HE REPUBLICAN. DEVOTED TO THE POLITICAL AND GENERAL INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLG. VOL. I. EUGENE CITY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 27, 18G2. NO. 37. T1IE STATE li E P I! B L I C A X . Published every Saturday by J. NEWTON GALE. Terms of Subscription. Th Rkpcblk:n will be published at tJ 50 a year in ad vance; l UO if paid at tlie end of ix month ; or it ) l the close of I ho year. One dollar additional will be Xhareed for each voar payment is nejrlected. I-Sf" No papers discontinued unlil all aifarage are ipaid, except at our option. Rates of Advertising One square (ten lines or less) one month, - 3 CI Kaeb additional insertion, - 60 business Curds, one square or less, one year, 12 00 . six months, S en "Four squares and upwards, one year, per square, lcj uO six months, per sqare, 7 Ou u three inmitlis, " 6 00 Administrator's Notices, and all nilvertUcmen re lating to estates of deceased persons, vlucli bavelo be sworn to, one square, four insei iuiis, 5 00 To Vovsbtiseks. Business men llirouitlimit Oregon and California will find it greatly to their advantage to adver tise in tho Statb Kbi-udlican. The Law of Newspapers. 1. Subscribers who do D-t ive express nc.8o to the contrary, are considered as wishing to continue ihtir sub scriptions. . 2 If subscribers order the discontinuance oftlieir pa pers, the publisher may continue to send them 11 all ar rearages are paid. . 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their paper from the ollice to which thev are directed they are held responsible till they have settled the bill and oilcred the paper discontinued. 4. If subscribers remove to oilier places witnuut in forming the puolisher, and the paper is scut to He former direction, thev are held responsible. 6. The cuiii ts have decided that ref.isiiu to tike a pa per from the ollice, or removing and leavini; it uncalled lor, is prima facia evidence of intentional fiaud. Special Message. Gentlemen of the Legh'aliec Anemlly : Ar ticle 5th of tho Constitution of the State provides that tho Governor sli:ill from time to timt, give to the legislative Assembly information touch ing the condition of tho State, and recommending such measures as hu shall judge to be expedient. In compliance with that pro. ision 1 repcttfutly submit the following suggestions : CODE. A transition from a Territorial to a Sta:o or ganization always requires a change o laws Oregon had been an organized Territory fur ten years. The member of the last Legislature found tlhtt the laws were embraced in a number of volumes, and that the bound volumes, includ ing the " praciicc act," were " out of print," und could u.t be purchased tit any place ; hence the ""Legislature wisely appointed a committee to colieoJ and revise the laws. Owing to the absence of lion. Amory Ilolbrook to the Atlantic States, the other members of the committee selected Hon. M. l Doudy to assist them. Tiie tempo rary absence and sickness of other members ol the committees has caused most ot the labor to lall 011 Judge Djudy. Their report is herewith submitted, and I ear nestly recommend its passage without amend ments, unless the same are well considered, so as not to destroy the harmony of one part with an other. The report is not as full as might have been desired, but it embodies a complete code of prac tice in our courts, and many general provisions. 1 trust the Legislature will connect witli it some other necessary laws and order it printed in per manent form. Iiiit it may be well to take i .to consideration the propriety of pjablishin;' the code and such other laws as are passed this ses sion, in pamphlet form, and ot retaining the committee or appointing a new one to make further report and perfect this. When the statutes a.e published in a bound volume, it will probably bo a number of years before they will be revised and published again, which is an ad dilional reason why they should Dow be prepared with great care. The resolution appointing tha code committee made no provision for payment for their labors. I therefore respectfully recommend the passage of nn act requiring the Secretary of Slate to audit and draw warrants oil the Suite Treasurer for their lobors nt the rate of $ per day, upon the sworn statement of each member of the committee for the actual time employed. rfiSITENTIAKV. The Penitentiary has been a subject of consid crable legislation and some experiment. Its lo cation is an unfortunate one, us part of it is located on block No. 100 in the city of Portland, upon tho property of Stephen Cofliu. A part of it is situated on block No. 107, w hich purports to have been conveyed for the purpose of a site for the Penitentiary. The balance of tho