Cfjf (Drrpir $npis XHT. L. Alam Editor. 8ALEM: MONDAY, J I IN!-: 1, 1 81.1. I . , The Oligarchy. How well we liavo hit It in culling tlio Democralio rebels of CottoiiJom un Oil ciAHCiir, is shown by it correspondent of the Ixiulsvillo Journal, who ling just rc. turned from France. Ho states that on the 21st of January Inst, a letter was re ceived it tho court of Trance, tinted Kiclt inond, Va., Nov. 2, 16C2, and figncd ly 13 of the leading rebels, including Jell. Davis end bib Cabinet, Toombj nnd Wise, with ninny other leading rebel, n&king JTnpolcon to recognize tho Confederacy, as they Intended os loon ns the war was over to establish ft nobility embracing the slave holders.. They stated that proof of their Ability to institute (mil nn order in the Confederacy, was found in tho fact that they had been able to carry tho rebel States out of the Union, though a majori ty of tho people in nil those States were nclually opposed to secession at the time tho States seceded, in most of which the people were not even allowed to vote on tho question beforo ihitir Lrgisiiituraw Jinn rled them out of the Union. The letter stated that it was tho inten tion of the leaders to keep tho matter se cret till the war was over, when a nobility would bo established, causing tho poor whites generally to emigrate north, leav ing the slave-owning nobles .iih a peas antry held as property, nnd a plain colored lino of demarkation, between the serf And ,ll,liif anif lliA Irronrotiaililn i-milliel. u-ill go on just as long as the power of Hell persikts in driving humanity, liberty, and decency, oil' of this continent. You and your kind have brought on this conflict, by trying to enthrgne tho Devil, as King over nil, Satan blessed forever; Yon say that wo could easily stop tho war by turning heathen and submitting to tho rule of Satan, lint wo iron 7 have your IK'tnocrat'e Devil to rulo over us. If you want him for King, emigrate! go to Central America, Africa, anywhere where tho genius of iu man liiikrtv ha never sanctified the soil by her tread. If you want to go, io and do not stand upon tho order of your going. Secede, and bo gone, every dog of you, but you shall never set up your heathenish dv nasty on soil hallowed by the blood of our revolu tionary heroes as long as their descend ants live to defend the graves that contain their bones. Sacking. Since Ute gallant soldiers hare been holding meetings on the battle fields and declaring their intentions to hang the Cop perheads on tho nearest trees opon their return home, the Democrats in tho North aro becoming quite tame, so much so that many of thorn voted i)io Union ticket, in I the info Ohio and New Hampshire elec tions. Many of the Copperhead papers have sHken approvingly of tho " Union League." Hut they all lie about the character of the League, and try to make their dupes believe that it is a great "con servative" movement. Hie Secesh Squirt in this city came very near saying that it originated among tho democracy of the Tho Union XiOPguo. Tho following is the pledge which is be ing extensively signed Ly Union men in tie Kastcrn States : We. tl ituil?riirncl, ritiicn of Uio I'nitcit Slnti'K. Iiprotiy Mam-tale ottnwl uinler the nam. ami litlpof the l.Tl National l.tanue. vvp t.leilu ouratlrrt to in onoomliUonal I. unity lo th uov- crniupiif 01 uio i nuin enau-., in mi inn. . i-i inn aiil'port of it rOotls to mir. the roliollioit, ami tj ajiare no pruloair to maintain unimviairvit th national unitr, bold in jnrs:ii ami territorial boiiniUr?. Tb primary otijiYt of tliis l.pujtuo it nj aliall lie, to bin J lupulirr til loyal tnoii, of til trtdot tnil pnit'raaioitB, in t romtiioti union to mmu- lam tlit powrr, itlory, .nil tnlrcritv or tho nstitii, Tho pledge, it will bo noticed, binds all who sign it to an " unconditional loyalty to the government, to an unwavering sup port of its efforts to suppress the rebel lion," and requires of thorn " tpare no en deavor to maintain unimpaired tho notion al unity." Any man with good sense can seo that no copperhead could make onth to bis willingness to carry out that pledge without committing perjury, lett-noof tho copperhead sheets hero which lias again come before the public with a thin coat of Union whitewash on, says they will says, in fact, they have signed it, and rather intimates that, for a trille less than " eight hundred dollars," it would like to be "a organ" for tho Union League itself. It says tho New York HorW, a leading orgwn of th Five Volnt democra cy, wiggle its tail approvingly at the Union League movement, and barks at the door for .ticket of admission for the whole Pointer litter. Thereupon, the ''hand organ" here, anx ious for another coat of whitewash, wig gles its tail, and shows a disposition to fol low on tho track of Sammedary, which it thinks it has scented going into a "Union League," to escape following that other I'..:.., r. ....... ....... :.. . n y a.