The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, September 07, 1863, Image 4

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Tn Dairr tif Till N'oRTIIIRlC PlRT OF
Htw York. Th draft for tho Sixteenth
.Congressional District, Including Clinton,
JCsati, end Warren counties, wae made at
PlfttUborff on the 7tti Instant, by George
iCIendon, Jr., 1'rovoit Marshal. The con
oripu were all served with their" Ticket
of Lft" on Saturday end Monday, and,
vilb hardly an exce ption, responded cheer
ully to the call thus made upon their
I atriotlsai, being quit at good humored
nd jocular about the prizce they had
drawn as their mora fortunate neighbors,
who Indulged in general witticisms at
their expense.
Id soma towns tho billets doux of the
Provost Marshal fell " as thick as leaves
Jn VaUatnbroaa," but thero was a general
citiicsoeuee in the nscossity for the draft,
nd no complaint was that it had
iot been condnctcd fairly. In the .village
nt Schroon. Essex countv. out of ninety
cer, 83 ware conscripted. In Minerva,
Crown Tolnt, Tort Henry, and other largo
towns, the draft fall with aitnilar heaviness,
taking, for example, 22 nicn from ono ere
bed in the Adirondack.
In Clcnni Falls, 235 men were dn.ii.'d.
Including the cashier of the Glenns Falls
Buk, and tho editor of the Copperhead"
6vcn-by nine journal iu that place. In
.Chester, Warren county, the draft hap
jpenod to etriko several leading Copper
leads, Tho conscripts were all furnished
with transportation to Plattsbu.kj, the
place of rendezvous, where they wilj all be
.- 'V.anaonibled before tint 27th instant. Praft
inff also commenced yesterday in Fort
Edward and other towus jn the Fifteenth
Congressional District, f which Charles
'Hughes, ex member of Congress, is the
Provost Marshal. The citizens accepted
the draft quite a a, matter of cours, and
jnade no eomplaint. The Ticket Agent
at Fort Edward has recently sold a large
.number of tickets U temporary residents,
.mostly laborers, whom he thinks are
.bound Canadaward. Several of the con
scripts, learning that they had been draft
ed, immediately enlisted, in order to
necur the bounty. X. J". Trilunt,
Part Hmsos. We hare at lenirth some
particulars of the capitulation of Port
Hudson. Oil the evening of July 7th,
Gen. Gardner sent out a fl ig of truce ; he
bad heard of the capitulation of Vk ksburg,
and desired Gen. J3atk to give him such
information as be oiight have concerning
the truth or falsity of the rumor. Gen.
Banks sent him a copy of Gen. Grant's
dispatch, givine the full particulars of the
.capitulation of Vtcksburg. Gen. Gardner
then expressed his willingness to surrender
upon the same terms. General Banks de
clined, and announced that he would ac
cept nothing but an unconditional surren
der. Disheartened and d'wour.ged by the
news he had received, Gen. Gardner sur
rendered his forces unconditionally on the
rooming of July 8th. The garrison con
fisted, of 6,000 effective men, in excellent
conditien. There were CO pieces of ar
tiller In the various batteries alonj the
river end in the rear, many of them of
very large ceiiote. ine ina?az ne con
' taiued an abundant sapply of powder, but
small qoantity of shut and shell. There
waa no beef in possession of tho rebels at
bo time f the surrender. The flesh of
faulcs bad been dealt out for some time
.short rations to supply the want oj beet.
There were quite a number of mules
Inside the rebel works, and an abundance
if corn, sufficient to have lasied the gar
risoo a week longer.
Gsiat Tii-KuRariiic Fiat. The
IeOndon News publishes the follow irg :
The following messages, one of which
left San Francisco June 21, 25 minutes
past 9 o'clock, r. u , were brought by the
China, which wiled from New York on
the morning of the 31. and arrived at
Quecostown lat nigh?. The substance of
thee mcaaaget was dispatch! to St. Pe
tersburg this morning (13ih). These
messages have been sut from Sin
Francisco, on the Pacific, to Su Peters
Lurg, on the Neri, in too days and a half,
nine and a half of which were consumed
traversing the Atlantic by steamer.
The messages demonstrate that when
the Atlantic cable is successfully laid, St.
Petersburg and the great telegraphic sys
tern of ltusaia, reaching almost to the
frontiers of China, will be able to com
rnuoicale witb San Frsnci'co and the
British possession a Uie Pacific within
twenty-four hour. C. F. YaRLtr.
Tux Droctii is tui Wur. The
drouth in Minnesota it terrible. For six
weeke there bae been no raio. Spring
wheat Is everywhere shriveled and yellow,
ed by the burning sun, and is prematurely
heading oat fw inchrt above the dedi
cated toil. Grass on the prairiei if parch
ed to an autumnal bur. Indian corn,
alone, holds up iu head against the drouth,
and has a vigorous and thrifty look.
Winter wheat also lools well. The river
are lower than ever known before. Even
the wells are patting dry. The same
drouth extends Utnwgliout lots and over
the whole region went of Misouri. Su
intense has it been In Minnesota that
Gen. Sibley's expedition raMiot , move.
The country between Fort Abrcrombi
and Pembina las been burned over by
prairie fires, and it would be iintosi1 le to
subsist animals, or find sufficient for
ao emigrant train.
A Isorat. WoMsit. llie Alu ssyi:
"One of Ihe proudest instances f tree,
loyal, disinterested patriotism we have
aver beard of, rccenily occurred in Moryi
will. A married lady of that city was
about starting for the Atlantic States, con
tcmplatlng visit to her native place In
Maine, when she Irsrned that hrr iV.lirr
was a Copperhead. The iriCoraaAtioo
esme direct from lieavVimtrlere, aiul the
daughter refused lo po Kasl until fully
ssllsfied on the subject. Ho she wrote to
her father, who replied that lie did favor
the cause of the South, llie I'nion
dsaghter of the rUl sire is itiil in Ma.
ryiville, and utterly refuses to visit the
place of her nativity.
The following le Ihe official vole (t
JVegat) to Congress from Washington
Territory s
George E. Cote l.fT2
J. (). naynor 197
f J. S. Turnr OS
L G Kinnr 17
Pcatterirg 6
' -
CMcaji, which wet lately claimed ty
the Gprrhead, gate Union majority
uf ever 600, at a recent special election
for Circuit Judge. E. 8. Williams, the
Unloa nemuise, rwived about 2,090 ma-
ip In the elicit d strict,
Tho Capacity of CJcncrals.
EtosNi Citv, Acq. 21, 103.
Eo. Arous : It is very common to hear
men talking and speculating on what they
are pleased to term the capacity of Gen
erals ; and nioaninjr because wo have no
cenius that is In any degree, capable nf
o . .
commanding our armies, oiut wisuing we
had a W ashington, a Taj lor, or even a
Scott. Theso grumblers certainly forget
the magnitude of our military force, when
compared with any previous military ever
marshalled on the American Continent.
Why, tho finest army that Washington
ever saw in his long and noble lil woitl I
hardly make a picket guard for Mcodo'a
army. That ashington did masterly,
and in bis day, unparalleled fighting, none
can, iumo w ish to deny. But to contend
that ho ever did either such marching or
fighting us has 'been done by our armies
is as preposterous as to compare his mil
itary forco with ours ; and more, Wash
ington fought foreign hireling, men who
had no interest at staKo other man ineir
n.-i- whild wo are fu'htinir Americans.
me?, who know what they arc doing and
who havo a purpose, lo argue that there
i not a penius now capaple of controllins
--o- . "
and all wiso God, lor it is perfectly s-lf-cvident
to my mind that if there is a su
perruling intelligence (and I verily beiievo
there is,) that that intelligence shapes the
destiny of nations, and that there will ever
lie tho necessary agents, or instrument,
by and through which any great and need
ed work of reformation or civ iliz.ition can
le performed. And that tho American
nation is now passing through a fiery
trial of reformation from the greatest and
most hideous wrong ever committed by a
people who pretended to be civilized.
As tho ordeal throuch which we sre now
passing is the most Irving to which man
! , i- . j ' ,
nasupen auo.iecu-u, u imviiii. f;rva.i r
imlicarv ana suiuiniMrauve grotmis man
the nation has yet known, and I contend
that ro such genius h.ts yet been displayed
as is cow daily being developed by our
leaders. The remark is often made that
Get). Lee, of the rebel army 1 t.'tt (iCtlcr.ll
of the aje. This is false.' That Lee is a
, c , .,, ,. .
good general none can or will tlnputi', out
thai no IS OCitr titan many Ol OUT Ccl.cra.S
is positively untrue.
