S1-J I V KEW YEAH. " Hear, oh, hear, w bear tut bier " 01' lh last of many a canceled yar." The dim old year h;w passed away, a new one takes its place. While musing upon the swift suc cession of fleeting anniversaries fraught with the accumulated wisdom of the past, we are forcibly reminded of a beautiful expression from the em. inent Dr. Watts " Whatever of good the old time had is living still." And, full enough of the evil too we must admit. But, thanks to the Maker and Ruler of the univurso, the darkest clouds of adversity cannot obscure our star of hope. Though the terrilHo blight of a devastating war is upon us, wo must the more firmly fix our gaze on the true pole-star of all just and magnan imous government. We may review the past, nnd we ghlhofutui o in the scales of analogy, we may philosophize, and theorize, and discover what seems to bo the correct course of govern ment, but after all the destiny of nations is in the hands of tho Omnipotent, and now at the usher ing in of this new year let us bring our Country's cause before the King of Kings, and invoke his blessing that we may prosper. The empire of human government is passing through a fiery or deal in this age. The question of the practicabil. ity of a Republican , Government, which our revolutionary Fathers generously thought to hivs fin iMy settled ir thoir day, is again on trial before the nations of the world ; and the result ot our present struggle will be placed upon the annals of Political ' History as a precedent for succeeding generations.' . . , - Last night Dr. C. II. De Wolfe deli.ered the first of a course of Free Lectures in this place. It was excellent, and well attended. Ili Lec tures will be on each successive evening of this week exce pt this evening'. ' Citizens turn out, for sui eiy the Doctor understands bis business, TZ'T, : Li 'J i The damage to Sacramento, by the late flood, is supposed to be a million and a half of dollars Tub Oiieoo: IisamRKr. The Company it Sa J em and one at Jacksonville have been mustered into service ; it is thought that three more com panies, may be r.ilsrd soul ft" of tho mountain. We have hoi snow the last two days, about 6ix iii jhus in depth, it is gradually melting off. I.ikf.xkss of Col. Baker. :We are indebted to Mr. l' C. 5 nv, S n Francisco, for a litho. praphie likeness of lli.i late Senator Baker, pub Fished by Mr. Show. It is copied from an oil p iintin;r. an I is the otily good likeness we have s" mi of tlis deceased S junior. Mr. McCormick. of this city, his copies of this lithograph for sale. Oregon in ii. - - - . Rsad Wheeler and Wilson's advertisement i i t- day's pa;ier. a;i;l v iflt this 01T1 For particulars and prices M riy of our a lvertisu:na its have co-no in too J ito for this issue.' ' ' Til?. S ipcin Giurt is now in session at Salem, Ju lgcs Wait, TV so and Stratton being present. S.'.t.'M'ft 1 i. Tut late fl I has wrought much damage from Portland to Sacramento; destroying bridg es, ferries, and all kinds of ropeVty. It is reported left eiht feet de tint the mud and gravel were ia the streets of Jacksonville. Our, old frio"d M Rosenblatt, is again in town with a iic w stoc!i of goods. Give him a call' Mr. A. S. McCiure, a pioneer merchant of this place, has moved into his new building ; he w ill fit out purchasers to suit the hard times. -.. ' ' F. Dudley, bookseller of this place, has laid on our table " Bancroft's Hand-Book Almanac for the Pi:cifi:c States for 1802.". It is an excel lent coinpnd of facts. Win. P. Gardner from this place, writing from Oro Fino, Dec. lGth, says the snow has been two feet deep, and win then sixteen inches deep. But litle mining being done there on account of bad weather. Prof. Coiinelius' Iliph School will be reopen ed next Monday ,Jan. 0:h. The steamer Relief, Captain J.W.Cochran arrived here last Saturday. On Sunday rht made the pioneer trip to Springfield. Many of our towns folk went up on hoard. She run from bpi-irgtivM clown to Eugene in