- 11 ... i Fivo Points. It said that the "abolition-, "T ""ai.a.guam, h n.ibnh-tha. fin-st .,d host nnhilitr in ists" f-rue Union men it meant, were, u" u,c" ""' vr.m Uio world. They ttdd Napoleon that it was bit interest to encourage such a gov orntucnt on tliis continent and hilp crush out droocrocy, and hopeO for theso rca 0D3 that ho would lose no time in recog nizing tho Confederacy. Tho Copperhead organs w ill generally pretend to disbelieve this, and now and then a man io tho rank and file, wyi say, "I don't bolicvs that tho Southern people wish for a nobility, and I don't believe that Northern Democrats could bo in duced to favor such a gorernment in the f3outb, acd monarchy in the North.'' Y'oa don't lelittt it ! No ! of course, you don't ! You don't lelieve that Rose crans told tho truth, w hen he said a North ern Copperhead was only fit to be a South erner's nigger, do you T You did not be Here three years and more ago, that the Southern controlling wit g of the Demo cratic jiarty, intended to destroy the Gov ernment f and that they broke up tho Charleston Convention on purpose to do feat both Democratic candidates, and se cure tlio election of Lincoln, in order to Whko head for their diabolical scheme. You didn't believe it then, did you ? You didn't Mitv$ that Breekitiridg", Johnson i nine or ten hundi 1 millions of coin, and iiudJo Lane, for one of which you prob- then call "loci" all our ministers throwing cold water on it, and that such fellows as were "anxiout to hate the con duet of the tear brought bickn to a poiut where all such fellows as he could approve of it, were joining the league. That is, McCIellan must bo "brought kick" to command; the niggers who hare run away, must be " brought tart " to raising corn f r JcnVs army, tho contrabands that have been armed and drilled by Duller and Hunter must bo seut "back" to bo conscripted into tho rebel army, to help JetE dig entrenchments, and shoot our Northern soldiers ; the l'residcnt, instead of consulting with men of brain, and un doubted loyalty, such as Dickinson, Owen, Johnson, Duller, Holt, &c, must go " bark " to the Dorder State policy sug gested two years ago by " neutral Ken tucky." Vallandigham must be ''brought back from the rebel camp to encourage robellion among the Copperhead Democ racy of tho North. All this must be done, and then the President must adopt the advice already given him by these brainless squirts, and go " back to tpecit payments" declare tho Government cur- in tho lines of the other niggers, under iJetr. The hand organ says, "Leagues I have been formed in other localities, em bracing men of all parties, who are anx ious to see the conduct of the war brought back to such a course as can unite all loy al mcu everywhere." By "loyal meo everywhere" is meant such as Seymour, Sammedary, O'Meara and the editor of that sheet, and by tho war being " brought AW,"jt means that McCIellan shall be placed in command, to pursuo the rebels at the rate of three miles a day, to catch and return to their masters runaway slaves along the route, and to prolong the war by avoiding decisive battles, by keeping s'aves raising corn for tho rebel army, and by snch other democratic juggling and decep tion as would prolong war till speculators, contractors and thieves, under a Union cloak, should get rich, tho North worn out and disgusted with tho war, till it would be ready to elect a democratic or copper- Tho Voice of Samuel A. Thurston ou Uio union. Out resdsts will recollect what a tumult wai raised in Congress by tint tiro eaters of the South over the admission of California iu ISr.O. The iiegrobreediug nabobs vere exceeding w roth, and many were ready to dissolve the Union because it was proposed to bnit California as a free State. Oregon was then lepiostitod by Hon. Swrst K. Tuvrston, her fust Delegate, a true Union man, and a puUio sorvant w ha labored harder for her Inter ests than any man who ha yet appeared in her behalf on the lloors of Congress. It will bo recollected what a bitter war the only Whv paper in the then Territory opened upon Mr. Thurston in its efforts to break him down, and put Jo Lane In his place. It was a war which we were, as a hig, at tlio time JicideJIy opposed to, as impolitic, unjust, and fraught with tho most evil consequences. The death ol Mr. Thurston gave tho friends of Jolane an opportunity to elevate this ignoramus, demagogue, and traitor to a position that a few short-sighted Whigs had indicated as ono ho was eminently qualified to fill, la looking back, and estimating the vast miwhiof ja-JfTf asf been done by this stupid dolt, who has pocketed over f 100,. 000 of Governount gold for misrepresent. ing a civilised people, we ore proud to ki;ow that wo never gave a vote to the blosud moss of corruption, and never ad vised anjbody else to give such a vote. We think it well, nt this particular period in our histtry, to remind our readers what Okkuon said to tho rebels through Hon. Sami ki 15. Thcrstos on tho lloors of Con gress, March Soih, ISoO. "X'r. Chairman, 1 have turned the lat poin: but one in my argument ; and here 1 wjuld leave the matter, did 1 not believe it the duty of every man to defmoliis po sition as to a question which h;s been at tached to, nnd disei:scd with, this ques tion. Tlio dissolution of the Union is n theme to familiar to rcquiro v.r to say I mean that : but Ai is what I d mean " Tuo Couaoi vativo Victory." It will be recollected how the Corvallis (,'iii'oh, and its echo in this city, itjoiced over the "triumph ol tho cousin allves," as they termed the election t f Neunour, last full. Our renders will also recollect that we showed that Seymour's whole ma jority was lolled up in the 1 ive Toiiits precincts of New lork I it y, where there are, as the police books show, . I;t grog geries, 170 places where thieves nnd ruf fians constantly resort, 10. "i policy shops, ami V.'i'O notorious brothels. This Kink of corruption gave