if r orricui. LAWS 01' TflK UMTKD BTA'l'K.t, J'usseJ at I he Third Seition of thi Thirty seventh Congress. (Prsuo No. li. AS ACT mskiiif appropriation for tht eniu Isrsnd diplomatic apnso of the Moreroienl fnr Hit rear riiiliiir Jun thirtieth, ig-hin hundred ml lly luitr. II II entl(l bf II t 8enst nil House f Repre sentative of the I'nited Hujtet of America, In (. n ures si!iiibled,Thl thi following snmt b nd III am r hereby ppropnalrd out of any Dinn er In Hi treasury lint other! iproprited, fur tlitobjcrti hereinafter eipreiseil, for Ihe tlscal TMir mJltiK Hi thirtieth of Juus.eightsen hun dred oml iity-fmr, namely : For Mlerles of ensue (itrsordinnre, minister, 4 oniiiilloner o( III United flair st Urest Vrilsin, Krance, Itussi, I'russis, Spain, Austria llnr.ll, Mourn, China, Italy, Chili, t'cru, I'nrtiifrnl, rlwilierlsiid, Kunie, lkliflum, Holland, Denmark, rwUen, Turkey, New Urnnaila, Udiria, Ecuador, Viifturl, Guatemala, Nicaragua, SaDdwieli la lauds. I'osta Hie. Ilnt.ilnra. Argentine (ufeder- Jstion, I'sigut, and Japan, throe hundred and lie tiinuand dollar. Kur aalerie of secretariat of legation, Uiirtj luntisaiiii ooiihi. Kur ssUtios of aiaialant storr tariesof legation at London and I'aris, three tlinnaand dollar. For nlr of the interpretm- is the legation to China, lire thousand, dollar. For talary of the aerrotarr of legation tn Tur- key, sotting Interpreter, llir thousand dollars. V'or salary of the interpreter to the legation to Japan, Iwo'thmisaiiil lire hundred dollar. For contingent expense of all Uio mission abroad, anil thousand dollar. For expeiiM' of iiilei-ciinr with tb Barbarr Powur. Hire thouaand dollar. For expense of lie consulates .n tli Turkish do- ijilsion .ntinelv, ititerprtrs, guaeds, and other .par i nftlie consjlste at Constantinople, "VAia-fniria, aua uoirut, iwo uiuu- 'v-n set ' -srurr4 in acknowl- 4 Blaster and crew of hir ,l l! , ; .4,. -win; riliieo of lh lulled ... , . lima shipwreck. Ill tiiouiand dollars. Tor uflie rent for thoss consul general, eon ul, and eoniuiervial agents who are not allowed lo trade, im hiding Iom by exchange thereon, forty one tliouaand eight hundred and uinetr dollars. For aalariea uf consul irenetal at Quebec, 11- property had been redeemed according to the pro I rieions of thia art. Approved, February I, itSt. fTiiLio No. It. AH ACT to lucres the clerical fid other fore of tit (Juarterraaaicr licuerml'i oflic and for oili er purposes. lie iteneted he the Srnateand Ilnnsenf Hetircen- latirea ot the l lnted KUte of Amnio in r nrc anarnihlel. Thai llivre ahall be added lo the vlor ical and olhcr force in the oltiee of the tjuarter ntor Urneral, to be apiwiulcj br the Niorelair of War, lour clerk of com four and liiuely clerk of clan one: a!o thirty copyita and aix tutvorcr. at an auuiU conipennation ol ix bundled dollar each. BKC t. And be it further enacted. That in el Ming the account" of the ronimandinn olliecr of a enmpane for clolliih and other nuliWry mpplira, Uie alliilnvit of any meh ollicer may be iwni-d lo show the Ion of voucher, or couipiuiy btwka, or any other niait -r or rirtimataute temlinif to prove that anv apparent J li icucv nua occasioned by unavoidable accident, or lost ill actual ten ice without fault on his part, or tliAt the whole or any part of mieli clothinir ami lupphea hail been pip erly and legally lined mid tppivpriitted ; nii uch alhdavit may be couoidprrd as cvidi-nco to rst. l lih the facts l forth, with or Wiltioul other rri deiue, as may eem to the Secretary ol War just and proper under the cireuinMaiuei oftliC cae. Approted, February T, li.s. cutta. Alemndria. Havana, ('onitantiuonle. Frank forl-on the Mum; consul nt Kanaawa at atraaki apan, Urcrpmil, l-eDilon, Melbourne, llonr a. Ulasmiw llaurilina.Sinirapore, Uclfaal, Cork, DuiiJoe, Demarara, Halifax. Kingston. Jamaica,! Leedi. Mauchcktcr. .VasMU, (New rroTideuce,) Southampton, Turk Island. Truce Edward' Is lnd, Havre. I'ana, Marseille. Uordeaux, LaRoch elle, l.ronf, Moscow, Odessa, Kevel.SL I'etersburg, Matania. Trinidad de Cuba, Santiap) de Cabx, Nan Juan, (I'orio KicM Tneitc, I leant, An la Oupellf, Canton, Sliauchai, Foucbou, Amny, h'lnppo, lUirut. Smvrna, Jerusalem, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Fiincnal, Oporto, Saint Thomas, Klsin eur, Genoa, Hasle, Genera, Mesaina, Naples, Paler mo, liptie, Munich, lhnrn, Stuttardi. Bre men, Uamburi;, Tangier, Tripoli, Tunia, Rio de Janeiro, l'emanibuco. Vera I nil, Arapulco, Callao, Valparaiso, llu:ro Ayre. San Juao del Sur, A- finwall, Panama, Lagiiayra, Honolulu. Lahaica, apetown, Falkland Island, Venice, Stettin, Can dia, Cyprus, llatavia, Fayal, Santiago, tCape de Verde,) Saint Croix, Spcaia, Athena, Zantibar, liahia, Msranham Island, 1'ara, Rio Grane, Mala niora (lutamas, Mexico, ICitr, Tampico, I'aso del Norte, Tabasco, I'aita, Tnuibei, Talcahuan. Carthtgrna, Sabanilln, Oinoa, (iuayauil, Cobijs, Montevideo, Tahiti, liar of Islands Apia, Lanthala, Driwt CardifT. Ualta, Saint John, Newfoundland, Saint John, New Brunswick, I'iclou, Nora Sco tia, La I' mo, Darbadoc. Bermuda, Amiga, Nantes, Nepoleon- Vendee, Nice, Lisbon, liolleu burg, Trbauntepee. Santiw, Saint Catherine, Bal tic, Cissp lluin, Valencia, I'orl Mahea, Martin ique, Taranto, Sao lander. Qalatx, Bilbao, Scio, I'ar auiaribo, Macao, Stockholm, Afna. t)trnto, S tow, 1j pat, Bergen. Trinidad, Barcelona. Quebec, Maricaibio, Algiers, Sao domingn. Icily, Monrovia, Cape Haytien, Aui Caves, and Sew Vaslle npon Tyne; romraercial agent tt San Juan del Norte, Saiut Paul d Loauda, (Angola iitboon. Saint Mare, Curacoa, sad A moor river, including losa by evchng Uierson, four hundred and sixteen thousand three hundred and fifty four dollars and thirty four cent ; and the salary of the consul at (juyanuj shall be fifteen hundred dvllars per an num, to commence on the fifth day of Aurust, eighteen hundred and (i xtr one; rrovided. That the amount due to the lata NViUiam L. lUker be paid to hi widow. For interpreters to the consulate in Chin, in cluding loaa by exchange tbereoa, five tbousacd eight hundred dollar. ror expense incurred under tnstmction