rjnTjr rn ... JEILJCj nn a nniTi DEVOTED TO THE POLITICAL AND GENERAL INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE. Dp pi p IMLiF U iDJu CA VOL. I. THE STATE REPUBLICAN. Published every Saturday br J. NEWTON Terms or Subscription. Th. Tlnpi-qi icax will be Dublislied at t J M a year in ad Vance; 1 00 if paid at the curt of six months j or t oo t tlia close of tlto vear. One dollar aililitiouul will be charged for each year payment is neglected. 'f No pai.crs discoutiuucd until oil arrearages are '.paid, except at our option. . Rate of Advertising. One square (ten linca or less) ouo nioutli, Kach additional insertion, - - - business Cards, oue square or less, one year, u i six months, 'Four squares and upwards, one year, per square, i six mouths, per square, a m three months, " Administrator' Xutiees, and all advertisements re lating to estates of deceased persons, which huvolo be sworn to, one square, four insertions, (3 X 19 ou 8 00 10 00 7 00 6 00 6 00 t i .r.nuM Tlnsiiii'ss men tliron iztiou t Oregon and California will Hnd it greatly to their advantage to adver tise in the Stat Kefcducax. Josiuh, his Turkey and hi Sweetheart. Have you ever been in Windsor, Vermont ? If so, you have hoard of Josiah Baker. Indeed you have heard ot him even though you have not been in the State of Vermont; tor ho U well known as the greatest denier in poultry in all Now England. About Thanksgiving time, you may see in all parts of Boston, Josiah's wagons literally crammed with turkeys, geese, chickens, and ducks, together with pumpkins, squashes and all manner of Thanksgiving sauce. 'Twas thought by some, if Josiah should die without an heir to inherit his virtues, and perpetuate the stoc! of poultry, that Thanksgiving would have to be Abolished altogether in that region ; for as to l.ein" thankful on nn empty stomuch, it couldn t in the nature of things be expected. In fact they tried it on one occasion. Josiah didn t die to be mire, but 'twas just as bad for the time being, as jou shall see. Contrary to all usage, and probably for the sake of doing something wherewith to distinguish .himself, tho Governor appointed Thanksgiving on the same day which had been set apart for that purposd in Vermont. Now, no real Yan kee will ever absent himse'.f from his kindred on that day, not even tor gain ; and Josiah, though n bachelor was in tho habit of having all his blood relations to make merry with him on that occasion ; nnd you know the habits of an old bachelor are not easily broken in upon, besides his worthv sister Hester would have felt herself cadulizod, inJeed, if she were denied tho privi;. aUT0 of bustling, nnd scolding and storming about nusual, in the hurry of preparation for this joy. otis festiva'. Not that she was ill nature J or given to scolding under ordinary circumstanccs f ir from it ; but there is a time for everything. Then Josiah's numerous relatives (and you hive no idea unless you have been there how uume rous ones relatives are in that p rt o the country ) Who were always expected to partake of the lux uries of his farm yard, and devour, with an p ipet'.te which fortunately returns but once a year kiss Hester's puddings, pies, tarts, etc., would 'have felt anything but thankful, if Josiah had iCr.no -to Boston, instead of keeping Thanksgiving at home. But ho had no ide t of such a thing. Ho could as well afford to keep his turkeys, as the Boston folks could do without 'em ; and he d tench Governor Lincoln not to appoint the same days ns the Governor of Vermont. So Josiah kept Thanksgiving, as in times past, ;nt homo, though his heart was not as light as us ual for he pitied the Boston folks, and ho could not help saying now and then us ho cut a slice of turkey, Governor Lincoln ought to have known better. But though there was this drawback upon his happiness, it was trifling, compared with the con. vernation of the Boston people. Ilia old cus tomers who had relied upon nun for supplies for fifteen -cr twenty years, and had never once been disappointed, could not believe that he would fail to appear now ; and even on the day preced tnjr Thanksgiving refused to purchase of others, under the full conviction that ho would come thou"h it were at the eleventh hour. But, alas ! he came not ; and for the first time in their lives, And I hope the last, many of the good citizens m;,.,1 in forpao the luxury of a roast turkey, and dine on roast beef ; and instead of . . . .i jit-i .l!.