From Ilia Mianoiiri Ocniorrnl. ZEow Tree Labor Works In Louisiana The argument most confidently put forth by ihe opponents of immediate emancipa tion U thit llie negro 1 not in a fit condi lion for liberation that left to himself without tlio directing control or overnight of hit master, nnd the compulsory Iah of an overseer, ho will dponornto Into idlc neu and crime, mid iho benefit of tin labor be lost to community. At fir t glance thoro would appear to bo soino reason in lliii vi"w of iho mutter, nnd so plausible has lb' proposition been mado to appear, that pro-slavery men invariably Insist on it ai a comploto answer to all arguments from iMiimicipationists. Kvcn in Missouri whore tho slaves havo enjoyed more of lh cxpcricnco of frcctnen, and posses a high er degree of Intelligence, probably, than in any other locality, wo nro gravely told that tt will never do to set tho negroes frco at it will at onco occasion tho State tho total loss of their valuable service. Whether such would bo tho result of mancipation is, of course, a very impor tant inquiry, in view of the issues which are now pending in this State. Whatever it calculnted to throw light upon it should bo most gladly welcomed by uu inquiring public. In all such matters rxperienco is better than thcory-olnscrvntum more satisfactory than discussion. Fortunately for us in Missouri, tho very question which wo are no deeply interested in is being experiment ed in largely in another quarter, and wiiere, if any place, a satisfactory trial can bo Oiado. Wo reler to Louisiana. Here, by operation of tho President's proclamation of last January, a lsrg num ber of slaves, falling within tho Federal military linen, have received their freedom. Tho fact of their hiring frco Pccras to have been perfectly understood by them. With ono accord they " laid down the shovel and tho hoe," so soon ns tho proclamation was announced, and refused longer to labor for their masters ns slaves. The lands of the masters still remain for culture as before, and tho ncerocs' services were just as nec essary. What was to be done, became at onco tho question. This question Gen. Banks, who hid just come to tho Depart ment, undertook to solve. This he did by mating proposition to the planters, . that he would use the influenca of tho Oorcrnmcnt to induce the negroes to work for them, provided the planters would pay tbem stipulated wages, which ho indicated in bis proposition. This arrangement the Clantcrs, not being in a situation to do any etter, gladly acceded to. Uut the most difficult question yet remained to be set tled; which wss, whether the freed negroes would be willing faithfully to perlorm their part that is work for pay rather than remain idle. It must be recollected, to understand fully the difficulties which surround this question, that iu Louisiana the slaves are not geucraliy as far advanced in knowl edge, nor as well qualified for and to take care of themselves, as in Missouri. And here in Louisiaua the experiment of em ploying freed slaves as labour for wajes was to bo made, and has been made. The result is of great practical interest and im portance, not only in Louisiana, but every where else where slavery exists. The New Orleans Era, gives us tbe results of the experiment as far as tried. J I reports a complete success. The facts it details are most interesting and instruct ive. It hrs-t gives the exjHTicnre or Lieut. Jlep worth, mint r W-ctcd fry Ovncntl Hanks to carry his plan into orration. Ilepworth visited i umber of Parishes for that purpose. IU found pretty much the same state of alTair in all of them. At Thilxnlaux he commenced bis work. Here he found some Ave hundred ne groes doing nothing, and nuny of tbam suffering from wai.t and sickness. He called them togt'.her and told iLcm the Government was fricnj'y to them, but it expected them to woik tor a tiring. lie assured then that they should be protected against any of ti e outrages of which they complained ; and then askid who of them were willing to return to their plantations. They told him that they did not wish to lire in idleness ; that they would be glad to go to work. None of ibetn showed any reluctance to go to work on tome Govern ment plantations, though all showed an unwillingness to return to ibeir old mis ters. Alter assuring them that tbey should be treated in every rc-pect a hired hand, and further explaining the terms on which they wero expected to serve their matters, nearly ail cheerfully awe Lied to bis prop ositions. EnconragcJ with his success at Thibo. daux, Le went to Najioleonville, Donald sonville, Baton Kongo, and other points upon the same inision, where Lis efforts were attended with similar results. Hav ing accomplished this much, be determined to visit those plantations where the negroes baa returned, to ttoiij conicience with the planters and the n rc, and thus escrr tain the real merits of thu plan. He dm tinted sixty to sx ni j-fj ve pLers, re maining on rack a sufle h nt time, lie thus bad an oportunity of ju Iging quite fully as to tbe operation of Ilia cxicrimiit, end was most agreeably d'tnppointeU in its womiogi, a he founj it not only eat ifac tory to the pluuUr and the negro, but mat alio it a!l,ri to the black man sn experience which will do much to fit him fur the freedom for which lie is destined, should lite War continue, it insures t crop tho coming season ; it saves Government me expenses or feeding the nejjrn; end by remunerating him for bis labor, it teaches bim Ihe use of money and the value of his services. U nioreovrr lakes the peculiar Sting from s'avery, by its tendency to el Tito the black to the position of tU while laborer. He is vastly more comfortable In bis plantation but, with Lis family about him, and protected by the Government, then ho could possibly b in ny position which tho Govcrnmtut can aif..r.J bim wunoiMwer continues. J x,i the negro undersUnds this himself. Jc Uikfld wild several'id, and finds them far more iiitclli-nt and bettei aware of Ihe condition of a Hair than be Lad been led to eXiect. He believed that most of hegroes in the Department, reposing eo0. fidence In tho Government, will remain cheerfully at their plantations the mming season, trusting in Providence fur the fu ture of freedom to which they are all evidently looking. 