The state Republican. (Eugene City, Or.) 1862-1863, March 29, 1862, Image 3

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    7"al M
7."al 0i
ill 5
al in)
tU on
Euoens Citt, March, 22, 1SC2.
Manila Hope per lb, 8"u 23
White lead, a l'i
Nails, wrought, a .o
cut, a in
Linseed Oil, raw, ,"na:j mi
' Roiled ai SS
Whale, - - as -JX
Glass per foot, oso, 12
imr noons.
Salem Ulankets, 7 ls no
" Cloth, oi'a 1 'J'l
Sheeting, Drown. 'J a 14
Drills "
Mcrriiuuc prints -Fancy
prints, -Mouslin
Irish Linen,
llrown Linen,
SuUnet double ml, 1 ihiuS 58
Ky. Jeans - "
Cotton Jeans, 2"a S3
Hunts kip, - 2 .'mat on
" calf, - 0 Ui'alU on
Pine per M, li 0iiii2" Oil
Fir " 0 i li ia 13 OH
Cedar - iii) ooaW oo
lieaua -
Bacon, hog round, 13
Lard in Kegs liia 13
itntter, fresh roll a 4u
Flour, - a'J mo
Eggs - - a li
Chicken per dox 2iHa2 5o
Pork, ficsii, - lna li
Beef, -07a lu
D'd apples per lb, l'ia 20
' peaches " Son 25
G'u apples per bu,3 Uoa:i uo
Sugar X. ()., liia So
" Crushed, a 25
Syrup, K. lioston, al 25
Coffee, - - a 4'!
Hoap, - . a li
Wall, . . n4a
Caudles, Ad. Sua 37
" Sperm a
Saleratus, ii'a 25
2 l'i
2a SS
7"al ii3
li.ta II
The following named gentlemen are authorized to ro
reive and receipt fur money on subscription to the litri u-tKAX.
Sua Francisco, California,
Portland, Oregou, - - -
Oregon Citv, - - - - -
Lafayette, Vaiuhill county,
Salem, Oregon, - - -Silvcrton,
Corvailis, .....
Eugene City, .....
Kuscbiirg, .....
Jacksonville, - - - - -Aslilund,
lostmustcrs aro also requested to receive and forward
subscriptions. Moiiy may be sent through the mails ut our
Charles A. Crane.
Logan A Shattuck.
- - W. C. Johnson.
- - John Cunmiius.
Win. U. Cartwright.
- - W. H. Dunbar.
- D. W. Wuketleld.
- - - A. O. llovcy.
- - - J. M. Gale.
- - - J. H. Rogers.
- J. H. llodgcn.
- - - J. M. McCall.
Passauk and freights from Portland to Lcn iston by
From Portland to Cascades, 4 on
Railroad, 1 nil
From Cascades to Dalles, .... 4 no
Stage fare on portage, .... - y mi
From Des Chutes to Yi'allula, .... 15 1111
Wallula to Lcivistun, l.'i 11.1
Freight from Portland to Dalles,
Dalles to N'allul.1,
Wullula to Letviston,
Total -
Freight on two horse wagons
Dalles, ... - .
Animals from Portland to Dalles,
- $12 no
$2'i no per ton.
- o. on
4:. 00 "
1l'o mi
from Portland to
- i-M 00
- 5 00
Union men of Lane county, the time has come for action,
and your June election is but a few months distant. No
definite plan has yet been made public by which friends of
the Union, whether Democrats or Republicans, are certain
of concert of acton. Vital interests are at stake. The true
issue is Union, with ull its blessings of peace, of law, of
order; or JUuniuu, with its anarchy, its outrage and its
We appeal to every loyal citizen : lay aside your old
jealousies, and come up to the precincl election of the dele
gates to tho county Convention, like brothers. Let usheur
the voice of the people.
To Republicans we say, let your acts of devotion to your
country not be surpassed by mere empty sounding words.
Come up like the true Union men that you arc, to tho res
cue. To Democrats wo suy, show that the magnanimity with
which you have come to the aid of the Administration, the
Constitution and the Government, 1s still as noblo in its
constancy us in its magnanimity.
Como one! Come all! to your precincts, and elect del
egates to the county Convention. The precinct elections to
be held on Saturday, tlieiid day of March, lsiiJ, uud the
county Convention on Saturday, the 2'.ith day of March,
11)2, at the Court .'louse in Kugene City. The county Con
vention to nominate the county ticket, and elect delegates
to the State Convention.
A. A. Smith, W. H. 1'ishkii, II. G. IIadlky,
C. II. Mosim, J. G, Gaat", D. M. Kisuox,
X. Ill Hl'MUBV, W. Galu, HlLLlAltoSllAW,
M. Ulaxiiixu, J. M. Dick, Jos. Davis,
F. 11. Drxx, 11. J. Pemhia, M. Daxfoktu,
A. Hkxkkkw, II. M. Ei.LHoi!Tit, D. X. llvim,
D. S. Pavxk, JIiuam Sunn, S. D. Cuaxstox.
1 OFFER MV FARM FOR SALE, iu whole or in part,
to suit purchasers. It is desirably and valuably situa
ted, high and drv, adjoining Eugene City ; embracing good
level prairie with a fair amount of river-bottom uud tim
ber. Persons wanting quantities of a few acres adjoining the
town for building sites, or larger amounts for tanning or
other purposes, or any one wanting the whole amount, can
have un opportunity to purchase on accommodating terms,
by application to me, or to Dr. A. W. Patterson, on the
tit'cimse. Eugene Citv. Oregon, March 10, 1 Nils.
