Blackwood's Magazine AND TUB British Reviews. Great Inducements to Subscribe I I PREMIUMS AND REDUCTIONS. SCOTT k CO., NEW YORK, continue to publish j, the following leading British Periodical, til: J. TI1E LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative). 2. TUE ED1XBURQ REVIEW (Whig). . THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church). 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). 6. BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (To ry)- The present critical tate of European aflairs will render thoso publication unusually interesting during the forthcoming year. They will occupy a middle (round be tween the hastily written new itoina, crudo speculation, and flying rumor of the daily journal, and the ponderous tome of the future historian, written after the living inter est and excitement of the great political events of the time shall have passed awav. 1'. is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the onW really intelligible and relia ble history of current events, and as such, in addition to their well-established literary, scientific, and theological character, we urge thcin upon the consideration ol the read- ,nf he" receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS from the British publishers gives additional value to these Kepriuts, inus inueh as they can now be placed in the hands ol subscrib ers about as soon as the original editions. TEEMS, (Regular Priccs.)3 Per annum For any ono of the four Review For any two of the four Review For any three of the tour Reviews Kor all four of the Review For Blackwood' Mugazine For Blackwood and one Review For Blackwood and two Review For Blackwood and three Reviews For Blackwood and four Roviews 1 3 00 0 00 7 00 8 0O.JSE 8 OOjl ft oo 7 on-" 9 oo 10 oo POSTAGE. The Po.itao to any part of the United States will be but twenty-four cents a year for " Blackwood," and but fourteen cents a year for each of the Reviews. At the above prices the Periodicals will be lurnished for 1862. AND A3 A ' rrcmium to New Subscribers, the No, of the same Periodicals for 1859 will be funul led complete, without additumul ehiu-g. Unlike the more ephemeral Magazines of the day tnese Periodical lose little by age. llenco a lull year ot the Nos. for 1SJ, may be regarded nearly Jul valuable as tor 1 "subscriber wishing also tho No, for 19(12, will bo sup plied at the following exthemblt low baths- Liberal Oilers for '60 '61 and '62 together. For Blackwood' Magazine, tho three years, $ 00 r or any one ueview, For nny two Reviews, -For Blackwood and one Review, For Blackwood and two Reviews, J For three Reviews, - - ' For Blackwood and three Reviews For the four Reviews, - - ' llliictvnrwl ami the four Reviews, 5 00 8 00 8 00 12 00 11 00 IS 00 13 00 17 00 ny of the above works will ulso be furnished to A. ic Snbtcribers for the year 18i?, 'oS, and "oil At one half the llrgular Siilacrij tim rrir.'S. Tint a M-w SnWriher may obtain the Reprints of tho four Review und Blackwood Six Consecutive Years fur $32 ! ! Which is abevit tho price of the origimdtmrk forone year. As we shall never again be likely to oiler such induce ments as those nerc presented, now is the time to subscribe 137" Remittances must, in all cases, bo made direct to thi I'HhlUhtr; for at these prices no commission can be allowed to ',. ixojJAUD SCOTT A CO No. 04 Hold Street, New ork. PROSrECTUS OF TUB NATX0ITAL REPUBLICAN. Wariiinotos, D. C, July 1, isfli. The undersiened commenced, in the month of Decern ber last, tho publication, in this city, of a weekly newspa er. called the A'utional KepMieait. , r , . 1 It' is printed on a large sWet twenty-seven by for tj-two inchesand is furnished at tho low prire stated below . 