Blackwood'sHagazine AND TUEJ British Reviews. Great Inducements to Snbsoribel ! PREMIUMS AND REDUCTIONS. SCOTT k CO., NEW YORK, continue to publish the following leading British Periodicals, Tlx.: TUE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative). THE EDINBURG REVIEW (Whig). THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (To ry). The present critical stute of European affairs render these iniblications unusually interesting during liese publications unusually interesting during forthcoming year. They will occupy a middle ground be twecu the hastily writteu news items, crude speculations, and flying rumors of the daily journal, and the ponderous tome o( tue future mstorian, written alter tne living inter est and excitement uf the great political events of the time shall have passed away, it is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelligible and relia ble history of current events, and as such, in addition to their well-established literary, scientific, and theological character, we urge them upon tue consideration ol tne read' inir nublic. The receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS from the British publishers gives additional value to these fleprints, inaS' much as they can uow be placed in the bands of subscrib ers about as soon as tho original editions. TERMS. (Regular Prices.) Per annum1 For any ono of the four Reviews 3 00 For any two of the four Reviews 6 00 For auy three of the four Reviews - - 7 00 Eor all four of the Reviews - 8 00 For lilackwood's Magazine - - - 8 00 For Blackwood and one Review - S 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews - 7 00 For Blackwood and three Keviews 9 00 For Blackwood aud four Reviews 10 00 POSTAGE. The Postagk to any part of the United States will be but tweuty-four cents a year for "Blackwood," and but fourteen cents a year for each of the Reviews. At the above prices the Periodicals will be furnished for Premium to New Subscribers, the Nos. of tho same Periodicals for 1809 will be fumi ;"ied complete, without additional charge-. Unlike the more ephemeral Magazines of the day these Periodicals lose little by age. Hence a full year of the Nos. lor lSu'J, may be regarded nearly .as valuable as for 1S1W. Subscribers wishing also the Nos. for 1SG2, will be sup plied at the following kxtrkhxlt low batks: Liberal Oilers for '60 '61 and '62 together. For Blackwood's Magazine, the three years, (5 00 For any one Review, - - ' ' 5 00 For any two Keviews, - ' 1 8 00 "For Blackwood and one Review, ' ' 8 00 For Blackwood aud two Reviews, ' ' 12 00 For three Keviews, - ' ' 11 00 . For Blackwood and three Reviews ' ' 15 00 For the four Reviews, - ' ' 13 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews, ' 17 00 -Any of the above works will also be furnished to Sew Sabtcriheri for the years 18r7, '68, and '59 At one half the Regular SulKription Price. Thus a J'. Xuhacr'Jjer may obtain the Hepriuts of the four Keviews and Jilaciwoou Six Consecutive Years for 32 ! I Which is about tho price of the orioiiudtrorkt for one year. . it . ' i. , : I 1 ... 1. As wu snail luvcr again ue naeiy io uner buvu ihuhw inunts as those here presented, now is the time to subscribe. t Remittances must, in all cases, be mado direct to tne J'ininitere, lor at tneso prices no cuuiuiwsiuu ku w allowed to agents. Address, LEONARD SCOTT 4 CO., No. 6-4 Gold Street, New York. PHOSPEOTUS OF TUB NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. Washixotox. D. C. July 1. ISM Tho undersigned commenced, in the month of Decem ber last, the publication, in tins city, ot a wecxiy newspa .,ll,,l tlm XutLttuil JltDublican. It is printed on a large sheet, twenty-seven by forty-two inches, aud is furnished at tho low prices stated below. It will contain all the original matter of the daily Saturn- at H-publican, with the exception 01 local news not inter ...tin to country subsciibcrs. It will give full reports ol the proceedings of Congress, and of the other departments tit the national uovernmenv. nwiu cuuuiiu an wis mm of tho day, foreign and domestic, markets, etc., as well as or'ginu'l correspondence from all parts of the country. The miscellaneous department will receive special attention ami. in all respects, the effort will bo made to establish the character of the Actional JitpMican as a Family Newspa per. Washington being now the central point of the cur rent