The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, January 12, 1878, Image 2

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    (Orrgou jfni-3Uon.hty'3r()us.
'Hilvo mo a hulf-MMiiiy, and you
limy pitch ouo of these ring and if it
catehe over a nail, I'll glv you throe
That Roomed fair enough; ho tint ly
handed li I ii h lmlf Kiiiny and took tho
rlnjf. Ho Mlupixnt luirk to tho ntnke,
tonsed h N rlnir, and It caught on ono
of tho null.
"Will you take nix ring to llrh
again, or tlneo enee?"
"Thrco oni'e," wn tho annwer; mid
tho money wa put Into hi hntid. lie
ntepoU oir, well witlMlod with what lit
hud done, mid prolmbty not luivlnj; nn
Idi'ii tlnit ho hud dono wrong. A gen
tlt'liuui htnlldlng noiirhliii hud Watched
him, iind, now, before ho hud tlino to
look about mid rejoin hi companion,
laid It 1-4 hand on hN rtliouldor.
"My lad, thl-t I your llrt leson lu
"(iauihlliig, tdr?"
"You ntuked your half-eimy mid
won hIx luilf-HiH'o, did you not'.'" ,
"Yen; I did."
"You did not earn them uud they
were not given to you; you wmi them
Just in gambler wl money. You have
I ikon tho tint Mop In tho path; thut
in in ha gone through It, nud you can
neo tho end. Now I ndvlmj you to go
and n!vo him hln three pence Imek and
ask him for your hiilf-penny, nud then
'.iind wjuuro with tho world, mi honuMt
boy again."
Ho had hung hi head down, lull
rul-od It quickly; and hi bright, open
look iim ho said, "I'll do It," will not
Boon Ikj forgotten. Ho ran back, and
soon emerged from I ho ring, looking
happier than over. Ho touched IiIh
cap and bowed ploiiMiintly a ho ran
away to Join hi companion. Thin
wub un hone; lioy, Morning .Slur,
Upon iMfy mountain bol.hl two atroania
nun Rimmni fttrth.
(Hie butiblad fnmi flit aunny aoutb, Hi 9tr
from Ilia north
UnlMMMUndiprkll Joyounly, elaar
Th purpU flood Iha olhar roIlM want alow.
ly ofMlo by.
ikwj.le ilia nna, union maliM (raw, and
blinking liuila ami flowara,
rioaliU Ilia ollior. limn war olialnod In pob
ann-brnathltig Ivowaraj
On welontnad awant wllJ blnli lo alng Uialr
hjrmnaof nralaa anil Joy,
Tt ollmr braatliml ill brnaih of aln, and
UmpUd to Uaatruy.
Tli on want aparkthig obonrlly boiiMtli Ilia
noonday aim.
Anil raad around life, hnallh, pac, whnf
'ar It olianrvd to runi
Tli olhar wa tlia atmain of iloaili, with aor-
mar on lla llila,
Anil whoan aiood to drink therelu muni
HaUw'a curao aljlilo,
Ttia alrraiu which gave aunt) joy to all ImnkI
from riM'ky well!
Th vlneard annl lliaollior forth lo work
' daalhllk amlli
Tliay both liar llnwad fur counilnaa yeara
Bdown III alaa of Ulna
Ouo apnuidliig Rrlef and wrotoliodiiMa, Ilia
othar bllaa aiiblinin,
'Wlll-.IIK IMMKI. IlooNK DlKD.
Iunlel 1 Umiiu died at tho house of hi
mm, Major Nalhan IUmiiio, on 1'eimuo
(taiga Creek, St. Charle I'otiuty, .Mo.,
on September '.M, IkJO, In tho eighty
xlxth year of hi ago. Tho next day
hli remain were moved to tlio bouse
of hia Mon-ln-luw, liundera Callaway,
near Murthn.svlllo, Warren County,
where, after a funeral aermon by Itev.
Jiiiue Craig, a aon-ln-law of Nathan
lloouo, they were Interred on the hiiiii
mit of n beautiful knoll on Tcnmio
Creek, nlout ono mllo Houthent of
Mfrtbasvllle. Tho house a two-Htory
Htoiio building, and the tlr.stof its kind
reeled in tho State -I yet standing
nud (HTiiplud as a dwelling.
EggfrEX nu:ssf.ira
(()liicnrrrll Hlnwt, under ('haini'kuU Itntid.
rmii drawn on all iho iirliirlnal KumiiiMii fill".,
I'ai kKi and l'n:ul fiirwarttrd in nil lrl of Ilia
world, . U, F. W AUtiKH, AgchU