The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, August 10, 1863, Image 2

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this fir lbs rebel skirmishers eiehanuod
numerous euou with a tin of skirmishers
worn ine itnaj on our sixtrcine left
Repulsed, bot not tU .t.j
lino was reformed and reinforced; end
now, for a second time, came on a force
oeany mi great m at (Jrnt. Oneo
moro, aiso, tne baltcriss threw shells, an
wered by our batteries on tho left, and
alao bjr UUortto of onrt on the extreme
ngns, wmcn at uu timo threw shell at the
positiot, on the eoomy'a centre. Unco
n,ur, me pawed, rapid rattle of our file
Bra broko out, and once moro tho rehel
lino was broken and wont to the richi
the possesion of ttirao roads which run to
the math wan necessary to tbo Southern
army, and those roads oneo in our posses
ion tho position of the Southern army be
camo critical; for should Leo attempt to
rcuro ny any oilier roads than theso wo
should havo a shorter line to any point on
his route, and could consequently hit him
wherever we might choose; while, if he
should light us without those, roads am)
win, ho would win but little moro than a
WAV to COt out. mil it dielsivelir beaten
his defeat would bo very disastrous.
Gen. Meado f who arrived in the nielii
of Wednesday) began from the first to
M-iiiiiirr ssiiiit uMiii r -ill a m Til imiraaniiinmamaiirirw Ti f Ti'ii t
tho tombstones, and recounted their vari- ! nnd force our line hiii, only to he in turn
ous mischances Orderlies came and ' forced buck hr our o n lino id glittwriug
went incessantly, for there (Jens. Howard 'steel.
nnd Steiuwchr had their he.uhjuarler. Al-; Our gallant ooW covered themselves
together tho city ol the dead was a verv i w ith glory ovtf"i.l over again. They
livuly place, toil very soon ,er the nt-f ill- fought a suirior ft-ii in numbers. '1 he
dispositions of the iieniy were veiy rapid,
lor look w,royii would on that field
bodi of rebels mild he ailislii it i.'. ul'
the pursuing bullets of our men.
The enriuij'e of tins n-irvtull among tho
rebels was m fearful lluil uvrn lVdi'itd
soldiers who I e-.l e.l ioi (heir arms ti iiimph
not, a fie r tho foe had retread il beyond
their lire, ns tiny cast their ei es down
ward upon 1 1 pa lorani.i i f death im.1
iveinnls, illuiuiiialiil by the mid
nIiomii upiu t'10 shine In .. re ihein, wi re
depositions wena)iiiiill- rapid, and the i s -en to shudder mul lin n sii keninij mvuv
elieuiy f.iuiid mm th in their i i,uil in mii h I Then the Third and Fifth Cnips joined
cry lire became warm, it was deserted bv
II I . I . 1 I .
nil im) iienerais w nose lieau piarti'rs
were (Here, ami tlio men necessary to hold
the place,
M.nntlmn il.. m.i.l ... fi.. .... t .ft I pi.lulit Veterans i okli s n in! llitnei mul in tlio In-lit. .s the reliels lallieil ..r .111
C,med to become cverv mo, 0 nnd 1 ,1,,"l,,"v.vA- -fff'll sl i l.eti.Su hies instant mid ..1 temple, to .mil.,. ,1 Maud,
moro fierce: Already' tho Third l.ri 1 W"H Mn,,k 1,1 H '' I'"'1'0 "' : ""'-v VVI'"' m,'t 1'-v ",h ''","1"1'''1 '".
had once been driven in .lis.-r.lor fio'n ' ",,J '-nip f-m the field. I he in- :ls tin oaten, .I d. 0 lb. ir columns t,.
..round it Im.l won but mlli.-.l l.v C.. ! J"r.v Kfcal ht moput.ilioii became iV.M' Meiils, lie p.oue In. h eii-u, d is mi
c:..L1.. :.. 1... 1 ".. . e ..' i lecc!ai'v. mul it was tin formed success 1 iar illeled in imv I'll tie in w Inch the Aimv
A'OTiita OKstt- ocr roncnmt BACK.
There is a mysterious fatality connected
with the third time; nnd so, after a lull and
period of comparstire quiet of twenty
Winotet, onward for a third timo camo the
rebels, quite at orderly as before, their
lino of skirmishers firinn as they camo on.
Jn ao great Inrco was this lino that it pom-
! oiv'ippui! the linn fifths First
"" iwo ln;ir mi " 11. iu-iween ! Hard preyed on its wholo line, the
' V" 1 "roqiilto out i.t .. .M,t:.,e. 1 Cemetery 11..I ar.J N-j-.r Loaf lli.l the , Third Corns called for J'.ti.port. and at live
1 r iil . . - 4 . e.'in -re t . - .m ..-..I i..v . ' ...! ..... , . ' 1 -
- " fi-r. " l" . JJ" , J .,. . ' V ' r 1 " I 1 M- ' I'itlli I orps was m;iwM
fjjf (Oregon elrgits,
VV. L. Ad.inis,
MONDAV, .MCl sr o,"isr,:t
Clio A:i!inin of rJcnio-biocdluir '
Tl.a Thing1 Expliiinod in " Scvru L'usy
mavti it 10 i.ivto in .....I. - u . is .
" uis.i-.i 111 9111 II U IUHHI IT R V(H1 111 t Snklsl III Msrvstli I i.i.l .i,',. in ,.,i. I ...
cnablo him to hold theo roads to tho best ward, nnd now held its ulaeo wit!, des...- 1 ,,'",v- 1 l"" , " r " 'C''1-
rato tenncilv ngainst a very heavy force j 1 "tnifgle f.-w hott.T nnd hotter.-- 1 The cneinv qua led LU yews 1,1
for this advance on our left had developed 1 , i?oc,,ml L',"1" V,IU ''" lor j V""'- 'lh," l":,m iV'
that the enemv's h-nvs were in ri.,, j... j ,'n'1 '"""Jth its on posit.011 was stronylv ! bi:t 1 n nben, pul-nd by the Imrror nnd
lorni mo points on winch our lino is dmwii I massed here; nnd when the Third l n i's I w,lri'',t,'md, yet tc lirst diviMou, 101 niei Iv ; lu-mut, ! I upon tlmr Uin-e-., upon their
Cemetery Hill, in the southern edge of, t,mk the initiative, it only precipitated an ! 1'''ick'.llnng ilienielvs into the , breat, 1 p m I'.ie, s. hr;.l.iu; mid
t.10 town; n nameless hill half a 111. le to , ,m.,,,,,r it,., ..,',( .( ,i .. ..: .1. 1 l')'ht with despj atioii. and wfdT a lorn; linin up elape.l h uid-i 111 lukeii ol mi
tho cast of Cemetery Hill, nnd Sugar I.oafi mij-ht otherwise have come when'wo were ' ,,lvstinato csulliet the enemy sb-ly ! render ami npp.ul f-r meicv. (.'. n. Mick
Hill, directly south of Cemetery Hill and ' not ..!! i. r.....;.... ; ' '""I "nllonlv nrl wav. In this liM elinii;e t; u-nett's btiu' i.le Mine .ibivd iilnut
advantage. South of the town the conn-
try is generally biilr: but there aro three
hills that deserve especial mention, as thev
j 1. 10 bri.-i Iti dI' lien. Caldwell, Second , entire, but l!. u 111 It liinin U, by the ni l uf
Ci'l'p.s, am tint ,,(' t'ol, Switcr, (ruin the Iw.i ..f his men, Mieeecdcd, thonli wound'
. .wcrd Fhh V'e"s t
On es'.i . t on. n'v I J lit , f..i
ther to the rtgnt of tha liiiru, ..t.-itxic ,
skirmishers ahead, until the position of
tho aeminsry was reached, when they came
forward with a rush, and occupied a hill
wo had not deemed it worth while tc. hold
after the other rs taken. On als cams
Another line in support behind this, and
oar caralry ou the vxtrcma Kll began to
At this momsnt the field presented a
troa war picture. Across the fields to the
right came tho rebel lino, with colors
which fluttered in tho pleasant breeze; in
the centre were two farmhouses, outhouses,
aod barns in flames, and on the U(t the col
umn of cavalry in retreat, while beyond nil
the ray of the sun best dow u through the
ahowerj clouds and gilded every objoct
with peculiarly golden light, and over
the heavens to the eastward stretched a
magnificent rainbow.
