The state Republican. (Eugene City, Or.) 1862-1863, September 13, 1862, Image 2

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The Struggle of to-day if not altogether for
Tlio rebellion has now been in progress for
more than a year. It has already cost the people
of the United Status enormous sums of money,
has sent misery and suffering into nearly every
homo in tho nation, and has cast a shadow ot
gloom over the civilized world. It has made
sad havoc of tho brave, which time can never
repair, and has everywhere marked its path with
the most wanton and barbarous destruction of
property. It has devastated the Mississippi Val
ley, and changed it from tho great garden
of the world into an unproductive waste. It has
swept over the " Old Dominion," the birth place
and homo of tho Fathers of the Republic, has
covered the " sacred soil " with ruins, and left
thousands of tho bravo defenders of liberty to
moulder in bloody graves. Kentucky and Miss
ouri have shared a like fate, and the graves of
slaughtered armies will point out the fearful
work of rebellion on their soil to all coming ages.
For a time it has checked tho commerce and
progress of tho world, and has made ravages
on this continent which a hundred years will not
All this destruction of life and property is tho
result of the rebellion, of which slavery is tho
cause. Notwithstanding this fact, which even
tho secessionists themselves do not deny, the Gov
ernment hns still refused to interfere with this
institution, and sought only to enforce obedience
to the national authorities, leaving the object,
which the rubels declare they are fighting to pre
serve and scctiro from danger, untouched in tho
very midst of Federal armies. Thus tho Gov
eminent, for more than a year, has continued to
give the lie to their assertions that it desired to
interfere with their negroes, by refusing to do
so, even w hen assured by tho Commanding Gen
crals that such a policy would soon putnn end to
luo rebellion. Dut after all this sacrifice of men
and money, made to prove to them that their
institutions were not in danger, still they cry 6'it
in the face of facts to tho contrary, that this has
been an "abolition war."
The Government in its attempts to crush the
rebellion and preserve slavery unharmed, has
already expended hundreds of millions in treas
ure and sacrificed thousands of lives more than
would Iiave been required to have crushed the
robollion, and slavery with it, at the start. Not
withstanding this, tho secessionists never stop
repeating that this is and has been an " abolition
war." It would have been an easy matter to
havo declared martial law in all the rebel States,
and to have offered freedom to all slaves disposed
to enlist in the causo of the Union. Such a pol
icy would have given tho rebels more than they
bargained for at home, and if it had been adopt
ed at first, the country would not be in its present
unhappy condition. But the Federal Govern
ment has exhibited a moderation and forbearanco
towards traitors, such as was never witnessed
before under like circumstances in tho history of
tho world.
Tho rebels from the start have dono everything
in violation of the Constitution, have refused on
their' part to bo bound by its obligations, and
hence forfeited all claims to its provisions, and
yet the Government, in tho hope that theso peo
ple- were not totally destitute of gratitude and
reason, and that they would return to thcrallegi.
mice, lias been spending millions of dollars and
sacrificing thousands of lives to prcservo their
constitutional privileges, which they have forf
cited long ago.
This attempt to preserve slavery along with
the Union, has already cost the nation more than
that institution, even admitting it to be a great
blessing instead of a curse, would be worth in it
thousand yenrs. We hare already paid in blood
and treasure for every slave in tho South, in vainly
endeavoring to reach and strangle tho rebellion
behind its cause. Slavery is the great bulwark,
behind which the rebels take refuge to cast their
darts at tho Union. Without damaging this
rebel breast-work, the armies of the Union find
it very difficult to reach those who have taken ref
ngo behind it. Our armies, wherever they have
gono through the rebel Suites, have found swarms
of slave laborers engaged in raising supplies for
the rebel armies, and yet, contrary to nil com
liiou beiiRO, t'.n-y have not beuu allowed to cut off
this source of our enemies1 Mibsistoncc, through
fear that the Constitution would be violated, and
wmo rebel might lose a nigger. This system
of fighting rebels with ono hand and feeding them
with tho other is about " played out." The des
perate situation of the country demands a more
vigorous policy. Under tho conservative policy
of the past year's campaign, the rebellion has
attained to such vast propoitions, that it can ncv
or bo crushed, unless the Government seizes it
by tho " wool," its most vital part, and, like the
Devil, who was cast out of Paradise for being a
rebel, casts the " peculiar Institution," the woolly,
headed monster of secession and rebellion, out
of the houinN of civilization, where it ran never
again disturb the peace of the world. The reb
els have sworn in their wrath that they will de
stroy the Republic or sacrifice their pet institution
in the effort. They have made the issue they
will destroy our Government or force it to de
stroy slavery in selfdcfunse. If the officers and
people of the United States are willing to sacri
fice the life of the nation to preserve the" Consti
tutional rights " of traitors, they will only have
to be " conservative " a little longer to accomp-
llsh that result.