Ye have never met
on i.ur or nail tair groona out we
have defeated him. It does net require
any extraordinary amount i f military
skill to repulse an army of equal number,
when the one is entrenched ana rally pre- i
pared, and t!ie other is on open and cr-1
posed ground making the attack, and Leo ;
has always been entrenched when he was
even partially succesfnl. The National j
armies are lighting under a disadvantage j
of abont lour to one, brir.g compelled to ;
invade the enemy s country and there at
tack ar.d take their stronghold?. I do
hope that men who are tither too heedless
to care, or not posted on the great impor
tance ot rcndtnng every pesvMe aid to
our conntry, will top their eternal clamor
about the " incapacity of our genera!".
Future historians will record our gen
earls as as far in aJvance of anv rrevtoiis
onci as is their work greater thsn that of
any previous ae. Ce 'mpe.
Tks FioirnNo .Meiiii'Mi-T. The 21:h
Iowa reimenf, called the AJinfMit rei -
mM in thn ferr.Ii'o eyvr tl at V.'.-La.
bure. on C2J Mav. The cI nel and
several of the captains are MctluxJist
preachers, and a msjurity ti tho so'diers
are members of the Mctholi: church.
They did some of the best fihlioj f the
dev. They went into the tattle full of en
thusiasm, and not one of tliein fl.iu.hcJ
during the enjsjetnept. Their mior was
wounded late in the day, and while walk
ing from the field, and on his w ay to the
hospital, captured a stalwart rttel and
compelled him lo carry him on Lis lack
to the I'rovost Marshal's headquarters.
A correspondent says it wss a laugluMe
sight to ace Mjir Wright ridii'g Lie cap
tive inta camp. The casualty list of the
MclhodiaU is very large, and shows that
they stood up to the work like true sol
diers. On returning from the battlefield
in the evening, they held a riigious nuet
ing, at which the exercises ware very im
pressive. ii
No OrrostTiox Hktweix Sa I'hax-
Cisco a no Nkw You a CMiu)cronr.a So,
The People' Of, pi'Sltion Sttamsllip Line
ti'a Nicarsgus, give notice under date of
. 1 . ,1 . . ... i-
ugust 1st that no steamer t.l be dis -
patched by this line ti!l the thirl of Octn-
ber. In the meantime the s.camer Mmes
n. , mi 1 1 it , ,
Tay.or Will Le thorotiglily ovcrh.tU.cJ, re-
Tainted, and rc-filUJ throuchout. hi r
stateroom. ...Urged and deck. est.n.J-d
both forward and art, thus allurding in
creased atcummods'.iotis f.r the coiufirt
of the trsvelirg j uliie, and makirg her
unequaled bv any steamer on tlti coast.
The Central American Trnnsit Crnnf any
have their arrangements t crfec'.e I lur in
creased facilities fur the trar,.urtatiB of '
both freijl.t and fasiengcri a.ryss Nicara
gua. i a
Tne TaaiTona' I'kcord ll is contem
plated to rnblish a weekly ncord ol the I
names i f a!J the uncofititutional rcnc j
mea sot sceion syirpaui.zr, in ti.e
North, to be compiled s:jlc(iiefit!y in a!-
pbabcticftl order for ey reteronr., P.r 1
the war f.r the Un'mn is over. The loyal I
people of the North intcn 1 that the present i
ma and sceion sympathizer, in tl.e
Iiifamoui pro-slavery and rrionarchical r'
billion shall U put down, an 1 ll.ey will
want ."me ban Jy means of knyin?, when
the country is rti-torei to pea'0 and prns
perily th.otujh tho rjtriittlion of the reb
el, who Ihe home traitors were. The
first nnmbr of this important record will
probably 1 iuexl s'ou. WMrt' Sjiirit.
S W -
Tiiatu Nanai. When the rebels en
lertd I'ennsylvaiiia, ..umrrouscof purlns N
iciuhtccrrd to show tl.nn where to find
the horse of the 1'ninn men, In so doit 3
they bunifesti.d their real nature and tli'i
slren),'th ol llnjir Irjvo f. r tho " c-oiiMilu-:
tion as it Is." The right to lil rebels I
find the horses of I man Iikii is undoubt
edly one of " Ihe j.owers not did'-ated to
the L'niteil States by Iho Constitu ion, nor
prohibited by it to the hlitcs,'' and is
thsrefj.e u reserved lo the Kutss respec
tively, or to the people."
AaaRsr or tub Utto Lsctstusnr.
Slockliiio, who set Iho office of the iJatlon
().) Journal on fire, on the occaion of
the arrest of Vallaiidigham, wss Arreted
at Ihe Siiencsr lloue, in Indianapolis,
lately. He was handcuffed, And l.nmrd
ately burst into a penion 'f weeping, a-;-knowledgirij;
his cuiit. i)n him were
found letters from Vailnndiliam and other
Ohio lra;tr. He said that his brother
and other persons Lad agreed to stand by
him in th' matter, but that they had
fa ! ilcd their word.
Ktri.r to ".li noit, ox tun t t Inoi t"
y.itt'f It' tu ('..'. 'nl - Sir: In j our ino ol June
t'lh. I Hint it,rlei);ni'il "Juiiii," eiili1-iii! my
rliiio hull niw.l the nunner innlu.-li I m
trrnli'il by the I oronor lui injt lh imiiet ioe
ret'rrrr.l to. A eis itlin mnv eiuo lor no',
rcjlvinii iooner.
'Jurot' tfonriionoe by c.ini'lincnlinii the boy
Seiberl, mil t mitt willuii; ln houM enjoy
In i)iiuun ot hi in, inaxnmh u, I ouuo, Inid
j". '" .n.. -'
nitv, wlm knniv the t'.-y. mm. like nivx ll. h
ililU-r Willi bun; o 1 bl linn )nl. 'Juror
mi Oie iinotuii )ul by innr, rr Into e to the
Jijiloiu, w ".imle I'l-oj'fr. Here, inv ilear mr,
we iliffer wub'lv. l et uie mv it to mty miller
llmiilinK iniiul." 1st. 1 ftiv.l before the jury
vihit't, unit h nilne" enli. '.J. The tmme be
fore the jury w to lesni, if poMible, "iho
d ri, mul !jv the itive.iM.I ejme to bin ilenth."
l m invlevmit mul inuliiiir. in the first place,
unfertile ciivunuinnoe-i, for ihe tl-nmrr to ink
ine mivlhins eoiuvrmng my incuViil tuilieor pro
f. Kiomil (jimliliiMtiotn ; mul hil I the name lo ilo
overufKiii. woiilil reniin.l Ilia Honor that he
traiKivn.lini; hi pro ilec', an.l that I in"..'.
,ir Aii.' "Ta little jniUiiitf for the
Coroner to alio, aye low eoinlianee with a iu
ror. lo repent li:t liiniel( hail aske.l an.l reoonl
fil; ave in ino.lilie.1 tcnin, to null hi icnoraul
eeneeplion -anil in tone anil manner vulvar mul
jJwrti'jwjiv-iiav. Jl'll-rjUMViLjJL
these iue.non were not a panel the leimiilo
biisinev of the jury, ami were no inoie pvi liuent
to the invti.ttion than to haie akeil uhrilier
my !rmluu .her waa an aivoui hes. My v be
fore the jure waa to tell what 1 knew about the
.I....O. ..i l'.hi'i Wooil "l'nvunil.ini e alter ea! .1'
; , fnnU ,ni ,inurM,tf, ,lciu ,.ii for, n I iti
1 f noi.inlv tti nintiiu but in'.lul oj
j n i& & T
i .i.,, .ii,.,ruTi.i i'oronr linmot to i!i'ti.nt.l
i t oh tlimi;'. I m not tl nun to nin.-h tV'
;..:,... i
but iMurt it: ami ncrer mean lo be
i ... i.i.u..,..h... n.l .- ihlii. tine lo mv
I'lii. ii'ii" .ii j-..-, . -
I fellow, or fiiiii'lienario, lioircrcr petty their ;u.
' utioii. Hut. oil that oivion, I waa in no humor
! to viperorvsat to those who hil been insliniiiciil
al in, ami too wining insiruiuruia "
e TiitertH-nt, ami l ce n iui'
wnh the aole iew ot injurinj ni pn.ilo-.ioii.Viiv.