1 will contain ail the original matter of the daily ;W el with the exception ot oca news not inter- o til.,' to country sub-ciibcrs. It will give lull reports ol the proceedings of Congress, and o f tlicotherdepar men s of tlie national Uovernmcnt. It will contain all the new s of tho oav, foreign and domestic, markets etc., as well nso-'tfina'l correspondence from all parts ot tho country. Tin miscellmieousdepartmcnt will receive special attention an 1 in all respects, tho effort will be made to establislnlic cuiacler of the Actional Ji,pMiran as a Family Newspa per. Washington being now the central point of the cur run military operations, great attention will bo paid o Jurnishinu the reader of tho Mtwiutl UepuhlieaH with lull, and especially with accurate, accounts ol the progress ot tho war for the Union. , . in polities, the paper will bo Ropublicnn, sustaining the Administration of Mr. Lincoln, but disclaiming, however, niiv pretention to be the organ of the President. 1 here is iio'Repiiblican paper in the District of Columbia, or in the ricinityol it, and it is believed that recent events have oner.ed to such a paper an important sphere of useful effort. The time has come, when the artual administration ot the Government upon Republican principles will explode the misrepresentations which have mode those principles so distasteful to the South. But it is not only here, and ill this Ticinitv, that tho projectors ot the Aatmnol Keph.u-an hope to make it useful. To the whole country they oiler a ournnl which will die -nss national politic from a notional standpoint, and which will never be swerved from patriotic duty by ony overpowering pressure of local interest. Term of Subscription. One copy for one year, tjj W Three copies for one year, f Viv copies for one year, ' 00 Ten cepies for one year, 1 ' Tweuty copies for one year, -0 oo When a clubof subscriber lias been forwarded, additions mv be mado to it on the same terms. It is not necessary th it tho subscribers to a club should receive their papers at the same post oince. Money m.ij i.v .... - at our risk. Largo accounts can be remitted in dralts on Boston, New York, I'hiladelphia or Baltimore ; maller amounts in gold, or in note of aolrent banks. The Dailv Xitionul frpMicin is published evcey morn ing (Sunda'vs excepted! at t SO nor annum, in advance. 8 1 W. J. MCKT U 1 A CO. Washington, I). C. TUALATIN ACADEMY. EDWARD A. TANNER, A. M., (of Jacksonville, 111 ) l'Rl!ICirI MISS MARY H0DG0ON, (of Ipswich, Ms.) Assistant. Tuition J, , 1 nd 8 dollar per quarter of 11 week. PACiriO UNIVERSITY. REV. SIDNEY 11. MARSH. A. M., Prihidkxt, nd Actini Professor of Language. REV. HORACE LYMAN, A. M., Pnorisson of Mathcinatic. EDWARD A. TANNER. A. M., PaortssoB Kefi of Ancient Language. These two Institution re t Forest OroT. Washington Oresron. Arrnirem-nt are being made by which student can . . r ln bni J in acluo nt a-oui me cosk ui ruiuu. r.imilie I now 12 "J per week. By help of Endowment obtained at the Esst, Collegiate instruction is furnished student. However mau ine mim ber. Th situation of the College i unsurpassed in bcu try nd healthfulnet. and is in tb midst of a moral com 1 he Library contains S.oijO choice book. Collection la Natural History art bnoj made. id. u. us. TO ALL WHOM MAY CONCERN. BE IT KNOWN THAT I, THOMAS OGO SHAW, hacramvuto street, Sau Fruucisco, hare now ou baud, lor sale 8 and 10-Horse Steam Threshers, for 1862. 8 & lO-Horse Power Machine of John A. Pitts' genuine make, Buffalo, N. Y., wilb all of C. M. Russell' improvements in the Shoe and Cylinder; as it run on Sleel Pivot, and in all oilier reaped superior to the Rus cll make of Machine, both in material and workmanship, as well as linUbj with the Urge sized, improved Jack. 8ix 12-Horse Power Steam Engines, on Trucks, and capable of running the largest sized Separator, and threshing in one day, in a good and workmaulike manner, 2,000 sacs of grain. 