THE STATE REPUBLICAN. EUGENE CUT, SATURDAY, JAN. 11, .1862. " The Struggle of to-day is not altogether for A CALL TO THE UNION MEN OF LANE COUNTY. Union men of Lane county, the time has come lor action. Your June election is but a few months distant. No definite plan has yet been made publio which friends of the Union, wheth er Democrats or Republicans, are certain of con cert of action. Vital interests are at stake. The true issue is Union, with all its blessings ol peace, of law and order, or disunion, witli its anarchy, its outrage and its blood. We appeal to every loyal citizen lay aside your old issues, your old jealousies ; and come up to the pre. cinct'i election of the delegates to the County Convention like brothers. Let us hear the voice of the people ; " The voice of the people is tho voice of God." To Republicans we say, let your acts of devotion to your country s need not be surpassed by mere empty sounding words. Come up like true Union men that you are to the rescue. To Democrats we say, show that the magnanimity with which you have come to the aid of tho Administration, the Constitu tion and the Government, is still as noble in it constancy as in its magnanimity. Come one ! Come all ! Go to your precincts and elect delegates to the county Convention, The precinct elections to bo held tho first Mon day in February, and the county Convention on the fourth Saturday of February, at tho Court House in Lugene City, lhe county Convention to nominate the county ticket, and elect dele gates to the btate Convention. ' A. A. Smith, Wm. If. Fisher, II. G. HaDLEY, C. II. Moses, J. G. Gray, D. M. Risdos, Norris Humphrey, Wm. Gale, M. Blandino, Jos. Davis, Dunn. IIlLLIARD SlJAW, J. M. Dick, B. ' Remarks. We have published this call at the request of a great many whom we know to be true Union mbn. Aud wo do not hesitate to do so because we aro well aware that this is tho only course possible for us to take with any hope of success. And this we have every rcaso'i to believe will insure a complete victory over the secession sympathizers, at our next June election. Friends, Republicans, Union Democrats, do wo hear a dissenting voico from this call? Not a inong Union men we hope, not among Republi cans we are certain. Is there a man among us so lost to his country's interest as not to be wil ling to forego the pleasuro of a more party tri umph for the sake of tho Union ? Then Jet that man acknowledge that he has outlived his true patriotism. Is there a man among us who can not come up to the poll hnd vote for tried and known Union men, regardless of what other pro clivities such men may possess? We trust there is not. And therefore, friends of the Union, wo must earnestly urge upon you to respond to tliis call with nn alacrity which shall bp the exponent of your love for tho old stars and stripes. For in our opinion, upon this call hangs the hopo of Lane ounty, and upon this course tho hopo of Oregon. ' We aro aware that in issuing this call we will incur the disploasuro of disunioiiists whoso policy is to see two Union tickets in the field, but we have faith jhat tho integrity and good sense of Union mon, throughout tho State will prompt them to act In harmony with us, as we have commncod thus early at home upon a plan winch we think cannot fail to meet the hearty approbation of evory loyal citizen of the State. Persons who feel themselves interested in tho establishment and support of our enterprise ar,e requested to send in their names without delay. We have established a pretty extensive ex change with different journals, and wo aro st'll prepared to cxchtmgo with farmers for produco- Tub river is rising very fast, and the indica tions are, that we may have another flood. LETTER I'OM CL.tCKA3I.lS COUNTY. Needy, Dec. 27th, 1S01. d. Statesman : I see, as the time approaches for tho election of our State officers and mem bers of the Legislature, that there are thoso that would divide the Union vote of our State, at our next election, in order to serve some personal or party purpose. How short si'dited, forgetful or selfish they must be. Who drove from pow. sr that old traitor, Joe Lane? Who elected others that were true men, to tho United States Semite ? Was it not the Union vote of the State ? And shall we now divide our strength and invite our common enemy' the disunionists, to make one more desperate struggle to gain tho ascendency, that they might fill tlie ollices, send Lane and Stark to the Senate ond transfer Ore gon into tho hands of those traitors, Davis & Co.? Shall we bo thus blindly l.d astray, and fail to perform our duty, to satisfy the ambitious designs of demagogues? Never! No! Never! Let us have but one ticket, and that a Union ticket ; the