rm 3iJ CAN. DEVOTED TO THE POLITICAL A IT D GENERAL INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE. VOL. I. EUGENE CITY, OREGON, AUGUST J), 18G2. NO.- 30, THE STATE REPUBLICAN. Published every Saturday by II. SHA.AV Ss CO. Terms of Subscription. The RurmurAN will b published nt (3 5ft a re.ir in ad Timet; $:) UU if puid at tho end of nix month'; or f I no t tho close of the year. One dollar additional will be ehur-fcd fur each year payment is neglected. l-itf Jio paper dUcouliuuud until all arrearages are paid, except at our option. Kates of Advertising. One square (tea lines or leas) .no month, $3 00 Kuch additional insertion, - 60 'Uusiness Curd, one square or leas, one year, - 12 liu . " " six months, H CO tour squares and upwards, one year, per square, 10 00 " " ' six 'months, per square, 7 00 " " throe months, " 5 00 Administrator's Notices, and all advertisements re lating to estates of deceased persons, which Jiave to be swrora to, one square, four insertions, 5 00 All communication to this ollice should be addressed to II. SHAW Co., Eugene City, Oregon. To AnTBttTiSRRs. Business men throughout Oregon and California will hnd it greatly to their advantage to adver tise iu the State Ueim ulicax. LIFT OUR 15 WNEH. Lift freedom's banner ! lift it high! Fling its folds to the azure sky. Its crimson stripes are streumtn of blood ; Its stars ure spirits gone to Clod. Lift our banner freedom's boast ! lleneath it strode a merry host; A host that moved with firmest tread, 'Midst thickening death and carnage red. Lift Irish our flag ! Iu days of yore It waved oe'r Holds of llaino uud gore ; 'Mi l frenzied rush and gloomy reel Through iron stoms and tides of steel. Lift hi;;h our banner ! Let it ride. Our father's pledge, our nation's pride. Cursed bo the hand by which 'tis riven, Its UVsh shall taint the uindi of Heaven. Lift our banner! Let it wave, Whilo mountain stand and billows bcuva. O let it float till stars do fall. And doom shall spread her mighty pall. Powerful nntl Thrilling Sermon oa tho Cursa of Cowardice. I3v Rev. S. Mui'i'Z, Armageddon Baldwin, Great Interprelrer of the hidden mvsteriesof Gog nnd Magog. High priest of the Wheels nt Ezekiel. 'hit f Opener of the Seven Seals of St. Johr. Expouuder of the Billy Goat of Daniel, mid Keeper of the Bjast of Seven Heads and Ten Horns, in tho Vision of Patmos. Delivered ill Nashville during the fioht at Fort Donelson, by nque.-t of Isham G. Harris, tho Texan Ranger, nnd the Yigi'aice Committee, and furnished by tho Author for publication in the Nashville Union. ' NVu have the unspeakable pleasuro of laying In-fore our readers this 'morning, one of the finest cllortsof the ablest and most incomprehensible of modern divjnes. Dr. B.ddwin is a descendant of the prophet Samuel o:i tho one side, and il l bakuk on the oilier, and of course is a "good egg," or as has been beautifully said, a " whole tw'ttm nnd a yaller dog under the wagon." Of h s early history we can only say that his name hid a significant origin. When he preached Lis first sermon, nil old lady remarked to owe of the brethren ns they went tit lunch, " well that little boss preached a screaming sermon." The brother replied, " I don't know about the preaching, but I am sure he laieldone." From that hour he was known as brother Baldwin" by a blight orthographical corruption. Of his great book Armageddon, too lunch cannot be said. Ii would do credit to u lunatic asylum. It is n work of wonderful weight, being the heaviest thing of the kind ex tant. It is said, as an evidence of his systemat ic mode of doing thing, that when writing the great chapter in Armageddon on the " Goat with seven horns," he was in tho habit of drinking seven horns a day himself, o:i the sagacious supposition that " like would produce like " The following sermon is, however, his great effort. It was commenced on the same day of the fall of F--rt Donelson, and its delivery was unlucki ly cut short by thnt unlucky event. lint wo must no longer delay the sermon. Tho services of the occasion were opened with a Prater bit a Texas Ranger. Oh, Lord, thou knowest that this thing of praying is altogether out of my line, and as hard for me to do ns for Wigfull to keep sober, or Jeff Davis to bn made to pay his debts, or Floyd to keep from stealing. Cut thou knowest we are some on tangle-foot whisky, good nt horse racing, and tiptop at poker, nnd can hold four aces about ns often as John Morgan or " any oth er uinn." Help us this day, for we are in a peck of trouble, nnd it will be the last time I'll ever trouble you. Amen ! Tub Curse or Cowardice. Text " Curse ye Meros Curse ye bitterly." Beloved brcthern and sisters, you are assem bled to discharge the the most important duties of your lives. The Yankees, " in chariots of