This my aeem lite a .'Miv eliarie, but ! w
ru iw'c't,t..:.'i. Let lr. Ihiksoii i r I'r. l.ig
jim, aye, any one of the Allopathic chool i t prac
lilionera,, it they ilaix', that one halt of llu ir
Jelimct paiientaiiiil not die mnler lb liillueiice of
poion ami powerful timvolic ! aiul that too ail
ministere.1 by their doctor' haiuls! t challcince a
eonttailu'tioii. Hut then, thai, if a.lmilte.l, weiil.l
be "a benevolent act, instigated by scientinc know -If.le,
and pnunptiHl by a human heart." " The
dear doctor w ilieil to uuti:ate the d ni!- pan; of
the poor sutl'. rer, that's all. ' lla.l Mr. Wood dud
under the same eircn:ui anci s, in chare of any
''"r phviin in town, WiiM hie bf.-.i
i ilttioii ol I'rovioViu-f, an.l not woiil woul.l li.ivi-
Wn , ubou,
, lul i.w-.V.m cv.iimn.i-
t.. u. i
Aiin: "Jnror scemi to think the te-tnno'iv i f
PH-son ami the lirwk less lalul than'i'i l'.
who was. thriuuh In irioraiu-e. tetriblv ularuud
le-t facta won!. I condemn him, an I tit upon bun a
on instead of too willin; obedience la He in
fti ..t In. ill .f irr.1 P Siimiiikii lie
tJnvk i!;d la.l to fully rormb.rate nil l'on tcsii
'" "') ,!l tke ut-:-y
. ot a man id known pmlulv and lienor, such a Mr.
, ,, Uls pn ,ti h;,B.,.., ,0 k- whde uiu?s it.t.
lionel iru.l intoa-ii- me r..m;arion i an
iilt. Hut l must n w cine to " the most impor
tant poti't to which I'r. l'VV,d! has not rtol.
rii. ill testimony of I'r. Kerhe and lla.--in,
who pronounced the treatment of 'Ir. I'e'W. lie for
the recovery of Mr. VVivul, U'J." 11. "Jur-r "; and
"that the opium ciren bv I'r. I'e'Wolle
the ii:i;lit previous w;i ina lims:hlc " Suppose
this an "unrani'slie.1 tale" vou ted, l!r. "J-iror."
a'l lwhatd.v it all ainoiinl to Simply thi -
'When .i'..-.' - .i'i' ". who shall A ci le!" Who I
. i vour uxpire. niio ihe ti::rr I'lnscustv de :
! cide whciitcr I'r. F.vih-s and llu-iii are r'ht, or j
that I am! av von to Icauni the disnul"
to fj.-f, and the lu-oule who iiiu-s then:' Hut of
I vi .S i .n. V'7 . embra- i'-.i; s me !
I eore thai could n.u ho cured by the Ii " il II" :
I piial." ai'.l olher Allopath in l.miT, I f ! .' !
I -.n'.' I V ri k .-u..i f f it. .1 .' . .re : -.1 1. 1 :t i
' eif 1 1 n.fl- I. 0 .' ",' 1.- .in 1 r-..r. j-s
en f '.,.'' Couipir notes, ye op'er. "The I
workman i kioiTnliT his eh. ps " VVhr 1, it, then, :
that I an ne!i an object ot hatred and rev n.- b I
th me lical fratermlv? It cannot tw, a at tirst I
mil.t eem, a bread in. I butter motire : if . the I
linlutll wouM hare b-n ,1 waa al'.t to 1 I
just, tied for I'f-tff ni'! My medical o- p..n.'n,.a I
art many a'.d n.ti aent.a!; I U:ul alone ; ten- j
ftalir v-"t "i:i lirst cliatic t ' !iive, i.-avm; an
, --"r!.r i"wt" ' nr. ce.n i,i,,,n ,.f i. p.nmt
for hit share. Whe then niposeim' The time-
hon 'rrj p-'ison-pneiice i in ilmccr! It rrrmot.
.ore nV, ro'iipart- it nir.t wild the r-forn.e.
tn-e. li-lieT me, kind rea : r, whn I n o tou.
Vr ne-.-r.e 4 . c,'o, than t.e .liu-e. r.t to
lured with 01 "i.
.'. '.
' n':
' f.f lt.i "Sif,"..' '' 'II
. A.'V.' TliC J D in)siI p.).T e.rV Illr L'lV'll
: COtl! i TU CsiTTi ml k.'l f t!'. f, ft
.i'ole !.tn I
hn often ti4.k
I rut it. tni tfiit t-'o to a rvifiit
It iM "Jtirur." Toil tn!:.f' TO':r-'f n l tin lu-il
r'frfncs. Ifun cit T-'U !.'';nfal. "e.c:r.!:'.;'."
j pric.ire?, nhTp itrt jrrx.n uf ui,mn r c;,t-n a
' fi-Tjr p.t 1 -:.t in tw- utv-f.-ur l.vurt, . i oV,
! ir rn-Tn i ttf.t nl rt ai w ti"-r t!n ft
i mt h f.r th il.a bd-I Vi ! J '
j WouM Ten e tl." ctj.Timcnt I kntw .fa ruin
I cur'l f rA'''i.i:i r -it 1 ir- "i ii A t,-
V p' I 'iuM a n T- r tht i.taf f'!.irir
the f rtnr. Hut t lr. J'orr s' an I !!:
! a in : H it nn!rrtis-sl, all tint Ir. KrU r
omnirndf i J.lTTnt frcn mv. If n the ci r- (rr
Tti t . wa on the T-rfsiifrj'ti'in lhat th upint;i, r
m 'rf tin-, wa ti!la'tte in tiie tsf.-T.arh. He
api'T'irr! of mr hath an I c w tt-r, if, a I np
j.jn1, the joisiJ(n j.rnt !.rce. A'.-i t!i
av:i 1 1- wa tf-sol, tir.'Ier llie urne cinr irntan'
cc. Who iirT-M, that know atntliinf -f t'.e
art ion of pn.'U in tli1 hutiian vwi.Tnt that tfs'
k-'yrt mat n t time en-'Mh i-t; rul i" f irre- -A
pt.' n ;!.ri-nt ti lii , ul a-! invi..i'- ', m I
AO .' fl (1 Itf'r" itrt, f ' ; i i'r f I
'fl,lhurrin at , k"tr$ rt't.r. Vj fi, e- J(C-i B. 'I
cnuM, at iri !atf h'ir nUtu :fu,r mrtv ttvi
e l. hiT tatM Mr. Wfj,-, an I the .)-t.rsi it
aflrr he f.ftsj wrrr elicits J Mi -I on t t jr
ufT.ptiftn t1 at the jvj;i ;n hi t iti iott. a. I
nn.-ht not hTtti n i-ifTIpirta lo rnIii-e i!"4th.
( eirc.n.-.'e' were tli U.t. At r'::ir.!. ,,,,,
I I "?;- I hie E;rens.,rr.. K-i -J,-l ''" '''
1 ri't ir: nd I II, ink more r-'iln ,
jf,,,,;,,,,,,,,, rrr e,,,d
: thnr xvw-. I .-lit t. k
,h,m- . "" ' n "f
rioior,ir,fr. trould nare lrf-n C'i'.d.
. r'.Mrds the r.,rr'.:...ntent 'OV.-rrer,'
' A " "7 .',-"" '" n..i tmn
I'. I Wll
iinj-'y ren:in'l hirn in of tl.e ' Tr4t t!(i
e'.l in lil '"fnj.anT. Sift a d.-cfil i-.,.n..'l to
it's for. I'rn to' rf; .1 y irt', and I .Lt
liaf'.rln reti.e'-t ou. Vonr f ,'r ll Il jlit,
Vutoria. V.I. ' C. II. I'a W .iri
Why shnut'l not txrry mnn, vomirt,
and el. U ho ha any !.aae of the aj.i'in,
cniistl by sn in.pur a'at of ll.a ll" J, hav
I reemi-M tn K OVIl.t.S Ill.flOO A N I)
Kit ISVI'.L'I', tlm u't of nil pur fi.r.f
'Why lhnul'1 tt'A txrry mnn, vomirt, !
VIF-r no mor. il'iet... toil r t..f t,f
l.ealil, hv osinj SWILL'S Ill.OOl) A M) SYKVP. Ii av. r fa.:. 10 pr.luce
ben'fi': at elTeeti. PfhlsoToi A' Co.,
Ae . 41C and 41 S Front t., .vi I ianctsro .
l.xrry hnuirkfjn
.MTiruIt it i 10 rriako
titff o- i- p!ur
' l ll"t 10 1
"H an'oim hfad, it i i
I'.xrry hnuukfyrr rri'riri,er hfiie
fool lire. I, and w
in M..111J t!ti'i e Uj
uu.furrn'y l'i;til, swiet,
011'v n"rv ft us"
tti-.nisuTos 4 co s row.
) lo h i;,iv run-
r-'re-.i il ' all s imitr I
tfT-red lo iti pu'ilie.
in id in aiio'.lisi i!ufnn
nr. 11. i.iyrv
pr'pir iti'.ii Ti r otT-
V't Hi letlif iii'iil
of l'n pip1 r.