ine position or the Jiurd urps was at
so eas C irj .. IT s s iv m sKve.cyj
j)MMkJ.ori's .! ... 1 liiinori. 1 he i,l
thrown on wrr
I We have in ihinity a scorn or two
of l'i 1 1. 1 ii n who ti 1 11 fitly be .I. hi 1 ibi d iw
the M inn ol 1 lie eiMinl.y, mid will out an
evci-pt mil tin mi Y.ipilunids uf hoeiet y lire
un.l.'l III V indent iidllillel s "I Jill' Palis
and the Siuilhei 11 Colileder u y, T.ike the
gambbii;; Ihuim-h uf lliii il v, nnd I ho 111 11
I w In 1 ileal the 1 .1. ds, os w ell us I lie " 1 upei 1
' in," me e.u'on-. i 1 Mill, of 1 1 1 I'l'lii'lliuii,
I '.M ini 11 Mi-p lower 111 the mh iiiI M'.ile,
j mul eiiil 1 1) ilegi adid spei imi'lis
Jul Ipii'.l.llill w I.O t-li;iro t he " Wanes uf lie
I l.oni " ine the lii -t to e in 1 r a l'i In I
'slices. I lien' In Is are siyiuli. ant. nnd
w ill ut nine mi;
ig Iks eseape.
,ilr hi in;' s ow Iv ceai'il, and . i!i,,t ;!i, re uini in- sunn 1 Iiiiilt
ii of ill'tdii l'l' eulilllliied lor a I iniisj tluit lln. stn 11111 1 of nil III. 1
1 11
nI I.i llu nll,..
W loll:
onr p.....:i was t irrero. ) a tlicr it nun u 1 ene uy, w uu 11 as
irrecular triangle, and its ieculiaritv was I to cet around our lift tl.iuk, mi l so to get
that, practically, it had no rt inks; for in 1 t the Kmnu-ttsburg road, an-l peihaps at ;
.ic. t iAtwciiv- ill.. 111m i-nii .1 ii'i r.iiiT tiitiuin 11 inn iv.-i"tiM-i r r 11. vvn i t. i .....
v. ..i. ....... v ...... . ,.m .- ----p- -- . s, me portions ot tno i ne ov moonii
1 .1... A. .... a ..!. mm 1 1 .i ) ..: ..r ...'..a .m.i .i-ii tit . u .iiiii . .
Otl'llllll HI' lllil IHU VAlll lllV I IL.1'1 114 llll Ullhi.MI.'l V.U'.tlfl.l".l ..i.i.iij
A Q 00 A Timo.
Tim Vnlhiiidighniiiniers 1110 all talking ns
though they wont K"ln to elect 'nllandl(r.
Iinni or Hen Wood President by nnd by,
nnd then their tinui will eoiiie for "crushing
out tho freedom uf tho press." They
seem to liiiuli that bi-eiiu-n' the President
allowed Under, 11 iiine. r.i, In hang Mum
I'oid (or 1.111iiy 10 ten tha American ll.ig
at New Oi'Uilis, Pr.sident(l) Vulliindlg'
ham must get even by hanging mnnn man
bv and bv for niiniimi 1111 tho llair. Mt-
ciiiimi I'lirnside, 11 (mnrr.t, was pi'illlltted
by the ( ioyeriinieul In nire-t thil traitor
Vallaiidigham for doing all that lay In his
power to eaitso men to tlturrt from thn
ai iiiv, President Valland gliiim inn -I, by
and In, urns! nnd luipiisoii souio fulfil
niiiu, who in lime of war tin-uni:ti tn
listmnth. lteenuse this Administration
has, 111 limria liriMt inUnuil wir, up
pressed for a slimt lime 11 lew dirty cop.
pelheail urgntis that Wiin i'uri'iy iyumii
I .. . I. ... 1 1 I... .. I...I.. . ....1.1 r u ... I'.... il-
1 O I O . 1 1 1 .1 . I Oil'. . If I' ll-'H- ' ? ,- ... . ...
muni 1
,,, 1, , J. ll P .1 is -ih.rf-ie, the iibaiiibghaill-
lln.iSWlll. Vp. il llieir lil to lip.
pu s, ii tiwt ;' yiMioiiiii prili f, sn. I
p.ipeis as ini'iMiiiV 'iiti i.ifniil mil l'-irii.'iis
'i.i.'V. Ileeai.-n tins ' A -1 1 1 1 1 1 . i 1 K.i I i.111
the livid, includ ng a great ncmy uf t'le
encmi's dcud and wounded. I vi-it .1
i.iiili. hi.
iiiht and left 1 division of regulars and (nillni s di isioii 1 , , ....,.i ... ..... , ,
would meet 011 the turnpike. Uur line 0: the t ill h I orps went torw him, ami ie- j ( . ft.,-0l j, v ,.f ,10 . iVomi ui
from Cemetery 1 1 ill to ihe right was a fore tho fire hud open-d on t heir '"'. Sl',mi. ,, ., ig nles. I ' l,.,d ' g. .. I ,
rwKy rnige, very uucisiy wooucu; una , some ure swrpi 1 .. .. n . .. u.l.,.,ll ,rm hl. 0 r ,,
ii.,. s ,!c w iiiiuw . I
her, during the early part ol the dav, 1 line, and the right bri ido of the di i-ion ; , , , . , (
- .... 1 .. .1. . ... I ..... ...... I'..... I'.. I I " I
some uciunces w ere rnsirui:ieii iinuei ine , ui rrun. s m 1 1- n - - ; t IV
direction of Gens. Williams and Geary, of j way. No sooner had it done so than the , - M j (), ,;.,,,,., f, ;,;iri, , .1
tho Twelfth Corps, which was posted at fire in front opened, which then c.ime . t -hi. is !!.. s: 1 Inline ut uttiPu
this place. Though many ot thoso who tho rear ot the right nrigaoe, aim tnr.-w u
helped to construct theso defences thought 1 into some confusion; but it was rallied and
that they would, ,ke countless others j went on again, and the line of the two di
amount to very little when tho fight came, j visions drove the enemy bclore it until it
they proved eventually to be ot tho ut 1 had taken the position previously, occupied
most value. by one ot mo enemy s mi ; .... ,..;, i,.s ,,. l,,; ,.,..,
Here a lire was coiuvntratcd on these , T,t, C!Unv n,M) Mtt Jl.ti:.,n lt u ,,,
two divis ons Horn luUeri-s turtner 10 me
rear, and at the same time the enemy was
At once tho I m
ut back
'P: e 11111
ihe disi h r
Clock, I briel I'erio.l, but i Vili ihiSO leleibi r.lliol.s i ..., ii.i ii 1 f Uu. iuii.iI.v.
1 ibv ibid away. ii.ii.iit it. i. 1 . 1n.11 lo.l.lo iinaiiiuntv u(
Gen. M.sii' not dccoivid in no- ! U.e 1l0101d ile;-noli d 10 siipi.n.t ol' the
a w ere j (ieipating iiiio'.IilI' oiisl.uilit, l.ev's cl j ii-ln'lliun, 1. u luiuli .ml In', and one I hit
leete.l n
W 11 bin
Me l to l e. bis whole U i-eo nasngain iea.h -llier, and lb... ll..- t ub re ..I I -lU) , ,, fore (he 1',, cunr. A.W adiiilu-
Hissed ihi'ielly iu our I ui;t, w here the bi il on i id be t bo new 1 I. ill ul seuniulii I ! , . nil
.. I IS I Mlloll II. II. I l I o ..' 1.0 I... niii u niiii.ri in
I-.. i.- '.o.. .1. .. ti!.i::t,tr. 1 '
i I he 1 01111I . l as do lint kti-p one or I110IO
I . .. -I'l . . . . I I
11. -- 1 lie 1 'en. 01 nine piny wi.i
JU--1 as oi' us lin n me bum 111 a slatv. ul
tio...iy o; iii.hI l!..,! - it is eoiml ui Ii
ol I1.1I sin, 11 1 1 I 11 I I l'l . I. Iij. Ll"I I be
Inn. 1 1. 11. mil 1 mm . ' - .'id .'.'.