twenty six nun utes, a diManee of five miles. She carried almiit 13 tons freight from tho former place, and 17 tons from here. a nc w m,y .. ....gin. nwwuv T-v,v"v "i uu.iii the 23fd, $ lo.OOO of it per Tracy & Co. Snow ' fifteen inches deep at the Cascade, and ten inches . .1 t it it" 111 tne i-'.iiies jiir.T. We are indebted to MeCiure for news. MesM's II. Ellsworth and Tlis anthi-rities of Franrc are very mnch concerned in tho suppression of certain usurp nti'.ns) f privilege y rel-piou societies. .M AHRir.I). At the residence of the bride's father, It. R ibe, Mr. Lycurgus Davis, to Miss Dee. 2A, by Rer. Elizabeth Duller, both of Lane County. The fountain minnti with the river. The river w ith the ocean. The winds of heaven mix forever With a swei't emot on : Notbinn in ties world is single j All things by a law divine In one Mothers beinx minnle. Why not I wit'.i thine ? .ke!Jf. note. Dei!, aoit. ta Mr, MrClure wifr f A. P. MeOnr. I M. ROSENBLATT, . , , f WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEK IS Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, . Hardware, Cutlery, Mechanic's Tools, Boots, Shoes, etc., etc., Announces to the public And patrons that he is stH in the traJe Bt lhe oJ nd well know stand ofS. ROSENBLATT & BROTHER ; and selling goods at the Lowest Prices, for CASH AND PRODUCE. His stock is entirely new. Purchasers will find here every article usually kept in the stores of this city new and well selected. Those wishing to buy are requested to call and examine his stock and prices before purchasing elsew here. Ueincniiicr the place and that the stock is WHOLLY NEW, and will continually be re- plenished with fresh new goods of the LA TEST STYLES, PATTERNS AND VAMETIES. ltf NEW BUILDING. BETTER FACILITIES, AND MORE ACCOMMODATIONS. : I would announce to the people of the Upper Willamette that I have moved into my new building on the corner of Oak and Ninth Streets, in front of the Court House, where I wilL lie found ready and willing ?o meet nil my old friends and patrons and a fair proportion of new ones. It stock of will be my aim to keep a complete Staple Goods, . wnlj as much and 'Ornamental Fancy Stock i as tho market may demand. Having f ji-njed business connections with extensive-Business Houses in Portland and S. m Francisco, together with a TEAM which I keep constantly' running during the summer months, I flitter myself that 1 can oflof to my e.ist'iniors ,. INDUCEMENTS NOT SURPASSED UY ANY ; HOUSE IN THE UITEIt WILLAMETTE. I have, nt much expense, made extensive prepara. lions for Storage, by vtliiiJi means 1 am enabled lo receive niul jtUvu in markvt any production of either FARMER or MECHANIC. I will ul.o reecive nnd siu; tj any co-niYurci.il point, Goods, Produce, or other wares, giving tin; punies actum tago of other m.irk.-U, and extoaiiva buiiucs acquaint ance. A LARGE STOCK OF JA YXKS ....... AND OTHER . . Patent Medicines. " To counteract, na fur as possible, t!i3 hird timis, I cal culatti ta bring my busing to CASH AND KBADY , PAY PUIN'CIl'LES, making sutill p rutin and li,'iit charges. Those w ho are weary nnd heavy laden (with gold dust) give me a call. ... Eugene City, Jan. 1, ISM. "ltf ., A. S. McCLURE. Hotel International, JACKSON STREET, A few doors nbove Montgomery street, SAX FHAXCI-iCO. FOSTER, PATTEN & CO., - Proprietors, (Succtttorr to Jvkn J. Haley.) t. O. FOSTUlt, Lute l'nier Steamer M Uncle Sam." D. H. PATTltX, Late liook-Keepcr of the house. TN X ai nssuniinj the mannffonicnt of this well known nnd popular lintel. Hie I'roorietora mi ne the at tenlion of itff patrons and the public to its increas cd facilities tor tlieir coinlort and convenience It has iiist been thornutrhlv renovated : new Furniture and Carpets substituted ; its Reception Room enlarged to double its former capacity ; an elegant Private Knirance for l.adieshus been constructed and Fifty 'ew Hooms are now added. In connection with this, we are resolved that its mnnaze' ment shall not