The Legislature about to convene should amend
the estray law in at least one particular. We
allude to the provision which requires the publi
cation of all estray notices ' tho Statesman.
The practice with all legal advertising is to- re
quire the publication to be made in the county
paper, where there is one, and we know no rea
son why a different rule should obtain in the
publico ion of estray s. Conceding to the" official
paper of the State" a very general circulation,
we still think this class of advertisements would
be more likelely to reach the parties concerned
if published in the local papers, and hence wi
argue the change. The man who now takes up
an estray in Jackson county would naturally and
reasonably be expected to civo notice of tho
same in the Sentinel, but instead of that, the
law requires hnn to send the advertisement to
the Statesman a paper published in a remote
county from the locality where the owner is pre
sumed to reside. At a tune when there were
but one or two papers published in the State, it
may have been well enough to single out one of
the number and give it the exclusive pulbication
of the estray notices, but now that nearly every
county has its local paper, it appears to us that
the law should be changed. It may be urged
that we are directly interested in this matter.
We admit it, but we likewise claim that stock
owners are equally interested in having those es
tray notices published where they will be most
likely to meet the eye of those who have lost
cattle, and for that purpose we contend that the
different county papers offer tho best medium.
To our cotempornries throng iout the State, we
suggest an expression ot opinion on the subject.
It is n mutter in which all are interested, and by a
united effort we feel quite sure that a chango can
he brought about in the law which will render it
just to both publishers and stock owners. Moun
taineer. The above is very true and we think tho Leg
islature will have the good sense to change this
law. The members from every county, together
with their constituents, are directly interested in
having this law changed.
It is to the interest of every county to sup
port a local paper, and it is their duty to do so
as much as it. is to keep up their roads, bridges,
and other public, improvements. Then why
should we in Lane county, and in other counties
give up our local advertising, vh:eh properly
belongs to our county paper, to another county,
which is quite as ablo to sustain its press as we
are our own? Each county certainly ought to
have tho privilcgo of patronizing its own paper
or tho ono nearest home. True, the amount
which publishers would derive from this source
would bo very small, but it would bo much more
convenient to farmers to havo the estray notices
published in their local papers, besides it would
give them a larger circulation. We hope the
Legislature will, ns an act of plain justice to
every county in tho State, change this law.
Letter from Gov. Yates to tub President.
Governor Yates, of Illinois, has addressed the
following urgent letter to the President of the
United States :
President Lincoln : The crisis of the war and
of our national existence is upon us. The time
hns come for more decisive measures. Greater
animus and earnestness must be infused into our
military movements. Blows must be struck at
the vital parts of the rebellion. The Govern
ment should employ all available means coin
patible with tho rules of warfare to subjugate
the traitors. Summon to the standard of the
republic, all men willing to fight for the Union.
Let loyalty, and that alone, be the dividing line
between tho nation and its foes. Generals
should not be permitted to fritter away the ser
vices of our brave men in guarding the property
of traitors, and in driving back into their hands
loyal blacks who offer us their labor and who
seek shelter under the federal nag.
Shall we sit supinely by and see the war
sweep off the youth and strength of the land, and
refuse aid from that class of men who are at
least worthy foes of traitors and the murderers
of our Government and ot our children 1
Our armies should be directed to forage and
quarter on the enemy, and to cease paying trai
tors and their abettors exhorbitant exactions for
food needed by the sick or hungry soldier.