.1 our Lues eovi rnl most ol uiuns wi-nt ci
Ilia lea I haste.
se. in el to
Cie.tesl unee
I li foi n.e I w ilh ' at unee siij;:;i Ms llie p.i siiiiij t on in.. ( pi 1 in Hed Nl. t'b Ilan to i-lo.e up a few
nil hour w h it : cnite nod 1I.1 mlv u. .ids me woilhv ul , droll.. Is nnd w I. el. .i"is in Wiinbinelou
more o nir.l. I lie a-s.nul
tins time was mude w.tli a liny teii Mir
iii-ii'i;' that uf the first. It would seem
rosiTioNs or oir torcss.
Gen. Steiuwehr occupied Ccmetsry T X a II.
i.:.k i it.. .. k:i. . 1.". f. .1..
su ill w.iiiun'iua mo lunn, 11 it- sutr ui;;i . . , . . ,
, ii- , , p . I reported on Ihcirufl. At once
rsjred on ednesdar, and at the cose of 1 . , .,1 ,
j 1 IiOii.-Ii uur lino of battle was only a mile
1 mid a hill long, yet almo.l every I uttny
In lunginjj 1.1 the Army of tliu Potoniae
was iiioie .r b-t-s erg tgi d, lliei v !. of
! the reserve batteri. s w is I r-1 !ii int..
alone the slope of a hill 011 which ia ceni
ttery. When the first Corps retired to tho
town tho left of tho Lltvonth was uncover
td, and a heavy advance completely on
iU right flank at the sarro time compelled
It to retire, ll affords me pleasure to say
that tbii corps is reported to have fought
well and lost many men. At I was on
our extreme left I did not ice tbt fight of
tha Eleventh Corps.
After our retirement on tho town the
rebel advance was not pressed farther
And so coded a battle that was brought
t la tho most rash manner, yet which was
wall fought against a largely superior
force, and gotten out of at last much bet
ter than wa could have expected.
The rebel force fought by ut was the
corps of Gen. Lwell and that of A. r
which it
. lie
held bv the Eleventh
Corps was plaeeJ so as to hold tvtih
flanks, tbt first division, under Uen. W ii
liams, being on tho extreme right, and the
illf uvaiuuu u. ins i..ii vs.i -i - m I . , , , , , . inutii'ii iiiii..i, nim win. .-..v.
a lino of stone wall southwest of the town, '! d,J f ,Ie '"" ; McaiUy t tho cr.M uf the hid. This h.ll
r irsi nun joeveniu v-'rps sero uosien - , . , 1 ... .
. ... . .. ' , 1 was not part. cularlv prcei ptoiis, lut un
there and a little down tho lino to the , , '., .. ' .. , ....... .., .
, ,, , . , , tlio frnt it w as verv ruueh ami m. kv, nnd
I riling nun leiu nuu mt-io nii-s ii'iii.neu un 1 , . 1 . ,i. 1
nv 1 . .. ' . t .u 1 the crest was coierid with agrowt.iul
Thursday nt the coninionceiner.t of the ...
second battle. On ibo open country to,St,riJ ca '
our left lav tha Second and Th.rJ Corps,' MSAsrnoft tErfis cr t:i fscmt.
and the Fifth was so massed as to fi.l up ; I' :l" li,,,lr l" Kjr? 1 ",M ;'" 1
the third I ne. The Sixth was put near ,' n'vr c"mi f" ;1 Pr,'nt aiw"1 ',!'
to Ihe Fifth when it came up. , w!;c! rebel usually endeavor in ele-
On Cemctcrv Hill wo had tavcra! ! ,:P Srt1 enga-.-meuts tl.e attempt wl. cli
teries. and. indeed, cverv point that could ! ccit.dn'y his m the lirg.-r number u-
possibly command a fire was cro-ned with ,tmc ll, f" crow " v .- ";.
a baiterr; for, in addition to the guns reg- . h 'wever, it met a d.ibreut l..te. 1 wo Ci
nlarly attacked to the cwrps, wo had n ; visions, wl.icli r rosed to bo Andersons
... .'.. ' . .1 ... I Sf I ..I .
the reserve srtillvrv. tho , .eiisi . ivan
wide extent of the fields enclosed within ' rmed for tins great attempt and vn-ue
one linnt sn.l nmmmui'i.... I f-TWArd in the T USUsI til n !. :fu--n t stile
trains eM puked everv where, and it;lh,T ,;aJ M''"'' Sr',,'"' to com-ever,
proved that they were all under Cre. on ! ,,ul on ,,,r.T fvne. our. rocks a., 1 thro,:-!.
in! to l;e..r S' gri.t .111 et. i t lis we il d.
t'ro'ii this they snt.lred 11:1 :n.-...-' , and
spi ci.dly on tit 1' Ii ! nheio can stir wis
largely uul. I be i. ve we b-t im t r t
ry, unless it was two or ti re .1 vi1'!. d
pui es, tho. g!i it wasveiy wil.d li'u! wc
oi l not.
The sii'i of A'l-teio' . no; .11 .re
11. 1 tit'.r ible than that w I,.. !i i- j el ll no" g
its Ol ii l.. s Olir the Ii Id 1 I ll s lo'
thir.l d.iy ol sine, .sful lnt:,-. '1 i.,. i,
tury Wiei by Im':!, Meade i now . .1.'
one tint 1.0 cue in tli...i ".y p. tri.ds
ti ipu-sti.ia tin and .Ii -moral .'it in 1 f
the rebel army iind. rG.u. lee. '1 l.e
I) ttles uf U islnrs.l iv .aid vest, id iV w.-ie
s .Hieii m.'y terrible, bit in tin: hi.k'i las
rag ! today, llie lili'mg iliim', i-;t o: y
by uur troops, I ul by I In s.- of le e's ani y.
w.l. rank 11. Iier.'is!!., in p ru si r in, . m..
msivag? energy w , t!i t:..r. of Wild r !.
1 lie M.sii;nji ul ti! t'.e 1 ee ut 1.1st
iisllllie eii'.ii'" rebel anny 1 1 ... I re-n'v.-d
its. !;' in'o a it'guiti- pull-in Ib'p., i.'.l
bote in i's e..ib . t.10 In. .on 1 the ioIisi omi.
ii'ss i'i.I the t I In. . i in:i,!,' 11 .1-. I In'
last ai d the 1 :i' . 11,' 1 list e n. I I be m i. I.
(..ward retlirving the In I nm s 1 f
armv, or pievei'tieg the inevitable 1 ! 1 s
trace wh'i'll hnvenil over it Yet our
eonl and g I'lnnt pll..!.ll, sii'iilein lis
posit lo. I at. I cot. Ii It 1. 1 HI .1 le nl. l', VV 11!, ,1
w ith a siVi . e only ! r-.'-eu I y ih 0 . . ,.;i
:i 10 if 1 f ;.: t I 1 : V tin- 1 pi .1 h ut the
foe, ,'i'.,l ewi .1 t .s 1 11s, t . s . .ilmlv in .1
1 I I.--Tins is In. I a vv. .1' bet vl cell s. e
ti.i.'.s or races, but an 1; r. p: 1 sili.e 1 o. ll.i t
IhIvvi'iIi I !il mul -l.niv brtiv.i-.i ll.e
i i i in. nt s ul 1 1 1 e gov 1 1 1,111, 1 - I nnd I lie si. I.
st 11,: V e b sii 1 I 11 i!i si nt 1-1,1 ., t n 1 1 n
Mig .11. 1 a bar for let, tiling whisky,
I I. it woil'd be a go".! lone l"l denim r.ttiii
i .i, o s a c. "lid tioll uf thiegi ll.t-y Would
g in i.illy like di '10 Hat thu.r l.,i,.,-
sin t 1 V 1 s W ill ll.
itit't t as un! lit
as e 1 si! 1 ns a
, ,1 ih..'...!,!.. r.