be surpassed by any Hotel on the l'acitic i tmin. The specialities of this house, arc : the scninulons neat- . ncss and cleanliness of its rooms and beds ; the courteous ' utl..titt,,n .,1' nil in kIh-im t.f .1 ...... n...t . m..A A Table I nsnrpnd in every particular, in thet'ity. The liiternntiotiHl otters to r'amilies the greatest number and best appointed ff'unnly Knoms of any House in the t.ite. l'rices shall coinftnre fuvorably. Tne International is located in tltu immediate viciuitv nf I . . I :.. poiui ol uii Hie principal itioroiiifiitarps, and the lines ot j ,r"",e nn,d u': '"I i;',e, U.,r "T" . .. Tho Coaches ol the Iuierniitinnal are nlwsvs in atten- 'lance to convey passenger mid their buzgage to and from ine iionse. 4i-iin H. W. C011BETT tYTOn.1) invite the attention ot dealers to the Inspec- V tion of his extensive stock of Goods as follows : Dry Goods, Wall l'apcr, Groceries, Taints and Oils, Uools and Shoes, Window Glass, Mats, Looking Glasses. Hardware nnd Saddlery Hardware. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Threshers and Reapers on hand. Order forwarded and executed for any kind of implement from the Atlantic states or from California. Portland. July 1st, ls.'O jyS-ljr s. Ellsworth, 'ounselor. V. S. ? ice at Kii7ciie I , TTORN'EY and C'ounselnr. L. S. Supreme Court and I V other courts. Olliee at Kuicue Citv. Lane euuntr. Or. on. Also. Cominissoneruf Isf.-ds for 'Ww York. Dot'i- necucut, etc. jail DR. J. L. COOMBS, SURGEON, CORVALLIS, OliEGON, WILL riait any part of the Stata in eonwilution, or to perform surgical operation. iri-ly WHEELER & WILSON'S NEW STYLE SEWING XMACHINEI NEW IMPROVEMENTS! NEW IMPROVEMENTS! NEW IMPROVEMENTS! NO LEATHER PAi) t NO LEATHER PAD ! NO LEATHER PAD t GLASS CLOTH - PRESSER. GLASS CLOTH PRESSER. m GLASS CLOTH PRESSER. NEW STVLE IIEM.MER I NETW STYLE HEMMER t NEW STYLE HEMMER ! The Greatest Improvement Invented. MAKING AN ENTIRE New Style Machine, Formerly the justly celebrated L CK STITCH, .. nqlnow ledged,hy all to be the . . ONLY STITCH FULLY SATISFACTO- RY FOR FAMIL Y P URPOSES. NEW STYLE MACHINE. PRICES. REDUCED ofj . PER CEXT. PRICES DEDUCED BUY WIIEELEIl & 20 PER CENT. THE ; WILSON ! It is tho Cheiipest, most Durable, and Easier Understood tliuu uny other Sewing Machine. - SEND FOR A CIRCULAR ! II. C. II.VYDES, Agent, Cxruer Sacrumeuto and .Mimtijomcry streets, t$un l'laucisco. ltf TlieIedieal and Surgical Institute of 1r. .. J. CZAl'KAV is already secured in a position which pla do.idocs it, as well as its riclor, far above tho assaults of env1 and professional malice. In the schools of France, the highest prises are Often awarded to practitioners in this department of medical science, and they occupy with others au equally lofty position in tho profession. Ricord is a most illustriuus example, a shining light among the philo sophical stars of his age iu Kuiope, and Dr. Oapkny has fully equalled him iu this country, as a proof of which the I'liiladclphia College of Medicine complimented hull with a Diploma, and the honorary ui tuli-lnn decree. -Selecting this as his field of operation, although qualified us a gradu ate of the University of I'csth, aud lalo Chief Surgeon of the Hungarian Itevolutionary Army, for more extended Ubnrs, Dr. L J. Cuipkiiy has bent his earnest attcntiou to the curc'of chronic and private diseases, in which'he has become so great an expert that he is now regarded as the LK.vnKn in this branch Of his profession throughout the United -States, ami his portrait and biography arc published us matter of interest to their readers in the most exclusive journals. The Doctor's olliuc are at Ida Medical and Sur gical Institute, en Sacramento street, corner of Leides doi fl', nearly opposite tho buildings of the l'acilie Mail Steamship Company. ; t7"Ve ask particular attention of our readers to the sworn certilicatcs of remarkable cures, iu auother coluuiu of this paper. Persons not-wishing1 to lose time in corresponding, please