Notice to Absent Defendant.
L. C. Mead e. Surah E. Mead.
P0 SARAH E. MEAD: Yon are herebv notified
M unless von upper in the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, tor the county ot Lane, on the third Monday ot
April, A. D. 1112, and answer the complaint of L. C. Mead,
PI'S', which bus been tiled with the Clerk of said court, and
pruvs for a divorce frm the bonds of matrimony, the same
will be taken ns confessed and the praver thereof will be
granted bv said court. D.'M. RISDOX,
Dated, March 12, 102. lfl-lt PI'ti'sAtty.
To School Districts.
I HAVE appointed Mr. J. II. Underwood to attend to the
duties of Superintendant of Schools during my nb
nenee, and Clerkswill please report to hiin by the 2"th inst.,
us the apportionment of funds must be made this month.
V-3t Supt. of Com. Schools.
Est ray cel.
IROM the subscriber, living three miles sontli of Eugene
. City, a strawberry-roan lilly, two years old lust spring;
10 mark ur brand except the hair in the face is a little light
or than on the other parts of the bony. Any information
concerning the same will be suitably rewarded. Kugene
City, Oregon. stf Wm. LL'CKEV.
Having disposed of one half my stock of goods to T. 0.
Hendricks, and wishing to visit the nbove named local
ities early in tho spring, therefore, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to the undersigned, are hereby noti
fied to come forward and settle imiitv liitUli. Kuireiie City,
Oregon, Feb. 1, 1SH2. E. L. IMUSTOW. 4t
J. B. Underwood,
OTARY PCHMC, will punctually attend to all bus
iness entrusteu tu ms cure.
7-tf Eugene City, Oregon.
Eugene City Lodge No. 11, A. F. and A. M.,
Hold their regular communications on the SATURDAY
evening preceding the Xew and Full Moon.
J. B. Underwood, Secretary.
WILL visit any part of the State in consultation, or to
perform surgical operations. iy2-ly
To Merchants and Shippers.
Valley are notified that
re now prepared with plenty of teams and careful drivers
to pass freight over the Portage between Oregon City and
Canemali as fast as could be expected.
One of as will be at all times at each end of tho route to
attend to the forwarding of the freight, so as to prevent
sjnv unnecessary delay.
Oregon City, "Oregon, January 1, 1S02. 3tf
The qualified voters of the State of Oregon who are in
favor of the suppression of the present wicked rebellion
of a vigorous prosecution of war so long us uecessary to
frustrate the mad schemes of armed traitor: who ure
opposed to unv peace other than the honorable oire sure to
come when rebels and their sympathisers sub.'iiit to the
constitutionally elected and qualified authorities aud legally
enacted laws of the Government who think more of c oun
try than of party prejudice anil individual preference--w '?0
are in favor ol supporting the general Government ill its
endeavors to defend the Constitution, execute the laws, atid
preserve the Union, and who are willing to unite for the
election of a ticket upon such a basis at tho coming elec
tion, without reference to former political associations, are
respectfully requested to meet ut the places of voting in the
several precincts in the various counties of the Statu on
Saturday, the 2'd day of March, A. I). lSHJ, to choosedele
gates to county Conventions to be held in the respective
counties ot tlie state at the county seats tnercot, on Nitur
dav, the 2'.ith day of March, 1'2, for the purpose of select
ing delegates to a State Convention, to be held at Eugene
City, on Wednesday, the iithof April, ls.12, for thepcurpose
of iioiiiinuting u Union ticket for State ullicers and Member
of Congress, us follows; From Jackson county, In dele
gates; Josephine, ii ; Douglas,; Currv, 1 ; Coos, 1; Uiup-
qua, , J.ane, ; Jienton, h; J. inn, to; t'oiK, o ; uiuiull, ii ;
Marion, 12; Clackamas, Ii : Multnomah,: Washington, 4:
Columbia, 1 ; Clatsop, 1 ; Tillamook, 1 ; Wasco, 4.
We recommend the holding of precinct uudcounty meet
ings at the hour of 1 u'clock !. M., und the meeting of the
State Convention ut 11 o'clock of the dav named.
Notice to Absent Defendant.
rpo CHARLES G. MARTIX : You are hereby notified
X that unless you appear in the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Lnne, on the third Monday of
April next (iMiil and answer the complaint of James 11.
McFarlund, pluintitf, which has been tiled with the Clerk
of said Court, and prays tor a judgment against you for
$."li mi, besides interest uud cost of suit, the same' will be
taken for confessed, and the prayer thereof will be granted
by the Court. Uv order of Hon. R. K. St rat ton, Judge.