Mild and conciliatory means have been triea
in vain to recall the rebels to their allcniance.
The conservative policy has utterly failed to re
duce them to obedience and restore the suprem
acy of the laws. They have by means of sweep
ini conscriptions, gathered in countless hordes.
and threaten to bent back and overwhelm the
armies of the Union. With blood and treason
in their hearts, they flaunt the black flag of re
bellion in the fase of the uovemment, and
threteu to burthen our brave and loyal armies
with foreign bayonets. They arm negroes and
merciless savages in their beha 1.
Mr. Lincoln, the crisis demands greater effort
and sterner measures. Proclaim anew the good
old motto f therepub!;c, "Liberty and Union,
now mid forever, one and inseparable," and ac
cept the services of all loyal men, and it will he
in your power to stamp armies out of tho earth
irrcsistable armies, that will bear our banners
to certain victory.
Illinois, already alive with tho beat of the
drum, and resounding with the tread of new re
cruits, will respond to your call. A lopt this
policy, and she will leap like a flaming giant into
the liiiht. This policy for the conduct of the
war will render foreign intervention impossible,
and the nrms of the republic invincible. It will
bring the conflict to a speedy close, and secure
peace o a permanent basis.
Richard Yates, Gov. Illinois.
Wi " Gi!i In." That unfettered press " (?)
the Eugene Register, publishes a letter from a
lemale seceshrr living in Missouri. At the close
ol this remarkable production occurs this rather
mystical passage : "The nigroes art our Gover
nors ker now." Was that intended as a ' bur
lesque 1" No wonder the secessionists are very
strong all the fools are fighting on their side.
La roe. Mr. Wm. Walker has laid upon
our table a turnip weighing 9J pounds, and
measuring two feet and five inches in circumfer
ence. Oregon can grow turnips.
Delivered to the Legislature of Oregoa at Sa
les, Sept. 10, 180'i.
' Gentlemen of Til a Leoislative Assembly :
At an early day I may seek an opportunity to
call your attention to some matteis of general
legislation. As a coordinate branch of the Gov
ernment, it will afford me pleasure when neces
sary, to co operate with you in the discharge of
your important duties.
Upon a proper education of a free people de
ends the stability of their institutions. I doubt
whether a Republican form of government can
long exist without general education among the
masses. The subject of popular education has
attracted considerable of my attention, and it
will be my pleasure as well as duty, as Superin
tendent of Publio Instruction, to elevate the
standard of .education in Oregon as much as my
limited influence and acquirements will permit.
The common school, the academy and college
are intimately connected, and each dependant
upon the othpr, and should be encouraged.
We may Congratulate ourselves that Congress
has provided the means for making farming more
honorable and useful, by donations of land to
each State for the establishment ot Agricultural
Colleges. The friends of free labor have long
urged the importance of such donation, while
they have been opposed by those who prefer to
do the thinking and let others perform tho labor.
Now is the time to accept the proposition of the
Government, and tako tho initiatory steps in or.
ganizing a system of instruction, which, 1 trust,
may be of incalculable benefit to the rising gen
eration of Oregon. Let tho experiment be fairly
made, and it is to be hoped the result will prove
all that has been desired by its most ardent
Allow mo to congratulate you, nnd through
you the people ot Oregon, that peace and pros
perity surround us. The prospects for Oregon
were never more promising, save tho shadows
from the fires of secession which are blazing
around our childhood homes.
Though we have had a winter of unpreceden
ted severity and devastating floods, no traitorous
hand has been raised to tear down our national
flag and subvert our beloved institutions. A
wicked rebellion is raging east of the Rocky
mountains, with all its devastating fury. The
border States are being desolated. The cries ot
the sick nnd wounded, and moans of the mother,
widow and orphan may be heard in every town.
