TTh STATE oime BLICA1 Li 1L DEVOTED TO THE POLITICAL AND GENERAL INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE VOL. I. EUGENE CITY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 13, 18G2. NO. n II I i II THE STATE REPUBLICAN. Published every Saturday by J". NEWTON GALE. Terms of Subscription. The Uspcblica will be published ut ti 50 a rear in lid Vance; S3 UO if paid at the end of six month; or f t no t tne closa ol tue year, one dollar additional will uu cha-ired for each vear payuieut is uei;lecled. -r No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except ai our opuon. Rates of Advertising. 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If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers from the olliee lo which they are cnrecicu iney are nciu responsible till they have settled the bill and ordered the paper ihscoulinueil. . If subscribers remove to other places without forming the puolisher, and the paper is sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. S. The courts have decided that refusing to take a na per from the ollice, or removing and leaving it uncalled lor, is prima I. cm evidence ol luieuuonai naua. The Confiscation Act. AN ACT to suppress insurrection, to punish treason and rebellion, to seize nnd confiscate tlie property of rebels, nnd for other purposes. lie it enacted bij the Senate and House of Rep resentative oj the United States of America in Congress assembled, That every person w ho shall hereafter roinmit the crime of treason against the United States, nnd shall be ndjudged guilty thereof shall Miller death, nnd nil his slaves, it any, shall be declared and made free ; or, at the discretion of the court, he shall be imprisoned for not less than live years, nnd fined not less thin ten thousand dollars, mid nil his slaves, it tiny, shall be declared and made free; said fine shall bo levied and collected on any or all of the property, real or personal, excluding slaves, ot which said person so convicted was the owner nt tho time ot committing said crime, nny sale or conveyance to the contrary notwithstanding. And be it further enacted, That if any person shall hereafter incite, set on foot, assist, or en gage in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States, or the laws thereof or shall give aid or comfort thereto, or shall en gage in, or give aid and comfort to, any such existing rebellion or insurrection, and be con viated thereof, such person shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten years, or by fine not exceeding ton thousand dollars, nnd by tho liberation of all his slaves, if any ho have; or by both of said punishments, flt the discretion of the court. Sec. S. And be ft further enacted, That every person guilty of either of the offences described in this act, shall be forever incapable und dis qualified to hold any office under the Unite i States. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That this net shall not bo construed in any way to affect or alter the prosecution, conviction, or punish ment of any person or persons i;uilty of treason against the United Stales before the passage of tins act, unless such person is convicted under this act. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That, to insure the speedy termination of the present re bullion, it shall be the duty of the President of the Unit- d Slates to cause the seizure of all the estate and property, money, stocks, credit, of the persons hereinafter named in this section, and to apply and use the same and the proceeds thereof for the support of the nrmy of the United States ; that is to say : First. Of any person hereafter acting as nit officer of the nrmy or navy of the rebels in arms agsinst the Government of the Unitt-d States. Secondly. Of any person hereafter acting as President, Vice President, member of Congress, judge of any court, cabinet officer, foreign min ister, commissioner or consul of the so-called Confederate States of America. Thirdly. Of any person acting as Governor of State, member of a Convention or legisla ture, or judge of any curt of any of the so called Confederate States of America. Fourthly. Of any person who, having held an office of honor, trust, or Drofit in the United States, shall hereafter hold an office in the so called Confederate Stales of America. Fifthly. Of any person hereafter holding any office or agency under the Government of the so called Confederate States of America, or under any of the several States of the said Confederacy, or the laws thereof, whether such office or agon cy be national, State, or municipal in its name or character: provided, That the