iron Tbo Xioyal Nations! Lcnyuc, AVe direct ilio ftttonlion ol our citizens to an oriiiiiitittiim which is r:iiiillv formirtj; in this cilc umlcr the abovo namo! The enrollment list, a copy of uliioh is exposed for Kij:imtiir0 in I he office of the JCeenin Pout, bcttrs the following title, whit-It fully explains the purposes of the League. ' We, the undersigned, citijtei s of the United States, hereby nssocitite. ourselves under the name and tillu of the Loyal SXatiokal Lkauik " Ve pledge ourselves to nn uneondi tionul loyalty to the Government of the United States, to un unwavering support of its effort to suppress the rebellion, and to spare no effort to maintain unimpaired the national unity, both in priuciple and territorial boundary. "The primnrr object of this Lrasne is ! and shall be to bind together all loyal men. of all trades and professions, in a common union to maintain the power, glory and integrity of tho nation." Among tho rariout programmes and constitutions of loyal leagues, Union leagues and Union clubs, wo have seen none w hich so well supplies the great need of tho time and so thoroughly answers the broad name of League as this. There is no money test of entrance, the only coudition of ad mission being a willingness to sign and abide by a simple and comprehensive pledge of loyalty to the Government and to the idea as well as the substance of National Unity. Now that the most poisonous of the doc trines of the Calhounitcs, the doctrines in which the Southern rebels seek their apol ogy for the most lienious crimo iu history, arc boldly put forth by rebel sympathizers, it secras appropriate that loyal men should baud together to maintain the substance, and adhcro to the glorious idea of Nation al Unity. General Kosecrans, iu his patriotic gen eral order issued to the Western army cn tho birth-day of Washington, happily ex presses this idea : " Out of rc.-pect for the memory of Washington whose illu-trious virtues we revere, whose wisdom, justice and self-sacrificing devotion to nutional unitv wo re- f : I ....I . fit I ... 1 1 nmv nen-, nuu pi'.'pwn iu ui vui mi rs- pediiior, (or the protection of emigrants on tho North rimte route, and will start from Omnha, Nebraska, about the 20th of May next. Captain Cntwforu has performed this service lor tho tiovernment for th last two years, and his plan is to enlist about titty mounted men for the trip, and to pre cede the last installment of tho emigration, keep the Indians in awe as lie passes along the road, full behind tho last feebler bands of emigrants and urge them on, supplying the di sunite ami assisting the lirokeu dow n and unfortunate, and thus guarding from attack theso delenseless and often improv ident and careless people, There was $10,. 000 left from the appropriation of Inst year; and consequently Captain Crawford has $30,000 at his disposal this year, and will doubtless make pood uso of it for the benetit of those people who so much need tho aid of Government, and who are gen erally, 1 am sorry to say, unthankful for the assistance so extended them. The other expedition will b under the charge of Captain Kisk, who will learo Fort Ambererombio, Minnesota, about the first of .tune, and will lay his course, due west fo Idaho, taking with him a large party of people who promise to settle in that new Territory. Captain Crawford's route w ill be along the North Flatte, keep ing north of Salt Lake and crossing tho Stmko river Bear old Fort Hall, thence iuto the Boise country and to Walla Wulla. It is noticeable that tho character of tho emigration to the Pacific coast is likelv to I money and its interest can bo used to far lo that of families rather than that ol tffitatcr advantage. It there bo a mortgage adventurers and explorers ; all of which on tho farm or tho house, poor crops nnd promises well for the country iu which set- loir prices may perhaps not enable you to dements ore to be made. meet it. This Hush period is just tho time to get out ol debt, nnd keep out, and lay by as much as possible, American Agriculturist. No Tim to Ki n is Dept. An Ohio Header nski: "Would you consider it prudent for a farnuv having a hundred acre paid lor ami well smoked, and out of debt otherwise, but not riiving a conwort alilo d'vniei!, lo ineu' debt of lire or six hundred dollars In bu'lding a duelling house f" Wo think not In tho Novrm bcrvlwifYiYiiit A irifulti.rist wo rclerreil to tho effect of the Increased relalivo value of cold currency, nnd showed why firmer should seiro upon this time to get out of debt and keep out. I he recent further nd vniieo in gold gives additional force to the reasons then set forth. Currency that w ill pay debts is now very abundant and will probably be so for some time. The mo ment the war closes or bids fair to fbise, tho country will begin to turn to a specie currency; and then look out for breakers. What now i called $1M) will begin to re cedo toward $100. A debt contracted now, when wheal is $1 J per bushel in litis city, will probably have to be piid w hen wlieat will be worth only $1. This will not probably take place at once, for there will bo a large amount of " legal tender" currency to be retired from circulation be fore specie will bo tho legal standard, but tho change must sooner or later take place. If the old house is at all temtntnble, or can bo made so by a little outlay, better put any surplus funds aside, where it will be absolutely safe and can bo called in dollar for dollar. Then w hen prices ol labor, ol timber, and of other material fall, the Oregon (Hy Advorllsomnils. Notice! rpitl'. tlliilerijneil hnvillit piircliinr.l thttatock, I V., of tho OUHION CITY II Ability, lermei ly earned oil by Air. r , I liNimaii, be tu call the nllrnlioii of hi foinn r iviImii to tho fuel tlmt they Intend lo rnrry mi tho hilslmaa o aa lo keep on lis nd every lhiiir In (he way uf Fmuilv (Sroccrirs, s ' for town nnd country. Tim nllenlloii f at, am. hunts i pnrlieulnrly cullnl, every thing In our line will hn mipphed nl rriinoimhle run . A lino awoilinenl uf l.llJt'DUS nlwaM on liniiil. The liijliesl cnslt price paid