LIVER INVIGORATO?, KEVKIt Dt MILITATES. tt is compounded entirely from (if MS, and has become mi established fact, a Standard Medicine, known anil Bp- nroved bv ull thiii have ue. it, una is now muura iu Willi I'olllldi'llec ill ul) lip' dl: ises for which It 14 rocom .uujliin the lat twoyi'ars . T, as the numerous uu-.-.--.uii .show. ,, I I i i I ! i .IS ( 1. .! !lhi - i. Will) liud l.. . . up ill hop- "I Solicited CVl l.ilc.lles ill lll.V ' The dose must be udaotcd to the temperament ot the Individual taking it, uu I used in such quantities us to act gentle on the lloivels. Let the dictate of your judgment guide you in the use of the Liver Itivigoratnr" unit it will cure Liver Complaint, Ifilious Attacks, Dyspepsia, Chrnuie Diarrhea, Summer Complaints, Diseuiery, Dropsy, Stomach, llaliitual CVsiivencss, Chnlic, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera In f.iiituiu. Flatulency, Jaundice, Female Weakness, unit may be used hi cssl'uily us un ordinary Family Medicine. It will cure Sil k Headache las thousands call testily I, in twenty minutes, if t.vo or three tcaspoonfnls are taken at the commencement ot uitaek. All who use it ure giving their testimony in its favor. Mix water in the mouth with the Invigorutor, and swal low buth together. PUI'l, oXl 1oLLAIi I'll! 10T I LI. A I.SO, Sanford's Family Cathartic Pills, COMIOL'MH:i) FUOil Pure Vegetable Extracts, A tul put i glusa casus, tiir tiylit, mid will keoji in uuy cli mate. Tno Fiimily (MTIlAJlTIi V. U a cntlo but .active it i n t ic wiiiCii ino i'.)richr lia used in his nnictico Cor mure th. in twenty Tin? co.i it tiii.y inrrt' isiii dciiiatid Irwin those wlio have luni; iHf'd tla I'ttis, luid th'; sutUfiictiini which nil express in iv ir I td tlii'ir ti-e Ii.i.h imliiL-i'il jut to lilaci-llu-m within tlie re i 1 1 ot nil. 1 In- prufVsMoii ui'II knmv that liitlomit C'.itliarfics act mi (liH'i'tciit iiurtiitn of the bmvoN. Tiiu Family Cathartic i'ill has, witii due .u'.trfi.i.'e to this well established tact, In-cn viutoiinli"t from a variety of the iHirv.t vi-LVlaMe extracts, wliii-li tut alike, noon everv ji.irt of the alimentary final, aiid are pmd am.! nil s wlit. ro a Cathartic is lie.' led, such us eranne;itoiits of the Stomach, Sleepiness, Pains in the Hack and l.oins ( 'usi iveiicss, Pains, and Soreness over the whole body. from sudden l-1, winch nvMiientlv, it neglected, uivl in n fuiii; of Kever, Los- of Appetite, u Creeping Sensu tion nf ('obi over tlie Jiudv, Uesilessnes, Headache, oi Ve'n;!il in the Head, u!l 1 nil (minatory Oise ises, Wurms in Ciiildren or Ad.ilM, Kheuiiiatisiii, a reat Purifier of the blood and maiiv tlieases to which lieli is heir too numer ous to mention in tiiis ailverlisemi-nt. lose, one to thruo. rin:K run ice iime. The Liver Fiivior.itor and Family Cathartic Pills are sold by the Oru-sU everywhere, and by Redington & Co., Sole -t the Pacific Coast, 411 anil -IM Front street, San Francisco, PURE EXTRACTS FtR FLAVORSiNG, XA1IKLV : VAXII.LV, I.EM0X, OltAXtil', PEACH, lilTTKlt AL MOND, KTU. f piIKSF. Fxlrncl- rocs the most cniieentraled form, I III,' ib-llelcin tat.. nnil much admire'! ll.ivor of the i"rcnl articles above emiiiierateil, timl for all culinary pin poses will be found the most economical anil convenient manner of eoinnniiiie.itin the llavor. lie pal t ieubir to ask for the kinds prepared by us, us there me many kinds in market possc-yine; but little, if any, of the real H -"'Z", I'rcpared and scd.l by l.lwl.N'l'TO.V A CO., lb! and lis Ftuiit street, San Francisco. Any One Who Professes TO UNDERSTAND ALL TRADES OR SCI ENCES, VSSCMKS to impose an ali.siirdity upon tlie public. On . the saiue piiueiple, any one medicine which professes tr cure all disease is unworthy of the slightest confidence anil should at once be denounced as u ipiack nostrum. The Grzefenberj Family Medicines Do n: t assume to cm c alt diseases with one reinedv They have eleven dillerenl niedieines, eaen adapted to its. pecu liar discus. mid time has piovid beyond a auction the t-lticacv timl cetluinty of these pr"par,itions. Their list comprises the following mcflieincs : (JU.FFKN'ilKKU VKll KTA Ml. I.' I'll.I.S ; M AliSII M.I.'S ITIdiINK CATIIOI.ICOX ; i;u.i;Fi.Mti;ut; s sahs.waiuu.a ; ;it.F.Fi:Mti:ii(i's I'ti.r; ukmkdv; llK.Kl'K.NItliiiirs DVSK.WFKV .SVUCP; tililiDN MOTNl'.UN OINfMKMT ; (iit.i;i'i:.Ni;;;;u, ciiii,ui:i:.ns tavacka; tiu.v:Fi:Mii:uii consumitivk's uai..1; oit.FFKMii-.iitt : n i.otiov ; ii.i:i i;'in:i(i fkvku and Ar.vv: ii::.mi.dy ; (lU.KFKMIKlid IIKAI.TII IIITTKIIS; (It.KI'K.N Kl'.lili MANl.KI. OF IIKAI.TII. For sale by all Drurist throughout the Slatf. (.1 M-. w voiats: i;::DiN; in. X I'd., Wholesale Dri'suists, and i: . Front street, San 1-raueisco. LAI.llU'H Bloom of Youth, ou- LIQUID PEARL, liE.irrin'iM: am vanaamvav v: mi: CoMVLE.XIOX AM 7i7.V. MUT INVAl.t U1.E TOII.KT AKTK'1.8 tVKR INVKXTUD. UKMVUTON X CO., Sole Airents for the Pi.eiPe Coast, tlo and 41s Front street, San Francisco. Dr. Baker's Pain Panacea Is m;msti entirely id' healing nutiis, IUU vegetable oils uud herbs. It isperleetly sale lor Ik most delicate in use. I can iintst Miieorely ay that I have never known any, however delicate, to be injured bv it in (ho leant. 