These evils, as yet, have been spared us. While
this is so, it may be well to pause and consider
how near our feet have approached the awful
gulf of secession which was yawning, partially
concealed, but a few paces from us. A senator
in whoso hands Oregon had been " as clay in the
hands of the potter," stood in the American Sen
ate on the 2J of March, 18G1, and said:
" Whether the course the seceding States have
seen fit to take be right, or not, is a question
which wo must leave to posterity ."id the verdict
of impartial history." And, speaking of " the
Confederate States," he said : " I look upon that
government as one ot the finest experiments on
the face of the earth, or in the history of man
kind embodying the purest patriotism, the
highest order of statesmanship, and the greatest
amount of talent and administrative capacity
that can be found anions the same number of
people in any government on the face of the
globe." But a short time ago the traitor, Albert
Sidney Johnson, was in command of the entire
military of the Pacific coast, and with him came
an unprecedented number of arms, sent, too, at
a time of general pence with all the Indians.
Some of' the Federal officers on the coast ore
known to have been disloyal. One Indian Agent
in Oregon, after the plot was discovered and
broken up, boastingly left the State to join the
rebel army in which he now holds a commission.
Some of the Indians left the reservation and went
to tl.eir old homes, stating that those who had
charge of them had told them there was no gov
rrt . . l
eminent now. ne re-enactment oi tne scenes
of Kentucky ond Tennessee were prevented on
this coast by the attention of Union men, and
vigilanco of the Administration. AH honor to
both. The all-absorbing question of tho day is
how to put down this rebellion and pay the ex
penses of the war.
A great majority of the peoplo of Oregon are
loyal men, willing to pay their taxes, aid in the
circulation of United States Treasury Notes
without a muriof, anJ to do every act prompted
by tho spirit of our fathers when they mutually
pledged to each other their lives, their fortunes,
and sacred honors toestablish this Government.
There is but one- line between Union and dis
union. Those who are not for us, are against us.
It has been often and truthfully said that eternal
vigilance is tho price of liberty ! Mark its preg
naut truths at this lime, and wateh those who
carp at every real or imaginary error f the
Administration, and are complaining of the "tax
bill " because a small portion of their fortune
is required to preserve civil and religious liberty
in America.
Honorable gentlemen, nearly all of you, like
myself, were elected under a pledge " to support
the officers of the Government in all constitu
tional means to put down the present wicked
rebellion.'' The proposition that the Govern
ment has no power to weaken its enemies, in open
arms against it, by taking their property that
their lives may be Uken but not their property
is, to my mind, too absurd for discussion. A
tecessknist should ha eno property in nogrovs I
or anything else. Property is power, and should
we leave it in rebel hands to be wielded against
us while the bones of our kinsmen are bleaching
on the fields of a hundred battles, and while
hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens are
liable to share the same fate I I consider it my
highest duty, as well as pleasure, to do all I can,
and exert all the influence of my present position,
at home and abroad, in putting down secession,
and preserving the best government in the
world. And by repentance, humiliation nnd
reformation we should strive to remove all fur
ther cause for visitations of God's judgments
upon our State and Nation remembering that
he who ruleth the hosts of Heaven holds in his
bands the destinies ot nations.
The County's Name.
Editors Republican : As tho Legislature
commences its session this week, and will
doubtless change the name of this county, for
one, I should like to see some steps taken that
would give some unanimity of feeling about the
(natter ; nnd in some way direct tho members
as to the name to bo chosen nnd not throw the
responsibility on them. We will take the lib
erty to suggest a name that we think is pretty
and appropriate, being the one by which the
Indians called it before the whites inhabited it,
and that is Wimawhala ; its meaning or signifi
cation is, pretty hills, pretty valley and swift
waters. That name is applied to all the country
lying on Lo ig Tom and between that stream and
the Willamette, running up tho Middle Fork and
south to the Calapooia mountain. It is easily
written and sounds well.
We are pretty much tired of naming local
ities for persons, especially for those yet living ;
as the time will sometime occur that we will
blush to hear it mentioned, and, ns the Indians
will so soou become extinct, we will forget
that another raco of people ever inhabited this
country nnlcss we perpetuate their story by re
taining their names of places. Bart.
No person need refuse to take tbe Republican
because ho has not the money, we propose to all
who wish to become subscribers, to take
anything you have for sale such, as wheat, oats,
peas, beans, pork, lard, butter, eggs, and in
fact everything which the merchants buy. If
yon want the paper take your produce to A. S.
