The state Republican. (Eugene City, Or.) 1862-1863, August 16, 1862, Image 1

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S A '
1 r
r ft i u
NO. 31.
Published every Saturday by
Terms of Subscription.
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lf No paper discontinued until all arrearages ore
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lating to estates of deceased person, which
have to be sworn to, one square, four insertions, 5 Oo
All communication to this o!Tice should be addresseJ to
II. SHAW & Co., Eugene City, Oregon.
To AnvEttTHiSRS. Business men throughout Oregon and
California will lind it greatly to their advantage to adver
tise in the Statu Kki-i uucan.
The following veraes were written by a citizen of South
Carolina some years ago ;
Who would sever freedom's shrine ?
Who would draw the invidious line ?
Though by birth oue spot be mine,
IJear is all the rest.
Dear to me the South' fair land,
Dear the central mountain bund.
Dear New England's rouky struml,
Deur the urairicd West.
lly our altars pure and free,
lly our laws deep rooted tree,
lly the past's dread memory,
Hy our Washington,
lly our common, kindred tongue ;
lly our hopes, bright, buoyant, young;
lly the tie of country strong,
We shall still be one.
Fathers, have ye died in Tain f
Ages, must ye droop ogam ?
Maker, shall we rashly stain,
Blessings sent by Thee r
No ! receive our solemn vow,
While bef rj Thy throne we bow,
Even to maintain as now,
Union, Liberty !
CJeu. Konsseau on tlio Slavery Question.
Gen. Rousseau attended n, banquet given in
liia honor recently at Louisville. J I is speech
was very interesting. The following extract
will deeply interest the country, ns the utterance
of a loyal Kcntuckian and bravo General serving
ilia country, oil the slavery question :
" I wish to say a word of tho ' situation' as it
called by tho reporters of tho day. I propose
to advise nobody. ( pretend to no extraordinary
fort-sight. But 1 desire to statu that this rebel
lion is a lie from tho beginning. There never
was any cause for it. To begin nn .1 keen up a
system of wholesale lying was adopted, and is
pursued industriously to this day. It is the only
lock in trade they have. They could teach the
Jc vil himself much he never knew before about
lying. Wherever the army has gone, it has
met this fell spirit of falsehood. Wo have ta
ken none of their property ; when needed, we
lutvo placed a guard around their houses to pro
tect them ; and yet they persist in calling us
Abolitionists and negro thieve- And in spite
of our disclaimers and our soldiers' nsservations
.to tho contrary of our words and acts, they
have insisted that our object is to liberate- and
steal their slaves.
And if we fail to restore tho Union, ' the ever
lasting nigger' will be the cause of the failure.
They know what they say is false, yet they
never ccaso repeating it. Behind and before us
.this has been the cry of the enemies of tha Gov
ernment. Now, the army of Gen. llalleek is
eminently conservative. I believe there is not
an abolitionist or a secessionist in it. If there
is one of either faction I do not know it. So
orderly, so patriotic and so conservative an army
of men I believe never before assembled togeth
er. That army in its intercourse w ith the seces
sionists has pleaded and is still pleading for
peaco under the old Government, offering our
southern brethren all they ever had, and claim
mg nothing except in common with them. lhey
want to take nothing from any one. but desire
their southern brethren shall enjoy all their
rights unimpaired. Hut the negro is in the way
in spite of all that can be done or said. Stand
ing before the eyes of the secssionist, the negro
hides all the blessings of our Government, throw
ing a black shadow on tho sun itself. If it had
been any other species of property that stood in
the way, tho army, provoked as it has been,
would willingly have seen its destruction. But
the negro they did not wish to interfere with in
any way. Yet, with all its conservatism and
patriotism, the army has grown weary of this
insane cry of 'abolitionism,' as a cause for break
ing up the Government.
1 have warned our southern friends of the
danger of continuing it much longer; and I tell
jou to-night, that if this war continues a year
jruin lu-uay, mere-win not ue a iae on uus
i .i .:n.. I - .... . I !