1 will ventmue to uk be aillicted, who have not used it, to trv it li.r tae l-'llow in diseases. If t hey are hot s.iti-ijc.l vviin its lif.ihnt properties, the money will be i heei MHly refund ed 1 v the a lit wIi tc l!ie m .'divine is lor M ile. If eu have IVuft in t!ie Siomaeii ur Ihnvel. trv a dse d Pain Panacea interutdly, batoe exleniallv over the part- ulf-vte 1, and you vriil ul oueo restore tne proper action and relieve the pain. If you have a Hi -niso or Wound, bat In it well with the Pain Panacea bur tunes a day. It will relieve the pam. and take uut ull the poison, and heal the wound in short tune, Jf you urn suffering from Neuralgia or Itheumutie Pain. Apply the Pain Pamn en fr.'clv, nnt t ike a doe of it iiiter naiiv, iiiormiu, no.m aid uulit ; it Hill not only cure the pain, but w ill remove the cause ul the disease. It you have the IKsH'nstii, uud your ft mi. I distresses yoir Sttnu.ub alter ealinjj;, take n Uose of Pain Panacea after each meal. If you have u Cankered or Sore Mouth or Ttireat, apply the Fain P.uiu.v:! to the a!l'eeted paits, and i;arle the iimnth or throat thiee or four tunes a lav If you have the li:u . Inea, or a relaxed state of the bow t'U, take ii lew doses of the Pain Panacea, and thev will moii be restored. If you line a patnlul swellim;, bathe tlie p it ts tr.'( lv, uud ou w ill ho.iu relieve the pain, and the nwcllmit will be n4need. If on hat e a severe toothache, Hpply the pain Panacea eu n .uto o( e tton, mid bathe the niii l the name time ; it wi I stop t,e ain instantlv. If you have pam in the Itreasi, Sol,., VT Kidnev., bath-the paits utleeted mnriiiti and niht ; at the euiine time take a dose internallv. If a mother hurt a Caked ltieust, apply the Pain Panacea as h t as it chu be borne. Jt you feelebilly or C4dd, as though v were Rointf to have a feve take ilose if Panaeci, If vou haie a wound, nit, or tcuils onyour luuse, apply tlie Pain Panueea ; it Hill take out the intl tmation, and IicaI the sore in a xhoit time. Sold hr till the primipul ilrn-ists, ami br Ii KPINti TON A ( O., A i't and U1 Front slreet, San Pram isco. w lTUAT is mm: uiiiioi r iii:irn. ami bow lew ale tree lioui the numerous ailuit'iiu ariuii liom an impure si ite ol the Ii.mmI He warned in tunc, and purify jour Moot I ami restore health, hr taking S o ill's l!loi)dan l lawr Syrup - the best bhod ponlier kmtwn, as the numerous tvtiiui-aletof rrmnrkable cnrvi. in the haudi t the proprietors, umpieMionahly prove. As a Spring rem dv. In punfv and eleanse the blood, le tviriiT it free fnn all humors and impuritn s, we n-sert w.iti roiiU-ieiie tiiat there is no b.-itrr leonilv than SCO Vlul.S lil,t01 AM i.lVKU W,H' ;M lt n tti it l;l.lMNiiTt A CO.. U h.d.MMlp Aifnf, 4t'J and O front tn-rt. S.m Kmncisert SANFOHD'S NO OPIUM OR CALOMEL. Dr. Win. Hull' Balsam for the Lungs has no cual as a lung medicine, and U especially ud.ijiteJ to the Constitutions of Females anil those millcrinjf from Consumption or uuy I,iui cotnilaint. Give it a trial. Jledingtou St Co., Wholesale Agents, 4M and 41S Front ticct, San Francisco. SCOVILL'S Sarsaparilla & Stillinjia! BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP. It is hereby recommended by follow injr diseases having their physicians to euro the uriuin in a disordered state ot tue blood: Cttiiker, Clcerations and Knlarenient of the Joints, Can cerous Tumors, Krysipelns, King's Kvil, St. Anttiony's Fire, White Swelling', Obstinate Kroptions, Pimples on the Face, Uhcumatism, Hlutches, Pustules, Dyspepsia, etc.; Syphilitic and Mer.'iueal Afl'cctions urc cured; Chioaosis or Obstruction.' in Females; I.cucorrbea or Whites, are relieved bv the a-c of this Medicine. Tlie medical properties of Sarsaparilla in conjunction wiln Stiiliii!;ia are well known by all medical men to be the best compound vet discovered to cleanse and purify the blood, and era lie ite all humors from the system. We have j;iveu tde receipt to most physicians in the country, that they may know what they are usiiiix, and will continue to send it by mail lo those desirous of knowing the ingredients enteritis into this composition, that they univ prescribe it in their nraetice. This preparation stands at the head of the list of reme dies for curing all diseases arising from impurities of the blood or diseased matter lui kini; in the system. Thousands who h ive used the Stil i tjji i and Sarsaparilla will testify to its remarkable effect in moving till impuri ties from their blood, uivini tone and vior to the whole human frame, and re.