EUGENE CITY, JULY 26, 1862. AGEvis rou tub statu republican. The following named gentlemen ro authorized to ro fcoivo and receipt fur money on subscription to the Hkpi u- (.ICAX. San Francisco, California, - - Charles A. Crane. Portland. Oregon, Logan 4 Sltattuck. Oregon Citv, W. C. Juhnsnti. Lafayette, Vumliill countv, ... John Cummins. hulfiu, Oregon, J. C Ciirtwright. Hilvenou, W. K. Albunr, . . . . . - - - - - I). W. Wakeliold. Corruh'iK, A. (. Ilovt-y. Kiigene Citv, . J. M. lialu. ,' Uuseburg, J. 11- lingers. . Jacksonville, K. Ilodgen. Ashlaud, - J- M- McCall. Traveling A gent, ...... M. (i. McCarty. Postmasters arc also requested to receive ad forward wubseriptioas. Jlony way be eut through the wails at otir risk. To Corrksponbents. We have on hand this week the usual amount of contributions to ouri columns, and wo must say of the ushiiI calibre very common. The prose coinmunteatioira will rank very favorably with the RegisteVt editorial fcorresrxindiwe from Linn county a style uf Writing that may be very peculiarly adapted to trong minded women weak minded men, women who eschew ail in-door occupation and read the C?aW of Reform, and nieu who cuter the political arena to regenerate tho world and revivify a defunct parly, and with no other stock in trade tkan a wonderful supply of brass, nud whoso only reeommiltwn is the unexcep tionable manner in which they spout " Young Norvali" imd being peculiarly adapted to this class, we are ceHstraiued to respectfully decline publishing. As to tfco poetry, it ranges good, jad ami itiduiFercnt, principally tbo latter. The ul ject that appears to engross tho attention of young poets and poetesses, especially tho esses, sit thn present day, is tho " wounded soldier," sand nwiny is the doggerel indited to these suffer-t-rs, mi rto doubt with the best intentions and entire sympathy, which if read to the unfortu nat tuan would piove fatal he would die of xiisgnst and chagrin. Of the first class, we have received one. It is just adapted to the present time, is entitled "The Vermin on tho BoJy Poli tic," and will be published next week. We lmve.recieved a romance of real life, scene laid in Lane and Linn counties, entitled " Yourg Nor val, or the Windering Patient," which we defer for want of space. A Mbas Act. A traveller from California stopped at a certain house a few miles below hero to stay all night. Everything went well until tho man of the house discovered that the stranger was a Union man a true friend to his country. This discovery was i o sooner made th ui the traveller was ordered to leave, and tho patriot was turned out of doors, though it was lata at night. That m m, or rather monster who did -this disreputable mean act, holds land by donation. lie is a true specimen of a " Peace Domoerat." His numbers are taken, let all ro member him. This is the ignorant old coot that, a "gwiuo to whip" somebody for " riteii" it certain letter not long since. Such good cit izens as ho is, deserve special attention at the lianda of the Government. On tlie 4th of Julv, at t!ic residence of the bride's father, by Kev. J W. Miller, Mr. John M. Harper and Miss Aman da U. Eaton, all of Lane county. The following letter, which cmphatically Kpeaks for itself, was written by the Dean of tho Faculty of tho Philadelphia College of Medicine to the editors of the Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal, San Francisco fjr publication ; ' I'uii.vnELrnn, January 17th, lSili. To tho Editors of the Pacilic Medical Journal Gentle mcii : My attention has been called to an article in the December number of vour journal, in regard to the ad tnicnduin degree granted by the Philadelphia College of Medicine to Dr. L.J. Czapk'av. When the application for the degree was made to the Faculty, it was accompanied by iillidavits and testimonials to the efi'ect that Dr. Czapkav, was a regular graduate M. D..of the University of Pesth, had served as a surgeon in the Hungarian army, and was a regular practitioner of medicine. On the strength of 1 SI thn nVirrees were irranted. The ad