momum Cjjc (Drrgoit $.rps. W. iMatnn Editor. SALEMl MONDAY, MAY 2.", 180.1. Tho Objects of tha Xntehta of the (Joldcn Circle, or rcaco Democrats. Vo hnvo before had occasion to say that tlio Seymour democracy owed their triumph Inst full, in a few localitioi, to their success iu deceiving tho peoplo Ai to their objects nnd purposes, Tho rtol object of the Copperhead leaders, aside from petting the offices, was to play Jnto tho hands of Jiff's confederacy to stop the war, nnd let tho rebels break up tho Union. This they expected to effect by Inviting foreign intervention after they obtained possession of tho Government. These purposes were carefully hidden "' from tho peoplo, and, during tho rnnvass .i.rvnlM ,f h l-.t .r- .U. r t , .. sj 1(1.-. rI'l tliUt 11" s ' ; i, pit." (Jf course tho Coppcrhcmla don't I want slavery molested, ns tluit would, look like bringing tho war to a close before tho North was exhausted and foreign powers could intervene. Such is tho hypocrisy and dccoitfolnoss of tho leaders o( the dem ocratic party, w ho are now trying to hood wink Northern fools iato ft support of Jetf Davis' rebellion by votinir a democratic ticket, Hy reading tiio extract from Ly ons' letter, every man can soo that the rebel organs hero have all been acting iu perfect concert. They nil seem to have been instructed by Vallatidigham and the leaders of tho party Fast. Wo have uot before seen a printed ac knowledgment of tho objects and aims of tho traitors North, but wo have gathered tho outlines of tho programme from tho C:t cure-tan. Those w ho have rend that sheet will remember that it has been reit erating tho falsehood, over and over again, that prominent Republicans were in favor of " mediation." Its ofjett was to prepare the way for nioiin og tho intervention p'.vik in the democratic platform (now v.tii) whenever Sammedary should rf,r"i.r- oath to L? tfJktotTS-fcfftfiW ot the Golden Ci.olo j lurlie "''rvontion Jn their cfl'oits to prop tp tj.e sinking dv-' iinsty of Jcfi, of courso knew all about tho programme, and laughed in their alcoves to see Union men voting the dem ocratic ticket in order to liavo " the war prosecuted with a greater vigor"!! Tho leaders of tho Copperhead fra ternity, known as tho democratio party, have now been discovered to have been in close correspondence with Jetf Davis and tho agents of the British government, all working together to engineer their scheme of breaking up the Union, to a successful issue. The development of these plans by the publication of Sey mour's intercepted letter to a bosom rebel friend, and the premature publication on the part of the British government of Lord Lyons' correspondence with Russell, has had something to do probably with the late stampede of Jeff's tools from t'te camp of treason East the absence of whom ecn?s to have prevented the trai tors from carrying Connecticut, New Hampshire, and other localities where the seed of tho woman put his heel on the head of the serpent this spring. In the 44 Blue Book" just ordered published by the British Parliament, is a letter from Lord Lyons to Earl Russell, dated Wash ingtonCity, Nov. lTth, lSGi In that letter, Lyons, in speaking of his visit to New York, Not. Sth, w here he found the democrats rejoicing over Seymour's elec tion, says : It has also dilute.) nit iW pm y KjiTJ at upholding slavery, so as to prolong tho war, wear out the North, and here is another part or tho "coir e" v.- tv:perhend proijrauime. Why Don't tho War Stop? It is now several months giuec the Jell' hand-organs in this Slate were predicting thnt tho successes of tho Uivo Points do tuocrney In New Ytrk, and elsewhere, would end tho war or so cripple the Con federate strength, that tho war would be soon wound up. Thoy said that the tri umph ef tho "pence democracy" iu New l oik would cause tho rank nnd file iu the rebel army to throw down their arms, while President Lincoln's emancipation proclamation would so disgust our own soldiers, a vast proportion of whom were democrats, that they would throw down their nrms nlso then lo ! and behold ! no army iu the field on either side ! profound peace' everywhere! Lincoln forsaken by his nrmy all gone home and gone to work, tho General nil gone to drinking lager and playing cards! while Jeff's ar my, Generals, Brigadiers, nnd Colonels. Captains, nnd Corporals, rank nnd file all gone to enjoy in peace their " rights under the Constitution," to control the Government, and' (log and pursue niggers into Boston. No more taxes, because no more war no more w ar, because 110 ar mies to fight no arailes to fight, because. tho mouth piece of democracy, tha oracle of the party, the Five Points, had elected Seymour, nnd Seymour had said "jcmtt bt still!" hence nil ten still, except " Old Abo" and " Undo Jeff," who being " let clone' by their armies, nil the world, and tho rest of the human race, had poked their heads with nightcaps on, each through a broken w indow pane, the one at Washington, and tlio other at Rich mond, and gone to making faces at each other. This was about tho view the little Cop perhead squirts, from the 7" Vaultingtr at tho head, down to the C;np curt-tan dang ling at tho tail, got of coining events, bv using a glass of whisky as a