inclose $10 in their letters, and they will get immediate attention. Address L. J. CZAPKAY, M. D. jell -3m San Francisco, Cal. Hall's KAtmrARiLH, Yellow Dock, ato Iomn or Potass, is prepared from the finest red Jamaica Harsapa rilla and English Iodide of Potass admirable as a rcstora tire and purifier of the blood, it cleanses the system of all morbid' and impure matter, removes pimples, boils, and eruptions from the skin, cure rheumatism and pains of all kinds. Jfll who can nlford should nse It, as it tends to give time, strength and prolong life. Sold by druggists gener ally at ft per bottle.. It. HA LL k CO., Proprietors, Wholesale Drnggists, Hiand 14'it'lay street, Wiy5 -Cm Below Montgomery, San Francisco. Sands' S.tns Fa hill a. Remember this is the original and onlv genuine article. In this preparation we Itavc ul I the restorative proporties of the root, concentrated in their ? ; . , , ... , ntmo.tMrengili; but while Snrsnparilla forms on impor - tant part of its combination, it is, at the same time com - poumled with other rnjetnbie remedies of great power, and .1.. I ii,ii n,.n.,r f " I'""""1 - " its preparation that its reiuaikiiMe aneccss in the cur of disease depends. According we hnu it resorted to almost oniversallv in cases of Scrofula, Liver l;ioata. Salt Kheiim, General Oebilitr, etc. Other preparations imitate it in the style ol putting up, and in beating the aanie of one of its ingredient, and here ends tlieir resemblance to it. Those needing a remedy like this are requested to note this, and ask for "Sands' Sarsaparilla," andtakc no other. For sale by Uedinirton A Co., and H. Johnson k Co, San Francisco; .Smith Daris, Portland ; and W. Walker, Eugene City. Read the adrertiscment in another column. ja2-tf David Logan, ATTOrtSEY and Counselor at Law, Portlnnd, Oregon, will practice in Uia courts of Oregon and Territory ot Wlsbinftno. OnV, on lere,nr Meuvipolis Hnt. U JFreeman & Simpson's... OLD MAGNOLIA WHISKEY. rrsHE undersigned is receiving this stundaid brand of fine J. Whiskey, uim-t from Mh. Freeman & Simpson, Primrictorg of ttie 1'liaMiix lJistillcrv. Scluivlkill Uiver. und otters it for tide in bun-els and half barrels, in lots to suit. The genuine OLD HAGXOLIA WHISKEY Has Freeman 4 Simpson's name in full on each package, and also a card attached with a lithographed engruving of tlicir Distillery. As a matter of interest to the trade and public, in show-t inr the immense cupital employed and the extent ot the manufacture of Freemuu ii Simpson's Old Mauolin W hiskey, the following comparative table is appended, taken from a work entitled " l'hiladelphiu and its Manufactures :' " The center of the Whisker manufacture Is probably Cin cinnati, Ohio ; for wa notice thut in l'l there were dis tilled in that city and viciuity, l'.sJiM.ji.'i gniiuns of proof Whiskey, coiisiimini;, if we allow one bushel of corn to every Ihree gallons of spirits, t, lo.osj . buihuls corn. In l'hiladelphiu therenre but tivo concerns cnpigcd in disiillinjt Whiskey, from rye, com, etc. They have a capital employ ed of nearly i.'nHj,oi)o, and in 187 pro duced H.luO.Oi'o ijalloiw. The Distillery of Kreeinun Simpson, on the Sohuyl ' kill Hiver, having a capacity of 400 barrels per week of line WhUkt'y ulone, is ona of the largest and most com leto in the country tor t lid distillation of lino Whis key, to which theycou fine themselves nl uiost cxcliirfivily." s. c. SHAW, 138 Front St.; San Francisco. July 1st, lS'ie, j;.M- Concentrated Potash. Nearly Three Times tho Streugth of Oidinury I'otush. TRACKED in one pound tin cans. convenient for. use. ilit'urnia. but is ex X This is a .Vj?ir AHTICLK in Culil'ornia, tensively used in the Kastcrn States. 