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About The state Republican. (Eugene City, Or.) 1862-1863 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1862)
the Government. THE WORLD'S IMDCSTKIAL C0NVK1IT10N. At your Inst session, joint resolution was adopted, authorizing the President to take meas ures for facilitating proper representation to the Industrial Convention of all Nations, to be holden in London in the year 1802. I regret to have been unable to give personal attention to this subject, so intimately connected with the material prosperity of the world. Till CONFISCATION ACT. By yirtue of tho act of Congress, entitled " An act to confiscate property used for insurrectionary purposes, approved August kh, 18(51," the claims of certain persons to the labor and service ot certain persons has been forfeited, and numbers of the latter thus liberated, are already dependent on the United States, and must be provided for in some way. Besides this, it is now possible that some of the Slave States will pass similar enactments for their own benefit, by the opera tion of which persons of the same class will be thrown upon them for their disposal. In that case, I recommend that Congress provide for accepting such persons, according to some mode of valuation, in lieu of pro rata of direct taxes, or upon some other plan to be agreed on with such States respectively, that such persons, on such acceptances by tho General Government, be at once deemed free ; and that, in any event, steps be taken for colonizing both classes, or the one first mentioned, if the other should not be brought into existence, at some place or places in a climate congenial to them. It might be well, to consider, too, whether the free colored people nlready in the United States, could not, so tar as individuals may desire, be included in such col onization. To carry out the plan of colonization may involve the aquisition of territory, and also an appropriation of money beyond that to be ex pended in the territorial acquisition. Having prac ticed the acquisition of territory for nearly fifty years, the question of constitutional power to do so is no longer a doubtful one with us. The power was justly inaugurated by Mr. JefTorson, who, however, on tho purchase of Louisiana, yielded his scruples, on the plea of tho great ex pediency. If it be said that the legitimate object ol the acquisition of territory is to furnish homes for the white man, this measure effects that ob ject, for the emigration of tho colored men leaves additional room lor white men remaining or coming here. Mr. Jefferson, however, placed the importance of procuring Louisiana more on phlitical grounds than on providing room for population. On the whole proposition, including the appropriation of money, with the acquisition of territory, does not tho expediency amount to absolute necessity, without which Government can not be perpetual t In considering the policy to bo adopted for the suppression ol the insur rection, I havo been anxious and careful that the inevitable conflict fo this purpose, shall not degenerate into a vioiuit remorseless revolution ary struggle. 1 havo therefore, thought proper to keep the integri'.y of tho Union prominent as the primary olject of tho contest on our part, leaving all questions which are not of vital im portance to the more deliberate action of the Legislature. In tho exorcise of my brst discre tion, I havo adhered to a blocade of the ports held by tho insurgents. Instead of transcending, I have adhered to the acts of Congress, to confiscate property usd for insurrectionary purposes. If a new law upon the sumo subject shall bo prepared, it will be duly considered. Tho Union must be preserved, and henco all drfensable means bo employed. We should not bo in haste to determine what radical and extreme measures, which may reach the loynl as well as disloyal, are indispensable. THE INSURRECTION. The Inaugural Address at tho beginning of my administration, and tho message to Congress at tho last special session, were both mainly devoted to the domestic controversy out of which the insurrection and consequent war havo sprung. Nothing now oceurs to add to or subtract from the principal and of general purposo stated and expressed in thoso documents. Iho last ray of hopo for preserving tho Union peaceably, expired at tho assault on Fort Sumter, and a general review of what has occured since may not be unprofitable. What was painfully uncertain much belter