kaleidoscope. Crawflwliluf. Tho Cr.y fwrc tan has slightly modified its tone, it has taken the hint we gave it a few weeks ago, that it was decidedly too rampant for a judicious Copperhead organ. It went too stern on tho start. It dived too 1 k deep and ran Its nose too fur down into the juico of treason for a paper that wish ed to draw tho wool over tho ryes of Union men, nnd lead them into the Copperhead camp of tho Five Points conservatives. Tho curses it got from Union men every where, nnd its great fulling off in subscri hers, served ns a kick that went with our hint, and brought tho thing down a peg or two. The lato news from tlio Fitstern elections has nlso been discouraging as to the prospects of the Copperheads ns a par ty, nnd suggested a slight variation in its " coarse." Iu looking over its late issues wo see that it abuses Jell'Davis nearly as much as ll belabors the men who are In earnest in iuittuC down tho rebellion. Jeff nnd Yancey are nturly as bad men ns Greeley and Ben Wade, and perhaps a lit lit worse than Butler, Dickinson, nnd Stanton. It still clings to the "conserva tive policy" of such ns McClellnn nnd Key, like t to a dead nigger whacks awayffr ritnieroii for "corruption'' bo- cause he gave over " eight hundred dollars" for a Copperhead vote abuses the green. backs, and cuffs nil thieves who are not democrats keeping up its old whang doodle whine nbout tho weakness nnd im becility of the President, and abuse of till snind Union wen as "abolitionists," " radicals," " fanatics," vV:c., v. I laving worn out and throw n away its old " Union" clock, it now seeks another. It professes its w illingness to rrawl into the " Union League" (and take the oath of allegiance ofroMw). It wants n new cloak, to hide its snakeship from the gazo of such greenies ns arc expected to tuko it. to their bosoms; but such a gossamer covering is too trans Everybody knows that under this beauti ful covering will still be cuiled up the smooth, glossy copperhead, with a ring But there srr ativ which tho CV7 curt-tan has performed with seal. Hero it is, as given by Lord Lyons : On the following mornini;, however, intelligence arm red from WY-lnntou which .Uh-J tlio rising hop of the eonservatires. It was an nounced Hint Gcnml M.i' hJ horn dismiss ed tram the command of the enter of the IVIoumc ud ordered to repair to his home ; thit he had, in fact, been removed altogether from active service. The (General had heeu regarded as the represent- aliv of the conservative principles in the armv. Support of him had been made one of the articles of lb, conservative electoral programme. I Now hasn't the Copperhead squirt per formed that part veil! Didn't it land Mae to the clouds as the "gar jin eral" in tho world? gnr-reat at Manassas, gur-rcat on the Peninsula, and gnr-reat er still in his pursuit of the rebels after the battle of Antictam t The poor little fel low has been scratching away at the dirt on Mac's grave ever since ho was politic ally buried. Faithful r-uppy ! he keeps scratching and howling still, though the Copperhead organs East have long since gone off in hunt cf a moro available figure head. Sammedary hasn't yet prob ably notified Aahcl lo " dry up." There arc few hounds who can bay on a track that has been cold for months, but at this great distance from the oracle of the party the second-fiddlers are of courso expected to saw away at tho old tune and bark on tho same old track, till they get new in structions. The revelations by Lord Lyons furnish additional evidence of the fact, which we have often before established, that tho organization known as tho democratic party has new, in aiajiiiince, ince slave drivers took out a patent for the 1 , i . . . 1 . .. machine, aarej 10 aa beturt the .orihtrn trN... iim him jm um vith iU real vrin'ciplt, inscribed on I hleh seeded from the Union ranks last ,' .""'I1 1 ,l,e """ ,h" "m" 1 ! f-i.-tmti that ir.uil.1 . nb.r lh. .tl... - . . . , I. 1 I ' ". "Il.n., inn Hliiri i;s oanner, But, sure enough, the war JiJn't stop. , parent to deceive even the Sonp cieekcrs. Jetr redoubled his energies when he saw that tho jtact democrats were helping him by dividing the North, at tho Mine time whetting their butcher knives to cut the throats of their loyal neighbors. Our own army seeing uie position oi tilings, 1 up for a new spring instead of laying down their nrn:s, raised their hands to heaven, and swore " as tho Ixrd livcth, this rebellion shall be put down, and the whole land be purified, North and South." They went to work, arming and drilling black regiments, and wrote to tho Copperheads that when they had subdued the rebels, they would come General IVIcClcllau. The t'onuressiouiil report on the Con duct of the war, which wo print herewith iu full, is rental kablo not as dealing wlih opinions, or argument, or theories, Imt nmiiilv wiin fan. 11 is a Historical suite ment ol tho fvUcnct 011 certain Important points. 