The state Republican. (Eugene City, Or.) 1862-1863, August 30, 1862, Image 1

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1 MO
NO 33;
Published every Saturday by
Terms of Subscription.
The Rkpcilicax will be published at fri 50 yoar in ad
Vance i M it' paid at the end of ix months ; or 4 uu
t the elone of the year. One dollur additional will bo
Charged for each year payment is neglected.
rjr Jfo paper, discontinued until all arrearages arc
paid, except at our option.
, Rates of Advertising.
lue square (ten lines or lens) one month,
ttach additional insertion,
limine.! Cards, one square or loss, one year,
" six mouths,
Vonr squares aud upwards, one year, per squure,
44 44 44 (ix month!!, por square,
4 4 4i three month", "
Administrator's Notices, snd all advertisements re
lating t.i estates of deceased persons, winch
have to be sworn to, one square, four insertions,
3 00
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All communications to this ollice should be addressed to
II. SHAW tt Co., liuseno City, Oregon.
To nvE!msERs. Business men throughout Oregon and
California will find it greatly to their advantage to adver
tise in the Stat Kkfublicax.
March to the battle field,
The foe is now before us :
Each heart is freedom's shield.
And llcaven is smiling o'er ns.
The woes andpuius,
The galling chains,
That keep our spirits under,
In proud disdain,
We've broke again,
Aud tore each link asunder.
March to the, tc.
Who, for his country brave,
Would fly from her invader t
Who, his base life to s ive,
Would, traitor like, degrade her?
Our hallowed cause,
Our home and laws,
'Qninst tyrants power sustaining.
We'll gain a crown
Of bright renown,
Or die our rights maintaining!
.March to the, Ac.
Letter from Powder stiver.
We taka the following letter from the Daily
Timet ;
Acdcrn. Powder rlvor, August 11th, 1802.
Messrs. Editors: Preiumiug that a line from
this place may be of interest to your many read
ers. 1 will devote a little time to record the inci
dents of interest occurring among ns. We
boast of an extensive mining region that may be
called in general terms surface diggings; there
seems to be numerous quarts seams or lottos
generally decayed, from whiuh the gold has been
scattered : we hud it in neariV every gulch in
pa ing quantities. About one fourth of a mil
from town on a ridgo above French Ravine,
some fortunate miners, yesterday, struck upon
a scam of quartz, from which at one pan, not six
inches from the surface, they obtained one hun
drod and eighteen dollars ; and this morning Ihey
brought iu a bucket full of the auriferous quaitz,
in which good judges estimated thero must be
three hundred dollars. How extensive it may
bo remains to bo prove!. They have filled the
hole with dirt and thus it rests. The gold about
here is generally in its state, exhibiting
tut little sign of wash. All persons hero are
confident of rich returns for their adventure, but
unfortunately they must wait for lumber and the
.construction of ditches to convey water to their
Only a small number of the known rich claims
it re at present worked. Yet many are averag
ing $20 per day to the hand. Mr. Chacc, from
Wilson's Gulch, showed us to day a pure lump
of gold weighing $100. Many nuggets of n
smaller size aro in the possession ot miner., but
as yet Mr. Chace has found tho largest piece.
Our town is rapidly assuming size and respecta
bility. To-morrow wo shall witness the advent
of some sixty wagons of the everland emigra
tion from the east. Many will undoubtedly re
main with us; some to mine, others to settle up
the rich valleys hereabouts. Excitements are
continual and our population is perpetually mov
ing to other mining camps, varying from live to
thirty miles away. Every day we witness pack
trains loading at the different stores for these
new places. To-day not a pair of boots or a
sack of flour remains in town for sale. Until
the fall rains set in you must not bo surprised
at not receiving large shipments of dust from
this place. Ik is here, however, and if we are
not all hugely deceived, will rival early times
about Ilangtown, California, in shipments. The
gold about here reminds me of Artcmus Ward's
Sable mail's description of the Crisis. I could
write a more extended communication, but not
wishing to crowd your valuable columns, 1 will
close, and at some other time give you a list of
some of the claims and the amounts that are av
eraged by the miners. Yours respectfully,
J. vV. Pktkrs.
Steamship Goldes Gate. This vessel wr.s
built tor the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, in
the City of New York, in the year 1851. She
was up to that time, the costliest, handsomest
and fastest ship in the line, and up to tho day of
her destruction maintain her early reputation.
