The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, May 16, 1863, Image 1

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1 I'ubli.hc.I every Saturday .Munilng,
T Kit Mtfi
?Jt ri:i ,M M, iN aovam i:.
biseuted with ttoAt..a aiul di,,,,!,!,. Jvn.i
Iti ll cft imi.i be nn.l,. , ,fiU-i',r of Um'woik,
letter fl-om IXou. J. XI. WBrido.
Wasiiinutov, 1). C, March 14, IStUI.
IW t I htue not wltton to you be
fore, Tor the rcusott that ns to news Hems I
would do behind ll.o UloKr.i,l, nml the
olher (unite of enduring interest to tho
wojU of Oregon roul.t n well bo coin
nifiitd on nfior tlio of the session of
Congress as nt the timo, and .oiliops oven
with moro satisfaction,
Tlio winter in Washington lui pmwd
way rulher gloomily. The disappoint.
r people In tlio loyal Slides nt
f tho fuilnro tosupprvsi th rebellion through
y tho courso of tlx lust summer, found its
f C.VIIIVfSion III ..f il... f II I ....
"v " ll HIV Hill tlcCUOIlS.
j That tho of these elections whs
t widely misinterpreted both North nm
South, there can bo no question. Hchi Is
IL-i-n '.-th hailed them i,e.i, evidence
II ht ... rtli wa about to give up the
y contest, while tho hitherto secret aympn.
wnter witn their vdo cause In the loyal
States ln-gati boldly to proclaim their lie
sire for peace, with our " wny ward sisters,"
ml to renew (ho olj clamor of tho fanat
ical slaveholder of Coltondom about New
Kngland'i puritanical vice and mennness
RMirrully, always terminating with nn as
icvcration that sho had censed the wnr,
and that but for her il would immediately
cease. This din industriously kept up had
the effect, as it found utteranee through
many of iho prvsrs of the country, to in
duce tlio belief in the minds of a largo jor
lion of the eople that our division were
( really formidable and dangrroiH.
( The factious course of many ol tlio IK m
4 ocratic member of Congress-tome of!
whom at tho ontsct of the war seemed to '
earnestly opj.orl tho camo of the (Jovcrn--mmt
in throwing evrry oUtailo in the1
e i it i . . I
lornier iieiemteii mono upon lint vote; tlio of tlui two Southern Collection l)itricts-r
hitter received nimli of lis most clllcieut most likely I think (ho uno nt Unipiptit
support troin lilni, iih from being n member I ho tiumiul coil they urge Is considerable
of tlio Military Committer, ho exercised u while tho coinmerco is lit 1 lo or nothing,
lur'o inllueneo in perleeting lis details nml Ono of tho I.aml (Jlllees will moot likely lie
explaining nml urging tlio necessity 0p lis timved eiiht of tho Cnneades by nunlher
emictmeiit. In n it Is remembered that year, lo i t tho wants of that growing
in pursuing this course our Oregon Sen- section of our Stale
wlois cut loose from every lb-moeriitlo Notwithstanding t ho fact that n sel of
member of the Seimto nml voted with the bad mid int fuVlciit pulilio ollleers In years
heputdiciiiit, liny should havu that credit gone by has givun our Slnio on iniavuld
for tho net lo which such nn exliibiliuu ol nblo ri-putntiou ut the different Uepiirt-
pntrii.tisin entitles thorn. lumls here, (hero seems to bo n grout w-
Oregon Interests in tho Sennto received liugness lo do Justice lo (ho people of Ore
tlui kindest attention. Tlio law for nn es gou
corl lor tho fuilnrunlH, nn net to provide In relation to our pollution law, I iwer-
for n treaty with tho I Milium ut Klamath I toin that, tin important division involving
I, like, to provide n new Superintendent oil the rilit of the wife lo Imld land throilgl
Indian A tfiirs lor tlio n-cjoo east of the the oeeiipuncy of her Inisliiino mis been de
Ciscuilis, nil were (Vivondily uoied upon by cldi-d liy Iho Smi-lnry of tlio Interior
the Senate, In tho House, however, ow
ing to the liu-flieieiiey of Shiel, coupled
with his opposition, nil these measures ex
cept the first, failed. Tlio Tost Ofliec Ie
piiriiuent, nt (ho suggestion ol our delega
tion, has established n nuiuber of post-
offices in d.flVroiit parts of the State, nml tho Spring is past, nm hal, return lu re
has inon used tho mall service cast of the nbont the List ol May, lo remain during
Cusemles, Viv, Ae. Tho appropriation for the Summer. My inldn-sH will be nt Wash-
surveys is double Iho amount of last year, ingtou City all letters will bo forwarded
mid wdl iio doubt enable tlio Stuto in n to inodurinir my nbseneo, Washington is
year or two to secure tho lands lo which now a lively and stirring city, mid litile
sho is entitled. Our Imliun olT-iirs, since resemble the ipiiet of former days. Mi
llie removal of Mr. Hector, seem to bo in Harding returns to Oregon on the steamer
better odor at the Indian liureail, iilthoiigh l tlio 1st of April; Nesiuilh will go home
Huntington's acceptance hus not ret been overland about the ll of June by stage
umi: or Auvtitiuixui
Ono siinri (tirtl. lints or K-m, bmlrr oimur.)
OIIO lliUCIliuil, . . . $ Qf)
I'.ni U stiliicitimt liiivrllon, 1 09
A liberal deduction will U msdt lo f.rer of
llioto who idrrrlln bf (lit rear, or qusKtr.
Oijiliiiiry nullrei (other than Imiil. snavunea-
mrul nf ilnitli) will be cU'gfJ Ijjf lh br
rules nf adt artliiuy.
W Tin mimbrr of Inwllons required itioul J
bo uulnl on (Im margin of tht ilrrli.rmtnt, old
rrsUe it will bo .ublU(jfJ until foibldJtu, toJ
cliurirpil nrriirilliufle.
NO. I.
It has been held that she Is ei.lltled to
bold, though ii"Vi r n resident upon thel tnd
eliiimed - proof of ihi marriage tnd resi
dence of ll:o liusband beiinr held sllffieleul
Tho Ourollmont Dill. Hud the rebel net never passed, ours would
Tliero is n great deal of iinneci ssary ex- never luivo been iicccimnry, for tint patriot-
citeiiieni uboul tho Mnrollmeiit bill. It Is Ism iif thu Ninth bus held out aliendy u
miseiilled tho Conscription bill, In iho Hist y.-nr longer than thti eulhiisiuim of ilu.