fur funnily pro duce. Legal Tender Note tuketi In ami puiil suit nt their market vitluo. NO CUKDIT tilYKX, W, ,v i. 1., II.UU.PW. Oieui City, .Inn. 17, lM!:i. tf llnnlwnro lor Sal J Important Decisions. Maimsox, March '.'5, ISM. The Wisconsin Supremo Court tnado three decisions of great importance to day, pronouncing tho draft constitutional; de claring liable to mil.tary duty all w ho vote; and nlVinuirg tho constitutionality of the soldiers' suffrage law. All the Judges con curred in the decisions. The opinion by Justice Cole, against tho application of certain drafted men for a release, on the ground that the law of Con gress authorizing the draft of last summer was unconstitution il, because delegating legislative powers to the President, ably refuted this objection, and showed by nu merous authorities in parallel cases that the President, by virtue of the powers given him in the laws of 1 t?5 and 1 S62, to col lect a force to suppress insurrection, owe, could properly make rules and regulations for detaching and drafting militia in States w here t.o laws on the subject existed. An able opinion was delivered by Jus tico Paine, reversing the action ol the com t of Commissioner Mitchell which re leased from draft a in an on a writ of habeas ccrpm because he was not a citizen of the L n. tod States, Lnt an alien by birth who bad d"clarcd his intentions and voted. It is hown that such persons are citizens within the meaning of the act of Congress, and liable to draft. Various authorities were tjuoted, among others the Drcd Scott decision and Marey's letter in the Kosta case. Hopes arc expressed that foreign born citizens, who hud shared the pnvi solve to imitate ourselves, and teach to our ) leges and protection, and bad eqnnl voices ciuiuren we will lo-uay renew to each- m the choice of officers and making laws, other the p.edgfsalrcaJy g. veil by our past would Le ready to bear burdens in the to. is ana suikr.ics, anJ ulncli m.inv of Secretary of Stale, id bringine home from foreign countries person charged with crime, and expen e inridrnl thereto, lea thousand dollar. I'or salaries of marshal Air consular eoort in Japan, China, Siara and Turkey, including loss br tiehsnjr thereon. Dint thousand dollar. tor rem ol prison lor American runnel in Ja- drrd dcllara. r or expense under act of oocrress to carry int elect lb treaty between the I nurd States and her llntanic Najttty for the suppression of ibe Af rican alave trad passed July eleven, eighteen hun dred and siltv to. seventeen thousand dollar. Approved, Februrr 4, honr of calamity and trial. Justice Paine also give a most conclu sive opinion in favor of the validity of the fin iuc-Xo. l.v AS ACT to amend an act en tilled "Aa act for lie collection of direct laie in insurrection try district srithia Die I'nited Stales and fur other purpose." approved June seven, eighteen hun dred ana liity-tso. He il enacted by the ScnsU and flouse of Rep resentative of the I'nited fate of Amenta in Con ftttt assembled. That Ilia aeranUi section of an act eoutled "An act for the collection of direct tax es ia insurrectionary district within the toi led State and for oilier purposes," approved June evett. eighteen hundred ami rixty two, be ameoded so ss lo read ss follows: (Section 7. And be it further enacted. That the said board of commis sioner sbsll b required, in ease the taxes charted upoa lh lot and parcel of land bll not be paid, aa provided fur in Uie llurd section uf thi act, to caua tli same to be advertised for tale in a new paper published in lh town, parish, district, or county where iiioai ; and if iLcre be no such pa per published lo Mid town, parish, district, or county, or if Utf publisher thereof refuse to publish the name, then Is any other nwpper to be se lected by id eomuiissioner io said district, or in lh city of Washington, fur si least four week, and by posting notice for said sal in three pub lic place in th town, parish, district, or county illiin which said lands are situate, at least four week previous to lbs day of sale; and at lh tim and place of asje lo cause th sm to be old . to lh highest bidder for a sum not less than th taxes, penalty, and costs, and ten per centum perstiuum interest on ssid Is I, pursuant to said notice: in ll cases where h owner of said lot or parcel of (round (hall not, on or before the dy of sale, appr in peraoo befor lh jd Hoard of Commissioners snd pay lh amount of said tax, with ten per Centura .merest, with the cod of advertising lh same, or request lbs tarns to be truck off to s purchar fur less sum thin two third of Ihe assessed vslue of aaid several lots or parcels of (round, lh asid coininisaioner (hall b authorised at asid sals to bid off the asm for th I'nited Mute l a sum net exceeding two-third of the a.seased talus thereof, unless some person shall nfler s larger sum ; and In that case th aim shall be truck off to the highest bidder, who (lull. vwyMhe pnrruas money lo tola snd sil ' f '"-Tr-jinr notes of the 1'nitvd "i -5, Wl0 esrtiflcalea .j be en. our brave companions have sealed will) their blood. We will transmit the freedom we inherit from U as.ungion unimpaired to I law authoring soldiers to vot, showing the posterity of our nation, ' one and indi-. untenable the constitutional objections visible,' or we will prr.Vi in its defense, i urged agn'nst it, nnd poiuling out how beoiicathinir a name clorious to them and .' Stale rreulntcs in like tnar.ner raanv oth- pan, China, Siam, and Turkey, and for wages of terrible to the rebel conspirators whose vile er thirjs oiit'ide its limit but atlectins its th keeper of the aaoie, nine thousand dollar. . ,i.,:. i,,.