LBEM Union luccencs In Louisiana. Gn. Hank. In ccrtifyhff, by hi activity n II military lender, to the fact that lie it tiot ambition Hinrel v (or the reputation o( civilian. Hut having first given hi rc tnarkablo admlnislrstiv ability to tho task of adducing orJer out of chaos, in and oround New Orleans, by tho application of a coda for tho regulation of labor, and production, an noon a it was satisfactorily In operation lio gave hi Mien lion to an Important military expedition haying for III object tho reclamation of tho rich country to lb west of New Orleans, from vrhonco tho rebel havo drawn inostimaule upplies for thoir army, and whoso niimcr out lakeiand bayou afford admit able fa cilitic for harboring their river steamers and for constructing and filling out their ram and gunboat. This section compri ses tho parishes or counties of Terra limine, Lafonrvhr, Assumption, St. Mary's, and St. Martin's, llio wholo being a rich allu vial country, traversed by ttavignblo streams, and abounding in lukes, border ed by rich plantations of sugarcane and Indian corn, nnd tracts of excellent timber, Including livo oak and cypress. It also contain a dense slave population, which (act has probably entered into the calcu lations of ben. li.inks 111 planum;; this expedition. At our last account, previous to those just received, Gnu. li.inks, itfier having concentrated his forces at Berwick's bay, had divided them into two columns, one of which mndo a detour to tho north and west with tho object of flank'ng tho enemy on tho Techo river, at Coiitrvyillo, Frank lin, and New lbrrLj ,'n'.7C two other ii. vision closed in upon them from th' east. By tho arrival of tho Fulton from N. 0. wo have supplementary advice to the 19th Inst, bringing the satifictory intel ligence of tho success of G n. Banks's comprehensive plans. The column unj.r Gen. Banks's immediato command hvl moved along tho Toche river, occupying tho towns ol raltersonviilc, UMitrcvilIo, Franklin, and New Iberia, and entered Vermillionville. At all these points the cnomey wcro met in force and driven out, a large number of their steamers and two gunboats wcro burned and an immense amount of ammunition and stores were destroyed. At Bethel I'laee, near New Iberia, the rebels were strongly entrench ed, and, alter two days' desultory lighting, h desperate engagement seemed imminent but on the 13th thry evacuated their works, leaving behind them two pieces of artillery and largo stores of ammunition and some small arms. They retreated westward toward Vermillionville, whither they were rapidly followed by Gen. Banks, w ho encountered them at Vermillion bavou a short distance east of the village. I fere tha rebels bad posted a force of 1,000 in fantry, with strong batteries of artillery in ambush. As Gen Bai.k advanced fire was opened upon him from the w hole force of the enemy, and for sometime tho battle raged with fury, but resulted finally, after considerable loss on loth sides, in the re treat of the enemy and tho crossing of oar troops. The former retreated toward Opeluras, while Bai.k entered Vermill ionville, and prepared to sdvatc; iinmed'- stely on Opelu.i. w'th U e Xf-ttion of reaching it on the l ight of the 19;b. It was believed that (he enemy would not stop his retreut short of .VcxanJria, which is one hundred mile north west of j Opelusas, where Inry expected to meet reinforcements undr Kirhy Smith, snd would make am t'ler stand. No definite detail are given of hi Iota on either .di but it is known to be large. Meanwhile the co-operating column un .1 il .n C.rnr, ,...n .... .ill wvn. v., v . . . .... i succe.-ilui. iTOcctoii.g up uran.i ijike. aeconipaniod by giinlmat, it n-captured the ram Queen of the West and gunboat Diana, and, landing three miles west of Franklin, was attacked by the enemy, but pushed forward to Irish liend, nr the town of I ranklin, where a desperate fight ensued, the rebsl being lO.OoO strong, and supported by batteries i f artillery in a lorcst of large trees. The battle lasted nearly the entire day. lut nsultel in the ronte and demoralization of the enemy af ter heavy loe on both sides. An im men so amount of ammunition was captured by our troop, together with nearly GOO horses and mule and a large number of brrl cottle. The two column ther. formed a junction, in the vicinity of Frank! n, and pushed forward after the retreating enemy in the direction of Opelasas, as we have already seen. The w hole number of pris oners captured thus fr is about l.oOO. The important result already attained by thiscxicditioT can scarrelv be properly appreciated. The most fertile portion of the State, bordering on the iinlf of Mexico, has been wrested from them ; their con cealed barbrir for the construction and secreting df vesls hit been broken up, and a largo number of steamers already completed or nearly fmiahrd have been destroyed ; their store i.f food, ammuni tion, and hores intended for the reUI army in Mississippi have ben seixcd and their salt mine laken ; and Cnally an en tire section of the State, amounting to nearly one fifth of il who'etcrr.tory, hith erto thought impenetrable and unconquer able, bsslten brought under the authority of tho Federal (ioveriiineiit. Cities the enemy succeeds in arresting the advance of Gen. ISaiik. at Alexandria, still more important results will follow ; thu plan of tbat aide omccr evidently being to (nk the llVd river, at or i.esr llio rapid at Alexandria, some S'X'y or seventy miles from its mouth, and thu cut off frm ihe rebel array at Vkksnurg nod Port Hudson tha suppl es they have derived over il. lie may also be ah'o lo repeat on the Led river, and 01 a much larger scale, the blow at their steamer and gunboat, so surcc.f.i ly administered 'it now on Grand Lake; it long and tortuouj course being the reat hsrlmr of all their vessels intended for tha Misi.s p I, which have hitherto elndrd our gnnlioats by dsrlin? Into It narrow and I. tricalo thantirls. UnU disaster Ufll (Jen. Hanks it would em a if ihi v.t region I about to be torn from the reb.l grrs.o and in. stead of ministering in their cause a it hi done In the past, will become a principal means of reducing their stronghold on the Mississippi, .rough the agi"7 of want, A near A'trttUtr. 