The state Republican. (Eugene City, Or.) 1862-1863, January 25, 1862, Image 2

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The Strujyle of to-day ii not altogether for
to-day, it if lor the vast future also."
cor MTV.
Union men of Lane count, the time has come for action,
nd your June election is but a few months distant. No
definite plan has yet been made public by which friends of
the Union, whether Democrat or Republicans, are certuin
of concert of acton. Vital interests are at stuke. The true
issue is Union, with all its blessings of peace, of luw, of
order ', or iitunion, with its anarchy, its outrage and its
We appeal to every loyal citizen: lay aside your old
jealousies, and como up to the precinct election of the dele
gates to the county Convention like brothers. Let, luhear
the voice of the people.
To Republicans we any, let your acts, of dorotion to your
country not be surpassed by mere empty sounding words,
Come up like the true Union men thutyou are, to the res
cue. To Democrats we say, show that the magnanimity with
which you have come to the aid of the Administration, the
Constitution and the Government, is still as noble in its
constancy as iu its magnanimity.
Com one! Come all! to your precincts, and elect del
egates to the county Convention. The precinct elections to
be held on Saturday, the Kiid day of March, lWJ, and the
county Convention on Saturday, tho Btitli duy of March,
1802, at the Court House in Eugene City. The county Con
vention to nominate the county ticket, aud elect delegates
to the State Convention.
A. A. Smith, W. II. Fishib, II. O.,
C. II. Monks, J. O. Grat, D. M. Risdon,
II. Blanuino, 1. M. lhca, Jos. Davis,
F. B. DlJ.NN, 11. J. I't.MlKA, M. Danfoktii,
A. Ren phew, II. M. Ellsworth, D. N. Hydk,
D. S. I'atrk, Hiram Smith, H. II. Cranston.
Taequulilicd voters of the State of Oregon who are in
favor of the suppression of tlie prescat wicked rebellion
of a vigorous prosecution of war so long ns necessary to
frustrate the mad schemes of armed ti-uitors who are
opposed to any peace other than the honorable one sure to
come niien rebel and their sympathisers submit to the
constitutionally elected and qualified authorities and legully
enacted laws of the Government who think more of coun
try than of partv prejudice and individual preference who
an" in favor uf supporting the general Uuveruineut in its
eudeuvors to defend the Constitution, execute the laws, and
preserve the Union, and who are willing to unite for Ibc
election of a ticket upon such a basis ut the coming elec
tion, without reference to former political associations, are
resp-ctl'ullv requested to meet at the places of voting in the
eventl precincts in me various counties of tlie State on
Saturday; toe 2'jd day of March, A. 1). lHii-J, to choosedclc-gate.-t
to' county Conventions to be held in the respective
counties of the State at the county seats thereof, on Satur
day, tne S'.itli day of March, IStii, for the purpose of select
in'; delegate to a State Convenluiu, to be held at Kiigeue
Cilv, on Wednesday, the ttUiof April, lsfiS, forthepeui pose
of nominating a Union ticket for State ollicers and Member
of Congress, a.i follows; From Jaeksou county, in dele
gates ; Josephine, ; lHmjrlas.rt; Currv, 1 ; Coos, 1; l.'inp
qua, !i, Lane, k; Iteuton, 6; I. inn. In; I'ulk. ." ; Yamhill, ii;
Marion, 12;; Multnomah, H ; Washington, 4 ;
Columbia, 1 ; Clatsop, 1 ; Tillamook, 1 ; Wasco, 4.
V e recommend the holding of precinct and county meet
ings al the hour of 1 o'clock p. a., ami the meeting of the
StaU1 Convention at 11 o'clock of the duy named.
Sax i si. II anna, II. F. Hakiiino,
C'i'n rm. SI. Can. Cvm.
LtTiAft Hkath, K. Williams,
H. Simpson, A. F. Waller,
K. C. Urns, Alonio Lbland,
Joun Mi.'Crackkn, K. N. Cooks,
R. J. I.nn, J. W. MiCi llt,
David McCi.llt, A. C. R. Shaw,
W. C. Johnson,
lttp. St. ( 'tit. l orn.