1 i'Ol II 1'OLN US nro fullicicnt to make a - BARREL OF THE BEST SOAP, Without Lime, and with but little trouble. Full directions necompany each can (in English and Ger man) to make Soap, nnd to soften lntnl water. It is particularly recommended for cleaning type, and for manufacturing purposes, where a cheap and caustic lye is required. ' For salt iu lots to suit, bv JOHN D. WING- &, CO., iS Calit'orniii st., S:i Fram-isco. Sole Ajfftnts for B. T. liiilibitt's i'me Salcratus, t'rciun Tartar, and Super Carbotiato of Kuda. t jviil-oin Sands' Sarsaparilla, FOR TIIK KEMOVAL AND CUKE OK All Diseases arising from an Impure SLato of tho 21ood or Habit of the System. this preparation are stronjlv conceiitratrrl all tlic JL in int'uicinal i)ninc: tic'3 of Sarsanartlla, combined witlitliu mostcilcctual mds, the must salutary production!, tlio most potent simples if thu veetaMe kintrdom ; nnd thn combi nation M Hiich that one modUif td intprovt-n the other, produ'.'in a coiupoutKt dill'ci in entirely in its cliaiucter and properties from any otliL-r preimration, and unrivalled in its operation on the system vheii laboring nndi'r disease, it lias been so t .ill v teytctl, not oiilv bv patients themselves. but nisi) by physicians, th:it it has received their umjiiiili- hed recoinmendatnm? and the appivthation ot the public and has established on its own merits n reputation for val- rKiuid ei'ficacv l.ir supeiior to tiie various conipouuus bearing the name of Sarsaparillu. MOM .TIIFAUMY. MoyTKnKT. C.L., .Tan. 1?, IS-'O. Messrs. A. R h D. Sands Gentlemen : 1 be leave to add my testimony in favor of your invaluable medicine, booing it mav lead some other unfortunate beings to try its CjK'ets. aud that they may b ben-!ited us I have been. . I arrived here by the overland route, about the lirst of October tst. A few days after I was attacked with a very disagreeable eruptiuii'of the skin, which toy physician could not euro. I h.iitnencd to liud vour Siirsaiiarilla inn store in this tdaco, mid reiiK'Hibei lnir tbu popularity of the nieiliehie at borne, 1 purchased three bottles, whieii hud the deled effect ol removing my dilliculty entirely. With hi"h rem tl.-, routs, rtc. J. U. Ml .I.Kit, Lieut. IT..M. A. 1'reparedanfl soll by A. H. A: I. Stuids, Wludcfule DrntrtfiMs, l' Fulton street, corner of William, New York. For nulr by DkWitt, Kitii.u A Co., II. Johnson At .'o., and Kkdinutow t .'o., San Francisco ; Kick tut Fix, Ma rvsville; It. 11. MeDoxAi.n A t'o., Sacramento ; Sun n & 1)avis, Portland; VA1. WAKKlilt Kugene City; nnil by DrugyisU jgenuially. iiy -ita CLOVE ANODYNE TOOTHACHE DEOPS. Complain no more of Aching Teeth. These t)rops hare been extensively used by thousauds, whose experience has proved that the Anodyne will give immediate and permanent relief niter the failure of every other remedy. It is pleasuut to the taste ud smell, uud m few applications will entirely remove the pain and soreiiCfS trum adeoayed tooth, no that it may be titled and rendered ns useful as ever. When tbv pain proceeds from the fare or from the gums around a tooth apparently sound, this Anodyne will give n speedy relief by rubbing a few drops on the part utieeted. Prepared ind sold by A. B. A I. SANDS, Whoh-aalo Druggists, loo Fulton street, corner of William, New York. For sale by DeWitf, Kittle A Co., II. Johnson A Co., and Iledington A Co., Sun Fmncico; Iticc A Collin, Marys ville; K. 11. McDonald k Co., Sitrr.ime nto ; Smith A Davis, Portland ; W-M. WALKKlt, Kuge.no City ; and by Di uggi.ls generally, tiV-uiii DR.. PEERY'3 VERMIFUGE, OR " DEAB SHOT TOR WCR3I3. There in perhaps no dirase lo which Children arft ex posed so common und fatal ns Worms. The symptom which indicate them are as I illows : Countenance pale, tonuuc whitely furreil, grinding of the tet-th, fetid breath, stomach hard and swelled, Viing of the ll"!i, sicknes and pain in the stom.irh, bowels fit her t-io costive or lm loose, great fretitiiness, iinnaturul craving fur chiv, dirt or ( cluilk, colic. conviiUiuu.. lit, etc. 'J he ' Ituail Mutt " will ( ; '" ' h "-vs,":" "f evei-.v Worm. Althon.