fire," are cavorting and charging like the " beast with seven heads and ten horns," spoken of by SU John (brother McNairy, make tha t blood hound of yours quit his indecency or I'll expel him from the church, even as Judas was cast out of the synagogue.) The uncircumciscd Philisti ans nre riding over the holy soil of the South in chariots of fire, even as the chariots of Elijah and Aminidab, and my soul waxeth M fearfully and wonderfully mad." Oh ! brethren, let us do as King David, the sweet psalmist of Israel did, when he arose and went after his sling. (Stop my brothei, don't be in such hurry to leave ; I didn't mean a pin sling, but the sling of the spirits of just men made perfect," which will end rock into the temples of Abruham Lin clon.) Brethren, let us see if we can't perfo rate into the meaning of my text ah ! " Curse ye Me-roz" ah. lily text suggests two points the tovardict of a cuss, and the cuts of cowardice ! Firstly, then, there is always a cowardice in a low ornery cuss. A cuss is always full of cowar dice as our publishing house is of piety, which you know, my brethren is an "exclusively re ligious concern," nnd publishes, among other excellent books, my great work on prophecy called Armageddon. I'riee only one dollar and fifty cents ah ! Secondly. Tho cuss of cowardice. Who my brethren and sisters, is a cuss of cneardice t A cuss of cowardice is one who bellows 1-ke a " bull of Bashan " in time of safety, nnd then runs like a " fitted calf " i t time of danger. There's Ish am G. Harris who issued n proclamation a few days ago talking about " defending the sanctity of our homes and wives nnd daughters, nnd dy ing iu the last dito.i. les, ho cavorted mighti ly, and shouted ns he " smelt the battle ufarotl'," but to-day ho remaincth like a disconsolate whang doodle on the dark mountain of Ilepsidam, roaring for her first born, nnd " will not be com forted because they are not." Instead of stay ing to fight that son of Belial, Andy Johnson, he is packing up his duds for a grand skedaddle. My brethren ho is a cuss, nnd a " cuss of cowar dice." Then there is Gideon Pillow, who has underta ken a contract for digging that " last ditch," of which you have heard so much. I am afraid the feathers will drop whenever that case is opened, and that Pillow will give us the slip. The " sword of the Lord " isn't the " sword of Gid eon " Pillow, so 1 shall not bolster him up any longer. Gideon is a cuss, my brethren, und a " cuss of coxoar dice." There is Wash. Barrow, who has been handling millions of dollars, and staying cosily at home, while " lewd fellows of the baser sort " do the fighting. 1 believe that this Barrow belongs to the herd of swine spoken of in the new Testa n. cut, of whom the devel took possession. Why don't he bristle vp at the Yankees ? Dose he want to " save his b.icou " more than to save the South? If he docs, he ought to be well smoked, lie too, is a " cuss," and a cuss oj cow ardice. Then ll.cro is tho Vigilance Committee of Nashville. Vigilant about what I'd like to know. As" vigilant as n cat to steal cream," I guess, as the Apostle F.ilstaff says iu his sermon to Prince Hal. Why don't they shoulder their muskets, and go out to fight the Yaukeis, in stead of running oil' poor mechanics who have no friends? My friends, they are "cusses" and cusses of cowardice." My brethren and sisters, I'll tell you who nre not cusses of cowardice. Myself tho author of Armageddon, and Dr. McFcrriu author of the Confederate Primer, nndjDr. Summers a it'.iorof the Confederate Almanac, and bi other Houston, who is getting up a Confederate Bible. o nre not cusses of cowardice. No, sir-ce. My brethren, just got tho almanac nnd look for that " Confederate eclipse of tho sun," nnd then get down brother Mac's primer uud read that heavenly liitlo story about the " Smart Dixie Boy," and then buy a copy of my Armageddon for one dollar and fifty centy, and you will fight like (Enter messenger, wildly exclaiming " Foit Donelson is taken and the Yankee gunboats nre in sight !'') Oh, Lord, my brethren ! ohb, Lord let's skedaddle. The discourse was hero broken short, but the pious author ns.uires us that it will bo published in full in his next edition Armageddon, which ho requests us to say he will still sell at one dollar and fifty cents. Oglethorpe's Humanity. About a century nnd a quarter since, Ogle thorpo settled the present state of Georgia, which was tho youngest of the thirteen. He freed many prisoners for debt in England, whom ho, together with persecuted Protestnt;is, to k with him to America, thus giving a philiinthrop. ie character to the origin of this colony, far iu advance of any other settler of the New World, with tho shigle exception of William Penn. In obedience to the spirit of this great