A. C. GlRRS,
I. R. Moorks,
W. S. I.ADI),
II. M. Tiiatcuir,
S. U. Rkki.,
TnoMAS Strang,
A. II. Hallock,
II. Hm'kkv,
A. L. Lovrjov,
William Gravis,
I.. K. Carter,
J. M. Dice,
J. Warr,
K, L. Aitlegati,
. Mr.CoRMICI, T. It. Kll'IKT,
a Kmaw, ). P. Thompson,
. ItlNKRSOX. J. Magonk,
N. Trrkt, R. I', lloisa,
Shaw, II. M. Kllsworth,
E. Strattom, 11. J, 1'knqra,
The qualified voters of Denton county, " who are in fa
vor of the suppression of the present wicked rebellion
of a vigorous prosecution of war 'so long as necessary to
frustrate the mad schemed of armed traitors who are op
posed to any peace other than the honorable one sure to
come when rebels and their sympathizers submit to the
constitulionallv elected and qualilicd authorities aud
legally enacted laws of the Government who think more
of country than of party prejudice and individual prefer
ence -wtid are in lavor oi
of supporting the general Govern
i defend the Constitution, execute
ment in lis endeavors to defend the Constitution, execute
the laws, and preserve the Union, and who are willing to
unite on a ticket upon sucn a basis at the coming election.
re retpiested to meet Hi Keneru MASS I MKETINll to he !
holil nt Ilic t ourt House in I orvallis on Sulnnliiv tl.e '.".'Hi !
day of Mitreh ImU, nt I o'clock p. m , for tho purpose of i
nominaiing- a i nion county ncsei Rim 10 select nve ucie-T1
galea to the Union SlutcConvenlion" to beheld at Eugene
City, on Wednesday the Uth day of April, s.l, to noniinale
"Luion ticket tor Slate Ollicers and Member of Con-
A. (1. II'IVKV, JMKS R. llAYLr.Y,
A. J. Tmatkr, .
K. A. Ahhkt,
II. W. Wilson,
II. Kl.ICK inokr,
W. M trzuKR,
J. W. Km tiier,
A. M. WlTllAM
K. llol.OATE,
J. Clakk,
J. G. Rkikcrrai'M,
J. IIrownson.
R. Cn mhers.
A. Newton,
A'' p. t o. ( 'iHt,
J. Hao,
J. A. Manna,
J. II. Doiisk,
I,. ItKi.rn.s,
A. I'rui'T,
J. C. Woon.
J. M tRriN, ,
lm. t ti. f '.
II. K. William.
R. G. Simmons,
A. lloi.PRR,
II. II. Nichols,
S. II. Hhmsvro,
II. Cook,
A. HiHNAttn,
Corvullis, Jan. 17, lrij.
: . , . ;o apply that knowledge in life. The music was
Tho attempted organization of a " Peace par. 1 ', .... . , ... . . ... ,
. , , . , , . . I excellent. 1 he society w ill meet again on W ed
ty in Oregon, is but tho revival of toryism iu . ... ... , ,, . ,,,
' .. . n., . ,. . . , , nesday evening, the th of lebruary. All are
all its ollensivo rancor. 1 his disposition ofde- . ... .
, , ', . i invited to attend,
termined opposition to tho best and truest form , ,
of Government, hasbeoti characteristic of a cer-1 Y have received tho Portland Paily Times,
tain class, properly termed old fogier," in all of tho loih, which contains a neat map of the
ages of the world ; which ar always a clog on ' new Northern gold fields, embracing Oro Pino
tho wheels of the car of political or social prog-, and Salmon river district. It is edited Yy A.
I f I ...1 M! I. I .1 . .IT.. J". I 1"
rcss. , i ,
in th infancy of tho Kepublic, when its foun j
ders w ere yet living, there arose a class of short (
ichted and merecna.-y demagogues, whose pnj
... . i e
udiewi forold and oppressive fonim of govern- j
mcnt, shut out from ths'ir beclouded minds the
rising light of the sun of Liberty. They opposed i
tha Fwdoral Government iu its infancy, and .
sought to overthrow tho Constitution ore its rati
fication. The same party lent their aid to Kng-
.!" wS the Revolutionary war, and sought
on ti 1 1 occasions tonUiert j tlm constitutional
authorities. They have ever been open enemies
to lie publican Government. Like an incubus
upon our fair Republic, they have ever hung
with the death gripe of despair, watching with
the vigilence of demons an opportunity to sink
our ship of State. We can trace them by their
unmistakable foot-prints from their opposition to
George Washington's Administration down to
that of Abraham Lincoln.