1 Mao Sot-ann rao.fciTio. A Myitic Cbpperbeid, who was engigJ lo inlro ducei th Fohnabrl to the citizen t( Mys tic, where he wo lo i.lre a treasonable meeting, went into German storo and asked the proper pronunciation of tho lorv'a name. T!i (Ja-rman who Is a sound Vnfon man, rrpliedl "Not tho (Jermnn bronunciation, bat v. I give you drn llion in Fgli'h. It vo a dot cni'tcmp- libla ropprrbrs'lcd traitor anl rew" Tb committeeman left, remsrkinff that iigroUm appeared to be adrsnring Inrffor i . The Policy of War. Tho following arc extracts from the in structions for tho government of the armies of the United Slates in the field, issued Irom tho Adjutant Genera!' oflico in Washington, April 24lh, I8rt3 : War is not carried on bv arms alone. It is lawful to starve tho hostilo belliger ent, armed or unarmed, so mat it leads to the speedy subjection ol the enrmv. When tho commander of a besieged place cxprlls tho non-combatants in order to lessen the number of those who cuusumo his stock of provision, it is lawful, though an extremis measure, to drive them back, so ss to hasten on the surrender. Commanders, whenever admissible, in form tho enemy of their intention to bom. bard n place, so that the non combatants and especially tho women and children may bo removed beloro tlio tiomuardmeni v... :. :.,r......t:. ..r.i,.. commences, liut 11 is no iniraciion 01 1110 common law of war to omit to thus inform tho enemy. Surprise may be arccov'i y. It is no longer considered lawful on the contrary, it is held to bo a serious breach of tho law of war to force the sub jects of tho enemy into the service of the victorious government, except tho latter hhould proclaim, after a fair and complete conquest of the hostile country or district, that it is resolved to keep the country, dis trict or pluco permanently as its own, or make it a portion ol its own country. Tho United States acknowledge and protect, in hostile countries occupied by J.them,se4vW?n and molality ; strictly pri vate property ; mo persons 01 iimaoii onts, especially those of women ; and the saeredness of domestic relations. Offen ces to the contrary will be rigorously pun ished. Private property, unless forfeited by crimes or by offences of the owner, can be seised only by way of military necessi ty, for the support or other benefit of the army of the United States. If the owner has iiot fled, tho commanding officer w ill causo receipts to bo given, which may servo tho spoliated owner to obtain indem nity. Slavery, complicating and confounding the ideas ol property, (that is of a thing,) and of personality (that is of humanity,) exists according to municipal or local law ...' Hli.. lain- nrilfltnrA mul ntioti llic never acknowledged it. The digest of the j p llt' ' W lll' l Roman law enacts the earlv dictum of tho P?" i0 bf rPJ b.v . ,l,e inrist. that so far as 'the law of na- I nnss.oners, unless otherwise dcs.gnated by lure is concerned, all men are eoual. Fu- ! gitive escaping from .1 country in which "r"- ' . 5"n" " ihev were slave,. vilUin, or' serfs, int0 taken possess,,.,, of the plantation, as n.any another countrv, have for centuries past nrgris o average quality as he may dc been held Iree 'and acknowledged free by 'f "y be tumrJ over to htm upon the .-; 1 . r v :.. ,.- : UllKl.ll OOCisioiis w i,uiupriiii iruuiiuies, 1 ... .l .1. :..:.i i.. ..r .l. I even inouzo mo muuio .i iua 01 mc , countrr in hieh the tljva had taken ref- I uge acknowledged slavery within its own dominions. Therefore, in a war between the United States and a belligerent which admits of slavery, if a person held in bondage by that belligerent be captured by 01 corneas a fugitive under the protection of the mil itary force of the United State, snch per son become entitled to the rights of a Iree .. . , f would amount to enslaving a free person, and neither tho United Stales nor any offi- eer under their an.horitv. can enclave any mail. U rikuill aui;il iti'U nil.. i..ri human being, Moreover, a person ., mA fr l.v the 1.1W of war is under the I shield of the' Uw of nations, and the Cr- 1 mer owner or State can have br the law I ..r . :.:., i.i:;..t r.n .. rl.lm I . o( service. All wanton violence committeJ against j ... ... i.i . ....... .il .1.....,, ricro is III l lie in . aiiiu i.iuuu ..imu.-iiiiiv.- der penalty of death, or such other severe . . ...: f....n r,,.. i.ri!a- liivj i ,i,.i-. . ..j -v .--.