Donation Claiiii;uil-)
r'iin iTlh elion f Ih A'l of f"on(rrr enli.
1 ll'il An A't lo r'd'te llie erpn'a rif Ih
huffy t.f Hi I'ul. lie'J in ihe I. niid fi tat,
Apprm'd MaT ", tli. I--., i a loll..:
" fH'Tfia S. Af.H l.e il further eim'ted, Tlit
" from alter II,' I, i.l d .r uf July net I ihe 'ni.
" iM'htaii'.n id It'oisiirs and H.i.ii.f. in all Ilia
" l.arid lilt," In ll" I III'."! Mul' tlisll l.e an fill'
"n il talarr i.f fiv h ili'l"' I d .11 .rs a-Ii, Willi
" l!i' f' 61. 'I ei.i-ill.,...,.s f ..i .f' f d.i ii I.T l.llf
" ..J. I." plod l.y t l.-.i'imi.', on fi'l'liio.f'l I'i
"ill il' d Ine doiijrs f.r e .. h liii
" r'fidtrai i.f one tuii'lf i d a'.'l sn'y ' i' , tin
" dollars f..r ll,ri " h'. id" I at.'l lniir srr s, and
" fif'e.n d .!'i f .r t t Ii iidfi I ai.d f .rlr a in,"
In Tt'sr d I'i' a'.'.' ' ni' Or' n. ' d hi liane I It
ord'f in whirli w k n I.. 'I for H." work i.f Hi
ollic lo ."ep"l vti'!' f'-d, " iiu sy In ll.a
d'tnati'in rlattnan' "f Ih' T..afis!n(, liefrvtith de
lf nal'd tint w Inll .e-e. li to ! foil the r
tiha'e of i. Ii f.f ili'.se rla ir.-ifil a are fl spo."
tn lake lh irrenl.'l i.(ri f loyally, a'"l p .y f..r
lhir frttfir!'. A r'ai'ifishle llfni' will al.'i.
in woicli I'i III re''ie-t for rerlilo i s, coin;. lei
peiK.f, and te Die rtaih. Wesh.ll tlisri to
other luitpsltip, af.d In lid or l' r til on all Hi
llonali'.n l.'lifftfii in our disir ti t.
I'erson who lis al ili.laio-e from ltda flffl'
en l" th eat'i lof.r" Jus'l.e, hartftif Id
( l"rk i f Ih' prnpT eoniily t rlifr llial the Juslie
was autfiof if . d at Id tun lo diiiiiin"r oalh.
Toiiisl.ii ;, '.i, u, .;, jr, bii-I l , h. mih of
Itaige tj Vtf.t.
Toaffisliipf , 4, o) f., k.ii'Ii of fluid S Weal.
Townsliti I 3, 4, and t, il'i of lluie 4 V'et.
Townalitit S, 4, and fi on'h of IIhiiic S West
W. A. HiMntm. liijiilf,
W. T. Hmwil, H'"'"r.
0-f-n t;tr, Jnn S, !)
UrilMi Kniows,
Notwiltnlan.lini the eoal of l!i printini; tlu'i
I'erio.lieals ha more than iloubleil in eonse.nrnce
ol the enormon ne in the pi n e of paper mul o' a
general a.h aiu e in all other rxpeiiM - ami net
wilhslainbuu' oilier publisher me tv.luinii! Ihe
iio or iueieainc the prno of their publication,
we shall eontunie, for the year t to luinish
eura eiuiiplete, a heretofore, at ilia obi ralea. 1 1 :
The I.onJod Qtiiuterlr uicrvatit
The lldiaburc llevlovv vV)iig
lho. North IttilMi Itev lew i r'l I'lmixlO.
The M'eatminter Kevlew vt ibetal).
lllucWuood'a lalinbini! .1Iiti;iuint' JoirV
tv .ATr?.
J l'er annum, ;
, V'tr any on of Iho fourReiien .! 'u I
rerany twoot the lour ,ciewa e ' -.
lor liny three of the t mr Iteucas 7 i1'1
Korall four of the Ue i "'
, I'or l.l.u kwocd M;ii;;ine . . , J 0 '
, Vi'r liiackwcod and one IJcvieit - - IV 'il
Kor Hlackwued and two Ke icn T i'i-
Kor HI., kword nu t three U.'Uc . 9 CO
For Li'ackwood aiul the lour Kenow lo CO
' rosr vtir. ni nt t i:t t
i f" IVstac for the whole tire Periodical only
l'U TY -JU Ck'MS A r Alt.
I.Soe'corr A Co , PnhlisllfM,
Wa.acr Stitat, VI.
Mr Uenry Slevnef 1'diuburi; and the late J. P,
Norton, of Vale t'ellee. i vol. Koyal OcHvn,
111. o pai mul nunieii'ii Ktirav iiif. l'ri- -lor
Ihe two volume. Hi Mail V
1.. ,corr .t I'o.
( :i;(i, ().'.().'.
.1 Itiiartliti-t liool for Itoysi
Tin: Titn;i si'iiooi. www
1. Ci'MMl Ni l' OS Tl'
A! SO-
MII.W m hii:. O.V.'I.CV .
A lli'AKl'IM; Si'lli'Ol. lolt lill'.t.S:
Will comm. u.ouTi riT, Si rrtunta 2.', lM"a
j .Tlii-as' chc'! w 11 be oran cl ami con.)
under the upeiy en i l the I'ocnl" r, to 1
ant com: nun cations may be adliewd. al
I w.lllkie. t l. foil.
: j.,!y i't. ti:m k. srorr
DISS .a. CO,
Coramissioa T-Icrchaats
Jiii.'siiiri f .our. Ormn, I'rt l. l' uU,l.'Ht
S. I!, corner Kro i' ami W a-h : :i a s ,
M.V fMM'vCl)
ITTonai.-nrnenl nf a". W.o.! of l ahf. rnia sni
Oregon Produce aiJn-Hrd.
11 via
nzz cur at r.rrELLioN
y.-i tht I n : J S: i.'..
"T T I.r. Jior 'y b iasiie-l in N irn'-er. a com.
i.'e .-III -I r "f lirril 11. 1,- n. .! in
II. e I'loMi .-:s.fe vsof Ills Irrn .-r 111.1:')
100 ill. 111 e.. ire of pr. pirn:.o:i liy a w.-iier ev
ery isav ijiia fl I ( 'f l'ie t.i-li.
"I'll In risiii. ' .i.'i vi 11 eo ,ia n a e'eir a-i I sue.
Ciriet aceiinir. of 1' t'. r.imt.oii ihe l'.ni!e Irr.
a y of III" Mi'M ; ll." i oil an I A l"'""ii
I I'. l o;i'i!nt .
1 ll.t i'il sl.iiieiit ..I
1 of 1 'is I int., I vvr. aid lie
!. N il on 1 1 1 1 in 1 nnr l.t ; tl.e
ill. an I j r -.T, . .if tl.a .!... :r 110
of:" 11, il'ITl.'f-i'
r.f .Su I !i IVn'l
r i 11, a-i I II. t ari i-
pli. .- a l.-i-'i tli'T
'il li.eir i'ii.J r jl-
i in. n it on in tl.i I if it K-1 I '.in.
Toe II ,.irr .1 r. ii.;.' - a f .'l a-.--i'il,
I'lisii fi .in t!.' n- i i ii.'.ru: .- ....ire, of o'l Hie
Kv.Va-f l!. War; l!.- tu" ...-l lit .-..rlt-
' ern a I I.' n ' 411 1 l" id ; H.e k-' idll il .!"
.'e..oii of one - li.,n ; lit.. rj'.tl 1'i'fi. r-j i f Id
I'e .j.e f f ll.e l! iil'i.ii e' ..f t i- .a'i....l I.
and Kt .i. iiee ; 'f.e rap d re i'i.n of an 1111 ne:ie
Ann) l.d .a ; ami ti.e IL-U by 1,4 11 1 aal
'I he I 'nstratl 4it !l rnu.j.n.. Portrait f s"
lit. se ttl.o have l.o-ue a r ro-tnneiit pirt in tlte
ru.'fl; M ijj f Uie .1 it re .I .-iii'; I'l.m
of the li.l.lilla Ii.m.s; V.ear of rvry 'lte if
inlefest, ntld f.f the rtol lofs-rlallt It le
I lo e ill-i-tfit.i i. an- 1 lit f. ilra. n.- tak
en 1.11 Hi' fs't I'i ar'.'ts i!'.ii!' I f .r 1h.1l .uje
to aecmnjiiiny t.try d.visiiii if our Atiiii iiiul
h-.ery '.ily '. t!i rA-n't'tro! 'f l' " P1.I1 .!i
er has leu ru., '.. s i n .i;.inl ioi an l 1
ertittiiii of this w. rl. ; 'id lli'y r itift 1'i.i'y Le
l et- ll i'i form lli lll'.'l f I-t' anil Talita
i. h s-nry uttih c.ii l. f-1. if I if ll.a .ifat
Mrt.Ji'.- f'.r ll. A 1. 'fir in I ' a "n.