Dated, Jan. 2, lii2. S. ELLSWORTH, Pl'tts Atty.
Kugene City, Oregon. 2 3ui
Notice, to Absent Defendant.
that unless vou uppear iu the Circuit Court of the Slate
ut Oregon, fur the County ot Luue, on the third Mon
day of April next, (li!2l und answer the complaint of
Jolin Mcr'arluliil, plaintiff, which has been tiled w ith the
Clerk of the said Court, uud prays for a judgment against
you tor ?'' no, besides interest and costs ot suit, the same
will be taken as confessed, uud the prayer thereof will be
grunted by the Court. By order of Hon. R. E. Strattou,
Judge. Dated Juu. 2, 12.
S. ELLSWORTH, ITll'i Ally.
Eugene City, Oregou. 2 Sm
Notice to Absent Defendant.
rpo WALTERS. BROCK: You are hereby notified that
I tiulss you uppear iu the circuit court of the State of
Oregon, for the county of Luue, on the third Monday of
April next ilMi2l mid answer the complaint of James
Fountain, which bus been tiled w ith the Clerk of said court,
and pruvs for a judgment nguiust you, together with Rob
ert 11. Cochran and Prior F. ltlair, for the sum of $1ihh.i on,
besides interest and costs of suit, the same will bo tuken for
confessed uud the prayer thereof will be granted by the
court Bv order of Hon. It. E. Strntton, Judge. Dated,
Jan. 17, lxf.2. S. ELLSWORTH, Pi lls Atty,
3 utii Eugeue City, Oregou.
Notice to Absent Defendant.
1 You are hereby notilied that unless you uppeur in the
circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Lane,
on the thud Monday of April next (1H2I ami answer the
complaint of Hell Jennings, pluiutilf, which has beenliled
with the Clerk of snid court, and prays for a judgment
against you (together with Wm. 1). Uenshnw) tor 27on
oo besides interest uud costs of suit, the same w ill be ta
ken as confessed, und the praver thereof will be grunted
bv the court. Bv order of Hon. R. E. Stratton, Judge,
Dated, Jan. 17, lVU2. S. ELLSWORTH,
a Sin Pl'tTs Atty, Eugene City Oregon.
Sami el H ixxa, B. F. Hahiiixo,
(.'' Vt-;i. M. C'til. Gnu.
LrriAx Hkatii, E. Williams,
C. P. CltAXUALL, Jos. Cox,
11. Suii'sox, A. F. Wai.leii,
R. C. GllKU, Al.ON1) LfcLAXD,
A. C. Daxihls, A M. Stakr,
R. J. Laihi, J. W. McCi llv,
David MuCi'lly, A. C. Ii. Shaw,
David 1'owki.l,
II. J. iosskt,
S. J. McCollMlCK,
Jamks Shaw,
J. S. Rixkksox.
C. X. Tkiiky,
II. Shaw,
R. K. Stkattox,
J. M. Galk,
L. K. PltATT,
II. J. Gceii,
T. B. Rickey,
D. P. Tiioxirsox,
J. Maooxk,
R. P, Boise,
II. M. KLLswonrn,
11. J. I'KXnitA,
Geo. 11. liuuiEX,
E. I). Shattuck,
II. W. Cohbktt,
W. C. Joiixsox,
11-p. St. (V. Cum.
A. C. Giuus,
I. U. MooitES,
W. S. Laud,
S. G. Reed,
Thomas Sthaxo,
A. B. Hai.mick,
II. Rkkev,
A. L. Lovejov,
William Guaves,
L. F. Cahtek,
J. M. Dick,
J. Wauk,
J. 11. D. Hkxheumux.
The qualified voters of Benton county, "who ore in fa
vor of the suppression of tho present wicked rebellion
of a vigorous prosecution of war so long as necessary to
frustrate the mad schemes uf linked traitors who are op
posed to any peace other thuu the honorable one sure to
come when rebels ami their sympathizers submit to the
constitutionally elected and qualified authorities and
legally enacted luws of the Government who think more
of country than of party prejudice uud individual prefer
ence who arc in favor ot supporting the general Govern
ment in its endeavors to defend the Constitution, execute
the laws, and preserve the Union, and who are willing to
unite on a ticket upon such a basis ut the coming election,"
are requested to meet ut a general MASS MEKTIXG to be
held ut the Court House in Corvullis on Saturday tho S'.'th
day of March lii2, ut 1 o'clock p. a, for the purpose of
nominating a Union county ticket and to select five dele
gates to the ' Union State Convention' to beheld ut Eugene
City, on Wednesday the '.'th day of April, 1H2, tonominute
a " Union ticket fur State Ollieera und Member of Congress."
A. G. Hovey, James R. Bayley,
J. Bnowxsox,
'). Oi. Coin.
J. Masdx,
I. A. If AXXA,
J. II. Douse,
G. Meuckii,
L. s,
A. Pl tltlY,
J. C. Woud.
R. Chamueus,
J. Maiitix,
lhm. Co. Cun.