0 have nli presented in these columns nil iiupnrlinl siiiiuiiiit'v of this evidence; let us endeavor to nolo now more brielly tho conclusion uhich It establishes. Wo will try to Male them in such n way that, howeer they limy coiilliel wilh lersoiiitl partialities or prej udices, they shall not bo controvertible ns mallei's of fact. Tin. A rin v ot the Potomac wis organ ized bv Mai. -Gen. McClellnn. Bv the lt of October, iSttl, it numbered 185,000 men, and was in nil respects ready lor immediate scrxico. The rebel army at Manassas which was opposed to it, was les than 10,000 strong. But tho Armv of the Potomac nevertheless remained in active during tho whole winter of IfiiH-'J, nnd did not move till the rebels voluntu ily evacuated Manassas in March. A victorv that x inter would have practically aiimliilatcti the rebellion, 11 is not now lismited that our nrmy xvould have won a victory if it had been tried, nnd that Gen, McClellnn is solely responsible lor its l.uluro to trv. Secum-Vy : '1 ho blockade of the I'oto- mno might have lieeu prevented or raised at nn timet during that winter by naval force xx iih the 00 operation of 1,000 troops. Get). w ithdrew the troops and is solely responsible lor the continuance of tho blockade. 7"A i'ry . Tlu Peninsular rampaign was (.en. Met lellaii s own plan, reluct antly acquiesced in by the President, nnd undertaken bv Mct'lellali under the ex press condition that ho snould leave a force 11 1 tlio tin t, in the opinion of all his corps commanders, for tlio di lenso el Washington. They lived the number of that force at W.OOO.' But Gen. M-'Clcllmi in violation of his agreement and the or. tiers of the President, xxiihdrew all but IS.000 troops Iroin the Capital, part ot even tin se being raw, and no light artil lery left them. Tlio President, therefore, ordered the corps ot McDowell to remain lor the defense of Washington, nnd even 11. eluding this corps the speeded number of troops was Hot mad 1 up. Yet ill s is what is termed an " intet lerenco ol Gen. McClcllau's plans," and is the Mihstnm I ol the onlv ground ol coinpla lit ng iint Tho ButlVi iii.'s of tho Southern Tooplo Tho people of tho North who nro mak ing a pitiful mouth nbout tho xvnr, ns a gen. end rule know very little nbout It, nnd those who nro flippantly talking of resisting tho enforcement ol tlio laws, that I, (n say, of Inaugurating I'lull war ninoiig mir selves ought to visit tho scenes of active hostilities iu the south to tuko lessons n tho horrors of war. Tint desolation nf those portion o Vir ginia, Mississippi, nnd Ttiiiuesseo thnt have been fought over Is fright fill nnd IndeseiH.. able. The country nbout Nashville, which was ns fertile, ns highly ciiltUuted, nnd richly ndoriied its any portion of America, is 0110 wide scene of ruin, ll Tciiufec had been true to the Union the would not have been desolated mid in mourning to day. If she had been linn In the good cause the war would have pushed beyond her borders xx itliotit blighting a blade of her grass. I,el her fate bo a wai'lllni?. Hie sulleling i f the pcopfi i i'iho have been nlmost without n South silo! 1 il,.. Drugged into xxnr by a baleful hi iM,m tucv j ,h, , around its net k, nnd a deadly sting in its , ivi.Ut, nil t. y ,!Xl ,0 ..for.! tail. That snake is merely coiling ilell j for the failure of the Peninsular etinip.cgii. fourthly : Met lellaii took with him to the Peninsula more than 1 00,0(10 ni'n. StODcmao'i Notion of Copperheads. ' 1,0 rebels had less than '..' to n-si.t At a tremendous gathering ot the Union j ,,: eeiipati"ii 'f Yorktovn. he s.ti Leagues id New York Citv, April 1 Ith, ;lown ''K it ; he reMs c..ii.-lu,I,s , 0 ,, I to reinforce nnd resist, and nfter a month letters s-er read from distinguished I men j ,ely the place was vacated bv the r. b. men who had been invited to be present, els without tiring a gun, ju.t ns McClellan and n ravenous mob, they have Imtii sot. jected lo the exaction of a rel iiiVs 10 i il.try despotism. Now the g 1 '.' adds to tho terror of tho Soui'i, . . .1 nfnrm Is sounded from pres t pn "M" over the coiifeilurnrr, "plant roi 11 perish" The miserable fol'y of HtM'-. rights Is bearing ils legitimate 1 1 it i t 111 !h i! tlire calamities of war, joined 1 1 il. I' rut- tu.n atioiiofa centrnl power Impeinms 101 1 coiiij'reheiisixe as that of the empire i l Bussia. In a recent debate In the Virginia Leg ishilnre, Mr. Anderson of Uo.kbridge county, dealt with tho confeiJt.ite tyrsi.nt nfter the following manner: ' "We are now living" he said "under n tyranny as soinplete ns that villi, h was exercised by the l.ititsiln ( ioTrriiiiient, and it was owing solely to the noblo pat riol um of our peoplo that thev hsve sub. milled its llirv lino. What right, he would nsl, hat a Coiifederste fur.elionnry to aelo his property w ithout law, and lo allow one half ils value lor Its compensa tion t There was no law (hat authorised the Confederate government to take prop "vm mio junuoa,, May in Nrt;, A welconio visitor has come, Tho Ar gus lHwIlhus ngdl,,. The voice. ,f loyal,; npcak. through ,s columns, ,, ,vn;u rcllnbl. journal Is added to th t vflM defenders ol consliliitlouftl i,(.,y ... "",'N,U l tha fate.