80 much lor the testimony of Liut. Hfpworth. Hut we Lave other evidence beside his, and which will bo considered still more satisfactory. The Em gives us Ihe benefit vf an ttpt riment made upon Hanks' plsn, by Dr. Benjamin V. Smith, a pro slavery in an and secessionist of New Orleans, who, It says, has Wsted Ihe mat ter more fully than any man in Louisiana. Dr. Smith feote.l shout 5J..V)0 acres of land near New Orleans, whose cultivation been chiefly abandoned on account of iho war, and whii h consequently, ho was able to get for a mere nominal sum, and undertook to employ enough liberated ne groes to work them on stipulated wages. Tho first thing to be done w as to pur furtdo tho negroes to return and submit to order and discipline. To this end Dr. Smith appears to havo determined to treat them as beings possessed of a fair degree of intelligence-, and to rely on that lor success. I lo accordingly piepaied a regu lar system of rules for their government. Tho negroes wore then called together, and tho rules read to them and lully explained. Tho negroes were told these rules would bo rigidly enforced, and they w ere given a few hours to consult among themselves and decide w hither they would go to work on tho terms offered, or leave the planta tions, and they unanimously decided to remain. Work was begun immediately, under a manager who is considered ono of the hardest workers and successful over seers in the State. Hero was tho experiment of free negro labor fairly inaugurated, and the question is, how did il succeed t On this point says tho Era: " wo havo tho evidence ol tho overseer, the gentlcnuin himself, nnd of numerous other persons, whoso w ords wo cannot doubt, that it is a complete success; that the negroes, treated as free and responsible beings, perform their labor cheerfully and well, and are actually performing the average woik of slaves " This evidence is of great importance to us in Missouri just at tliistim. It would seem completely to explode the fallacies w hich the advocates of slavery have been constructing to oppose the march of eman cipation. If such results are achieved in laouisiana, what havo wo to teir Irotu freedom of the slaves in Missouri J Us or Uoskcbass' Orukks. This General issued the following orders ou the 13th of April last: The Commanding General publishes for information of all concerned, that hereafter 1 -'i f 1 ..:,i.: ... i;... .i.. ' e declare tliul slavery Mil I1ISOH9 O'llllU nillllll tllll lllll, n llJ , i eon mil nets for the benefit of th enemies i ,nR UwX l' iir Dr. Licbcr on tho War. The distinguished savan, Professor Francis Licbcr, being chairman of tho Council's Committee of tho Union League of New Yoik on Addresses, read at a re cent meeting, by request, an elaborate and able review of the character, iasueg, and prospects of our civil war, nnd com hiding with a summary of the duties, principles, nnd aims which he conceives to devolve on the Government and ail loyal men in tho prosecution ol the contest. We can make room only lor tho Mimmary, which follows : " There is no room, then, for pacifying Arguments with such men iu arms against us, against their duty, their country, their very civilisation. All that remains for tho present is tho question, Who shall bo tho victor I " It is for nil these reasons which have been stated that we pledge ourselves anew, in unwavering loyalty, to stand by and support tlio Government in all its -Aorta to snppresi tho rebellion, and to spare no endeavor to maintain, unimpaired, the na tional unity, both in principle and terri torial boundary. " We will support the Government, nnd call on it with a united oioe to use great er and greater energy, ns the contest may seem to draw to a close ; so that whatever advantages wo may gain, we may pursue them with increasing efficiency, and to briii) every one in the military or civil service thut may bo slow in the perform anoe of his duty to a quick and efficient ac count. " We approve of tho conscription act, and will give our loyal aid in its being carried out, whonoier the Government shall consider the increase of cur army necessary ; and wc believe that the energy of the Government should be plainly shown by retaliatory measures, in checking tlio savage brutalities cvnnnittcd by tlio enemy against our men in arms, or citizens when Butler's Bumps. I A few evenings since, Gen. Hutbr con sented to sit for the purpose of phreno logical examination by Prof, 0. S. l ow ler, the well known phrenologist. The following I tho result. We employ the professor's ow 11 language : Your three prominent traits of charac ter are sagacity, force- and iiiilomil.