and high minded colonist, a corporation was raised in Kurope, on whose official seal was stamped, in Latin, these rematkablo words : " Non sihi sed aliis ;" " Not for ourselves but for others." lie landed nt Charleston, but proceeded onward and settled Savannah, the future capital of Georgia. He treated the Indians with great kindness. He framed laws for the colony, some of which, ns tho present state of our country proves, were more than a century in advance ol his time. In one of them ho anticipated the Maine Liquor Laws, by f u-bidding the introduc tion of iiitioxicatmg drinks. In another he put to shame the entire history of tho country, by prohibiting the introduction of Slavery anywhere in the province of Georgia. At a later period, still true to his moral instincts, Oglethorpe res olutely opposed the efforts of tho aristocrats to subvert his humane institutes, nnd not until after his death, about the middle of the eigh teenth century, were hi laws finally an lulled, and the flood-gates of hell fully opened on that fair land of promise, making it the hunting ground of the tyrant. It will be remembered that John Wesley, the man who uttered that powerful saving, and ter rible in tho ear of the nation " SLAVERY 13 THE SUM OF ALL VILLAINY" camo over in the second company of settlers as early as 1734, nnd contributed his moral power to stem the rising tide of despotism. His brother, Charles Wesley, was Oglethorpe's secretary. This sketch is given to remind the reader of what he may forget, in these times of peril, of the existence of one oais in the early history of our present Scccssia ; for never was a colony founded on a more liberal and humane plan south ot Mason and Dixon's line. Thi lengthen el shade ol such an origin encourng-s the hope that Georcia w ill be among the first of the free States in the subsequent history of the country. Progressive Age. The countenance often exposes the falsehoods of the tongive. ( atuliue and Jeff. Uuvis. There nre no two characters in history in which there are more points of coincidence than between Lucius Seigius Cutaliuo of the Repub lic of Rome, and Jelll rsoii Davis of the Ameri can Republic. C.italine, before his conspiracy, had been a Roman general in Asia, as D.ivis had been an American general in Mexico. Cat uliue's misconduct there, us Davis' motives should h we done to him, rendered him ineligible to the office of Consul, to which ho aspired, as Davis did to the Presidency. Failing twice iu his ambitious project, ho w;t..about destroying the government he could not control, not ns an open enemy, but as a pretended friend. Cata lino was a rich patrician by birth, as well ns JclT. Davis. Both affected to espouse tho cause of the people, though both were intolerant, aris. tocrats. In Rome, there were many debauched and impoverished nobles, who entered readily into Catiiline's conspiracies, as in Washington, there were thoso who espoused tho wicked cause of the great American rebel. Cicero t'aced out all tho labyrinths of Cata'ine's plots, but the Ro man law, like tho American Constitutio", pro vided that nothing but overt acts of Treason could be made ground for urrest. Catalino took his seat in the Roman Senate for weeks and months, while his conspiracy was maturing, ns did Jeff. Davis iu the American. Cataline thought there were two bodies in Rome the nobles, weak, both in body und head, nd tho people, strong, but heedless and it was his pur pose to supply them with a head. Jeff. D.ivis entertaining similar political notions. Measures being ripe for the revolt, soma of Cataline's associates left Rome nnd went into Ltruria, to raise the standard of civil war, and others went into oilier States of tho Republic, as Jeff. Davis' associates left Washington to assail tho Republic of South Carolina nnd other rebel States. Still, at this time, Cataline walked tho streets of R me unarrested. Though guiding tho com plicated movements of a giimd rebellion, he pro fessed entire innocence, nnd declared his belief that tho alarm that Cicero had raised was a mere pretense. In the morning ot tho very day ho left Rome to join his rebel army in Tuscany, he walked into the Roman Senate with the same effrontry that Jeff. Davis did before ho left the American Senate to tak? command of tho rebel army. Even Cicero, ns well ns he knew Cata line, was amazed at his audacity. Tho mask once off, Catalino displayed great energy in marshaling his forces. His agents, like the minions ot Jell I Javis, were every wucre busy iu rousing the spirit of revolt. The conspirators left hi the city ot Rome, as our modem conspir ators did in Washington, their supply agents, to murder the owieials of the nation, nnd scizj on the ruins ot tlic government, and Cataline, by n secret nnd forced inarcn of