SANFORS'S LIVER lNViGO?.ATOi. NEVER DEBILITATES. It is compounded entirely fitun (JUM.S, aud has become an established fact, Standard Me iL-iuo, and up procd by all t!i:it Imvo tued il, uud I no v resoled 10 witn ciiuii.lciKC in all tliu dne.ins fur wlii .h it is rccniii inu: l l It lias eiire ltluiH.i l Uwiijin Hie I i.-t two vera wlu had u; uil of rc.iot', a Hi.' uuuktous uu solicited cci ti.ijiic in inv p.i-.-c.-M.m nil vv. T ic, d jse must be u.l i.l"l to Uu,i'-raiiicnt of the tiki ig it, an I use J ill sueii quantities us tu uct gently ou tlio Uo.vels. Let tiie dictates ot vuur jn 1 j.nont K'li le; von in llie use of Uio Liver lai iguiutor, an i it will cue Liver Complaint, llilious Attains, Dvspcp-i.i, Cum. no D.irriici, Mi.uuui C noUiuts, Dysentery, J'.UjM.v, S mi- SLonaca, Habitual C jsiiveuess, l.'tiolic, Cnulei'j, Ciioieru l ubus. Cholera In fantum. Flatulency, J.miKlijf, Fein ile vVcukiic-s, . u I in.iv be. used ii ilv in mi ordinary Fainiy -Medicine. It will cure Sick Headache (as t.ioiisaiiil. can le-nl ), in twenty minutes, if two or three te.ispo'Miful ure taken ut the cuiniucuceiiicnt ot uttuck. All who use it are giwng their teatnnony in its favor. Mix water in t!io inoutii with tlio Iniigorator, and swul loir UjIIi together. J'lilCE, OS E DOLLAR I'Lli 110TILK. ALSO, SauforM Family tatinrlic Pills, compounded iitDM Pure Vegabla Extras, And put in glass cases, uir tight, unci w ill keep in uny cli nntte. Tuo Family CATHARTIC I'll, I- ia it rentle but uclive C.ilii.irti3 wiuea tile proprietor haa used in liia piaellce tor more tliau twenty years. Tue constant. y iuercu-uiig dcin m l from those who have long used the Pills, and the safM'.ielion whicli nil express in r.-g ir-l to their use II la indaeed lne to place lle-m within the reach of nil. proles-iou well know that dillereut Cathartics uet on dill'-M-cut portions of iLcbowela. Tim Family C.illiurtic Pill Ii.m, willi r. lercnjc to this wall established fael, been i nnp.i.iu I- I from a variety of the purest vegetable exlracls, w iiii;. i net alike iijiaii even part of the niiin -nt.iry canal, and are ; amf s.if.t in all casus, whore it Cathartic ia nee.Ie I, sueii n Derail "ti la of the Stomach, Sleepiness, Pains in lite Hack iuil i.uins, Cosliveness, Pains, mid Soreness over llie whole ho ly, from su l len cold, which frequently, if neglected, end in u long course of Fever, l.oaa ut Appetite, u Creeping S.'nsa t ion ot Cold over the llody, Rc.tle.siics.s,, or Weight in the Head, all lull iiiiiii.uorv Diseases, Worms in t'oildrcn or Adults, Kliciiin.itistii, 11 great l'linlicr of the blood mid many diseases to w hich llesli is heir loo numer ous to inentioii'iii tliia advertisement. Iloae, one to tiirue. I'll ICE, TIlU EE liJMES. The Liver Invignrutor nod Family Culliuitic Tills me sold by the Drugista evervwhere, und by Redlngton &, Co., Sole Amenta for the l'acilie Coast, 4 1(1 und 418 Fronl street, San Francisco. PURE EXTRACTS F.R FLAVORING. N.lMKI.Y t VANILLA, LEMON, OKANlil', 1'KACII, 1IITTKU AL MOND, LTC. riHRSE Rxlraela possess, in tlio most concentrated form, I the delicious taste mid ninch aditiired lluvnr of the riillereut uriiclea above enumerated, and lor all culinary purpose will be found the most economical and convenient manlier of commuiiicatinj the II iv,,r. lie particular to ask for the kinds prepared by ua, na theie are many kinds in market possession but little, if iinv, of the real llavor. I'reparud und sold by Ui.DI N F TON . CO., 41ii und41S Front street, San Francisco. Any One Who ProJVssos TO UNDERSTAND ALL TRADES OR SCI ENCES, ASSUMES to impose an absurdity upon the public. On the same principle, any one inejiciue w hich professes tr cure all diseases is unworthy of the slightest etuilidencc und should at once be denounced us a ipi ick nostrum. Toe Gracfonberg Family I-Iediclae3 T)o not assume lo cure all diseases w ith one lvincdv They have eleven ditl'ereiit medicines, c;ich ud.iptcd toilst.ceu liur diaeaae, and time baa proved beyond u ipaestnm the ellicucy mill certainty of these ptcparatiuiis. Their list comprises the follow iii;: medicines : cn.KFiiNiiKiio vkof.taiii.k pills ; M AllSII ALL'S I'I'KHINH C VTllOI.IUJN j HU.F.Fl'i.Mlrilili'S SA IIS M'.Mil 1. 1, A ; iit.KFi:Ni;i:itn's riLr: I!i:mi;ov : iu.i;Fi:Nii;;itirs i)vsi:.nvi:iiv svuri' j ( 1 1 1 ii K N M i I T N T A I N Ol N I' M K M T ; tilt.FITi.MIFIIll CIIII.DIIIiN'S I'A ACliA i iu.i:Fi:.iii;it i consi'.mi'Tivk's iiai.M; tiU.Iir'liSIIKKO K Ii I.OI I IN j (tlt.KFKNtirit.t FI'.VKit N AOfli R CUI-.DV i ;u.iiF; iiii.M.i'ii iiini-.KS; tiii.i.i i;niii-.i;u manliji, of iikai.TiI. For sale by all Druuists thiiiii;;houl the State. t; vi. ao!: rs: i;i:i)IN(ITuN .k CO., Wholesale Driisistn, 4l'i and 'Us 1-lout street, San Fiaiici-e . LAI IID'S Bloom of Youth, OR LIQUID PEARL, Lt l"l tt YL G A P I it A Fi 'IXG VOMtLKXloX AX!t .vv'AV. FOR Tin. MOST INVAI.I AUI.B TOlLtT AUTICI K EVKH INVENTED. UKDINt JTOX h CO., S"K AfX 'nis Ur tin J. ciiU dust, -I I T unl -1 1 Kntnt ulivi'l, S.m F rancid. Dr. Baker's Fivx Fan?.caa Is ciinp(roti oiitiroly nf lifulinu muim, utitl vi'irvt.ibli oil hiuI lu'i tiH. Il ih i rTily Knic tur ilif inoni tU'tij.iti' li (Mil iini! Mnrciilv miv Ihut I Ituvo m-vir known iinv, h v ever. U'liiMli. It in' injutoJ Iiv u in tin ImI. I wi.i t'untiiiiii' i ut l!n' titlln'U tl, li li ne nut -tl ir, tu t- ii !'