military operations, great attention will be paid to f,i,-i,U!,in., the readers of the StUiunal Jirnuhlican with full. a nil especially with accurate, accounts of the progress of tho war tor tno union. Iu politics, the paper will be Ropuhlican, sustaining the Administration ol Mr. Lincoln, but disclaiming, however, any pretention to be the organ of the President. There is no' Republican paper in the District of Columbia, or in the vicinity ot it, and it is believed that recent events have ntieni-il to such a naner au important sphere of useful effort. The time has come, when the actual administration of the Government upon Republican principles will explode the misrepresentations which nave made tnose principles so distasteful to the South. But it is not only here, and in this vicinity, that the projectors of the Satiuiutl KrpHllUn hope to make it useful. To the whole country they oiler a journal which will discuss national politics from a national standpoint, and which will never be swerved from patriotic duty by any overpowering pressure or local interest. Terms of Subscription. One copy fur one year, f 2 00 Throe copies for one year, 5 00 Five copies for one year, 7 Ps Ten cepies for one year, ...... 19 CO Twenty copies for one year, SO 00 When a club of subscribers has been forwarded, additions mav be made to it on tho same terms. It is not necessary that the subscribers to a club should receive their papers at the same post ollice. Money may be lorwarded by mail, at nur risk, Lariro accounts can be remitted in draft on Boston, New York, Philadelphia or Baltimore; smaller amounts in gold, or in notes of solvent banks. The Daily Sat'wnal R,'pnhlittn is published every morn ing (Sundays excepted at (.1 ,Vpr annum, in advance. Address W. J. Ml'KTAGll k CO., Washington, I). C. VALUABLE LAND FOB SALE ! 1 OFFER MY FARM FOR SALE, in whole or in part, X to suit purenasers. ll is nesiraoir ana vniunuiy riiub ted, high and drv, adjoining Eugene City; embracing good level prairie with a lair amount of river bottom and tim ber. Persons wanting quantities of a few acres adjoining the town for building sites, or larger amounts for farming or other purposes, or any one wanting the whole amount, can have an opportunity to purchase on accommodating terms, bv application to nie, or to Dr. A. W. Patterson, oa the premises, Eugene City, Oregon, March 10, lHj. ' 11. SHAW. LOVEJOY'S HOTEL, Corner Battery and VaJleJo St, SAX FRANCISCO, CAU THIS well known house is five stories high, with a com manding view of the harbor, and is close to the land ing places of the boat running to Oaklaud, Petaluma, Or. ' gon, and the Atlantic State. In accommodation this House will vie with any la the flat. The 'futile are supplied with the heal the market sflonts. Single ttnnm and Rooms for Families well fur nished and thoroughly ventilated, and every attention is used in every department to promote eomfort of its patron. 1'eaaengen coming from the different bo Is ara earned fre Of charge. 1,-ir.S tim JOHN J. P0YLE, Proprietor. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN TE IT KNOWN THAT I. TIIOUAS OGG 811 iW L 308 Sacramento street, San Francisco, bare now on band, lor sale 8 and 10-Horse Steam Threshers, for 1862, 8 & 10-IIorse Power Machine! of John A. Pitts' genuine make, Buffalo, N. Y., with all of C. M. Russell's improvements in the Shoe and Cylinder; as it runs on Steel nvota, and in all otner respects superior to tne nils sell make of Machine, both in material and workmanship, as well as nniali; witu tne large sizcu, improved iuca. Six 12-IIorae Power Steam Engine, on Trucks, and capable of running the largest sized Separator, and threshing in on day, iu a good and workmanlike manner, ,uuu sacs or grain. 