11. F. Williams,
R. G. Simmons,
A. Holpkk,
II. B. Niciiui.s,
S. II. Beuxaud,
B. Cook,
E. A. Arhev,
B. W. Wn-sox,
W. Matzoer,
J. W. Sol TIIKR,
A. M. Witham
E. lTK,
J. Cl.MIK,
Corvollis, Jan. 17, li)2.
Corner Battery and VaJlejo Sts.,
THIS well known house is live stories high, with a com
manding view of the harbor, and is close to the land
ing place ot the boats running to Oakland, Petal uma, Ore
gon, and the Atlantic States.
In accommodations this House will Tie with any in the
Plate. The Tables are supplied with the best the' market
aflords. Single Rooms and Rooms for Families well fur
nished and thoroughly ventilated, and every attention is
used in every department to promote comfort "of its patrons.
Passengers coming frara the different boats are carried free
of charge.
myim JOHN J. DOYLE, Proprietor.
The Union men of Clackamas cnuntv who lore their
country who are opposed to the dismemberment of our
Union for any cause and upon any terms; who believe in
suppressing armed rebellion bv force of arms; and who
arc willing to respond to the call made for a Union Stute
Convention, are requested to meet in their several precincts
at the usual places of voting, at one o'clock on Saturday
the 22d day of March, 182, and elect delegates to a Union
County Convention to be held at the court house in Oregon
City, on Saturday the 2'.ith day of March, 1H2, for the pur
pose of electing six delegates to the Union State Conven
tion to be held ut Kugene City on thc'.ith dav of April, lii2,
and transacting such other busincs as the Convention may
deem proper. Let no man fail to be present ut his precinct
MilTIMI'S lll'ELAT, W. t JimxSOX,
W. Chai'MAX, Wm. Barlow,
Vemocrittie Co. (bm. Wm. P. Ui rxs,
D. W. Cbaio,
Hi-fiithVtiitH Co. Com.
E. Milwain. W. C. Dement. M.
Jos. I). Locv, J. S. Vinson,
J. W. Inguils, Alden 11. Steele.
F. A. Coliard, D. P. Thompson,
li. v. r.miy, r,. T. T. rincr,
Owen Waile, I. F. Beales,
M. Fuller, Win. DierdorfT,
E. E. Hayes, Thos Charman,
W. A Sturkwcather,
Al. Ramsbv,
C. W. Xoblett,
C. O. Boynton,
Abel Muttoon,
W. W. Buck,
A. Warner,
Jus. Winston,
Wm. Whitlock,
A. I. Lovejoy,
Notice to Absent Defendant.
rpo WILLIAM KAY : You are hereby notilied that mi
JL less you nppcur in the circuit court of the State of Ore
gon, for' the county of Lane, on the third Monduy of April,
lJ:i, and answer the compluiut or Bill for the settlement
of pt rlnersliip, property which has been filed with the Clerk
of sail.' court by Vincent II. Davis, complainant, unit pruvs
torn settlement, (he same w ill be taken us confessed, und
the praver of said conipluinuft will be grunted bvthe court
Dated.'Jan. 11, l'i2. J. J. BLEVAXS, Clerk.
E. E. ILift, Attv. S ,lni
Notice tc Absent Defendant.
A. J. Welch, Treasuter of Lane county, r. . L. S. Rogers,
rpo L. S. ROGERS: You are hereby notified that unless
1 vou appear in the circuit court of' tho State of Oregon,
for Lane cimntv, on the third Monday of April, A. D. 1112,
and nswer the complaint of A. J. Welch, Treasurer of
I.ano countv, aforesaid, which has been filed with the
Clerk of saiil court, and prays for a judgment against yon
for 1:11 !2, besides interest und costs, (and for the fore
closure of a mortgage) the same complaint will be taken
for confessed, ami thepruyer thereof will be granted by the
court. Bv order of suid court. Jan. 1, A. D. 1U2.
8 8m R. B. SNELL1XG, ITU's Atty.
AUY. Edited by llox. E. G. Sqi UH.
Lute Minister of the United Stutesto Central Americu.
This work is published in Senii-monlhlv Xumbers ; its
MAMMOTH SI.K allows of the largest Engravings, audit
contains a complete epitome of the war in which the coun
try is involved, with ull tho Facts, Scenes, Incidents and
Anecdotes connected with it, urrunged chronologically,
forming a cotcmporury and permanent History uf the time.
All Otlicial ami important Documents, emanating Xorth
or South, appear in full, w ith complete and authentic ac
counts and Illustrations of ull the striking Incidents of the
War; together with the Portruitsof Leudiug Ollicers and
Statcmeu, Plans ami Views of Fortifications, Maps, etc.
The Pictorial History of the War of 1H1, is invaluable
to Families, for in its liiugnihccutly illustrated pages, even
children can trace the course of events, while as a work of
Reference tor all classes, its value and importance must
iucreuse with every year, lu its completed form it will be
one of the most muguiliceut Historical Politicul Works
ever issued from uuy press in the World.