-continent. Ihe great revolution will take care
f itself-the dead will bury its dead-and tnose
ho are causing all the bloodshed and desola-
Hon around us, under the fills pretense that we
desire to free the negroes, will, if they persist, I
one any nna slavery snutieu out as you snun
out a candle. Slavery is not worth our Gov.
crnment. It is not worth onr liberty. It is not
worth all the precious blood now being poured
out for our freedom. It is not worth tho free
navigation of tho Mississippi river. No; we
must still have our Government if not as it
now is with slavery in it. still w a must have our I
Government. Wo cannot be slaves to Jeff,
Davis & Company. We must and will be free. I
We must have the free navigation of the Missis.
sippi river; and if slavery gets into the war of I
these rights, why, slavery must get out of the I pointed general distributing agent for that and
way. That would be the last resort, and I j similar papers published in Oregon. Joe's lite
should be sorry to have recourse to it; but lirary attainments eminently fit him for the "po
u for the Government of our father against ;sish.'" .V''m Miner,
all things and every body. Whilst the liberties
of tho people are secure under it, as they ever
have been, I will allow nothing but death to pre
vent my upholding it. And loth as yon may bo
to decide, you will soon, as 1 believe, bo called
upon to do so. In spite of your entreaties, the
issue will bo cruelly thrust upon you, and yon
will bo forced to decide between slavery and
your wives and children. As for me, I am
ready for tho responsibility. A southern man,
as 1 am, born and brought up in the South, I
could not hesitate when tlio issue is pro
sented between tho negro and the Government
of our fathers. I am for the Government of the
United States against all its enemies. I hope
and pray that ou.' southern friends will not force
us to extremes on this sensitivo point. We
deprecate; such a result ; fir we want our rights
under tho Constitution, and we are nil ready to
fight for theirs under the good old Government.
I would to-day most willingly gird on my sword
and fight for any right buionging to them, sla
very included; but they must not put slavery
between me and tho Government of tho United
States. 1 will not consent to become a slave
that tho negro may be kept a slave. I will not
sacrifico the happiness of my wife, children and
fi tends, tho welfare of my beloved State, nnd
the rlory of the country on an altar dedicated ;o
an 'Ebony IJi.l.' When 1 sec placed on oue
side a Government formed by the noblest men
tho world ever produced, tho legacy of Wash
ington to tho human race, a glorious country
filled with a happy and enlightened people, and
admired or feared on every spot that is trodden
by tho foot of civilized man ; and on the other, a
country rent into insignificant fragments, en
gaged in continual wars with each other, each on
his knees begging assistance from some foreign
monarch or against sumo rival fragment, an ob
ject of contempt to him w ho uses-it for his own
purposes, then 1 shall not be long in coming to
a decision, though negro slavery may be on one
side and not on tho other.
John Day Mines.
Mr. Brcntz, tho expressman, left tho South
Fork of John Day on Wednesday, the 30th ult.,
md from hi in we derive much information rela
tive to tho mines. A largo number ot miners
have come in from Powder river, and these, with
others wh have gone in, swell the population in
the mines to fully ore thousand.
A company has been organized tor the purpose
of introducing water on Rich Flat. They ex
pect to complete their ditch in about four weeks,
and will furnish water to a largo number of mi
ners who now pack tho dirt on their backs.
lho river has been turned in several places by
wing-dams, and wherever holes have been sunk
in tho bed of tho stream, good prospects have
been obtained. A majority of tho miners have
just completed their dams and tiro now engaged
rigging pump.
New discoveries of g ld have been made in a
dry gulch, about live miles beyond Canyon creek.
Smith, Murray & Co. were the fortuiiato discov
erers, lhey sank three small prospect boles
near the head of the gulch, and out of them ob
tained $57. They have brought a ditch from a
creel; two nnd n half miles beyond, furnishing
eight or ten sluice-heads of water. About three
hundred yards below tho prospect holes, two
men, with sluices, are taking out an averago of
about seven dollars to tho hand. They havo
taken out two pieces one weighing fourteen nnd
the other fifteen dollars. The gold contains
some quarlz. In sinking tho first hole they
struck a quartz bed rock at the depth of six or
seven feet.
Bozarth & Co., on Canyon Creek, three miles
above its mouth, have sunk ft hole three feet
square down to the bed rock, and got out $21.
They find about three feet, pay dirt.
W. S. Ebey & Co., still above Bozarth oc Co.,
on Canyon Creek, have gone down ten feet to
the bed rock. They found about four feet pay
dirt. Half way through tho pay dirt they got
one dollar to the pan. Mr. Ebey feels sure tho
pay dirt will averago fifty cents to tlio pan.
