i r'- V 1 ivy- & OT. L. Adama, llt0I' SALEM: M 0 N I ) A V , h K r TK M U K 1 1 7, 1863. Tho Democratic Ulsing in New York City. The Into breaking out of the Jeff Davis .democracy in New York tity -furnishes tlie best comment on tho principle! of tho pence democracy" onJ tho character of ttiO men who composo tho party that elected Seymour, that wc hnvo yet seen. Democratic conventions aro composed of A wile, artful, imprinrii.lcd trickster. Their. object is tonid llio rebels, mid nt thes.ime timo help tlicinselvci to ofliets. llcnco .their platform me generally so shnpod na to hide tlisir priuciph'i, iuslcad of nnununc Ing them. Tho li'ndwin of tho urbanization in tlio North calling itself tho democratic "nT -xJUff Davi. llicir nynipntiiics aro unmistaka bly with tho rebellion, yet they dure not openly avow it for fear of driving awny lomo of thtir voter. They dart not .hurrah openly for tho rebellion, so they confine thrinsolvcs to doing what is more effect i vr making lying assault on the Government, and trying to cripplo it by pposing its action in tho direction of rushing nut tho rebellion. They tritroplc tho (.'.institution under their feet, spit upon it, and upplaud tho rebels who thrust it into the fire, yet they profuss the greatest yeneii.tion for it, hold it up .before the populace, weep over it, l.iss it, and swear as J.uane does tlmt tiny nil " t!aiT on it, oil tin's to gu'l j'hIi. 'iVy fit out sueli vessels as the Chapman, stow their hold with guns, ammunition, bow ic knives, and democrats, to go forth as pirates on their bloody mission to rob, burn, and murder on tho high sess, yet they all deprecate war, clamor against a further effusion of blood, and demand ptart e'i U.Ls to gull foolt. They go on tbeir bellies to Lord Lyons, and lap their slimy tongue round tho shoe soli of Napoleon, an J beg for foreign intervention by and by, yet the v tike the stump and demand "o more vig- of the doings of tho AaaAeWlsn " conscrv. atives" dining the threo days in which the howling ruffian, rallying from tho liquor hops, the gambling hell, and rickety houses at prostitution, with whisky in their stomachs, democratic newspapers in their pockets, butcher knives under their dirty shirts, and brickbats in their blocwly bands, went out to stand on tha Consti tution" and ' conserve" the interests of tho country by acts ot bloody violence that would shame, a (antancht, appall a Sepoy, or cause arythii g human but a " democrat" to blush for shauit that such demons belong to tho human specie. We give our readers ono sample, out of scores of similar acts perpetrated by llio "mob tho killing of Col. O'Brien, who was trying with his regiment (tho 11th N. Y. Volunteers) to quell tho mob. Tho account is given by the Kev, Mr. Clowry, an Irish b'omun Catholic priot, who wit nested il : " Tho mob made a rnsh at him, and in underfoot," and tTieacru'e'Tnifi were upon him. His revolver was taken from him; bis sword was broken into fraif. meiils, and every fist that could pet with in reach, every club that could ho brought to bear, every brick or atone that could b thrown with true aim, every heel that could hit tho head of the unfortunate man, was put into requisition. In a moment he was beaten insensible, which del is the only connotation left to his friends; for the cruelties and indignities afterwards oiler- ed to his iMtly, hud they been endured br a being capable ol filling, woulJ hare been too horrible fir belief. Having been struck to the earth, ho was seiied by i hundred hand and dragtfiil into an alley way, out of the sight nt hi wife and chil dren, and also uiinost within sight of his troops, who, of course, had uo idea of tho atrocities being perpetrated on their com mander, and there lie was beaten, and kicked, and clubbed for hours. The first blow was struck this officer about 2 I M.; s i t . 1 1 -. s-h .... ne ou not u; mi p r. .m. All (he interven ing time he was surrounded by the crowd, who refused to permit any one to render him any assistance, and when a humane druggist went to him and rave him a drink of water, tho mob entered his store and gutted it from end to end. For all these hours this man lay there, watched over by ome f the mob, and whenever a croan. or a sig'i, or a hcavy-labore I breath would alive token of life, there was alaavs a orous prosecution of tho war," knowing ready f-.t to kit k his ble. ding lie.id, inoi in order to carry an elect ot thty mutt a foe fools. They clamor f.u ." freedom of speech," and demand that tho Gcvcrumcnt shall permit the Yallan dighannners to discourage enlistments, encourago desertions, and use all the pow er of their lying tongues to break up the .army and incite drunken mobs to resist tho law, and rob, murder, and bum : and if Durnsido arrest cue cf these copper. beads, the wholo tribe rend tbeir clothe, throw ashes on their unkempt bead, and Under Conviction. We havo , before stated that the only way lo christianise a people who rejected the gospel and defied the law, was to give them tho sww;d. The American army wc havo all tho lime held to be a mission ary society on a large scale, sent into r b eldoui to chrislianito a ret of barbarians w ho wished to destroy the Government, so that they might contiuno in tho uninter rupted enjoyment of their " right" to sell their own