nn BE a nn in M 0 DEVOTED TO THE POLITICAL AND GENERAL INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE. ST REP PAN VOL. I. EUGENE CITY, OliEGON, JULY 12, 18G2. NO. 2G. THE STATE REPUBLICAN. Published every Saturday by II. S II AAV fc CO. Terms of Subscription. The Rei'i. ulkj.is will be ruiulisheU itl An a year in nd Vaucc; $'i Ou if piiitl Ht the end of six months ; or $1 oo At the close of the year. Une doll.ir additional will be charged lor each year payment is neglected. J-" Nil paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at our option. G LOUGH F. TRAI.V Q. Ill'SSELL. Uussell is nn Irishman, not an Englishman. Hear, hear. Russell was not tlio 2'imes cor- witli the South, nnd, believing that ho could reach ! Noin. words vkom Senator Wade. "No tlio North before his letters returned, ho begun jurist has tho folly to limit the- powers that n auusing uiose wno nud entertained linn, mid i man inav use in defense ot his own lite when as ...j i. . ..:r .. . r . . . i . t. o .1 I ... : 1 . , 1 . respondent in Italy, and yon ought to know a3 " "te'iipt to ....11. ...... J fe .. ""larmv. His picture, however, ot t ie novertv ot limit tho nower that a nation nmv nsn u-lin th.. 11 1 . , ... - n 11 iiiiiiiv. 111.1 iMciuic, noneyc , ot mo well as 1, that it was poor Dow by. and not .1 t- r 1 11 1. . Russel, who Micceeded Cook in China Nob, dv - S f t'fV ""J seems 'to know whether Uussell was born in 1S10 "l!"1 been impressed into or 1821 ; but, graduating nt Trinity, he com- la 01 1 Rates of Advertising. One (unr (teu lines or lent) one muiitli, Each udditiou.U insertion, .... tiuaiuesi Card, tue mature itr Icaa, one your, six month:, tour squares mut upward., one v ear, per ami; we. ' six mouth;, per square, 7 uu " " three iiumth, ' o 00 jLdinintstratur's Notices, and ail advertisements re lating to estate uf deceased persons, which have tu be HWurn to, one square, four insertions, 5 00 so husbands lito ot the nation is assailed. Thcro is no limit tho rebel i to it. low have ft rhjht to tro for wind in an in army, together with the several Lmish subjects dividual case in your might, and if your life is meneed writing for the Times in 1843. Liviii" ' . , , ""I" " r.ems, created j .b-, .o.co uy power, anything you may it a scis-.ti.m ii,,.r. 1 1' ,,., n ..f 110 st'tli horror in Li-gland as the arrest of one do honestly nt defense of your own lite, tho law sensation lea lor i;,is.ll l,f..,,., ...,..; "ntish subject would Ik.o ilono in tltn Not t!- pronounces a justifiable act. Sj when the lifo of i letter writer, and. with the exccDtion of thVhorr. ! TT ,"c,ll."nT AtM ' thanke.1 God fUo nation is assailed by vile traitors embodied ' .. . . . ' : t. no ir , r in -tnc nr m Hmj .m. ........ m mi ir.-irv nreiif t.. .. i . . . vi Kill ll I n I " 1 1 1 Ul I'l . I ....... iwi , v.3 utnil IILlllM. tlll'V h llisi beyond all law, and the nation, in defense of its rt ii ti ul 1 1. i .it 1U . K' r ... U .1 I'wi ivjva it m.j ii iu t , h iicii iiu as OH TIH ..1 i i Chronicle, he has been chief of the 7W Rt,r. ,' .1 ""V"" st!lr? stnlus In 1850 ho became a banister, the literary dod-e . J T m X"vK to. , Reused M w ' . : tlio Southern IVst ()l hee wit i hav hur i,,i,,n,.r!l uuuii pniuiieeu to o ieu me tioor to irooj soi icrv. i- , . " i - fin. li 'in ..