-v on the wt by such superior, Deserter from the Ann rican army, hav- ... .t i9 ing rniereo tne service 01 meencmv, .uiier death if they fall again in!o the hand 0fj il.. Pnltod States, whether bv rantur. or I being delivered op to the American army; and if a deserter from the tncmv, having " . . i taken service in the army of the I nito.J State, i captured by Hi tnemy, and pun ... . i ished by them with death or othrra ie, it j i not a breaeh agaiutt the law and u.a- j get of war requiring rcdres nr retaliation. ; A p riwincr of wsr is a pablie enemy j armed or at'athcd to the hostile army for active aid, who ha fallen into the hand j of the captor, either fijhting or woundrd, ' on the fi.'ld or in the, by itnbn.l- j ual surrender or by catf tulatmn. AH sol dier, of whatever sp'cies of arm; all men who belong to the rising tn matit of the hostilo country ; all tho w ho are a Uched lo the army lor it clfioiency nnd ; nroinote directly the objct of th war, ex- cept such a are hereinafter provide, for; j all duabted man or olliccn on the field or elsewhere if captured ; all enetni' who have thrown awsy their arm and ak for ijuarter. arc priv.ner of wsr an 1 a such exposed to the inconvet.irnce as well si en tilled lo the privilege cf a prisoner of war. aiia Tho iVesidcnt hsl issued (he wllowing ptoclamation : ar mi rarsinivr cr tub 1 sited sth (if AMEIIICA. A I'toclamation Where, by the art of fAingre approv ed tho 3lt d,y f.f Irectniber last, the Suto of West Virginia wa der Ured bo one of Ihe Lnit'd Siati of Amerira, and wa admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the original Stair in all respeel whatever, upon Ihe condition that certain change should be d ily Undo in Iho prop- Cuiiatittitioti lr that .Stale ; And wh-rei pruif of a compliance with that condition, a rt-iniied by ll.o Second section of tho act aforesaid, ha been submitted lo me : Now, therefore, bo it known, I. Abraham Lincoln, ('resident of Iho 1'i.ilfd States, do hereby, in pursn .f the art of Congrc foreii, dvlro and pro claim that (he Said art hall ta'ao f ff-.c t snd ho in force from and after six'y d.iyi fiom the date hereof. In witnen whereof I l.svo hereunti irt my hand and rued ihe seal of the United State to be sffixed. Iono at llm city iif W aalniiCi'in, lint twentieth day of April, in the cr of our Ird one tlioiiin eight hnndred ind sixty three, and of Iho In lu pendcn'.t of the United State the eighty sfuntn. l.oa or property Bo corxmanucjl ,y t tie ; - km , c Wh iT authorized cllicer. ,! robbery T'' ! pC monih : for children b-twe.,. li.e 'ace , Mdiurj C.,,.,.,si,) f..r the l,i.,l of .1, sackm!!. even after takini a pl-e by main i I'" '". ., , .... , ., i . ,, , ,, ,. -. . - , .,, cii l'J anl lj. na I rrice. i unarm n.irr t.niti-i i . .i.mi.ii.-iiiih ai i.pi.j fo, .11 rape wounding nuimingo of shill not be ...ed a (i.M ! c Vi.uteJ and l,,, p.r ..lie,,,,, ( tu in: ui ui-ii iiniiiuiiHiiv, mi .'.it wo. v. to runiaiiniena as umi Hi'iti nuciiu.-iic nn mo i , . . ,. L .u - .r' s .J.i;-. i rroiluct i f the plantation, m beu of orp.iate, in the act of committing such vi-1 ! ' fti 'f p f h'?,e( " j i : : rouiiili ofcotton. and le per bushel o OiCnce, uisvirry ing a pulivi tor uioci.iij; nun ji . - Iua Aursmax Lismt!!. iy the I'rcsiJtnt 1 U ilbam II. Reward, SrVy of5r.i'e. rian for Employing JYcgrccs. Tho follow ing is the President's plan, as announced by Adjutant General Thom as, for employing negroes on abandoned plantations : first: Tho Government of the United States, in order to secure tho safety of commerce and navigation on tho Missis sippi, have determined to locate on or near i'S beach a loyal population, who will pro tcct instead of destroying as is now done the freedom of commercial intercourse 011 this great inland sea. That this policy may tho more speedily receive its initia tion, Oeorgo B. Field, dipt. A. F Shickle, und tho Kcv. 1). S. I.ivermore are hereby appointed commissioners, whose duty it shall bo to superintend tho lotting of plan tations to persons of proper character and qualifications, nnd to soo that the mutual obligations between tho negroes and their cm lovers or superintendents shall be faithfully performed to attend in some measure to their moral nnd intellectual wants, und generally to carry out the pol icy of the Government regarding negroes that are to be put to agricultural pursuits. StcoHil, It being deemed the best policy as far ss passible to make tho employ ment and subsistence of negroes a matter to be left to private enterprise, plantation will bo placed in possession of such per sons as the commissioners shall deem of ! good character and pecuniary rcpousihili. tv. and in hen ol rent a tax win no coned ed upon the product ol tho land, payable to such agents as tlio I reasurv t'onnrtyn shall designate, care betfitrtfil o sec iient i secure as f ir as possible the just rights of tho cm plovers and employed : in all cases the no- gross will befurnished with enough clothing for comfort in advance of their earnings, in consequence of their extreme) destitution. nnd in no case will negroes be subjected a, f..i.t..r.t niini.)im.,lit lit- til.) I:lih III- rll ll. cr cruel and unusual modes. Third. Upon the occupancy of planta- tions inspectors w ill visit each plantation and take an inventory of all the property upon tho estate. Crops yet ungalhcred ill be turned over to be gathered bv the leseo upon such terms as shall secure to the Government it fair share, while all movable property, grain &c. w ill be taken possession of by the Government, or sold lo the lessee, if he so desire, ut their an- I ....I.... .,.l,1. tT iIia nr. llltlll ll lll.Ul, '.l,ll.'IV w ... ..... ". - the Government. fourth. After the shall have oritcr ci me commisMouers, tue lessee en . . , , . i .1 terms into bonds to emplov thorn tint 1 - , .. no ,lrsl 01 "ri . ' and to feed, clothe, and treat humanely all tho negroes thus turned over, the clothing to be deduct ed from their wages, and to bo furnished at cost. fifth. If it shall be found impracticable, in conseqnence of the lateness of tho sea son, lo find persons of sufficient chaiacti r and responsibility to gie employment to all the negroes coming wittnn tne lines ot the irtav. the commissioners msv appoint .1. 1 1. . 1 siirerinieitueuis. 1 n.u-r wiium piii.