-.toi in a healthy action to ull the functions of the body. The testimonials received in its favor from many mem bers of the Medical Faculty would, were wo to publish then, till n large volume It is prepared under tha supervision of one of the oldest and best practical chemists in the country, (Mr. W. S. Merrill, Cincinnati , so as te insure u uniformity of com position and purity in all the ingredients. As a spring remedy, to purity and cleanse the blood, leaving it free from till humors aiid impurities, we assert wiihconfidence there is no better remedy. Sold bv ull Oruggiiit.s. and bv ltKDINUTOX A CO., Agents, 1H and 4H Front street, San Francisco, To whom ull orders should be addressed. iio-ly Fish's Infallible HAIR ESTORATIVE, FOU RESTCRING GRAY TO ITS HAIR 3d It prevents tlio Hair from filling ofl. It cures liaMnes-i and removes all dandrull' from the head. It allays all irritation of the scalp. It cools and refreshes the head, And imparts to the hair a healthy lively appearance. P. S. The properties which remove dandruff and scrutt from the head, allay irritation and free the stculp from hu mors, renders this article, invaluable as a lotion in ull cu taneous affections ; such as Itch, Hash, Salt Hbeum, Chil blains, Krysipclas, Hingwonns, Shingles, Kites and Stints of Insects, and all eruptions of the skin, especially that caused bv I'liisoii Oak, This ojy genuine article is put up in Pint JfottlrA, and has the written signature of X. MHhy tkeoriy'nutl proprie- tif (tn'l mo n njitdtrvt tm the I awl and wrapper. Uewure of all put up in different style, which is couitinJeU. REDIWGTOrj & CO., WUOI.KSAI.K AGENTS, 4o9 nnil 411 Clay Street, Son Francisco. R. PCRTERFiELB, agent, STOCKTON. 16 -3m For Rule hv A. S. McCLUKK. Dr. Willlm Hairs Balsam for tha Lungs CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA. XtOllT SWKATS, SP1T- TlMi .(LtnH), CO1.0S. COL'Oll, INFI.l'F.NZA, PAIN IN T1IK SIIH-:. AM) ALL IMS KASKS t)F TIIK LL'NOS. Dr. V.'m. Hall's Halsaiu lor the Lungs, in sll cases gives the mM of satisfaction. Or. Win. Hall's UaUani for tho Lungs, has wrought more cures since its introduction than any other cough medi cine. Dr. Win. Hall's Halsuin for the Lungs, is endorsed by your leading physicians as the safest and best remedy now before the public. Or. Win. Hall s Hatsam for the Lungs, is safe to use among children, and yet powerful uicuacsot chrouic puluiouu rv disease. Or. Wm. Hall's Halsam lor the Lungs, brings in certificates almost dady, of its wonderful cures iu all parts of the couutiy. The more striking proof the intrinsic worth and excel lence of Oli. WM. 11 ALL'S HALSAM for the LI NHS, is own in the rapidity with which it becomes a genet al favorite with the people. There is nothing of w similar nil nit' but what is cast into the shade w hen the Halsam has been thoroughly tested. The iiirenls for its sale, the coun try over, in ordering new supplies, are very enthusiastic in lis favor, saying: " It is just the thing; it acts like a charm; its effects are truly magical." The purchaser should !) very particular t ask for, and take none but Or. William Ha'l's Halsam for tho Lungs which is warranted to give satisfaction or the money re turned. For sale bv ull Druggit. nnd hv HEDINGTON &. CO. S,di Aden!, 4"'. and 411 I'lay M., .in Kriimisco. IIEDLXOTOX ec cO'fcs Superior Yeast Powders. r.KI! AN I'KI) to iimke Light Sweet and nutritious llKK.M). Kcpiallv adapted to I OA I'f'S, HOT HISCriT. VrA II7A.I; AM OllIK r.lA'AN, ti IXti lliP.MAl', AXI CAhlt Ol ALL KlXfS. Warrantetl fully r.jiml to nnv in tlie nnrket. Ask for KKIH SliTON ft t t'S Y FAST TOWDKHS, and take no other, if vou would have uniformly goad bread. Manufactured and sold at w holesale, bv HEDINGTON & CO., 4"'. and 411 Cl.iv St., Sun Francisco. MUOOlvLYX HOTEL. vousin p,i:oai ay axp sihiits, Snn I rnncisco. f. 7l TIIK I'r.nrietor of this well known and ,,1.1 tahlisliod House is still ut Ins old trick. feeding the public for the low sum of rorit doilirs per , k, ami the rrv is ' Still tliev come : This Hotel was rtah!ihvd in and the I'toprn-tor proudlv appeals to its well kn.iwn reputation, and at the same time phages himself to use every endeavor to add to the comfort and con-, eiiienee of his guests. The llrooklyn Hotel WAIiON' ill alnut. Ik- ready on lh whalf on the arrival of the steamers, to eon ey passengers and their baggage to the Utilise, free ef rhur.