The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, January 31, 1863, Image 2

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    j slavi'-xvhippers sent t lie indolent and tic
j bandied sons of Southern planters abroad
ns embassadors, ministers, and consuls, to
j represent tlie slavo power and teaeh the
I world that tlie Declaration of Iitdeieiuleiieo
i was " only meant to ily ns bi t w een us
..If any man a,trmpu to litiitl tloxxtt the 1,m! 1110 r00!''1' pr I' rent Pritaiu" ill
XmnUau llK,hom htm on lir smtti , " i,ilioal abstract ion," or " n .vr,'-. n-
(.'en. Dir. ,',,, ,-a. - v ...i .' .
-lAiiuni m .soriurrn
Iitmtors tlie most hound 1 ko servility to its
mandates, as condition to liandlina dol
uTIicCDvcnon Gratia.
I ... ..I ,1 1 - . . . . .
. , mi im me puoue money ignored and spit
Editor, upon the old landmarks ol Utunr, ami
; sought authority for human legislation in
Mimir substituted for the "golden rule"
IV. Xi. Adams,
A Oood IVXovo.
Till Malonc of the I'oi vallis I'niou is n
stirring man Tor n seecshcr. liesidcs cdil
iug two dcmocr.'ilic papers, he has, since
his editorial carver began, tuadclhc circuit
of (he Willamette Valley, trudging through
storm mid mud, to clVcct an ainalgaiuation
of what he calls the "democratic hnnd
orguns" into one respectable paper with
himself ns editor, and to arrange, in nddi
tion to this, a "through line" from Port
land lo Jacksonville, ocr which the " l'u
ion pony express" is to pass, Hhencverlhe
"rider" is sober euniih lo he outnislcd
Objects of Patriotism.
With loyal and patriotic men the great
business of the day is putting down the
rcbell on. The immediate salvation of the
country is with them the all absorbing and
permanent idea. The body politic having
survived the crisis, and being restored to
soundness and more than constitutional
vigor, nil will be well. Crushing the re
billion, and crushing it thoroughly, is the
great mission of this Administration. In
lo!ng so, it has tried to exercise its best
judgment in impartially selecting the best
men for important and responsible posts
without reference lo former partv connec-
iisi-ianus wneu placed in power
i i i ...... . I ueeu amply vindicated 111 Its mixed
Cabinet, the former political antagonisms
of its agents, civil, diplomatic, and milita
ry, all working as a unit to save the na
tion, backed up by the strong anus, the
treasure, prayers, and blood of patriots
everywhere, from Maine to Texas, and
from Texas to our Northwestern boundary,
all toiling, contributing, praying, or bleed
ing, to secure a national good. An Ad
ministration which forms the soul, center,
cr mainspring of such a wide-spread, di
verse, but united power, may well assert its
claims to nationality. Beyond the smoke
and lire of tlie list battle that secures a
complete and final victory of Lm:i i;tv and
HfMAMTV over Vioi.r.NcE and Wrox.:,
finch great soulej and unselfish men ns
President Lincoln are not looking for any
thing of personal advantage above what
shall be enjoyed ir. common with a nation
launched upon a new era ol accelerated,
upward, and onward progress, c.pial in the
elasticity of its tread to that, nl th.- t
at - . ' i n Mil. V III' I I ll-.l i ...... ... ... lu i
sten of l,unvan's Phr-thm nfW I,-,.;,,.. ),:, ' " w "a"- i" p-iaie-i "y i.'.c
" pack." To M peace restored, ntthe '" 0''k d:hT,,.r' or "-''
conquerors hitelctitlv vindVata,- ,lo Vu'd h""h' l'ht:eal aj:o-tatts th.y have
- .-
with I ho " I'nion," mid other ( 'on lode nil o
the pirate's creed of most " pay" pro- j mailer. The world instinctively admires
tessed the prol'oundest adoration tor every j coinage, even though exhibited by a rebel,
clause in the Constitution that could he ' it iopects untiring energy, though put
tortured into a recognition ol slavery, hut : forth i;l ih, direction of cireulaling Jell'
willing to destroy the whole instrument Mavis papers ley means of a white-eyed
unless new amendments should more spe- j and smc-no-cd Cay u-e pony and it can'l
e tieahy po ut out the rights o! slave own- ! help agreeing with Malonc that the lead
irs and finally embodying all these v,- j er-hip of the deinociaiic party in Oregon
lamiis into a beast of pol, t eal power, set 1 ought lo be culm-led lo a man of brains,
him up on im'.i and slavery as two "con- j while such sap-heads as at fiindanirnt.
servative" legs, put a d igger in his rght ' ally" wrung should Maud one side. The
hand with which to pierce the xita'sc-f the , "hand-organ" at Salem is said lo be un-
I'nion and murder II rv v l.ttn i:vv, cov
eivd him with a captivalirg and tinsel
cox t red robe labeled be lore and behind
with " Piuocnuv, D.-vock u y," in large
lining letters, made the rich and poor
OW down to him, kiss his feet and do
homage to him as a " tl i iwt v. r P i i;
r. I x c-t i-i r," and then lifting the tnon- . blv l-.-i .ait
Details of Eastern IVows.
