. 1 v, and ;.t once elenv. V Vfl, 01 m, llral,r sneoial
in:.' th-- ca acitv of the l're-ideiit, fjr he appears .dispatch from Washington, sr.vs a reconnoisanci
to be Satlslied to keep M at the head
1 a
e J U .V .1
i-ve , i I... :.or
ve 1. j .1 a
; sin'-erlty c f a s
a Ire -s voii.
ofc.l .r V.
co:.te-.t 1th G
Ashley's Gap. returneil l ist night J at tho
the arn-.v, there KTe we think men on this coast '1' tbe V5r'i,,ii' PV!llr.v
, . . ., ,, , , ,. and el.snorsed thun, capturing a few prisoners,
who to be cons.,erc-J .oyae, sloum cease t!a whom was Ucuu CI. Green.
1 ,
at renrjiK rating yo,i t r the se--. ! .. Co.t, 2 SO : M. E. Walker. 2 SO . M .r-a-t
.1 on;- intelligent lulnds ar,- not J. Walker, 0 SO : Marv A. Wa.k-r, 0 SO ; i..-r-'
l' rep:vser;t-itici;s-. Y.r trud- Hvde.OSO; tlii-.ra He-kti CV.-hraf. 0 o) ;
.o;i; lead yoil to desj-lse the nr.n Cash, 0 U. Te4.'.l, 21 1 SO
ddie'r a:; 3 the L.ttg-i::-.'.- cf truth I V. S. Pesiaso Notes. The HttiU and S-Lr-Toe-very
i.ob.'e-heartcl freeman ' t 'rr says:
eer.;. to serve our.: g tne r .-w-nt . i.aiy I.uoo.vv'.i 1; 1 rer.Miry Mcs U ye t c-eases to be a law by proclamation of the l'rrs j hind Gap. If the statement of his having re
. ..w ij 1 ....... .! . j i.'t . tiie i c "Cvii - L I . L i1' .ll.s C" . tn:. i iaS J'J J .l.'.nn
.he '.:: ae i.".;, in jiio.vV ani h.-.S been disbursed bv the iover:inient. Ot
, pobiiih so muih abuse.
A Coi;Kz;rj.visi wri
:.t the existing pre-c-mj tloa law in Oregon, j jou!,t, however, that he has evacuated Cumber
from Salem, thinks
Cincinnati, S;pt-2L NooiSJal information
received conlirrning the report of General Mor
an s movemen's. It se-ems mere is no.
of 1
v.: ,s
1 1
. Tne
I e '
eat -.:
ive i hy the
viz : 12 1 in money
v. 1 1 !.; , he entitled to the
..I! ..N and clothes is,
j.ia 'ol iier.
e' .-..' vour
a-iai i-o-.a;
ioar no;
Inted !. ,m
regard Will
an 1 s a.!. 1
-1 l.-:s cf the
nn ) 100 acres
i'ie. rs an 1 p.-i.
tuis '.wiw, at tea
the, leaving only i-f'O.OoO in el retortion.
'I he Federal inti-rna.1 leve .uetaX will have to be
Paid in a few d.ivs. an 1 it will absorb in a sh-.rt
any time all ci this .Jes rlpth.n of currencv we Lave
; amo' u. hi a moatLtl.e public demand for
the ! them will raise them to par. Indeed,
e-rs were purchasing them on Friday an ..turd avow-
in anticipation -f a rise, 'l'iie lOO.oOO et re
.'.all nj.i.. ii.g uiiei'i loved w oi in the same manner be
taken up or remi'ted East. I: will thus at once
of he s..e!i that tnere is no reason whv b 1' al Under
ieii whliiot, by bein' notes should now have only a oiscoiint value.
i.e mo n-i
-h- 1 to a
eives m Cofnpan
m iiai'.n j w hi select
at fr' :n V '-Lli- white t'..
c.n-.inissione J '. tlleers
nio'-g o-.rse !vi-.
be paid to l!iC i'eelill
.ted wit
-j to ii.
.asm. ,s a 1
I I''-: eat. J Hi
1: j, re:
,j r
ii in tne
.vc the np.
011 of the
:s'i or unj ist sar
,d...,t batt.o.ioti ..