-.. hut. oat nnil being thahfctui, iney aiu uouub drink and grumble. But there is no calamity however great, from which good may not bo ex tracted. . . t-aA tn irood neorde to iiusu . i j PonsHnnencQ if reflect upon wnnt. imguv Josiah should be removed ny oeatn, .eav.s ..u issue to keep up the stock ot turkeys ; and as life is uncertain; eveo in Vermont, thay sat about -devising means to avert so serious an evil. Ac ordin"ly, Josiah began to receive letters ad vis-s- i...?. . mnrrv ; disinterestedly pointing out irAiim the cheerlewness of his present mode of -.,.1 lilnlillff AISO. that il ne SIIOUIU UIB SOU j niiv o. . ... .... . . ... childless, Thanksgiving wouia oetM.u.c.j Now, the subject of matrimony hud never . x iLM hind. His maiden sister atten- . . u i,i.-l . Wned his stockings for ded to nis nouseiium , - Sunday-washed his neck and ears i for hun of , ounaaj , . .. . . . mor Saturd, y nig.a-?rr. . more what WM.a I mil - 4 i i j TinwAwr. me suoiect .1 i more a woman couiu uw. - had got into his mind and it was not easy to ge itout again. 1U was constantly looking about ",d observing how nice and chirp the young women looked. Finally he concluded to open his mind to his sister and ask her advice. AfW weiehing the matter thoroughly arid rnonmgovegr the prospect of layin down t e cepler, sne v . -,,, iT that none but a sister could "h'b with the advice of his f"e"Jsf nd ' "' u S- t . .aI turn iwit.il m -. j . EUGENE der to secure the latter the must make the mats-h herself at least so far as to point out a proper person for him to court. This was a great relief to him, but he would have been better pleased if she could have settled tke whole matter. For ho had a great horror of encountering one of the sex face to face, having lever been in company with any but his relatiois. However, his sister, who was in the habit of gossiping in tho intermis sion with all the women that came to meeting, soon made choice of a vile for her brother, in tho person of Sally Jepson, who lived but a couple of miles from his farm. She was (as she told Josiah) of rugged make, thick set, whole some looking, and as smart as a steel-trap. So it was agreed upon that on Sunday night, Josiuh should commence his courtship. Accordingly, nftersupper he mounted his horse nnd started with much fear and trembling for Squiro Jepson's. lie rodo very alow, that he might con over what ho should say to Sally ; but nfter looking over many forms of speech, he arrived at the house quite at a loss how to open his heart. Having tied his horse to the fence, he thought ho would reconoitre the premises before going in ; but. although there was a light in the sitting room, the paper curtains wero down, and nothing could be discovered. Aftei walking round the house two or three times, and going as often to tho fence, to see if his horse was fastened securely, ho finally made a desperate effort, went to the well ana took a drink trom tno oucuet nnd then gave a rap ot tho door. Walk in ! bawled out the bquire. After fumbling around the house for some time, he finally raised the latch and entered. Why, Josiah Baker ! exclaimed ins wile, " is that you 1 Set to tho fire. Sally said nothing but smootlied down ncr vandyke, laid her hands in her lap, and looked in the fire. Tho younger children, who were sitting on the hearth, commenced whispering together respecting tho object of his visit ; for it being Sunday night, they suspected he had come a sparking Silence continued for sometime, till the children could contain themselves no longer, but snickered out a laughing. " Now, pick up your legs and go to bed," said the Squire the dame at the same time giv ing them a si ip, which helped them on their way considerably. After the confusion arising from this sudden movement had subsided, the damo asked : "How is Miss Hester, Mr. Baker Y ' Reasonably, I thank you." After nn interval of a tew minutes the dame broke out ngt.in : " I think Deacon Spring's wife must bo poorly for 1'see she sot down in tiie last prayer and did not get up to thit blessing." Well, now, I uidii t mind that," said Josian. " Why, where were your eyes, Mr. Baker?" Ju-iiah made no reply ; for tho fact wa, his eyc3 wero tixed upon i no corner pew on mo ngni hand side, where sat Sally Jepson. " Our little man was unusually solemn to-day. I thought the self-righteous were pretty well cut up. The shoe fitted a good many of them." Josian replied, " les." iho trutn wns lie would have given tho world to change the sub ject, if he had known what to s.iy, tor his thoughts had been with Ins eyes, upon bally, and no had not henrd one word of the sermon. " Even the singers seemed uncommon balked up," said the Squire. ' I never heard them sing louder. But I do wish the'yd give up tho new collection nnd stick tj Mear and Bray, so that a body could jitie with them. H. would bo much more edify in'. And then they've got to opening their mouths so wide' that none of tho sound goes through the nose at all and seems to