-r ;i(4imi( hang, tremldiV th bnfaiue, power Is wanted to ,U-ud (lie rij,lt, 1 nAi uscnr, 1 vi r 1 1, 1. a , uhxkk 0N,lf. Thofutiiro prospeets of this ell v xver.t' never more Haltering Hum now. It proce.b.iiled growth, Its brink r,, MMl the n.islial.eii conlldenco of business' inmi together with the superior advantage, its location, sneak In uiiinlstaknlile gnagti wlmt , futuiu will be. In enter- pnse, in business, in nil that goes to initio, up a ureal city. Dalles 1, to.dav the lint. nnd forrniost nity M the Stale. Interested pari lei nnd visionary specu lator ore now directing considerable at. tentio.i to Umatilla ,,. (i1Mll Kondo Inndlngs, two mythical el I ins that ar spi'ingiuir up tm t he Columbia river llw Hi" hum. , ,. il,,, I !,. .led 1 1 . tij ti to aiipp,..,, "r ol ll.. ... pl.t.'.M i, ' -.1. I In roin.- llm 1 . ; 117 Ml 11 I Ollh ;-(f I. .'int. 11. I. oil tiuisi f.f '' 1! ll I Hie !' N l.l.L. , .1 ti,..n, ti tl sis hi . M ery In: lo 1,1 il,i,ir , ,j. , and tlio a Id.iional luo. l. -. These two po. u's e.111 onlr bv coitsidre. leit.otary trading posts, trent.. .y ae.-ldeul, ninl .loitnie.l soon lo bn I'm ffottei;. X lllU-ll. S- I MUk. was a guln tiny fr i, , ,,, , of Dalle City. Tin Portland Uirritieu, with the fufri.url of "Columbian," made an excursion to this place in response to nn inxiiaiioii rxlcndcl to llieni by tit, J it 1 k son Fire Ciiinpany . tlnseity, 'P,0 recentioii v.t grind, the musle of the bauds (three in wasgiandcr, but the display of tlm eleineiiis wits the grandest of nil; lor, ns tbe Idaho, thnt brought litem, steamed up to the wharf, the lightning lU.hed, and thunder rolled, Stonenun, who gives us the estimate that horn, and hang them. The result is, that 0t 'I""1 i;n,,,rhr"j4 -7 '"r soldiers, in Connecticut, New Hampshire, nnd near- among winch was a letter Irom tteneral 1 a reauy in t pnt ins nntterie. .Mean. while part of McDowell s corps had been sent to him. ll is now known tliat York- ly every town throughout tho North, where election have recently been held, the Union ticket has triumphed. Men who voted the Seymour peace ticket last fall, see that instead of inaugurating peace their votes threaten to terribly ougment in the following words, which, we think aro plain enough to satisfy most any Sey mourit, tlut the soldiers from New York, xxho ar repi esented by Gen. Stuncman, nil calculation hence the North is cgain , in frontal bas an r.(., ,.,,, r... Tha h:iti.l.or-iii I'jr acs.m, r triitor at; and Seraral of lh leaders of the PemneraJie party ought tnterrient with me, both More and after th arriral of tit inlellip-art of lien. Mct'ltllans diaansaaL The suhrct uppernimt in their trnu'ls oh. Is ;wkinj to ID via oaJu-sJIt n foreign :.i.stion betaeen the .Nortn and S.iiih. ili,r ol theui aeetneJ to think that tfi.i mejiatioa must rotne at last, but Ibev appeared to be verr much afraid of ila coram too ton. It u erid'ent that prematura proposal of frrrgn iolerreniiuo xrou.'d alord the radical partr a means ol rermnj th iolcnl war an.r , ud of thu defeut the neaeeful IiIao rf tne ei,narraira T... ed to rerd the present m.imml at perul.arlr I Sn3i dtftit, Ayjwrity, and lying for SUC- I brainless traitors who Conducted them mvaruf u.r i'.r aura an nn.r. ami, in.lre-1 Irnld It -.ft thai it .ould be rs.rntul to the .new, f r I cc?si aJ '-'-'r 011 rating among its LoJ proposal fmta ai.mad that il shuuld be deferred until the coulrul of tbe eiecutiee corernment aoouia ue in ine iiin i. 1.1 ti.e eonserratir, partr. town might have been taken at on. e, and that Kichitioud would b.tve fill, n with it. For the delay and failure, MeClellan alone is responsible. Fifthly ; There were three other oec.t .. I ;.'l riJi... i. . i : i i ' i n, , . . . ., i,-'ii.w n in.., ii ,11 , i. i i.i ii.i,io,i-ij 1,13 are not of the Tom face and Malignant L i. f a t t t :sitlii.ix-( l.l "Il'l lll ltt, IIHC III" t il mu oi ucntuerais: j ,.lk(.n ,,v lho lflt, , ,, miglit nl onee "You mac rest assured," writes the j have b.-m moved ngiinst it; xix: niter tienpral lo Ine f '.iinmiii.'.. " ,,, ;i ,i- , ii. I, ,, Will w,.l. .r s;...,,, ,,,,,- the horror ol war nr.d protract it bevond I flVIII V Kiia SI f Lkl.ill.f ll t c I I.- I I . ' Mill f . I i r.a t I . 1 1 I . . I. I. I 'a. 1 , Z "M IMlll'l I'N t ii(J rO't'l) ISIa't ! W I II ll'll, . II I I I II V IM IH'1 I ll us it withhold compeina I nnd tho ruin fell in torrent the only gen lion, it was robbery and oppieinii ; nnd j nine rain of the aeason nnd all, I aup !ie for one as not w illing to submit to it. I ! r tl0 brnelit of the a.piatio tribe If we were to have Ixranny It mattered ol ihe big Willamette. Paiabs, mi l not whether wo have it from one Govern- music, an I trial of engines, an. I finally a liietit or front another ; but no free people J grand ball, were the exercises ol the coca wool I submit lotunmty fiom any ..ureo." j ,joti. A they paraded Ihroiigh tin, llie Atlanta (norgi) Intelligencer, in . street t.eiiing nl .lt tbe Mr Sisngled an arlieloon Soulhrit Motiarehy, say, : "The uiivriipnloii mamirr in whi. h pri vate property in shape of anything to rat drink and wear i sclied and appropria ted by tho Government, and that, too, w ithout any reference to the pecuniary in terest i.f tbe pnrtit owning such propel tv, and when melt sriiiire, tend to deslivr all trade, an I cause the people to tonne n.iifi il.nee nn.l nil itit.-rrtl in the tioxerntneiit such a course, they rinim, is xery strong Ir.l.t It alieayi dt pend upon Jug-1 fall, because weak, black hearted, and I a-sre o opinion on tht subirrl. 