-I b.ry, v.. u will
e m '. oar
io n-s'jr: oil of the sincerity of n:v ii.ten.
lions, m. J i..y anxiety to el. i'e o ,r iavaluable
s 1 vices to e ar C'antry, 1 ce.'iin.nnleate l
my wl-hes to the Governor i" Ioui-i.,ija, v. ho
is ! 0 y inform...! as to the manner 1 f e-nr.oinnnt.
in. i he v. -I veyo.; every n.-ccs-ary h.t ian..ti'.:j
AMlIl'il'.V JA' IlM N. M:.j. Gelt. C -io-.
ess t-
1 '
e cc
hi 1. (iem Jacks..,
leu-, the ! ..lowing
iii i ,:.ef 0! hi r.r:ni : 1 Wh.11 en the bank, of the M-mlle.
you to up arm, inviting yon to
te ill the perils and glory of yon r hi to
;i:ei;s. 1 expected nmcli Ir.mi oa; h r I
t i"...i:-ai.t that you j....s,.ss. ,J ij i..;:tles
ilil. to an l.l.i' 1 '"en. v. I knew with
rtlta-ie yn comd endare hui g r an
a 1 I a., tl.e foi-ne of a e-moagnf I knew
'W joii we! vor.r native c unf v. an 1
s we-.l as oar-'lv -s. had .lelV.,.1 i wh .:
i l mo.t dear hi parents, wife, hi; hren,
.".. oi done m'.t than 1 ex
In addition to the r revioiis cpialitics 1
bel-ee knew yoj to pose, 1 found among you
a ho'de e n'.lil -lasni, wi.h li ! ids to the peif ri'i-
a' (.! on-.t tn.ngs. r...aiers! 1 lie rrcsl.lrnt word or dee.1.
' t the I i.ited Mates siia.l iiear l;ow praiseworthy
) ci
the Fr.
i ue e-o..
I (:, ;'. ;"
II a .o .V e.
'A a I.
f rial 1
W ii it '
A. l I.
o I. a
ni:.u h
ai.l j.
mecoips, Le 'i i.e f.ct seems to Le, brokers have been depre
Ciat :(; '.neni to .a, oia:. )-ii Seh.-a nrp- s-.-s.
Such m-.-ti are i f their ctintry. Let
the: : ' and ' hear ' the ),i..rkct as much as
.hey please in all Other, but tle-y shoald
; tot e of t-ir Co J.ify's hi .or.
ine man who would destroy the pal..c conii
dence ill the a' .hty of t ij-i OjVeiamient t) J is
c Marge :ts obligatii:, "111 e'der that he in ay
niake m aa-y out n ex.,. Irr-sces. is ;is untrue in
his loyalty a he who Lou.3-.-rs his niuskei in
'Lei conf..eiir..te ser ice.
Tlic above parajr-' li ncds little Coni-'ieat
.1 give s a statement I the Wo are
rry u see one ot tne most 1; :V!.tiaI pan
I :.
lent Lrirgin- the lands into market. Now in ;
fd'io.iXK) has U-en sea.t to j!iK' ,ir i'""-v- tr""re H 1,J pi-s-emptiou :aw ;n 1
i.'regon, the Jaw is aa Act e-1 c.-..ngrei ana ap f
jlies with c.'pnt! j.iivilegv to every art of the i
United States, and could not be nullified in one I
State alone, and, the I'resi b-rt La not the pow 1
er it he eveu wished to nullity a law after it has.
been pnssid, signed, and entered o:i the public ,
recoi ls. He a. so thinks thai Cvl.tfres uiit to' I
piss an Act refunding moneys p ii-J by preen.p '
tioiilsts for l.ilid and thus lliem an uppoiiu
ii'ty to take the benefit e ' the II iliiestea l Act.
Tnis w i:!d eawse Govermuetit a s; rent deal ('
trnubie and expense, tier the benelll of a few
hi li vid. nils.
The I're-i leafs Prodaraatioa.
Vt' gt .n. S pt. 22. A proc-'amatVan has
been iui d by tiie l're-idcnt, the s-abstance el"
e hlcli is .as fuiie'Ws :
taken K.chnioiid, Ky., proves true, it may greatly
disconcert uie rebe ls plans, as it is v wry unliRely
that they have a f rce s ltTieiently strong at Lex
ii jt.aii to prevent his Sirming a junction with tho
army at this poi,.t
St. Paul. 24. A ) r.rr' at St. Cloud, report
more murders by the S..mix in the town of Jlich
mond. The inhabitants were ll -eing toSt. Cloud
for safety, leaving the town to the ravages of the
A inessei g -r from Fe.rt Aberemmbie report
'.hat the Indians had abandoned the siege of that
II.11 risburj. 21 A genthmntn from Williams
po t l'ni.s niornin s.iys no Federal troops had
cr .ssed into Vi.-otni;t uj to three o'clock oil
Ta sday, iieitbi-i- hud any ol the different divisj
ions received any ojsk-rs for a frw.ird movemenU
Tne iuij.ress'uin lo J.revail amolig thee
soldikTs that when they d'd move they would
cross at iiiiaiiv-port. TW eiieinv, he says.
