The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, June 01, 1863, Image 3

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    miiimiiii iih imhi i
'I'l. . r i 1 1 i 1.1 a . . .
JIll.lK H.M'lr. i .... u-i u. 11.11111,,, J W r I I J ,V
nr tn.piiincii tu inrt mm I
nirullnK of tli'i )if"it N....'luiy wut
lu lilin I'orlliiml Mtty l-'Ill'. 'I'liu Tii'in.
uri,r,r'""'1 i roin'ira!lvi'ly pini
prrou IlimiiUI coiKlitlim of tlm fWluly,
'Jim liilluw'K iii'i'i""! fflioiTH worn vlci inl
lor llm einuiliK y'r: P. I .mile, iWt;
U II,, Vied .In; Wni. K.iIhmN,
Cor. Sim. ; I . H. Uinluiliiiii, K,.,;, ,Src, ;
II. V. CorUti, Tien.; J I. J ',iii,K)
.......... , ........
'ix . Mr. Ki' In cciiKiurfl.
jM.rl y llml amnri of (he (oul inn I In
tlin Hili'nli nriiitirlfi wrrn iiuulo In
Cllllldll"'!', MlllirllllkO'ta. Jo l,lllu'
"tool," wliioli wmiM miHwcr uijuully vs
,,r a HrllUli or rt'lnl iirmuiy, wit ,MII
India trnvii ( liii luiiro, wu liclicvc. lilt
mil. I to l.o Imilly out of or.lur now, liow
vwr. t
;,vTii Hin-iiir or Tiuiri..ii .., v.
T., Mr. Matey, linn arretted nml i.ivc,i,,
to llio diilliorilli'i i.f Undo dm initoriiiiin
luurjorcr liuoiid llrliu. I lo Im ulto nr
retted (.no Navler it very ili"iuinln elmr.
noUr. Mr. MUley U oitliy of much
. -SlijitLUULiJi''rt ami firm tin.
I ' ' " ' ' ' ri'iiTj
I '
J UllllV'. 1)1.1,1,1,1,.
I'.ntifM M,n,r..f, Muv vi I. 'Jh. ;i,.
ii'.ii.l J)in.Ii i, ol 'lYy V(,n,IN MI f.
1 1 u in ir "l M, .1.11.. ill t .
' "iii,y 111 (iiu
MKiiltil Mitiir.lny Klili, nt llmiUi ' tinmk,
tin) rebel Ii.nI .'ID ,,r i,r,i,,,y(
with jiik,-j nml u I mi 1 1 . 1 f , 11 1 1 . On Huliir
day tlm 1'V'krtilM itil vaiit t, to 0 Kj,,
Hllli k lillil'f, hut w.-r.l l.,ii,ril; t(.y
tlifll I'l'iitned liiylior nji, mi,! (,,,,1, ,u (),
rnir, wIhh tlm l.i iiln wn liuriuul unl the
wi'ikn iilmiiiloiicil, OurliiHii U lii'nvy.
Vlrlt..liiii I tlfiiily lii-nirunl, nml llio
fii.'iiiy mi' filming In ,, ,,, ,1,1,."
N.-w Vorli, Muy I Tin) UtruliT
'iililii(tiiii (irfinl Biiyn, mMrm Iroin
(irniit linvu li.'cii igi-flvfil liy lli 11 1'ir-N(,.it
I-, nilil, wilh dctnlU tifhl inoivudiiiK ii
to tint UIMli. U lind Cuiij-l.t ,r) LmIIIcn,
nipt mill III Kiitm, mid liiltun t,!00 pniun.
Tin' Mi.iilL'.iuiMy A'lvrrl'mfru tliu Hii.
miv, In ii' tu llm fj-ht nt JailiHtMi :
"Our mi i itiiiiiiiiimli'd by Juliu-iiii, wero
liimlly diivi'ii Lin k tu .Im ltNiin, mid finikin
I'"' my llm hlr.'fti, till n,r.
.Vfii'i liy nit'Hily Mijii ri'ir iiiimhr-m tln.y
v.t 10 t'iiiirfd to i'Vik until llm rily. 'J'bu
riuiiiy' I'.ioi uni'.iiiitfd to 0,000 or
30,000, 0111 wui only 11,000, Joliuitxi (lion
llrniiiluii. mi tlm KiutLierii roiid. '20 iiiilm
It llio I'nloii (onvt'titluu if Witili
Inytoii Triritory lint innuinalvd Mr. J. O.
lUynor, tif Vmirouvrr, f-.r Pclfj-ntu to
ConjJl'iH. Tlm Ctiiitntitiii pnnii'd vory
utioiij; nil J paliiulio rcolutiuu.
Tlm I iMiinirti,i ('oiivriitiiin liui iiniu
limtid Mr. orj;. K. C0 fr t,0 dfiinu
Bmb- Tl.o lo( . tlm ',, r WilUm, Itu ' '" tt" 1 1
- I .11 , . I nmilfl Mt I l M
ri in trying Mliiidi tlmll do f,,t. t. 'J I. -JUkcr
w. comiderod tho fittt till ny.
Tlm Ttmet ; "Thn Jului I. I'mnh
it die l'.util limit mi llit-i ivud ri "
t.n ttiii ldo of Jm knoii, vi her liny Imd n
l.nt'ti to prtitiM I dm itinij."
Viuliiiij;toii, Muy '.Mtli, Tlm following
tillirinl dvtmU t.f tliu Iml llo id Him k river,
lnvr l.i'ini n-rcivad : " Virknl.nrjj, VJ0.
I )oriilo vii tory ovtr rrlndii under I'mn-Ix-i
tuii, 011 .1 nek li tiiil Virknlitii rn.'iil,
ILiuki i' Civrk SKlunlnr tli 1 111 It. lVm
l.rrtmi lind n iinml iidiiiirulila .il iiil 011
it vhmmIiM hill, ov rr nlilrli llm Mud I'lOiHm.
Iln li.vl iiImiiiI ,',' 0110 inrn. TliO luitlln
i.VliM'k a. m., mi' I wn
TU Iirutit o( tliu lilil-
iiiviinl.v lliirnay, Mi riu roii
i'nti, Hiid 11 No liy l.ion'i nml ( 'luckrr'i
divikiuin. ,Ji I'lirru.ii't mid IUriiry'11
I'Ti 1 iilt.irki'd tin. hill. 'J'hry hi'ld (irnn't'i
wouinlrd, (Ji iit'iMl lii'O linvin' jdrrn or
iIth tlml mi lung nt on,! i, our woundrd
iviiniliii'd hoimii jdiytirUu iiitm Li"! to hi
c u'i klioulil ktHy nnd ult ml tu nun, vi
lli. ui;li our vroiiinlud vem nil ..vur llio
rivr iiioio thiin 11 witk fi. r. I'rUt
will 111111I1I1) lo lutmn until )ufidiiy,
llu ony iiii.'i,K of iiruyihiuiu at l'rtdur
irkihuiK word fuhiifoini.
I'r. 1'iii Vyt tlm j'ftlii l killud and
wouiidul 011 tho hVId vtln-ro Htdwi'.'k
fulfil, outiiuiiihiM'i'd ouri ihnu lo one.
Aililitli.uiil 'ii lilii'iaimiN nru Iniil'lliijf bo
hind I'Vc'ilfrirllinr, in if tlm udnd ex-
jirrlid iiniilhiT ntlnck llkii tlioio of IJurn-
11M nml Mudg- Irk. J ho inoit Htruigciii
ol'dum hitvo Li'i'ii Uiuud furhiddiiig our
pit keli from voiivcrHliig or t jn:lmnm'n
piipuru or holding uny coiiiiiimilnitimi with
dm min i over thn river, on piiiu of Uing
inn. cvcriin.'iMl llio prni'iirii ruiitinui ",
Chiriltiu, '.'oth.-.SHtiul (lii'l'lllclii ll cull-
lulu llii' (ullutting in n-jjiird tu tlm liitil
1 tlm nun iiiul l,tli. Ki liul i.nsmi. i-.H
uliito llml i'i'iiibrrtou roiiiiiiiiiidtd In rr-
nun. 1 iiziniuu i.i'i. ami iir.'L'L' 11 ho fuin-
luiiiidcd nt tlm Iiitu ni'iir Jtiiyinond, nnd
olli.'rof liolu hud duhmdiiiiili' roiniiinndH.
