J s- r ) . , .- ..,,. " -iirrii' innwrwiiiiia.-r-Mf)inTiiniWTirrf fw'i W. . Ada on, Editor. SALEM: MONDAY, OCToBEIi lil, 1SG3. ' Cccfisdcrftto Meeting. J. II. iJouthit, chairman of the Stale Central Committee of (ho Confederate ' dt-moerney, has summoned tlio members ' of the Stnto Central Cnmmittco to i.tg ' at Albany Oct. 15th, Tho mouthers of the Coinmltleo are J. II. Sinter of Mentor.. ' 3. ll. Italuton of Clackamas, John Henry Smith (Dr. Crown Smith) .f Columbia, 1 Solomon Fiuhngh of Douglas, T. J. 'Holmes of Multnomah, W. 11. Mimke,rs of Marion, J. II. Pouthit of Linn, A. ' Noltnrr of Lane, J. II Williams of Polk, Jeff. Howell of Wasco, J. U, Ferguson of Yamhill, J. W. Clu.mbcrlin of Wash ington, anJ J. N. T. Mi lr of Jack.son. , Lis meeting has Iron called in order to ix wpoa o programme, f.u the Cum; is next (md to takis steps furavliui in bar- C-iil'.-iKiaiis t i ir 1 t ''" t !'r ' meeting Mr! f.ilr f( U" O i -o .i i ! 1 lenders 1 of priiioilv whoso interest in tlie success of this or tint t principle is all feigned "and who is willing logo with any party that ill pay him tho best whoso pole- L'tar of guidaace ia, in short, lust fur of fice and a desire to grt money, fcnicli men ore sometimes successful for lime, but they arc suro to bo consigned to oblivion whenever they arc understood. No parly can long select siuh men as its standard bearers and live. . h was 'a kssowledgof this fact that induced tho shrewd polili .'ans of the South to claim three-fourths of Ihe offices under the Federal l.overn in en I for the last twenty years. To have made rresideffi of Mich men as lJuehanan and Ficive, except at long interval, would have killcfthe democratic party locg ago. The tiuio h.t been when political issues, though understood by the intelligence o the country to be paving tho way on one idc for the destruction of the Government, wcro not regarded by the masses as of very j;rent consequence. Those times have gone by. The rebellion of the slave driving democracy has startled lite nation with horror, and knocked t'-e scales t'roi una sol is 1 iq ai t.-rcvd upon s oe itelF Como Rome to Roost The Long Tom organ, in a long nrtielo denouncing the Union demonstration in this city during tho-Stati Fair, as nn abo lition gathering, took occasion to tell a lie in order to tickle Senator Harding, and then throw his alVeetionato arms around his quondam enemy Asahrl, just to show how much hypocritical sympathy a cop perhead could frig:', and how niuch ten derness toward a fellow Confederate with out a soul could bo expressed by one whose calloused sensibilities have never yet been moved by the barbarities perpe trated by Jiff's cut-throats ok our Fnion friends in Tennessee and North Carolina. We quote the follow ing from the Jltvitte : " Some persons among the crow d shout cd at dillcrent intervals for Senator Hard ing, but be w as cunning enough io not re spond. Indeed, we believe ho was not at the meeting at all. The call for him w as a triek of the Abolitionists, who stood prepared, the moment ho showed his fice to th a trout ol tlio stand, to greet linn with storm of hisses and groans. And his name was groaned at vigorously final ly. So did the heartless, shameless crowd, L'i a in ins lor another prominent poV.- cf !:!' an m, win so name ongiti at tt.u v. nvnim lit' .. si i i . .' i. r: e i c ' -i i i ' v ' 1 :,- ... '.,-:. !... i .,1. s oied our rivers 1 burthen and h at of tl-o clnv in railv inn I -. 11 i i - i.i i .'-." . r '- ' p I in Mood, laid whole ditncts in smoking ami Keeping iogeiiir ino sece-,o:it ol . the State as an ui.flinchirg organization un ; dvr the name of democrucy. The bid that ruins, ai:J veiled in the drapery ol niourn thrice ten thousand widows and or- rhans. Tlii hn nia.b Ihn rtronli corimic In., been made by .he tSOO winS of the Tll,.v ire ,10. s,inff . tho ,;ft) , .. . ' former democracy to leavo the Union i n i !.,: l :. :.. .i ... - , , ... . ' "i viciiiiir.iiiiMi iiiiu join uiu v'ni.ticraies. on l - ., - f i-.- i i i- J "Idccri'tivo covering ot political leading cond.tion that the 00 leaders shall be j klringjl inJ U;t, lc UMJ , UM again maugnratcd as polim-al generalissi. U1,prjril.ip:f j demagogues. The people -mot and have all .he Ut places on the ,uv0 ro,rrSMHi tinco ls61 niore tbll ticket, will comet-erore the coii.muieo, j icmHOgun ,r- ,Wiro o(, nu u0 u.cu o, c-ur.. . secrei c.wus, , (lf ,,)e dl.nilv.rarT llio coitor ol Ihs leading organ of the . . Confederates, nt Kugeno Cit v, is treni- Tho Kantian! Qold Quarts Lead. Fn. Auiscs; A coiikiderablo excite nieiit exist throughout the country In re gard to recent dcoveries of gold bearing qmirU, on the Sauliam river and its trib utaries, and as I h.O'o lately returned iVoin there, and am familiar with the only prac ticoblo route at 'present to llioso in'res, it has been fiiiggcclcd t im',b jm'!ih a note of warning to persons contemplating a trip through the mountains ul this late seaon. sTlu trail through the mountains leaves tho settlements at of near iJeorge Uilye 'a, eight miles abovocio, on Thoinas' Folk, and, with tho exception of a few miles, the trail is, in its present condition, a very bad one, no work having been done on it for several years, ami the fallen timber and bad trail nvr high and very steep mountains, mnkn tho route impracticable to ride on horseback, and the entire dis lance from the settlements about Ituty live miles has to 'te traveled afoot ( and while the route Is bad now, a moment's r th'et'on will convince any person that a snow storm whic i may now rcasom.lilv expected aittJVo'ild increase tho dif ficulty iiimmjft-, and at the same time idiliterate the trud, and thus leave mi in fxpericiiced persan exposed In jet lost and I t .... ill .... I ...!!.. hissed, we believe to bo wholly false.