democratic offspring for field binds and concubine. The ignorant ami unconverted copperheads have said ail tho time that our army would bo a poor mis sionary society that in fact it "couldn't cowyMer," much less eonrtrt, tho "South." We know, however, that it could, and that the only way to bring men to respect law and decency, who have long treated w ith a bloody and cowardly ferocity inno cent women and children, and shed inmv. cent blood enough to float a frigate, at the instigation of slavery, and are now bath .ins the continent in tho tears of widows oiid orphans ana tupming it m it ., of whole I'nion armies was to deal with them just as the Almighty ordered Moses to deal with the llittiles, lVriuite,'tliv; ites, and Amoryita, II. C. HOI. "Take heed to thyself lest thou make a covenant (Septuagint Jiathtl tn, " compromise") with the inhabitants of tho land whither thou goest, lest it be for a snare in the midst of thee. But ye shall destroy their (bloody) altar, break their (black) im ages, and cut down their groves." All the late accounts from the field -f " Home Missionary" Ubors are most en couraging. Hvbels are beginning every where to lind out that il is " hard to kick against tho pricks." Their pride is be coming humbled, so that tho soft handed j ni;:ger-whipper, who two years ago bo-mt. ed that they were " five to-one sters," have concluded since the fourth of last July to take off four. They now only claim to rank as " on to one sters,' and" urge even that recognition with a subdued tone. Thousands who declared two years aio that thev loathed the Yankees and would Orcc Ire. Tho Nic. f nioii sad y our overland dispatches it appears tl Beauregard does not take kindly to thelell which (Sen (nlmore is throwing III Charleston, and particularly object tolieir being tilled with Creek tii e, whlcV denounces as a most villainous compol, and unworthy of a civilised nation, tefare astonished at suih'remarks from tlriJberring rebel. Creek tiro wa used i most polite, nation ol ancient tlmesJ 'iom against whom il was eaiph ycvr lilly aa much civilised as tho ii. fsitor about Charleston. Wo lo tAow whether tho chemical ageii ei tfl by u'lierul Cilmoro is prvcb y c sam a that in use among the Cm. s r whether it is an invention teeently '"l' our tiovern ment. However t!' iy be, it i prob ably not any worse th the weapon cm ho iv should tl.'t case, W a f y Vn tor of tjT l-jjontr LlsJ1 r V ployed by the rebels happen to be any lini will any ono a tliarUsion uo no A tender aomething ab we give the fo can Kucyclopodia The know ledge po' maUTial of war is intlu' tho "Decline and Fal' o le b'oman Km pire," Chap. i. The suje t Is also ablv livated by Dr. McCullch in Vol. XIV. id' the " liuaiterly Journl of Sciemv." j Tin: Creek lire wa inoi advauiaijcously employed in the defvnsul Con-taiitiiiople , dm ing tho two sicjrrs f the S.irucens of , Letter of Explanation. Below will bo found a letter wrillun by Senator Harding to Hon. A. C Henry, ofOlympia, in explanation of tho remaiks mado by him some weeks since, which I avp I e. mi tho subject of much comment throughout lliu State: Saikm. Cgn , August ISHIt. 'cur Sir: Yours of the I Itli Inst, is re ceived today, and I hasten to answer. Some timo ago I was tit lit h surprised to' learn that it was reported that I had said, in a private conversation llnit if I were in Ohio I would oli Tor Mr. Vidian ditham In' (lovernor, I disapprovo of his whu'e course mui the opening of the rcbe'li'in, and on nil oica-iuiw when speak ing of it, and in the conversation relet red to, cxprc'i d my dis ippt'olinlinn, and n-n ally in strong terms. One geiiileui'iu Ink part in that coiivcrsuiiou a'ul lio w.iuld, if in Ohio, vole for Mr. V,, ami I just ns distinctly said iron. not; l.ni I adniiited that if I were called upon to votn lo" him, or an extremo ulxilit iont-t , who would prosecute the war against tin seceded Sialis at" er they wen- willing lo n turu to their duly under the 1'oii-t it lit ion, to coin pel the uliolition of slaveiy, I would pre- r allaudighini, And further sanl of Ohio, x-U ' jjjyj25M"s,Tr2l ( lovernor Tho Draft In California. Wo copy tlin following from the Alia California of tho -Mill ultimo, In regard to tho .bait: KnivoH Alt a: (laNUKMiiN An error exists us to tlio meaiilii; ol tho telegram fiom Washington, in rejjiiid to ill drull in this St.ite, which Is deserting ol notice, No draft Itn been oulcrcil, nor does tlio dispiilch contain anything to even iiiilieute that it Is tho pli'iosii ot I l.i' tioverilnieut to elifnrce the dialt in this St.ito. Section lour nii'ki's it the duly ol'thu I'le-lilent, to ibvidu the Siuies, wlnCi h ive imt I'ceii ill v nled into Coiil'i oniiial ilii ti icts, " iulo so tuiiiiy eiiiiilluient disii'icti as lie limy deem lit and coiiienieiil." Section live pint ides lor tho appoint ment of l'lov.M M.tiilml; and si'ilinu seven provides, lit. it it -li.i l be llio ibi'y, of the I'iomi1 M 41 fcliitt-4 " mil j ii 1 ttrtrrt, whflhtr rtijuiirn, viliinlrrrt or nil iiiiiani, or ptmmi ciillftl int" M sfreicf mniT thit ir uiy uif r ml f Cniiin'ju," etc , etc. 