enendnm tlegree, its its name implies, is conferred on graduates only, and j jjires us new privileges. Hud there been the slightest suspicion ot irregularity, the application would have been reiiist-o. t iiisi-iiiiiK i" jwl" j.iBiH.i iv. ..... . ct of jus tic-e to the college, and confer a favor on. Yours, very respectfully, II. RAND, I)jan of the Faculty of the Phila. College of Medicine. DU. I.. J. C7.APK AY'S Private Medical and Surgical In Ktitute is on Sacramento street, below Montgomery, oppo site the Pacific Mail Steamship Company' ollice, Mm Francisco. The Doctor oilers free consultation anil asks no remuneration unless ho effects a cure. Ollice hours JTrom a. . to V p. . OERTiric vTt. I, the undersigned, Governor of Hungary, do testify hereby, that Dr. L. J. Cxapkar has served during thecontest for Hungarian liberty, a Chief Surgeon, in the Hungarian army, with faithful perseverance. Whereof I have given hnn this certificate, and recommend him to the nvmpathv, attention and protection of all those who are capable of appreciating patriotic elf-acrifice, and unde terred misfortune. KOSSUTH LA.IOS, Oorernor of Hungary. Washington City, January ath, Kit. J3f Persons not wishing to lose time in correspondence please encloseHo in their Tetters, and they will get im mediate attention to their case. Address L. J. CZAPKAY, M. D., San i rancisco, Cal. 1 Notice All persons knowing themselves indebted to J. J. Blcvaxs, are requested to call and aettle with the undersigned, at their earliest convenience. II. C. SMALL Att'y. Eugene City, July 24, liS-2. 21 4w. Wanted MAX who nnderstand blasting, to dig a well. Ap ply to J. X. U ALE, at this ollice. a. BLLawoRTit. 1. R. rxnuawoon. ( Notary Public ELLSWORTH fe UNDERWOOD, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Orrici opposite ci.on hotel, ki-gixk citt, onx. fitf H. C. SHALL, VTTORNEY AT LAW. will practice in all the .Courta of thi State. Particular attention given to Convey anring. Collection of DebU, etc Ottice in theConn Hon sr. Eugene City, Oregon. itS-Om Dr. H, CANADAY, KCOENK CITT, OREGON, I A a true Botanic in hi practice, entirely discarding Cal- ( omel and all mineral nor". Office at hi dwelling in , (lie KHitheaat of town. I SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF AX EXECUTION', to mo directed, 1 have levied upon and will proceed to sill to lite high est bidder, for cash, ou tho 20ih day of Juno, 1SC2, between the hour of lo A. M. and 4 r. ., on the premises, the following described properly, aituutedin Douglas coun tv, Oregon, in wit. : all that piece or panel of land, com mencing at a point in the line of Win. T. Perry'aoriginiiial land claiui under the donation law of .September S7th, A. D. 1V0, thirty feet west of the venter of the Mil itary roud running through at part of said claim, and lately couveved by llie said Perry to one S. C. Smith, thence in northerly direction in a Hue with s.ii I ruad to an oak stake ut the intersection of the said road with the aouth line of a tract of land theretofore conveyed by the said Per ry to one William llorseiy, theiice in a westerly direction with the last meutioued south line to where the same inter sects the original west line of said Perry's donation claim, thence aouth with tho said line to the said Perry's origiuul southwest comer of said claim, theiice east to tlie place ol beginning, containing eight acres more or less, with all the improvements thereon, mill uud mill-gear, water and water privilege, and every c.isc;ueiit appertaining thereto. Said property is sold to satisfy an i-xecution in favor of It. E Stratton and against J. 1. Ihiusett, el, L, lor the aum of 12!a U'i, judgement and costs. J J. M. Ft'LI.EKTOX, Slav i'J, lrtii. Sheriff Douglas county. Sheriff's Salo. BY VIRTUE OK AN EXECUTION to me tlirrectett, issued out of the Circuit Court for the county of Doug las, anil State of Oregon, I have levied upon and will pro ceed to sell to the highest bidder, for cash, on the 10lh day of July, 1S02, between the hours of lo o'clock A. it. and 2 o'clock r. ., the following