persons thirdly, f jurthly, and fifthly above described shall have accepted their appointment or election since the date of the pretended ordinance ol secession of t ie state, or shall have taken the oath of allegi ance to, or to support the constitution of, the eo-called Confederate States. Sixthly. Of any person who, owning prop erty in any loyal State or Territory of the United States, or the District of Columbia, shall here after assist and give aid and comfort to such rebellion ; and all sales, transfers, or convey ances of any such property shall be null and void ; and it shall be a sufficient bar to any suit brought by such person for the possession or use of such property, or any cf it. to alleire and prove that m 0 o i he is one of the persons described in this s?ction. Sec. C. And be it further enacted. That if any person w ithiii any Statu or Territory of the United States, oilier than tlio.-e named as ii fore said, ufter the passage of this act, being engaged in armed rebellion against the Government ot the United States, it aiding or abetting such re bellion, shall not, within sixty days after public warning and proclamation duly given and made by the President ot the United States, cease to aid, countenance, and abet such rebellion, and return to his allegiance to the United Slates, nil the estate and properly, inom's, stocks, and credits of such persons shall bo liable to seizure as aforesaid, und it t-hall be the- duly ot the President to seize and ue litem as ati-ivsaid or the proceeds thereof. And a I stiles, tiausK-rs, or conveyances of such property after the cxpira tion of the said sixty days from the date cf such warning and proclamation sh ill be null nnd void ; nnd it shall ba a sufficient bar to any suit brought by such person for the possession or use ot such property, or any of it, to allege and prove that he is one of thu persons described in this sco tion. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted. That to se cure the condemnation aud sale of any of such property, after tho same shall have been seized, so that it may be made available for thu purpose aforesaid, proceedings in rem- shall bo instituted in the name of the Lulled Slates in any district court thereof, or in nny Territorial court, or in the United States district court tor the District of Columbia, within which tho property above described, or any part thereof, may be found, or into which the sumo, if moveable, may first be brought, which proceedings shall conform, as nearly as may be, to proceedings in admiralty and revenue cases ; und if said property, wheth er real or personal, shall be found, to have be longed to a person engaged in rebellion, or who has given aid or comfort thereto, the same shall be condemned ns enemies' property, nnd become the property of the Uuited States, and may be disposed of as tho court shall decree, and the proceeds thereof paid into tho Treasury of the United states tor tue purposes aforesaid.- Skc. 8. And be it further enacted, That the several courts olbresaid shall have power to make such orders, establish such forms of decree and sale, and direct such deeds and conveyances to be executed nnd delivered by the marshals thereof where real estate be tho subject of sale, as shall fitly and efficiently effect tho purposes of fiis act, snd vest in the purchasers of such prop erty good nnd valid titles thoreto. And the said courts shall have power to allow such fees and chasges of th3ir officers as shall bo reasonable and proper in the premises. 15kc. 0. And be it further enacted, That nil slaves of persons who shall hereafter bo engaged in rebellion against the Government of the United States, or who shall in any way give aid or comfort thereto, escaping faoin such persons ind taking retugo within thu hues ot I lie army ; ind all slaves captured from such persons or do sorted by thein and coming under tho control of the Government of the United States, and all slaves of such persons found on, or being within any place occupied by rebel forces and ufterwaid occupied by the forces of tho United Slates, shall be doomed captives of war, and shall be forever free of their servitude, and not again lulJ us slaves. Skc. 10. And be it further enacted. That no lave escaping iut any Slate, or Territory, or ihj District t Columbia, front tiny other Stale, shall bo delivered up, or in any y impeded or hindered of his liberty, except for crime, oi some offense against the laws, unless llie person claiming tho fugitive shall first make oath that the person to whom the labor or service of Much fugitive is alleged to be due is his lawful owner, aud has not borne arms