.r liillu.viti ili-.t'.i.'H, it 1 1 icy nit not a.iti-lit'it wiiii it h Itculiiix i. t-i -Hi's the inmn'V will be fliei-rliill v relivud i bv the jtcnt wln-re lite iikiIi. a tr s.ile. II yo.i have Fain in tiie Stinnaeh or llo-.vels trr n ih'i of I'lini Fan:iceu tut ini:iliv, b.ittte extern, ill v o -r Iho ai ! utl'vte I. iiiiil v-iii will ut oiK'e rotjiv t:i.' ntHei' uetimi aitu relieve llie pain It tni have a tlruic nr Wo in I, h itlu it we' I with the Pain F.tnae -a tinii'i it l.iv It will relieve tho pam nn t take unt all itu puittMi, u.iil hval tlit wuun.l in a Miuit it' you nrr mitliM imj fr "ii Neuralgia or K!ietitn Fain A , I t ii I '.mi Fana i A f - ely, uni tike a i),Me n it line: naiiy, m triii in;, noun ui;;il ; it will not only cure tin juui, but wilt te nove tnv eau ti lit Uienit. Il yoii have the I -jMjst ,i anil your 1 i -t your Stoeuuh .itter eating, take a tlone ol' Fani F.iii.uv.. utter eaeh meal. It voii h ive a C.iiikeir.l or Sire Jlontli or Threat, nppU the Fain Faiui.oi tt the u!le.le,l p.nts hiuI jiarle lue mouth or thr Kit three or lour tiuu" a day It' you li.ivelhe li.irrh.r.i, or .1 tvlaxed stale of the bov U take fi-w iluse ot lli - Fain Fanaet-a, an l they oou b rt'toretl. It ou lui e a piinilul nivcIIhi, hatht the p.irtn Irei ly, ntul you will aooii relieve the pain, aul the nwel in will be reMi.-e I. It you h i e a severe too.lm In, iipply tiie Fain Fanaeea on ft n ei e of e tlo . und b Ulie tiie giiin ut the miuie time; it w I top r ( ti uilaiiily. If you h o e pain in tiie Hiva-i, .-i.u n u k or kui.irys balli! the pttrts ullW-tt-d moriiiu mid niht ; ut the naine tihitt take ft done iiiternatlv. It" mother has ft t'ltked Iheufl, apply the Fain Funncca as hot ft it can be borne. It you leel chilly or cold, in though yu were oinj; lo e ft fe or, lake a done of Faniveru, If von have n wound, rut, or i(;ills on your lmrse, npplv the Fain Fanaeea ; tt will take out the intl.ttuiition, unit heal the sore in a short time, Shl hv nil the prnmpul drug-ils mut by KKHLNtiiON A i O., 4lJ ftiul 4H Front !.ireet, San Krati ico. unur is i.iri; winioi r iii:i,rn, f f im I Iiot t'W ure tree Ironi the nnmeiom ttiiiut ntM ftri'itii trom nu import nl ite ot the blood T He warned in time, am! purity your Mmi.l and rvtoic lualih, by takum Seov ill's ltl.od an M.iver rup - the b-t blood put ilu r kiHtwn, us the iiuitii'ious eei ti ,u ;it. of n in;ii kable cuie, in tue h in -Is I th' propi t 'lor. iim itiou.dl v prove. As it rvrihi; remedy, t i put tlv toi l cbvitiM llo bloinl. If l ic;: l IV lr;tl itll llli.is1 s ,iti I i:upir:l ir, W H-'l t with C"Liid-iief tnei t i no h utt-r rnnclv thau Si'i UA. S liLOOD AM) l.lKlt SMU'IV Uivc it trial. ii!:inv; ion a ov, ho'oiile Aent, 4 . i in I Fr 'nt r,-,t w i Ki tn-ieo. NO OPIUM OR CALOMEL. Dr. Win. Hall' Ualsuin for the Lungs lias no eijual im a luog niediciu, und is especially adapted to the Constitutions of Fern den and those su!leriti) fro u t'onsumptijii or any Luu complaint Give it a tri .1. JkCi!iii'ton V Co., Wholeaale Agents, 41tl uud 41a Front street, San Francisco. SCOVILL'S Sarsaparilla c Stiiiingla! OR ELCOD ANDJJVER SYRUP. It is hereby recommended by physician to cure the fotlotvinu ilUoutc bu ing their urigtn in u disordered Htiitu of the blo.nt : Canker, ri xrations and Enlargement of the Joints, Can cernii Tu uon, Kry.-iielas, Kiiiij's Evil, St. Anthony's Fire, Wlnlo Swelling. )btinatc KruptioiM, Fimpies ou the Face, Uhcuuiatimu, l!lutchesf Fn-tidei, Dyspepsia, fte.; Hypliilitij and Meiciii'eil Affections ure cured ; ChioaoMs or Obstructions in Females; l.eucurrhuu or Whiles, are rjlijved b.' tit j uo of tliii M jdiw'iue. lnvdhul iiro.H'i'ties of S iia t iril! i in conjunction wim Siillinia are well known by nil medical men to be the h.'t com, maud vet discovered to ch-aiisc. mid puniy the bloo I. and era lijit- all In nors fro n t i-' system. We have j.