Wit iilno Imii ii ilmt jirimt disMitinlin lion
fXiitlH tu Wind (Jirll. IVllilifltoll, Vihul
iii'finfd hy ninny of m.lliiig out tu Jm.
(iniiil, nnd 11 Uu tif .hiuuiiig muiliuiy
opi'llitiuiiN fur tht) llml i'uur wri k n HH to
iiiiutV Iholiiller 1 wtki, Jt it loo early
mora tlimi npprotlninti our lott. J
dni.k il vtill l.o iihout Kioo killed nnd
wtiiiudi'd. It inny provti uy It ennuot
ho hum Ii inori'. liul fuw tHicurt ol di
tinrtiuii writ) injured. Thn L'llli ludiuiin
iTgimi'iit liml JOOliirn; J,t. Col, Swiin
rt.inniiiidiiig wiu killed. Nnl n 'jfimrul
.iiir utlit'cr win injiind. 'J'liin linn l.ctn
tho liutltl mid muni hiillinnt liht in the
Sii'ith't for mmiiln. Well
nuthrliliriileil cnni ofribtl linib.iritifK
tu our men Invu I.i'dii cuiiiinuniciited. No
l.'M limn throo ilillcrfiit men who Wt-ro
hutiluii to dny rrn milihi'ipirntly mix
hi rr.l l.y dm rcl.rU whrii thi-y tr mpi.riiilr llm gruiiiid. Tlm lucn livid to
iiiriiln (hit iiirui ity, Iml will htnictly
New York, May li.'ith. Sterling dull
J j-fSprakt-r tin.w of dm I'. S. ,ni
41I' Kt'prrtvulAtiM', lui ru riMil tho eoiu
I'litnrnl ! iinntiiiuii tile, inuvcd by
Mr. IViidlvlon, of hl., l i.ulithul
art ol it till V, iii'lixk l. M , whru li.iviii.. l luoildil; gu.J luwir. i.'ioiii'iL' lit l.'l
t I i'iIIU inii, thry t-ro mii'i'f.'drd bv 1 ""'I fliiiiii ul il'Jl. ( iuvt rnnielit
ll'.omr nnd I lolinf' brigftdo ol Crorki-r ! ki firmir, ixr id hi eounmu 10C:
.11..: ... 1 .., . 1 .1 . 1 1 I . ,i.:.,: ii. 1
I" 1' II lllll urn I I J .
A W ulniigtoii tlivpnti-h to tho T.uick,
mm dm war drj.srtment hut inucd 110 or
tbr retjuiring nil thn nbamlotut rebel
farmt within (imi. Ilfiiit.diimn'. di
triil Nortliern Virginia to be put un
der t'liliivntion by roiitrabatid.
'Ihn I'ri'iidtlit. toiliy, itlted u vurid
1 1 1 'li. by thn emilbrt wni end.'d
in dint l iMl of tho Grid. Homier loot .V'O
Mini. I.' nn t.purnlud on lh riglil of
finit.l fur LU ci.iirltty nnd lini irtmlity n '"cy' dircrl n trent, o bo wnt com.
prriidmg olliror. N 0 b. lirvo ho it iln-1 I t':,,,l rira.o by hit right llmik lliruugh
,nl) upeak. r who hut Ihtii thut liouund ! ,l10 " '' I'Ifan lut I'll) ki!b-1 and
i iux llrniiry t'lity 1(1 vrnit nun. wounded. tu,.k about U.OO'J prit-.n
... .. . rrt. On tho 1 T 1 It. adniciliir lo ll.n I
Tti Xr Cunonkiw. Tim ir,fc r!v i Muck, wo luught reiobeitoti n.iin, al the Imtpiln!, inet lit g with an Mithukianlic ro
Cont being utrr llm politi. il muipleetiun j brulgo, whi ro w 11 raptured .'1.000 nton 1 1' t on from tho tick and wounji.'d
of dm ll"in of llepfetriilntiVi t in Coii-, nmr,.. n f.,ught in rill" pilt, pro. d.i'rt.
grrtt thowt h.'i U. puhln tnt and I Dein i t" l"l I V a diflVutt baton, full of iibntit. j A I'aianu K'ttor tat. t that the war cf
iH-fatt. Tlm lrtiuiit in Vermont. Wrat l.abr' l.iig b of Me( 'It rnand't cori.t, 1 iuataml ngainat St. Saltadur hat do- gf I tlm nil.' pilt lii.iiiilicei.tly, mid ! l!-ii rnteil into a rani Ir Hie tko of plun
tiHik ui"ro pria.inrit than llinr ow 11 nuiii-' drr. Allt'Tlt of utrociliet aro romniit
lirr. I'. nil., ri'.'i biirm d bit hi idgo and ,r,l at llio tow 11 tif by n furco of
r. trratrd to i. kiburg w i ill only thrre ;'"" "' ' It "aid thai a eotipirafy to
Virginia, t'.il.f"rmn and .Mitniri (tthrr
dro l a vai-nney to lo lil'cd.) will all '
ten to thn npubli-au lu:ij..nty.
Ta.Mini t"H l"t Vo Irani that
dirr lODp.ont of I'olf.rMH o'nnt,r
will l.ate I'ott a.K'uuvrr for It. ne on
M'lti'hiy iiett. Tlm a'caitiir J.i 11 I a
lineii ehul leif I to enrry the Irvpa t thn
Cjuh a.e, ai. I wid . treat a vety taili
li'inr. 7'i'ui.
; , "o;,i .,.g ., k., ti, , k, ,, ,t
ry in ri ipi r.d t J tl f lo a. I. v
"nt r.Tivlt i.f tin. il,Miuui.t .11 ol !..',.
I j'i argiiiuiuti. V llml an or
gtuuition i rr',iri. .i lo. k up !,e
I an It ol tJlllt (Am el, who liifutt the
t'.iiiitr r .'" M 'un! 1. ik-it. I'errit.R l.y a fernon
l ehtn'.nd l!ntu''rr of tbr 'JO1I1, baa ! Iroin ' iiia'aiua'a at tbscvi r.'d. Ho
ll.e .:!. iwitig 111 r. lo 1. ktl.ur : j wn
Il 'iiiio v r induct be II 't mad.' bv
lh f.inrt (iii.ii r I 'ember Inn and Juhl "li
tl.o l.rr...f elty may .n.Mv fill.
1 1.' iii.l, It'j.'tltlirat, ..f t. I -IK 1 tprrtir,
I 1 r I. tl ' I rt lylAt'-u .t tlir. Il
1 it, I.r i.nou'.rc ll.p ... ft... r f B (
(.( '. a ,k a u. 11 K .i.. .t t ! . . t" Y.
.' t). '.' ar ..fti ..f t1...r !,. iriln 1, . I
I r ...t.'r ..tia.. ti.ftl .rf,-rtl.l rf.- tr
H; I ..Iff I-- ,r.r 0.. f.i
A !'.. I. i.l. Ii i,t ll. vlil mi H
.1 mil, I -' l.U ul r- Ii. -n ft.r
n-.j, fi4 ...l Ol In- m
t ' l I..
ci. Ut Val'.l lf ri ri.i
!!. It a fi..
lil.M -M.
e i a J i
t r. t 'li Urliirii.t a !
ir ...i lli tr ,t r tfltt
"tf. at t'i t'. tifl i..m in
mOlirlu! Ifcl, a.. I mr
'J"! - Urn ai a... i!.mii:. ..( il. i.,,. i
l "I it TU . nI.i 4 m..i,u.i..l. I.uifc
I ; ar4- imiiii a.. I a.i f il.iii I...11 . f a I ul c i'. ,nrl,
ILtl l!. U ,::i ,-llr Vall'f il .ll. ...I .1 ...1,1 ll.a
Ulvta nt a i.' . a.. I .! ii i..l. I l.r.l.
lar lair, aa Miai.f u.. .. al.i. "..a ti
II a!.. il'iij ir. a ri i !u. .4 n. a niter I!.' -r. rta
I I al.. . It r ral, l..o l,.,.a krlla i
tl't 'il. A iu t . a .1 Utah, ull.r inlnrtiu k- anl
IttiUu l.. r i ! V. i.i i,. u,
t ' .'i" tnj rij.rfnllr I,, aiujmla, nr.rr l.,ir m
tlUf ei i ,i,lui,iir ,.( I,rar,n( a l lui .,n I. ,k-r
' " H 1
J i" M rrr,j i. ai i.
