The state Republican. (Eugene City, Or.) 1862-1863, January 11, 1862, Image 1

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ram an
NO. 2.
the state republican
Published every Saturday by
H. 8HAAV & CO.
Terms of Subscription.
Th RarusLiciir will be oublished at t'J 50 a rear in ad
Yaaee: 13 00 if paid at the eud of six months : or ti 10
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11. SHAW Lo., fcuxene uity, Oregon.
To Adtibtisbrs. Business men throughout Oregon am
California will find it greatly to their advantage to adver
tise in the Htat Kkmbmcax.
T. banks and brooks and streams around
The castl. of Montgomery,
Green be your woods and fuir your flowers,
Your waters never driiinlie:
There summer first unfolds her robes,
And there thev longest tarry j
For there I took the lust farewell
Of my sweet Uighlund Mary.
Il.iw sweotly bloomed the gy green birch,
tlj rich the hawthorn's bloiiii ;
As underneath their fragrant shade,
I clasped her to my bosom!
The goldeij, hours on angel wings,
Flew o'er me and my dearie ;
.For dear to me as light and life
Was my sweet Highland Mary.
With many vow and locked embrace,
Our parting was full tender;
And, pledging oft to meet again.
Wo tore oursflve asunder:
But oh, fell death's untimely frost
That nip my flower so early!
'ow green 's the sod and colli 's theclnr;
That wraps my Highland Mary.
Oh.pale.pal. now those rosy lips,
1 oft hare kissed so fondly!
And closcd.for ay.the sparkling glunca
That dwelt on me so kindly !
And mould' ring now in silent dust
That heart that loved me dearly:
But still within my bosom's coro.
Shall livo my Uig.ilaud Ma.-y.
Drumlie to run dry.
The patriot Brownlow has issued the last num
ber of his paper, he having received me ultima
tum of the secession State authorities indict
unent by the grand jury and imprisonment for
treason, or an oath ot allegiance to tne oouinern
Confederacy, and the adoption by his paper of
secession views, lie boldly chooses the former
course, and says he will submit to imprisonment
tor life, or (lie at the end ot a rope oetore nc
makes the least concession to the traitor tyrants
of Tennessee or of the Southern Confederacy.
Ala concludes as follows :
The real object of my arrest and contemplated
.imDrisonmciitisto dry up, breakdown, silence
nd destroy the last and only Union paper left in
the eleven seceded States, and thereby to keep
ifrom the people of East Tennessee, the facts
which are daily transpiring in the country. After
the honorable Jell" Davis had stated in Richmond
in a conversation relative to my paper, that he
"would not tolerate freedom of tho press; ufter
the judges, attorneys, jurors and all others filling
positions of honor and trust under the " perma
meiit Constitution," which guarantees-1' freedom
of the press ;" and after the entire press of the
South had come down in their thunder tones up
on the Federal Government for the suppression
of the Louisville Courier, New York Dag Book
-and other secession journals 1 did expect the
utmost liberty to bn allowed to one small sheet,
whose errors could be combatted by tho entire
Southern press ! It is not enough that my paper
has been denied a circulation through the
ordinary channels of conveyance in the
country, but it must be discontinued alto
gether, or its editor must write and select only
such articles as meet the abproval of a pack of
scoundrels in Knoxville, when their superiors in
all the quaiitiestlmt adorn human nature are in
(he Penitentiary of our State ! And this is the
boasted liberty of the press in the Southern
Confederacy !
I shall in no degree feel umblcd by being
cast into prison, whenever it is the will and pleas
ure of this august Government to put tne there ;
but, on the contrary, I shall feel proud of my
confinement. I shall go to jail as John Rogers
went to the stake for my principle). I shall go
because I failed to recognize the hand of God in
breaking up the'American Government, and the
inauguration of the most cruel, wicked unnatural
and uncalled fur war, ever recorded in history.
I go because I have failed to laud to the skies
the acts of tyranny, usurpation and oppression,
inflicted upon the people of East Tennessee, be
cause of their devotion to the Constitution and
laws of the Government, handed down to them
by their ftthers, and the liberties secured to them
by even long years of gloom, peverty and trial !
I repeat, I am proud of my position and of my
principles. 1 shall leave them to my children as
legacy, far more valuable than a princely for
tune bad I one to bestow.