described real estate, situated in Douglas county, Oregon, to wit, all thatcertaiu piece of land known as the' donation laud claim of Lazarus Wright and Rebecca his wife, and described as follows, beginning 300 chains east of the quarter section post between section 21 and as, townshipt south range ft west, thence .H.7u chains cast, 1 17 chains north. "4.T' chains west, 117 chains to place of beginning, the whole continuing Mi) acres, more or lea, of which the west hull is designated to the wite, unit is not included herein, together w ith all the tenements, heredita ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging. The said property is taken to satisfy, an execution issued out of said Circuit Court in favor of Solomon A brain, el. til.. Bin! against the said Lazarus Wright and wife lor tho sum of 2,.Vin 21, judgment and costs. JOIIX FCLI.ERTOX. Sheriff. Itoseburg, Douglas county, Oregon., June u, ls'2. Notice to Absent Defendant. James Estop rs. Joseph A. Dillon and Elias Williams. M"U JOSEPH A. DILLON' : You are hereby notilied that I unless you appear in Ihe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Lane, on tho fourth Monday of October, A. I). ls'iJ, anil answer the complaint of James F.step, plaintiff, which has been tiled with the Clerk of said Court, and prays for a judgment against you for SI 19 14, besides interest and costs of suit, the said complaint will be taken for confessed, and the prayer thereof will be grant ted bv the Court, liy order of said Court made attheApril enn, ls;-J. it. M. iti.uo., r ins .vuy Eugene City, May So, ISH2. 23-Sni Notice of Final Settlement. IX THE COUNTY COURT OF LANE COUNTY, JULY Turin, lMili. In the matter of the Estate of W. A. Kisk, deceased ; ordered that the lirst -Monday in September be appointed as the day for Final Settlement of aiil Estate. Cvnthiu Fisk. Adniiuistratrix.havinir tiled her account for Final Settlement, application will be made in pursuance of mo foregoing oruer. 11. j. ci-u-wju wvn v ior aum a. Dated July 7, lMii. -'-' Administrator's Sale. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN : liy order ot the County Court of Lano County, Oregon, I will offer for sale on SATURDAY, tho 2'ith day of JULY, 1!2, between the hours of o'clock a. x. and i o'clock r. if. of snmo dav, at the farm of John A. Willis, deceased, 13 miles south of Eugene City, on Coast Fork, all tho personal property of tlie Estate, consisting of horses, cattle, and various other articles, too numerous to mention, except the amount set apart tor the support of the family. Terms otsale: A credit of Six Months, Notes with approved securities. Dated Eugene City, J1A..M!S W11.MM, July 7, 1';2 Administrator. 2-St Estrayecl. IT'ROM the subscriber, living three miles south of Eugene . City, a strawberry-roan filly, two years old Inst spring; no mark or brand except the hair in the face is a little light er tliau on the other parts of the body. Any information concerning the same will bo suitably rewarded. Euirene City, Oregon. Btf Wm. l.L'CKEY. Estrayed. VDEEI DAY, Middle-sized American horse; about fire years old, with a small star in his forehead, mid some saddle marks. Any person taking him up and returning him to the subscriber will be liberally rewarded. A. W. PATTERSON. Eugene City, May 6th, 1mJ2. ltMf FOR BALIiL HOMESTEADS AND VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Building Lots from $10 to $200 Each. .lino, 50 Vara Lota and Entire Blocks of Bean tiul Garden Land! IX THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAX FRANCISCO, on the line of the San Jose Railroad, at the West End Depot. The title is absolutely PERFECT, being a Spanish Grant, finally confirmed and patented bv the United Slates. The Shatter Bill respects this Title; tlie City Authorities respect it; the District Courts and Supreme Court of the United States respect it. Besides the Till' hiu Itcenoitrer qit'uUd hy a t"tmtl Iterre ami Jmiijineui iviaint the t'ity. r So that there is not even a cloud or a shallow upon it. Who ever purchases one of these lota will