Ail..r,a. oli,
I'ati. in lt-,i.e al
t.i 1 i.l 1 II., ! ,',
lr rinltt f
I '-' 11, l.,l,rf
1 t I N,..r,.
t' I
. il J',!r.
!' J Auiual.
I IK 'J hf Irn.l.rr,
f. II. i. I.r.
M 4 Nnlrnil.rr,
t t.i,
f l Mar, Ii, '
.'V. .,
: 'i
it v.
Naatt,,. to. i, k
i.. t
. Va. 4 I', it H o.l laM.r irj. .it.
r 'ilir "I I', rri, a 1,1 U .li-,l4l( 1 1
!.,' -tl,,.., ..:T t 1,' !rl..n i
l. .. lit tut rr. i- l, f ,r- 'i, t t,.i. ll.r rie
h.,. ..r l, I ih. 'i I I. 'I It It l,,u o in i rale
Mr ra I ....ri, I,, ..f .,t-i-li' i.a tl.i.u. Iav
ul tl. to .1 o!T In.n. II .... lii ufT. Itu I
I ,.! ti llir r irmi 1 hi ir at aa l,ar, !
l., tl,r,,iil.. ,l aalrr.Ut Uu t'
..r Hi.,1 ai, I ll, r riiri,,, u,-i-t r oalrr l,attMr j
in .,i i I ii,l nlii .' -. killr l an t I
,,,..!. t t. I'l.m. n, li , l,!.t tl rrntre ai.f !
I t, I I, it a ,"ll I aa .l,, M. I Ufnan.l l,,i ;
l,.,i;. tl, r Irlt 1 l.r t.i,l.i' kept ll.a riirm en
Ihr ai. rla!l i,,' I' tl. ill I.a
ram. 1 1.. .Ir 1 Uete ara fr.iin lu s -. ,.f
Ilia mum al t o kalM(
V !..!. eiun, M ; I tl II i.'.l, k a m t,. .lar
tl.o 'rc,.,t rr. it r, tl,F f. II, , lt( ll ij,al. ti an
ti.ii,n lef tlial t i, kal.uta I eu'a.
I lrrl,l. M- v4 f iln.t 'Ii froin Mr r'uPar.
ii. a. el O.r I. Irrai k al Maii,.lua.
Hi Mara aiel Miia B.ial rr V u k lm - lt
i, r.,ai ii I aartara ! I liai b, IJ lint mratar
line lu c-t, l.ut ll.a liur liat t-u ur
Ullu l,.l, aa I I Mux jnr it I-. t..u.
Kalnrday'a lipnlrk.
New Yolk, May '2 1 Tlm U- anok.
from I lt ati.t brii'i.'i lieu t llut the I 'rem h
havo bun t.l). gi'd .t raio llm Suge i-f
I'm bin. l iein k net'ouiitt a,y mi aieotiut
of the impnibi!ily of taking llm plnr
w.ibont nil, f.'rei'ini'iit and heath r gim,
l'rmn dm Ki htiii.ti.) d i':ilch of Mv
'.'.'11, we take tlm iu! "A crrc
a; "i il.i.l of tho Kt.oxvillo lli'gittrr, writ
ii,r In ui CiimberlMid, 17th, att, wo have
til. ib'e iiifontutioii toiKy thut the oil- my
mo i h,v eit.g t :i tliit j la. o with a forec
of ti ii it .''in, nta, nnd n!o a f''-
'.i. ti.i I! ; Creik iat. The intci.tit u
f lint inntell '!;t Wf Qfc hot ab!o tO te.'l.
If (!," mil ui'on ut wo ilia!) irivo tluui a
! ''"M IT r,(' I ,;' ""
t'e! i:..:iiii,..ft', May '.'jih. An tfTi.-ir of
''" ! the IL ' ali ji llartfird, in a letter dated
Mjy r.vh, aay ni twiiht.ii,d,tig t!io re
I ir' I r the n !! t f the deatruetioii of
Ihn I liirtfurd, al.o it lllll Hlld lll.lill-
lain her portion at tho mouth of Kcl
r! r
New Y' fk, "jth llm lI.Lernia from
l.ierp.N, Mill and l.' iidotidery l'.ih hint
arrived. The I.mi.Ioti Timci e.ty article
argurt dm pr.'trm tion of tho war or
even tho tiibjiig.vtl..n of llio Soulli tnut
involve, tlm I'eJera! Cnmicrt in ruin, ami
itty t tht o fti'tt being rti-ognii'd in Ku
n 'f will render tho of a IVd- I, .annul of the tjutktioii
new a uuiiLoorUut.
Valiint.,ii. Vlar V'tlt ),'ati lira reeeiirj
fn,in Ailninal I'ur trr, ilctail iin rail.. i.a 1 1 tl. ll. ct
una Ijrai.t cw. nit tiei-U ti.,,. riiiant. t Ihe rear of
f 4
). ,
' while die line!. all nil, I Mt
J, i!! ; lepuil d. feat of tlm rrenell and their re-
, treat t.'tt.irdt I Inaba.
, i . j i ... ..if.- ill. I
' ", l rrt i UK limit, iu .iui l i, i, lime i
In en rrreui I by tho l reiuh aloaim r J
J,il,r( . .
lufutl, lui, rr,
M.r.l.. '
i l,ru, r,
- W learn l.jr ntai Irliar I un fitr
Out Hie Iratrl liat fairlr alailr.luirr llir M. Kentif
trail, aeteral linJirtl lira.l nf rattl tint lirar Iti.i
liuinlrr.l .a, k amiiiala dating g,, lie up ll.a trail
ra'rral ,arlira bat ireiir.l, il la mi L.ngrr a
ti.allar ir ituiil.t Dial Ilia trail la i,,rn Tint l a
lnurli al.nrt.r n.tit f,,r , K'.tii frein a..f i.f Ouiral In Ji.liu I'ar, r.m.lar,
t.r II.. iae iiiinaa.
-Th ntlnliif ntwt it ranr.1 and Inlrrr.lm filled tlm limit, a td thn fual linn to the par
C..rrpnJeot from Id rnm,a milling Ualilir. apt la Willi earth, 'llm Mt tienlit ag till
lrt r.r; flallerln( arrmmU if ihr rl.limta iifloettlpy l'olt Sum .aitT, M llit ll tin-)' Ult
'fc'Uln- Tl UMtm Ay atrt Ilia Kik filr ffj.airiltg. Illf Hfiliali blig llli'irllllito
araauing r.rr well, llinr illlilirt (.mtin,! ,ioiiglit llt'Wt Hint tint l.reilell Ha l Leeli
J "y.iaiuarriM 'ejaA' J'jl ! A'linj n m. feate.l, and wrt rtt Miril' o llnal.n
r aaP""T rj iinoei ,"io umi hivj a," imii .ui -
LleurTaToTi'frTTCn f.nlrre.1 In ft I li ra al Irifiiba .t wait for rmfureiueiil
anenotar. W Irara Dial lit liat aaknl all I lit nviir gui.a frt m l'Vailit). I 'ra-
r a Irauifer lii Ida aaali.f war Kaal. I.lenl. Ca 1 ih.n fannot bo rc illntd brforn (Vtober,
oaapiiaartiuloiitu terra Ina riiimltr. and i llenurliil. a eolivoy with ll.Oll0.0OI) from
... . . . ' I .. . .iiar-..
hi rnirr ariira aeiriia mar I.a
Tho oiii'iny olleied fuui ribittance. It it
thought that wo would toko il licit d.iy. -'
Our tin n hnd Iheir color planted in the
tunny'a wornB, Wo Lato captured C.000
oritoncrH nml i i i.lei of iirtilli ry, Our
trooi a who within it milo and a hnlf of
the ( oi)i t llmi-.p. Tho rimrtora and tfun
boutt iu front of tho lowu of Vitkuburg,
ure hntd nt w oik.
i'hiludelphia, May ii'lth.-Ttie Wal
iLgtou Afar aayt of tho New York 7'ri'h
u ne's repmt of iho capture of the wholo
re bid army ut Vit.kitburg, that the fuel
w ithin our knowh'dge, auliify nt that it ij
entirely unfounded,
St. J.ouitt, May aflih. A band of puer
l illus entered the tow n of Jiichfnond, Clay
fouiity, on J uutdny, nnd copturi'd a amall
Federal force. Tho towu wet robbed of
everything. Tlm name band plundered
Hiittnbuig, Clinton county, robbing the
Court MouKoof 1,000.