against thu United States in the present rebellion, nor in any way given aid or comfort thereto ; and no person engaged in military or naval sereico of thu United Stales shall, under any pretense whatever, assume to decide ou the validity of the claim of nny person to the serviie or labor of any other person, or surrender up nny such person to the claimant, on penalty of bei'isj dismissed from the service. Sec. 11. And be it further enacle I, Thai I he President of tho United States is authorized to employ as many persons ot .African descent as he may deem necessary an I proper for the sup pression of this rebellion, and for tins purpose he may organize and use them in such manner as he may judge best for tho public welfare. Sec. 12. And be it further enacted. That the President of the United States is hereby author, ized to make provision for the transportation, colonization, and settlement, in some tropical country beyond the limits of the Uuiled Slates, of such persons of the African race, made five by the provisions of this act, as may be willing to emigrate, having first obtained tho consent of tho Government of said country to their protec tion and settlement within the same, with all the ri. hts and privileges of freemen. Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That the President is hereby authorized, at any time here after, by proclamation, to extend to persons who have participated in the existing rebellion in any State or part thereof, pardon and amnesty, with such exceptions and at such time and on such conditions as he may deem expedient for the public welfare. Sac. 14. And be it further enacted. That the courts of the United Stale-4 shall have full power to institute proceedings, make orders and decrees, issue process, and do all other things necessary to carry this act into effect. Approved, July 17, 1802. IPtblic Resolution No. 51.1 CESOLUTION explanatory ot An act to suppress insurrection, to punish treason and rebellion, to seize and confiscate tho property of rebels, and for other purposes." Resoteed by the Senat and Hons of Repre- J - - - , Covgrtn aetembM, th tenmnret oj in Lntita oiaics oj America tn provisions of tba third clause of the fifih section of " An act to suppress insurrection, to punish treason and re bellion, to xeizo and confiscate the properly ol rebels, and for olher purpose-4," shall bo so con stilled as not to apply to any act or acts done prior to the passage thereof, nor to include any member of a State Legislature or judge of any Slate court who has not, in accepting or entering upon his office, taken an oalli to support thu cou sin nt ion of tho so-called " Confederate States of America ;" nor shall any punishment or proceed ings under said act be construed so as to work a forfeiture ot the real estate of the "offender be- fyond his natural lite. Approved, July 17, 16b--2. Road to John Days' River. Editors Republican : 1 consider the subject of this road one of tho most important that can occupy the attention of our community at this time. With a good road to John Day nnd Powder rivers, the farmer who lor the last ten years has had his hands ioaded down by tho exhorbitant prices ot labor, and by the still more exhorbitant prices of freights to Portland, S in Francisco, and olher markets, would immediately find a good market in these mines. In this case, the one half of his hard earnings, which in past years has been wrung from him to build splendid steamboats and enable their owners to live luxuriously, in San Francisco and Portland, he might then de vote, as God intended he should, to the comfort and improvement of his own homo and family. Suppose that in eight day's travel, the farmer with his two or four horse wagon could tnako a trip over our road to John Day river mines, nnd that thero he could find a good market for his flour, bacon, onions, potatoes, eggs, butter, cheese, etc., one half of which ho now has to sacrifice for freight ; how soon would the clowds of depression which now lower over his spirit vanish, uud his homo " blossom as the rose 1" This question (in regard to tho extent of tho mines) 1 know is at tho very foundation of ull our hopes of the realization of advantages from our road over the mountains, and hence this ques tion is generally tho first proposed in regard to it. V" hat answer then can we give to this ques tion. CunwnotsMV that if-ihe6 mines are not proving, und do not provo good, wc can lio longer place any confidence in men's word ? As will bo seen by late numbers of your paper, we have tho statements of some of tho most respec table of our citiz -ns, sssuiing in of their extent and richness. They