lose all the so'emness ns it were. "Don't you think, Mr. Baker, that tho little man was uncommon lifted up in prayer 1" said the dame. Fortunately for Josiah, this wns a leading quos tion, and that blessed monosyllable came to his relief. Just at that moment, the clock behind the door began to strike nine, nnd before it was done tho Squire and his wife had taken the candle and gone to bed, cautioning Sally to cover up the embers when Mr. Baker wns gone. Now, though tho sudden deprrturo of tho old folks had relieved Josiah of one dilemma, it left him in a worse ; for here ho was alone with Sal ly, without a singlo idea in his head, and his tongue cleaving to tho roof of his month, which was as dry as a owder horn. " I believe my horse is a little uneasy," said he after a silence of several minutes; and jumped up and went out to tho fence, nnd walked round a little, took another drink from the well, and I then rushed into tho house, determined to make ! a bold Dush nnd broach tho subject at once. So ! . , m. . ..,, , he drew his chair up near to Sally, nnd address ed her : " Miss Sally ! darnation !" Whatd'yon say, Mr. Baker I" " Darnation 1" " nh ! I thought you spoke to me." Sally picked up the tongs nnd laid the brands together. " What do you think of getting married, Miss Sally t" " Did you pek to me, Mr. Baker 1" " Certainly I did ; there's nobody else to speak to as I see," said Josiah looking around the room. Sally now began to color tip, her throat it swelled and she reminded Josiah of one of his turkeys, and thus furnished him with a topic of conversation. " Mis Sally, do you love turkey 1" Yes." " So do I," said Josiah. Which do you like best on it, applesauce or cranberry 1" Cranberry." " So di I," said Josiah. hkh do you think is the sweetest, Sally, , honey or maple sugar 1 "Honey." j . Thundr j we ,re M nigh alike tw0 pornp. N-.T.niMwh.t'sthet. CITY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 7, 1862. est thing in all nntur' it's you." "Now be still, Mr. Baker; mother says praise to the face is open disgrace." lie drew ins chair closer up to ncrs ; ior, as he told his sister afterward, ho began to get his pluck up. "Sally, what's tho sign when anybody treads on your toe ?" " It s a sign they love you. Uh ! Air. liaiter, you've mashed my foot all to pieces," I pon this he threw nis arms arouna ncr necx, and gave her such a smack as Sail Jones got when old Mrs. Jones thought her bottle of emptin's had burst. 4 "What's the matter, my dear I" said tho Squire, M ho was wakened out of a sound 4ieep by bis wife's jumping up in bed. - . " Nothiu'," said she, " i nly I heard a great crakling just now. 1 thought at first it was your shooting gun went oil", but I guess it's only tho frost cumin' out of tho grounJ." At tho mention of tho gun, tho Squire got out of bed, and opened tho door into tho bitting room. " Sally, aro you up ? What noiso was that ?" "'Twas 'twas; 1 just shut the front door that's all ihe noiso I heard." " Well, you'd better put tho nail over the door and go to bed." The next morning the old lady fjavo Sally a severe scolding for slamming the door so hard, when people were asleep. That interesting interview, and above all, that parting kiss, was n oro than Sally Jepson could stand unmoved ; and on the next Sunday, when she went to church, nnd got a sly wink and nod from Josiah, for her life she could'nt tell whether she had a heart left among her goods and chattels although she tried nil meeting to decide the doubt. Josiah repeated the kiss that very eve ning ; and performed more for ho popped tha alternative and had tho satisfaction to see Miss Sally blush; an infallible symptom that his question had gone straight to her heart, nnd caused it to flood in her cheeks. The parson blessed the happy twain, and they become one flesh ; very much to the delight of all lovers of Thanksgiving dainties who in that Union saw a periietuation of Josiah's incompar able breed of turkeys. Gen. Popb to his Soldieus. General Pope, in assuming command of the army assigno.l him on tho Potomac, issued the following address, in which there lurks something of a satire : Washington, Monday, July 14. To tho Officers und Soldiers of the Army of Virginia : By special assignment of the Presidei.t of the United bthtes,1!' have assumed command of this ormy. 1 have spent two weeks in learn ing your whereabouts, your conditions nnd your wants, in preparing you for aciivo oporatioiis, and in placing you in position from which you can act promptly and to the pusposo. I have come to yon from the West, whore wc havo always seen tho backs of our enemies from an army whose business it has been to seek the adversary, and then beat them when found, whoso policy