The first prominent outrago of that faction
after America's Independence was the attempt
to subvert the Continental Congress, and to es
tablish a monarchy. This insulting proposition
to General Washington ' to assume the regal
gown, was spurned with a lofty indignation
known only to a brave and mighty man. Since
then their infernal machinations have been held
in check by the undaunted energy of mighty
minds, until within the last few years.
Through tho intrigues of Calhoun, their dark
designs would have been attained in General
Jackson's day, but forrho Godlike firmness and
undaunted bravery of that old hero. His words
of burning eloquence spoken on that occasion
" The Union must be preserved without blood,
it that be possible ; but it must be preserved at
all Ituzards, and at any price " are still as
potent to stir up friends of the Union to its do
fence as when Old Hickory buckled on the sword
of Slate. And while such watch-words as these
animate our soldiers, Sccesh may well begin to
think her timo short.
The spirit of Disunion and deadly opposition
to our form of government, h".s been clearly vis
ible from the very foundation of the Republic,
and has 'jecn a source of unceasing perplexity
and anxiety to fourteen consecutive Presidents.
It vainly sought to fasten its murderous fangs in
the heart of our beloved Union, until the incum
bency of James Uuclmnan. The bloodthirsty
fiends of Disunion found him a fit accomplice for
tho carrying forward of their dark and diabolical
purpose. His Cabinet was selected with an eye
to their villainous plot. The infamous Floyd,
whose character as a gun thief can never admit
of the slightest suspicion of successful competi
tion, completed tho preparations for the bloody
work which JefT Davis and his minions are pros
ecuting. Would to heaven we could stop here,
and count all the foes of our country in the canif
of tho enemy. But it is not so. We must n
deceive ourselves, for there are rancorous and
bitter enemies right hero among us. They are
not pointed out merely by suspicion, but by
their own loudmouthed expressions of hatred
to tho just administration of the Government.
This villainous and blasphemous slander of our
country's fallen heroes, will reveal them to every
observing citizen. While they make the loudest
professions to bo truly Democratic, to belong to
the old and regular Democracy, they outstrip by
far tho leaders of that party in their denunciations
of" Lincoln's war policy."
Hear Mr. Buchanan's words on this point,
uttered since he found that the North were uni
ted in defiance of the infernal plot to overthrow
the Government : " This is tho moment for
action for prompt, united and energetic action
and not for the discussion of peace propositions."
lSeautil'uI words indeed, and would have sounded
much better coming from the samo source a little
earlier. '
Tho peace croakers of Oregon, are in this as
in everything else, behind the times. They seem
to be perfectly ignorant of the fact that their
grea prototype has long since withdrawn his as
sistance from tho rebels, and minglod his voice
in the general and patriotic proclamation : " Tho
Union must and shall be preserved at all hazards
and at any price."
Tub tax and duties imposed by last Congress
on yearly incomes of residents, of over eight
hundred dollars, three per cent ; on the samo
income of mm residents, five per cent. Tux on
spring carriages and harness, not used in the
transportation of merchandise, in value from fifty
to one thousand dollars, one to fifty cents. Tax
on silver watches, fifty tents ; on gold watches,
e dollar ; on distilled liquors per gallon, fifty
1 b ' '
cents and upwards, to be paid by tho distiller.
M ...
! lax lH'r gallon Oil fermented Ilipiors, two Cents.
l'10 sm0 ,)er ,.m. f ;j0 ;l0I19 or CM
Tiik Last Temperalieo meeting was unusually
interesting. Miss Mary McMurry favored us
with a beautiful and touching address on temper
ance and woman's rights. K. L. Applegate
being called upon by the President of the meeting,
followed with an able and instructive discourse
on temperance and the law of adaptation, or fit
ness of things ; sliowiu? tho folly of aciiiiirin
'knowledge in the abstract, without learning how
i.eiaiui, anu piioiisiieo ill nio oiiice oi tne limes,
where it may be had at filly cents per single
copy ; 1 per dozen, or t io per hundred.