Wadsworth, Union iiiididate lor Governor, l.GSl votes, agaiust 10,001 votes for Seymour. Kvery copperhead organ in this State has refused to publish these facts and figure, while all of them chuckled w ith del ght ut tho "culm rr.i.'iYf v ictory" achieved by Sey mour, in securing his election by the voles of drunkard, blacklegs, whoremongers and thieves of New York City, three fourth of whom cannot write their own names, yet all of tlieui are great ('oiislilu lioiuil lawyers; they all know exactly what moves the government has made that vero " unconstitutional ;' they are all friends of McClcllun J all enemies of Diekinsdn, audi all, debauched, Ignorant, us they are, constantly held up by the cop. pcrhead sheets hero us beau t'uWj of "con.icrrii.'i.tia." Let us hear Dickinson on these " con servatives"; (wo quote from Ins speech, already published in the Argus): Tlivir 't. of tlu'ir conti-rttlno vn-torv. U f!l. com tnim llit ominliv h.-r tli K.'piihlu'un majority ovorlhroWnf Come ilown into On ntrvU of your city. htr I ilmilit tn t thi-y aro tr? go.i.1 .foplo tn.Uv.l, in. I wlicrt iiyvu- iril.!iiiinitto-lirit ..ii.v I. -in u; their imuic - hrr WU'a IVtor, ami wh.'n- ,i,V l ;..'.'l'iy J ;.i IJ.I.-tM.'iy I'.MU'i'l.ll alo, ami ion mil lin.l 1'V ir majrilr a oiortlimWn, 1 Ul lmj.'i. .oMtiiutni i.,(.y. s.;si:" la ai.othrr part of his speech, he lUtined democratic conservatism. W reprint it, j "the day wus isnniiig w hen you would that our readers may see what kind of an I "''"'"d to them" the maw of the people animal tho coppcl.cad or,-a.i. mean when I N'"1.' to ll"'ir f,;rt -'";uti" '"'H- Your ,..,.L. ,. ,, burning words of patriotism leaped from tliev ta.k about "conservatives. ' i..n , . i n ... i n i iii.i in inn, ii.iiiiiiuy.i 11 ery yniiry, nml Si-i'iUld to Rend on tho Copperheads. T. IbicliHiinu Kmid, w In) was seut to the in my iu Tiiuiiessoe as a special delegate to carry back the response of tho cltiieiis of Ohio, (o the army resolutions, made a speech to the soldiers and citiinn In the court house at Muifieesboro, March 81I1. 1'he hall was festooned, and richly Illum inated, nnd the ladies were there, to wave their handkerchiefs, mid applaud tho apeak it Among other truthful things aald by Mr, Head, were tho following: "Could you have witnessed tho recent demonstrations In llie loyal state In nil Mvtir to your addresses, you would know that the mighty masses of tho people are not tli'.tll'cctoil. It was the object ol the fiendish copperhead allies of Jell". Davis to make you belie ye you were unsus taincd nt lioine, and thus damp your spir its nnd unnerve you in the hour of baitlo. Soldu is of tho Cumht'i'l.tnd I if fiuks-i-ries lioiii the rebel Government aie loiiiid prowling through ourcutnps, military laws piovido lor lliylr immndmlo execution, l'liov have been, they iir among you. They have come from tlio north ; not in person, for sneaking traitors like they are cowards. They come to you in lying shouts of pa per, mid by (lute mean strive to poison your minds and destroy your patriotism. They thought they had succeeded ; but k. -a ' IV- -.t.i.,.1 A Voieo from Clackamas. A correspondent writing May J,"ih( says : " It waa li nil li lat for tlio Colon tii-n of C4, . 'iiitai loiiiity to iil u illi tlm What nir leaa, la Hit tialn ol I'nloii iiii-ii In klailon oniinlr, xlio uiimI t tioii.t t'nlon nMr llliti ll a Mu i, Wo am It v 1 11 14 In i renin ilu om eli ra lo Uio lua liy m ill . ii -.i 1 1 li Hit Ini'iean'il Intlui'iioiiiif tlio .liyua In lia lo' loialmii llieii"ii 1'ilv iioii'i H.ia i..iy tlio . .. for a I ailnitf Miatu ) It it tun lii-ni I'm I Inii.l. ami ton fur aat lunn tlio oa ai.l.i of llto itlitlni'lli. taint tlio Ittilk nl tlio iiiinliillnii Ki-neiitlli ao Lit na mall do Italic ami tin, inililio r aoit of a. tuo, lorn lliiaii jlionl Hit Suit--o oniii'ti nr,l. U t ail iiuml ol imp llilitt, liom.t or, ami that la. Ilial Oi.-.n 1'ily taaalnr art u It t voma tlio lealer mollior ol tlio imat out' aiki'ii, feailoaa, ami liillnoiiliul ,nunal Uml liaa our viailoil I'm Iliianlia nl Hief-maiia l-mig lii-iv il m I tin- 1 1 . . -o o g.ioil tin n anil Ibf li ar of lii onaa. " oiir Ilial No. of Vol. IV Mat a l'V mikrr. tit ' oiaimal ni)'Oiiraneo' It lain my ot t Ilia lioal In Ilia .Slato, nliilp in lonlli i well I ran I U.i jna lioo in (A il anlijrel l.riirr than l' iimllii Hi r S -nraaion ol an ot. I'iiioii ilotmiei .it, nlio, atlrr Mioliii it all llinni,'li, inlii-itiaeini'iita ami all, lalil il.'.in il o i-.ij-er, nml rtt'lmntril, ' M y (lt-1! Iiow tlio .iii ilooa it aim 1 1 1 tlio aiiakoa I" Ilia nor inn iiuvil ol', tlio hooiIi n lea ol Aui.iiv. tin IiIkIiW aiinr. III Una I'nnnli I't llio lniiin.l li'anianrr uaHeiullr. I!u mil not Innililo i.m ai,ilii lull If lioiloea, tun inn on (In, kninaa lor If Mr lleina lo lii.ikn nil a Implor m I n ol Ilia lliioalouail Milalori.' Ho Ima mi rit llioml III Ilia lanln mil 1,1, lor llic loaaon Ihal l,r la lint leal II lolul l.i anilmilv. Aa Jnu any, lio la 'ar-tofy .'