THE STATE REPUBLICAN 'The Stragrgrld Of to-day it not altogether for te-Aa tr it la fn t a n aIba ' ' J. M. GALE, Editor. EUGENE CIT7, SATtf&DAY, JU5E ?, 1863 t'JCIOJf TRIUJSPH. The ignorant mass of deluded follower of I low party hacks and designing, unprincipled po litical hucksters, are at last (oiled in the county of Lane, and docently and triumphantly defeated, Haviug the county business in their hands, which has furnished them the bread of life, they hare managed, by hook and crook, and the most unscrupulous use of every conceivable mode of humbug, misrepresentation and barefaced falsi. fication to delude a large class of citizens who re naturally generous, but strongly prejudiced and generally very ignorant, into the support of a party long degenerated from the great princi pies that made it the pride of the old patriots of the country and the most intelligent people of community. By hanging on to the name of the once good and honorable party they have gulled many honest and patriotic citizens into the ranks and made them work in the traces with known enemies of the Union and red-mouthed, bawling traitors. This little county revenue has sus tained this beautiful batch of commentator on constitutional law. for years. This resource is now cut off; and of course this squad of delect able gentry, with all its im-jau?-tance of F. F. V. nobility, and its northern Yankee pomposity, with nil these genial spirits and kith and kin, must at last roll overboard. The cement that bound it together being removed, it follows as a natural consequence that its conglomerated parts must fall asunder, and the traitorous mal content matter in the composition of its organ! zation must inevitably relapse into regular "plug ugly " disrepute. Well may we rejoice at the victory of last Monday. We can scarcely realize the impor tance of the result. Treason no longer flourishes over us ! The people of intelligence and pat' riotism have acted nobly ; they have redeemed their county from the foul stain of disloyalty and low-bred sympathy with armed rebels and barefaced, shameless treason. Now, when a citizen of this county goes about the country, he can lift himself up to the altitude of a man, and with true pride and satisfaction say " our country is all right ; we are sound on the Union and the Constitution, and for the Stars and Stripes and the perpetuity of the government of our Fathers." We are down on treason, secssion and toryism, and even more so when it is so unspeakably dis honest as to name itself the " regular Democ racy 1" Bo it known that recession, treason and toryism robed itself in the garb of democracy, and calling itself after the sacred name of demoo racy, undertook to obtrude into power, but the majority of the people were on the alert, and at the post of duty and succeeded in "heading off" the vile impostor. Yes heading it off. That is they took its head off. The secession thirnble rigging, and expert wire-pulling politicians with their co-operating stupid and stolid misreprasenters of history and malicious pervertcrs of the Constitution of the Un' tcd States can begin to look out for some other " field of lobor." Their little traps and fixings they may begin to collect together into their wallets preparatory to a journey where vagabonds and bummers can have better oppor tunitios to exercise their imtinlt and propen sitics. Farewell to America. The last day of the canvass was one peculiarly fortunate to the people of this city. The publii speaker brought forth their brightest ideas and profoundest thought. But the logio and elo quence of Bob Cochran, though of an Immense altitude, being of the kigkat order, neverthel on this occasion, however strange it may seem was greatly transcended by hi wonderfully brilliant, sentimental and oratorical exclamation and ejaculations, thus t " I want us to see ef we can't git a better state of feelins up in this part uv the world. They a mighty awful bad state of feelina in some parts of the States. I have been a laborin for peace all around the county. Ef you elect me to the Legislater I will, upon the word of a honest man, to the best uv my abilitiee endeavor to do my best for you to the very best of my abilities. Ef I aint elected, I wont go to the Legislater, and my abilities wont be at your service in no sich a way as that, for I would not have opportunity to do so ef I am not elected to the Legislater. I feel awful bad here uv late mighty distressed at our country and ef I an't elected and they an't a better state of feelins in the country I have made up my mind, feller citizens, what I will do 1 shall have to leave you I will go off entirely