The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, June 15, 1863, Image 4

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Pitted at the Third Sfuhn of iht Thirty
i'vtnik Corgrrtt.
PuUle-Xo. t7.J
A I tet lo lu an Amrrtrn rrgialcr to Hi atpam
hip kamk.
Pw It onueted ty ton Seiinta mxj Mouse
of Ikpreseiitstivrs of the United Stale of
America in Cong rrxs assembled, the
Secretary of the Treasury is hereby di
rected to Issue an American register to
the steamship or vessel known as the Kar
nak, of the collection dimrict of the port of
XtW York, the Homo being n Britith built
vessel, but now owned by Amcricnn eiii
ien. Approved, February lfl, 1S03.
friililio No. St.
A Act for tli relief of persona tor dnmigrt un
tuned hy ron of duiredtion and -.iijurira by
certain band of Sioux Indian.
Whereat the United Stntes heretofore
became bound by treaty stipulation to the
Siuoton, Wahpnton, Medawakanton, and
Wajhlpukoota bands ef tho Dakota or
Bioux ludiniis to pny large sums of money
nnd annuities, the greater portion of which
remains unpaid according to the terms of
auid treaty stipulations; and whereas dur
ing the past year the ufore&aid bands of
Indians made an unprovoked, aggressive,
nnd most savngo war upon the I'nitcd
States, and massacred a number of
of men, women, nnd children within the
State of Miune
iiincsou, an.! destroyed jiliPs. " f
large amount of f - T. 'AT" & Jjf , f f
re lorfeiUd all ;u" .1-Tim V. .'..i' v fe f A (
damaged a
thereby hnv
said moneys and attrwtii .j t : I
(States; aud w hereas it is jmt and equitable
that the persons hoso property has been
destroyed or dan.Mged by the said Indians,
or destroyed or damaged by the troops ol
the United States in snid war, should bo
indemnified in whole or in part rut of tho
indebtedness and annuities so forfeited as
aforesaid; Therefore,
Bo it tuacted Ly the Senate nnd House
of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congrtsa assembled, That all
treaties heretofore made at.d entered into
by the Sisseton, Wahpatcn, Mcdawakan
ton, and Wahpakoota bands of Sioux or
Dakota Indians, or any of them, with the
I'nitcd States, are hereby declared to be
abrogated and annulled, fo far as said trea
ties or any of thorn purport to impose any
futuro obligation on tbf United Stutrs, and
nil lands and right of occupancy within
the Sut-e of Minnesota, and all annuities
and claims heretofore accorded to taid In
dians, or any of them, to be forfeited to
the United State.
Sic. 2. Aud be it further enacted, That
two thirds of the balance remaining unex
pended of annuities duo and payabla to
Mid Indiana for the present fiscal year, not
exceeding ono hundred thousand dollars,
nnd the further sum of one hundred thou
r.rd dollars, being two thirds of the annu
ities becoming dua tnd pr-ynblo to said In
ditnt during the next uVai year, is hereby
appropriated, and shall be" paid from the
Treasury ot the United States, out of any
moneys not otherwise appropriated, to the
comtniSMoncra hereinafter provided for, to
be apportioned by Dura among the head
of families, or, in of their decease,
among the surviving member of families
of the State nf Mhinrsotv who suffered
damage by the deputation 0 the Sisse
ton, Wahpaton, Mediwakamon, and
Vahpakoota bands of Sioux or Dakota
Indians, or by the tro ps of the United
States in th late Indian war in the State
of Minnesota, not weeding the sum of
two hundred .lrs to iny one family,
nor lbs actu .I damages aores;.:.., nnd no
moneys shall be paid under this section
except upon those claims which shall bo
presented to said commissioners on or be
fore the fin-t Jay i.f June next, for the
payment of which the sr,id commissioners
hall take and return to tho Secretary of
the Interior and to the Secretory of the
Treasury duplicate vouchers therefor, cer
tified by them.
Sac. 3. And be it further enacted, Thst,
for the porpoae of making the proper dis
tribution of the moneys hereby appropri
ated for the present rebel of such families,
and for the purpose of ascertaining the
whole amount of said damoires and the
persons who have suAV-nd the same it
ahall be lawful for the President, by and
with the advico and consent of the Senate, j
to eppci:it three commissioners, not more
than one or. whom shall be a resident of
Minnesota, who shall take an oath in the
manner prescribed by the laws of the Uui
tcdStatci to faithlul'y dischsrpa their
duties; they shall enwrtain and heir the
complainta (in writing, duly verified on
oath) ol all tnd every rerson tpgrieved by
the depredations of said Indians, and by
the troops of the United States in said
war, thry shall have rower to compel the
attendance of wittvr, and to administer
tho proper oaths to tlietn to testify the
truth; they shall have uwer to compel
the claimants to Im e xnuvnrd and crosv
exsmiued on oath, to be adinirjiatercd by
Ihcm, as to their said claim; they shall
hold their acfiions at such times and places
ni will give the persons complaining the
fairest opportunity of verifying their claim
with the leant expense; they khall take
rare that t.o unjust or fictitious claim shall
io established; and if they have any reason
to suppoM that any such clnim ia prci i . ;
they shall have power, nnd it shall b.
duly, to prornrd any countervailing ,,u . i
to uwlr ki'Owk-lj;.. that the mwkk;" ".,tfF
finuMv reieeled. Tha iitmnnw ..."JT; - ."'-f 'S
wiiiitp. ami me caaotinauon 01 I . cruii
:. ...A .1.. ,.
ilaitiant hall Imi reduced lo writing. h'iuvH
and certified by them, reiectiyelv. anu
ahall, with the petition and all the papers
relatinp; to aacb cbp, with the finding of
tho commission, bo Irsnanntled to the Sec
retary of the Interior fwr hit approval, re
jection, or modification, to be by him laid
leforo tho next Centre. A majority of
tho commission may select their presiding
officer, and shall be ct-mprtent to drcido
all q'flioni nriaing hnre ihom.
Fac. 4. And bo il further enaeled, That
aald commiaiionert almll hold thoir fint
aeaion at Saint Ti ter', in the State of
Minnesota, on or before the fint day of
vipni nexi, i-r me nearmn . claimant,
and that all claims mutt bo presented to
aald commluinners on or before the first
day of fceplcml,cr next, or the same ahall
not be heard by them; and the said com
misMonrri thnlt make and return their
fimlifitr, and all tho papers rrUtiurx thereto,
on or bt fore the first day of December next.
Hue. fl. And bo it further enacted, That
aald coinmiii'nrrs shall receive for their
services and etpenae (he sum of two thou
sand fivo hundred dollars each. And they
aro authorized to depute a proper ptrou
to summon witnrMct, who shall be enli
lied lo receive his actual expense, lo he
allowed by said mmmittionert, and the
uid of three dolhra per day for hi tor
viota. Witncxte snlifwrr.aed In behalf of
Ibo I nited htatei ahall recti re pay for
aUBduci not to exceed iha fcs allowsd j
by the laws of Minnesota fur witneos
attending jnttlrW court. And, for paying
the expenses of said commission, the fur
ther sum of ten thoiiMttd dollar is hereby
appropriated out of the islJ annuities in
tho Treasury of tho United States, or so
much thereof as may bo necessary to pny
the same.
Sue. 0. And be it further enacted, Hint
the Secretary of tho Interior, immediately
after the pawoge of this act, thall eauso
the same to bo published in four of tho
newspapers of tho State of Minnesota,
which, in his opinion, will givo tho most
publicity to tho snmo among the people
who have sintered by said depredations,
anh give notice of tho first meeting of said
commissioners, the expenses t be paid out
of the sum appropriated in the next pre
ceding section.