till agree in asserting, not only that these mines pay well, but that they are extensive enough to justify a huge cmigra lion thiiher, and, moreover, some ol them are most urgent in their entreaties to us to build the road, und furnish them with something to eat at once. They cry for bread, and shall we not give il to them, especially as our doing so would be fraught with so much b -m fit to ourselves, and so like that heaven-born charity which is doiib'y blessed, In Idc-sii g him that gives not less than him who takes" But here another question arises, is our road practicable 1 Can wo have u good road from Eiigeini City over tho Cascade Mountains to John Day's river and Powder river mines? What authority have we for answering this question in tho affirmative ? In reply to this question we would say w - have all tlie authority we could wish. Wo have the authority of Mr. J Felix Scott, to whoso indomitable energy and perseverance we are indebted for the epening of this road more than to any other man, and who ha just relumed to our midst nlier taking ti-n w-igous with about thirty thoiHanl pouu Is of freight over this road as fir as tho Dos Clidtes river. We have the authority of Mr. 0;le, and Mr. Moses, men well known nnd repotted in this community, nnd others, who have gone out and inspected a good part of this read with the express purpose of giving a report of it. All these I believe unite in affirming that in their opinion, all the obstacles which now lie in the way to a two horse wagon, with fifteen or twenty "-" ""b - a"- or tell days, are such as could be removed at once, with but very little expense and compara lively little labor. Farmers, townsmen, nnd fjllow-citizens of whatever name all who take any interest in your own welfare, and in the welfare and pros pcrity of the community in which you live, here then is the all important question which comes up before you for solution at the present time. How shall these obstacles be retnovid 1 so that you can at once make this road a fit competitor for that w hich I understand our eagle eyed friends of the Dalles have already in the process of con. temptation thither, 1 understand that Mr. Felix Sjott Is about to present to our Legislature, at its present session, a petition to grant bini a charter for our road. This is well, and as a noblo pioneer, who will not gladly lend biin his signature, and wish him a hearty success in ms endeavor i uui let us rec ollrct that there ii work to bed jneon the road j in the meantime, and that deeds, not words ulone, will avail for its accomplishment. At the present time thu fii'iners nrenll buisily engaged harvesting, but soon this hurry will be over. In thu meantime, cannot a meeting of our citizens bo held and ti Committor, say five of our townsmen, bu appointed to give the matter full publicity, to get up a subscription IUt und get the names of all who may be disposed to help, together with the amount, attached to each name t Or to take w hatever other measures ahull then sei iii fit for the removal of all obstacles, and the rendering of this roail at once passable to all modes of conveyances. Spectator. Eugeno City, Sept. 8, 1802. The Four Apple Seedlings. Seappoose, Sept. 1st, 1SC2. Daily Times : Sometime since a fanner near here had four apple seedling trees which ho had raised from the seed. Thinking hu would give them (while yet unbeariug) names, l-e christened No. ono Republican, No. two Ami Slavery, No. three SI ivery, and No, four Democrat. After a lapse of time nil tho trees boru fruit; now comes the test. No. 4 bore a very beautiful and tending apple ; No. 3 bid fair to look nt, and ralht-r large ; No. 2 was somewhat less, but yet passable lo the view, while No. I was handsome, ami all seemed worthy of cultivation. IIu lot the trees stand to see how long the fruit would bo in ripening, and at what season. No. 4 proved a fall iriut, handsome, and a short clistancu trom tho skin llivorable, but seveii eighlhs water cored, and worthless this was his Demucrat. No. 3 looked very promising, and being large, templing, but lo ! and behold t when ho bit it, it had neither taste nor flavor, and the longer he chewed it I ho tougher it got, like India rubber this was Slavery. No 2 was passable to tho sight, palatable to tho taste, with a free dom for mastication and digestion this was ihe ono named Anti-Slavery ; while No. 1, named Republican, was beautiful and templii g outside, mellow, juicy, niomalie, nnd melting in the mouth, and desirable every way : a long keeper good in March nnd April, Such, Air. limes, has the apples proved, nnd mo thinks a very apt representation of tho prin ciple of