away, and get as fur off as possible I will hev to leav America." Applause, and good bye Cochran, good bye, farewell. - Hurrah fob th Victory I While the Union arm are gloriously triumphant in the Atlantic States and Mississippi Valley, we have with un feigned joy to record a less magnificent, but not less glorious triumph of Union votet in Oregon. Lano county, whose bare name is equivalent to a symbol of treason, and which has hitherto been tho hot bed of rebel sympathizers, has at last concluded to right about fact, and march to the music of the Union. As soon as it was ascer. tainod that we had carried Lane county by a Union majority of GO lo 100 votes, it was de termined to celebrate the glorious victory by firing 34 guns, which was done in approved stylo, winding up with three cheers for success, and three times three for the old flag snd the Union. Poor show for secesh in this neck of woods. Sicksii Majorities. Two precinct on Long Torn are tho only ones in the county that gave a secesh majority worth mentioning, and those two piled up tho strong majority of nearly 50 votes, including every knightof the Golden Circle on the creek. And opposed in one of these pre cincts by only six Union votes. It will be re membered that this interesting piece of " ilihee " embraces the muster ground where the secesh light infantry drilled regularly last summer, and where they frequently hoisted the secesh flag and threatened summary punishment on any one who should attempt to take it down. It is said that the Long Tommcrs are greatly disgusted at the " reg'lar Democracy " for weakning in the knees just at the time when their brethren of the South, stand so greatly in need of their aid and sympathy. Wt have received no eastern new since our last issue, owing to the wires being down beyond Salt Lake. No doubt important movements Lave transpired which we anxiously await to hear. ' Some of the Secessionists about town, say to the Union men : " You defeated us this time, but you bet we'll come it over you next time." They are looking forward to that time, we sup pose, when they expect the " niggers" to vote here. Well, we anticipate that the Secessionists will come it big when the niggers vote here. They seem to live in hopes of the good times coming. Nxw State. We understand that an enter prise i on foot to have the district of country, embracing the central portion of the Long Thomas Valley, set apart, and created into a separate and distinct State, to be clothed with all the powers of loyal Southern States, and to be permitted to enjoy all the blessings which Slate Right will secure. It is hoped that the " peculiar institution " will not be disturbed by the " mean abolitionists" of the vicinity. The creation of this State is de signed, first, to prepare a genial field of opera tion for the defeated Dixie candidate of Lane county. Second, to preserve a pickled specimen of " Southern doraestio life." And third, to give Long Tom a chance to create a teat of his own to suck, since the " dear people " have rooted him away from the public teat. How is it 1 The Dixie Democracy persist in the declaration that they are beaten by the Re publicans. Is not this humbling to the chivalry to be thus put under the " mud sills," as they love to term us 1 We do not dispute that majority of those engaged in defeating them were Republicans at the time when we were running on party issues ; but we do say, and every intel ligent man knows it to be true, that a large por tion of the present victorious Union party, were as true Democrats as Oregon ever knew. Those who voted the opposition ticket on the pretext that the Union ticket was a catch-vote sell, are beginning to awake to a sense of their mistake, and those who voted it on account of their south ern proolivities can now seo their littleness. Wa learn that one of the defeated secession candidate says that the atmosphere about town ia loaded with very disgusting odors ; that the whole county stinks; that the "abolitionist ruined things. And he is also of the opinion that at the next election the niggers will come up to the poll and rote, and some will be on the ticket for office. Smart man that Hi mind i evidently very free from prejudice. He must love the Union with all hi heart when he cannot distinguish it supporter from abolitionist. If be doee love it with all his heart that portion of hi intestine must be exceedingly small. The stink he smells i from the dead secessionists lying around, and that he should be mistaken in the smell is not at all strange, for a defunct se cession politician doe emit a very strong nigger- ish odor. SxcrioKAL Democracy. Among other