1 did not ut whaluer or no I mraelf thought fureitni inlrrreo tiun probable or adnuhlc. but I listened with at tention to the accounts torn me of the plan and hopes of lh, conwrralirt parte. At Ihe bottom I thought 1 perrei red a deair, to put an eod lo Ihe war, crea at the risk of losini the Southern Sutea altogelher; but il ara Ism that it was not thought rl laahle to no Uiia desinr. Indeed, some hinla f it dropped before the election wer, ao ill re cei. ed tlat a alrung declaratioa in tha conlrarr vena iu deemed nexewary bj th democratic leader. At the present momtnt, t!.errf.ire. the chiefs of the cunerralie parte call loodlv for a mors si orou proseculi.'tt of the war, and reproach the Government with alackneaa aa well aa want ol ucccsa in it military nieaaurea. hut thee repg duU all idea ol inle'ifrrinz with th imutulioos of lh Southern people, or ol wafinf a war of ub)ii(ttioa or extermination. There we have the Copperhead pro gramme in a nutshell genuine, of course, because reveal to Lord Lyons, the Driu iih Minister, Ly tho U-aJers of the democ racy in New York city, Nov. Sth, 1662. These leaders were in favor of foreign in terrcnlion to stop the war, tun if tht Union vas difolrtJ, and tht Confederacy aclnouUJgrJ hg tht European pwtri. Hut thoy didn't want the Confederacy acknowledged too toon. Tho peoplo were not ready for it yet, Tho North wasn't yit reduced to an f jtremiiy ol humiliation that would make il palataM for even the Massachusetts doughfaces. We hadn't jet lost e:ou'h .!Jirr, nor mrt with a sufTicici.t ji'in.b'-r of reverses, end ."pent ' warrant the Lop(f. , r-t!i t rt and ignoranct among tht manei, for support. Good Jocaxtrisr. O'Meara, having got tired of staying long at one place, has left the Albany Democrat, and gone up to turn tho crank of the Review, a Cop perhead thumb paper at Eugene City. He will probably next turn op as an "associate editor" of the TVauItingcr office. Tbo Pcvicvr announces Jimmy's coming as that of " one of the best jour nalists on the Pacific coast. The fellow probably had in bis eye Jimmy's journeg ingt showing hi pig, borrowing money, and editing democratic ccwspjpers and meant to any that James was a good jovrneyiit. The careless typo i probably j thought tiio secession democracy was the risiig sun, .scorn jjst now to bo left pret ty much alone out iu tho cold. Their tditors are now probably corresponding with "Uncle Jell." to know why he don't stop the x ar. Ab:l:tt or the Unhid States to Haise all its National Loams. The money article of the New York Pott of 3Ut March says: Few recent change of public opinion are more gratifying than tlut relating to our ability to ric among ourselves all the loan we require for the defense of the national life, without relying on foreign, aid or resorting to the reckless and mi'' ou issue of rapcr money, which some bad supposed to be our only available i he immcno and raiudlx- j . - .j. ...... . . . i the rebel capital was ! Suthly: 'Ihe retreat if ihe Army of the I' after and during ihe .S-xen ' ll.ixs' Il.ittlcs was pr.i-i) it ate and rerun j . in. iti. re. The battl. k were ull I'.uglit In ' the eorps roiiim ii. . I. -t s, lien. M. I ''s only share in Ihe op.-ral.oit beirg lo order and super. i the in ar ' 'by l.iglit. Aid when, li.tov, itltt r the Hill, won in Ins nbseii.i-, he ng.iin f II buk to ll.irri j ! son', he de..nre. of his armv, in t ie ins his' List full the " Malignant hand-i whole armv if sgiiti attacked, nu.l wssi II inner, and stepping lo ihe in. uie of Hail Coluiiil.ia and Vnukee oo.le, rniolions of ntriotuni thrilled toy heart, an I for the tnoineiil, iu my delight, I forgot the present, nnd, looking back Ihnmgh tho vista of die post, I beheld happy, peaceful, proud, ami ptoprrous nation uioxii'g onward nn.l upward (o a hihrr nnd I. older deal IIV, the hescin bght of the world, ihe asx linn of the opprer., and the home of ll.e but lh" Voice of , ,i , i . .i .i i it"" n.o.isrn on- i.o.ii niv reverie, a 1. 1 pr.H.f that a moiinreliy t, lint thing nunc, , , , . , . .... . s ' I rl.-lic'.v.l It i V list l.-It l,L.. j j the looustrr lo the colli. In pit pre. I him the pot, rty i I his coii.l.lioii was l ooj.ii.rnt iIjoiil'Ii. Si mi. or , (, the We have nothing in common with South cm principles, and no patience with .No: th em traitors, and we warn them that the day will come when we will nuke it as uncomfortable for theiu to remain where thry w ill then be, as it would be danger ous for tht-ra to come where we nwr nrj." This talk is in the same vein wi:h the t . i .. . . i , i.-ui..u"i.i p. ... o iiiu v ocot rut . e i t t i i no preparation tor tiit. tisei .r .1 n from the Illinois and Indiana regiments Ut I,,,!,,, b.,,l r.