Each number is exquisitely printed on fine, thick paper,
in large, clear type, uud is stitched ill a cover with a beau
tiful Illustrated Title Pugc.
Ten numbers have been published, containing upward
of 2JO Engravings, and mutter equivalent to 280 octavo
Published every fortnight. Terms 25 cents per num
ber. Two dollars will secure the first Eight numbers. The
usual discount to trade. FRANK LESLIE, Publisher,
7-tf Xo. IU City Hull Squure, Xew York.
Iu the Circuit Court of the Stute of Oregon for the County
ot Lane; April Term, A. D. 1H2. Canibell E. Clirismun,
ITff !. Charles G. Martin, Deft, Attachment,
rpo CHARLES G. MARTIX, Deft: Take notice that
JL ITff has tiled hi complaint in the above entitled suit,
claiming to recover tfl.ii.K o, with interest thereon ut
twenty-live per cent, per iinnum, from Dec. 1st, 101; also
fl"2 till, with interest thereon from Xov. la, 1H1. Xuw,
unless you appear in said court on the llrd Monday of April
A. D. l'il2, uud unswer suid complaint, the suino will be
taken ns confessed, and the prayer thereof be granted by
the court. Williams, Gibbs anil Holl'nian, Alt's for Pl'ff.
2 3m
County Court of Lano County, Oregon. John Bailey,
Adni'r, . W. S. Brock and Joseph Meador.
rpo W. S. BROCK : Y'au are herebv notilied that unless
JLyou appear in the countv court of Lane County, Oregon,
on the first Monday of April, A. 1). 1M2, and answer the
complaint in the above entitled cause, the same will be ta
ken fur confessed, uud the prayer thereof will be grunted
by the court, Eugeuo Citv, Jan. 9, A. D. 1H2.
2 Sm It. B. SXELLIXU, lTITs Atty.
Notice to Absent Defendant.
rp6 GEORGE M. WIXDES: Yon are herebv notified
J that unless you uppear in the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Lane, on the third Monday ot
April next ( li!2) and answer thecomplaiiitor Hill for Fore
closure of Mortgage, which has been tiled with the Clerk
of said Court, by Samuel A. Cox complainant, and prays
tor u jmlgtaent ut foreclosure, and also tu recover moneys
due on the same, the same will be taken as confessed, and
the prayer thereof will be granted by the Court. By order
ot lion. 11. 1.. Mrattnn, .lunge. Hated, Jan. 2, 1H2.
S. ELLSWORTH, Sol'r for Compl t.
Eugene City, Oregon. 2 3ni.
AN INSTITUTION,!! bohii? fanned in this place to be ex
chisivly devoted to tho advancement of mciknck in this
country, and especially of the physical or natural sciences
which i-efpiires, as a basis, Ml'SKU.M, or collection of
specimens in tho various departments, such us Itotany,
(jeoloyy, Zoology, Oolniry, etc. therefore ull persons ure
invited to assist by collecting and sending us such speci
mens us they may be able to obtain.
Skins of all kinds of unimuls wanted, whether common
or rare, whether feathery or hairy. If persons do not wish
to spend their time in removing the skin, bend us the bird
or animal and we will attend to it ourselves. In skinning,
the bones of tho head and legs should be lei t, alter dis
placing the skin sullicicntly to remove the Hesh, eyes, etc.
As the skull is also a fair index to the structure, nature
und habits of animals, u collection of them, of ull kinds,
whether they be of things which walk, crawl, fly or swim,
are wanted Kntire skeletons would bo preferred.
1 ( birds cjrtrs wanted, this coming spi iiiir
I J uud summer, to assist in the perfection und study of
the new science of Oology ci; ot even the most common
kinds of birds. A description tf the nest, its position and
structure, also of the kind of bird ami the time when it
lays its es, arj necessary, und should be uccoiupautcd by
the head und w iug of tho bird.
Hocks of all kinds wanted, especially those containing
fossils, the dilferent kinds of metals, etc.
Plants of ull kinds, with their (lowers, collected und pre
served in herbariums, whether described or not. ure also
Those interested in tho progress of science in this coun
try will Hud this a favorable opportunity for rendering
their assistance ; and to the young especially, wo would
suy, you cannot engage in a more interesting und laudable
enterprise tluui .Making collections of tho desired speci
men s.
Specimens of ull kinds designed for the Museum may be
left at the ollice of the ISttk ltKi'1''AX, uud ull addresses
should be to HKNKV CL'JiMINrf, Kugene City, Oregon.
reo. is, iMij.
Cor. Washington & Sansome Streets,
Government House I'p-Stairs,
Notice to Absent Defendant.
WILLIAM I'OLLARI) : You aro herebv notified
that unless vou appear in the Circuit Court of the State
ot Oregon, fur the county of Lime, on the fourth Monday
tfi day) ot Octnbcr, next, and answer the complaint
of Commudorc 1'. Wilson, IT ft", which has been tiled with
the Clerk of said court, and prays for s judgment against
you for $13.", besides interest and coats, the same will be
taken for confessed, and the prayer thereof will be granted
lty urderot ifon. l(. r.. iMmtton, Judge.
by the court.