-.i... . . . c . '- witti ins r L'-'i. .j inu gui.iieinaii says ou J out It is noto rious that he never held a brief, wore a wis; or rresptindenee, forgetting that his em- All communication to this ollice should be addressed to 11. .SUAW A, Co., Kujfeiit- City, Oregon. To AnvwmsKKS. -R-.isiness men tliroiinliout Oregon ami California will hnd it irreatly to their lulvautage to adver ti. in the St.tk KKtt'r.n:y. Tribute to the Memory of Eva. hi j. h. ; U.K. l'uir Kva was a lovely child. Her eye o clear, so sweet, so mild ; The smile that played atouml her mouth Was soft as the air of the sunny South ; The silvery music of her voice Oft made a lonely heart rejoice ; And often 'round the family heurlh, Iler sparkling eye and ready lnii th t'reatcd many h joyous thrill, Which now in that sad home is still. A misd so ripe in one so young Is seldom for this earth-life long ; And now beneath the trysting place The sod has hid her lovely face. Tho mvift Wilhunett's rippling wave Goes murmuring by dearKva's grave; And a little tir tree shades the mound Wlwre her aged friend laid her body down. Yet Kva lies not in that sand She's gone to the happv spirit land ; Where lost and loved ones, gone before, KeceiTc her to that llowcry shore. AndA when weary hours beguile. Will memory bring 'air Kva's smile, Until her smiling face seems here, The hearts that love her best to cheer. In visions oft of her ideal AVill that enchanting scene grow real. How Gen. Bunks Array was Surc.1. Williamsport, Md., May 20., 1802. Dear Father ami Mot. i r : You have proba lily heard by lliis time of the three days' fighting from Slrasburg and i'roiit lloyal to Martins burg. Our company and Company 15 were ordered to Front U.iyal, in the mountains, twelve miles from Strasburg, last Friday, and when we got within t wo miles of our destination we heard cannonading. The Major ordered the lniggase. to stop, and our two companies dashed on, and found seven companies of our infantry mid two pieces of artillery engaged with several thousand of ihc enemy.. Just as we arrived on the field, Colonel l'arem, who had command of our forces, rude up to me mid ordered me to take one man and the two fittest horses in our company and riJe for dear life to Gen. Hanks' lieadquarte'rs in Strasburg, for reinforcements. The direct road to Strasburg was occupied by tho enemy, so I was obliged to ride round an other road seventeen mil ;s. 1 rodo tho seven teen miles in fifty-five minutes. General Hanks did not seem to think it very serious, but ordered n regiment of iutantry nnd two pieces of artillery off. I asked Gen. Banks for a fresh horse to iuin my company, and ho gave me the best one that 1 ever rode, and I started back. 1 came out I on the Front lloyal turnpike, about two miles this side of where I left our men. Saw two men standing in tho road and their horses stand ing by the fence. I supposed they were our rickets. They didn't hall me, so I asked them it they were pickets. I, " Who are you V 1 : - .i . i -in c viiaMi.'ig 'ugraee upon inn i-.ii n-.ii people, as well as an insult to our own. He? was sum motied to the Polire Court, and out of respect to ttie climvli going nation lie represented, as well ! 'i disgusted with his ignorance of our religious ; customs, he was discharged, lie returned to i describe as an eye witness th i battle from hich he acknowledges ho was six miles distant. It has come to pass that he arrived in Washing ton some hours iu advance of tho disorganized volunteers which he ridicules, and carved his f.iets out of his imagination. lie is a wore painter, and can paint a truth as well as a lie ; but his taste runs in the latter vein. Consequent ly, he sinks truth wherever ho can, so that he may tho morii cll';etu,illy float tho lie with which ho caters to tho willing appetite of English secession. IIt. BOW.SOo! SI.AVEKY. gave a legal opinion. He did what Carter and Makepeace Thackery did before him paid tho hundred pound barrister license to obtain the lucus standi of tho West End. In 185 1 and 1855 ho was the tj rant of the army at the Cri I, o.i nn.i u . . ...o-., :..i.. ,i;.i i , . .i i .. niiu oi ..mail ii uiu ul. Hoc u.u me it s ai us, ... :. .t i i , command, there are mv lli,., in ,1,. l'.,;.l. " ,,UJ Vral',a wlt1' llls i... i.: :,f. ., ... , ""iing the peaceful serves. His attack upon tho Commissary de partment did more to prolong the contest than is I generally known. 