4 and 6IIorse Machines, in all respects the same as the large Machine, to run with GEAR, same as old style i'ltts. All of the above Machines are made at Buffalo, N. Y., ex pressly for me and under my direction. Auy person In want of such machines cannot fail to be pleased, as this Machine stands unrivaled for Threshing and Cleaning Grain at one operation. It is acknowledged to be superior to any other Machine m the W UULU, m its Uperation, Finish, and Mechanical Construction. Extra Extras ot all parts of the Genuine Pitts' Machine constantly on hand. No Machines Genuine except those made at Buffalo, N. Y., and marked " J. A. PUTS. Iist of the Articles Manufactured at Thomas Ogg Shaw's Agricultural Works. Tus tin's California Combined Reaper and Mow , er ; California Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ; Fan Mills ; Han Presses ; Cast Steel Deep- Tiller Plows, all Sizes ; Breaking Plows, all Sizes; Field Rollers; Harrows; all Kinds of Ma- chins Castings : all hinds of Repairing done ; every des criplion of Brass Work ; Sash Weights of all sizes, to order ; Crates and Fen ders,for Marble Mantles. Among the lending articles are TUSTIN'S CALIFOR NIA COMBINED REAPER AND MOWER, which cuts six feet in width, and is the best Machine on the coast, as it possesses many advantages over those made in the states, This Machine took the First Premium at the Sacramento Fair, over all other Machines. This Machine is so con structed that it NEVER CHOKES UP, having two sets of knives, moved by the same crank ; thereby causing twice the velocity of the knives, over that given by any other machine, and preventing the possibility of choking, no matter how slow the team may travel. Attention is particularly called to the RAKING DE VICE, which will rake off the urain more regularly and evenly than can possibly be done by hand, thus saving the purchaser tne neat sum ol ou per day. lue Mocnnie is very light and durable. CALIFORNIA FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES. which have been tested at various times and found to be superior to any imported. They uro warranted to be Fire proof, and entirely free from sweating or duinpness, which is the great complaint ot the imported safes, as tlicy gath up, er moisture on I their passage. leir passai Oui Wrought and Chilled- iron Sale, with Steel Vaults, and CombiuutioB Locks, is unsurpassed by any. rtTAll orders promptly attended to. And in conclusion I will add. that all the above lists ot goods are made ol tne very be9t material that the country will afford. And while I feci thankful for all past favors, I trust I may meet with goon encouragement in the future, feverv article mat i import is of the very best stvle and improved goods in the market, and can be sold as cheap as the cheapest. All per sons in want of any of the above goods, will please send in their orders in time, to THOMAS OGG SHAW, 20-3m 208 Sacramento Street, San Francisco. F. DUDLEY. (succrasoR to r. w. jounson post omici scildiko,) DEALER IN BOOKS and STATIONERY. Keeping constantly on hand all the SCHOOL BOOKS iu uso In Oregon, and an immense variety of standard Miscellaneous Books. ALSO Paper ol all kinds Cap, Legal, Letter, Note, Printing, etc.; Envelops, 1'ens, 1'encils, Mian hooks every variety, Slates of all qualities and sizes, all first quality and cheap. TURNER'S FOREST WINE BITTERS. The Greatest Remedy of the Age, FOR TUB CUKB OF Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint. Weakness of Stomach, Or any Derangement of the Digestivt Organs. THEY regulate and prepare the stomach to receive and digest food in a healthy manner, giving action to the Liver, by removing the secreted bile, allowing the body its natural strength. " It is very essential for persons of every age and condition in life, to he careful and keep their Digestive Urgans in good oracr. nv doing tins, they will be nroof nsainst anv. or all, of the prevailing diseases, in cident to the different climates, no matter what the tem perature of the same." These Bitter are sure to do this m every case, if taken according to directions. There are thousands of small arteries and avenvet in the human frame, leading to and depending upon, tho gastrie juice produced by the stomach tor the support of the en- liro oouv. II me sioniacu is uisrasiMi, surciv n cannoi ao its work. Consequently the body must be fed from un prepared and unnatural saliva, sowing corruption through out the whole system. Hut if the stomach is kept in order, the created saliva goes to enrich the blood, giving a natural freshness to the countenance, aud strengthening the w hole frame. We desire any and every person using the Hitter to show them to and ask the opinion of their confidential family physician, in regard to the merits of thenrticle. TURNER'S FOREST WINE BITTERS Are sure to regulate the stomach, the main avenue to the whole body: Art sure to counteract Billiousness, when in malarious climate ; Ara sura to agree with the most weakly, as well as the most robust person ; Ara snrt to create a good appetite ; Are pleasant as a beverage ; Are economical and cheap: All travelera should carry these Hitters with them, to pre vent Billiousnes and rcver. caused uy change of water and climate. Seamen should carry them to nrevept Scurvy, Ship Fever and the like when they are deprived of fresh vegetable. All person of sedentry hsliits, who cannot ret at night, should take them before going to bed (as a foul and disr- danged stomach always p-oduce a ncrvmi irritation of the muscular glands, causing sleeples night). They assist the stomach to perform its natural power, allowing the patient to rest with composure. They are a very rich and nutritive wine, formed by the addition of nine ditfrrent kinds of roots, bark and herbs, making a very palatable as well a nae of tlie most nourishing Hitter in the world. There ha never been any article introduced that ha gained such nniverwl coahtlence, and been ao highly applauded K. il,. niihlic a these Bitter, They hve been in nse about sin ream, and the ale has increased so much that rl now takea'three Urge buildings, covering over nin lota of gmnnd. to do their bnaine. ... Knr the better protection of the public (aner thi date, lnl t.MhV hava Air a label, a i splendid and very rx- nnnaivel Steel Engraving, with the portrait of each mem ber of onr tirm, making a perfect guarantee against toiio- terfrit or imitation of the genuine article, V n llervamr our A Ar H'.Vff PTTTFIK will be manufactured from White Wine, which make a decided Improvement, nnequaled by any other bitters in the I nited state, sold wholesale, oy ' TURNER BROTHER?. Corner Washington and Franklin street. New York; Sl agara street, ButUlo, N. . comer Broadway and Front .tracts, Kan Franci Csl., and for sale Merchants and DniggiM evervwher. jytt m WHEELER & WILSON'S NEW STYLE SEWING MACHINE! NEW IMPROVEMENTS ! NEW IMPROVEMENTS ! NEW IMPROVEMENTS ! SO LEATHER PAD I NO LEATHER PAD I NO LEATHER PAD I GLASS CLOTH PRESSER. GLASS CLOTH PRESSER. GLASS CLOTH PRESSER. NEW STYLE HEMMER t NEW STYLE HEMMER ! NEW STYLE HEMMER 1 The Greatest Improvement Invented. MAKING AN ENTIRE New Style Machine, Formerly the justly celebrated LOCK STITCH, acknowledged by all to be the ONLY STITCH FULLY SATISFACTO RY FOR FAMILY PURPOSES. NEW STYLE MACHINE. PRICES REDUCED 20 PER CENT. PRICES BEDUCED 20 FEB CENT. BUY THE WHEELER is WILSON t It is the Cheapest, most Durable, and Easier Understood than any other Sewing Machine. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR ! II. C. HATDE5J, Agent, Cerner Sacramento and Montgomery streets, San Francisco. it HUMIST0N & MA DAN, IMPOETERS AND WHOLESALE DEALEK8 IN Fine Brandies. WINES AND LIQUORS, Fire Proof Brick Store, Front St., corner of Oak. PORTLAND, OGX., "VFFER to the trade of Oregon and v, ashington Tern- J tory inducements second to no other house on this coast. Our stock consists iu part of Fine Old Brandy, Otnrd, Dupuy & Co., James llenncsey, A. Boniott & Co., United Vineyard Proprietors, Pinett, Castillon & Co., Union of the proprietors, L. Marquet, A. Signetto, And various other brand. Also, very choice OLD BOURBON WHISKY, Old Rye Whisky, And all other choice brands now in market Pure Holland Gin, St Croix and Jamaica Rom, Cordials and Wines of every description. Also, of onr own bottling, which we claim to be superior to anything now in tne niaraei, OTARD, DUPUY & CO. & C MARQUEITS OLD IJOUUbUM V1II5M, ol a superior quality, and OLD KYiS WHISKY. Also. general assortment of ease goods, anaevervtbing elae annertainiim to the Liquor Trade, which we otter at San Francisco pricea. Orders from country mer chant and dealers respectfully solicited. X. B. All liauora sola nv us are euaranieea to ne gen- nine, and aa represented, except imported case goods, such as Mehnappe, etc. roruanu, vregwi, jiiuvu i, itraj, j NOTICE TO DRUGGISTS. WE HATE ON IIAD and are constantly receiving the flnest analitiea of BRANDIES AJfD WINKS. expressly for the Drug Trade, which we guarantee to be genuine. 