very best men in the State to fill it, then our election is no doubtful matter. And are not Lincoln, McClellan, Crittenden, Blair, Johnson, Dix, Holt, and a host of others united as one man for tho preserve tion of the Union, and how wo applaud their patriotism. Did not the publio mind point to McClellan oi the Com. mauder-in-Cliiuf on tho retirement of Soott, and will not public opinion point to tho men in the Stato and several counties, that should com pose our State officers and Legislature ? Then why divide the Union vote at the next election to satisfy any person or party ? Let every man resolve that ho will go into no party organ ization, but the olio for his country. I. S VINSON Sensible talk ; and we trust that no real Union man io the State w ill disregard the admonition, LATEST EASTERN NEWS. It is estimated that thero are .'10,000 fallen women in England and wales. What a fearful thought, thirty thousand fallen angels! Who will lift them up and tell them to go and sin no moro 1 which is a reflection of the sentiment of every loyal citizen ir Oregon, li iajtho imperative duty of all Union men to work shoulder to shoul der in this campaign. We cannot afford to di' vide our forces and give tho traitorous "peace" men the ascendency. As we valuo our homes and our country we cannot ulford it. for their triumph would be equal to tho inauguration of civil war iu this Stat3. Then in the namo of God, why should we bo wasting our timo in use less cavil about party predilections ; we have but one coursp to follow, and that course is marked out tom by the voice of the people ml the cardid judgment'of tho Administration. Re ally thero is but two parties existing in Oro gon, as well as in other States, the administration parti, and the opposite thereto. It the party which is now prosecuting tho war in support of the Federal Government, is a Union Democratic parti, so are we. If it is a Douglas parti, so are we. If it is a Republican party, so are we. Whatever may betide we are for the Union. Wo are bound to support nono but Union mon, and as a most conclusive test, wo shall require our candidates to support the Administration in tho prosecution of the war, until an honorable and unequivocal victory over secession shall placo our Government in its wonted position beforo the Nations of the world. r The Stone Fleet. A fleet consisting of. twenty-five old whaling vessels, 8,377 tonago in the aggregate, laden with stone, sailed from New oudon southward tho last week in November. Tho object of tho expedition is to seal the harbors of Charleston and Savannah. Tho Crews average fourteen men, and each vessel is so arranged as to bo sunk momentarily.' Wo imagino that this touching their " tin " will make Secesiu come to her senses. ' Friend Burknapp, ' writing from Gardener, near Umpqua city, says that the work of the flood there has been, di-'astrous. Lower Scotls burg is entirely swept away. Lard te Peters' storo was carried away from upper Scottsburg, taking thirty tons of freight belonging to others. Two tons of cofleo.wero lost. Hut as the old adago says, there is no great loss without some gain, it seems that tho flood has in part compen sated for the breach by tho discovery of gold in Scottsburg. Several dollars had been panned out. Last week we referred to tho quartz lode of Messrs Jewett, Green & Sehiefl'elin, located on tho south side of Rogue River near PeiVm, ferry- Since then they havo taken out "210 from 000 pounds of rock. Sentinel. Telrorai-ii. Wo aro informed by tho opera tot at YrckA, that the linewill not be at work again before tho first of April. Sentinel, Steamers Julia ond Currfe I.aJd leave this morning for St Helens with freight for the steam er Cortes. Thero is now in this city over seven hundred tons ready for shipment. Times, 8th, Military. Wo notice by the S. F, tnat C. . I'rcw holds a iHajor s coin illusion in tho mounted regiment, o be raised in Oregon, anl that our fellow townsman, J S Rim-arson, will be junior M.ijor of the Regiment. Both are good appointments. Arius. Want of space will not permit us this week 1PM M rCnch UPth0 Columbia to aiva full expression of the interest wo feel in 4 lines, oiii. . The steamer Vancouver returned last evening, being unable to land at the mouth of tho Wil lamette River. The ico was thick and hard as Mr. Slater has called the Democratic State Central Committee, to meet at Corvalli3,w the 20th of this month. The E.litor of tho " Union" in remarking on tho call says "We find the co alitions at the time of Stout's aud Shell's elec tions referred to in the address of tho National Democracy issued at Washington in July I860. If that act excited the disgust and indignation of national men, what must our