nn T717! IJDj STATE K K 3 1L W JJJ XL 0 DEVOTED TO THE POLITICAL AND GENERAL INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE. VOL. I. EUGENE CITY, 011EGON, MARCH 15, 1862. NO. 10. THE STATE REPUBLICAN. Published every Saturday by EE. SHAW & CO. Terms of Subscription. The Rkpcblican will be published at (2 SO i year in ad Vance; (3 00 if puid at the end of aix nionthi; or H 00 t the close of the year, tine dullur additional will be 'charged for each year payment is neglected. J-f" No papers dUeuiitmucd until all arrearages are aid, except at our option. Rates or Advertising. One square (ten line or less) one mouth, $3 00 Kuch additioual insertion, ... - . - 60 business Cards, oue square or less, one year, 13 00 " " " " six months, 8 00 four squares and upwards, one year, per square, 10 00 " six month, per squaro, 7 00 M " " three months, " 5 00 Administrators Notices, and all advertisements re lating to estates of deceased persons, which have to be sworn to, oue square, four insertions, 5 00 All communications to this otlice should be addressed to II. SHAW 4 Co., Eugene City, Oregon. To Astkrtisrrs. Business men throughout Oregon and California will find it greatly to their advantage to adver tise intlie iST TK KKPrilMPW. OUR FLAG. From the Usiox Songster. Fling abroad its folds to the cooling breeze, Let it tlout at the ninst-heud high ; And gather around, all hearts resolv'd, To sustain it there or die : An emblem of peace and hope to the world, Unstained let it ever be ; And suy to the world, where'er it waves, Our tlug is the Hag of the free ! That banner proclaims to the list'ning earth, That the reign of the tyrant is o'er, The galling chums of despotic sway Jjhall enslave us no muro : An emblem of hope to the poor and lost, O place it where all may see ; And shout with glad voice as you raise it high, Our tlug is the Hag of the free ! Then on high, on high let that bunner wave, And lead us the foe to meet, Let it tloat in triumph o'er our heads Or be our winding sheet : And never, oh never be it furled, ' Till it wave o'er earth and sea ; And all munkind shall sweel the shout, Our flag is the flag of the free ! BALLOONING OVER THE REBEL CAMP. The following is no extract from a balloon as cension over the rebel camp, by Prof. La Moun tain and N. Frank White, as given by Mr. White : Tho enemy has not passed unnoticed, for, though I cannot get intide their lines, fortunately 1 am favored with opportunities which few have, i can go over their lines; and so, with the Pro 4'essor, I paid them a morniug visit a few days ago. I cannot say what were the remarks of Jefferson D., Esq., as we floated above his en campment at Centcrville, and I do not know that Mr. Beauregard spilt his coffee on receiving information that the hated Yankees were so near ; but 1 do know that either of the above-named gentlemen, by looking straight up from Centcr ville about ten o'clock that morning, could have seen, without a very powerful glass, two inquis itive Yankees taking notes, which in three hours from that time were in the hand of our General. We had indeed a glorious ascension, tho wind being from the east, in the right direction to take us to Manassas; we cut entirely loose from the earth, and wer.t up, up, tip, until tho Professor's ablo assistant, Mr. Albert Kendrick, of Troy, with our guard of forty men, were a little cluster of dots, and our barricaded mill a mere hand breadth square ; off to tho east lay Washington nd the white tent dotted hills of Maryland ; then came the Potomac, like a silver ribbon, narrowing north towards Leesburg, and proad ening out away to the south and south east ; right below us, encampment upon encampment, lay the grand army of the Potomac; the thousands of white tents covering all the hillsides; tho black, movii g squares and lines, which we knew were our own true soldiers ; the brown earth fortifications upon each commanding eminence, every angle is marked out to our view as though a map was beneath and the blended, softened, harmonized music of many bands, r.ow swelling out full and clear, as it pulsed up to us, now toned down to the gentlest strains, were sights and sounds never to bo forgotten. k Cut the wind was fast bearing us to the west, and in a very few moments we were over Fairfax Court House ; by descending a little we could see plainly the rebel cavalry, who were scouting in that vicinity ; with the exception of those scouts, there was no force there ; a few moments more brought us over Centcrville, and there, within and around thousand bough huts, were the mor tal enemies of those whose tents but a little time before lay below us on the banks of the Potomac. We were near enough