M 'ttr. Ti : ar I'i i i' Tinsj.
Th .' i I li l-siteil 111 Niiin't'f, e ieh'on-
slillj i.f 21 I'.' ' .H III" .e i.f ' II ifJH-rV
VVeealv," pr tiled lf m flirl., up- n fine .
I er, and will p'l't.hly he c n plelej in (ImuI
Tenty Nu'ii'rs.
'I'i. .Nuiidxr ml Ui-suel at in'erva! of
n'.-.ul litre '
The pne for ej, h Nnni' e., mli'rli w 11 ro'da 11
tniVi r ii iilalent In ail Ofil.inrj viluni', Wi.l li
filly cut.
't'n I a i.raaSStaPSI I P. tin ! A ftjsn al n 1
,w, ,i..ra, 1 her.l l.comit wol l mad-
ih r'il price.
A lilie-. J. V. M. 1,1,1 VAN,
NeI Aj'i.l, .s ill J ianr o.
IIonifHtf-ails mul Valuable
Ileal Estate.
flelMlat Lot rrm IO l W'lOO r.arh'.'.
r$y:t-rr. UMarf
wiitii fSiirJtn Lim!!
III e'ljr ami eonn) of
OV lli In t fid Sn.l'e llai'ma.l, at tli
hi:i-i;mi iii:i'")T.
Th" I II i alewiliilly I'l.lIH.';'!', I.'iiiCS Span
fit fif. ill, finally co.ihliiifd and plnlil l.y ll.
1,'inl' I M ile.
'JhsMisfier Uillr;i'e' tl. J Tiile,
'J'li C,y Author In ep't il,
The Ili-iocI Coiifla and
riuprtme ('nnrt of lli
L'liil'.'il Hlile reajieet il.
fl'tiiiea, lr
Till hi lirrn fornrr qulrtrd Inj a I'innl
iJrrrcr, awl Jwlginrnt ag'iinil
tit Ctyf
ao tlni flt're I not n 'ond or slia-'it Htton il.
Wfe-i t p ir hn on i.f llieso lo'i will buy s
!'! mi I to, i a Is 11 I
flffi iV !l Nr.e'e.'a nuiMinir, rorn-r of
Montir ,ir.erv mul Merrbaul Oe. la, Hut I ranel.
loirg iTi'fy mi
w h I rwtr-n-.rr1
T lU.M lllt'S
Intense Excitement ! !
Thousands rru&hcfl to death dal.7.
M) h" tour C'O'I. H'li'li, li'f.'f Hi f
tin f..r' l.e is S'li"f Iii enlii" '"f k f
iiUY loillf-l. M OTIIINO, lUMII-s ii.MIlr1.
rAJIIl.T lIIO l.llll -1. MMlllWAIlKaii'l 111
1.1. ID',
At cost, for CASH, but no credit,
4 nil rlf anil I' I '"'"l ImrK'ila.
M.y ii. .Ki
Onon (ilj Adiii'llsnnculs.
W. C tl( )l I NSON,
Attonioy &. Counselor nt Lnw,
ASH'lTol! IS v II VM i:iiV,
oki:;o n v,
II I. promptly atteml to inn biiniet w lilcli
niuv lie eominilleil lo In pioic.sional clini ii
hctoie Ihe'lii-liiil ami Supicuie t'ouil.
SUM umlerii;iieil hni iinr purclii-e.! Iheslocli,
lortneilv carried on by Mr. I'. I'hmiiinn, tt "
cull Ihe llllenlloll ol Ilia lollin r plllolin In Iho
fiiol llint thev ilileliil In i nity nil ihe iuilii' m
n In keep on liniul eveiy hng ill llie way of
Family (JroiTrirs,
for town n nd I'ounlry. The ntlenlinii of ad-am-bonis
i piirtioulnrly called, a every tliii in nut
line will he aiinplinl lit tensoimbln rate,
A line nwiitinelil of I.UJl'lMiS iilwaia oil
-i r-
I he hij;!ict easl
Ii pucea pi.d for country pro
I.eal Ti nil. r Noli hiliell in Blul pa il mil ul
l!u ir iu :u kel v ii'u
.NO t Ul.Pir t.lVI'.N.
W. .k J. I.. IIAKI.OW.
ti;nu t'tly, Jan. IT, IMi.l. tl'
Hardware lor
l'S r i;
l:t'l l l:l II CHI I "ii!y of Hard
waie, ci
-llnj; in pai l
of lho Iu low in'
iiaitii .1 mticii-s :
l miner' 'IWa, of a'l kin !,
cut and .Mill Saws,
I'':hs, Cl.i-e'", Allijeia,
lielicll I' nlles,
i air'iauk' I'lall'orm Sca'e,
1 luiil'a I'lioppun; A e,
tl.lll.l Ar,
l.upioveil Spiik Ai'it' r. e , a!,
l.r.ipei in Ci. idles,
Ih'l.'ii W be it Kam,
W iee!b arrow ,
an' many other lliim' t' le .Inula lo ineul'on
all of iilu. li will la old ibeap f.-t cah or in-
Ir V pnslnce. I'leo'.l I'll, Jan. II I
Iiiijioiti'il, tlirivt from Yk'ti'i:i,
n tssia aBQCX
v si ti:i:im: tjt ai.H'y, w:uw.:
I. nd.'n Ihc'a I llu.!ou' t'av ',
l a' Ir! i'o. lit . a e,
VI.1111 e A I'o. da, llo.
I irt.ev .1, II C ise.
i IV Ii y, HI cas.' an ! ha'f' I
I 01 st e by . A J I.- IIAKI.OW.
Oiru .11 I .ti, March 1 1, I - 1-
Lumbcr, laiunlxT,
K y r.iiY ih:mt.m-tio.n. k rt
V a: J i..r i by
i.ui:ss sm. i)!siiui;;i:i).
Tj l'nlisti d n ! ' li l
d t
Teais..r .liii H e war," if s.-.o.-r -id. I the ..mi l
m: lll .M)Itl D Dill. I. VIIS liol M l
Will I.-1 I. I.
'IWV. ro
; 1 i. r.i
rn jm n t 1
, Kill
nil c n;i il 1 f "ri I i;.li.ii, one
1 ..1 I l.o ul. iiii oi.e 1 1 1 si
t It I !! .l.-r .v. I-I'.l, I'.O I v.10
Ine . 1 . no . r .'.II "r;. H4. s.
rr'C4llt. I lie IJ'l.
irr . r;i ai.t.
.s .1 I mi.'.". I" . i su 1. . s . r
Si. I lo-r, one a.'in-r 411 I 1.
T l il, l'1-' 1 tins'- '. loi-n. 1 oe II.
i -ll I I II. e I'll. 4l. .
- 4 I M I ' l! ir "" t'.e
: .1 k.ii
'i I 1 1 1 '.
..l le
, I 1
11 I 1,
. I
I 1
I ..- 4l. '. .-.
1 . .-i.u r ii
e I..
!, .1 s i..l till
.t.-. 1: i d a
oil. 11.". Ill'
i. e 10 in oi. i .
.. S I. II HI 1
. , .,ll'o d I
1 .' I. . 'i aid
I "
II... t
Vl-i I
.i.f. I
11. . I . .-i
e a itli ,.
d l:.
I , I I.
i 11, 1 o
ilil.t ll'
I.I. r
!.' V.:
i.i.hisi. r i- i n .1 -i 1 i.i.n.;
Vri t Powslcrs.
Ar.l!MI I l' mki: MUll I
t a 'I an I nu'i '.' I
K'i'1 i''j ad i;.''il ti
i.oavks. hot msci iT,
lll't'K 117 A'. I T mi'li'iS'r f;fti
;iM.l.i:Ki;i:.l, '.! 'ike. .f i s.iii.
il fully i '
the !n:irl-.'t !
tu aiiy 1:1
.1 th for
r.r.P!N'f;T'N ! v. vi:t r"W.T'i:i;s
il l la'.a no . llo r, ,t Jon no 1' I uii.iurri'y
(i(iOl I'.r.i: A l!
Mnilaetillrii ll I "''l al I...V. ,V !,
Ill I'lM. loV f I .