-i.i-.miii i '"t'l iu.uu i , ' . . I f r cu,l,tate,,,,r lh l T '' ! of the Government, ..r nay ie ; .. " " ' V meir jiiugmeni sua., uo "i-i .. . ,! 1 , TO- ..."I? V " ' r"!"." aj"J" ,J ""l",: . 1 Le lili susininii'i; nun, n"a ' tnare uron in VJU.VI..IIOIO. i . . ' ., ., . ,, . . .iw'Py: " ' I he at l.iliowr : for amc iHHieu riirn er ! year hands, and families must be kept togrthr nn the rent. f 100 on corn i . . . . ami tmiaroe, c;....,i in.:i. .,:!;!., ,-.i.;,. -:tl not b guaranlefd A-r the anfety of person engaged in cu'livsting the il, yet ll troop will Le rrqu:rc.i to g,e pro.cct.on ' " ,ie 3"" llll0"t "'J1 to service, ond it i confidently Ix-beved '.hat " mii.ury organ.wi.on m ...c n.-RnN. u .11 It.b.I tl.A r.i rvt Ast ait l. a. Ana - aeu .... . .i - .. . "." y -...j Eighth. Commindi-rs of the Army will render the smh military'rinr as msv be necemrv. withoul injury lo the sen ice, for the execution i.f i their'duiief. The commissionrr wi I re- j rx-art their pro'eeiJir gs to the Secretary of War every to we-!!. (iiveii under my hand t Miliken' I'.-n !, laoiiiaiana. April I VI, by authority of instruction from th Seirriarv . S'r. It. Tiious. A'ljiii.iiit (i fu-r.-il. - - an a ... . 1'iTTr.n Uoor t'o. sTar. Wo bid an with Major John Owens, from TortOw- inu ri-.iii K .writ raauoii on . in.ii n-a , ens on-l tho Hitter Iiot country. lie rnk in glowing term of that fmrtion of the Territory of Malm, ami sais thi lime will soon arriro when that will be the moat Ihiikly -tt!ed part i.f the Territory . lie J they have thoiitand . acre r.f the finest arable land ever rutlivated, and g'Xrd pay Ing mitie as ha cier bien dieovre 1 exiat in their midst. T he em igration the coming season will find it wy in ll.'rte rich valley, and oi town and citi' will spring up oil over the conn try. ilo' lint some thni bun. drd ihonaand d.jllar in (but wa shipim dwn llm M."'niri I'iSl Iiu', A imtliT year wiil loiiih .1 nil by tho many' that nr bound lo enaije, Th citizen of l.ig ll'ilr, lb-aver IT-ad. I)r.r laodgoatid I'anno'k C.'y have raitr d a largo fund, and parti" era rtamini, g ihi country fit ihe ptirpoe of ip.,iii.g wagon road to tho moat eligible: point (or lb immigration lo com into the territory. Other pail!' are surveying th river that flow into the eouniry for the purpn of navigating them, if practicable, and Ihe band of entr-rpriifl seem to bo p'linleij ward snd upward by th new sillier r,f Ibat perlion ofatr new territory. The minr are oxicnttve, and (he propcr( are that it will prove 0:1c of iho ri, h"t psrUol tho coiinfry. The rouin lo l'iVt Owen wiil probably bo rid I,lk City hrafirr, iiitead of the roiilo ri'1 tho Miaaion. A parly will proceed from Oro F,no th sa son to examine the country for a new rosd lo Fort Owen from that place, ll would prove iho mot direct route, a I'ort Ui. rn is nhont rlgfj enat from Irtjwiafon, a from Oro riiio, and Ihe diatanre, in a di rect linn, I t.ol over ISO mile from !,cw. iston. ('illtit An: a a aa . . X'iI" V.rior Jingo daa wmien aing cdy, of which John I'rivrn I Iho br ro The ol I martyr oul ia " msrehing on," with song am drjma to pr:rv hi mcmorr. i i". vAiM At ita a a ruT riwuini : lor ntno- i l i-, n.c ri-itu nt ii cii ua ihh nt rrii 1 . l ... .1 .. - T , t . A ratriotio Judgo. Judge 1-esviit, ol tho U. S. District Court, sitting at Cincinnati, to whom ap plication was made for n writ of kaboii roru$ to tko Vallandighnm out of tho hands of the military authorities, refused to grant tho writ, assigning the following run mm. We have seen it stated thai tho Judge was a democrat and a ersonal friend of tho prisoner. Tho Judge said 1 " Under the appointment of the Piesl dent, Gn. Burusulo assumed the comiiiand of this department. That ho was a limit eminently lilted for the position there is no room (or n doubt. He had achieved during hi- brict military career a national reputation as 11 wise, discreet, patriotic nnd bravo General, lie not only enjoyed tho lonlitlenee and respect of the Presi dent mid Secretary of War, but of the wholo country, lie had nobly laid his party preference and predilections upon the altar or Ins country, ninl consecrated his life to her service. It was known that the widely extended department, with the military supervision if which ho was charged, was 0110 of great importance, nnd demanded great vigilance mid ability in tho administration of its military com em. Kentucky was it bonier Statu, in which tin re was a large clement of disaffection toward the National Government, nnd sympathy with those in rebellion against it. Formidable invasions have been nt tempted, and now threatened. Four jOitates lyve jijjur bj.rdgi iire "in etiiiil danger ol invasion. In Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, a class ol miicli:coii politicians had succeeded 111 poisoning the I niinJs of a onion if the community with the ranked feelings of dioTiiltv, Artful . politicians, disguising their Intent treason under iioiiow pretensions ol dootiou to ! lilO 1 lliotl. U'.'r.l Kl T I V ill I til il iam, Ill ilia! ! J their pestilent heresies among the inases i of the people. Tho evil was one of alarm ing magnitude, and threatened seriously to impede the military oprrntions of the Government, and greatly to prod set !ie suppression of the rebellion. Gm. Ibirn- . side wus not slow to perceive the dui ger Otis consequences likely to rcvii I t r. tn these dislo ul ell'.'its, and resolved, it pos hible, to supprco them. In the c.crci-e uf bis lie issued ,l:e order No. oS which has been brought to the notice i f (he Court. I .shall not conniiuit on that order, tir say anything more in vindication of its rXKilienc. I rcler to il only be cause Gin. litiMisidc, in his iniiiilv and ' Mtrintic coiiiiniiuiciitioii tn the Coin t, has I ataled fully his nn tn es und reason for is ! suing it, and also thai it was lor its sup ! posed iolnt ion that ho ordered the arrest , ut ValUndigli.ini. He liasiloiiij iliisui.iler 1 his rtspousiliility a the commanding lien of this department, and in aicoidaucc j with what lie up posed the power vi sled in him by the nppointinciit of the I'n-.i ! dent, ll was virtually the act ol the Kxeculiie I -p.rtnicti t under the power j vestcJ in the President by I ho Constitu. : lion, and I am unable to perceive on what prmcipio this judicial triliimal run I n in I oked to annul or reverse iL In thrjn. le nient ol the comiiiauiling (i.