-e. To prevent imposition be positive and see that llKOOM.YX ft I IT F.I. is paintetl in large let ters on the sides of the Oinnilms. Hoard per day. ! ; lto:,rd per week. $1 -. Veals. V ets. Lodgings, .'"Ms. - Lodgings per week, s to 4 ; Muolr isv.m. ,vi cent, pvrnight. Jt.ll' KKI.I.V, Jr. June 1 1. ! Tm DR. I. J. CZAPKAY'S Private Medical and Surgical Insti tute. SACRAMKXTO STUKKT, UKI.OW J10.NTG0MERY, Oipoito the I'ucilic Mail Steumsliip Cumpany'a Ollicc, sa.'t rji.wt isto. bit'tl'ltItednt $:A.frthePermaumt Cure nf all priaitt 'ilia trnrunti; UMt-, if14 J'r llii n jyiretttitut t,J ljuacktrl. TTIADINU A XI) KESIDKXT I'll Y.SICIAX, I.. J. IX. t'ZAI'K.W, M. lutein tliu lliinaurian Ui'vulu- liuiiiirv ur, C'liiei J'tivnii'iun to thu smli Kus-iiucnt of llniivvtl.4, t'liiof Snrouu'lu tlie '. Military Hospital ul' JYnlli, Illlir'al-V. Into Lpcliiifr itn i!kiii... v Ui..l I. ri-n, uiul Honorary Member of tlio I'liiladelpliia College of .iieiiieiiii.. I'lirticulur attention paid to the treatment of disease peculiar to women mid children. Ollieo hours friim V . Jl. till 1'. r. u. Communications at i icily conlidenlnil, J'eruiaiii'iit cure uuriiuteed, or no pay. Consultations by letter or otherwise free. Address L. J. C.Al'KA V, Sin Iranciseo, Cul. To the AUlictetl. DU. I.. J. CZAI'KAY returns his sincere thanks to his numerous patients for their patronage, uud would take this opportunity to remind theiu that he continues to consult at Ins Institute fur tlie cure of all forms of J'rivate Diseases such us Syphilis, Gonorrhea, nocturnal emis sions, and all the consequences of self abuse. In the first stages of syphilitic or pmorrhoeal diseases, he guarantees a cure in a few days, without inconvenience to the patient or hindrunce to his business. When a patient, by ne glect or improper treatment, has developed the secondary symptoms of syphilis, such us buboes or painful swellings on the groins, or ulcers in tlie throat uud nose, which, if not checked, destroy the soft parts and cause the bones to mortify, separate uud comu uway, leaving the suthM'cr an object bullous to behold ; or when blotciies uud pimples break out on the skin ; or when lie has painful swellings upon the bones, or when his constitution is injured sons to ptedispose to consumption or other constitutional disease, the Doctor guarantees a cure or usks no compensation. In rheumatism chronic or acute ; in dysentery or diar rhoea, helms safe unit eliectuul remedies.' For tho treat ment of the consequences of self abuse, such us nocturnal emissions, nervousness, timidity, headache, pains in the back and limbs, with general weakness, loss of appetite, loss of memory, injury to the sight, restlessness, confusion of ideas, dislike for society, and a feeling of weariness of life; with the nervous system so excitable that slight noises shock or startle the patient, making his existence miserable. For the above maladies the doctor will guaran tee a cure or usk no compensation, lie can be consulted li ce of charge, and invites nil to call, as it will cost them nothing, and may be much to their advantage. Ollice hours from 'J A. m. to 'J p. u. Dr. I,. J. Cznpkay is duilv receiving npplicalions from every part of this State and from Oregon and from Wash ington Territory for the treatment of every form of disease, and there is not one who will come forward nnd express dissatisfaction; on the contrary, the Doctor is in daily re ceipt of letters, expressive of gratitude und tliankful'ness, some of which are published below by permission. Stockton, May 24, is.".",. Dear Sir Having entirely recovered from iny sickness I nvuil myself of this opportunity to return my thankful acknowledgement for the relief that yon have given me. When I think of the distressing bodily weakness, under which I have sull'creil, and tiie nervousness, hcuduche, fearfulncss, want of conlidence, dizziness, restlessness, weakness in the limbs, loss of memory, confusion ol ideas, dislike lor society, nocturnal emissions, awl inany other I symptoms, wine , nmi niaUe my l"-; miserable ' ' . 'hnT,uv express the gratitude (ur .,. . . -van hardly a burthen o e, and p.' ' ' ' ' -,",s,en.e, aJ.Ll'CUI"! .,ti fi :i ' --.uing afforded mc the least gratifi cation, now I futfl I)t.rL.c,iv wH Ulld Cllll ellj;,v ifc o my entire satisfaction. Knowing that there are many aillicted as I nave been, you have permission to make use of this letter us you think proper. Uelicve mo gratefully yours, Jl. MICilKI-S. Dr. L. J. C'zapkay, Sun Francisco. Sacri:sto, May IS, H.'5. Dear sir Such is tho thankfulness I feel for the preser vation of my hcnllh of both body and iniiid, and I believe of my life, tliat 1 hope 1 will not be considered intrusive in tendering my thankful acknowledgement fjr restoring me to health, and making my life a boon worth preserving, when it hud become n burthen too great for me to bear. Victim ns I was to a