causes assigned by the Dixie Democracy for coming out at the little end of the horn, last Monday, is this : that Democracy ha come to be svnonv mous with slavery, and, therefore, Democraoy can never flourish again in a free State. It oc curs to us that this is rather a fatal admission to be made by those who have been for years un ceasingly declaiming and disclaiming against " sectional party." How now, you national men do you see any sectionalism in the Union party 1 No ; we anticipate your answer, and add by way of encouragement that if you do not love section alism, you would do well to begin at one to come over to the Union party, in time to save the disgrace of another such defeat at the next elec tion, for the Union party is to be the dominant party henceforward. Treason Rebuked. For the benefit of a few mealy headed secessionists, who are still disposed to argue the right of secession, and who want Southern authority, we will give the authoity of the Richmond Enquirer of several years sgo : No man. no association of men, no State or set of States, has a right to withdraw itself from this Union of its own accord. The same power which knit us together can only unknit. The same formality which forged the links of the Union is necessary to dissolve lb I as majority of tht State which form the Union must consent to the withdrawal of any on branch of it. Until that consent has been obtained, any attempt to dissolve the Union, or obstruct ths efficiency of its constitutional laws, is treason treason to all intents and purposes." Kssw Him " oct thar." Captain Miller, in his speech here, a part of which has already been quoted in more newspapers probably than he ever read, said, and signified by a knowing wsg of the head, that he was H known " in Jackson county, and, from the returns, we presume he was correct. They knew him too well for the welfare of his gubernatorial aspirations. Thi Mountaineer estimates the damages of the high water to Dalles City at $50,000. A great many were compelled to abandon their louses, others to move into the upper story, i Sikce the triumph of the Union causa in this county, many of the secessionists are greatly di tressed In view of the future. They say that the niggers are bound to vote at the next election sure. Then is the time they say they intend to begin to shoo. -,So they are going to defer the wwHujj vr m wuiiq iiiueiiiuteijr pusipoue WJis " right" of secessionists. Poor, deluded beings, how we pity them ! Probably they will begin to ihoot just as soon as the niggers get here. Emahcipation. There are some men in this county, (not enough however to carry an eleo tion as has just been demonstrated) who are ready to apply the most scathing epithets to all who favor assisting in the noble and humanita nan work of emancipation. These miserable offscourings and remnants of Codfish Aristocracy who are always iq a mood to turn up their noses at a man whose large benevolence leads him to adopt extreme views on the subject of human slavery so that he tninks that one man ought not under any circumstances to possess property in another, they often try to lug into their sup port such master minds as Henry Clay. This great man in a speech before the colonization society in Washington city in th year 1 827 made use of the following language : What would they, who thus reproach us. have done? IF THEY WOULD REPRESS all tendencieo towards liberty and ULTIMATE .JUAINUU'A11UIN, they must do more than to put down the benevolent efforts of this Society, fbey must go back to the era of liberty and independence, and muzzle the cannon which thunders its annual joyous return ; they must revive tne slave trade with all its train of atroci ties ; they must suppress the workings of British pnuantnropy, seeking to ameliorate the condi tion of the unfortunate West Indian slaves ; they must arrest tne career of south American deliv erance from thralldom ; they must blow out the moral lights around us, and extinguish that greatest torch of all, which America presents to a benighted world, pointing the way to their rights, their liberties, and their happiness. And whan they have achieved all their purposes their work will yet be incomplete. They must penetrate the human soul, and eradicate the light of reason and the lava of liberty. Then, and not till then, when universal darkness pre vails, can you PERPETUATE slavery. Confession or Pate. We have read the con fession of Pate, who was executed at Albany the 27th ult., for the murder of Geo. Lamb. And we are utterly unable to discover any good re sult that society will gain by the book. As a narrative it is miserably executed, and