-iliilitv. Your largest phrenologio d organ is friend ship. Von are very obstinate, and despite : all obstacles will accomplish your purpose, if such bo within tlio bounds of reason. Your success in life is to bo attributed more to your tenacity of purpose than to any other cause. The greater tho oppo sition you meet with, the greater deter mination will you evince, You are des lined te bear down nil opposition. Your second groat quality is force. Combative nrss and destruetiieness are very largo, nnd render you resolute, determined and brave. Tho greater the danger, the more ct ol and resolute you become. Von ex eel in debate J are sine to become a prom, inent orator and leader in conv ent ions, legislative and other like bodies, where n clashing ol ideas and interests requires the utmost force and energy in order lo carry given measures, slid it such can be carried, you aro the one to effect it. You relish strife, struggle, contest, coping with dif ficulties, and especially with men, much more than the luxury and leisure of life. Your indignation is tremendous, nnd yon have' never yet, and never will, fad in punishing your enemies, and severely. Their best course is to let vou alone. You of our country, w ill be tried as spies end traitors, and it convicted they w ill suffer death. This 01 dor includes tho following classes of persons : Carrier of secret mails. Writers of letters sent by secret mails. Secret re cruiting officers within the lines. Persons who have entered into an agreement to pass our lines for the purpose of joining the enemy. Persons found concealed within our lines who could give private information t i the enemy. All persons within our lines who harbor, protect, conceal, feed, clothe, or in ai y way aid tho enemies of our country. The Dibit tf declaring sympathy for the enemy w ill no longer be tolerated in this department, and persons commiting such offences will at once be arrested, with a view lo being tried as above stated, or sent beyond our lines into the lines of their friends. It must be distinctly understood that treason expressed or implied will not be tolerated in this depart. nent. All offi cers and soldiers are hereby charged with the execution of this order. thev fall into their hands, " We declare that slavery, the corrupt- ui" shrewdness and praeticnbilii v. You to be couir.ress-1 methodize every thing. Uoincinbor faces, 1 ...I ill,;,, n.rr.Mi .,.1 ('.. 1, hnt nre int lo 'i t nml .1 ,u , ,, , v v iv ui ui u mint:, i - --- - - wi:h a view to its speedy extinction. ! fluent nnd forcible in speech, nnd of- " e declare that this is no question of J t.fTlie greatest defect of photographic portraits is the stern appearance of tho Mibjeet, giv ing tho impression that tho sit ter was very cross at having to sit nt all for a likeimsj. This is caused by (ho ne cessities of keeping nn iioiuovnlilo eoinilo nnuee during tho operation, hiuI iho eon sequent endeavoring to prevent any piny ol tlio features. Ail artist in Clc'vchind has bit upon a plan to remedy tho ev il. Tho Herald says that a largo mirror, mounted ou ft movable stand, is vv heeled to tho side of tlio camera, and Iho aider Is enabled to"seo hinnolf as others see him," Tho effect is instantaneous on every sub ject. 'Iho stern scowl is audeuly changed to n pleasant smile, and when llmt desira ble object is attained the operator suddenly "lies"lhe expression 011 tho pinto. The improvement is very great, but so simple tnai i-vui v one woiulel s thai 11 was not thought of In lore. -- - I e.J-IIouic is the Inn. altar of iho daily worship; there arises tho hourly piaur ol illlut; tho incenso of tho ili.inkl'.il heart. - - -A woman sometimes scorns v lint best contents her, Oregon (it)'lisiwnts. iolico! rilllK uiiiliTsijiii-tl liaimi! I'lin-liiiM'.l llinatiM'li, L Ae, i'f lli OliKioN I II V lllvi:ii, fl inn Iv rnri ifiI mi hv Mr. I t'lmniiaii, In nil llic utlemitiii o! Il a fnmf ivitniim In tlm hare every quality requisite for rendering t.n-1 Ihnt llirv HOriul to enir iin I u Imhiiii m kit yen an ellicicnt mnl superior military olh cr. You are not 11s progressive a thinker ni vou are sagacious and sensible. Instead of reasoning vours.ll through conclusions, and jumping at one bound from facts ns they eit to results, you reason from till sides ot a subject and rarely rrr in your decisions. Your meiiiorr is excellent. You can acquire knowledge with facility und use it to the best advan tage oiul are one m ten thousaiu tor ecu- lOKMXBWummiiieumMniMM. wrswriLMtawnxrri'sawnsusMCTBii ',', MM. .I..VS' gmratasanaawsn s.isntsuwst SAXFOinrS LIVER INVIGORATOR AVivr hhiUlnlis. It in eiiiiiHiiniipil i-iitiii'ly I'ioiii (l'MS,niii tins liiM-uniii nil or. I.ilit i-li-il l.i'-t, tt miei.liu ,1 inislii me, knuwii nml npi'iui ni hy nil III til luvo iim il II, it tt. m linn r. mm 1 1', I In willt ,-iiiitotviK-o III nil tlio ilia i'M' Inr wlii Ii il i rfisiiiiiiioiiileil. C4 0 H ei o Li ymir jiitb;lniiil yili.lcl V oil III I II IS ton "I II Live I ln ii'inlnr, nml il w ill euiK l.ivrr eiiiiiiliiiiil, Mlli.nm nl- tni'Ha, il y a pi i am, e It r it n I e ilitiiilniM n it ttt ti i. r eiiiiiilniiila, iltai'iitur y, il r it i y amir alniiuii'li, h.tlill Mill I'lMllVelll'W.l'llelie, eliiiini,eliilita iimr luta, t'liiili'iii lit t'.i lit lint, llitliili'iiey, j inn ill, i, ti' it ritklii-a' ntiil 1 1 it v In1 n-fil ane to ki-i-ji un I: ami rirry lliui; ill II r ty ef Faiuilv (Jrocrrirs, i .'illi-iil iMI ol li urn sa rvf rv tlntitr in our polities, but one of simple patriotism ; and we hold every one to bo n traitor to his country that works or speaks in favor of our criminal enemies, directly or indirect ly, w bother bis i ffciiso be such that the law can overtake him or not. " We declare our inmost abhorrence of the secret societies which exist among us iu favor of tho rebellious enemy, and that we wilt denounce every participator in these nefarious societies, whenever known to us. Wc bilUve publicity tho very basis of liberty. " We pledge our fullest support of the Government in evtry measure which it shall deem fit to adopt nguiust unfriendly and mischievous iieunnliiy ; and we call upon it, as citizens that have the right and duty to call for protection on thvir own Government, to adopt tin-spceihcst possi ble measure to that important t d. "We loyally support our Government in its declarations an I measures ugaiust all and every attempt of mediation or armeil or unsrmed intorfi renee in our civil war. I " We solen n'y declare that we will re sist every partition of any poitimi of our icoiiiit'V to the hot ixireiuiT, whvther Or a Niw Nxvr. We tin 1 in the New York papers a list of no less thati fifteen iron-clad, and eight wooden war vejsels in IhA tfs-iiii-wa .r is-itil riitt. ,n in llmt nW most of tLem well adr.i..ced, and five near- J th Pytilion should be brought about by !.. ... i r.. i .,. rebellious or trea-on.iWe citizens of our inm-clad Dictator, one of Ericsson's gn-at j t? 1 ewers, in the wsy steam frigites three hundred sud twenty ! that I .