vice that hud undermined my constitu tion, and developed a train of nervous symptoms, such us nervous) debility, heudache, distressing timidity, self-distrust, dizziness, love of solitude, loss ot memory, und want of resolution, besides a loss of strength nnd energy, which hud made my waking moments wretched and iny sleep un refrcshing, uud was fast bringing me to the grave, but thanks to yuur skill, I am restored to health, vigor und energy. Hoping lo guide others where they may find relict, you havemv permission to make this public. ' Urutclully yours, LF.OXAKU W1UTK. To Dr. I.. J. Czapkay, San Francisco. Marysville, June ", 18.",.. Dr. I.. J. Cznpkay, San Francisco Sir I have used the lust of your medicine, uud do not think I shall need any more, us I feel very well, except Unit I have not entirely got my strength yet, but soon will with the appetite I Imve. It is just three weeks, you may recollect, since I culled at your Institute, with my constitution, ns I thought, entirely broken, and never thought you would be able to cure me perfectly, but thought you might b able to do something to case the pain iu my buck and head, and strengthen my limbs, which were so weak that they would utmost give way under me, when I walked, und to strengthen my nerves so that I would not get excited and treuiulu at every little thing. .Now that you know what I expected, you may judge of iny satisfaction at my complete recovery from those symptoms und the removal of those blotches and sores from my skin, and tho ulcers from my throat, und the entire stoppage of those emissions, which you said were principally the cause of my sickness. 1 can hardly tell you which is the greatest, my joyormv surprise, for except not having fully got my strength, 1 feel as well as uuy man can feel. Kudosed 1 send you Twenty Dollars over your charge, und think nivself cheaply cured. If you think anybody will be benefitted, vou may put this letter in the papers. lJclicvc me gratefully yours, THOMAS 11 AY DO. C'KRTIKICATK. The undersigned, desirous of acquainting those who may be unfortunate enough to be similarly aillicted, where a permanent relief of their sutleriiiga may be obtained, feels it h s duty lo thus publicly express his sincere gratitude to Or. L. J. Czupkny, tor the permanent recovery of his health. Home down by the distressing symptoms incident to the vicious practices of uiieontroilablu passion in youth, de pressed in body and mind, unable to perform even the most Hitting duty imposed upon the daily avocations of life, I sought the advice of many physicians, who ut first regard ed my disease as of trilling importance, but alas! alter a few weeks, and in several instances months, of their treat ment, I found to my unutterable horror, that instead ot relief my symptoms became more aluriniug in their torture, and beiiig tohl by one that the disease, being principally con lined lo the brain, medicines would be of no conse quence, I despaired of ever regaining my health, strength un I euergv ; mid ns a last resort, aud wiih hut a faint hope of recoviry, I called upon Dr. Czapkay, who, after exam ining my cae, nrescioed some medicine which almost in stantly relieved me of the dull pain and dizziness iu niy Head.' F.ncournged by the result, I resolved to place my self immediately under bis care, and, by strict obedience to his directions and advice, my head became clear, mv ideas collected, the constant pains in my back and groins the weakness of my limbs, the nervous reliction of my whole body on the slightest ularm or excitement, the mis anthropy and evil foreboding., the self-distrust and wunt of confidence in others, the incapability to study and wunt of resolution, the frightful, exciting, ami at tunes pleas urable divamsut night, followed by involuntary discharges have nil disappeared, and, in fact, two months alter hav ing consulted the Doctor, I felt as if inspired bra new life, that life which, but short time ago, 1 contemplated to end bv mv own hand. "With a view to guard the unfortunate from falling into the snares of incompetent quacks, I deem it my duly to oiler this testimony to the merit and skill of Dr. Cznpkay, and recommend him to all who may stand in need of medi cal advice, being assured by my own experience that, once under hu care, a radical and permanent cure will be eff ected. II. F. FILLMORK. State of California, city and county of Shu Francisco Subscribed and sworn to before mc, this 17th day of April, A. I). ls.. Signed) Jons Mipbi.kto, u. . J Notary I'uhlic. Spermntorrhr On local weakness, nervous debility, low spirits, lassi tude, weakness of the limbs and bark, indisposition and incapability for labor and study, dullness ul appre hension. Vis. of memory, aversion lo s.Hiety. love of soli tude, timidity, self distrust, dirzines., headache, involun tary discharge., pains in the side, affections of the eyes. pimples on the face, scvual and other infirmities in man. are cured without fail bv the justly eelebrateil physician and surgeon, 1,. J. Czapkay. His "method of curing dis ease, is new, .unknown to others i, and hence the great success. All consultations bv letter or otherwise! free. Address L. J. Czapkay. M. I., San Irancisco, California. 