5'i1 in I til I 'lay ii"i, !"n I r in. .".
it a in iii:sTiii:.riyi.
Ptfttoriny Grny ILiir ti iti Original Cmr.
I t nir.vr.NTi Tin: 11 Mr. fi:om r.M.t
1 IMifllK. IT nfea 11 1'llne, nl.'l renin'
all ilaitilfiiH aii.l as-mf h"u lli In I
ll a'.ii) all ir'.ia'iiiii of ll." a. alp. It ers 1 and :'she Ilia lie. I, n. itnpail lo Ih I f a
lieiilthy. hr. ly pp af mire. j
I. ai.'I he pi..j rite wh i h remote i.'aii lniT
and ffiirf Ifuni ll. In ad, allay iifi'.ilin ami fie
Ih" M-a'p lir.lll hlltl..', I'lnler Idts rli. .' lilt till ,
iili a a I .l. mi in ll eiifai.'oin alh eiioii. ni h
al'-li. Ilii'lt. h.i't 111'' inn, I hill.U ii, l.iope- j
Iu, ItifijMiilltis, '.n ns, llil. s ami mr i.f In- :
sei , and .ill etii;.l on of llie skin, j " a ly thai :
rans'tl by 'C ! (IK
'I he only c iiniti nili. I" I J ul i p in I'I ST j
I'.oli'e., and b'l Ih lill"ll fltui i.f ,V
.M I I.l.-. Hi Of'oiiiiil pr pii"'f and nt iiinf.i. Iii'er.
On ill" late I nil I 1 1 - t. I'.esi ai nl all pnllll
lIlTeieillSt'.Valll. h l.llll Ml l!H IT.
Hl;l;IM. M A ( i,
hole.! AH'lll,
410 mil 4 lB. I mul site. I, hull I naiif
VN V 'INK wlio pfofem l.i understand all
Irad. a in en nee, launifi lo Hup" an h
iinlily upon lli f ill r. I)n Ih aant piiin ip'e,
any on mi diem m I t - la piofesa.a In eni" all il -ae
i Itliwoilhy lit iifhlesl e.Hifid'iire, and
llfilllll It One k) flelioillieeil O 'l' k llfisllulll
(Iiu fi iilfr r;ii!ly 4MfiliriiK'i
ilo not siiin lo eiife all ill" asea ilh fetn
id;'. Th'-y h ti i 'i n ll d ll' lent Iii'd una, n Ii
ail pt'fl lo lis peeiilcr il ae.tso, itfifj t'lne dn ptnr-
l h'yoli'l a 'neari.,ri III- 'Hi in y nlnl I 'tlini'v ol
llir.e pfeparali'.n 'I It'll i '.ln'li a ik f-il-lowiiiff
dritfnihrr'j 'rntiil,'r I'llftf
Miirnhnll't f.'liriiif ('ullinluiin',
f'ritf rnlir t'j Sn rniijmritlil ,'
(irirfnhiri 1'ilr L'imrihi;
(!rirfcii!i(ri llytiiry Xirup;
f'rrfn M 'mi ll I ''I 'i II ( liiiluiriit ;
(irifffiili'r;! I'luhlrrn'l 'ilnnrrn;
rirfiiiliTg t'liiinuiiifilirt'i ISnlmf
tlrnfihh'nl I'.ijr J.iitmn;
drrrfrtihtr'j I'i rrr Hint A'jlir '' in'ity;
firiifililirr'l IL 'illh llillrr;
firttjrnhfril Milnniil nf llmllti,
Tot ! bsll l)ni!'i;:'' lli'on d, full th Ma',
(ir- ri. Au'.n i
BbDI.Vf.'ll'.V A I II, Uhole.aie lrn.,
4ICsrwlJI4 front ai , fn I ranei-
Hl MM1IIIIISI lill I l'Slllll"Sl
AVrrr J ,!:, !tit.
1 1 i.eompiiuu.lel i lilielv hum (. I ' M , an.l lin
he no mi e.liihlisheil Ik- I. n sliimluid inr.l e,
know n inn nppmve.l I'V nil Ihnl Ii ive ui d it, mi l
I liow lrm led lo w ill) cniilidciicn ill all Ilia ilia-
i . . i. i
ril-e lor will. II II is lecoillim-ii'ii H
ll lliia l ined tlioils.
mul within III" hi'l
Iivii veins who liii. I
jllveil Ui nil hopes of
lelief, n Ihe Humor.
nu HUoli ''le.l eei IU
le.iles in my v.
Ion show.
The iloo mil-1 he
ailnplml In Hi lein
peiiiuienl of Hi"
M.lmil lnl'i'i: "i
ll-e.l ill Kits It ipinnll
tiea n to net i;eiilly
on llie howrU.
I el the ih talcs of
olir jmli'llietil li,tt
on iii lho ut o III
l.iver liivi',
nuil it will cine l.ivrr
I'liuiphinil, Iii 1 1 1. ' ii nt
tucks, tl V pin,
o Ii r u ii i e diniihuM,
aniiiuier coinplninl!
ilvsciilei y, d r n pa y,
aour tiiiinicli, li ihil-
Hill conUVi'IICM.I hoho,
I'tiolern i olinlelii Mor
bus, cli'i'era llll.illl
inn, ihlluleui'V, jallll
lin e, I'ciualo w eakiiesa
ami '"ay be neil mi'
us mi oiiIiumv lain ll mi ill. in. II will
cuio an k hea.laolie his llioiisiiiuls e ill ln'ily) III
Ineiiiy liuuiili's, if two i r three Ii n-pooululs ni.
I.ikeu nl I'oniiiii'ii.'enienl of nlliu li. .4 1 ttllu ua
il m U'lO'i,' ,'h " leiliniouy in us i.ivot.
M v wiiler in Ihe iiiuuili Willi Ilia Ini "jmaliir,
mul sw ..Ihiiy h"ih lo, ellu t.
1 " I', (jil pi I b ill.
.l'.o, SAM'uKD'S twriiAirnc ru.i.s,
COMI'i 'I'M'r. I' HiiOJ
'ill. I'l.Ollo.V .'.I'lAlly,
I'ul in i;U- cases, an ti,;hl, and will keep in nny
I lie r.iimly t'ulhailie l'ol i a ,'rull l.ul aoliv
enlliaiuo, will. It the pi"pl et.n' ha ll. tl III hi
plaelico lil'ire than Iw.'lilv leal
I he cooilailllv In. leit-.u
lih 1 haie ,.M 11. i-d llie I'll!"
ill III .11.1 floltl ill"
and Ih .ili'acliotl
which nil 1 vpte-i III
duo teieienc to till
w. II lad,
been e o 111 p nun. led
limn a vatirty of lb
pnie.l vi 1;- IwI'Im e
liacls, wh.eli act a
I ke ml riety pail if
th iihmi nlarv ea ital
and ale i;ooil and a
In all ca.e wheiu d
rathari e I in ed. at
il. h as.leia'ik"
regard to the r use,
h'i in Itieed in In
place lit. in w itlini ill
le.icll ul nil.
'I'lie Itrull ssm.II w ell
know that ,1 ihrelll
raih-irtn a a l on iff-
Irrenl puitioua ot ll.
U'U i- a
'I'll 1 '.mil ! y l'a-ihai'i.-
I' d lots, wi Ii
cf the out ich, slrep ue-s, pain
li-.ns. e. .Inei r., I'll a and
in the ha k and
lenes 11. er tl.
w!io:e I'-ilf , tout si nil i-ll c 1.1, nii-n nr-j ni-11 1. 1 ,
I iirn'i 1 Ii d, 1 11 1 111 n l"ti! en's" of feur, los id
'j i.le, a cl.ep.ii .einati. II .fed oier ih
I...U , je.tlr.snrsa, li.adaihe, of We el. I III Ih"
hf ul. all 1 i:l .niuia'ori v tl . use", worms 111 eh I
. . I. .1 ..1 . i f. ..... ii.
1 dieii "I a.lul s, ih-iiinaiim, a to-al pur her of the
d. and inanv di m a In w In. Ii a hi if leu
louiieioo in men. I 'll I u llo adiail mil' III
l'.e, I o :i.
i iiii'i:. 1 111:1:1: m;in
Th I.ner Im l-oralnl and laillllj' Ca'.lntl.c
1 I ll al a. 14 hi l''i'i; ;'' ivwler... and by
I.I.I'lNi. 1'i'N A CO,
,V,. ;.-n'. .ir l!. I'i .li ra.!,
4 Iu A I I I l"n! si . Aa I I I in. i.e.1
i:r. Ilalsi r's Tain Wiwimw
n. . I e..lo id ll. 1 11 w' t"in s. 11 ml
. id ll. 1 11 k" s"
llie s t
I e i.'s an I lo ll. ll is k ll"
in si i. I i-4:e .. 10" I r hi i' .