'I he I'li'M'lei't has iliiided the Slate iulo eiiii'llini'iit ill t it t -, as Iim wus sutler- lieinllv required lo do bv llio law, mid doubtless, Marshals lioe been, or wi.l be iippoiuted o- llieiii, lo peil'orm tlio duties set lotlh above, and to supeliiitclul llio i nrolliiiunt and drull, should any eiiii-t- v - V-W' S' "XT- ti ancicn Gibbon in him simi eoiirse as llio iire ..r v v ...I. I il i . l.. i ..i in urn i ins, huh mini i no in nivur ,M I u,), pn. ni OM-un iiiiiii !uie iii reiiirit niiii -nn. .... i . i rol their ow.t .lomestK, poltey nnd. r thir,,,, .in.u ,, ,, v ..n.uuiiioii ! me i mini oi.nos; nun nun lt. re.i.'oll lo I l...l!..u...t il..... ......t.l I... II... I .... t in in .cti uin tTiiuii iiv i niu in il, m coerced, il you please, In return upon (hit condition, an) the wholo country rr- i stored to t'l-aep Mini harmony, !nt il thr extreme abolition policy prevailed, I s.w no prospect of peace until tho whole of the GRAND MASS MEETING AM) l.M0 Jl !!1IJ:K! In view of llio numerous and great vic tories recently achieved by our bnmt sol- iliers over llio enemies in our common country lind ill iew of the fact llmt lunch vet remains lo be done before the I'liiou of nil (lie Stales can be restored it ils integrity the loyal citiciu of Oregon, i ! ii mi .ir iiijr'li""" of illiq ¬ uid p. ii .i mm mm i iir tn lo i 1-1. n v- i v Ill i I 1 m i Ihero is ni'l'osr . i'. otK-oio ami .tlx i?. mo seirvi . t..i ,..,.. .i....,t.i i. ...i- ...i ... ,:i of its preparation and uso was derived i iun. ll11,lim if ,.al wero possible, Iroill a native ot IMtoMiS ol Mint, or, u I,:. I, ..n. : (.P..l...l.;i,iv ..lei lln-.,. ucconling toCedrenusd Kc.vpt. who. I.- ,, FcderaHJoternmei.t and'esiablisli it M'rte.1 to llio service or lie f.mpe.or. Itwflvr u, w,(, ,.,,, rr. Such was appears to have been acomM...u of bit,,- j I0 c(VIT(.rsli1,( nn, i, , ', ltl,., ,,,11K nun, sulphur, andtat.l, and to have been I i rll.i i... .i,.,... -I... I,...,r.l it. .ml H.mvd from c..ldrua.,or projected in lire I u,r h in j, (,.;ro , cl.anireor balls, nr on arroi( 0r javelins around ,.,..,. .,. ,w ,,,.-,.,,, ji .. I....I. .1 . :..... ...I ' wiucii im. ..s .isi Mi.iii.iirti iiui me ilillalillllablo CoinjK'iml. through long coppr til ol bi.lcoiis ligures, w I prows of lire ships. Tiese were themselves consumed, as tb-'y sell lire and destruc tion among (In gstVys ol th enemy l or 400 icurs Is see'et was suoce.lullv I saturate.! will, the i n( in x and greater , ft s,;,p luU M )uvi il. Il was vomited in ,i;hli( ,.,,, ,m,i jt ,.,,., ,., t,i Ut . ; 1 l.e. from ,he u.ouihs , (i ,, , (M)0 h, ,ull vt ,;,r ,,. f eh w. re act in the ..,, . , tlie but mi the contrary, in con el villous Willi llio 1 i'cni dent il'l in.wiiliers ol llio Cabinet, they cvef, jTirS'Oii'ilio oj'mnin thil ill view ol j llic V'io and tune reipiir.d in oblionii -g troops from the I'.mtie .ont, it w.ia liiev pedielit to raise luoru lli.nl Would bo le quired service on the coa-l. 'l'liee views wire explesied to I lie ma j.uitv of tho dclcg itioti lintii Ciilil'orui n. mo fully and puin. .daily wh.u they callvd upon lii -ii lor tin urpo) of ob taiinug perniissi.in from 1 Ion Ami es I'tco to i.iie a regiment of inouni.-.l C..li'..rni nn for set v no in the K.t, and a l.i. h they M-,-;n(; nd I ; . . . i were vol r .I-sitoui oi uniaming, us nicy g ui Ii a lotcu in lo ci rut w icke.l relielliou, reslmv iinr preserve) llie I'liiou, re-eslnblisli our free (!oern tneiit in the Stales now in rebellion, ami rnl'oiv.' the Constitution and Ijiwsof ihn I'niteil Siules lliroiighout our entire coun try, Noiili and Souih, are requested to meet III Salem, on llio Kvrniii of WnlatMh), (lie KHIi of Ni'plnnlHT, A.I). I !!(:!, to parlicipale in a tilvAND MASS IMON DI'.MON- SIUAIION'. tt (.( r Va-il V fit l!illl1atJ nt lll.t l-..-t lkiU , . . i-i-! x - ibiih i iiiv a i . inn merer livo undor Ihe time rivfrnmcnt : e . : . i r. whine about the "danger of losing all our i i ; ...U. U-.LL i muiiiai iu?ki iu uaiuirii iipcr apjdand the act of the rebel rov. eminent in following with blood hound and hovie-knivet. t'oioo men in mUldom who daro to sneak reverentlr of the A morican fli-. These are tho " lovers of fircspecch'' who invaded Kansaa, drove tho legal voters from tho poSIs, and elected a boidcMxtsn legislature, wLicJj enacted that "If snr prrtna print, write, ioirc'urt inle, f uh li.li, or r.trul.lf, or rause to U bronchi nil... triulH. wriMto. piibh.l.r.l. or rireuUtM. or hill nnsiinilr aid or assist In brincmir i'llo. ftintin iulilikh.ni;. or cirrulatinit Knl.,n t!,t tpfnlorr. anf bw.k, afr, jn,I.Lt, ininof. hand.nil, or circular, roiittumiK aur Ijirmrnla, argumi-nn, opiniotis. arntimrnta, dverr.crs, aiKirr. or iunu rul calrulalnl lu .r. mnle a d aonlrilr, ctD-r. ru, or s-W!iou il:IrctioB aniniif the aia'tt ia tlua Trrrilorr, or lo mdiire surli ula.ra j t.r freia llie triviroi.r tlirn- inanln. or lo rrs.st ihrir autlioritr, I, ,,til br i-uii-T of Irlnnr. and Ixtu. isl.fd bv impriMinmri.1 tui luil UUr U,t a Itna not lci than bvr )tin." Thia i a part of the ii.famotn Kansas .code enacted by alore huntirg outlaw, wlo banished freo discussion from the Territory in dcfi.inro of the wih of an over helming majority of the actual vot ersa code which wa supported by every driven t.Igger in Congrcn, and lauded by tho sauio pro slavery hounds who are now barking on llio traik of Uurnaid fur ar-n-sting VallanJiham. wLa la lima of a terrible inii n.rciae war wrote, pultishrd, and ija.ko iu behalf of the rebellion! It i