Iler cost was nearly 8400,000. She was brought
jircund on her first voyage by Captain C. P.
Patterson, now in the servioe of the General
Government at Washington. He commanded
her for a long time, and since then nearly every
Captain now in the employ of the Company
have had charge of her one or more trips. Lat
terly she was under the command cf Pearson,
who singularly enough, went down on her as pas
senger on her last trip. The ship once made the
passage from Panama to San Francisco in elev
en days and two hours running time. During
the last twelve years tho Pacific Company's boats
have traveled 500,000 miles, and carried over
500,000 passengers. Alia.
The total product of single house fly in one
uwmer is 1,032,730 !
Gen. Hunter ad the Negro Regiments.
Secretary Stanton recently sent to the House
of Representatives the following report from
Gen. Hunter in relation to forming negro regU
menta in South Carolina :
Headquarters Department of the South,
Port Royal, June 23, 18C2.
Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War, Wash
ington, D. C, Sir : 1 have the honor 1o ac
knowledge the reception of a communication
from the Adjutant General of the Army, dated
June 13th, 1802, requesting me to furnish you
with the information necessary to answer certain
resolutions introduced in the House of Repre
sentatives, Juno 9th, 18G2, on motion of lion.
Mr. WiekliiTe, of Kentucky, their substance be
ing to inquire :
1. Whether I had organized or was organiz
ing a regiment of fugitive slaves iu this Depart
ment. 2. W7hether any authority had been given
me from the War Department for such organiza
tion. And
3. Whether I had been furnished by order of
tho War Department with clothing, uniforms,
arms, equipments, etc., for such a force.
Only having received the letter concerning
these inquiries at a late hour Saturday night, i
urge forward my answer in time for the steamer
sailing to-day (Monday), this hasto preventing
me from entering as minutely as 1 couhi wish on
many points of detail, such as the paramount im
portance of the subject calls for.
But in view of tho near termination of the
present session of Congress, and tho widespread
interest which must have been awakened by
WivkliflVs resolution, 1 prefer sending even this
imperfect answer to waiting the period necessary
for the collection of fuller and more comprehens
ive data.
To the first question, therefore, I reply that
no regiment of fugitive slaves has been organized
in this department. There is, however, a line
regiment of persons whoso late masters are " fu
gitive rebels" men who everywhere fly before
the appearance of the national flag, leaving their
servants behind them to shift as best they can
for themselves.
So far, indeed, nre the loyal persons com
posing this regiment from sei king to avoid the
presence of their late owners, that they nre one
and all working with remarkable industry to
place themselves in a position to join in full and
effective pursuit of their fugacious and traitorous
To the second question I have the honor to ans
wer that the instructions given to Brigadier Gen.
T. W. Sherman by the lion. Simon Cameron
late Secretary of War, and turned over to me
by succession, fbr my guidance, do distinctly au
th'irize me to employ all loyal persons offering
their service in defense of the Union, and for the
snppressioii of this rebellion, in any manner that
I might see fit, or that the circumstances might
call for.
lhere is no restriction as to the character or
color of the persons to bo employed, or tho na
ture ot tho eiiin.ymeiit, whether civil or miita-
ry, in which their service could be used. I con
elude, therefore, that I have been authorized to
enlist fugitive slaves as soldiers, could any be
found iu the department.
No such characters, however, have yet appeared
within view of our most advanced pickets, and
the loyal slaves everywhere remaining on their
plantations to welcome us, aid us and supply us
with good labor and information.
It is the masters in every instance, who are
the fugitives, running away from loyal slaves ns
well ns loyal soldiers, and whom we have only
been partially able to see, chiefly with their heads
over ramparts, or rifles iu their hands dodging
behind trees in the extreme distance.
In the absence of any fugitive master the do-
scrtid slave voilil be wholly without remedy,
had not their crime of treason given tho right to
pursue, capture and bring back thisj person, of
whose protection they have been thus suddenly
To the third interrogation it is my painful du
ty tw reply that I have never received any special
authority for issues of uniforms, equipments, etc.,
to the troops in question, my general instructions
from Cameron to employ them in any manner 1
might find necessary, and the military exigencies
of tho Department, end the country, being my
only, and in my judgment, suflicieut justification.