1 was told, when at St. IV tersbiirg,after the war, that the Emperor receive 1 telegraphic dispatches from Loudon as to the wretched condition of the allied forces, as do. scribed by "our own correspondent," which made the l.ussians more vindictive and more determined, more obstinate, and stimulated them to make greater exertions to pour down troops to the Crimea. Hear, hear, an.1 true. Eug land may thank Uussell for additions to many a Crimean grave yard ; many a noble home in England has been made sad bv this reckless trader iu human reputation, who yesterday came sniveling, like a whipped" school boy, before the British people, in a three column attack on the American Government, simply because that Government has enforced its orders, not against Mr. l.'ussell only, but against all the correspond ents ol tho world. American as well as European. France, he forgets to mention, was the dear ally of England iu the Russian war, yet he was re fused permission to enter tho French camps, although tho allied Generals were acting iu con cert. App!au-e. Tho Emperor sent a special order prohibiting his entrance inside tho ranks. It was enough to see tho Times play into the hands of Utiss'a by slandering the Eug'ish armv, without libeling the French as well. lYosidoiit Lincoln has only followed the oclioii of some other distinguished.names. Do you think that the British Government would nllow any news paper correspondent, iu tiie employ of anv other Government, to criticise any of tho movements of the army on the field "of battle 1 ' No."l How strange thatheshould ask a favorof the Pres ident whom a short time ago he accused of man slaughter iu hanging tho slave trader, Gordon. lint, to coiuinue in ISob he. was sent to Mos cow to paint the picture of Alexander's corona tion, and 1 will do him the justice to say that he painted it well. Cheers. That year his col lego dubbed him LL. 1). Tho next year he was in India, and, in 1S5S, established that lamentable failure, the Army and Xavy Gazette. And now we come more directly to the question in debate Was tho President justified in his expulsion t Hoar, hear. Received at New York with open arms, intro. duced at our clubs, and in our families, ho writes his first letter, nnd prints his first libel, declaring that thcro was no Union feeling, no Union senti ment, no Union army in the North ; predicting the entire collapso of our llepublie. Ho went to Washington, where doors opened wide again to give him welcome, ond again he replied with another sneer at tho Federal resources. He passed on to Chai leston, and thcro it was that ho found tho gentleman, the chivalrous oflicer, the anointed Carolinian ; and Abolition Uussell fell violently in lovo with negro slavery, nnd Southern brandy. From this point he wrote that Uepubliea"ism was de.-td in the South the Loiistnuiion, us I moil and its flag, may resort to any means that God Almighty has put into their hands honestly to maintain their eonstitti. p.ovcrs in I nnting House Square are ever ; Uoiial rights. 1 know very well that small law ready to cut a truth out of any letter and insert j yi"M lll:iy "I" " '"'eso great questions of a lie w hen it answers their purpose. Not en , statesmanship and pettifog as a man would to tirely corrupt, still respecting the lessons of the 1 sereen a felon before a Justice of tho Peace, and Puritan custom of keeping the Sabbath holy. j place his arguments ou those narrow principles What must then bo the disgust of the good j of constitutional law. II-i may req dro all tile people of Illinois to find this model churchman ! assumptions of innocence tha't aro so often re- ,'s and gun, disturb i sorted to to shield a culprit from tho punishment services iu the little village I his crime. It is done here. But. sir. the unin church on its border with the report of firearms. I whose lite is assailed does not summon a iurv. They said "No." Savs W e are part of General ! Confederacy wanted a king and tho Prince of Jackson s stall. 