- !vnM'- 'o w engnpu ... Tiio oeonle sinmlv desired to hear kirn I "I""1" "lr"'1 ",0 &mhm riv,'r' 11 I fr thoiiiseives, nu J to know how hr Mom). KASTIOUN" iVI'VS. T i mm t I'll to tun .uu .) Stn Fraiicivo, Sunday 'Idt. W have the following ileitis from the east, Texo advices state lli it S.im Houston had died ot I lie 1'iieiiiiioiiia. It is bolnved tlmt eiiuse for iilai'in. The enemy in i v aucceud lu inlerrcptin coiuiutiulc.iti.m lor a few hours, but. we liavo noi only a force to ilrivn hint, l.ii'lt, but to del'-at an iuiiiiiiisn- ly heavier force, rntess tint 'nemy is Very ilesprnile, fi will lint Vi'lltlllii to nil ii'l. t'liiillaimou i. IT In hIhuiM .In . , i . ,i . i . .... " " ii.nv. sion is neniii Mrongiy iorti'e.1 m an- ,1ir, U oveev proibil.ty Una ho will be lieipatioii ofallaek. Import lliitl A. II. .Moated. Tho piOM'iit raid Is imf ,.ii uu Steven tool g i to l'.ill.iUi is unloiui led. I .ix.,,..'!...! one: wo li t vy b looking for it. lV.I Now York, !l. Sni-cial telegram from Wa-hiiiytoii to tlio Tribune sav: lli'iuibli- -lit. I I I 1 I (a IQ Dill ll'WU ll , , , . , ., I 1 I ' m 4lMl. r j .m m. to l av j licmi willilieul lie ,c en '. ,rv- d. i...vrcy, Uis.. m .,u,ju, ,,iion r censure, whatever cs cf humau r "gross, and the haters of, T ,vo been his errors or sins." p:. ! niorsli'v. has covered our j That Harding was called for to be While the If l:e had come lorward and spoken as oth ers spoke on that occasion, he would have been cheered and not hissed. Disloyal sentiments, or sentiments savoring of dis loyalty, would have been hissed then and there, cotnii g from Harding or any other man. O'Meara's (awning nrou'.tl the soulless apostate traitor who pursued with .he which, wlvn completed will nllbrd a good winter roite to and from the n ine, and . . i i. in tlio ricanuine i woiiui aovise an per sons to vait until the latter trail is com pleted, is going there now, over the Uil yew trril, incurs the risk of losing their aiiimak and peri-hing themsiKes, whiili the on'timulation of no amount i f wealth will j'.tify. I. K. Mookcs. Sdeiii, Oct. 8. ISM. ' bling in hi boots for luar thai the $$00 abolitionists will succeed in forming a reunion with the democracy, thus crowd 1 ing the old stand-bys out into the cold, demoralizing the party aid ensuring a c r 'tain and disgraceful defeat, In view of " Won tHo Belt" Jackson Coi ntv, Skit. 110, ISo.'l. cm ol'lat night sys olliiiial dipatcl.es ol InI Inst rci'eiv.id today represent military saliltntioii at l'liiit!niioo..a us salM'actorr Qs could bo wished. Ilragg makes no ml vaiice ami .loos not u..ro to, Matonicnt In rebel papers that Ibirnsiil.i had retreated lnoni Joiieslioro to Kiinvnllu is untisie. Col. Hiker and rangers (moiiutoil) nre scouring county iutpiot ul' nuerrillas, liichiuoinl Sentinel, '2' says; In the lion so of Delegates yi'Mcrd iy in nio-t summary inanner disposal of resolution for enqiiic ing into the tone and temper of the pro pie of the V. S on subject of peace with view of responding if favorable, lloiis.i by unanimous vote put its foot on rm.- lutiou without Wolds or diseusHion or moments delay. Cincinnati dnwiirreiiil states our lo.s at Chaitaiioo-.;a killed wounded ait I prisoners is I. 'I Sill), Cold N. V ye.ier.hiv I I:!. Sin Francisco, -l Tihliy was rxuniin ed in lha Chap. nan case nothing fiinlier developed. Traverv, tho informer will bo examined to umriow Washington, -I Tho recent raid on tho cavalry camp at l.anlcv captured nil tlio hor.es belonging .i the ....( any. N. Y-, t. llio Vnnderl.ilt miii two' other slea. iters sailed from Kio Janeiro Anr;. 'M, on a cruise. tJiieridlas are growing bold ami minier ous on the Mi.sis-.ippi 1 1 v r. Tl. ry have planted th-'ir batteries li tudt-s itbovc Natc.ie, from ivhicli some S or IOves.cN have bien liroil into. Atlanta, I It a. ) II. llrsg-' has rivtseiit- The cavalry movennnts do not htirpiio us, as it is only wIm-ii. -heavy lioilios o nt fautry iitovu ou oitr linos of con... tunica lion or llaiiU that wo prep no for Ncrinns eiiagemeuts. lo t niti a-sino loyal pinilo iluv fears for l'osecr.ius' rear ami for the Kitletv of Mm Ircealtoro need Hot bo enter taiiicd, unless the eiiomy has moved on our ll auk and rear in In'l 1'n'co. Washington, 'tli, I'iiII olliclul advices of a late date have been received from Igren at Iho Navy Department. AI tl.uuli fiom their iialiiii. their publication would bo highly iii'li.croet at litis liiiio, yet they show th it noiilu-r Dahlgren nor (iilitior is hllo, but pushing forward prep ar.itions for a renewal of u. live and till cient ii'icralioiis. N. Y , O h A Tt. Monroo ilisp it.-h saVM nil expedition on a log" scale, of n I' ll lory, cavalry, and i. if ...try, has been or- gancil, and in conjunction vv.ili several anny gHi.bo.ts siartvl f.om Itero yesior iliv. Il.'.tinsiioi. in. known, Tito troops h it under sealed orders, I'lacoof retides vol.. l.aSi been appointed, nlwlil. lt llio commanders are In meet nn I adopt k.i. h ineiisi.res as trill insure tho Mi.ve.s of .lie expedition: M .j. 1 .'ii. I'n.l r r has p'anued tho I'.iuipaign, and dihie. his plans to a few competent and trii-tworthv oll'icrs ; Tho object of tl.o expedition is in Ktr.k u 'severe blow in n vilnl put. If properly ed. Ariuy nlli.vrs li'nipieiity said In his hearing, it would bo iiliandoin.il slimi, Ihs Army of I '.. Ionian advanc" In lorcn. reoplo are dally sending their i ll'cch muitli in Miiiiiilpalluu of an uiia.k. List week, Iho Si., to (biard U1 railed out In sup. I res n Hircaivnoil bread riot. I liln,lrnd of tbiv.