place, In order lo iiiako It odious. Ills South. Tint rebel net cxouip's nil llin
represi nled us iineoiistilniluiial, oiipr';ivo( slaves, thus preserving tho properly of iho
mid u violation of tho rluhls of tlio iM' rn-h from ilesliuclion. In the second i.lm n
Tlio npposit ion to il arises, lioweveri . r n- Jt i. inptn i nbh'-lmdied whilo ninn for
cipully lioni the fact that most pitipb' bo- every twenty slaves, so llml u man iiwiilng
liovo that, by lis operation tho whole tiopu. ouo buudi-eil slaves can procure exemption
I .lion of the North is to bo forced into tho for live sons or relatives, bv giving them u
iirmy. Kvery cow.ird mid every one who bill of nilo of iho slaves, 'Ueckoiilng the Willi tlio rebels Is 'of Cmirso slaves tr tho confeilereey nl two millions,
Irlghtemd out of their propriety tit this which Is a very low estimate, this provision
proiiict, wlole many men, who honestly nlnno exempt mm I, u wind tlu umml moo,
think themselves called upon to Mil?" at who nro peril ctly iibln to do indiliiiy ibnv.
borne mid provide for their families railu r mid wl hemisn would not bo exempted
iIimii go forlh lo Iho war, tiro reiisoilnbly This onerous nml nniit disci imiuntiou
iilniiin d. Hut let us look nt the piovW,ms ni'ienst iho unor In favor of tin. rich Is one
t.f ilu- bill, divestii.g II of Iho cuiiibroas cr iho " p.-eulir" features of iho slave r
phraseolouy ol n hgd cniieln t; .nml s puiilie. If t. Southern people want to'
exactly il amounts lo. It fl- ltU fight for tludr liberties tin v had better turn I
..I !... ..II . I I . I... I' .1 . ..,... 4 , . I . .. , i. ',. .... .. .
ninn unit nn imiu Uii oeo ii.iin. 1" ' ' fitT'lIU". Will llaVI lllllielt. I 110 lllloll
bud fnre'goers who Inivb tak-b out To. .r j fnw c fle'rs u bounty of lifiy il.Klars forro-
lirsl papi-r. between twenty mid forty live enlistments, but does not muli them coin-
years of ng.', shull consliiiilti tint n itimn.l puUot y, The rebel law, passed nl lime
f.irceS, It llilll IlliiilloliS the eXelnntiiill''. i M hen thi. lenn of sei tit'i. of n cirut iminv
These arc: liisl, all such us are pliyncully : of tho rein I regiments had expired, coolly
or menially unlit; secoml, tho only mmi oi ileelares Hint "nil pi-rsnns who lire now in
i-nee of n riglileoiii Almighty, il Is llie long
tlmo Unit the outcry of tho tortured slave
has been In reaching tho enrol Deify. lint,
ut length, tint long sufferance ol J I o i ven Is
lit nn end. SluggUh Justice nl ln-t comes
forth Ironi beneath tho Throne; thunders
threaten In tin. i-ky, ami limning bolls (Iron
Upon mid blast the laud (hut tins bicninu
drunken with (he blood of these iioor, de
spised mid liieiulless people. Tlio Angel
ol Kelrihulioii is nl last out on tho war
imtli, mid the doom of slavery Is rend both
in the gloom ol sl,irles night nml by the
lirst ilim tapers that the heralds (if ll.tJ
moriiliig hold over our own home, Mississippi.
All who will down the rainbow
from iho negro's horizon? Who wdl arrest
tho sweeping nngi Neiit forth with the
Hauling s on nml i.i I scales of Ins
lice 7 Who will repeal tho I inmit-ipatiou
proclauuitioii ol Alm ghty Coil, wntien In
lliu I look ol Ini-Xorablii ibsluiy, ro proelaiiu
ed from tho fiery iifcutliK of lui tliuii.und
-miuou, mul by the flashing or
I mil going on n visit to Illinois mid 'I wunw depeniling upon his labor fur sup- the nruiies of the confeileiuey, uiul whose
Missouri lis soon ns tho bad weullnr of
inrl lhlr.1 I Li Il' f 11,1 mi..l I ,.. 1 1. ,T 'II.....:.,.. I .f..... .1 I I
r - . - i - , k - 1 i . "i i" i n r inn l Ajniii i.e 1 111 a i iiu i ii' i
Hi in parent or paienls depending upon bis of Ilu. war, shall In. eonliiuied in service for
labor for support ; fourth, where there are three years, The t ' oioii law fixes the
two or more suns of ngi-d or infirm parents price to be paid for substitutes nl n Hinder-
soojeei in ui. in, ino inuiir, or, il lie mr mo men. Ihenliel law lives no,
ilend, the lliollnr, may elect W huh son shall, so that even lis high ns f.'.MlO has been
In. i m mpl ; lilih, the only biotln r ofchd
ilreii not twelve years ohl, having neilhei
fathirii'ir iiintlnr, ami ih peinh-iit upmi lis
pnnl. II is tiotormns that tho prurisioiis
of this law, iiiliuuian, partial, nml oppres
sive ns they lire, liiivn been rigorouly en
received We secured n draft in favor ol
Huiilingtoii for disbursement in his office,
mid brnrded it in advance of bis givm;
bond, so that no trouble could result by
.1 I . A- 1 ..
ino ennngo oi oincers. .Mr. linhllo ui
removed from Ihi Silt 1 agency owing to
......... ... who charged liim with peculation, alihougl
Iwn gathennir in llie imbbo mind. The1,, t. , , , ,. ., , ,
I, , . i.i i, -, , . the I resident made il rather r, uctjiillv
. , .... ' I he I . O. Peimrtmeul has advertised the
to sldvei In the insurn-etioiiarr States the' . .1 , ,
, . "".route for the nm. from Sal Ijiko to
....... , writ if-xeu npon as ih I lie. ... ,,. u- ti. - 1 11
. ,- , ' ' o ui. 4 allii, ami as tliel' tiing w, II most
u..u.i., ami rvrrr up , rut on to u- 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 , , .
... . ' . I tk. ploco soon, our frauds 111 tin
V . """"'"" l'od.rK,v. rand Oran.le Hondo .ll,y,
" T " T ' " " ' " .II o early .npj b.-d with a ibre.1 111..I -lH-ti-r
in Liirrrru an.) il.n - ... -l-i Jit
,, , ... .... ; ' S-di I.ske, lorl Ib.isr, Auburn, Urmnie
. . K'.nile, on I al,.i alu, are
rt aJ.J.Iioiul fuel U the eh nirnti of ' 1 ..
x, . 1 . . . tiis.le on l!ie route
i..iion an 1 (inat'-rtion, rien the
Lr.lUnt siK-vrsses of IWer and P.. wt rans
f4 led to Cricik H - r..n,' t..!e .f J. loyally
hiih threat. un to ourah. I n tl, na.
' I a.itiior'y
. -.i,.v-..-jgerneiilC1-
. s . -'ik lrtl..iiie the
.tc au!h r.!y ol the ! .m .t! Ihr
-.rgui tf a ureal an. I frr.fI ,,
n by pq, the n U mity b.r.. l, f.nai.ce
luraturr.. and the I f,,r tnroloi. !,c
W aia UiJe n, 1 4 of the nat.oi, ,ro
pasved Willi b.f4 Cinvi.M, ai d pw, osrf
the Nct.o.U ' -.. I.01 cf ha tt4i!oioii
nJ the f ti! lir.rt.'I nai. !.of t'.e tnind,
the jmbbc conf.Jid. c to tnnr -
D.y by daf, tf mr.ur d
UesH-ctfully yours,
Ino M 'I'iiiuk.