M !y : s !. I. re.
; ci I ii Is tie slnil 1 1
; 1 in- c , !.i' 1 . 1 1 a 1
1 to r .sot;,
en 11. 1 un,
over ll..' I.,
ils.l m.I' :
,'ell.' it li e lo s
0V1T the s'otn s
l,.'s ol I'.tiliVI i'.i !
h.-ap', a 1 I 11
10 d
. id,
(it II '
till s
s lint e 1 v.i'i. lit hi, i v it . a
I ., ". s, an, I ,i, 1 1. 1 I lie I 1 1 , I I m 11
, .1 .O t I-,, i.s'i, , ll, , 1 01 1 , I, ,, -i .,,1, ,
.11 .1 ih g 1 .1.' lot 11 III i i,i I o ui I I ..I ., 1 -I
'.:u - 1 .1 I IV 1 I'll 11 1. 1 11.. ..'. ni. .1 1 its s, 1 . 1 1 v
,n c",u 1 '.nn in i.t s ul i..o,i.i, in I,ii,i,i-,
t, I I l.ll pi os' I lit . II, Vl 1 1 It
I . , .... ... in ,is , I, -.ul. 1 -; mil iii i.'.'i.'
-li ii ,. 1.. ,1 111, 1 t 01 , i n. , I 1, 1 l.i 1 .I
w 1: ii 1 01 is, s. .,, ; ,1 ., i,
ui ,-r vi !.,. !i il ! r I 1;! a-' y
t . ; i:ig Wo ! .'id,
'I io ti. in .1' 1 y .' Pi.i ..
J IVl n-ils'l I I'll. I ,1 .1 s' ....
Ioi w ml l.. a .-' 1 g", .oi l I
s i;rg ,'ilu si. t, 1 t Ii,, i. 1 1.
limn' o- w . - : -e 1. g w . : ,
si 1,1 I 111 i.t
,11, I I 'V, l,
I '
Is a
in ,
lo .1.
' l II I ll,,
, I
I 'Ii
.1 1 :-..t.
1. .
ll .1 I
I I Ul
I'l. I. ,
's 1 ! ' l t l s I , ll
.1 b
-1. . ;
I, o I
, 1 i
b" iv e tr.i 1 s 1. 1 It
V I"
I .r"' g!i 01 I e p .i - s
i nn!...!.. rr tu 1 , 1 r,fS , r 11, : 111c low woi-u'. u.11.1 i.iuu a i.ur utsiaut". . ... . .
1. South of tha town is a high h.ll, on ' "v." V. il,.v I., . ,.k u-hl. nil , ..:i.v tTC"' '' -
actmete'r, and this became the B n . ! iVri ' u ,, tu u , t '. re-luce ..11 his , , r,.,, ;,,t
quartern If .lope to the west wa, B' ' "PP";- ""v rL", ,. s , " . , i. ' vntr:.l d :.. ,- ,-t
fc tha K!rat Rome, and a continua. Pw, anutiici.scxpiouevi ex cry weere, r - b,, -h Is .! .1 ..
j - 11 - - I 1 . 1. . a ...1. i .-! r.s.-i v i. x n .in iiintit itsi n ii,.ist i-. tn . .
bills fmm is tuward the east was ro" iU ''ar"tU i-r"uia 6,r i . . L ... ' . . ... t, ." l w.-re i..-.. Ii en: nt. as t . f". .!. r .. 1 " -'
. white too lemrarjrdiriCt;on. , in-y woa.u nave .'.-i-n ... ....r. su.y .- , . ,,,..,,,, w , p. .. .
.v. 1 v ; .
d iv but one
The v 11 t-'TV w ..s si-, tu ,-.
lory won in t ith. ml 1!
s i,.!i r .11 their i " e; a ..' v
ll Ij'S t!l 111 tl I'M- VI I.. I I
r. a:. oil's lo ar: ... uf', n In
n ir a. t.i .1 .lis sti rs i'i ' I'
it IS li.-.V U. t "S ','! It
vv 1 s a v 1 . -
g Irs-l's -
Vl' 1 t. i t p .'
ive I.t I. "I lb-
" T'.e I 11 .I,. . .. 1, 1 t .. 11
' i - i s, 1 I ' I r V I I . I , I , , 1. I . I . I I "I
I I, ... ti .' I o.l.ll . I . l I, . , 11 1. II.
Ii j l'. .11 III I I.t. 1 V , I I 1 1 . I I o III
ilo .1 1. 11 to I he iv ill mi r 1 1 1 1 , w In 1 e
I .l"U'.t l,ll l' ' V ul.-lr I'Oi-l IM.'.' in
( I.
Citreme left. The TbirJ Corps, which j reason t- beliere. and all iu camp did be
u uitiu nn tii cres: ui w e i.,,;, ucr
After what had taken place on el- , jw 0 lf p.(.,.r , ,1,,. r, ...
resJay, and with the knowledge of the pn ,!Ktf :ut hel l th. ir pi ...... mi l buil. ts
force that hi I come up. there w4s 1 , jt,t ,,. , , M ,r v,
Mm 00 the field just at nightfall, was
massed in the feu re, rtsdy lo be used
whenever occasion 1. tight require. Gen.
Blocom, of the Twelfth Corps, bad assum
ed the command upon his arrival,
sons or OCR 10S.ES.
Major Gen. I!y noils was placing his
eaen when he was fatally wounJcd. and
rging them on to the support of Gen.
BufonL He cried out In Lis entbuissni,
"For God's sake! forwsrJ, my brave boys
forward!" And forward they went
that iron brigade of old C-1. Meredith
which has never fsilcd since tlio wsr be
gan. Jostthn Gen. II ynolds rscvived
his fatal wound, and Mxg over upon
Capt. Wilcox, his aid, wbi was riding be
tide him, be exclaimed, HGi God, Wil
coi.lam killed!" Cspt. Wilcox LJ his
borsa shot under Lira at about the same
time, and wai severe' bruise J by the
ling. Gen. Meredith wr.s badly IruIseJ
t tha fall of his horse, which was killed,
liiiaon, Lieut. Meredith, was wounded in
tha leg by shell. Lieut. Woodward,
aid decamp to ucn. Merccl.lh. was wound
d by a musket ball in the right arm. Gen.
Meredith's brigade writ into the Cght
1,830 strong, and came out with only 019.
Among the killed. wounJrd, and missing
are sixty-ssven officers.
The light brigades of Tonnei?e and Mis
sissippi, under Gn. Archer, were captured
by Gen. Meredith's brigade. Tbo Twen
ty-eigh'.h Mississippi, Cul. ltnf, wss sur
rendered to Col. L)ars( of the S.xtb Wis
consln. Tha eecond division of the First Corps,
conmaoded by rn. Robinson, sulfcred
badly. The first brigade wss cm itiinded
by ling. Gen. Taut, who wss killed, when
CoL Lennard, of the Thirtsclh Mssssch j
aalla, aswamiMl aommaiHl, but ws shortly
wouDUd, and the coinmsnd devolved upon
Col. Uobrt, of tbo Ninety-fourth Nw
Tori. Cien. Baxter, of the asoni bng
sv)e, loat Dearly all bis staff in kilted,
wounded, and prisoners. Gen. Ilubinson,
ommsnditiK thia division, lost mr.t of
Ais ilaff. Us look 2.000 officers and men
Into tha fight and -an report only tight
bubdred and ninety -six hit. They cap
turrd Gen. Evsls, (roaa ten lo fifteen hun
deed prisoriKt, and three flags. Lieut.