-.ari l was torn to pieces, feet in length, fiftv feet in width, verr pn-nounce every lonign Minuter sharp bow, and is expected to make twenty accre,J'.teLJ l" our Goter.ii.unt who tarn ... I.,.p Ti,. p.;.,n ..f h. i pers with our enemies, and holds int-r- same size end model. The Hoanoke is ! ?,ur.Vil!? J'"'"1 'n,',, nmo,"S u,. ru'.1- complete, end is deigned f-r a mammoth 1 " R n;,,ou'J "w,,rJ Dl n"u ,luWard '" s..,i.. i. t...,..n.i..- p.. i own people, and W'o await with attention Dun lcrberg. i; supposed to be invincible, j l lt,,m "f ,our oernment regarding H-r length is three hundred an I eighty leer, 1 1 nd surprising Ircch of this ten eloquent. Are n first rate judge of men and ore runly deceived by tin in. Have rare mechanical ingenuity. Aro al most sceptical in matters of religion. Are more radical than conservative, and if ever inclined to be conservative, nro so from policy. You have really a b;gh order of practical benevolence and genuine good fcelii'gs as well as philanthropy, are truly patriotic, and nlso nml, in'.. us, which two qualities happily mingle. 1 Lv e uuIimiiii I ed hope and the highest order of enterprise and are willing to undertake important risks. Havo not as much discretion ns valor. You havo every element of success. The one phrase which expresses most of your character, is " live of triumph." You have a constitution requisite fur mis t.iini g your large nnd power f al brain, and a really inexhaustible find of vitality. Xttional llrpu'liCttn. ,1 ()'. width seventy feet, and she is to bo pro- rellcd by engines of 0,000 hona poer. Icr hull is almost a mass of solid timber, covered with five inch iron plates wh eh extend six fett b-!w tbe water line. All above tho water line tho sides are eight feet thick and the bow, for the distance of fifty-six fiit from the extreme end, is a solid mots of woo I, plated w ith iron. She is to have two revolving turrets and will dutr. "And we call ujoi every American, be be so by birth or choice, to join the loyal movement of these National Leagues, which is naught t !s tlmn to join sad fol low our beckoning fl iff, and to adopt for his device, oca coi stkt ! " Cosditiosj or ins IJiiitihii Nsvr There has lately Ix en two davs session of iKm Itritikh li.f ilnf Inn rtl V .1 X . carry two guns of the hc-.vie.t calibre, and Mr- &otl j; ,ho ; fc .if n Mm.rMI . .ff t am I.p.a.I. ,.1m hiiki in nl. 1 ..,,imi.,vi i,,. ...... i stateil exiilieitlv Ihttt lh-pn uirn ! 1 1, J-T-The Kicliuiond H'kii dos-s lint ' ko i the rebel tax bdl, by which $ loO.Oiio vdt) i aro to lie raised this vear. It sms Unit the taxes are to be paid bv a portion only i "'" " of tie States. Tlio seven Atlantic and Gulf , "'"'''y,,, ' . stall S will nave to liear t::e pru c jal pur tion, and largn tracts of tliein are overrun by the Jsvdei nl enemy, and cm ji.iv not It-in'-'-f V'ks it only ilecrnt that the cpi. i es of Kentucky, Missouri mi l TrnuesXsliould not vote on the b.l, as their St.itis will con'r.luitc about The WZnsdils: ''llni narnw belt f.r t adverto.1 to is to jiay all, ami at tho same tinif to feed the army. With Major Itul fin's for the War Department's sca'e irices of sgriculturul j roduets, tho lliirg will be simply imjKKsible, t-xccj't at such a sacrifice of property by the farmers, f..r the benrfit of s; eeulators and extortioner', as will be intolerable. f.r town ninl rminlry. Tli IhuU is imltt, ulnrlv r.illnl. line mil tin ntiili-.l at irna,inlil ni A linn asaeitini-iil nf I.IIJI'UIIS niveau on liamt. 'l'lie biIiiat c;slt ihi-ra ptul for eeintlry ero. illiee. LrSalTiltiliT Nulri tnki-ll ill Riul !il uul ul tin ir iiinikrl tnlttii no i ki-.ui r i;i r.N. w. ,v j. t.. it.vbi.iiw. Oie.-mi Oily, Jnn 17, lsi;;l. if IliU'dwarc lor Snli IV If. ,t- J. L II. IK LOW. I'st i:i:ri:n i:i a k-.ssi .,.).! f w err. c us ailug in iurl of lliu follow n'l'- tt iin. l aitn-lri ; 'laiini-N 'l'isila, of all K111.N, I'ripu nil M, Mill Sit a, K.I. a, I'liin-ia, Aiina, llcneli I'.atira, irl'nka' Plalform Sr'r, llui.t'a I lio (.. Vera, 11.111. 1 A irt, I late lli-la, I.nrril SfHikc Anj rs. ,e !, lirjj in lr.t-n I 'r.i.llra, lltMl-'lt VV li ,t t'.Utl, liir'l.irr-H . anlitMny ellif r tlmn-s too ir lio: ,i itii-nt tn nil nf tahli ll mil t a...l , f -r ,-.tsll itr cult. IfV plisluer. I trrjott I' IV, J ill .11 IiiiJ'oltr'l, ilitrrt lVotti 'iitnli;t, b a a a x . m ri:::inu i,i ai.ity, . fu:i..a: I.' nil in Ilea k Uran ly u'l llo.Um'a a Mai n-l ilo. tit i -i", .Mouiiir A (11 ilo, tin. It Ima elite, I tltntia inula W'lllilll Iho liot Iwil yen ih w hit lliltl liivrll Ul nil lio.i- of iiilief, na I Iin niiiiinr. una llllolu'ili, em III ienlca ill my niwa. jell alinw. "flits lliiae IIIIKt Im ml ii l o.t lit llin Ikiii t alttelil of t Ito lll.ll. u.ltiitl lo k int; it, mnl ll-i'.l lit an, It 1 1 it it li 1 1 - lo-a na In net ci'lllly nil llip tnwrla I the ill, lillea nf Ci aalllliv it II IlllllllklV l.llll lv no ill, Inr II Mill ettlli atrk IlI'll.liU'Ill tta tllolla.illlla e.ill ,alll ill tmuiiy iiiiiinii'a, if Inn r tltr. It tin nlula 1110 l.lkrll III l-nillllll-lloiMlllMll nf llltill-k .. wll,l Itsil il hi (j 1 v 1 1 1 n lln 11' ipHliiiiniiy 111 its I'u v nr. Ml .iii-r 111 lln 11111111I1 11 illi tlm I m imniiir, nml mt tllinv liollt Utt-llii r. Il r I'l.te, $ 1 s 1 ImiIi.. t!.... SAMOlUl'S .nf.r CATiiAirnc nu.s, I'OVII'Ol NliHi HIOVI J'urt r.rf i.'i'e -.'