build ing is situated in the street, between said blocks, ! to which the State has not the shadow of a title, i Block No. 107 covers a deep gulch, fifty or more i feet deep, so that it is impracticable to improve it, as the immediate wants of the Penitentiary 1 demand. j Upon this point the committee appointed by the last Legislature reported "All tn, Iji.Js in the vicinity of the Penitentiary belonging to the State is so broken an J rough that tiie amount ! required to level und prepare the ground for im j provement and occupancy is equal to creefnig and completing new buildings and improvements jn almost nny other locality.'' If tho situation : of the land was otherwise, one block two huud- i red feet square is entirely too small for peniten tiary purposes. In this" State, where land is cheap, five acres should be selected and secured. By the correspondence herewith submitted, it will be seen that Stephen CofTin, ihe owner of block No. IOO, upon which a part of the peni tentiary is situated, is unwilling to sell tho land . to the State. A high substantial wall should en close the penitentiary, work shops, etc., which cannot be built on the present site, if tha Street Comissioner of Portland, or owners of private! property should object to it. j I therefore respectfully recommend that as early as practicable, the location of the Peniten-i tiary be changed to some accessible point, where ; title to enough land can bo secured possessing ns many natural advantages for such tin institution ns possible. And that the present Penitentiary property or that part of it which would be impracticable to remove, be sold, and the proceeds be applied in building .1 Peniten tiary at a more proper and convenient point. If tho seat of government was permanently located, I should recommend its establishment at such point, together with all othcrStute Institutions, that thev miht bo more directly under tuo su- i pervUiou of tho State oliieers, and that their workings und management might bo within the I view of each member of tie Legislature. In new States the real or fancied interests of some town is too frequent y made to influence Legislation in locating Stito Institutions. By the provisions of the Act of Juno 2.1, 1S39, the Penitentiary was leasid to liobeit Newell and L. N. English for liveyears from the fourth j day of June, 1S59. Tho above lessees sublet the samo to L,ayerne liesser, who now lias charge of tho institution and convicts. There uro now Twenty live convicts in tin Penitentiary. Twelve persons havo been pardoned by the Governor since tile" last session of tho Lcgi 1 itur?. The terms Kir which five weio sentenced havo expir ed, and they have been discharged. Twenty-live havo escaped. It is the general custom of the lessee to work most of the convicts outike of the Penitentiary within tho city limits, in s:no mills, brick yards, and at gliding streets, digging ditches, sewers, etc. While this system Ins been a pecuniary benefit to the State, it has lot answered the ends for w hich the institution win established. Those who need punishment this nost, the most des pcrate, are the first to escape. Again, the working of emvicts around the city brings them in coiiipettion with and de glades tho free honest laboirrs of Portland. It is true, that if convicts woik as they ought to, they will come into cour elilioit with labor somewhere, but that competition should, at least, bo equal till over the State, ind not borne by .1 single class of laborers in oie town. If work shops are built within walls, and convicts kept at some mechanical business, their competition will bo generally with tho Atlantic Stales, with an advantage of freights, commissions and inter est of money, for what they Manufacture, in favor of this State. I therefore respectfully recommend that the system of working convicts sway from tho pris on or prison grounds, be prohibited. As the present leisj expires eomo three mouths before the next session of the Legislature some provision 1 tight to bo made, at all events, directing tho management of tho institution thereafter. If five acres of ground was selected at some proper point for making brie''", temporary log buildings could be built us secure as the present penitentiary, and thereafter tho convicts could make brick mid build a substantial penitentiary, work shops, and a wall to enclose tho same. Thereafter the convicts might bo employed in making brick for other Stale buildings now nc.