Tboost, of Gen. Baiter's staff, wat killed.
rni tw rosmoa aTontrniinn
Gen. Reynolds, it seems moro and more
lear, fought rsly ednedy, and
wery probably sjsinst the wlshi of the
commander of tho army; jet hit battle,
shica lost us msny men, gave 00 full in
forasslionof lha whereabouts of the n
toy's main body, and committed tho sue
any lo tho position north of Gettysburg, or
fswbspt led him to believe that we had
fraaUr force In till front than we then
bssLead sss msde turn fesr to make any
uch coasidsrable movement si would be
tfteraesarj m take up ft new r-o-iiinn in
rtwm-a 01 ibia army. tiiysurgii
the tood roads in tha part of tho country
converge. All tha other roa-ls, except
twose that meet here, art mere ly ways lor
tsie ti of tno hfnghborhoo'j, nsrrow and
ood cut up, and taut rendered) unfit for
tbo movement of an army. Northward
from Gettysburg run fos Is to Hsrrishn'g.
and aoiilhward from it run three cool
t, the principal and bH of whkh Is
the Bailircoro turnpike. For any nwe
WmbI iora'ds its own border, therefo'j
lev. Clicked, liio'.ril, I',1 ..'l. ! bv
lieve, that Thurs-Jay would bo u.hered in,..;.',,,., n ;.,.,, c;., , 1 I , ,. c.: :
... vi ...-.i.e. j'.. u.vr ... . s,if ft.tli, ,-3:ii;n was sca'.t. U'.l
quiet, uowevcr, ar. i oreaki-si was unen , ,;ie j ;.. allJ t!l0 t,iu:tf
!. II
w as ov. r uri the
at ease. .ow an linen itiere were Ilf. wi;l, the vuctnv CMriletely Uatcn
Jl.K,.l. 1...S yv.t. Of.. I .. ..( I , ' I
uwifuisc wcavvii itiu sTi.tTtiti 1'ttv.r.rt Rtri
oun in the trctt o( the town, for el
rt1.l tajpt mrA ifiAW narl s.n 1 tivnar mna a f
mwivj s'ssi ( 1 hi s w.i' .: atiits w m lilt t
Mnmoneofour.d-rhM woiiM send an I -n o ir ! ft. the last v.vije ,-f
experimental stitil towards tr.e enemy s
a Mi.ur attack and i.rr.Tsn.
11 telitT Miitui'.'S alter Ih.; hi-.ivy fl !.(
lines. The enemy throush ail tlus kej.t 1
marvellously shy with his nrtiilcry, and
did not fire a shot, which il wss thought
Indicated that heavy ammunition was
scarce in the rsbel camp.
ilnl ght was gtine, tl.e r.ioon wjss
uiuih cnvil"el incl-iiis tlut it wss
scarcely poss.nly to sic al all. J isl in
th.S intpetietral hi il.nktu'SS thj fi (s 1 f
pickets bi-an a r.s o'i d;r r 1.', and i:i a
l.ttle while wcllc-l into a In si tr cii.tinii
, ... ,
d,.;n.ii tu...!;... ..... .1 . .t. ' 0:1s nro. 1 :i. w..s .-.t i.i r.osi wmre iti.-
'-ii''i IHVl.,.,1. I'.I. W VI UIW I. 1 , , , 11, . . ,
very tilth, was ktown in rciwct toth,- Twe..':!, Coips In 1 hem ,.acl early m
enemy's rnovcrr.en:., but itws, thought to x U: w!',:' ,!'.'; L:,tl:e . .'" "'I
li.rb-art .ns,ln,.t .l .i U ... ,...:.. d.)'lbtf..l on ."ir left a. I -f ll.slsr.fill
... , . .,v - .j.o .. . . 1 , 1 11 ' Y
lilt t.,rr..M n nr ,r,r, -. U vi.- -"TV "Ul OIIC or TJO II.V1 ICM1 sei.l .T l,T.ttn, ,,,. no,, ... ,. . ,
of this additional preparations were mad,' "V; J1? ih-.e left was the f.T(.,.u,.u ,,., ;,. T). t ,j.c U:,.5
. M. ,0 I t I ...tx I . st . . .... 1 ei' " .w ak .
nr. e ; an ;
al I ri 1 1 .le i 4 i!s M (
.i.sp, ration id I. s on.. ,J ,y.
In. a. In 1.1 1:. .ii;i, 1 1, ,r .ir.I'V re;:i
force.'. The r s.-l eS uf the .St!i. . rs
Gen. Se.!r'i. I, un I the J ,v, I'll., (J. n
. 01 ifn, hid r.n I t ,J . 1 i -i 'f, . :
I os;t....s. ,t t,,e ,t.t Iioit . in- t:
were r.-.r.'.-l l.. l ie the Umi
bnr tiiri .i.e and th- I n. . v ! -a , r. 1 I.
1 l.e; i-tv-'g' ''" I "L' m bv 'i .-us ot '. - I
onr tr..ii; s uj . ;. ..nn.- r ll .11 tl,.- 1 -tr.n..'
r il t, whi !. vv i re b f in t!- j ..... ..
i tl if tiiciiiny lit evii 'o.. Ti.. .r
firo was riltirti. .1 by li.e ii I..1., and lb"
light inllii d .r-'y L.i-iine :.' l'i '.I
nearly ito"ii tl,r l.:.i:l. i.g'l w.'l.nitii
ti, but wi ll 10 t.) im, wh.--i
we I'nially i lii.iiti. .1 -s.i,,n uf , r.l' -pi's
t hit rib. I l.-r.-f wh i h I. .1 I I. v til-1 v
I..-I.I Ihnn ft 1 . The I r n,' ll..'.
st.U'krni.j, t nl at ui.p i. . lo was n-tn . I
v ,
p.p n ..
"t (i 1:
ii-riili r
I, IS 1
ill 111" i
! In
I' ..f
'. is n
..I l!
"!.. t.!
a' it i-
.I. i
e i.'. .
i..i M.
ul the t'.
I 1 f l' V
.1.1. I
il.'l i i-! 1
r I
e I,
t .r
I (
1 Vl. .,-:.',.!
a j 1 t 1 -' 1
1 ' - . 1 '
, . 1 ' .,
,"i. t'.,' .-'-1
1, r 1 I ti 1 , .
i'l fir i. i.
1 I,, t
v 1 . s. .. r.
I ' H is 1 s iif 1 1 I'll lit ssiii 1 ( ) 1 sev-
I la I oee.l .1" liH, fi'i'i li 1 1 V , I .' 1 1 1 Ii'IsmII his
I I son in ill." I'l ;;!ish I' ll ll i.llelil dl nnstiT
i-oi..l.inl in id,, bv lib I v o 1 j 1 1 1 . .. rs n
lb it e-.i en. ii.;.;.; al 1 il 0..1 1 i.'i-s by
A 111. Le nt .ins,,. 1 1 j It is . ir .. 1 l .b'
,1 0.1 ( ioi 1 nn, i.t il,,,i it nil'i
,, nnd 1. d I, l .1 'I sn.i'.-i J pur
,..s.- Iii i.i 11 li .t 11 sit 1. i!y n,;l.l In n.iv-il
11 I ...I, r . ii .in d .ll . " It. (Im lll.h f
.I.i it It - st . 111..I 1 a( it ei .1 1. . s 1. 1 i-i
tlio ,1 1 . I .,'ii', v.. I ..--.., I I! it 'l
V . I "I'l I f.u.i.u ,1 the .' .lie. lb.
. I lie ll is l'. . I ... I bV t'l ' A " 'i- t
I i--1 . 1 I 1. I,' .'li ill 1. lit
;-l 11 I. I" j '-I I- ll it s, 111 i-i. mi I t'
. Is ll .1 I , ... , , I. e l! i
r lit1 1 l. 1 c V an A r V it.
I'i 1 ' 11 '. II .1 I i; .... I.' 1 M. I Ih .t, ut
1 . 1. , . . , . of it . j ;.'.( i .. I-, ,. -ii nt,
t l.'-i -.. a i 1 t 1 .' I di l'i" A "i t .. ui
tl -1 . - . tii 1 1 t i 1 ill t di n'.i:- .1
1 ' . . 1. . t . .1 a- , h It," i.-'i' i-v i t v nl
! , .1 0 e . Ii' t . I, 111 1 I - I r in It lily
,i, ' . ti I 1 - it I tim 1. 1 Li-ii.; . .. . r
I I e In i 1 i'. I In 1 l ,1 lull -I, ill l tim
,iit i t 1 1. 1 Am r e ii. i.'i r.i'iivni tn pie
.,.,,-, . . ,i d I, 1 it 1
' 'I
... 1
Vs 1,.