tho name they accidentally bear. For Democracy has a charm lor tho casual observer, yot, as in the present rebellion, proves rotten nt tho core. Slavery promises much to the owner, but is as tough as India rubber to bear, and like rubber oft recoils on those who overstro -ch It. Ami Slavery or freedom is bolh boarablo nnd , leasant, like the applo that was ot sy of digestion and palatable to tho taste ; ami finally of Repub lican, was a lasting good keeping apple, pleasant to the taste, and withal good every way. So are the piinciples of Republicanism presorvu live, lasting i nd worthy to be admired. A mor al may be taken from tho above, ami citizens true, Union loving w ill endeavor to sustain the Coustilution, tho Union and their Republican principles, which wiil provo to them as thu apple did to thu eater, rromalic, pleasant and mellow, gratefully rewarding ils possessor. G. M. Evns. P. S. The above is no fiction or allegory, but actual truth. G. AI. E. A Change in I'ublic Opinion. We have before ns, says the H i-lon Journal, a letter from no army ofnVer of experience, a native of M:isa-luicii ami well known among bis present friends for his conservative views ou ibo MibjHi-t of slavery. Ho lias Imm'H for several months past in thu heart of Seeosia and lin seeii the spirit which a imates tho rebels acted out to perf-ctioti, nod ns ibo result of his cxperi eiice he writes these words: "Slavery goes un der with this war. Tlie war only ends when slavery ceases throughout iheso United Slate." He says that hu has seen sights since he held his present position which have opened his eyes us to tho c-iiso of this monster rebellion. After giving an account of some cases of rebel outrages he tMns: "We lave given thu rebels time enough to n fk-et. If they do not come instantly into the traces I am ready to give the Govern, incut the bem tit of my services nnd experience in inako this war mi end of slavery. 'Tis time. We have delayed, postponed and tarnished nil our victories by the spiritless sympathy for the Southerner, if we cannot stop this system of guerrilla warfare by thu usual men' , I s.iy arm and equip tho slaves, and in sixty days I will clear the State of Mississippi of ihu rebels." IIu goes i n to say that he expects his friends nt home will bo surprised nt these sentiments, they are so different from those he had formerly en We quote these extracts as a sample ot others winch we h ive seen from men w like the w riter of (his, entered upon this contest with views directly opposed t those which they now entertain, and whoso minds have been i li.n ginl by thu inevitable logic of events through w bu ll they have passed, mid which have ri-vealcd to them Ihu true animus of thu rebellion. This changu in publiu si-ntiuu nt is not confined by any means to officer and soldiers in the nrmy, who have been brought into direct contact wilh rebellion, but it has made) wonderful progress among thoso who have remained at home. A nong the most earnest men in favor of using every means in our power to crush (he rebellion, even to treeing the slaves if need be, aro those who heretofore have been the most conservative on the slavery question. This change in public sentiment is a striking feature of the times, and is destined to make itself felt in the future prog- rcss of the war. Sue, Union. Win are soldiers like good flinnel T they don't shrink. When Cosscimci in some men is Lut the diead of public opinion. A Company fot the Salvation of Souls. As we were passing tlio other day through ono of the great, pious iiii-i charitable ustabiishiiiuiita in Paris, several papers wtro pressed into our hands by zealous tract distributors, itnd among llioni n prospectus, in four pages, of a Company which has bean formed 44 for the deliverance of souls from purgatory." The origin of thu Com. puny is told in a fuw words. A poor servant, w ho hud saved a littlu money from her wages lesolved to give it, with her services for tho rest of her life, to tho Catholic Church, for the relict aud dellverunce of souls in purgatory. Her ex ample excited emulation so, ut least, we uro told in tho prospectus and suggested tho idea of this Company, which was formed in 1S47, and if any of our readers are desirous of ob taining shares, we can recommend them to tho central bureau, 1)5 Ruo du So res, Paris. We are assured in tho prospectus that the share holders incur no liabilities beyond their sub. scriptions and wudo not very clearly seo what liability they aro like'y to incur, unless it bo to tho poor, unfortunate souls. Thu subscription ilselt is moderate enough, being only three francs half a crown per annum. Any individual