Til M O K I'KION AIM. US. IIV l. W. It Ui. V'ffK.V.V OF Nl'ltscidl'lios. Tht Atgi" viM" fuiiiitlir.l al ''Aim Dull,,,, f,r "", '""' mli"""-'. Wktn lht mailt if i mil pun in ailraiirr, 'i Italian " thmnnl if j,,,,, i , ,,,,, ,r I'ift Italian ul Iht fin i.' Me ,rr J'lfil Italian Will lit rhaignl fuimt imo ,,', fla mlmiii)iliuii'rtetirril Jm a Inn (ie,,,,,, A'll il'r ititrimliiiuril iiiii ,, m,,,,,,, ,,, (, (l(, unlrful lri,ili,i 11 l'ir ,,;, ,,,, iVmtf raiittlwriilif Jii t rritit. AH W Urn. MfV'M Mi'imiUitt In rti Ul. A Illl'IIIOlilll ll III)! Pivniiit( Cordially Ctldnrsili;,' til" conduct of (icti. John ,M,: Nkii. in NiirtVwhl MiHxiurl, Ih Iii ciicii luted liml extensively !ncd by the 1,'iiion iii-ii of llmt region, We iiiuLii this t-xtrui't fniiii It: '' ' KrcrlUnrif, Ah'uhum .ihkh, Vm'.i'W i'h- f 'iioV, .Vfior; Nmiiiuiis' Muriu m, .l.in I, si;:i .. Your iiii'iii'iniil -N, loyal r.l i in of tin- Vailed Siuii' riml nf ilic Shiii' of M.-MHin, risiirifiilly n present : Tlnil mure Hi" millir. nf the pre i, Hu ll'111'. N r t i i n M nniri, in imiiiiij.iii with th" Soulie r.! part of the Si ill-, In. Iii Ti-ot - I liy hordes ul , j, ..rs, popularly known iik yiirrr ll,o, lln.ii.'li HlVlill III' Ml.l lV' H " C'llllei. Hill' Hi! ,l , ' by ill "i'1 rul" irnl unpen, p -, n,. n, liiivlii li 't i-vi'ii tin' form ul i,,'!i -.,.1 ruin liii.s:iin f ruin tin' iiiillini il c ul' t !, mi nil! M.l f 'iiiifi-ili'mti' State -.iin.l uli uf w.irf if" h it e lii'i n niilv III f ii fcf .v ".m-mj jM'v,' ctjii'i'i .I.'VoI.mI l fl1(. Im,.,',.st.4 of 11m, LuUnn- Classes, xuj.l advocating tho h'uU of Trutli in every issue :Ji!: Oil K (J o (MTV, (MiK (J ON, MARCH 14, 18 f,H No. 48. ClM I l.i link: l.l'lt. l..Utv- f.,,111. j I v.v.ri, .In n. 51 lo A.ii (!. I Tl, I!.-Im t . i i.. i .... I ., . , . . .-' ' j i'ii. ill. 'V 111.1 111 lie I Iiiivh u,t ivi'i'.ni lii 1 1 ,.!. t,, I... I i; . ii.... ' , , ----.. ...... .... u 11. 1 Kill lMllli.,Ji,, r.. IIJ f -in. t,,n. ,r..;f.T, llmt tl. .,.,lry Ukxx urn x, ri,, , i 0v,rwl,i.,. or iilimit I ,(l Ml mu m. wliii'h l. Kent .'Ki 1 i,, f,,r..,. t., l,.'l ,.,l.i....i : , . . . ; -.-.....in i'ffljr li,',l 11 w lll, nil "I Illi' Hit 111!.. II ' 1 1 1 . I' l'( I III 111 II 1 1 1 1 hilvillll'l. llil'lwu.n i.r ,.r .1... I'.. to ilinlioy II,,, ,u Ti'ii- ionihM - to Mirimsu tliuilooin. il torn in a . , Ti'lllH HM'r nf (J' li I .ut fi..k .1 1 I - . . V . l .hi in ilium, ,vi, HUH lii'in lii'lll'il from (J. ii (iniM;;i r Inn jni ri'ivi'l u ili'uilr finni (Ji'ii. Cirl.T, lit M.iiii'liiKtrr, H ho is mi li: fi tDin, htiilin;; Cuit im iu ti'iit if mhiIii) nil I itii-.1i it In fun) it I'm tlie Ar;ut. Tin- Wriifl. " What is it? 'A nilnimrino Lutti ry lll.l.rHHP 11.' Iin.nit U..U I ,.!....! ..t V..... 1, ... . ........... ......(., lib IihIjC no o:ii) Hill l;o iiito i-iinMim lit ... . .. - . . , n . ii i l oik not ioii' miiuu. Inu following dv this In-inliii'", luit. on riflictioii, J do not .... , . ., . , .... . . ... , ,. Mr.ptioi) of it is given l,y tLe Coiiimi'iciii! fare if tl.iy do, fur n it hliould even htop .... ....... , , , Advertiser: their vitul lirciitn, it would only huvc rope. . ,. ... . . . .' . . I e appearance of the bottery m novel None l,ut kecssiouihts or scini-KeeoMomsts fr lirilR.(J V(.ss,.t i, ...,..,.,' . ,.,. run to t into Im.', or nt fi uU lii-lur,! in mip- jure l.krly to olijict to a druft hhoulil it lie- dry ;oodB tine, with nn nddition on one portH en ii eomi' up sneli whk mi!i,t,inti:il!y ,.0,e 11(c-c.sii ry to ndso tin.' six Imiidred ' in wlik'li tlie port hole, tlirouh which ill" niiii nt l,! ih Mnii. H iII'k i:ii,ir si,ii,.i, 1 .... tin. fritn r.rril rtwli.B ia ell .... I ...I 'II. r. tin' :ii)ili Im i ntii. v ,i,.ir,.. ,i ii, r r ,11 ,. . ,, ,, , nii'ii rroinreu i,y iiio uovt rnnr iit. o ho "v "'" )"" "", o....,n..u. nu cmi, im . m. im in ii. I) (i.,i.,j,., ii,,, 1 I. mi I'.ur (),;, (, in, h'H M,w (JiMviton. '. r- ... 1 . . . . however, wi he covered l,v ii sort i,fi,(,r,-l, nn, inti nt' . i,r,iL" h w.i im in I nf t'm ' . sii't,. .m,,! i 'i,rr ,.i .i. will Miy tii.it it n a mutter o no cone- ,. ... '.,.' . . f " h i iMi.i' , hi, i i, i ,'linlr, iiioio. Am I iievrr ; ' , tlie dm: u oil rcfrulutioii oi wl.;uh it would nil. fiv.' I.iiii'livd ni.. lii'iy r.l..li wer- v.mh tliii i-ir.it.-:y mo. i! Miccis-fid nt ii,,.. 'i'ii.v wlu'tlier or not the kix eoiiipMiiie.'. I()t , pr,er to print. KKrwg ami in k I"-1, woim.l.'.l mid l.iki-ii pruomTH, ki'V.'ii 'imtHi't tl.iui nt .MiirlV.'iBlnir. Our rijflit ur nuM-iJ? U it of i,o eonsKpn.