.rfni, I'nt ill tfU-a I'nai-a, nil lilil, mnl will ki-t in nity i'IiiiiiiIii. Tim I'mmlv I 'olh. olio I'iII i a riiil Inn i-ntluirlio, w In. It ttii iMiir,plot' Ima 111 hia I'liii'tiei' itiitiit lli.oi Iwiiitv Voaia Tllfi eilnslitllllt Inelp.tsilt ili-nt il, fl.llll llina nli'i loo lont; ti.i',1 ilo- I ol", it 10 1 1I1 muiiii iioii w Ineli ull 1 ni.a 111 I r f il,l In Hi r II"", llaa lli-ltll'i'il In Iu l'lie tin ill W illl li llie rv.o-li nf nil Til (Ifolrasinll w i-ll know thai iill-iiil eatli.itti. a a I nil iff- lrtll H'lt)Olla of tlio li-'W i-'a. '1'h l'.tiiiily (' llinrlio I' II lias, null tin,' IPii-iam-B In itua w, 11 1 i .1 i ii: i. il i.H-i ti-i e 11 III i ntltt Iril Ir, III a into ly nf III I illr.t Ipu- lal'l rt Itili'la, Ii i-lt u, I It I k nil iy j till i f tli itliiin nt.uv en nnl nml nr, , ii,i,l nitit a,C 111 till 1 a.ra W tli'lo il ciiliot e is 11 nl, nl ait, -It j. il'-i.ioo.-oirii.a itf lli a'niii irli. ali-rt nss, aioa ill III I1.1, k Ailil Imtla, e-ssli,iras, iiina mill a.'li-hsa ii- rr II. who! It.sf, ll'iitl suilt!i-ll col.l, wloi-fi fii-i 1, lillv , if W, ,1 II I III .1 lolij; l-.oila ,.f fi,, ,aa i. irlil. a i-l.rillii ..'!. j 1 1- II i.f i- . , ,.vrr ill Usli . r-llaitf-, lii4il,i li. nr v l'II 111 lli lt4il, all lull. tuotiniuri V il a- .t.ra, uotnis uieli l tliu ol ail 0 1 la. 1 It'iiina'tsin Mis'il, aitil 111 it 11 iliirna-1 1,1 i In Ii i!.t a Ii. ir list liiilllrinla In liitflilioll ill itu atlvcll anil, ill - l,., 1 tu :i. ri:u i:. tiii;i:i: iiu s Tli !.or I111 inralnr ami I aniily t'atlitrli I' ui ,, I') I i tia-ja aiB v, (nlirre, an.l hy lil.lUNl. I'nN A I'll , V,i' . 1 4 -nl Inr lli l'4- ill, i-nasl, ll'i , lis 1 "t out a! , .Vnii I 1 .,11, i.i-o ;ils:iiu lor iho Lungs'. CiniiiiHiihiiM, .lalAintl, NmH iViernU, Spilling f , Vi, t'llHh, iirfuriilil, '11111 III the Sale, nml ill Ihtrmet uf lUt Luux. Ir. Win. I bill's Itiilritui fur llin l.tuis, In nil ettsea, ejroa the In at nf aitlialiti'llnil. 1 r. Win, ll.ill'a II11I-11111 for lli l.unna Ima WIiihijIiI linn eiuna anion lla InlnililiMloil 1 1 1 it it nil)- oilier enti;;li ini'illi'lii. Pi'. Win lliill'a lliitamii fur III l.illiira la ru tin! ai il iy ymir li-utl lif I 1 1 V 1 ' 1 it 1 1 at na tlio tnlial uinl linal mill, il)' iiiiw iluin tint uililln, Pr, Win. Hull's ll.ilaitin fur tlm !.uiii;la anfn In lis uiiiouk It 1 1 ,1 1 11 , mnl )il iiiW'iliil in euara uf 1 'limine iiiliiiniinry iliai nai-a, t r Win. llnH'a lliilaniii lor lli l.iinirs liiini;a ila 1 pil.lii'iiii'n nlinnst ilully nf lla wnioli'ilnl euo iu nil I'liHa nl llu t'oiiiiliy. 'I'll III it ail r its 1 1 1 Jiliaif nf tli III 1 1 1 umo nollll iilhl r Vi'i'lli III nl I'l Win Hull's II.1I.11111 for III I. nous, la alinun 111 III iiiiilny Willi uliieli 11 Iin- 1 11 a n ciilil Otvoiit willt lli i"iiil. Tlit'in la II 1 11 f "I 11 aliullitl tititlir-i littt llllnl la annll t-iisl lulu iln alimltt nlii'ii lli l.nUniti Ima lnn llioloiiulilt lisii.l llni n 'oola oi tia anli , III I'oiiuli y 1,01, 111 iui!wiii'i 11, w aniilia, nt 11 , lllliniiiallo ill lla I'tO nr, a1llll; ' l la jilal lli I lo it,,' ; il tula Ilk n t It it 1 111 1 lla 1 ll.vla are Hil ly itniii'.tl." I'll ntui'lt isrr aliunlil I' vrv iiailinnlnr In aak Inr, uml Ink mm In- VV..VM It V 1 . 1 .'.-4 I SM l ull I III! I.I NliS, ttlni'l, ,a . Irtlilril III in anli-l ti-tioli in lli llmnr) rillllltail, t ot mli Ii) all l.-no. i.'a, nml I'V lil l'IMUiiN .V i n, hn'e (' Ilia, III! ami lis I t ill airit,Sm, I' s.n SCOVll.I.'S . S A US A V A U I I, LA A Nl ST I I. I. 1 N (i I A! Ilhwd iV iu rr Syrup. I ill rati- an I narr-l .y V , J I. I! llil.llW. Otfij ti l .ti, Mji. It I I, lf .! IiiiiiilxT, Luinlxr, 1 ri:::v 1:11 tion, k.i.n 1,0, .1 iii lor alr tiy W. , ,t I. P. WMIIYV. Dr. Kakcr's Tain rnuacra Is rotttj ,m, . p i,t 11 r!y nl in .i'iI'iJ ) ulna, 11 11, 1 i -rl i I-! w l nn-l lift l-si ll la s llrollv a.ilp t- r III III at ii-l en' l'i ll-P I ran Inn I ailn pi, ly a 1I14I I l.nva iiripr kit.-mi any, li-mpirr ilrli-'alp. t- Ini injur, ,1 bl It III tli Iraal w ,11 r.-lllnni In ..k lli i III, '.nl. wliu liai li. il its. .1 il, l.ilii il I t lli I. l ow il'K ili-ra-rs, ll-py nlo II -I aal a I'n il H it It .la li4l 11 i ilow,,rt. III mmiPi w li lip rlipi-llil ly Iplnuilr.l i) II. a nj III ttliPl III.' en la f,,f a.,',.. If ou It . piiit 111 III St.-1111, It nr tiinp!a, It) a ilnap of I'aui Taiiiha uiipriiAKv, liallii- at Ip'i 1 y ntpi tli siit. (Ir, inl, ami )mi mil al urn ip. lot lli rsispr M, 1,1,11 an I rpl.pi tli . on It tnu lias a lltuapiir W iniml, lulln- it r- II Illi ilia I'jui I'an.u p.t four tiiitpa il iv It ti-l I trio ,p tli j-t 11, ami nut a!l tli -u.anit, anil ( lir-ll lk .1, 'illol III A sJiott t 10. ! l )M At aolli-tm fnint NpiifAliA of lillPll : 111 ,1 r I'a to, Aji, I l!.P I'a 11 I'atiaP. a Itapty, Anil j l.lko A ll.-s nl ll liifPtioilli , lll-iriilo- In II Alol It o' l, il tt -II II -I noly run Ilo- luili, 1ml M..I r. 1 1 v "itr fo ;, Uko a .1 ,1.. ..I ments. Wooden walls must staml irom under when tbe Dunderberg is around. She is cvid.uly a thinj not to be trifled with. Tin Yaskkb Tsaitor i IUciusax's : whole Ilriti.h navr only two ressels whieh would pursue the Alabama with sny hojc 01 overuKini tier, iho Deft-use and lie- sitt.u.c tould oa'y follow in her wake 1. 1 1 ., . .. . 11 was exncc'jeu ma i-st vesels in I.fifr..tIol UP4 n,.l nt tl.A n tt . ' ".s- ...n.s. ,k U-Jte'lll- UastxiT.-liere is a ol lust , m,ut di.ckv.rds, but st the private yards, sneaaiiimiior, jioao oucy, .