Ins army, was to be at hand and Co opci at-; v ith tho traitors inside, and take possession of tho Eternal City. The American rebellion h.;s been but a copy of the Roman. But Cataline s plans to se.z-j the city were frustrated, his coconspirators were delected, tried nnd executed. An iirmy was raised and sent in pursuit of Cataline, who had gone into Gaul, and was thou nt the head of 12,000 men. The two armies met and fought a dospnrate battle, the rebels were beaten and Catalino slain in the thickest of the fight and thus ended the greatest conspiracy in history, till this of Jeff Davis, so similar iu all its parts, shall bo written. As wa9 tho Roman, so tha American traitor is an arrant Demagogue, and is a traitor bo cause he could not bo chief without being at llu head of a rebellion. Exchange. The Tongue. The body or form of man is wonderfully constructed. The most noted or unnoted, of all its members is tho tongue ; for by it, in general, comes most of our hapincss or misery. Utir teelmgs nre borne In, or conveyeu to, tho mind, thence to tho tongue, whence ex prcssion is given to whatever is conceived. I have said that our feelings nre conveyed to the mind before thev came to the tongue : this is not always the case, for they often coma direc' Iy to the tongue, and terminate in scenes moro disas trous thin thunderstorms or earthquakes. The tongue, as it would seem, is master of tho min i instead of the mind master of the tongue. I think it is owing to the tongue being a more ex pert operator than the mind, nnd, therefore is allowed to go ahead. The tongue may he com pared to a printing machine, which we know will bring forth whatever may bo set for it to mako public; nnd unless its director be very careful, errors will bo detected. It is quite nec essary that tho director of this machine be com petent to decide the nutter presented to it for publcation, so that, when it is brought forth, it may be just the thing nnd right to the point. Some printing machines nre capable of put ting out many more copies in a given time than others : it is so with tha tongue. It will gener ally expel about one hundred word per minute, but if required will double this rate. And in times of excitement its power is very great, so much so that it often effects tho habitation when it is at work. Boston Cultivator. Hold His. An tip country editor describes a calico party in the following alliterative poetic, prose ttyle: "Fancy fmtastic groups of fiiry formes and faces fl tating on fl -ecy clou Is of varied f )rm and hue;eeull the rarest recoleetion remembrance can review; no picture painter ever sketched, or poet's pen portrayed, can match the magic merry scenes on Thursday night displayed. Little, graceful forms thitnz prints pure maids and matrons fair, each mazy floated through, like spirits borne on air. Fair filowers fragrant odors thed, melodious music charmed, great Washington in roses wreathed, all jealousies disarmed; God grant tha happy harmony by all th.it night enjoyed, inty aye continue, y tincrease, unchecked and unalloyed." ll'roin tho JltralJ Prore. Who the Abolitionists are. IIollkt, N. Y., May, lSfl-2. Mr. Editor: Two numbers of the Nashvilh Daily Union nre before me, nnd if any further proof were needed to show that Southern Union men are just ns intent on preservin ; the institu tion of slavery ns tho rebels, it is found in this I'uioti paper. Kill the rebellion, but save slavery ulive. The editorials 6how it. Gov. Johnson's speech to tho SI Regiment, Minnesota troops. shows it. Slavery, he admits, is the cause of the war, yet it must not be touched. "Tho Ab olition fanatics," who would overthrow tho insti tution, " nre these, it is true secessionists, trait ors, brothers of Southern secessionists but these creatures conslituo but n fraction of the great body of tho N.irth. Nine tenths of them care nothing about the negroos," slavery, etc. Let not Gov. Johnson, nor Union slaveholders, slave lovers of tho South, bo deceived as to tho temper of tho North. These Minnesota men, w ho nre welcomed so heartily nt Nashville, th capital of Tennessee, tiro there tor what lo protect them from themselves one portion of its citizens from another portion. And why is Tennessee unable to protect itself? Whv do troops from this new State of Minnesota leave their plows in the furrow nnd tools idle in I heir shops, to fight the battles ot lennessee f blie is but live years old Tennessee moro than half a century : admit ted in 1790. The latter has more natural strength nnd power than tho former. Yet, nfier so long a time to mature, tho voting State of Minnesota goes down, or sends down her bravo sons to defend Tennessee against her self! Young Minnesota was well enough off, was iu no danger; she is ublo to protect herself from