defined and more distinct now, and tho progress of events is plainly in tho right direction. Tho insurgents confidently claimed a strong support trom north ol Alason and Dixon line. Tho friends of tho Union were not free from nprehensions on this point. This, however, was soon settled delimtely on the right side, south of the line. Noble littlo Delaware went off right from tho lirst ; .Maryland was made to seem against the Union ;our soldiers were assaulted, bridges were burned, and railroads torn up with in her limits, and wo were many days fit one time without tho ability to bring a single regi ment over ncr son to the Uipitai. now, iu r bridges and bor railroads are repaired and opened to tho Government. Slio already gives seven regiments to the Union, and none to tho enemy, and her people, at a regular election, have sus tained the Union by a largo majority, and a larger ngreggnte vote than they ever gave to any candidate or any question. Kentucky, too, for sometime in doubt, is now decidedly an I unchangably ranged on thesido of the Union. Missouri is comparatively quiet, and I believe cannot again be overrun by the insur gents. The three States of Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri, neither of which would promise a single soldier at first, Jiavo an aggregate of not less than 40,000 in the field, for the Union, while of their citizens not more than a third in number are among the insurgent!, and they of doubtful whereabouts. After a somewhat gloomy struggle, the months of wittier closes on the Union people of Western Virginia, leaving them masters of their country. An insurgent force of about 1,500, for months dominating the narrow peninsular region, consti tuting the counties of Aeeomac and Northampton, and known as the eastern shore of Virginia, together with some contiguous parts of Maryland, have laid down their arms, and the people there have renewed their allegiance, and to re-aceept the protection of our dig. This leaves no armed Insurrectionists north of the Potomac. East of the Chesapeake, we have obtained a looting at each of the isolated points on the south ern coast of Huttcra, Port Royal, Otybee Island, near Savannh, and Ship Island ; and we likewise have some general accounts of popular movement on behalf of the Union men in North Carolinia and Tennessee. These thing demonstrate that the cause of the Union is advancing steadily Southward since your last adjournment. . RETIREMENT OF GEN. SCOTT. Lieutenant General Winfield Scott has retired from the head of the army. During his long term the nation has not been unmindful of his merit, yet on calling to mind how faithfully. ably and brilliantly he has served his country, trom a time Tar back in our history, when few of the now living had been born, and thenceforward continually, I cannot but think we are still his debtor I submit, therefore, for yonr considera tion what further mark of recognition is due to him and ourselves, as a greatful people. APPOINTMENT OF OE. m'cLELLAN. With the retirement of General Scott, it be came the duty of the Executive to appoint in his stead a Generol-in-Chief of the Army. It is a fortunate circumstance that neither in council nor country has there, so far as I know, been any difference of opinion as to the proper person to be selected. Ihe retiring Chief repeatedly expressed bis judgment in favor of General McCIellan for the position, and in this the nation seemed to give a unanimous concurrence. The designation of Gen. McCIellan is, therefore, in a considerable degree, the selection of the country as well as the Executive, and hence there is reason to hope will be given him the confidence and cordial support thus, by fair imdlications, promised, without which he cannot with full efficiency serve the country. It has been snid that one bad General is better than two good ones. The saying is true, if taken to mean no more than that an army is better directed by a single mind, and though inferior, than by two superior ones, at variance and cross purposes ; and the same is true in all thriving operations wherein those engaged can hv none but a common end in new, and can differ only as to the choice of means. In a stetrin at sea, no one on board can wish the ship to sink, and yet not unfrequently all go down together because too many will direct, and no single mind can be allowed to control. ABROGATION Or RIOI1T8 OF SUtFRAOF AMONG THE REBELS. It continues to develope that tho innovation is largely, if not