entirely useless ..r common people to try lo understand what modern democra cy is by looking into the political platform i t Norlhorn cifptrhcad. The head of the beast can be seen iu Ji J'a army, and the tail in aurh political gathering si the New York mob. TLo history of tho war ha developed no more startling Instancing cold lloodt J barbarity than were given ly the Heads in New York,- m bo Urn), robbed, and mnr. derd I'nion men, women, and children by con-. OYppciht-ad atone wcretafe from the aautt of the infuriate! rabble. The U'orlJ, the JUralJ, and (he Xtvt, demo cratic papers, tthicli baJ encouraged the nob lo acts or violmcr, w era nut molest edj while the Trihunt and the Timti, on account of tliair Jinown loyalty and respect for law, seemed l l e olytcU of the rulT- lam pe!l hale. To show their dmo crslic character, and that ihry were insti' gate ! solely by a de.ir t. f0, .fl(j JrlT Uavi, thry d.slroyrd the colored childrcn'a orphan asylum, burnt Ida house of inoflrnding fiegror, after ro' ling thcin, am! crurtly Uat to death a many of the Inmates a thry coulJ lay their hand on. People all over the I'uit eJ Slate have read with astonishment of tha bloody and fiendish deeds id the w York dein.vracj, am! many copperheads In Ohio have tMfti ashamed cf their company and left the democratic craA, avowing their determination lo tot for Hrough, lnlea. of Vall.ind'gham. Vah aiidigham papen hart Laulrd down llie name of the traitor, and inn np thatry Jiroujjh, in mr.crptenc (a Ihry aay) r f tha late development of the New York democracy. Jfa'iy iorg folumni of th New York paper an Ji'J wilb tysunt I or a ready hand 10 d; sh his head against the pavir.g alone. And tins where his wile and children could almost see him and hr his groan. At about C P. M, or prhp before, Father Clowry, a cbrgyman of tho Ko rean Catholic Church, who bad witneased tho wholo sine, ainly attempted to pre vent the dce!l of violence, etitrtatcd per mission ot the mob to administer to the dying man he Sacrament of Extreme Unction. He argurd lo them, "The man i about dyiyg; ha cm nevr recover, now pray let mefrrruove his body, and render to him tho Itst i.fl'.ccsof our chureh." The answer waa, y You can do your &ri'f2 an.! we wnl iron a vou in it. isl- i rrmottf - n "r-f V Finding all fvnhrr remonstrance u ' ' mi. nyin ociuc ujmj man ., conMjaiion Af the cLuri. al ii lay. He remained with hi.n till he died, ahieh wa. at $ o'clock.' Even then the nmb would not permit him to be removed, but threat ened with renjjeaiire any one who should approach the Heeding body." The N. , lUrald called this gang of ruffian " th- ptvpU? 11a jrtv,t the or. gan of WihhJ, wa shocked because " the xiTje" were fired on by U. S. soldiers, while the HW4 the leading organ of the " ptart drmorraey," published an inflam niatory article intended to itir op the mob to further acta of violence. The paper was read to the mob by their leader, who harangued the "conservativee' from vari ous stand point. There is one thing connected with this outbreak in New York city that ii hmnil- latirg to ccntcmpiate that i tnnb of three or four thousand unorganized rolT iana could overrun tucli a city as New York lor three day without being crushed out and the most of them killed. Tlie fact is, people in cities generally oon degenerate into an tfllninata race of dan die and aoaplork. with them, are beginning to conclude that they mado a great mistake in exchanging tho ' Yankee government" for tho " Con- fedelato dynasty." Among the many evi upon whniusoaer sluuld iluele this com position, whict lha people were t.t is vr 1st to believe was ujsteri msly rcveddly an angel to the M an.' greatest of llie Con- l .mil 'ft.. l.,k ....m..I .. . i:.. .ii.. ..I. a .i,. .k. ' j .... " w u.i , v .nut iiiu i.u.ix iic neinz i.. That a Divesity f ir choosing between him or m: abolitionist n ill rver occur, is so improbable that my preference for the one or tlio i tln r aiuounta to in t Ii i'i, end would not luvo been rrpe.iled here h J it ant I'Cen necessarv lo show tin origin of ihe report that I was in favor of Mr. Y.'s j elect ion. His arrrsf, imprisonment on-l banish ment I do imt npprove, because I In liese Iim II Wlllicma, I l- kllMI. to juur leaders j ' S Mill., who are tie Img lor fear ut a drull, that I . , .. ..""' Jiiiii.t., W r : vv J II U xii vv ii. lu ,.l...n graciously operated on by tho "Home' i-A l. l.l lllfl.l.. n!l lltM r..ll.lrt.il. !,. r.w.. .J r,i,..d the sen t. aid in tho holy w..rs .. ; ,,- ,.rrn,,,, vi Ml U f, ,., U 'N ru and ivpt turned tlu art ac-mist ,t l.. i i i i .. : i i. M . .a, , - . t . . a li 'H ll'IH sir VII - III I I 1 1 1 W llllll .ssionary Society" . iho fact disclosed . HtM'-vs Jmsvilla m his ft,rt , Vlllt,.r,., or,.r ,rt (,,, ,, .... a . .j Wl f....a .l.....a.l. . !. . 1... " Uy the Ihurth Journal that the rebels i .... ,.,e -, . i-,..nmg : h)0 (W (l) ,,., ,, have .nnli..l , ,1.. ru.....u :.. i mrougn unair tike a long t i ej uragon, x" ' ' v" '"'about thelhiik books. Tho Journal say a that the bishops and clergy send their assurance of Jure s Ii-oik!i- . ii, ..l.i .-..iilil i...t -la .In, f. . 1 1- t.f l.i . . Iiw-a 1. 1 a A i.h...i w-ll. . - ... th V.irih fnp a Iim.hi,.i,i;i...i k. l , , . . " . i somi-g. or turn the point ol Ins sarcasm, me -orin ior a lare qa.