-TT 7"i i . n
Man. r auhrl, of Portland, was brutally as-1
w1oJ iast Monday, with intent to rob her, by )
Ono Geonre Kose. "She was wounded, but not j
fi tally. Pose was taken, says tho Times, of
11,0 1J'n
Tna (vortrnment has prohibited the shipping
of gunpowder to the l'aeifio coast.
Tho riidersiiined were instructed at the last
State Convention to convene the liepublicahs of
the State, at their next meeting, at kugene City.
Events that have transpired since tho meeting
of the last State Convention, could not then be
foreseen, and issues are uow presented to the peo.
plo paramount to all issues that have heretofore
divided political parties.
Whilo we claim no right to dissolve tho Re
publican organization, nor do we see any cause
to recant any political principle heretofore held
by us, yet believing that the vital issue now before
tho people, is lhe preservation or destruction of
our institutions, we are unwilling to do anything
to distract tho Union sentiment in the coming
canvass ; and, therefore, have doomed it unwise to
call a party convention, with a view to tho sup
port of a distinctively llcpubliean ticket.
In taking this course, wo have been guided by
the expressed wishes of Uepublicaus throughout
the Slate, and an honost desire on our own part,
to avoid any barrier to tho hearty support of a
Union ticket, by the loyal voters of the State,
without regard to former political ditlerencei.
History verifies tht fact, that tho 1'athers of
our common country supposed that they had
cemented a perpetual Union ; they are only
traitors who have now attempted to overthrow
it; we, therefore, call upon one and all to rally
to the support of tho priceless inheritance be
queathed to us by tho founders of the Republic;
he that neglects for any trivial cause at this time
to testify his devotion to our common country,
a Government that has made us tho most, pros
perous and favored people on ihi; face ot the
globe, is not worthy of tho mno 0f American
citizen. We, therefore, trust to tho intelligence
and patriotism of ihe loyal people of this State,
' u) unanimity at ma coming convention
and election, their abhorrence f secession and
treason, their lovo of country and its prosperity.
We, therefore, earnestly reccominend to the
Republican voters of tho State, that without
regard to party, they should in tho coming can
vass, heartily unite in nominating and supporting
a ticket composed of Union men, who stand the
test embraced m the call herewith published.
Portland, Jan. 8, 1802.
IT. V. Cohrett.
V. C. Johnson.
Republican State Central Committee.
. -
As a merited rebuko to the secession editors
of Oregon, who are eagerly catching up and dis
torting every sentence which may tall from the
lips of our country's heroes and statesmen hin
ting at the probable result of negro emancipation
as a forced consequence of the outrageous and
bloody rebellion of the South ; we point them to
the ominous words of l)y ron's Chief Judge in tho
council ot Venice : " Your sin hath made us
make a law which will become a precedent 'gainst
such arch traitors as would with treason mount
to tyraiiy." When we hear the cry,'" Abolition
must bo put down and the Union saved," we
say that sounds well, but curiosity prompts us to
look a little us to the source of this great noise ;
and lo, tho htiky voice and protruding ears toll
tho tale as of old. The lion skin of public senti
ment, behind which traitors attempt to hide, will
not suffice to screen them from the argus eyes of
criticism. Murder will out, and so will treason.
Aud wo have now a safe and unerring guido by
which to point out traitors to our country. Ex
pressed in fewest words it is this: every Ameri
can citizen who advises the termination of the
present war in an inglorious peace is a traitor.
Much as wo all detest war, there is not among
us a man who would bo willing to see our arms
disgraced by tin inglorious peace, whom we
would not unhesitatingly brand as a traitor.
That there are such men cnjoylrg tho common
protection, and even to some extent the immuni
ties of tho Oovcrnmcnt, no one can deny. Yet
it must be confessed, that this fact is not attribu
ted to any sympathy for such on the part of the
President Lincoln has ever shown an unswerv
ing and dignified determination to overthrow
this ty ranical usurpation of Jell Davis ii Co., to
which tho secession sympathizers of Oregon are
bound with all tho ties of sympathy and preju
dice; therefore, we are not surprised w hen we
hear them crying out oud declaiming against
" Lincoln's war." We are not surprised when
wo hear them urging the people to disregard the
policy of tho public authorities. Wo are not
surprised to hear their attempted ridicule of the
President's message. Their attempted dclama-
...... ... ...... ... .i.i.l initut ifiirMttf mi . in ii, .nt
lion Ol uim lliaai ...vo. "u.iiii 1'iiuitw im ii
i .i . i.. . ;;.. n ..-'., k i.