Duted, March 20, 1SC2.
Hotel International.
A few doors above Montgomery street,
FOSTER, PATTEN & CO., . Proprietors
(Snmmrr to J vim J. Jluliy.)
1. 0. FOSTER,
. Late I'urwr Steamer
Uticle Sam.'
n. i. PATTKX,
Late Hook-keeper
uf the house.
ostbu L. SILrSLS.
.J- POgtilMT'tJ AT. . rtn
, J"reT. Silver and I'lated Ware, Uold , C. (laddis,
rmt, Cotlery, Fancy Goods, Perfumery, and Musical In- K. II. Dearbon,
atroments. " l P Krown
tWtche, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired, and all kinds j". Ilry.nt, '
or Jewelry made to rder. All f our work warranted.; H. Conn.
UI I N. Saraut,
The qualified voters of Douglas County, who are in favor
of the preservation of the I'uion of these States upon the
basis of the Constitution as our Fathers made it; wiio be
lieve it to be the duty of every loyal citizen to sustain the
constitutionally elected ollicers in the administration of the
legally enacteii laws ; who believe the rebellion now in ex
istence in the Southern States is without just cause, and
ought to be put down by the united efforts of Federal pow
er; who are in favor of the prosecution of the present war,
until traitors shall cease to war against the Government,
and return to their alliance ; wl o arc willing to abandon
all former party alliances and personal preferences and
unite at the coming election upon a platform, the cordial
objectof which is to preserve intact the Government of ! tie jiollse
the United States of America from the assaults of foes
without, or traitors within are requested to meet at their
nsnal place of voting in their several precincts, on SAT I
NAY, the Sad day of March inst., to choose delegates to a
County Convention to be held at Rosebnrgin said county,
onthe rith inst., for ihe purpose of nominating county
ollicers and selecting euht delegate to the State Conven
tion, to be held at Eugene City, on WEDNESDAY, the !th
dav of April, I''2, for the purpose of a Union
ticket for Stale ollicers and Member of Congress.
J. Thorn,
TS assuming the management of this well known
A. and popular Hotel, the rroprictors invite the at
tention ot iis riatrons and tne mimic to us increas
ed facilities for their comfort and convenience.
It has lust been thoroughly renovated : new Furnitiir
and Carpets substituted ; its Reception Room enlarged to
double its former capacity; an elegant Private Entrance
for Ladies has been constructed and fifty .cw llooms arc
now added.
In connection with this, we are resolved that its manage
ment shall not be surpassed by any Hotel on tlw Pacific
The specialities of this house, are : the seriipulsns neat
ness and cleanliness of its rooms and beds ; the courteous
attention of all those in charge of each department; and
A Table I'nsorpHssetl in every particular, in the City.
The International o tiers to Families the grcatcit number
and best appointed Family Rooms of any Home in the
Mnte. I'nces shall cumpare favorably.
The International is located in the immediate vicinity of
the principal places of amusements, and in a radiating
point of ail the principal thoroughfares, and tin lines of
steamers and stages, for interior towns.
The Coaches of the International are always in atten
dance to convey passengers and their baggage to and from
S. C. Smith,
W. Cat heart,
J. II. Rogers,
S. Abrahams,
J. Watson,
S. Hamilton,
F. B. White,
F. H. King,
J. McKay,
. Imblcr,
S. Howe,
R. Mallerv,
A. R. Flint,
It. C. Cowles,
S. T. Chadwick,
J. Jones,
E. K. Fiske,
J. Casto,
T. Livingston,
W. T. Raker,
T. Ileal.
Quincy Hall.
147, 149, 151,
Washington Street.
Largewt Clothing EMabliftliineBt la Cftllforaia
Slock Ueporter, -
Daily Itee,
evuda Xutiomtl, - -Ihitte
Democrat. - - -
IMucer Courier, - - - -
Northern Calilornian, -
Colouui Times, - - . -Mouiiey'n
KxjH'ess. - - -IMumus
Stumlurd, - - -Southern
News, - - -laily
Argils, - - - - -
Daily Appeal. - - - - -
Niipu County Times, - -Sun
Jose Telejiiiph, - -
Alameda Jferuld, - -Cunt
ni Costu Gazette, - - -Santa
Cruz News, - -J'etaluniti
Arifiir, - - -(Sononm
County Democrat,
Los Anele iStnr, - - - -
Daily Oregon Advertiser,
Mariposa iSttir, - - - - -
Han Andrea Independent,
Coluiuhiti News, - . - -Territorial
Enterprise, -
Alemedu County (J alette, -Democratic
Age, - . - -Ari.ouian,
Orejron Farmer, ....
Mountaineer, .....