exclusively, a war upon the first principle of popular Government the rights of the people. Conclusive evidence is found in the most grave and maturely considered public doc uments. In these documents we find the abridge ment of the existing right of suffrage, and the denial to the people of all participation in the selection of public officers, except to the Legis lative body, advocated with labored arguments In my present position I could scarcely be justified were I to omit raising a warning ' voice against this approach ol returning despotism. CAPITAL ARRAYED AGAINST LABOR. It is not needed here that a general argument should be mado in favor of popular institutions ; but there is one point in this conviction, not so backward as most others, to which I ask a brief attention. It is the effort to place canital on a footing with, if not above labor, in tho structure of the Government. It is assumed that labor is only available in connection with capital ; that nobody labors unless somebody elsa owning capital induces him to labor. This assumed, it is next considered whether it is best that capital shall induce them to work by their own consent, or drive them to it without their consent. Having proceeded so far, it is naturally concluded that all laborers are either hired la borers or what we call slaves ; and further, it is assumed that whoever is once a hired laborer is fix id in that condition for lite. Now, there is no such relation between capital and labor, as assumed, nor is there any such thing as a free man being fixed for life in the condition of a hired laborer. Both these assump ... j i ...... tions are taise, and all influences trom them are groundless. Labor si prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruits of labor, and never could have listed if labor had not first existed. m Labor is the superior of capital, and desrves much the higher consideration. Capital has its rights, which are as worthy of protection as any other rights, nor is it denied that there is and probably always will be, a certain relation between labor and capital producing mutual benefit. The error is in assuming that the whole labor of a community exists within that relation. A large majority belong to neither class neither work for others nor have others working for them. In most of the Southern States a major ity of the people of all colors are neither slaves nor masters ; while in the Northern States, a largo majority are neither hired nor do they hire. Men with their families, wives and sons and daughters, work for themselves on their (arms, in their houses, and in their shop, taking the whole product to themselves, and asking no favors of capital on the one hand, nor of hired laborers or slaves on the other. It is not forgotten that a considerable number of persons mingle their own labor with capital ; that is they labor with their own hands and also buy or hire others to labor for them. But this is only a mixed and not a distinct class. No principle stated is dis turbed by the existence of this menial class. Again, as has already been said, there is not necessarily any such thing as the free hired laborer being fixed for that condition for life. Many now independent in these States, a few years back in their lives were hired laborers. The most prudent penniless beginner in the world labors for wages, while he saves a surplus to buy loots or lands for himself ; he then labors on his own account, and at length hires an other new beginner to help him. This is the just, and gen erous and prosperous system which assures the way to all, gives hope to all, and the consequent energy, progress and improvement of the Condi tion of all, No men living are more worthy to be trusted than thoso who toil up from poverty ; none less inclined to take aught which they have not earned. Let them beware of surrendering political power which they already poses-, and which if surrendered, will surely be used to close the door of advancement against such as they, and to fix new divisions and burdens upon them, until all ol liberty shall be lost. From the first taking of the national census to the last sevan years, we find our population, at tho end of that period, eight times as great as it was in tho beginning. The increase of those other things which men esteem desirable, has even been greater, We thus have viewed what the popular prinei pie applied to Government, through the machin ery of the Slate of the Union, has produced in a given time, sad also what, if firmly maintained, it promises for the future. There are already among us those who, if the Union be preserved, will live to see it contain 250,000,000. The struggle of to-day is not altogether for to-day-it is for the vast future also. With a firm reliance in Providence, all the more firm and earnest, let as proceed in this great task which evils have devvolved upon us. j Abraham L.incolk. Washington, December 3rd. A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the highest duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are higher obligations. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us ; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means. Thomai Jefferton. Count de Satre, grandson of Count de Ro- chambeau,who was with Washington, and Baron de Sehonen, grand-nephew of Lafayette, each the lineal representative of his distinguished an cestor, have tendered their services to the Gov ernment, saying that they are proud to fight with and for the same people, of whose early his tory Lafayette and liochembeau are a parti Major General Iluvelock, who has just arrived from England, has also offered his sword to the country. Washington Cor. N. Y. Tribune, Nov. 3. Armt Ration. The following is the army ration, as amended by Congress, and approved August 3d, 1881 : Iwenty-two ounces of bread or flour, or one pound of hard bread : three-fourths of a pound of pork or bacon, or one and one fourth pounds of fresh or salt beef; fresh beef shall be issued as often as the commanding officer of any de tachment or regiment shall require it, when practicable, in place of salt meat, and at the rate, to one hundred rations, of eight quarts of peas or beans, or in lieu thereof ten pounds of rice ; and one pound of potatoes per man shall be issued at least three times a week, if practica ble ; and when these articles cannot be issued in these proportions, an equivalent in value shall be issued in some other proper food, and a ration of tea may be substituted for a ration of coffee, twelve pounds of sugar, four quarts ot vinegar, one and one-half pounds of tallow, or one and one-fourth pounds of adamantine, or ono pound of sperm candles; four pounds of soap and two quarts of alt. The Louisville Journal says : Westill hear the cry of "peace." Under the circumstances that now exist, is a cry of infamy. The argument of peace in the presence of embattled hosts, when the invaders are approaching upon us, means, as a distinguished statesman says, nothing but hu miliation, the end of tho Uepublic, the beginning of the scorn and contempt of the world, the set ting of the last hope of the oppressed people of the earth. Reception or the Remains or Col. Baker. A shadow hangs over the city today. The flags droop heavily at half mast. The body of liaker is in our midst, lie who but a short time since went from amongst us, crowned with hon ors, and buoyant with hope, laid down his life for his country. 1 ho only consolations guaranteed to us are that he died as the hero dieth, and that all of him which is mortal will be laid in the heart of his adopted home. The steamer Golden Gate, as the clock struck four this morning, fired her signal gun off North Point. After the bustle and confusion of disem barkation of passengers and luggage, and at 9 o 'clock, the joint reception Committees of Oregon and Calafornia repaired to the wharf to receive the body of Colonel Baker. This Com mittee consisted of Messrs. Stevenson, Cobb, and Farwell, of this city, and Messrs. Rector, Corbett and Morton, of Oregon, Messrs. Ste vens and Hopkins, sons-in-law of deceased, were also present to participate .in the solemn cere mony of reception. Shortly after the arrival of the Committees, tho Committee accompanying the remains from New York, composed of Col. Ilarasztby, Abel Guy, and Mr. Drew, of Oregon duly delivered the body to the former, where upon it was conveyed to the house of mourning, where the bereaved family reside. It is under stood that tho corpse will remain there until Saturday next, when it will be removed to the City Hall, where it will lie in state, until the day of the obsequies and final interment. Alia. A oreat deal of the work hitherto done by the soldiers at Washington and on the sonth side of the Potomac is now hired of civilians, it having been found detrimental to tho soldierly character of tho troops to be employed regularly as labor ers, even upon earthworks, ihis Opes not make so much difference with the