Skc. 7. And be it further enacted, That
i tho complainant, or ony witness testify
ing before inid commisioner, hnll be
guilty of perjury, upon conviction thereof
in the proper court of tho United States,
ho shall sutler tho pains and penalties pro
scribed by tho laws ot tho I n.tcJ States
for that offense.
Skc. 8. And bo it further enacted, That
the said commissioners may make rules,
not inconsistent with this act, prescribing
the order and mode cf presenting, pros
ecuting, nnd proving said claims before
them, which rules shall be published in one
i expefscs
of such publication slitli be paid out of ih
fund appropriated in the fifth section of
this act.
Sfc. 9. And l o it further enacted, That
the Secretary of the Interior is hereby
authorized to set apart of the public lands,
uot otherwise appropriated, eight acres in
severalty to each individual of the before
named bands who exerted himself in res
cuing the whites from tho late massacre of
said Indians. Tho land so set apart shall
not bo subject to any tax, forfeiture, or
sale, by procesa of law, and shall not be
aliened or devised, cxeeot by tho consent
of the President of the United States, but
shall be an inheritance to said Indians and
their heirs forever.
Ssc. 10. And be it further enacted, That
said commissioners, before er.tering uKn
the discharge of their duties as such, shall
Give bonds in the uoM form to the I nited
States, in the sntn of tweuty thousand dol
lars each, with good and sufficient security,
to be approved by the Secretary of tho
Treasury, faithfuliy to discharge their du
ties ts rceh, and to account for any money
which may como into their hands.
Approved, February 16, 1SC3.
rrrsuc-No. S9.
Am ict nulirit pprorrUtioni for the contlrue
tioD, prwrTilion. and repair! of crtuin fortifi
cation nd other work of defense for the rear
tndiae thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred 'and
Re it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, That the
following sums be and they arc hereby
appropriated, out of any money in tho
Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for
for the construction, preservation, and
repairs of certain fortifications and other
works of drfrav, for the year cnd'ng the
thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and
stxtv fonr:
For Fort Montgomery, at outht of
LalieCliaropU'm, New York, $100,000.
For Fort Knot, at narrows of IVnob
scot river. Maine, 150,000.
For fort at ti.irancc ol Jtrnndcc r.ver,
Maine. $100,000.
For fort on Hog Mand Icde, Portland
harbor. Maine, 150,000.
For new Fort Preble, Portland harbor,
Maine, $150,000.
For Fort Seammel, Portland larlor,
Maine, 1 50.000.
For new Fort Constitution, Porttnouth
harbor, New Hampshire, $-200,000.
For new Fort McClarv, Portsmouth
harbor. Ne I I mhire, 00,000.
For Fort Wintlirop and exterior battc
lie, Governor's inland, PoMoo harbor,
Massachusetts. $50,000.
For Fort Warren, Boston harbor, Mas
sachusetts, $25,000.
For permanent frts at Provincctown
harW, Maachults, $150 000.
For permanent forts at New Pdford
harbor, Massachusetts, $150,000.
For Fort Adams, Newport Larbor,
Khodo Mand. $23,000.
For permanent defenses at Narragmsett
bay. T.hode I.lanJ, $150,000.
For additional fortifications at New
Ixjndon harbor, Connecticut, $200.000 :
VortuW, hovtrtr, That this impropriation
shall not be extndcd unless New London
be selected as a permanet.t tile f a navy
yard or a nival station.
For Fort Schuyler, East river, New
York, t-25.000.
For lort at Willet't point, opposite
Fort Schuyler, New York, t25O.0OO.
For fort on ntn of Fort Tompkins, Sto
len Island, New York, $200,000.
For cacriiated battery on Staten Mand,
New York, $200,010.
For new battery near Fort Hamilton,
New York, $100,000.
For fort at Sandy Hook, N-w Jertoy,
F.fiiil T)lwnr. .JhjJawnre. r',vc
' XT "
For Ko.-t' farr.,'' 'J'.iTti'fnore ba'bor.
Mar;lnnd, f.00,000.
for Fort Monroe, Hampton road, Vir
ginia, r.0,000.
For Fort Wool, Hampton roads, Vir
ginia, 200,(XiO.
For Fort Clinch, entrance to Cumber
land sound, Florida, fl .',0,000.
For Fort Taylor, Key West, Florida,
For Fort Jefferson, Garden ley, Flor
ida. 1.100,000.
For new fort at Tortngat, Florida,
For fort at Ship .land, count of Mittls
s'poi, 1175,000.
For Fort Jackion, Mit.lppl river,
For Fort Saint I'bilin, Mitsistlppl river,
For lort at Fort Point, Sm Frnncttco
bay, California, 1200,000.
For fort at Alcalroz island. Ran Fran-
ciaro but, California, 1100,000.
lor detentive works in Oregon and
Wellington Territory, 1200.000.
For contingencies ot fortification, In
cluding Held works and field operation,
For tool and tiega trains for armies in
th- ftild, 12M),000.
For brid; trains and efpilpsge for ar.
miet In the field, 1500,000.
For completing fortifications and erect
ing new one for tho dcfeiite of Wahing.
ton, 1200,000. Approved, Feb, SO, 103
I X... SM
As mt tn pmviile lor Ih ppointment of an
intant roiiinter in tho Trvinrv Pcpartmetit mid
a lii'itoi ,or the W ar IVpartmriil, and lor other
I5e it I'tvted by tho Senate ntul Hone
of Kepresenl.ttives of the United States
of America in Congress assembled, That
tho President be and bo is hereby author.
ird to appoint, by nnd wit'i tho ndviee
and consent of the Senate, for tho terra of
one yi ar, an officer ut tho office of the Ke
gister of tho,lVeasnry, to be called tho
assistant agister, at an annual aalary of
two thousand dollars.
Skc. 2. And bo it further enacted, That
tho duties of said assistant shall bo such
as may be devolved on him by tho Kegis.
tor of the Treasury, and, in the absence
of tho Kegister, said assistant shall act in
his place and stead; nnd any official record,
certittcatc, tf oilier uoonmcni, cxceptini;
warrants, bonds, and drafts, if signed by
the assistant register, shall havo tho tamo
legal force and validity as if signed by the
Uegister of the. Treasury.
Skc. 3. And bo it further unacted, That
tho President bo and be is hereby author
iied to appoint, by nnd with the advice
and consent of the Senote, an officer in tho
War Department, to bo called the Solici
tor of tho War Department, at an annual
salary of twenty fivo hundred dollars.
Skc. 4. And bo it further enacted, Tlmt
tho amount necessary to pay the salaries
of tho officers authorised to bo appointed
bv th's-act. for tho current and next fiscal
.if., 1 . .nu iiTTTi
.(irtW aiimtl.tlmr
Apprdrvd, February 2 J, lfl'l
Wkatmkr Hints for Farmfks. 'Hie
following aro extracts from Admiral Fit
roy's "Manual of Practical Meteorology."
Thev wcro intended for tho cliinato t f
England, bat are also of interest hero, as
telling tho signs of tlu weather :
Whether clear r cloudy, a rosy ky at
sunset presages lino weather ; a sickly
looking, greenish Jme, wind nnd rain; a
dark (or Indian) red, rain ; a red sky in
tho morning, bad weather or one much
wind perhaps rain ; a gray sky In the
morning, lino weather; a hign dawn, wind;
a low dawn, fair weather.