1 1.1 1,
, !
I ,
I .
Ii,- A
I r
; .1 11
1 :i
.'. ;n 1
,: tl."
I 1 1 !
T Ye
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... t l 1 I j I I- s
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,r 1 ,i.i'.'
Is I 1
.1 -v ,i:
tl 1 "!. 1 .
It I.I V I
' ! 11 I ',' r
tntnml KatAVAP tiiinlit .Ami tn l!,at
rection. Dut there were some who thought 'j fi N '-f reg.!.,et,t,-tl.eS.xii.-!b.
thst the movements of the enemy towards ! 'f1'1 0;" l'"."1"1 "'"If""'"1;
our right were made only for show and M! ne u'" 'edt ft,,, ' l""J-:""'". '
distract attention from more important : M ,rf . "M "'",!; ftl"1
Mint; for rich was the nature of thecoun-' J?'n"an,!r!1 1 ?L 7' H' ,, r-";.
try that, bad the enemy really wishr-l to 1 V''- ll',""-h tUv rc,' 7 ! -h!
mas. his forces there, be couhj f have d'.t.e 1 ' fmmand was ... worthy han-N. a-.d
it without making a man visible. t!'"V"r ,r',,.t ;M 1 U IITI .S."U-II l. r. .f- 'IJiU.ll l,
vs. (. n. 4tvtoith si-i t down a f-v
"I t;
.Scleral chuii'i s were ina.l-' 1 v l!ir r .-1 -
els as f.-ii.ts, Ii..- r tr..n;.s f.!,,. L.v k i (. r
tl.e first rush in i n ry p irt ot In.- fi, 1 1. 1 x
.i .t th it h.-l 1 by ..ri.-s iinl.
Ll', alto Kjs sc. 11 la ('..1 r.'tii,i!.. tl,.
infantry and nttl'.-ri d .thcr, a d wh-.
O'.ti ui.riicl a iiiiii.b runs f,r- f t.n turn
TIkii the ei.-' I'vnu i.'
I I,
on our I' It n ntre.
b.'i.n in i.ino-t.
Mititiii'i'ttis four ; l.a'.fi n a'ter Ii .tin v 1
'J It.' Iir.1' b. j:ni- ;i
11, . , .. m , , ,T- niiiiiii'i.'iis .nil : ,a; i fi a pr i ,i;r V S III
Al! day more or less puket had t m,n from tl.e F.rst Crt.s. and Col. Il.uid .. ...v., ... ... . . ,.
f if 1 ' - . . ti.'i )ii''i wild i i 1 n 17 I r ij ,
taken p.ace on our ,fr, and it bersme Ift!n(. f,f tU !.. Ilu,..lrl and Tb.r.y- f fr. , p .,,; .
pretty sharp between two and ihr.-eP. M. ; ,CI,, ,r York, gulnred I-g-thrr s .0 r ' .. f ,,, pl ,, - . ,
Some movements wero in progress Uhind , , 11P tU ro.d. ar, mint oU- I ,,.fI ,., ... Mll, l,n, ",- " ," ,. '
th.sCre, and to develop ils Gen. S.ckles ;,!K.m ,,.,;,. ,(,rir rb.l.i..d H,- fi.-bl : rr i,'..' M. ,, j , ",' ', "
-s vi.kii-.j "".I in ti.'ii works figati sl 1 1. -ri iiiri-iiesi ( oniiiii ; ,!,.,,, . , ,i, ,
lirdCrfS. This advance brought on , The enemv alvsnnd in is.. Inn. n'r (,m ,, f t . I . .' a f f
tl.e5ener.le..gsg.mer: , Utn ,,,,,,, wl, and ,;..,;,., ,. .' I !
........ ...... v.. .... I...,., .im r.v . m w, t, m .,r cnars' ,win 11 in tu.'iny , ... t, .;, ,.,. . . , , , . .. .,
brss, piea-s in batt.ry th, open f,',d, gm all f. ,r . T.r,,. Tl gh I re i l . ''a t l . -
5: "T. Tl:" " 'm.! "f ,,,:t":: c?w (itv' (trnr viL,or 1 r: ; .n . .,i.......e ... i.-f..i .im, n. ,.
v.,-..,..j V...SI..M mm una-ii: w.u.1 n , (!, ,r On ,S ll Olil W SS ColitllllloUS In!
t!i tl .
I.. I ..! nr
in the air. and the men In excellent spirits.
Tbea the enemy's artillery, so bmg s.lenf,
legsn on our left at the pieces in the field.
In turn Our pieces on Cctor-ttry I Ml open
ed on those ol the enemy in the field; oth
er batteries of the enemy nearer Mir cen
tre opened on lb't on C'enetry II. II, and
so il went around ontil our guns on the
northern (ft of the bill tngsgod the ene
my's batteries two miles across the o. en
try, on our right. Th wholo sa!!y in
which Gettysburg lies wss one i'liunrno
network, with tho trace of shells from bat
tery lo bsttsry.
riucli a concenlral'tn of fire on our po
sition tisturslly fieeestitiitid torm move
ment of ambulinrrs and emmo'dtion g
one, and in trti minutes after this rxtn
sive duel befsrt the I'sllimore tuntpikt
wss lined with vehicles in motion towards
safer place. All sorts of shaky f Hows
also improved this opportunity to effect a
sbght "skedaddle," and aoon the column
o( men in motion towards the rar became
more cons'dcrable than Ite column of ve
l.irles. When men once brain lo co car-h
additional shell that upMn in tho air
above them makes them want lo go f is
ter, an I, owing to pteultir constitu
tion of th human animal, stampede
down the Caltimore road was Imminent,
when a lino of men wss established and
every fellow disposed lo retire was fofed
to Ihe front
Uy this shelling the Cemetery Ilill was
cleared. All day It had been occupied by
lines of men, and crops of officers
calhsrtd lgtf,er, inspe'ed h position,
and canvassed the possibilities Msny
men est upn ihe grevc, leanod
thirty minot'S.
I'or Sven hours) witkiml e,ii'.-,,t f-
I Ih'! I.t ioi.: r. c id f tn. bud i!ut f t p....
I tlii ? rf 'I'f.nrtif t Ti. i.ris i'in.s'
5TTv fire was fi in. Ii il.ifi t
A .l.ll. l-l ..... 1. . .
Armyiiiiiiei..iorr,acita, ...-r.. ,ri..j M -"rn,. S..,.! i'. .,,..;,. I. -:.
Ihe ll suff.-red t. rr.bly, l.-.t b-s , 0,im:ir.,, , - ,;,; .-,:.
beaten the enemy 10 thi bardisl fiht il .. .,, - ...
has vet sten ih flrttb.-ry firu n.iitn u d without hi
" " tern. isi'. fir ihr.e I 'i tr, v In ii sml b-ii
AJiOTiira accocscT. h h )(.(( (,ni., r rv,.r ,,,,
, a et- ! n
.Mr. ,M. i,. laoi'M-, another .ew lorn sri..,kn f their (. mi wens, tho n-UI troop
correspondent, thus graphically describes
the battle rf Thursday:
At about 4 oYl.xk I. M . ll.e enemy
nl firl (Oinp'imerits by n salvo of ar
till ry, hi first shells lalbng uneomf rta
bly Itesr (Jetl. Meade's bend.uirler.
From this hour forth lo J o'clm k, occur
red by all fdd thn fiot sanguinary n
gsgefiieht )el r.hroiii. led in thn annals of
tin war, considering il s'.oit duration.