:3 N;vy, h
" 1
.1 v
k ! .veat.: a C'.urse :u re-'i!.! v i--t:
tender notes so adverse to the ll r.'Jl and .'--fir's
statements, and w hich in ; lotirg it in part,
garbles and misstates it ; in f. ct, hays itself ...pen
lo ihe charge that " IV' man who would destroy
will tindoillitedi y dispute the passim, and when
I, Abraham Lincoln, l'res'dent of the Fuited MeCleilan 4-Jers a forward movemeftt tt Latllc
Annv will no doubt take place at ibis point.
in, ail declare, th it. Alt 'omi, (l'.u)21. The Goveriyns f nearly
-e war w;,) be ; ,i. 4 ..0 s. ...a,.,. ..Alir
. t . - " a,
agreement. l-o.irte ii were present and tnreo
were r-j aeselitcl by jwoxiese. 1"Wj preatot
nnanini rrj.penr. P. ;n-vail with re-gard to ll.o
l'risii it ema'a it atsoii l.roi'laiualion. TL
e:-.J i',,i.i-,.i.'-. mu-i .i. an i.U. t tnnil,i. m4 .'.11 -
renv pi
hereafter, as in r. tof..r
e ited i r the object 1 f ; r.acticably 'eitorlni the
c i:s'.it;ltioi'..l reh.te.ns) between the I'nited
State and the States in w inch such rehitioo ar
or i.r.v he .h-tnr-hed. It Ls mv purp.e at the
r g ..11 re c
tll.g if '- a
't:vi of a practical measure, teiLA-ri
y e'.'n.'T.e-ns.aivr. to
'. .le-pe.-
which iinr not le in re'
probably r.'it.ii'u; iu sessi-.m all lim'ht. 11ie .h
tne people of :0ct xa,. Coiiventioo is i.nVar'v undetslMKl.
m against tiie I
CioVeriXT Curtain will strongly urec the removal
ernniel.t to dls.lia
that im may m ,ke
as untrue in hi p.
musket ill the ce.i.f
fid. ;.ce in the ability of the
re its obligations, in
nor.', v out of ex . is g
rstaies, wi.ku may l.-.en fae vo.Ur.lar;r .i.J.-pt. ; ,v t!,e X., U.vernment .dull sk-k ami
eel, or may yo:unta::y the mrivdmte- or n.,n,)i vohioteer. v, their respective States.
iaj....i . ivi.sii ii'-n. ea s.a.eii. ni luo olsl V... I- '....... - , .. .in.
1 1 no
'I'.. .ei' V.. it !..:.!.! !.. -. ,l;r...i.. I.
..-.a 1 ...... .. i.i:-' ..a.. ...... 1.. i.n -1... . . .. .
11 , a. 1 i7w uctu a ;.!,. f.-oi.-i -tin w !eeh .- -.,.1.,
'a V
WHO si.Oll
witi.m t..e M..tes. ;
? '"' be ill rebel loll Sg:i
.rs a be then and ever .-,
In, t
: pe. .;.,e-.v. re'-r sS...l tn.-n war has bee II the topic at the ,,( ,
u-t the I uited State, shad ( i ,v,.--n.,r Tu ,, !,riJui!i h-.v.. t.... .tl.....
lio-t day. I he Sl.,j . fr:. h demand the imiiie-diate rerftoval of
The sccesh treason-grind ng " hand org ins"'
a;e growing ramj ant at the idea of a f rt or
ba-tile being prepared f..-r traitors, whether in siiail eiesg, ate by proclamation. t.e MeClelljn ; se-c.L the approval of the Tresi
Mates or part ol SS-te m U'.i tU- pede sflaij ' 0l, ,'s eiuiucipatioi, pK-l.-.mali,.
be in re!K-ilirK. ih-J tact t.ial any Mate shall ,;.,vern.S-r:igue urtrsd the removal of Vo
on that day be m good laith represented m Con. C'eilan, and shaved bv hi remark that ho ha.l
w a your e- .n U"t in t!
r.'pia seo'.it.Ves ot t
Vo i t :e j ra.-e o :r i ; tJen. ral ant
your noble ardor.