both past ai d present, is in perfect keeping with
the t.luck.ic.n ol their designs ; wluell IS tlie com-
plete overthrow of tho United States Govern-
Tiik retreat of the Federal forces from Man
a-isas w as made tho subject of many a rebel jest
but wo think the retreat of the rebels from thi
Port Koval forts far excels anv Federal achieve
ment. Not a prisoner was taken : their fin? was
left floating, and their guns unspiked ! Uetter
time was never made. ,rjus.
1 UK Junes ot the 1 1 th, says the lee drilled
against tl.e steamer .Mountain 15uek, l ing near
shore below town, and cut a hole in her, and she
tilled and sank yt'storday morning.
.a not t o ociociv mis evening iiuay; 1 "
. i i .1 - 1.. i .i. .
alarm of "fiire" was given, and it soon ap-
peared that Ihe I ourt House was burning. Uur
citizens instantly rushed to the pubic s.piare, and
. , , ' , I
bv viuorous exertions succeeded in sub.hiinu the .
. ., ., , ,. ... . ,
lire, i ne wcauier-noaroing was torn ou iu places
and tho ceiling injured. The damage wa, small.
ln champion jig dancer, Mike Mitchell, wasj f'e.A7.ill In .Itt.itli ill tb..ittf .iff l. I
' " . , :
on the morning of tho 13th inst. Intoxication
is given as the cause. j Just before our informant started to come' Estrayed.
n- ,""" . ,, , . I down, the discoTerv of a rich silver mine between ' I,0M ,h,"briber-1'inthreemilei south of Euiene
K are Compelled to appear on a half sheet as, ,.' . . .,,,..' oelween , 1 ( ity, astrawberrv-roan hi y.two veam old la.t sririuir
I . . i . .l ac I ,WnVer RnJ Alexandria, Was announced. 1 bo mark or braad except the hah- in the fwtsaWtlVlhi
ourprtperha.notyetarr.veJ5ow.ngtothed.f. Theweathl.r WM infen.r crld and the snow T th plrt. of Z mI aV 'oferln:.
ficlilties of transportation. Ilhree feet deep. Timet ' iyi,nr,""n ,ne same will be suitably rewarded-. Kn,ten
When a Christian's conduct" is approved by
the Devil, we may rest assured the good man
has made a step outside of the path ot rectitude ;
and equally certain is , it that he treads the
straight and norrow path, when tho assaults of
his Satanic majesty are the fiercest. Ihcse
truths hold good in the political as well as in
the moral world. When rampant secessionists
rant and rage at Republicans and Democrots
who have united on that issue, paramount to all
others, the preservation of the Union, we may be
sure that it is in their fears their anger has found
utterance ; and we may be equally oertain of
our own correct position.
Therefore, when Haley or those of his ilk,
condemn us we have add i tonal evidence that we
are right. How very tender is this precious se
cessionist, of Republicans lately; ho fears for
them, that they w ill fall a prey to the merciless
wolf, Asahel Bush ; that Hush, of the clique,
will eat us poor innocent lambs all up. Tender
shepherd poor silly sheep ! What a terrible
bugbear is this same Rush. " Upon what meat
doth this scarecrow feed." Haley would have
us believe that he lives on mutton heads, liush
is supposed to control our -primary precinct
elections, our County and State Conventions.
Haley sets him up in a dazzling light with a pow
er little short of tho omnipotent, surrounded by
a host of satellites, to do his bidding. What a
compliment ho pays to us Union men. He sup
poses us to bo made up of very gullible stuff.
But to believe what Haley says, is equal to
believing that Bush told Jo Teal to tell Gov.
Whiteaker to send Ben Stark to tho Senate,
or that he was tho prinie cause of W. S. Brock's
absquatulation ; all to bring disgraco on tho im
maculate Breckiuridgers.