McClure, and get an order from him nnd it will
pass in this office. We hope our friends in this
county will aid us in sustaining an administration
paper in this end ol the Willamette Valley.
If each reader would show this to ono neighbor,
and induce him to subscribe, why, our circula
tion would at once be doubled, try it friends,
the small sum of $2 50 is a mere trifle, and that
too in "truck and turn over,", but in tho aggre
gate it amounts to a living for the printer if "be
jabers yeas don't ba nfther letting him starve."
The Legislature.
The lateness of the hour at which wo received
our legislative reports from Salem prevents us
from giving the proceedings in full. We give n
very brief summary.
The Senate was organized on the 8th, and the
following permanent officers elected : Dr. W
Bowlby, President; Clark, Chief Clerk ; W
B. Daniels, Assistant Clerk ; Baker, Sergeant
at-Arres ; W. Chapman, Enrolling Clerk ; and
D. M. Fields, Doorkeeper.
The following officers were elected in the
House: Joel Palmer, President; S. T. Church,
Chief Clerk; II. Cummins, Assistant Clerk; P.
Crandall, Enrolling Clerk; II. B. Parker, Ser-
geant-at-Arms ; J. Myers, Doorkeeper.
No business further than organization and a
few preliminary formalities were- transacted on
Monday, the 8th.
On the 10th the House nnd Senate met and
counted the vote for Governor, nnd Addison C.
Gibbs was declared duly elected Governor of
Oregon for the ensuing four years. The Con
vention adjourned to meet at two o'clock at the
Methodist Church to attend the inauguration
On the 11th a bill was introduced by Iluma
son to organize a county in the Powder river
country, to be called Baker county. The bill
passed a second reading nnd was referred to the
Committee o'l Counties.
A bill to organizo a county to be called Uma
tilly, was introduced, read and referred.
A petition was presented to memorialize our
Senators and Representatives in Congress to en
deavor to procure the passage, of an act establish
ing a Branch Mint at Portland. Read and re
ferred to Committee on Commerce.
Joint Convention met at 10 o'clock a. m. for
tho purpose of elocting one U. S. Senator. The
following names were put in nomination : Pearne,
Harding, William, E. L. Applegate, Maury,
Jacobs. Wilbur, Matlock, Whiteaker, and Hoi
brook. Seven ballots were had, as follows :
0 10 11 10 9 10 11
7 0 0 9 9 10 12
7 4 7 8 11 8 9
8 13 13 11 14 12 3
4 4 4 3 4
5 3 1 3 3 5
1 1
1 2 4
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 11 1
The Convention adjourned to 2 o'clock.
On our first page will be found the law of
newspapers, read and ponder it well before re-
fuing to take jonr paper from the pot office.
Cincinnati!,- Aug. 29. Col. Gerard, bearer
of dispatches from Oen. Morgan to Gen. Wright
arrived this evening. He states that kirby Smut
at the head of 20,000 men, has left tho front of
the Gap, and was at Loudon, sixty miles from
Lexington, Wednesday. They threatened tr
march for tho Ohio river. Fears aro entertained
that they may succeed, as tbe Federal troops
are scattered. Morgan will not leave the gap to
fall into the possession of the rebel armies men
acing it on either side. Although lie will receive
supplies and reinforcements, he camwt be sup
ported ot this juncture. His position is again
most critical. Gen. Lew Wallace, who is here,
advises fortifications be immediately thrown up
around Ciucinnatti. He believes that Smith'wiU
reach the border. Buell is reported atChattav
nooga. His position threatens Bragg's rear,
who is fortifying.
Washington, Aug. 30. Informotion reached"
Washington from privato sources that Pope
came up with and attacked tho enemy at niuo
o'clock this morning. Gen. F. J. Porter had
probably arrived on the field by that time from
Manassas, only seven miles distant. The can
nonading was distinctly heard in Washington.
The news received from the army has occasioned
tho greatest excitement throughout the city.
Orders have been issued by the heads of tho
different Bureaus calling on different employees
to repair to the battle field for the attending to
the wounded. Though the engagement with the
enemy was of tho most appalling and sanguinary
character, yet such is the confidence of the Union
men in the skill and strength of our army that
an abiding faith in their ultimate success is
everywhere discerned.