1 he t ne my ;.i j ro.i ii. s
lakes ; ' ur ! a a i e e-itii i.
e .i tentiO!) has ea a-, d :.n.
l.our ol elangt r, an. I t
ItlV e
Ann rn-
n ...
:ir Uelgh'ior ov-.-r bv the old
ggery' got off a mess f .b.uble-dyel treason
ist wcik. o.ide-r if ;t wants a free passage
Ii -l is
ae ..:..!.
g the-... T:
lplitc is. v. Lo sLaii win the rla- of .
ho the most gh ry, its n.d.le-t re1.. ;ird.'
I'y or ! r, 'I'iie .VAa lit ti.i::;, Al l de 1
Here w is n;i. .I.nas.i'i. :i bt
' i my
r. or
' slave-
to San 1 ranels -a ? It is now an establish, d i.ot
i.g that when a er beeo:..c so di;..ya! as to
have to be dei.le! tl.e use . f the in. .Us, that its
""j editors and ;:b..-hers are !lkewi-3 liable to Le
iiiiiri-one x lor treason, an. I we a 11 J-irt.-.e-r, V. ..
v. hen a paper !... to bee.xclj.led fn m the mails
that the entire property of c-Jltors and j ubll-h
rrs ought to
ceM.iisc.ited to the !' of the
holder, armli g the Blacks ed a sla e holding re
glo;i toekle.i l th .t same, si.'.e by with ti e
Lite, some of them slave Led Jer, s gainst a
Vsswssmaiioii of the Euperor of
H iLs-ia.
Hi s;r. s their ; revloiis -x
s i f ( ur army was llir
ugh a
W li te
fr 'in the ran
m's! ik.ll policy," w hi -h 'shall lo 1. !;.''; exist."
He assure thetn that their t. ehrgs as freemen
and soldi, r shall be re-; e-cted that tiieir pay.
bounty, land, e'en, shall be the
th w Lite sol Her lighting by
a.'Vr havl' g teste.! them, he
" 1 ex. .. cted liiiie'.i . I yo
m.n'i no re than 1 expe ted,''
- inl. mi ll'o' bnt (" their
And tlieir condnrt alterwrrd in
f the British catr.p wa w ario!
belong to tho " lords of the land," and wh ,
point of intelligence and moral are no better
than negroes. Because an evil has bun tolcin
ted from generation to g.-tn ration Joe n t nmk
it les an evil, anJ if it an evil why per; etu .to
ill It i conte; ded lv slave holders th it tin ir
wealth is vested in l.iggers, just a
would contend that Lis property which he knew
was wrongfully taken from others, Lee iu-elhe
law would protect Li it, will smoothly s y "it's
my 'right' and I'll keep it." This is just tin
case with the slaveocrats of our day, an 1 th. y ask
lis " what shall we do it our ulaves are taken
from us !"' N o answer earn your bread by the
sweat of your brew, a better people are willlia,'
to do. They sav "our influence, and power will w.vild fight well, and r roved it 'e organized
be cone when our wealth i destroyed, or remov ' a'' drille 1 them a an important e
( iovernine-nt, and we shall not be surpi i-cd if for all I
such i- the case ere luanv weeks roll by. K H-jk editor, surrounded by a sinall Mj'iid of
'gi.oraric ragged vug i! ends, too tr li ng t do
anything but diiuk whisky an! i.urri t .r deti"
HavLs, may f r a time (In word only) bid de
fiance to the throve imotrl.t that h;.s nurtured and
protecte d them from their earl. est existvi cv, hut
..n !i 'bully"' will be hurle-l bae-k w.-th double
same a those of f ,rce into their oven face ere they are aware of
the ir side and. ii. When men sink so deep into the cesspool of
telhs tin in that, treason as to " Co !y course 1 resistance" to the
J. you hive done 1 iw cf the land, and advise mongrel chivs
and promises to u to be prepared for the w. rst," simply meaning.
toil l eaavi. r. trim vour gun and whet your knive this is some alarm several weeks back, lnd
the night attack cam h the je ke too far, an 1 we w
m erforei
gone over to tne aleH .timnst.
retel. of CUiL, strongly oppose-d the prptii
tion, declaring that the people wixild rise en
nasise and repudiate H.
Con. n. of Pennsylvania, ahso opposed it, stnt
ing that had it not been for McCi. ban the rebel
would Lave been success f il iu Mary&tiid.