to have a fair view of their numbers, to get all the information we wanted, and stir up. quite an excitement in their midst, if we could judge by the evident agitation of the living mass ; doubtless their blessings were plen tifully showered Upon us. But as we were above, its a natural consequence the Bhower had no t-flect ; and as we hud made our call sufficiently lone, we threw over a little ballast bade them a polite irood momins. and went up in search of some current that would be obliging enough to lake us back again under the protection of our own glorious stars and stripes. I confess that I was a little nervous lest Boreas should not be in an obliging mood, in which case our condition would not be exactly the thing, for we well knew that many thonsand angry eyes were watching us below ; many a finger was ready, if we came in range, to pull the trigger that would speed a ball towards our hearts wasn't I excusably nervous t 1 think I was ; though, as the sequel proved, unnecessarily so that tune, for we noon reached tho higher current to the east, and rapid ly sped on lo safely, landing in a very short time right in tho midst of our camps, not two miles from our starting place. That was one day's experience, and I shall probably have inanv such if this war continues long. SECESSIONISTS CLAIMING LANDS. The following Circular has been sent from the Land Office, Washington, to registers, Re ceivers and Surveyors-General : General Land Office, Jan. 6, 1862. Gentlemen : This office has received a comma nication, dated the 3d hist., from the Hon. C. B, Smith, Secretary of the Interior, by which we are advised that he is in possession of informa tion in which he places entire confidence, " that many persons m Oregon, and probably others in Washington Territory, are claiming and obtain ing the benefit of the acts of Congress donating lands to actual settlers, vho openly express sen timents hostile to the Government whose bounty they claim, and adherence to and sympathy with the existing rebellion." The resources of tho Government, necessary to sustain its credit in the future, and required so far as available in the present, to suppress this rebellion, ouht not to be squandered upon those aiding and abetting the treason, which it is the great object of the Government to destroy and eradicate. The acts of Congress granting donations of land, restrict those donations to citizens, and those who have solemnly declared their intention to become citizens, before the judicial tribunals. The spirit of these acts, therefore, confines the grants of' lands to persons loyal to the United States, and to such only. Your office, and tho local offices of the Land Department, should refuse to execute and deliver certificates and evidences to disloyal persons, whether they havo aided and assisted tho existing rebellion, or nre plotting to render it assistance in the future. The act of Congress of March 3d, 1837, (sec tion 5.) " In addition to an act moro effectually to .provide for tho punishment of certain crimes against the United States," recognizes the right of tho Commissioner of tho Government Land Office to issue orders, regulations, and instruc tions respecting the public lands, aud the author ity of the District Land Officers to administer all oaths required by Buch orders, regulations, or in structions. The act of Congress of August, 1801, " requiring an oath of allegiance and to support the Constitution of tho United States," to be ad ministered to all persons in the civil service of the United states, has prescribed a form of oath, which, under orders of the Executive, has also been administered to pensioners and persons having claims against the United States ; and which, in my opinion, it is proper to cause to be administered to all persons claiming certificates of donations of lands. These remarks, it will bo observed, apply with equal force to all persons claiming pre-emption rights, which are special grants of preference and favor conferred by the Government and by it restricted to loyal persons. In accordance with these views and pursuant to instructions (1 ). "All persons claiming pre emptions or donations of lands are required to take tho oath of allegiance above designated (form herewith) before obtaining certificates from tho local land offices." 