-riiinciil Oiilploytv with iholr wives ii.nl wives of soldiors nsM... third in front of Iho Slate Ciptd itr-ucd ultli o'ulu and u.U.Hes ilcm .iclino, of llm un thor.r OS uliof for hlai-ving elnldrell. An ele.i.ivo riot was prKveutril by ihn prompt i.,,i, f Iho Statu iJ.iaiil ,m, prou.Ues of Ni.iio iiullinriilc. 1.1'o'M loc o is I, el iv , IC-t.KI,Sil ,-, I 'tiM hIhii-h, only 11.1,110(1 strniitf. New York, tiei. 7th A Nowbcin ,.; ler ol Srpl op,,!, , lt, 11,.,.,,,,, ,,, n lew days hinco Capi, Shair.-r of thuH.'illi New Yoik iletroyc, i..l. Mt XVo. Ka at Noil's I load ilho.ii. oppi.Hiil.ui, , Major (Jel.oial 1'iick lllld stall' sturtrj n f-'W days aifo on an iiispretlon of tlio .1... I'o.iccs at Washington, I'lyniouiu, J.,uioko Island, 1 1 al lulus, i-tc. A Paris letter to tho World ays llm p. rato is l.eii.f rep irc.l bv (.Jovurii.'nmt en- j-'i' is and I.UorersaKJovoiiiiiientdiuks. Wheqjho Florida goes to sen she Mill sa lute I "pi' I, !..; 1. i, i. ,, , I, ',,, ly sin'- -I id ,t i i i i i ' I i ,-. 1 1 ! ,(., 4 il men of ii , Chain .'. o' a n the F . not 1 1 - -. . ; lite p it bv one i ),,- , v " sl.S ,1 P It I , !.nd I, .I 'Si-fc(l, I, ie .! . I) ft ' ,n ... I'oiu i.A.sn, Iter. I. I. still. Mil Amies : Sir, tlio (Vcioioia imli- rarric.l out, n win nave a lem.ig .ii.-ei, .,.. ull ,., F ..- ! IV Ml". I.IOj; V lilt I .,' ,-aiop .ign o tl. sides. M,""' ' ' .v '-"I. " News Iron, fullest. a. to the II I, Hebol "ne.il.'e.l f..r, and w In. h I think deserves steamer Diamond was dipt. ire, I by gnu 'notice. The w liter under tl.o hen. I of the boat S'etlin, an. I taken t.) I'.ul l!"V al. " I iiiti-tt States Il.sli ui ( 'ii.n I " ullor .v. . I a ..' It...: ... . ... i. . i i ' ... ,. , r.v. - . -' ,,, , ,..,,..,, iM.onnia vaiuiumcargo . ...rp.-.er an.) f , ..r,,,.,,,,,,,,, il( M wiih I.o.e. r ois. All urs al I'liaitanooe; i ! Inpnirs ! 1 " are un. I U'ige.l. Ho.,c.....s receives In. tiunlto-tl Wh. H b it Newbrrti a few ; "" '"ted States V s. ( ieoi go Ci,i- .applies I'.oi.i Stevenson. Ho is confniid ,,vs i.'o under scaled ouleis, Mid ma le s 1 man" vo.it. .inc. w.tli ctji;.u nil 'y linen oh. In l.is w..rks sionn.l Chattainmv; i, onr j rco(mii"i'a..eo in 'a. ipiat ink rivvr, wlii.h i-ets in v lew ; I -l, to w Inteu i.li Ins client j lines rxiettiinig io ins river. I I s tlclelises enmties Into A oeitoi' to S i in I Slio lu.'.l I ... ! ,i,.. ...... . Ull.lJ in .New York tc!I;h ferocity of a blood-hound Gov. .! rtV!. l.ik.. I -.- - ! i i v .i un. I sjio.i oiiuuiiiri i-n?vvi.l iw.uu.is aic ViSlllCS, W 11011 OCUlllllg OVer 1110 Cl'Itlll I'l a hu.iriinit f.i .l.......t i.m in .ir.!.,.. .I..U.....I I .1 I . , . I .. . tft..t... .....I ii. I., i.i 1... ... .... i i , . ...... i.-t . i .... i ... ... ... .1.-.III.I, i un. -..nn in vmu ii iuv.i.u, i ul-rraH'll SI f. B lSS UM UW OW lllltt n I.'.. A .-. a . V .... ...i-i. ...T.I m .... I ' " "" "-.'i. ui i-b nn .-ill iriim ' ill 11 lloal S .Tll Bl . 7 'iril . lit. ni .11 I I it i I i . , ... , . . , . , ... . . j . j ,4111.1 .11 an nil, mil ncl least, to a are iivTMM.Tiiicaiiy rri'ussu:" id oe in la-. eontemntil. e doe can ret when ii. ,.'. : i.:.. , i .1. .. " ' ' ... , w ., c.i.u.re.i .v mi. rro.n, ... - " I I a c- VI' i I in nil I. ..I i-'ii.- it will nil 3 i 'uni , , 44 1..I I I.I, . V I . V . I I I ' . I . . vnr ef th r. of lotiirn iiinisii.I manM-. ! .1... ....1 .1.-.., I.:.. .. ... . - . N . , I - I he A rmy of iho ( .n'r lt.,,,,1 , mi , V- "" I you no is imiiit ne wonuerci at, Mine :ne . ,),-..,, ;, h dated III. ..vs lh.ro is n . and a.l that sort ol thing, the Ltvitw is rCund the legs of less than a man. and ...ij ,;,., f ,lt? m,rth have mon.-polied ! cause lor alarm from rebel il'o.k movement try ing to get the Confederate allies here to show their hand to bo honest and truthful. Tin, ' the peril, which we hardly expect a tm-jor-1 cmu,a!c tLe m w, ity oi mo ivonicJeiatcs io see, tto editor ; jjj., of tlio liugetie J.inrte makes sotno sti, gestioua to the members of the Committee ' which evince some ergacity as a politician. Tho Jtciitw of Sept. 20: h, io the course of its remarks, savs: "If we properly nnderstsnJ matt.r, aomc rery important questions of a local character w ill be discussed and decided by the Committee. It is therefore rery it sent "ml that every member shall attend personally, tad not by proxy, ui.!i-.s una- . Toidobly prevented from being prcs-nt. And if a proxy must bo sent, let the se lection be a D.oincrat of iho genuine istamp, who will not willingly vote to re raises his puppy glance of indignation and j t, attention of all classes for some ven, j 'I'1"' nr" ;f-''t. Skir.iii.hnig cm , l'ort,i rebuke towards a loyal conoourso stirred j MH , ft l,t Ht:Io intesest in these parts to frenzy by acts of bloody violence per petratcd by his kind. W.I nets ; u.o l.l'.. 4 11 fl I. ... n il opened a vigoio.M lire on tho " "in ntv. doing much d i oa.' '. ! .'.tli.iiig!i I .1 i nut ., ny tho right, nor tin. I -ts-.t, 41 . I ' 11 . I . . .. .s . l ., n n iv nes ir.o.i ivy vv e-i, i.m;i w t u.o i.u. t.. t ol aiim u. vs litis ia! in Un I th. ir i li.'i.i and nlui.e l!.o Will i-., so l'.,r in il lends tn rx. 1 I'l 04..,jll.eU Ulll 4 1 ' i HIV 141 1 U V .11. 1 a j .. 4 , ' , i . . f... L.l .... .ll... 'r.,.U.Il. l.il llll.tll... - - - nn.. T - j . i w . i. . - i it-.