Wo have our differences with Mr. Bush ; but
these we havo agreed to consider as minor sub
jects at present. And if after fair precinct
elections and County and State Conventions,
which must be conducted ly the people, Mr.Bush
should proye to be tho master spirit, we must
cither admit that he is the shrewdest wire-work
cr in the State, and would place himself at the
head, in spite of Haley's kind advice ; or that he
possesses the confidence, of tho greatest number
of citizens, and, therefore, is entitled to leader
ship. -
Tim details of the Port Royal victory reflect
great honor on our navy. Tho bombardment
lasted five hours, aud resulted in tho utter rout
of the rebels, at least one hundred of whom were
killed. Tho secesh ladies who had come to sec
the Yankee ships sunk, had to give up their car
riages to convey the killed and wounded off the
field of defeat. " Ten thousand eager eyes be
held our flag as it was planted upon the parapet,
and who shall describe tho enthusiasm with which
tho sight was greeted 1 Cheer followed cheer
from the men-of-war, and were echoed by the
transports in the distance. Tears of joyful pride
filled many an eye; hands were cordially shaken,
heartfelt congratulations for the glorious victory
were expressed. Some, in tho exuberance of
their exultation, danced wildly and clapped their
hands till it seemed doubtful whether they would
ever cease their antics. Nor was tho ebullition
of patriotic fervor nt all decreased when the
regimental bands, with earnest feeling, ns if a
spontaneous impulse, all struck up the Star Span
gled Banner, tho majesty of which had been so
signally vindicated."
- i
Wk prefer that all communications, from a
distance, designed for publication in this paper
should be addressed directly to tho publishers.
Wi have received, with a request to publish,
a call to the Union men of Benton County. It
will be found among the other calls.
There are about 75,000 pounds of ilour at the
Forks of Qiiesnclle, and 120,000 pounds of other
goods. At Beaver Lake there are 25,000 pounds
of every description of merchandise, most of
which will be taken to the lo'rks, before the
spring immigration arrives, on the backs of Indi
ans. The only article of which there was a scarc
ity up to Dec. 1st, was candles, which were
selling at $2 50 per pound! Think of payiug
$50 for a 20 pound box of greasy illuminators !
As there is a cood sunplv of lard on hand, that
mi nt a !,;. .I,i
tie . i r
ahead for next season, are burning it for econom.
ical reasons. lhe credit system is at an end till
. .L . . i
next spring the merchants having unanimous v
I . 1 , . . ,, . . . . '
resolved not to sell any floods this winter except
. . T, , - - .
i r c-ls- 1 ,"p."'t, "e
rfnmo we have, claim to have
?n,l'UO credltea'
out. lhe Indians, for packing 100 pounds from '
the Porks of Qiiesiieile to Antler creek, receive!
i, . - , ,, . . ', , !
H a trip, wnien generanj, owing to me deep
snow, consumes the best part of a week. From '
It-ivor I ikr lo flu. KnrU ll U nii.l f.,r ,
lnatr l.,IKe to UlC i orkS flO IS paid lor each
' hundred rounds packed
Pour or five
I white
r place 1
men were making hand sleds at the latter place
on which they proposed freighting goods to
I Antler: and McCarthy, a well known packer.
Wils preparing doi s!etls nt Fort lex indria to'
j rml Wlww.n 10 r'tirks nm, Antler' wit, fro; ,lt ,
at lhirtv ccnts pcr fl0UllJ. Suverrtl partie), j
enjT;.eil in sawimr lumber on the banks of the i
I i .. .. II 1 ii. ...... - i . -...--
I (J.lesnelle, and they were selling It at per
I 10(H) feet the demand was verv liaht.
' j
X lour
at the Forks was worth T"2 per barrel ; beans 45
cents per pounu ; oaeon os cents ; best Imlia
r:,blH',r l,,.,,,t8' u ' nXt's ' dolllr handled !
shovels, live dollars ; picks, six dollars. The
.. ...... . ...
... ...p.. w.w .i . ..I. uiw erru imjcu uiiru
f,ct m anticipation of high water as soon as the
snow melts The flume, and wing' dam, on the
.North and SOUth fork, are about completed, and
tlie first thaws that arrive will find the miner,
I : i .L i i
i.ii-.iiy vnyngru 111 worRing ine ocas ot tnose
The snow disappeared from tho valley last
Thursday, having remained on the ground twenty
five days. Snow showers are falling again and
tho weather is unsettled up to this evening (Fri
day), and the thermometer stand a little below
the freezing point.