it goes into detail of trivial facts of mischief which cannot possibly interest the candid reader. The story of the manner which he perpetrated the murder, to say the least, bears the marks of a very im probable one. The unfortunate and misdirected criminal has suffered the extreme penalty of the law, and we should charitably forget the irregu larities of his hard, rough life. Opinions or the "Coat. Some of our " im-jxiw-tant commentators on constitutional law" have found a big mare's nest. They have dis covered some dreadlul discrepancy in the elec tion returns of Lane county, and in their zeal for tracking the strict letter of the law, (as they understand it) they are trying to throw over board several precinct returns of the county, but what puzzles them most is the fact that the objections which they make to the poll books would reject every precinct which gave a secesh majority. This is a very undesirablo state of affairs to the "commentators," and they are no doubt diving deep into the past for a precedent, which they could find sufficient to make them blush for their ignorance by simple reference to the returns of any past election. We are credi- ibly informed that the poll books all came in in good order, without any indication of fraud, Thi McConneljtes in California are leaving no stone unturned to swallow up the Douglas party into a disunion M Democratic" organization, which they are laboring to re-establish. We are sorry to see a strong disposition on the part of Union Democrats and Repulicans each to keep up a distinct organization which will greatly prejudice the Union cause in that State if per aiated In. Just glance your eyes up toward Oregon, you men who are tenacious about party name, and see the glorious result of our Union movement in which we have triumphed under the flag of 34 Stars and name of the Union, laying aside all party name. Gentlemen please take a glance also at the AtlanticState and ob serve the rising Union party in support of the Administration, and come together in time for success. Vaioa Party CoatoUdatiof , The Union Administration party in New York have adopted the following resolutions, which are substantially ths same as the platform on which we have carried the election in Oregon : Reiolved, 1st, That we recognize as an imper ative duty that all patriots and friends of their country should cheerfully and cordially co oper ate with each other in rallying to the support of tne uovernment, and tn rendering such aid and assistance to the Admiuistration aa may be in their power, and that we pledge our support to the Governm ent in whatever lawful measures of punishment or repression it may find it neces sary to apply to the persons arrayed, or proper ty employed, in rebellion agaiust the Govern raent, to the end that the rebellion may be put aown, mat tne constitution may ne vindicated, and that the war in which we are engaged may do orougnt to an nonoraoie, a speedy, and suo cessful issue. 2d. That while we earnestly desire an early and honorable adjustment of our national diffi cutties, we are opposed to a hollow truce, or any compromise, which shall give ua peace at the ex pense of the future safety or honor of the nation ; future safety or honor of the nation ; and that that we will consent to no sheathing of the sword nor cessation of the conflict until armed rebellion shall be effectually put down, and the authority of the Government and the Constitution, in their full force and vigor, be fully reestablished in ev ery State and Territory of the Union ; and that we are unalterably opposed to any division of the Union, or to any permanent suspension of tne local sovereignty ot the several States which compose it. 3d. ibat for the purpose of carrying into ef fect at the coming election the principles and policy thus set forth, we recommend that a State Convention be held for the nomination of State officers, to be supported at the election next fall ; Union Democrats, and other loyal citizens, sup porters of the policy of the Administration, and responding to the principles and policy set forth in the address and resolutions herewith submit ted, be invited to unite in the election of three delegates from each Assembly district to such Convention, snd that the following persons be iour faces, wishing they were home and had never appointed a Committee to designate (after proper heard of Salmon river mines deliberation and consultation with the Committee These mines have already sent out many men" of any organization in this State whose co-opera- with a good share of the " collateral," and will tion we nope to obtain) the time and place .of send