-iven Ide receipt to inot physicians in the couutiy, t.'i.a tliry may ku ov woat t.iey are usiul;, ami will eoni in lie to si'iitl it by mill to those desirous of kiioivini; Hie inie lie.its enteriti.; intj lliU couipoitiou, that they inav n.LMJi i it in th '.r pi Mi-tije. Thi pre laration stands ut tau held of the list of reme dies forcnriny idl d.seases ari-inir fioui impurilies of the bloiel ordi- . s d imilter lurk in in he svstem. T o i nd vl o h i e used the St .1 i 1( i i nd Sarsaparilla will ti : stily to its ivnntrkuhie elleet in loovio ul; i.itvuri ties IVom their blood, irmuj; tune and vior to the whole liiriiiin frame, and re.torih u healthy uction to all the lunetiou-i of the body. TIk testimonials iceetved in its favor from tnauy mem hers of th; Medical F.i:ult would, were we to publish the ii, liil a larf volume It is pre; tare I under llie supervision of one of the oldest and he.-t prnc i id chemists in the country, (Mr. W. S. Mori id, Cine innaii i, so as le insure a uniformity of com position and purity in all the ingredient. As u spring comedy, to purity and cleanse the blood, h aving it five fro n nil h nnors uud impurities, we ussert with coiilitb'nee there is no better remedy. S lid by all Oi ugists, mid bv HKDIMJTOX k CO., A-rcnt. 41'1 and 1H Front street, San Francisco, To whom ul! orders should beuddressud. li't-ly Fish's Infallible II AIR RESTORATIVE, FOR RESTOPdHG CRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIQ1R1AL COLOR. It, pruvt'tits tlio 1 1 ; i i i fruiii fallinr ifT. It cures iUliluis and roinovfs nil daiidrull" from llie lir.i.l. It allays all init.itiuii ut the sculp. It cools aiul i-i'l'ii'slii-s lite, nnil impai ts to the hair it hcallliy lively appearance-. 1". S. Tlio iiropertiea wliicli remove d inilruir mul scritQ from the lieail, allay irritation mul free tlio nealp from liu inor.H, renilei'!4 tlii.s article invaluable an n lotion in nil cu taneous ilireetions ; micll ns Itcll, liash, Salt Hlieutu, (.'liil lilains, Kn ?iielas, liingwornm, .sliiulea, Ditca ntul Stints of liiM'cts, and all cru pt ions ol' the skin, etiiieeially tl ut caused by 't'Lu Ouk. Tlii tmhj genuine urticle in put up in Pint HnttUet nut! lias the written ij;natuie of X. Mill', tht original pmpiit tor itnd mifffwt 'ti'rr, on the label iiutl wrapper, llewurc of till put up ill dillereut style, which is cttuiitttjelt. RtlDIWaTOW & CO., WIIOU.SAI.E ACENTH, 4"9 nnct 111 Clay Street, San Frutieiavu. R. POPJEuFiELD, AGENT, fc.Toi KT(). 10-lm Tor Rale bv A. S. McCLUUK. Dr. Willi im Hall's Bihim for the Lung3 rilXsl-MITIHS, AS II I MA, XlnHT SWKATS. SI'IT TlX.t lll.ool). tli.DS. I'Ul'dll, l. H.l KN.A, l'Al.N IN TIIK SIIIK, AMI ALL 1HS KASKS itV TilK I.L'.NliS. Dr. Win. Hall's ll.iUnn lor tue Lungs, in nil cases gives the bc-.t id' satiitiiclioti. 111-. Win. Hall's Ualuin for the Lungs, has wrought more cure since it introduction tliun uny other cough medi cine. Dr. Win. Hall's llalsum for the Lungs, is endorsed by your leading physician ns the alet uud best remedy now b: t'ole till public. Dr. Win. II. ill . lialsam for the Lungs, is safe to use among eliildteii, and yet powerful in ease of chronic pulino,.ii rv iliie i-e. Dr. Win. Hall's lialsam lor the Lungs, In ings in certificates ii! iiKil daily, ot its wondciful cure in ud pait of the e.iuntiy. The iiuii-e sti i'vitig proof the intrinsic woitli and excel idieeof Dli. W.M. HALL'S ItAI.SAM for the I.L'MJS, i hovvu in the lapubtv with which it becomes a gc.iciu. I.u oi He ith llie pc, pie. There is nothing of a .vuulai ; ure bill w hat is ca.t into the nhade w hen llie lialsam ocen thoroughly lestctl. Toe agents for its sale, the eouu irv over, in oiticliug new supplies, ure xcry eulhit-.ia-.tic in its favor, saiiug: " It is ju-.t the thing; it tuts like a .h um; its i Meets are truly ui.igical." Tiie purch.tscr sh -uhl b very particular 1 1 iisk for, mid lal.e none hat Dr. William Ha l's Il iUuni fur the Lungs vliich is warranted to give salislactien or the money le an ilea. For ale b.- ull Druggists, mid bv KEDINGTON &, CO. Sole Agents, 4 'V und -111 flay St., San Francisco. niSDEXOTOX it CO'j? ouoarior C8. ruWucrB, UrAliUM'..D to u akc Light Sweet and nutrition liKiiAl". i:.uallv adapted to l.O.l I ES, lIi'T HSCl T, .TCA" II lit. ti; AM' t'AKt'S, lil.XtiElUiltEAii, AM CAKt.S Ot A I.I. KIM'S. Warranted follv npial to nnv in the o arkel. Ask for KliDI Nt.'IMX A rti'S V FAST I'tlWDKliS, mid t ike no other, if vou would have uniformly goad brcud. Manufactured and old ut holesiile, bv REDINOTON&CO., ') mid 411 I'luy St., Sun Fruuciseo. nuooKLYx i iorri:r,. couxt:: ii:oAn Ay am saxmwi: stjuajs, Suu Francisco. mTHK rnprictorof tlu well known Hnd old es tablished House is still Ml bis old lriel teedinn the public lor iho low mini of nu n ioi.k.iis per t.rA,.iod theory i "Still they conic !" This Hotel was ettuhlitht d in 1 nd the I'lopnetor pnoidl v np(MMils to lis well known reputation, ttnd h1 the .tin time pledges lume!t to u-r eery endeavor to add to the coiebirt and convenience of hm must. Hie ltrokf n Hotel VAiON wid ulwtt s be rci-iy on the wharf on thr urnrul nf the ! c o ev p.en;eis and tln ir li;i-iii:o to the HooHe, five of rli ire. To prtvi-nt imposition be positive utd see th it ItKtioKI.VN IHU'l L is painted in Ur-e let lets in the sides if the tMunibu. Ih'.ird per tiny, 1 Hmo d per week, $1 ; MenTs, Mets, l.oUunr ."ovt. ldiutft per wwk, t i to $ t ; Sinlr rooms ;o cent ptrmght. JOHN Kl 1 l.Y. Jr. Jan 1 , I'm DR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S Private Medical and Surgical Insti tute. SACI1AMKXT0 XTBEKT, LKI.DW MOXKiOMEKY, Oppoaite the l'acilie Mail Meamshio Compuuy' Ullice, s.