New Yoik.May H'th. A M'urfrcinboro
U.fijiuti i bay that tlm iudicntioua are that
lingo bodiea of rebel cavalry am going
HbUlhwnrd, IVerkiuridL'o hut fulleil bnek
I ami iiitur llm ri.1,.,1 tif,i,i,i t.r.i l,t,f uj.t,
...... . wJ'1 " W V"VJ
Muifreeitboro nnd Mnncheater.
'iVuhhing.oii, Muy yilth. The Kich
mond J.'injuinr, of ycbterduy, haa tho fob
lowing :
Mobile, May i.'3l A courier report
thai Ya70 'Jily w captured by tint Fd
frl a, and that tht) nuvy yard wan burned
by Coiifederntu troop.
The liichiiiund puj era hivo Mobile di
palchea of llio H.ld, which claim that th
J'cdiMaU lundu threo uiianltt on Vicktburg
on tho d.ty before, but wore repulir-d. Tu
ollret I hit, lion. Unlleck rcctitcd to day a
diitpatch from Meinphid, coiitaiii'iig tho
aubhlilii.e of a letter dnted tho it'll, l.-oin
"rduauce Ofliccr I.a Ford to 0i. IIul
Inrt, uliirli a,aya that our lut vaa not
very heavy for tho potition wo hare gain
ed. Tho re belt mado firm rebalance.
lie thinkt thut wo ftlieill have the jJaco by
to-morrow night.
Cineiniiad, May 2olh Ilia rebels
rrmiHed tho Cumbrrlnnd yestrrcay, ot
Fishing creek and Ilartlord, Kentucky,
but were drivin back by our forcei, after
slight kirciii-hing.
fhii'ogo, May 'Jilth. A privnto dis
patch received in this city, toduy, dated
near Vicksburg ilih, taya, in referfnee to
the city, that it had not been coptcred up
to dial time.
New Yoik, Muy 'Ji'ith. Sterling unset
tle.', l.tialo. iiolil ousettled, in coiite
tiueiico cf tho coallicting report from
Vicktburg, cloaingat l-l.'ijjalltj.
Sau l ratiriaco, M&y 'Tth. To-day a
rumor is prevalent that a mlrcr mine hai
been d,coyeiol in thit county, north-east
of tho Ocean Ilouto. Over 500 meu are
reported to hate taken up claims on the
ledge, and proapcclicg is going on brinkly.
'iho aehooncr, privateer, J. V. Chop
man, w ai a,ld to day by tho United State.
Marthal, fur tffiW, in coin, to W. C.
Vodtworth, who her for the
I'liittJ S'.atet Ct.ntul, IloberUon, at Mz
ailan. Tho armnrnent km purchased by
an agent of tho ioternmeiit. The two
braw 12 pound Lowitztrs, Lrought 3,100
in greenbacks
.M ad it y 'a Divpntcht
N.W York, My !i7. A correpohdenl
ol llm H'vrH, who has been a prirBer in
the ( O! ft leracy l"r three wceka, and just
ret'irnr.l, stva at Atlanta, (.'olnfnbut
uud placet ho with oilier prisoner
were gi.alnl with criifcitrc 'Of
kindly f.elii'g. Jho s.di l men of tl.e
South are nnximialy a-ikm;; what t.-rmj we
cm clkr and what it to be their fate. The
imi.rcnaiiiii it gainiii!; ground in tho Con
federacy thut we can out last them and
overturn their couutry. In relation to tho
c.iptare of Col. Siraight'a command, the
correspondent ays Straight fought until
his ammunition u rxh.iuted and hit an
imals worn out. Forrct's force was 5,000.
This correspondent Kiys alto that there
are no f .rcea in the interior ol the Confed
eracy. Ti c r,ii! are in bad condition.
The Miengdi id the rebel army mav be
set down nt ..0iyK), near hall of whom
arc in Mi. l.llo Ttnneco and Virginia.
A (ijcial aihirg'.on dispatch t.f the
World, f-ava il it rumored here, and I be.
Continental ;cV0 ,i,e rmcr lo be true that great feara
aro t titcrtained l.y the AdtuituMration, of
an invnioii by the rebel into l'eimiylva.
nia (leu. S. li.'i'.ck, ut Haltimore, is said to
have communicated his fears to the nutlicr-
Tli" foil ala Tin,nf liiaera hae i aanr- an a'Wrria,
ali' IIiIik fiitnla in anl if I'.iImIi frrnlum.
Tli (n.rrruor if .Saw Vork lita lrndrrr In
I.lrul. Wiii'l', now in r'liiiniaiiri al I'ort Al'alrai,
II,- t..,lf;t.'l' ri.r ll.c lat i:.- JI. V. Vvlf. lie will
fi-epf, will, dm. Writflila t.ernuaaiui. Tl.a lea-
Iiiik.ojt upon whieli ll.e lat (,'. H. arpraiiari wrrt
riiii cl it ,'il,, l. 1 Ii laleinaat it that trlmle
can i.f riilual,l turn l,anl) wrrt aatnpM
a','1 aul t Ilia ,iuati friiji-ncat f Mudg, llo-
.Tuujr, aim i ir.l, .1.
IOrerlan'1 In. i,iwn iMa arrnin(. Vatta Or
l i i
ran. Mist Jtnnio Moon wna
recently detected Irating Cincinnati for
Mcnipliu, with a large rebel mail on her
person, under her hoop. Mrs. I'- ,
who didn't know nny difforenct) between
mail and 'naif, exclaimed on reading the
item "Tho huzzy! she mutt have been
running off with aome feller that hod an-
Other wife."
Ftij -.J. W. Hulliran, of Han f'ranelaro, daa
Ini.l iif,an our lnl.le full lilri of latrtl Kailern
ami Kuro,r,,n paera, erioIlrla, rnaifaiinrt and
a ,t6, Uitii4i of (ilctoriala. Thanka fur tlirru.
Jrrrr It !') uat wliat a newtpaper needa. lla
alwi kiiuwa li'.w tu lilt all ordara aent Ut Inm fur
aa'tlniiK in tli l. '(, ,rr, t'H.k, or atalionery
Ilia ol trada. fi-ml In in jour imlrr:
M)TI( i:.Thr ci'.liena of Halrm and riclnity
are ln-n-l,r hot:llrd lliat tlirrt will Ik a MA.Hrf
( HCI.TIMJ at the Court, on to morrow
iTniaday) tvrninif, tu make I lie neceaaarr arraoga
lueiita for crleliratnig tlie coming KOCKTII Of
Jt'I.V. A griitral attendance It etrnettly telicit
ad. Ueeting at 7 I S o'cl'Kk.
Higuad br Mint Citiiui.
Tcmpcranco Lcctnre).
W are rrijiimtrd to announce that Mr. A- C.