With me life has lost some of its energy hav,
big passed sis annual posts on the estem
rl h..lf a nontnrv anmr-thinir of the fire of
youth is exhausted but I stand forth with the
eloquence and energy of right to sustain and
stimulate me in the maintenance of my principle?.
1 am encouraged to firmness, when I look back
(othe fate of Him 44 whose power was righteous
ness," while the infuriate! mob cried out " cruci
fy him, crucify him l"
I owe to my numerous list of subscribers the
tilling out of their respective term O "';,
they have made advance payments, and if cir
cumstances ever place it in my power to dis
charge theso obligations, I will do it most cer
tainly. But if I am denied the liberty of doing
so, they must regard these small losses as so
many contributions to tho cause in which I hav9
fallen : I feel that I can, with confidence, rely
upon the magnanimity and forbearance of my
patrons under this stato of things. They will
bear ine witness that I have held out as long as
1 nm allowed to. and that I have yielded to
military desnotism that 1 could not avert the
horrors of or successfully oppose.
I will only sav in conclusion for I am not
allowed the privilege to write lhat Usb peopl of
this country have been unaccustomed to sucn
wrongs ; they can yet scarcely realize them
They arc astonished for the time being, with the
ouiek succession ot outrages that have come
upon them and they stand horror stricken, like
men expecting ruin and annihilation. I may not
live to see that day, but thousands of my read
crs will, when the people ot this once prosper
ous country will see that they are marching by
double quick time from freedom to bondage
They will then look these wanton outrages upon
right and liberty full in the lace, and my predic
tion is. that thev will " stir the stones in Home
to rise in mutiny." Wrongs less wanton and
outrageous precipitated tho French Revolution,
Citizens cast into dungeons without charges of
crime against them, and without the formalities
of trial by jury, private property confiscated at
tho beck ot those m power ; the press nuuiDicd
muzzled and suppressed, or prostituted to serve
the ends of tyranny. 1 he crimes ot L.ouis AVI
full short of all this, and yet he lost his head
The neonlo of this country, down trodden and
oppressed, still have the resolution of their illus
trious forefathers, wno asseuea ineir ngnis ni
Lexington and Bunker Hill
The tone which a large proportion of the
citizens of the Northern States are beginning to
assume in relation to our present political
struggle, will be found embodied in tho following
resolutions, which wo clip from a New York
paper, the Herald of Progress :
1. Jtesolued, That the primary and sole func
tion of a true government, which always derives
ts just powers from the consent ot tne governed,
is to secure the largest liberty, the most perfect
order, and the progressive prosperity ot an
nmnn hRiniTH within its lurisdictinn. xnw
liberty, order, and prosperity, are secured to the
people by promoting general industry, impart
ing scientific ond moral education, and by pro-
touting the property and rignis ot us ciuzeus
whether native or adopted.
Resolved, That the preamble ot moral and
political principles to the Constitution of the
United States embodied in that inspired instru-
nent. the Declaration of Independence consti
tutes the broadest political ground upon which
to build a free, just, and progressive govern
ment. 3. Resolved. That the Government of the
United States, w hich is built upon the preamble
of principles set forth in the Declaration, is, not
withstanding its incompleteness and manucsi
imperfections, the best, and, in all essential res
pects, the freest Government ever yet unfolded
beneath the heavens.
4. Resolued, That our Government with its
. - .
expansive powers and Deneuceni purposes,
consists of and represents tne particular auu
combined interests of several lesser Govern
ments, or separate States, which, although lute-
gral parts of a grand and inseparable system,
yet have separate and distinct duties to discharge
by means ot loyal legislation and tne eniorce-
inont of their laws, in accordance with the
esigns and decrees ot the general Government.
5. Jiesolved, I hat the distinctive ngnts and tne
constitutional duties of tho separate States by
which they should be regulated and governed in
the matters of legislation and the enforcement of
laws are defined and preserved in and by the
preamble and Constitution of the general Gov
eminent ; therefore, that the citizens ot a .state,
acting in harmony with constitutional authority,
are bound to say, as did Henry Clay, " I owe a
uisieme allegiance to tho general uovernment,
and to my Slate a subordinate one. ihis short
sentence contains and explains the whole doctrine
ot Stato Rights," and clearly defines both the
political and moral relations subsisting between
tho separate States and general uoveriuneni.