out many more ; yet mining is but a lottery noiaing it, and to arrange such other preliminary with the majority of chances against a man. details as may be necessary. Merchandising is i'he most certain, and that is by no means sure where things are so fluctuating, routics in California. and 1 think that will be overdone Hits season Tl 1 . I pi i r.L:-U T . .l tt tv . I au ue uuuat in jMurence are sniuoiiH, ui wuibii In ThACA AmirttlBQ Wnar. tha llninti llnmnnpati I . ' .... isiiivviou there are nfiw mnvin nnd mora bin Minr. T h;e ara stronnffir. nr think their ara filrnnrrop thin I . . . .... ., n' ., " are SX provision stores, one restaurant, one Union Democrats will refuse to unite with the Republicans, and will maintain their organize TROX SALMON KITEft MINES. The following extracts are from a letter writ ten by J. D. Miller, formerly of this county, to a friend in Eugene City, dated, Salmon rives mines, May 13 ; Since the 18th of April, up to which time the snow had fallen nearly ootinually aud was from seven to ten feet deep in the diggings, we had no snow up to the first of May, but a fair, warm sunshine during the day, and freezing ica during the night. Siuce that time the weather has not been so favorable. It ia now snowing snow going off slowly. There has not been rain enough since I have been here, now nearly fife months, to start the drip on the eve of the house, out the water from the melting snow has compelled many miners to stop work, and has out off pros pecting nearly entirely. No new discoveries, except now and then a claim struck in this vi cinity. There was quite aa excitement lately about diggings reported to have been struck on the head waters of South Salmon. Two or three? hundred men went over, but I have heard of uo return vet. South Salmon outs into the main Salmon several miles above Slate Creek. I am still of opinion that there are rich diggings' outside of this Camp, and it is the opinion of those best acquainted with the country, that new dig gings will be struck as sooq aa men can get about , to prospect. Hut if new diggings are not found. thousands of men now on their way here will be badly humbugged, notwithstanding the Salmon river mines are just as rich as reported. The extent has been wrongly estimated by some. liy a new trail, pack animals came into camp- yesterday, and beef and mutton the day before. Beef is htty and mutton seventy-five cents per pound. I lour is now down to forty and fifty cents per pound, and other things corresponding, and coming down every day. Powder river mines are now taking much of the emigration. Avery Smith went over there the rest of the company came on here. Lane county is largely represented here. Some have bought into claims and are doing well, some have taken up claims and are opening them, others are still trying to prospect, and many are just coming in. Some are wearing long, brown. FROM THE NORTH. tion. Owtno to th weight of the Union vote in the State, Judge Wait will have to wait a little longer before h weighs anchor for Washington. From tha XTnltntnineer. In those counties where the Republicans are All work, bevond a few hands cinnloved Sir .i-i , - . . . I . - j ot.vugci, ui linn uiey are ironger man euner grading, has been suspended on the Dee Chutes the secessionists or Union Democrats, as in ttailrnarl. It ! hardlv niihl that thi. ,n-.f. Q... ri a i? ! n . . t I. ... . ' r . ... o Kjauw v,.om, ami x rnuuiscu, ixnira sia, re improvement will be completed this season. ' tT.; ' T: . "ePuo"?", On 23d April a party of 15 men left tho Bit- nnUXl''t:riJ!' Ro Valley, bound for Salmon river-eight .t.rr I ZZZIIa r . ,r day trve with P animals. The leader ?JI,",,J"Te.l,, were, Messrs. MeLight, Gerd and Louis Sim- " r o r IT t 'T"? nwna. In one night the Bannncks stole all they r.iT.k b k? Ti ' u"'""uua' had some are killed, some supposed to bo '.mV r!.1 RPubl,caD8 nd Un" Democrats 8tarved t0 dealh Mr' Gerd ow,d by m win iii.tu iu ueut me ccmrnuQ enemv. t .