A Dcclsivo Indian War.
(Siti'AT Salt l4KK Cirv, Feb , si!:l
Our 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 w..r is over hn ( sh.ii'11
nml deceive. 'I'hmi.'li Ci. ('..iini.r c on nl
say, " I oain. I mw, I con. pi r .I,'1 In
tuny report. " I went, I fuujil, 1 oini. t
nl, I exterminated,'' for such,, a
llie fact.
1 1 npiienrs llmt the i..l.iui, mid lo be n
linxlurn ol I! iiiiiih ks nml Shndioin , la elini.ili i In iiihiiIh r liom 'Jllll lo
:io(), ehoiii on I In- iiortli
..lie of It.ur It v... ri 11 luvin.', fill. 1 mill
l.iu-li, .I'l l roiiiung down to tln inin-r I.O'k
labor lor support; sixth, tho f.illnr o ! forced I'V Iho oll'icers of Ihi. confederacy
tnolheiless clid.lieli liinb r Iwelvii years il ' wlierev. r t'o y d ir-l to do it. Throngli
age, ihpi-ii.b nt upon bis l.ibor for support; j out the tracts of country where the rebel
nml seventh, win re lliero nr.- 11 fiillnr aid J nrmie have pnsrd, (lie whole conntiy I, to
sous in Hie same f.imily nud housi-hohl, mil i been nbun.t ih-populiited. Tho ln-t man
two of I ii. nt are in the military set vice il j Ims been ..k-n frm ninny a poor family,
the I'n Slali 10 lion couiu.l-.siiiii. il ofj j Women nud children have be. n leflih sll
cers, hum cans or pr.tat.-s, tho residue- if j lute nud without proh eilmi, either against
such foinlv nud lio.oi hold, not exc. 1-! n ! guerrillas or lieoro.-s. while hc ml Ion.
I w.i, shall l. 1 x. inpt. 'I Iiiih it makes cur- the only hope they had of upporl, has been
ll leei iul provisoes in f.vor ol tie burned wherever found. No one f. 1 Is nf.-
I r 'in I lietpl. s, nud exempts none ol llo front the tcrri'd- nml relentless o.eration
uc'ihhnr i' j of this net, but the wealthy and the eiip
It then il.ilir.s that tho.i. I nbb-,i mli. 1 ,,,. ,o woud'T there lire rebellions
lury iluty sli.ill be 1 nr.'lleil nml ilivid. d it'o ' ngninst this inontroin i.ppr. 'i.n, and im
two cI.ism-m. the i:t coiisi.tmg of lio,i. lo- i wonder that still grent.r outrages bine to
tw.en iHeniy nud tinny live years of njn be . rpi Irated to carry out so boiu mid
od 11 nn dp.1s.11s In lw.11. Iliirlv file ii..ut a law.
and lorl) live, an, I ll.o s. eolid eli'-s i o ! ''h Northern .eni.e liiHtead of com-
nior ol 11 iiiilhoii ol mcii'f Noun run do
this great thing, Hive li,u I leuincriltic parly
in tho Stale of California 1 That mighty
conservative power, niiiioiuteil with 1 1 rod
elii k's l.lniid, wrappiil ill the Coiifederute
flag 11ml l.euiiug Ilu. charm of (he Constitu-
lion, w ill stiuiil 011 the prow of the li-ln r
uiun's boat, like mioth. r Nnzar.iio wiiked
fioin slumber, uml will ht retell its wizard
mind over the lutbuh ut (i.ilhlee ol sbivt-ry,
nud lo I there will bo 11 grnit calm I
It bus been reserted for Abrahniii I, in
coin to iniikii n proelamatinn which will
In n in (In. history ol hutnati fredoui whde
the Mnglih tongui' is remembered; to have
s. I up " a l.iiidiunik of his country's g.-uius,
rear. 1. g ilM-ll nun. I regal ruins mid national
ilisi.iitioii, n nieiit d pyramid in the soli
lude of lime, betii nth whose shmlo things
might iiiouliliT, mnl round whoso lumiuit
lUrniiy tuiisi play "
orru iAt. )
l.wvs o- Til K IMI KIi 8r.UT.-i.
1'iiurJ ut ihf 7 iV' Sriiimi i'f Iht Thirty
ifvrnth CiiHgrru,
I'lni.' ol ..II oilier Minute r. gnlaliotii
ire prei r.ln-.l l.y wh i-li the piniiMoii. j
the net are lo boe.iir oat. nod the l o
Cuwtd, tnatarrd, and Md !, fj,t!i of . . 1 01.
' 11 l" . in. nt as to Imiiiii b.ry, couiiu lleil its r-
the country rmed to l-r treti.-thei,t, and
when the thr.
The Oregon and Washing d-n ib ligitinii
riuleaiort'd to hare a Postal Ag. lit up
.... 1 1 1 . -.
Mi,nteij ia i.h. n.-r insil iiwltin in our
r.gon; lui, iiotaithstand.iig the reason
abb toss as Well as clear lie. .iy ol the re-
j'n st. the IVlu.ilii II, 11. tut il. ..... I it 1. ,
m. The eoj le, in the fulure, w In 11 the
, f t.i .1 ot tie ir mail .nii. I. is lunls no
ban I ti. ur to correct it and compel stru t
attention, as with a good, at too
iiilgl.t U-iloin-. w,!l know it i (loir
ii.t.rists si.!T'r, and will place the rupoui
iti l.ty w hi t it prop. t',y U tongs on the
lisdt.f t!ie I'o'l (tnice l. pirtmrnt.
The tan Territory of I laho w.s organ
i'd at the 1 hull ot tho Sivio. Ilit ,n
ig" I'. roll '! Hip Jv tisli" Willi an ntlieml
j li.ive been cot' pi. ti d it ill alt si(
' b oiii I ie pi t. 'ii. nr..!!. .1, n, '
i'f tr.n.j t' ipi r. I I,
Tli.i.i' wi n is.-aji' tl
lii.lne a. before.
to llm ll.iiiw. when the ihuirinaii nf l!o
..!.. . ....