-secretary wnere ttie Alubaioa ami Uretos are con of the Navr under Duchanan. It is riven . stmet'd, I f, I iit-.sI - oval, nuif nee tjf s correspondent of the .V. Y. Timet : ,. w" ItTranlc-J that LnclanJ, sfter stirring the monkey up, lr y,u know ju ... is. ipr,. ,Hiii, nas 110 iron now lliat thing can bo dune sciet.tifi all In December, 1C0, Gmmsndir T. iV. Craven, of the U. 8. ship Mohawk. at Key West, wrote me that thu traitor , .1 ' L t - - I ... r A. W. Craven, of the U. .S. shin Mohawk. w" . 1 ".""c " n,J n,:r. "r ' a ; si.u ur isi ii'i vn vv tt r i rm sj" A new subscriber iii Linn county teems to be out of humor. He writes; " I b.ive itoiied the Crr art ran, and wont you to end mn the Arijut right strnicht a'ofg, ss bu g bve and you do thu writing for it. I h.ivfi always Voted the ditliorriitic litket. and never took anything but a democratic ji;ij,er iiji l the time Jelf Iinvit ilriinitned up his buoy army to destroy tlm I'nion. I then became a Union m m up tu the h.-onlle, but took the S.ilein hiind i -rgaii, as it w ns all right on the I'nion. H it as the ii.f. rnal ly ing tritir Inn gone over to Jt IT and back t" Jo Iine'a bosom, Imve sworn by the Klerniil as J.vksun did tuitive m more of n y iiiQimy tu tho " cus" that even niggers are ashnind to nssocia'e u:,i. u .i . , on. .TiTiiu mn ii, s Arnui. ami Kivn st lly. Her arnors tr l. ni .. . . . -. I til.. I. tl ., leainoit .IIOI !l!'i,Ts, j ,i I T'lll'lt there were endeavoring lo Fort T-y I " ' ' r r t K T ont c er" of Fr ,,,c'. "r ,",,,t ""' m I I s . f - i ej'i uijBiiini.M iwrr. iur, in ii nn incrv nvrq ltry lew intra M t 1 .t i t. then in W.tbitoo.and heord-red ! . 7 Pr?.rnce" "'rmr l0. ,'r"t i ,,.pp:. il.- I-.., -i.;. k i i. i ar" '"'ure. sumniited . a,-..- . ....a is I . Tl,y, ,1. ...... - w..i ti' (ii'i, i iij iii line ments wi.i.,11 wire ins'ie at tins meet rt. troot from capiure. At the same time Coin-' l. . . at t, manner uraven wrote to .Mr. iouiey, inc. , . ,, ., - , .SecreUrv of the N.vv. statin, th. iLv. ! " hwh f''' '" en, others, . . fact, and Sskii g f-eriiii-ion to keep bis thiji there to ssre the fort, to winch let ter the .SeeMary rrsj'oiidtd by orJering him tocruiwion th coast cf Cubs, which ordrr Comuisn ler Craven obeysd, and Imd Ihe IncH t esfiture two slavers soon, and returned to K-r Wrtt, where La staid until the Fort ws g-irrisoued.' NoRTIIKHS Oiri'BRIICSbS Sl S'lfTMCHS P.wkls. On Wednvvlay a IxhIv of reb els were sent on the stesmbont Maior I.eyltold, from Tenii-se lo Fort Dela ware. A I lnUiiii-hi-i t"riiH-rliPB'l tynne- hj managed, Lefure the boat started, to larn. mies ririunlly ,i.irM.,.,i .. ,i... i , , - i - , , , - I---.-- w s,i-j iii-ii'T il siieill J.lsns, which bo has an spnc.d to nit,, .M .1,1 .,,,1 foil to Ihe caise of tin.iM:imliini in (Im l.'liited States. Tlii-V sav tlm triuuinh of the rebel oligarchy would ' jiiit b k k the irognsi of christian civiiiznion ami of Im- iiiiinity a whole century, ll would muke angsis wevp in lieavi-n ami demons r. ioien in lu ll. It would en ilde th friends of the slave trail'i am of sbivi ry in all lauds to bold up, Iheir heads, evi-r ra ly as lln-v are lovsj.pour ul tlm first tnal, in Asia, in rtliici, ainl even Int be great cities ol KurujMa. It wi.u'd givn a fatal blow lo tlm work .Mistion. nml what a frightful n-AjHiiisihiliiy would test on the Church which tliriii'd remain thu silent sjivc-Utor of such a triuinjih!'' SCHOOL 1J00KS And Stationery, .lAu.iv.v os insn, a sn ron sn.i; at Livisu run i:.s, II V J. V L I) M I X (J, At Ina oM iUtiJ, .Ma u alt. ft. Oar', is t'ltl J J IS al.a.k eoinpnat-A, in part, lli folium mj: tn.lpr" Pr tiiar, S-I'pr, An I Itpofpra, l'atkr ami Wai-oii -it and lirnd'tt, 'lai k a .!i nt'icaty A'al.n, lUtii-a' AriiliutPiii-A, 'l'lifilll -n'ai Arlllim:ti-f, I'tfkrf a l'lu'iia.,iliv, M i Unl'a .iliti.'jril lli. I,,ry of lli fn Ip I S'.A'pa, WlUlll' 1 lull ll- a f.f lliainty, MontPilli tV Mi-N il )' Upniftai It pa, luai.kpiilia K rai l.paaunt In l.i i-ll n'lnjn-ailion. M-i;.!:(f .It'a Arialytnal Mum. I, IV, ImIpc a li. .Iio. itii. a, l.lrim i.iary SK!!rr ami I'l inn r, Ciittr'i Annloiny, 'livai..njy & Hi j me, ( up, Olipr A. .Vita- I', Mjli-aaln) Mnl I'nirilt, Mat inr il A. Nona, liavi-l'a mil Ariiol.l'a lilai-k, I. In, an I ip I Inka, Ni, 1 in r. aii l l.'l V.nt-l pri, liil'ult'a e.-l, lna'iil Ml IV ns, (IaIpI III. .11. 11 pA'll All I lllilltlllgf pAwr, Siiieir'a Mniiii( ll.s-ka. l-'iillon tV Ksatiiian'a Vetiral ll.a.k K. j. I f, with Honk Kpphiil' I'.laiika Also, a far ply of m ae, 'I iifotia b-oka. Ilnttoti Cily, t-rb. Ulli, l-i.l I Illol ill rtiia nf III ilisp i , ll' )oiilial lit lys;.pMi.t, I pi km our a'ninni It a!lrr pal liiii I'tiia- pa Af'pr ptrli niPal i It vi. ii Im a I'mikptp-I nr Snr Mmiili ,.r I 1 1. Mat, iip.y III" I'aill raiia--.4 Iu lli ulli-i'lpii . .tit. an I filjptlia luniilli nt IIiIoaI llilraoi ( I t Ill's A ll) . It you t, as s as l,a (liAtili ri, nr A li-'io.l tli'i i,( ill lipa, Uk fmr il'svanf I'aill I'elia A, : an. I Ihpy mil a, sin U rpslorpil If )mi a I pitiful a a r Hit. ca , litlli lli pAt!A ftp. ly, nml I ml Will UU IPln-1 llir pain, Alol tin- aiti II I f W II I- rp !ll. l ll )nsl Ii4i apif I li.illi ui ,i , .ly tli I'.iin l'aiia,-ia on a pre nf cel. .n, ami In Ii Id k'oni at tin. a.iin Inn ; if mil t..;i 0, 1 1 n I iis'antly ll )i.u I. at a pa 11 111 li llraaat S ilr, I! .1 k. r I Ki lie )s.liat!, ll. patta alt l-l linruij; an-1 M,'li', j al III a line I Ina l.,k ! of III I'anl pa in i Ipfli illy I If A M illu-r ll ta A Cakpil lirrjal, Ap, I) t'. I'am ' r.itiarpA At li,. aapaii In- liri,. j If lull 11 ill II) nr roll, as llimift'i ),. ttri f'"i T Iu list' a fplPt, t.ik A li . ill I'tnsi-PA I ll llni lial a tttitilll, I 111, nr h4'-a on y - fir 1 lima, A'i y III Cam I'aiiir. a; it mil lik i n! I All ill mil iiiisimn. ami le al II. ..r in a .l,..n I III', .'