4 and 0-IIorse Machine, in all respects the same as the large Machine, to run with GEAR, same as old style Pitts. All of the above Machine are made at Bufl'ulo, N Y., e prcsslv for me and under my direction. Any person in want of such machines cannot tail to be pleased, this Machine stand unrivaled for Threshing and Cleaning Grain at one operation. It is acknowledged to be superior to nnv other Machine in the WORLD, in its Operation, Finish, and Mechanical Construction. Extra Extras ol all parts of the Genuine Pitts' Machine constantly on hand. No Machines Genuine except those made ut buffalo, N. Y., and marked "J. A. PITTS." List of the Articles Manufactured at Thomas Ogg Shaw'a Agricultural Works. Tustius California Combined Reaper and Mow er ; California Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ; Fan Mills ; Han Presses ; Cast titeel Veep 'J tiler Plows, all Sizes; Breaking Plows, all Sizes; Field Rollers; Harrows ; all Kind of Ma chine Castings: all kinds of Repairing done ; every des cription of Brass Work; Sash Weights of all sizes, to order ; Crates and Fen dcrs, for Marble Mantles. Amon" the lending articles are TUSTIN'S CALIFOR NIA COM H IN LI) REAPER AND MOWER, which cuts six feet in width, and is the best Machine on the coast, as it possesses many advantages over those made in the States. This Machine took the First Premium at the Sacramento Fair, over all other Machines. This Machine is so con structed that it NEVER CHOKES UP, having two sets of Knives, moved by the same crank j thereby causing twice tho velocity of the knives, over that given by nny other machine, and preventing the possibility of choking, uo mutter bow slow the team may travel. Attention is piirticulurir called to the RAKING DE VICE, which will rake oh" tho grain more regularly and evenly than can possibly be done by hand, thus saving the purchaser the neat sum of 2 5u per day. The Machine is very light and durable CALIFORNIA FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES, which have been tested nt vnrious limes and found to be' superior to nnv imported. They aro warranted to be Fire proof, and entirely free from sweating or dampness, which is the greul complaint of the imported sales, as they gath er moisluie on their passage, our Wrought and Chilled iron Sale, wiili Steel Vaults, and Combination Locks, is unsurpassed bv anv. 5 "All orders promptly attended to. And in conclusion r will add, that till the above lists of goods are made of the verv best material that the country will afford. And while I feel thankful for all pust favors, 1 trin-t I may meet with irooo encouniijemeni in me luiure. j-.vuit uihv.ii: mm. P - !- i .1 I ... l I tm...mA nn,U in linpOn IS VI lllf VUI UV IV .. IIII1.IU.VU .v.. ... ...v ,,i;n L..I mii.I cm he sold as cheat) as the cheapest. All per sons in want of any of the abov e goods, will please send in their orders in time, to THOMAS OGG- SHAW, 20-Cm 4()8 Suciamento Street, San Francisco. HUMIST0N & HA' DAN, IMPOllTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IS Fine Brandies, WINES AND LIQUORS, Fire Proof Brick Store, Front St., corner of Oak. PORTLAND, OCX.) OFFER to the trade of Oregon and Washington Terri tory inducement second to no other house on this coast. Our oek consists in part of Fins Old Eraudy, Otard, Dupny & Co., Junius Ilenncscy, A. Boiiiott & Co., Unitcil VineynrJ Proprietor, PiueU, Castillott & Co., Union of the propi'u'tors, C. Marrjuct, A. Sinette, And various other brands. Also, Tcry choico OLD BOURBON WHISKY, Old llye Whisky, And all oilier choice brands now iu market. Pure Holland Gin, St Croix and Jamaica Rum, Cordials and "Wines of every description. Also, of our own bottling, which we claim to be superior to anvtningnow in tho market, OTAUD, DITL'Y & CO. & C. MAKQUETT'S OLD BOUKLiON WHIskY. of a superior qimli y.and OLD 11YE WHISKY. Also, a general assortment of case goods, and everything else appertaining to the Liquor Trade, which we oiler at San Francisco prices. J.r Orders from country mer chants and dealers respectfully solicited. N. 11. All liquors sold by us are guaranteed to ho gen uine, and as represented, except imported case goods, such as Schnapps, etc. Portland, Oregon, March 1, IStli, ij NOTICE TO Dni'GGISTS. WE H VE OX HAND nd aie constantly receiving tho finest qualities of BR.WD1KS AXO WINKS, exiirelv for the Droit Trad-, which we cuariuileo to be genuine." 