.' lilt t. i i Ml naaanlla nil Ilia 1 .1 -! tt a,H,inli.i-a mi 11,1a onaat. u illi,, n! il niiiji to ii a nanira ami liialtaiirai nitrnilnni, uio In tlio rral a..eili all In, lin en ami ciHiiullr llmo ion n,,ll,r, linit ha lua lu Inking Uio,nf tlio ' 1 1 in ' I ii )j ' r. l.,-1 al Haltinr Ilu tmlioil to tin' .l'J" Ma tnaiiu Him lula lla rpiilitail hrvaa, nliilalit lia.ln I t-nuiai imitjli In linil Ilial Ilia I MO ! i The man who attempt to wsakon your faith iu this holy cause, is a traitor to (Jotl and to his race, lla insulin tho memory of those to whom you owe votir liberties, from Washington down, j lo insults the gray hairs of your fathers and mother, lie insults your wives ami your daughters ltioo noble women who daily ami ulglit ly send up their prayers to tlio lio, I nf battles to nerre your iiearts and strengthen your arm, and thus through you to give success to our cause. I sav agiiu, that (lit traitors in your reur mistook their powrr; aad when vour iioMo adJie.vses swept through the land, nu, I you boldly told these miscreant that I tlicy aro tert ronirri ativr, id . a.'iif,.- , II. i .. . i . i .-, i ........ i , i,. , , , . i . , : I ri-inu,i-ii nu rutuiuiasiii tiniy , ,, .. , ; " .-.4. ,n hi i,,r r 1 ll lll I , 1 1 at IT 1 . ... . . I Sll.Hl not argllO ttlC question Ol Uls,i;u l.t-tmu-al irm,, of rnna.rvttini, .U1 Ilia popular lion as a question of n'.;A, IT exiedlfr.ev, "'ien "-nap, ami lliat l. J ?Orniatu th tin 4 ' i i:ilt'SUatllT Iklt 111 I aa, .... . . the :ronnl i t or proft, or taivitaYrirr, to sscrsd to bo trod with tert coveri d with dtst as mine are. Leaving the ab solute folly ray, iruiint.'y of .Vi.r; or diitutbing the harmony ot this Union, for tba admission of California ns a sover eign stafc leaving this to tho judgment of a reflectkig people I will Like the liberty, as I belitv e all should do, of expressing my own opinion of it, and what I believe to bs the opinion of my constituents. I believe, fir, that such a doctrine should be driven frstn tb pale of civilization as a common enemy of us all. I do not believe nay, s r, I will not believe there i a single nun in thi Union, north or sou'h, who is a diS!n!tivn':tt on such a ciuitincyn. cv. To (.bare it man w ith it, wou'd b If Dickinson hud been looking tho rheu matic foot pad right in the eye, he couldn't havvo made a more central shot. That Galaxy. Wo hare before had cccssion to allude to the fact that the names of some of the leaders of tho tebflllon arc luggra.ivo. mr '"""J U,c'r ""J Uu"r r'"l'"'' Hark ! from tho Toon';, come the void S'",' ,I""k,'r '" raod commanJ. there of Ilmgj, Letcher and (', while ' nro "f int -id that are permitted to ('rami, ol Indiana, joins in the chorus l"i,", lU "l llor' n"u u"1"'' t,"'" At the Uuion Kentucky Suto Conven-1 '"r l'"l'- TL rl"v,r'"""l t"K ba dc lion, held in Iuisviile. March isth. where !lC4',,''ll"',i"K ,rllor ''iding S.mth wtiii hail a,'i-i-ila, .."i.a 11, al litManlnT wonlil aimnrr htro run Ilia Ik lulu Hip Hi than hart in ail a III aaaanll thai ho ilnt on Hit Aalorta) ('.,l,M't,.r. If ha ha,l ha, I anr I, Ira of th a. nlaol ilrnhlnnit hn nonhl net lur II. Ho I'lanllaheil uu Ilia imliipof l ollaiil palilliit Ilia aalliiiK nf that nlr, m lirn h nut t'olUnl a li'liar, In a May that an, I ' ,nl ml I, 't Ullii that dialler Ion liaalll? nr a Jnillelona Join initial ' Hp la lint, at t liollna, al Iiarniamiit ta-ai.l.-tit of thi'nu, ami tiorir mil tip, ml It hi'to miMelr aa an atlitinttirpr. llaiaafwl lum-r of lha M. aaiah In . ,rln nUr ; ' Tho Imo Ujip helra,' Ac , bnl A haan I plan a I'liiiiaiifnl linto In the ninml I think tho imliliahar nf llio 'r."i,.i'i a taiv I'toier man, hot 1 think II tinfnr Innalolhat Ilia a,rr la r,ili-i ! an many rlianro n t r i liti tin nl laituna tint pi i-r I at t Ilia linaa of j ... 1 1 1 1. II, n Slaik, i.iii- i lla i.l.l a, lit, i. Ii liuw III till, arecall lanka. at'i),,r t-ralli'la, who nar.t III laah Aniiiii thrnnk'h its I'.'lnmna. Mtih ir llinify't ai4. I think, la loin, lhliin,;li tho a4tn inp.lniln, lvttllla; all tlitnalaal ttiP hili,la ef .ntnt r Unnnir aaia, lliniia'll I eaani'l 1,1111 h fur Ita linlli. that lirvvr la cnuioit l.aek In iloolo hla tinto liptiiarlt r.litlli 1 1,- tlii'a'.iman aiet U iurnj ,a f.fMwrgii.v, aa tip nr, I . in I ', I tf an, Iho A.tiulttialialiuii mil ii.,.alilr a mlil anp,.,it lomi that inaitar, I aao thit vim Hrta rllil llhaai I, nt aanl Ilia trraia a,i Ih it tin' atam ,.iarr Muni, I hnaill rrl-il aJalnat lliP ti n r i iilnrnt. in, I that hr II. i. IvIi.IIi.mi alairrr . nl,l ha ilailn l.4 All 111 ci ila aid in Unl miai tho tri.liinh'aliiin nf Ilia Mar aio in ai ii I a aitiihiilahip to hainii; alaifiv aiinit lliltltl oltl.-ara III Ilia arillf, ami In tha tlulrnl tf f.irlt til Hi l',',,i tl,ra,la Iu ahU'l'l alainr f'tm Natnnial liafiiimia, tloni,,-li In aaamg alairrv lhay il. atmr Ilia t'tii'ii ih cuna. i, ,i, ,n la It frik-liliiliia: I'" ('" '"l'i a,a lat.i an a.,n.tal i,f li.'kiiia.iii'a plan ol ariiniif th iuH-aia If Iho t' tan I't ant SmiIIi. Milli altamll Soldiers huve written huror) that j "" "'" "" ''' w""! " liniat lal Iriint Ilia rrlirla, ilia nenl imlnnl war ii an in th w-irlil TIipi II all famr arnnn Ih lilf'r rra, al on ,i thu Mani'tu t 11. ,.lt, Inul aa. l.rl ila M,nk nn, ant lr an-l I. a ran ' Italll alt all ami ar Ilia aaliatmu ul lha Uilil ' " that which was arousal by tlio tall of .Sum tcr. 1 Iiundenug applaute. It is a fact, as stated by Kead, that the "fu'iidih copperhead allies of Jelf Lavi,'' iu the shape of "lying sheets of paper," have been industriously circulated in the army. while .McCIellan was in command, there were few pacrs of any other kind that there w ere ui'ire than a theusand drlrgite present, this (Vimn.t, an Indium "L'nii n in mr estimation, to thawo him with the hea l l'residcnt, in 1Si'4, and ninko a hitot of heroie would be t diprace dnuocrn!," i f the a,dit'l!ian kind, was "compromise with the South honorable to n:,u ,n 'bceyc f the w,,rld. With pain, I prciii!, and tried to make a i;adi. He !.i..