- m:aci4 o. l.titlli.'hr.i in Is.'.-y,,- ti.t I'mnoumi Cut of all pricatt vln-oinc Uif'te, an.4 Jr tut Hupp, tot,tm J tyutttwtt y. VTTlADIMi AMI KLSIDKM -JlYSirlA., I., j. tZAI'KiV, il. II., late in the liuugariut, l(evlii tiuiiary Wur, t iiit-l i'l,iciau tu llie .i In,luei.l id' Ituiivcds, 4'tiief Surgeon to tiie Military lliispiiui ul resth, lluligai v, late Lecturer on i.iseusea ot Wuiik-ii und lliiltl reu, uud llunurury Member of lne 1'hiladelphiu lullegu vf .Medicine. 2-t'" 1'in tieiilar attention paid to the treatment of diseases peculiar tu women uud thildren.t j Ollice hour from u . M. till v.'e. u. t'oiiiinunicutioin ftti ictly vuiitideiitiul. I'crmiiiiciit curw giiuriiuteed, or no pay. t'oiixulluiion by letter or otherwise tree Addles lh: L. J. L'ZAI'KA )', Sut J-'i-uhcuko, Oil. To the Alllictt-d. DR. L. .1. CZ.Vl'K AY returns his sincere thanks to bis numerous patients fur their patronage, an il would lu .e this opportunity to remind them that he continue to consult ut In Institute fur the cure of ull foiina of 1'rivule such as S phiils, tiouoribeu, noeturniil emis sions, uud ull the coimcipiences of tdf ubllse. In the lu st at.igcs ot syphilitic or gouorriioeal diseases, lie guarantee ii cure in u few days, without inconvenience to the puiient or hind. unco to lus business. When n putient, by ne glect or no. roper treatment, has developed the secondary syuiptoiitsof syphilis, ucli us buboe or puinful swellitig's un lue groins, in ulei rs in the throat mid nose, which, if not ebeckt-a, destroy tlicsoli parts uud cuuse the bone to luoitiiv, separate uud eoine itway, leaving the sutlerer uu object hideous lo behold ; or when blotcues uud pimple bieak out on the skill ; or wl. tube bus puinful swelling upon tlio bones, or when bis constitution is injured sous to picdispuse to consumption or other constitutional disease, ttie Doctor guarantee ueure or usks no compensation. in ilieiuualisiii chronic or iieute ; in dysentery or diar rhoea, he tut safe ami elfcctiiat remedies.' For the treat ment ol the coiiscipic nccs ol self ubiise, sucli u nocturnal emissions. ncrvuuMicss, timidity, headache, pains in the back and limbs, wiih general weakness, loss of appetite, loss of memory, injury to the sight, restlessness, contusion of ideas, dislike lor society, und u feeling of weariness of lite; with the nervous Mstem so excitable that slight noises shock or startle the patient, making his existence miserable. 1-or the above maladies the doctor will guaran tee n cure or no compensation. He can be consulted free of charge, and invites all to call, u il w ill cost them uotning, uud limy be much tu theirudvuiituge. Ollice hums from 'a a. u. tu ti p. ii. Dr. L. J. Cinpkuv is daily receiving applications from every pait ot iiusstute uuii from Oregon uud from Wash ington Territory for ihc treatment of every lor in of disease, iiuu there i not one w ho will come lin ward und express dissali.siactiou ; on the contrary, the Doctor i in dailv re ceipt ol letters, expressive of gratitude und thankfulness, some of which ure published below by permission. Stockton, May 21, If. 15. Dear Sir Having entirely recovered from iny sickness uvuil myself of tin opportunity In return my thanklul acknowledgement lor tue relief that you liuve given me. When 1 think of the distressing bndilv weakness, under which 1 have suil'ered, and the nervousness, headuche, feui fulness, wiint of conlidencc, dizziness, restlessness, weakness in the limb, loss ot memory, confusion of ideas, dislike for society, nocturnal emissions, und ninny other symptoms, which had made my life miserable, lean luirdlv express the gratitudu 1 feel, for my existence had become u burthen to me, and nothing iill'urded me the least gratifi cation, whilst now, 1 leel perfectly well and cun cujov life to my entire satislaction. Knowing that there are many iilllietcd us 1 i.uve been, you havu permission to make use ot this letter as you think proper. Uclicvo me gratefully vouts, M. MIUIKLS. Tu Dr. L. J. C'zapkay, San Fruuciseo. Sacramento, Mar IS, 1855. Dear sir Such is llie thankfulness 1 leel lor the preser vation ot my health of both body and mind, und I believe of my I hope 1 will not be considered intrusive in tendering my tiiuuklul acknowledgement Or restoring me tu hc.uiu, uud