nn a nn n i j o DEVOTED TO THE POLITICAL AND GENERAL INTERESTS OP THE PEOPLE, VOL. I. EUGENE CITY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 20, 18G2. NO. 36- nn HE (HA m . . il 1L W U A AL tllE STATE REPUBLICAN. Published everr Saturday J. NEWTON GALE. Terms of Sukticriptiou. The Rkpobi.icax will bo published at ti SO a year In ad vance; $3 UO if paid at the end of six months ; or (1 00 at the close of the year. One dollar additional will be 'charged for each year payment ia neglected. lf So paper discontinued until all arrearage are !paid, except at our option. - Rates of Advertising. One iquare (ten line or lea) one month, Kach additional insertion, . . . . . 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If subscribers remove to other places without in forming the publisher, and the paper is sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. 6. The courts have decided that refusing to take a pa per from the ollice, or removing and leaving it uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud. LIBERTY. V WILUAM P. TAPPAlf. I saw the goddess grasp her wand, The svmbol shown afar ; t saw her rear the severing brand, The panoply of war. from ocean's isl, her hoary seat, She smote the subject sea ; The billows tumbled at her lect ; ller uamewa victory, I saw, beyond Atlanta's wild, 'flic heir of deathless fame, Hude Persecution's lovely child, And Valor waj her name, Bright trophies, towering, formed her crest, fcresh laurels wreathed her hair; 'Twas virtue tired her youthful breast ; 'Twus freedom tlouiislied there. Unarmed she dared the' dreadful blow. She shook oppression's throne below ; I'roud Valor met the insulting foe, And Victory was her own ! Address to the Loyal People States. of the United The undersigned, Senators and Representatives in Congress, impelled by a sense of duty, send these words to you from your Capitol : The armed rebellion against the Constitution and laws of your country, organized and begun during the late administration of Mr Buchanan and by tne assent ana co operation ot several oi Ilia constitutional advisers, is unhappily not yet suppressed. These rebel conspirators continue to wage war, with intensified cruelties, upon your country and its free institutions. It would be unjust alike to you and ourselves to seek to hide the fact that this rebellion, by reason of the numbers and resources which it commands, the end at which it aims, and the interests which it imperils, is without a parallel in the history of the world. A largo majority of the people of eleven States, embracing an area of seven hundred thousand square miles of fertile land, and a pop ulation of nine millions, are this day in the sup port of the rebellion. This cruel and unnatural war is waged by these conspirators against the people neither for the redress of a wrong nor the vindication of a right. The people whom they assail and seek to destroy have done them no wrong ; the Gov ernment of the country which they seek to over urn has neither denied nor violated any right of of theirs. The chiefs in this treasonable conspi racy openly declare their purpose to be to over turn by force the fabric of American empire, and build upon its ruins a despotism which would withhold from honest toil its just reward; which would proclaim to the laboring mass of -our countrymen the maxim of tyrants, that the great law of liberty and human progress is not for them, and which would open and perpetuate .new markets in which " men are to be bought -and sold as merchandise." It cannot be a mat ter of surprise that a treasonable war levied for such purposes should be prosecuted by those who wage it with " a cruelty and perfidy scarce Jy paralleled in the most barbarous ages " These Avowed conspirators, in prosecuting their work -of treason, have robbed, imprisoned, banished, and murdered peaceable citizens, solely because 4f their fidelity to their country and its laws. They have deliberately assassinated your man gled and defenceless soldiers on the field of bat tie, and have violated the sacred graves of your buried dead. That their acts of crue'ty might ie marked by every atrocity, they have even .compelled four millions of slaves to support them by their unpaid labor, and thus to contnb ute to the perpetuation of the tyranny which forges fetters for themselves and children. Men, moved by such purposes, and capable of employing such means for their accomplishment, must be deaf alike to the demands of justice and humanity, and can only be restrained by the strong arm of power. As neither the ties of a common kindred, nor the obligation of a com mon humanity, nor the claims of a common country are regarded by these assailant of your free institutions, it only remains for the loyal people to hold them as they bold the rest of man iind " enemies in war, in peace friends." We cannot if ws would, shut out from our minds the conviction that upon the issue of this conflict of arms thus forced upon you depends Hot only the success but the existence of your great experiment of representative Govern ment. In the light of our past history, judged by the rapid growth and development of the Republic under our free constitution, it is not an open question whether that Constitution is worth preserving. Every loyal American citi zen shrinks from the suggestion that the unity of Government, which constitutes us one people, can be destroyed. The words of Washington, always significant, seem to be invested to day with a new force : r " This Government, the offspring of your own choice, uninfluenced and unawed, adopted upon full