industrious Yankee troops, but with the majority of regiments hard work at any thing but drill and parade has had a bad effect upon them. A ladt at her marriage requsted the clergy, man to give out to be sung by the choir, the hymn commencing "This is the wmt I long have (ought, And mourned Wum I found it not" FRANCISCO. DR. L. J. CZAPKAYS Private Medical and Surgical Insti tute. SACRAMENTO STREET, BELOW MONTGOMERY. Opposite the Pacific Mail Steamship Company's Office, SAff FRANCISCO. EttMitkcd s 1854. for the Ptmatunt Cur of all pritxtU ami chronic diatu, and or Hit HtpprtuUm of Quackery. ATTKNUINQ AND RESIDENT PHYSICIAN, L. J. CZAPKAY. M. D.. late in the Hungarian Revolu tionary War, Chief Physician to the 2tn Regiment of Honveds, Chief Surgeon to the Military Hospital or ream, Hunorarv. lata Lecturer on diseaaea of Women and Child ren, and Honorary Member of the Philadelphia College of Medicine. Particular attention paid to the treatment of diaeaaei peculiar to women and children. Office houre from 9 a. M. till a. r. a. Communicationa strictly confidential. Permanent cure guaranteed, or no pay. Conaultationa by letter or otherwise free. Adaresa tfr. u. . uJrA4i, irannKo, tui. A Tribute to Merited Worth. . . The ingratitude of man to bin fellow man ia ao often met with in lite, that testimonials, prompted by finer feelings of the heart, areoaaea in the life of those who sacrifice their best days in philanthropic devotion to the alleviation of the ills of frail mortality. Empiricism floods the col umns of our press with fraudulent and fictitious letters, singing paeans to the worth of their own egotistical char latanism. Below we append a certificate of a worthy man, who, a brief period since, seemed destined to " shuttle oil his mortal coil;" who looked forward to hia dissolution with that pleasure which only those weighed down by the heavy band" of disease can feel. Contrary to hope, the ability of a skillful physician has restored him to his for mer health. Relieved' from his terrible situation, and im pelled by gratitude, he makes known his case, and his re mediul agent, and bia atatement ia authenticated by a No tary Public. Thedeinands of society imperiously command its publicity, and it ia given more to warn the unwary than to sound tlie praises of a phrsiciun, of whom scores of like cases can be cited KHARKABLI CIHI Or COXSlHrTIO j. The almost miraculous cure that has been effected in my case, prompts me to impart to those of my fellow creatures who may be sultering from like allliction, the source or re lief, with a short description of my case. Several retire ago, my health began to fail. I wus attacked by general weakness and debility, which reduced me to a mere shadow of my former aelf. At that stage 1 sought medical assist ance, ana expended large amounts, Dut without ti e least beneficial result. That fell destroyer, Coksihi-tiok, had a ready seised upon my ritals. 1 waa duily drawing closer to the tomb; my physicians held out no hope of recovery ; my strength bad wasted, and I was in a state of almost utter prostration. 1 was informed by my physicians ttiat they could do nothing for me except to smooth my path to the grave, when most fortunately, I applied to l)r. U. J. Czapkay, and am now a well and perfectly sound man. It is difficult tor me to express the emotions ol deepest grati tude 1 experience when realizing the immeasurable service I have received at the bands of Dr. Ciupkav, and I feel re joiced that it ia at least in my power so tender this feeble recognition ol Ins great skill ami capacity. 10 the alluded I would say, do not despair, for w hatever uiiiv be the na ture of your case, 1 am confident that you will find relief by applying to Dr. L. J. Czapkay. " There is a balm in (iilead, and there is a phrsician there." L.. 11 K.N It Y WKSSLl.NU. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this Kith day of October, a. v. IH.'iK. City and county of Sun Fruncisco, ui the State of California. i t.J F. J. TIHBAULT, Notary Public. The undersigned ia personally acquainted with Henry Wessling, and knows that the circumstances relnled in the foregoing certificate are true. He saw Henrv Wesslina- during his illness, and beara willing testimony to the fact of his remarkable cure by Dr. L. J. Czapkay. lUa.) A. KMSKM1L1M. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 17th tluv of October, a. o. 1S.1S. City and county of San Francisco, in the State of California. i s.J F. J. TI1IBACI.T, Notary Public. Miss Tickbt says it's with old "bachelors as with old wood. It is hard to get them started, but when they do take fltme, they burn prodigi ously. Tin greatest pleasure of life is love ; the greatest treasure is contentment; the greatest possession is health ; the greatest ease is sleep ; and the best medicine is a true friend. A mah boasting in a company of ladies that he had a very luxurious head of hair, a lady present remarked that it was altogether owing to the mellowness of the soil. A Wests Representative in Congress boast that he can M bring an argument to a p'int as quick as any other man." Tie can bring a quart ta a pint a good deal quicker. T)R. L. J. CZAPKAY'S private Medical and Surgical In stitute is on Sacramento street, below Montgomery, oppo site the Pacitie Mail Steamship Companv s illhce, au Francisco. The Doctor otters free consultations, uml asks .10 remuneration unless he effects a cure. Ollice lion:., from 9 a. . to 9 r. u. TIIK FOLLOWING LETTKR, Which emphatically speaks for itself, w written by the Dean of the Faculty of the Philadelphia College of Medi cine, to the editors of the Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal, San Francisco, for publication : PiiiLtnKi.rniA, January 17th, IV.'.'. To the editors of the l'ucilic Medical and Surgical Journal : (rKNTi.KMi : My attention has been called to an article in the December number of your Journal, in regard to the ndt'tntltm degree granted by the Philadelphia Vollcge ol Medicine to Dr. L.J. Cznpkur. When the application for the degree was made to the Faculty, it was accompanied by affidavits and testimonials to the ctfect that Dr. ('zap kay was a regular graduate M. D. of the University of Pesth, had served as Surgeon in the Hungarian army,' and was a regular practitioner of medicine. On the strength of these, the degree was grunted. The ad tnmirm degree, as its name implies, ia conferred on graduates only, and gives us new privileges. Had there been the slightest sus picion of irregularity, the application would have beeu re fused. By inserting this in your Journal, ou will do an act of justice to the College, and confer a favor on Yours, very respectfully, II. RAM), Dean of the Faculty ot the Philadelphia College of Medi cine. CxavirictT : I, the undersigned. Governor of Hun gary, do testify hereby, that Dr. L. J. Czapkay has served during the contest for Hungnrian liberty, as Chief Surgeon in the Hungarian nrmv, with faithful perseverance. Where of I have given him this certificate, and do recommend him to the sympathy, attention, and protection of alt those who are capable of appreciating patriotic self-sacrifice and tin deserved misfortune. KOSSUTH LAJOS, Governor of Hungary. Washington City, Jan. D, 1452. RKMARKAnLB I.XSTAXCR OF MEDICAL KELIfcr. Below we publish the certificates of three of the siiB'erers from the pangs of disease, who, having recovered their for mer health, and impelled by gratitude, make known their cases and remedial agent, and their statements are authen ticated by s Notary Public. The demands of society im periously command their publicity, and we commend their perusal to the attention of all attiicted : TBAKKrCLXESS IS Till IXCKXTIV1 TO OSATlTTDK. The nndersigned, desirous of acquainting those who may be unfortunate enough to be similarly alllicted, where a permanent relief of their sulrerings may be obtained, feels it hia duty to thus publicly express his most sincere grati tude to Dr. L. J. Csapkay for the permanent recovery of his health. Borne down by the distressing symptoms in cident to the vicious practices of uncontrollable passion in youth, depressed in body and mind, unable to perform even the most trifling duty imposed by the daily avocations of life, I sought the advice of many physicians, who at first regarded my disease as of trilling importance ; but, alas, after a few weeks, and, ia several instances, months, of their treatment, I found, to my unutterable horror, that, iustead of relief, my symptoms became more alarming in their torture ; and being told by one that my disease being principally eon fined to the brain, medicine would be of little consequence, I despaired of ever re-gaining mv health. faint hope, I called upon Dr. Czapkay. who, anerexamining my cse, prescribed some medicine.'whicb almost instantly relieved me of the dull pain and dizziness in my head. En couraged by the result, I resolved to place myself under his care, and, by a strict obedience to all his directions and and