11LM1STON M A I) A.N, CLOVE ANODYNE TOOTHACHE DROPS. Complain no more of Aching Teeth. Thm rmn have been f xtensirely ned hr thnnsanda. k.,.. ..Miinn has proved that tha Anodyne will viva Immediate and permanent relief aner the failure or every olher remedy. It i pleasant ta the last aad smell, and a few applicatioaa will entirely remove the pain and soreness from a decayed tooth, so that it may be filled and rendered aa aaefnl aaever. Whea the pain proceeds from the face or from the a-nma aronnd a loom apparently emina, inis Anodyne will give epeedy relief by rubbing a few drops oa the part affected, rrenared and anM by A. B. D. CAN OS, Wholesale rtrrif ifi.ta. l' Fnltoa street, corner nf William, New York. for sale be PeWitt, Kittle A Co., II. Johnaon A 0.. and Redingloa A Co.. taa Fraaoissp; Rice fethn, Marre ville i R II McDonald To., riacramento ; Smith A Davis, Portland ; WM. WALKfR. FngnCitv; and by DrnnriMs gen-rally. ii?7'm A Happy New Year! Friendly Greeting to Old Friends and Patrons ! READ, HEED, AND REFLECT! The commencement of the New Year, 1862, is the accepted and appropriate time for me to say to all whom it may concern . . HY BOOKS OUST BE SETTLED UP. And having waited on my patrons for years. I shall expect them to como forward at once and settle ekher by CASH PRCDUCE STOCK OR NOTE. I will receive in payment of old accounts or for goods (of which I have a full assortment at the old stand) all kinds of produce, such as Wheat, Oats, Butter, Eggs, Hides of all kinds, Steers of all ages, Work Oxen, t Horses, Mules, etc., eto N. B. I wish it distinctly understood that I do not wish to credit out any more goods, therefore I shall expect the produce or stock to be delivered before or at the tinio the goods are taken from the store. All accouuts must be settled by the first Jof March next, as we may want to leave for the Carriboo, or, if we do not you may, and I want all of our accounts settled before part. To those having accounts standing from the years '59 and '60 unless such accounts be speedily settled by note or otherwise, they will be placed iu the hands of an o nicer for collection. 3. L. BRUMLEY. Eugene City, Oregon, January 1, 1862. 2tf ROSENBLATT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER lit Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, mechanic's Tools, Boots, Shoes, etc., etc. Announces to the public and patrons that he is still in the trade at tho old and well known stand of S. ROSENBLATT & BROTHER ; and selling goods at the Lowest Prices, for CASH AND PRODUCE. His stock is entirely new. Purchasers will find here every article usually kept in tho stores of this city new and well selected. Those wishing to buy are requested to call and examine his slock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Remember tho place and that the stock WHOLLY NEW, and will continually be re plenished with fresh new goods of tho LA TEST STYLES, PATTERNS AND VARIETIES. iff Saddlery! Saddlery A LARGE LOT OF EVERY UESCRIP- tiou of Saddles. Bridles, liar-J ness, Pack-xaddlen. etc.. etc.. at SAM. COX'S Old Stand, Where we will be on linnd (I aint going to Salmon) to make any kind ot work, in our line, to order. None but the Best Material used. Fish's Infallible HAIR RESTORATIVE, FOR- RESTORING GRAY TO ITS HAIR ORIGINAL COLOR. It prevents tho Hair from falling off. It cures Baldness and removes all dandruff from the head. It allays all irritation of the scalp. It cools and refreshes the head, and imparts to the hair a healthy lively appearance. r. S. The properties which remove dandruff and scruD from the head, allay irritation and free the scalp from hu mors, renders this article invaluable aa a lotion in all cu taneous affections ; such aa Itch, Rash, Salt Rheum, Chil blains, Erysipelas, Ringworms, Shingles, Bites and Stings of Insects, and all eruptions of the skin, especially that caused by 7V Oat. This on!f genuine article is put np in fint Itvttlm, and has the written signature of .V. Hill; tht original proprie tor ami man w, on the label and wrapper. Beware of all put np in different style, which is couUrJU. REDINGTON & CO., WHOLESALE AGENTS, 409 and 411 Clay Street, San Francisco. R. PORTERFIELD, AGENT, STOCKTON. A. H. McCIXRE. For sale he r. eosTBu. a. BiLrtUL J. ROSENTHAL A. CO, WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELERS, -VtTHOI.ESALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CLOCKS, Watches. Jewelry, Silver and Mated Ware, Gold Pen. Cntlery, Fancy tioods, Perfumery, and Musical In struments. Mf-Watchea. Clock, and Jewelry repaired, and all kinds of Jewelrr made to ordT All of onr work warranted. NEW BUILDING. BETTER FACILITIES, AND " ;MORE ACCOMMODATIONS'. I would annonnce to the people of the Upper Willamette) that I have moved Into my new building cm the corner of Oak and Ninth Streets, in