-iice to t;r. s nru ol.lnined thronli the top with n lulu ll'.'d hi ne . linn., nn I i I ..,. ,111,1,1,1,1 wj., ,, Min.r.,l'il-ilii'Hi'iK.ii.lv f .t illi' .i. :i i .. . . i l,n!,l, ,' U'l. ,.t il i ,.r..t. I ,,r ,1 ti. i ., ii - 1 ' J ii""... oiomj en Hive e, in,., en i.ii.v nuvi: r" """ Hour t.iii! mIi mil nt! r i.lnl it,,,,-.: Mr,,,-, , ., I.i,.n :.,. II, , i.,.i. ... 1 . . . il ,.r u-;tl I.,. ,.ri r . t,.,li Irt . iv'i.pu I.. TI,,.L. I. f il i i, v. iia'u u I '""i "I"' 'i I ii. nt, vi' in.. I Iu., e,ii' wi rn 'li-irov. i A lni k ri.iriin .li Im, I; pl ii'e i.i lie' Wmil i liii'l,". Kiel iihutlu r al J.iiii s i!t" Wi I.. I I, ut in, I,,, ii 'I I .ji'il.iio.i i-, e1, iiiir'i-r .. I l.y (ir iii. ' r ii I, in,' line i,f ll.e ni,,-t h i.irloio nn I il.ir li.. of ill,. V. .H-, nu, u'k i.l'i i. i i Witn iiii iiee for jieltit,' in 11 rid out. 'The ii,le- lliD-e entitive children thut l.uv hei'ii in kh.verv In tlini.e il, irr.ulril kiivh'tii Ii in, .ii, iiiii.ih cniis, cjssoiis, mid ulinoit ' , .v.rMl,iL'.l-.', In f.,r.. ii f.ii.ly knew that ",r l"n" H 11 01 '" ' ri-r of the Uticry i very IU that of n tin' I'd, I -:m wi in ii, ii, ii it. '(Mr Ih-h in to liuvi' ll.e eii,i;'rmit rond ch and out m turn I, ns f..r ns dimension i.ml iinl.iird-n- lint in li.'l.t 11 i' i-. t!,ut i ni '-rmils limy he (i-eiire in future u room nre coiieerned.' I lierr is no ' Wh'i i' in, up n i IT it h ii'.l !i i. in., ir;v it ,,n. ,m I., I,- oi I. , In ! the lit i. it ui r nt!'l!i" iintiire ul tin'' K.id prii. tieed ly l.i'uv .y ro'iln i., ihi.'v, I eoun'ry, lh h'ii;'il. of the ronie ( i.e.n iv Uiur.l'riri iiinl iih.iiIh ,cl l.n.n li,,'u , I wo li'iielnil m Dlif poiircu ri'i'i.llit on in In I,.', i'. n, ! eh ini I I , n un tliey lliltr) IU'ViTttl' h'M hot lil.l , t.i w,,' filriitli'sl war oniint till' i-r II I ii-t t -4 nf -..ill W II V Ill.i lie n Will H'lil.ll .l.ti'lH; pie.ty nn I t ll;,';, i,ey il was nior than tw iee thnl, ill II," fir. I In hi i- niter the ll'lnl nltin k nil tin' tii,,n: ii;' of t',.' :il!; wli.le the ;.'lie!s I,... I not lo t t wo h:i.n!n .1 'I'll, )' hud llnis iliniur.il i and d.s!.i ni'ti'iii i! inn' whole nni.v. n m'iorilv of whom looked ll.O t'nited Sliile mi 1 of II," St ilr nf M.s ii.iri, pii I lu'iiinsl t'l" pi- ii ,', n.if. ly nn I lnpi'ini'H of the loy.il r.t -ii, nf Vi s Sl.il In lni4 lining tin y lime i,iiii,v Iv r drri d lion roinliiitiiiit-', l.y Ihiiiu , In I.IHIIII.,', "v euui.. nn r n. Ill Ml, 1.1, i!i. r nt iii r rr u I, mhii'ii m m I in'r , nu iielU'il'. I'M-y li.v" I... I ii.t.i i i.'.. i tfj,ii, k lhii.' mi l in i. in "! I . I :i i I e i It' li. irel I I' in.; Ill i inn in ',,1 p. I I t!i ,ri n( w oni. u mi I 1 1,, Mr.". 'J':.. In. Iiiini'd it -1 ' I r- ! i i Jr.. , ,, II.. r. liy e no tr ii,, I :!i n . . , . .. lutn.l to ti" pr. i iji t.i'i I in, i vr, ...,. IliII ii,', i'.r.'w i.in m. I n'.i. I '. ; n. n ', , i .ll, In, !'l I I W.illl II mi I ! I., li. I .. V Ii it, in t!i O n k..i i nl i i,",t, : in, , t tit- IM to t'.f i.i--l n' th. :r i . ' li-n -. !.. r-h,'t tie in d l 'I'li'V I ii" ! II. Ml. Iv ninl it'i. nt r,.i i, n: , ii ',i , in!. t'rll.n. pl I. n ; in ' in j .i . .i . ,- t ' , vr nl inn nt mi.t li I,.! up i i t!i r in Tin v hit" il d i, I I i i .,- i :io ii ; e i ln, il Ul. I f.l'tl l'i. nil I III'. 1. 1 I d t i "l eilil T mil I'V ln.-'ii,' 's i,i,k ...Hi (., li, i.Hii iniu.ty ul I r- 1 1 V I or pi ,.- . in! il ill in im I '" ' i il i'i . ' ' -' i n,i" i ' i, ! r in IV ir 1. 1 i l., l.v I.. ..' i !v h !. . in I l.n l' ,: I'-1 i i u ul I in- it', il ill I i h o tin n do i f-.r ii i ,'li r I thin I'i,, I tl e p rt t!,i. i i .1 I t- I i'i i. d w i x " in. I li i I li, i j l: ii" l...t..!-,l in I'm r i.ll j; i'i u t t'. 1 ' M.ii' M .' C ,ni i!i : '1 i.r. l i . In" I il,- l.n d i I i "I N'.i. i " r-i I i.l Im., !r N i f t' , Hie III- lip, in it, . li' i 1 1. "ir liii-vitiilile jiurtloii. ', Th" drf'-'it of Met 'h -liiin'i ri-'lit w in-' hv Tin' impoit ii. t ri-.i.lls id t!. i x i'i I t 'oil Slim w.ill .l.i, k .on nt (J.t:n,'s.s Mill w.is not r in fi i r. 1 1 v I," im rinlid, m-x it in, ns it h.K. iii,..i Iv m, d si.sii.i.i imiiiinii e itii,ii In-. ; l',.il jn t line MiCIi Han liean to re- Southwest, (i, ti tr nl i.L'.'diist the lieiidi.sh hrntidity of these w n trie s? Some will my, rind I live ?iul, " We l.n vi: pl. lily (,f yoni.'g iiieti mi l i,l, li.tch-elor-i, that (nil he well spared, mel if thy .should he killed they would hardly he mi sed; li t them volunteer. ISut it would not do to dr.ift men that have f.iirliis ili" in mm f. li I iirniv t " 'il Yir,'in..i Mini tin I n t, r m, I I III .1. kl nf l!i nl o i!," tn y ! I Iiiiit i , i ti.,.l v is ('!'