'I'lIK (iUK.VTE T DISCOVERY OF TIIE AGE ! ! ! J L Umi Messina to nisnkind '. Innoeent, but Potent l, I.. J. Ciapk'iy'i Prophilietn-um, ditntetin f agenti, a sure preventative against gonorihoea and syph ilitic diseases, and an unsurpassed remedy tor all vnereal, scrofulous, gungreuou and cancerous ulcers, fu tid dis charges from llio vagina, uterus aud urethra, and all cutu ueoua eruptions and diseases. As vaccinution is a pre ventive against small pox, sola Dr. L. J. Ciapkar'a I'ro philacticuui a preventive against syphilitica! ai,d gonor rheal diseases, harmless iu itself, it possesses the power of chemically destroying tho syphilitic virus, and thereby saving thousiimU'froiu beinn infected by the most loath some of all diseases. I,et no young man who appreciates health, be without Dr. Czapkay's I'ropbilaetictini. lt is in very convenient packages, uud will be found very conve nient to use, being used us a soup. I'riee $.. For sule at Dr. Czapkuy's 1'rivate Medical und Surgical Institute, Sac ramento street, below Montgomery, opposite I'. M. S. t. Co.'s ollice, Sau Francisco. jyl lJT Hall's Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock and Idoide of Potass. This celebrated preparation hna stood tho test of six veara with the California publicwho are justly consid ered as a community me mosi iniciiigciii in uio worm during which period we arc proud to say u uas given more than aatis'actiou it has become the HOUSEHOLD KF.MEDY For Californiuns particularly, who, from much exposure, bad food, imperfect shelter und irregular liubits, sutler mure from Rheumatism Than any community in the world ; and we are safe in say ing that as a rule, California Khcomutism cannot be cured thoroughly without a free use of Hairs sarsaparilla. It is the only preparation thut will 4)UltE Uheumutism, as thousands cuu testify who have tried the medicines of the Ifest Ooetors in tlie country, without receiving any Dcneiit therefrom. In all cases it gives immediate relief when tuken us per directions on the bottle. Females In delicate health would do well fo try the virtues of this remedy.asit insures a peculiar benctic-iul inlhience upon the vascular system not obtained by any other remedy. It quickly removes from the blood and other fluids the im purities ot unhealthy secretions, w hich cngcuuers a long train of diseases, such as Scrofula, Ulcers, Hoits, Hlotchesaud l'iinplcs on the Face and Dody, Humors, Pustules, Tumors, Sores, Hose or Krysipelns, Tet ter, Scald Head, Swelled Neck, Liver Complaint, Lumbago, (out. Chronic Soro Eyes, Cancer, Enlargement of the Ovuries, and diseases ot The Heart. ure cured by the renovating action of this truly valuable medicine, lt ucts like a eh inn, purifying tlie blood of ull morbid uud corrupt matter, nnd ut the same time strength ens aud invigorates the entire system. Salt Kneum will positively yield to the medicinal powers of this reme dy, in conjunction with Hall's Koseniary C'eriile, it hits cured cases of over twenty yeurs standing, the disc-use covering nearly the whole surface of the body. .Mercurial jDiseases, and all diseases arising from Lend, Mercury, and Arsenic, such as Aching pains in the Hones, Dimness of Sight, Low Fevers, nnd worst of a1!, "crcurenl Uhciimatisni, are rc liev.i by one bottle of ,;, romeav. Night Sweats, Wasting of Flesh, Spitiing of liluod, Habitual Costivcncss, and 1'iles thousands can testify to the cllicaey of Hud's Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock anil Idoide of 1'otass in the above named diseases. It increases tho appetite and thu llesh, gives a healthy tone and vigor to the whole system, building up A New Constitution. As the constitution is the blood aud this remedy thorough ly purities, clenses, and purges it of impure matters, uud at the same timo stimulates into healthy action the whole Visceral System, w hich is engaged in the manufacture ol the blood, 'hence the health of the whole system will fol low and a long life, with a healthy aud cheerful mind sure indications of a healthy bodv can be obtained by the most delicate person, bv thoroughly purging the blood iu the spring and fall of the year, w ith Hall's Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock, and Idoide of 1'otass. Imitations. Owing to the great and unparalleled success nf the remedy, hundreds of unprincipled persons seek to pulm oil on the'public, woktiii.kss tiiasii called by the same name. The Genuine Hall's Sarsaparilla coutaing neither Spirits, Mercury nor Arsenic. Sold by Druggists and Dealers; everywhere for $1, ami by the proprietors. It. MALI, Jk CO, 33:6111 531 and 333 Clay street, San Francisco. Turner Bro's, Cor. Front and Broadway Streets SAX FHAXCISCO, VAL. T U K !N" E Jl S' FORREST WIAE BITTERS, The Greatest Remedy of the Age. ...FOH TUE CURE OF... Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Weakness of the Stomach, Or Derangement of the Digestive Organs. 'Turners' Forrest Wine. Dittcra," Aro sure to regulate the stomach, tho main avenue to the whole body ; Are sure to counteract liilliousnesa, when in a malaroua clunute ; Are sure to agree with the most weakly, as well as the most robust person ; Arc sure to create a good appetite ; Are very pleasant to the taste as a beverage, Are economical und cheap. All travelers should carry these hitters with them to pro vent Hilliousness and Fevers caused by change of climate and water. Seamen should carry them to prevent Scurvy, Ship Fever, I una me nice, wnen iiiey are ueprivcu ol cooling, nutritious vegetubles. They are a very rich, nutritious Wine, formed by the addition of nine different kinds of roots, barks and herbs, making a very palatable as well as one of the most nourish ing Hitters in the known world. Sold Wholesale hv TURNER BROTHERS, . Corner Washington and Franklin streets, X. Y. Xiugara street, Uulliiln, X. Y. Corner Hroadwav and Front streets, SAX FBAXCISCO. And fur salo by Merchants and Druggists, everywhere. TV USERS' GIXG ER WISE! Turners' Ginger Wine ! ! Turners' Ginger Wine ! ! This article is prepared from pure White and Jamaica Ginger Root, in such manner as to form the best and most pleasant tonic ever introduced : and ia an invaluable rem edv for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and for all diseases where a gentle stimulant is required to bring the system into healthy action. One Million Gallon, in Barrels and Casts, sold Annually Throughout the world, thereby proving its nneo,ualed and unrivalled merits. It has received the approbation of the Medical Faculty throughout the United Sulcs, and wher ever known. Sold Wholesale ,r TURNER BROTHERS, Corner Washinuton and t ranklin streets, X. Y. Niagara street, Hufialn, X. Y. Corner Broadway and Front streets, SAX FRAXCISCO. Aiui for aio by Merchant and Druggists, everywhere. TURNERS' ESSENCE OF Jamaica Ginger. It Is not only harmless, but it is eminently beneficial irt all eses where a warm Cordial or a garteful stimulant ia re quired. Especially is this the case when Ihere is felt by tha patient a sense of exhaustion, arising from either heat or fatigue. Under audi circumstances a few drops taken in half a tumbler of water, with a little sugar, will be useful, lt will be found in such cases a pleasant and etfetlve resto rative ; on this account this Essence is a highly important addition to the voyager and traveler's portmuuteau. It ia alsu important to the family collection of remedies for dis eases, This article, like the Dinger vYine, is eafefnflr and elabo rately prepared and selected from the best quality of arti cles. It possesses nil the true properties of the Jamaica (iinger, and we do not hesitate to warrant it to be free from any and every injurious or irritating properties; When there is a great Nausea of the stomach, err oppres sion of Spirits, arising from imperfect digestion, from riding in a curriage, or from the motion of a vessel at sea, this Essence, if taken in uceordance with the above direc tions, will be found invariably to give relief. In ordinary Diarrhoea, incipient Cholera, and indeed in all diseases bv w hich tho nervous system may become pros trated, and the digestive organs deranged, this Essence will be found most invaluable. TURNER BROTHERS, . u Comer Washington und Franklin streets, New York. Xiagara street, lliiflalo, N. Y. Corner Broadway aud Frout streets, SAX FRAXCISCO.. And for sale by Merchants and Druggists,, everywhere. TURNER BROTHERS, Manufacturers ot every description of SYRUPS, CORDIALS, BITTERS, &c, Comer Front and Broadway streets, SAX FRAXCISCO CAL. June .", lS''J. AltK TIIK ONLY SI'ECtt'IC HEMKIiY FOR C'OXSUMI'TIOX, SCUOFULA. rilKOVICIIRONTIIITIS, ASTHMA, DYSPEPSIA, NKUVoUS AM) (IKNEK AI, DElill.lTY, FEMALE COMPLAINTS AXI) ALL DISOUDEKS OF THE BI.OOD SYSTEM. Tliis hew ami remarkable Chemical Remedy a prepara 'ir.u nf nsvdiziiblo phosphorus was discovered by the cele brated Dr. J. F. Churchill, of Paris, lt bus been used by over ten thousand physicians, during the last three years with results unparalleled in the annuls of medicine ; crea ting