1 supposed liiey were on ly j Wales was suggested. That noble Prince, who, joking. I laughed and asked them where Gen. j a fuw months before, had been insulted in Ui. h Jackson was. They said he was in the advance. IMOI1ji the ony paco wnero h(J w;ls ,K)t Wu I left the.n and rode toward Front Royal till 1 1 received in the Western world. Acting on these overtook a soldier and aked hnn what regiment ; oUers, and his Confederate conspirator, Bunch. Jie belonged to. He said he belonged U) the . ,le BrC0ssion British Consul at Charleston Lord Eighth Louisiana. I asked how large a force j jm j'sse ,. lis f,,.st st(.p j neknowl they had, and the reply was "twenty thousand." (edging the rebels as belligerents, and it is not luiucu u.n-n ...r ...j .......v., nie ,.,, (), tlose liriiisii spies tnat the roreiy;u ;perate light or a oouineru j u ; oui Secretary did hot acknowledge the Confederacy. in the road didu t stop me, and I was Un.lur the sacreJ cover of Dr. Brownson argues that slavery has produ ced our present national crisis that the rebellion itself is only the armed phase of tho slavery question and that unless this question is dis posed of so that it can never come up again, all the efforts of our Government and people will be idle, and all our sacrifices of men and money will be worse than lost. In his view, tho time has come when the slave system anil the free labor system cannot exist sido by side in the same country. He says iu his" Qnurtcry Jie view : It is, we suppose, the object of the United States in the present civil war to break up the " , 1 ."" Southern Confederacy, to put down mid utterl v f?. ,0." l,r,,,l,or 1 ",""St extinguish tho present rebellion, and. as far human foresight and human abilily can go, to guard against any like rebellion iu future. The aim of every nation should be, first of all, self preservation, or the maintenance of its own existence and tho integrity of its territory. Our nation can do this only by rendering universal either the slave svstem or tho free labor svstem. ii-gi.in.uig slavery every wnero in the land, or permitting it nowhere. Were wo to beat, as wo are beating, tho armies of tho Confederacy, mid crush its present military power, wo should so long us slavery occupied its former position, at best gain only a truce for some years, no solid or durablo peace. Tho embers of tho rebellion would still slumber, ready to break out and burn alresli on tho lirst opportunity. Iho slavehold ing interest might consent again to govern nnd use the Union for its own ends, but it would not be extinguished, and would break out in a s-till moro formidable rebellion, and again convulse tho nation, the moment that the interest of free labor should show itself able nnd determined to assert its own rights and legitimncv. Ihe attempt to combine, the two systems has been tried under the most favorable circumstan ces, without success. The experience of the future, with tho same object in view, would only bo a repetition of the past. It is useless to multiply words about it. There can be no permanent union of freedom wilh slavery, no national unity and integrity with slavery in nun half uf the States and freedom in tho other. We have tried the experiment fur ami uio nation whose lite is assailed bv traitors nee I not summon a jury. All you want is tho power honestly exercised, to put it down 1 am tired of hearing arguments iu favor of traitors. 