subsequent election of Raker and vote for I Jncoln have done." We understand how Malone, and others of his school elected Raker, and voted fir Lincoln. Drowned. We hear that on Christmas day John Rrigg, John Fortune and J. O. Laughlin, were drowned at Briggs' Ferry on tho South Umpqua, by tho capsizing of tho ferry boat. , TiiKRK wa? a terrific storm on the New Eng land coast about the first of November, anda great loss of life and property was the consequence. Oregon' jeady response to the very moderate appeal to our patriotism by the general Govern, inent. Tho call for troops is just, and we, as loyal citizens, aro in duty bound to comply without delay, it is the people's cause and must bo sus tained by the jople, regardless of party predilections. Quiscy, Doc. lflth. The correspondents of tho Richmond papers from the Potomac line, state that the rebel fortifications at Ceuterville and Fairfax were ccmpUto, and that they were fullv Tirirmrpd for n nttnoU hv AffPlelhin. St. Louis, Dec. 10th. The President and Cabinet have held a conference at Washington, upon the subject cf the threatened difficulties with England, and ay that thero must be no war. Tho rebels in Missouri under command of Gen. Price, are in fill retreat, closely pursued by the Federal army vnder Gen. Pope. Gun. Pope has captured Price's baggage train, and made one hundred and fifty-five prisoners. Cevajoval had tttacked Mattaloras. There was a great battlo vith heavy slaughter, and both parties claim lhe victory. This is incom prehensible. Sr. Louis, Dec. 20th. Col. Davis and Mar. shall, in command of a body of Federal troops, surprised a camp of rebels near Warrensburg, Mo. Tho rebels, after a brief but ineffectual resistance, surrendered at discretion. The fruits of this victory aro 1,300 prisoners, among whom arc three Co!onel and seven Captains, 1,000 horses, with thcircquipments, and all tho arms, baggage, wagons, provisions, etc., in possession of the robel force. The loss of the Federal troops in this brilliant exploit was but ten killed and wounded. The rtbel lpos is unknown. St Louis, Dec. 21st. One hundred miles of tho track und bridges of tho North Missouri railroad were destroyed by tho rebels. This road connects St. Louis with tho Hannibal ond St. Joseph railroad, at Hickson, Macomb county.! A skirmish took placo yesterday on tho Vir ginia side of tho Potonac, noar Drainsvillo, ho- twecn largo detachments of Federals and rebels. The latter had 150 killed and wounded. The Federal loss was six killed and eight wounded. The war excitement seems to be subsiding. Quincy, Deo. 20th. In Congress, yesterday, tho House resumed discussion on the bill author izing tho immediate construction of twenty iron clad-gunboats, which passsed. In the Senate, Mr.' Wade presented a petition from the citizens ofOhio, asking that John C. Fremont bo appointed Lieutenant General. No action was taken therebn. George S. Fisher, of San Francisco, has been appointed U. S. Vicc-Consul at Kanawha, Japan, vice Dorr. . Salary, 3,000 per annum. Capt. Robert Haley,: of San Francisco, has been appointed U. S. Consul at Manzanillo, Mex ioo, vice A. Garriil. Tho Federal troops now occupy Beaufort, S. C, and are fortifying themselves. Tho steamship Atlantic has arrived at New York from Port Royal, with 12,000 pounds of Sea Island cotton. Over 100,000 pounds of Sea Island cotton had been secured previous to the departure of tho Atlantic. lho dispatches of the British Minister, received at Washington, aro reported to bo more sensi ble and moderato than the representations of the British press would lead to the belief. Nothing peremptory or imperative is addressed lo our Government, aud no difficulty presented to their view but which can and will be settled by diplo macy. Quincy, Dec. 20th. Gen. Burnside's expedi tion,, consisting of ten regiments, is at Annapolis, and ready to go South. In the House, yesterday, Julian, of Indiana, oll'ered resolutions that the Fugitive Slave law bo so amended as to forbid the recapture or re: turn of any fugitives from labor, without proof that the claimant is loyal. After much discus sion, the resolution passed. Major Hubbard, of tho 1st Missouri cavalry, captured over 00 rebels, a day or two since, together with a larso amount of basH2e, Gen. Popo and his assistants are determined to rid Missouri of rebels. A battle between Pope's army und Price's army is expected every day. George W. Jones, ox-Minister to Bogota, was arrested at New York yesterday, by order of secretary beward, and sent to fort Lafayette. A great negro insurrection is reported in Miss issippi, nnd nn immense amount of property destroyed $150,000 on the Qoitmau estate alone. ' Tho New York Jlerald has the following