The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, January 12, 1878, Image 1

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    tenon f fmif:ontIib Jjiips.
I," . .
Voluino I.
Number 24.
IwumI twin a month,
1'utiluihar and Proprietor,
HriuHitllTUiN l'KIt K.-nOmiUaycar.
What a Boy did for the Steam Engine.
InhUartHo In tho Vmnr Sclent
Monthly, on tho growth of the Meant
engine, l'mf. Th urn ton aay that when
Iho tnglno hud amumcd a fur in (lint
omewlmt roKomhle tho modern ma
chine, an Important defect Mill eilntid
In thu itecwdty of keeping uu attend
ant by the engine to ojtn and Mint tlC
cock. A bright boy, however, Hum
hrty Potter, to whom wit aligned
thU duty oo a Neweoinon cnglno In
1713, contrived whut lie lulled a miy
ylnn catch rigged w ith a cord from
tho beam overhead w hich crfuruicd
thu work for him. Tho hoy, thus
making tho oeratlon of the viilve-iroar
automatic, Increased the Hjeed of the
otigluo to 15 or WMrokesa minute, and
gavo It a regularity and certainty of
action that could only U obtained by
itucli an adjustment of Its valve. ThU
Ingeulou young mechanic aftorwardit
bct-amo a klllTul workman, and an ex
cellent engluoor, and went abroad on'
tho continent, whore ho erected aove
ml lino engines. 1'oltcr's rude valve
sear wait noon Improved hy Henry
Tlelghtuu, and thu new device wux ap
pilot! loan engine which Unit talented
engineer erected at NowcaMlo-on-Tyne
In 1 71 H, In which engine ho substituted
subatantlal niitteriulN for Cotter's uuuie
chiinical arrangement of cord
AtivicK. to lloY. Horace Mann
writes; "You nro made to be kind,
generous, magnanimous. If there Is
a ly In school who has a club foot,
don't let him know that you ever haw
It- If there I a liimo boy, assign hlin
onto wrt of tho gitmo which doea not
require running. If thorn I a hungry
one, glvo him urt of your dinner. If
thero U a dull one, help him on with
hU Ionium. If there bo a bright one, be
nt envious cf him; for If one boy In
niud of hi talents, ami another U eii
vlous of them, thero are two great
wrongs, and no more talent tlmn before.
If a Lrger or a Mronger boy ha Injur
ed you, and I sorry for It, forgive him,
I mul request thu teacher not to punlh
I him. All tho school will nIiow by ,
their countenance how much better It
Ih thun to hitve a great fltL"
(b'orgo Washington, when quite
young, was alMiul to go a a midship
limn; everything wai Arranged, tho
vessel lny ojxmiio hi father s house,
tho llttlo litMtt had rome ashore to take
him otr, and his whole heart wax bent
on going. After hU trunk hud lieen
carried down to tho bout, ho went to
hid hU mother farewell, and saw tours
Imrstiiig from her eyes. However, he
mt. (I nothing to her; but feeling that
lie would bo distressed It bo went, and
xrhaM never bo happy iigiiln, ho turn- ,
ed round to tho servant and mild, "(Jo .
und tell them to fetch my trunk bock. v
1 w ill not go away to break my moth
er'a heart." ills mother was struck
with hi decision, and sho wild to mt- .
"(ieorge.diHl has rotulHol tohleAMfol j
children that honor their tuin.'Mid -. J
I believe Ho will blc you."
A pa(K-r hiw thin advertlnement; '
"Two hhtteN want wanlilng-." Millions
of brothers are In tho aamo jirodica
iiicnt. ,
The world's nuwter-Hjilritu can make
the bllonct' of their climota more ben
eficial to mankind thun all the nolne
and bustle of courts, sonatea and cauirw.