! , s n'li rs nu, I roii'itrv. M.j i,'ii :l'" II J ii r i " I ."It. Ill, I. l, s, I'V" (ir, it end I (ir.nii-r, un "ill til" I'.VI'i Hi" min to have II V - li'-, '. t , a- I ' .i t r in l it' ii . ', , (' Wi. M ,j C-n C l."m;,lon,-r.iai I ,-u,-r. in'-. .1 in ;i - Ti M i n.n '. r,v..-.,,-,f, Tli" ,!.n . ,., r i , I I,: .;:..,! in ' e i m i ts i.f ( ; ,- a-. I I. , i- i'i I nre u .tl.-m! a p ,r I' - I . t.-ry i!..- u ,,r, a , I .! : ve l.i i,: i:., i -. ii, i, try ' ,.; I, , i,',,v , I t! " I ll, er.il s I" '.II to I, hi. Instead the enni.tiv mini of h "'kin nn. m.. I for (.-nnliojls nr intriT:r!i I'i'Ti's l.ihiiil which to siiilt.rwli.il r" li: liind nf his i.r:uv, he coiiiiii"ti"i'd nt once 'o m ik" ti.-w ilispositiiiiis for th" reception dollars per n.on! of ih" iriiiiiiph.it. t, i. lvi.i.riii hot. II" Ii , I Ii ,l ii h w In niti-s at his , I . - j ,i . -: i ! ; Lilt I," imiii n'. , , tl,. in t'l til" U'lno-t. Will, lit, lisMir.i: pr'S- iliii. ' llul i ii. t, li",-, h" I'" I" t . I"l I hi- l:l,M"l.s. trnllll l -,l, npj-r. in ii-iv r n.k-i tl.el-l.t of lutth hi li s , v.- r, kii.dl n vn'i'T in tin-ir muN pnti ! ' I, s -, lll.ii.iili I' , :,;,!) si. lis tO s-.Vee w :i Ii d, .ni'v :i iii I li" (ill ovir which tin . Minpc- in i,ll iii.oul tlie null, wiiifli, us n. ready stated, is like a Lox. 'J'lie w ooden jfil.ills, in which horses nre transported to and from Kuropc, miht In iiil.sti.k.'ii I ,y a tiavy yard lahori r fur the ireiU curin.s ty winch has so hewddered them for months. There is nt pnneut no nrinor on, hut it is mid that .some inches of iron plating will he put over the sides in u few days. The .'.in will nlso he mounted in a short time. .eir families cannot well .spare tlum, and Lioit. Hunt, to whose inventive g-Tiius the I well spare them ; mid . .oii,t rurtion of the monster iiium he nt- then naiu the pay is no io.Ii..'. nn-i.t too l"'"'; r.10 e"r-''T "'1'- ,. j in" riiuiii: lu'iniii piece in linn. nil'.'" (.,ly t.iirtt.fii u-t,:,., j l0 cot,titiit(s ll.e nriiia.nent is as , rial it riddlo lis the thinir its, If. ; U in. ,il" oi l.rass or composition, and w ill In? rdl. d. Tim hall which it w id di.-elim" is evi n more cur.oio than the r;j:i or t!,o vis S' I lis shiijic in,, I d iii' lisiu: inu.' r. main iiiipiiMi-hrd. The lucat.oti i l th.' l.att.TV when cotnpleted has not vel Ivcii divided f.iinilv. o-.v, sir, is it not decidedly cool to ti 1! our yoin mni and old liaclii ,.rs that tin y nre lit f,,r nothiii i -e l ot to make our lives s'l'iin-hy throning tl.i nis. In in l.i t ( i n us in,,) these mh.ii 't - that li.ir I, iti di'l.'ars per liioiith is ciilir. iv Inn little V r,,'- I 1 n.i ! i I Ir do't' W i IV ' l. ol I' ll" lll.i , .,!'.,!-, II e!l'll: . .eir; nl I ,;, i v w ai.d in ik n 1 1 -1 "I 1s Wi TO hO MIOII i.s ii.f.i.liy so ns to 'i t'." I. .-t i 'i.isiiri' p. every nil" f- -1 that retn for nu in luei un -nt to ii--, or to our soi.s that nre lntwei n s Mei tl i.lid t w-lit V nl.e, lo udvanee, hut it is 1 1 i.ty for the l.acl.i !,,rs, nn.l I ! y Mi;' oi t the call make money ut l!' Could nut the i!i,,; hi.chi ,or ri toit that 111 inae cais e.;l of t was I' M it is not his f..u!t Liu his misfortune r ; " '. p ., if r i. .'I.J o i n.t I i. i i. in. ! 1, 'h,. . .'". I- ' T II ! Il'- t .i t- r. in . . I ., !! , 1.1 (;, i.-: c;,:, r. un I r w l.n i' n. ! r t'i it l,;.i;.a,.t mi I II i-t T. l.n, -,", wa in I :-l t', it I, .It n II I,. ,. a I'i III! I.e II .Ml I A i.l i I i i .i , I ,, ir f.e ,-f e, n I,-. I'. -T. . ir . ..in ! nf i.i n i ii r ii i,,t t i, .iv mil i, Ii il" st: .p t . ! o .. ii IIIO I C , of pinji- riy, I ik , .'. I'i, Ir lin's" r- -n r,.t lit ii I v I " v i,' f ill, I.. nf ill. lie. w ' i. llfllls n a I no ('nn I. n( rn 1 1 1 on h ch li.e r i I t null I I, n I to, hi t i on I, or t , r t . t . i,. J,-in- .N"f li n th' ! r . s I r.i. fi nd to ', it r mo' L-, ,1 t , III. f cm-.' t . ir rr im hi u i'y I I -n Ii m emir.'. I, lih' I ,r, . !v n '.-y ,1 t i"i I . Im r in lie I in, lo a, ,i d Tins 1 1.- - .! p. r . l i, d. -il .t' d I " ! i,'" I n, I. i i I !,i ! ."i "! t O'-r I n I r I , H O, If", III I 'V I 'V .1 ' I '! I, it" il I f, o n 1'ie '.iti' In tt e I'" r I ii-; iii mt I n" I. ii-ii f irc, d t, i a'' i' I ' i I ,i r I .in I in ! l iU r.-fii."" in tl," I'. l ral 'iien; m,l I"' e. kii.nl lil-iiilhi ll.-.'l .in 1 hit" I, n i. i.'hdy tlr ten in thi "" U in.il li I is to fin I i'e III r fro 11 th" f iry of I'i'-" prowl ii. li "I..N ' Il wn ill tl.."' d-.ll. d,i, h' 0 I1' " wl.,,1 iielmli t as , Ii rr T im I ,1 ., iv ..' t if il' l,ri k"l mel iippT' ',1't lei, ii'i' 'I i li!" i,i!iil." of tin in i . th it I'" ; i I ' ' li r.l .l .hi. M V I. M S ' . ''... min i n Hi" i,t. mi "t ."it " .