making my lite a boon worth preserving, w hen it had become u burthen too great for lue to bear. Vil li i. u 1 wusto u vice that had undermined my constitu tion, unit developed u train of iiervou svmptoins, such us nervous debility, headache, distressing" timidity, sell'-ilis-trust, ili.incs, iove ol solitude, loss ol' inemorv, mul want ot resolution, besides ii lossof treuth and energy, which hud ma le my waning moments w retched and Iny sleep un leticshing. uud wu l ist bringing tue to the grave, but thanks to your skid, 1 inn restored to health, vigor uud energy. Hoping tu guide other where they may tind reliei, jo.i have in v pi i mission to make Mis public. ' Oratcliiliy yours, LKO.NAUD WHITE. Tu Dr. L. J. t'zapkay, Sun Franciscu. M.viiTsvtLLK, Juno 3, IS".'. Dr. L. J. Cznpkay, San Francisco -Sir I have used the lust of your incoici. e, and do not think I shall need tiny more, us 1 teel very w ell, except tinil 1 have not entirely got my strength let, but soon will with tin-appetite 1 lime. Il l.s tmve weeKs, you lit vy recoiled, since 1 Cal'ed ut jour iii.-tiime, in ii in, constitution, a I thought, entirely oi-OKCo, alio never tnolignl on would oe ube tu cine llie pcl'lecli;, but Inought o,i n.i.nt b.- .line to do ftoillclhillg 10 e.,.-e me i a, ii in iny 0 iciw uutl in ud, and trengtiien mi ilinO.s, w lilco a ci e .mi .vt';u that tue Wouid alniusl gil'C wu'v iiniler me, wlie.i 1 w.aKvii, and to eti-tticll iu ue, I'cs o thai 1 wonhl not git t.ei:e.l and tiiluote ul every tlli.e t.ung. Noiv Iii.ii yon K.ioiv I cxpeetcJ, Voii 111..1 juilge of u.y Mlllstaclloti ill my complete leeovery Ironi swiiptoms and lne reiuoial 01 ttiose Olotctie ami soies front my skin, unit lne nicer 110111 iny throut, uud the enure stoppage of t-nose euiissions, winch you suid were principal, y cause of my mckiic-s. 1 can hai-tiiy leil yo.i woicii is tiie greatest, niyjoyorniv surprise, for except not Having fully got my stieiigtu, 1 feel us well us any man call teel. Lueloscd 1 scud you Twenty Dollars over your charge, and Mink un seif cheaply cured. If you think anybody will be beiientled, you inav nil this loiter in tiie papers. Uelievc me jjiuiclully yours, THOMAS 11AVDF.N. CKIlTIMCATK. The undersigned, desirous of tciiuuinting those who may be unfoitiiiiatu eitougii to be siiuiiurly tttltictcd, where 'a permaiieol relief of luetr siiilerings muy be olituiiied, feels it b s duty to thus puhliciy express his sincere gratitude to itr. L. J. t'zupkuy, lor the periutiiieut recovery ol hisheulth. iiorne down ny tne distressing symptom incident to the vicious practices of iiiieoutroiiable passion in wiulh, de-pics.-cd in bo.ty and mind, tiu.iole to pei lbrm even the most iiilling duty i.nposeo upon tue daiiv u ocatiou of life, I sought Hie udi ice of main pn sieiaus, w ho ut first regard ed iny disease ti of trilling uuportuiiee, but iibts! niter u tciv weens, uud in several instances mouths, of their treat ment, 1 loiiiiil to my u.tiitterable horror, Ihut insteud ol relict iny syntpioiiis oec.ime more alarming in their torture, and being told by one Mat the disease, being confined 10 tue Oraiu, medicine would be of 110 consc- plence, I oespaireil of ever regiiiimg my health, strength .111.1 eueigv ; unit as 11 last resoi t, und with hut a faint hope of recovery, l-eabedupon ir. 1'zapkay, wtio, utter exain iiuiig my ease, presc ioed some w tiieh almost in st.iutiy Vcltcvcd me of Ihedull pain und di tztnes in my ncad. " Kncoiitage.l ly the result, 1 resolved tu place im' seit iiiiiuediatcl tiuiler Ins cate, und, by stiict obeiiieuce to hi directions und uovice, my bead became dear, mv ideas collected, the constant p. 1111 in my back and groins the weakness of my limn, me nerrou reaction of my body on llie sligntest alarin or i-xcilcnient, the inis .iiiluropv uud evil foreuodiugs, lne sell-distrust and want ol couudciice 111 others, the incapability to ntudy und waul at resolution, the ft ightful, exciting, uud ul time pleas urable divumsul iiignt, followed by involuntary discharge nave nil disappear d, und. in fact, two mouth after hav ing consulleii lue Doctor, I felt a if inspired by a new life, that llie Inch, but short time ago, I contemplated lo end by mv own band. - With a view to guard the unfortunate from falling into the snares ol ineonipcient ipiacks, I deetn it my duly to oiler Mis testimony to the merit and skill of Dr. I'zapkay, and recommend I11111 to all who may stand in need of medi cal advice, being assured by ntv own experience that, once under In care, radical and permuuent cure will be etl eeted. M. F. FII.I.MOKK. State of California, city and county of San Francisco Subscribed and sworn to before 111c, this 17th day of April, A. D. ls"t). tSigncdi Johs Miiiulktom. 1 1. . 