-ol,! I., a I ll. ft 10 0 tl Iin. an I I., IfKI'IVl. Ii , ,V in, Ajpi.i.. lis 'f 11! "-Up. I, au llaio .i .i I' ia l.rr- liv ipi-. itiitirn.l I ,v I'liyan-iattt I till tli I 'll- MO g ili.Ars liAIIII IllP-r Ull- l-ti'4l pot i t Hip I j , 4 ,,..,,riril tl ,1 of III lil .l . i a f k - r , I I. i ill- ns l.iiliopiiipitt nl lli J, ll!a, I'ahl Pinna I'lilliota I I ) aijir l.ia, Killir'a I'lil, M Aliliolii'a o. VV ,i. .-.Mallina, I lli aiina'p rrotiitmis, VuiiVa un Hi!'!, Iiliu limlisi i, II n. lira, I'usliilra, i,.stmia, alp. t pluliiii Aiel Mpiriinal tr.eiiiiiia at eut.l, i 'll o.ia i-l nlaUl il. lo.lta ill frill ilpa; 1 4tlt-or li ra nl W It Ira, at tr.tpiill I ) III Ua uf lliat Mnl fin 'I Ii hip. I ral pfo pi In a nf SAta4itlitl in Ptfll piio n. -li miiIi -sii.,,1,,4 at twli kiuna n lit- a'l IllP.iii ill Itipii lo U Hip Im-.I I oi-iiillnl rl iis,-i,p rrril tu i Iran iiinl pii, il lli til -si, ami i a,l eal t ll tiillll.iia llolll lie' at strut I W Ii 0 jj-lpil III IP. i In III. mI pit, a.i'i in ttt tin- rnmitn , lliiltlr) ma, knntt nliAlilip) at llii.f. till I 14 11 1 oiil.ltilP lo aru.i ll li, 11141I .t tlnas ilriilom if kii"-li lit iliip.liPllta pnlpriif lulu lla e-io.i.i 11111, tlit llul tli- J Ina) prpai lib II lit III. II pi n t l-P 'I li a pt. pilt'ioll tun Is At III lira. I i lli list uf IriiiPilu a lor i-ur .111 at I il as. at a. 1 if ft,. in int. itlfltirA i.l ill tlmal ul tlias-aai .1 IIIAtl! illlk U III tie- i tlpiil 'I liotisdlnla ta Iin li.iV Uari ill ,Vt lliilpia Alt I ."-alsApit.l'A till! I, at fy III ila I Put ,1 k All 9 lire I ill ItiotitV nil lllipurili- ll-'lll ll.P.I l,',a.t, ( V i( lull Aiti I (nl In III aitt-.l Iniiiiait ll AMP, anil Ipaluf intf a liralilii at nml Iu tall ll lutieliuiia ut Ilia I f V 'I to' ti at.intoi, I 'a r, r. 11 r. I in i!a ff uf ffrsin many in. 111'. rta .-1 1I1. Mr. 1. 1 il I a-u ly ttuu'il, aitt t tu puMiali llinti. It I a Lip intuitu-. It Is H' airil Ull I- r 10- tus a nil uf nil mf tli itij. al a 11 1 I.' t pt a. I 1 4I ,'1,'iinsta lit tli i-smiiiU) , -Mr S 1, 11 ;!, f 'in,- 11114I1 , an aa Iii maur a 1111 lornt l) ot t .iii-.ia. I...U Alnl punt) III All 111 lil eP I nils Aa a r.11 runrilv, Iii puffy ami i-Imihi Id lilial, Iraini il ttr limit a'l liuinnta ami iiiimiii. lira, HP a-apt tt 1: 1, , ulltolptif llir ft at n lajll r llinli li hy all tMi.-.' s'e. ainl dy 111. HIM. lll, , (II, l.rnla. 411, 411.I I 1 1 I'i.n I a-tPrl 4l 'r st 1 'I'll ItltU'll AH. -I.l. ta tit .ll!.! In A-liffsl. is 1.11 . r iicvi.ui. Ainl lout frit t'p fir ft out ,p nun,, a. In, ul l a nj fl .111 an ini'ill alal uf lli ti .1111. il in Llmsl 1 Inn, "1 I'ST nr. uprl an I fur l 'I'll. II, 1,1. ral l,y Hi ati'aw r ! r. l''4m lie.' Ii. Sii- pnrp, .Nnliital llialnrv, Tli ('"fiipf ( 'iiiIm,i,I, 'I'd Spi-rrl I (ul, 'I'l, .S. ,i,l,, ' , I'pffrrl (irli. Up tli nt. I.nlipa' I r IipI, A c , A " l-pb H. J. l-I.L.MI.Vli Uk fart: AJinir.ds IJ.Iclicr. llaUfed and hiirtonous, h, J, :,., 0f the Adini rally, .Mr. tairbairn. Mr. Sairiuda. a buil der of iron ship, and Mr. 8fill Ilussidl. Such i the coml.lion of the Uritiah navy, according w u,o injji.cst i.nglisli author! lies. f.S. II AI.I.K K S ltil. l.a ami JI lli lttta of War ; lo, Army ItrgoiUnoua, f.,r talu itf Ihiis isi ALLinti: mm klsiokai i i. lltilnrin'j f.Vny air In ilt Oi ijimil folnr. roar I ., J. I I.KMI.VJ. Tiisj .SijiTiiiKM CinvAtnr. The I.ich n.ond Whiji of the 30:h ultimo ssys "When our ftho rebell armv rcl rented from York town crest comiil.nint was made Ly persons livin on or near its line of 11 an h nf iho di jirudu turns of the soldiers, Osaxd L'lPnKShinM. Mr. James Wa ls- and rterithm en Imve been heard to declare "TlK of Sow York, has given s brief and Selltlin'llt. Ulan After i'redtrlekabu was It is of the mutt bcoiitilul e,j,resi, ;-v. r,ifl,MT",.,u s,;"""'r? v ,ui ,,m m. ' i it lo Jdotect the Vwn strijified the i f , . V rri . .. .. . ... . .. . tret ncouaintrd with ll.. r.d el mi..r. Th- "rmrn. " r """ft K"" "pression to tlio Liimn to - - - " I .r If. W If. I 1 s "la. ..l...r........A .ll..ll. ..r ll.. f....r..rl...l I wurrvmraii; WIV --fl"HV it'.IMI'l tlf tut? Vl'l'l" ! Il fl I jt Jo'f not if Mif to luta hc n fvciutwMlptl . ' ' ' . 1I1 or tuti.t li f.f.fti iKa .s. I.ff th. i.r.sonerto whom it was rth.bitH, r.. . w ' ' .. ""."""'n 7" . . liv. f,.r...r i id. I,,...!.,,,, I , U'l.p. il.-Co..,.pl..,.i l.n in. ).. "auereu nousos i wnat lin e remamcl in " "'"i "6""6 . II. " v I llioin .iw I p,l.i .l il. ,.l...,l ! Allier fn liAlr'n.ll.m . -..,. r.,il.C,,MOHI llllllliri'tSj I " - ..-"".. . ed inhabitants to absolute beggary. The ''The United States of America From very S'j'i'cnriiiDiia nui'iD t i-reilcrn-ks- f" iceberg lo t' s oraiign tree, from the loirjr siiiii-n-ri have not esecedeij their Mblit of I'ramte to llni inouutaiiis of toild. .resttri wants, nnd there will a.-.ii bo one empire indivisible, united, solid, entire. .....I . r - I i i ...i . . . ... i ,. ' iii ne.,1, oi ii'i'iiiiiiiiiii aiiiiwriii'ions io seep viernai. mnisiiiiir womiii nn ii ciiipiren irom twrso ) live starvation. These sro facts which can be substantiated. - flMIK (,liln W'rrilll, a iIohi rnllrrlloll X r'atur.l'i .Mckxlira, ur aal l y of inarl.i j h.kmim; riVIK riuiati.m llyiiiit ll.tik, f i iiv L in irli J. H.KVIIMi. c 1 Ml AS A Tina arm-: fr . fur ' by J. h.kmini;. I'.KIIM.TON' 4 turn M'i i;i:nm Yuast Powders. tnnjor eifiretsed bis setiiiiiietiis In terms of unfi'iivoeol ronteinpt. He denouncd bim as sneskin; miserable traitor, a sympathiser with tho undrnguiaed tncrnirf of the (Jovernmrnt, to whieh, while amb-r its protection, lie owed st lrat his fidelity, lie further (lpresed Sttonithmcnt that the North, sod thai the Government, sh'iubl tolerate rreaturrs Li h the .South did hot and would m.t tolcrste. fne would think thst cruraents surh ss thte from tin biis of rebels, would breed iu li- grttinn when swallowed by Ihe Norlliern Cnj'ptrbeadj who supjrpAi ihim. t Friendship is the full blown fl ower I'fliieSuulj Ixjie, is its divinely njiemd fruit. ri7"Th. Argel of Ilnjie stinds fnrevr-r -sT I'rofessor Agssaiz, iu his scientific articles ia tho Atlantic Mih(UIj under the titla "A rnAriita llm MlI Wtft.l " .,.....:. smi . ... . t I iimni'.ai imv wi-i " "H I, III SI ill HIM V A fristriiintt artat.Sal iiini.l I. . I...... ro-ir of Utile. hv.n tlm ivla wn turn U a.. v.