internal er external fees, nnd spare men to go down and help lennessee. All tho Tree States are pouring out men nnd money liko water to go down into the Slnvo States to defend them against themselves. The earth reels with the martial tread of vast hostile armies all over rebledom, while tho Free States nre experiencing very little incouveiii uiee in their business rela tions in consequence of tho war. Why nil this? What makes the difference? Why nro Minne sota men mustered nnd marshalled nt Nashville ? Why, Tennessee is a Slavo nnd Minnesota a Free Slate. That is tho reason. Yet, you men of Tennessee will blindly hug tho viper to your bosoms, still urge to bo left in their helplessness. Why do bold and open mouthed traitors parade your streets, and why is your sohool fund diver ted to aid treason, ns you complain? Slavery is the cause of it nil. Shall we leave you thus, or help you to help yourselves in tho future to remove the cause of your weakness, that the ne cessity for the repetition of such a struggle may never ngiin arise? Wo cannot afford to come down to help yoj again. C. Rodissos. European Opinion. Thm-low Weed, who returned lately from his unofficial mission to Furope, in which ho earned the gratitude of every loyal American stated nt a breakfast given in honorofhisariv.il that even now tho state of public sentiment abroad is far from gratifying. The French Government cherished no friendly sentiment towards us, nnd the people were little better. But Prince Napoleon was our most sin ere and earnest friend, nnd lost no occasion to do us friendly offices. The British Ministry was divided. Lord Paluierstou mil Eral Russell were adverse to us, other members of the Cabinet were warmly ulTectcd toward tho North. The Queen, whenever she could say n word, nlways expressed the most decided sympathy with us. Prince Albert had always been the devoted friend of this country, und his lat public net had been to moifify n despatch which the Ministry had prepared to send to Lord Lyons. The general unfriendly sentiment cherished toward us in the Old World, Mr. Weed attributed to the treuch eroiis conduct of our diplomatic ngeiits abroad. Full one-third ol them had for years been engaged i i prepar ng the p.iblto mind in E iro;a for the contemplated revolution, and a largo number of Southern Congressmen had participated in the ti'ciis m. We in America could have but an im perfect idea of tho condition of popular sentiment on the Continent. Boys. The Nashua Gazette thus daguerro types the "boys" of the present nge. All who ml it will confess it is the best likeness yet ob tained : This h is deen termed tho nge of progress. The most striking exetnplifiction of the progressive tendency of the nge may bo found iu boys from fifteen to eighteen or twenty years of ngj. Tho boy of filteeu or unwards must wear better broad cloth than his employer, nnd boots to match. Ho gets the Spring nnd bummer style of hats as soon as they come on from N;w York. He has his hair curled and unctified by the most approv ed barbers. IIo would wear a moustache or im perial, if he could. He has a' woman whom he 'pays attention to. He sometimes carries a cnueas large as your little finger, with a ball of lead on the end of it. lie struts, lie smokes. He chews. He swear. Of a fair Sunday he stands nt the corner of tho streets to show him self. Ho stays out nil wight, or into the small hour,' 'sitting up with his woman,' or otherwise raising Ned, generally. Ho takes ' his woman' out to ride. During tho winter ho goes to all the dances, which come off every other night. He in .kes magnificent presents to his woman.' His horse-hire' bill isas large as the millionaire's He rends nothing but tho ' pirate's own book,' 1 Life in London, ' and the works of the ' yellow covered species. Excoi-RAOiso Domestic Products. One of the features of the art which h.is passed the House of Reprcsetattves, incorporating the Union pacific Railroad Company stipulates thaa none but American iron ohall be used, and that of the best quality. Judgment ton a Newspaper Account. Among the recent decisions at tho general term of the Supreme Court of tho Albany (N. Y.)' District, was one, In favor of Mr. J. Seabury, against Bradford O. Waif, for seven years' sub scription to tho Catskill Recorder nnd Democrat. The New York 0'iserver, one of the oldest religious newspapers in the country, says of this decision : " It is surprising that so few subscribers fully understand their responsibilities to publishers of newspapers. The law of which' governed in this decision is a law of Congress, and is therefore applicable to every State in the Union. Many subscribers seem to regard tho! bill for a newspaper tho last to be ssttled, and especially tho last which the laws will