- ..., ..., i ,r ..:.. I ; . . .l. i- .t. i " s. Korsalariee of commissioner nd consuls reneral .,.."".. wuuium cwiw jii io uie iiouev ui mo law, uo tollaiii and Liberia, eleven thousand are bus-, iu arms against cs. s.ivs; Whatever arguments may be urged i fits is '.he l.att.e-rry of the brave pat-, a-ainsl fuch a Iua-, there are very strong riots who, with breo to tho foe, stand i colorations in its favor, as the present between the nation and tie parricides who j extraordinary condition of affairs, when setk its ruin. I more than forty thousand citizens of the That national unity which they pledge j State of Wisconsin have left home to en themselves to support on the Laltle-field, ! gage in the service of their country. His let cs all pledge ourselves to defend at j tory has furnished no better example, illus hoine. Thus w ill our brethren in the Geld i irating the capacity of man for self govern be encouraged to feel that their privations ment, than that furnished under this lair, and suHeriugs are not in vain, and that the i of the citizen soldiery pausing amid the livci they ofFi r up to the shrine of their horrors of war to discharjro their duties as country' unity shall not be a nselefs sac- primary legislators of the Pepuhiic, and to rifW. guird by the intelligent use of their ballots There is a strong feeling li the public ' to Lc forward-d to their homes, the welfare minil on this subject, and act:on has been or that eourtry and thoc principles of civil delaytd in the expectation that some of the liberty fur which they were ready at any organ:at;ons now projected would build f moment to lay down their lives opon the 4 Xk. tr . tx ro- . tfecis ' ' . eaiidil of (aid sal, 1 I !, m fliii saiif purchaser or purchaser , w4. th ain i 'rovidel. Thai tli owner of said itor ground, er snv lual person of th United hute having ny valid lien npoo er Interest in th sme, msy, si sny tims within suty dv f. (or said sal, appear befor lh laid ltosrd of tax somiiiissionera in hi or her own proper person, , and, if ciUun, upon Ukiug an oalb toeupport the Constitution of lh United Males, and paying lh mount of laid Us and penally, with Interest thereon from lh dais of the said proclamation of His I'residenl mentioned in the second section of tin set, l to rat ol Blteen tier centum twr an Hun) together with fipensss uf lh sal and tub- neol procesong to be determined by aaidcorn niissiunerik may rrdssm ssid lots of land from aaid sale i snd sny purchaser under Hi asm bavin- raid money, treasury notes or St bar certiHislesof luiienieunees 01 ui v miea nines, alien, unon aocll re-lenition being md. b entitled to bar lh same, with th Interest aicming after said sal, returned In bim br lh id eommiaaionera, upon surrendering up Ihs eertillosto of let And uro- idd furtlirr, Tli t if lh owner of said lot of J round shall o s minor, a nnn-rident (lien, or uyal ciUsen beyond lh . perso of unsound nimd. or under a legal disability, lh susrdian, Iruttes, or oilier pcrnun having charg of lh per son or estate of such person, uisy redeem the same I any lirri within two years after IhsaaJ thereof, snd in Uie manner ahov provided, and with liV Oest i And provided further, That si such sale snr tracts, ps reels, er lot of land which mar be. selected nsder lh direction of th I'rtaiden't fur Onremmenl us, fnrwsr, mllllary, nsrsl, revenue, charitable, ed'iesllonsl, orpolir purpose, my l aid ssle. f bid In br (aid commissioners, under lh ilirorlion r-f lh President, for and tmrk off to lh I'nited Male I And provided further. That lh rertiArtls of ssid commissioner (lull smly be effected as ridnr of Ihs regularity snd vslidilv or ssl ny estaiilishlng Hi fact that said prnpeeiT was nof subject to late, or that the tax rs ieea pia prenvu v tnr ssie, or insi on this broad foundation ; but up to this time no plan has presented itself so broad and desirable in its purpose as the present. We do not doubt that tho Lcojne thus initiated in this city will f-pread through every village, town nnd hamlet in the loy al States, encouraging the loyal and stri king terror to the hearts of the traitors who, not daring to take nn cpen part with tho rebels in the field, still stanJ beneath the fostering folds of the national banner, and seek to break iu pieces that unity of which it is tho honored emblem, and with out which it Is a meaningless rag. It is projio-ed to tukc a large hall, with conreuient reading and committee room, iotomcccntr.il place, where tho members mny meet at all times, and w hir at sta ted periods, l-cture and addresses will be delircrcd, A", Y. Evening J'ost. Geld of battle. Overland Emigration to tho Pacific. Washington, April 2d, l8G3.I'rornall appearances we mutt conclude that the em igration to the States and Territories of tho PaciDc Coast will be very large during the coniing season. Tho octiou of Congress upon many important interests of those re gions has had the effect to direct public at tention more limn ever to lh new 'I trri lo ries of the Pacific slope especially, Idaho being now quite prominent in tho minds of mnny vhoi yearnings arc directed west word, Tho longer this harassing civil war lasts, tho more deeply seated and oncon- 'picrable becomes the desire to emigrate to thOMi half-imaginative climes which the art ist has limned with wonderful poaerin Lcutze's painting of " Wntwurd tliu course of empire takes it way," The glowing skies, peaceful scenes, abundant fruits, glo rious scenery ana climate and youthful frcuhncfs of Guhfornia inuko up un ideal painting iu tho ruinds of many rcsllcM peo ple who pine and sigh for a glimpse of the Golden Land. Vi'ar, with its multitudin ous evils, has Induced tln-m to look more desiringly towards the pacific, nnd henco there will be during the opening season a great wave of emigration brcoking across me plains wmcli Jiu between tho ilistouri, the Ilotky Mountains and tho Parifiu Ocean. Mont of these will bo in fumilin who take their household goods and flocks itll thetu and will bccoino Derrnanci.t et. tiers in the new Kdcn of their hoiic. Con gress appropriated $:JO,000 for tho protec tion of the Overland Emigration, of which $10,000 will be used on tho northern route, 8- ho fiv.vw win us useu on tno norinern routi I -n retnaiiitler will be placed ot the dii n. ' posal ol Cajilalu Crawford of Oregon, wh Chcroatce Xrcgislatioo, Camp Ui.vst, ( Ark.,) Feb. 20, 18C3. The Cherokee National Council has just adjourned. The result of this Legislative assembly is moat significant and instructive. The members were tlectod nearly two years