1ICM1STON A MA'IAN, F. DUDLEY. (i ccKssoa to r. w. jonxso post office bcii-diko,) DEALER IN BOOKS and STATIONERY, Keening constantly on band all the SCHOOL HOOICS use in Oregon, and n Immenso Tancty of .taudard Tilisccllaneous Books. ALSO per ol .11 kind -Car. Legal. Letter ie Envelop. Pens, Pencil.. Hlank Ilm.ks-every varictv, Slate of all qualities and sues all lirst quality and cheap. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE! 1 OFFER MY FARM FOR SALE, in whole or in part. I to suit rnreiiser. -... -- - ted hmh and d. v. .l,oii.iit Eiiip-ne "y : embracing gvi level pruirw Willi fair amount of r er bottom nd luu- Per-ons wnnting quantities of few crr .djoining the ,on for building .He, or Unrr amounts for larming or wher purpose, or any one w.nlin i the whole m,m, t. can h." n opportunilT to pnreh we on .reommoditins term. M app" caLn to me. or to IH-. A. W IWw-, o. the pretnuU. togeneC.ty. Oregon March 10. '- ;w WHEELER & WILSON'S NEW STYLE SEWING MACHINE! NEW IMPROVEMENTS ! NEW IMPROVEMENTS ! NEW IMPROVEMENTS! SO LEATHER PAD I NO LEATHER PAD I NO LEATHER PAD I GLASS CLOTH PRESSER. GLASS CLOTH PRESSER. GLASS CLOTH PRESSER. NEW STYLE HEMMER I NEW STYLE HEMMER I NEW STYLE HEMMER ! The Greatest Improvement Invented. MAKING AN ENTIRE New Style Machine, Formerly tho justly celebrated LOCK STITCH, acknowledged by nil to bo the ONLY STITCH FULLY SATISFACTO RY FOR FAMILY PURPOSES. NEW STYLE .IACIIINE. TRICES REDUCED 23 PER CENT. PRICES EEDUCED 20 I'ER CENT. BUY THE WHEELER & WILSON ! It is the Cheapest, most Durable, and Easier Understood than any other Sewing Machine. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR ! n. C. UAYDEN, Agent, Csrncr Sacramento and Montgomery streets, San Francisco. it FRANK LESLIE'S PICTORIAL HISTORY 0E THE WAR OF 1861. DESCRIPTIVE, STATISTICAL, AND DOCUMENT ARY. Edited by Ilos. E. O. Sgi iEn. Late Minister of the United States to Central America. This work is published ill Smi-montlilv Numbers: its MAMMOTH Slib aliens ot tot largest r.iicraviii"S, anrt it contains a complete epitome of the war in which the coun- trv is invoiveo, witti all tlie facts, scenes, lneiocnts ana Anecdotes connected with it, arranged chronologically, forming a cotemporary and permanent History of the time. All Oilicial and important Documents, cmanatinir North or South, annear in fuli. with compieto and uuthentic ac counts and Illustrations of ull the striking Incidents of the War; together with the Portraits of Leading Olliccrs and Stntemen, I'lunsanu lews ot rnrtincatmns, JUaps, etc. Tlio Pictorial Historv ot tlie War ot 1S8I, is invaluable to Families, for in its niacnilicently illustrated paures. even children can trace the course of events, while as a work ot Reference for all classes, its value and importance must increase with every year. In iU completed form it will be ouo of the most magnificent Historical Political Works ever issuod from any press in the orld. Each number is exquisitely printed on lino, tluck paper, in large, clear type, and is stitched iu a cover with a beau tiful Illustrated Title Pace. Ten numbers have been publisheu, containing upward of 2 i Engravings, and matter equivalent to 2Uuu octavo pases. I uolisneu cvei v ioriiii!;iii. if.rms .: eeius per noin ber. Two dollars w ill secure the first Light numbers. The usual discount to trade. J-KANk LhM.Ih, Publisher, 7-tf