-i. .ii i ii ii eL is in -i. nn n i.i. in ... us. that itwas "vpostJ to the ,car, i, " "" r," . !la.,or M ,,,,, ; th, -ere tcli-d er,;. I.y.u M ir.ilj..i iv.i'aiiaLii ii,in aa aiiv' ,7.. . . . . 1 ... itlii.l.-l I ,, k It nf .It'll t a t U i f 1 1. I 1 11 Krt i . " nv'"" " I ic esamiiicd or the prosecution .( r some curioslte among I lie rogues of K.-cu . , ,- . , A.-r In fitiirl i; Tl,,, Y.i.l .?.,.,. v : -: n I ..'.-.. -.. I. . " . . .". . liroate lore , (.riilv mg. Another r.'po.t ... . i, ,, i. ,1,1111 va i.en .. i. e selioon. . ij ... .i' ..v Von mur Ii ivj Ii.-irne.I lir .1 . .. 11 . 1, v v , - ,T i- i.i. 1 c. . -i ,r 's'er v a.icv. l ou may uav n ... n. -i ny tut .,,, r.h, s are c w rain,; .1 111 X.iiw ..rl. X..U. 1 1 I. . a ...1 1 114 1.1,.. Iitf it ft ISf. mi ..1. ....... II.! - Uhio hare no nr nc ti es. T ier don't care I ci.-ar ami roni-:n narrative ot tl.o 4 1 - . - ... : .... . .1. . i-.- 1. ., . ... .... 1 r ... ..1 ,, . i.'i... 1. ... . ' . 4"'4 4 4 - .,, .... .. , .. tl i.c, tel.. Kill ys gelling wor.le.l. ,,,, 4,.,) , 4 ,,.r 1,1 lliu.o points, nil I licallll It. ri i.-i; !'.! I. I'er tl il. I' if lit.. 1 It... 4. I nor is it my purpose r.t this time to weary ; ,;, ,,, f 4l.k,. ,,,,. ,,, ,....,.., i ,.',., V.,ir, jj,,., , c.ilpale tho mv,..r I, bat I had ul vy, ,,. you and your readers with so dry a stili , tlio 'jstii Sept, i.e ir tint pi ic. nu s.- ' ,.(,,,- r on tl I. S:., was I. s'.ov .1 I , ! po.e.l th ,t p ,i,liV'o was en I ' I w n . te. to o c ir in! I r,r, I i,,i.', I. 1 1,1.4-r vo ls nn I II li'lil.ln 'gs nil .ii.it.,' d .'11 e;e I le.ss J.'i'l, I 11 in . .... 1 . : I. ii. ..it, -1 -1 4 i 1, ll ll. public.1 liiesd.iv eveiimx ept. Ililll IM.;, t'l.tf ' 1. 4-.ru. 4-s .-, II -in, .111. Hi, .. .-).!..! ..r it... ' f..!l.,tti r.ii4-nin in' r..liisrl lle.f -in p the oOlccs, and nothing else. Hence they I Aiibrey was second, and Groarhou.e was! fellow townsman set the dis.iicii.h. ,1 'r'Ti "Tf' (X n.irnit .lCrm. ,,,.. .:....!.. . ..... I... .f.l.. .1 I :.. .1 - I ; l.'i,' .'...Ii try llOS side ol .,v b l '.-i---. ! ujjvii siiu m.i;b .oii ij.e ui i.tii u. im- inree craon , UI n.,;.. n.::,.i . ti i irives a clear and eoneie narrative of tl... vww na v iiv- lit iiiv.i'n a, i r, uu'l l lurp , . ii i .. .. . . . or. rrii in (in. pineiiii nil. ir npiii4r4i r ir rea IV Wbiell S:do lL.ni. lliev L',imr for . i . V . . 1 r ' ' " J lt d S nitherii A rii.in-iis, i on i!..i ll.t.l m r, liir a I ist an. I sro rv.n H ii nil in.ln.l, (lir th.it they ait traps. The iraeh'me that ' 'piracy. Ilarpi-nding first approached will make the greater haul if fools and tupt.in Lnw saitha proposition to ,-. ter I,.,.,. U , ,ii. r,.. a ur' " r.nvat-ering enterprise about three J ..v ii i.M u . ..,.7 til fc I44W I 4441V convention. This class of men is fully understood by all parties. Tliey are de- ward and exalt anr who luve, as Ica.oM, i spiscd among l"Mi.,n men. and loathed bv apostatized from and betrayed the Do-1 .he r. bcls. They are a.Vsya re.dr f-r III4WW 4M.J 4rjv 44 4- tirlvj with mnJ l i 1 . i .l j-. i.i. ii,o.: .-i. i . I bids iruin either part r, and their cd. ors il Ihtf A hottllflllicts 111 If.i-ip 1:ri... if In. 1 I ' , umph. So ought the men sele. ted be not I '' t0 occur " "J d ""ere nt po,i for war, but for xaec. If war is right, tior.s as .Imre are parties dancing bark then tho Aboliti inisu nre right, for thtf and rth Letwedi the ranks cf all. smilirs Taror its preso.r.tion at all haruds and to Uandly on this, spitting 0t ll.af, and di- u.ihl ihll lengtus, and Democrats must be in rr- .. .. , . i r tor. If a war mut be wa4cd, those w U tilU " fartssc' k'tk. anJ caTi a"'"- and a half months before the capture ol th selnsir.fr and crew ty our Cii.toin Ilo.i'e t fiieer. When .Ilarp nding lio cam satisfied that he could trust l.xw, he rxhiliitcd to him a blank Irtter of marque siyne.l hy Jiluirson D.itIji, I'nsj.l.nt ft honor of having pissed tl.o Lrst t itnitn. j f()1Ves wi.l soon in.iko an advance U...f tioti, in the examination of ten lsw students j incut. before the S iprcmo Cturl of Orecon." Washington, (Vt. fi, The K . hni.ni 1 And that " our f. lo townsman won t Its A si ! tl.-ii .I. !, .lit. d know .'!., .i'Ii ..iv s our l-.r. cs ln' ii a h ii e p nirl i ..l I I. iho 1 1 4 ass i live, --sii.'i.iy i ot ii in . II 'i ili hivo !si fi i,f luck '"', t'. . . , i . i . I . 1 r I r .' o'l I .. n'll.l :' ll -ill. .r t r .1 .t. .1 I a 'o i. S pt. i, pn'.:. i' .1 ; lit III" ll.' b o. ltd D.-psti It, s,i !,.,( lli-i s i'ig...iii no. it. I -i.l44 ro sn .ii'w list .li.ip I ou iitt-.l to kn that tho I ,.k of I ikii.g ' ll.is.ci ...' .irn.v is in r.iy i 'b. Al ' ks.i mi il.sjinel ol, lot! ' s I, Ii is t tl ii I, ,l.i wo luie In,. I I Lu r v. .'j ti... In In, Ii. t pla.o th t 'iii.i.is! s .y s Mr Cam nan t I 14- pi III. . ,11. .11 t.) I.J I1,,) I, ill .." Ksamn.er of tho 'Z t Ii says C.ipt. Ito!!, Il.o.i-li Ins I .sso. I,v lio.n li.t, Ii- vtt .. i... i .i. I., i I .. '.I... .; . r.. I...... ...r. I. .nn .1 .1,1., uriiiv '1 li.i l!.i-4i. 1 belt. 0.ir inquiry w prme.pa.ly !. ,.,,rf ,.,' ,..,,,g r 'alm ... ..i..i,.l Ms . ....... r ...y. t...'r.., f, ,r ' pe.t lo the nature of cud, nco pro bice I j ,,,. ),,,, n, ,ltt ( 'nes .pe ,ko II has r.'spon.il,!,. pn sw I I, si o u. I.. I .-v. by "our fellow tow tismsii' to jiisliy sin It i r ti.rt.ril, h iv n g nelni vi-1 a most bnll itit tr i.'g has i a' ll.i.e. i . is' ei nun uoe iii ' ,. i..l-r,, II,. ite, Ie, ill . Nkit'o; sevi'il ll"! lol' Lo.-kont Ml'il.ltlin. t'to ililil j( J ! Vai.kee Vf.i N n.id e iptui ii' a nu'. lii r f N ..!. I! , '. 