investigation and mature deliberation, and completely free in its principles, has a just claim to your confidence and your support. Respect tor its authority, compliance with its laws, acqui escence in its measures, are duties enjoined by the fundamental maxims of true. liberty." We cannot doubt that you fully appreciate these great utterances of the father of your country ; that it is with you a conviction that your Government, " free in its principles," has a just claim to your support, and must at every hazard be maintained. Acting upon this belief, atidin perfect accord, as we believe, with your will aid with the Constitution, Congress, as your agent, have, in order to provide for the common defence, for tho suppression of the rebellion, and for the payment of the public debts, enacted a law for the assessment and collection of a Fede ral tax, and also for tho imposition of additional duties on imports. That these necessary burdens may fall as light Las possible upon the loyal people of the country, and that the enemy in arms against you may be weakened and stripped of support, and made, as far as may be, to indemnity tho Government against the expenses of suppressing their unjust rebellion, the Congress have further provided by law for the seizure and condemnation to the public use of all the property of these rebels in arms, and of their aiders and abetters, and also for the liberation and employment by the Gov ernment of their slaves. As a further means of defense, Congress has provided by law that the President may summon to the support of the i Government such additioinu .Orces as u6 hisy deem necessary to insure the prompt suppression of the rebellion, and the restoration of peace and the national authority. Tim President, faithful to tho high trust com mitted to him by your unpurchasablo snfTeragcs, in obedience to his official oath to " take care that the laws be faithfully executed," and in ac cordance with the authority duly conferred upon him, has called upon you through the Governors of the several Suites, to furnish three hundred thousand additional soldiers for the defence of the Constitution and Union. Permit us to say to you that any citizen who withholds his " con fidence and support " from your Government, who refuses a "compliance" with these laws, and acquiescence In theso measures, so essential for its defence, in our judgment not only disre gards the wise counsel of Washington, but vio lates his duty, that high st word revealed by God to man. Whatever designin' and unprincipled parti sans may attempt, we have n abiding faith that the great majority of the people will give their confidence and support in the future, as in the past, to their Government and their faithful Chief Magistrate. Tuo answer to all that has been said, by those who prefer place and power to principle, and party to country, of the alleged unconstitutionality of the several laws enacted for the common defence, and of the force em ployed by the President in the execution of them, is found in the plain, strong words of the Constitution itself. Tho Constitution provides that the President shall, before entering on the duties of his office, solemnly swear that, " to the best of his ability, he will preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." It further provides that, by vir'ue of his office, he "shall be Commander-in-Chief of the ormy ond navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several States when called into the actual service ot the United States ;" and that " that the President shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed." That these powers conferred and duties en joined upon the President might not fail for want ot the just authority oi law, and mat the people might be secure in their rights, all the powers essential to the enactment of laws for these ends are by tho Constitution expressly cm Icrred upon Congress. These grants of power to Congress ore in these words : "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duty imposts, and excises to pay all debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United Suites. " To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas and offences against the law of nations. "To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water. "To raise and support armies. ' To provide and maintain a navy. u To make rules for the government and regu lation of the land and naval forces. " To provide fur the calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insur rections, and repel invasions. " To provide for organizing, arming, and dis- cipling the militia, and tor governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States. " To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the fore going powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the Uni ted States, or in any department or officer there of." We need not stop to ssy that these powers, save in the manner of their exercise, are unlimi ted. Under all well regulated governments the . powers for the common defence are only limite by the common dangers, tho public necessity, and the requirements ot natural justice. When the people, by their representatives, enact the laws " necessary and proper, as expressly au thonzed by their Ouiisutulion lor the suppres sion of insurrection, they simply exercise a nuht inherent uliki in men and mil ions the riht of self preservation. The Republic has thu right to live tho Republic has tile right therefore to enact all laws needful and consistent with justice to suppress an insurrection which strikes at and imperils its life. Upon