t-i me b.ut iioiri4' I 1 on ,, t... .1 ....... . ... .1
I I'liitii.i 11 r tii 1 1 1 1 iii'i n w iiiiiii''H UIi
gns II.At 1st Hif a.Mil.t.hd Ml Washing-
' 1 fill it bv 111 it ..HTifl til II,,
. ..I :. . ., ... 1 ' " r
wn .mini, 11 ka, lif pra'CI Mlt.Ul-MOII
of Witnessing rrtidat.ofi in f-for cf ihe
oalionsl caasr, and r'ti.rt on of both
w In r tho stream foriiis n lien.l, Iho inline- j p" r of 1 1. roll.i g and ilr.illin is ti-.ti-J
I. ate of llie ,.). . i, j. f,,i,r or I HI ll'e l'i d r .1 (ioV. roinei l. Thr I ab hir
Iho JO Ills '' bundled yards bin k fioni llo liter j t' Hid l.'ty tlnir nli,,; i-ontii f,k 9
I i.ey iiiim unto o. 10 v.ry 1 01, 1,. I. nt. or vi nr. inim ll.e iit.t i.,y o ,!!. Sdn,
lin y Hun',! liul hate reuiaimd in their I l be enn lino ol. A II. r ti e eiuuil i
stron.'.inl I
Col ('01, in r and b cnuninm.), Clifur
mt toluiitei r. nrr-tnl I efore Hut In
di in Clini but 'I'liiir.,! iy nionnnf, a
I on nf ihe I roops 1 r.-.n 2 the r-tir where
Ihc Imbiiii. wire The I, utile giinind ' in. I I n. t.ry '
li.w - 1 4 1 ii ,y Mi.-. ;.,"!!i 1; e i.l,-'
Ireuip tioitb. 111 si iih 1 ti i-1. 1 in Cliche N'a'.l. r 1 hi-Iiih
The ni'tde of l..t I !, w h ell coiiiiiiil. d li'tee ' Wh-.tin r .1. n!
it four hour. i n 'ir. miiIi d ns ft I!.i- t.'v for t'.- 1 iron-'
A catiilry charge Iti llie brow of Ihe r.t 1 " i iu-ed I y o. all.s 1. ; Hie I in I in in 111 the lnuli 11 'lie rt -.ilr, 1 '', 1 lery tine k no s, -h
p k ng nlT the l"0'p; caviiby hud it i i ' prnporlioii t.f th" enl ire fnree. ,1
colt In ili 'i t iid rnvine, .0 lira ri pul. il; a j "Ho and siili't.tnci' of t!,e ' Co , -'"
fix, I charge lo nlgr of ratine, n-iiiil.i i ; '' II, 110011I w liii II the Jlemneiat. o'iIi-
enlil -nhiig lire, IrH.p j lunge into tin- lou-li, I clans me making such a noie.
bird lijlilnig, 1 nib, Hi. run low 11 r I I he riti r, 1 No tin 10 i Inillniig ilium rse.i'lv n;t-ui.-l
by IrooiH, mrUf, Imbmis tiinllr kill i JT- s.e ittioot th-s b.ll If the leitn. r it.c
cd, foops 11 im inns f.iinl,.. j purli ins w In eoiii.,iin to loudly o il.
It ! il fln iill to i.l if 1 1 n the etnet tinmhi r Would i m r 0 sub.litnte. hp .1 !, Ii,.
of Hie tlioii. One III in. who el nun d to 1 lo in Ige of !o unrits of (heir oi.Mi-il mil
iiave ti.ited tin- Ii il lb- fn . niter the sttile, ! It'll I In V W .11 lint Venture lo do that. Il
aid he inliiit. .1 '.'.'.'i il I India nf Mhnni j i" Mil. Ill tloit unnel lung must bp ilmie.
I.ll wire sioiaws (II Ihe In linn ar : We c innot r. Iy main t oliii.t.-i r fur I it n
pliininir of the !o -o'taii lit Ii II, slniilhl lie
llninkfi I that In-ei s,.ry liien.nri' bus been
n ei.r. liilly en irdi . I'V eontititiona re
sir etioes I.i I th 10 i-itntr.Kt tln ir ehaiiee SO
As CT mull .( i, l. ,t l .-in (,,t tlLM-ttire u(
Hit. I'u.t.ltii. 1 1. M't nrl.l ttunii ll, fui.l
of ih .liiiii i.f June, i-o
lie it by the Senule mul House
of Ui pit si it t s of the I'n.ti d States ol
Aunr ca in Congieis i ml. I. .1, '1 hat the
tollott 11 g sums lie and thes i'iii' are In re
l.y iiiiiniriuti d for the u rtu r of Ihe l'o.t
nlli. it P. l.urlniel.t fur ilia Vrur 1 lidiiiif tltt-
wth th...e t.r the ii.if.'iliinales bn bte 1.0 f Jane, IM'.I; toil t.' ,o,y 111011. ys in
,, r II." iff tb "f Ihe rotif.ihraey. ,, 'J'rea.nry ur.Mng fioni (he rite I
nn. I Ihai k (2nd f.T (In r f.h- in l ing bom 1 ,. ,( I . ..rt itt.-ot ill Conformity lo the
111 a fr o country H.i'iinvdm C'fy utt of the "Jd of duly, 1':;C;
(rem.-, j,r irjiLjajilatioii ol the, (ulttid.)
-- - i . J J I'OH
A ricturo of Elavcry. j IVr fon gn nud trans' o'lab. u, IJO,-
- lAing in tiii'ii the Smium Flag, j (Kill.
- i I ) M. C'irtl y. a giutle-i For step, steamboat, and way httirs,
d In the Stale of Mi. - ! t """
J t 1 cc.ereitJfcl.uw to jsoluiaUrj, (J,-
; 4:;n.tK)0,
0 -I.e. il ok in;: at a pii-lme on ; F-. r i h ik for p-stoAtr", tKill.OOO.
,t .0 M,. ,p... Hie State where We 1 Fr payoielils lo lei te r ll m r, $!(),
-re ih. Sid, tin. I our wlneli tin. innfl igtit no
on t.r nt. I war bis I.e. 11 .urging I ke s,n I ! .'r r0tn,e n.ation of blank agents and
storm, oi, ma .1.. it weie Hie , s. .(ul,t., fii.OOll.
I'lond boiinil. pur.inng nud leaning down F-r w r ipp og pup. r. $ lO.l'OO.
nn. i.iiiooi); iu.-;i,ie. 1 nero SIO.11I the
Inml-llig slue 011 tin" sin Lull blink, Willi
ft" Al 11 grand Union meet log in Cin
cinnati on the 12ih of March, Col, llouk,
of Tennessee, m.tdo a speech.
lie said Ti'iinesseo tit tho breaking out
of tho wnr was as loyal ah Ohio, Thla
had been shown nt nn election held In
I H(, when, by nn overwhelming voto,
sho hml declared against Ji (T Dnvis'a
joint simko conlodcrncy. It was only by
eneieiun mul iuvasioti tliut Iho Sluto hnd
been curried out of I ho Union. Now,
Tennesson wished lo bo rcHubjugnted.-
llm policy was, when wo found a man
who said he did not love tho Union, lucb
it mmi should bu killed, nud bis blood en
rich tho soil that a true patriot might grow
up in bis stead.
Ho w ns in favor of tho rebels having
their coiisiiiuiioniil rights, Tho Constitu
tion nfl'ueil iho penalty ol death (o treason,
and bo wished (hern to havo it.
Ho did not lielievo that ft good man
coulJ b a sicti'sbtiilst. Tho socesi.ioni.te
seoNiod to be porwil of devils, liko
those spoken of in iildeti time. Hioro
werojoni ninh iletiUiu ilu. Noreh.