Dutcliiii's Magazine, - -Culiformu
Cultural, - -
Eugene City, Oregon
- San Francisco
- - - Sacramento
- - - (.rasa Vulley
- - - - Oroville
- - - - ForeKt Hill
- - - - Union
- - Coloina
. .... FoIhoiii
- - Lou Alleles
. . . Stockton
- - Maryavillo
...... Nap
. - Hun .lose
. . . . . Oakland
- - Murtiucx
- - - SniilaCruz
. . - - lYtulumu
- - - Santa Uosa
- - JjO AtijKclt'ft
- - Portland
.... Mariposa
- - Sun Andreas
. ... Colmnhiu
- - Carson Vulley
- - - iJun Jjcnndio
- - - - - Sonora
Tucson, Arizona
- - Oregon
- - Dulles, Oregon
- - San FrunciHCO
- Sun Francisco
Advertising in tho Atlantic States.
C. A. CM will also attend in forwarding .idvortiscincnls
to papers published In uuy portion of the Atlantic Slates,
Cascades, -Italics,
Walla, .
Ore'in City,
Kiieene City, -Oakland,
Jacksonville. -
Wells, Far(ro X Co.
llraill'iird & (Jo.
Htockinir A Co.
Baldwin A Whitman.
N. li. Infills.
J. 1). Crawford.
F. X. Mathews.
Williams A Lippcncntt.
J. Iluehit
Stock A Kaut'mam
Shelby A Co.
- Henry l.llswortli.
Lord, 1'eters A Co.
II. A. llartiin.
Perry, Waile A Co.
lleckmau's Kx press.
Connecting at Portland with Wells, Fargo A Co.'s Express
to all parts of California, Atlantic Mates, and F.urnpe.
Letters forwarded to the Atlantic states by I'ony F.xtircss.
Treasitkr, I'.uc kls, and I'ackaoks forwarded in charge
ol a special messenger. We are also prepared to purchase
any articles of kooiIs rriiircd in baste from any of the
abore places or at .San Francisco.
Notes, Drafts, Dills, or Accounts placed in our hands for
collection will meet with prompt attention.
Drafts will be procured on any part of the Atlantic States
or Lurope.
Eugene City Office at Elanding'i Store.
I'riucipal Uflioe iu Portland with Wells, Fargo A Co.
r.. vt . i Hill, i
OEO. H. WILLIAMS Hate Chief Justice). A. C. oibbs.
Williams & Gibbs,
1)ORTLAXI, Oregon, will practice in the courts ot Ore
gon and Territory of Washington. Ollica iu f lark's
lilock, opHsit .Metropolis Hotel. ja!4
This new ami remarkable Chemical Remedy a prepara
tion of oxyilizuble phosphorus was discovered by the cele
brated Dr. J. F. Churchill, uf Paris. It has beeii used by
over ten thousand physicians, during the last three yeurs
with results unparalleled iu the annuls of medicine ; crea
ting an entire revolution in the treatment of Chronic Dis
eases of tho Lungs, Stomach, and all morbid conditions of
the Nervous and lltood Systems. Coiintmpfton i mi Ihhj
ijrr an jiui.nil'U inolnilji, for this Ucinedy has rtttomt
Ji-ttUf in ail ttttujm of tht timriini'.
II...- - , r.l.l 1 :e. - i ' .
I nie u inii-iuiii iiiiu sot-iiuc ueuoii on me one naiiii in
i ..p......... ,1... .ci... i!..!.. u-l.:.ii. iivvTiTripe wit vt-)
KXKKti V i and the other, being the MOST I'OWKK-
FL'L 111.001) OKM-UATIXli AlilfXTS KNOWN. They
act with promptness and certainly in all general morbid
conditions, such as Chronic llroncliitis. Asthma, Scrofula,
Marasmus, Anemia, Female Complaints, etc., and in all dis
orders of the Nervous or lllood System. Their efl'ect upon
the ttiburcular condition is immediate ull the general
symptoms disappearing with a rapidity which la really
marvelous. They increase the nervous or vital energy, re
lieve Cough, check Sight Sweats, diminish Kxpectoration
Improves the Appetite, arrest Diarrhea, ami promote re
freshing sleep. A FA IK TU1AL LS A CEIiTAI.V CL'BF..
Winchester's Genuine Preparation
OF T1IK Iiyi'OPlIOSPIlITr.S i's the only reliable form of
Dr. Churchill's Hemeilv, and is approved by the Medical
Profession irenerallv. t'SK NO OT1IKK. Oil ANY KE.M
J W Circulars contiiiiiing the only authentic information
iu regard tu the new treatment, free.
Price er bottle. Sold Wholesale and Retail at
the California lirauch Depot, by 8
tjo4 Mission St., two doors west of Second, Fail FrMicisc
Sands' Sarsaparilla,
All Diseases arising from an Lmpur
State of the Blood or Habit
of the System.
IN thir preparation ure strongly concentrated all the
medicinal properties of Sarsaiiarilla, combined with the
most etlectunl mils, the most salutary productions, the most
potent simples of the vegetable kingdom ; and the combi
nation is suih that one mollifies anil improves llio oilier,
producing a compound iliU'ering entirely in its character
ami properties from any other preparation, and unrivulled
in its operation on the system when laboring under disease.