-.oive I on surrendering resource, erowiri" resnureri i,f rnnntrv l.illv responsible for making a ''ijMify Mj confidence claimed for then. Ihe public debt of any nation, it bn tccn well said, "i a first mortgage on all r f a man who hnsn't really much more brains than Asahtl. If their skulls were both scraped, the product wouldn't Gil the empty rocoanut of a passably sensible contrabsnd that of an M inttlligcnt con. trabsnd" they wouldn't near fill. They both have out capital qualification for democratic journalists, however while they tell a good many litt about Union men, they tell a good deal of truth about each other. A Ci jod Gees. Thurlow Weed, the old conductor of tho Albany Evening Ji urns', a rabid " ololition sheet," at tho ' j d moerati called it, has got mad because uyj Alic j cou'J"'1 W'trol the Union party of t'Tuilirnhu,UUi'!Wl''l' ""1 resigned his p-isition as i i . If a a . . . . ol tyranti beyond the Atlantis. Tliese 1 'f'"or ,,e "O1" ns Um mainly to IvrnnU niui. waif, and wicl. tho move. ! rk'"X drift article concerning protni- tnciiU of the CappirheaJi., w Le ttartcJ elf! Mt L,,!on n,cn' w hi,'h " ''t,inS published by uJroj)jing nmi hintt Ufort tht fltc lion? of their purpose to stop the war ly inviting intervention, but these " Lints' two " ao ill received" by tho people, that tho Copperheads changed their lune, and Lyons lay I that " a strong declaration In the tontrary sense was deemed necessary by tha democratic leaders.'' "At the prtitnl momtnt,'' lays Lyon, " tho chlefa of tho concrvatir party call loudly for a more vigorous proaecution of tlio war, and reproach the Government wilh slackness at well aa with want of iucccm lo ill mill far measures." Hera we tee that tho leaders of tho traitors disclosed the secret to Lyons that they were really In favor of Intervention anJ a dismemberment of tha Union If the war couldn't be stopped with out. Hut they daro not tell the people so yet. Il waa thought necessary by them to hurrah for tho wat and curse Ihe Adminis tration for being too alow. They were for tho war! of course. Hut," lay Lyons, " thty repudiatt all idea of inttrfrring pith tht intlitution nf Hit Southern pto- in spread eagle stylo by tho " hand-organ'' and other Copperhead sheet. Our read ers will recollect that a few year ago we detected the Cm p cure en n in stealing an editorial from this lame "abolition" Weed's Journal. The imiJe of that sheet was then edited by Weed, who now con tents himself by conducting the outtilt. Two ycurs ag.j last winter, the Argut, in pointing out somo of tho demagogue in tho Ilcpublieon port, put its finger on thii sarin Wto at a man who ought to be hung. Time ha shown that wo were not much mistaken. IW A clergyman of high standing in the I'resbytorion church writes: "I like your manner of treating the apostate at Salem. I have known for soma time thnt hi whole object was to sell out lo tlio secession democracy, and carry over a many Union men a he could blindfold am deceive, or lure with the hope of cilice, under a resurrected tie inocrary, embracing nil the traitors In the country, dod grant that yon may head otr that arrangement, for I tec all the other paper aro qutuh." the property, real and personal, of each of it citizens." Hence the greatness of the public debt of any country may be meas ured by comparing it with tho aggregate wealth of the inhabitant. In illustration of this principle the jour nil of the Iudon Statistic il Society give the following comparative view of the national debt and public wealth of Eng land during the present century: Wraith. I), 1,1. rercnt. l'l. .".,... M7.:.ll.;i I l , .'cvv'v' "n.ii'iM'i Vt Iv'.l, ,Ci"vl"r ft-) I, , 4 1) 13 From this (ablo it appear that, although the rational debt of Lnglnud i so mu' h larger than in IOI.still, in conerpieiice of the prodigious growth of wealth, tho per cciitego of tho debt is only o in half a large a it wa 00 years ag'i. Applying the same principle to our present fimtiiciul position, wo shall fm I tluit in 1814 the real and personal estate of the American people wa oxer li'.O millions; in 1 8-0, 1,800 million ; in Js:;0, ;J,70 millions; in 10, :i 800 millions; iu 18.10, 0,000 mill ions; in J8IJ0, 10,000 nnd in 1802 tho property i.f the loyal state cnu arcly bo less than 13,000 million that i the properly of the loyal state I better able to bear our present debt of (100 million, than thn property of tho whole country would havo been hall a cvhlurj ago to bear a burden of 100 millions. winter. organ'' of Seymourism jumped Mill" legged, because we said that il the New York soldiers had been permitted to vote, Seymour would have been badly beaten. The hand organ thought hot, a in one whole regiment of volunteer from New York, there was ' not a man alio voted fur Lincoln," and other repiir.enls general ly were made up in a rery great measure of "democrats" that is, men who "didn't vote for Lincoln." The hand organ" supposed of course these men were Sey. mour'a tools, and would wheel into line to carry out the democratio programme, whenever Seymour and Vuilandigham cracked their whip, with as much unction as tlio "hand organ" betrayed tho Union ; ut. Ihe re. kles lies, with will, h the (!..- I eminent, through lis xarious ng.-nts con duct trade ouUidc of the seizures it makes, ... j . . ti... r a,...,.. ry out of ihe rem h of lite poor, l.x la, they argue, . the same end." The Kichmoinl Cmmrer urge (lie peo pie of Virginia to plant com and Hot to. baivo. ll say : ''If the country c.xtiiiol suply the army wilh (his summer, the nrmy't remain iu Virginia. If it leaves Vir gini.t It must be gixe.l to Ihe Vnnkres, who will appropriate not only tobacco, contraband of war, but aei ever) thing we have, nnd reduce the nun try to a wildernrs. If tlio Legislature adjourns j. roil. I honor !.... 