Soft looking or delicate clouds foretell
fine weather, with moderate or light breex
es ; hard edged, oily-looking clouds, wind.
A dark, gloomy blue sky is w iiuiy, but
a right blue sky indicates line weather.
Small inky-looking clouds foretell rain ;
light send clouds driving across heavy
masses show wind and rain ; but if alone,
may indicate wind only.
High upper clouds crossing tho sun,
moon, or stars, in direction ditlVrent from
that of the lower clouds, rr tho w ind then
felt below, foretell a change toward their
l0"; i ii..-
After fine, clear weather, tho Crst signs
S uv a n j va a v " v ' j
light streaks, curls, w isp, or mottled patch
es of white distant cloud", which increase,
nnd are followed by a murky vapor that
grows into cloudnes. This appearance,
more or less oily or watery, as wind or
rain will prevail, is an inftMible sign.
Usually tho higher and moro distant
such clouds scorn to be, the more gradual,
but general, tho coming chinge of weather
will prove.
Light, delicate, quiet tint or Color,
with sofr, undefined form of clouds, imli-
tl.ak air nfi. fVihinit -ll t 1 ft.t a HSilteilll.
catc and airomjany fine weather ; but
unusual or gaud hues, w ithhard, dt-finitelv
outlines c ouJs, .'orelell rain and proliauir
strong wind.
Misty c'oid finning,
or Iri'-g'rg on
height, show wind and rain if
they remain, increase, or descend. If they
riso or disperse the weather will im
prove or rccorae fine.
When sea-LirJ fly out early, moderate !
wind anJ fair weather may ho expettail.
When they han nhout the land, or onr il,
'a . 0 . , , '. . '
aonietiuie fimitf llilafid, expect a stMH
0 .,' a !
w od with atnriny weather. As many
creatures betiiks hirdt aro affected by the
approach of rain or ain J, ueh inJicationt
should rot be sighted by an ob rver
who wishes to furo co weather or com
pare its varfc'.ioni.
Tl. .. bvaiJIi.. ! , i, a r. C i a. . r in n t n rs rk !
A 111. 1 c ni v in 1 ai-in ui ai'iuiu iiiiiml.-
t.. .1 .1... 1 .... -.1 .1 ..
Ill 1110 avaiut-r kuukii giici.ti iuii
may bn detiralle, and thereture worth no
tice ; such as whin hirdt of !oi jf flight
rook, swalloat, or otbi-rt hnn about
borne, and fly up on I down or low, rain
or wind Day be expected. Alio alien
animal seek ahellered placet, instead of
apreading over their Uul rliget when
pigt carry straws to their styes when
iiitko front chimnctt does not asctnd
readily (or straight upward durii, a calm)
an ur.fivor ihl clmtio it probable.
Dew it an inilientiuti of fmn w rather, to
it fi'ij. Neither of lhrs.s formation occur r an overcast ky, r whero theru it
much wind. Ono itet fug oerationally
rollirg away, at it were, by wind, but sel
dom or never formed while it Is blowing.
Ktrnarkahle clc-ariic-M i f afm tpherc
near the horizon distant ohjett, such at
hills, unsunlly visible or raid by refrac
lion and what it called a )rl "hearing
ot i
lay, may ba mttitiontd ainn
wet, il not Wih J, to he expci'l.
More than usual I inkling of the start,
iiidiitiiictiieiii or app.irerit tutilliplicat.on of
tha inor.n't boriit,, "wind dor;,"
aiid tti'- reiithw, tr j m- rc or htt inifi,
cant "f i icrcatiiij lnd, if not of approach
i'fti'lT." V'h or without wind.
Mias'A:ya F.!f. Tuif eele
bratcd speikei, accoJiiig to the (iratt
Valley National, is a sister to lie v. John
Dickii son, a tnii.iitor of tlm Melhoditt
Church, now stutiontd at Forest City,
Sierra county, California. Hrre is the
dote of her spcach at Cooper's Inatituto,
New York :
S, month after month, the I'nion ar
my have luilcd in one, two, three, fmr,
Cre, six, seven csmpaignt. The long lino
of the balteriet of dnvcry, poMcd in front
of the walls ol l ort iiubullion, have pour
ed In steady ruin of thot and thfll
among us, breaking our lines and throwing
them back in d witter. Cvneral after
(i'-riend hu sent up word that urilmt
the batteriet of slavery aro uleiic-d Fort
lU'bellion cannot ba taken. No word it
ftit btik. Finally, the (n'liertls have
lit up word, tho loyal heart of tho IV
ple hut tpoken out "Mr. l'retident, it It
no longer a riuclion whether Fort !!elll
ion can be I.Acn. Fnleat the hutti ries of
slavery are silenced tho I'nion army standt
d.'feited, the I'nion rnijii broken, Iho
North riven in twain." The word has
come from ll.rj President lo advance on
tho balterie. Are you ready, im-n of
Iho N'ortslf llio nntwer i, 1 Hir, we are
ready lo sweep over tho piled up mound,
Up lo the wallt of F'rt Rebellion, I'I find
iho rebel linet brol on, the ri bel toldien
tlnowinj doan thiir firms nnd crying fori
ip-nrtert, treason and rebt'lion, with liber-1
tv for tho whole human ruco, justice for
all mankind, nnd iennnncnt peace estab-
li-died.'' The President ks vou tho
I . IV'1-.t t..t.,M .11.
v,.iil.rt I,n,tr...t thotisiind craves
l. i l . '.1. .1.. ...!
auu trencnes, ermviie i w iui i.n' oe-i n"
bravest of tho eottntrt 's sons, ii-k you
tho hundreds of thousands ol brave lei lows
who aro facing death upon tlm battle field,
ask you. O, loyal people of the North,
how will you respond I
Tim Tusiioi' Coi knho PiFFtcmv. The
Bishops of tho Church of Kiiglnnd have
addressed to tho Kight Kev. John Will
iam Colenso, P. P., ItM'OH of Natal, a
remonstrance against the doctrines uiiiiei
ated in his recoiit book on 'The Pentateuch
and tho Hook of Joshua Critically Kxamiii
cd." To this Collensn has given a posi.
tivo refusal, claiming to bo moro correct,
seriptuinl, and wholeomt in Ins teacliings
than they, nnd asking them to "join him in
his important and timely investigations."
Tho progress of this controversy is attract
ing much attention in England.
The London DVrly wiVie, which has
always been very friendly to tho Chinch
of England, admits that the latter has no
clear and Intelligible codo of laws, mid
that tho machinery by which such laws as
ho has aro put in operation is practically
so useless, that it requires an expenditure
of ono or two thousand pounds to remote
from the pirlpit a man ol scandalous im
morality, and that as for doctrinal purity,
it is knownJt" nil, tl world that tho 1--,
atty minded on men who ueny me inspua -
t.ou ol tho scriptures is siispiuion tor
one yar, after which, without a word of
retraction they may resume their duties.
Tho same authority adds also that the
difficulty of getting rid of Mr. Colenso,
considerable as it may lo, is light in com
parison with that of providing for tho
Church an adeonate vsicm of discipline.
I'pon the whole, tho livipiont detection
of late aitioJ'g the higher light of the
Church of F.ngland is shaki ig to the very
fiiund.ttion the uiiii'ii t,f (.'luii li an, I Stale
ill lireal llritain. A'Vor.ling to Mr. lbs
raeli, tho latter has already in fact ceased
to exist, a statement made on the ground
that a largo number of tuemlvri of Par
liament arc uot
Church at all.
in communion with the
Socru Carhix v a I.i nvhc Asvu m.