It has been So fully tested, not only by putients themselves,
but also by physicians, that it lias received their unquali
fied recommendations and the approbation of the public;
and bus established on its own merits & 'epututioii tor val
rsand Krr'icAcv far superior to the variotf3 tomponnds
bearing the name of Sarsaparilla.
riiOU THE A It Ml'.
Moxtehkv, Cai... Jan. IS, 1S."0.
Messrs. A. B. A D. Hakus Gentlemen : 1 beg leavetoadd
my testimony in favor of your invaluable medicine, hoping
it may leail suine other unfortunate beings to try its etlects,.
and that they may be benefited as I have been. 1 arrived
here by the overland route, about the first of October lust.
A few ilavs after I u as attacked with a very disnirrecnlilM
eruption of the skin, n Inch my physician could not cure.
1 liappcneil to nun your itaraaparilla in a store in tins place,
and remembering ihe popularity of tho medicine at home,
I purchased three bottles, which had the desired c licet of
removing my dillieultv entirely.
With high regards, vours, etc..
J. 11. MILLER, Lieut. U.S. A.
Prepared and sold by A. Ii. V 1). Snnds, Wholesalo
Druggists, loo Fulton street, corner of William, New York.
F'or snlo by DbWitt, Kitti.k A Co., II. Jou.tsox A Co.,
and Rkiiixotox A Co., San Francisco ; Rita A Cornx, Ma
rvsville; R. H. AIcDdxai.ii ,t Co., Sacramento j Smith A
Davis, Portland; WM. WALKER Eugene City: and by
Druggists geucrally. iiL'7-Gm
A vented for
Preventing ils Turning Grey.
Prepared only by WM. II. KEITH A CO.,
SS-Urn 1.17, Montgomery gt., Sun Francisco.
F. X. K AST,
Agent of A. SEIIIEULICII, of Pliiladc.phlo,
Warehouse 75 and 77 California Street,
(Southeast Corner of llattery Street.)
Constantly on hand, a large assorted stock of (i en tie"
men's. Ladies' Misses und Children's Wear, of superior
quality. Also, French calf bootlegs and boot tionts. tf-Sia
Concentrated Potash.
Nearly Thrca Times the Strength or Ordiaary
There ia perhaps no disease to which Children are ex
posed so c minion ami fatal as Worms. The symptoms
which indicate them are as f jllows : Countenance pale,
tongue whitely furred, grinding of the teeth, fetid breath,
stomach hard "and swelled, wasting of the flesh, sickness
and pains in the stomach, bowels either too costive or too
loose, great fretfulness, unnatural craving for clay, dirt oa
chalk, colic, convulsions, tits, etc. The " Dead Shot " will
Reader, when you are in San Francisco, it is worth your in a few hours dear the system of every Worm. Although
while to pay a visit to this immense Clothing House, and ' prompt ami certain in its operation, and not unpleasant to
see the countless variety of garments of every style and ! thetarfe, it is perfectly safe and adapteU t j the tendvrest
texture tnai nil tne spacious shelves ami counters, ana 10 age.
notice the amount of business daily transacted thet
The nnpreredented success of the proprietors is attribu
ted to their liberal and judicious advertising, and the re
markably low prices at which their goods are sold. 3-!Sm
For ale br A. B. D. SAXD.H, Druggists, lis) Fulton
Street, Mew mk.
Sold also by Redington A Co., Han Franrjaco; Smith A
Davis, Portland ; Win. Walker, Eugene City. ii-'7-:!ni
1A( KI'.I) in one pound tin cans, convenient for use.
Thisisa.VAil' ARTICLE n California, but ia ex
tensively used in the Eastern States.
J OCK IO L .N l)S are sullicicut to muke
Without Lime, and w ith but little trouble.
Full directions accompany each can (in English and GcT
asan I to make Soap, and to soften hard water.
It is particularly recommended for cleaning type, and
for manufacturing purposes, where a cheap and caustic lya
is required.
For sule iu lots to suit, by
4s California st., San Francisco.'
Sole Agents for II. T. liabbitt's Pure Saleratus, Cream
Tartar, and Super Carbonate of Soda. v2l-8m
w. s. c.
'"IllK undersigned, sole agents of the above Oin, offer
X it to the public as Ihe finest Holland (Jin. and tlieouly
genuine Club House (tin imported to this market.
It is put up in gren cases, snd branded W. S. C, C'LVII
IIOL'SE. shall continue to receive the above Uin reg
ularly, also
IRE VALAMllU'islAL WIllSKEV, in flasks
AECTAR II7AAV. )', in new style bottles
The above Liquors are from the well-known bonne of
Wm. S. Corwin Co., New Voik, and arc gusrantn Una
and pure. W. II. C I'M MINOS CO.,
li .o-;;ul So California street, San Francisco.
S. Ellsworth,
ATTORNEY ami Counselor, U. S. Supreme Court and
other courts. Ottice at Eugene City, lme cotintyt
Oregon. Also, Cumiiiissoncruf Deeds furcw York, Con
necticut, etc. jail