buy tot and not a lawsuit. Ollice Xo. l!) Xaglee' Building, corner of Montgomery and Merchant streets,, San Francisco. ls3m HARVEY B. IIIEOWX. To merchants and Shippers. PORTAGE AT OliEGOX yTY. rpilE MERCH ANTS AND SHIPPERS of the Willamette JL Valley are notilied that 1JAKST0W 4 FRAZER arc now prepared with plenty of teams and careful driver to pass freight over the Portage between Oregon City and Canemah as fast as could be expected. One of us will be at all times at each end of tire route to attend to the forwarding of tho freight, so a to prevent any unnecessary tit-lay. Oregon City, "Oregon, January 1, l'i2. Stf FRANK LESLIE'S PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR OF 1861. DESCRIPTIVE, STATISTICAL, AND DOCUMENT ARY. Edited by Ilox. E. O. S.ji ikh. Late Minister of the United States to Central America. This work i published in Semi-monthly Number ; it MAMMOTH SIZE allows of the largest Engravings, and it contain a complete epitome of the war in which the coun try is involved, with all the Fact. Scene. Incidt-nt and Anecdote connected with it, arranirrd chronologically, forming a cotemporary and permanent History of the time. All OlHcial and important Documents, emanating North or South, appear in full, with complete and authentic ac count and Illustration of all the striking Incident nf the War; together with the Portrailaof Leading ttllicer and Statemen, Plan and View of Fortifications, Map, etc. The Pictorial History of the War of l-.;i, i invaluable to Familir. (or in it magnificently illustrated page, even children can trace the course of event, while a a work ot Reference for all classes, its Talue and importance must increase with every year. In its completed form it will be one of the most nutgniHcent Historical Political Work ever issued from any press in the Wnrld. Each number i ei'niite'y printed on nn, fhick paper, in large, clear type, and is stitched in a cover with a beau tiful Illustrated Title Page. Ten number have been piihli!.hd, containing npward of oO Engraving, and master equivalent to Jf-iisi octavo P" 're published every fortnight. Tiaa ?S cents per num ber. Two dollars will secure the first Eight numm-r. The flsual discount to trade. FRANK I.I SLIE. Publisher. 7 tf No. " City Hall S.jnare. New Yotk. CHARLES A. CRANE, ADVEKTISIXU AGENCY. Cor. Washington & Sansonie Streets, Government House Up-Staira. SAX FRAXCJSCO. STATE REPUBLICAN', Eugene City, Oregon Stow'a Stock Reporter, .... San Francisco Daily lice, Sacramento Nevada National, (.lass Valley Butte Democrat, Oroville Placer Courier. Forest Hill Northern Califoi-nian. Union Coloma Times, ('ultima : Mooney's Express, - - - m- - - Folsom I Plumas Standard, Quiiicy Southern News, Los Angeles Daily Argus, Stockton Daily Appeal, .naiysviue Napa County Tunes, Napa San Jose Telegraph, - San Jose Alameda Herald, ........ Oakland Contra Costa Gazette, Martinez Santa Crux News, Santa Crux Petaluma Argus, Pctaimna Sonoma County Democrat, - - - - Santa Rosa Los Angeles Star, Los Angeles Daily Oregon Advertiser, Portland Mariposa Star, Mariposa San Andreas Independent, ... San Andreas Columbia News, Columbia Territorial Enterprise, - - ." I'arrfou Valley A leniedu County Gazette, - - - - San Leandro Democratic Age, Solium Ari.oniau, Tucson, Arizona Oregon Fanner, - - Oregon Mountaineer, Dalles, Oregon Hutching's Magazine, .... San Francisco California Cullunst. San Francisco Advertising in the Atlantic States. C. A. C, will also attend to forwarding advertisements to papers published in any portion of the Atlantic States. TRACY & CO'S OREGON EXPRESS. 1'okti.inii, March 31st, 1SH2. 