Jo. 1st City Hall bquare, Jerl ork FOR SALE. HOMESTEADS AND VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Building Lots from $13 to $200 Each. Also, 50 Vara Lois and Entire Blocks of Beau t if u I Garden Land! IN TnE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO, on the line of the San .lose Rni!rond. at the West End .. . Pk'liL'l-'i'T hoinir a SnAliwh Grant, finally conlirmed and patented by the I nited Slate. Tlie Shatter mil respects inis line; ihbviit ahuiui hu-s respect it; tho District Courts and Supreme Court of the u. ...... .nM.i It 1Adi.t thi T heen fttrrrsr mieu -n i ... - ...... . quitted 'v a Final l'(i'rettndJttlmeHt atain't thr lity. ho Inat tliere is not even eiouu or iunuw i-u i,. . ..v ever purchases one of these lot will buy lot ud not lawsuit. . . OtticcNo. 19 Naglee s Rndding. corner of Montgomery and Merchant .tree's,, San 'anc'sco. KEITH' ROSeMARY HAIR 1HV1S0RAT0R. THE rtKST AND CHEAPEST ARTICLE, EVEIl IS vcn'cd for IMPROVING. RESTORING, CLEANSING, ASD F.MCELLISHIXO THE II AIR, Preventing its Turning Grey. PKiCFx FIFTY CFNTS A BOTTLE. Prepared only by ' " KEITH CO., 5-Sm 1:7, Montgomery t., San Francisco. Estraycd. 1-ROM the subscriber, livinif th-ermilc nnlh of Enirene Citr. strwbern-r.n HI It, two ver old last mrm; no mark or brand except th hair in the tace isaltttle light rr than .n th other parts of th body. Any information concerning th ame will be tmitably rwrdc . ' f Ciiv. yrei-n. ftf . I.l C Kfci . DR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S Private Medical and Surgical Insti tute. SACRAMENTO STREET, BELOW MONTGOMERY, Opposite the Pacific Mail Steamship Company" Office, SAX FRANCISCO. EntMUM in lS54,or tit Permanent Curt of all priratt and chronic duKamm, ami fvr tht tupjirmion ijr Quackery. ATTENDING AND RESIDENT PHYSICIAN, L. J. CAPKAY, M. D., lutein the Hunutarian Revolu tionary War, Chief Physician to the )i"th Regiment of Honveds, Chief Surgeon'to tlie Military Hospital of Pestb, Uungarv, late Lecturer on disease of Women and Child ren, and Honorary Member of the Philadelphia College of Medicine. fsjf" Particular attention paid to the treatment of disease peculiar to women and children. Ollice hours from a. M. till v. r. m. Communication strictly confidential. Permanent cure guaranteed, or no pay. Consultations by letter or otherwise free. Address lr. t. J. C''KA Y, ixm Francisco, Cat. To the Alllicted. D R. L. J. CZAPKAY returns his sincere thanks to his iiiimerous ptie&'. for their patronage, and would take this opportunity to remind thcin that he continues to consult at Lis institute for the cure of all form of Private Diseases such as Syphilis, Gonorrhea, nocturnal emis sions, and all the consequences of self abuse. In the first stage of syphilitic or gonorrhoeal diseases, he guarantees core in a few duvs, without iuconveniencs to the patient or hindrance to his business. When a patient, by ne glect or improper treatment, lias developed the secondary symptoms of syphilis, such as buboes or painful swellings on the groins, or ulcers in the throat and nose, which, if uot checked, destroy the soft parts and cause the bones to mortify, separate and come away, leaving the sull'ercr an uhject hideous to behold ; or when blotches and pimples break out ou the skin ; or when lie has painful swellings upon the bones, or n hen his constitution is injured so as to piedisposo to consumption or other constitutional disease, tlie Doctor guarantees a cure or asks no compensation. In rheumatism chronic or acute ; in dysentery or diar rhoea, he has safe and effectual remedies.' For the treat ment of the consequences of self abuse, such as nocturuul emissions, nervousness, timidity, headache, pains in the buck and limbs, with general w'eakness. loss of appetite, loss of memory, injury to the sight, restlessness, cout'usiou of ideas, disliko for