-d cd, or they could then be profitably employed i 1 in mtificturing. Herewith I submit the report of L. Bossor, sub lessee of tho Penitentiary. INSANE. Owing in part to the anxieties and disappoint ments of those who come to this country to be come quickly rich, and their habits of life, there is a very large number of insane persons in this State in proportion to its population. This unfortunate class of our citixens are en titled to our sympathies and care. It is the duty of the state to make permanent provisions f r their care and medical treatment, and also for the blind and deaf as soon ns llTo wealth and condition of tho country will permit. At an early day, while lands are cheap, good loc ations should be selected upon which iislums can be built by convict labor or oth.irwiso as the wis doin of tho Legislature may direct. Until this can be done, some temporary nrrangemt nt at State or county expense can doubtless bo made with Drs. Hawthorne and Loryca for taking care of the insane. In view of nn enlightened and humane policy, worthy of their high standing in the medical profession, they have, at considerable expense, erected in East Poatland, a private asylum, which is quite creditable to themselves and the State. Every convenience for the safely, care and com fort of patients which the new stale of the country permits, appears to be there provided. AGRICULTURE. The last Congress has manifested a disposition to promote industrial pursuits and elevate the standard of labor in the nation. I respectfully call your attention to the law establishing " The United States Department of Agriculture," mid also Agricultural Colleges. The general designs of the former are to acquire ami dilfuse among the people of the United States useful inform:, tion on subjects of ngricu.ture, in the most gen eral and comprehensive sense of tilat worJ, and to procuie, propagate and distribute among the people new and valuable seeds and plants. For several years elli rts havo been made to obtain from Congress donations of public lands, the avails of which should be applied for the en dowmciit of nil Agricultural College in i-ach State of the Union. At thu last session of Con gress, these tll'iits were suceessf il. An act was ; passed granting to every State an amount of pub 1 lie land to bo apportioned to each State i.i quail ! tity equal to thirty thousrnd acres for each j Senator and Itepresentative in Congress lo which ' the States are respectively entitled by tho np j portionment of lSM; provided that no mineral' lands shall be selected or purchased under the. act. When the Stale selects its lands thoy w ill bo under the control of the State nnl managed at its expense until tho sale. All moneys real ized under the law for lands arc required to be invested in stocks of tho United States or of the Stitp, which yields five percenf. or more intercit I n,r Minimi : nnd tho monev so invested must i'- j remain a permanent fund, tho interest of which shall be inviolably appropriated by each Slate which claims the benefit of the act for the endow ment, support und maintenance of nt least one College, w here tho leadidg object shall be, with out excluding other scientific und classical studies, nnd including military science, to teach such branches of education as aro related to ng riculture nnd tho mechanic arts in such manner as the Legislatures of the States may respective ly prescribe, in oidcr o promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in ihe several pursuits and professions of iife. The proposition of the Government, if accept ed and properly carried out, will doubtless bo ot incalculable benefit to Oregon. States to be entitled to the lands must accept the proposition within two years from tho approval of tho net by tho President. Tlnit time will expire before the next regular session of the Legislature in Oregon, hence the necessity of immediate action. COUNTIES. The rich and extensive gold mines recently discovered in tho Eastern part of the State, have attracted a largo population in the vicinity of John Day, Burnt und Powder rivers. In pros pecting for gold, farming lands have been found on the tributaries of those rivers of greater ex tent than had been supposed before to exist in those regions. I am informed that considerable portions of said lands have already been taken aud occupied by actual settlers. JL Ins state ot facts, w ith every reason to bo lievo that there w ill bo oilier discoveries and more evtensivo settlements before the Legislature meets again, seems to require tliat there should bo organized two or more comities, la ihe fourth judicial district, including Wasco countv, there is already more court business than can be disposed of by one judge, and 1 consider it i;n practicable and unjust to require tho lii.iges ol oilier districts to perform more labor than they now do, particularly with the small salary they now receive. 