has been attack and not defense. In but ono instance has the enemy been nble to place our Western army in a defensive attitude. I presume that I have been called hero to pursue tho same system, and to lead you against the enemy. It is my purpose to do so, and Unit speedily. I am sure you long for nn opportunity to win the distinction you are capable of achiev ing that opportunity I shall endeavor to give you. Meantime, I desiro you to dismiss from your minds certain phrases which I am sorry to" find much in vogue amongst you. I hear constantly ot taking strong positions nnd holding them of lines of retreat and of bases of supplies, Let us discard such ideas. The strongest position a soldier should requiro to occupy is one from which he can most easily advance against the enemy. Let us study the probable line of retreat of our opponents, and leave our own to take care of themselves. Let us look before us and not behind. Success and Glory are in tho ud vanco. Disaster nnd Shame link in the rear. Let us act on this understanding, and it is safe to predict that your banners shall be inscribed with many a glorious deed, and that your names will be dear to your countrymen forever. Johx Pope, Major General Commanding. Baked Beans. Few people know the luxury of baked beans, simply, because few cooks prop erly prepare them. Beans generally are not cooked half long enough. This is a sure method : two quarts middling siz.'d white hems, two pounds salt pork, and one spoonful of molasses. Pick the beans over carefully, wash them, add a gallon of boiling hot soft water; let them soak in it over night ; in the morning put them into fresh water and boil gently till the kin is very tender and about to break, adding a tea spoonful of saleratus. Take them up dry, put them in your dish, stir in tho molasses ; gash the pork nnd pnt it down in the dish, so as to have tho beans coverall but tho upper surlace ; turn ill boiling water till the top is just covered ; bake with a steady fire four or five hours. Watch them and add more water from time to time a it dries away. PcsisnvEST or GcEiiniLLAS. The general or ders respecting guerrillas are very pointed. We quoto some of them : Secretary Stanton says "Let them swing." Gen. Dix advises to " shoot them on the spot." Gen. Scofield says " Execute them Immedi ately." Gen. Blunt says" Give them no quarter." Gen. Loan says "Shoot them when found." Gen. Halleck's orders are "Let them be tried immediately by a drum head Court, and punished with death.' From the Marvsville Apptl. Reluliou of the Negro to the War. Washington, July 5th, 18G2. Editors Appeal: For the past two days, tho reply ot Gen. Hunter to the Secretary of War, in answer to Wicklitt's resolution of in quiry as to whether slaves had been organized into regiments in the military district of South Carolina, has divided tho gossip of tho town, so that tho great battles near Richmond docs not engross 'he entire attention of the public. You doubtless have ero this laid that document bo foro your readers, so that they will be able to pronounce mi opinion on that unique ami unusual military report. One is at a loss to decide whether to most admiro tho bluutness of that sturdy old soldier or tho unsurpassed wit of his production. It is rumored that tho rcaJing of Hunter's dispatch was received by our fun-loving President with something more than a broad grin. Its reception by the House of Represent atives was the occasion of iutensu excitement, the Union members expressing unbounded delight, while those w ho aro the apologists ot treason, were as intet.sly chagrined, and mado no con cealment of sentiments which plainly demonstra ted that they hold the inviolability of the insti tution of slavery as paramount to the mainten ance of the Union. It is curious to notice that most of the Senators and Representatives from tho slave States favor tho confiscatiou ot all other kinds of rebel property except slaves, heiico theireonstantly harping about abolitionists beng the cause of this rebellion, may be receiv ed as evidence that their sympathies are inteiisly with those in rebellion. Indeed there is not a measure before Congress which in tho remotest degree effects the peculiar institution to its det rinieiit but the cntiie vote of tho loyal slave Stales may be found recorded against it, and notwithstanding the iinmcnso exhibition of the power of tho Government to put down the in surrection, they are growing so bold as to dictate the terms which they are willing tho s. ceded States shall accept on returning to tho Union. It seems impossible to make a border State pro slavery man realize tho vast change which has taken place in the relations of slavery in Mary Ian I, Virginia, Tennessee