ego, and they formed the LegUIoture that was coerced into an ordinance of se cession by the rebel army. The first act of tho Legislature wos to repeal this ordinance of secession, which was done unanimously. The next was to deprive of office in tho Nation and disqual ify all who tluould continue to be rebellious or ilitloyal to the I'. S. Government. A law wns enacted appointing a delegation to visit Washington about tho military and civil otTuirs of the Nation, and this delega tion was authorized to abolish slavery Iu the Nation should Congress extend tho tamo privilego to tbo Nation oi to the Bor der States. This was to bo a remunerated emancipation. L'ut this eoald neither meet the wishes nor the notions of the Cherokee legislators. Cent. JJ.'rd Oeitz. somewhat noted for fighting the rebels in the mountains before he joined the Fedcrai service, a full-blooded Indian, and a good lawyer, Irorned a bill for unconditional emancipation, which he introduced with a fine upeech, and wos eloquently supported by Ciipt. Jumes Vonn, Col. Lewis Deming, and others. A few clung to the hope of emancipation wiin compensation, and urged the losses of tho people already, but tho iniijority urged that tho bill ought not lo be clogged. If tho Government chose to pay the loyal, very well; but they would leave such a necessary act as (ho abolition of slavery to no contingencies', and no one Hioui.i ii' it lor them. It was their work. Wbea tho history of this great rebellion and of l his nation is written, tho Chcro kees ahull moke no menu figure. Under (he leadership of Col. Phillips, they fonirht uesperauiy m m-wioniu nuu talio llill, and liurc ilistinguiflied themselves in every battle of the Houlhwest this Inst season. Thry have fought fearlessly and bravely, second to no other troops, evi-n whilo their fumilies have tull.rcl untold misery and disaster, nnd now they coino cheerfully tip to ofTcr the slavery of their nation to the ciu.se of Liberty ai.d the Union. - 1K ContTEufa" AT IIomk. 1 Pitrr iii. 8-1 2. Why not bo Militc? 1 low ntiirli does it cost In sny, " I thank you"? Wbv not pntctico il nt homo to your labium.), to your wife, to your idiildivn, und your doincstics? If u eininger does you foino little net of courtesy, l:ov .sweet the smil ing acknowledgment! if your lmh:tml or wile, nh! "il's n uiniter of oniirV no need of tliitnk. Should n visitor or neipiaiutniiiT tread on your dress your best, very be-t und by luvident tear it, how profiio you nre with your " Never miml," " Dun'i think of it," "Accidents will happen." If a has UmJ does it, he gets u frown j if a child, it is punished. " Ah. lltoso lire btlle lluiigi, say you. They tell mightily iii.it the heart, let tne assure you ; nml, liiile as tliey nre, thry disturb M':ttt or en-ate pleasure in the family circle. A gentleman slops nt n friend's house. nnd finds it iu confusion. Ik doe not see anything to npolngie for - never think of such mailers." Everything j rij., cold supH-r, cold room, i-rying children "perftvily comfortable!" does hnrnf, where his wife has been taking cure of the children, or nlti nding the siek, nnd work ing her life nlmo-t out. 77ie he does tmt sec why things can't be kepi in onh r ; "then- never were such ero-s ehildrni be- to.1-. No nHingies :n-eepled III linlile! tlh! why not liak at the sunny side f homr as wrll ns ubnutd, nnd try plea-aril words instead of surly otie? Why lint be agreeable ill home? Whv not Use freely that gulden coin ot'inurte? Ilow iive-llv llio-e little wonls sunn, I, i " Many iluinks." or Vim nn- very liiul."! IXmblv, ves, thrice sweet from ihe lips we love, wlii n sinili s ntakf the Willi the light ot iillretiou: 15e Mi!ite to your childn-n. P.e cour teous to your servants. I)o you expeet them to Im mindful of your wi llare, to grow glad at your appnui. li, to IhhiikI away tu do your ph a-un1 before the r--ijtiest is hall' sjMiki-n? Then, with all your niithority mingle kiti!nr. nnd ehei rlul nes. llrotln rs and ei-ters, Ik- niniable, be eourti'iius among vntiri vi-, nnd In your servants. If nt table one per-on ! sM-aking. Iiten kindly till In- has liiii-hed, nnd then yoti will nn-et the same ntl-iitioti, and much family love will nri-e from this mutual forbearance. V If. .J J. I.. HAKt.OW. I 'ST KKfKIVUI) n .Hhl iiiily of ll.n,. wiuo, ei.nsis.tlnu in iMii uf tliu fulloniiii!- umiieil article: Tanner.' Tunis, of nil kin, Is, I'lMM-Clll rii.I ,Mil Saws, l'M.'S, I'hisels, Aiiijer, Hem ll rinues, nirhauVs' Phtlfonii Scale, J I mil's Clioi'lutifc- A xes, llun.l Axes, lt.itelirta, liii'ituveil Smk A.iigers, e., alai, (iriieiue liriiui Crnillrs, llualeu Whcitl r'aiif, Wlieelliarniw, on 1 many oilier things t.w le.liniis In iiieiilinn nil of nhieli will he mM ehran fur ensli nr euun try rmlui'e. theuon IMy, Jnu. Ill, lniportotl, ilinvt iVom Vie'toiiii, a u e t u 7 n ct .- QV SI TKUtOlt lf.l.n'Y, as Mlun: I.. ihI.ui Puck liran.ly (uM Hu,lsm'a lt.i , Muriel dm in ,.e, Mouui A (V lio- Jiv. (eiieva, in rase, St'uleh Wh skv, in C4se au.l hxrr. I. Kor s.i!el,y V. A J. U ll.VKI.HW. (Veg.n l ily, M.irvli II, IMil. N.I.Vf,YS LIVER INVIGOHATOR AVirr 'l Ai.'ioijr. It lseiiiiiuuiiile, eliti ivfy flniil l'Mnml liua lieeuiiiu nil esliihlislii'tl la.'l, a eln'i.litiil ini'.li. n.e, know n and iiliiiruvril hy nil Hint Inive us, i II, im, la now n'Mirte.l In Willi t'uiillileiiee III all Ilia ilia earfur whl. li il Is reisniinieiiili il It Ima eiired lliiuit- A your jiiilunieul Kui.l inula uilluil Ihn ln-l Z Vimi in I lie ii.e i. the Iwn eare whulin.l r. l.lver n iiiirnl..r, pi li-tl lip nil hea nf JJ, iiinl it uj e n i l.ivrr relief, ns Ihe liilliier- y euuilaliil, hilli.iua l iiiis inisolunlnO errlil'- q Ineks, ilysieiis, li'ule in my Hwsesa. , e il ru li i e iliuiili.i l, ii.ii .how. J, suiiiun r oi.ui, hunts, The ihe lllll-l he lli nlei y, ilinisy, Hiluile,l In Ihe leiu- sour xl.niut.'li, h:ihll .eruiiiriil of the lu ll- m mil I'uaiivi iieM.elii.lie, vi.lmil liikiuu ll, uuil vli.ileiit,(.uleia inur IIM'.I Iu suell iiiniltl- Jj tins, eliiili.ru nil,. lit tles as In net comly J inn, ll.iiiil.