1 Notary I'ublic. SpcrmatarTha-A OU local weaknes. nervous debility, low pirit, Wssi tude, weakin of the limb ami back, indisposition and incupuhtlttv for labor aud study, dtillne of appn--hension. !, of memory, aversion lo aocicty, love of soli tude, timidity, If distrust, dullness, headache, involun tary discharge, pain in the side, atleelions of the eyea, pimple on the face, exiial and other inHiniitie in man, are cured w ithout fail by the Jutly relebratiM physician and surirmin. L. J. i'zatikar. Ilia method f cariiui dis ease is new, 1 unknown to oth-r', and hence the great sncres. All consultation . bv letter or otherwise'! free. Address L. J. I'zapkay, M. D , San Francisco, California. 'pilE C.HF.ATKST DIsroVFUY OF THE ACF m. ureal t-tessing to uiunainn : lunoceni, nut roieni ; l'v L ). Ci-ipkay't I'roph-liC-c-im, e!f disinfecting gcntl, a sure preventutive nguiiisf gonorrhoea and yph ilitic diseases, and all unsurpassed liniidy lor ail vneieul, acrufulous, gangrenous und cancerous ulcers, fu-tid ill chai ge Ironi the vuginu, uterus und urethra, and all cuta neous eruptious and discuses. A vaccination is a pre ventive against small pox, su 1 Dr. L. J. Czupkuy'i 1'ro-pbilactk-iiiit a preventive uguinst syphiiilicul and gouor rbical dim-uses, hurinless iu itself, it possesses the power of cheinieu ly dvstvoyiug the syphilitic virus, und thereby saving thousand 'from being luiectcd by the most loath some ot ull disease. Let 110 yoitn man who uppreeiate he. dlli. be w ithoiil Dr. I'zupkav's I'io) hilaclieiim. It is iu ry convcnnui packages, anil W'hl be found very couve lliel.t to ne. being used us a ulp. I'riee y . For sale ut Dr. I zapk.iy's I'l it ute .Medical and Sorgicul Institute. Sac laiiftinto sireot, below .Montgoiiieiy, opposite 1. M. S. S. (.'o.'s otlice, Sail Frauciseu. jy 1 II 1 jr Hall's arsapaiiUa, Yellow Dock and Idoide of Potass. This celehruted prepuration bus stood the tst of six ycaii with tiie C'aliloi iuu public who are justly consid ered us a coininuniiy the most inteliijtiit in the world during which pcriotl we ure proud to suy it has yiveu more than batis'uctioit t hus hceoine thu ll()LSKlitll) HK.MKOV For Califoruiuns puiticiuurly, who, trom much exposure, bad food, itnpcrlect shelter und irregular habits, sutler more ho'ni Rheumatism Than uny conimuniiy in the world; and wc ure safe in say ing tnut us u rule, Lulitorniu Ivtieuiuutim cannot be cured thoroughly without tt tree ue ot HaJl's tarsaparilla. It is the only preparation tnat win I'L IU Klicmnatism, as Ihuus.iuds can testify who have tncil the inediciues of the Jlest Ductots in toe country, wi tl. out receiving uny benefit Uiere iroiu. In ull caes it ives iniincdiate relict' when takcu us per directions ou the bottle. Females In delicate health would do well to try tlio virtues of this remedy. us U insures a peculiar hcueliei.d influence upon llie system not oulaiued by uny other remedy. It quickly removes t'roiu the blood uud other tluids the im purities ut unlit-alt hy secretions, which engenders a long train of diseases, such us bcrofula, Ulcers, lioils, lttotchcsuud 1'imples on the Face and Hotly, Huinors, i'ustulcs. Tumors, .Sores, Kose or Krysipelus, Tet ter, Sciild Head, Swelled cck, Liver I'oinpluiut, iuinbago, tiout. Chronic .Sore Kcs, C'unccr, Kulurgemcnt of tiie Ovaries, und diseases ot The Heart, are cured by the renovating action of this truly valuable medicine. It acts like a eli irni, purifying the blood of all 11101 bid and corrupt matter, and ut the same time strength ens uud invigorates the entire system. Salt Rheum will positively yield to the medicinal powers of tins reme dy, iu conjunction with Hull's Hosemary Ccrule, it has cured c uses of over twenty years standing, the disease covering nearly the whole surface of the body. Mercurial Diseases and ull diseases arising from Lend, Mercury, and Arsenic, such us Aching pains m the Hones, Dimness of Sight, Low Fevers, aud worst of all, Alercureal KheumutUm, are re lieved by one bottle of this remedy. Night Sweats, Wasting of Flesh. Spitting of Mood, Habitual Costivoness, aud Files thousands can testify to thu ellicucy of liad's Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock and Idoide of JVtass in the above named discuses. It increases the uppctite and the tlesh, gives a healthy tono and vigor tu tiie whole system, building up A New Constitution. As the constitution is the blood and this remedy thorough ly purilies, clcuses, and purges it of impure matters, and at the same time stimulates into heulthy action the whole Visceral System, w hich is engaged in the manufacture ot the blood, hence the health of the whole system will fol low aud u long life, w ith a healthy and cheerful mind sure indications of a healthy bodv can be obtained by the most delicate person, by thorougl ly purging the blood in the