dis patch, dated the 20th : Gen. Ord started on a foraging expedition this morning, with tho 4th regiment Bucktail Rifles, Lieutenant Col. Kann, and Easton's batterv. Gen. ' MeCall, thinking they might be attacked, sent on after them two brigades; McCull and staff followed olso. When Gen. Ord 's command was near Drainsvillo, it was attacked by the enemy in ambush. A brisk engagement ensued. Easton's battery was plan ted alongside Thornton House, and poured ter riblo volleys into the enemy. Gen. MeCall came en tho ground and conducted tho battle. It continued an hour, when the enemy finding our fire too hot for them, retreated in the direc tion of Fairfax, leaving a large number of dead and wounded on the field. Our troops pursued for a short distance, and picked up the wounded and prisoners. Gen. Ord captured a large amount of arms, clothing, etc , which the enemy left behind. Their loss is estimated at 150 killed lttrald, I and wounded. Our loss is six killed and eight wounded. Among the rebels killed was Col. Thiler, of Kentucky. Their force consisted of three regiments of infantry, a company of cavalry, and a battery all under acting Brig. (Jen. John 11. Fordy, of Alabama. At nine o'clock p. m., our troops seturned with fitVv wagon loads of trage. Quiscy4 Dec. 21st. Dispatches from Wash ington give cheering news. Private letters received from distinguished English statesmen, and other prominent individ- A great Irish mass meeting wis held in Dub lin, to consider aflairs between Great Britain ond America. Feeling ran high in favor of sustain ing the cause of the United States. QuinCy, Dec. 23d. Ireland strongly sympa thizes with the Federal Government. France will do nothing to irritate Great Britain. Tho Philadelphia Enquirer has dispatches from Baltimore, saying that Fort- Pickens had opened fire on Fort McRue, three times since the 221 of November with what effect is not stated. The Tribune's dispatch from Washington says Lord Lyons has made his first official com munication to the Secretary of State. The con tents are not known There has been a rilpture at Richmond bo twecn Gen. Wise and Jeff Davis. Wise will probably resign, ond O. Jennina Wisefthe editor of the Richmond EnmtireA will oppose JefF r Davis' Administration in his paper. Government has. received that Gen. Scott will immediately return. He will undoubtedly bring important news. Gen. Halleck has Issued orders making death tho penalty of cutting down telegraph wires or injuring railroad bridges. Secessionists and their slaves will be required to repair all damages dono to railroads, etc., where they live. A fire occurred yesterday in Now York, by which Ilayman & Co.'s drug store No. 161 Broadway, was burned down. The loss is esti mated at 50,000. : Garret Davis, Senator from Kentucky, took his seat to-day. Quixcy, Dec. 24th. In tho IIouso yesterday, Wilson's resolution was passed, prohibiting United States officers from using any of their forco for the purpose of returning fugitive slaves. Morrill reported a bill increasing tho duties on collee, tea and sugar. The proposed increase will yield a revenue of $8,000,000, should im portations bo tho samo as in 1800. Fen ton in troduced a bill granting lands for a railroad from tho Missouri river to San Francisco. The steamship George Law, from Aspinwall on the lflth, has arrived. The French transport I ship Resource, bound to Callao, was wrecked 40 miles south of Valparaiso. She had GOO souls on board, five or six only of whom were saved A dispatch to the IN. 1. I'ost cives a rumor that tho Cabinet have resolved to releaso Mason and Slidell, and that an order has gono out to ship them to Halifax.,' The Post docs not believe it. A private dispatch received last night states that Gen. Halleck has ordered the secessionists to repair the damaged portion, of the North Miss ouri Railroad. Forty bridge burners have be n arrested mid havo probably been shot. A despatch from Warsaw of the 16th of No vember says that the military were being contin ually insulted, and the martial law set at defiance by the people. The Archbishop of Warsaw had been arrested because the churches were continually closed, and fir having written a dis. respectful letter to Gen. Luders. The Archbish op'sadm'mistrution was stopped by an order from St. Petersburg. ; LETTER FROM FREEDOM Freedom, Lane County, Dec. 24, 1861. Editor Republican : As there is at this timo an effort being made to organize a " Union" party with the obvious purpose of destroying the Republican party, and of wheedling Repub licans into the silly belief that they are not, or have not been, Union men, to the end that a few designing men may rule the State at the fearful expense of tho just claims of the peoplo, who are now justly in'powerf I, as one of the peo plo, purpose to inquire into this matter. First, what is the necessity for organizing a new party under tho cognomen of a Union party, when the veriest tyro in politics knows full well that the Republican party is most emphatically a Union party ? Secondly, what is the object of this movement, it it bo not to disorganize the Re publican party, and triumph over us by strategy. . Thirdly, what will be the result to which tho new or.