Page, Bice & Tulhill, on Bich Gulch, in four
days' work, took out $22150. The claim will
average from nn ounce to twenty dollars a day
to the hand. Uieh Point prospects from three
to ten dollars to the pan on tho rim rock.
New discoveries have also been made about
twelve miles above the month of Canyon Creek.
Two pieces have been obtained weighing about
nn ounce each. On the hill near the mouth of
the creek, Bich ml Whittmi look out with a pan
upwards of I (if), in a single day's work. In
oi.e pan ho got $118 50, and from an ounce to
sixty dollars in sevpral others. Another man in
the creek sunk a hole six by two, seven feet to
the bed rock, nnd got over one hundred dollars
in one pan 11 1, in another 3 75.
The supply of provisions nnd miners' tools is
quite limited. An invoice of tho articles most
in demand would meet n ready sale.
" ' " - -
A town has been laid out on Canyon Creek,
mi,. u.,a . mnth lt Ilia liimn wmmt
0roie hi and bi(Jj f;lirto become a flo-irishing
Iilce 'AlreadB storP) blacksmith shop nnd
' reM ofriee nr0 nndtr wnv. Rfljilion fo
th' ,hpre is mmhcr 0f tenU ond
.,. ri;..r
Tub Editor of the Eujene Reyitiler complains
that he is unable to procure the services of a boy
to distribute his budget of treason. This speak
well for the boys ot Eugene, nnd shows that j
tliov are sound on the Union question. The;
l,c fiUmr him. w sii""r-st that Joo I-me
would be an admirable person to disseminate the !
Register. His recent numbers and Joe's " dead J
body " speeches, would do well to go together, '
and te recommend that the ex Senator be an I
Au Artilleryman's Description of tho Fair Oaks
One of lho mot interesting accounts we have
seen of the desperato fight at Fair Oaks, near
Richmond, is given in a privato letter from an
artilleryman attached to what is known as the
'Napoleon gun battery " in Casey's division, and
which was in tho front lino on tho first day's
battle before Richmond. After describing the
opening of the fight he hays :
Tho pickets soon began to fire rapidly and
came running in, while the infantry, posted be
hind it f nee to support them, blazed away into
tho woods. Tho artillery otf our right opened
liro and mingled their thunder with the sharp
roll of the musketry. Soon our Napoleon guns
(three of which were posted in nu unfinished
redoubt, and three on tho left near a rifle pit),
opened with case shot, which went whizzing
through tho air, over the heads of our own men,
right in the midst of tho euemv, nnd there ex
ploded, scattering death through their ranks. On
the left tho rebels were seen coming through the
woods to flank us, and wheeling three of our guns
so as to bear upon them, wo poured case shot
among them with unexampled rapidity and 'ter
rible, effect.
The destruction was horrible. Our spherical
case shot are awful missiles, each of them con
sisting of a clotted mass of seventy-six musket
balls, with a charge of powder in tho center that
is fired by a fuse tho same as a shell. The
missile first acts as a solid shot, plowing its way
through masses of men, and then exploding,
hurls forward a shower ot musket balls that mow
down the foo in heaps. Our battery threw
twenty-four of these a minute, nnd as we h:.d
lho exact range of every part of tho field, every
shot told with frightful effect. But the enemy
were not at all daunted. They niarekel steadily
on, and hailed a peifect tempest of balls upon
us. Why we, as well as our horses, were not
every one shot down w ill forever remain a mys
tery to me. We did not mind tho leaden hail,
however, but kept pouring our case shot into the
dense masses el the foe, who came in prodigious
and overwhelming force. And they fought
splendidly, too. Our shot tore their ranks w ide
open, and shattered them asunder in a manner
Ihat was frightful to witness; but they closed up
again at once, and came on in steadily as Eng
lish veterans.
When they got within four hundred yards we
closed our case shot and opened on them with
canister, and such destruction I never elsewhere
witnessed. At each discharge great gaps were
made in their ranks indeed, whole companies
went down before that murderous five ; but they
closed up with nn order nnd alacrity that was
awe-inspiritig. lhey seemed rto bo animated
with tho courage of despair blended with the
hope of a speedy victory if they could by an
overwhelming rus'i drive us from our position,
lt was awful to see their ranks ton and scattered
by every discharge of canister that we poured
into their faces, and while their dead and dying
lay in piles, they closed up, and still kept ad
vancing right in the faco of of that fire. At oue
time three lines, one behind tho other, were
steadily advancing, and three of their d igs were
brought within rango of our guns shotted with
"Fire!" shouted tho gunner, and down went
those three flags, nnd a gap was opened through
those three lines as if a thunderbolt had torn
through them, and tho dead lay in swaths. But
they at once closed up and camo steadily on,
never hailing or wavering, right through the
woods, over tho fence, through the field, right up
to our guns, and sweeping everything before
them, captured every piece.