'piIE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the I undersigned is this day dissolved bv mutual conscut. E. W. TRACY E. NORTON, 14-tf K. L. James. E. W. TRACY'S TJA.ILY EXITUCSS. W. TRACY wilt continue the Express from PORT J LAND to JACKSONVILLE, with tho following OFFICES AND AGENTS Oregon City, llutteville, Lafayette, Dayton, Saleui, Albany, -Corvailis, Eugene City, Oakland, ' -Roseburg, Canyonville, Jacksonville. It- If Charman & Warner. V. X. Mathicu. - M. Wolfe. Williams ,t Lippeiicott. - Jicll & llrown. J. Conner. E. Fox. H. M. Ellsworth. Lord, Peters Co. A. K. Flint. Sidemnn, Wolli'iiberg & Co. ('. E. lleekmun. E. W. TRACY. $100 REWARD. OXE HUXDREI) DOLLARS REWARD is offered for a better Antidote fur all infectious of tho URINARY ORGANS and PEOSTATE GLAND THAN Dr. FRANK ALLERTON'S Antidote and Rose Injection. The worst cases of Goxowiikb are rdically enred by two or three bottles. SligM cases in two or three duvs. This preparation will do what no other remedy can, or has been known to do, viz : Cure every case, no matter how compli cated. Thousands can testily to this fact, who had, previ ous to using Dr. Allerton's Antidote and Rose Injection, expended hundreds of dollars ou worthless nostrums and humbug doctors. TRY THIS REMEDY ! Two or three doses is sullicient to convince you of its superior medicinal virtues. Tho only restriction while using tho Antidote is to avoid all Spirit and Beer, or Ale. tic sure to ask for Dr. FRAXIv ALFiiTO.VS Antidote nod Rose Injection. Take it aceor- I ding to diri-t-tious on the bottle and it will cure you. Sold by all regular Druggists und Dealers in Calilonna, Oregon and British Columbia. Price for Antidote, $1 fto; Rose Injection, 1 no. Three bottle is nearly always sulicient to perform a radical cure, leaving no traces of the malady in tlie system, which can not bu trutlitullv said ot an vomer known preparation. ltl-lani Notico to Creditors. A 1,1, PERSONS HAVIXO CLAIMS AGAINST THE Estate of William lloleome, deceased, are hereby reipiired to exhibit the same, with the necessary vnucliers, within one year of this date, toGeorge Belshsw, Adminis trator of said Estate, at his residence in Lane County, Ogn. Dated July Huh, lwl2. GEORGE DEI-SHAW, Administrator, -it BIIOOICJVVJNT HOTEL. cojiXKi: axd saxsomk streets, San Frnncisro. ?r?V Tilt.' Pn.,.r,'..lnFnr tti oil IsMtS Slid ftltl CS- ?l tnlilishml llousfl i atill at hi old tricks feeding the public for the low sum of rora dollars per w.-t-k. ami thu cry is "Still ther come '." This Hotel was established in h:1, anil the Proprietor proudly appeals to it well known reputation, and at the same time pledges himself to use every endeavor to add to the comfort and convenience of his guests. The Brooklyn Hotel WAGOX will always be ready on the wharf on the arrival id' the steamers,' to convey passengers and their baggage to the House, free of charge. To prevent imposition be positive and nee that BROOKLYN HOTEL is painted in large let ter on the sides of the Omnibus. Hoard per day, $1 ; Board per week, ft ; - Meals, :."cts.; Lodgings, .ViLts. Lodgings per wei-k, to $4; Single i rooms on cents pernight. JOHN KLI.I.i , Jr., ' J....M 1 1 Ui:-j '-., WELLS, FARGO & ID'S EXPRESS. w ELLS, FARGO h CO. HAVE EXTENDED THEIR Express to VANCOUVER, CASCADES, DALLES, WALLULA, WALLA WALLA, LEWISTOX, OROFINO, PIERCE CITY, ELK CITY, and the SALMON" RIVER MINES. I A list of Agents will be published as oon a practicable, and each Aireut will he furnished with a commission speci fying his authority and the extent to which lie will be bound bv his acts, which will be pnblMy exposed in his ollice for the inspection of those doing business with us. WEI.I-S, FARGO A CO. E. W. TRACY, Superintendent for Oregon and Wash ington Territory. 14-tf KEITH' ROSeMARY HAIR 1NY1G03AT0R. rpIIK IIEST AND CIIKA!TT ARTICLE. EVKB 15 ,1 Tentefl for IMP110V1XG. RKSTOlilXC, VLKAXSIXG, AND LMCELLISIIINU 1lt HA IB, AND Pmentins Its Turning Grey. PHICE. FIFTY O'XT.H A BOTTLE. Prepared only by WW. II. K EITH k CO., 5-:;i, 17, Montgomery st.. Fen Francisco. Turner Bro's, for. Front and Broadway Streets SAX FRAXCJSCO, VAL. T U It 3ST 13 J t S' FORREST WISE lilTTEKS, Tlie Gt llemtJi of the Age. ...FOR THE CUM! OF... Dyspepsia, Liver Coinluiiit, Weakness of the Stomaeli, Or Derangement of the Digestive Organs. " Turners' Forrest Wine Uitters," Are sure to regulate the stomaeli, thu main avenue to the whole body ; Are sure to counteract liilliousness, when ill a mnlaroua climate j Are sure tu