Th artiibry ait vk, wh'rh was mad
by the enemy on tl.e ! ft and tetilr, was
rapidly f.i'l'iid by I bo advanc '.fhis in
f .filry. The Third Corps ree ive. the nt
I.i' k with great coolness. Tin rebels al made fr our fistik, and kept moiing
heavy rolnrniis in that direi.tjon. 'Ibis
neeessilat''d S'lpport, whi'.h was fiu'nkly
given by the I'.ftli (irps tho division of
Gen. Ilirnis being sent to tho right and
that r.f Gen. Ayres, regulars, to the, Ml,
with Gm, Crawford in rew-rve.
The ba'lle how beeaine j iff, r'.ly f ar
ful. The armies ergiged earh other al
very short rang", and lor log hours J
the roar of inul.tlrr was in'eisit.l. I
heard more hoif, ;u J..r eralte, in other
battles, but 1 never siw r r b' srd of su- h
desperate, tenaunus fighdng as took pla'
on this fla'.k. The imxny would ofi'i.
br'ng up sudden'y a heavy column of men,
s I
is. 'lif I.
I. i'i, i . s . ;' i
st .'... -I Ol Ii.
I 1. 1 -;l s; ll-j tl.e N.I
I tip i'l i ' IV lii Ii ,1
ioi' I vv .- Ii- n il 1 1
fi' n oil, it w v, i ft ,- I , .
ii'rf'i!, a .1 i.ur 'v iv i ri
pl.t. Iii I. ., Cm i .. M..d v
. t. I f. th. '. a I i. r.b'v
tr.i. ps in 1 1.,- urst ''.ii "s li,;,,f , mi i,t ii'.; ii
n nt r. inf. Ii lii li's to th" .... .1 , , ,t
i.t pi l.l, lli.t tl.e "Hi lis in In,
ovi I tin- I "Id, vv In ll t'l- s'ioi k i viie ,, m
i In ' I "1 .." I r'i a le I I' ir . i ii vv i !
tli'.'i: " ll in, r tin' ti-iuril, it,..;
101 l.l o I I t ii have liii' 'ilj pinn hit" in
tune" Aid " thu-e C .11... t troops liiil
fist ! ,i- i yi onti l, in. I Hie tup mil in-1 . r
oi, re full ,1. N . l i e In t.'.i-, ' a . " ui , e f r
a ii. no -..', an I imli. i,. .I d the t.b. .
In. all tii ir i .-:,ru.y . A i l lib ii.
i'l l'i, i. .'-I, n i the t-t a1-I r nn.,,.' .it
' lie I r I f 'J.-l I r .' ! ..'!.' 0 l I -' -i;i( I,,.
p. i' I V i I V In Hi I.i' I :ol i' I" I lo- I I I
ut tn I ll l.r I-, il" kt.i A IV ll ll ll ill IV t'l ,.
! ' i o . I I,, .i, . I ti i i- In h . Ml"' In
l.ittl' ii In 'In I ll.i.'.s Hid linn. ,'uit ft
bri.'n!i- iii I he iii in V, s n i ii, r c..t i, -j nn
d't', tha' I. as I ot .,,i.'ht, h in I f.ii,i,l I uu
ur ihriD t un oi r in ihv , ; but l. s. T -ps
ti i ri I. iovi-d t it f i. i ry mi l .r -.
it at W1 III r-n id !, .'It a v'n-'n nnis . i
nil Ih .! im V as i i t .nit i.',., I . e ti e
it Was lie ' il .in', "i.ti i-l inn, Ii ye.
, nius nnd f'". 'J , Ai't.v
of the I'nt'.in ir, tim ( lo'd nnd i I :ini-i.ii, ul
th" I.oyn! , ut ih, bus nl i-t fiiii. I li.t
r n. I., v ' li.ri, I' h is in I-, r i iiti'.ul
w ill. its i ,.iiiii.ii: l,il i.i.i e ib. I,!, i tliitn
1 Mill mlv.ifiCii fiinily nnd sniftly llnHOI lo
1 ih liii.d i.v.'flhio- of rdn l.n. ii mi l In.i
I !,. I.i -! . !.,, .
I ..' I l,,,
! I .'. . . li," " t
I I i id- ' .li .'
I - , -".I : - '.' i.
VI - ' li., r
..- I ..I.t j " '..-, .'
'..' I I- I
..; :
il - I, lie
Siit 1 1 I ! . i r it'
i ii' ! ii i
- ' 1 r
I Ills I ", li.l
I I.
'I I
' 1
I ...' I'.' ..
f I, t il
I . . j ,. It
s l I,, , tto
I . ..
-. I,',,- Villi
lit i.'.r,
I i 'l
r. y. 12,4.;
v . s . I t '!
a. i
it. ...i ... f.
i v
.' ll I I ( !
v n I n.
... I...
I .1 ..' ! i l
; . l !. i m - I
it t ' s I, .hi Si-J do. i I I
ie d. mm... '. i f l'ie
l' ltff,4l
f , .t
I'll it in th.' f .d.iil !
' I II. I l' l' "ll " "'l' l.t'. t'lS
til A . . 1 1 '. . . i .i.i 1 1 1 1 , ..,"1 ; hi ui.
i r in I lie so. 1 1 , a il bi-tf . un ei f. I
i'i? Ad-ioroalin,
'. I'.. t'.il. I, tin s I.i i i. ale I!, i
ih it .'. V ii i' l h .ve i I i 1-1 I.' ii I
" II' I ty . ... .in s'- lad 1. 1 it nl,
Put wi-'iU I, ne i v 1 1 ll,.' I ',
in' i i. i-i n
ii... j..,.,,
:.t '.,',- tl,
' i. t h .
in n I
Mt. l . lo
r, ll I',,
H II ll ill'
Tin- im i'i M
tin. re Int. ,ii
ut I,, r J i. ..Im.
II but V
I' u tl,,- r I ,t urn b" I. S il t I rtif t
llie ttr,. .s.i in' I,, i n tin- n i-in i i, put
ii. ot. i I'i.iI In. i'.i il ilniitv nil ihitjist
' ii I r it .'I i ( 1 1 e I r an p iiimd ..( I In is
t an t. in i'h I I, ! 'o s'i,i ', i '. .nit lie
t.t ' i'i- llie ii .-r .1 inn, ,il llml S .11
l.r I. r ,.i,'.i,..'M an I p. r .'i.iii i.t 1 1 prun.-n t it
ol lb. .i.ti ie-s ul titilli vital go ill
l, -s,
:, !,. I fur'h r pr
,i.,t i.- ti n !i a i,,ri','i' ii,n"ii, tlui
I i.-.i. I 1 1 A-i- ..'u i ib il .1 r. ...r lu it - mid
ill s ti. ii I. f. in dt I.i.Iii Iii aim ltisv iif the
I'l." bl !. I. it. ( 'linn ll tin. Il.i.lisl. rs
a- d 1 1 dr., nn I a. h ss have Ihe . aru nn I
.. s i i. t om i I ll. l ..,....', lie i.i.riiii.jj!y
rill la fi'iili t .bally llie ib'ti.H tno
t .i.i i .Ii i uf ' ni.ti ci il 1. 1. ii,e and I 'l.n' i !
O'i i' i is b I I by il." I'l.-sbjii ri.ui ( li .r. h;
ii tit tie lion !. r . of l,r.i imi In s. i b"S ul
the ( i ... i ii in tiv it,- li i.d nm I int i ri ....r
mi i i. li n I. it uf ti. si and In l.n ', and
l.l nil ... l.i mi. . iii'ui.r tg ' and ai l ono
a. ...I., r in the npi.ropf nits Works uf the
.iii.iisli v; lint the liieiiiln-rs of the one nnd
s ii . 1 1 in I ir
I" li i- , I -'. I .11,,. ii i u ..-in ly ,r
i ul..'. il in Lhiiit n Ti 1 1 iii'i t us it .i ii
u. I'...' In' loii'.li, KiHrr ivi.i.M ),.