-t M s n'l'l, I all c I l"M nf Ih'.. p.'-, li. nil "f liniii h id Ii-1 ii, mi I at t1 " I n ' 1 1 ir i'.iiiirii nrr, ir' Mp-iiiN in th" ierr ,i;- llf Hie . Il r d II lOll" (.,- led. to I'" p .''I " Ir i 'ei.t.'i nt I .l'ii r . mi th' silt" T'le inline. I nte ii.-. i-i"i lor t'i 1 ' t' " a i Hi" nl, lie I mi mi I ii-ul, ".''I' lo ir ! r l.y I line III- Ii, nr lie t li h il' in i r ul '. nf one An lo w .Ml mm, " I"? ' '''' " "' I'lniyr4. n lion omli it n,l, n in i'i r -p' ' I 'la ill r'l.irm ler. mi l it Irani1' ,r' It m mil, liom-nr. mnplv In ri.e Im d'n.li lint l. n i n il n i . "i' "I It n iild lioiiitlly In ii.il .(ie the power iad iithnr.ty nf lnw mid 'f ll.e i "V rn m-Til, ami In tr ke l. rror into th" l" iiil of thine whom im in iitim nti nf ruht. I""l ororji.rrot.. r. icli. It !'" !ely nml H'rti'o In tin il r icic I l oin- liy, III I In nsilirn Hie linw Min i l im n on Imw iH-opIo Ihut Ih" Hou r niieal im Utlrtly poweileo for tl.nr pml.it nn n iri.Lii iil..oliit, lr t-Kot-itli.il in IttiioM llmt tin jr I'I not ai"l ,'inil.l not will! impunity inilrnire Hie riM i"l M.fificii Ihv l.app iioi and 'f' fJ rtl",l'' Ollllillllllllil Tun ail In nihil ml .U d.-ir.-l pnrp""' Tin law ami the .i.pr. m icy of ll.e limer..-fa-nt aro mdicitid. r.ncin f torti ami a if. I t" H" ir Immn Th- y nre an Linger aii.mi'' d al p. iinre l.y lo l-Mf.ini.iK Tin y f"'l ll"' ,r,M,, ""X a IJ-iremiiient, and t'mt llml l!'iein ueiil ii Irnl. e, aide ami ill"' ' e,,, r lii'in with It prnlii't.nic hi. l l ttf 1Un Clnitin Tune pmpo"i In i n t'f. within a few il iy, "I""" !'" d,c..nmi "f th ipi-.l inn wh. ll.i r It would imt I." 'l In ham I'nion eiiit New lii' l.oul. Wouldn't lht ipi'ilinn Inoe l"'ii an li.li r..tiiii( on" I" "l" ri liiiion 7 War, II'IW wnilll th" pmpos.liim miiin hd In t v hid" N- w lieolmd I'lilftleen .llul New linijtalid M.h.rs Hlnl NfW l:.iK,im .ohlo n from the Lol ' "till Ureal lliiln i.r--hHnllf Jminml NTrn tm l.ita - On . tr Vi-nr'ai'T'-nihir, In llreiliaich, IllmJi llnml, Vaf Clarli, aired ahoul HI, i"f fifj lo Ihlvj I rr, ! '"it 1 l . r ,.- I, .' t ' r I o N 1 ., ,-. in ia.- .CM' I' I. ..I t' I ' nt ' .if M I . i a. ,n, l,t .-. I, ;-ir j. ,, I,. -,t , i I' .. I.J. i.r.' n! (id,, of lSil.k. I." ' II.' l, el I I'' i; t .' tie I" for not lo li- thought I.f tli.lt ihlT" Wis Ml i ! n'e" I ut lo c.nnjii, r nr to d.e. H ard y ii, re ih" ii, "-I ii, c ' try .1. I n:,s emu-pl-'tid v. le i. ih" li' I" I columiis e.....e ri;!e ,11 ( II. W illl shuts lln.t si, iii k th" Cill ill, Mvlo'i'.titi th it th. v i, '.I I r. peal ill a I'-w 'iriniles tl, I ss ,,, C,ey had j,t 'ivi II !c (,,),' ,1 li!o' -le I il.t van. I'.'.t n she -t of II iiii" , ipi d to lie t lie Ul, tl r , ar of , -ii i , ri aiil r.it:i" i-f lira kelry ilio.t in d h.- r It-in' ,- y- 1I-. a p ,11 of 'in,ik-' shmu I , ,1 t'.e I' 1 1 ol e.-i II i t from e w, and th re w is nn c s.,i ii:i n ;t . I ,-ic-e nu 1 1,- ii'!., r , !,. V, -t, ,l il,,- ii.util.ty nl" lurtlii r lit." ,', IniTs Sooil t !," e',, i I l.'ted ; tin- sua .1 that he has no f.i mil ? (.'nul l he no! "tiar. .nt' e that if the In in who has a fam ily should nnd li'-nr ntuMi. that I.e vim! I mirrytlie widow? Co, .11 not the V'Miiiz lean nrie that nnlv nil lie n slinuid i mt- iitenv .soon. Il.,v in v L'O, lis theV tllllst l! and if l' e In ! illi- k II tin m in Ii. will lot In-(In a!,, i out ol nxiydiy-! li lt, to lie .S'-ricis, We nl! Iii, V c il.terisis id k", it i.i :it ly s-i. ri'-, 1 why no! e n-!i l.uir nn i ,(u.d pari in -i T :i in'o thus" intetets'f It is pr t'y hard tn pi r-uaiic a youi, n.at. that it is to his int. n .( to si rve iu ti e :ir in v f t thirteen doll. its i.e.- month, when J, iiX I,i;.'.,ijt on1 A:o kii-a. Mr. John I'.r'it conclU'led a po'.ver'ul fpi-.ch f,t ll.riiiiiiliiim, Iiuliiiid, o:i the I-'.Ii of 1 1 ccmlii r, in these words; " I cant ot h lieve that civ ili. atlo;i, in its journey with the sun, will sink into end I ,-ss iiiLt, to pratify the nmhilioii ol the leaders of this revolt, who ink to Wade thronli sliiuhter to u Ihre'.'i.', m,d hi.t,: the alt s of iiii rev nu mm, kin J Cheers " I hate uiiuMicratid far liett'T v'sinii lufore lav a '. It may he hut u vision; l.n! I it II t.ll ch'-rls'i it. I see one va-t onf. d eratiini s!r, teh;i ? from the frnz-n North, in i, tie iinhrnkiTi 1, e. to tlicj.!'i'v;t, South, and from the wdj hillows of the Atlantic In the c.ilimT Wati rs of the I'ur'fo main; aid I see one penp!i', nin i:i lot1, mil nt e lannae, nnd one faith; an 1 over nil KATES OK