agree with the most weakly, as w ell as the most robust persou ; Are sure to create a good appetite ; Are very pleasant to the taste us a beverage, Are economical and cheap. All travelers should cany these bitters with them to pre vent liilliousness and Fevers caused by chatige of climate and water. Seamen should carry them to prevent Scurvy, Ship Fever, uud the like, when they are deprived of cooling, nutritious vegetables. They are a very rich, nutritious Wine, formed by the addition of nine dill'erent kinds of roots, barks ami herbs, making a very palatable as well as oueuf the most nourish ing Hitters in the known world. Sold Wholesale bv TURNER BROTHERS, . Corner WusliinLCimi unit brunklm hi reels, X. Y. Niitiiia .street, liutlulo, X. V. Corner llruiulwuv mut front streets, SAX FKAXCISCO. And fur salo by Merrluuits and Druggists, everywhere. t urxers' ;n u e r n: Turners' Ginger Wine ! ! Turners' Ginger Wine. ! ! This article is prepared from pure White and Jamaica (linger Root, in such manner as to lorni me uesi nun most pleasant tonic ever introduced : and is an invuliiuble rein edv for Dvsncnsia. Indigestion, and for all diseases where a gentle stimulant is required to bring the system into healthy action. One Million Gallon, in Barrels and Cases, sold Ann ualli Throughout Ihe world, thereby proving its uneipinlcd and unrivalled merits. It has received the approbalioii of the Medical Faculty throughout the United Suites, und wher ever known. Sold Wholesale bv TURNER BROTHERS, Comer Washington and Franklin streets, X. Y. Niagara street, llultalo, N. Y. Corner llroadwav and Front streets, SAX FKAXCISCO. And for sulo by MerelialiU and Druggists, everywhere. TURNERS' ESSENCE OF Jamaica Ginger It is nut only liarmle, but it ia eminently Itenelirial in all cm'. where a wur in Cordial or a pu teful stimulant n re quired. Kspecmlly in thin the ca.e when there is tell hv tlie patient a Reuse ut' exhaustion, arising from either heat or latiuu. Under mieh circumstances tt lew drops taken in half a tumbler uf water, with a tittle sugar, will be useful. It will be (omul in such cases a pleusunt ttnd elletivo resto rative ; on this account this K.H.senee is a highly important addition to the voyager and traveler's portmanteau. It is lo important to the family collection uf remedies for dis eases. This article, like the Ginger Wine, is carefully and elabo rately nrcpared and selected trom the best quality of arti cles. It possesses ail tho true properties 'of the Jamaica limber, and w e do not hesitate to warrant it to be free from any uud every injurious or irritutin properties. When there is a great Nausea of the stomach, or oppres sion of Spirits, iinMU from imperfect digestion, from riding in a carriage, or from the motion uf a vessel at se.i, tins Essence, if taken iu accordance with the above direc tions, will be found iu variably to give relief. Ii. ordinary Diarrhoea, incipient Cholera, nnd indeed in till diseases liy which the nervous system may become pros trated, and t tie dilutive organs deranged, this Essence will be tound mot invaluable. TURNER BROTHERS, Corner V ashiniuu anil I'niukiin streets, New York. Niagara street, llultalo, N. Y. Corner llroadwav and Front streets, SAX FKAXCISCO. And fur sale ly Men-hunta and Druggist, everywhere. TURNER BROTHERS, Manufacturers ot every description uf SYHIT8, COKDIALS, IJITTEKS, &c, Corner Front nnd Broadway street, SAX Fit AX CISCO CAL. June li, 1 Si! Dr. William Hall's Balsam for tha Lungs CONSI'MI'TIOX, ASTHMA, XKillT SWF.ATS, SI'IT TIN'ii HI.OOK, COI. )S. COI.Iill, INFI.I i:.NZA, I'AIN IN Til K SIHK. ANI AM. DIS F.ASKS OF TIIK I.LNOS. Dr. Win. Hall's ll.ilsum Tor tlie Lungs, in sll cases gives the best of satisfaction. Dr. Wm. Hall's Kulsam for tlie I.unjis, lias wrought more cures since its introduction than an other cough medi cine. Dr. Wm. Hall's llalsaui for the Lungs, is endorsed hv vour leadini; physicians as the safest and best remedy now to-fore Ihe liulilic. Dr. Win. Hall s llalsaui fur tlie Lungs, in safe to nse aiming children, and jet powerful