Kdinuiid',, Kdilor of tlie lUrM if ll'orm, al
KuKi-ut ' i'.ri will dt-li (er a lecture tin tlie aubject
of Temjieranrr, in the Court Houae, in tliit city,
on Tliurxlat rreniii?. 4 tit iut , at 7 12 o'clock.
a ; i ti 1 1 ir r HAiTsii:t;Tifit:.
Tliecitiii iia of tl.e couutiei of I.I.V.V, LXSK,
I'OI.K. and IlKNTON ar ri-ueated to meet at tlie
city of COKVAI.I.l.S, on Halurdar, June to, l-l,
for the itiroe ot organizing a l;jtnct Aftricultu
ral hocietr, to ha coiiipoard of aaid rountiea, and
to make erraiiiramente for holdiax a KAIK at torn
point in aaid diitrict. All j,r ramie interrtted will
Jilcaae meet aa alureaa. J. Uj requeal of
Jliar Citiitai.
hl-iai.rilLli, Uu, Jutu 7, IS'?.
Mesial. A. L S'iomll A Co.
Il'iitt .-Mr an, who ib now taren reart old,
haa I, c-cn a!!litU-d with 5crofula for more than two
rnare. It lira! made ita appearance in linaJI knota
ou the (ilaiidi of the nerk, und.-r the tkin. Our
familr nhrairiaii. who attended him. aaid ha could
enre I, no, although he had t"u under hit attend
arewhrii the di irate made lla firat appearance;
and iuiU j,J of cunnn Lini, he grew worae, and,
tltiallr. the toru broke, and l.aa tine continued
to diM'haruc, until I got iJr. ilult't Vegetable Ijr
er I'llla. He ronimriiced uamg them about oaa
rear a;o, and in leea than three moutht La war)
well , and mitraJ of a wt-ak, delicate child, ht la
now well, l.rallhr, and robuat
Your.. lr.iV, JAMBS ALLt.
Cor tale br all druggiata.
Wholoale agrnU, 1'aMic coatt, Rimactoa A Co.,
Han Krannco.
On the Mlh of Mir, 1",, at the rraidence of the
bndc'a nmllirr, br Haujaunn Clearer, J. P., Mr.
Aiiiot S (ilrajbou to Uia Eliiabetb Jane WbiU,
all of Marion rnuntr.
At liamel Waldo'a. in tlm conntr. May lfth, br
R.r. A. F Wall.r, Iter. Jcat.- Moreland and Mrm.
Ararilla W.I lo.
In loti;la rmnilr. Mar 1 br Judre Prim, Mr.
)arid llii-ur to Miet Khiabeth ftlcvroaoo.
In Ore,fin Citr. Mat IS. tf putrid aore throat,
Joarpli, f.n of . K. and C. llalaton, aged 7 jeara,
4 month, and data.
Nrar Walla Walla. A r 1 S7, Klilabetb, wife of
John rrie.t, ecnl 23 inn.
Inl ewiaum. Uar lat. lCt, Addie X. Dorkee.
a(d 3 rran. and t mil ; and on Mar t, (jeorr C.
Ilurkev, ak'rd I rtar and 6 mo. ; children of Mr.
and Mn. C. W. Ilurkee. late of Corralli. Oreffon
At tiro Kino, Mar l l. John Thomaa, aged about
tl rears, rcrmrnr or t natnpoeir, ure iron.
uk.hurj. 4r. aa aenu a. the rantnie i f llaitn-a'
li, .1 l. .....ll I
ft i li ii wM.ftiit.Hiiiiitiiriiniriir'llii'-filllli.'diai'e'i, . ... .. , , ,
lW ir l. II, hill l.alleri.-.. whl. b w.akrpl lip J at Alll!'gtln. 1 lie I ItllCl FpCCIal
f.,r ll.ter l im, at I'.i.liiil.l ll at inuird up 1 1 the corn K)liui,ill, .lVi a diip.ltell from (Jranl
? ' i .e.r.-ctiy cv,.r.i,.,.t..r taking
l.'lli, I ,U'..I.ii ii, i, Mara in ian. mill nr.l.'i. f Itkabllt, bill it If.tlSt be dollO 1J in VCsl-
tn in flight and ,1.. en linn..- liiuii. t..t f, t tmu t n, approncliet, A week may be
iiiiaia.tir t n it til Ha il rini rrii nisi T irn t t i , ...
L,'riiu'i. loiolii-dlii'ii. and lifli pita rtlrtid
Sliroleirl. ,Nn l.nwt had been rret ived
! fixtii the army anno April 'J7lh, It wua
' tlmiiL'lit thai the nire of 1'iiebla had been
j r.ti-cl or ttiapi-mled until the arrival of
reniforcemt'iilt, ami Inatier gutit. II bad
been found impi.aail.lti In euclrntn the
i rily w ilh llit. artillery thry hnd. The
barricade were K feel tint k ami colnpot.
i e.l of earth and alone. The Metiennt had
ti'iiici t , ...tlr ami a o.'e.ter. l l.r irii. were a veir l.m.,1
llltf tlirm, ai,d all, aa.a rertrl'a iltp,ilrl,r.t wrie
rrndrtrd iit,-lr. iii an 1,,'iir. Ihe 1,-1111 carriai;ra
l.iiriir.l. Il,r iii4.-aiiiira l.l.'wn op, and w,,rkt 1; on
arallr d, aimied. the nhelt had aiiiinutiili'ii
riiouch I" Ii a h ng eriife. The Admiral apeika
III warm 1. 11 ( tlianl a rvrrit, . tlitia far, lie
are ll.e fall ef Vu kntiutg la a mrr ijur.lloa of a
r hour
Cairn, Mar :'lli - A
I l tlm point the line foibJ -Or
Nuntlat'a Di.patrh.
New York, May Mill. The- WrW
apecial dipati'h ), pnvato IcttcM frum
aubalittilial citiilH of Louisiana, I'.ating
that aim willingly re-enter tho I'moo, a
anon at the army lutrdet of the Coiift'dur
acv, nre driven from her border.
',, May '.'Ml.. Tho Ati from
Liverpool May 10th, with Kuropean date
to Iho 17 ih hu an i vo l,
Jamnica letters rcceited from KnglanJ
by tlm Weal India mall, report that on
tho 7th of April, n na fight took plnco
mar (in-nt iVdrn Ululf on tho anutheri) of .lamaic.i, between a largo
war alcamrr, itrikiugly like tho
ciunuMicd in itt capture,
II. 1". DRAKE, rroprirtor.
trrrit in tht Ul.'.MKV at .alcm, I am
prepared to furuiab
C2 u. rJB" AT M9
c f (rry drtcription, on thort notice. All order for
will be filled with ditpatch, and ia a taliafaetorr
Agricultural Implemeata
of all iinda manufarlureil to order, or repaired.
Salrtn. June 1, lv'J. Ii. V. DRAKE.
Attention, Marion Rifles !
li dir ereningt at 7 14 o'clock, at the Armory,
lie order. V. II. Git tat.
Silt in. May S.', Orderly crgetiiL
nupahla doair
I.lenl. NHinry C. Il.'lid laket the .la. e i.f l.ieiil.
' all, n aa rrrr,.,in. . .i . .
a - .n m. m uu aiaiiiin, a irihiii
.l..Vi niillea that Hi Willamr-le Woolen
"" ."t..aiiy at rrrrlil. laiij
. . " """l- lttu nbert i.f wtit'.na uu
w.Vi ?. 7 "U,t lll Hie
Hi. I.,,. f ,,,, )lf UnVfr M .riiB,
hnrrli In ,, C, jg ir
...lit are mrr, ,..,, U, M & ,, ,.,,
n.e ci.y con,.,ifll, nlr , ;,i..,,1.,M,A.,.,l(l u. . ,";;;';
c.,,.,f.,lw.rp ,
Z"' ''""" ,o
llr...r,a.-TI,n folk, ,r. h.t in(t . Kr.,
galbeiiiiK ali.wbe.rlea, ,nre bring , ,,m,.,
nf lliia ililieiiiiia flint all i.rer the e tre.