AOVKUTISINO: One nq.inru (twelve liuii, or lew, brevier mennure) one oisi-rliun jj3 00 1 im-1) nuliaeittei)t iawrtion I CO ',i.sineciiril.i one yriir 0 (JO A lihcrul ,1,'iluctioii will be made lo those who nilverline by the year. X7" Tl.i iniinbrr of innenium ilioulil bo noted on Hi margin of nn mlvrrlisenient, ntlierwii. il will bo i'.il,li,ed till forbiildun, and charged c- eorilin'.y. fjj" Obilnnry no'iccs will he ch.irgel half tin a!ne r..te f a,Ki'riiiiiir. VfTi" I'ltisnsii executed i:h ueiitiiriu nt:d dii-jiil. h. I'aijmtnt far Juh Printing wur.t Le v.,r!t nr. tlriirrry nf Ilit irnilr. U" w . t till el C .f " al. '. t t't,e, If t -11" III I n ,11 V t ,, Co' r,-'i.t. nl ' in I th" t , t,i h to I," ii! a .n . ill" f.lt lli, s III ii l! ul il ' ,'s el-r.v A hi . w I ,, ii la ,i ',.ry v o . l y ,t . Ih" r. ,, .I'- ii-nut In :l,t in I w arm ; our LT ul I. al ms s.i., to tln-T nrins in r,-ai:t,e-s for w i- i nl I'oti'Ci ii, .1: I, at tie r" t , s nn ,t t'i n s . 1 i. oil. n I, 'it a I In, II l.i'ili- i i .i..i.i.. it, ,i ,,i I ;i : " ,, ' . '.'.' . r ide cnnt.i.i t.t the home of fr.i v. ry ali-urd to r- it'i re more patr.ot!ni of, , , , . , , a oilti til Ml, nnd id mi old l.aih. lnr whi vnii s iv " o;;! l not I.e m'snl if he wtie kl'i' d." th-iti of our Milistanti.il fiirnn n. cd rhnt.t". say, W ho have fatal- iitni n r. :ue tor li e opiircs-i-il o! tu-rv r.iee." i I.o'.id chirrs SlAMt'S UN' IJoNLS D Ii)!.r .A- Tl I- I ,1' tit I I , III' p- 1 1 .nl ii ; W s , lilt ,'. I .'low,, ,t mil , - i. i, Ml the li ill l.ii-.: t ., :ni V I it ! T w r, ,,l tat, i j I.- 1 ' 'I'm . .. , ,, ' r e ' I, it e i IV I, iT ii I n o ir u t ii ret ,e!.t ,.a i r y tt ir ,i in I ,- I h" il 11 k' s( ... 1! s loll,, t e I .,,!..- I T s, -, .1. , re is iii an niie,' i.l l" k t'.is s iiteta e ',,) f , ,,t ,. I he il iv i'! udt.-r-il V. Ih. tlii su.ir' l H easy I.ll to ; nre, tl." li ..l ;t III the w ' I ! h ii" nl: I I h" dead. Suel. tll'.'l . n II C. tlti'l inn ..... . , - , . . .. i . . c i I ... I I .... I...... .. ill- Iii" I, I t l . e i. lis i lalliy j; veil in is ,,,, ,.,i.-, i r-i,, ,, i s ,,.,.v , , f . I!r - lei'l.s l.v l:..,T..,.-i,iil th I. draft ( if th" uuml.er is 1ml raised in .'lie "' ,,u" ' '"" S"'"'x .,'i,-i', lo r, ulier i:iit,ei.-. to n n -nl Ih-d ih ton"' of i very tenth im. tl. Then, if our of ,', .la -d ,v morn ie, tin v in v,r dd it f.irtni rs, inechaiilcs, mid in, rcl.auls nre la,! u.ntt ie nr- iv. n lo Uro-i c the . 1 r... I '. .s'f i ,,r tt 111 tmv thin' I k. th" ' m iilii to stand their thmi.e. tiny can d. ht w itli bond nnd liinrta" erne .,.. r i'i, r fr.I ntt.ii i.l We had cnite mi l L'lve t went V d"li irs Ctrl., l.t.d !l.or! i", reo'llri' to he st itn;.,,!. 'I i, iti! . w, II fun -nt I" Ton - son, . iii wheh thus ra " !i l.nmi'y ol two i.un.ir. it .to;: ..rs imn i as a p rsnn.ii oon,i mr a c r!...u s ;:u ji. th,. ii, ,,. id I 'min l.n dd lis work for ii ymi". m.in nr t.u'.Wor lo o f-T, f n.onrjr r.iir.-.i a mort:i t.m n, ll.e re t.,,h; ni.iiit in w....!. o.irs.ill.ers l.ehatid Hum , nmrt.ie a mortae utiiri.., nnd ll.e note n. .hit l"it Hie Mui r- eslmro li;ht wis sat1-1 I.l mnclus nn, hope (mr. (,l,li W,,l :l 1,11 n. ec!,ai. ( inland I s'.ni-n. IV li. n ,, ,;') '', , will it, l,y William S lirt self, r his prnel Mil ,ta.'i In I.e u.-il.eedeil. all the iustriim, n!s, vz: mnrt.:;;e, l.o.'ul, ,r.,i,i Tlii,th"cvp. i hiiiis' lt' re. k Imt, if n I'c-s-.ry, is.-tic orders for n dr..!'. and note nre yivui to s. cure the s.t.n' ! I t, I -..Iv. .-nt.. 'a. ,t!v, mi, I imp, l!"d his ,.fli.'er ! il h.mt .May. ' I iv. , the law r..pi.r. th.it cac!) ii.s'rux--!.: .-!..!! I., hk. wi e, was no nlle l.rnv..i!., Imt n ; J . 1 1 miM in- n.itmttcl thai ll.. r- iiau' lis itppropr, ate i .lamp. Air, r M T'doL's i I. en n. teen i!n hars her montli is ton l.ttl". an I L'nininlssii'iier of li.'.iraal K-.v niv..- Wh. n houd nnd morla" c-r n .!e nn.l VltliO mid 1' as a p, rnn.il hotel for a c r Details of Zzitora Kcw3. Cuiro. I'V-li. 27. Tin.' steaim-r Conti nental from Lake J'rovidene", Fdi. 2:!d, li'.s nrrived. The eaiml I- ml i- into the' lake was iilmo-t Cutiiph ted. The can. .1 is lj() fcl-t wide, hein .1.1 down o within a foot of the hike. Van Horn is iejor:.d to have Closed the T'ciinr-ee li v. r nt IToretii.'