0. Unsolved, lhat the right oi revoiuuou in
and by a separate State, is both a natural and a
political right : that " whenever any form of
government becomes destructive" of the ends of
iberty, lustice. order und prosperity, it is the
right of the people to alter or to abolish if, and
to institute a new government on such principles,
and organize its powers in such form, as to them
hall seem most likely to eiioci ineir saiety and
happiness." (See Declaration of Independence,
Section 2, passed July 4, lnO.) In short, lhat
the citizens of any State have a natural and po
litical right to revolutionize, and to resist the
enforcement of the laws ot the general Gov
ernment, whenever such State is visited by
ppression and protracted injustice from the
Government of. which it is an integtal fart.
Jiesolveil, lhat without the moral and
political justification arising from such injustice
and oppression, no State can justly rebel against
or poluically withdraw from, or legally repudi
ate its obligations to the general Government,
ny more than can blood in tho b
physiologically refuse to obey the h
human body
eart, or the
dependent and loyal hand ignore the energy and
government of the brain.
8. Resulted, That South Carolina and other
slaveholding States, without suffering from any
act of injustice and oppression without being
justified lor one moment by any act of tyranny
"r.i. i-ediii" from the general Government, or any
State within its jurisdictiot havo inaugurated
hostile resistance, have instituted unconstitution
al legislation, and have attempted to dignify the
motives and objects of their treason and rebellion
by appropriating the terms " revolution" and
" independence," by which expressions and pro
fessions many very worthy friends of mankind,
and many loyal to the general Government, resi
dents of the South, have peon politically convert
ed to a bad cause, and therebr morally deceived.
9. Resolved, That, inasmuci as a few thousand
slaveholders have inauguraUd tin unjustifiable
armed resistance to the pesxeful progress and
constitutional freedom ot mexf millions, it is bjt
natural, and, legitimate that rtuchmen should be
compelled to assume the terrible responsibility of
having instituted a war for seljish and subversive
endi, against the combined interests and welfare
of millions of loyal and peaceful citizens.
10. Resolved, lhat, as a just and magnanim
ous punishment (which is cufculaftd not to rid
stroy, but to subdue and reform, all whom il
embraces.) there should be a speedy rtduciiot:,
and consequent political degradation, of every
disloyal State, to the original condition of pro
vince or territory.
11. Resolved. That, inasmuch as, from the
over-mastering force of their geographical, po.
litical and moral circumstances, the Bordej States
are confusedly loyal, uncertain, and neutral ; and
inasmuch as (becauee of the dangerous and treas
onable relations subsisting between such States
and tho cause of the Government) it is. unavoid
able that the persons and property of the citizens
thereof should be particularly exposed to the
wasteful vicissitudes and ruthless ravages of war;
therefore it is deemed just that the loyal citizens
be legally, efficiently, and equitably protected
and indemnified by the constitutional provisions
of Congress and the magnanimous proceeding of
the general Government ; to which end it is
suggested that a Committee bo appointed to
search out, take an inventory of, and fix a just
valuation upon each and every slave owned by
known loyal citizens of the Border States, in
accordance with which report and reprisal the
general Government should purchase and pay
tor every slave, and tnat on and auer me aaie oi
such apprisal and purcnase, me ironuer ana cen
tral States shall be declared forever independent
of chattel slavery.
12. Resolved, lhat, tiiasmuch as there are
thousands of our loyal countrymen at present
-csiding in the slaveholding States, who are pro
prietors of slaves, or implicated in the institution
(as a consequence of the external circumstances
in which such men and their families have been
reared,) and inasmuch M such holders of slave
property or property in slaveholding States are
likely to lose their entire wealth, and be reduced
to embarrassment and poverty, therefore, the
'cneral Government should insure and indemnity
such loyal and impoverished citizens South
whether slaveholders or not by appropriating
to their indemnification from moneys accruing
from the confiscation of the properties of known
active rebels, whether North or South, which
would be a just and merciful punishment tor
their unjustifiable disloyalty, and consequent
treason, to the freest, and best, and truest of
From the French of Charles Maktins.J
Have you ever passed a whole day on the
summit of the Rigi, the Rothorn, tho Faulthorn,
or any other mountain favored with an inn where
one could spend a whole day, from sunrise to
sunset. If tho weather was fair, the air calm,
the sky clear, this is what you saw : In the morn
ing light mists covered the valley, motionless as
a sheet of water. These mists as soon as the rays
of the sun fell upon them, began to be internally
agitated, rising, swelling, parting asunder, and
flowing piece-meal from one valley to another.