Wo bad reiichetl n period in this war
when this rebellion mint bo speedily
crushed. It must bo carried on with vigor..
or wo might luno citil wnr at our doors.
'Ihero was n prent deal of conver.dliou
mining our soldiers around their camp
lire., mid ihey denounced Vnlbiiidiglmtii
mid that oilier institution of ill faino thn
Kmpiirer jiuldishvd in this city, iio
found nny timubcr of cnnttitutii.nal law
yers now inlays. A few ye.ire aitico such
iwyers wero very scarce now every
peace democrat was n constitutional law
yer of tho first w.nier.
Ho tlid not believe iho war was about
the nigger in the abstract. If so, arm th
nigger nud let him work out n portion tf
Ins own sulvatioii. At 0110 tinio ho him
self had n whim on this subject, but ha
wa. cunt erted in tho Cumberland Valley.
Tlu-y were expecting nn attack by a lore
lour time, their number, and tliero was
nt tho samo tinio about fifteen hundred
negroes lying h.oc in iho camp, and ho
thought it would bo policy lo arm them
from beginning to end. Tho Secession
bts were everywhere except one, and that
was in (bo kingdom of h.svon, w here thern
, never bad been one ainco tho duy when
j their father, tho devil, was kicked out.
j To treat the sulject more cnriics'.ly, ha
j would ny that thero wero liiiinv iJcino
j erats who were in f.ivnr of the I'nion, but
I th.-ro wire thoso who wer- in favor of
I cco on the nio.t dulionorablo terms.
' Thero was, bowi-ver, but 0110 tnetli.-d to
: rtush out this rebel. inn, m.d that wn by
j the use of tho swuid. Su niolith tsi
1 all that wns ritpiircd to aeniiiifdiah (hie
in d. At (ho ba'.llo of Sumo Kiver tho
: star t.f tleiiveranco In llm down trodden
. I ' i.i it nm of tlf South rc, and it
w is now iViating .uth.ird in its C-iurse.
' With soch a iii.ui ns Uose-crsus to lead
. iln-ro was nothing to Ivar. (Immciiso
j cliii-rh.g.) The first levw.ti Uught bim .
I by his isioili. r was in the Stars and-
Stripes of hi. country, and ho believed
thai It would bo triumph nil lo the eud.
i sue in Iin. nl p. this was Ihe liight of the
I ::d of M-.r. b, such a mote was npniuli nt
l tit its ill fral. A felmrii itriii'fli. . ii.n.-.t 11,
in its dial Irmiii.ti, hnti er full id boi 1 . . .... . , , , . , ,,' ,
: lot Ii irg. ill of (.iiliinriini, (niiipli. II of
and proto.M. Tdr H. f..lngof the t , ,,, . ,
' I i I.I M II II, :J. .11,1 ki Ko '.' of Illii ii:. I
r.t n. about a ib..en arc mppiiMil , haie
A lillllibi T of the Initios w. re iiImi fro-l
Initio in their fett mid lots 'Ihr woiind-
'I 011 Mnml iy mid Tin "l .y, while
retiou: In -r, ili ii nilmiti 1 ring is r-t
entiy it nl S'ti i-n-liilly ili-coiiraged in t. ry
ni n y of Ihe most popiihiii ili.lrlets of llie
North; mid s. cnid, Hut those tho mlmi
Her and co i ,to the fn Id h'avo b.-hmd
Col Connor mnl Ihe 1 hi. I porliou of his i Ibein inrn who inori. than eminti r 11 1 nil
i-iiiiim iinf, w itu soiiii. I
let swurihy innli) 1 rinn lung itowii on In r
knees, . inliiig ttllli the oli.l-,it.t nml 1
tlrittr I In re w as Cut oclarootl stripped'
In th.' waist and tnil ilnwn l Ihe wh.p '
p ng post, whle In r tender (bs'i me in J
iiio!,irn wells UndirtliO many strand, d 1
la!i of the overs. -i r; and tin re, .ni, Was j
iinothi r iufuriiiled W retell, liioiinted on a
boisp, m.d lii-lni g n worn out dcluapieiit '
slave in ro-s the col Ion lii Id. j
I'.ns llie read, r tok, " Are Ihete th'i g '
so?' We nnswi-r, )es We bate s.i n I
nil ihese .ii tuns III re.. life, over mnl over.
We hate sci ti nil llin etiefs. m d hentt !
I'.-r twine, fli.tHM.
I'or I'lliee stun. p, j i'i.iiOO.
For ofbee fiirniliir.-. $.'5,(1. 10.
For ndvirlising, f.i.'i.OuO.
For po.tnge stainjii and slaxjirj tie
tl lopi-S j Illt'.oUO.
Tho fnlloaiug w, intcrcit Ihoia
J ado admire the stern loyally of Major
I (Jetnral I.o.icrnns, and Iiiinianuirofdcal
j ing with traitors;
j llradtpiarttrt A nny of the Cumberland, i
m..u o.,. :..... ..... .. i. -r - - "
I.e the lull, ami finally lb featid Ahl. V. r ir-ui'ili-s, pioseil llirmigli llm city litis lor I Ilu p M-rtnlioi of (lie country It ill. n l.loi k am Is hive i.i n: wo have sum 11...
ak.I il.A I .. I I . . i ' ' ' ' I i w . . . ' . . - I I .
' ' . . I .' ' ' ! ' " " ' " ' i Use Ol Iho OOslnuVcs III Sil.l lit es
and the ret loon l c.tirihroau, bl the !
fnst of bloo-l ani in. ure wh.i it may,
Ii stronger th.n ettr. Ti.e CV.j ih. .d.
of the NorCarsi, an (he rt UI sympt-
thifri that c r ar mini the grr.t iilo t
of Ihe loyal Nttrtb, I' lo (he
aire tn of (.atnolif j ' c s. iit.m. nl, h i h
hn. l....n.!M . ...I. .... . ... t . .1 I"
. m iMi-H-ii ii vui'itr ior ino I'.s i . i . . . .. . t
... " retiry, I strut Attorney, and Marsha
.cif.. t.f it.- - i ...I -
wi ... i miv ifromnor rtrrj . i i - .-in
' ' ' ol thr. new 1 1 rritory. w hu ll n ci rtniiilv nil
that she hml a right lo i l.ntn
A we Circuit Court for Cn. ami
, enl it Ir.umph.intly through 'thus
as pr.iiiib d a c'lti rinneiit for this rxle;is
ire Pgitin, which is s.) iinjiortmil to i's ib
t. I"j.nit lit 'he nj.p.iml.iieut of Col
Wsibtce as Ciovtrnt.r bus giten great sat
i.f.tlii.ll lo bis frauds lure, Willi whom he
is rr popular Oregon secured Ihe Sic
dy more o-bom, and the lm II soon
coiso hrn Ibry w,:i d njj.r from ihe
.,..i t .:.