t nd Missouri since the oulbrako of this civil war. In all of the border slave States tho handwriting is on the wall and the doom of slavery is ceitain and its rapid cxtictiou already nearly accomplished; yet ill the face of this, there is a strange infatuation among those people so desolated by this slavery war, that they exhibit on all occasions the most childish petuleiico when it is suggested that sla very alone has been the cause ot this calamitous aud most unnatural strife. Early in the session members from tho"1 free States deferred greatly to tho opinions and wishes of those who repre sents sections having a largo hostile papulation, with the hope that members representing slave dis riots would lead oil" in tho work of bringing their people to bo progressive in a State policy which should have tor its object tho emancipation of slavery at its earliest practicable moment; but Northern forbearauco has been met with a jealous aggressive response, until a deep nnd permanent reaction has taken place among the great mass of the Northern people, hoslilo to slavery. A few nights since a great mass meet ing was held in New York for tho purpose of organizing a Conservative Union parly, tho chief spokesmen at which wero Wicklilio ot Kentucky, and Duer of New Y'ork, with Fernando WooJ and James Broo!s for lesser lights. Thu watch cry was " The Uuion ns it was and tho Consti lution as it is," meaning, doubtless, the Union as it was under tho administration of Buchanan, Floyd As Co. Tho speech of Wukliflb wus tluoiighont an undisguised defense ot secession, ho charging that all our national troubles were caused by abolitionists, while the twaddle of Duer was to tho effect that tho North is always wrong wlulo tho boiilh is always right, ihe only pointed 'sentence- in his Rhodomoutado was, that he would like to have Jeff Davis hung as the first man and Charles Sumner ns the second. Now, it is all very well when tho wish is applied to that arch rebel Davis, but for old Duer, who was once elected by the Republicans to the County Clerkship in San Francisco and is now living in his old uge on the emoluments received fro i u that ofliee, to utter so atrocious a sentiment as connected with his mention of Sumner, is nn outrngo on common decency. Charles Sumner it is true, is an ultra uncompromising enemy ol slavery, but withal a defender of the Coiistitu lion and the Union, and had such opinions as lie so eloquently maintains been the rule of llnsna lion tor tho last half century, there would bo no cause in all this broad laud for a civil war which will involve countless treasure and cost, tho re mature death of half a million of tho young men ol the nation, carrying into utmost every home a desolation and sorrow w hich will pas away only with tho generation. Hypocritical toadies, these delectable patriots pass by in silence such men ns Lincoln and Seward, who equally with Sumner und others fought the long and doubtful tilit which aroused a public opinion in tho North powerful enough to rescue this Government trom the grasp of traitor, and carry it through tie most tremendous conflict ever evoked against liberty. I shall attempt no defense of Charles Sunnier, the purity of his motives and the power of his logic alike have a wide acknowledg ment. Doubtless in his zeal for a great cause he advances opinions probably impracticable in application at this time, nevertheless it must be admitted that all of his theories are in harmony witli an enlightened Christianity. It is a matter of deep regret that there should be any wrangling or difference among those who placed tho present aduiinisUatioii in power, as it only tends to encourago a hope among those favoring the rebels to organize an opposition to the effectual prosecution of the war. This sup posed division among the Republicans is ti e trw st which drowning Democrats are catch ing. There need be no doubt in thu public mind NO. 34. about thu integrity of the President, and his determination to conduct the administration of tho Government so that all will bo well with the great interests of free labor. In connection with this subject it may not bo out ot place to state that there can scarcely be found ono of our soldiers who is in favor of permitting tho insti tution of slavery to retain political power in our government hereafter, and those who left home as Democrats express tho greatest indignation that political partisans should attempt to raise party issues in this time of common peril. Tho action of the Republicans in Oregon in uniting with Uuion men at their Into election, thereby aehlavlng a victory ovur traitors, lins had n most happy effect on her interests here nnd the same may bo said of California, nnd