spring aud fall of the yntr, with Hall's Sarsaparilla, Yellow Duck, and Kioidcot Fotass. Imitations. Owing to the greal and unparalleled success of tho remedy, hundreds of unprincipled persons seek to palm off on tlo' puhlic, wnitTiii iisS thaii called by the Maine mime. 1 he Genuine Hull's Sarsaparilla coutaing neither Spirits, Mercury not Arsenic. So d by Drugg sts' and Dealers everywhere for $1, aud by the proprietors, IC. Ii.LI & CO, oJ:'iin WI and 533 Clay street, San Francisco. Cor. Front and Broadway Streets a Ay ritAyviavo, cal. t u n :sr n: 11 s FORREST YIXE BITTERS, The Gi cutest RuncJy if Ihe Aye. ...Full THE CUHE OF... Dyspcpsin, Liver Gunplaint, Wwikness of tiie Stornncli, Or Derangement of the Digestive Organs. "Turners' Forrest Wine Ditters," Are sure to regulate the xtomach, the mail) avenue to the whole body ; Arc sure to counteract Uilliounnesa, when in a uiularoun climute ; Arc urc to agree with the most weakly, as well as the most rubtist person ; Are sure to create a gooil appetite ; Arc very pleasant to the taste as a beverage, Are economical and chenp. All travelers should cany t!ice bitters with them to pre vent inniotisncss nnti rcverscuuseu dv change of cliniuie and water. Seamen should carry them t prevent Scurvy, Ship Fever, und the like, when they are deprived ol coolitig, nutritious vegetables. They are a very rich, nnti ilimis Wine, formed by the addition of nine ilill'ereut kinds of roots, luirks and herbs, iniikiiiK a very palatable us well ns oueof the most nourish ing liilters in llie known world. S,.M Wholesale bv TURNER BROTHERS, . Comer Washington unit I- rankliii streets, N. T. MiHirara street, ltutlalo, X. Y. Corner ilroadway and 1 rout streets, SAX FRANCISCO. And for sale by Mi-rt-hants anJ Druggists, everywhere. Tl RXERS' GIXG ER WISE! Turners' Ginger Wine ! ! Turners Ginger Yine ! ! This article Is prepared from pure White and Jamaica ttiiiger Hoot, in such manner as to form the best snd most pleasant tonic ever introduced : and is an invaluable rem edy for Pyspepsia, Indigestion, and lor all diseases where a senile stimulant ia reiiuircd to bring the system into healthy action. One Million Gallon, in Barrels and Cates, eold Annually Throughout the world, thereby proving its nnen,naled and unrivalled merits. It has received the approbation of the .Medical Faculty throughout the l ulled Slates, and wher ever known. SM Wholesale hr TURNER BROTHERS, Corner V sslunvton and r ranklin streets, 5. V. Niagara strert, lliilfalo, X. V. Corner llroaJwsv and Front streets, 5 A 5 FRAXCISCO. AnJ for sa'o by ilerchantt nnd Druggists, everywhere. TURNERS' ESSENCE OF Jamaica Ginger. It is not only harmless, but it is eminently beneficial 111 all cses where a wurm Cordial or a re oniied. Kspecially is this llie ease when there is tell by the imtieut a senso of exhaustion, uiising Iran either beat or fatigue. Under such circumstances a few drops taken in half a tumbler of water, with a little sugar, will be useful. It will be found in such cases a pleasant und ellelivc resto ralive i on this account this Essence is a highly important udilitiou to the vovuger und traveler's portinaiiteuu. It M uUo iuipoitunt to 'the faiuilv collection ot remedies for Ull euses. This article, liku (he Oin-er Wine, is ciirefullv and elabo rately prepared uud selected from the best iiiality ot arti cles. It possesses all the true properties of the Jamaica liinger, uud wc do not he.itate to wai runt it to be free ironi unyund every injurious or irritating properties. When there is u great Nausea of the stomach, or oppres sion of Spirits, urging Ironi imperfect digestion, from riding in a carriage, or from the motion of a vessel at sea, tins Essence, if tuken iu accordance with the above direc tions, will be found invariably to give relief. In ordinary Diarrhoea, incipient Cholera, and indeed in ull diseases b'v which the nervous system may become pros trated, und tiie digestive organs deranged, this taseuce will be found most invaluable. TURNER BROTHERS, Corner Washington uud I-ranklin streets, cw 1 ork. Niagara street, lliillalo, X. V. Comer Uroadivay and Front '. FR vxc,sca And for sale by Merchants and Druggists, everywhere. TURNER BROTHERS, Manufacturers ot every iJescription of SYIiUPS, COIIDIALS. HITTERS, tie. Corner Front and Broadway streets, SAy FRAyCISCO CAL. June S, 1802. AttE THE OXLr SPECIFIC REMKIlT FOB COXSUMI'TIOX, SCUOFULA, CHRONIC BU0XCI1ITI3, ASTHMA, HVSrEI'SIA, NEKVOl'S AM) (iENElt AI' DEIIII.ITV, FKMAI.K COMPLAINTS AND ALL DISORDERS OF THGULOOU SYSTEM. This new and remarkable Chemical ltemedy a prepara tion of oxyriizahle phosphorus was discovered by the cele brated Dr. J. F. Churchill, of Paris. It bus been used bt over ten thousand physicians, during the lust three years with results unpui allcli