1 therefore respectfully recom mend that if new counties aro organized that a new judicial district bo erected, including such counties aud Wasco county. CORPORATIONS. During tho last session of the Legislature n number of petitions were presented for charters for bridge nnd road companies. Under tho Con stitution of tho State, 110 special privileges can bo granted. Companies must bo organized under general laws. In some portions of the State, roads are easily made, aud in other, good roads can never bo made except by private enterprise, without iu llicting heavy burthens on tho fc persons living in the vicinity of them. Tho samo may be sub stniitially said of bridges. There is no injustice in requiring those w ho travel ovi r roads and bridges, to pay their share of tho expenses of making them, in proportion to tho amount of their travel. At proseiit there is no law for the organization of turnpike or bridge companies, nor lor engag ing in other business as corporate coinpani .'s. A general incor,. oration law should bo passed al this session of tho Legislature, under which in corporated companies may be formed to carry on any law ful business. It is believed that under such nn Act much money in tho Stale which is now being loaned at ruinous r.itos of interest, would be invested in manufacturing establish meiits, bridge and road companies, required lor .1 development of ihe resources of the Stale. bCilooLS. By the Constitution, the Governor of the State is uiadu ex-ollieio Superintendent of Public In slruetioii. There is 11 law requiring the County Supei inlendeuts lo report lo the Governor the number ot scholars, or tho condition ot the school funds iu their respective counties. Ihe county Superintendents aro the only per s ns authorized to grant certificates to teachers, and there is 110 person to whom teaches can up peal in cac the superintendents ; buse t icir pow er by refusing certificates. 1 have known install ccs w hero great injustice has been done teachers, and some person ought lo bu empowered to grant State certificates to prevent such uOiises, mil to accommodate such teachers as uro rcal.y piulilieil to teach a common school in any part of the State. escheats. Finico Crutliors, late of Portland, died, it is supposed, without heirs, leaving real estato to the value of some forty thousand dollars. If so, his properly escheats to tho Slate, aud I there fore respectfully recommend that a law bu pass ed providing lor tho selection of an Attorney General of the State, whosu duty it shall b to represent the State in all such cases. Or, that a suitable person bo appointed in this case to preserve tho rights of tho State in the premises. MILITIA. The late Governor ol this Slate, in his mes sage 'of September 25i.li, ISliO, very properly said : "There is no State or Territory belonging to tho American Union in which well trained militia is more likely to bo needed than iu Oregon." Il is notorious that we are surrounded on nil sides by a treacherous and warlike race of In di.n.s, some of whom h ive been iu a statu ol open hostility during ihe past suiiinnr, nn I il is well knoA 11 that in Hie ev. nt of I bo L.ii cd Sates becoming involved In a war w.lli hi y of Hie great lowers of Ihe liviiijd world, Oregon would be among tho first to snlf.r tioui de scent upon her shores of a well disciplined sold iery. I see no reason to change that recom mendation. In fact there is more danger ol internal commotions, foreign war, and trouble with our Indians in tho Eastern part of the Stale, now than then. I cannot therefore too strongly urge upon you the importance of nn immediate organization cl an efficient military system fur our State. VOTINO. Tha purity of the b.illot-bo.i is indespensable to thn safpfy of ft Kp'iblirnn government. A person who has no sympathy with our govern meiit ought not to vote. As thn law now is, when tho vote of n person is challenged bef ire ho can vote, ho must swear that " hu is twenty one year of age, that he is a citizen of the United States, and has resided six months in the Stale, and fifteen days in ihu oouuty, next pro ceding tho election, und that hu has not voted at this election." I respcttfully recommend that tho law be amended so as to require persons whose votes ure fhiilloni'nj to tuke nil onih to support the Constitution f the United Stales and of the State of Oregon In lure they shall bo allowed to voto at miy elecli 11. And that 110 person be allowed t voto at any election authorized by law, who has not paid 1 II taxes assessed und due against him nt tlio time he offers to vote. Tho unanimity und energy w hich have marked your labors ihus far, leads mo to believe that, under Divine aid, you will have a useful session. And if by your wisdom aud vigilance und that of ihe State officers, that pence and prosperity