this great question of the right of the people to provide by law, and to do by force, under the sanction of their laws, whatever may be just and necessary tor the maintenance of their nationality and the asser tion of their rightful authority, the people spoke thus, through two ot the trainers ot tho Consti tution, when they ordained it. Hamilton, speak tug to the people and tor the people, said : " The circumstances which endanger the safety ot nations are minute ; and tor this reason no constitutional shackles can wisely bo imposed on the power to which the care of it is committed." And Madison, speaking in tho samo spirit, and by the appi oval ot tho whole people, de flared " It is in vain to oppose constitutional barri ers to tho impulse of self preservation. it may not oe improper to notice that tne sympathizers with rebellion, who seek to discred it tho Chief Magistrate and to prevent the due execution of the laws, have here and elsewhere appealed to the prejudices rather than the reason ot our fellow citizens, touching tho law winch gives freedom to the slaves of rebels, and oilers them tho privilege of contributing to tho defence of their native land. An imperiled country is entitled to the services of all her children. The slave who conies in the hour of her trial to the rescue of his country that forgot him in his bonds, is surely entitled to higher considerations than the traitor who, while he enslaves him, strikes also at the life and liberty of his country. Under control of these rebels in arms are four millions ot sluves native of tho land and by whoso unpaid toil the rebellion is sustained. The question, on what principle can the people break up this relation of servitude, established by State laws, and command the services of these Slaves for the common defence, may be answered as was the Question in 1088: on what principle could the people of nine States, by ratifying the Constitution, break up tho compact under the articles of confederation solemnly entered into by thirteen States 1 Said Madison : " J. ho question is answered at once by recur ring to the absoluto necessity of the case ; to the ereut principle of self preservation ; to the transcendent law of nature and of nature's God, which declares that tho safety and happiness of society are the objects At which all political in sinualions aim, and to which all such institutions must be sacrificed." Foreseeing the great crimo now attempted upon the trovernment in these rebel States, with the prescience of tho seer, this patriot statesman spoke of the slaves as " an unhappy species of population abounding in some of the States, who during the calm ot regular government, are sunk beneath the level of men, but who, in the tem pestuous scenes of civil violence, may emerge into tho human character, and give a superiority of strength to any party with which they may associate themselves." This " unhappy species of poulition," even in their chains are the strength of this rebellion. Shiver the fetters that bind them and they will rise from the deg radation of slaves to the dignity of freemen, and render faithful service to your country. Washington deemed these enslaved men fit to fight the battles of the revoullion ; Jackson deemed these enslaved men fit to fight in the second war for independence ; neither would consent that thoy should do battle for their country in chains. Can we not, in this deadly conflict with this gigantic revolt, imitate the il lustrious example ot these tried patriots! Can you not, shall you not, obey tho voice f duly, and by your imperial mandate declare that ev. n the slave may defend his native laud, and to that end shall be free 1 Men of America, we but utter what we know, when we say that, under Providence, the fate of our country is in your hands, that the hour has struck when we must decide, by additional sac rifices of treasure and of blood, the dread issue upon us shall the Republic live or perish 1 The eyes of the civilized world is upon us. Let us acquit ourselves like men who know their rights and dare maintain them. Let there be an uprising of the people in support of the na tional authority, that will blast forever this un natural treason and its guilty authors, but give significant notice as well to all foreign Mates disposed to interfere in our domestic affairs, that the American people have the power and the will not only to suppress this rebellion but to resent and effectively resist all foreign intervention. You cannot consent that foreign usurpation and despotism shall supplant the Republic ; you can not consent that your country shall cease to maintain the right and avenge the wrong ; you cannot consent that the just and benificent fabric of civil government founded and reared by our fathers, whom God tauuht "to build lor glory and for beauty," shall be shattered and destroyed by the hands of traitors; that your goouiy Deri tarre shall be partitioned ; and that America, the youngest born and the hope of the world, shall be blotted from the map of nations and cease to be a power in the earth. Let it be the fixed purpose oi every gooa cit izen that, relying upon tho Divine protection, whatever may be the sacrifice, the Constitution shall be maintained and the Republic shall live. We adopt the words of the Congress of liS3, in their address to the people : " Let it be remembered that it has aver been the pride and boast of America that the rights for which she contended were the rights of hu man nature. By the blessing of the Author of these rights on the means exerted for their do fense, they have prevailed against all opposition, The people of the United States are responsible for the greatest trust evhr committed to a political society. If the great cause which we have engaged to vindicate thaii be dis honored and betrayed, the last and fairest experi muiit in favor of the rights of human naturo will Jjo turned against them, and their patrons and friends exposed to be insulted and silenced by tne votaries ot tyranny and oppression. SENATORS. B. F. 