-anization will tend. In my humble opinion to admit tho necessity of organizing anew party on the Union issue alone, is either to admit that we lack faith in the Republican party, or that we have no confidence in the sincerity of Union men outsido of our present party organization, believ ing them to be more afraid of us than of the wily "peace" men, who are known to be effect ive abettors of secession. Such admission I am not ready to make. 1 hold that union-loving men, wherever we find them, are men of sense and moral integrity. That the Administration party to which we belong is the true Union par ty ; that men who aro tor tho Union and the en. FOREIGN NEWS. The French Senate! would bo convened on tho I 2d of December It was reported that n considerabfo reduction would be made in the military estimates and the number of troops in France. It was also asser ted by the Paris Constitutional that Count Pcr signy had submitted to Napoleon a projeet for the disarmament of the r reach portion. Tho belief in'tho necessity for a French loan continued, tho financial wants of the Government being urgent. The Bourse was firm. Rents ad vanouiJ to 70 francs on the 20th of November. The Emperor Napoleon would, visit Queen Victory during tho great Exhibition next year. The French ships forming the Mexican expe dition were expected to assemble at Ilavanua be tween the 15th and 20t,U of December. Spain. There were rumors of impending changes among the high functionaries iu administration, and that the powers of the several Ministers would be modified und the Ministry of State re organized. The Mexican expedition comprises 15 vessels, 330 guns, 5,000 sailors and 3,000 troops The Madrid Espana says that a project was discussed of forming in America a colony of all republics of Spanish origin, w ith spain at tho head of it. Tho ad Iress of tho Cortez in responso to the Queen's speech had been read. Jt improves of all the points of the speech. It is said that Miramon had left Madrid for Mexico. Italy. lit the Italian Parliament, Racasoli announced that he had elaborated upon a plan of reconcilia tion of the Church and State, which requested Napoleon to become mediator ; but owing to little conciliatory disposition tho mediation was without result. The project contained seven ar ticles guaranteeing independence, inviolability, certain revenue and rights to the Pope's Cardinals. h was asserted that the project of tho Italian confederacy is by no means abandoned. A modification of the Italian ministry was ru mored but nothing has been accomplished. , A levy of 80,000 men was ordered, but it was thought that not more than 50,000 would be levied in February. Tho effective army would then consist of 280,000 men. Gen. Carbonelli had gone to Caprera to pre sent Garibaldi with an address from tho Neapoli tans, praying him not to leave Italy. Gen. Cialdina had tendered his resignation. Thero was a rumor that the Papal Government was preparing an expedition against Umbria. Chiavone, the Brigand Chief of Naples, was again giving trouble. Two dispatches were said to have been discovered, showing a collusion be tween him and the Pontifical authorities. Russia. Navigation was closed at St. retersburgh. forcument of the laws, who have not heretofore worked with us, cannot in the next State canvas fail to do so, Hence I must conclude that there is no necessity for any deorganization or re-or- ganization of our parly. Inasmuch as the result of such movement must eventually ultimate in the establishment of two factions moro equally balanced in power than are the Republicans and extreme Doftglas men now, which would give the soft " peace" men the power, which the es tablishment of a new organization is proposed to obviate. It may be asked how will such factions arise in the advent of a new partyorganization. 