which now surrounds us shall be continued, a grateful constituency will lemember you, while all will have abundant reason to bo gratoi'il to Almighty God. ADDISON. C. GIBBS. Exkcl'tivk Office, Salem, Oregon, Sept. 15, 1SG2. Fexelon thus reproves a too common sort "f exacting friendship : ' It soon sees tho termina tion of what it believed was inexhaustible ; it looks for what is perfect, and finds it nowhere ; it becomes dissatisfied, changes, and has no re P'l-ej while the friendship that is regulated bv the love ot God is patient with detects, 111 d does not insist, upon finding iu our frionds w hat God has not placed there." A NiceYouno Man. Tho Lowell Courier is responsible for tho following : In a neighboring city, ul tho lecture a few eve niugs since, a gentleman, tho modest man of his sex, and no less polite than modest, was sitting in a pew, remote from the light. A preity girl sat next to him. booking on the floor during the lecture, he espied what ho thought was the Indie's handkerchief, the lace trimming edge just visible from under her dress. Turning to his pew mate he gallantly whispered, " you've dropped your handkerchief, madam !" nnd before she could re ply ho proceeded to pick it up. Horror ! he had seized the end of her pet skirt, and did not discover his mistake until tho top of a gnitor boot stared him in ihe f ice ; and a fr.int sound of a laugh just nii ped iu the bud by tho application of 11 real handkerchief, warned him of his mi take. Moral d m't attempt lo pick up anything with lace before ion know what it is. Hoaxes Greeley. Horaco Greeley lias written a letter t:i the President, urging bim to 11 more prompt enforcement of the Confiscation law. The President has replied iu a character istic letter, in which he says : " My paramount object in this struggle, is to save the Union, and not to save or destroy slave ry. Il l could save the Union without freeing any slave i ! would do it. If by freeing some and leaving other States alone, I would also do it. Whst I do about slavery and tho colored race I do because i believe it helps Ibis Union, nd what I forbear I forbear because I do not be lieve it would help to save tlio Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am do ing hurts the cause, and shall do more wlicnevci I shall believe doing more will help the ciusn shall try to correc t errors w hen they uro shown to lie errors, und shall adopt new views 10 fast as they nppenr to be true views." The best light fjr a ship's binnacle. A stear in c-'iidle. A Veseiiadlk lady in her hundredth year lost her hiughter, who had attained iho good old nge of 80 Tho mother's grief was grcu' ; aud to a Iriend who came to condole with her, she re marked, ' Oh denr t oh ! dearl I knew 1 should never bo able to raise ihat child." Many a man w ho is proud to b a quarter master, has a wifo nt homo who it a whole master. Doos nro said to " speak with their tails." Would it be proper to call a short-tailoj dog a " stump orator 1" A Good man is kinder to his enemies than n bad hum is to his friends. Why is a crow a brave bird? Because it never shows a white feather. When you s o a rebel nrmy " in full feather," you may guess it will soon bu in fill flight. - ExcriAxoK or Colors. While our soldiers are gelling he blacks, the slaveholders are get ting tho Blues. The Watch or Geskual ' Asiuvoro. We wer,. shown yester lay, says thu Luiisville Jmtmal, a gold watch of the olden time, w hich is of great v 1110 as n memento of an important event in American history. The wutcli was 11 present Iroio Gen. W ashington to Gen. Laf lyitte and bears the following inscription on the back of tho inner case : ,-G. Washington to Gilbert Mattiers if) Lifiyette. LirJ Con.w illis' capit ulation, Yorklown December 17, 17SI." tho watch is f London manufacture, und was made in ll'i'J. It is said that thu watch was taken to S in i'mm-isco from Paris by a Frenchman w ho bee ifno embarrased there, nnd sold it to the present owner for the sum of fifty dollars. A certain lady of quality carried her purity so fir us t') warmly rebuke her librarian for putting tho male mid female authors together rn the ssmo book she!vi. EASTERN NEWS. Fom the RirrsLiCAN-Extrn of last Saturday trsniog.J From tho Yrekrt Journal of Sept. 17. Cucinnati, Sept. 12. A skirmish yesterday aftcuoon, resulted in the capture of 20 prisoner. Tiny report rebel army in good spirits. Kirbjr Son h made a speech to tho nrmy Wednesday, thclOili, assuring them that he would qusrter in Cir.iunuti in a few days. I'risoren siy that Brig; reinforced Smith with 2 K'ms 'ts At lOj'clock this forenoon tho reh jt r niii V-i.