2. These certificates have already been issued, and th9 patents in these classes of cases remain under the control of this office or tho local otlices. The patents will not be delivered until the re quired oath is taken by tho party or parties to whom they are issued, or who have direct inter est in them. 3. A like oath of allegiance will also bo re quired of all persons taking contracts in the sur veying service m any portion ot tho public do main. In any and all matters falling within the range of your duties, upon the aforesaid instructions may nave a hearing, you aro neroy enjomea to faithfully observe the said instructions. You will plcaso acknowledge the receipt ot this circular, and will promptly report any case or cases heretofore returned to this office, in which its interpositions may be required to give a full effect to the Secretary's instructions. A supply of the forms of oath will be lur- nished you by this office. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. M. Edmunds. Com. A Fo .tt-Shooter. The forty-shooter inven ted by Rev. Mr. Moore, of Iowa a perfect Nim rod of a preacher is described as a weapon w hich will kill w ith accuracy at a distance of three hundred yards. The editor of the St. Louis lie- pvblican inspected the weapon, and says its cal iber is ninety-five balls to the pound, and it has tho May nard primer attached. The powder and bulls are put into two tubes, which extend from the chamber about one foot up the barrel, parallel with each other, and both can be filled with ammunition in a few seconds. These serve the purpose of a cartridge box, and the rifle is charged from them by a partial revolution of the stock, which is quickly reversed, and the gun is ready for firing. The ball is rammed into the chamber with a sliding rammer, by the move ment of returning the stock to its place. The contrivance is by no means complicated, and its ' perfect simplicity is a guarantee against its get ting out of order, lhe manner ot handling it may also be learned thoroughly in a few minutes. This rifle may very readily be adopted for army purposes, made of any caliber required, and would not prove more expensive than many of tho fire arms now in use. A capacity ot twenty charges would be entirely sufficient for an army cun. and. in the bands of a regiment in action, would render it equal to at least five regiments armed with a common musket or rifle. Arrange ments are being made, at St. Louis, to manufac ture the weapon. Sae. Lnion. Saute eok Flotd. The last gun fired at the Union kaIuIp on Saturday evening, was ClVen ; for Floyd. It comprised a small charge of pow der and no wadding, resulting in a M fizzle out." Vrrtit Jntrnnl. Wreck of the Steamer ColumbCs. The Pan ama correspondent ot the Bulletin, writing under date of Jan. 20th, gives the following particulars of the loss ot the steamerCoIumbus, whose wreck was announced by telegraph from New York recently : A Sardinian schooner arrived at Panama a few days since from Salvador, but brings no letters or newspapers from the Central American States. She, however, brings us news of the total loss of the Panama Railroad Company s steamer Colum bus, which has been anxiously lookod for at Pan ama for a month past. The Columbus was bound up, and safely landed her cargo at Punta renas do Costa Rica, Realejo, Nicaragua and La Union, Salvador. On the 8th of December, while running for the port of Acajutla, and off 1 unta Kemedois, close to the port, she ran on to the reef, on which the surt always breaks heavily and commenced breaking up rapidly. In ten hours there was nothing to be seen of her, she having gone to pieces. Capt. Ludwig had mis taken, in the night, a vessel in view, in the harbor, for the rock near the reef, and running for her, struck tho rock instead of reaching his anchorage. ThoColumbus, when she struck, had 1,250 pack ages of goods on board, principally Guatamala, valued at $150,000. Only two hundred cases were picked up, but in so damaged a condition that the salvos scarcely paid for their trouble. Tho goods are presumed to bo mostly insured in Europe, from whence they came. There was no insurance on tho Columbus. Tho passengers and crew were all saved, and wero awaiting tho steamer Guatamala, which could not arrive at Acajutla till the 6th of the present month. Cal ifornians will recollect tho Columbus as the George Law propeller, of about 500 tons, which in 1850 used to tote them up and down between San Francisco and Panama, packed like herrings in a box, for tho trifling sum of three hundred thousand dollars each. About eighteen months since, the Railroad Company expended the sum of forty thousand dollars in re-building her, and when lost she was sound and in good order. Their other steamer, tho Guatamala, will have to do all the steam trade, which has become very valuable, between Panama and Central American ports, till July, when the Salvador, a fine new vessel just launched by the Company at New York, will join in the business. Tho Guata mala will arrive to-day, perhaps, and will bring