d in the annuls of medicine ; crea. ting an entire revolution in the treatment of Chronic Dis eases of the Lttuirs. Stomach, und ull morbid conditions of the Nervous and lllood Systems. Lunumptwn is no ton ijrr an iiti-iirMi- innl'iihi, for this Uemedy bus rtttoriU hun 'dred, in alltotjioj' t,e ilimatie. THE HYFOPKOSPKITES Have n two-fold and specific uction on the one hand in creasing the principle which CONSTITUTES NEKVOl'S ENKUCiV ; mid, on the other, being the MOST POWEK FL'L HI. 001) OENEUATIMJ AtiENTS KNOWN. They act with promptness and certainty in ull general morbid coudiiions, such us Chronic llroiichitis, Asthma, Scrofula. Marasmus, Anemia, Female Complaints, t-te., uud in all dis orders of the Nervous or Hlood Systems. Their elleet upon the tubureular condition is immediate nil the general symptoms disappearing with a rapidity which is really marvelous. They increase the nervous or vital energy, re lieve Cough, cheek Night Sweats, diminish Expectoration, Improves the Appetite, arrest Diurrhea, and promote re freshing sleep. A FA lit THIAL IS A CEKTAIX CUKE. Winchester's Genuine Preparation OF TIIE IIYPOPIIOSPlllTES is the only reliable form of Dr. Churchill's Kcniedv, and is approved bv the Medical Profession ircnenillv. USE NO 0TI1EK, OU ANY REM EDY CON'I' AINlNti IRON. Circulars containing Hie only authentic information in regard to the new treatment, frets J f Price $2 per bottle. Sold Wholesale and Retail at the California branch Depot, by ft J. WINCHESTER, 604 Mission St., two doors west of Second, Sun Francisco. Sands' Sarsaparilla, FOR THE REMOVAL AND CURE OF All Diseases arising from an Impure State of the Elocd cr Habit of the System. IN" thi preparation arc strongly concentrated all the medicinal properties of Sarsupurilhi, combined with the most etlectiial aids, the most salutary productions, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom ; and the combi nation is such that one moililies mid improves the other, producing a compound ditl'ering entirely in its character and properties from any other preparation, and unrivalled in its operation on the system wheu laboring under disease. It bus been so fully tested, not only by patients themselves, but also by physicians, that it has received their unquali fied recommendations and the approbation of the public; and bus established on its own merits a reputation lor val ik and rrriCAir tar superior to the furious compounds bearing the name of Sarsaparilla. riWil THE ARMY. Miwtirkt, Cal., Jan. 19, 1850. Messrs. A. B. k D.Samis Gentlemen : I beg leave to add my testimony in favor of your invaluable medicine, hoping it niiiv lead some other iintbrtumtte beings to try its cttccts, und tliut they may be benefited ss I have been. I arrived here by the overland route, about the first of October last. A few days ul'ter 1 wus attacked with a very disagreeable eruption of the skin, which my physician could not cure. 1 happened to find your Sarsaparilla in a store in this place, and remembering the popularity of the medicine at home, I purchased three bottles, w hich had the desired effect of removing my dillicultv entirely. With high regards, yours, etc.. J. II. MILLKK. Lieut. U S. A. Prepared and sold by A. it. At D. Pnnds, Wholesale Druggists, loo Fulton street, corner of Williuin, New York.. For sale by DkWitt, Kittl A Co., II. Jonvso k Co.,. and Kkdimitox k Co., San Francisco ; Rica k Corns:, Ma rvsville; It. 11. McDox ti.n k Co., Sacramento Smm Davis. Portland; WM. WALKEK Eugene City; and by Druggists generally. ii7-t'.nl $100 REWARD. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD ii offered for better Antidote for all affections of the URINARY ORGANS and PROSTATE GLAND yHAS Dr. FRANK ALLF.RTON'S Antidote and Rose Injection. The worst cases of floxoRawB are rdically cured bv two or three bottles. Slight cases in two or three day. " This, preparation will do what no other remedy can. or has been known to do, vii : Cure every case, no matter hoar compli. catcd. Thousands can testify to this fact, who had, previ ous to nsing Dr. Allerton's Antidote and Rose Injection, expended hundreds of dollars on worthies aostrumt and, humbug doctors. TB THIS REMEDY! Two ot three doaee is anfficientf to convince you of its superior medicinal virtues. The only restriction while using the Antidote is to avoid all Spirits and Iteer. or Ale. lie sure to ask for Dr. FRANK ALFaTOX'S Autidote and Ro,e Injection. Take it accor ding to directions on the bottle and it will cure yon. Sld by sll regular Dnngisti and Dealer in California, Oregon and British Columbia. An: Rose Injection. II Three) bottles is nearly always suticient to perform radical cure, leaviug ao trace of the malady in toe system, which casv out be truthfully said of any other know nrcpara'ioa. IS-U'