-.iitit v of rrver t K r..n.ri vf i l,,ii,,l.-r i , .. . . . '. .. . - ,,, ,,,, .1 it ,l...irnv I. i,.-r..n,.l m II lightning, prclucii g so mil. 1, I gl.t Iron, j T, Ulf ,,:,,.,,,, ....j the quam y of fne .1 threw out. that ..no (f Mrr,M)JI, ilr llVi., to the brethren in the North, and amoi e I "",ni """" K!i,uP " '! " T"' , u', ler of hi s. ntenrr. .-allod f.utl, the utm.t th.e who .end thi, flotation i. Hish..n I ra"r-'rf'',r't.v,l!,.r."ui ;. m. j....i - i iid fan o'luiiHua (in nn niiUijie i . i:;...a .). .i . ..!... . ii a i .... , . . . inii"ii mill ii 'I H"i iii IIF llllll, I. .a i. .... SI ...l k ak.... .. a... a. k S I luu i I'ujkj tuH .i inui f . n ut ii iii i: ivr oro t flicii'ia cntiiK.Qiii if .1 ituni Ihtu ii(fnll. I .IL a.f I - - - '. I .a i ' vim i 'llsjtJes4Wl mt. HaVaaMaava-a sW I) 0 f TJ-ra. T and ..iilse.l he h.ul si.l In be rr.nl mid rriieati-"!, Willi nil I'io cmio.itv which ' j niarty rdoiii a ikn, and made a nnw . there l not the slightest dangrr or at least not lor the present. In irw of tlio position and policy cf the French III .Mel Co, I tlnnil.l it pro- j T Ii- 1 1 in , I . ' . r .t.-i.l 1,1 li.in .ill..-1. Ml-I.,11 1 I'.r it,.. ! : Mi 'On. V. - " "II -, J,, I -II. . . 1 1 . rf".l Coati tin.) a. i i-iiroiiiiieni ot ine liiuili.i p . made, nol o rXpre-aed myaelf Ii. I'.lo lev u' Wb.Iihi-Ioii, th.it tlin,.!, a d fli . ii I v with that nation .ic.nr, ili.ilt liolit b oidered williout il. lar: as Hut It , J"'"" ' Iv"1". .. ..... i . . 1 '" llie po lil at w lui li, it ilnpiepaieil lo meet I . w hull, ihowilv l.oi.is N.iinileon woiiM cir- ! I II M. -'i-. t.iin! like. I'.ilnla illi tin vow as J II Mil.lirll, (' S . Lu ll I. IMI.-1. Julti. VI . ftfit , II I. Miallun, A II Ml.ir. A (' It Klia. J i tlalir, A I (oll.. XV I air III I, A llnlUf...,, T II I Vans, II...Iu..k. .n. J I'll l..mi,..UIt. I. VI Hlarr, I' ll Url.nftS, T tr, H V I'.. J Y UiUoa, 4lilllll. If.. ,1. I I ...II, 1 1...1 . i: i 4i.r, i il in. i i. .ii. It.i li'.l VV ,11 .mi J l llrmr.il Ii I n..;i. y. i v.iOiiup J I... VI II. r, k. I W I' II. ii, i, i.k-i,. ii, Ii V r,ir. II II I'.ikcr. II f Ci'. n. S I In.. T tl I r.llori. J II, I .iunu t, I 'm Tol.ir, Jj V! I'.rt.-, I I tr. It Ii V ol,,.. II J I .-iif, I'll V 4arr.iin, S lo-l.ttiitilli, II VV Iu.IkII, II tailing-, I' V Tfiiv. i Sail.na, a, I ' VI I ..I.,, .l.i i.. t li.ll ii pr. e. u I mary iiic.i-ui e, an rliiollini i t I VV,ihoi,,, I i t u,r. w ill br orlrre.l; for one, I e.irne-tly hope " 'ln..n. . Y l;,i... l. it may bo. a, .1 w.ll,.. b. pi.psre,.. V.." "" thiMicli c Icel tint .bmcrr is rmole an I ! J i-'. W ir i lt.r a dratl wi.l never bii iitc.es.irv. 'I', Ii. I'uci l-s. The Sntchcry at Lawrcnre. I.e.iv. iii,i III, Aug. VI.' I ioiii eil ns of , iriiiv, li i h ive hi i iv.-, I lor sup plies, we gather the. lo'l."u i; p .tin ui ir in r l; .i.I . tiio I nr'iiii nl Hut cit v In DO coni.i.ua.iou i 1 An mil imnutile b o a iarLT,jm?.' o. il.col i- cer and soldier, including Uragg himself. The army under Leo i aaid to havo had unr 'ry Tai tor w said to have been discoieriTiii 17.13 by a goldsmith of i'aris, ntned Pupre, alio was i.ot, mw- , ..M..;it.l ... ...1... .... .. IK nl..,,;.. .1 TL ft f .. i- . s ."Miru , Ilinsv ii c.:r.ici rr an outpouring also. The Methodist have , t' T.- ..I,.. ...i .,, m v.... t a i "--'i--i .i-o i ? . . w n s-si maue a good many converts, and while j de St. tor. has eiperimcnird l y r.-ip.est iue rernai ljiiiiitr. il. Tlie li-t of ki.o d mil i . ti 1 1 I .. r sue bet ween llio Admiiii-lration and ils i oio Si, tie iii.-j-.1 ii v ol w I H.r 'J 'Ills. Upon l.'io r.wlits of ritixrua In ' k.lle.l ii.-lo.llv ,a p.t,i. u . . .i. .t.. . ,.r..... i. i. si. : . e if . . i- ..in.) e. Oil LI1B Bill!. U 'III illC 1 TI1CII -.1 I I -I t-T 1 ,1 .. :,T .llMl.l I lit ! t i. . .' .... r n "--"f.li I". i I,., m. . I,.... In i, .i I l u I. . I.. I .... a.n slwutlng. mid praying could be heard for I'"'!;' f heyole lo bum urn water ae if ,u, vu-tMmm ,,, ,r, , . milea Now we have little faith in anr ! , " ,u,,l,n!; 1,11 V1 I'"1 ,r ."f ; Adniinisti.ti..,,. b.-h.-v l,r ',r.,.l. ,,t ,. puii-pii.ir-i oi raicium ne eoni.oiieil III It. no li..iiu th it rein on loyal Slate lo personal liberty, n siil'jl.-t 1 stun, In g are tilled Willi llio kiM.d and upon w hich the p.-nplo are nUays jn-t'y ' a omul, l of aM cl.i-ses. I'm n tlm in, us srii.ilno, and a rii'l.t vi lich tiny will not j ..f the b n u.-.l Imnv tin- . In, id ir . allow inrru'Ced without nri imrni; nnil ' nl i-lli. r v i. linn eri bem taken, l,n tharvby I Ih-Iicvo tli ( Sovrriiuiciil has ne l.o'rl was lell sl.n.ilin. tjun r I In en w rakrnrd more lli.iu it f.n.l I l ate ; -p re.l ll. it in i O'isi ij'n iii e i I l..n o le l.eetl iloiio Iiv all llie pi-a.-r pef lira HmI I il In lioii.o ,,ii.e .1 s sli ce w .. I I .v J II r.,i.lp. A II..V.I. J -I.n II l .-.n, Win Ma.lr.a, J w r.k. Il ll,illa.la. lini.rll. It VVraka, XV I I i.ni.ll, J lia.lnn, K 1 1 ii-1, 1. W A M. k . ll,.r. Ii r 1 li.iiiininn. A I. I ..)