, , . ,' . Oregon, with a Judge hiving a right lo si
.. i. ......... . . . . .1'. . . i r
, ' ',r"',n "rf,,i.,...M-d. Tl California ami Oregon
contributed .btt in Mwt f,ij, ,,,,,,,,,; . ,Krerd lo r.eotnmend Judge
n a piai;oftn ro Js Of a i.hgte Knit. . i- 1 1 .m t I .. t . .t . . t i i
. ... " J mIiI, of faioornia, Tor Iho I'l.iee and In
tolion to the l.-t t.A ( it.. .,v i ...
, ""'""; ai i i HPlliigly a.Kiililiil. I Ins lion uol
J.ecm.ry.arui. g ..g., f. -(,(ffiM fcl ,;, L- g iB(r-;
scni, ii. ru ng, ks i 'in was ue- . . t . rs i t
. , , . . 1 ( iMirt in Oregon fJii'Le Deaily a), aaaome
Cnrd and oiJ.rli. from ll. oulttl I .
I'ft.iiiu'ng to Ui any art in Ihe ilenunria-!
I ron sup.(rv.
fl I. 1.-1 tmttm Ai. t fl t rt .
. tl.- I :J.i ft - ! i.l It' ......
' " """ . son. i'i Oregon by b It. r lor jmsitions in (he
.lieginmngofU-tKHi utm bending u,e s j. i,,H,M , ,0 j-nre f .1. I -1' f . - '
'".iiniiv ui iitv ri'wisn, ana Rste n
. nearly and ii.Ouer.lial nj j-orl lo all me as-
area leading to ibst en . Nsmilli'a jei
,tion, Ikoogb not m will d.hVd in adtanre
I that of liia fo!I'gi, Iss gisrn great
aalitfsction lo tl.f frrid of the (Jotrrn
tnent. A !emtrfal( ail aori.tieg in
gresl Rieisiir with rrifmUn of Ih.l parly
whose devotion lo l!, cn.l objtl ol ut-
fnpurnl tint commission shall bo con
bind otily on those in Iho service,
Tlit m la strong iffort being made, al
ihe mggi.tion of Iho I'chral officers of
Wailiii.gtoti Territory, lo lotto Viclur
Hmith, tullrcior of Custom! at I'ofl
Tofiitciid, W. T.. rt-nioved. The
showing rns'io agntut hiui a. an
I'fT-iititt and unwnrlhy jmblic officer Is
tiling the itrcrtl rsVli't was trff noes-1 . . .. ., , . ...
' ... . ' ttery strong, and if Iho Ken Inry of Ihe
dionalle, Il was j-s.r! b.nd that Ie!- ' in , . . . . . - .
. i Tfrss'iry should sustain bun Inilt finneo of
would run hit l."ifhi a " ial'S lo aid ., , .in. i. o .
rould J'lin hit Coj j
ia tmbtrraising iht fronds of ll.e 1'nion
rut lo Lis crs J I, tf il . d, ih.l in spit of
liii U'niocrvy, hs !2!iL of l.'i 'iU rsn
Istn, and Lit oj j,( an Ii soma of the mol
fnililftfy mirem'ii's h at !' renotal
of .VcCleilan, tl, Iiiocf of lh l'rr
mation, Ac, L tntuiul'j ropjeirt'd almot
rrry Admiinslrtrfrn rriiff Bfg'd during
ihe last Congrttt. Tli Finance I' ll Ih?
roost important fr!ief j of Iht ftiofi
nd tho Contrripln Arl, arafevfy im
Iheia j roift and allegations, It wdl tin
iloiiblnlly b ad lo an hirrtligition by Con
grru, as s feral Senators who hava be
come contffsanl Willi (ha furls say Ihey
will insist njH.n a full investigation, if iho
Tirairy II j.nrtrn' tit Insist upon corning
up iho fault bf one of il subordinates,
Tii salary tf (he iJej.ttly Collector at
Astoria I hVd In thn future at $l,.1nO,
in roiiu-'i'i'Mire. of dispensing with Iho In
jtft!'irhip ( Shoalwnt'f liny and the
cofTf-tor of I'ortlnnd, Tho Treasury I)e-
portan!, wrr J lirwS loi 7 I f-r !m- r.l M fn J'. 1' r.'a' lo lo1iib Wif
niny oe ui
.p..i.r...l.,.l T.F I. lii.. ... 1 .1
.i.i ....... . ...---...ii. I.. iii. in .iiu iiiiii nil an inn
ml. iiu pomes nml ii.tir i Hurts uml in I oy nil ll.eir stepl'ic s ! len biius nud cold l.lo.tde.hiest of the nm-1 ...., I ui v....',, im...i. it .. r
I ... I V ii... ir... i si i ... t - .i
i. - tit-. i. . . . ...'i ... .ii, i. ii ii ii m tor in,.
aft. riiooii. would nisi ns M.'l i, . 1,,,, i ....I... i. 1 p ,.,.,.r. I.,, I....... ui... i.i i i . . ' : .. .'
I I I I - .... I.. I ..... ... , . , . . ... . . " .
H , i in .a. lii ni.i.uiry iiniv oy nutneii now n anil lorn lot.iicis oy more; c o t ...i i. . r....e. . ... . i m ..
.1..... I..-.I a.l .1 ,i!... .,....,..1 .!. t . .... .1 ..... .1 r... . 1. ... .'" - '-""'"" '"'T em, ,e, .1
: .'"" ' ,J .; : " """ 111111 , l"" " " '""in. i, m i.M1,r i. i...r..i. .....rA.
raM'nl W ill lift more Iroliii e tin. nassin r , St II nniiil.L tin' ein inir. t, il,.. ...,ir . I. I ,..l...l l t I... ......... I -.1.. .1. , , . . ' II
n 1 r , i.."i, in.i'i iiiv
t-ill gralma on Hie (If. L'on trail.
'I ne tnliiiiti i ts lost '.II killul nml
woliiiih d.
Abirlni-sboro, Teim . March 1. 1863. I
I Sk ciI Field Onb r. No. 67 The Gerr-
era I Ciiiiiiumiilii g bus I his ilu r received tho
For mul ib jiredaliotu and sjacial V'-tion ol Major Kelfut, of the 15th
"'g' nls. f 7.1, (10. rsuin;T regiineiii, ill Wl.icn lie BSttgn!