In i ll . b i t, d bv uu r f A Inrnli e, li, ijiu
Iv. In I'.n li i .in 1 1 , vihiie llniew.-.v
! II l'H( l.f tin- , r jtl ,,,, u , , oj.j
uf th.' . In.-, Ibu into stou infiih
imif for 11 ii Ian, In r ' 1 ci f..i ( 'o'i', I,, t
Aoi'.ri t!...v ns g I a f.i'.t.iig f r I' e
I ""'11 t it. i.nv s,,t whir i. I e lots j ,e ii1 In r In .i ih .-until . I the. i.m'Iu-s with
II .i. r. bis kIii., Iiu o lb nloiiL'. .1 he i an. l.tMlnrl . n ei eiilionS of fnt!r
The nl. he Ui.'iM I,!,.- dilii'ir ll
ll llii.t In .!! r but u n. ui. e tin i in v r
vsnl, I In. tuii.r'iiii'in Inoke ilouil tl.e
wi-re hurled ng iiost our lines by tin ir ufli-
eers i ii ii Ibo s-ry lre,.d .f who"'
r.,. I .I.....L llin llf..ltliiv lit. It I.
'vii. with tries that I. me iauol '"" ,,.
Ies Ir .'-ps than lh..i wh" a,t ''( ,Nf ,,r. ,.,; , .,. ;lV J,y
e. (Im-ot.s.t I" br.nk with t.rior. Not n j ,(. M m, ,.,, U. G. ll-. -va i.f-.v ,
iiian in tl.e l'edrr-1 Mi.ks f w Uim bis ; j,.,,,,,, j- S'.il.'.l. fi. hi, M M. Ibi- n.
po.itiofi. Notan eye tinned tht ' ,lfl,, ,(ri. ;i.,r, C.i.
or .R in spaii'li ul sfTiir.ty, i of a Intel
Ire i I. led as !l.o long array .f licroi
;'ripn their lull k.'U nl n Charge, ,li'l
wuidd the ordi r to fire.
On and up ratne ihe enemy, limiting.
erovsdilig, showii.f' their Veiy (III in Ih.!
i:, i:. ';;...'-. i. g . -uw. u, ,.i .1...
S. Ill It'id U'. Sii'ice, fir il .'bale Con-
I l.l"l. I I'll t II. I't.f I l.ll,. I ll llll mil lb'
I ad . I A fi b r ..ei nt.d lin t -, mul h is . i. i
led i. d'. I I'll. .., Itsn. lt ii. ne mil I"
I" ib the I'linni Ink t in Onguti-.
J '.'" to Auvinj fiiji.
I'otf.r.. Mr I", I'. I'..sdr w files 1. 1 the
'Vwf, lf"iu 11. .iii'i li f'.h, .Inly "I-I, us
f ..bra s ;
'I In si- nr.' nlionl !p miles fi n
the III on I . ! I! " I it'er, lo. a I . I in a bis' I.
in An."." i ''' ' 1 "'"' '' '""' 1 " lr "'
1 li.i.l.i s liiise pi iii.-.pli an I liirni ol K'iV
; .'.iiiii.'.iI me fi.. I;.. tier own
e . iisris- I ( I'li-ion-d r of ls
Anodes el e i.pteil ! I La jfluri
ous iii s Ironi ihe I.' i .1 mi Ihe liig'il ( thn
Till, when his iilliee was ntln.'kcd by "lni
of li j,' -Mi I I e ii'. r.iis'' uf ih. I p ie.,
nl. I l.e w us ooiii d In . all upon tne tunics
UllliO'l, I" li.Kt' llldl I'lilfU'l I'UI Mil' lil'll lip III III" ill. s, I I I'al.lir,
l...'..siirs lice 's iiy In i.iii.ti t, ' Ihe St .le 1 ul Vhii.I.i'I ml S , Is lu re w i. ll .1 li in I ul
ol I . line-sen and prepare surli liie,ili, s us i utile, W ,.U ll l.e l Ii iviug ! ul.' il 'ie-l. -
are it'1'. s uy In . x n n present .Imu
vetu'ti ol their rug", until within tidily i m ihe nrl f 'i.tierrss. It w is iiioi.osnl
yards of our rannon. A ihe turbulent , thai the riiivci,ii..n should in' t st Ni.-li
iniMofgray tinibirms, of flishiiig l.iyo- nlleon 1st of .Inly.
Ii'ts and glcsmitig eyo, liflid itscf in a - -si s .
Iil leap fvmaf'I fclui' st to Ihe very Ji"Th- I.'i-hiii'.nd Wh;g snvs of
mouths of our gum, a volley of shot, II. t Valhindigbnii, V tod, and lilb'-r I'r.iie
whrnpti"!, And builds went cradling ' ),.n,orrts in lh Norih: ' ll.ry w.n.t
througli it, levelling il ns a srjthe. It to iirostnl Lincoln, me! ou-ht In hue
... . . .... '
ovcrwin lining oriwar.i ruvii was in tne . t l.n tiinxr.' si input by of enty li.iii ii, the
fin I inslanl turind lo tin l.oll iling leap (,,,,,1, derate .Stii.s "
forward of a fe v soldiers inori
j than the rest, tho w ild bo.indlrig lipaards
of more than a few mortally wounded
h'-rocs. and Ih" ueec-!iiig ba'ltiinrd
IkMI'IIUTIoK. Th" itlill.igr.itl'ill lo New
ork riiiiiinucs as Inryn ns i-r. r. 'I l.e
tiutiibcr if in rivals last week w as fi.l.Vl,
1 1 has In. ill ii lii:s ni-t, iii.i j.i dm ii
wl.i.ll I. lings a l.u'li rent. The Gi nil ul
it iokiii'4 wiT, itlnl is iliii'tud'y p 'pul.r
IS I!, li"' t, fo.-ii.. i If . .. -ii I.'.l t ,
is ii.iniog latg Ii, .i. 'l is nl-o sd'iisit. !y
!-' '""I I'"' wai. r did h Imsiltcss ; be
I. is Un- foundation I lid for a Irfig" ('.I I. Ine,
unl mill proper in m w .11 r' ili'
half a l.ii II "HI of ib 'I I .ri. Gi cc ill. ii ks ftic
selling to day nlT'Ms, with Miorj buyers
than si lleis. .
-4. St t I
.. plod dull
- - -
" A Hci'i -h jjr.ii.i, who fiillfi
'loan ibe S ... ...i.i S r j es nt -'nri jlr.j.
r in,. I the,., il, i. l. r I.e. I, is imaf
a pi .on. r ii lt. guaid Imiwul l.'ul.y
V..II. y, iiii.nli.ig ilni onl ri of Gnu, Cm.
.1 in.' s ( '-.init r was shut i-i I'mcr-rt ilia
I the '.'.'I lllliill ., In null ll oncd Me.
N..M.. 'I lie slemliiig n-ei.ri l wluU l".'i.
int was nslei p. it is till, nil wis . line
oil ii"'.iiii.t uf ,ni n grudge,
Mat. 111. d."i' was killed in Phvirvil week by llr. I. II. Ilirns, Thn
only p it In iihiis Ih . I we Imve hem able; lo
(.'..titer are ih.t i..l.i t,.,t at Minis
whiriiipo'i sl.ibbcd Imu to thn
In ai I with n knife.
S'ltga ol Ihe rli.joli dd rcn.i.iu.ler, Mhieli which n.skt-i the f.-if.. bit .Ian' .launary
ealitiinstsd In a scarnp'-r down the slope! I, dll.bN-J, against iliiiit in the same
(Ut waa lo 'Cue ius!nncs retarjed by peiiod ol Inst y:,r.
-Tiiln k M.G tlgan was killed at I'Jac-
To.. i ...-li.s. i:.-ik.iap. x,';' ,1"' t .
nr Mil.. I'lck, .1 phi.," .'.....ili,' Ihepri..,.,rol.o.h ps In
l r .less. vrr..
' . . -t' 1
en I iis n specimen ! if of Inline '. ,i . , - - I in od.i' I f . k"is i . nnd killrd
on hi' fsrin. 'Ihe I 'I.T is proiionni 1 1 bv , at l.r,tir-li i , , , i',,. jl ultuno, ' r
romp, trtit judges ! I. very largo, and uf , A. Ao .. Ilit'nis was int'
fine fiber and l'Jt''lell 'isli'y, .Soi'i i'l. j St Ih. Inn r.j' '.'.t.
X is