Mtlini'ii I ie in llm bottom In lw town are ai.o
allraeliiiK linn li t"iili.lil.
I'm an. We bate fi I a nolo for "t.l, brnring
Hire per rent, per imuilli Inlerr.l, M furor of
riaioiirl Hiitiipaiui, and aigtii'il lit "lnii! Hbef.
mini ami Cugllali," and ilnle, It t- lllull., ('. (
June nail, Ih.'i. If la i.f ant me, Hie on net
eau limit it atul In him by forwarding a pnalnge
alamp, ami line. I1114 11, wbera In aeinl il,
Ibm In Aalnrin, ?J 1 , .'Mb, 11, t itlu;lilir,
el Mi, (leo.gij L'j' ,J.,oii.
Vera Cnu In l' vn captured by .Mekicuii
New Yoik. 1 1. Tha Nrtli Star from
Aipiiiwnll, May It'tth, arrived thi eto
liing with f:i:i,O0() in Ireatur.'. Thn
SlenmiT Conttiliitiiui from San l''ranci i
nrrite.l at I'ltnanm, may liJtli. hringing
I'liebbt tlite In April Jl'ilh. The ndvifJ
nre lit ell'ecl tlmt the IVfiii Ii Imd been
driven bmk fiom I'm al tlm Ninl of
the Layout'!, h'-mitf COOO 111011. Tlm
Tri'iicli will prt.biibly n-liro I.i tea board.
New York, '.Villi. Thn Tribimo nay a
the I'leehlent receivctl a tecond ditpltti'li
which bit iml been given In the proa,
whii It alitted with muru precitioii than Ihf
firat llml llm wh.dit rebel army nt VieU.
burg lind bet ll enplnrc'l, nml a third din
pnlt h, nlan private, confirming Ihn necmnl
of tlio tiller two. Wo coiiai.lcr both of
Iheiu ticaily a trii-.lworthy n on) lliiiij
l.ut t.nicinl or correct Information can I.e.
liVgarding ihi'fii in iho light of llm '"-
Vimit liewa, It I linrdly a poaaihltl tl'.llbl
tlmt tint crowning victory of the long
atrugglo for (ho grenl river, lin at last
been Mini, and llml Yitkal.urg it our.
Tlm Trillium' iliapnteli front Waahing
Ion of May Villi a.tva Jr. I'rili. Snrgcuii
(J.'in nil of tho 'I !h New Yoik n gimeiil,
nnitod (rum I rederickabiirii veMerday
Muifreclt.rt, Sfith. The rebel nr
falling ba k iiguiii. The lines aro open.
There aro I ttlo or 110 forces on this aide
of Illicit riur. Scout intelligence in tli
cat.' that iho rebel fureo in iho ricinitt
of Tuti iimbiit number iO.OOO tuou, of
whi.ui 41,000 ore n.l.intry nnd (1,000 cav
niry. lieu, i'orreti nus ticen tntilo a
Mujnr i. ficrrtl ami I1.1 gone with his cav
alry tn Miisippi. U heeler take his
I'laee nt ('t'lunibu. (icii. Morij.Mi bat
charged tho lino o the Cumberland river.
Two n eimei.t of rebel aro left at Uridgc
port where they are strongly fortified,
l'ngiiietr hate been engaged for two
month in lay ing out the works at Chatt.v
uimga, but a ct they hare dutio but little
work 011 them. Hut few rebel troops are
in Kal Tcniirttcc, Tho mountains arc
full of rclugoe who on Tlmraday at a
turn out repulsed a lonsidcillo force sent
In nrrot them. The rebel.' h ivo supplies
fur 0 week nt t'h ttlunonga.
New Y.'tt, liT. -Valiini;t,'n ili.ptlehe lo the
Hi t aid ar auine niieann. n ia felt herrjlKitlta,
and three olhtr TCel. Heavy filing ! puilnubiU- anem 1 ti.t.lria ami aullrra, and re
wn heard at I' A. M. I uu ve.el wcm
distinctly seen from tho ahnre pourirta;
broadiJis into each other, tho firing Un
ci until V. o'clock 1. M. No particulars
Tho Army nml Nary 0n:rttt says tho
Federal tll'orts mado in London to rulo a
lot n had lint Hot been SUCCCfut.
Cairo, May Sfith. A stenmcr which
tell the mouth of the Yazoo ot norm, May
'JI.hI, says nil tho Ktcauirr at Milikeu'a
lli iid, had horn sent up Iho Yozoo, in or
der to bo prepared for every pottiblo con
tingi net.
The bittllu still rngon, nnd tho forces iu
tho rear and the gunboats nnd mortars be
low wero all engaged. It was iiMorled
lhaKiraiit had taken tho batteries near
Walnut Hill. Tho rebel forco at Maine's
lllull' had vtocuntetl il and fell back on tho
forlihVnlioti at Vlckshurg, bi for our forces
rams up. Johinon Imd evldcully intended
to tin thn samo thing, but was prevented
by (limit' rapid moveini'iifn, who got bo
Iwceii tii iu ami tho fortification.-, nml
Johnson wo left out In tho cold. It L
poMililn tlmt tho rebel moy ho!J ut at
boy several tlsy.
Valtingloii, May 2t?lli.Tlio lolctt
inlvice from Ylcks'luirg, oro to Friday
niehl. Muv "id. Iho city wn not taken
J Ho was jcbilncd tbcio 0 fllleii l to tho Jbt't great '.iJraiit!j;rj Ls f ku gained.
port that a liir,. f. r.r i linn tin. war, and
the f.u'l la ( I that the rrl-rla hare re-
paind the l(,'t l Iroin Culpepper wlicrj there
iaiinl,' alniue foiv uiut-ipally eatjlry. Their
extreme piehola lonatut Our linet are at llndv't
fi'td tiln ra liitmplnii'a brig.nle ia doing duty.
T!n ,r ir,tnp. rn.rt .lieller tent, and ait well m-ti.l-.l.
The inipiettiiiii preiail. that hliurl iaenn
rriiltulini; a lari; body nf lua eatalrr hat tl ecu
Ciili. 'l'pi'r Court II, mho and Hrady't Station.
I'liu .ic", A Cairo ileapateh bnngt ea
fivin Viek.hiii.'. tin Thiirtiltir la.l Ihe tehol bat
Intra mi the lull nottli nf llio towu weie taken
and Itiriie I on Ihe enemy. u the rienlng of the
ami' Wuter del let ii i It Ihr font of the lull were
catiliiir.l A limit Ihe aaute tone lho batlerie.)
brlnw Vi. ktlmrg weie taken liy I'orter't gunlxwl.
Oil I n, lr iiii,rniiif, rniilierliiii aenl I flag nf
Irure In tliant eileriii In aurrrmler Vlek.l.uig if
be would allow Ihe r. I.ela tn lur down llinr anna
and tuareh nut. Tlie niter win rcftiard. (iraut
iniiri'd mi bia win),, and Iho n'bela were drirett
In Ihe inner firlilli-atlmia. (irii. I.ou.n ia ala'ioited
at llig lll.11 k liter lui, l(,'. I i ruiil feeltrerlain that
he ll.,:ii will bn able In lake eare uf Jehu. Ion.
The latter haa unit aluuil li',".". inrn, rtdu.ire of
what n.ny be reerited by war of reiiifnrteineult.
Ilraul'a arinv ia latter limit la generally aiippoaed,
nml ipiile iniiiiernu. I'miiigli lor Ilia wink 1.11 hand,
ll alielebra rnuipleli'ly anilllid tht) doomed rll",
inir riglil reaiutg on tha riter. Viektl.urg ia full
of woineti ami i-hil.lrrn ; not wily original luhahl
Iniil. are lliere, hut many have ruuif in from tha
coinilrf fur anlely.