a cargo valued at not less than two million dol lars, consisting of indigo, cochineal, balsam and coffee and she will also bring the officers and crew of the Columbus. Parson Brownlow. The following from. the St. Louis correspondence of the Alta is tho last intelligence which we have from the indomitable parson : Tho Parson's adventures are not finished yet. In tho Confederate Court at Knoxville, on the 27th ult., a nolle prosequi was entered in the case of Parson Brownlow, on tho ground that having surrendered himself voluntarily, on condition that the Government would agreo to convey him out of East Tennessee, and protect his exit. The faith of tho Government being pledged, his dis charge was ordered. Tho Knoxville lieaister re marks as follows : " Whether Brownlow was well enough to leave tho jail last night, or w hat has become of him, we have not learned ; though we understand it was the intention of the commander of tho post here to hold him under arrest, with a view to his safe conduct beyond the lines, where he may be able to co-operate with Johnson and Maynnrd. The release was by tho Court authorities. Immediately upon his dischargo Brownlow was re-arrested by Col. Monsarrat, Military Com mander, and remanded to custody. Further from the East. From late Eastern papers, to Jan. 11th, we extract the followin items of intelligence : Under the caption of " A year closing under gloomy auspices," the Richmond Examiner commences an article thus : " The year closed under gloomy auspices with a check at Drancsville and a rumored disaster in Missouri. Tho year which yesterday began has opened with evil tidings. We fear that there is no doubt that the Northern Union has consented to the surrender of Mason and Sli Jell ; and with that event all hope of an immediate alliance be tween the Southern Confederacy and Great Brit ain must cease." The Examiner then goes on to portray the depth of degradation to which the North has been reduced by the surrender of Mason and Slidell, in which it can find no consolation, however, be cause it removes the chance of a war with Eng land, and because it cannot discover any sign of a popular revulsion at the North against the ac tion of the Government, which is evidently sus tained by tho people. Then it believes that Palmerston is the friend of the North, but thinks that the Palmerstoo Ministry must soon be over thrown, as the interests of the British people are with the South, and then intervention will assur edly take place. The editor closes as follows ; " But, for some time, we may be left alone in this quarrel. Let us not repine though the task be heavy on the arm. If we would respect our selves, consolidate our nationality, insure our independence and transmit a heroic memory to posterity, we must prove to ourselves and to all others that our own unaided strength is sufficient for our redemption. Ifitisnot, there remains one resolution by which every citizen that is worthy of freedom can avoid the sight of its ex tinction and the spectacle of his country's ruin to de in the last ditch of their defense." Black and White Flao. The rebels at Fort Donaldson raised the black flig on Saturday, but substituted the white flag on Sunday, which may be considered a pious move, in order that the sinners might have opportunity of redeeming themselves from being subjects of Satan's king, dom. EASTEltN NEWS. Fortress Monroe, Feb. 19. Gunboats had returned to Elizabeth City, all tho fleet was an chored at Roanoke Island. An immense num ber of trophies had been captured, including a splendid State flag ot antiquated arms, flintlock muskets, old swords, shot guns, pistols, etc Col. Corcoran and 700 Federal prisoners are expected hourly at Old Point. The Sumter is off the coast of Spain. Gen. Burnslde's fleet is at anchor off Roanoke Island. Troops havo been sent on enough to in crease his force to 40,000. Edenton is occupied by his men, and their picket extend six or eight miles into the interior from that point. Tho war in Venezuela continues. A frightful revolution is progressing in Hon duras. Gen. Guardiola has been assassinated at his own house. The troops hud joined the in surgents, and excesses were being committed in Truxillo. Advices from St. Thomas to tho 2d February stato that a british commander had attempted to take a seaman from an American vessel, but was prevented by a Federal gunboat. The British Admiral subsequently arrived, reprimanded tho commauder and apologized to the American Con sul. Ship Island Miss. dates reach to tho 7th of .February. 