But soon the entire volume seemed to lift and
rise slowly, then divide into clouds that appeared
to climb along tho sides of the mountain, assum
ing the most varied forms. Sometimes they are
cloudy globes which ascend majestically into the
air like balloons, or like scarfs which twine
among tho snowy gorges and remain fastened to
the points of the rocks ; or, perhaps, they be
come a shapeless mass that envelopes certain
parts of the mountain pile, or of the horizontal
strata that seem to cut the mountain in twain.
The charmed traveler, through the openings of
portions of the valley, catches a glimpse of a
silver torrent which runs through it, of villages
and cultivated fields. As they ascend, some of
these clouds are dissipated, melt away, so to
speak, the atmosphere. Others ascend to the
summit where the spectator is beholding them,
and envelop him in a thick fog. This in its turn
disappears, rising slowly far above the head of
the traveler and forming white clouds, which as
cend into the blue heavens. The fog ot the plain,
the rnists of the mountain have become, clouds
with rounded forms, loo often concealing thunder
and lightning in their bosom. What is the force
which detached them from the valley in which
they seemed forever shut up, carrying them
above the highest summits of the Alps 1 It was
ascending currents ot tne atmosphere. The fire
on the hearth causes a current in the chimney,
which, leaving the chamber, rise into the pipe,
and carries with it the smoke produced by the
wood. In the same way the warm sides of the
mountain cause an ascending current of air,
which carries olf the clouds. In the plain, this
air was subjected to the pressure of the entire
body of the atmosphere which is above it, the
weight of which is measured by the column ot
mercury in the barometer ; but in proportion as
this volume of air rises, the pressure diminishes,
because the column of air which weighs it down
grows continually shorter. This air teing less
compressed, dilates, augment in volume, and
consequently grows cold.
You can't make pork out of pig iron or be
come a shoemaker by drinking sherry cobblers.
The following is an extract from the Messago of
L. J. S. Turney, Governor of Washington Ter
ritory, to its Legislature, Dec. 19, 1861 :
In this connection I cannot too warmly and
earnestly urge upon you the necessity for a
prompt, efficient and thorough organization of
the militia of this ierntory. War a stupend
ous war actually exists in our beloved country,
and before it closes, for " the end is not yet," we
may have trouble with the savages, and quite as
likely, difficulties with the Mormons, friends of
a 1 acino Kepublio, and other traitors, all com
bined. The adage tells us " in time of peace
prepare for war." Although the citizens of the
Pacific coast are not now actually engaged in war,
I feel it my duty, as a sentinel upon the watch-
tower, to sound the tocsin of alarm, and call
upon you, the Senators and Representatives of
a brave, bonest and chivalrous constituency, to
prepare for their common safety by providing
means tor their common defence.
There are in this Territory not more than six
thousand men Rtween the ages of sixteen and
sixty, capable of bearing arms, while there are at
least twelve thousand Indian warriors, and those
east of the Cascades fine horsemen a fair forest
cavalry. There are about two hundred and fifty
thousand Indians west of the Mississippi River ;
of these, fifty thousand are warriors. Strike a
line north and south through Omaha City, in Ne-
DrasKa Ierntory, and west ot that line there is
not to-day a single United States soldier to pro
tect the population from the incursions of this
formidable foe. I do not call attention to these
notable facts, and thus warmly urge a favorable
consideration of this recommendation, to produce
a panic in the public mind, but to convinco you
of the necessity for action, prompt mid energetic.
By a law of Congress, approved August 5th
(last), our Territory is called upon for seven
thousand, seven hundred and fifty-five nnd one
third dollars. Both patriotism and pride requiro
us to meet that call promlly. You can save
our tax-payaying community fifteen per centum
of this amount by assuming its collection and
payment. If tho General Government has to
collect it, our people will have tho wholo amount
to pay, and the public treasury will be little if
any benefited ; therefbre, both duty, interest and
patriotism require you to provide for its promt
and faithful payment.!