'1 hese pp.posiii.M s were d'.je-nssed during the
after oon. Gov eruor Andrew, of Massachusetts,
makli g filly an hoar's speech i favor both.
He urg-d icClell: ns removal should be demau
ded. and th'xiglit Fremont eoiidd fill hi place.
At life evening sessi.wi, Andrew, of Missiichu
setts olil red a preamble and resofutiou. hailinj;
wit!l (-r-iTilii :it:,.ll the Pp.. si. 1.. of'- .t. ..w. ... . 1. ...
.. ,-, 1" . Is:. , ' -
e.s ot L.iieeeJS.ate-s siaves prn,,,,;,,,.. ,! .lsi) embodying bs reason
on the 'piest'ioii of the Geticiula in a inuJiru-J
The HfTalrCt re ptrt of tbv pnwdings of thi
me-etiiig is proM Jl v lme.)en Mit.s'lv Stat -..u-nt
gre, bv member clieii bv a m-.jorltv e.f t
electors, sliall, in the absence of s'rorg counter
acting testimony, be deemed su!lr.-iett evidence
that such State have w Wen in rebel lloo.
The President epioted the ik-.v article of war,
approved March .'j'oth, and also the '.Kh and lOtii
sections of the Act to suppress insurrection and
punish tre iS-ei and rebel. ioo. (the ' a fiseati.oi
Act. k:. kL)i'u ) a; j roved Jn'y 17'h. l'Od.
and enjoins i;j :i all pt-rop in the military
and naval service, the ci.iorceinciit tf said ar
t el'-s and se-ctioii.
The Executive will, in die tiiiK', re-coioinenl
that all loyal citizens shall, upon the restoration
I their Con-t.tutiouai re.ations, be compensated
iftSCS I'V
From the London S'tr we learn that a recent , It is hoped that an explicit, auUiative report
attempt was mad: upon the fife of the cmperer ' f the sayirgsan-J doing of tle Convetitiou will
be obtained.
Waslu'ngtoo. 2S. A proclamation has been
issued by the President, which is in substance a
follows :
" Whereas, it has become necessary to call
into the service not only volunteers, but also
In- on', to mlu.-e it to be conlliim.l.l ol me mintu ll tllj I nited fctotct t.
. . ..... . . sar-T-res nwnrree!...! cvt'i.v. ft. f'nlt..l
i r.1,11 a not I.iiV .in-t:e .!e,l n - v........ ... imm
of lb s-iu. Tl.e stateuiei t is as follows :
"Alexander was walking in the garden of his
puia.-e iu Sr. Petersburg tie wa fired on by an
a iin. The I'Mist strvnuou eillirls have been
ma le by the li i-i;ia Government to prevent
th.- news from
w it.l
tiing abrvstd, or iu case .',
Caen mended,
id to the bitte r end of the rope.
N..w, we illsclaii.i all knowledge of th,; art or
trade if war. We Lave vary little personal
ac.i nih tance with I cgroe. Bat Gen. Jr.. k :i
v. as a natural . Idler su.-h a G-..1 make- and
Wi-t Point is apt to ful iu and had been funli
iar v itll mgr.'e from LI infancy. JL cai 1 th.-v
Th .t article bear the ear marks v f a p:
Toinnur who know better, an 3 s!
u.a 1
Id be
ii.r,t .t f.,.. t ne. I rt... ... State, and disloyal person arc not sdeouatelr
, ..e..r..i ,.o..L ,.. L- l ,n.. Pps' rained by ordinary prKse5$e9 of law from
Hessi m ;.,eer:.'.,.t .-xh.!.:!' .at' nr- sent J,,nr h;'"Il;rin--' this measure and from eivins aid and
f-.-briie anxiety to keep pollt cal intelligee cu;"rl various ways to the enemy,
from either entering or passing out e4" llussha. 1 . " oretertl, 1 irt 1 .mt during the existing
So t.-fieh is this the case that we are peisilivcay
eel the pen
a.'v i
-I in
d jastie
insurrection, al re-be j and initr( nn.t (K.,lw
...... 1 .Ko a.s 1 1 e..J......, i,... a-u 1 3 a:'u aueuors, anu ail persons eliseoiirs.T ht.r
just arrived from Sr. Petersburg Vas stopped : en. t"Vl,it r rositsti..- the militia drafts, or otf
on tne frontier ; the b ig. w ith the Seal and ! r'" a;d a,i.J "ifl-,rt V lho n-''U. he sub,
nature of our Foreign Minister, wa Liken from to marUaUaw and liable to trial and punish
v .