1'ive ships of rosters expedition had arrived, and two moro wero spoken off Ha vanna on the 11th. Four rebel schooners had arrived at Havanna from New Orleans on tho 10th, loaded with cot ton. Washington, Feb. 20th. Tho Senate has passed the army appropriation bill, Chicago special dispatches say that out of one company of tho 1 1th Illinois Regiment, at Ft. uonaidson there wero only lb men who were not killed, wounded c missina. There are but 140 effective men I "Is. hi tho regiment. Of tho rebel prisoner taken at Donaldson 3,000 have asked to bo allowed their arms and bo enrolled in the union army. Tennessee has convened tho Legislature of the State to repeal all laws passed by tho Confeder ate Legislature inconsistent with tho Federal Constitution. White flags are flying at Nashville. Gens. Floyd and Pillow committed many acts of vandalism as they passed up the river. Gen. Ilalleck has telegraphed to McClellan that Clarkesvillo has been taken, with supplies enough for tho army for 20 days. Tho place is iww occupied by Gen. Smith's Division. Chicago, Feb. 21. Tho Illinois State Conven tion, now in session at Springfield, has oppropri ated $500,000 for tho exclusive purpose of ro lieviug tho wants of the suffering soldiers who havo been or may be wounded at battles fought in defeuso of the Union. A rebel telegram from Augusla says that Gen Johnson telegraphed to Gen. Grant that he wo'd surrender Nashville, provided private property would be respected, io answer was made. Gordon, tho slaver, was executed to day. General Grant has been made a Major Gener al. General Butler's preparations at Ship Island, doubtless for an attack on New Orleans, go on vigorously. Nothing definite from Savannah yet reac'ies us. It is certain that l ort l uluski is isolated from tho land it was built to protect, and that our forces have a battery on an island lying be tween it and savannah. New York, Feb. 20th. The substance of Earl Russell's letter to tho Lords of tho Admiralty, states that all ships of war or privateers, of either belligerent, arc prohibited from making use of any port or roadstead in tho United Kingdom of Great Britain, Ireland, tho Channel Islands, or in any of Her Majesty's colonies, foreign possess ions dependencies, or ot any waters subject to the territorial jurisdiction of tho British Crown, as a place for any warike purposes, or for the purpose ot obtaining any facilities for warlike equipments. No ship of war or privateer of either belligerent, shall bo permitted to sail out of or leave any port, roadstead, or waters subject to uritish jurisdiction, from which any vessel of either belligerent, whether the sumo bo a ship of war, privateer, or merchant ship, shall have previously departed, until after tho expiration of at least twenty-four hours from the departuro of such last named vessel beyond the territorial ju risdiction oilier .Majesty, lias order was to go into effect on tho Gth inst. Last advices represent that there is but little doubt but that France will follow the example of the liritish with still more stringent obligations of neutrality on the part of French subjects in reference to tho American belligerents. Col. Richasdson from tho Committee of the House on Military Affairs, is preparing a bill to effect the incarceration of, and refusal to ex change, all prisoners who have taken tho oath to support tho Constitution of the United States, such as Senators, Members of Congress, Foreign Ministers, all who havo been regular army or navy officers, or who havo accepted office, cither civil or military, under tho so called Southern Confederacy in short to punish tho leaders of tho rebellion, and under no pretext whatever, al low them to escape. Tho recent news from Euiopc, touching the determination of the Allied Power to put a Hapsburg as the ruler over Mexico, and thus cre ate a monarchy on our borders, is exciting pro found emotion here. The fact that some such scheme was contemplated has been in possession of tho State Department for some time past, and it will be found that dispatches have been sent to our Ministers in London, Paris nud Madrid, pro testing energetically against any such project. It is asserted that tho allies are determined that their armies shall march on tho Capital of Mexico next month. Tho report gains strength that tho Arch-duke Maximillian will bo tendered the throne of Mex. ico. Thore have been popular demonstrations at Parma and Florenco against Papal temporal power, and in favor of Victor Emanuel. Andy Johnson will probably proceed to Nash ville as soon as that place is taken, and assist in organising a provincial govrnmeent in Tennessee. That State will probably send a full loyal del. egation to Congress by tho last of March. The companies of tho First Regiment of Cav alry Oregon Volunteers, mustered into tho