1 he Coiiilitutiou takes their lives, i new property, their nil. Are they not in quest of ours If there is any stain on tho present Administration, it is that'they have been weak enough to deal too leniently with these traitors. I know it sprung from goodness of heart it .sprung from tho best of motives ; but, lis a method of putting down this rebellion, mercy to traitors is cruelty to loyal men. Look into the seceded States and seo thousands of loyal men there coerced into their armies, to run tho ha aid of their lives, and placed iu tho damnable position of perjured traitors by forco of arms. If there is a man there bold enough to maintain his integrity in tho face of these infernal powers, do they scruple to tako life, his property, his all 1 By our merciful course wo havo paid a premium to treason, and made it almost impos siblo that a loyal man in tho seceded States can maintain himself ut all. Thoso States are often overrun by lawless bands of rebels, w ho do not scruple to take their property and their lives, and treat them with every indignity and every cruel ty that a perverse ingenuity can invent; but on the other hand, when ou.- nrmies come along there they deal quite us leniently with tho trait or us with tho loyal man. What teaches human nature? A man, having solely a regard for his self-interest, living in one of these communities. will undoubtedly reason thus; '1 must profess to bo a traitor; 1 must co-operate with them, for MI their lawless hands overrun tlin nmiilrii I in as : i .l . ;.. i . .. . nauii, ii i snow any i nioii sentiment, any love tor the Constitution and tho old flag, I shall lose not only my life, but nil I possess ; while ou th other hand, if tho 1'ederal forces overrun th" country, they arc so lenient that, even professed traitor as I am, they will respect not only mv nr.. i .1 . . oil:, .mo, uijf property, ana all I have. i Ins rule is ns impolitic as it is unjust. Yon should carry tho avenging sword along with your army and smite treason, nnd put it down, ami yield protection to honest, loynl men. Until vou aiiopL mat cousro you win war in vain. Ivor one, I say let us go forward ngainst treason nnd traitors : let us put down this rebellion nt nil hazards. If it must come to this, that the Union and slavery cannot live together, lot slavery die tho death, for the Constitution, tho Union, nnd the time-honored old flag ahull live forever !" Distinction Without a Dikfkke.vck. A case occurred in tho District Court on Saturday last, which created no little amusement, and for a time I ho majesty of justice gave way to the risibilities of mirthfulness. It was "John Doe vs. Uichard lioe," in which right, title and inter est to certain cuttle was ct stake. The main w itness in the case, for Doo or Uoo, it matters not which, was one Steward, from Missouri Lend, " new Pike," ou tho Sacramento river. The opposite party sought to impeach this wit ness, and among others introduced a man from the land of Pike by tho name of Jfayes. The rjnystioii was asked him, " If the said Steward ..-I iii hi.. a...!i.:. ... n ..r i. ... i ... -.1 .i i . .. c . , . . r -, , in - 'imiiiwu .1 niiui oi li muni u vera-uiv. tho best part of n century, and it has failed, ! 'in. ..;,.'.. i ,i , e ., . J , .... .!.. o . i i.v . . o ' 1 he w ituess answered, " that as far as the truth From tho Uepublican-Extra of July 5. LATEST EASTERN NEWU, From the Daily Sic. Union wo have tho fol lowing summary s Tho theater of war has been so far contracte I that a good map of Virg nia will probably ans wer for tracing tho movements of tho contend, ing forees during the remainder of tlio struggle. It is in that triangular section of tho Old Domin. ion, including the valley between tho Blue Hidgo and tho Alleghanies, and the tidewater region, which is nbrut equal in area to Scotland, that tho enemy have concluded to concentrate their strength for a final effort. Johnston, Beauregard