-ncv, I.iiiii till the huwels. M iliee.f, nml,, urskneaa Let the ilu lule if U nti.l nmy he u-eilsiui. e. "wl'lilly ns an iiril niuv l.iin ly iintli, uie. Il will enie siek liea.luehi, i ,m ihinisiuiils enn lrsiil) In tuenly liiiuules, Il Ino r lllt.e li n.einiliils litis liikeii at euiiiiiieii.'eineiil uf ntl.iek A W li u.e it ure giving III. ir testimony In il. luvnr, tit titer iii Ihe nioiiili with Ihs u iurnlnr, mill awillluw Is. it It liii-ellnr. 1 f I'ti.e, $il ' r Mile. AU, KAN KOMI'S FAMILY CATIlAttrtC I'JLl.S, iiiviiMt'Nnt:n kiiom I'urt "ei;rtili!t '.rfnu'.r, Put in litsa rasta, sit lljjlil, ami mil keeji lif" vliunite. , . 't he Kaiiiily Calhaitio Pill isajjeiij enlhertio, wliieli tli miu ' I'loelieo innr I him twenty Th ruiistsutly iiu reoni,4 a , wli.i Imie leliir ll.eii Ihe I "ill", H.l r,. ;,, JI M. iiau;x Hiilsnni lor (In4 Iimp4. f 'HIKHHI'iull, .tlll.l, lf AVll, Sflillillg Iurn, t'ulilt, I'liHihi, iirfursul, i'lllH III Mi NiJt, unit ttt 'inmil of Ir, W in, ll.ill's lUl.mit fur lli l,unff, III all ernes, K'e ihe heat nf suti.t,!. tlnll. I r. W ttt. ll.ill's IIiiIsiiiii I'nr lh l.iuu ha wri.ii(lil in. in rules siiii'a lis Inir.nliu liuii than any other finish ine.lielu. Pr. Win Hull's Itiilsiiin fur th I.iiiii; I n ilnlsi i hy ynur IrsJ H( 'h)U'ial.s as lh sslist nu.l hesl leiiiuly liiiMrhslui III iuhlli. I'r, Win. I dill's ll.ilsinu fur (lie l.tiiisl tnf ill li aiinniit eliihlreii, nml )el mwetful III casos f eliiinilt. nilitiunury ills, srs. I r Win, Hall's ll.ilxini let III l.mirf bring its errtilienies aliius.1 il.illy uf Its wumlerliil cure III till 1'iirla uf Ills eeuiiliy. The li..re alrik.'nif in inf uf the Ilitilusii) World iiinl exeelleiie uf lr, W in Hull's II., Lam fur lh bunt's, Is shown iu Ihe luinluv Willi whii h II It- euun s n cenriiil lav. .Ills H nil I lies ieo.is, i nets is uuiliiiig uf a similar natiira hut whnt I soon ent lulu Ihe sh.ule when the Itulinin has heeit lhor..ii.il) te.lr.l. The annuls fur lis sale, I1', roiiuli v in. i, In aolsrliiir in w suiifilirs,'' , tr eulliiilulii. In its Imor, vsyiiig I " A i the llinitf ; il ai ls like a rluiu "" 1 ' ? auu)v liiimlicr, K VI'.KY I'Ksi'Mi TION, kei.i ,.n l.siul anil for ule hy W. , .1. I- IIAKI.IIW . Mhii'h nil express In ie(iii In the r use, hn iinliieeil in to I'litee tin in w illiin I'.e rv.n li of all. The ir..(ession welt know I li ssl ililireut ralhiirlu e a t mi il.f ferenl ...il,ous uf the Is. lie's The Kainily IV Ihartie I' ll has, well of th s'miii tell, siren lies., i.aius in lh hans, e.tuei.ess, iiiii.s ami s-rrues 2 j Z j r tt S I" line releK Hill t.Ul,li.li,,l Iji-t, heen e o in p nun. leil fl nil vmleiy of lh I'llteat ve... I.il.le ex Iraets, wh . li a. t n I ke uu every nil of the iiliiiu nt.il X en nul nml are i;imiiI anil sa'e III nil ra.rs H hero il railmri.e i. , nl, nt sue! 4sih't,ttii..tieit,a hi k ami oi-r ll.s SCiLOOIi HOOKS And Stationery, .uiv w o.v 1 .v. .t r .i i. n ap mn I'KH'KS, sau: HY J. F L 11 M I X (J, At his old it.inil, Mala ttnet, Omuux lirr. JJ'IS shvk euiiiprises, in sit, the follow n.J : ."ssn. lets' Punier, Sieller, ill, I l!enlr, l'rker sti.l Watxiu' S"ller iiutl li. sJt-rs, I'Urk's Klrmeiiiary A'j;!.u, I'svies' Ariihnieties, Tliomsi.n's Ariihnieties, Parker's 'ii!os.ihy, Willanl's ahri.lje.l ili.tory of th t'n lej Sla'.rs, Wilson' Oull in s of llminrv, M.illleith tV MeN-llV tier Ires, Ijuaekeiihus' K.rst Lesoms in Ki g'i-h c.iii- slt;oil, Mer.ll'iT'U' Ana?yt:,-al M.mual. W i hstrr IlK'tiouan. s, Lleuo nlary Spe!!er siij I'rini. r, fuller's Aiial-'inv, l'lni..l..y ,, ll.j.ne, Cip, lllrr.V .o!e l'.ler, ! M ites anil SLite IVneil., Mstiunl Noi.., I'.xv.l'i snd Ari.oll l.ls.'k, Hue, sn.1 re I Ink., Note, 1 II, r, an. I l.e.-al llnvi-I. pes, liil'ott s e. I, hr!.'. M. el IVns, lilsie. l.l.Mt.ri .! an I h'.ill n,' pijr, S(.iierr' l riling l. Is. j f u'lnil A' llsilinali's IVs. I.eal liis k Ke, li r e, ves sparkle i ",ln l-ixeep "i l"ns ' Also, a ssrirty of iii s. II in, ui Usias. Vr-gni fitv, frh. I llh, I-I..1. j 71' S r h ii'il so 1 f. sule hy th siVr r, The II, I. leil l'en Win," l..n.r,l , ,. ?is Leaves its Mack. Mr. fiougli, in a lecture Mm thu Vming Mimi'h Christian A'sociution of Inulnii, in dwelling tijuin tin coriiipting influ ences of liiitlasi,ciati"i, iilliitli'tl to the inevitable iH'iialty of mental Miflerin;,' which (.-very transgressor incuri. " What you learn from bad haluU and in bad rociety," raid hf, " yon will never forget,' and it w ill Imj a lasting pang to yon. 1 tell Voti in ull tinecrity, not in the exciti-ini-nt FlM.-ceh, Imt as I would roiifr inn I have confessetl Ircfure fiod, I wotiM give my right hand to night if I rotihl forget that which I have learned in evil society ; if I could tear frmn my remembrance t!i kimics w hich 1 have witnessed, the transaction which have taken place Ix.fore me. Von cannot, I lclicvc, take awny the ef- f .e -i icci oi u Miigie impure tltouglil that linn lodgoil und lulion-d iu the heart. Yon may jmiy ngitinxt it, nnd by (ioi.'h grace you may ron'juiT if, Imt it will, through life, cause yon bitter ness and anguish." enre, .Natural II .t.-n. Tin Th Se, ret I lilt, The S., i.l,!, llenMn, l.nl.ca' l'r hel, ,V.'., 1',-rii-r I 'oji'-sril, , I h I'erlt I lien. Ae J I J.CMINli KN. II At .M.i k .s V I the Ijiki of W ar ; luti rnsiioi.al l.a s ai a so. th lien rj I ', Army l!eg .i:;iod1 f.