ser vice of the United States, aro lettered as follows : Co. A commanded by Capt. T. S. Harris. " " Capt. E. J. Harding. " C " 1st Lieut. Wm. Kelly. " D Capt. SewalTruax. " E " 1st Lieut. Geo. B.Curry. " F " 1st Lieut. D. P. Thompson. Thus it will be seen that Jackson county leads tho van in tho Volunteer Regiment, called for by tho Genoral Government, to protect tho oxposed frontier of our youthful StaU and to give protec tion to immigration. When the call was first announced, secession sympathizers offered to bet that twenty men could not bo enlisted in this county. It only took Captain Harris six days to fill his company. We do not believe that Capt. Truax has as high an alphabetical position as ho is entitled to. It may bo wo aro mistaken, however. We are willing that honor should be given whero tho honoris due. Sentinel. Thf Prospective Dkiit n the ITrmu s retary Chaso sums up tho prospective debt of tho country at the closo of the financial year ending Juno 30th, 1803, as follows : It only remains to completo tho viow of tho financial situation, to submit a statement of the 1. 1: j i . . . .. puuno ueoi, as it was on tho 1st day of July, in 1800 and 18G1. and will ln nr-pni-.li.,,. b 1 .IIW statement now presented, at tho same date in eiieu oi me years 19W ana J Sua. The statement, in brief, is as follows : July 1, lKilil, the public debt was - - $(51,709,903 03 uuiy i, mm, ule purine ueot wn .... 9n,87t) 8:2 6 JtllV' 1. ISi'f. tile Itlllllif ili.l.l will , Rt u-o'o.i no I l i , w ........... - - t'l t jO I tOi.'a Pt July 1, lstis, the public debt will be . - 897,372,802 93 We learn that a private in Company C, Ore gon Cavalry Volunteers, goo in g thero was no chance for any of tho Southern rebels to do th job for him, concluded to relieve the Government ot tiirthor expense by cutting his throat. Unfor tunately for tho Government hut perhaps fortu nately for him, ho did not succeed in completing the job, henco ho is now undergoing medical treatment in the military hospital at this nhi. V Telegraph. 1 From Kern Riv er. Tim I.os Anm.l,,a ?Vi,. of tho 12th, hasndvices from Kern river, which show a damage of some $20,000 in value to that locality by the floods. Three quartz mills were swept on wnn a lou-uriugo una many mi ning improvements. On Greo'diorn mountain t line river aiiu ill i.iiin s valley the damage was also VOI'V larcp. Thn nnnnlx rif I.innV tlemeiit. on Kern rivi r lml n nnpriv cr.ir r. their lives, the entire scttlemnt bein-j swept off uy mo uooa. Why is it necessary for tho rebels lo carry a while-wash bucket in fighting? Because its con tents nre needed to white-wash tho black flag. Yreku Journal, TlIK IllRKPKKRHlHI.K REPORTER. Colonel Ba- kcr's funeral ceremonics'took place at Webb's. Tho friends, tho honorables and the military, filled tho house, and reporters were sh :t out. Now came the tug of war. One reporter's ef forts alone I will give as a sample, selecting the victor in tho case. Having failed in all other efforts to get in, he brassed it up to Gen. McClel Ian and asked a pass. This was redieulous, of courso, as it was neither MeClelJan's house nor funeral, anil reporter was snubbed. OfTho goes to Gen. Marcy, Chief of McClellan's staff and was as cavalierly treated as he deserved. Round tho house ho goes, and finding tho omnipresent contraband, gives him a dollar to shoot him down tho scuttlo hole, when round through the lobby and larder ho creeps to the side of tho Parson. But he dare not use his pencil lest it bring on a gentlo leading out by tho car. Down ho sits, with ono eye half closed in full funeral flow, .and tho other on tho Parson's manuscript. The ad dress over, down knelt reporter, meek and mous ing, and when all hearts were melting and all eyes wero closed savo reporter's one, ho stolo tho manuscript and " slid cannie out." Long tho weary Parson looked fir his truant address, but when morning dawned ho was ablo to read it entire in tho papers. Cleavelaml Plaindealer. Modern DF.rixmovs Oversight To leave your old umbrella in a new room and carry away a new one. I'nfortunato Man Ono born with a conscience. Progress of Time A peddler going through the land with wooden clocks. Rigid Justice A juror on a murder case fast asleep. Honesty Almost obsolete; a term formerly used in tho case of a man who paid for his paper. Credit A wise (?) provision by which cons table and sheriffs get a living. Love An ingredient used in romance and poetry. Religion Damning your neighbor for not thinking exactly as you do. A wng of a Union man nays that many men have raised a largo crop of hemp, and ho is con soled with the idea of reciprocity, that a large crop of hemp will raise many men this year.