-" Ti,;. ..... .h.. t -wr. v.u.vrman, r-avc i o.aiic.i, I u-pe ,,,,i .r 1 I .- .. . . a .ii w ii.u ' ii- I .am ii ic , , , . , . , i i a i',ir ia O I .a-S..r., i u rt.t'.l .... in openly annonnctd by Key, ono of Mc- Clellan's admiring officers, ond privately not sincerely,) ishero O.-fon would eo in uM sf1( cose of a disi!sticn 1 cn, ',r1 ' S.'io is ne'w ere stio renry to be " nrtL!css sLinplasters," make ""' , copperheads of .New York, last winter. j nd il Jr.y of its and ...... u-,.-n , neglectful so in A. .. , .. al . ..I .'iiiiv a-'tvaiiiwi, aiiu vviuiav'il uiiu : ., a .L. fi nuiy aviirvi, m.-io nn.ti. uaiiwia, uuif vi i j'l vi'ii.tii. i ca ai loreigu (.vnris, aim 9CI1U 1 ll . II a - . . II .1 I., i .. . ... . .. I t v una wouiu sen.i a son 10 ne;p mc ouer - w in tneir stenu yc.i "conservatives two to raiso the red Land of rebellion I as Asahel and lllllen. That is precisely ogsinst the Istrfully constituted authorities J what they mean by demanding that iho Wl a elii.'.l a l.-svr lo' 7 Ui l.armony an 1 true strut 'U 1 1 rv.i,Ie their de.'iln r ti an-l tr.k t. r Tils Ci'Hssi ti 'i r I!itrrtm. We have at length tint rrtiiru I'oin nveiy t mu in Ciiiiiuh ticut. Tim a.'rrcata t s fur ( invt r.ior is 70, 17 S all incre ian of tUMtOnf or j last year' uit. Iltieauigli tin' msj.irily, AiNMr.tim Li tin. i-iirroi li-.l t.ilitea ia 'JVJ'J l uge bundles of tho Cincinnati Knyuietr, Js,; lt :u,. Tho e..ii.par.s.,i, tho paper whii'h (VI. Jloak, of Tsnncssrr, of the voto lint veur alnml I bo ins ln ll( eal.s an "institution nf ill famr " It is a ' ''"' yr Is'' I, and lint fiiinparisiiii lnm I.Hirr ll..ll a .l.rl in ila. I I .1.. ' dlCldi'l gtlll. 'II U lll'Te.tail I'fllio -tglO. ' c.ttii i l". ln't ill, -tin., Ini the iHlniboi u v itu lint liatug In I h war during th, it a slriLn g tcitiiiiiiny u tint in. 1' rest fell in tho e!. en in. The Stato In ki t giivertimeni currency, Wm 1 rmnloiil prue InUi.itioti, and its ileiiuneiatiiun of Union nun at "alni!itiitiits," a tha Slutrimnn, I divulged to Lord Lyons, hy the leading , child of lb manr whom hrt Jovot an.l rr mtn tLe hearts ol tU i nnnVi i f t',e -Vfl ""' '' I 'll cuppm hcml nlly of Jrir oi n.e lanu.r aro m i:.-: uLI.e. JI.t,i i .. o.,i,i ,.i;nn . I. ...... I imvi nss i oii rvuularly irtit South, to ''' tf ' I. i. . ... i , . ' in.iliu riir tn'ilii.ra lliink l),l V.. .it. I inn anu ' . . a ,i ii it t ,1 ivi. j... ii iini.rr rci iir.i my, - ... - - - mw ."ioi nnther art. I trith (ho l.Lft,l fmm li.p a,,in I nion men of that stripe, are demanding l,,mM, ytT rirns'i's shall OroL-,.n ,;.i : ( MUT- ,r :i hanglj,..!:,. fcrV bad tuini'.l us bsek on the goytrnnnnt, that thero shall be no retrograde move- or abet 1 Oregon is at home, sir, on i!ir ! ' "'''. at: I wi t t oil" in aa a .. ..1 It... al .all. ..I ment, lut that the war sU:l b carnej s-icrea ncarm-sn.r.e i in r jarect; itut a'ooi.i -ino u. !ii , -ratio p of tho country, t hisugura'.e without the war shall bo "brought WX-" Only re- or abet 1 Oregon ii at home, sir, on the j1 at: 1 w,rl pir fomTal ..jui.-t, ' wantod the ormy to fici almut. "hake ; of I vd my. ed I s-icred hcarth-sta.e . f h, r j ar.-M ; (hit aboi.t 'iho demc -ratio . irtv I,, it t!lc ,,(,' bar Is v,th the rebels, and march tu tho , ''"'l?' , t' ' " I a :i I ... I 'i . :- .i.l . .. . ' ... . .. 1 bull I J I furitard in harmony with the spirit of the V"T tmv "rn r'I ' ' K!a i', n th.-.t ceil 1 .ave th; chantry ," wh.n age, with the 1'rcs.denls proclamat.on, ! s:, , . ger.crj yd wet up a.lcvrr ll.o h-.i..- smoking ruins into I.;. If of tho country, made thrice ten thousand widows, and sent the knife of the guerrilla assasin through the warm palpitotirg Lear: of ihc men in nbe'doin who venerated tho institutions ud Hag of their father. You didn't Le lieve, if tho rebellion did Lrcsk out, that wbilo tho rebels wcro slaughtering our Armies in the fuld aud seizing the Govern ment by tho throit, any considerable num ber of the Northern Democracy, woulJ bo willing to ploy into tho hands of the rcbtls, by voting a Copperhead ticket, did you f You didn't believe that John Whitaktr would ever take sides with the rebels against hi own Government, wish and expect Oregon to " g-i out and stand," an l rosin up bis bow tu fi ldlo "Dixie," while sbo was going. You don't now be. Jieve, perhaps, tbut if t'.e CopprrheaJ leaders should decide lo submit the question, as to whether we would do away with a free government and taka Vallum digham f r an I'mpcror, two thirds of wl.O now act with tho Copperhead, would vote for Yallaudighain and a des-jn-tisin if tho ticket was licadsd "demo, cratic." I'erhojn you don't Arit that tho Copperhead organs in this State rouIJ II bo bought np to fly such a ticket at Itheir uiant hrsds fl.r, from two to "right hundred dollars " in grconbackl 7 It is also possible that you don't believe, that the war, which has already stained with crimson many a river, and which bid fair to ytt shake the continsnt with the tread of coming armlet, is not a war botwecn sections or rate, but an irrcprcssiblo con flict, bttwocti liberty nnd slavery, between lh uleincnts of frco government and the ubstantivo basis of a despotism, between the principles that clevnte man, exalt na tions, n;id aJvntico the race, ond their great antagonisms, that corrupt, degrade, and drag tho human rare toward barbar ism bol ween animalism w ith all its slimy accompaniments nf harlotry, drunken nest, gambling, and general prostitution, with Democruls as its defenders, nnd in tellect, sharpened and govtrnrd by (ho tnoral sentiments, with poets, scholars, he roes, and lovely women ns llsadrocotet Loth principles, that of kvil on out side, inJ of noon on iho other, now locking horns to decido tho momentous question as to whether tho notion shall mount onward and npward, in iho aralo of civilization, or relapso back Into barbarism, nnJ become the slaves of despot. 