'Wade, Henry Wilson, M. S. Wilkinson, James II. Lane, James W. Grimes, James Harlan, John P. Hale, S. C. Pomeroy, Z. Chandler. REPRESENTATIVES. John A. Bingham, S. N. Sherman, Thaddeus Stevens, C. 11. Sedgwick, A. A. Sargent, Pliineas D. Eliot, Win. Windom, A. P. Morrill, Geo. W. Julian, W. J. Lansing, James F. Wilson, J. M. Ashley, Sam1 S. Blair, V. 1 Uutler, R. II. Duell, Cyrus Aldrich, A. Scott Sloan, II. G. Blake, Wm. Noell, Samuel C. Feasenden, Martin F. Conway, Owen Lovejoy, A. G. Riddle, John Ilutchius. Complete Discomfiture. Tho SeccshMcConnell and-Co!ton-brigade bo. gus-Democracy of this Stato have been routed routed, horse, foot and dragoons, in tho last election. The fight has been Union or Scceh, and the people have settled the question by an overwhelming majority for the Union. Nine tenths of all tho Stato Legislature are Union Administration men. The people have declared in thunder tones, their hearty support to the Government and tho Administration in its war with rebels and traitors. Tehama county has nobly redeemed herself from the odium of so- cession entailed upon her by the vote given to McUonnel last full, by rolling up a majority of nearly two to one for the Union ticket. " Old Glory," which floats from tho Liberty polo in the center of our town seemed to float in the air more proudly the morning after tho election, as if conscious of the great victory achieved by loy alty over Incipient treason and tho Stars in its field of blue twinkled more brightly after the clearing up of the political heavens, as the stars above shine more brightly after tho atmosphere has been purified by the renovating process of a thunder storm. It was tho most important election ever held in the Stato, and the people appreciated its im portance, and voted principle. The swif winged lightning has, ere this carried the joyful intclli gence across tho Rocky Mountains to our breth ren in tho Jiust, and the cheering news that Cul ifomia is still loyal to tho core, aid will aid mid encourage the Administration in its great work, and will stand by tho patriot soldiers in the field who are nobly braving death for tho salvation of our common country will encourage tho brave and true hearts doing battlo for tho Union, tho Co istitution and tho preservation of the, rich heritage bequeathed to us by tho Fathers. Another thing is settled forever by this clec tion. Many good citizens have feared trouble m tins State, but tliu fearful may rest assured that the goddess of Peace will still continuo to shield the golden State with her protecting wing the majority against secession, in any of its multitudinous forms, is too overwhelming to suffer treason to rear its head in this fair land. Young Oregon first proclaimed for the Union, and California now sends to her northern sister greeting, proclaiming the I acifio C-ast truo as steel, und firm as the everlasting hills for the Government and the execution of the laws over every inch of vast area of territory, from the cold northern lakes to the tropical gulf, and from the stormy Atlantic to the golden shores of the placid Pacific. R. D. Independent. New Era in Journalism. The New York Herald about to be supplied with type setting machines as substitutes for compositors ! 1 welve of these machines have been ordered by Bennett, at 81 500 each, and they are to be put into practical working order as fast as they are com pleted. It is computed that tho JleralJ will save a hundred dollars a day by the change. The type-settini machine alluded to is a great curiosity, and " distributes" type with as much celerity as it can "compose and "justify." The inventor wasted twenty years of his life and all his means in perfecting his idea, but could get no capitalist couragnous enough to assist him in bringing the machine properly be lore the pub lie. When he had thorougly beggared himselt ho died but still protesting that in a few years his invention would completely set aside the em ployment of compositors and make the fortune of his descendants. The latter port of his proph ecy seems to be in a fair way to meet with some thing like a realization, for after lying by, as idle rubbish, for several years in a warehouse, tho machine accidentally arrested the attention of an enterprising printer, tie examined it. lie procured several moneyed men to enter into a speculation with hiin. He secured patents all over the world. He prepared the materials (T manufacturing the machine, and vrila I what was worth nichti a short time ago is now selling at 110,000 a share ! 