society, and a feeling of weariness of life; with the nervous system o excitable that sligl.t noises shock or startle the "patient, making bis existence miserable. For the above maladies the doctor will guaran tee a cure or ask no compensation. Ho can be consulted free of charge, and invites all to call, us it will cost them nothing, and may be much to theiradvantage. Oilice hours from V A. u. to 'J p. u. Dr. L. J. Czapkay is dailv receiving applications from every part of this state and from Oregon and from Wash ington Territory for tho treatment of everv form of disease. and there is not one who will come forward and express dissatisfaction; ou the contrary, the Doctor is in dailv re ceipt of letters, expressive of gratitude and thankfulness, some of which are published below by permission. . Stocktos, My 2, 185.. Dear Sir Having entirely rpcru nrmi iv,,,,, lriota I avail myself of tins opportunity to return niv thanktiil acknowledgement for toe relief that you have given me. When 1 think of the distressing bodily weakness, under winch 1 have suffered, and tho nervousness, headache, fcuilulness, want of continence, dizziness, restlessness, weakness in the limbs, loss ol memory, confusion of ideas, dislike tor society, nocturuul einUi,',,w ,,,i i,, nil,,.,. symptoms, which liail made my life miserable, Icuii hardly express the gratitude 1 feel, lor my existence had becoti e ol tins letter as you think proper. Helieve me giatefully .'..'.. . . 31. -VII Lilt l.S. lu Dr. u j. i zapkay, .Sun Francisco. ., , Sacramkxto, May in, IS.'i j. Dear sir tiuch is the thankfulness I 1WI Totion of my health of both body and mind, and I believe ot my lite, tout 1 hope I will not be considered intrusive in iciiaering my tlianklul acknowledgement fir restoring me to uaaliu, und making my life a boon worth preserving, when it liud become a burthen too great for me to bear. V icti.i. as 1 was to a vice that had uudei mined niv constitu tion, and developed a truin of nervous symptoms, such us nervous debility, headache, distressing timidity, self-dis- trusi, oizziness, love ol solitude, loss of memory, and want ot resolution, besides a loss of strength und energy, which ...... namug liniments wreicneii aim my sleep tin- rci resiling, unu was fast bringing mo to the grave., but thuuluiu your skill, I um restored to health, vigor and energy. Hoping to guide otiiers where thev may tiud j U......T , iiii9uin to iniiKe tins puone. m . , '"'''"Hy yours, LLUMAKD WI1IT1. To Dr. L. J. Czapkay, Sun Francisco. . MAnvsvn.LE, JllllO 3, lSTi. nr. u J. Czapkay, han Francisco Sir 1 h.ivu used the last ot your medicine, and do not think I shall need nnv more, as 1 feel very well, except that I have not entirely ant my strength vet. but soon will with the niitintitit 1 Imvn It is just three weeks, you may recollect, since I called nt your Institute, with my constitution, as I thought, entirely broken, and never thought you would be ablo to cure m"e perfectly but thought you miht be able to do something to ease thepaiu in my back and head, and strom-then my limbs, which were so weuk that they would almost iiivc wa'v under me, when 1 walked, and to streugtnen mv nerves so that I would not get excited and tremble at "every little thine. Plow that vou knmv i..i. i ....i . , - . " .... ft CAlll-UlCM, UU Ilia, judge of my giitistuction nt my complete recovery from iui iuiiwui, na tno removal of those blotches and sores from my skin, and the ulcers from niv throat, and the entire stoppage of those emissions, wiiich you said were principally Ine cause of my sickness. I can hardly tell you which is Iheirrentest, mv jovormv surprise, for except not having fully got my strength, I feci as well as any man can feel. Enclosed 1 send you Twentv Dollar over Tour charge, and think myself cheaply cured. If you think anvbodv will be benelitted, you mar put