enforce. Responsible men, even under trifling whims re-" fuse to take their papers from the office, regard less of arrears, and when half a dozen xnotti years have been ndded to the arrears at tiio time of stopping, think it hard to pay the in creased bill with interest nnd cost of collection. The Chops. As grain of nil kinds is fast ripeii' ing iu this Valley much of it being ready for tho sickle and tho work of reaping having already commenced wo can form a tolerably correct estimate of tho extent of tho crop and thft qual ity of tho grain. Tho quality of all kinds is1 excellent. Owing to the favorablo season for' tho "volunteer" crop, tho number of bushels produced will be much greater than at first an ticipated. There will be an abundance for home' consumption, and plenty to spare. Much' of the last year's .surplus remains on hand. The' hay crop is very heavy. Sentinel. - .. , Wa Incident. How many incidents like the' following anecdoto from Shiloh form the secret history of the rebellion: Among the wounded was a youth from Alabama. Both of his legs' were shattered. Duiingtho battle ho asked for' water, nnd was supplied. Ho then said," This is' my mother's fault. I did not wa it to fight against the Union, but she called me coward and forced mo to enlist." lie gave tho Nationalsoldier a ring, nnd requested him to scud it to his mother,' and say to her that ho died a bravo boy, but re- grctting that ho had taken up arms ngainst Ms1 country. Practical Emancipation. Tho St. Louis' Democrat speaks of an Emancipation' meeting' recently held nt Hannibal, Missouri; at which' somo of the lending parlies were large slave holders, who nro earnestly enlisted in an effort, to rid that portion of the Stnto of the incubus of slavery. Tho Democrat romnrks : " They were" not fanatics, or agitators, but sober minded pra&' tical men, who perceivo tho real state of the case' that Missouri is in a dilemma, her position re pelting nil valuabij immigration, and that her only mode of extrication is by adopting tho1 emancipation pelicy." A Thick-headed squire, being worsted by Sidney Smith iu an argument, took his' revenge by exclaiming : " If 1 had a son who was an idiot,' by Jove I'd made him a parson." " Very prob-' able," replied Sidney, " but I see your fiitheir was of a very different mind." Cominq. A private letter received fronV Kansas states, that 20,000 persons had passed' through one single village, en route for the Pa cific coast, previous to the Olh of May. They were mostly bound lor Washington Territory. Knowing of tiio character of the Salmon mihes, and tho great number of peoplo already there, these immigrants nre doubtless coming with the expectation of taking out gold by tho handful!.' Failing iu this they will seek homes throughout tho country, nnd becomo citizens of the far' North w est. We welcome them. Daily Timet: Increase or Population in New York Citt. Notwithstanding the immense number of men that have left New York in tho service of their country, nnd tho breaking up nnd scattering of families since the national troubles begun', there has been increase of population, as proved by Truw's Directory fr this year, just issued.- I n last year,s Directory there wer 152.825 names; this year, 153,180. This is contrary to the an ticipations of some of tho shrewdest calculators. Indeed, it has been generally expected that the Directory statistics would show a decrease of pop ulation. Perhaps no other large eity will show again. What a striking contrast to the partial depopulation of somo of the cities of Secessia.'. Instead of losing trade, and generul stagnation of business by tho war, it has only affected some' particular branches temporarily, while the great current of foreign and domestic commerce has flowed on in full channels, and even with a great falling oil' in immigration from Europb our city population has increased. Trihune. As eastern paper has the following good one from Louis Cass : Somebody asked Gen. Cass the other day in' Detroit: "General, what may we do to save the Union ?'' " Anything." " May we abolish sla very t" " Abolish anything on the surface of tho earth to save tho nation." A new census of Nevada Territory is to be taken by the Assessors this season. The popula tion of tho Territory last year was 10,000- It ir uow believed lo be from 20,000 to 25,000. "I sell peppermints oa Sunday," remarked a good old lady, who kept candy-shop, "because they carries 'em to church and eats 'em and keeps av'iike lo hear the sermon; but if you want pickled limes, you must come week days, they're tecular commodities." - Ir you want to make pair of boots last four' years, r. elt and mix four ounces of mutton tat low; apply the mixture while warm; rub it well ; then put the boots into a closet, and go1 bare f jot.