1'cili.ip you don't fVii all tliis t W ell, tho world moved Union League tail fnicmost, of course, so as to be ready lo run out and bay on the track of the Government again, when ever Sammedary blows bis born. " Ki-Yi.' Ono of the Copperhead hounds that wishes to 14 back" into tho Union League to dtceivi and betray, has fixed a uico hole iu the wall, where it can poke its r.oc through, and crawl out by and by. It says: "We cannot con ceive how any true friend of the Union (the Union of all "conservatives") can find sii objection to it, unless it shall, in the course of timo degenerate into a catch roto machine in the Lands of f iction'its." That is to say, whenever we find that the Union League cannot be made a catch vote machine fur tho Coppoi heads, but is likely to work to tho advantage of unconditional I monism, we shall Lear tho toot of .SauimeJary's horn, when we must all ki yi, and run out, yelping" The L'nion League has degenerated into a catch vM machine! !!" , tunc ui ciiiis.'rv.'iiiiro ( fr.iie iniaini; -t- . - . . u- ", I ic.isurir l.iur..'l v I w .tr nil Jfll. tttiil rmnfnani-rt rnL!ri,a a. . .... ' " "ri town. ( 'i.n.ti'rnlli'r I.ctn tu W eran, who art now trcadirg the soil of revere the spot wh- re it stm Is. Orpg.m 1 bim out," vul l;:m." Tumuli r.tgi J ' "ppoMirg aay i f these "fi,iu!ih coppt r . . . ... . .11.1.. it t. . - ... . . '1 IO'.aI.rt rebeldom to a blooJy mire to saro th i ays, wnai i irui; a., sat wn.-.t ticrv . r hA a-i Lour. I nr ir - t tu ri.r i ''"s ' "' ' "'' i " T"U are, jou ore shadow f an excuse, a LliKHly.davsstatmg. "bring the war Wi" ad every one of. "'..,, ,. ' Nrs, ..g as there ., a vest g, ,l, " . ,........,, ,h. '.,,.;.,. I....I.., ..... war against the Union, a war that Lid in theso hounds i. real v to W'itn tU " v. WJ ,c a- , 0M nf,meteai reniwrnrg, w.;i UuV,.n st.ll ' il'"'-. - i .pperheads, who, by force of Stale ,'u!,, -' e7 man .Vmlj triJ)a.D . ' aty that ho i f-r the .r.ta.-ri'y tf thi .. , .nt, are forced to daub them- r,,ion under u,Y r,Vru-i..Mee,. -ret, ! "Urn' ' Union the cop public sentiment :.u -..:.. ...t :. t. i sillies wim i. iiiuii ii.iuas i, ore nangiiig jjr. in were ntf, red 10 txpvl liini lo iVc. The democratic Craven was under all eirrumitanrti. This is ! '-"'y penn.tlp.l to ruake an apology, and their rotten carcasses, as dead weights on ! both a patritic and eon tiding nn- "drap hitft'i If into his scat." It was b pleasing J.-(T, and serving the dev il, just as we'd as y-u ran. a a i SrmcK ir Ar Lsr. Tho President's i i ... the wheels of an onward civilization, ond I t,cl,nt; n,'J tJ"J 'ur I "', iiiu.h f r loyal J. o.ucki.ui, s ,inc ,.f , ""g " vcr appearej to Miter a.I demanding that the war shall be "brought !', C1 "v?? 3. f ir ! bal l.uJ Lu.;, d.nvn. ' ftM tlinin ,,U U, "r'lfr ' '''1 , a . ar:- or . " il...:, fi.!ui.:.i H...-. , ,l!..oligham to Jell s bosom. Wo ad- vim him sniun lime ago to insiigurate tuih a t oliey. Nome think (hat if the elinai'lt i lliat ul last I Par, nnd It SI f d- ,ii : liovrriinr--William A. !u kinghiim of .. rii !i. I.iontri a'lt G,jeriii r linger Awrill Ti uni te of Mi. lla I 'utter of ,1 iir, , i-nn .-.. u.i. .11 -. lack " to a po-'uion where the gail.u.t he-' cjuaTIy wtll. fi'lii lis no orgri. ' ''"' '''' '" ru'"' 1'"''r ""'r' rocs who nro now bayoneting southern ' cj tesrd any tart, ar.d I i rsy sl.ti i,v. r ' 1 red, an 1 wives nvMud, by dciii'.iratic rebels, and tbreatenii ? to han-r may have. She won! 1 lay whr.t nil fl.o.ild traiinrt. t.i ait at. II a i,l hear a f V.n en " ' p" ' copperheads, can bo di.bat.ded and sent ' that sbo is res ly to clribut, lo h. r j ,),,,,,(,, Pf frori, LMna, launch out i(l. C"ITb. ads are all sent South, it will b home, and thc.r place, filled with a few , ,( ,0 jC , drpifUth v ., , , regiments of l ive Point cons.-rvativcs, ; t,0 hit vestige of l-r l.on0r, t .1. f. n I il. ! in spitt of the old deacon's belief that it ! dollars and hslf? Cox.vt.s8 Stsvs Sui-sn. John Con ue&s, the tiew California Senator, lately mode a speech iu California defining his position on the war. He tslks after the Dickinson style of Union Democrats, and goes for prosecuting the war to tho bitter end. In alluding to tho statement in the New York Herald that ho would probably act in the Senate with such as Ncoiith and McDougsl, Couneu lifted his hands to heaven, sol with much emphasis, ex claimed! " God Almighty forbid I The C tap curt n, of Feb. U3d, In noting the antecedents of Cosncss, said : In the Sen- ato ho will probaly net w ith the other Sen, ators from the ruciHc coostl Conness says thcro are Uo of them lie will not "act with," if God Almighty is willing. . Tiut Jokk. It sctms, tLat the great Icsder of tho Ohio consirrntivcs, Dr. Vol Iniidiglnm, instead of being banished to the iurtuga Llauds for aiding end abet ting the rebels, is to bo sent south, the President having changed that mm Ii