-r sa!u h) n.srl.i J H.liMINU T Co!!er;ifU of MIK Itolilen Wreath, a tli".. e t'sv.ir U' Mc'inlirs, fur sale hy mrl5 J U K MINI; 1 1 1 K t'hri.inn lljniu IU k, f.r a'e iir L mirli J. H. i:llNi C II AS A fin arlir! for l.aili. for sa'e b J. IXK.MIM.. U. S. IncoiiK! Tax. flMIK LAW roiilrinpU'es that every sue s!i!l 1. pjjr on alt net pn.;l 'rm j$'.0l) der.teil fr rn any eonn ahuteeer A rou is a.l.erd In dr.lu. t all l(!ly awsee.l National, .Vute.snl County Tate, birs-.l h lp. et-nts, I lis; tgm, A , niressery In e.irry nn Ins hus new; hut no farmer, nierrhaiit, nie. hm e, er any p. rsou, has a right I., ,l.lrl l.is Mn LlMir as si umeh eineuan frmn III III IIICIIM. uhole ImkIi, Ikuii BinLlrii r.il.l, uhn-fi fieij.i, nl! , f lieetrrliil, i II I ill ll l.'li e.llllse i,( (r- r, loss i.f rp.elile, a eriepin srnssii.n i.f r.M over ihe ImsIv, le-llesaneai, ln-a.l.i' he, or ts s ,til in the head, all lull. iiiiinstorry il a-ne, oomis hi el, I ilieu or aihilts, ilieuinnioiii, a itrri i'rr ,,f ,,. hlissl, ami maiiv iliu-ss. s to n hi. h tle.li s lo ir list liiitiieruiis to iiiruti 'il Iu this a.lieil eium! -. Ihee, I tu .1. rian:. tiii;i:i: Mti:s The Liter lie i.. rst..t an l 1 silnli Catlnrtio I'llls ui tol,l .y thiiirjis'ser. rx where, sn.l ,y MliUNtiTiiN A I'll, .Vu'e .lsiits for the I's. ill ena.l, I 111 A 1 1 s Kronl st , -V in I ram ie. Dr. Itakrr's Tain ranncca Is eoiiis, ,1 entirety of h, ii'ii- guiiis, nml rjrt i hteulllli'l hrtlis. l is v V-Ity silf,, Die lis-l drl ete to u-e. I rail tmel snieei. I) ssl that I have never kit-.wn any, teiweier .Irli. rtle, to he llijiihil h it III Ihe trail. I ts.ll e.niliiuis tu usk the iillt. led, who ln.i not li.. , it, o liy II ..f th t.'J's'W i. f ill.e i.ri, f Ihey 4rs n I satis 11. d With lis hesl . SI jj .ll.Mirl, III II, our Will I eheeifu ly re I nn. Ir. I hy the a- nl wheie iho mcli -j ruie is f, si!e j If )oii hue pun in ll(e St. .im. h or l'.i.i!, I tt y a il.Me ol Tsui rsiueri in!rrnsl!v, I .illi,- ex lernally over the virs s. tl". r. .1 , anl X"U Mil at , ,..ee fe.L.re the ,rt"-r arlmii an I lei eve the , ,m j If you hate lliUMor W ound, hitlt.. il w II llh lh I'jill I'jlisee t f.mr Innr. a ,l.,y It wi'l j re!o ii the pa-ri. an I ts'sr. o.it ail Hie pi.tou, and ; ' hrst thi ot.i it, I in il .limt 1 li e ! ; Il yon ,.,-e siill-rt'ij fioii r ii! nlis. ..r llheil- j : mile 's lis, ap,'l 1 1, e I's il I' in e. lirrlv , , lake a .e l.l ll l.i'e, i,,lli , niol ili' .. o si.il i.j'il; il m II is--t O'l'y nr. III.- ,in llo.ie Ihe esiiM of ll,e !i.r ,re If lo-i hale the I ..r,,i ai,, v.nr f--l rrs.p i or s.oois- Ii a.'rr iiin., ukr a il..' of 14111 I'ana. e al er ear ll tlir.il If )ou hue a Ci.lnrl or .'sre M.,,iili ,.r throat, apj-ly III I's.-i I'siu . i l i Ihe !, . ird slii. an i jii ;le ihe mouth ,. Ihioat llnrs. r (,,ur I in. ilsv. ll )nil haie t,e ll.srrh.pi, or a lrlird tse i f ihe Iniae's, take a lew ,. .,,( '4 u I'm,. , ,ih. they will mttft U rt..rrd ou hsu. a pi n fill ess el!n. r. h uh His i ai'a fir. I , , ,md toil will Ssx.ll fell, i e lh, I'lill, an I th.- , I: i. j w II l. re lii.-e I. ll von Ii4ie a .eirre io.,t!i-arl,,-, a ly Ihe 1'itin I'ana.-. a nil a p ree of r..'l .n, an l lu ll ihe uuin al Hi" S.HIIS tuns ; it mi. I .,y ti e j a n lUs'etill) . If )u hat pull ill the !rr,,-. S ,le, I! n k. er Ki 'n ).,h,tl,s ihe .iM. atr . Ir.l in nn; an l ni.-li', al the anno t mn Like a d.sw of the Psiii. i;i trrn illv If s Mother h ia a ( akr t hreast, apj ly the I'siu Psiia.-eaai h"l asrsu he l.'.rne. If ion frel . li !l v or e.-l I, as lli.n.;'i ten re C'-'i'S ' have s ver, tnLe a d -I I'siisrr. Ifynil hue a moihiI, i ut, or ra'U un y-ur lin-sr, .ly Ihe l'm I'suir a; ,1 wiil tj' out .ill the mil im iiiun, ami t 4I the s-.re in ilnnt tin, hoi.) hy a I the ('(.in ij.xl .Iru.K its, snl hj lU.I'IM. I N, ,V IO, Aernu, -1 1 fi ar.il til I r. nl Mi. I, Mail i rne ru S A K S A !' A K I l, AMI ST I I, M X ( i I A ! JfW V lAnr Nyruji. 1 ..I r.- .Ii. I' is lirrrhy rre..iiiinrude, hv I'hyii. latis t 1 ure Ihe ..l,, n, ,!ioes listing Ihsu wo li 11 In it tli..lrirll at. lie o Hie II,mh I rll, I't.rf.ti 11. im, I !iilareliirut of lit Jo u's, I'siu ei i.u Toinois, I j)siiel,ts, Kiuq'a l.nl. Si ,iiii,iii's I n, W hilt Swellings, Oil s in ii I'r ipiions, ' iiijiles uu lh Kar, llheil liiit,i.i, II . hn, 1'ii.tulrs, l)sww,-e, ete ; Si pi, Mil e all I .Meieunal All't tioos aro t uis.l, I 'ii ol -sis or oJtiltu, ti.-ns iu feui.iles; tsorloir rhr or W Ii Ir., nte lelienO h) Ihe use ul tins rt eine The me liesl .r.' eilirs of Saisapanll in rn- jiiii.Ii.ii with siillinj-i a 10 will knvMnhya'l m,lieal li.eii In Is lh hr.l e.i.in 01110I xel diieoy 1 rlrd lot lrsue and polity ill Mood, and rd est j all humors fiont the svtrui. W hste g,teu ihe le- mi In ihimI phi s.entlis 111 1 lln rotioir, , lh t il.ev mar know whallhev al j limit, nil I will eooliooe I., send II hy lltsil ! thasw j dr.iiou, ol k'i"M,ng Ihe iii)-re.lieiils enterng Intra its rn .p-riun, lh.,1 ih it ilo y may .iei ril. il In I tin 11 pi ii I e Ties pi- isin .11 slan t, at Is - lies.l o' the IhI of r-lllr lira lot , MIH ,l ilh.Hliri l'( fl'MII Ull I -nr,ti. 1 ..f the Ii!,mI or drad msller linking lit lh,- ilr.o I ' hot,, ti.ils Mhi h ve ti.rd tho .S-'i lhii. a I ' S.lt.s4( I's tt t t, t (v Iu .11 inn ir I sh e slfrt-t ,, I II. nt. li,- l Hlipi.lit.r. Il.-ilt tlinr h'i-o.1, g S ig tot. lit 1 I u '1 t'l 'ti m li-.l iiiiin.ni fl anie, i,d re.lor ion' In ulili) aii.ioi Iu oil Ihe liiui'loMi of th I ...1 1. Tin t. .I iiio-.i t't r r. itr.l in it. fi,ii from many 111. m ' i "I tin- Mi -!. .1 I a u'ty wou'd. w ere w (O pll'.t.ll (I,!!!, till! I .1 t ,,tlllo, It 1. ,-r;rr, uo ! r t mji rv ..oil of , oe of ll.s .hi, t n I 1,.1 ,i .,14! r tirin..' iu Ihet eanlfy, 1 Mr W'. S. Mrir.lt, f 'in,-nnsli i i a In insure st 1111 loliii ty ..t 1 ,.,.r,- l ..is and polity In oil lis ,Nj k- e-l.el.ls A a 'Oiik' iruirilv, to put ly and r!4ite I1. hlisl, Ir iv,:!,( i( trie liifit itll h Hoofs ao.t ln.iur ' lira, . aril tt 111, to.Ji.lrii thero ks uu hellsf ! Ilirdt So d hy n't lru.- ' snd hy l:i.l'IM. ti. A I'll. A ."ul.. I 111 an I I In I 101,1 s irrt, San It rum wru. To m!ii..ii all ulih rs ah. ml. I he ,.idr.a.-., 11 vr is 1,111: w 1 runt T 11 1-: t.rn. nd h ie fti sis fire from ll. iiinni r.