II ll I I 11. lirirr Kit a n n, Ii
I . .e .1 "ir. d ! il 1.1 I'.' I'4s I
, .s t!. ' I'I .-ts-.l. !.. ll ue H-'l
I', !
1 I no. r
. 11 e 1 1 I
W..I 0
u.- I It.
. I.
.Ir'. sle,
, '11. tie lit
to I' I ll
I f H e I .'i .1. g .1
f . d oil is Li's' I' i
e, l 1 1 r al. It t sal
l.iiiiH-ft rs. Ill, nomel ll lir
t l I I') II a a,' lil !.( Ill" Hi' I is lof s 1 e.
ll .'il line p
Ir v a d ul l'"i
1 1 1 in Ilia sil mo Ii or Una
I'.sliiee III. cm 1 'v, l.'fe
le. i..r y . in Ihe
old' l.-.t- fl" ll I
p.l's an I . 11 i.l
1 ..j'. I 4.1 "I 'I 1 r a llie -
ll oil I' lie a Hi'l "
11 1 !i ide t'j 11 I'm i'i
.. .Hid I. illiv 't
I .ir tones a
s .
ir i- le tin- I n, an I l.ii, out a I 11.
I.r l Ho
I 101 al
n .le I 11 -
'.k- a d -11
.1; t
In 0 e 1 1.' r t
I: !..'
f r - ' 1 '
. 1 .-I .1.
, N'.i
11 In.
ii- a Ii r. : ,
. o - ll II 411'
I.. 1 . I r.
I , ,- f.. -I .!..
1 . ti a 0 v t
1 1 1
I fo,
11 I.. 1
I 1 ' -1 - - I ;l
1 a if'n
. . . i r, .1
.1 ii t
1 . t e. '
1 .... ;
e '14,
f I loll.
I'I' s.
1 ti a
1 . '
I' "!, n
a lt- .1
o , I. I'.'o
I ,11, e I!,'
It- I 1 11, a'.
d -'re ..'
I'...t . a.
01 I.... a
, in. I 1 "11
1. I. I
I,-. a,.)
a . l l.i l.e
1 tl.e I 11
' ' I'i t - .. 1
nt. I 'li'v I
pi ft! ul sari
l'j n.i f
f ' in e I . lit .u
. ' a i'i
li e I'i 11 I'ai 4- 1 11.
ih ivii'i at Hi" .i:n l ui' ; f "i l
ill.' illy
I: tun da a a p ti in ll ll 'a! . .!'. I' .r' '
K ..' t.l.illia ll,' puis iir . I'd i.i i n; n I I i''i
al ll.' t.n.o I Ii. I s a .1 .' i f ll.a Cane a I.l
tarn . It
If a .id. r h .s a I' .'..l l.'ei.l, ap; I) ll. Pain
I'.il irr, a l.'.l i .l 1" l.....e.
If J. n leel . I. 'l I'I ' I. l'in'i;'i Veil War
o... i,. I, .te a leter. t .La a d i l I'ami-ea.
ll ia. hsie a woilil. i 111, ' ." '"l ?''"r
I o ". a; V y tti l'a"! I'lit e a. il w. I Ilk "ill
..I, ill" II. l! III! ll Ull. l'l 111 l Id "I 'It
I lite. s-. .d a I I' e p; iri al dlio. t '-. a I I I.)
Ill I'I M. I "S . A I1', .",
4', I'i M il II" I I lil "ll'. I. a i I fan. sen
nil -h:ii.m
sciKaNTinc .Mi:i:ic.N'.
Thr .l.e'i.;n..'.i I'nji'r in th' Wurlt.
I d. ll I ri. N i n i i:lt
V. ii Mr Mil Nrw hrans.
M:V Vni l'Mi: if Id p pn ar j.iiifi.iil
i'. iiiiii'Iii rs nil tl.e did of .lim. iiy It i'l iiiil, an I neiy inim'.'r rmtl inn
i'e. ii p i.. of iiselnl iiii .iin t'l'i'i, and fieni In
In len i,ii i.ol e niatii k' "I l" iiitaiil".' ao I
di.etef. a. a l ol h'ill are pie.rr. eipfetey
lur i! ciiliifima.
7 I'i' ,V"idiii an l Sftiii'ifi'turir,
Jt'.i peraon njij. 'I ill any of lli ni'rlian r al
or in ii uf -- lui n p.ii.ii Is shei!i think ol " id. in
wilhoiil'' ll.e fit uatirii; ,ri'i. It ri bin
i tenia p r wnk ; " ry ii Ir r i mil n (i"iii
it In len eiit't ini.t;. of new iiiarlniH and iiiten
lioi.s, win. h i an l."l be ('.'Hid ill imy o'h'f
r it. ml
T't thr Inirn'or.
Tl Si irsTinr Awn m i mli-p nU I"
eief) flileltl'.r. as it ti d milt H'tl'si'.l 'l ''I'l' il
l.tnl III rl.i.iii nf ail lit I'aleiila wneit
tl, l it I'd Mali Till. Ill Mlii. dill 11 lli" week
pr-1 ons ; II, ns in ni J ' If. ' I b sti n( Id pin.
I, " nf iii.etili..ii .ii ih a e i.iiUi-. Me ai al o
lei . tin g, ei ft w k, Ih" lel " I. I, I. ft" ( il
I l.feal III. lam, It.ii'e, an I lieiminr; Ihn
pi ie tig 1 1 our p e.i . .ti all Ihal m traii.p'ting in
Hi. ae o d roniitie . sh'l f "iitiilti In lien
fi r lo imr loltiiint fopion riiia.l fo in Ihe
jllf Ill's of whaleter liny lb i III I.l IllleO l I'l
our r. a.l. r
A pnllipltl' I of ili.lriflii.n s In Hi ! HiwU
of ol.laiiiititf l.lli la rtenl on hear liiteiili .li, I
filln .1.' d Ire on apjd ealiini.
Mer. ,li ao ,V I n litseln IM'liI Ho
it.' Ion .. inori. linn a. nleen ar, In i eetiiee.
I nil atilll Si- (lil'iliralii'll of Id" Allien.
e.ih, ii l lin y refer In 'Ju,ni p.tleiii. f .f whom
they bat f -- l.tinne.
iNnrbai;' ifn.o f .f in.ifiiii? slieli li SiiH
duel. of it lnt" mil If 'i't i"n
lot a lo ll.'ir pii'ni.ili.iiiy
I l,imxlt, Anlni'rti, Millurifi!it;iinl
Th" Srlenl f.r Anirl 'an Wt I l. foiilol ln-l
lisef.ll J"itt 'll I'llli'lll- All lli ll" ll.fOI'l '
in lb rn' of rlif Iry ai tin n In I1
II. nit, an I lit" iiilMes'aof lb afrhiterl mil ear
11,1, inf" .i otellia.keil j all lit ll'W lllt'lll ol 4
l. ll.seoii I ll i ini In lb" po b
irjf pit'il.-li'il (f.i.iwe.k Ii W'k. Ireful tl
pMi't al llif.iflll-I'OII "Hill I'i lo lb iltleie.l
Of ItnllW I'jfb' mul III II lief Will l- f I ill lb
Hi iniiifi Ann fi on. win' Ii ti'f'iiinai.o.i Ihey ran
nol (sissihly'a'ii li"iii any 'l'l .nri. fob.
), ri In win. ll film, r nf iiil.feslrd Will b
..iimI ili eti'- .1 in lit" leniihe Ani'i i an ; Iie-
of Id iinp-otriii'iit In ;.in nl nf al iinp'i lie h'a
It'iit'i ilj.t. 1 1 I In t's e.iliiii.ii.
'Irrn 'I 'i in nl niln. fh li Tliteei llnllais
lf, i.l Hn I'iiI- .r (of (oiif iiioiilb 'Id ..
ii in' e Him en. on Id bf-l of .lann ny and July
..r iiimi fijin a Will b '..! 1 1 i'i lo any pall if
tii' i 'itolry. MI'S'i Ar ' II,
J'uMi di'f, 37 a-fc : ,' V
Kalsain lor (Ik; litmsf.
'tin fti.i , ,lf,iiiiii, A'i l SwriiH, tiplttinj
llluml, t ".( , 1iunln, lnlliirHHI, 'am
III I fit .Vide, 11111 .')un 0
tht I.UUjl.