.', Alalj.i nu, with S,!)D0 ( n . aliy, to reinforce l!rn. Cairo, l-'th. 2"i Full d:..,!,tel,c re ".riiiri the expedition of the run IJiinn of the West to UiJ rivtrl.ave I.CiTl n -' ceived. Tiie crew consisted mostly ol i.e-' roes. Her artillerists were twenty c.xp.' ri' un d men ih tailed from the Hth Illinois1 Infantry. Ou Thursday nii,r:iiii hi fore' the capture the ram ran down A U haf.ih.yn riv.r n few mil-s, enptur-d nnd destroyed n reln-l l'iarli rma.ler's train consist in of 17 w:.ons m.d on returiiiiij; wa.s fired on hy e;uerr,l!:is ut Simiiueoport. '1 he next morning C'apt Iillct landed nnd hutti' d nil tl.,' Iniiles in tin; tieiuity iti r.taliution destroying half a million i!.)!lar.' worth of property. On Saturday she captured the rel.il steamer F.r.i No b, with a lure car- ) of corn. At dark the same day s!io' cam,! within ranc of J-'ort Taylor, only .1'!:) yards distant. The ram f nni d the Fort nnd the th.rd shot from the rehcls struck her crushing throiil. the dick. I It r men tired once after lies nnd then deserted tiie 'ins. In this (nirreney Cel. Flht or ih red the pilot to hark cut nnd in nttinipt in to do so rati nround. The next shot from the rein! Fori broke the lever of her (ii i." nnd ft sucee. din one cut her fleam d s ili'rn her. the h:iy one white men Tne sleami r I)e So'.o, w li-l. iii-ci.mpaiiied l.i r as n tratis ort, was hlo'.tu no to prevent l.i-r f.dlin into the l.atiiis i f the enemy, New York, I'll). -2:. Ster!i;e Fx chai.e l'J'J. (J' ll ti'.i'ed steady i.t7I; ( jovi-rii!'i":.t Stocks still lowir. pates-.ron Iyirj'ooI to the H:h are ri : eive l. The London T.iucs ridi.-tihs the Lord Mayor for his hrii 'inj into rotni inT.ce the rehel Mason iun shows the l.lTuir w.is without S 'uli "'.nice. It mivs Mr. Ma-ou's r.i;ia;ks id, mil tli" lariy recoiii lion o far nh'-ad of ill facts, m.d that u In ii the Ful r-ls lii.it tie iiis.-lvis ohlied to I. -.H e the Co.1..' d, -r.it. s iu the (piiet pos s 's'i,,;! of tlnir States then iv.il he time to" dl-cu.s the (j'l stlmi i f r, couiti 1:1, and thut Ma.oti h..s r c'i.i.l no iiMi:i.nce or in c ntr.i' uvi.t except ffom ii r.spi.n-ilile per sons. T..C s'c.nncr Ci l.rallar I a 1 crrlvcd ut I-lvi rt r j. Ch. ::'.-:.':., IV.,. SS-L.te r.V.u.val paper civ d pa'.ii, s fr, :u ,I..ik..o;i, Mi-.s , lilted I'.l). i'J, Wli'e'l S'.V : S H IT lilt f.0"l Mm! stt c:uio U CI. a: l.y hrid' l .-t nV.t ll it' way m.d pr.vlp:!'.!. d the et;iie .rid I cars into the liv.r. From ;",0 l-v 100 p is e. . rs wt r - .iro.t m d. Tiie l.rida cr.'.i't he rp.T.-d i ll th.' wat.r fails, l.n a'-vlli".' IM). is At noon v.st.r- p ;e.s m Twenty s'x of a'.o. r I . .-eipcd two, completely ,!.iv Dci't fr il t to , sliTII 1" I'e. .it V. t-J" A curious fact hrotiht out I v t!.e I u is hi, t Inir C.r Ihis slinllh the r, t'!.,:e Minder I'C M m I n! nn iidi .intai' too fur 1 vnlimte. rs, our State ov. ruim nt nuht to report of the S'.ate Comptroiiir of New mr nn I i'i m li I'T-ce when i-t. ry-. I ; - r. Iv inishm s in nur l.itnr; Imt it is in it!., r in in- .jitiu his rnu'ed n.'-ri tiui" to recover from raise hy taxation motih t.i make ll.c.r i 1. 1 l.i i. nr.. In s or i. or ciitintrv to n. r I'.r.i ie..,,1,' le fore send n ' tin m into w.ii s cii'inl nt eat lo il farm hand nt u s nr nor country I" i,,r litsi pumv t n liv ,,t, r-ity No r.-at rood mtinn aam - cmil, pal nil, stnidy, yet i ii- I it .tl.Hiil creat saer li", s p olu'e, s inuiin' nnd tt alchful - tieli tm" fur to to put'iii.r sho'il- ;,,., i-r.iiis has prut, I h:in.ef u..,r,' than w',i i to s r lip our p itrnl furtii'i-it", ntid has wnn ll luh pl ic.i iu li.e in., in, i. i.lilv In Hi.' Iirhi nf our ' ,-,i, lid-nre nnd the nil ctlotis nl I, le wdl net I st ,, II ,s M I 1 N,,.t is tl, ,1 n to Ih . tn lo .' e-,,,trv to -....,r.t nor sol I ers - to che.T mi,.., ,,,,r ,v, r I:' to do nur tl' ''l lis Inril V. iTi 'me. wo't' y I i hat " ii ci'iin'rv. n It on mil il l, '; " on t'l" llirlil With CO i li ill IK'" ill! '';. I',., M1 . I - . I . I . . I I i !,.. o . I e" ..( in i r ra ti , in. 'I m in .i tiui ,1, ul nu' f, lie Is Ir e led. ht Us ite up all I- .1 I'.' "! d . o .ha i. y, nnd l .ell on" nt il. il I, i mini- t!i it he will do nil ill his port i-r in so ' i a., "mj ntt m.d sate our c nin try. ' "'"ti .'i ir.'i none. I lis wo. iiii uiiKe u .mors sunn hut so inueli the l.elti r. Irv. conn- Vn'k is that the rumor tir.ni.itid ul the tin e of the Trent d.iTu'idiy rd out a Mik k ade of the pert of New York 1 y a t'tuher r.ift, had a foiind.it :o:i in truth. T,mhcr to the value ol $7'0:M or $s(,0J3 wa. i.e. M's Ml S-M..K iv Fins. I1 P., Ill III I". The ti.ttu of I .,it llml .,,11 is Mttlil'd no n l.'c'l I'ltllV lief, tl, I' d oil Ih" n .rl!i hy Th.eiij 's Cr ck nnd dr. p in . i .In-, ami i nrlh wnrksj smiie M.lve m I. in i vl' Ht. i r.cl.d Itryimd the rmich of our cuiiliiut missiles, nr.- roid to lorm n i mi cr.