A corresio:ideiil, who sends his nmiit', rc
latcj t'ie tallowing ancctlt'te of tho lite
Mr. Pelig'.i of Charleston. A pi rou
meetii,r hliu ill the Street accosted him
and said : j
Will you be so ki'ul ,u to direct nic to
tho Lunatic Asylii.n ?"
Certainly nnswred M. Po'igru, ;
"thcro it is," pointing to the east ; "ui.d
t...H.. l.i.tMti., ,n, I .tiiO'iev t., flu, h.t,ittt
j Z'i'.CZ . , 7h . ... o '...,.! i
i satiu tuut, . v ins ..i-... ,
th. re agVm pointing to tho north
i ' ;, ,,. .7
When akcd an explanation of thi singu
lar direction, he said : 'The whole State
is a lunatic asylum, nnd the people uru all
Our correspondent gives the last ruoi th
as tho da'e of this conversation.
X. V. 1'vit.
Srsuixa Ocr. There lb its through
i the head of aim V peoplo an inieav id -a
that, if they did but say o it all they h i I
to suv, tin')' would ay sometli.r.j tremen
dous! N in i i ie c.i-is oir often i!,i
, i a mere f.d'a. y. Writers h ive nothing
s.iy whi. !i tln-v krif rnnce:.-d. I.t
nnr in tu urfn tl ir.k lio h i
lilt who lit
tho same tint. i H"t eori, i"ii ex telly
what it is, try a vry simple - j r n nor. ".
Let b in put d on a p'ncc of paprr, li
ter mi lioi r ft' i-'y .-ifh'tion, nil ;!; pro p
ositions whi'llhe W' i;hl like to I tV be
fore tho tublic if ho il. rcd. 1 1 o
uill '
i:,o:t I.kelr f.ud that he l..i 1:0 sucli t r v-
onitioiis at hii cn:r.!at:J.
,.., . , .... 1 i
Life cm In' r. n l, red a.rutio.'.ut,
i 1 ,r .-. . . 1 . . 1 .1 ;. .
craiiJ anil tltcitire; or le iiiiide I lie ui'ii
, . . , . 1 tJ
The first enursn Iej,!t ti h.i ainl
spiritJl coi.ti i,t ; the ether to vanity mil
vi-xatior of epiiit.
- I 1 I r- I
?.T1"Thf follow t i.
pi. let the piih.
.. .i
hcation if the I.
S. Ijwi tf the ticotid
session of the ."7ih Ci.i:rrt :
I'i atir Ni ! ' 1 I
Air at r.rli-1 in r. l-.ii 1 1 l-i' n in I . Iif , mil,
known aa il..- I ! i f .-u J- m.m .. -i ,! ,r
anp lo 1 T', I "I l.nii'l iiiiian aa ".-a,.j ,n
da riaai l.,l i."
Wherea, ill llu district rniirt ( tlie
I'liiltd Htati t f'T thu ft-iiitliprii district of
C.ilifiinii.t, in the ct'e f Frm u iS,1 r-
Bliet r. The I'l.ite.l Statit I t the ranclio :
lying in the State of "alifuruia, kiitii by ,
the name of Saujoii d.) S ilif .1 Kit a, a decree
filed on the l.iut'l i! iv ol .l,rti,,ry, e-ht-
.-en hundred and lin'v. 0, ent. r.d, ,
. .1 ; i .1 -I,
conlirniiiig to the t-. l .l.eran s th.i a n 1 J
tract of l.tiid kmctii by the n.imn of S.iu '
jou do Santa lltajaiil when its, on the
pretttitatiou of the i;,a ul itn of tint Su
i rcuio Court of tho I 'nit-.J State, li ni.t
uig tin.' appeal to the ii I Suj. renin Court
of the I'nitid S.ttet in Mid i ante, tlm t.ii'l
d.; rec w as flu Ie by a ih creo of a'd
district court, rendered on thu lirtt d.iy iif
- i . . . .1 . ... I i.. i ... i
.lovcintier, eiiin '.ii ir.n'iiui mi i b . jr ,
and wherca-i, the la', 'I oi li.iind nt alorw
tuid lies in the northern district of Cililur
ni.i, as atccrtuiii'd by a f'u-ul mrviy of thu
i tame Therefore
Hu it enacted by tnc Seiiate and Home
of licj rcscntativ' t 'if the I'liited K'f.tet of
Ami run, in Counst a--( iiiMcl, That the
mil! dc rets of tlm dim rut court of llm
United Stutts for the northern dia'riel i f
Culilomia tlwll be, and they nr,; hereby
duclared to be, at ta'i I and i'l.e tui.l at if
tho tame had been render."! by the d.Mrii-l
con a ol the ('nited Stuii t for Iho northern
dittrictof Cfililomiii.
Approved, July 12, W'i.
11 JI I'--'. I".
At A'T rt.pliiiK Ih U rp'iiiiruiir Imod f Pay-
III, If Hi I
ami Aai
t'Oii'd hr Ih Jii'lyp or Atl'.rnty idllie I ,-
iikrpr an'i aaiiiii raiinato-r vt r. ap
tn. I m wIikIi am li I'ai mkilf r ut A-itlaiil
I'ayinaalrr hll rpsid.
I'o il iiiacted by tho S nalo Ilotitii
ol Kepreiciilatives of thu Coiled Slate ol
An rric.i, in (.'fncr. tt iitH.'liibli.'d, Tlmt
tho law u-'uiriiig the bond of a pay muster
or audit mi piiyinirltr in tho navy to be
approved by tli- judge orultorney of thu
Lnited Stntet for tlm diitriet in whieh
tueli paymaster or nt-istmit pay matter
iluill reside, bo thi tumo ii nrehy rn
prsled, and such bond ahull be
d 'vmed nnd taken to bo tnlishVtory ami
tiilTieient win never (ho Secietary of thu
Navy shall bo sntitfi'.rl on .U'li eiiilnnn
at ha thull consider prop.-r, that inch bond
ought t- lie approval and aecepiod.
Approved, July 1 1, IWi.
Commission Merchants
JMm in Fluur, drain, l'r'l, I'r nit, ,'Mr,iJ e
H. K. eirnaf Fmit nnd U'liiiiI.ii at.,
fiA.y riiASciscn.
J TTo'i'ia-niiii ii " t'l klu'li of California tnj
Orpfin '"kIiipi t,!;.,jif J
Oitoii (11) Athri'listnioiils.
I T11': "''IIl"-I imr pui
ln-r.t llie atiH'li,
- v'
o ol tho Ultl.liON t l II.Vhl'.KV,
loriiirilt enriiod on Ity Mr. I'. I'liiiiihioi, lo
call Hit' nlteiiiioii ol li former ilnnia lo llu
fuel thul v iiilrml lo rarty en llio liiuiinMao
ai lo kci'i' on I.hii.I ci'i tiling ill llieuay of
iMunilv (Jrocrrirs,
for ton li and iirtuiilry, Tho iitloiitioii of ali iiiu
hoitla ia mttii iil,ifly rallrd, n rvoiy lhiiir In our
line will ho aiijiplii tl nl renmiimhlo rtilia,
A lino asuottiueiit of I.IQl'lMiS always on
'I'he liiuhinl eah price aid lot fniutlry io
diii'e. l.i',nl 'I'i inter Nolra liikeii in and inld out nl
lln ii' Hint In I nliio.
no i tti Dif t;i
W, J, !,. IIAltl.OW.
tieo t'lty, Jan. 17, IMi.i. if
Hardware for Malt4,
t'ST t;l.t'l.t i:t a jjishl .ii(i.!y of Hard
ware, C. Illlllll ill IIAI'I Of tllU lotloW lllll-
linuii d uttieli' ;
TannT' Tis!, of all kin,l,
I'liua i iit and Mill Siitva,
1'itea, I'IiiwIm, Aii;ei,
tleiieli I'miii'",
I' irlnnlt' I'l.ttforin Scnlea,
lliiiil'a t.'liimi2 Aie,
Hand Ae,
linrived Ski1i Aiijf. r, Ao , aUi,
l,raKtiua (iiaiti I raaioa,
1 Rl,i ,I1V ,,r
too ItMioiia
all of whieh will h "M i'hai 'nf im-'Ii or e
If v I'tmltifo. tin;nii 1'ity, Jan. 31.