advice, my head became clear, my ideas collected, the constant pain in my back and groins,' the weakness of my limbs, Ihe nervous reaction of my whole bndv on a slight alarm or excitement, the misanthropy and evil forebodings, the self-distrust and want of confidence in others, the inca pability to study and want of resolution, the frightful, ex citing, and, at times, pleasurable dreams by night, followed by involuntary discharges, have all disappeared, and. in fact, in two months after having consulted the Doctor, I fell as if inspired by new life that life which, a abort time ago, I contemplated to end with my own hand. w itli a view to guard the unfortunate from tailing into the snares of incompetent Quacks. I deem it mv duty to offer this testimony to the merits and skill of Dr. CzapVav, and recommend him to all who may stand in need of medi cal advice, being assured by my own experience that, once nnder his care, a radical and 'permanent cure will be ef fected. ia.l t,. V. FILLMORE. State of California, county of San Francisco. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 17th day of April, A. D. ISA. (Signed.) i a. JOHN MIDDLETOX, Notary Public. upon those who would render assistance, or shelter m from danger, aa enemies who sought to prolong the exist ence of my miseries. While in this state, and having, pre vious to my affliction, tasted the sweets ol life, 1 once niort was induced to atteoiptseeking aid of a physician, and by recommendation, called upon Dr. L. J. Czapkay. I told him my circumslancea, and of my inability to reward him for hia aervices, regardless of which, however, be at once undertook mv case, and, with the blessing of God, I was once more restored to perfect health. Lnable to reward him for the boon which I enjoy at present, and yet con scious of my indebtedness, 1 consider it due to myself and all affiicted.'to make the case public, in order that those in need of medical advice may bud a physician in whom every confidence can be placed. 7 i, . r MAYER YABLONSKY. State of California, county of San F'rancisco, w. Sub . scribed and sworn to before me, this 1st dy of August, a. D. ISit). l. . GILBERT A. GRANT, Notary Public. A CAIO. I, the nndersigned, having been under the treatment of Dr. L. J. Czapkay, although unsolicited, feel called upon to give publicity to the efficacy of bia treatment, hoping that by doing so I may be instrumental in preventing oth ers from Ihe fearful suH'ering and misery which I experi enced, and which so often result from the pernicious prac tice of pretenders. My disease has been that of physical snd mental debility, which follows in consequence of in discretions in youth. The agonies which I endured are unnecessary for me to detail, they are knotvn to those who have experienced them. Suffice it to say, that bavins called the services of Dr. L. J. Czapkay- into requisition, all the expectations which I may bave lormed or mm were more than realized. I would therefore recommend Dr. Czapkay to all who may find themselves afflicted with that dreadful malady, my object in so doing being sympathy for suffering humanity, and heartfelt desire to relieve them. State of California, city and county of San Francisco, w. On this 81t day of July, a. d. lt4, before me, Wm. C. Jewett, Notary "Public, personally appeared D. J. Dahlee, Known IO me, ana Deing uuiv sworn, UIU uepoao mm muj that the contents of the card herewith signed by him arc true. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed mv official seal, the day and year first above written. WM. C. JEWETT. l. i. Notary Public. Local weakness, nervous debility, low spirits, lassitude, weakness of the limbs snd back, indisposition and incapa bility for lubor and study, dullness of apprehension, loss of memory, aversion to society, love of solitude, timidity, self-distrust, dizziness, headuche, involuntary discharges, pains in the side, affections of the eye, pimples on the lace, und other infirmities, are cured by the justly celebrated physician and surgeon, L. J. Czupkay, His method of curing diseases is new (unknown to others) and hence the great success. All consultations, by letter or otherwise, free. Address, L. J. CZAPKAY, M. D., San Francisco. Cali fornia. jeltf-Sm HUNTER'S CELEBRATED Manzancta Bitters, Is proving to be an invaluable remedy in Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia. And all obstructions and irritations of the LIVER, arOSIACII AXD 110H ILX, Which fact is verified by the volunteer testimony of thousands of individuals, residents of this State, and whose veracity cannot be im pugned. It has been but a short time since they were tirt presented before the public, and the IMMENSE WMANTvVHiCIS f.'iY !'