who wishes may become u lifu shareholder, by pacing a composition ot olio hundred francs ; and a dead man may become a shareholder forever, by paying fifty Irani s. Shareholders belonging lo this latter class uro called fouudatioiiists. Thu funds of thu company uro lo bo employed for t tut following urponos. In the first dace, ou the first day of every month, a mass is to be said fbr nil thu souls in purgatory. Seceiidly, ou every Monday throughout thu year a mass is to bu celebrated tor thu most neglected souls in purgatory ; by which wo presume wo are to un derstand that thu Romish Church has not an equal care for thu souls of all who dio within its bosom, but that somo receive more attention than others (of course heretics never get into ' purgatory ut all, but go directly into perdition, without uny intermediate). Thirdiy, three masses nre to bo said for each shareholder imme diately ufter his decease, if ho die being a share holder; if ho should not havo kept up his sub scription, of course ho loses these three posthu mous masses, with ull other benefits of the com pany. Fourthly, ull other masses ns well ns the alms (for ono third ot tho money, it should be stated, is to bo expended in alms) are to be ap plied equally and forever First, to the most neglected souls ill purgatory ; second, to the defunct relatives of shareholders ; third, to the shareholders who havo died while they were, shareholders. Let nobody suppose that this is a bad invest ment for tho money, for tho company guarantees to tho shareholders a minimum divid nd of nine tmtsscsu day ! When wu read a document like this we can hardly believe that we aro living in the nineteenth century ; but wesuspi-ct that the whole nllair admits of somo explanation, from the circumstance thu central bureau of the company for tho deliverance of souls from put gatory is one of ihu establishments of thu Jesu its in Paris, and thu ingenuity of thu Jesuits in practices for raising money, even from thu poor est of thu people, is notorious, Hut in this trans action tho Church ot Christ is not only made a common market, but it is literally turned into n stons exchange. Yet the brethren of tho Society of Jesus might havo gone a step further. Why not siart a spiritual lottery, each prize) being so many souls saved out of purgatory, the names lo bo filled upnt tho will of the subscribers who gain thu pr.z -s I It would no doubt bu a profit able Kpiciilaliou. Thu prospectus of ibis limited liability company is tricked out with nil thu at trail ions which uru employed by trader to cap tivute tho attention of thu public, A nicely executed engraving i l front represents n iiiulti tudc on their lieeo before ihu altar, w hile the priest (in this case, a director) is performing mass; in thu clouds above are angels approving and in u vault under thu church uru a Vast nuin ber of souls in tho fire of purgatory, who urn gradually rising out of the flames in consequence t tho iiinu masses a day, nnd one ot whom one of tho said angels i-i dragging out in rouse quence of tho prayers as above, London Rtview. Sll General IIalleck's Policy-. Gen. Ilalleck s General-in-Chief. He recently said that ho was not only w illing to use the black population of the South against tho rebellion, but that ho hud issued orders to his Generals requiring them to use ull negroes they could get hold of, and that no questions must be asked w hether the lie groes be slave or free, or whether their musters bu loyal onlisl iyal, except as a matter of record for after use. Iinu-k men nre tn be seized and impressed into Ihe service if ihey do not come w illinuly, or iflheir masters make nny ol jet-lion. Thu G.-neral also said : "Slavery is upheld by ocal laws alone and w In re rebellion is there is no local law nothing but thu law of the land. My Generals and oflk'crs must not know that there is or is not slavery in uny given placo or territory. They make use of tho black men, not inquiring into their c md.t on, nnd leaving tho civil laws to determine their condition." What is the dil.eieuce. between a permission to speak in a low tone, nnd n prohibition not to speak at all T In thu one case you aro not to talk uloud ; in the olher you are not allowed to talk. A chap being awakened with the announce ment that he must not occupy his berth wilh his boots on, very considerately replied, "the bug! won't hurt 'em I guess ; they are au old pair. Let 'em rip." -- Ir is not enough that men and women are of the true metal, unless they are also well tern pcred. Sll It seems to be an e tablished fact, that good soldiers can be raised on pork and beam, cod fish aud potatoes, and pumpkin pie.