4.., t,rl . .i . . - i i :.... . i . . e . i i i , .i.i. i i wiinoui I'roa oiling ine i u.iiiro 01 looncro, onlv saved Iroin that d. -grace and rum by " I . ,. , ' , i - i . . i ,i t an I niiuiring I he I. ben, of Ihe law lo ile- a rain whuh pr.-vuiUd the enemy from 1 ' 7 . , , . .. I a. k . r l.tMff Ulll.-ll HlMtf rill, I IfrilMrlll.f i.w.i I, ..rt. ..r - r. 4 Strenlhly : All l.siide reinforcetin lit were sent lo M.-Ciellati while he wa oil the IViiinsula. The b iters i.f the Pres ident, of the Secretary of War, and of Gen. Il.illeck, inni-lus.vely prove that every rllort wa made to suat.iili M. Clel Ian, that were ever, sent him whi.h were ilei ine.l enali!e to the s f.-ty of Washington, nnd that ihey were him only when no more remained to be S. lit. Eighthly: When ordered to withdraw his army from llarrivm's l! ir, M. ( 'lellaii (leliixed the exeetltioit of the order tleren days ofter it receipt. !y that delay the sad l v of Ihe army id Virginia and Wash ingtou wa immiueiilly en. lingered, nnd I l lllon : . it ,.., ,v MeClcllnli's aiiliseililelit party that had fed il, when Samrmdary i failure to heartily co-operate with roi.e. I'hoji MisaotHi. Mr. V. Driper, of this place, ha handed lis a letter from hi father, who lire near St. Joseph, Missouri, from which we make a few extract: "Old t'nrle Jirnrny baltM notiljr In (lie l.'niori rani until titer l'r-o'.lnl' rr'c-laiiialinn eame out, and Dial was lull, tint niiieh fur hi ilemocralic ir larv, ami lis irnl neer to tli 'run. v-rTaliiea.' hut wlula it H'. Jne,h he f.und Dial here'l he two srl,rs in litis fnifitrr, nn, l.'nion and Hie ollii-r sn-eah. It wmild Ik uvdea, fur me t'i I'll ton whu the r. h-1 iml.n ire in tins eniintrT .ro laerr ilenwrrarr and reli are nne and the same all r li lte, hdcietr i. llii r in Misaouri Ihsn il erer been, th, eiril law is lint eieenlnllhe e has rnt hen a eourt l.'I'l in this m-ti-m In ll.e lal two rears. All BT'iiindrsIs sr, lrir.1 hr inililarr aiillmnljr. I f.l .rfM-tlr af I knnw Ih il a It.Dg a Ihe I riiini li. rn huld (lie reins I will he inieted. Th wsr i hert.minK ,r here. Hjli price, f-ir prodee and laleir and mnaejr plnir, tnslia S'.rne ni'n rien, sn.l n-arir ail lh, t.iii e.n are aiid well ordered i; to "tail on'' to the Five Points " Conscrvotivcs." The blockhead is just green enough to think that a IIV Pointer it the same thing as a flrt Pointer, but Stonemnn' letter may possibly cure him of that delusion. pKirr I JJixia. The Uiehmond Di palch Mirch 28th, quote, gold nl tl premium. Produce wat high and rising. It quotation are : Apple, f'JO to f 00 per LLI., according to quality. I'acon, hog round, f0 to I 7. per pound. Whi'o Ib-mi, (II to tl'i vr bu. (i.fT.e, ! 87J per lb. lirown Sugar, '2't with an upward tenderiey. Molasses, (10 fiO per gallon. Salt 40c 1cr lb. Kice, flOcperlb. (Jommoii whis y, k'li (M-r gallon, gol do , $.'10. A plo liraiidy, til per gallon. Comimq to It. A correspondent of the New York Trihunt writing from tho nr my, say that many rebel f.imilie are re duced to such straits for salt, that they are ligi(iiig up Ihe dirt in their smoke house and leaching ll to get tho salt out ol it. When they get through with the dirt on tlio insido, wo presume they w ill resort lo the di.'t just under the raves In tho rear of their smoke house. This will ha a literal fulfillment of tho words of Kabshakth, la Isaiah xxxvl, 12. ill 'Ul ,rrrijr, JS'ti'ig M ifi.t cl l,c l i ill paid. Aa Iwronrssr comiis.sio?. Secrdnry Slnnton ha appointed I Jr. 8, G. Howe of tin city. lion. Koberl I Jala Uwcn ami Mr. McKay of New York rily, a coinmi. sion to investigate the condition of the contrabands throughout the country. This C'.iiiiiiission Is invested with ample author ity lo prosecute their research' to any extent in regard lo tho capacity of self support of coiofcJ men, Ninthly: Tbo battle nl Anlielani, which wa n indecisive success, might have Ih-cu a compleli: victory nil. I would have been follow i-d by tho destruction or rapture of tha rebel army, if it had been skillfully fought by Met 'Minn, or il he had renewed the attack next morning as luriiside and Sumner advisid. Ttnthly: Tbe protruded inactivity af ter that l.iil tie from Ihe 17th of September to tho V.0tli of t). t iber wn uniieecssaiy, iu direct d. Tium e of posilivo orders, disas trous to the National cause, and was the salvation of ihe rebellion. The solo res ponsibility for il r l on Gi ll. McClellnn. The immediit'e chiisii o bis removal seem, lo have been this I it at nnd most persist ent insubordination. We have no comments to offer on these statements. They nro notch irg'-s ngainst (ien. McClellnn they nro the liinling of an impartial jury ou lh evidence suinuiu led to them. 