-nrral, the t emergency rrquin-j it, ninl wli.tlirr lie aete l wiselr or iliscreetly is not itoih rlv i su'.jeei ior jiniiciai review, i; is woruiy ol remark lure that this arrest was 1,1.1 i.i.nle Ii) Gen I'iutii.i.U under any claim or pietuoaiou 1 1. at he had authoiily to tl.a-po-e of or'i the party arreted, ae cording to Ins own will, without trial an I proof o( the fa ts alleged a the ground ..r the arreat, but w.tli a view to an in veatigalion by a mil.iary co.t or .0,., .nission. fciul, an invfiig nm his taken case, l not a qiiestion before llii Court, There is clearly i,.i authority in th I out t mi the peiidu g motion Id rie or reier-e Ihe proceeding ul the M I tary Coinniia ion, if they wito before tint Court The wile qucat.utl II, nl.e h r tha airt Ha legal ; and Im f.iie reuiarki-d, lis leg iltly lb pend on the i.o.i if y nlinh ex tied (r nuking it ; and of that li e a-it, fur tin; reati slate I, th Com I rM ol ju Ii cuilly oVieniiiiie. Gen. I!un i.. i un fjt.i tioiialily ainernible In the iliicntiv 1), I artluri t for ii cm duel. If lie ha aeted arbitrarily and u oa lent na- non, it ia within I hi power, ami won!) b the duty of tin I't t ii'cnf, not ui't In annul I1.1 act-, but tn him wuh ''' mark of hi disapprobation, ihe I'r.sidenf, in Ins i ip.ic.ty of lo III rl in-Chief nf ihe army, ) rnnat answer for lo official eon In. t. Hut under nur Con a. itulmli, whii.l, atii-lmiialy tn k 10 kei p ll.O eXict. ve, b-giiinlivp, ai d jud.eial d.. piirtme, t id tint (ioirrtimi tit Irom all in Ii rference and coiiflu I w ith t nch othir, it would bo an ii,..irriital,le ct-irie of the iiolti-ial r.i.rp fu .I, r-.ilrt lit .1 i...l,i,.ia i,ralirh r ll, I , ,.,, .,, IT I Ita li.L'll reafiOlltilii itn-a. tiolati-il I lie ! Cousiitotio,. letter or il si.iril by ! authorizing Iho nrret in rpn ainu,. h-p,-. , i-inlly in tliewi troulih toii.e linn, whin I ihr! national ia ir, pi r il. and whu union ; . 1 r, il...lir -..I.-. 1 . at, I harmony au.-iig il,, e-.t bra .. h- of Ihe Gover r,r... ,,t nr. to bi.( rutin y ,b ! r.ii.ndrd, suc'i liit if iene wmiM fn,i no cnicor"iioii. If tin ilntrneia to obtain that en ry 01c ihargr-d with mil guilty of net of iniai hievou dsloi.i'iy, Hot wilhiir tho tcopn of the riiiiniiil Uwa of tho land, in main ly umbr niilitary au thority, i lo be tut fire by Comii or JiJ li on hahi-a (orpi.a, il rrrpir tl'i lo prove llmt tint in at ilnrn, ii g 'in fli..t rnit folio, and iho power 1 1 tho Government l.o moat i-rioualy in. paired. I dare not, In my judii i,il po-iiion, i)inO IhO leal Inl reapo,4iln!iy i.j..i'. ill tho sanrtiofi id tinh a rbx trine." I.tntL IOtun 11 Tin Lat llainr.. Th Sacramento Union t,f May IClh y: I.ii.hmorid Kliinal ihir l'i ir rniril baltli or, tho l.apph.inf,o'k at '.riirty six tier cenl. of their alnlo force. A letter from a rebel Major, now n riaon. er in our l.ndi, statid that lyi had about 70KK ncn rngf,gd. According tM he rebol admiion,th'n, raorn limn orm third ol thi army wa other wound ed or captured. 1 hi i even beyond Hooker' eslimalo .f Iheir Ins. Thn di'Hih ofSlorinwall Jai koi, wa cpnl to the lo of at le t f, ihouiid men. Tur.r Do'r f'liss.n tub .Soimra When Iho troop of G"t,, llurni lo wera marrhing through iho siri cl of Cim iiitmli tha othsr dny, they p,aa,,,j i,, m whrre tho Ijcm'ieraliri conyention in 'sion, And dot shout or tho waving of a hand kerrhief, or even a fiiwully undo greeted the brava fellow who wire going under the star and strip? lo rint the rebel. All wis silent and sid'cnc in tho cop. . . a a ' .1 t . J t . a perhrad 1 ( tor tlio A in m. Musings. It It llm qiiii'l hour ul ce, Wlii'll wnilila iniainii nrriil lour, Ami liinev aliivra tit liav lire war, Ami in llieir ninl. I appar. O, Itirr m vlainna Hitlinu tv, al inir attfiil In nil a, nil, ilklllit llll'IIIIM il'S uf til (Mill, Till tin. Ma i. f,'( luiu lull, Tlii'V wtiiapri' uf Hid trio. itmi lir, til linpra Willi llnni lliul lint, Ami of ill liillillv I'lirliallril joy 4 ,Tlit tiliMiHit'tl, ami iln'ii tttMiiilaul. l.ik nillr. I ittrniiia o vesper sunn Kuril m wl wln-pri tln-ilN linn Iii'mI, Kor II Iihi liaiti Hi .ir ml n lla, Ami llm 'liiia hwv it. pail. TliriVa mil. u' in llu lliiwetela Whirl, Idooin iiIoiik in v n nr, Tliul tiiila mo lu ll iIii iii ui I ) - Tliev Ion iiil liulr wy. Itirli nre tlio Iiiiii'i u. I lim r ilirsnicil tlf miiii'lie rlmiis alrnvr Wliru ( In- uiilVli.'i M fiiiiri romnnl 'Mul IIioko noilils ol lt;lit nml lout. I'miii out llio limloii a Irl inn or, llivnk, letioml. Unit tiiiiil mo lu'ir, For I iiiu-i sM-iik llni viioni tiii(l 1 Whu'li I lei'l now linger uenr. ThfV lnvloii in In folloiv llirnt Tospiii-t- nml iirui'i'dit nTtiict-, lirir noiilil m.iv niiimn'li, Ami nioii mars I In' soul no iimrr. .a mist. J f" Our tioir are Inilililrn , born w illi brenlli, ml limlo'ii Willi ii nijilv OiTf,M)n (lly AdvorlisonuMits. ilicc! MMIK Ulnlrri;iiiil Inn inu iineluiMi llir.liik, f, i r l Ae, or tits ii;h.ii.x i in n.Ki.iu, ornirrli unrtiril on In' Mr, !' I'liHiinun, twu l.i nil I lie lillrimon ul lis fniini r oln.ii 10 I lit- I'.n't lluil lliry inlrml In rain on the liiwm w mi a to kTi on hnml rry llnny in II. r way of Fnmilv (r()(' ri(s for low a mul i-miiili y. Tli nllnilioii of at.