an entire revolution in the treatment of Chronic Dis eases of tlie Lungs. Stomach, and ull morbid conditions f the Xervous and lflood Systems. VvnituMptton is no -trr (irt iiicimiUe hmIihIi, for this Ueniedy has rtitortd si ((, ' all $t'Kjif ihtdiatatf. THE HYPOPHOSPHITES Have a two-fold and specific action on the one hand in creasing the principle which CONSTITUTES NERVOUS ENEIlt'iY j and. on the other, being the MOST POWER FUL lll.OOl) GENERATING AGENTS KNOWN. They act with promptness and certainty in all general morbid conditions, such as Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma, Scrofula, Marasmus, Anemia, Female Complaints, etc., and in ull dis orders of the Nervous or lllood Systems. TheircH'ect upon the tiihurcular condition is immediute ull the general symptoms disappearing with a rapidity which is really marvelous. They increase the nervous or vital energy, re lieve Cough, check Night Sweats, diminish Ezpectorution, Improves the Appetite, arrest Dinrrhen, and promote re freshing sleep. A FAIR TRIAL IS A CERTAIN' Cl'BK. Winchester's Genuine Preparation . . Or THE IiYroi'HOSPllITES is the only reliable form of Dr. CI. urchiU's Remedy, and in approved by the Medical Profession generally. " USK XO OTHER, Oil AN Y REM EDY CONTAIN'lN'ii IRON'. -iT Circulars containing the only authentic information iu regard lo the new treatment, free. Price t per bottle. Sold Wholesale and Retail at the California liraiicli Depot, by a J. WINCHESTER, iM Mission St., two doors west of Second, San Francisco. Sands' Sarsaparilla, FOR THE REMOVAL AND CURE OF All Diseases arising from an Impure State of the Blood or Habit of the System. IX this preparation aro strongly concentrated all tha medicinal properties of Sarsaparilla, combined with tha most eliectuul aids, the most salutary productions, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom j and the combi nation is such that one modifies and improves the other, producing a compound differing entirely in its character and properties from any other preparation, and unrivalled in its operation on the system when luboring under diseaae. It has been so fully tested, not only by patients themselves, hut also by physicians, thut it has 'received their unquali fied recommendations und the approbation of the public; and has established on its own merits a reputation for vai rsand Erpicwcr far superior to the various compounds bearing the name of Sarsaparilla. IKOM TIIE A It 111'. MoNTBimT, Cau, Jan. 19, 1KS0. Messrs. A. ft. A D. Saxos Gentlemen : i bee leave to add my testimony in favor of your invaluable medicine, hoping it may lead some nther nnlortunntn Hoi,... w ... u?.-.- and that they may be benefited as I have been. 1 arrived nerc oy mc overland route, about tlie Hrst of October last. A few days after I was attacked with a very disagreeable eruption of the skin, which my physician could not caue. I happened to lind your Sarsaparilla in a store in this place,, and remembering the popularity of the medicine at home. i purchased inree Dottles, which had the desired effect ol removing my difficulty entirely. With high regards, voar, etc.. , J- 11- MILLER, Lieut. V. S. A. Prepared and sold by A. II. A 1). Snnds, Wholesale Druggists, loo Fulton street, corner of William, Xew York.. For sale by DeWitt. Kittle Co., II. Johxso A Co... and Ramxr.Tox tt Co., San Francisco ; Rica A Corns, Ma rysvillc; R. II. McDox w.d k Co., Sacramento ; Sitb k Davis, Portland; WM. WALKER Eugene City: and by Druggists generally. iitf-am $100 REWARD. OXE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD is offered for a better Antidote for all affections of the URINARY ORGANS and PROSTATE GLAND TH! Dr. FRANK ALLEHTON"J Antidote and Rose Injection., The worst eases of OoxnauH.i ara rdicnlfr cored bv two. or three bottles. Slight eases in two or three dava. "Thia preparation will do what no other remedy can, or has been, known to do, vi : Cure every case, no matter how eompli cated. Thousands can testify to thia fact, who bsd nrevi. ons to using Dr. Allcrton's Antidote and Rose Injection expended hundreds of dollars on worthWa nostrums and -humbug doctors. TRY THIS REMEDY! Twa or three doses i. sufficient ' to convince yon of its snpeeior stkinsl irtucs. Tho only restriction while using tha Antidote is to avoid sll I'?'iv-L r,orAle- ,,''reto ask for Dr. FRAXK ALFaTON S Antidote and Rosa Injection. Take it accor ding to directions on the bottle and it will core vow. Sold by all regular Irnggista and Dealers in 'California Oregon and British Columbia. fto: Ilose tniM-ii at nr. TKM. bottles is nearly alwava snticient to perform a radieai rare leaving m traces of the malady in the system, which can' net b truthfully said ef snv ether kno a preparation 1? I2n..