'Ihe sni.lcnco which history will pronounce, we do imt caro to antici pate. iSul this General, so generally trusted, no lavishly rupj.lird with fuels and material, ao loniiiiliy sustained, so tenderly borno with, ao long retuiiiid in command which ho repeatedly proved himself unequul to w eld, ennnot longer demand thai tho evidence of hi Incapacity should bo withheld, r thn iiidgmeiil ol tho nation bo wilful! blinded. A'. J', Trihunt. n. ii in for twelve months lo come, the chance of this State i indeed oor. Tin I! iltimore American, noticing this beautiful condition of public liberty iu Virgin! i, sax a : "When the Liihmond paper which contain these injunction publish, nl the same time, the rorrcohdenc of Gover nor (.etcher wilh llm proprietor of the Gallego Mill, lhere--refusing lo protect them against ihe wholesale and open rob bery ol their flour who need ujpo,e thnt the people of Virginia ar going lo raise grain to be in like mannrr Seied for ihestippnit of the horde "f locust who In fest and devour their substance! Anil thus it I that, betwixt that the Northern troops may seize upon their to bacco, and ihe eertitinly that the Confeder ate thief will rob llfn's f the.r .on . r wheat, Virginia ll an n it to l.e culi.v ai ed to any great extent ibis yenr, evu il ' I the able bodied men Wi re lefl tin re to .1 . it ; and llm pn.pecl, therefore, is, i.s , matter of courso, tlist the nll Ine p .ll be s'arved out, even if ito-y am not n. i.' while whipped out. " llul what a propel f r'bl V 4,(Wt, , What a .foM-ct for ny H- y w hen Ihe lyrsiits at Ki U"i f' themselve, to nreiflb s.? laiitcl by the farmer, nnd aV"-. ' the ritdit lo rob them of It w.i f - o law or rigm I xioveni'T i o i.ei, w , -i appealed to, declare hi itial.ihly pro ted the roost prominent and n.irpr io eilien of the State, turning il t .. .i for any redre lo Iho law oli'e i . In n the Iron heel of the rniiilnry .'. .poiisi.i trample all law into llm 'Int. Our sympathizers iwitim-cess, i, igM to havo a few wceki'4ierienceof tlu jreal thing to euro they ol Iheir distemper. Vinci n mtti Com rn ere in I, csn t'tlieit, he eon!. I 1 1 um ho vml in ,i, II. I riig--iiolinhri,'ht in ihe Star ' glc.l I'.aiiner, Y.oikre I Io.m!c, nnd 1 1 K t'oluinbi t. heat I there hu.le, loilorn,' piliablc, festering mass of Inav.u, ruin ir mi ar. dr.-iiit Court ronvi-ne.l lu re on Tues- .lax the I'Jlh insl., Judge Wiioii piei,mg. There were tl cases on the docket, rinl and eiimiiial, an 1 bus.uess was bring .i. patched satisfactorily to the (nrtie, li(. guilt, when llm .i,,.n illnc.s of his II no or Judge Wilson tic. -oil. lie. 1 1,,, adjo int, mint of Couit until the of July. TIIK UISKS. Men nre daily arriving in llm City from the various mining enmps North an I Uist. and all agree tint Ihe yi,., ( , k., crop f..r ihe year IsiVd will ,r fir, lint of any previous year. John Day, Powder U.V.-r, (Iro Pino, Klk ( "ilv, Florence, and Wnrreit's Pigging, all stand about roust, In the public estima tion here, and from the indications will pay Inrgely. Iloise excite, ihe most at tention, and from the most reliabl source I am informed llmt tkey exceed in rich, lie ami extent, any previous tbaeovery, Till KASTCa NEWS, We, iii common with the rest of the people on the Pacific Coast ncknowloilo ourselves " nteauiboated" by the latoTelo graphic dispatches from the Fast, After all, I don't know that il did u much In. Jury, The new of Honker' repuht em able-! ns In i. .. e,(.i', I ..1,1. a, "Tiik (ia;aii'Tioi Art."-The rccenl Act of Ouigres to which tho newspapers have generally given thn above title, bul tho actual title of which! "An act for enrolling and culling out (he national fore s and for other purpose," 1 published offi cial! in our column to day, II Impor tance lo all classe and condition of peo ple liable lo the pcrformnnce of military duly will secure for It nlmost universal J nttcnlion, j v i s . 'hl'li' !ner a nni'i' in a hor I I'' Ii- l.s I been i loot y . . legsc . . i x 1 1 ' ' : ii r ti.r. ().,(. 1 I 's "I I il -J lie .. '."I g il ;n ., ! Iiolil III- I . t Ii- d'oV- a I.I to re. I. cm lie m in V e,t s, or it mty let tli .i,i run MisMtoxsiir lsii:i,i.ior.Mcx Tho Mit tioimry 1 Ir mil, in alluding to the finan cial alfiirs of tho American Hoard, say : Tha receipt of tho Hoard for tho first si month of tho current finan cial yenr, up lo tho first of March, have been from donations, I ,'l7,h7.'l, ami from legacies, :I0,.'I77( total, $MrH,V!U4. During Ihe corresponding mouth of lasl year llm amount was, from donations, 10.1,101 and legacies, .'ll.oU; total, l.'i.'IOI.l For thn Inst six month of last yenr thn receipt, from these two source wero llMl.lOl, neatly .'l"i morn llinu for tho first nix. Should ilia propor tionate Increase dining tha latter month be (ho same this ycnft ihn income from these sources for (ho whole year would amount to not fit fiom f.KKtjno, To boli It Ul e so . I mi . :.l Ii il Co.H .It live laelily yeilK. hn Mlii of inli-resl on them is six j -r c"i.t., t,4j ublu souii-umiuab ly i.i gold. Tho bond nro both coupons and registered at tho option of tha pur chaser. Thy can bu paid for In green hnik or by draft on banking house. The gold in which llm Interest on theso bond i paid I derived Iroin rociiipts for custom, revenues, the sale of slumps, etc., which i much in excess of tho interest oil (ho funded debt. A Msnrisrin Patiuot, The pay roll of Co. II. Puriiell Legion, Mary land volun teers, n returned to the Treasury Depart ment, hn the follow ing declaration set op- posilo tha nnmo of J. Kennedy! "Will not receive pay fir his services, having joined for thn good of llm causa and not for pay." AgniiiHl which tletdaislinn the paymaster had noted "uuxur just J." Throo lime three for Kennedy, - Chicago, lf.tli. Tlio Palmer collnn mil' In Mass, wer destroyed by firo ou Kito lait - loss i:0,0(IO, i I