-am-tmal im i.irli, nlarly e.itlril, riery lliiii in onr line mil tie ii'lii. l imxinnlilii rati . A line ttvM'ltniriil of I.IC.H UKS alwaia mi liaml. Tli liigln-al rll incra n..l for country 'lu ilnee. l.rj;ol 'I'oml. r Nolra tiikrii ill and i il out al llo ir ui.nkrl mini. i iii Di r a i:n. w. ,v J. I., tii-on I'iiv, Jan IT. IsliJ. if Hardware lor Sale, liY .r .. lK.m TINT li:i l III) ,l of Hinl fl w r. i-. n. .ilnjj in part of lliv fo.liiiioj ti on.. I arlii li-a: 'l aunrra1 liai'a, of all kncla, Croaa rut an.l Mi. I awa, KKa, t'ln-'., Aiira, Uciu'li Pa nr., airt'snka PUtfonn Sca'ra, llulil'a (.'liii.itn A Ira, llan.l Aia, llutt'lirta, liiiirmil Sok Aug. ra, Ae , ala, tr.i'in. lir.i n t'r.i.llra, llialon K.iui, hr'lMrn.wa, nl manv ) r tloi gt Imilrduiai tn mention -all of wliiili wi.l b a. .1.1 ilit I I roll or i-khii-trv rialiif. I if,oii I ' n , Jan 31 Imj'orti'il, iliiivt from N iotoria, ang . qf srrr.r.ioit yt Ai.rrv, wiow.i I. n.l.ui nk llranly 'oil Ilu laou'a llai Mai 11 il". in , M..UH, .a Co da do. rnria. n f ia. nu ll Ii kv, in raw an I Larr. I Utai'rhr . J I. II Vlil.OW. 0,j.n t I;. Mir Ii II. ! I IjidiImt, Liiiiilicr, fY . i i:sci;li"Ho. krpt. n 1.1 V ' aa l y w. .v 1 1. it ov 7',fxtt.. I lrU ! SI III It Mi 1)WVIV1 And Stationery, .uti'.iv.v .v ii.wik iv inn am.: .r' i.i isn run r.s. r.v j. r m:m i sv,. At Im oil ai ir J. Ma il air. l, I laruoa Citi J J IS al ak ion.pi ara, in (all, ll, fo 'oa.if an.tra IVn.rr, SiwIIaf, an I nilr. I'aikr ami VI axiii a 'lr ami I'.raJrra, Cla'k a l.!rini.'ai A'jal.ra, , tiira' ,riiliriiii. a, Tliinn-n'a Afiilin.fiiia, I'aikrr a 'ln i...,iv. U olaril'a olio.lg'.l lli.l.iry of tl,a I'n I I Sla, 1I..11 a I i.iil 1.. uf II, .;..ii , ,M,n,lr,lli ,V Mr..,.y'a (..r Ii a, y narkri,lH' I ral Lraauui in hi J .-ll c..nii an ani. Mrl. lj n'a WiUurali, Ana'ii'.al tiinnl, .lio ian.a, I. Inn. mart Silr ami I nm r, l'i,l!r'a Ana'.'inv, riivai-.lgy ,t dig n,, I op, liir, .V N' l''r, 0.i,a ami Malo I'fiiroa, Mainaol Al Nnt.a, Iran and Ari.ulla dlak, I l.i', an I I I Ink., So'. Iti f, anl I -r I !nt. pi, (il'oti'ar. I. t.ra'..l M.rl I'rna, l.lal I I.'.hi.ii ,.,. an I ILo'Cn piir, hin-.-r'a H liiief II . ka, l ull. Ml iV l;.-iiiian'a Iiral ll,k Kri i.J, wall ll'.k K"i.n Clank A'.o, 1111 rl nT rn !l na I oka. nr. con Til), rrli I Illi, M l JI'ST r ) anl f.r a.. I liy ll. an'i-ib r 'lli Hi, I ral I'rm Win." (.. nml Ki '.I'"'"' ' m V. , XT'"- ,mi( ,.,. ,t Ap.(Ar, i!..1.. J tl.t'.MIN'f. - . r ' II tl I.M K'.H lull rna'i'H al l.ani,l ( f l nt wf ( f (r ,. A((m f.,, Uf marl .1 .IM; 'I Ml K lonlni to riil,, a ilmai rirlkniua I at.rf in M vili. , ir ia' l.y mar 1.1 J Hf.MINf; riVIK I'll 11 llj nm II'. k, f-if ' nr 1. iioila J. I I.KMIN'i;. 0 I VIIAS A fin lli' l f.rf l.a.l.a, f.rr aa by J. r'M.MIMi. lil.l)IM.n.N rf ci'rt hi;i l.i;ili Voasl 1oVi1ts. rw.uNif.i to mki: Mi;iiT wi, am) ttulniiou mm.. m3 ym. Jvpia'ly r..fta III i.ovm, iKiT iuscuit, llW.K W'llf. A T nndmhr tnln, OIGKUIIl:K.l, ami raka of ill kiml. fully qual to any in tllC IlKll Ivflt ! Akor l:l:iilXf;TON f Co' VK.tftT row,p.p.M, ami lak no '.tin r, if yin wrrtl. hat iimf'rf inly good 1 : 1 : 1 ; A I ! ManHfaeliirail an l xiM a, linUanl ,y KKIil.NriTiiN t VAt, A'lf nnl 4 1 1 I lav air-1, fn ( ran wo. DISS k CO, ComniUsbn XVTcrchaota a an JMtttln Flnur.tliaiH, I't "I, I't mil, hlkrt,il H. I,, town iwi. hh4 ll aliiiir'a tl, AJ.V MASCISCO. TC,HMjnnn nf 1 ki.l rf Calif w4 (tff-1 Priarl'lf Sr-M'Stl SAX Ft Mrs LIVER INVIGORATOR iWirr Iiln!iltitts. It aeniiiHiiiiiili.i enliii'ly finiii t.t' Ms.nnil Ima liroonio nn '"I'llilialii'il I i" I . a hi'i.liii.1 nir.lioiiir, knoll n nml niiiovril lay nil Hint limn nm il II, mi. I la no IV nainli'il 10 mill roliloUlim in all III ilia- ru-ra w hu ll il la l'ei.llliiioml ll liua c nre.l IJiinia. inula ivlllini llm l.ol In n J on in wlin Innl i; I oil lii nil lioo of rrliof, ii a llm tnilil.l ooa niinilii'il.! rrl In' io.ilra in my HlaM. ion .lioiv your jiiiljiiiiil kiii.Io ion in llm ii. nl lli l.lvr, nml ii mil em l,nr l'illll.l.ol.l, lillllona ill luck, il l a i r i a it, v Ii r o ii i n iliioilm. i, annum r i', 'Hi ilnao iiiii.I Ii ailiiiln. In III li'in of Hi Iii.Ii i l.i mil inkiuK il, nml ut.I In am ll liilll. lira iia In in' I foully un III tioivrls. , I lie ill. Inlra of i erMilullv na nit inilinary ill., iiln y, il r ii i a y, aour aliniim li, liilm- lllll I'llNUVi'llPaa.ell.ilie, elioli'iii,eliiiliii Ini", cholera inf.. ili um, llanilrney, iuiiii ilh, fiiinilo iiruanrMi an. I nmy Ii n.r.l ami. .unity nn ill, In, ll will cum auk lira laeli na llionaamla emi l.ailly) In In nil y ininuir., if In n . r llifi Ii aiooiihiia nia lukrii nl I'oiiiiiiFii. ninriil of iillnek. .i.l wlm un it ma jiini lln ir Iminniinv In n liivur. M.i iinl'T in tli ii ion i Ii null Ilia tiiili;iirulor, nml aiviilloiv IniiIi toollnT. 1 T I'm, $1 'i i Is lll. ,tlo. NAN ru: I '$ FAuu.v c.iniMiric riu.s, coMrofsimn won i'ui t 'ii;cti!tr i'.xtrm ft, I'ul in i;ln.a caat a, an lijlit, ami will krrp In nny eliiunl. 'Hi r.inulv t "at ll ii H u- Pill ia a ull till! aeliia enlliarlio, win. ll III liaa in lua .ii'ln-i. nun I loi n Iw.iily yraia. 'I'll ron. luiltlv I'K ira.iiiK ilrniiinl fiom lluia n tin liai l"ii( uil tlio I'lll., an.l III aaliaiai' w hu ll all i imm HI 1111. 