IN either have 1 had any specific authority for
supplying those persons with sliovals, spades and
pick-axes when employing them as laborers, nor
with boats and oars when using them as lighter
men ; but those are not points indicated in Mr.
WickliflVs restitutions.
To me it seemed that liberty to employ them
in any capacity implied with ititho liberty also
to supply them with the necessary tools ; and
acting on this faith, I have clothed, equipped
and armed the only loyal regiment yet raised
in South Carolina.
I must say, in vindication of my own conduct
that, had it not been for the many other diversi
fied and impeiative claims on my timo and at
tention, a much more satisfactory result might
hive been looked for ; and that, in place of only
one, as at present, at least five or six well
drilled, Lrave and thoroughly acclimated regi
ments should have been added to the loyal forces
of the Uiiion.
The experiment of arming tho blacks, so far
as I have made it, lias been a complete and mar
velous success. They are sober, docile, atten
tive and enthusiastic, displaying great natural
capacities for acquiring the duties ot the soldier.
They are eager beyond all things to take the
field and be led into action ; and it is the unan
imous opinion of the officers who have had the
charge of them that In the peculiarities of the
climate and country they will prove valuable
auxiliaries, fully equal to the similar regiment
so long and successfully used by the British au
thorities in tho West India island.
In conclusion, I would say it is my hope, there !
appearing no possibility of other reinforcements,
owing to the exigencies of the campaign on the
Peninsula, to have organized by the end of next
Fall, to be able to present to tho Government,
from forty-eight thousand to fifty thousand of
these harJy and devoted soldiers. Trusting that
tnis letter may form a part of your answer to
Mr. WickliftVs resolution :
I have the honor to be, most respetfully,
Your obedient servaut.
D. Hunter, Major General commanding.
Garibaldi in the. J.'iM.
The Masons and Slidells who have so long
and so persistently intrigued for foreign Inter
vention in tho American quarrel, have received
their final answer from un unexpected quarter.
From the rocky hermitage of Caprera, the man
who is not to bo seduced or overawed by des
potism who carries with hini tho heart of Italy
and tho sympathies of all oppressed nationalities,
tho invincible General of volunteers, who can
make untrained boys fight like veteran soldiers,
issues a cartel of defiance and scorn to the Em
peror of the French, and summons the forces he
has quietly organized all over Italv to assemble
around his standard in Sicily. Iliswarcryis
' Homo or death !" That cry is echoed by tho
Italian people ; and Victor Emanuel, though he
accepted as a Prime Minister, Ratazzi, the cho
sen instrument of tho Tualeries, is known to be
In full sympathy with tho nation. Although it
is the ultimato purpose of Garibaldi to restoro
Home to its true position as the Capital of Italy,
it is not positively known whether the expedi
tion he is organizing is intended for the Tiber or
tho Adriatic. Venice, also, is needed to com
plete the unity of Italy , and thirty thousand of
her exiled children have implored tho muomita
bio liberator to give lreedom to their beloved
and beautiful city. At Venice, Garibaldi will
meet Austria, at Home, France. The odds are
appalling. The movement is a bold challenge
to two of the most powerful empires of Europe,
either of which considers itself more than a match
for United Italy. But nn nlliance between
France and Austria is barely regarded as among
the possibilities, and could not be effected with
out drawing Russia, Prussia und other. Powers
into tho vortex of war.
Our interest in this matter Is vital. Taking
advantage of a lull in Europe, and dissention in
America, the irench emperor has manifested a
design to push a scheme of conquest on this con
tinent to gain a military foothold m laexico.
and play tho magnificent role of arbiter of Amer-
ican destinies. Already an army has sailed for
Vera Cruz, and a tormidablo fleet has been
concentrated, in tho Gulf of Mexico. Already,
have tho " rebels against the best interests ol
mankind" In our Southern States, proffered a
willingness to accept a French protectorate and
become a French colony rather than return to
their rightful allegiance. But tho impending
movement of Garibaldi will give all European
powers ample employment on their own conti
nent. 11 ey wi 1 tea; e to dw e 1 on the civil war
in America with such painful anxiety. Battles,
sieges and tho fortunes of war nearer home will
engage their attention, if not furnish occupation
for their hu.'e standing armies. The question
of self government will be presented iu anew
and formidable shape. And the grand result so
far ns we are concerned, will be, that we shall
be left to deal with our domestic foes according
to our ideas of right and justice. Garibaldi sim
ply designs to serve his own naticnality, we
suppose ; his taking the field at this juncturo of
affairs cannot fail to bo of vital interest to the
great republic w hich onco afforded him a refuge
from oppression. While ho throws down the
gauntlet to the French masters of Itomo, he
spikes the rebel gun of foreign intervention in
our behalf. Sue. Union.