When we delivered our last fire, lhey were
within fifteen or twenty paces of us, ami as all
our horses had been killed or wounded, we could
not carry off a cun. Our whole division was
cut to pieces, with what loss I do not know. We
fell back to a second lino of intreiicliments, nnU
there held the enemy in check till reinforcements
arrived, and then we kept our position till niglil
put tin end to tho battle.
LtvEitrooL as a Slavs Tradixo Pout. The
Liverpool Mercury warns the British Govern
ment that the slave- traders who have been ex
pelled from New York find refugo in Liverpool,
and boldly prosecute their atrocious 1 1 flics under
the shallow .f tho British flag. The business is
e-hrewd-y done. Secret ngeiils in New York fit
out a vessel In ro with a legitimate cargo for
Liverpool, the cargo is discharged at that port,
and Ihe vessel is then laid up for a few weeks,
while preparations are being made for tho voy
age t Africa. Ostensibly tho ship is put up tor
tho East Indies, but it is known that her desti
nation is tho slavo market. The old crew is got
rid of by harsh treatment on the outward voy
age, and a motly collection of foreigners shipped
to tako their place. According to this account
the slave traders havo actually established their
headquarters nt Liverpool, and the authorities
find it difficult to trace their operations, so seeret
and so sure are they. Tho English journals
which have reviled New York as tho center of
the African slave trade unhappily with more
justice than falsehood w II now see the difli mi
ties under which the Federal officials hero have
labored. Tho sin lies nt the door of the British
Government if slavers fit out at Liverpool. Ke
ccnt convictions hero have altered tho position
of New York nnd changed the venua.
Gexh-s. There is much called genius that
would find a more fitting title in the word
oddity. True genius may sometimes appear
eccentric, but eccentricity is not genius. Many
ol tho speakers of the day put on an air of iccul
iarity that may be considered as a substitute for
talent. One young minister of some note, 1ia1
a habit of going up one or two of the pulpit'
stairs, and then throwing his hat up ahead of him, I
much to the amusement of tho younger portion
of his fl'K k and the lovers of decorum generally. !
Kentucky Conservatism.
" Orpheus C. Kerr, in the New York Sunday
Mercury, gives the following amusing description
of conservatism :
Upon quitting the strawberry festival, I ro
turned again post-hasto to Paris, where I arrived
just in time to start with Captain Bob Shorty
and a company from tho Conic Section of the
Mackeral Brigade, on a foraging expedition. We
went to hunt up a few straw beds for the feeding
of tho Anatomical Cavalry horses, my boy, and
the conservative Kentucky chap went along to
see that we did not violate the Cons'.itution nor
the rights of man.
"It's my opinion, comrade," said Caplain Boh
Shorty, as we started out " It's my opinion, my
Union ranger, that this unnatural war is getting
worked down to a very lino point, when we e?n't
go out for nu armfull of for.igo without takin"
the Constitution along on an nss. I think," says
Captain Bob Shorty, " that the Constitution 'is
as much out of place here as a set. of fanev har
ness would be in a drove of wild buffaloes."
Can such bo the case, my boy can such be
the case ? Then did our revolutionary forefathers
livo in vain.
Having moved along in gorgeous cavalcade
until about neon, wo ttopped nt tho house of a
First Family of Virginia, who wero just coin"
to dinner. Captain Bob Shorty ordered the stack arms and draw canteens in
tho front door yard, and then we enterod the
domicil, and saluted the domestic mass meeting
in the dining room.
" elcome, sir," says Bob, addressing the
highminded chivalry at tho head of tho table.
" we come to ask you if you havo any old
straw beds that you don't want, that could bo
used for tho cavalry of the United States of
The chivalry only paused long enough to throw
a couple of pie plates at us, and then says he :
" Are you nccursed abolitionists ?"