1 answer, as the most simple and natural result. A large majority of the liepublican party know ing themselves to be, and ever to have been, Union men, cannot at once pursuade thenrlelves to break off from tho name under which they have rallied, and Inbored, and triumphed, merely to gratify the whims, of thoso who stand upon technicalities of terms. And those of us who favor the Uukm movement, with the Union men from the D .uglas party, would form about on equal balance of power, leaving the largest majority of votes to tho disunion " peace men. lours truly, A Republican. Matthew Bi.edsob shot James S. Harmon, generally known as "I ike a packer formerly are Quincv, Dec. 23J. Later news has becrr re ceived from Kurope. The otiestiou of the arrest Rbport says that the Republicans of this State packing to Klk City, on Sunday last, at the 'of Mason and Slidell on board of the Trent, 9 much divided upon the question of running mouth of Salmon river. The quarrel arose at 'continued to excite the public pre uals, give every assurance that it is foreign to The last ships of tho season were leaving Crons the interests of tho English Government to make tadt any demand for th release of Mason land Slidell, j ' 000 Russian troops had attacked 10,000 but it is prolv.ble that they will ask for such ex- nuMin't;lineers in Clrcas After flghtmg six hours -1. tin., ivti 111 lllu I UlllU kltma v l . -l III 111.-11. villi honor.'ihl v trii-o Comments. Tho above liter, we doubt not, represents tho present l houghts of a good many very honest and sincere Republicans. To all such wo would any entertain tiu jealous fenrs v about your party organization, for that is not the . object of attack ; neither will we propose tr or countenance the organization of any new party further than the spontaneous uprising of the people, and the harmonious action of all loyal citizens in behalf of our country in its present perilous situatioy; If you are Rcpubli cans, bo Republicans still. If you aro Demo crats, be Democrats still. But for the sake of all the endearments that attach to our homes and country, let us lay aside tho discussion of all . minor subjects of contention between Union men, until we shall have secured the one grand object, the attainment of which is everything to -us. That object we need not tell you is the preservotion of our national Government. W ' are admonished to this position by the noble" precedence of our brethren in Ohio and other States; and further, by the fact that many ol -, our enterprising Union men arc gone or going to the northern mines, while tho lazy, inactive scum " of disunion have not sufficient energy to carry them beyond tho limits of the State, so that a concert of action with all who have their coun try's cause at heart, becomes imperatively nec essary. With one Union ticket in the field, ahA the victory is ours. With two we would run a fearful hazard of defeat by tho dishonorable " peace" men. ii Wk had the pleasure to partake of a very hos pitable dinner at Dr. Renfrew's on New Year's day. Turkey was served up in excellent style ' with various and delicate accompaniments. The Globe supplies a good table. W have been entertained on each consecutive evening from Jan. 1st up to Inst Tuesday, by Dr. C. II. De Wolfe's highly interesting and in structive lectures on Phrenology and accompany ing sciences. We hate seldom heard abstruse and metaphysical subjects handled with so much ability. He drew out large audiences, and w believe gave general satisfaction. The State Teacher's Institute will meet at Salem, Feb. 12th, 1862. Philolology, Mathe matics, Natural sciences, Geography, Astronomy and History will bo represented, besides lectures will bo delivered on various subjects of education al interest. Arrangements will bo mode for the the Russians were put to flight w ith very heavy ; accommodation of professional teachers free of losses, including a general of division killed, charge. 6,000 Russians were reported as being killed and i wounded. Wk have received kind and gentlemany no A conspiracy to asasinote the King and his tice from the Morning Oregoniaii, the Oregofli a straight Republican ticket at tho next July the card table the n ght before, ond was renewed ' Armstrong guns of large size wens being J19 immediate U.llowers at a feast bad l.tiied. iNich Jkmocrat and the Statesman. The Cioi(? election. Ihat is a matter they must settle bv Harmon next dav, when after a few words tnbuted among tho ships preparing for sea. ml "'",xu"11 . rw"t " regards us with imlignity ; also the Ttutf give among themselves. If their patriotism is cir- I Bledsoe drew his pistol and shot him through This is to be regarded as a precautionary meas. al,le hun to avoid, the macfunaUons ot the ossas-1 fvor.lble notice dogma at thift dty of trial, hn for their frail- himsolf up for trial. iy ; Aiuy nmrs. ( aptain Ulcdsoo. Ho is socond cmm to ; eonsoqneuee of any pprhenions of a rupture1 Austria had q'lietly put together quite a pow-! S sow has been constant since our last issue ith the United States. ,erful squadron fifty vessels in iifl. and stock have been suffering greatly.