They will Fioiit. No man who reads tho
glowing accounts, of friend and foe, of the unsiir
passd bravery, indomitable valor an iron forti
tude of McClellan'b troops, during that terrible
life-struggle of seven days, can doubt Yankee
pluck. After tho reduction of Fort Donelson,
the rebels were wont to say, ' O bat Union
troops thero were Western men, and we did
not mean that ono of us could whip five of them.
When we spoke thus we had reforance only to
tho Yankee." The Yankees nre all on McClcl
lan's line. Tney were in tho seven days' battle,
and never ran. Thero was no panic among them.
And in every thing that constitutes the soldier,
coolness, courage, discipline, endurance they
were a match, and more than a match, man lor
man, for tho prido and flower of tho chivalry of
the entire South. They took the boafting out of
these egotistical supercilious men. True, New
Yoik, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, the Irish
hosts and German battalions were there al?o,
and fought like veterans of an hundred fields,
and yet no better than those whom the Southern
men have ever contended were cowards and
would not fight. The Yankees, and the whole
American people, from Maine to Texas, have
proved their valor before the world ; and what
is better still, have convinced their fellows that
the people of one State or section are no braver
or better than those of another the meanest
"mudsill" is equal to, the peer of, the most
chivulr e slave driver of South Carolina, in the
profession cf arms. And this knowledge is
worth all the war has cost. It will cause the
American people to respect each other more and
better than they have done. It will, w hen the
war be over, unite them in firmer bonds of
brotherhood. Sacramento Bee.
Ciiilblaivs. To cure chilblains, simply bathe
the parts alfected in the liquor in which potatoes
have been boiled, at as high a temperaturo ns
can be borne. On the first appearance of ail
ment, this bath affords almost immediate relief.
In the advanced stages, repetition prevents break
ing out, followed by a cettain cure ; and an oc
casional adoption will operate against th re
turn, during the severest fro. St.
St. Louis, August 13. Three companies of 3d
Wisconsin cavalry, sent from Fort Scott to
reinforco the garrison at Monticello, Jasper
county, were fallen upon by a regiment of rebels
who completely surrounded them. Tho cavalry
cut their way through, killing seventeen, including
ono Captain and a Licutonaut. Tho Federal loss
in wounded, five, also loss of transportation,
ambulances and hospital stores.
Col. Gintcr's forces taught Poindextcr's guer
rillas at Compton's Ferry, Green river, on Mon
day. They killed ten, wounded twelve, drowned
thirty, and captured his whole train, one-third of
his horses, arms, and all baggage and ammuni
tion. Washington, 13. A long correspondence bo
tween Iialleck and the rebel General Lee is now
published. The latter inquires into the fact of
the hanging of Mumford at New Orleans and
tho imprisonment of Coi federate citizens refusing
to take the oath of allegiance. Also regarding
Hunter's arming slaves in South Carolina, and
other matters. Leo threatens retaliation.
In reply Iialleck says, threats of retaliation
shall not deter this Government from doing what
is right according to tho rules of modern war
fare. Two communications were returned to Lee on
account of their insulting lunguage.
Gov. Andrews; of Massachusetts, h s ordered
negroes to be enrolled among thoso tulject to
St. Louis, 14. Poindexter's defeat at Green
river, on Monday, cleans out guerillas between
North Missouri and Hannibal and St. Joseph
railroad and the Missouri liver, unless Quantilla
has re crossed the river into Clay county, as sup.
Nashville, 15. Col. Miller, commanding this
post, left, for Gallatin last night, with two regi
ments, and surprised a party of Morgans force,
killing six, including three officers. No loss on
our part.