-l" to ll"' 'oii'h nml i iol. Soun' Tin: Lto: I! trn i: ttint Ttir Ivi'tivs (.en. rt has ssi, ti.e ,.w .i a(..H.,;v i,,,,, fl,r t,:, ,ir, li'l.'ttiTi. . oiili r lu.ik.u lionoralile imiit.oti ol ll.e I conduct of th" Vohrite, rs in tlnir late hat tie with the I ml in-, on tl.e Plains: i Ilru'ot.u'.nns Pi r'r or tiic I'i-in.-.) - W.i-li I nn, dan. I I. The follow in is , S is I'i: tM Is, n, Fc'i M",:I) . t - . i ... - . ... i . in I . V. ii I nil i AliaiT liniii n pr.t .lie n mr nce.i i ii in i,'.,n, .o... ...... I',,. , ,- In- Ih" I.,. I 1.1, 'l, liter f.lllll nil I ., ,1 I. It.. y""";" ' isiM.il! ictnry t.'iiMicil l.y the Cahforiiia d.s mil. .1 n a day when the . hrym-ti of tsi'.J: Vnl.it.ti its iiinl, r the ci'in'ii.iud of Cel. I (. .,.rtlmc., without ricct of sect. 'I..' impr s.iini nimm' tli" iTctn'ii . l.ditnrd I mmnr, on the Mil ol .l.ii.nry. w,.u. jnvitid In pri the t-'uiim of our here H thai the reaction ri pri sent. , I l.y Mi;!, over ii I ir.' I oi!y of liitstii,' i mi , it. s, ,i,k mid wouiid. d soldier iijum H eir par Pin. Itli d" I, Huts cannot I .st, ami that il stronly posted on I. ear r.vi r, ..l.il"'nii , (ri) jlt.ir pI,it,, otJ take lip ltd cliiiue of M uistry is imt itnlik' ly lo occur f Tt rr.iory, I.'iOni.h s nottli o: Salt Lake ,ctiiu, for the S.imtury Cot.iiiils.ion. Lelore Fel.ru . rv. Mr. L. tells me llmt nt (. ' llie last council ut the Tiiilcries the Cicsi-1 'j'u. force cnagct consist, d of Compa-1 r- A mnn Is not nrcrMar Ir honorol dei.i's mess. ie was laid upon th" tnhle, nnd nies A, II, K, ami M, Second Cavalry, ,v !., r:,., ,., o nfli,f. The p'npl uf the Ministry proiioiiucul it tt so nn.l nil under the iinim di.ite cmiinnnil ol .iajor , ottll ,,r eotintr mie;l,t chvt In re lo of- . Iwurd .Mcli.iriy. S.ci.n l t uvairy, mi.i , j, i;n,n tyr.n.t nj pi.i.t' il The (li i.er.d coinin .im I.ii the Iepar5- 'incut has th" LTnt Iii';.!, nil of iiuiuitineu. a MurflVeslioro. .1.111. Id Provrtst Mar shal WiI.- repo.'ts lh.it rihri prls.mer.s cup' tund ut Murfrershor.) iiiuniiiil to nor ..ii(, r iti si't.tit j III hitter. nn I 1 1 j r'IUiTlls. The rebel S..r ll.' Vlill 0."', dim lin n in the b.ittlr. CcJ The third Sunday in Janniry was that lhe Smith could lok. Fpou the Mime F It Irn. li Ihlily heavy piic.ii, raiiio fo'in -I """i iiuihi'i-ly he said that the limpiTor had ('ntnpuiiv K, Thill Inlalilry. Tin' battle , j, nll, t,n (,, nouhl imt honor ll.e ,h r tn l im h cnii d d ml ll." appro icln'. ,,l, unhni, ,1 li s pei.chniit Inward the Smitli. .t, , ,,nr Innir nti i il m verily in wdl ,r., ,i wn!, only ihdi. nor tin' votir '.' ,' .... ' .,. r.M,,.,. Mr . thoimht l.is nilll.oliiy potty ,itti,ie.l l.y the Ins of the cnnilutiint ',,,,',', Journal'. by the nor. I he ..burnt., n I.. I . ..'jMnduin lieiiiB hll on the 11.1.1. while, . . in.w within these woik h ii'.out I.,' 1 1 ,(ll,,.r ms be. ii thrown upon the ih,. los. of the Ir.mp was fifteen nieii ktl!-( tur ''lt, Conimisi'oiiir of Internal K.-r- men and by lhe M'is ppi paper w" can j,..,,,,,., tt Inch i it on. siu. by the nni- ml, mid four ollici r and f.-rty-i'lue men ,... ,, ei,hil thut any r. vnme M imp J" f ihe i fl'orl to iucrcoe the army, Vl r. , ran nu I c li' 'l l i lliitriltlliTil, Ihll Viflllal- isiipprobnlion which tint proposal w.niti.li d, out of a force not I'Vi-cilim '.'HO i-.,.,.pt pmptii tory, d ir.t.cehasiiiconiiter.'ilcverywlirre.'ei jtied One officer (I.init Cliii'c, " I itn .tnitit ta atijr in " , v,.,, w, ,, mi far a to ptibl s'i mi iirlich'i Cnvi.liy) nnd lite enl'ste.l tin n luivo s.iii'c y nbohslrn;; the great turn ty ul Mamp e;er eMU'pt Irom cni.scr pimn. Mllt,,, ihai ihe (inveruiin iit never 1 ,i, , ..I'llieir wound. - - a -V Tri.i.cure ll.nlut ch r-vumn expo Ld lint th" "!'..!. id" was t.i he su-, Col Cmuior ntv.ird the lchrt prai.e (jr A rebel Ct'h'iiel ami hi liero er ,,,', t miy iiudeHiicMiMiiled pen.l.d .h..i.i,Mhe nimistice. That l in to M ,jor MelJarry, S, I t t.v.i ry. mi- M( r ,.,,,,,,,1 i Ark.n.. ,, , , V.'ith I rinrned to lintr,," r. nth. ii ,...,.r.,.-e In tho .Um , Major (i.ill'.l.rr I Si.r"o 1 , , I Inn ilrr (1(..r)l(i( , ,..,,, ,,,,! ' I i, , wh. re Im very .. ..ormlly sup- Inn- the c oilicot. i Inhintry. r.-r tin ir .nolms. (.' .Ilantiy and , ,(, f(.,H., ntmJ iM j!Ule w, ' e n, I I l e n . h 1 1 1 nl i ii in i h 1 1 . 