front of the Court House, where I will be found ready and willing to meet all my old friends and patrons and a iair proportion of new ones. It will be my aim to keep a complete1 slock of Staple Goods, . with as much Fancy and Ornamental Stock as the market may demand. Having formed1 business connections with extensive Business Houses in Portland and San Francisco', together1' with u TEAM which I keep constantly running' during the summer months, I flatter myself that I can offer to my customers ' INDUCEMENTS NOT. SURPASSED BY ANY HOUSE IN THE UPPER WILLAMETTE. I have, at much expense, made extensive prepara tions for Storage, by which means I am enabled to receive and place in market any production ot either FARMER or MECHANIC. I will also receive and ship to any commercial point, Goods, Produce, or other wares, giving the parties advsn tage of other markets, and extensive business acquaint ance. A LARGE STOCK OF JAYNE'S AND OTHER Patent Medicines; To counteract, as far as possible,, the hard times, I eat' culate to bring my busiiics to CASU AND READY PAY PRINCIPLES, making small profits and light charges. loose who are weary and heavy ladeu (with gold dust) give mo a call. Eugene City, Jan. 1,1862. Iff A. S. McCLURE. TUALATIN ACADEMY. EDWARD A. TANNER, A. M., (of Jacksonville, III ) l'KINCIPAL. MISS MARY HODGDON, (of Ipswich, Mass.) Assistant. Tuition . 0, 7 and 8 dollars per quarter of 11 weeks. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. REV. SIDNEY II. MARSH, A. M., President, and Acting Professor of Languages. REV. HORACE LYMAN, A. M., 1'RorKs.sou of Mathematics. EDWARD A. TANNER, A. M, pHortason Elect of Ancient Languages. These two Institutions arc ut Forcat Qrove, Washington county, Oregon. Arrangement are being made by which students can board in a club at about the cost of provisions. Board in fumilics is now J J 75 per week. By help of Endowments obtained at the East, Collegiate nstructiou is furnished students, however small tl, nm. ber. The situation of the College i. uusiirpnaacd iu besu ty and liealthfiilncss, uud is iu the midst of a moral com munity. The Library contains 2,500 choice books. Collections in Natural History are being made. Feb. 15, l-SGU. SCOVILL'S SARSAPAKILLA, AND STILLINGAI OR Blood & Liver Syrup. It is highly rccommeuded by physicians to cure the fof- lowing diseases, having their origin iu a disordered state of: the blood. Scrofula, Titter or Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Canker, Ulcerations and Enlargement of the Joints, Cancerous Tumors, Erysipelas,. King's Evil, St. Anthony's Fire,. White Swellings, Obstinate' Eruptions, Pimples oa the Face, Rheuma tism, Blotches, Pustules,. Dyspepsia, etc. ; Syphilitic and Mercurial Affections are cured ; Chlorosis or obstructions in Fe males, Leucorrhea or Whites, are relieved by the use of this very valuable MEDICINE.. The medical properties of Sarssparilla in conjunction, ith Stillingia are well known by all medical men to be the best compound yet discovered to cleanse and purify the blood, and eradicate all humors from the system. nehave given the recipe to most physicians in the country, that they may know what they are using ; and ill continue to send it by mail to those desirous of know ing the ingredients entering into it J composition, that they may prescribe it in their practice. This preparation stands at the head ot the list of reme dies for curing all diseases arising from impurities in the blood or diseased matter Inrking in the system. Thousands who hare ased the Stillingia aad Sarsaparilla, ill testify to its remarkable effect in removing alt imparl- ties from their blood, giving tone and vigor to the whole nmaa frame, and restoring a healthy action to all the functions of the body. The testimonials received in its favor from niary men. bers of the Medical Faculty would, were we te pnblita them, fill a large volume. ; It is prepared under the supervision of one of the oldest and best practical chemists in the country, (Mr W. 8. Merrill, Cincinnati.) so as to insure an uniformity of com position and parity in all the ingredients. Asa spring remedy, to purify and cleanse the blood, lea g It free from all hamora aad imparity, we assert wil eon fltlence, there is no better remedy. (Sold by ail Pmgglsts, and by REDINGTON & CO., Agentf, 4" and 411 Clay Street, San Francisco. ' "m T? wb'm sll rln should be iddreseH.