and Jackson, the three most trusted leaders of tho rebels, are there already, and nearly all thu troops that can be raised by a rigid conscription aro being mustered to swell the host that gives battle for the "lights of tho South "and the glo ry of King Cotton. It is obvious that tho nolicv of the enemy is favorablo to a speedy closo of tuo contest, as AloCiellan appears t.o bo keeping open the North Carolina highways, so that tho rebels may reach their chosen field. The morn concentrated the forces the swifter will be tho decision. With large reinforcements from tho victorious nrmy in tho Wet, MeClollau mav soon havo three hundred thousand men in Vir giuia tho greater number of whom are well trained soldiers. We question whether tho reb el Generals can concentrate an equal number, and feel assured that thousands of their men will be raw conscripts, poorly equipped, and without heart for the struggle. Pope and Sigel, two of the ablest Generals of the Western forees, havo arrived in Virginia. There will bo no lack of active and skillful subordinates to execute tho operations planed by the geiicral-in-ehief. Tho contest will bo fierce and sanguinary. Of that there can be no question. But with such armies in close proximity, mid maneuverinir within a. contracted area, the end must come speedily. Biwnsido will close the Southern doors of escape. A powerful column in tho Vallev will m-...,i Jackson down towards Uiehmoud. McDowell will keep them below tho line of the Rappahan nock. They can only break the coil by defeat ing McClellan. In the meantime it is consolin to know, that by tho choice of a battle grouiiLT tho rebels have saved tlio bulk of tho I 1 1 1 ( ill nrm ir irom tne malaria of tlio Cotton States, and placed themselves just where it will bo easiest for a General of skill, with sufficient forees, to nnnihi late the military power of the " Conf ode racy " by the closo of July. We have tho winding up of the war in north ern Mississippi; tho evacuation of Memphis the capture of Chattanooga; the Departure of Buell tor East Tennessee ; tho advance r.f Mor gan from C imbcrland Gap upon Knoxvillo tho particulars of two battles between Fremont's and Jackson's forces in tho valley of Viroinia the official report of tho losses in tho batTlo of utterly failed. bio s.iciiiices to cover of diplomatic letters, 'il j ti"""'' ,,""e l,i:'t w f o"1J tifI ' ll' ..' . . . . ..i-..;i.'.. ;. ...... ... i t ... i... .cither a des the officers . .. . -i . - i lucky enough not to meet any ot mew pickets. , ;s ,;,ir ta presume that at this lime ho made his jJtit if it was not a narrow escape, then 1 don t , ri..,..,, frnuh .hp,,,,,,!, .h., lt,iii.l know what is. When I got out of the enemy's ,.M i .he rebel Chuhi'iU th ..tii- i,ln. r 1,10 result has been contempt on the part of the ! ,.i..' i i it.... f .. t ... .u. i." I.l .... n - - .... . ,. ...!, . i... i-..: ..... .... ".c is your j ' . , - '""-"'vmg ,, , n..u uio. prev Mick,..! the same answ 1.'.. i i,.. i.. ..u I ivery. Compromise after ,, , i.ia ,.i r.. ., . ' " compromise has been consented to. We have , 7, V, ,. ' , . i . doubt but Steward was all right on tho truth suppiesscd the u.teraneeof our noblest convic- ,.,,,. ilt ,lU ..i,, ,., f . . ,i i i " i ----- ......... vi sv.i iim.uj nui n i i iifi ii ri'. it iiiitr . . - . ...w Ill'flll li:lil nr.. Id U f..irn I r.e,so.,e ...M.ncis 01 immaiiuv, H'sr ny gome ,.., . i. ... the uih came in the bar " came down " Jines I rode ns fast ns the horse could carry me j th Northern armv. Oh ! and where o Ueneral iJ.inks, and reported what 1 had seen proil, ?j , wej as ,,, (-eop Yancey nn 1 the .and beard. He said I had saved the i.rmy. In British Government thoroughly posted, through Jess than an hour the whole army was in motion, the dispatches of Lord Lyons to