in cases of chronic pulmona ry disease. Dr. Vm. Hall's Ilalsam lor the Lungs, brings in rcrtiHratea a'most dsilv, of its wondcrfn! cures in all parts of the country. The more striking proof the intrinsic worth and excel lence of lilt. WM. 11AI.IS IIAI.XAM for the LL'.MiS, is shown in the rapidity with which it becomes gi ncial favorite with the people. There is nothing of a similar nature but what is cast into tlie shade when the HaNam has been thoroughly tested. The agents for its sale, he coun try over, in ordi-ring new supplies, are very enthusiastic in its favor, saving: " It is just the thin; ; it acta like a charm; its etli cts are truly magical." The purchaser should be very particular l i ask for, and take none but Dr. William Hall's Ilalsam for tha Lungs which is warranted to give satisfaction or the mmfry re turned. For sale br all Drugirist". and by IlEDINGTON &. CO. Sole Agents, 4"V and 411 t lay St., San Francisco. S. Ellsworth, TTRNF.Y ind Counselor. L'. S. Soprem Court and other courts. Ollice at Kngeno Cite. Lane county, Oregon. Also, t'oimntssoner of Deeds forXew Vork, Con B'.ctu n!, ctr. jll ARE TUB ONLY SPECIFIC REMEDY tO CONSUMPTION'. SCROFULA. CHRONIC UROXCIIITLs'; ASTHMA, DYSPEPSIA, NKltVolSAM) GENER AL DEIill.lTY, FEMALE COMPLAINTS AND ALL Dl.SOKDERSOFTlIEIII.OODSVSTE.M. This new and remarkable Chemical Remedy a prepara- ' lion oi ovuuzable phosphorus w as Uiscoveretl oy tlie ecle j brated Dr. J. F. Churchill, of Paris. It has beeii used by over ten thousand physicians, during the last three years j with results unparalleled in tlie annals of medicine ; crea i ting an entire revolution in the treatment of Chronic Dis ' eases of the Lungs. Stomach, and all morbid condition of the Nervous and Hlood Systems. (iiiiiiiii'tttin it no In. w iH-ufuf'U nuiltttl,, fur this Remedy has rtatittl hi Ut'llV, In illlttiUHtnf the .'!.'. ! THE HYPGPKGSPHITES i Have a two-fold and specific action on the one baud in I creasing the principle which CONSTITUTES NERVOUS ENERGY ; and, on the other, being the M 1 1ST POWER- FU 1. Hl.tK'il) GENERATING AGENTS KNOWN. They : uct with promptness and certainty in all general morbid conditions, sneh as Chronic ltronchilis. Asthma, Scrofula, I Marasmus, Anemia, Female Complaints, etc., nud in all dis onleisof Ihe Nervous or Hlood System. Their etlect upon i the tuhureular condition is imiiieiliate all the general I symptoms disappearing with a rapidity which is really marvelous. They increase the nervous Or Hal enemy, re lieve Cough, cheek Night Swells, diminish Expectoration; i Improves the Appetite, arrest Diarrhea, and promote re freshing sleep. A FAIR TRIAL IS A CERTAIN CL RE: Winchester's Genuine Preparation OF THE HYPOPHOSPHITES is the only reliable form of Dr. Churchill's Remedy, and is iiiipmve'd by the Medical Profession generally. ' USE XO OTHER, OR ANY H EM EU Y CONTAINING 1 HON. J:' Circulars containing the only authentic information in regard to the new treatment, free. If Price If J per bottle. Sold Wholesale and Retail at the California Brunch Depot, bv 8 J. WINCHESTER, I'm! Mission St., twu doors west o "Second, San Francisco; Sands' Sarsaparilla,- FOIl TIIK KKM0VAL AND CUKE OP All Diseases arising from an Impure State of the Blood or Habit of the System. IX thif preparation are strongly cofirentraled all the medicinal properties of Sarsaparilla, combined with the,' most ellectual aids, the most salutarvproductinus.the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom ; and the combi nation is such that one tnoiiitirs and improve Ihe Other,' producing a compound diUciing entirely in its characfet and properties from any other preparation, and nnrit ailed in its operation on the system when laboring under disease. It has been so fully tested, not only by patients themselves, but also by physicians, that it has received their utiquuli tied recoin'inciiilations and the approbation uf the public; and has established on its own merits a reputation lor ysi. i naiid KFiicti r lar superior to tho various coniponntl bearing thu name of Sarsaparilla. FROM