8,1.1 Krani, Unr 1'Tlli. The lollowing order
(leu. Wiiijlilia piil'litbed :
" llea...inrteM, Hepartmeut nf the faeiltt'. May I b,iti tu arkimnli'de the rereipt of
tour'alinn uf the Wilt mat., nilli itielm
iiret. Afler a r.irelul rtiimiiintinii of the .New
York Citnvo.m, I ilreni it my dutr Ihtl lit rirru Ihr. inch Ihe l',it (Ijln-r. ami Ktpre.t tnlieea
III tint lieparlnienl unit I' pmlnliili'd. Willi
gr-nt .-p t. rour nh'l it'f, I). Wainnt,
lli'' I.f 11. I'. !. A , Ce :iintn .linj '
Jo. N. DoLTK.
otarr I'ublie.
Attorneys and Counselors at Law,
solicitors ix chancery;
,t.M rh'ocrons .v adhikaltv.
OiSceorerroitOm,, FrttntSl., TORTLAMD.
1)1?. SKIFF,
Surgeon Dentist,
j& . 1 "Ltx
Ilealdcnee near the Corner of First and
Center Street.
1 a I a tUni ptrfnrmrd. I dc.ire the patron-aK-e
of aiielt penont at with their operation par
fern. ad la the tnuat perfect manner. Hey S. 'it.
LIFE ! LIFE!! LIFE ! ! !
If Life and Health are Valuable,
why not nsa the proper means
to preserve them?
If Iht tiyatem is DUeuted, war rna aar
risk br oain; i'lLUS compoacd of Calo
mel or Mcrcnrr
Onre I'se Dr. Mott'S Lire r rills
nndjou ffllllSE .0 OTHER!!
1 J ar Chi) oaed entirely of chauiif a. tegetable
eatrarta, tnoaiiy imm plant grow in( to our owe
country ; tome of Iheie plant, hate a direct action
tut the Liur, oilier on th iiiin, ethers on the
Ki Ihiii, and oilier upon the tt.xnU and Xanya.
II ia by a vchiW tknnuMl a mt'tmittc ef all
Ihrae ritrarta llml three pilla ar made, pnteeae
Ing the moat tttraortliiiart ctlicacy fur curing lb
al'ore named ditaaara,
la Chrvnif Mnwi, or diaeaaet nf lung tland
Ifiir. atieli aa .trre t',".''i.r. ivifpta. (bnMi-
ll ul, ll lrr't It. h, Sn yea, J'wipUt OH
fie .tia, ami mi .vrte, tne treninirni who ma
I'llla alinuld be continued fol a lougtr lime Uian
Willi leea tublHirn diaeaiea.
( tlTKeiiieinher that il will reijuire perteterane
lu the uao nf Ihe plllt in chrome diaraeee. Th
liiiuinr or mailer hat been accumulating a long
time In tbr ayatein, eren before the diaraaa made
ita appi jtranee 1 and the lime il will lakt locurt
the part llitl ia diaeaaeil will be In prnportinu U
Iho drrai.genirnt nf that part ion of the DtMly. and
the an. aunt of ili.ra.e in th eoe.litiition. ll
will be little ut bi rneaitienc fur a abort tint
only. Thn 'oiH'tnue Miiee niu.l be carheil. in
iiuall narlielea, Ihrotnrh th blood, and featured
from the r.lrm Ihreuijli the aecrelion of the bow
el, kidney, and akia, until all lluxie morbid
function tif the body and Ihe health of th syttun
are re.lorrd to Iheir proper tout.
I'or t!e by all lmgirit.
W h .lfaale Agnta, 413 and 41 Front t.,
t I n. t?u Frandt u, Cut.
t4 . et't-i --K4 1 . Xvv-e, T. J
W.'.cViMv'A- -i
Via. 111 .'a, t li mi ii'ii, iir
700 Miles Shorter than any other Eonte.
X gint tftraliiiltlp
J. II. ULLTIIKV, Commander,
Will be dn patched
I'rtim Mlaainn Ntrcrt AVharf,
Wednesday, June 10, 1863,
With lb r-'plendid and Bwift ."leamihlp
WS X. T0Z.Va)
2,5(M) Ton.
Redured Ratea of I'aaiaze atd O iltk Trim tre
eecurrd by the re-nprning of the Nicaragua Koule.
Thrat tlcatuert ar nniurpaittd fur
and Safety,
and errrr tlfort will le ma-le to inture the com
fort of Haaw agan.
Intcnso Excitement ! !
Thousands crushed to death dally.
AND but your guwla,. qui,k, before they go
up- mr he ia telling hit entire atnelt uf
lKV UIKH.M, ( I.IITHINtJ, HtltlTft and HIltllLS,
At cost, for CASH, but no credit.
('nil earlr aud art auutl bartaln.
May lis.
a -viit.
Administratrix' Notice.
"VOTN'K la brri'by glran that I liar taken
i. out letter of Adiniuiatrallun 00 111 ealata
of John Vail, deceaacd. All peraant having cl alma
agtinat laid etUln ire fiiietid to preeont tht
tame to me for allmtiinc. al my reaiilcne la I'a
cilia county, W. T, within one year frnni thl
date; and all peraona imlriiivd lo an Id eatate ara
reiieattd tu uuLe iuinirdlute parment.
Urnreport, April 51, st)3. Ailuiluiatratrt,
avT c. .7oTTx!so,
i Attorney it. Counselor at Law,
riI.L protupllr allnnd In any biiainrtt wl:kh
t I may he e,,mniittd lo hit profitaional charge
before the 1'iitriet and Supreme Courl. .
To Fnliatr.l inrn " lo ilull Lire trited twa
ttartur during tin-war," if touner tndrd llieiutiiuf
OW. IK.M)Hl;t l)(fi.L.klt UOt'flTY
will be paid.
rpiiE rompanr will mnaltt of on Captain, on
X. irit am I oiieSckOiid Lieiitenitnt, on Firat, one (Jiuil. rina.lf r Sergeant, one Com
tniaanry rteriraiit, tire Sergeauta, eight ( orporalt,
two Ttuni.trM, two t'arriera nr niurk.rnillia. on
i ii .. ,t- . . , . ... - .
A man of eiocrenee will be tent on each .team- C1 .T V."'". " 'r. tiye.gni pnr.iea.
er to lakt chame of bacsage and .f Ladirt who : I ' ' ., 'V'" " rn' ' w 1 cr
mar lie trarviiug alone.
For further iufotmition, or Paa.tje. applr to
I. K. KOllKllTS, Ageul,
No. t'f! Waahmirton atreet.
Mar 25. HCI.-td SAS rKASCI.CO.
a I J
lag HOT
a &
CVt. 00tte.0v. Vv
Vvc u ve'vtv. vvvtVw
Vtve c V o,M
a iv rtvwtiVvckV cn
tA VCCA VttuOT 5
Vvirwe, Vetw mvxcVv wccdUa
aw Ckvcc oS 8oftut
uV.voV.t xoiA.ft,akvV
c vtott vr. a
Bilious Fever,
Fever and jlgue,
Liver Complaint,
Kidney Complainto,
Wav wvxUvyc.
tSCi "BVCvXYft
Ate cowoe xmi
"Or. "RoNsokcV
"Dr. "RoucW
avc VveVv wuvxV 6o
"Dr. "VvoWrV
"Or. TkostcV
cm N,v ttoWvt "VtvMv,
)ttti, TkWvtwvtva.
ff7tse Bitttra (tre put up in quart
iclllee, e u-fiich t abov ii aao
aimt'le. Tht UM it fiiuly en
rrawl, aaJ it rroWJei With 9
tiff guirl from counterfeittrt,
(friJ H f r boltl, or til for (S.
C. W. licbMk, Troprittor, to. 6
Etet Fourth rtrttt, Cincinnati, t
whom all ordtrt thoull t aJ
roil SALE 13Y
Mleletat A5"n, 4I " l "' St.,
mjU "A" f RAN HCO.
ken from the I'mntr.
Inatblition tu their pay, tho men will be fur
niahd rlotliiug, aiik"it,,iee, iiiartert and Bled le
al all.-n,l.iiu r. The allowance nr clothing II threw
dollur and li'tr crnla par iiuuilli. When an en
luted man draa ,-t. thun hia y earlr allowance of
clothing, he will he eutiil"! to rr, aire the differ
ence iu money. The men will be diluted aa prl
ratea. After being muitrrrd into the aerrlca of
tlie Lulled Slate.. Ihe appointment of non-com-miiiioned
othcera la mad,
ueo. n. CATfy,
Offlce with Adjutant flcnrral in llolmau'a line.