1 1 I Tl.e n.. sse has pmd I an excellent ' sk II. I rs tcst.mn.iy in tl,,' persrvcr .. T Jll4, , ,,,, il(lwix: I ; '''7;,; 0 , I ,, , le.n-i'ct here. It m.t ''t'i1 .sfully , ee nml pdliMi.ry of Company nfheer, of ' , ....,n.r while the IW tl,r.m.'ho..l ll.e action. ..ml ch... In r." I ..,... , ...; ... ;,. ..r.liiii' V I i.l . II Sl.lli'llieiii were i.ssi.o. , , . - . ...... ..or I In. I I i r i - i . ti i ir ii.a ii.ioii iuiiiii ii'i t . . .....I.,". ,.l..,w Ihatllie rnoiirec. en dciif ciirnestness, n,,.,eralton min ..roenr pori ny nnjimr: w. , riiiiol.!. tl llilittfurian Jcw-an liniou-.l d ih-er ion ..f th- x..m. , I-'-'-i"""!'"1 ' ' r","' '. I:": i ".. : .. , : : . : iitimi I.i look ut the case fnilly. I ,1.1 .,. S.iiiil.. the very hai-nict result from the 1 ivsi- ... i ..... I linn . .Ii I Kiiiiiinse in) sell- w.. nrivicii nun .th i", .n1'" i""i , " " ., , ,, .. .1 ....... ., I..I .. ... I . i.ip i.r...-iit mi H III III" ITIO, inn nil. .ii. i p. iir.iiici, prove Ion mm I i.r till 110 III I fin H Mini r, I I ' , . I .1 . . f ll . ",'r ,l" , expectation of ll.e mloptioii of Ihe l",'',",' . . !nmcn.lmcnti entertained." i. .. . i i a . n .1 - ii i' . i if , . . . . .1 . JT (i.lliinwiler milium paper i.ue, A letter liotil l ipeniiiir.i nuiiri fortini in reiomi tn no prnun liy order of Itr! tlen. ripil; ll C. Piii m. A. A. 0. i.'i-m li.itxr ash Oil1 ... . 11....1 I. .. ..i.l. in, r nil .lews i.r.ii r oi o.ti main, -"' (Jnveriior Am'HI in hi ineiijfe snv llml MaMiichiisrll Im rnictl tiH.HOO men foi the wi.r. Tho public .h bt of Ihe act of Uicruhfy. which ircalei imnh ioi"1 iiicnl in the empire. tT The Internal Uevenn" Ciiniiii:.d,.ii rr Inn decided thai the " 'rtl..c of dl" nml " I. tt.u letaimnl.iry"inol beitaiip-id. i . ii.. i ii'ifi-i ii mil i iiiiiiiiiiiii'ii Art.t.tn -i. .i.rtt; i a. Ai.inr sn inmir m n win iijh:' r- 'in, ".,'. 1 ''' 1 1 !, 1 , J, 1, .it. "",.'"'', ''" rii,.,,.ij, .,,, Ji,.,"1'"' nfilcf. ,rs !o,d"-.I wi:t) pi r soi. s 'In In Na-l.vil!'! were ?, iz-.1 nnd lufiii. I l y sity armed cv rrlll-i twelve if.il s I., 1 l.uv ', iw I n l!,-. "ii The rebi hi ll. I'll fn-d ; the Kumotive n i l s' ni il ahei 1 : fall sjvt.l, sMppo..!:. that it wmiid C"ii:e i a co ,t:n t u i:h the pn-.s-n.vr train from Na.'.v lie Lu k !y. however, hi'e rains had ii'jur. .1 la- I-r df ov.r Prak,! Conk so tln.t the Ira n and pus-, n- r rc turn .1 !o Na.lit.lle, nnd ll.e hanmnlive halite i.xlnitistsJ its If stnpp.nl on the tr.'t ' M irVfest.oo, Tttin , IVb. 27. There' tor" T,ra! r.iin storm the p.i.t w.-ek whii h not only put ll.e road in a w-o.-se. . . .i . , . ,1 eoml.r i u man in tore i.ui wn.i.ni away one .1 it s' railroad remmuriVat no Nolh- it, y I h.ii tr.i!op:r, d that look I ke a fur- ward monxi'Tit. Tin' nmmmt of iik'ie i not very ci't.si li-ralde, l!i ! pr. vi.l T:t il ! e.oi In in t'io.e iud ii'".! by the rainy wi it!."r of tl.i r Inn. F, port received (rem t!i" or 'XV imjlc.it'? the.r intention lo ... f '. 1. .....'. eii'iti -t i;,e mr. ii. r njvancc 'i nn nr.i.t . Van p.-rii" for.'., from North western Mis-i':pl''. r,r,'"i'J' Columbia, wild" n:io'.l.erco!im'tis, i,i!iiiit rfe n io!ii;ci ul-riii'-t daily o:i tmr Ie l. The arritn'i'f .-.n'r.ib in,!, iu our cami are . . friipe nt th.n f riiirr!t-of cmr-c lare nmiib.r are nt werk on the ! Tt fi aiioiH of Tu!l t h ntm and Clnt'.n o '. New Voik, Feb. 'JsCiM thl iimrn in i ipi .ted nt 72 cud prctinim. Tha II- r a'd nay t Tint rumor re r;fe at Wat!i m!ou ye.terl.ir tint llimbr w II le rc lirvrd of the coinuun I of ths P puttiiint of th" South and lhin.s'ile'i innie wai io k u of in co imctii'ti w ;th the snrc-ssiim It i a!) ald t li it r rt ii'i pirti. nre pre pTit idnr a.'i'tisl M.Ci'IIaii v.il!i a vir.tr lo a Court M.ttt al IIi y! iiri n Ai:mv or rur lV:o'u', o; () Wi li.--il iy ii';M a ni l kb mvle 01 our line to n'n I civ,,lry It.L'fid, . uf Li c on l II irni.t.m' f".' e TI.ev itoh.1 Ihe l',a p'l.nimi'tk i.t K.l- t'. l'.,r,l ami ..lri"-il"l. ' V a bilk, hi hrenkiij; our Hi " In i'..,.!ry o'llpmt nl one or l p" c-'p'oou a few nl nur im-n. imr ri n 1 ami ri nrrr were hmoM ii'ln Ime imn.fl. dnt.ly and nflnM-I. .1- A .-rce w,. enl 111 "i'" "'I '' ,""'. : " (r Ihrre nffi-'CM. The r. h. l am $ f.idnl ncnmphd.ii.ir He ir ob!' cl nliin.e.l in ....! Irnl,. aer.ii the , . panm.ii.i a f. i'; j- ir,i'H aero th" toad nml plarinj othrr obtrnetion In the way of the pnnu- ii.jt f.ir.-e. The car .I7 nt ei.1 in mrii.i ,. ..nl rrl r'tnr.n.1 Tnerbil c.ivlry , re ro itn; Hided l y f.-c 1 1 j ri n ruieiiinill. Fih 21 A po i .1 ui'pitcli l'. lhe Timr. ""'" L xiiiton, Kr , iy tl.nt Ihe rvnlcmint at 1. chmoml, Kj ,hal .i.b.idr'l II" rumor wa aimo-i '"J wilhoul foundation. The hV't of td nri.lir wn fore nrreful than was at fint u.md. Som 2'0 prisoner wrr '. .. . r. . ...I.m kilt, ft L,Ti llrll liiflir I' ll rrsunuj, - - ept.i.l"fhto force, fof aoma oiiit no- known. . d nun cjii w't ly ix abrcid tbal i-iinot leu t9 lt-r l le nia, I f 1 u 1