Culpepper, 17. General BufTord reports to
General Pope that he pursue ! tho rebels under I
Jackson to Robertson river, which was so swol-1
lun that it could not be crossed by his cavalry
and artillery. Numerous indications that th
rebel's flight had been CO'.ifused and precipitate.
Washir.ton, 14. Latest advices from Gen.
Popo are that a battlo at Orango creek, near
Gordonsvillo is momentarily expected.
The following is tho substance of Gen. Pope's
ollicial report ot the battlo at Uechir Mountain
Saturday evening, crossed thoRapidan in force,
and on Thursday advanced on road to Culpepper
aud JUadison Court House. Var force on turn
pike between Culpepper and Sperrysville ready
to concentrate at cither place, as the enemy
plans might develope. lurly on i riday morn
ing it becamo apparent that their move on
Madison Court House was only a feint to deceive
Sigul's forces tit Sperrysville, and the main nt
tuck would be made at the Culpepper dam. On
Friday, Banks' and Sigel's forces with onedivis
ion of McDowell's were concentrated at that
place, Banks' forces being pushed forward five
miles, and Sigel's forces remaining three miles
in the rear. Saturday, tho enemy advanced
rapidly to Cedar Mountain, on the sides of which
they encamped in force.
The enemy's artillery opened in the afternoon
blithe made no advance until nearly five o'clock
at which time a few skirmishers were thrown
forward on each side, under cover of the heavy
woods, in which Ins forces were concealed, lho
enemy pushed forward a heavy force us skirmish
ers w hen Ooneral Uaiiks advanced to the attack.
Tho fight did not fairly begin until six o'clock,
and for un hour and a halt it was furious. It
consisted entirely throughout in cannonading.
At first it was desultory, and directed at cavalry.
1 had contrived to recruit Banks, but no attack
was apprehended as no considerable force of the
enemy had come forward. Towards evening
tho incessant artillery firing had satisfied us that
the engagement to bo fought would bo hard,
though tho lateness of the hour rendered it un
lucky. I ordered McDowell to advance the
pickets of his division to the support ot Banks,
and directed Sigel to bring his men on the
ground as soon as possible.
I arrived on the field ot seven o'clock, ond
found the action raging furiously. The infantry
fire was incessant und severe. I found Banks
holding the position ho took up early in the
morning, though his lines were heavy. Picket's
division immediately rushed forward and occu
pied the advance ot Banks. Gardner's brigade
was directed to charge positions from right and
mass themselves in the center, but before this
could be effected it was quite dark, though ar
tillery continued firing at short range without
intermission. Artillery fire at night by the 2d
Maine batteries was most destructive, as was
observed in the morning in dead men, horses
and carriages of the enemy's batteries which had
bocn advanced against it. Our troops rested on
their urms during tho night, in line of battle,
heavy shelling being kept up on both sides utili
midnight. At daylight, next morning, the enemy
full back two miles from our front, and still high
er up in the mountain. Our pickets were at
once advanced and occupied the ground. The
fatigue of the troops from long marches, and the
excessive heat, made it impossible for either side
to resume action on Sunday. Few men were
allowed rest throughout the whole day, the only
exception being that of cavalry and flank and
rear. Monday was spent in burying tho dead
and removing the wounded. The slaughter was
severe on both sides, the fight being hand to hand,
and the dead of both armies found lying together
in masses over the whole ground ot conflict.
The burying cf the dead was not completed
till dark on Monday, the best being so terrible
that more severe work was impossible. Mon
day night, he energy fUd from the field, leaving
many of his dead unburied, and wounded on the
ground along the road to Orange Court House.
Cavalry and artillery under Butlord were Imme
diately thrown forward in pursuit, and followed
the enemy to Rapidan fiver,; over which he
passod with his rear guard by ten o'clock in tho
Our loss was about 1,500 killed, wounded and
missing, of whom 290 were taken prisoners.
The enemy's loss in killed and prisoners we are
satisfied will much exceed ours.
. Chicago, 14. The Quincy Herald says that
twenty six rebel prisoners were shot at Macon
City, Missouri, on Saturday, for breaking their
parole. On Monday twelve others will be shot
at the same place.
New York, 14. Advices from Port Royal
state that tho negro brigade has proved a failure,
and has been disbanded. Fugitive contrabands
at Port Royal had stated that thero were only
two thousand rebels at Savannah ; also said their
ram there was a mero floating battery of little
power, with but eight guns. Its officers were
afraid to go out of the Savannah river. The
rebels are known to be in strong force on James
'it.., I,.
ana uawiuKee isianus.