1 In Hi r umi, hoa in.liiertl III tu Ur Hi. in w illnll III trai'll ol till 'I'lir w rlt know that ,1 ll.'irnl rjiliain. a a. I on il.f trirnl .ioiia ol Ilia ta.w a Tim I'liiiily I'n ilium.' I' II Im-, wnli iliio rririanoa In una Will lalnlilialnil Itll'l. lit-r ll e o in i oim.lril Ir. .in a iiiiaii' of lli .llfal lr(. Ul.l rl Iiaila, wlin-li a. I a I k on iiy purl uf III iilnm liliirv ra nal ami ad t;imil ami an' In all raira w lino il railurlr i. u.rilial au.'li aailora'ii;.'uirii.a of lli a oui .oil. li ri na, pauia in Hi Im k ami liiiita, hvi.raa, .iina ami a.fruMi orr It. nli.i lunlr, in nn .n.ll.'ii i-.!l, nliie!i ftr, i.uili , i,' in i;'i'iii il i ii I in i loni! r.oiia i f fn.r, In uf .iij.nir. a i ri i.mih of r .-.I i-irl lli ll , ir.r....r , lim.lai li, or wr.lit ill Id lir.ul, all mil iitnnainiiv il an', norma in ol. I iliu or ail il'a, i li'iiuiaii'iii, a einl ..iol.rr i f lit I.I.. il. ami i. .on iloraa. a lo u In. I, llr-li a In il loo iiiitnrniiia lo n. rnli. ul in llna ailti'il arm. nl ,., i to :i n:ii K. tiii;i:k iiii:s Th l.or lni.;ii alor ami I annly Cailnrlir I' ma a.lil I.) lnif gia'art. nialirr... ami l.y i:i:iuNi; fnN ,v m, .Vo' . Infills for lli I'a ill.- roat, 4 111 .V IIS ninl al , .V411 I rim i-ra Dr. linker's Tain raiuuni la 1 otnj.. 1 olur!' of In lilies iitma, nml vrjrl.i I.! u la ali i Iirltia It la la llri'llv ..11.1 III in ail .1-1 l air I i u-a I rail ii.o-l aiorrii l a j llilt I l.a lirirr kii. wn any, li .nrlrl ilrli. al. I., I. ir. , li il III III Iraal I w .11 r uililina lo I i.ak ll. i.tM..r.l, wlio lial Iiot iimI (, lo In ll ; (,,( ll, li l ouil.f il.-rjM-a. If ,,iv al ll 'I al a ; ll. J Willi ,1a lira! o iloirlt.ra. III noiiiri W II Ih ; . l,rrifu'l rrfnmlol liy 11. a;, ill wl.ri On. int. I. ' no ia fr a.,' ll . 11 lui r-i.ii in Hi Si. .111 . Ii 1. r ll.i. la, jlrl a il. ul Taiii I'-iinrra iiertoaliy, t,ailioi 1 111 al) i,irr ll, it' ,.r, i,,l, an l . u wi.l al iiu.r rrl,.r 1,1 .n,wr a. loni an I trl ri lli nn ll oiltata !oi . itr iiiiimI. I 1 1 la.- i, w. II Willi lli I'j 11 I'aiia. l fiiilliinr.ail .l I' '! I rli. 1 lit -a .1. ami laa mil a. I III an.l Itr il ikr W...111.I in .1 .',.i'l I 11, I I iihi ai l,n n N'n. i'a' a or lil.rn- . 111 .1 r I'a ii., (, '' I . I'a 11 I'.inr. a f. 'v, ami ' ik. a it . nl it iii'iiia Ii, ileum. 1; 11 101J ' toe'..; 1. w I' ii". n i' run .In- J...H, bul wi.l r,- nn lli ran .( in .!i,r . I If lli l'i.i.i. an.l f.l il.a 1 ir.-v.ra lour a'iMinrti 4 w . al.,!,,, lak a il--.' i.l P,ni I'ana r 1 .1 rr 11 Ii In- .1 ll ...ii li.i a I '.iii' I r So V.i.ili.-r I l.r-..,. i iv'i l'i" I'a. a 'au i . i ,n id . tl. ' i I'O'a, an I t " Jr ''' 'im Ii i.r llnual iliir .. I .u ; , inaa a itai . ! It ...a Itai 'I. I'.aoli.ri. 9 a ir' nr.l -m ..I rli Ui. i. lak a I w ,,f I'a ti I', hi .a. III I lll'l w II rr.lnlril If I .ii I. a. - n I, , innl II l' I: h arti, , -.'l ! . an.l l.i Ii 1 pi nlul awrll.i ff. I.aili 11. I ar.a fo w,i aHiii rli.-i .o a ii, aii-l lli.' . i In I . iml I.-.. a .rii iiki'Ii ll. '.nn I'' "ii I' of r.m.. i id .'t.tit al III aaiti I ni li-anlli I wi.l atop tli j'l l. ll l ...i Im a pa n in t', ll ra.t S ilr, II rk , ,i r . i .1 .. -in. l-.l.ill ll pula all I'.l lii 'iinf an I I -'al'at; ! IS 1. 1 ll. i a, Hi a in,.. I m to k a a il r i,f id I am a l.fii.'ll If a Mollirr Ii ia a l'kil l.rra.l, a ly ,1. I'am rearra aa li'l aarail Ir IhiIii. If i . ii ,rl Ii II) nr rl. I, aa l!iniifti inn wai .', I" liaa frr, Uk a it of I'anarra. ll tati liai a w.iunl, euf. r (..a'U wn lour Iia , ..'y III Cain I'anir. a; it will lak out li tli iiittaniii.un, ifl l.i al tit a.r in ainn, I in. S.rlil li I Hi pr nrii al .loi. r at., a i l 1. 1 lil.iM.i'. .V t i, Aj' llCanit II" ( r ail Mr, t, San I ran aa-o iiiir) IMAl.UniK II Mil HliSTOHATIYI. I OR litthriny !r,ij ILiir In ill Original Cotnr. I t ri::v.T-i nn: u mii hhm r m.i.- all flaiiilriitf ainl a uif fiom Hi In ail. ll a'la)a all iii..aliii of tli a. a'p ll 1 1 la ami r. fir. lira ,li lirail, ami iiniail lo Id l, r a I. 1I1I11, apt aiat.r. I' M 'I h pi'r4 rna tali li rrinni ilan.lruff anil ai nrtl.iaii ll, In ail, allay nnll,i,n ami fia ill a a p fi .in limimra, rrmlrr Una ail ! im iln air aa a oil 111 all rulaniHi altrrtmna, aur I,,, ta.ili I, In am, (, I. nap. In. lliuewriiMia. M.inir'ra, llilia ami hiinra nf In- I u. I. ...) -II .iiii.i ,u ll. .L..11 a.,4 .Itv ll..l ' raiwil hy I'.IIMlN II K I 'I Ii mily friiuii, a,,.. It la ,nl up in I'lVT r.' lili, anl liaa Ilia wnllrn aualiii nf ,a M 1 1.1.1. id iirvm ,1 pr,,ptiinf ami monif i. ,i,ir, nn 1I1 (..In-I ami r i rr l'.w ai nl all put tn rllTrrr,ttatlr, win. Ii hIIH'MI.KI III'. lll.lll.M. IUV A. I 11, to loilr-al Arl,a, Illi ami 411 l l'.nl tlri I, hat, I nam arn VNY IIVK wlm p"i'ra l.i nmliralanrt all trail. a nr ari. nrra, aiimra In llnr an ! upiri lit pnlrl r. Ol, Ilia aain pilliripl, any nn no .In il wlm ll pin'., a In nil" all il a. aaa ta nnwmiliy lit a ili'al nmfi.lrnr, ami admi'.l al cmr In il'iiminiril aa a quark marl ruin 'lit (Jni-fr-iilifr Fninily iMo.licinoi 1)0 nrt naanin In nil all itiaraara will, (ill r,n rrl;'. 'l iny ln il'Kll il.fT iml ,)ii.i i,it, anrli arl.ilH In lla peculiar', ninl lint liaa pntr r I-). mil a r)natii,n lli rfTn ary ami ivrlainly nf llira prrpa'alinna. 