! CREASING. rVfCcS TKAtVhEY HAiE r.v. ivrj.: t;'cXTioi ' Not a minor of disup n.Lution or di-ult i.wiUMl.c tne rui enthusiasm with which they are endorsed ui.d recommended byull who liuvc experienced their highly beneficial ill'eets. For Sale, Wholesale aud Iictail, in every town in the HUNTER Mtirkt-t Ktrovt, ntxt to X I'.ilit'orniu. 8c CO., Sole . 4 Kngine llonm, k rf r . ft 14-: in CHARLES A. CRANE, ADVEKTIS1NO AGENCY. Ccr. Washington &, Sanscme Streets, . GoverninentJ House L'p-Stairs. SAX FltAXCJSUO. PKOPI.E'S PRESS, -Slow's Stock Reporter, Daily Bee, .... Nevada National, - -llutte Democrat, - -Phu-er Courier, - . Northern California!, Colomu Times, - -Mooney's Express, I'ltiimis Standard, - Southern News, - -Daily Argus, - -Dully Appeul. - - Napa County Times, Sun Jose Telegraph, Eugene t'ifv, Oregon - San Kruncisco - - - Sucrumeiitu - (russ Vallev - - - Olovill'c - - - - Forest Hill Union f'olonia Kolsom Ijuincy - - Los Angeles - - - - Stockton - - Marvsvillo --.-..' Niipa San Jose Alameda Herald. ........ Oakland Contra Costa Gazette, ' Martinez Kiintu Cruz News, Santa Cruz Petuluiiia Argus, Pctaluma Sonoma County Democrat, . Los Angeles Star, Daily Oregon Advertiser, - Mariposa Star, - - - San Andreas Independent, - Columbia News, Territorial Enterprise, Alcmeda County Gazette, - - Democratic Age, Arizonian, Oregon Parmer, Mountaineer, ...... Mulching's Magazine, California Culturisl. ... - Santa Rosa - Los Angeles - - - Portland - - Mariposa San Andreas - - - Columbia Carson Valley - - San Lcandro - - - - Sonora Tucson, Arizona - Oregon Dalles, Oregon - Sun Francisco - San Francisco Advertising in the Atlantic States. C. A. C. will also sttrnd to forwarding advcitisenienta to papers published in any portion of the Atlantic Statea. LOVEJOY'S HOTEL, Corner Battery and Vallejo Stsn SAN FKAXCISCO, CAL.J fpHIS well known house is five stories high, with acom X manding view of the harbor, and is close to the land ing place ol the boats running to Oakland, Petaluma, Ore gon, and the Atlantic States. In accommodations this House will Tie with any ia ths State. The Tables are supplied with the best the market affords. Single Rooms aud Rooms for Families well fur nished and thoroughly ventilated, and eve-y attention is used in every department to promote comfort of its patrons. Passengers coming from the diHerent boats are carried free, of charge. mv'-qm JOHN J. TfOYl.E. Proprietor. It is stated that the members ot recent court martial ran up ft bill of four hundred and titty dollars for port wine. We suppose those men otntr thought they ought to make port kolrt of! to me, was seised -' MW,n IA hiv i n .Kill , w t their mouths. Tut question is often discussed whether the savages enjoy life. We suppose they do, as they always Mit when they get chance. E. O. RANDALL DEALER IX MUSIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Cutlery, Toys, Fancy Goods, elcn Front street, Portland. 1IANO FORTES. MEI.0DE0N3, VIOLINS, CUTARS, Banjo. Clarionets, Aeeordeona, Flutes, Fifes, Strings, and musical merchandise of all kinds. Table and Pocket Cutlery, Of every description, from the celebrated Sheffield Works, England, and the renowned manufactory of J. Russell A Co., Massachusetts. Among the assortment may be found RUBBER HANDLE TABLE AND DES . SERT KNIVES, Superior in every respect to any heretofore maooiactured, Wade A Butcher's CELEBRATED CONCORD RAZORS.' Scissors of all sizes, and pocket cutlery of styles toe so. All of which I offer at wholsale or re- Prompted by aa honest desire of my heart, I wish to lay before toe public a ease which deserve a commendation, ot only as an act of scientific skill, but that of humanity also. About two years ago I suddenly, and from causes un a ni or eruiensr. wnich. owinf to my inabilitr to meet tho expenses eonaeoiient m k 1 . . . 1 .1.. A. I ment which I met with on atlemntin it. anon herant .rh I m'rpu 10 mention. (aa I waa thea led to believe I as lo defy the skill of any j t San Francisco prices. physician. I waa frequently, while ia pursuit of bit call-1 Country merchant will profit be giving me s fall er tog. throwe dosra to the ground withowt the slightest' Ain.n ,K.i, ra titnni jwenrinf ; and, although ioseasibl to the agonies, I ,Tet, J, First rrreeS, Far wind