Washington, 14. Thoso who ought to know,'
deny that any change of McClellan's army from'
tho Peninsula has occurred, and say that ho is'
still at his headquarters with his command.
Memphis, 15. Beauregard is reported to be
at Chattanooga, operating with Bragg, it is said,
with not less than 70,000 men.
The Grenada Appeal of tho 0th contains a
report of the destruction of the rebel ram Ar
kansas. Baton Rouge was not taken up to that
date. Breckinridgo states that he occupied part
of the town till evening, but no decisive result
obtained in consequence of tho non-appearance
of tho rebel ram Arkansas to aid in the attaclc
He was then compelled to fall back ten miles to'
Covett river, being unable to proceed any near
er, lie says he burned nearly an tho enemy s
stores nnd injured their camps materia'.';.
From Cumoer'.and Cap it is stated that '
battle commenced &u the 0th Rt Tayswell, seven'
miles from the Gap, between ' the Confederats
forces under Stephenson, numbering from twelve
to fifteen thousand, and tho Federals, numbering
about itireo tiiousana. a movement was made
by Stephenson in front, while Bcrtaino gained
tho rear by forced marches. Tho Federals had
a desperate fight of four hours duration, when
they were overpowered by superior numbers,
and while retreating were ussailed by a flanking
Cairo, 17. The Granada Appeal acknowl
edges a heavy loss at Baton Rouge. A brother
of Mrs. Lincoln was killed, Breckinridgo lost
his right arm, and General Williams is also re
ported killed. Tho rebel force is estimated at
0,000 nnd the Federals at 2,500. The battle
lasted four hours.
Washington, 18. Col. Corcoran has arrived y
ho says Gen. Price was taken prisoner in the bat
tlo of Culpepper.
Thurlow Weed will sail for Europo to-morrow
on important Government service.
Emigrants. From Mr. Kirkpatrick we learn'
that over one hundred of the overland emigra
tion had reached the Powder River Valley pre
vious to his leaving. They report the trip
across tho plains ns having been accomplished
without difficulty. The larger portion of the im
migrants already in, hail from Illinois. Some of
them will scttlo in the Powder River Valley,
but the majority of thorn aro bound for tho Wil
lamcttc, where they have relations. They report
an immenso immigration behind them, nearly all
bound lor Oregon or Washington lerntory. The.
immigrants bring with them large bands of
stock, some of them having as many as 4000
head of sheep. They saw but five Indians this
side of Fort Hall, and think that the Snakes
have abandoned their usual summer hunts.
Tbeasurt Notes. Wo copy the following
very sensible and explicit answer to a correspon-
dent, concerning Treasury notes, from a Califor
nia paper :
" C," Asks us our opinion respecting the
payment of debts in Federal currency can a
creditor by mortgage, the holder of my no.te, or
any other kind of creditor, refuse the Federal;
Government notes as legal payment of the samel
We answer confidently that the Federal Govern
ment notes must be received in all transactions
past, present, and to come, at par. The State of
California, we know, by its constitution and it
laws has made gold and silver the legal coin and"
tender of the State. But tho State has not the
power to coin money ; it belongs to the Federal
authority. The United States of America it
impressed upon every silver coin that circulates
amongst us. The rank is but the guinea stamp
we know, but were the " United States of Amer.
ica " printed on leather, on wood, on Iron, of
on paper, we should be equally bound to accept
it for its face. Coining or creating money is tho
kingly prerogative. It is the highest function
belonging to sovereignty ; it was recognised by
Christ himself, in relerence to the image of Cas
ta r on tho silver coin. Hence the paper money
of the supreme authority of the country, must
be received at its face value, or we must declare
ourselves out of the Union. Our Legislature
will not be suffered to contradict. auJ set at
naught the edicts of Congress. This principle
of States' rights is now being settled on the bat
tle fields of Virginia. If we refuse the Federal
paper we set the Federal authority at defiance,
we treat that authority with contempt, and we
may depend upon it, we sh 11 be compelled, ata
heavy cot, to yield obedience at last
Cheapest advertisement a proftin4
onfided is your wif