1 t f. om I! ' "J's I ion... . il. -.. .1 W.. ... i. . ' ,. ... i iiri.'i.tTs nn eoi,.;, er il. . iiroriri t v . I.i r nn' t.in ull'ioit'. sn I. ,r no re is :. iMH-sino Biinrrme v.iuri civ a winomi , , ,. . NavTiftht Davis Government. There! .. ... , . . .- .- . I run one boat r. nn I s.ii.d ,on. l.-r h ! t tm a.v-lt.-t-vvw.... v........ ! ... ll'lilt.I.IS'lll lTf.... 1114 rin-.lllur. Ll ,1. 1 I l.TI'l ,-'ii mil IIH ii.i-is -1 I 111 I'l 11- I It-1 l.ll .S. .1 a rnihlication the Souihrrn Confederacy, and by either i or parol J or of what ituture w,s il I ; 1 "K-o is ,.n Irnll. til lloseei tin s' ill-li .'eln-s i .1 I.... I'C : .. .. . ' . . . . . ... ........ was a'so a letter of instructions, scraps rf j " 'i' 1 j ia-g" .p.ni.t.iy of .i.-.-,.. .s prl)UMr. t .-.i..r..ii-.i tnn no i. an nn l,;.-ii ..i. ,1.,, :., I".,,,., -.i :.t -r. i are all applicants who are admitted "ivi-u 1 uro m. th. ir w av In II i-!in.ii. I ! in e.'n.,'.!.' ooot ii .. 1 1. la o j' tn.-s nfe -..IV'. n.ti-r.tvn,.,., v.v I, wilt,,., I II,,,, l-l .. ,1 witioss. The letter inaruue an- similar certificates I Are .he "sh 1 the holder to burn or d-simy skiiis'' nil of the snmn color, or are they t,f l 'i .ii i i ii . c s, Ail hi, l '.oinsit ( ii ing (I,,, Ii -.il a. I it was i party n. ,tlr an I dal Cnlliuiioiir no-'Ul 1 '..use II,, Iwhi.'li lis sill e nsisti'tl if jut 'it pin ..ns s! toll.) was .1,41 ii-, I ml.. t,i parties, una ioiiji..4... 1. 1 ,i.4 nuii I. 4I'U' d r. M. and 27 otliMis, mi l llm oiln-r s . .i , ised of Hid rosr. iiluig ss 1 1 . . . . s 'i t ! , lu h i Us silppussi fur I lii :,k 1. 1 1 ',, lii.llli.i I ol .y i.-ji,'. ..-ul (', .',...l ,i ,,f tl on .-. lli.i loc .l.iy. Sjpji.nu i . . s t .on i. in. oly ti.o, .idol VS loppni,, , i nn, it s....ny lm. it.. ...ist, W114.I l.'i.t in a Hill, .v I jus i.i, Oi, .,1 j. n ai'.e.j.iii tj i ! m 1. il in I - . i n I eon I routing e i II iitln-r .it t ll .It Hi".! I II n.Vt .01 , It . S I- I, I. 1 4 1 . ill' I 'In I t 'l' ' I s in I'rnnt '! th.' ..'.. It isii. nii- throw of our t-urc n-t-ul I no Democrat can fror or snpttrt it.- ' ati J loail.cd ll.a dog who could be cuiit v Therefore to be a Dem crat is tn In fr of il, and so did every hon.-rible man in pence and the rnonstruiion r the I'nion i ,i . v:,,,. .u.,,.. i" r. ; . i . ,, 1 . .. .-. ,- , ., , , the State, it snou.e.J Linon Ius'.i t till under the ( oas:i!utio, and llnno t!,o do , c rot hold rnch seniiirenu have no place in j ,,,e I r"',;, U urd, and t.itn, .Democratic ccur.cilj. thitkiug that tiie Seymojr democracy was We are in very n-iiiius rjri r t In conn about to Lc tin lising ion, it ili .nged acling tho tncmb.M i f the (ViitrJ Com-1 frm.t, and tied with Tut Maine's riper inaieeioiiecnr.n.. m inur se.cctions cf. ; Q,; , ,L, Adn.ii.itrjtion and do proxies ii mcy cantioi persi tta.lv attend, fir good ard suli-icnt ti-a:o.i. If we un- dcn-tsB 1 the ntiini.!s and virus of the Drinocracy eft in gun who stood faithful! r.our.cing real fiends of the Union as "alol.tii.tiists," " fatiBtirs," ic. Its late order froRi Sstntredary are to cry louder to the glorious cause i:i the ln.t tn n.rn- j for the I'nion, go fur the war, and e'e-lUstUctiouslru-l,, they will w.lcne noUce JelT Davis ..early as much as it an hfiiiorawle ilifeat s'lom-r than a vu tfiry , which shall co,T,e loaded with humii;ti J"f ,"8 "'"""'. Hsving io.t the cotiSJe nre f I 'nior. men and most of their support, it aims lo head the democratic party, if lossible, nrxt summer, and de mand that just enough of what the democ rey (81 M abolitionism" shall be mixed and disgrace; they rn fer to stand firmly upon their prinriphs, Mid have lor their standard biuret only ti.o-e who have through all trials and storm proven faith ful, even tlinnh difeat shall be their ior- lion; they will scorn to t radio for a eieti.ry ' by yielding tip the custody r.f their treat-! 'I, 'he creed to satisfy the few d..n "jires and the control of their councils to ! ofT.ce sefltcri it p.-rposes to carry ocr to ; ftr ' 0,5;,, j rule the party and hold the offices. The J. ' I, n generally corrupt , .. . , ... " '' f ublic K,"cr'C I'r'r'J. whoever it lata these V ' Mr' ths ""!ioict.ts mid i H,ti"' Harimato ite embrsce, will be sn; ' ' . .1 rary rf Kaito nndJarlt-1 domnralii-d and Wfakued by famiry ' Lave r.l able, j o.i. j feuds and quarrels, till it will finally fizzle live i. formation that lhfj.ro the s. ntl-1 0 lt ,nj UuA-D, a ger.ui, ,8 portion of intiils and views of iterlug Druiorrali m .. , . . ,7 . , , .,. Mnn. Marion. I'ulk. Ilent?.,, CU.I,,..,,,. !,U Par,J K"'n2 Dn.e, aJ tho (iOQ Yambid, Clatsop and Columbia counties, i fellowa going to digging jo'.aloes. If ...j ..'.......:. ...i. ... i t. i I 4'Sf - i. !.. .... ... . . . ii" in v siii '.it v oy, norm, ano Joug ss i .ncnn a.ici-rrus in aeepu g me party and Josephine counties, south. They are llm views and sriitimi i.ts thai imi,t pre vail In onr parly councils if su.fets is to be achieved, and our o''aiiirutioti is lo ctnlinutf inliict." free from these political luck -eggs, an! In getting it up on sound democratic plat form, with a few w.ll seasoned Cof.f. dor- j ,.r,, ,;, ,,f U,a' South Fork cfth I.e si i.l i if, .'..f i x H , . k , f il II ll I'.olil ! w Mire oi. U, ii in.. I . i---,t--i 1 an all oi.l i.i 1 Wl'V, is xu.i. l sn ni ImI if "'I 4lll ... It.ll.-l lit. I lo live ..I Slttll tlt-i. of ; suvt ill il to .1 vi, .ml ho , J rii'.ugii in u I i mis- ., ii ...;... oil In, b. tti ilij.,r I Hoi iio if Iliv in U.S. I lliiiik tilt is Only 41. 1 I l.g III" II I It. IliJ Iiy, it VSItllilll I lilt 4.1 4.l o III, I I 1.14 4. 1 Si i .lllsl.sj l us. i t u(il y lie,. n woo lrniji o llio law 1.11.I. r liit. I! it I i.i I '.iiii.