Philadelphia, Aug. 30. Tho city authorities
received a dispatch this evening saying that a
hard battle had been fought to-day, and that the
loss was heavy, and requesting to have all tho
Surgeons possiblo sent to Washington.
Ciucinnatti, Aug. 31. On Friday, a rebel
company at Richmond, (S. C.) drove in our cav
airy. Gen. Munson with two regiments, moved
up, and after throwing a few shell, tho enemy
retreated rapidly beyond Rogersville, leaving
one gun. Munson encamped, and on Saturday
morning advanced with two regiments and four
guns; coming up with the enemy, nu artillery
tight ensued with heavy loss on both sides. The
enemy attempted to turn our It ft flank, when
sharp fighting occurred between skirmishers.
The OOih Indiana advanced through a dense fire,
to the relief of our skirmishers, mid behaved like
old soldiers, but tho rebels finally turned our
left and advanced in full force. Munson then
ordered a retreat and fell back three miles, re
formed in line of battle, and got his artillery in
position on right aud led flanks. Firing of artil
lery then commenced, and was kept up briskly
on both sides. After two hours fighting the en
emy advanced under cover of woods, on our
right, and after severe fighting, succeeded in
turning it. A retreat immediately took place
to the original camping ground, Nelson came
up, and, alter great efforts, succeeded in rallying
the men, and formed another line of battle ; but
artillery ammunition being nearly exhausted
some guns being without men to work them
having been killed aud wounded our men
again fell back, retreating towards Lexington.
The enemy's force nuniborcd about 15,000,
while ours was scarce 0,000, with Murry's nncK
Metcalt's cavalry. Loss very heavy on both
sides. Gen. Wright left this morning to tako
the field.
Washington, Aug. 31. Privato advices from
Fredericksburg np to 3 P. m. yesterJay, contra
dict the report relative to tho burning of bridges
and destruction of property in that locality.
Gen. Burnside has possession there. Tho eno.
my was heavily reinforced yesterday, and attack
ed Pope before Sumner's and Franklin's arrival.
The attack was boldly met and a severe baltlo
followed. The advantage, was with tho enemy.
Pope fell back to centerville, with his army, in
good order, where he was joined by Sumner
and Franklin. Forty-three wagon loads of ho
pital stores left here Saturday for the Battle field,
A number of physicians also went. Our army
is concentrated, and in good spirits. No fight
ing to day
New York, Sept. 1. Tho Tribune's Wash
ington dispatch, dated 31st, says no news of re
newal of contest to-day except a telegram dated
Fairfax Station, forenoon, which speaks of heavy
guns being heard in the vicinity of Brislow Sta
tion. At Fairfax 500 rebel prisoners await trans
portation to Washington. They concur in say
ing, as does information from all other sources.
that the whole rebel army is engaged under
Lee. It is estimated to be two or three hun
dred thousand. Prisoners also say they were
promised a speedy march into Washington.
Letters contain nothing later than Pope' dis
patch of Saturday.
The eastern news this week is mixed and un
certain. Doubtless ere this there has been a
bnttle fought which will in a great measure
decide the fate of the rebellion. If they have
been defeated, of which there is no doubt, their
causo is hopeless. If they have beaten our army,
the Government will rouso its latent energies
and like Jackson swear " by the Eternal" that
the cause of rebellion (slavery) shall live no Ion
ger. Then we will have a cause to defend a
principle to maintain an object worthy of the
attention of Philanthropists, and that is tho es
tablishment of universal freedom, both physical
and mental.
In this issue we publish the Inaugural Address
of Governor Gibbs. A correspondent from Sa
lem very trtbfully says:
" GoveVnor Gibbs' Message is a plain sensible
document. It is at the aame time, brief and
comprehensive, and it has decidedly the right
ring on the ' all absorbing question.' Every cit
izen f Oregon should read it, and while they
read, it will be observant by their reception of
it, whether they are 'sound on the Eagle' or
The Union ticket is elected in California by
an overwhelming majority. Latham will go to
tho Senate, in a horn." G.xd for California.