-ui ailment I. in, fr 71 bio I IMI'sJ ISfALUULi: HAIR RV.STUllATIM, 1 on Th lucum Ttt i lo be d nn tli ii.r. in oflh ye.tr lotiiinem tug January let, I J . so lh.it on the esenmir ot lereinl-f 3fat, Ifi'.'l, 1 Yeryboly shi.ii'd inki up a rewd cf lo iii'imis jr-tins or prnfii fnrihit )sr. .In I s runny nur,i of iiieome, sin li as ll.vi l- nd anil Ho lm'! Ilmi. I. in Stoeks, InstiMiic Ms k, Savings II inks, ,i. lereat, Vc , (thry liaiinj ales I) pud th no "Hi ail dsnilliill arid seurf from the In il Ul.l fn not au-s n taietl, it ihrrefur herorne I It aUnya all irritdinn bf th alp. ne. essr lo l.si s clear rrrofil ol Uie snurree nl natirin (iraij Juir lo ilt Oiiyiiiul Cvlnf- it ri!i:vi:NTsiiii: umi- r jjdm faii- J l.il r . IT rure H.riln.., nml lemoir Xonk aro so fcMoiii found alone, awl to crjoii tired of their own com finny, an ilioso coxeoniba who arc on the !;"( term with fliemtelvefj. The bitterncsii in the loss ofiiotis children will gradually iians awav: but the Kwcetuesa of recollection will remnin with in. It in a jileas-ure to look buck oil those whom (iod hath taken nwny iu infancy home to him self. It ii a source of satisfaction to think that I have three children in heaven with their mother. JJut when I have looked on those that ore spar ed for whom 1 desire to bo thank ful, and am nn grateful for the mercy a.i most fathers, I have thought it is for them I have passed watchful nights and onxioii.t days, nuu"'rcd jiniii of liody nnd dislres of mind; and for them I am htill deej.ly con- cernetl, that they may airove them Helves, to (tod on earth, and live with (jod in heaven! lien. Thumnt ti:ott. in-s,in. that llirr insy be n rji'l.ut Willi llie Ase.ssif. Ai rorpomlioiii must tleiluet ,e Id re per c lit. let f 'I tlruhsruiK their iliVnlrnili. Tor Example: A mnn in business muai makeup th ml pmf.ls ; of In huametst f.,r the ).lf, Sllli s.l W ill t il " I ' the sriioiiril lee l'0, A man may, nutsuln i.f hi Imsin. se, s-nd all andrvn norr Ihsn Its prohis in the huanwss; lieterlheles h 11111.I pay lj till all 11 "t busiiievi proline in j.t lh li'M. Ami so with a salary, all oir I'iOi) must be l., thougli r.nsl of farridy en eonnrne it all. 1 he liioirriA Ta for lh yer IhliJ is asesh' on (lie first dyo(Msy, l"l.'l, ami i due ami piy sl on or Im lore lh .'I'lill .lime, I'li'l. And any sums duo ami inipuil fr thmy ilsjs slier the .'lOlli June, sfiriaiirl, and for len lit) nfl'f rle. rnand hy the f olhrler, fivo per e. ntuin Will be aihl.d to lh niiKiniil unpaid. Ksrh iiiiliiitlual of any firm r psrtnersliip liusl mske up In income iirsllv. TlliM. HIAZAI!, IJ. H. Ass. seor f.oy Dirt on. V. H. sswawn-'s Olfiee, I'orl Iwnit, April (, IbCT That hardy ra.diiics that many ac ount valor h the comiiinioii of Igno rance; ami of nil rashness, iHiiJueM to hiii is the most w itlesn and foolish. DISS k CO., Commission Merchant. sun JMrri in Flour, drain, I'trJ, Fiuil, lslhrr,l 8. K. corner r ront ami H liinglon t , HAN FRANCISCO. tTCon Vnrnenl nf sll kiiel of C'olif.irni n. Orejrin I'ltstue "ll'il't. HKiiNf;To.v ef cd'a hi T'i:i;nm Yuast Pouil B rAHIt ANT Kli TCI MAKK wtet Uriel hiilrilinil OU'lKTH. Mi; 11 t It r It and r. fie.hr lh hrail, and imt aile lo III hair a healthy. Iitily p niaiire. I'. K. lh plojs rues wh eh reinoie aissn.lrufT and seulf fn.in the In ad, all.iv iin:,it,oii an l fiee the s. lp ll 111 hi.niMia, render tins sill. ! ml iln sh'esaa lulmn in all rulaiiroiia alh rtmii., nu ll a (toll, II i.li.S.ill ltd-nm, I hilhlaiiit, I n. ii , Itingnoinis, Shmtrlrs, lia, s ami Knurrs uf lo se. t, ami all enijit ons of I ho skin, s.peoa'ly llil r.ii.nl by nM. OAK The only gemnti rli. I 11 put i-" , Ihilllee, Slid In lh wnllrrt .MII.I.M. th nri"innl pmpnr on Id" liiheland Mr,iiier. I. n -different styls, wlm , 1. ( Ol'M f:ilr llf;ii.V(.Ti)N A I I., W lmle.U AgMlls.i ne. ...i 11- i-.. ....... . 1 1011,1 an 1 mm siren, ran nslie seo ai .s.iig finiii ail iuijiiir slat of tlis hloo-l f l Msni.d in purify your rettore y.uir I.. km,; Sen- til Liter to-it U.oJ known, a out e. rt fi inaikahle run a, uf the proprietors, ui'.. tionshly prot INt.ll'N ( II, Wholrsala Akii:, lnd 111 front tire. I, Sail Ir Hirlie.i, tffi ; s. nsior- - ? s- 5 2 r. -.Mm 'iiffilf. Slid I, oJ health, by .l'. Illi.sl Sirup il, puiifler Ilia tiuiner. rate nf rs in lh lisnd It CI). lire Kxlnu'fs fur Klnvoiiti'. AIU.i. l.KVOX. ORASflr:, PEACH, 11 rrn.u auiosh, iriv. fPIII'sl rtlrm-t poa.eaa, In lh mwl etpl" ( 1 nrliltllled fellll, the dt lleiollt Isste sC 1 ndimied llninf of the dilp-riil js'"' luer.ttril, iii. I for. ill r' 1 iU!ly Siltipterl lo L0AVKH. HOT KISCCIT, lil'CKWItHA T uwlvlhrr cl.es. gin(;ki:i,i:i;ai, ami rsk-s of n un. Wuiraiitcil fully njiuil to any in the mm ki t ! Ait nr ItKIHXisTON rf (Vs VKAHT I'OWIiKIIH, nl lal no r.lln r, if ynu wmiM hai uinformly HOOD HKKAM Manufarlurerl an I sold wholrKile by lli;lINfiT(,V ,f Co, 409sr. lll.'lJf.lreel,, tnui.if.0. VNV fINi: who profe.. ,i un, I r. land all tlsdis or seii neea, ss-iiuirs In iinse un nl,. surdity ii..n lh piibhrr. Oil lh sum pnui-i,e, ny on iiiidu iiie who h prof. hi i nre all il.a se m uuanrlhy lh siihteil eonliilniee, and shmiM oin bv ilf nouiirrd as n ninirk lioslriilil Th (.ni feiiKei Kninily Mnlicincs do no! asatim Iu euro nil ili.easr sex 1 1 1 one im rl;'. Tin y I1.1v 1 le. u d,: rent ineiln met, e.ii li d ipleil In Us peculiar dnens.., 11 ml Inn ,m jiiov . heyiiiula ipieatinii Hn rlli, m y nml eerlumiy nf Ihete pre,srlioii. Thru ,. n,m.,i, hs fu. IvWIIIg rilill;lliei (httfruhrry VrrlMr 1'ilh; Mirihiiir I'lrriiir V.ulhnliton; (!rrfrihrrj Su rtiijmrtltii; (Uirffn,erft I'ili1 J,i infill; (ifitiulirrf Jtiirtiliri) Syrup; (httn Munnlnin t liniment; tlurfenhrrij Chiltlrrn'l 'iiwirrtl ; fiftrfriJirrg Ciiititiinlitii't'i JluhnJ trn fiiihrrff Ayr! Lulititi; Urirfetiher'j i'rrrr unit A'jue llrmeilyl Unrfeithrr'if llmllh llillers; flnrfnilierff Mitiutiil of Health. Portal by nil liiij'fif IIiioiikIiquI ill Hlnle, l.rsi an, Aursi 1 HI.IIN(iTON A I'M , Wholesale DriiKKi.ls, 4l(iainHH I'roiit tl , Sail I run. ico. f NTMI't.NAb VAf. K.NL'K HTAMI'M, f-.r sal 1 by J I f.CMIN'i Z.O OA . was. . Dr. Win. Hall's. It.ilsan. - llie liins Inn im I'ljiial nn ll liui1' ini tlii inc, ami im i'sici'i all)' a'l.ijiteil to tliu HUistitit t it his nl fi'in.'ilcsi ami tlnwii Mil Ti'i-iii fi t nn t-oiiHii 111 pi ioti or any liincoinjiliiiiit. (iivo it a trial. UKDINfJTON .t CO., M'kii wd AjrU, 410 and 41H Front st , Sun Fanneitrn. LAI . D'8 IJIooim of Youth, 0 n LIQUID VF.AIlL, rim trst TirriMi ssn rarsravisu tiik oonrLH. in ssn tm. Misil invnlilshle Toilet nilii-ln ever lnvnlil, lti;i)iNi;To.v v co., Ho!s ni(eiil fur lh I'artillo cuasl, ilCi and 419 I rnnl ilrm l, Hun Friiwleeo. fpilK IKIIIHNU ALMANAC b.r IHU3,ju 1 leeeivril und fm ml, by '' '!' J. I f.KMINU,