this letter in the papers. llelicve me gratefully yours, THOMAS HA YilKN. CKtlTIPICATK. Thcnndersigned, desirous of cciiininting those who mav be unfortunate enough to be similurlv alllicted, where a permanent relief of tlieir sullcrings may be obtained, feels it his duty to thus publicly express his sincere gratitude to Or. L. J. Czapkay, for the permanent recovery of his health, llorne down by tlie distressing symptom incident to the vicious practices of uncontrollable passion in youth, de pressed in body and mind, unable to perform even the most Hiding duly imposed upon the daily avocations of life. I sought the advice of many physicians, who at first regard ed my disease as of trifling importance, but alns ! after a few weeks, and in several instances months, of their treat ment, 1 found to my unutterable horror, that instead ol relief my symptom became more alarming in their torture, and being told by one that the disease. Going principally confined to the brain, medicine would be of no ci in se quence, I despaired of ever regaining my health, strength and energy j and a a last resoi t, and wiih but a faint hope of recovery, 1 called upon Dr. Czapkav, who, aller exam ining my case, presc. ioed some medicine which almost in stantly relieved me of the dull pain and dizziness in my head. Encouraged by the result, I resolved to place my self immediately under his rare, and, by strict obedience to his directions and advice, my head became clear, my ideas collected, the constant puiiis in my back and groins the weakness of my limbs, tho nervous reaction of mv whole body on the slightest alarm or exci'ement, tho mis anthropy and evil forebodings, the sell -distrust and want of confidence in others, the incapability to study and want Ul resummon, mu 11 i-iiinii, rxcn log. unu at limes pleas urable dream at night, followed by involuntary discharges have all disappeared, and, in fact two months after hav ing consulted the Doctor. I felt as if inspired by a new life, that life which, but a short time ago, 1 contemplated to cud by my own hand. "With a view to guard the unfortunate from falling into the snare of incompetent quarks, I deem it niT dutv to offer this testimony to the merit and skill of Ir. Ciapli and recommend bun to all who rosy stand in need cf medi cal advice, being assured by my own experience that, once nnder hi care, a radical and permanent cure will be eff ected. II. F. FILI.MOltE. State of California, city and county of Sun Francisco Subscribed and wurn to before me, this 17th day of April, A. D. ls.'iti. tSignedt Joh Mioolktox. (t. . Kotary Public. Spermatorrhea OR local weakness, nerron debility, low spirits, lassi tude, weakness of the limbs and back, indisposition and incnpabilitT for labor and study, dullness of appre hension, loss of memory, aversion to society, love of soli tude, timidity. elf-ditnit, drriines. headache, involun tary discharges, pains in the side, affection fifth eye, pimple on th face, sexual and other infirmities in man, are cured without fail bT the justly celebrated physician nil aurgeon, I J. Czapkar. Hi method of curing dis ease is new, innknown to other), and hence the great sucees. All consultations i by Iwter or otberwisei free. Address L. J. Czapkay, M. 11., San Francisco, California. rpim GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE ACE ! ?