on ,
.fiisc h' s.ild it was a
t j c ail.iu taeui to u
cd from our custody." Ah! there's wh.r the
shoe pinches. On these two w ord " intl n ne'e,"'
" power," hang all the law and tl.e pia fit (u- t
prophets) of the lazy nabob. W hat is most
surprising i to s-ee poor men men who w ould j ''" "'' ','',,, '-t'- o r-t m l th.. .
tnaii t ie:i. .1 .n as i ai !: J ere ti
lenient of
1 fxcbide
ihe-n f; mi lighting;, proved 1:1 faith by Li
work. S.iv, M.. ..r. F i !. of set ch paper,
not be allowed to even noci.ite with a Southern
Gentleman's body-servant, howling for slavery,
for th" " right of thn South, "w lo-n it i a know n
fict that the Southern leader Lav e been trying
for a number of year to enslave them. The
leader know full well that if they loose their in
fluer.ce over the ignorant une-luca!, d in !.,
f !;!. T of
N. W . .l
tter better
Wl.'tx' Je-
I" I-, i..-e
We. would remind our rea L-rs, th.- first
Vol. ef tl.e I.i;rmLle': will el.e with the
mouth cf I)co'inher, nnd all who have been
recaivhg it from th; e-o'imx ire-if.-r'nt an 1 fill
I "V i.i.ii e- e., 11 UlJ .c ue.J a aillcan o( C' 1 Ve lllg III tO
four dollar., ami per c.r.t interest li ii. cotnii.uui.'atloii which the Kusstau tov-l
till j aid. Bilng on your wheat, oat, beans emmet desire to keep out vf the country ." i
arythi g tnat is marketable. e tae leg il
ten lcr ne'tes at par.
inert lv a mi.;t.iry commlssh.iv
1. 1.. i, e'j-e lie i .11. seieueu, iiieu ic-si-.n-j ai.'.l 1 - , .... . -
f.rwarcel to St. I'etersburg. The motive t.ri 'e. ihe wf kibeas corpus is suspend
this extra.srdin.irv pnx-eeding is believed to WVe ' ' '" n"iHct to person arrested,or who aro
t the British dispatch box "u "r be impr.seed U any
t Means o e-ove v ing into n"':"tnrJr 3u;!-
Pen a sust n.on i:u.f
be e aaiged Ltj pc ue.j
BxTiiKa Eault. The S.n Juan fret hits
the name of Lincoln and Andv Johnson for
! A gentleman from F.ik City billed trt u a next President an I Vice President. It is rather
day ir two since, and laid cw o-ir table some early to he making sitch nominations, but there
there were Biaek defender :.i-o I An 1 if t!fi
ve. re not. how and why sii odd the I nlon sold ers
of -r day be ?
Wi w ill have to Je-ebie. the article f. on Coo
county, the fi t iver.!! ta!-. !.-:! 1 Lave l.ecu
g et:; to the p.d H last ; rli g. We eama t s.e
any g.-od from the subject i-oa, beside
it wo'.ll involve the Bsri
B. Paukk;:, S, rg.aint-at-Ar.-'.i
, La r think f'f bl'- of pb
of the
' d-M.
1 i-r-o.'.il shii'g .r 1 abu.,
nr friend, nnd if w.!i tr
ri.i -a iu a war I
We ymp ith'ze h
: .- i p. b s. t
that the.r ml
y I. ue spcemien ot tr.e vegetable are very lew i niou men witn w horn Honest Abe
that were grow n near that tow n. I i Lincoln U not th- tirt choice for the next Pres
ident. 1 rtia Jjiiru!.
It i a lamentable fact that w henever a mart
tu.iy crown on SUOv..;e Is in accomplishing a great and permanent
season and th , .. . . . , . ,. . . .
v.. vi, .ua-. ne s a.m- si universally cried clown.
Hi nee we opine that Lincoln will not be so pop.
alar two year hence as he i now, H",s heart'a
ex.'ee . rn
kiag h : '
t.ct we l.nve seen i.' l. compare to them
i i thl vlchr. I: wa the general opinion tliat
veg.-t .bli coin 1 Lot be succe
;i....s.a, t ef the s'... n ti.
re. r al sent fro, but the s.uvessf il culture of
t.e; met;'.!' Mie.1 above, socio to deni
oi tr.i'j the fi.-t that tn. c:t .-.,.n of Eik City car,
1 e 'h. ir o-. u g. ' b. t; ' Vi . ..-