Tho conservative chap stepped hastily forward,
and says ho :
" No, my clear sir, we are tho conservative
The chivalry's venerable wife, who was n fe
male. Southern Confederacy, leaned back a little
in her ch air, so that her littlo son could sco to
throw a tea-cup nt me ; and says sho :
" You nn't Tribune reporters, be you V
Wo were all noes and no ayes. Quito a feature
in social intercourse, my boy.
The aged chivalry caused threo fresh chairs to
bo placed at the table, and having failed to dis
charge the fowling piece which ho had pointed at
Captain Bob Shorty, by reason of dampness in
lho cap, ho waved us to seats, nnd says he :
" Sit down, poor hirelings of a gorrilla despot,
and learn w hat it is to taste tho hospitality of a
Southein"gentleman. Yon nre Lincoln's hordes,
says tho chivalry, shaking his white locks, 'and
have comij to butcher tho Southern Confederacy ;
but tho .Southern gentleman knows how to be
courteous, even to a vandal foe."
Hero the chivalry switched out a cane which
he had concealed behind him, nnd made a blow
nt Captai i Bob Shorty.
"See here!" says Bob, indignantly, " I'll
be "
" hush !" say s the conservative Kentucky chap,
agitated, " don't irritate the old patriarch or the
future ninieablo reconstruction of tho Union will
ho out of lho question. He is naturally a little
irritated just now," says the Kentucky chap
soothingly, " but wo must show him that we
are his friends."
We all sat down in peace nt the hospitable
board, only a few sweet potatoes and corn-cobs
being thrown by tho children, and found the
f.iro to bo in keeping with tho distracted situ
ation of tho country I may say, warfare.
" in consequence ot the blockade of tho Wash
ington Ape," says the chivalry, pleasantly, " we
have only one course, you see; but even these
last year's sweet potatoes must bo a luxury to
mercenary mudsill s, accustomed to husks."
I had just reached out my plate to be helped,
my boy, when thero camo a great noiso from
tho Mackerels in the front door yard.
" What's that Y' says Captain Bob Shorty.
" O, nothing," says tho female Confederacy,
taking another bite of hoe-cake, "I vo only told
one of tho servants to throw some hot water on
your roptilo hirelings."
As Captain Bob Shorty turned to thank her
for the explanation, and w hile his date was ex
tended to bo helped, the nged chivalry fired a
pistol nt him neroNs the table, the ball just gr.t
aing Ins head nnd entering tho wall Ik-Iiiiii him.
'lly nil that's blue!" says Captain Bob
Shorty excitedly ; "now I'll be"
" Be calm, now, be calm," says tho Kentucky
chap, hastily, "don't I tell yon it is only nat
lira! for tho good old soul to bo provoked ? If
you go to irritate him, we can never live togeth
er ns brethren again."
Matters thus rendered pleasant, my boy, we
quickly finished the simple meal ; and ns Captain
Bob Shorty warded off tho carving knifu just
thrown nt him by the chivalry's little son, he
turned to tho female Confederacy nnd says he :
" Many thanks for your kind hopitalify, and
now about that straw bed."
Tho Virginia matron threw the vinegtr cru
et at him, and s.lys she :
"My servants have already given ono to your
scorpions, you nasty Yankee."
" Of course," says the venerable chivalry, just
missing a blow at me w ith a bowie-knife, "of
course your despicable Government will pay nie
for my property.
" Pay you !" says Captain Bob Shorty, hotly,
"now 1'li be "
" Certainly it will," broke in the Conservative
Kcntircky, eagerly, " the Union troops come
here a your fii-.-nds; for they rnaku war on
none but traitors."
As wo left iho domicil, my boy, brushing
from our coats tho slops that had just been
thrown upoti ns from tho upper window, I saw
lho chivalry's children training a fowling piece
from tho loof, and hoisting tha flag of the South
ern Confederacy on one of the chimneys.
And will it be possible to regain the love of
these noblo people again, my boy, if we treat
them constitutionally ? Wo shall see, my boy
wo shall see.
The Skrvick Hkndbked nr Slaves. While"
the slaves are forcibly set at work digging
trenches nnd otherwise assisting the rebellion,
they avail themselves of every opportunity to
assist voluntarily the Union army, though every
man of it is a perfect stranger to them. A son
of Dr. Jewett of Chicago, who is in General
Mitchell's army, writes to his father how ono of
theso men saved a squad of our soldiers :
" A squad of twenty six men had been sent to'
guard a bridge. Nightly they set their watch,
whilo thoso of tho squad not on guard found coin
fortablo quarters in an old log house nenr the
bridge. On a certain day a negro found means
to communicate to them tho fact that it would
not bo safo to occupy that building another night
as he had learned that the rebels had planned the
capture of tho party, and that the naxt night tho
plan was to bo executed. Thus warned, they
abandoned tho house, and tho whole party secre
ted themselves near the bridgo and prepared to
welcome any reasonable number of callers.