., J, l.li C IVvl l,., XV T Mall., a. I. I' ll ,ll-, S.IM.1,11 VI... J,, l,n 1 1 l. .,n, J lirf, s,. inn. I Mr i I.,, a. Il I ll.'f I' II. ..!.. limn-. A I .t- a. Il XV ,i..i.,i,, j V i.ala. Tin. I' Sl,l, Call in lirrr. J S.iiall, XI XX V (. ,,, C P I Ii. ii, an, I rnnar t, J l Ii I. XV I,. l V . la j. 4 'I'nr. I'm icy or t it w I 'a rl vvimoii nut. P M l r I . We lu-vrr iloi.b'ed it, li'il li. ro are nn-i i . i,, nei-a that ire f.il l i In . r. I nst, the . Y Anf i 'i-l f.l l'l" flrliir. ' v , Ii el an i' I. n i.' s . irl ii v of W ar. rrs. w oil Ti.. Union XUIJt. Dy reference to anbtber column it will bo en that tho citizens of Oregon have issued a call ugned by over one hundred prominent men, f..r Inn I,'iUr inj flaAso Mas Mmtiko. Thia is just a it almpld le. If there ever was a time whm il behooved rrrry man to stand up firm lo the great principle of our gloriou J.. p..W.c, 119W ll the time, and hero i a chance lo do it. W't ell know that all the t'nion men of Orrgnt, cannot attend in r,n, lot they can send letters and words of good cheer for ll.i best of all cause the restoration and preservation of the best Government ever instituted among men. Wa contend that avery man who feels th rtal good of hi country at hi heart would prefer to rally unJrr the name Cam t0 any other. And it is us in unmistakrabla sign that I lure is a secret sympathy lor trsiter, in the heart of any nun or let ef men wbi asy to hold lo any other nam or parly (dsn the UNION. religion which is nt powerful enou-h to ' 7 , , , 7 ' 7 , ' '" ' r..de..or...a to ...ppre.. r-brlli ... ' tVawll IU ;,. lolllhltlMt if A irls4 VV (till tl 11)111 ' lt I B - ! a I I' . .. a I - I I l" I . I a W llllll I iraStkt-r 1 4 llta I Itlllll III. lii 9 lllast I lltt m.ac icyai man oi a r' or a Union .WO gramm-s of benzole ami ?mw i man of a copperbea J. Hut we have no P"'asium weie brok.ti on ihe snrfa.v ..f 1 doubt but that the rank and file in the 'ho wsier, the bn z..k-vaould iinm.d..i. ly J rU irmr.niliiMu;. it spread ovir a consid. ral.le surf ice, I. u si reoei army are sincere in their professions. - . , ,, ,. . ', , i l - .- ' ing al llie same tune into II one. A inn-' and we regard their religion demonstra. tre of thrre parts of lienMle and one ofj inms as an cviotrnca mat the brain back of ( ilphurct J caila.n, being put into a hand their ear i becoming coolrd fiff, and that K'enadu pnrvimisly h..te, ,y inimi-rsioii tho moral brain is at last IkiY.- Mti-ed up l w,,t''r' rr'"hi'ed a liisengi- f,... :. i . . i " 'I ment of enter whi.li i oiiM be i-'iiited mid ironi it long continued torpor. Tlie more n . .- " .. . ' J"rl""rt would i-oiiiBiu to burn In.m a j.l idl ihe the relelare wh pped.and the more thry j whole was i..tin.ed. I'lio-phoni, in s.. ufT.r from cold and hunger, the nmro will : biiii.n im-n-iH- ii pnw.r to Set lire t.. Pcnoot MtiTto Uy notice posted In town w Irarn that a Wiod Merlin i.f .1. a, . . . . . a w in. .strict (.. 21.) is called, to meet neal Wednesday crciiimr at "4 ohak. to determine Whether or hot there ara m. Director in the district, and if not. to elect board, and la transact any other busb nrs list may coma before the meatinc Thi ia matter on which tlr.i.l. il.. welfare- pi th rising generation of (hi community, and w would augg-t thai every voter In the district attend Ihe tnr ting, for on the maintenance and peri,- olion t,f the fre echoJ system maintr depend the pretertalion of a Hepublican Cotrmenl. . The Sirprem Court of tha 8uu d rg"ti pmjrrntt In th' eiiy to dy. auimaliani be daj'ed down and tin more revisal." we may look lorSotith. IMi gioo excitement, even in a faint drpne, never make any man a worse citizen. Those who think il does, probably have in their eye some hypocrite Jf ir,o quit vatlou-inj in tit gutttr fr a time, and jointj tht (lurch trptttinj Ut ytt an tijitt y mlz.1 A religion that isa'l reform, atory enough to induce a villain to rviiore money that he has robbed other people id, isn't worth much and a religion which doran't Irad a rtla I out of J. IT' army could hardly be called a "Chrittian reli- gion it would lurdly rank wild that of M '' Xneiii." ttragg, being descend ant of a Massachusetts Vankee, may have joined the thorch out of policy that is, to aave in nn k from Ihe h.lur but we in cline lo think that the rank and filo who hail from the pine barren of Grorg's, the bunkum bill .f Carolina, and the cane Lott. ta of West Tcnnriare are h'-nest in their profusion, and that if they l.ave'nt yet really "religion," thry are, a a consequence of the labor of th Home Missionary Society under Oral t, Meade. and i:oecrn, "under convt. tiim." They have got to tending 0vo" to th N'Tthv-n mudsill'' whom ll.ey iii.J (,py "hated lwoyerngo. X hen they get lo " loving" the nigger, we ihall believe I hey are hum bird and "converted'' ur enough. In the Meantime, li t the " mis- eionari'' I t vigilant and active, and we shall have big revival down in Dixie thai will restort the I'nion, and disappoint Uie copperheads. other ilii.i k. O l ul t t troVuui tuny In substitute. dr the beiiole. It wn Ihn't that this lni;lil bo used iu natal war fire as the ami. ut fircik firo was employ ed The tuhpet a billy ireuinl by .N,-.,i ni in hi work 'MVojeclile Weapons of War and Ksidosvo Comix. iiinK" (lyiudoii. lb.Vs), in wbich ho l-o iiaiuv sev. rid ipiid mixture tal spout. meously ignite, and (nay bo usrdfor the same purpose as (jrerk lire. A solution of phosphorus in snlpluirct of, carbon thrown iu a glass grenade wa found, iu rxp. riuent con ilnctrd at Woolwich, lo ignite simn afl r lliu liquid wa aotiti-rcd. Chloride ofsul pbur may be aubctituted for tho ulpburrt of carbon, the ipiilioll I.ot taking plnre quite so toon, thus Riving tune for thu liq uid to (enetrate into wool woik and can va. An abotnina'le odor is d.ff.is. d du ring the combustion ii ami pr.'Mrve tin- n.,n, inoi, r Die tonsil liilii.u. In bis . iT-.ils fir llial piirp.i-, he shall have my r-irur-l -uppoit. mid iu inif it I shall imt slop In fin. f.iu! with slight or lain ieil i-rrnrs, in such a way to reinloi llio little aoppnrt I am able to give, eml.srr.i-.il j. While ne is con-titulionary I'n sid.