The Corvallis paper' shows its hand this week,
beyond mistake. It pleads tho right of secession,
and calls tho United States Congress a mob.
Consuls Appointed. -Allen Francis, of Illi
nois, has been appointed Consul to Vancouver ;
and Peter Locke has been appointed to the same
position to Tehniintepec.
-..- '
Wm. Pickekino has been appointed and con
firmed Governor of Washington Territory.
Oa the 22d ult.', bv Juines E Tunpleton, Justice of the
Peace, Anderson J. Keeney aud Mrs. Amanda Mathews, alt
of Lane county.
Sheriff 's Sale.
virtus of an execution iemied bv the Clerk of the
Circuit Court of the Stute of Oregon, for the county
of Lunc, und to me directed, in fuvor of James Kilne aud
against A. r. I Inn nurd anu ill. L. ll. tiuuuaru, ins wne, i
have, this Kith day of Jauiiarr. A. D. lsiia, levied upon, as
the property of A. F. Hubbard, to satisfy a decree for
t73S 73, with interest and cost, and will oner for sale, for
cash, on the premises hereinafter described, in Kugane
City, on Saturday, the 22X day ol tebruary, A. I). Ibua,
between the hours of 8 o'clock a. m. and sunset of suid
day, all the right title and interest of suid Hubbard und
wife, in and to the following described mortgaged premises
as set forth in decree of the circuit court for Tune county
and Stute of Oregon, November thc4th, A. D.lMIl, in lavor
of James Kilne und against said A. V. Hubbard and his wit, the west half of Lot No. (HI two, in bloek
No. (It) twelve, in hugeue City, anu also all tenements ana
appurtenances, und blacksmith tools, materials and fix
tures therein or thereunto belonging. Kugene City, Jan.
loth, A. JJ. 1S6S.
tilierill of Lanecouutv, Oregon.
Notice to Absent Defendant,
rpo GEORGE M. WINDES: You are hereby notified
L thut unless you appear in the Circuit Court of theState
of Oregon, for the County of Lune, on the third Monday ot
April uext (ls2) and answer thecomplaintor Hill fur Fore
closure of Mortgage, which has been tiled with the Clerk
of said Court, by Samuel A. Cox complainant, aud prays
for a judgment of foreclosure, and also to recover moneys
due on the same, the same will be tuken as confessed, and
the prayer thereof will be granted by the Court, by order
of Hon! It. E. Struttnu, Judge. Dated, Jan. 2, 181)2.
S. ELLSWORTH, Sol'r for Compl't.
Eugene City, Oregon. 'i 3m.
Notice to Absent Defendant.
rpo CHARLES G. MARTIN: You are hereby notifisd
X that unless you appear in the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Lane, on the third Moudayof
April next (ltoiU) and answer the complaint of James H.
Mcl'ailand, plaiiititf, which has been filed with the Clerk
of said Court, and prays for a judgment agaiust you for
$515 ("), besides interest and cost of suit, tlie same will be
taken for confessed, und the prayer thereof will be granted
bv the Court, llv order of Hon. U. K. Strutfon, Judge,
liated, Jan. 2, liiiiii. S. ELLSWORTH, 1'1'fla Atly.
Eugene City, Oregon. i 3m
Notice, to Absent Defendant.
CHARLES G. MARTIN : You are hereby notified
X Unit unless vou appear in the Circuit Court of the State
uregon, ior nio county ol t.anc, on tlie nurd Mon
day of April next, (ISM) and answer the complnint of
John McFarland, plaintiff, which has been filed with the
Clerk of the said Court, und pruys for a judgment against
you for fc'.is IX), besides interest and costs of suit, the same
will be taken as confessed, and the praver thereof will be
gr.mtnl by the Court. l!y order of Hon. R. E. Stratton,
Judge. Oated Jan. 2, iHii-J.
H. ELLSWORTH, Pl'ffs Atiy.
Eugene City, Oregon. jj 8m
Notice to Absent Defendant.
TO WALTERS. BROCK: You are hereby notified that
nnlss yon appear in the circuit court of the Stute of
Oregon, for the county of Lane, oa the third Monilay of
April next MitiJ) and answer the complaint of James
Fountain, which has been tiled with the Clerk of said court,
und pravs for a judgment against you. together with Rob
ert 1). Cochran und 1'rior F. lflair, for the sum of luuo 00,
besides interest and eosts of suit, the same will be taken for
confessed and the prayer thereof will be granted by the
court, llv order of Hon. It. E. Stratton, Judge. Dated,
Jan. 17, HM. S. ELLSWORTH, l'l'Hs Atty.