of the court in nrtiul decision. That is ono of Uuclo Abe's best "jokes." It shows him to be crafty ond economical. What it tho uso of spending two or three thousand dol lars in sending a rcrmin covered Copper head to a distant post, when lie enn be put iu chargo of a contraband, and thron.'li our lines, on his routo toward Iho quarters of Jeff's other ufegers, for seven led on by snch goner.tls as Hlbken and Asahel, with their lacks to tho rcbtls and their weapons drawn on such non resistant abolitionists as Gerrit Smith. This is pre cisely whero thiso t cession hounds wsnt tho war "brough kick' to. Now, is there any thing in an "uucondiiiuiial loyalty," or an "umrarering support of the govern ment," f jund in the pledge, that could tmpt anything but a patriot, who is fir taking no step backward, but is determin ed to crush the rebellion at all hazards, to join it 1 Why aro these hypocritieal cutthroat, who have been demanding that the war shall Lo a pro-slarcry, democratic, parti tan war, and abusing iho administration without stint, because it is tiM such a war, now crawling into an organization in which thfy have no more businis than Yancey has In Lincoln's cabinet ? Tho reason I. they seo in tho heavens ominous light ning, snd bear thunder that betoke&t terrible storm. These poor devils are guided by the prompting of gnawing bel lie they want Northern support, tat the people go as Ihty w ill, theso debased scavengers will get down on tlwir bellies snd lap their slimy tongues round ihe shoo sole of him who give thorn aim. They war.t Union men to support their journals, and furnish money to psy their bills at the "conservative" dens. Its a pretty goo I indication that public senti ment is right, when Iho puppies wiggle their tails and whine for admission, while they paw at tho door of aueh organiza tions os the " Uio Lasois." Tint Annua. The W"! and S'tnit llepublimn have been consolidated and re moved to Salem. Tho Argus ha been cn lorgsd, nnd i under Ihc surrmion of its old editor, Mr. Adam. Wo commend it And while there is a s;.ir ef tho ti l Cm t Ilation twiiikbrg, ihe nes llo tf O.igou will point to it at the bi ueo light of Ur safety. Niw Stxamkb Tho new s?h7er Is'.s- ly built by Charles llolmsn, of M u,ti. cello, W. T., made its first trip u Astoria last Mondiy, le.yir.g Portland at 7 . a , and reached Astoria at t v. u. It it s sub stantial, coinmoliou, nnl fa! boat, and will u' tho pla?o of t!. lUlle, which hs benn carrying tho mails Hob man atnl If'intirg'rin kavirg made an ar rngmU for a sort of joint stock owner ship of tho C'ouh, Utile, Cotltt;, sn 1 U.S. mail cont: set f.rx-iM.-U, from Port land to Astoria. The Couth will proba bly make tho trip thrcugh from Portland to Astoria in arvtn hours afu.r her ma chinery gi is Vt working smoothly. Jiioik laXKKK CuiTKHiftiti. A cor nspondent of tho Pullnlin ssys that a re corder of births in Connecticut lately, in entering op'.n the town book tho record of a birth, designated tho child's father, who was in Ihe Union army, as " ulunt murdering kit brethren of lit South" That Yat.kie poppy ought lo bo sent lor to hulp slit the Clip rure enn. I a bs thin S00 would buy Mm, and wo l,av i,o doubt the slink could abuso Union tnen and lie about the Administration eousl to tho fellow who wants to go to tho Islands. iit ScitsTanxo. An exchange says tho itch is 'juite prevalent in llio rebel army, so murb so that the ofhVrt Imn afior 'siJI find no difficulty In bringing them in tint snatch. The itch it symptom of " ton tsrvitivn" coming to iho turf.f-a. In! 'Oregon, tho dinorder Is common among subscribrrt t'ojif'trhead papers. In to Iho patronage nf tho public. Il Is JefTdot.i the poor fellows are allowed t-i sound on the linoii, i nro on Ihe rontii. .... ., . i..i!.. li. ... ..ii. ii... r . ., 'n tnPT i-a: acunsi inn ionco corners, aitii'n, a,,, -a in iii -i, iniijti , nii'i insb lor 1110 suppression of tho sl.ivi holders' rebellion. ami the restoration of tho Union. Sentinel. gMllSl while licre a Copjiei head, roming up to tho polls to j t'tOl'h, pt.ri'ig these lnh'riniiiirill cutthroat, Its the " ."s.n ',ri if the f .iiitVy".' - - - -M II w in a Si aid. Tho Hono lulu A laer', in speaking i f an accident to a Kar.aka, from falling into a kettle of hot syrup in a stigir mill, say: The B--elcr:t would not Lavo been o scrio i, bad he not foolishly njilic l into therirer to red himself, which rendered tho scald more sovcrc, lot skin coming oil' from I o'.fi Ip'S, leaving biiu a pitmblo ol ic' i to Lcli'itil. A Lo new is, it is ii'ieHt.enablii whether bo recover. In all case ' f S'-a'd, (hero i nothing that wi givo u'?i ioimsdiati) and perfect relief as covering (ho ti allied parts with dry Hour. Now, tho Met that the uso of cold w a'ai-r sua le tho "cald moro snvero'may do to olfer a Kauiko, or an Ameriean who has full faith in an old fogy doctor. The truth is, that a thorough nptilicatinn ol Cold water to a burn i tlio surest remedy known. I that be remembered always It r.vr tho pain, Iskes nut the fire, nml sav lifo, when Hour and other applications will not. Ifisvr Tax. Tin re is a Slate law iu Virginia compensating slave owntrs for slaves lost to tl.oni by being condemned fir capital crime. If tho rebels should succeed in maintaining llio nigger govern ment, Virginia will have a pretty heavy tax to pay, in settling up for all tho slaves that w ill bi cundemiit) I for tho "capital crimn" of giving aid nn J comfort (- (he .National army during the war. . -41 Postal. liy n letter from Hon. J. 11. Mellrido, wo barn of llio following ap pointments a P. M. : Thomas Ptttigrew, at Mc.Mifinvillo, Yamhill county; A. Kirk, nl I.rowiisviilu, Linn county; end M. M. Crow, at I'rnudom, Lam, county, in place of Joi. L Lyman, displaced by changu of site. ;-7""Mi'liiii'ilty llr iinr lin. null, i"l 'liinrlJly, lirmu iio at'irk iif Hi" nl'l nMur iif llio AtJ'ii, it l'titall jut rliar:li iiliP."