-nt, he mii-t be kIm-vi-iI hih sups.ited iu t la. rsrreiae ! Ins coii-litiilioii.il nulhority. When II raliliol be, llie Inst Hint I e-t of llie great Kepublnail dovi ninuiils will have filled. II 1 . lUimiso. Hon. A O. IIsxhv, Dlunpii, W. T. o II l.l.l ill,' pll'j.l letiil I n sliot , number al.o m.i Iu , r s,stn,i. ti tin l,,.t bv the lliil.lei era. I io..ia' lli.-u-s,. itts di "V e tsulu no n n In oi e l "ii-e, l,., linuai i'!. LawiaroaS I VUo. U, IS 1.1 l.o. Akois; 1 t)uniy ngnt a man wa slaughter.' iirifopanish dance house in lliis town ; . ie trst one kided since last autumn, I believe, which i much lo the credit of tht place. Tht lacta are a lob lows; A man ho goo by the name of " frank," a gambler and hors trader by profession, wa dealing MmiUi in thu aforesaid hell hole of iniquity until lata in tha night when a dispute arose between human named Dun wrpon at the time, r rank shot, a bo thought nt the Frenchman, who immediately closed jn on him. Thry were finally separated by the crowd, nnd after Ihn smoke and dust had srl led ahltli, Kobcrt, a son of Hon, llobert Newell, forun rly ol Marion coun ty, wa discovered stretched out mi tho floor. The fugitive shot of the drunken gamester had entered hi forehead. Hi age wa about 20, ha wa well known in Marion county, Oregon. Yesterday an inquest Was held on I ha body. The mnr- derer was arrested and examined In f..ru Judge Ih rry , and bound over to appear at tha next session of the Circuit Couri, in a bond of (3,000. railing to givo the required bond lit will to day bo taken Into custody Ly the soldier ' Fort l-npwal. i:-Mf. Oa Mill Wt would cU peci at. tendon to the advertisement of Mr. Joseph Watt, in another column. Mr. Watt in. tend t establiah an oil manufactory in gtm, next summer. Tho raising of flax ced will heresAer be certain tnh bus!. he, and we hope the farmer will turn their attention oinewnat In that direction. I'emember that whatever Jo Walt take bold of Lai It mov. Sucrrsi to (he co lerpri. mo nignt wtien a uispuie the dealer and ilj''reli lilin vlson, both drawing their That l'.vnr. John II. Wilier, one of Jr(T' coppei head handmaid in Cali fni liia, lately made a spec, b at I'llaliima, in which Ii couldn't auppr.' the con viction that after alt the n del rnuo might go orerUsrd, end its aiders and abettors North receive from the hands cf some Union President like llutlcr the rrd so richly duo him. I'nder this imprcssiuu, Weller (aid : " A tui if, in lb providence of (Jod, it shot'ld be my destiny to t.rmiiuile my days in a dungeon, I u-k kind fiienda (for I trust I i leave some behind ; lo raise a tuple slab to my memory, and iimribe llirse woril Upon it " Here be lb body of rn American w ho f.irleited his liberty and died in prison, for refusing to aid iu slaughtering nine inil.ion ini-n, women and i hildren, of his own blood, in order lii (five frrrdom to four iiiilliuiis nf the Alricin race." The ll'puhlie suggest tho following epitaph, a being mm h nearer the truth " II ro lis tho body i.f an unwavering Democrat, alio passed In whole life m upholding slavery and hunii'ii cfTicr, and who in Ihn lalter pail llii-leof tried hi d iNt lo gel bioiarjl airrsled fur treason, so that he iinuht become a luarlyr, and only failed iu doing so, because (irucral Wright would ii"l notice dim, II was always willing In give up hi. own bbrrlie, if slavery could be strengthened. Having outlived any chance for (fine, he died uu regretted." Ilrstimrcisi) Jimmy, of th Jlrvinr, trie to divert illhe at tent ion from the brutal exploit of the New York inoh, by pawing away and whining at the grave of lofumt Know-Notliingisiii. Jimmy scrali he the ial back and whine pit. uisy at an empt y sepulchre I In Isn't there, Jimmy, " I'lwJ Vjlij, ti-eu, and ia now one ol thu leader ofyour oa parly. Too Mfcn Wnir-Th inovinj cne of the latu adVay in Oruvdle, iu which one Tim Malony was killed by Jnliii 1'oren with a knife, wa whisky, Welle. Farffo ft Co. Lava bouidit out Itockfellow'a Ksprtsa, nnd will carry expres mailer to all parti of the Hois mln. pitll't Journal. I III III Hill ll.lll.e.l llie I Illl'. ,S. llfil liun.iiu l ol ll.u i'i Jul. mis t) .1 mill llie r. V Hies or s if, I v , but I In- lie, da . oi, thu l.snks an, I lie. .1 ii.ln in, in, ko.l i! a id ttoiiiiilii g coica. Ttteiily live iuj;r.i re Ci tl la i re -le I. I l,i v to- k a. I 1 1, u inoi ey til it ..nil I be lout .1 III tho po. ki s o' llie C l .