I'c. Win, II, ill's IIiiIpiuu fur Ilia I.vivT Iu all
cne, j;lvi's llin In al of anllil.ti liiiii,
I'r. Win. Half H11U11111 fur Ih 1, 1111,1 liae
Wlnuulil iniii nine tinea lla liitiiiiliiuliiiu lhalt
nit) 111I1IT Clinch iiiedlt'ltin,
I'r. Win llull'a Hnlanui fur the l.tiua la lf
dm a. d by jour leatl.ii( physieinii a Ilia olt
and best leiin dy now haima Ih puhlin.
Pr. Win. tlnir ll ilsitiu fur llm I, iinol aaf li
tl.e iiiiuiiij 1 liililroii, 1111.I yet poneiltil III una ul
cttioiilo piiliiitiuiiry illarasr.
I'r NV'in. 1 1 ul I' Ititlwiiu lor Ilia I.iiiit; liiltiir
ll ceilillonle iiIiiiimI ilttlly uf ltawoii.eilu uuif
III nil pull of tlm cotinliy.
Th Hint Hiking priBif uf lli Inlilusio wurlh
nil. I e vellrlicn of I'r. Vi. lliill'S ll.llsillll fur III
Limits, is Iiiiwii III Ih lupilily Willi which ll hn.
coitii a ,eiielal luvoiila Willi llie people, Titer
is in. ilnnt; nl a similar nuliir bnl what la asaiti
cast lulu III hnila when Ih HaUaui Ii na been
th"l"iip,hl) le.led. Th ncenla fur II sale, Ih
iiiuiili'V met, III i'iililii; low aupphea, ar)
very iilliunisiio in ll lauir, n tit t " ll la jual
Iha I In iij! 1 il acla like c In nil ; lla all'ei I utv du
ly iiiiiU'Cil."
Th pnrch iser aliunhl ha verv iiarlleiilar l sk
lor. and tuk lion bnl I'r Wli.l.lAM IIAI.l.'H
IIAI.SAM 1'i'lt TIM". l.r.Nli-l, which la '..
lanled Wo" 'inslni lion or lb niun) Irluiliad.
l or al by all I iiiiinuia, and by
KI I'IMiruN .V CD,
hoi Ael,
I 10 ami 4M l'r- iit ilrarl, Sail I1 raiionon.
S A Ii S A T A 11 1 I L A
ST I I. h I X (J I A!
Maud y Linr Syrup.
X la hereby rec..iniiirn.l I by I'liyiieiaii I
cure Ih following- disaasea hal.n tba.r oil-
1 1! 11 lu a i..rdrd sl ue 11 ( the I.I.--I :
t ai.a.r. I l.eialioii nntl l.ulai.'rineiil id Hi
Ju nta. I'alieeinu 'rnilinr, I .r )iet ia, Kind's
!ml, M An liniii' I ii, M inis .s s 1 1 11 j t):(.
a'nial t Ir ' sl isiis. I'.ili.lea oil III Tar, llllU
llittisin, l,ot lie, I'bstlllr. l)ieMia, I.
.Si I'l.i 11 e an. I Meieunal All. el aa cuiasl)
t 'u uli. ot n'trui li"li In female; liic'
lira or U ll Irs, l Is mid I) tl. UM uf III
I Mrdcio
I II iii'd rl p'otlira of S'a.i.ll in en
' 1 1 1 1 . , 1 1 it nli Mi;in. a aia well k ..nn l. a I
I ni'. I cat li et, to Ik. Ilia tt'4li.l )l lliM-of
' rrril lui .ranse and i.Hify tli blia.1, and erad eat
al liviitt." ti'.ni ihe s.ieni
1 e I. a - g sen ill I I" tit'! .lii ei in In
1 ilo- 1 .mi. tit, ilnillei 11. 4 v know lil Ihry ai
1 11. nil, .ill I w II una I . sen I it liy mad l. llos
j of ktio Ilia .Ii,;' r lieu' enlrr I'f lll'l
I ii. ro, ..,, ll.-l Ilo j 11. ay .i-i.Uit m
j Hi. 11 ii4. i r
1 I d s .r. s...i in '! at id liil 'tlilil
I at I. me I l.'l 1 111 111 all il seas, a l a i ( I'.il nil.
I I nut. r .1 1!, lilual ur J itiatiei link up In
llie . e.'l
I lion.! il lin Iivt used llie ,V: I'.iif a an I
, I a miI l-st It In it reninsab lo-ci 1
i.t ii.1 u i iiii' ..l es Ir on ll.e 1 I. .-l, ( 1 i f I..11
j ml 1 u -r 'ii ll vi dole liillti.tii dame, a d leslrt'.
of a l.ralili) aci.nn tu all ilia Inuc Imn of tit
i ' , . 1 1
'I lo- i i iifi' iis r cited n o fan fiem rttny
' in. 111 ffl.l 'i.' sir. I .1 I . 11 'I sttfu u, lil m
1.1 ii.i.l.s'i I I.r us. It 1 a Lil.. lulum-v
1 1 1. ..'; 4, r,J nil I' I l!ii us I O'l nf oil sf
' I .1 A,. 1 I.. .1 10. .1 rl.'.in.l 111 ilia .-ii.ii.
1. t s, ' r i .,..!. 1 ti 1 1. I a . a tu 1 11.11 ' s
1. 11 I,..,.. ot r , m 1. . ti a. d )' if. I) in all ll.a 1
- 'til'
1, In . H ft and i lransa li
I, ...ii ..II hu'oioa and to p ir.
uiil..l'-.ra ll.rv n 01.
,:..,! Ir .1
.. . is a
III.. I.
. d l.t
'.,- ll If.'
.e.l ailli
1 ' I "if.- ' 'i. l.y
III r I I 1 1 1 , A ( '. A;nt.
,111 I 1.. I trrl. 'II I I, i.e. sea.
1 I ..i ! sli u' I h I.
ii vi I- i ll I. wiiiini v in;l.iii.
ml lo.w few a1 f.e fieni ll. IHinif l"U a linnl
af ' ffnin an i'i'"l' '! of lli k'v T II
fa .ill r
ll.a rinniar
; -I eaiasnfr.
in lb hml
i f the pl piielnr, Ull'Jll'il'Oinl.lj pint. I'.l'.Il
IM.roN' A Ci, Wbnl.a.,1 AKn;, 4ICaa.
1 1 I'fonl alr.l,r-n Pl ifi'iseo. irj'i
1'uri' I!.trarls fur riav.ninj'.
yami.i.a. ..Vfi.v. ninsat:. rr.Acn.
mi ii.ii, inc.
SIIIX'. f lr I i-'sa, m lb nvwl rone)
eet.lral'il, Ih iliheimi tate mnlnineh
mliiiifeil llatiet nf Ih .lilb-rriil aflnlea aleit nu
in-f I'ed. an I f..f all nil Italy pitiee will b
I'.itiid Ih mad e. ..noniie il ami e.iiiten.eiil man
ner of roitt tioii.i ai.iif II. ll ifi.r lla pafif ular
Ina-k f.r ll.a k nl "afd by , Id'f f
niany km ' pfepiia l by , there aia many
kind, in 1""-" i i bnl lil f , if nny, of lb
. al fla.iif. 1'iepn I .1 -.! I by
in niMilnV a ro,
4 If, ami 4 I'i r mil l , San I nte-iar.
no orzuivx on calomel.
Dr. Win. Hiill'i ISalnaiii fur
till' lllflw ll.'H IIO l'il;il m a
lull',' liirilirilio, nlnl IK l'ii'('i
nil)' it'liij'lcil to tli( rmiHtiiu.
li"IH (i frllUlll't flllll tllOHII
MilTi'iin from ritiuroit ion
ornny lim' roniplnint. (livo
it a li ial.
Nf JTfi.v K en,
M7ioVi.iV Jenfi, fir. anil 4IH Front it ,
.V.iii I'mtnriitn.
HIooiii of Vontli,
o n
LlQVlh vr.Atu,
ra rii fim'i tan rrrsni tne eowrtis
In aan (ai.
iM'sl inf alillb'e To lei aide!' ef VSlsl.
lil;lnf.lo a (o,
f .i' af i.i li lb I'" he ..!, 41 fi al 411
I'lotil 01, Un ( lane e.i.
MMIK ll'.IIH'NK Al.M NAC lof H'1,J'l
I "i mH N nl .
l et. 4i J i r.E.MI.XO
1 w arnril in Inn,
! p'ti.fy )our " - r J bloasl,
- i t rr C'
res! ir onr Z Z ' hllli,
1 I. V.iis Hr- l ( 3 v' 3 V.ll'
1 an.l Lis. es, i!i - Hjrun
- r I n ? 3
known, ""4 1
oni e.
ma'kak rule