ImiHMti'il, tlitvi't from Victoria,
u ncga 'mt.N)
Qt'1 si rt:i:ioit i.'( ai.ity, f..iiow:
l.nitlon ltH-k (old tludaon' Hnyl,
M.nli'l tlo. uitii'p,
Mi'iiino A t'o. do. da
(iplirta, in nw,
Seo'eli Wlrakv, ill caw- and harrvl.
l .,ra.ilot.y W. ,V J. I. It.VUl.OW.
O.ef.11 1:1.1, Murih 1 1, I -It:!.
Lumber, Linnbcr,
t y IVi:i',Y I I "Si'lt 1 1 t li X, kepi on hand
ami f"r a!c hy
W. A J. U li.Vltl.OW.
And Stationery,
.l.U.IV-V f).Y I.V. I.V I'OR SALE
AT LIYI.Mi l'KH i:s,
NY .1. V K M I X (.,
Al liia oi l al.ind, Main air, rt, Oar.uoK Cirt.
J Jl.-s ativk conipria, , in 'arl, ill follow ing :
r"an.!rra' I'mrar, Sivllar, and Uoidar,
I'aikrr and V o'.-.m a Swllt-r aud litadrra,
f'Uik' Kl, titulary Althfa,
1'aVH' AriihutPliea,
'I'liitiiix u' Aiilliniriit a,
l'aikpr'a l'hili'a.iliy.
WiiUrd'a ntiri'lg-d llulnry of lli t'u laj Sla'r",
WiU. ii "a lull, ii, id ll,.:,,rs,
.Moll'.nlll V Mi'Vll') llrM l)ir,
ltui krntioa' Kirat l.riniin in hi'glidl Ct ii
ail. tni, -
Mrl'.iiiir II' Aiiaiyl t-iil,
W tli.lrt a Ik lionan, a, l.lrin, utary Spa'lrr and
I'i inn r,
l''a Armt 'inv, l'l.v'flojy A lltfrii.
I .ti, liirr.V Noi" !' rr,
M tlra and Sl id' l' nc r-,
Mi 1 1 1 1 J A Novts, I'.oil'a ai.J Arnoll'!
lla,-k. I, Imp, ni. l rp.l UA;
N'.'p. lAlNr, an I I rj'al Knvr!- Jx-a,
Hi, ,n'a r, '. hrn't.l M. -I I'pna,
I,i4ir 1 ttl-ilt ii.' pi'la ai 1 It. p-t;r, i
s-(riic r'a M nlii'S ll k,
l ull-ill ,V I! i-:ii! m'. 'r ', "-at Kf. g, '
w lH ll"'.-Kppf .o I'iaiiltt I
Al.o, a t-o - v of rn a-t II .ii-iia h-Kika.
IIM.-OII fill. I r!i 1 till, l-l.i.
I 1 I'sf rir. ispiI n I fur
p l.v Iha aiil r Ii r,
1 ' Tim I
I llrvon N hv, lit S- i
rnrp, Y1I1H1I lli.l .ri , i'lm l".,rimr l'uilMard,
i'llP .p. rrl I iil, 'I Ii N ul.o-. 'I lio I'nfrcl IJpii
Upiiiiii, l.ld,p' fr,llPt, ,Ve ,Ae.
Irh -.K. j ii.ii.mim;
i'i LY tl M l I I k'S lni,m:i..i al l.
VI ll.p l-ma of War ; '.i. Ih Itrtardl'.
Army Kpgtralioua, f..raa'v hj
n.arl J. I I.KMIV;
11 n
rpllt: ;.i .pn Wrpilli, a .
.1. I'amr I Mp'o.lira, fur ti
mar 1.1 a
tn r l.y
1 1 i'.mim;
rMIlK Cli iXiiu Jl)inu IU,k, f .f .i in
L in.rli J. n.KMINi;.
1 A II AS A fin artir fur I. ad .a, lot ta' by
J. t I.KMI.Xa.
IJ. S. IncoiiK! 'Pax.
'Ill; I. W Pin', 11 li'a'pa dial rtary en al.all
Ir "Ml any a.eir, a alulpvpr A ,pr.oii i ail.ttird
I., tlr.t il. I h.I I. ff Il M..ll S.l.(il .1. .S'Ullt. att.l
rounty Ta-a,nr.d h.l. It.iiia, lia,aCP,
n i pjry Ii r.trry mi hit hua.ii.; tint li faniipr.
mprrlnnl, imp. Ii.iii r. ut any . r-.n, h a r-trlil
f" 'Murl 1 ' u"" " " """ "r,"u
hn iiipmiik.
.ri ,,irom(! T , u yi i , U il(rm
f n , ,r ..u,,,,,,,,,, h,. Jmuary lai, sf,.', ,o
III it fill III." PIPIllll-f Ol )prp(llh-r .lla!, Ifi'.J,
i vprj lp!y ahi.n d n.atin ii;i I rert ef hit iinniii
IMHia nr urniita f )pr. Ind aa rn.niy "nr,- a
if inr.iiiip, an li ua ll t-i li ih! and lt.nlii.ail llmida
and Mm kt, uiir.inr.t Mia k, Ma in lln.kt, in.
I'ip.l, Ac , (llipy hi2 alr'ly pud Ih iin rn
Ut,) urn it'll n IntPil, II tlipfpfiir Iipi-uiiip
lip paaar to hat claar rpcird of lliaxairra uf
.n-.-i'ma, that thrra may ha Im diul tilli tlm
.111 rnriif ili .na mnal drdurt the tliip .r C lit.
In fnr i!p,.I.iMi,' llipir d,iili'inli.
ror Example:
A ni; n ill hut.iipw niuat mak up lli net prof I
nf h a huMiirt fur llm )ir, ind pay th tin on
III ainoillil Iraa 'iUU.
A mail liny, nntaida ff hit huain.-aa, -
and t vi n a in.l it
ni-pfllippa i inu-l ny l,n on a if!
,o:iia rir, ,l Ilia VHI. And hi Willi I aal.tiy,
nil o r in ml In InipiI, lliniigli ara.tiil or
f inely rtjipnara r.nuini II all.
'Ih Im who 'J'at for tliP ypur lfiJ Ii aapahla
un Hip flrat day of M.iy, l and i !nr and ny
ah! ..ii ur Ie for lh .'I'lili dmia, l"i, . And any
aiini dii" an I uiijnid for ll.iily da) a ifirr Iha
u'llli Jump, aa uf'iri auid, nnd f. t p llnjaatlif da
lii.ii.d h Ih foil" rtor, livn ipf c.-lilnin Will Im)
d.l'il I Ih union lit nniid.
liaeli individual uf any ruin or pnllliarahifi
mutt nuke uji his inruiiift 'itrliplv.
17. ft. Aaai'ifor (it OrH'MI.