- a I nl If f I II II I ni"n-J sT II uriij, rt 7 -". me reneis were -Here ss the Tirsl dry land lifted !! iiiK over the same K'ouiid from which out .f n.. ,., .(. r.. .i... . a a I v tvsnvi, H'iiv "HI tll'l Mini, HII'rQ they l,, driven our men, a wounded rebel ,iat , wuM hy , 0),,n ,. rVf.,. wnli a l.all ihrmiKh Ins leer, snt un assinst onrd nil il.. -...i.l i..i.i... ss-i.n- i.-.. a t . e with s can ten, of water in bis hand, f.., w, represenbid only by inlands ris snd imibrly s.-.l,,i.(j Lnlande, of in here ! there above the s-ns. Ainer. W AUK AM Mi IO .MKi: I, I li II T attipt ant) uuiriiiuiia bo . l-tpially ail.iHi in LOAVliS, HUT !(M;IT. HIJCK Will: A T o,lnihrr rh. f;iM;i.l:l:lli;.l, a.,. r..ka of all km-la. Warrantfil fully j u;a to any in tin! iiiai ki t I Ak fur 'AAXI.V)S .fCVi VI'.AHT l'fiWM:i:.s, and tak mi oile r, if yon wul. hat uniformly MOOD HI... AIM MliiifartiiriJ an I aoM at , II Kill Mi Tl IS tin, 4Hl and 1 1 t.'lay altppl, Han ( Ihe Whs Illinois 4 iiii. eliatgiiijr by. as that friinent i niid he I "Good by our, tointii'ir ur wards with a I mornin' but . Imw A. ,t,.t Tl.:. :. ., . V . I I p f J ser I A "I tat im ! oi pr9,n,. reg'lsr hell ain't il ? " ea already stifl lied nn unbrolti'ii lino of laud from 'ova Scoiin to thu fir West. tOa. . Susplelon ever hiuiits the guilljf inlnj. DIJ3 A CO., Commission Merchants A 11 II JMirrtin Vlnur, Utain, I'tnl, ft ml, luthfr,t H. V.4 loi nn Frn'il slid V'a.Iiiii((,m i.( NAX I'UASClSCO. I 'Cuiiaviitiinil trf all k lu-lat of 't,f. mi an I I Urrgoa J'roiiuraj MipikiJ. it i'i!i:vi:Ms im: iimk kihm kai.i- 1 IMlllll''. IT intra ll.l.llliraa, allll IPIIIUtr all lUinliull alol ar mf finiu II. In a I ll a'lajt all ir'Halnni of ll. a. a'i l i-ia la an-l ri frs,ra lli I. rail, aiol iiii-uiia lo ll, I a r a Iip.iIiIi) , ho ly ai iiianri- I', h. 1 1i .niH mra wli Ii Irmoi ilau Iruir ami i ml finiu tl. I,. aiI. IIav iirilal.i.n an I f.a ill'- aa-1)! fn, iii liiiiip.ra, Irlolrt Il ia all In I ll.t .ilil al. paai n. mi iii all ril'aiirona nlli rle iia, am li aa lleli, Itu-li, h.ill lllniiin, I lnll.l.,,,,., it--Iaa, (ilirtviilllia, Molilra, li.t ami Mina nf I it -pi I, ami .ill piiiiI una nf Iin. akin, ally ,al raoaril Ii) I'lllMlN II K 'Mi only Ifpiiiiiii Arin I i ( ni ni in TINT Iti.lllea, all I ll III Hllllrll B(ti,i nf X .M I I.I J-l . id iinyiii il .i.-iiii.,r ami n r inter. III! Illi- Inliel ainl tt r i wr raaii.all iti III ii ii.-rnil aijir, tain, r, i. i 1 1 1 1 1 I : I , III.IilM; (l AMI, ll nilal .riila, 4IC ami 411 I mnl air, I, hall I Main prii. 4 I M. wlio iirnfpa. l.i uml. ralaml all 1 . trail, a nr arn nra, aa-uuir In illia an all amilily lii. li Hi (iiililir. llu Hi anuip (iiiiii ij.l any nn In- ilo in wlin ll itofr.a. In eure all il a pa-ra i iiiih oi lli)' lli aneliip.l ronlolrm, ami almiilil al inn Int ilpiimuiepil aa a iimi k liosltiim 'Jim ( Jr.i 'iViilnT Kiniiily Mi'ilifiiif-s In lint iiasiiinn In eiir all ibsraap Mild nn iiii- nl;'. 'l in y lnv iIpviii il ll' n nl innl . inpa, - h ail iili l'i Us " ruliur il sms.-, ninl Inn liaa inor . lipj'iiul iiit-aini tin- pli. ney ami 1-piinintv nf llira irr.,ir ilium I lirir lia( i'iiiiiiiiai a III (ol liming un. In in: (Inijinlrrij 'rpi tnUr l'ilh; Mir ahull' I'lrrmr Cullmliion; (inrfrnlit rij Siirmnirilii flrilrnltrrft I'll? Ill mnl (iritiiiliirK liiriili ri Siriii; (Irttn Miintitiiin I hiilwriil; ftnrriilirri ( 'liililmi'n 'ilimrrn; (Jriifnilirrtf Cuiifiinijitiii'l lliilml flrnfi iJirrt I'.ijf. .titiim; tinrfriilii r;f l'i nr uml A'jlir llnnf'tij; iiriifniliirij llnltlh llillrm; iriiri,l, rit ,),,, llniltli I'u a a I ley nil ll,lii!ii;,olll tlm Mliltn lirw an. A lies i i lll'.lll.M; KIN ,V I'M, lVu,lanl Prnit;ta, 1Hi llnNH I'mul al , Kan I inn. , o n. I M'Kli.V.t I, ;.v ,M,.; hI AMI-m, f-r .,.!.. 1 h J- I LLMI.N'J. I' your tp.fot j ..or I k-o ; .-ra ainl I. on In tl lit -1 kiiottn, aa una r. rni'i inarkli'p rnti f III. I.! U - i 7 7 I . . a s - r 1 J lu a.. I I, nl li't'lli, t. t ll'a I: .. .I .lltlljl-tll l u r i f i r li t lli.lliar ria of r III ill liAII'U "i in. lot,, ii;, j.,. (, until!) l l'.. KI. I IM.Iu.N A I'u, V,,.., A,:pi,:., I M ami II" I toiil tltp. I,r-aii I run IvMratls fur I'lavorin-'. I AS ILL I. LIMoS. oiusar., n'.U'll, llll Il.f AI.MUMI, LC. fllllliSi: Pllla. la Msa.raa, III III ript rnnrPn 1 rriilialril I . nil, Hip .1. Iirnoit laal Ainliniirri mill. up. I nf tl, .iriil arl.i Ira aIh.ip nu iiipi.iIpiI, an I for all ml naiy mii.iapa at ill ba (..uinl id until p. on, .mi. ; ami routPiopiil man li r nf r..iiimiiiiiaiiii( Id fljti.r. It irlirtilat I., a-kf r ll. It it la iip.ipi l.y ua, a iIipi ar many km I 'i' ni l liy us, aa llirro ai many kimta in in oik. I Mpaa ni Inil 1 . 1 1 1 a , if any, of Ilia Inil llainr. I'ir.,.p I a' 'I l I l.y CI III M.I 11 A I'f). 4 l'i ami lis t'.tii.l t , Kan I no orxuivz on calomel. Dr. Win. I fal In II.iUuiii fur I III Illll's liH Uu -i 1 1 III IW It lnii"; iiii'iliciiii, ainl 11 r-spn-i. nlly ul ijitcil to (In- nuislitiia liiHH ol frlli4 nml (InrsM Hlll'lf-lilirr fl'lilll 'llslitiii oraiiy liiiicniiijildiiil. (iivo it it trial. ItliDIMJTO.V A CO, Il7iiitie Ayniti, lift and tH Front tl, San Fnnnrhrn, niooin of Voiiiii, o n WVl) Vl'.Ahl, rns ti i tiiiimi n rararatit.ii tii Ins tin aaitj. Miatl iiiraliinl.l. To Ii t nrlii In rr. r llitriilrt.f. IIKIMM.T(l A in, Ki ni' lot Id I'urilii! i-.m.l. I If! ami 1 1 H I mnl alit-Pl, Sail I inne arn. fpiii; iciih'm: ai.m Ac'i..r im,.i,j I l" itn n if ij fit) i.(,y ''' 33- i- I I.I.MIMJ