the Foreign toward Winchester. Alter I left Front lloyal I (jtlice ; acting the double part of a British infor to take the first dispatch to Strasburg, our two j ,ner und ft rebel spy ! Dissent, and proof, .companies of cavalry, who were covering the proof. reireni o, me miantry auu oagg ig-, were KuacK Yol. a,k for rroof-I refer vou to the dinlo l u I .... .!.....! i .!. . I ii " Il dispatehl" '7" " ""o"'- e.iuang., o,o a ,. uvkl, ., L,p,.r, will the spectators joined in the ere cross-examination only er, that Steward might be cut rebellion. ed on three sides bv nlout three thousand of the ... .mi. i, ui i,,. leneis lit Eastern Virginia, and tho important proceedin-'s of Congress. If the enemy fight a few more buttles like that of Fair Oaks, tho aristocratic class who hold the commissions will be sadly re duced in numbers. They admit it loss of five Generals, tweiity-threo Colonels, ten Majors, fifty-seven Captains, and eight thousand men killed, wounded or captured. McClellan's loss is ofheiaHy stated nt 5,73 1, of whom 890 wero killed. The dispatches from tho Virginia Val ley show that on tho Tlh of June, Fremont do feated Jackson iu a bloody battle nt Cross Keys, a few miles west of Harrisonburg, in which each sido suffered heavy losses. The next day Shield's advance, while in pursuit of tho enemy, was checked and driven back with loss, nftcr n five hours fight at Port Uopublie. Jackson having been largely reinforced. Fremont rntim.I Af. Jackson, which he fortified. Si-'el was at Stras". burg; Banks nt Winchester. Tho war i--ifrna fiercely iu that quarter, and marching nnd fight ing proceed with little intermission. Congress has nearly completed tho more imnortanf. ness of the session. Jts work marks a neyy em in the history of the republic. Besides devisin.f a system of taxation fir which no nrei ion ovn.f. rieiicc hnd fitted our legislators, this body has prohibited the extension of slavery into the Ter ritories, enacted tho Homestead Law, passed tho Act providing for tho construction of a Pacilio Railroad, authorized tho building of a fleet of iron clad vessels of war, overhauled plundering contractors and doubtful officials and, in gener al, given an earnest support to tho national Ad ministration in tho prosecution of tho war. Tho Confiscation Bill is the only measure of much importance to bo acted upon. Congress may conclude its lubors by tho Fourth of July. Dispatches up to the i7th state that McClellan is steadily advancing, nnd holding all tho ground gained. (Jen. Pope has been assigned tho com mand of tho army in Virginia, consisting of Fre mont's, Banks' and McDowell's firccs. malic correspondence, iu the month of O .tober, i.cmy a ciivnirT. our nova i,mu, iihh utoirl ull..lr. ... ,Ii.,.r,l t,.,,a ,1 tiM aearly half of them were killed or wounded, ,,mn J;n lhe ,l( J-J,,, . f.,r gen.img rebel v.it., aciiemei. iu i niciiesier. From your son, Charles II. Greexleaf, Company D, Fifth New York Cavalry. lllitiejiliu Hie ICViHI w .'uiivii, i". oi-ii'jiii;i m:ih:j . r'tl...i .1 ... . T .u w .i. i . ,.i has l.nled ; but the attempted union of freedom papers from the Southern leaders to their tjin-1 , . ' , . . ,, . ., -"' I . .... ... . i lllld R :Hi-rv. (if li... o-.kMiifi.-i V hotih. nti.l ...ii. I I .l i , ,., I..,.' ,i- ,, .'"'' l.tv, oi iwo essentially nosine anu IIII3S1I ISII. I S li' I r. llllLiHil "IH .WI1 3 UI'.ilL.II .11 O . I f . , l- i .,f v" i i tu.illy repellant sv stems iii the siunn State, bag, and the .foreign Oihee. Seward navingl ' 1 ' ii,i- takitig of Baton Rouge " At tho approach of the ships the rebel flags were hauled down nnd the star, nml iii....j .1,.. ...j.j.m. ui. me .j..L.a.. v.... ...... l...,l., ... i piayen irom puiiiic and private liui ditigs, ..; .i;.. 1 I..,.. I.1.... I i -Miss lliNKi.er was visitui" an artist tn.l i-. . . 