I,' H. Iwawir'a Oinp.., I'lrllaud, Aildli, IHC1
itKiiiv.; ion at'tt MVVAivm
Ytmut Powders.
i p nnd iiuliilinii
is no Ttii. a
lil'iiily iil.iilpil It
; nr.ix win: a r u,i mhnt t.Ar,
filN(;i.l:l!KKAI), and rukr. ot ill kind.
Warraiitfil lully cfinil to any in
tlio market !
Auk fur
a ii J lake lio nllii r, if )ou aould have uiiifurmly
(lOOl) lillKAD!
Mjliufarlnrrd an I anlil al klmlpanlr by
Ifl.lllNOToN A CO,
40Dmi'l II) tit tiir-fi, 8n IiiKiKo.
r w
AVivr oii'iViifi'.,
It liiMiniiiiinlid ul i loly limn ((' MS, mill li.ia
Iixi'oiiio an oliilililii'd lai'l, a lo'i,lniil inodii'inai
known ami niovril liy all Mini n ux tl , mid
la iittw riMtrlod In with eoiilldaneo in all Ilia dia
ntt lor hIiu Ii il ! msniiiuiiiiili d.
It liu I'lliotl ttiuiia
Alula Mllliiil III I'M
Itvti )fni w tin lutd
Kit r 11 lil all lnT of
rflirl, ua ilia niniixr
una unaolioai'tl eorlif
lciiia in my ura.
inn finite.
Tho ilmo iiitnl lo
ml.i'lrl In Hit liiii
"iiniiii'iil nf llio lu ll
vt'liml liikiuu II, and
ii.P'l in aiitll iinilili.
lira na In net onlly
oil lilt' I'ntM'la.
I jl llio tin tttlra of
your jiiil:niitil unlit
you in ilia ua of Ilia
l.lvar liivin'inilur.
ami il will euro l.ivnr
eoin..iiiii, lillliniia ol
Ineka, il y a i iiaia,
o li r u n i o iliiirilni',1,
aiiiiiiin-r eiuiii'luiiila,
lit at ulpiy, il rn a y,
amir aloiuni'li, li.iliil
Mill I'lutllVt'llOaa.l'lliillO,
eliiiirn,itiupin tnnr
liua, tlitili'iik iiil.uil
tun, lluliili-m-y, l.tiin
tlh' lliulvi w rnkiiraa
and limy ho Hard alio-
rraal'uliv na ait (Utliiiary l.iiinly nnilit-liio. Il will
t'tlio alt k liradui'lin (u llioiiauiida tail Italily) In
Iwrllly luiniilra. If livo i r llirto li aiHiilnla nia
lukrii ill riHimiriit'oiiiriil of nil, it k. .1,1 W liti tiaa
il in giving ill. ii' loiinuiuv In !' I'lvnr.
M vs tiliT iii I lit inniiili with III lnvlgnrntiir,
and an ulltitv Imih li'inllo r.
or Cut-, $t i'tr hoiiio., SANr'OUO'S
I'urt '$tliliU '.Vrui'.t,
K:lil, nnd will ki'r in any
Xt aeliva
rd III Ilia
rwfl. ypaia.
I h i nialaiillv liieirnsiiiif drui iud fiuiii lli
llll i II 1 1 0 l.'li ll-r.t llio Ilia, and I ll Bill lalttellt'll
Wli, ell all iiipa ill
rrK.iid In Hip r nun,
li.ia lii.liit'ril Ilia III
iUt-a tin in willmi llio II of nil.
TIip jtrt,t-a,'itii o p
know Unit ilill'iMPiil
railiattii-a n I on tl f
fprrnl fititiua til Ilia
lamp a.
'Ilia I ".mi it y l'u.
lliar'.ie fill lit", wuh
tine It'lripiiea In llna
W t II il fui'l,
tn'PII e tl III l Olllldptl
fitiiu a mit ly of iha
I'lllPal Vt(". litl,lp p(-11111-11,
Ii eh a. I a
I ko on pvpiy ('ail of
tho nliiiii'iiUr v i a mil
and art umitl and aa a
III all t wIipiii d
ra!li4ri.ii ia u.ptltal
n il aatlriaii'iiiPii,a
of Ilia amin ii'li, appi iiw, mua III Ilia lit' k and
I. NIIM, V"ativpnrM, viitia and at'rPiiPNi ovpr IL
li.ila htalf, fitiiu aml.lrii rut.l, wlueli frptjnt nlli ,
if iirijlpi tiil, i lid in a lt'ii roiitM t,f f..n r, a ,.f
np;.p!lp, a i-rtP"IH( irlial, if (''. I I'VPI ilia
Ik. ly, rp-llr'allpaa, llPUtUt llP, or . ;l I III l,a
lifad, nil hi.l illllliiil.'i I V il '.!", it "nil, ill tli I
ilipn ff adulla, i liPiii.i,ttiMii, a KiPal i ir lipr t f Ilia
hits tl. and niaiiv tli- - lo u In. Ii a In il too
tlllllirloila to IllPlltloU ill tin adtprl aPlllrliU
II. .P, I to II.
riiifi:. Tiir.iu: ihii:s
'I'll" I, liar tin i'iraln and I annly Ca'li.trlic
I'llla ale ,l,l hy lnik-i;i!a etr. t w hrlo, and hy
i;Kii.i;Tt a in,
eui'r .lrnia for lli 14. ill.' nia.l,
4li'i .V IIS luiit at , A'4,1 I 14111 ora
Dr. .laker's Tnln INmaccn
It tnmjK 1 fiiltrr'y itnitA!(ii (vihw, anil Vrflt
LIo u U ft tul Iirtlasu h u HiM'tly m1p .r the
Hi t tl-l lali tt lt . I c it liiiM sMtrrn I y nn )
llt 1 I(lirrr kit - It H)'i lt rr tlrlK-ittn,
ti' lm Mijtlhit b U ut l't Iritat. I Wilt fvutiuu In
Mk ll.o Mllsirkf, mKu U l IH4.1 11, l.i try It
f f llii I' l'i'Miiitf tliH-Ara, f tl.ry ftfi- 11 'I
li' tl W illi ill ttrl towr(tr, tli inonrv t
ilirt llq ly trfulltlr. Ii) tl.ff 1. 1 !iffO ttiu Iticli-
Il juith.v vutt in IliA Stmni. h nr Itov!i,
Iry iIm u I'atti TAir-rra lutirnuHv, tt)i-
Irrimliy nrr ll ttrti all.-. Ul, Mil i ).u tAiil t
iltr ' fr ri til J'U'lwf ftltill fttl I t ill i tilt
It ) mi littt lrtiMir Wuutul, Uiilto it mII
W tt t tit 14 II rM.irM f'ir tHlt"J iljy. It Wi'l
frli. t th 4 11, i).l Uke nut m'A Ihr ki uit, fttij
ht iK wimn I "i il wlt'Tl t ins
I tHi urn mllrrui lin n Num'; -r liliru
in. it r 1' , n; t l',t I'i u l uiitr. fiirU , .)
tdki l. t( it tillllll , llhl'Mil nihil HiJ
11 i;!it; tt ft II 11 t rmr Hi.- (tnt, Imt will r
rittt tlm riu if tl.i ilir.t
II )oiilt tli I'y'fiHitt, ami y.tnr f- I ili.
IrrsMiu tmir NxitAi Ii lst'l raiting, if
I'titi P " 1 fit f rf rai li in
If n Inv a faiil't 1 or .v'r Mm, 1I1 nf 1
1 (if. at, . ;l'W til l4il 1111 4 t" Ol t.tli 1 r J '
,Ma, an I fillip lli riiuieli ill Ihrual lliira.i .ur
I t lli'a ilai .