-.l .-r : .... ,( lo. one vs liu It is In ai l tliu Ii u i 4n d.nil.l Tlio in.'i.iinioii of this ifinv vtill n ire ears, nn I tf.-k a on i.U.r ol ra boa I oo-ii ,", iiU'gn'y. ." I toe k tint rather i... I,..,,,. i,.,m...i:,i.t.. l.....;.. . .. 1 i .. . . . .. discharge some freight and endeavor to as " " little more Imi". so tn it .is eiii.i.r.ey pr.soinrs. i m. .i.,o', v,.u a o. in-, iiuui. t .i i.iinji.iiiisi.i ii n.e j ny v liu con- certain "about the time when a att-anirr I '"''y'l C'"msVI', .iihI apixlator tit-lilml. j lny ii.a-irts si.f.-4-Vsi n re.u option ( th.-, ..f IVI.i.i! isv ,liy ..it .eke-l thm. s ,,. j A,, j ,u., ,.url w) i.inice.l him, 4:t. i... ...p.. fr ,m ... I". t...- -i i If .i. l.,i Iv in S i ... i.r sin. nt iins- if .!,,. eiiiiini'Mi. 1 1 nn teniiast.r 1 1 inT.il .Me.. 4,. seati.re.i ti.rin in v(ry on. rtiui in- "in nio'ii) iiwni tvjsii a isiii' i'.Lf nun,ii i v . ... s-.-s - ... i ' i ........ l, .In . e rlnin t.,:.l A 'tr I. . I ...L ... I . I. .. It.) it ll t hi t linn V, (P ' areS ll to bi K g the steamer they would return to the j, i .s.-vr. link, i T. .1 n .is iiiioTon cor n imle. cc i. iii. j-'iir-iil "t ( iiniitire .... 1.. .L .. 4) f.i.'.-..ii.. . ,1 4 jut Ti i.ti.lnii4 I I lit sniliii iiinrlti. ! luiuoin lis iimn s-.iiieu iiiiH'iiiim ' i n - J ! i i ,.mi ro nr. as von or some oi me . . . . ... ....,- . must be right, and ,!...e who woulJ carry really car. for nobody, bu,, l.k ,U coor. "-rendiiig it.Jorined witneii, ,hat he had ,t ,r(t t,,. : i u22S TrX, 1 S ti M t ton in a tinkering maimer n.nst be t,;, trc willir.r to rlu,nce the obiect kfn f"r : l"n ''''n' o get up nn r . ' ... t. i . i . I. . n ,,...i.i p i,.. rs r. i , i s . o ,. wnmff The opposite of war i, not war ' ,, , P - J , ! "H1" f'r P"T" "'"'d. An-1 ',r cunosiiy may to some extent bo s..i,s t,.. to l;..s... rans. h,.ve f I ,(.... , , I , , lay ....k ,.l ..m .1 Ad.-.s..,,, ,-r..., but peace end as .!... 4r i, ,vw e i$' i 1,irit w'" W "0t. ll.t is prccise.y ,rJ u prtfIIt .t some of 'he int.rviews I f.ed. And if tho Court gives w.itt.n "H '""I""" ' "'at " llo.y it aid to ; loads, . -.... .... ky . as r-; ...t.-I .a ys ue, to fasor il mikes a i. sn an Ad-1 "' r;ii"' h the Sr.O organ in this j between llarpendmg and Law. Harpend- evidence of superlative cxc,-!..,,co to attor-! U"1? i her-is mo. h .1, ,t ; ter.lav1. d ,t. I,. . iniuistr c.yh.sbeenc.cnpyinglorHvera.years.l o., ,fcen we must cct-lude that "..ur j SX: JCZZt zi it L. ir;.s rr .r.,, Ar,.,y of,,, c ,,,,. w,,h;tt,-s,.-,,-,rk.;,. ,h;v.rsT .... ...... 'I wss Ooii,g ad il COUIXtO Crteat Ililll a ..... .. , .. l,. ,,, n.l rr..l,n . 4i i ,.. I il. i-.-inmri-emnit. will soon lea I l.i ll... rurr. ul er the i it loro if MM hiiv. e It I.... ,- A 4. 0 f I . M ....1. l ..... I - I 11 ill! UIJ4III4T 41 Ql III HI UflTIl 4 mi4 , m. ""'I "" - . , S'S I .41. 4k U-n 4 I... 1JIFII4IIIII. J .f . m . , I , I ......... , . , , . . .It... I .1 4, I I .1 . . I . i .. ... . ' stifle of tac'.irs wLiih. win it oriprated T'.. ,1 u.,,1 ti... 41..... 1 1 :. 1: run. lest ri-su ! Were u- inf.. r'nution not ' S .dir. lay t'.e .! I ly III" r.-l.i s 101 COIiqtirsi, suojugalion, and tne total over- '. ' ------ 1 i-wnu sus unu m uurC uMisjiir.nors ot.iy wiuum io p.un-111. oii fit.ot our j " - . 1 ' 1 .1 1' 1 1 a l.:tie in Our lavor ncrbans. vre d.-s: ise.I I h.rncndm". Ant.rev ami I4re.1i u . .1 . n ... 1. it... 1 ..1 , in i. .11 ,1 .1. o-. .11 ,. .r. , .,,,, , ,. .111 in ull-liu is. 1 11 - 1 ' I r 1 - - .- - - - 1 ui 1 111 1. .j uun 4 1 iii.iasiiii niui 411 hits : l.'.si vcsmiI wontd then so to Msatlati, ... !... I .. . 1.. t .' . t . . . "'HI I - ' I t,., - .m I, .1.1 , p. , 11 I,! ill i r. tiels I II nil lln-ir pi 1 oneis si,i sev 1 ii , , ...i .......I,.;.,.. I,.i I !..... ! Ir..l l.,.r.. . f il..i 14.1. I.L.i. elt.i. ., ll woi. 11 I.e ,o 1,1(4. II.I Inl.-imly : p,ce finds l.im.elt minus a bit, I w ....Id ,,.,,.,. " j . , r4 J", U . I ' I .n. I una id. I I l.n.. I -r w . .pp. f l.e.,1 IVst .Mister to tielaui a...... ... 41.. a. ...... . .4 . . - . . ig-aiiij, tn iiiv P11-111111-1 nub ii u I'r.vttii er 1 - .. , .1 ( . . . where he will find an a'lverl'ntmtnt, which and cruise in the Smi'li I'acifie in the path of California bound tlit per sk'ps. After j remnii.ing in that region as long as thought prudent, they would proceed to thu roast of China and capture Tessols homeward bound. All their operations were lobe directed against vessels belonging to the United Sut.s. A (.art of their plan was to captute the schooner William Ir. lan. with ihe treasure saved from the wreck of the CoMcii Gate. This very brii fly was the substance of the lengthy examination. Curt adjourned till to morrow, when the witness will be subjected to a cross-examination. Smnethii g of a sensation was created in Court by the fmrcc glance level ed by Ilarr.cnding at the witness. Grist- house and Aubrey cvc their earnest nt tuition to i-aih rtu. siion end iiitvur, but manifested no disposition to appear defiant. -4 -4 4 Qt-'AhTzviLir, SaKTtsM Mikes,) Sept SiS, W,X ) At a meeting of persons Interested in opening winter communications with tho Valley, Abraham Milter, Jr. was elected Cliiiiruiaii, 'tnd I. Ii.' Moorca, ISccrctary. On motios. a committee of ten was s; P'!.'.ed to solicit contributions lo uake a good pack trail from tho settlements, on pi is. .111 rs, I ... k.l.e I .11 I ) I nil I Washing'"", t. .r. - O ir tr,,p, ' "eeint lo 00 a r. o. I '..iin ry on 11m . n m 1 . It. r s .. L.rly Uu days alter tln-y yro slroioOV i c set ; I., 11 lo its inunili, : - " - ' . ' ". ij.