- .i o f - u "u """" miner, who was prospecting 150 mi es up Salmon. In those counties where many of the Union n ' i. j.j.i. it- ti - v u i iCt : V the only one found. m MflrinruilL Ynhn Mann Nana ttn ,Kam I 1 I .... ..HUH imi 13 I v . they will fuse with the secesh against the Re- . a party of four or hve men went from publicans. ttle 'at head country into the Deer lodgo Val- . Il .. I. 1LHJ. The deductions are as follows : ,ey Prospecung ; aiier one ami a nan miys pros- You couldn't draw the nt.ral.rht" iamonr pecting, they were satislied. Ihehrst pan was out of a San Jose Republican with a three foot 006 ccnt llw cnd Pan forty-two cents, and tho mustard plaster aided by a sixteen mule team. "ers vl lneir prospers even cew vo mo pun. You couldn't wash tha sh There was two or three feet of snow, and the treason-affiliating disposition out of Dick Irvin! ground frozen hard, so that they could not do Uiarley IJo Ung, A. St. Clair Denver, and ,,,u;,, ",es ,ne" ebu lw viuer i that kind of "Union" Democratic politicians 8 back and work for nim wun a twenty-tour inch hydraulic hose, aided by powder river mines. a waterfall of 3,000 feet, and a seven hundred Friend Newell: The Express has just ar. horse power engine. rived from Powder. Mr. Post has come in, and lou couldn t pry the hatred of Republicans from him I obtain the following : and tne partisan llliberaltry.out of John Conness, About 200 men are in the mines. The gold V, V, Colton, P. B. Redding, Joe McCorkle. v.t found i on the flats and in the uulches. and their sort of Union Democrats, with " the Pieces of two dollars and a half to nine dollars tire of all creation straightened out for a crow, have been found, and the character of the metal DaE: ... I is generally what we may call coarse gold it I fill iVIIllrin t p.oa Man l?lurinba Afaritt ; : fl .U .1.... am... nn - - runs iu veins. JlUUSO WUU K IIICIC, luuw uva n.i TT J r.13. Aa .-.! .a . . ..4 1 ... uoiio, iieyuenieiat, vnuenaen, ana - weir Kind" expect to make large sums. Uood wages is all of " loyal" citizens to refrain from nominating that ran at nresnnt be looked for ssv from five a secesh ticket, if every member of the Union Ln. The largest yet taken out has been seventy Democratic party went down on his knees with four Hollars to three men. in one day. Hun- a copy of the Sacramento Union in one hand, Ljreds are there who declare that there is not ana tne eleven thousand virgins of Cologne smil-1 aj gold. and wa will h,t tha nrofit, on or .-, "n i..e toP .. china advArtiAininfa arsint that nnlltinal hsxaa " more. esty of Geo. II. Crosette, that the Union Ad shippings are four to six feet deep, and) ministration party will secure a majority of the thence to the bed rock pays. next legislatuie, and then neither Latham or Comstock has found a quarU lead the gold Conness will be the next U. S. Senator. Placer V,81D, ln !t but iu vIue ,nd sue are 001 ?t Republican. . determined. a , . IM I il is not aavisaDie to ao m lur vi o ween? A; 8. Gould, now retires from ths editorial yeand claims a re not found without working chair of the 7W after haviug conducted the L, . ' and than it is found that it wilf not pay. paper with eminent ability and approved loyalty tw0 hundred and fifty men gt beyond to the through the past exciting campaign to the elori Grand Ronde river to within six miles of the ous victory which it has done not a little toward mines, and then all but three companies turned TT! .! i Daci. "i.. achieving for the good old Union. His parting J III ! .1 -1 .1 . wuru. wm receive tne refuse ui me warmest . r. t lnn Th, fW- lAAt sympathy from the union loving citizens of on ner trip to the Cascades yesterday morning.. Oregon : 3d inst. struck on a rock st Cape Ron, and. "The late campaign involved the most im-1 commenced filling so rapidly that she was imiM portant issues ever prsented to the American diately run ashore on the Washington side. Her citizens. It was a question in which not only passengers bad barely time to get ashore before Oregon but every State in the Union was deeply she filled, and she now lies with oa sidw under . . - - i . a . and vitally concerned, it was a matter upon water. aoou iweniy tons oi rreigai were ia the arbitrament of which depended, in a measure, hen ashore and the balance thrown overboard to the maintenance of all that is beautiful in the lighten tha boat. It is thought she cannot be fabrio of constitutional republican liberty of all saved. The Mountain Buck, which was coming that is dear to the national heart of all that ia down, took the Uirne s passengers to the Cas- ennobling in the principle of self-government, cades Vaiiy vregontan. ihe answer is recorded, and Uregon stands forth to-day the loyal peer of her sistes sovereignties, . The newly discovered continent of Long Tom her escutcheon bright and untarnished as the lis directly opposite the Asiatic from which it ia nuun-uav uu. untcu iiiuia upua wg inunpn, v . f . n.j .v. and from the privilege of participating in ihe l fl Ll' tv K .1" T , general joy is derived the reward of Ptci&c 0oen- Th,i MP,,n ,h "Mj of A. S. GOULD. pnncipiea ot tne Long lomers and the ua lestials, and their radical difference with those of Secxssioxisx in this county saw its "Coffa" I America and other civilized and christfinuel, nd has "gone in." 'nations. t I