--!!; 1 uiuif pi-m.il- fiinm uvb unlet jr?.r i.nei Baltimore, Sept. 12. From a reconnoisanos in this vicinity of North Mountain, seven miles from Williamsport, it was thought that Lee and Jackson had in crossed tho Potomac near that town. It was thought that Longstreet woulvl cross further up J10 river. Chicago, Sjpt.lJ. From all reports received, we judge that It is t'je intention of the rebels to leave Maryland by way of Williamsport, With the force thoy first threw across tho Potomac, at or near Edward's Ferry, they could not hopo to hold their position, nnd tho only object they could have had iu view was gathering supplies, of which doubtless they carried off immense quantities. Ciiiiinniili, Sept. 12. Tho rebel nrmy has fillou back beyond Florence. The Strength of the rebels is estimated by prisoners at from 10. 000 to 20.000, only 0110 half of which enmo this sidu of F.orcnco. Prisoners say retreat was made because ihey heard of HuelP advance into Kentucky. Our scouts lust night reported enemy retreating in confusion to Florence, ten mile's southwest t Cincinnati. St. Joseph, Sept. 12. Tho guerrillas did no dauuigo to Palmyra this morning; they remain ed but 11 few hours. Washington, Sept. 12. At nn enrly hour yesterday morning, a portion of one of our di visions drove rebels from Sugar Loaf Mountain, 11 point of much importance in Frederick county, Aid. Somo resistance made, but it wns over come with tho loss of halt a dozen Federals killed and wounded. Baltimore, Sept. 12. A gcntlemnn who left Frederick this afternoon, says Wednesday after noon heavy firing was heard in tho direction of Harper's Ferry. The secessionists nro much troubled nbout th news from that quarter, which was to the efTeit that rebel Geneial Loring crossed the Potomno at Williamsport und marched toward Harper's perry, w hero ho commenced nn attack on the Federals, who opened masked butteries aud re pulsed him with grcnt slaughter, und cuptured many prisoners. Our informant says rebels commenced movinc from Frederick Tuesday night, llicir force num. boring about U0,000. They moved in retreating jrJer with trains in ndvanee. IIo thinks they lo not intend invading Pennsylvania, but have icon driven into Maryland tor supplies. This ioiiliriii3 tho previous account of tho utter wretch idncss nnd d 'Stitiition of tho rebel hordes. The ubcls abandoned Westminster nnd marched Uwards Ilagerstown. Philadelphia, Sept. 12. Heavy rains this Horning caused ovoiflow of tho Schuylkill river, dn'ng Immense damage, estimated at a inilTiou o' dollars. Five persons were drowned. New York, Sept. 13 A citizen of Frederick, Ail., arrived ycslerday, having left after the eviciiatiou. He says the rebel force was esti mited at from 50,000 to 00,000. His neighbor hid lost all cattle, blankets, provisions every tking that could be ipplied to I lie use ol the unity being taken by tho rebels, who paid for .otliing. but tew iUarylanders had joined them. Sloop.of war Adriondau has been wrecked oft" Mai' of-War Point. Tha crew were rescued by giituci.it Cinnudiigtin. Ihe bark Fanny Lowry, from Nassau, was cupurcd oil' Charleston with a cargo of salt, arms iitiuummuiiilioi). Va-liington, Sept. 13. The Government has conpleicd arrangements for tho settlement of fret colored persons in Central America. The pricisti place depending on circumstances. Sen alo Pomcroy w ill conduct the expedition. lie has full power in premises, nnd w ill start enrly in October with 500 persons, nil provided wilh iiiilenient.s ,f biisb in I ry. 4 000 colored pers onshavo informed Pomeroy of desire to avail llieiisclves of tho Picsid-jul's colonization schniie. fftecn thousand men under Bucll leave Nash vilr, Ky., thought to pay respects to Kirby Snlth's rear. 8,500 of liosencrunznrmy arrived at S'ushi ille to day. i'liii-viHc, Sept. 12. Two soldiers from Cumberland Gap report Gen. Morgan made ft foriy through rebel lines and enptured enough previsions to subsist his nrmy sixty days. Cincinnati, Sept. 13. Government, to day ordircd homo militia lor def use of border. The Cincinnati troops returned to the city this after iioor, their services being 110 longer required, as an iy hero nro siillicielit. It is reported that Clurleston, Vn, has been evacuated nnd burned by federals, whoure falling back towards Ohio iler. Baltimore, Sept. 13. Our information in ra g.rd to the crossing of lli ! Potomac is from the mett reliable source. A dispatch from Fredc rik, dated noon to-dny, says firing was heard in tlio direction of Harper's Ferry. G011. Hooker t''l possession of Frederick last night. Mo Ce Ian entered that c.ty this morning. Wj captured rebel wagon train. There wan a singular iroblem among tha stocs, which run to this purpose: When a man snyj, '1 lie' docs ho lie or dots ho notl If ha lieslio speaks tho truth ; if he speaks the truth, he Ins !" 4