For 'mail bovs (bngs) $r,;, no.) j n rfkMn thtrelor the srntiment of iral-
For m nl 1,.,'ks. keys, and'm sclluiirousi ll,r ' rucn.y to his country, who
item., $IO,iini). , desert In r when nrmril violence ai-
F.'r p .v'm. n't of bnluncri tluo lo foreign j ,N ,,,",;"' "'c Constitution,
ci'initriK.'f Jit) tin) j the FIUibum of our rights, lie i di-
For miscellaneous ..ivmeu. $.'.:.00i) ! li""or',,,. domi.scd ll.o urmy. Nono of
of which lint it ilnof it (Kin v la- ui. ' lUi,f' ,'k,' "", I'hxjisocol old " Itrain
Amoiimi In' I'm nr - S ill I, ake,
April 1 7 1 1, "! lii nm h it Cmiip Iio.ig
It. no the I .'ih in-l , with l.'ttl iiiiii lo
cbii"li!i (he Imlii'is who Iiave recelilly
eiioseil much trouble on Ihe overland rmile,
lie Was pricuhd by I.i.-tlt. Il'ilieyniiill
with five no ti nml howll.i r, nl I'd nsnnt
linive. Tiny were ntlaik'd by fifty lie
diaiiS Killed three, ntld kepi their I no
lion until joined by Ihe couilliiiml. We
found "nil warriors 7 mihs south, em
lieiielnil in n canyoii w hich was i oiiiier
eil impregnable. Cpl lVice, Willi folly
men, was Mssgmil iho rghl Hank, nml
Flint. Clntk thn left, while tint Coloin
it is fifty iiiiii nml Iho bowiiers brought
up tho center. Iho Imbmis were mm
pii lily surprised, but stood one hour, when
tin y were loi ceil Infill Inn k mul were
followed iii a running fight 1 1 miles in it
ery ibrcclioti'. 'Iho command killed .'in
Indians, captured n largo number of horses
nml nil their iiuph of war. Lieut
I cel ask. Hi d nl Iho first discharge, mid
0'irtcrni.islcr's Si rgennl Itrown nml S r-
gcniit I'oolb, woiimbil.
AsoTiiut Fioiit Jt IT Slniuh fi-r's pnr
ty, 100 strong, have returned to Unite
from Mullieur, wberu lin y had fought Ihe
Indians a second lime, killing some twenty
of them without the los of a ainglu white
A CoiTr.niiMii Jinny riMsitrn A
li'pntch fioin Sun Friincisco, Aptil tilth,
snysi T. M. Ilurnrtt, Iho pernm who rode
through lied lilufT ixhibiliug n sicession
flag and hurrahing for Jt IT Davis, wns I ti
ki n over lo Alcnlrnz yeslenlny, hnving
hern si iilenred by Iho Court Martini lo
labor b it Jenrs, or lint. I llin close of ihe
war, on Iho forlifientions, with a bull nml
luiin on his leg. (Jen. Wright approved
tho aenleiice of (ho Court Martial.
friend, ol tho country.
Another objection i that iho powrr
ukeii from ll.o (Jonrnnr of the sever
,e f enira Is traded uboul the groiio I, nod will, i rit..,!f o,, of m,y mom y in il,, TI.,.
j . ... throat still bleid ogfiomtho angs of , t I,, rw i.e i.ppropr.ate.l. fr the 1 1 .cc
is, the dogs. Ueluivo seen met. s. II lli-.r ,,f ,u. (.,lMr,, rtniral route
nl a gnnt and iwnllottr a cauul," art want
cd in this army of patriots.
l!y command of Mj. (Jen. I.oecrnns.
II. Til RAM.,
dpt. and A. A. Geo.
A Oivmi PHnrosni.tst. A regiment of
Missouri soldier in camp nt WaTenton.
j in that State, on tho I Si la Feb., adopted
iiiheu iioin ll.o (lovirnnr of the s-veriiP clnldr. n and ih.-ir son's ihihlren nt pnl.1,0 I .s,c. .1 And be it fuithir milled Thai ' rcsolnli..i.a strongly denouncing Ihi
. I..I.I ami bidg.'d mil,,, bunds of iho I'n-si ! auciinn. We hive seen a woman w ill; n ! j rnM. ,u. r,v, , , r;'e P.-i"!"1"" ii)''vcinenl 'of Northern polili
iiiii iiii i..iij. in oroi-r lo re- i.ti us wioie us our own, strippeil lo (he
fole tint ul j.-cth.n, lo r. f. r In Ihe nbili' S ; waist, Jim oin d 10 the W li'ppwg post mi l
which have existed under the State tnihlin lashed till the blood inn down to her heels,, Iho i-oiillals or authority, the con-j w Inle Iho scars were nfti rwmds washed
fus oii of nci nl, ,md the unlit appoint- j w ith brine to prevent the l iecnited hut k
incuts, which I nivo So interfered u-iilt thn . of llie I le fioni belli i llv-lit.ii. ii M.ipi.
Mr. wiiinglt! in nsi rlion nml nrgit-
tnent nml .ptiel Irulli (li'njipcnrt amid
Ihc iioi.e nud roiiluoon,
iiiibtnry npi mi ions of tho last iw t-,-,irs
I t is s iflieu-ut to say Ihut the obecl of the
Kiirolluieiil net ,n pp Si nation of Iho
nation uml the crii hiiig of the relit II on,
linll that the I'resiihlil is Committed by
law, by iiitensl, nml by Inclination lo that
duty, I to Ihut nloiie; while Iho (Joviril
orsoriho sev r.d Matt are not only nat
urally lipl to look, first, nfler tin special
inti n-sls of their own n ction, but' midie (,f
tbeiii nr.tnl vnriiince w.lh tie. iVesidenl in
many iuipoiiuni pomis, nnd j iMly su ptd
oil ol luki wai inm st in ihecmno of our
f nun country ; nml in iho onur-n f i;,,,,,
their number iu..y bo not ilioiiiiis,.-.t, ht
increased, S' If protection I her. fora Im
.er.ilively r. ipiires that the wholo business
of ruisit.g the Army for iho proleclion of
the iinlinli shoithl be lb legaled to the law
fully consiiiiit. ,1 i.,id of ihe nation. Tho
siinie lliiug has been ibme In foro in times
ol Imminent in r.l, nml wo thus havo iho
just ifli-nliim, not only of necessity, but of
prei'iiiem. in lime ol pence ft grant of
such jiower would be tinm c. siiry mid dan
gerous. , time of war it Is necessary nnd
essential o ly, That many cases of
hardship will occur under ibis law we must
cxp'ct. liul no individual suffering or
liU'Oiiveiiience mi. 0 bu lorn luoiiietit com'
pnred lo Iho disgrace nud humiliation of
tho American pmpln In iho eye of Iho
world, nnd Iho terrible failure of Iho en-nt
exiieritnent of n ih tuocrtitii! form of (Joe-
eminent, which would bo iho Inevitable ro
still of Iho sticcet. of this accursed n hellion.