-- 'h,-j,.i,in. The paper rather Iriitlil'il' duliiidnled MAf, li never allowed to some of your " clmracteri tie'," A mory I thnt's whit's tlirj mnt'er. the means of strengthening the rebels, t'iite tho contrary. A copperhead i a cowardly brute, that doesn't like tho sim-ll nf powder. Tory are all for " peace," though th'y wear an iron collar to secure it. Thuir only aim is to cripple any gov eminent they live under that will not give them tho offices. To keep up a uis is the bight of a Copperhead's ambition, lleing settled South, they dare not hurrah for Jtlf's army, for leor of boing conscripted and inarched olf into tho ranks. 'Jhsy must of necessity keep ipiite shady, w hile their poor faro of sassafras tea without sujjnr, turnip greens without bacon or s.ill, and corn dodgur without seasoning or " cracklin," will not fail to elicit an oc casions! involuntary grunt for "pence,' This grunt, their woeful hang dog rounto nancfi, and their freijuent tampering njijj (he nigger, which all Copperheads are fond of, will soon cause them to bo dit trusted a "abolitionists" by the Southern gentry, who hare n sovereign contempt fur tbi iii anyhow. The result will bo that the poor devils will soon Lo trying to past our linns on their way back North. Wo sincerely hope (list if nny of them d succee, in reaching (heir old " conserva tive" resorts iNortb, tin y will rome back altered fnoi. Tiik OiiF.oox Aiiois. Wo havo re ceived (hn first number of tlm ninth volume of tho Ortgnn Argus. It is now published nl Salom, edited by Its former editor, W. L. Adam, K , nnd exhibit all hi well k no iii spirit and spieo. 'J'ho Irgus liS'i elaoys been the most racy iiolit- i il paper, and tlm only one ol any ru si, m table pretensions lo ability, that advo- ealnl tho doi.'trlni s of tho Kopublicau par. ly, when that parly existed. It Is mi nn- coiidilioiial Union journal, and, located nt thi siat of govorumimt, nnd whero such n journal ha long boon needed, wo doubt not it will bit l, In (o accompli'idi tniieh good, In mechanical nniii nrniice. n well as in si, Iho Argus is much Improvud. S'Hii'j i irnrf. -a aa . I f Tlm (JM n Aje eiiiiii In it, li-amlnK, aj iiaual, ullii InienafiiiK tiptt fr,iin ido now T'rrl I'll, i -jneiall liiiiiing iiphi, Wittei tow u. 'llio loetntiert i-f ( 'iingrrs t teeted aro: Districts. in.ij.iriliM. 1 ll.nry ('. Il.iniiig, Union .... .'IHH 'i J Sill,' j;. Kilialt, ileln I (Mill 3 A. W. Itraii.leg.-e, Union ... 'J.VIO 4 John II. Ilubb.iril, Union 400 The tail nanieil is a Cnion gain, 'i he Statu S 'li.ite stands I I Ul.ioii tu 7 democrat. The II. if Ili'iireselit.Uivs stand IIISlI I I1) Union to fll iloitiocriil. The Union cali'li.l.itc s f,,r Mienlf Were I'lecled ill sis out nl eight r.iiintie. We liivvit tise l the Irrm ''Union" be cause the victory was won by lloptibli inns and all I leiiHH i.t and others who ehoso to unite with llioiu mi the plain and simple platform of lint maiiiti'tiaueo of the Union by the support of the (iovtm.ncnl in il riio. mi iioliey. That wh tlm issue, and that is uiint render thu tri'imph so brilliant and to satisfactory to thu liieudt of tho 1 nion every whore. Tnit Toai'Slm llauovaiiii. 'Iho Hilton Head cotTes'ioiideiit of (ho Philadelphia Vrtu IIiiib ilesenlies tint contrivance cf I 'apt. Mricssoit for removing the obstruc tions in Charleston harbor w hen our mon itors nttaek that strong hold : "An iioii fiiiine lb Mited to the water' cdg'l by iion sponsoiis, is pushed ahead of thu Monitor, us aim runs in. Its length from the .Monitor is from '.'') to .' feet. An anerturo is made next to ihn vcu of (ho shape of lior bows. Intended to receivo it. The UoaiUh of rto 'ojiethm e- the extremity as'ionu imu i TrmiR runs down also 'i f.iut, the Monitor draw ing from eight to ten toot ol water, thus rendering il imposiblu for nny torpedoes over which litis 'obstruction remover' passe, to injure tlm vessel. A number ol iroii burs are usml, not only to form n net-work so ns to either iish forward or explodu every ess than twelve leel llinler water. but also to slrungtli.ui and stesdy the ma. A I tint bottom a heavy (ia bar unites these two vertical rods, upon which rest tlm percussion torpedo containing several hundred pounds of powder. Above this i a liamiiier which catches in a spring ao still' as In rcquiro ten men In set it, but constructed so that tlm lever which i, rod mles in front, for mini (ho Imn- dlti or other end of tho hummer, will can so lha spring to givo with litllu pressure 'ii i . . i . i ms is to remove piles. ' I'iikk llitinoK. Wu have been rcniiual- i"l by Judgn lliielal of tho C'lueksmos County Court, to slnto that tho bridge crossing (ho iMoluiln river on tho stage mud is mm free, and that a freo bridge is ') bo built iiernss Pudding river, on tho siiiiiu roml, Immediately, Ho nlso Informs lis that tho rates of toll nu (ho Cliieknmii river bridge near Oregon Cily, Imvo been rednecd one half. This will bo good netr.) lo llto Irovtling public.