If you make this necessary and reasonable pro
vision, you will have to give tho Secretary ot the
Treasury notice of yoar action. Tho adoption
of this suggestion will secure for you the confi
dence and respect ot our Uovernment, and will
be proof that you understand and appreciate the
important and peculiar relation existing between
Territorial Legislators and the General Govern
ment, and will command tor your memorial! and
requests respect and consideration.
And here, X remark, nothing would give me
greater pleasure than for this honorable Legisla
tive Assembly to adopt suitable resolutions,
calling the attention of our patriotio citizens to
the National Loan, for the purpose of raisu.i
funds to sustain the Government as our fathers
made it. There certainly are citizens in this
Territory who will snbscribe to this loan.
1 should like to see resolutions passed, calling
upon Union loving men to stand by Union-loving
men in all things, at all times, nnd resolving not
to trade with, or in any manner countenance,
those who are base enough to oppose the Ad
ministration in its laudable and patriotic efforts
to sustain the Government. For men who
can distinguish in this crisis between the Ad
ministration and the Government, are to say the
least, oi oouotiul loyalty ; and such men are
sure to be blind to the fact, that tho leaders of
tho rebellion have in no single instance since its
inauguration appealed to the people for their
approval, but have carefully, constantly and
despotically abrogated tho people's rights. They
have proved themselves enemies of a Republican
form of government tyrants of the first water.
They hav ruled their negroes and poor white
neighbors until they have ruined themselves, und
they now wish to ruin the free North.
Your attention is respectfully culled to the
statements, reports, memorials, etc., herewith
filed, and numbered from one to twelve inclu
sive. Agriculture, the great employment of the
masses of our country, should bo encouraged.
This can be done in an eminent degree, by pay
ing liberal bonuses out of tho lerritonul I reus
ury to agricultural societies. This plan has bee:i
found to work well wherever it has been tried.
The copies of memorials in tho archives of
this Territory convince me that you havo gener
ally passed too many ; that you have been in the
habit of asking loo much and relyiug too little
upon your own strength. It is time we should
depend upon our own resources for many if not
most of our wants. Our pcfiotio peoplo will
cheerfully contribute to the common fund for the
cemmon good. They will not grumble at being
reasonably taxed for froo schools, for roods, for
a revision of our laws, for the support ft the
unfortunate and afilicted, for tho proper orgrniz
ationoflhe militia, for raising the amount due
the United States by act of Congress approved
tho 5th day of August la. t, or for any other
reasonable purpose especially now, when our
Government is being tried most sorely, and needs
all its resources to put down tho gigantic rebel
lion. 1 would recommend, therufore, few mem
orials. You might, perhaps, select two or three
subjects of most importance, and concentrate
your whole strength, and have reasonable hope
of success ; but spread out all over "pace, ask
for everything you fancy agreeable and you will
get nothing. Besides we should not now ask for
anything which would in the least weaken the
General Government, however important to us;
for all our future depends upon its perpetuity.