'I lin, Ital r nmpliai lh fn. IllWril, llir.lilllir! tlnrftnhtrif Vrprlithlr 1'ilh; N'lrthnWi I'ltnnr Culhuliion; (Ititftuhtrg Siirnfiiirilti tlnrftnhtrg 1'ilf llrintihi; (Inrfi ulirrff Itirnlrrif Syrup; tlrrtn Mniinhnn Oiittwrnt; (tnrfrhlirrg f'lul'lrrn'l 1'nnnrfit; frirfnifitrit f V(Hrm,fi'f'l llilml (I'ntfthhrrff Eiir Ijitiuii; (trtrfriilirrg I'rrrr umi Agar lirinnlij; (inrftnlitrg llmllh llillrri; (!rir(ttilnri Miliimit n llmllh. l ot aa' by all Mriifgiai lliinnli'iiil Ilia Kla!, firaraai. A'irara t lli:ilf.TON a i:i),wi,.,iaia Pule,,,,, 4lfianl4H I'mnl l , Hu rramiaro. I NTI.ItNAL IH:VKMt'K KTAMpH, fr ,l 1 1 ILKMl.VO '. MM. HALL'S Halsam lo:' (Im; Lim. ('iiniiiiNiiiiii, .lafAimi, Sigil .Vwrilf, .ViWdnif ll'o.o, i . ('uiil', IllMllfHlH, I'alH in f.'i Suit, iihi Ihttuttl uf Ikt .Uliya. I'r. Win. Hull's lUl.nin for lit l.uiigs, hi all eilM'a, plai'a ill In at of a, ill. Or Win, ll.ill'a 1 1 it )-1 in fur Ilia laiiij liaa ivr..iiilit tiioi enrra anii'ii Ha liilruilni'liou than am , oof nnili iiiilielnn. I Ir W mi ll.ill'a lliilainn for llm .lllij la nil' il.naiil lay jour li'ttil nil I'liyoruoia na Hi aufial ami lipal isiii. ily n lirlma ill ultille. lr. Win ll.ill'a H.ila.iin f.. lln- l.uiiiiala aaf In na nin.uitf i liililri ii, ami yrl inwrifiil la rnaa wl elifoiile iiiliiiomii) iliaraara, I r. Win. ll.ill'a Hiilaain for llio Imi'U lunik Ita .ililicnla almial ilnlly uf lla won.lrilill tuica ill nil I'.iiib nl tliv vouiiliy, Til allikniit priHif of lit llilflll.a' worlll innl rl.'rllrlii'a of I If Win. H.iU'S ILil.tiin for ill lainiia, la alinivn In III l.i..lnv Willi wliii li ll ti I'oiiiia n Invniil Willi lli, Tli'i la n.K 1 1 1 ii a "I ii aiimlnr iniliira lull wlinl la aoou rual linn III alimln wlirn III llal.aul liaa liorll liiir.niilily li'air.l. l lm aunla I. a lla nlo, Ilia eoiuiliy nlrr, ill urilaiinn row auiilia, al iriy fiillinaluaiii' In ila faior, aayniii " ll la jnal III lliitit ; il aria Ilk a eliaim lla rllool. uiv tru ly III.IJJM'.ll " Tli .iireliiiarr alionlil la vrrv parliriilar In Ball fur, ami lak mm Iml Or Uli.l.lAM IIM.I.'H IIAI.S.WI l ull Till: l.l'.NliS, nhieh ia war lanlril lo un .iii.l.oiion or lli inon) nlurnril. Koraalo liy all I roo ..i.).. ami by iU.IHM.liiN I'O. IS"' Aunila, 4lfi ami 4IS I' airi I, Sal, I ism ., o. SCOVIU.'S S . KS A 1' A li I I- LA AMI ST I I. M N (IIA! oil Mood y L 'ln r Syrup. I tor lit I..II..W ii.( ilma haling llirr - i; ii in ,i i..iiliril uf lit I.U n : l ai.k.r, I I, rl.ill. lia niol l,nla;rllirlll ', In J, I Ilia, (' 1 .1 1 iH-l.ia, K'llj'l Hill, Si A in iiiiiii ' I n, W Inl, wllnn;a, ,a a.inat rrolilnnia, B.itl,.lra un III t'ei ltliH lllltiaill, II nli lira, 'i..tlllrat 1 1 airHi4, le. Si l, i .al ia- anl Mrieuiial Atl.rliuua ai ilirr.l; ( 'll.iif.nia or .l. .inn li.nia in Inn il.; taorll'.r rl.ra nr Intra, ma Ir in. .1 I.) Il.a na ullln M r, I'm 'lli iiir.ln al of Saiaiai.Ha in ran jumlii.ll Willi Mill. inf. a ai writ known 1. 1 all tn. I. ral mail lo I' Ill Itrat ni.iiHiiiinl it iIimh I nnl loi IraiiM ami nnilt lli Mil, ami araJ ral all llilllt.if fiolll lln- alalrin liai ri.irn lli to. m In ,ii.l .ln a.r.ana in lli ri.nnlri, llir) mar know wlialll.'i ai, .HI I w 'l r.nililili l. arll.l ll III malt to llla lj .iii.ii. ul aio.w.ii in in ;ir lruta lilr..f nitil I ila r-ni . i inn , tl.-it lliut III. i) may .i hur ll in I Hi, ii piiirt r j Tlti, pr, , .latiuti at lli liaa.l nf Ida li.l of a I. if on. iliH all it a. a.,' fiolll im- j . ntitn a ... ll. li'iiil ir ,liara.l mativi Imk.ii m ! Hi, a, .li, I!a wlm li u, lli. .Vi. II. i. f. a an I ! S,oaii I'a .Ul..l.l In ila irit, ukali rlfrrl in ' iiii.a.n ..II imp. .1.1 a ll.r.f Ii'.i-nI, I i. Im. : ,o. I ("' lit lli wli. U I. an llainr, anil tlr ' in. a..ltli) arnnn In ll it, fniii'tniiia uf tli ! . .-i i 'I ll.' I. al.ill.t. lai r. r. itr.t .11 I'a favul fi.llil IliailV im iii ia . I ilo- Mr. in- .1 I a li ly, wai a. a ( l.i llirnl. It I a I .rr I. Iniil.- 1 1 I. f r i . ai r i mi l.'i Im anj. ii .a ml nf in of lli i.' anl .r-l pra. t.i al rl.rniM'.a in Iti niuiiti). , W S tro 11, I'.nr lili.l. , aa .l Hi.ii a I i,ii I, if. n l ,( r aiiM lai an, I pool) hi nil lli m ' j I rnla ' A. i ! i ii' ramrili , fu par ti ami i-Van. lli , I.I.mmI 14, ii' il ! Irom all ll in..,. an.l I' lira, w a il Willi , ml,i!ri,r llif.' la li lialt r in. .Ii i N. ! l.y n llio.- . a, ami 1. 1 lll'l M. ll, .V III. fr,,.. 41 f 4ii I 1 1 " I i" I a irr, -a.i I I inc laa-J I'n w 'i. i all "i.l. fa ah .M ti .!ili-a.. w Mill Ii I III- W I I'll 'I I III. l. III. a. nl I, fair a. ff finui l!i iiiiiih ri iiniiia , ' "t 11, u 110 pur 'ata ol ,,i lilu " II W4filJ ill Inn, (ill (oiiify )nur rator jour a Iii. -ml, aal li!.li, Im v.ll't III-.I .ayrup-ll. i h r 1 f 1 r lli numr elr ut r " 2 t kn Sr. 4 1 bl-o.1 .. S 1 73 trial - 3 km.wn, ta ua r. ii.Ti maikali' rurr r j 1 1 a . la lli i.f til pll pnrlfHa, lt.U. al.fl.ialil) ill '. IM.luN A CM, AK,i'.a, 4ICanl II I'mnl air. I, Han I' tQ run' llxlrm li f'r Klavtuin. aawr, 1 tM.v...i. ..'wo.v, nmxai:. rr.Acii, nil Ai.Mnsn, 1:11: 'I lltl. f I'ra. ! Hwaa, in lit rival ranran rrtitratrtl f'iriii, Id .lilirimi laalw amlmiiell Hiliinrail llamr uf tit ililfr-rrtil arl.rlr alnn ran inraiil, an l fur all ml naiy will b f.iiinil III Imi.t i-iiiiitiiiiriil ainl ruttvntiil Mian nr nf riiiniiiiimi al.n( Iti flimr. It paitn iilar nak f.r Hi pirptrnl l,y ua, aa ,lir ar many kin I pirpn., lir aa thai r many kmila in 11 nolo I aaa 1.1 lull I, Illi , if any, of lit Iml llamr. I'ipir. a' A mil I l.v III IHM.ION A CI, 4l'r ami 41". I'. nnl al , Han I r inr.arn, NO OrZUM OA CAIOMSL. Dr. Win. IIiiII'h ISalnaiu f..p tin liiiio linn im fijiml an a luii"; iiicilii iiH', mul is aajifi. ally ii'l.ijili'il lo lli.' ciiiisfif ii limis ol fViiifilr-i nml iihii Hiirr. iino; from ' hihii m j ,t inn orimy liiiiroiiijilaiiil. (Jivo ita lii;il. Ui:iI.GT()Aff), Whnhtntt Agmli, (, nnd 4IM front it., Sun fiiiitiriim. LAXXXO'S JM00111 of Yoiilli, OR Ltqvu) pea nr., ma r,'T,rv,iri in rararanan tMRcnurtfi- In tan Mia, Mnal Invaliinlili. To.lrl aidrl vrr invtnlnt. IM:iIM;To f 11, Ho' niflil fnf llia I'a, I, ,,,.. 4 IT, ami 418 I nml alrl, Kan Klalir rn. fllllK IlillllNK AlAI AN Atl f.rf Hi.1,jnl M f.i and fr ala, h r.t K. J HI Ml so