Halrm; jiiirangrr a Hotel, Cortallia; and Kingt
ler'a lliiildnig. Cortland. 1 tf.
J th public that hhi re-lncated hitneelf oa
hia ULl IXAt K, whert be will be rewly at til
timea to attend to call in hia prufraaino. In rha
J courae of a week or two ha will KKV1KW 111
i fAST rUAC'Tll'K, and f"' a plain and philo-
t&,.l ....... ,).,!.- '! . . . .... .
w'yt.m vvm.w . u . uv ... uutmt ill ,",lt,
Sheriff's Sale.
"OTICE i b'-rrby giero that I will 0(T,-r fl.r
1 aale at I'ut'lic Auction In the highett bidder
for ca.U ia band, on tne l-tli day of June I,
tht itiremiara, aLout li mil. . vr. of Lafayett.
in Yamhill reanlr, Oregon, at I o'clock r. at. ot
aaid dar, the fulluwiug d-at ribed mortgaged prm
iara with all the buil iiaga, imprureineiiia, and ap.
purtetiancea thereutito lnrl.tiiging nr in any wia)
appertaining, tu wit : The X. VV. Quarter of fie.
Si, Townabip t S.'Uth. Range 6 Wrat, containing
I acre more or lea, aud aituate in tha County
of Yamhill, tlrrgnn.
j taid aale mad by authority of an eterutioa to
, tne direetrj in aec ,r,Un e with a decree of th
t 'ircuil Court of aaid t'ounty, to forecloae a mort
I gag aud a ju Igment ia faror of ranei
I flruher, and ajaiuit S. II. Alter and Arooa Coot,
ivjftuiii wiui citeie ei en.f ana arertiine enere.
MitilT aaid c.uutr.
bvtlttriie Jimj ...1,1 IT-,1. I tw.
Sheriff's Sale.
"V"0TICE la hereby gircn that I will offer for
ll atle at I'ublie Auction, to Ihe bighrai bidder,
furea.h in band, on the l.'th day of June I vU,
nn Ihe prrniKea, nrar the town of A mil t, in Vaai
hill county Oregon, al I o'clock r. at. uV aaid dae.
the following de-rtbed nremiaet wilh all the im-
proreuienta and aeounrnancra thereunto belong
ing, ronntmi( of a l.irl.lng Ilou.e, Darn, ami
other out .buiidinga, t.i wit: On hundred acre
off of the Smlh ante of the Donation Land Claim
of Jerome II. and Sarah Walling, bia wife, and
ailuale in Sxti,,ra o. 17 and..., in Towuibip
Soulli, UingeiWtat, in tht County ol Yambdl,
.Said aale made by authority of an ctxutino ao
tne directed iu acvordanca with) a decree of tbw
Circuit Court of aaid County, la forecloae a mort
re and aattefy a judgmeut in faror of J. Koka,
Lo., and agitntt Jrmnie II. and S. rah Walling,
hit wifr, together witli the e,,i of mil and upo
i'hrrij oi laid County,
Ltfarette, May l.'th 1-11. 1 tw.
Sheriff's Sale.
"llTIt'E ia berehr given that I will offer for
X a at 1'uMic Auction, to thehigheat bidder,
for in han I, on the prcmi., iu the town of
McNinritte, l .ml, ill e iu-ity Or. k-on, on the HtU
day of June al 1 u'clul r. a. of aaul dat.
the following drf-ribrd t-rrmi-a: H.oek Jfn. it
a dcigiiatrd on Ihe "liat" of th town of Jto
Minrille, Yamhill, Oregon, with all tha
iniprnTrinriit. and appiirtcmin.-ea thrreuulO b
! longing, cun.i. ling of two dwelling houaet etc.
raid tale maild by aulh'.riiy of an tiecuUoa to
me directed in acc.r.iauce with a decree) of the)
Circuit Court of the Ceuntr of Yamhill, In fore
clii a and ajlufy a Jii'Igtnent in aaid
Court in fator of II. K. ."arr, and againat Llanlel
Iir.Kk and Aim llimk, bia wife, together with
eoata and t.xroingfo.ta. IISNKV W AKRF.X.
Mirnjof aaid Count.
Lafayrtt, Mar X tb I .
AdminJstratrix, Notice!
N'nTUKithrrrt.y gi,rn tft llit undertlgne4
haa Irrti d ilt a; punted L, 1, i'nlbai
Court of I'aeitic cmintr, Wa.lnng'li.a Trrritorr,
Adinini.lratrit on the '.tale ef M illiam U. W elfa,
dr. ,!, Utr of .aid t'oiiuiy and Temtory.
All prru tn J- i.t..t tu aa'il L.l.le ara nntifleal
tn make immed aU) pirnnut, and thoae baring
claim agaiu.t the rame are r.urld to preeent
them with the nrce.tiry muchera wilhia owe tear
frnm the .lit.' of tin notice, or b fnrerer barred.,
l-erinet ii. W. T. I MAKY J. WKI.US.
Aptll l.Mh. b'l. ( Adminialralrlav
I'rr Httat K. I'm,
t-U. All';.
AdralnlalTttor's Notice
TH t M' l:i.KH.S, baring hem duly npolnle4
A.uii.u-.lrati'r with Ihe will anneied, of tha
I .tale of Lewi Itxger, dreaeil, late of l'tmhill
county, Oregon, brrrhy not.ry all perennt baring
claim, again. I aaid K.Ut, to'prrernt them to tho
aanl Adiniui.lmtnr, wilh prnner tourhera, at ble
reidence in Chrh ilrm Valley, in aaid Counlt.
within one tear from the dale of Ihia notice or a
furererbtrnd. ISAAC IHM1KKH,
Clirhalem V.ll-e, I AdtninialrafoR.
May 4th tS.
Exfcutor! Notice.
I THOMAS IIRtfWX, baring been duty aa.
piaic, of the laal will and team
n.enl of Jeminiali Conner dereaee.1, lata of Veiu
hill coo utr, Oregon, brrebt Bolify all perauna
baring claim againat aaid K'.lat to preaenl tbera
wilh proper toucher lo aaid atreulof at bia real,
denee niih-e north nf Lafet rile. In Mid County,
within one year frnm the data of ihia notire, or be)
forerer barre l. TUOMAfJ 1IIIOWX,
Yamhill Co., II ay fn, 1uwi. tlieeutor.
tttle of Sntnnrl Pnrrolt lirreaaed,
I'i'liliua lr flnnl artllemnnt.
OX llnatih day May laal, come larid Rara
ar, Adiniiii.lraior uf lii K.tale of ainwl
I'arrotl drcraaed, an I t.reaetita hie aeeoiiot. and
final atllemenl aheet, and para fer final aellle
nient. ll ia ordered that untie be published ia
the Oregon Anoia f .r three eo"-ire week a,
la'iiig that Krolar after tha flr.l Momlar la Jua
4l, heart apart for th hearing nf aaid prater
and petition al Iht Court 1 1 on e of Yamhill Co,
Ufarelle. Mty i 1349. J. W. COWlJ.
I-W paid. Co. Judge.
Administrator's Notice.
VJUTIt'K ia hrr. l.r glran thai th I'mbal Towrl
ll ol Carifle eotinle, W. T., uaa duly appointed;
the und'ra.gued Adiuiniatratnr of Hi e.late of
Johu Auilru, deteawd. All prraont knowing
Ihetn-elrea Inil-l.ted lo aaid elele, are reiietil
to make early aetilemenl, and Hint baring claim
aaiti. I ta'd eatate are required lo preaenl Iner t
With Ihe nereailrr tniirher wl'hin on year frra
Ihit da'c or thy will bt freeet brrd.
t. M. Wertreiae,
foil Wilttn. Vf. T ilniniatrtiar.
It" lib, M. 1 Ire.