For myself, I think of but one thing I would
willingly ask at present: It would be for au
thority to hang traitors-men who with long facea
cry neacr, peace i1? '' ' '
greatest war and greatest peril. Our Govern
ment has always dealt too leniently with men
who opposed it in times of war. 1 would rejoice
to know that such men would speedily receive
tho punishment their treason merits. For, call
the course pursued by them " Southern rights,"
call it " State rights," call it " secession," call it
" Rebellion," call it "Revolution," call it what
you will, and then sugar-coat and ornament its
name in the most artistic manner by the use of
high sounding words, arranged and marshaled
into well rounded sentences and paragraphs, and
it is treason still. Treason against the Govern
ment, Treason against our glourious Constitution,
Treason against llie right und hopes of philan
thropists throughout the world, treason against
everything near and dear and sacred to an
American freeman, treason against religion and
religion's God. Yes,' fellow-citizens, the courso
pursued by certain peace men, is treason pure,
unadulterated treason. Treaou in all its hide
ous and loathsome deformity ; and all tho lead
ers of this unholy rebellion in the South, and
thair aiders ubcttors aud sympathizers in the
North, who cry peace, peace, when thero is
no peace, aro traitors, and deserve a traitor'
punishment here, and will receive a traitor's
curse hereafter. No matter whether they call
themselves Dougla Democrats, Breckinridge
Democrats, Union men, Americans, Know Noth
ings, or friends of peace, peace ! There was a
peace party in this qountry in tho days of the
American revolution ; there was a peace party
during the war of twelve j there was a Mexican
peaco party in our country a few years ago, and
notwithstanding the Ignominous fate of all those
peaco parties, and of all tho peaco men of which
they were composed, we havo a large peace party
in this country now. A peace party ! A peace
party when the Constitution of our country, the
last best hopo of philanthropists is boing stealth
ily stabbed ! A peaco party, when tho cnomies
of civil and religious liberty, the dearest rights
of man, arc known to be abroad with arms in
their bunds ; a pence party, when our country's
Capital, bearing tho name Washington ! is men
aced ; a peace party, wnen a pan oi ino public
purse and property of the people aro in tho po-
sessiou of public and privato plunderers. May
tho members of this peaco party be not forgiven,
l hey do know what they do 1
r ellow -freemen, notwithstanding our country
troubles, and the dangers by which wo ore sur
rounded, yet ours is indeed a highly favored
community. It wo aro true to ourselves true
to the great trusts conhded to us true to the
instincts of Liberty and the rights of man, we
ahull ouon be a great, a glorious Rt.ito an lnteg-
ral part of a great and glorious nation, living un
der, and protected by ono great and glorious
Constitution, shielded and animated by the same
glorious flag, without tho diminution of a single
star or tho rending of a solitary stripe, that waved
over and animated our fathers while they fought
for freedom. Glorious old star spangled ban
ner " long may yoi wave, o'er the homes of
the freo and the land of the bravo."
Wk give below mi article from tho columns of
tho Religious Herald, a Baptist paper, of Rich
mond, Virginia. It shows so much more cool
ness of.jiHlgmcfH and candor of ninid than we
are in tho habit ol liuding in onr southern ex
changes, that we deem it worthy of special
notice. It s.iys the South has made at least eight
great blunders, nnd enumerates them as follows:
1. In firing upon Fort Suiiiptor.
2. In believing that thero would be a divided
North, und an apathetic Federal Government.
3. In believing that they would have the
hearty sympathies of Europe.
4. In believing that tho bonds of their Con
federacy would bu readily taken in Europe.
0. In believing that the military power of tho
North would bo directed in a crusade against
slavery, rather than bu employed for tho over
throw of treasotijUiid tho establishment of .tho
Union and the Constitution.
0. In believing that Northern courage nnd
physique were no match for Southern; or that
in battle one Southerner would bo equal to five
7. In believing that the fl ig of the cotton oligar
chy would wave ubovu the Capitol at Washing
ton, uinl the roll of slaves bo called on Bunker
.8. In believing that tho fancied omnipotence of
cotton would dominatu tlio commeicn of tho
A writer
in tho National Inlelioencer savs !
The Sampler is an awkwurdly rigged bark, half
man of war, halt merchantman. Her mizzcumast
is a long way from mainmast, and her sails bear
a great disproportion to . her hull, being too
little canvas for so long a vessel. Hho carries
three trvsril-yill being larger than those carried
by a sailing vessel. Shu carries a fore staysail
and jip, aud her bowsprit aud head booms nave
no stove. She has two largo qnarter boats and
ono hanging at the stern. She carries topgallant
sails, and has seven feet royal pole without stays.
Her courses aro deep, ( particularly tho mainsail)
and her top. sails look as if they havo a reef in
them, being short. Sho carries no guns on her
spar deck, and her pivot gun being nearly in tho
nii'h lie of the ship, it cannot be used in chasing
without yawning tho ship six points. Any
smart bailing vessel can run away from heron
an easy bowline, for on a wind under sail she
utti do nothing of consequence, and sho cannot
carry her sail on that course without its shaking
or getting aback. The range of her longest gun
is only l, (KM) yards at high elevation, and sho
could not hit anything at a gctaler distance than
1,.100 yard.-1, nnd sho could not carry her porta
out with a heavy sea on.
Somk one has beautifully said: "Tho water
that flows from a spring does not congeal in win
ter, and those sentiments offrictulship which flow
he heart cannot be frozen by adversity"