-i ooted 111 los tilii e, whun the 111... I Lit may put hiu, on track of ll, fi.i..i..g .hoi,.,. ,..w.. I. .fpshannoek to Fabm.ii'li I1;'" " ' ' " ' ' ' '"'; ,,,,, u .),,. , M(ur A ar., .,, co.,l,u.d ..:,.,. A r4-bel In ig .d-oeeui ies a s'rong posiimn rebi-ls who ". up th-1 rm k 1 ear ) 1 . 1 . ili.tu. l "r,,',l . north f,i... I!. pi.!.,,,' ,, ear th- m 1. 0 . 1 j A .... id for. e of r. bolt at. ,, k ; ' iv. ry week f.-r tl, wh,,!. ,,. AMearmentofVamhiU Co-mtv I sl.rt di.tane.. Iro-u our line. (J.err.ll.,, 1 "' (Jl a-.w ,.l sun.,..-1 1 .y morning. I base i.U ays .... ler.to.d th.u it , I'll-.'. Ori-irit V.tiuni I'.. ) ! "il inf.-t -o'l'll s do of the Potolioic Obioom, Ocr. an, I !(;.'. l""'r ri"14 M,u"1 "' 1 r , . ,. , , . ' our troops were nn .re witilifnl. " ate platiU in il, such as OlTc tr or Hilly '"As a mailer of parly polhy, rvrry man j Vu!,,,t w"'l' "a"'l 6". then .-.f common sense must admit that I """""el ft "P f't fit will not the y.Vi iVif Is clearly iigl.1 In .lema.idin that the Utform of lis party rsprcis iu ttsl princi ls (hat there bo ko dodging and diceplion and that its standard bearers I, nu n who ran be trusted. The tlsy has been whin deceptive jlatforms md rickety candidates secured temporary triumphs, but in tho long run it has Al ways ir jured the parly, ibst has resorted to such niisrrnble jugglery for success. 1'oliliral parties at supposed by the peo ple to I, orgsnid on issues involving I riic'pfes aUiut which there are honest tlillereiircs pi opin'on. Whi' we may ilesjtire the prli.ciplcs adhered lo by tur sSpponeiil, we lure a tneature of respect f..r those who honesify adhrre ,. (hem. Hut il Is 1:0? in Ihe power of human ns lure to respect ('1 J'oiific.nn who is J. voij I.' :' . ' wheel horsrs, such ns'Avery, Kelly, Whit hker, and Lsne, ihry may nmke a pretty recprctabltf fght next year. If brBtcn, ihcy hoi belter, ns ll, .VrVie s.i;s, " welcomo an honorable defeat sooner than victory wh'di sliull em) loaded with liuiiiliiation and digrae(," Vaion Meeting la Tolk. The I'nioa meu of folk Intend to hare A grand mass meeting at I)allas, on Satur day, Oct. 3, st. Go. Gibl.s, Judge IW-, Judgfl Williams, and other prominent speakers, w,II address the mertiug. iDsiia The Marshal of Malm, who has been Uking" Ihe census of that Territory, innLes the number of white males to be 12, mid of voters. 7.40D; number of females, Oari. t,.,n,(.er vf children, 691. S iiitiam river, to the mouth of Canal fork (about .10 mile 1). The committee consist ing of J nmcs M. Johns, Scio; Jeremiah r'vi'i '''"" ' Alexander, Albany; 8. C. Alexander, C'orvallis ; J. iVm. 1'randi.nburg, Lebanon ; fi. 15. I'ar. risli, Portland ; I. II. Moores, .Salem ; I!ci,j. 1 1 11 tton, Waldo Hills; J. M. IW ell, Sariliam Forks ; Win, McKinney, Mill Creik. On motion, Jeremiah JJriggs was elect ed Siijcriiilendctit of ho trail. On motion, The diir-rcnt f.ersoni com posing the above commiltee nre rerpietted to report to Mr. iJriggi nt Albany, by letter or otherwise, by lh I.slh of Oct. nrst, an! wcehly thifcifter. On motion, The proceedings, of this meefing be furnished llio different papers in the .'jlate with 11 rcpnst thut they puU Jiili tho same. AuruiJiii Miutn, Jn., Ch'11. j . I'. Jifooana, Secretary. Ed. Ahcis: It might be of interest to the citizens of Yamhill county, at b-a.t, to knew the result of tho assessment of onr County ; and tl.e percentage asese. I.., iIlI'iiiiiiI. fonrtsl th..,e S,...f4,,l.er "sy al llilervais.il . ' .Inl.nson, mi l ll il'ery rsimpkms lfrm.no,: i pli.-d sigor.-u-ly. No cismlties or d im- The total valuation of real and personal .. f impor'vien ou ur si la. Very property as returned by tl.e County As-1 In uvy firing is lining on b.-tween the Ims- sessor is t.77.31. Wholo number of ! "' ntu-.nm n.is inorinoif. poles between 21 aadoOyears of age, O'lO. I Sin I. II. 1. the lor. i's llo-ie. I Vmk l! Ii Mmiev i'i-v and - - inner. I. .7 per n-l.t , if. il l Irn-guur, r.utre.s Mouroe, Oi l r,.-l:;ehmoi,d oj.eiung 1.1 a ivaucrg . 1.4, Mill papers ..f th- 3 I h.vo th.. following fn.ni "t f'l . , , . . - ('i, ,..-.ton. Sept. .7): , U ''' A hand of g o-,r,. Kiieiny fired 'W pounder Parrotl's all I I"" 1","l, r " r".' U1 "'"M .l.v t intervals of 1.1 minutes at S ter. ! l-so-'b-y, i.rUs ..bove I rgt-..wn, W e re. 3 mills on the ilullw, 2 4. 1. 1. r. .. .. ii Stalo Tx, S'.l.ool " Ceui.ly " State Poll Tat on persons between 21 and SO years of age, per head t ' ,Jf) (amnly Toll Tsx I 00 Military " " ! 00 All iho above rates art fixed by law except the "County In" of "five mills" which was assented by tho County Court. Tho " total valuation" of this year fell be low that of last year somo $'.'J',,0fl0, on" reason of this being that tho nsvssorw ns required by law to ded.nl each man' in debtedness from his " totrtl valuation. " .S. C. Aim ms, County Clerk. s lf The following Articles of Incorpo. ration were filed iu the Secretary of State's Oilier, Od. 3d, isrj.X At ti let of Incorporation cf iho Casradn Mountain Wagon Iload Coiiipnuy, 'Cupilul .Stock 100,00U-.f3hars iidO Corpora tors, Harrison Hmith, I. K. Moorcs, Jot.ph llolnisn, J, (. Wilson, Cheater .N. TerryJ.ufus Mallory, mid J. I,. 1'nr. rish. Todf Is i.SMATii. Col, Orcw has this 1'i.rt in tl.o vieinily of Klamath Lakes garrisoned wiih (aipt. Kclley'a company, and all tho Indian Chiefs of it. at section, don't like tint arrangement. Yrtk Jntr-nil. ("bin lesion, L l. I. 'Hie firing during lite ilav lias been heavier th... fir vteeks, 'Ihe enemy Is aiemlily fMiiiml iig nt the ruins of Siiiuter from bis batteries nn .Urris Island, beyond Wiiifu.'