True to the information received, the log house
was surrounded about midnight, and from their
places of concealment they could hear tho de
mand of the rebels that the supposed inmates
should surrender themselves or suffer instant
death. Finding nt length that our boys were Hot
there, they approached the bridge, and were wel
coined by a shower of bullets. The fire was re
turned and kept up, though neither party could
distinctly seo the other. After two hours' fight
ing the rebels withdrew, leaving one of their
number dead. A negro subsequently Inforrrted
our party that tho rebels carried off ' six other
dead, and had a number wounded. Eight of otir
boys wero wounded none mortally. After'
learning tho facts, General Mitchell paid a hand
some compliment to the Sergeant who comman
ded our party, and his brave companions. What
had been the fate of our boys but for tho timely
warning of tho negro 1"
Armiko Nkqroks. We must '' flgiit the c!ev
it with fire," says tho Atlanta Confederacy, by
arming our slaves to fight the Yankees, There
is no doubt that In Georgia alone we could pick
up ten thousand negroes that would rejoice in
meeting fifteen thousand Yankees lit deadly con
diet. We would be willing almost to risk the'
fate ot tho South in such an encounter hi an Open'
According to that Southern authority, tflfo'
negroes nro good for three white men on " an'
o;ien field." That's abolition doctrine ddtibled'
and twisted.
Du. Fhkdkimck Morris, resident physician1 of
the Halifax, N. S., Visiting Dispensary, Has writ
ten ft letter to tho American Medical Times; in!
which ho states that tho " Sarracenia Purpurea,"
or Indian cup, a native plant of Nova Scotia, is
the remedy for small pox in twelve hours hker
tho patient has taken the medicine. That" hotf
over alarming and numerous tho eruptions, and
confluent and fuightful they mny be, tho pe
culiar netion of the medicine is such that very
seldom is a scar left to tell lho story of thn dis-'
ense." If either vaccine or variolous matter is
washed with tho infusion of the sarracenia, they
aro deprived of their contagious properties. So
mild is tho medicine to tho taste that it mny be
largely mixed wilh tea nnd coffee nnd given to
connoisseurs in these bevcrnges to drink without
their being aware of the admixture. The tried i
cino has been successfully tried in the hospitals
ot Nova Scotia, nnd its use will be continued;
Relics of a Former Race. A correspondent
of the Stockton Republican writing About i)rV
Snell's Museum in Sonora, says :
A relic of some former race, who inhabited
California at a very remote period, was pointed
out to me, found in a tunnel which was run in
the side of Table Mountain 2,000 feet, which had
evidently been wrought by the hinds of a man,
the material being hematite of iron. There was
a hole pierced through its centre, which, when
brought to Dr. Snell, was filled with cinnabar.
Many other antique specimens of manufacture
were shown me, some of which presented a sin
gular appearrnco, differing materially froiri those
now in iiso among the Indians of California.
Stone mot tart, bowls, dishes and scoops had
liee . brought him by the miners who found
them buried deep " into tho bowels of the earth."
I'sderoroi-hd Railroad. A subterranean
railway ii now in an advanced state of construe
tion, running about four and a half milrt under
the city of London. The locomotives used, con
dense their steam and consume their own smoke,
so that neither gns nor vapor is perceptible.
The surface of tho railcs Is made of steel. Tho
line is made for two gages, and it has a double
track throughout. The carriages will bo roomy,
well ventilated, and lighted with portable gas.
It is expected that the road will be opened about
the middle of June.
Good ior Pat. When the Both New York reg.
Imcut was ordered to retire at Fair Oaks, to'
givo placo to the C2d, an Irish private from tho
former quietly took his place among the C2d,
with the smiling salutation, as he looked to the
cap on the lock of his musket, "Byes, I am wid1
fx a Bad Fit. An exchange says that the
McConnelitcs and such of the Douglasitea o
qualify their support of tho President, with4 if
and buts," are exactly in the fix which sat an
would bo if he could be offered a front seat in?
heaven they like the Government, hut hate th