Il you liata ilia Iharili.ri, ir a rp'iiatl !' i.f .
1 Iiarilirt, r tr ata' 1
Irw il. of I 'an '4ii4 n
lli iM'JIP'a, 14k
an, I tlipy ,ll
1.1111 Im rrafiirnl If )'mi liatt
ii iiful aurtlii.;, hailtP II, a l ar'.a ft. I), and )"ii
Will a.NMI rati, t tlir '4'll, and lit." a w . II . tl It Iip
IP !ii p.l II )nu Ii. a apipta tiili ui l. , t 1 pi)
Il, I'jiii l'u., a . a 011 a ppca i f i t,:tuii, and 1. 1 l,
Ilia L'H'ii ! Ih ajiu" linip ; if mil al,,;. iha a n
li- iiiilli .
Il ).itl tiAtP a Ita. II ill it, a llimar S ilr, It it k. r
I Kid li- Jt.hill.a l'. urla all Ip.I iii..i.ii an I t"!.l;
j al ll.p a.tntt' Uk t i,t i,f iha I'ait.i. p in.
Inn ..11
' If Mulh-r h a aCalpd hrp,i., aj; ly ll. I'aui
!l'alit'p aa I11.I aa rail hp Im.iiip.
If )"H laalihilly r raid, I lionj;'. )"U war
(J,hi j In h na a Iptar, Ink a d ' u( I'anarp.
I II )it hat a h 0,111 1, nil, nr ya'la uii yi ur
I Iiti, a; ;.'y lh I'a.ti I'anir.a: il aill lnk t.ul
I nil iha lull tin. it, cm. ami In al Ih in a ali.trl
l,lli". hold l.v a'l Iha ft iie' .Irn. j .l., and hy
Itl.DIM, l'., .V III, A k til-.
4 1 lial, d 111 1'i.nil r-IIPt I, San liaur.a.0.
isiA i.i.wii: hair iu:stokativi.
tlcttvring (Irnij Juir h ill Oiijiimt Color.
it rciiVKNTs tiii: ii mi: kihm fai l-
J IMilM I'. I T rurra l!.tldiiraa, and iniiuir
ill .1 . ft J f nil' t it .1 ariirf fitim Iha In ad.
I: aly all iriiatiitu of Ih a. ali. Il r. la and lli liroil, and liiij ait In Iha hair a
lip ilthv, linly a.H nraiirp.
I. It. 'I h ,ro nia wli'rli rpnuit ilaii trnlT
and a, nf finiii , I,, ad, allny iiriiiil.on and fip
llip avc ra I c fi un hum,, a, ipii.IpI liua arln In llii.tlu-
ah! aa a I., I mi in all rulaiipoua all. riiena, aiit-li
at lli h,, N.ill Ith. um, ( hillilaina, ;),mi.
In, Kiiit'wiiriiia, Miinglft, Hid and Htni(;a nf In-apt-la,
ami nil uf Ilia tkin, tifpiully that
r".pd hy I'lllSllN OAK.
Ii I is ml up in nx T
ir uf ft.
ailu iiiiiiiri tufpf,
nrt (Ii ahi (ii,d t in'r. Ilpaaa ufail iiut in
ditTplaut ttyK I. Til'VI IWtKI IT.
IIKIilMiTON A t ii. .
Uliolpaala As'nl,
110 and IH Front lfp. I, r an naiinaen.
V.N V (INK wlin rifpa,( li undi'i'laml all
Iradia or arii-nraa, aaainiip In iln ti ah.
urdily U,i Ih inhl,r. On Ih aain iriiirij.p,
any on lii' di. in wlin-li profp-at In i-nr all il,a.
ap ia unwoilliy lli !ililral roiifnlnirp, and
liniild al our bu ilpiionnerd a a 'iiai k noalriiiii.
(ini'fi'iiWtf Finnily MciliiincH
(In Hot intiinin In i lirn ill ili-eaa will on trill
rile, 'l le y lnn t'lf-Vt II lldf TPIll lllPiln illPa, P.H'll
ililpd In II iri-iilinr ili'Pa , Nlnl limn hat irtr
d haymiil I 'iiPBlinii llm rffi, ry and eprliiiiily of
llira (ip.nraliolia Thrir lial i-oinjiii. Ih fo.
lutviliK ipiii'inpl
(Irtrj'enhfrij Vrfirluhtr. Villi;
M'lrnhuU't Citrine Cuthnliton;
(Inrfnihtry Siiriiinirillii;
(!r.rj'riiirrf( 1'ilr Jtrmrilt;
(r'nrftiihrrff Jhjitnlrry Syrup;
(! rim Mmtnlnin (hiilmrnl;
tlrnfnilitrij Chililrtn I'lnmrtn;
(rirfmlirrtf C'uwifii,r, IliilmJ
trnfi iihrrf A'yn lotion;
tlnrriilirry i'rvrr ami A'ue Ilrinriy;
I '1 nt fntlii 'rJ llntlth llillrr;
tinrfrnlicrg Mil mini of llrullh.
Fof l liyH lnipiial Ihiniii honl lli Mlate.
(last ai. Aurni i
Itl'ilHNfiTON CO., Wliilrarilri Hii.W t,
d lli and 111 l imit al , Han I rain-ia o.
' NTKIlNAL It LV EN UK TA M I'M, f,,r ,
L ky t-
. i I H iflil asi4
p , .
llnlsnm (or tho Luiim.
('i,i,liMi,(i,i,i, .1 tlAnifi, Sthl Sirrult, Si'itling
iimf, l'ni, CuiijiAa, iirfiidiin, i',1111
III Mi" A'lir, 11111 ..' lU,tu$tl 11
Iht I, mint,
li. Win. It.ill'a llaUiim fur tlm l.tiua, In ull
t'llr,nltPa llip In al uf Bull. Iil. ll, ill.
Dr. Win. Il.ill'a lliilanui fur Ih l.iina liaa
nrnnclil liima iiurt'a amen a liilrnililiilinll lliall
any nilit-r i'oiiijIi lupilieum.
I'r. Win llull'a lliilaitm fur llm l.uiign ta VII -dtiiaitl
hy your pnd njf iiyaliinlia aa Ilia tafvat
and lipal ii'iiinly null tialnin Iha iillillil.
I'i. Win Il.ill'a ll ilanm ful Ilia l.uni'a la anf In
ii-p umi'iiuj 1 lilldi, 11, and yi'l iuui'ilul In ntapa af
t'lllnlllil illlllliilllll) illat-aara.
I'r Mm. lluH'a ll.ilaniii lot Ilia l.uiiea luiii
Ua t-prlilleali'a nliiin.1 dully of Ha wnudiiiliil iiurv
in all I'lttl uf llu 1'iMiiitiy.
'I'll lU'HO alnk:HK irutif nf llm lulilnaio wnrlll
nnd pii'vllpiie uf ii. Win. Hull's ll.ilaaui for Iha
Limy, ia aliuivii in llip luitlilv mill wliu li 11 Imi.
euiuia 11 Puriiil lm,,iilo with llio ipoila, 'I'liPia
la iinlliui of u villi 1 1 11 r iiitliir t hill 11 liul la ataul lulu iho aluitln iiIipii llio IIiiU.iiii hna haPII
lhiiriiii;lily It'alp.l 'l lio aci'iila fur ila ule, ilia
vtiuiiliy eit-r, In iiiiIi iih in tv auiilipa, aia
ipry riiihii'iiiatie in ila ,tiur, a,iiug; " Il ia jual
tlita I lit ii(i il ael Ilka a elmlin II rll't'i'la lilt, Hu
ll llhUJit'll."