1 .. . . IA 1 1 I'llLLI If. VJII'ILIII..-T. . V ' Jt W't.l. IIUJVII " n ........ . ,....,, If... .I.llnl.l.iaiil l.l-n L'.kI.... .......... .1... Down East there resides certain M. D. One afterwards wnt his special me3en.zer by every i IaIy, nnd tfm nainUr ro nted out to o.a nigm; ne was aroused oy a very loud rapping steamer to ashington, and it is a singular tact K ' ' ni.iK.ng ... m i...nre, con ,,., with f.h(M. j Wl.vin h.a, ,, t. ndli,,r . ft... .1... - AA... k U- . ... .i . -i r - I vertnur a n.-i int.. f....t.. nil li,, I. .1 ... .1.. i ... .. . ' m.iiuii- . .in in-ill, ..ll;. sou e ue. LaL on ue well, lu iiiul I : rpr mi. l rsi in uuiu I fverv I r. ........ ....... ..,......, .... t . i i j. new trial 01 me experiment i . .11 r;,ri,. . i.,-... ,1.,. ... .1 ., . i 1 . e.1,1 si.eei.pd nr. !..., ... f. .,.!,.. l ,.f , K I I . . ' r -oil, uo. .., ural uo, o,u e ,, , . '.i ' ,. . veracity was questionable. Hayes had got Slates, if thev would retain tho sigh est ap. 1,:. i . 1 ,1 , .. ., l , s ., . h. ,', , . ,' 1 it into his head that verac ty had something to nroucll to se It resoi'el raiiiint IiOssi I. v in.iL-u ....... b . ,.,,.. 1 ', .', . , " , 00 with stealing hogs or hrunding ca ves, nnd greater concessions, or do more than they have 1.1..'. .; .1 1 1. ....1 . - ' . . . ... , i""'i'i . .n n. ..1. ....... i.iei net h iroo. - aweadv done to render practical and permanent , marM ,,,, ,,u jdciwof , 0 mst " or Til a r kencii CA.,,nEt.-M. Gallar- thai.,,,,.,,, lhe experiment has failed, as fl 'le.idedlv "hang, daii-lir... in tho air'WWie'11', ','1!7lroi11 lim' tu ,ho Courier de, it always will and always must. It is not cm-1 jj,j j,, .)ei,Zr. tM if" Mjr th, states that the French stituteuial government, it is not Republicanism, ' Cabinet are as much divided on the American rs some of our European friends pretend, that j ... . , . 77 . , Uoman questions as the French reoplo . M..,.,..,n -.r.x, ,ias u,o louowing on the themse ves. 'I I,.. S,.tl, l. ...... I, .. 1. friends in M. M. !e Persigny and Pitlaut ; the North a well wisher in M. Thouveiicl. On the Roman question. Prince Nanole.in n,..l f The HijF.iy are warm champions of Victor Emanuel, while the J-.m press and Count Walowski aro as strong defenders of tho Pope. the window and aked "Who's there T A friend." M What do you want?" " Want to stay here all right-" Well, stay there all night and I d d." f-' I' tui; iuiilIum t a t .ni- u. I,n nt.!, ..I ,l,,v. i. 1,. t ....1 ..1 - 'i v. iiiuiiMi niMj rfie(l then 1 with r hfir niul wat-imi L .t L. it mation on both 8iJe ct the ine, the moment . - j leKP.nuo , . mi irownr down on lloriM.mok mi1 crief, out 4 Hurrah f(jr rht..- KpI . K.it into a petticoat. "Ihats all the li leivneo.7' : i i.. i . . t . 'go on, Russell was next at tort Pickens, which "On canvas," sa;,I the witty prima donna. resented as in tho highest state of excitement Z-' . "T- at..V"ntonL' -Misviur. lor fhv i ...1.1 1 L . . o Asdrkw J. Vallanuioiiam. who renresenf. himself as a brother of the Congressman of that hefilsc.lv predicted would soon be occupied bv J ' General Bragg ; but recent events have proved ; j the Union sentiment overwhelming all sympathy Short settlements make lorrj fricnj. There is a good nature. bachelor so eenrrous : w ith the rebellion." that although Oeneral uragS m ,,e tt good d.ig, that, jmor Icllo.v I ho would even give his heart General Holdfast is a better. Laughter. away, if ho could only find an interesting object : A Doctor has got a rcmcJy for hard time, i At New Orleans he commence to bf d.s-usted j to take it. What a j.ifv. It consists of ten hours' work well worked in. robbery, bushwhacking and jayhawkinir cener nUy.J'itts&ury Dispatch. b Is reference to ladiea' dresses, it is no longer proper to say "the height," but breadth of fashion.