THE ARM'. Montkiikv, Jan. IS,' f W0. Messrs. A. M. A D. S.txns (it ntleinen : I beg Iraritfoadd in v testimony in favor of your invaluable medicine, hoping it inav lead sonic other iin'l'ortniiiite beings (o try Us ellects; anil that they may be bcnclited as I have been. I arrived here bv the overland route, about the lirst of October last. A few days alter I was ut tucked with a very disagreeable eruption of Ihe skin, w hich my physician could not cnr. I happened to tind your Sarsapai illa in a store in this place, and reiiiembei ing the popularity of the medicine at home, I purchased three bottles, which had the desired etlect ol removing my tlillieulty entirely. With high regards, yours, etc.; J. II. Mlf.l.KH, Lieut. U.S. A. Prepared and sold by A. II. & 1. Snnds; Wholesale Druirgists, Iimi Fulton street, corner of William, New York. For sale by I (it Witt, Kitti.k 4 Co., II. Jonxsox A Co.; and Kkihnutox 4 Co.. San Francisco ; Kick A Vbfrix, Ma rvsville; It. II. Mil Ion tin A Co., Sacramento ; Smith A Davis, Portland ; WM. WALK Kit Kugeuo City,; and by Druggists genciully; ii'7-oiii t LDNER'S DELTA EYE OPENER? hciilthy, pure, invioorntiiig Ameriean Drink; pcTtiliurly tidiipted for n Southern or Trop ical Climate, nnd strongly reeoineiidtd a fiiniily stiiiiiiliint, hy the most eminent Medical Men in tho I'nited Slates and Knrope. The I'ropriclor of this truly celebrated beverage, in ln'a lonj experience as one of the largest Importers of tlrst class Wines and l.iitiors in Ihe city of New York, hashing fi ll the want that existed ill every 'family, of a Tonic, which could be used with benelit, by every household, fiom tha child to the adult, and in compounding this beverage, his aim has been to use only the purest material, with the most rei-herrhe llavoriilg, thereby lully established the fact, that a vast degree of benelit accrues li om the use ol this stimu lant, in comparison w ith the t lie compounds ao extensively manufactured and foisted on the public, under the endorse ment of a paid analytical certificate In the Atlantic States, this truly National Drink super sedes the use of all others ever introduced to the American public, in addition to which it is now extensively used in Kiirooi- The Kinirs of lieliiiim and Sardinia have both ordered supplies, liom samples sent direct to our Consuls, as has also the rtit ol the French Court, as well as tho highest circles ill I. mill. mi, Liverpool uud Antwerp; in fact, it is adapted to all climates and classes, but more particu larly to Ihe South, the proprietor hiving nlwavs the grand object in view of producing a cordial which would materi ally arrest any disease, inriilental to a hot climate, while he guarantees thai Ihe regular use thereof will elhctualy pretent any of those symptoms, bauituul in a trip to or a resilience in the Snath. The entire nress of New York, from actual experience. attust tu Ihe value of this delirious F ily Invigorutur. JOIi. .. OI.P.Xr.K, Inventor and Proprietor. Abbott A Oldmnn, Agents, Is ;im 4'-j Front street, San rancisco. IiEDINGTOX fc CO'S Superior Veast -Powders. w AIIII ANTKI) to make Light Sweet and nutritious iiKKAD. Kouallv adapted lo In 1 1 -' )!nT lilsi flT. Il' t K IIA.I; .lA OTHER r.lKES, il.H ERHREA ', .I.U f.'.IA'A'N of ALL MX OS. Warranted fu'Iy eipial to any in the market. Ask for UKDINliTOX A CO S YKAST I'OWDKRS, end take no other, if you would have uniformly goad bread. Manuf ictured and sold at wholesale, by REDINQT0N&C0., 4"'.i and 411 Clay St., Saa Frjiicittco. ftuincy Hall, 147, 149, 151, Washington Street. targrt C lothing KMHMihmrnl in ( nllforai. nnnlT, when row r in Smi Krmicico, it in worth your while to fT viftit to thi! unium ( Inilunic Hunw, and m-r thr ciniitt-i TariHr of Kiimi' "1 "I verr and trvtiirc tlmt till th atjioiM tifUm anil cmintrr, and to! I n. tl. u.........l ol' It..-. .1 iU- IrLiiws-t.xl ll.aar Tin; nmirfrrttfnti'd "fcp uf the pri-ftr. flora in aitrihti t d to their litcr:il and ju.licion attve rliptnr, and lh r iiurkhl v low pnocs at whu li t lie ir irK,.l aif aold. X? m