- (treat Mfrssing to mankind ! Iniwonl. but I'otpnt ! Hr J CiTkaj's riT'.':!i?iirnni, f(- lisiiif sjlinj a uiirinen to lae, uuil nothing nfiorded me the least gratifi cation, whilst now, 1 feel perfectly well und can enjoy lite to my entire satisfaction. Knowing that there are many alllicted as 1 nave been, vou liavn iierniianim, ., miLt. agent), ure preventative (gainst gonorrhoea and vph- ilitic diseases, and an unsurpassed remedy tor all vnereal, scrofulous, gangrenous and cancerous ulcer, foetid dis charges from the vuxina, uterus and urethra, and all cuta neous eruption and disease. As vaccination is pre ventive againat small pox, so is Dr. L. J. Ciapkay' Pro philucticum a preventive against syphilitica! ai,d gonor rhoea! disease, harmless in itself, it possesses the power of chemically destroying the syphilitic virus, and thereby saving thousands from being infected by the most loath some of all diseases. Let no young man who appreciate health, be without Dr. Cgapkiiy's Prophilaeticnm. It is in very convenient packages, and will be found very conve nient to use, being used as a soap. Price 5. For sale at Dr. Czapkay' Private Medical and Surgical Institute, Sue ramento street, Ik1ow Montgomery, opposite P. M. 8. S Co.' office, San Francisco. jyltf-ly A Happy Kew Year! Friendly Greeting to Old Friends and Patrons ! READ, HEED, AND REFLECT! The commencement of tho New Year, 1862 ia the accepted and appropriate time for nie to say to all whom it may concern MY BOOKS HUST BE SETTLED UP. And having waited on my patrons for years, shall expect them to come forward at once and settlo either by CASH PRODUCE STOCK OR NOTE, I will receive in payment of old account or for goods (of which I have a full assortment at the old stand) all kind of produce, such a Wheat, Oats, Butter, Eggs, Hides of all kinds, Steers of all ages, Work Oxen, Horses, Mules, etc., cto 5. B. I wish it distinctly understood that I do not wish to credit out any more goods, therefore I shall expect the produce or stock to be delivered before or at the time th goods are taken from the store. All accounts must be settled by the first "of March next, as we may want to leave for the Carriboo, or, if we do not you may, and I want alt of our accounts settled bclore w part. To those having accounts standing from tho years 'o'J and '60 unless such accounts be speedily settled by not or otherwise, they will bo placed in the band of an oliicer for collection. J. J,, LltUMLEY. liugeno City, Oregon, January 1, 18ti2. 2tf M. E0SEHBLATT, WtlOLESAMI AND RETAIL DEALER IX Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Mechanic's Tods, Boots, Shoes, etc., etc., Announces to the public and patrons that' lie is ' Mill in the trudo at tho old mid well known stand of S. ROSENBLATT oo BUOTIIEIi; and selling goods at the Lowest Prices, for CASH AND PRODUCE. His stock is entirely new. Purchasers will find here every article usually kept in the store Ot this CltV now nn,I u-oll ,L.n,1 Tt wishing to buy are requested to call and examino his stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the place and that the stock in WHOLLY NEW, and will continually be re plenished with fresh new goods of the LA 2'EST STYLES, PATTERNS AND VARIETIES. itf Fish's Infallible HAIR RESTORATIVE, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. It prevents tho Hair from fulling off. It cures Baldness and removes nil dandruff from tho head. It allays all irritation cf the scalp. It cool and refreshes tho head, and iinparU to the Lair healthy lively appearance. P. S. Tb properties which remove dandruff and crnt from the head, lUy irritation nd free the culp from hu mors, render this article invaluable lotion in all n taneou affection : such a Itch. Koah. Sail R blains. Erysipelas, Hineworm. Shingle. R;. ...i o,: of Insect, and all eruption of the skin, especially that caoscu oy i otton lai. Thi oi,hj genuine article i pnt up in Pint Butlet. ha the written sijrnatnre of X. MilU. tht original fipru'. tr and manxfaMvrtr, on the label and wrapper. Bewar of all pnt up in different style, which is mtntereit. B-ELDINGTOn & CO., WHOIXSALE AGE.VT3,. 4V'9 and 111 Clay Street, San Francisco. R. P03TERF1ELD, AGEUT, STOCKTON. l-3m Tor aale by A. 8. JIcCLVRE. J. B. Underwood. "VOTABY rmi.IC, will pnnctnlly attend to all U X. 1 tnesn entrusted to hi care. 7 ,f tojeoe Citr, Orfj-ci. r r