-h t I promiit anrt ceiUnn in its iipornlmn, niul not iiniile:i-" irit to . ,he tast.t jt j4 j.rt.,ctlv sale uml a..ipted to tlm Miilereat I 1 ! KorSilebr A. U. i 17. -SANDS, Dmi-it", 10) Fulton I N'"M' ".rk- .s,(ld also hv KedinKton A Co., San Fran'-i.eo; Smith It , Davjs, Portland ; Wm. Walker, l.uene (.'ity. ni7 :;m Dissolution of Partnership. rpiIE PAItTXERSini' IIKRF.TDFOKK EXISTING ni: X tween the undersigned, is tins day dissolved by mutual consent. Itated June Ji; ISM. JOSEPH TEAL, JOSEPH .MAVKR. Allthe debts dtic W (lie firm are assiirned and tntnferred to the undersigned j and to sure cost, nil persons indebted by not", book account, or otherwise, are expected to make nmefimrc paiinent. Otlice next door to the (tone Store. jel-i-tf JOSEPH MAY hit. DR. EDWARD SHEIL AriLL pay speeisl n'tention to rhron!e diseases, Cor TURNER'S FOREST WINE BITTERS. The Greatest Remedy of 'he Age, KJB THE Cl'KE 0- DySpepsii, r . Pnmnlalnt Weakness of Stomach, Or uny Deruntjement of the Ltiyestive Organs. r"M!KV regulate and lirepare the stomach to receive and L digest fond ill a ht-allhv manner, giving uctiou to tho Liver, bv removimr the secreted bile, alluvviim the bodv ill nalural strength. It is very essential fur persons of every aye ami coudilion m lite, to he caretul and keep their int'sm e in iiiis ui f;oou ui uer. j itoine; mis, iney win oe prool aainsl auv, or all, ol t tie prevailing diseases, ill cident tt the ditt'eretit climates, no matter what the tem perature of the mime." These Hitters are sure to do this in every ease, if taken according to directions. Tliere are thousand of small arteries and avenves in the human fran. leading to and depending upon, the tjastric juices produeed by lhe stomach tor the support of the en tire body. If the stomach is diseased, sundy it cannot di its work. Consequently tlte body must be fed from un prepared unit unnatural saliva, sowing corruption through out the wnolc system, lint if the stomach is kept iu order, the created saliva pu s to enrich the blood, giving u natural freshness to the countenance, and strengthening the whole frame. We desire any and every person using the Bitters to show them to aud ask the opinion of their confidential family physician, in regard to the merits of them tide. TURNER'S FOREST WINE BITTERS Are sure to regulate the stomach, the main avenue to tho whole body ; Are sure to counteract Billiousness, when in a malarious climate ; Are sure to ajjree with the most weakly, as well as the most robust person ; Are sure to create u goot' appetite ; Are pleasant us a beverage; Are economical nnd cheap; AU travelers should carry these Hitters with them, to pic Vent Billiousuess and Fevers, caused by changes of water uud climate. Seamen should carry them to prevent Scurvy, Ship Fever unu the like when they are uepnveu of freih vegetables. All persons of sedentary habits, who cannot rest at night, hould take them before going to bed as a foul and disar ranged stomach always produces a nervous irritation of tho musetnar planus, causing sleepless nights'. ihey assist :1m stomaeh to pei Ibi m Us natural powers, allowing tho patient to rest witii composure. They are a very rich and nutritive wine, formed by the addition of nine' diilerent kinds of roots, bark and herbs, making a very palatable nt well as one of the most nourishing Hitlers in the woild. There has never been any article introduced that has gained such universal uonbdeiici!, and b'-en so highly applauded by the public, as (he Jtitters. They have been iu use about six years, and the sale has increased so much that it now takes Ihree large buildings, covering over nine lots of ground, to. do their business. For tin' better protection of the public- rafter this date, April l.'uh ), we have for a label, u (splendid and very ex pensive) Steel Kugraviug, with lhe portrait of each mem ber of our linn, making a perfect guarantee ugaiut coun terfeits or imitations of the genuine article. N. 11. Hereafter our t'o'jt Us t JiV.VA" HITTERS will be mamifueiured from While Wine, which makes a decided improvement, uueipialed by any other bitters in the United States. Suld