1 5 one of the Irish provincial journals there is an advertisement running thus: W anted, a handy laborer, who can plow a married man and a Protestant, with a son or daughter." Wm we behold a beautiful mother with her lovely children around her, we are reminded of those trees which blossom in October, and w hose fruit and blossoms are on the bough at tho same time. Harriet Martineau's Reminiscences or Vir ginians. Martineau contributes to the last num. ber ot Mitemillan's Magazine, some remini scences of her conversations when in America, in 1835, with Chief Justice Marshall and Mr. Madison, then tho surviving representatives of the old ideas of Virginia. Sho says : When 1 knew the Chief Justice he was eighty, three as bright-eyed ond warm hearted as ever while as dignified a Judge as ever filled the) highest scat in the highest court in any country. Ho said ho had seen Virginia the leading State; for half his life he had seen her become the second and sink, I think, to the fifth. Worse than this, there was no arresting her declino if her citizens did not put nn end to slavery ; and ho saw no signs of any intention to do so, east of tho mountains, ut least. Ho hid seen whole erouos of estates, populous in his time, lapse into waste.- xte nad seen agriculture exchanged tor human stock breeding 5 nn 1 ho keenly felt tho degrada tion. The forest was returning over the tine old estates, and the w ild creatures which had not been seen for generations, were re-appearing f num bers and wealth were declining, and educatioit and manners were degenerating, it would not have surprised him to bo told that on that soil would the main battles be fought when tho crit ical day should come which lie foresaw. To Mr. Madison despair was not easy. Ha had a cheerful and sanguine temper, and if there was one thing rather than another which ha had learned to consider secure, it was tho Constitu tion which he had so largo a share in making. Yet ho told mo that ho was nearly in despair. and that ho had been quite so till tho colonization society arose. Rather than admit to hiinself that tho South must bo laid wasto by a servile war or tho wholo country by a civil war. he strove to believe that millions of negroes could? 00 carried to Africa, and so got rid of. I need not speak of the weakness of such a hope. W hat concerns us now is that he saw and described to" me, when 1 was his guest,- tho dangers and hot .- rors of tho state of society in which ho. was liv. ing. Ho talked nioro of slavery than of all! other subjects together, returning to it morning, noon and night. Ho said that the clergy perver ted the Bible, because it was altogether against slavery ; that tho colored population was increas ing faster than tho white : and that tho state of society was such as barely permitted society to' exist. Of the issue of tho conflict whenever it should occur, there could, ho said, be no doubt. A society burdened with a slavo system Could make no permanent resistanco to an unencum bered enemy ; and he was astonished at tho fun. aticism which blinded somo Southern men to so' clear a certainty. Such was Mr, Madison's opinion in 1835. Negroes Love tiik South. Gen. Hunter lias recently written a letter in which ho says ; Nono of tho carefully fostered delusions by which slavery has sustained itself ut tho North, is moro absurd than the bugbear of " a general migration of negroes North," as a necessary se quence of emancipation. So far is this from, being thu fact, that although it is well known that 1 give passes to all negroes asking them, not more than a dozen have applied to mo for such passes since my arrival here, their local attachments being apparently much stronger than with tho white race. My experience leads me to believe that tho exact reverse of tho received opinion On' this subject would form the rule, and that nearly if not quite all the negroes of tho North would migrate South whenever they shall bo at liberty to do so without fear of tho auction block. Liberty ofSi-ekcii not a License for Treas on. A writer in tho Bulletin says : While we allow liberty of speech in all else, let us allow no man the liberty to revile his country. Above all, suffer not our country to be traduced by ingrates who owe all they Jiave and aro to our institutions. In times of war tind treason, it is no time to parly with traitors; and every compromiser, croaker and libeller of the Government or its faithful officers, should bo put down with Jacksonian vigor becoming Americans. I trust that tho newly appointed U. S. Marshal will not only esteem it a duty but o pleasure to suppress such publication s as arc i- sucd in this Stato reflecting treasona ble ideas, So signed to prepare tho public mind by their in sidious working for future fruits of treason: Quotations fjom some of these professed Union sheets might be deemed acceptable in Dixie, but in loyal California tho articles are rank treason. und why they are permitted it is difficult to im agine. Does any one think that in Secessia they allow a like expression of Union sentiments by any ot the press of their dominions t Wo have Parson Brownlow's evidence to the contra ry. Tho North has been used to this thing long enough, and if General Wright, or some proper officers of tho General Government, would givo the matter somo attention, they would bo of some service to their country and suppress nuisance that is otfensive to the nostrils of tho people. The Scare Crow "Abolition." Rev. Mr. King in his excellent lecture " The New Call of Patriotism," thus tersely alludes to this parrot cry of secessionists and tneir sympathizers : There is no danger that after the war is over if we are victorious, the rebel masses will not bo treated leniently enough. But mercy now means make the war short ; and to be short it must bo stern, restrained only by tho fundament 1 laws ot civilization. Let us be done wincing before' the word w abolition." Let us give it a wider meaning, and bind it on our foreheads, saying; " we stand for the abolition of the rebellion ; for the abolition from the continent, of the leaders of it ; for the abolition of the corner stone and foundation ot the conspiracy which has attempt ed to abolish the American fl.g."