it is to bo hoped that tho latter will elect a Legislature which will send hero no qunliliod Union" man, but ono whi will meet treason mid traitors as they should bo met at ull times nnd on nil occasions. It would bo a heavy blow to tho good name of California should sho elect a Legislature this fall which would re-elect a U. S. Senator whose ad hesion to the Democratic party made question. able his fidelity to tho Union. Wilson Flint. Skimming Milk. A country woman says : ' Tho wise men, in enumerating the tiino and seasons, made no mention of a time to skim milk ; yet, nevertheless, there is a time a right time too, and that time is just as tho milk is hrgining to sour in the bottom of the pans. Then the cream is all at the surface, and should be removed and with as little milk as possible. If allowcl to remain until the acid reaches tho cream, it impairs its quality. Tho house-wife, or dairy-maid, who thinks to obtain a greater quantity by allowing tho milk to stand beyond that time, labors under a most egregious mistake. ny oue who doubts this, has only to try it and prove the truth of tho assertion. Milk should ba looked to at least three times a day." The Sacramento Jiee alludes to Governor Spragne's call for a colored regiment ns likely to bring black loyalty face to face with white treas on, it Ooveruor bprnguo was not a Uemocrat, how the whangdoodles of tho Union (?) Democ racy would commence howling. 1 reka Journal. " HiGiar Respectable." Dr. Hunt of the Buffalo Express, who has charge of one of the hospitals at Fortress Monroe says in a recent letter ; I have tho best ol authority for stating that "highly respectable" families in Norfolk, live upon tho prostitution of their female slaves. The not fair, but frail mulattos and quadroons of Norfolk have been colonized by themselves and put under strict guard. This step has put a stop to tho regular income- of the aristoeratio families of Norfolk, and the lady owners aro begging for the release of their female servants. They had better starve than live thus upon the wages of infamy. New Youk Democracy. At a meeting of tho DemocraticStato Central Committee of New York, held at Albany, on tho 9th of July, the following preamblo and resolutions wero unani mously adopted : Tho Democrutio Stato Central Committee being convened at this tiino merely for the trans action of lis ordinary business, and not assuming io lay down any platform or to sdopt any reso lut ous in the uume and behalf of tho Demoeratio party in ndvnnce of the State Convention, yet desire in tho two points that present themselves to tho public mind at this timo as of the gravest impoitatice, to express their sentiments in the following resolutions : Resolved, That we view with admiration the heroic courage shown by our nrmy before Rich moud, nnd are filled with heartfelt gratitude (or tho self-devotion nnd desperato valor which wrung victory from tho jaws of defeat, we call upon the Government to put forth instant and energetio efforts to give that army tho long need cd reinforcements, and we appeal to our nobly struggling soldiers to uphold tho Union, the Con stitution und the laws. Jiesolved, That we pledgo ourselves to resist to the utmost, intervention in this war by other Governments in any form and under any pretext, and that tho Amer can peoplo are strong enough to put down rebellion ut the South, and are wise enough to crush out malignant fanaticism at the North, and that they will not tolerate any inter once in their uffairs by any foreign power. Dean Richmond, Chairman. P. Caoger, Secretary. Will the Scccsh papers of this State put the above in their pipe and vaporate. Jt. B. Ind. A Mian Man. The Yreka (nt'otthus speaks of a certain class of bipeds, some of whom arc to bo found in almost every community : We hate, despise and abhor a man, whose sole business in a community is to gather up und retail scandal a man who confidentially worms himself into your good graces and confi dence, and learning some opinion as a personal, private matter, not interesting to the world at largo, and which can only create unpleasant leelings between friends, if reiterated, makes it his especial business to retail and exugerote what he, u l Jer tho garb of pretended sincerity aud Irictidsh p has in an unguarded momeut learned. D n such a man. A lady called on a witty friend, who was Dot at home, and finding the piano dusty, wrote on it" slattern." The next day they met, and the lady said : " I called on you yesterday." Yes, 1 saw your curd on tho piano." SI To Picklc Tomatoes. As you gather them throw them into cold vinegar. When you bay enough, take them out and scald some spices tied in a bag, iu good vinegar, and pour it hot over them.