wholesale, by TUKNEIt KKOTUKMS, Corner Washington ami Franklin streets, New York: Ni agara street, lhtll'alo, N. Y.; corner Itroadway nnd Front .tireets, Sau FrancUeo, Cal., uud for sale by Merchants and I'ruguists everywhere. j'- Turner's Ginger Wine. This article isprepar.d from pure White California Wine nul Jamaica (ringer Knot, in such u manner as to form tha best uud most pleasant touio ever introduced. It is an invaluable remedy fur Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, aud for all discuses where gentle Stimulant is required to bring tho system into he;dihy and natural uctiou. ONE MILLION GALLONS, III Jiitrrt'U and Cus, Sold nnualhjy Throughout tho world, thereby proving its unrivalled nnd uuciial"d merits, li has received tin- approbation of tho Medical faculty throughout the United States, and wher ever known. We caution nil consumers of " Ginger AVine" to exam ine the label, ns none are genuine except such as have oil them our engraved portrait in a circle, surrounded bv the folrowingsnjiers-eriptimi: " Tt'RXh'h'.s Ul.Xtfh'Ii W'l.XIC, prepared by Turner 11 rot hers. Mew York; Jiutlalo, iot York; aud S. m Francisco, Caliloruia." -TURNER'S 'extra raspberry, syrup, Manufactured from wv juice of Raspberries, nnd is equal to any article of the kind heretofore introduced. Snm of tho reasons why Tt'UNKUS' flingi-r Wine, Cor dials, letters, etc., are better than any others in the United States : First We h.ive three of tho largest manufactories of tho kind in the world : One at NET YORK; One at BUFFALO, New York; and the'Ad at SAN FRANCISCO, Culfortiift, iluilt specially for our business iu the mo.-t complete man ncrin every particular. Secondly We can and do have every advantage that money can purchase or convenience could facilitate. Our guiMls are manufactured from ihu very best materials with the utmost care, and are tltc leading articles of tho kind throughout every Statu in the Union, China, Sand wicii Islands, and including almost every place where tho Anglo Saxon race are represented We have constantly on hand und fbr sale in quantities to suit : (linger Wine, Forest Wine Hitter, Ilhirfcherry H randy, fciai sapai lihi Soda, Cherry K randy. Wormwood Hit ters, Woiiinvuod Cortltal, Stom.icli Hitters, Cherry jUordial, Vegetable Hitters, Knspben v Syrup, fcitonghteii Hitters, Spice Hitters, Lemon fcjyrup, Fx't Haspberry Syrup, t)rgeat Syrup, (Jum SyiupAniette, (,'ul oriiig, Ciirii'iou, Absynthe, Kt'i sheriwaf ii-r, Auisadu, W'l'inouth, Aromatic Schnapp-, Fss enc bemon, Essence Jamais, (iiuier, Ksence Pcpper inint, Kosenehielfs Hitters, etc. Turner B ros, tor. front and Broadway Streets, SAX FRANC .SCO. CAL. notice. To all Vernon interfiled in, I'enxion Claim, awl the t.'lniitit of' Soldier, or their W'idoa's, or olln'r Ili ir at Lmi, fur lloiintij .mi l li'arriiii, under amj of the xev mil Art. of If. S. C'tinri.iH. ri I I "Ml H iindi'isi'ii'-ti h i-, r.irnifd a tinrtner'tliio witii nn emi m r in Vashiii''tou 4 'if v ir tlte iiiii iicj-te ot obtaining the nlive cla-s ot tlltTh'tilt rl.iiln- for the p-'oido ol Oi-ifon, and also lor the purpose of Invittg a lobby niirnb -r lo ii I'ltc the pasae of un aet i.int.tt Uotmir E nid NVai'f.ioM t lhe llr ''ui volunteers tli;it have serve. I siuee March, I h "'" ; and in return we expert tb'ni to uire us the job of obtaining their Itountv Laud Warrants in ... ..ii . .i... , prowili wewoik as cheap. a ! have already obtained el. urns alter the attorney and client hud both given up in dirspair. ttur advantage consists in Ill ei.-i enei: HI nil mi "l III IM I'l' U C W Ol K IU Clieaji. UIV partner hal ing acceH4 to all the records ill tUa sevuval rul t, an I therebr furni-liiiii me with sued iui;iut: that I can make correct ai plie.it.7ms lor the applicant here, , Mr post ollioe addrossis I. i:;eiie I it v. I.ane count v. On ann. mi, JliUlvMIAH lOl).-MJ.. j00 Worth DB. JAYXE S FAMILY ILUICIM;- just received. 'w- A : rm -1 e,, gratis, tt ' ' v Store. ' de' walk En.