-ns or in tlie lio.I.es, i.ihI s..e llm . In s' j. w, !r , i v. n lo tho rr ii s on their lingeis. Aug. o.lib. I'p lo this iniiriiin. I'J.'J bi.lnsw.ro burn d ut I.iaieiie. .M.iiy ol lb -ill Wi re -it m . h .Ii-limine, I as to pie Vei't In ogi.il uu i'n. pe uie Iiuii.i I. pasa.n n. two Ii In a pi. ie. i nu I lata ii in e, wild their d. t o' of llie seems llmt occur re. I ill tha streets to d bonoa of the il oui ei tily are aii keiiing aiid ln .nl r.liding. I W copy ids' follow ing item from ihe 1'i.nl.illd Daily 'I iuirs of Friday last; S ai.'i Arc iiir.sr Mr. Samuel Idy. ar.l, a sli p c .rpi nti r in this cilv, ulnlc eiijajird III following In oei up ,ti.. ye lerday afteri.iMin, uiifottunaiely made a mis ik with an ade and rut hi ank'e severely, severing llm sinew ami ii.ll.it iig a painful if in. I dangerous Mound, I.ieuli n nits Hand and Wrscn.lorlT ! reliirned last I'Vrliing fiolil Sti ilaeiHim, W. I , whelliir tiny had been sent by Uu. ti.n. Alvonl, (o participate in a limit luarlial, held to iuveslii,ile ihe ch.irga ol desnrlion fioui the 1'. H. Army, of parties now iu confinement at Fori Sleil.iris.in. The spiro P.r tha new f'rrb)saaW, Church, conn r of Third and Washington strrels, will be faised ill a fuw Hay., It is suly sewn feet high, and. when placed in pomtioii upon tlm lufty tower aliealy rrei led, will bo one hundred and fitly si feel from has. ment lo lop, Tna I.'iniiT Sciiur We i-srn thai an iinlepeiid 'til imbtary compauy is now be ing orgxeicd at Forest (imve in Wa-hiicJ Ion iiui.il. Tin? studi'iil uf Ihe I ie ilio I'liivmaiiy will be drilled In this roinp.niy A Nmur.n run l.awisro. A rorre- spolideiit id n friend of ours, Wiililig fi iim llm Dalles, llh inat , siys; " dpt. Win!.', owner of tliu steamer CiHci'LHii, intends in a few days, tonkin a IrV trip to l,elso, end, if siieces.ful, will coliliuue running r gilarly Ihn balanen of I hit ten. son. XX u liopo i apl, x intu will .iititiI, but we are afnnd I ha water is loo low. Snake and Clearwater fivers ar lowr by SeVrral fed, than ihey have been for Several yrar. Hut dipt. White possesses am Ii iiulomilsbU prrseveraiicn nud (,'- iihrad nliveiies. that lie will neromp ib i' if in tho "power nf llio pin,' fnV. A'J. mKm s aaa Mid Fr iin is, II. 8. Paymaster, ar rived iu last Miind iv's slagn and Oil Moil. day proceeded III l'orl I.niWal to pay oT the troop slaliom-il at that I nl. O ir eitieii Will nodoiibt havo plenty of green back iu a few day. Tho Major lell nil Weudisdsy'a tlage for It low. G'ofJ u Ajt. 'fg- Jn y i!.V h nu: 'I'a M-' I.y I I ts i.f ili a i b is l,i as til l', i on. ei s .1 1. i. tin. in.; hi I Ii,. , ii in, iji it i. ill I'm, I er ,1 ion an I tlie . Ii nn .-a t'm tin ie m )j lit ..ihi l. i ,. tui. s I ii o s-'lno of the n -in re, I i r S at, a to bo n lnol le I u in ll.u t ui. .ii, Willi a! 1 1 is; N anion, with ei-, I, .. i in I ici ..i , suit. , to lio- worda, leiu.'k il : 'Wl.e'i ll.et.eio I. 'on, sa liiili a is sl , I., f t J',.,1 i u,,, (1, M.i, Ion. I! Ii I a', ill latum (mm lr l?roii, lo i iri ul ito in tlie vrma of Iiv in ineii, then, lo.t ... v r I , I then, n ti r a.li.iu I in ne. .Ii i i. uo lie., I inoi em im ipatad by llio I'n ., I, nt's ,i.n 1 1 n ilmn berrlani ed loal.ivery !' W e hid tlio alaiae from one of llio lss. i;.'iit la-mi ii iii ,iiraiitii whose in.m- is Will kuottii to tin. public.'' N . si. Will. am Whitiiig, Solicitor lo lie War Depallllielit, saya in a letter lo 'In' Fie Ill legion, under date of ..,ly mil,: "Thu p .!ii-y of ihn (Sosrrnment is 6ie. and immovable, (.ngreaa lias passed the irrevocable nc's of nn mi ipalion. '1ie Si pieme t'oiirl of the Fniled Slates have ii.iiiiiiiiioii.Iv ie. i, led that, ainco July 31, luil. sir hi Hi been engaged in a territo mil civd vs.ir, and have full belligerent lights against tin inh .bilanls i.f the rbr. bona ili.lrn la. The I'residrlit lias issued procliiuwlion under In hand and Seal Abraham Lincoln take tin backward trp. A man once made Ire by law cannot be aj.'i.iti made a slave. Tlin (iovernment has no power, even if il Lad th will, lo doit. iiitiiM.eiico alone rati re enslave a fireman. Fear not that th Adminis tration will ever liku the back track." Noimi ('anoi.isi. A Nttbern IctUr refer iu the following terias to the current and 'ate report of a reaction of publio gird loth value and m-cessilrwi llie lid I'nion I Keports that llie North Carolina rebela are making overtoil of peace, under ft new scheme of reeoiistriieiion of the I'nion, nre still current ; but ihey emanate not fiom ofTici.il fountain. There is, In fact, no truth lu them, although thert it no km. wnn; how soon the necesiitii of tha Southern Coiife.leracy may requir it to submit to the disjiiirgratiuu of a part of its loiisii'lUtion of States. There j no liarmoiiy existing b.lwern llm Jiir Davit li.ivermnrni and llmt of Col. Vance, the (iovi ri or of Not lb Carolina. The Davit papers iu llm Sini.i ti e wrcliliedly wesk, pin rile, and poverty stricken ; (fiey ire ns coiiieinpiiblfl ii, tho coiiceptiun ns they nr weak iu llm exeiuiinn of en enlirgul idea. (In the i trary, tha Vance paper, such as thai edited by H.ddeii. in Ualamli for instance, are fearless, delimit, inlelli gent, and progressive. They appear in giMid cotulilion, too. Thev look as if tnn of substniieu sualaitird hem, whilo ih oilmrs seem lo bo suppnried only by ihe pap fiirnislied idem by rilten and fori rupt and a fast sinking remnant nf a fac tum id an rphemeral and expiring (Jovrn ineiit. The steam-r llrother Jonllnn, whlrh siilid lasl Wednesday evening Irotn I'ort laud for San Franrivo, carried away th sum ol MVJ in g.,td. Thi I ineon Irovrrlabla evidenrt i.f tho richnest our tastern tain, IT