8 3 m
Eugene City, Oregon.
Notice to Absent Defendant.
X ou are hereby notified that unless vou appear in the
circuit court of the Stute of Oregon, for the county of Lane,
on the third Monday of April next (1862) and answer the
complnint of Bell Jennings, plaintiff, which has been died
with the Clerk of aid court, and pravs for Judgment
against you (together with Wm. D. Renshaw) for f2750
0o besides interest and costs of suit, tho same will be ta
ken as confessed, and the prayer thereof will be granted
by the court. By order of Hon. R. E. Stratton, Judge.
Dated, Jan. 17, lS6i S. ELLSWORTH,
8 3m Fl'ITs Atty, Eugene City Oregon.
Notice to Absent Defendant.
rpo WILLIAM KAY: You are hereby notified that un
X less you appear in the circuit court of the State of Ore
gon, for the county of Lane, on the third Monday of April,
1M, and answer the complaint or Bill for the settlement
of partnership, property which has been tiled with the Clerk
of said court by Vincent 11. Dans, complainant, and prays
fora settlement, the same will be taken as confessed, and
the prayer of said compluinaat will be granted bvthe court
Dated, Jan. 11, 12. J. J. BLEVANS, Clerk.
E. E. Haft, Atty. 8 3m
Notice tc Absent Defendant.
A. J. Welch, Treasurer of Lane county, v. : h. S. Rogers,
rpo L. S. ROGERS: You are hereby notified that unless.
L you appear in the circuit court of'the State ot Oregon ,
for Lane county, on the third Monday of April, A. D. 1862,
and nswer the complaint of A. J." Welch, Treasurer of
Lane county, aforesaid, which has been filed with the
irra 01 suiu conn, ana prays tor a judgment avainst you
for 1131 v-2, besides interest und costs, land for the fore
I elosure of a mortcnBei the same comtilsint will be taken
closure ot a morti
for confessed, and
I fur confessed, and theprayer thereof will be irranted bvthe
court. Hy order of said court. Jan. ix, .1. i ,.
i-Sm R. B. SNKLLI.SU. l'l'Hs Attv.
I t,f circuit Court of the State of Orejron for tl.e County
ol Lane; April Term. A. !. Is-... Cambell E. Chrisman,
n n r. l liarlesu. .Martin, Def t. Attachment.
rP CHARLES G. MARTIN, Deft: Take notice that
. ''Ifl h.!ls nM liiscomphiint in the above entitled suit,
claiming to recoTer l.iiiS so, with interest thereon at
twenty-five per cent, per annum, from Dec. 1st, l6l; also
wi'" inlerest thereon from Nov. IS, lsi',1. Now,
.vo" "I'l'enr in said court on the Hrd Monday of April
.. 1). and answer said complaint, the same will be
taken as confessed, and the praver thereof he granted br
,1,e co"r, Williams, Uibbs anil Hoffman, A'fs for 1'1'ff.
2 3 m
County CourV of Lane Couniy. Orepm. John Bailey,
"nmTViV? . .l . ,
r iXL-MiTvi
o:' tlie ,.,lt f April, A. 1). m, ftnj answer th
cmn in inn in me itimre tntit eil raue. the (uinc will bp ta-
k(,n U confessed, ami the praver thereof will be iranted
bv the court. Kuicene fit v. Jsn. !. A. D.
ii. II. S.NKLI.IMi,
, ITffs Attv.
Guardian's Sale.
V " T
made at the Ja
hereby given that in accordance with an or-
county court ot the coiiutv ot Lane, Oregon.
inuarv term, liii, I will iiroreed to sell at
piioiic auction on !;tor1av the iid day of February k
i between the hours of o'clock and sunset of' said
I thffi
'linsnne person i situated near the mnatk of th. kl,.h..k i
,d c"u',u.v :' cntsiuing one hundred and sity acrus.
Dated. Eugene Citv. Jan. I t. e,-.
I'RESL'EY SCOTT, tioardian.