.; ho also shelb'd l'o.l JubliSoll, Our hstterieS Sm Monltrie r'p!i4id with a brisk an I rlea ly fue. All mil. t to day. Philadelphia, Oct. ft. A Iv'notf iIe, Teiiiies-ico telegram says Col. C.irt'-r has lall'-tl possess!. , of Hill's (lll. K'l.els hold Oreenvillu with a heavy firee. It. y ard and Wolfur.l am still in adr.in -e below Loudon, itkirn.i ihing in advance with reb el cavalry. Itel.cl attack ou McMuiville indicates a fsiriiii.lahlii (link movement lo cut oil' l.'osecrans and isobile Hum -ides. The rein Is atiiii-k our right Hep,. 2-t, and were ri'ulscd after a fight of 2 hours. A largo number f rub.'ls were l iken prison ers. Tl.o express mortification at tl.o ra suit of the fhif'kaiuingii fight. On the .'!'). h, tho r. lud c ivalry made su alt''Uirt to cross the Teii'iesseu at Karri son's Landing, but weru driven back. New York, Oct. 5, Money easy,nt Sa 7; built of Iriiii'io'tions lining nt ll. Stall ing firmer, IS!. Gold ciosnd firm nt 'J.1, Oovi.rmiiciil stock uief, and will., nut d-t.'idcd chmgi', IS ink s'uleinidil iliows increasu of loans of ( I, H 10,0 JO; do crca'u of deposits, f.'l, I'jO.OoO. N. Y., 6th. A ilipifi h from Nashville the S'h says no unusuul ilegreii o, eseiie. Ilielit ,1.1s been caused by llm rebel For rest, w ho with il force of 4000 cavalry nndu n raid on our lines of railroad com. iii'iiiicutioii I. el ween Niisbvill'i and llii-lje-noil or Chitt'iiionga, At lliis limn no trains nru ruuning in llut ilin clioo, vet ilrivmg 1.1 pickets; inj lU'iiiige il.n.u Tli.Jf ul-'S e.iteied I'airf.S Cooit II .use, nn I se.s'd some stun s, nuiiiiui.il.o.i, and suppbrs, I4i. list .!b', Oil.. On Sunday morning, the rebels iipn"irci bclora Murfreesliiiio, ilriv.i g the l ii'oi. . riH.nt into tint .11 Ire.iel.niriils. Al'ler rent li uni ad l ordaiicii vt.sli deiiiociut.c (not copper- he d) p.iiie plis that tl.a unj-uity ,,,; 1 ruin. Io.t I si.i iiwkii llntt ihiii.1 1 1,,1...,. ill il legal ll. a. Iter hot by rjl.l.irg )ih mads, and thai minoiitirs hovtever a. nail had lights that Innjo. itiei Were bound to lespeet. I tat tl.e idea (,, postmaster Ciiiiim .11 hi ing a 1. a of integrity, if put loltll III (.'osl I ol. Ill V, where ). Wjl ki.oan, v,' 11' I ! l.il-1 1 a, i, . v (. j ikf, bnt't v.... 1 I I.. 1 r,l, ,, I, ml i, I. IV I. .1 ll III I 1 I In, ,-. v I's- ('a. .1.0 HI It H I h 1 1 . . . . r."ii:ii io.g ad lay ),,.,, 1 . ... 4 .... ...... I . I .' . I ' "'t il ' 4.01. pan . inn ii1'.', .ie- iii-.ii"jr.i ra Irond b...'ii over S'liun liter, ll.ri.. lo. let .1st. .Ill, whell it is suppose, I I'li-y relumed, A Nsslividu il. spili Ii .111 Wl.eel.-r, with 0II0 ra.alry nu I mo.iuled infantry sun eede in getting in the tear of I'.o'ci rjiis, an I i.ttackvd Ins aiiiooiiiition trains. rri 1 10 jwvri:sT. TO-DAY'S DISPATCH. -O s S4S-. - - New Yo.k. Od. 7th.-Tlie lUrald's Wash llgtoll lli pnlell Stales that In. ar r mgi'iuei.t lis. I bei-n made for llm re'ene of ollicsrs ii . prisoners of war ul 11 dl iiiuii. I, Tim raptures in the ballln near Cliatliim.og 1 lnvii increased ll.e pli.o.iirs ill I.ibl y Prison In oyer 1,(10',. Wild.' Ilia rein-Is nru ib'clnii.g eveiy one of ibi-ir ollici'.s ami men . Xclnugeil an I pull nj tlt.-oi in I In) field Sgiill, Ihey still hold our officers, privates and ri, ilia. is, lc sellers front thu ar.i.y ronliuui to cross l!i Potouni! below Alexiinlria, not w iili. landing (liu tigilame ol ,'ie fl il.li i. Mi-pa'ches fro. 11 (bit Army of Polonim, Otl. d'h. says shout S o'i I'M k today tlm rc'.-lt lhrw soma sb!ls iu'n our.su.p oil llie islrenie h fl, from the .lire tio'l of S iiii'iiervillii I'ord, 1.0 nlteliliou was pwid t I ibelil. Washington dlspali lies ( ito lint a eol- ore.l bit. tier diir.-l from lln huioii.l, 14 he 1 e. fori inn s t I I Ii it'1 11, I ti.uii 1 1 . , " a 1 igbt (0 d . 11, a. el I s i( , ,1 .a now I. gar I lint p ill f as 1 ; 'Jj , J ol ili us W .-lof.ife, ,i il I I vi r ,,. i wish Ton much joy j,,, UQW ,M(J, lilies. And as ,0 the 21 objerl in his artii In j I nn. entirety wd ing lo leayo ut peoplu In ansaer, or lliosu of tlitm tt, consider it worthy .if their atleutiun, Iruit- ing thai Ihey Will Hot Co.isi.l' it B very gtate oll.'.isu I., mier a complaint against II postu. tsl.ir who It is been gmlly of ,,. laming letters in lii ollice for forty two date. I do Ind, liei.h.r do I think the ttiil ngird Rii)lhu.f that roines from (ienige I'aiiiMiau imr the man who niakrl Ins I'.iosn I.i ...tn es v. ry damaging. And a. In the .'I I iibjii l in his article it wool I be entiiely ...it f ph. fr ,,,, ( s.iy ni.ylliiug, as ih.y am nbundsiitly abb. lo li.kif nru of Ihe. iisi (yes. And How a word as so tl. parlies al Conte Hay and I an. iloi.et Tlml isai nsa of llinir own lis in;! up, and I hsvi. merely adopted it f .r (impose of this article, vtiihoula wonl as lu li. tli. r it is line ur fs. II. It. Lisa. Ho. II. P. II siiiuMo Sir: Iblymiar mil, previous to your eh 1 lior. lo the If, 8. Seiialo, ssy you aniiiil ii hi ynr infl. tenet a,' no it ll.a id org-miition of thu (bono riaiiu piuti I And did ton, or imi, wriiH Wi. Out. V"JW- ' . . . . I s lii) lias l.eell ill d uly I'oi.l.iel w Hit led ng . ,,j p, ( W ,.sl,u gt(, ''errilnrv r..l... ... 4 11. m I... II I.. ,.r I 'I.-.. I, ...... 1. ... I . . . . ,. .., .. r, . 1 1, ,,,,, ,,,,, 1 Ool . olisl li-ri I i'l IJn'll 0011 I lis 11 S'lci-i 1 this circumM iueo'necd give ,10 particular "V Jmhmoi. I im.i be ea-dy cap, nr. J Cjlj,j t,Kt pn v is) I, o l,(' I ,U i leelcni (here, advis- f 0. j h o. , ..,u f-irl 0 i". Hut ileii.,,1-1- ii;.t .... I. V., M iri "ii Co. 'i i