Tim 1'iiteli irr 1I11111I1I ho inv i,ui, rular In ak
fir, and lako ilium Imi I'r Ult.UVM 1 1 A 1 .1 .ej
II.M.SAM I 1 ilt ill 11 l.l'N'i iS, wliinh I
Iiii;iip tiiii..ii ,tiaj or llip inniiay Miuupd.
KnriaU' hy all I'mi! ;iia, and hy
hlil'INHIoN A CO,
riula Agpula,
4 lli u. I 111 I I. nl atrpt I, Sin I-raiioiapo,
It .S A V A K I I I, A
A Ml
ST I Ma I N ( I A!
Wood 4y liirrr Syrup.
IP U lirrfUv m iiiiniiir I ty l'li)u iaii t
t ill m .!li-ttl ( ll.MUTU ,lll lllfill un-
i; 11 Hi n id tr. r.l ' iir i.T ih M1 .
t "k r, I l ridliiin it ml l.iilitrrinriit 'f tli
Ji u'a, 'mit rt iti 'l iinini. 1 .1 m !.,, K iti(
I'ki:, Si An .ohi' I m, tin. Nurilni, Ob
uit'U I'r. .h '!, I' nij.lrt ufl lli I 41 , Klinl
Ititlhain, t loti It-, Ti.tUilr, t rutrt yti.
hv'lu 11 i. I Moirurul Al1i tiot.a aro rurrtl;
( 'Ii,iisj i.r tl-tru. tixiisj In fi-m ilt; itrli.f
rlirt nr Wt, r, .no rr'iti J Ii) Hi u of tlik
1Ii liir.In i rtjPiltra f S t rpsir itl in ftt
juittli'it mill .lil!ioi4 r nil! IttiuH it iy !
li.ir4l itirn to l ' lli lat ruMiL.ii iiiil l sj.ruf
rirtl tut Is-aii, n it J (Minly lli tlol, tuJ f (. rl
tl litnni fii'iit tli tattni
W 9 Il4 gi rn t,i r t lit titivtt pit; iin tilt i
llc f.niiili t , lliftltl ry iu kit" Mbt lit) f
Uaill), Ull I M It I' Mil IMS I 1 Bwidl it it )4l fif lt
ilrwifioti uf kni'N i'ij lt iu,MsI.cnta fulrl i.j 111 1 (I
ila r Mni'io(i, iMi iIm. lU y Ii H) iri till it tit
tin ir jtt.M'1 1 .
Tin J'f. J.if l-.ll ttt U at I lift i4i IM tit lial
uf I llir.l Iif III Ilk,' tl l k I (J If. til IIM
I'lirilira tf Ui Is'tMtt ii iim A tutV.ft Itit k 114 III
tlir a.atrin
'I In1 ja.ttt.! Im K tr n-tl tlm S llittfi Mil
Sata4f I a u t.l t If) to i inn it kali 9 'X r 111
llittlilia i itllfMirit ri iili t'.p r l tml, (J t i,g tuti
mi I v if"! In th Im I l.iitn.tti frnir, a J 1 lr
ittgf a lit till I.) arlioii !n nil h luiM lit'lia iif tl
'I li'' l ( 1n1.1i ! t ( ii ri .it r or ti iiii tti any
im iit'.f f "I i'i .V '. .1 la tt k N-tu'tl, krtJ
to i I'J. ali lliein. h I r 1 i limit'
I'. It i'fi 1, r.J mi ' r it wt f .-lis nf tit
!. -t ttu I l--at r4 ' ' i- i linii. ! 111 t!i 1 smutty,
t Ml V. S r 11 I, t ' 111 i li'i t ! m u iiiiiiit H
i.'i foiiti.ty nf Miiit.(.vaii tit.J ft, I) in ail lit lu
jfffii ri Ii
t a a; int. trlftnlv, t.l pm ( atl.t tlrjt t
li!, ra 11 it ft I il 11I1 ft n.iursi a Mil In Puff
, i,,., Mn a-tnl
j , 1, I,
Willi i V-11I..I1-H, ttirtv u ua Utlrf
hu d h) 'l I rn.v 'a, and ,y
CI I 'i M. 1 1 N. A I'll, fi,la,
-llCanl II. ,.l irrl V,, l,i,t,ar.l.
Tu at Kn it all ..r. I. ra tit u .1 t.p a ltl.p...-.
ii' h i. in: Willi-'i r ut: l.i ii.
a. ill lii.a r
fippfinii Iha iiiiiiiitoua adinanl
; ai.a u from an i . it , ura a'.ata i f lit LU..1 f tn
I atarii' d Hi
iiify jour r ytuir
Inking hra
aii.l l.itrr
Ual hi, -ml
Imh-I, and
haa'lli, Iv
v II'. III-mI
rljiuri Ih
p ti r i f I r
ll, iiiiinr
ralp t f ra
- - t
; t
mm n,
. riili.
i Ij J l,'
Ituikahlp run a.
In ih hand
nf Iip p piipttirt, uii jii, tiuiiiahly ,roi V.VA'
IMil'oN A i n, Wh.ilrail Apii'.a, lli aud
111 I'nnit tlrp. I, han I'mih 'urn. a'i
run1 Ilxliiti ls for l-'tavuriii.
vami.i.a. i. i:tos, f i Vt.:. rr.Acn,
in r i i.u a i. ui s n, i: iv.
III ItS I ira,-la i.i., in Iha nit rnnrrn
ri utiiitrd f-iliii, IIip ili iif-iiiiia laatu aridiniirh
ailiinpil lla. if of Iha iIiIV-ipiiI arln Ipa altor B.
nipintpil, an I fur all nil, nary nirH will ka
fniiiid ih iiiu.l p. iiiiiniiir il and routPinptit mn.
naf nf p.iiniiiunira'ini Iha ft if nr. l!a itartlrullt
Ina.kf' r Ih k n la inrjiarpil hy ua, aa ire
many km I irpiiid hy ua, aa lliar.i ira many
kinda m mm it. I jmip.i m,i hnl tittle, if any, of Hit
leal flavor. l'rurp I d nil I hy
III li. Mi ll N Ai CO,
IK, ami lli i'.oni tl , Man l'r.nirl,
itTO orzxrivz on. caiomsl.
Dr. Win. 1 1 .'ill's Wuhnm f..r
tin lunt litis no ciii;il ih n
liiri iii'-ilirini', ami is cHiiri
ally ii'l.'ijiN'il to tin nutslilti
lions ol fi'iiKilcs ami tltomi
hiiIVi'Itii from roiiHiiiiijitiiui
or any luii"; roinjilnint, (iivo
ita trial.
MViiriiit Jinili, -i I fl and 4 1 M Front it.,
Siin i'lintiritrn.
Jtloom of Y O II fl,
UnVlll Vl'.AM,
mi iri'-TirriNii aiu riraiMi tiii coiri..
In AMI IRlai.
Mnal iliVahiiihln In li nilii'ln r lnrnlil,
ItCIM.VtiTOV Ar I'll,
Hii't igpiil for ih 1'nrdia ro., tlfi and IIS
I rout alrppl, Han I'lntir, urn.
I Ml I H I It lilt Mi "a i.m a n vu Yhi, jm
.1 riwpivf d tin! fni hIp, hy
1 1, KM l.i O