1 1 I n significant fact thnt wo hnro been
nblo to rely up to tin's limn on the patriot
bin ol our ieople, whibt tint rebel wero
forced In les ibau n year nfter tho coin-
liieiii emenl of llielr wri lched cvperitnent
lo resort lo a gnnulno consorlplloii net of
the tno -t rejilii(j nnd opjtretslvo finliiro
limit tin., we have seen nn old man, crip-
(.arlment are iti.nflicient lo in. el Ihe np- "'" nn'1 i""niltn g. n tlio only tcrma
pp.priati.ins mad., by this m l Ih undrawn 1 " ,''pr'""'e. the fallowing:
biilniui-s of appropriations hereto We made "ll;'d vt-.l. Finally, that tho only com
tosupi'ly delieieiicii of llmt depi.rlnirnt ! v ''ich we m ghl, under i-iisting
are beniiy nmde nj.plicablo lo Iho ityim nt i '''iiinat.iiice., const tit to imko with Mr.
thereof. ! 1'' ""J hi snppoiter in tho South, la
S.c I And bo il further rnarl-d. That I the adojilinn of a cartel Ihut M copper-
I with chdlbbiins, whipped lo Ihe fi. Id. ' iu. ., f ,-. ooii I... r. i i,'.... ,i. 1 head" be exchanged fura Fnir.ti cimscrint.
t r , - , , - j-.. ..-.-.. tinii-n Ml i lltilll IIH ... ' . . I
u obi I in so Ls nf iu ..... . 1 . . . I 1 . I .' .. . t . . 1 o.l I i a
" tttiv s-ms T mi lilt I' I t WHO PIIMIIIIIIJ'
off witti rotteniiiivs and ubvo with nmg-1
.... ... -
iiiuiroorintioii for tmi.-r f..e the i,..l,li.. ! '"" mo I limn men III tlio Hotllll shall
. . i i ,
Tin so arc some of iho npeets of slavery
which wo havo seen for ouisclf, in boyhoo'j
nml in nialiifer l.fe. They nro tint " iili.t
blioii lies,'1 but nro t Itu observations of ono
who was bom uml lived to nbioi-t man
hood r nil Iho inlliietices nml j.r ju lic. t
of tin cruel, n llior.-ii h-.tuml thrice ilanined
instilulioii. rhn abolitionists have not
told, nml never knew ball ol the liorribl i
truth, or if ihey have, (hey have not been
believed. Tho scene nbovo rt luted oa
cot red In I.owmb county, .Mi.siMippi,
neiir (ha town of Columbus, where in the
tend, rues ol Ihc young child' henrt, We
havo listened syti'pnlbi lit ally lo the pililul
coinplaiiils ol Ihese poor It people who
h nrned Unit wo would not In lrny their
confidence. Il i Into enough that Ihese
tiro the most horribio feature of shivery,
that nil muster nr not cruel; but mercy
nnd kindness nro Iho cxecjillons, ami cruel
Iy nud slimy heitrtedm s nro Iho rule ol i
coarse tiiimled, bestial devils usually nil
idoyed n overseers.
Now, will nny Northern doughface, nny
cold-blooded Demoernlio paras. te, who
hi his prodigal longmi ithntit the shot
sole of slave holders w hoilesplso hi nn
in I urn 1 servility, bo nny longer nt n Itsa lo
underst'iml why wo hate un iuslilitiiou
which I held accursed of fiery Christian
linlioit, of every human impulse, mid w lin-e
uuspenkablo wickedness is Ion ver rising up
in r.ll its black, iiisufTerublo lii fortnily be
foro the judgment suit of n Jut (I oil to
whom Iho ruila toi.giio nnd swelling heart
of llin negro (date havo been crying hi pill
ful iibnndontm iilf If thero wero ntiythiug
that could destroy our faith In (ho csnl-
.ruititig provide. I for l.y net npprou-il
.Alanii it, Mij, rntiiled "An act im.king
nppriipriitlinns for the hgi-l itive, rii-i ulite,
I judicial expenses ol the (J.ncriunrnt
for llie year ending Jut.e 1,0, Mi;t ami ad
il.liounl np.r..irialions for Ihe tear eliding
.lime ,.i, I Ml..', ' to eutblit Un. FiMimaster
Oi in r il lo pay therefrom iho romju nti
lion of the h ink ng. iils ami tlmr ass si.
nuts, In rctuWo paid out of iho npprepr.a
lion for iioiioHli e blanks.
See. ft. And bo it further marled. That
the IVimasii r (Jeiii be and he is here-
by nuthori.'d lo contract ami protido for
lint trim. pot latum of iho I oiled Slates
in nl on the sle iiii-h'ps rnuulig lulwrrn
Shi FrunciM'o, Ciilifnriiiii, ami Victoria,
Vancouver S l-laml, lo bn iMirer..
CriMviit City nml Triiiebid, Cahfortii.
Astoria nnd I'orlbind, In Oregon, a often
at Saul Memiisliij. Iiineh at Snid (toll
n lined, nml nl Fori Altgt oi, tYa.hinglnn
l'i rriloty, ns often a s od sleainhi ap
proiii Ii or pass llial point coing In or re
turning from Vii lorisj and that Iho mail
sejticn roviiled for by tho fifth section of "An ml miking nppro
irinlion for Iho service of the jHHlnfTiee
ilepailiaetil during the iWal yrnr Mid ng
Juno .'10, inn," shall tease on ihe lermina
lion of the )rur for which it was contract
cd: I'roviih-d, iievettluless, That theaer
vice heri iii provided fi.r slmll not t xctt d
Ihc sum of 1.01)0 per nimum.
Approved February P, HC.1.
I.ow Fsni:. Siemin rs rc now rirrvlntt
passenger from Forlbtnd In Un- On lb fot
$1. Fiotn (VI, lo lo Iwis'on Ihe fare is
$j on tho ' Kiyu In. White' Loit
Thi ii t iio t (Tret of opposit on.
h.ite been rclt-nsetl fr.nn conscrijtion, and
llie "coj elieniU"obinin their appropriate
po-ilion with their Lrvlhrni in the South
t-rn di r try."
I'ATitii.Tiiti ox Viujtoi. Ono of the
Committee of Arrangements for tho Fnlon
loeeimg i.r last Salurdny nl tho Academy
of Miisio culled on a proiiilnent broker in
Wall street fr a small subscription lo aid
in pnyiog Iho rtpense. Tho brokar
s-ked how much iho iiiccling would coil.
The ntiswrr was, not far from C0O, In
cluding rent, ndvcrli.lng, Aio. " Very
well,' anld ihe broker, H semi mo tha hill,
' iy it wm,;m and ho did. It mar
be well enough lo ml.) llmt the same bro
ker Im re I used Irotu iho beginning to buy
a dollar ol gold, or do anything olso tit
throw even apparent diacrvdit on the Go v
eminent. Ki t niny Fett,
..- . -
Coxvtctrn, At Iho lata (crm of Ihi
Circuit Court In Yamhill county, Zcbulon
Griffin waa convicted of tho murdrr of
Franklin D. II. Slinne, ml woi arnlenctd
to he hung on (he Dili of June next.
A I iho same trf in of court, Win. Hca
was rout it-led of prand Isrrrny and MDt
to tho .cn!lenliary for Ihrre yeari.
t T'" Chicago Tribune twits: " W hava
receive.!, within tho lal len ilara.fifi-
icivit b tl. rs (by actual count) from our
Inavu buy a in llie field mostly from pri
t nte soldiers all breuthing iho aama nura
; it it of patilotisio, dt termination lo fight
for ihe preaervaiit.ii i-l the I'nion to tha
Inst, ro d b lind of tho coprerhca Ja in tha