Murfiveshoro, Tenn., Jan. 10. Tim fol
low ing order has beenissued by Ilia (lea
enl Commanding: " I am pained t.o In
form the commissioned ollieers of the. Cot
federate army taken prisoners, that ow ing
lo the biirb.iron measures auuouuced uy
President Davis in recent proclamation,
denying parole lo our oflicers, we will be
obliged to treat tliem m a like, milliner
It is a mailer of regret to tno that this
rigor seems necessary, and 1 trust that
' I I.. !.. . I...
such remonstrance as may no mime in me
name of justice, humanity mid civilization
may reach the Confederate authorities, as
lo induce thrin to pursuo a dill'i rent course,
and thereby enable me to accord to their
ollieers the privileges which 1 am always
pleased to extend to I. rave men, even
though lighting for a cause which I con
sider hostile to the nation and disastrous
to human fivrdoin."
Washington, Jan 10. The House in
Committee of lilt' Whole, yesterday con
sidered the lixeeutive and Judicial legisla
tive Appropriation bill Several iilnend
menis wi re made, including a provision
making appropriation for tlie coinpetisa
lion of mileage of the members until fur
ther legislation No pari of this nppropri
ntion is lo be paid for mileage of the Sen
ators and lo'presentives In vond two cents
ster Oil the shoulders of the populace, who,
like the infatuated Trojans, carried Inn,
evacuating, l.ko Celeno, with a moral dira
rjilnrirs irntris, and s, t him up in Ku'i in
the White House at Washington, therefor
four years to rule mi I ruin, to debauch and
debase the nation, to encourage villainy ,v 1
rxamphs in high places, to ridicule the
noble impulses of humanity as " fanatical,"
iu si g:nau,:e a love ol liln'rtv nn
of it by prodiieiug hi- phy
of " dis'lhili'y tit rid, " j
-organ-" arc nil cmi-uli-
iior--that i- cl-
abolitior.i-m," to diiclv brutahiv
teni'er.ince, oppression,
"conservative," at d lin lily tested the elas
tic powir and vitiiiity of human liii. rtv on
this continent by Hying to straee.-. it to
death on a small inn we: k and de
fenseless territory, preparatory to apply. ng
the match to the meg, .': wlnh , had
placid utnhr the (Joxernmi nl ju-t at ti.e
do-e of his i-llicial ti rni.
This is no over color, d rietiire nf t'.,.
i.o:.or ns
. ... ..... . . i i. .. ... ii... .,.i .. i
o-ed to tlie tn-ion, mi, I Hunks it c:m do i " ' """ 1 " """"' "
... . I, it.,, I m.ciir.linir ti 1st III".' lulls 'I'lu. lull
more sen ice lor t ii" relic - hi ui" under . n p
I passed
a 1 i,i..i, cloak li.r n n hile , ct, l,e-ide- the , Thi tvipiiil h, ,. iti( pi,t o HM (,(,
editor is -aid lo be aer-c lo filling the po-l I stroved by lire recently, with ninny thou
w hieh the party n i-h to a--ign him to, x i: ' sand r ire mid valna'dc bocks and p.ipi rs
riding the ponv to e:in v the paper, ,; ' Tic lo-s is e!uiuded at ll.tmil.
,., . ,' ... .' . ! Chicngti, l The New (lihans
.XI. done print-. I lie Agcnl niiiv t i- .. ,, .... ... ,. , , ...
1 - i 11, 11)1 III till ' .Ill S'll'S tltll I- ll t U'
Oilcan-are gettiiig ho', I wilhin I lit I i-t
lew diys, cheering for the rebel leader, in
sultii g nint hum In iding the I'nion men
Such th i g. were openly dot n
mas d iv.we iinier.:md, ami, I r-inciug and
I hil.itily and uiipiidence
I Ch irh -ton, S. C , 1 1 - I, ate ad
. J vice- from S in Antonio, Texas, state that
,111c 1 1 ro w it - i i lie i 1 1 x a-1 l.xpre-s iirmg in
! formation that 4.IMHI Trench troop have
i hiuded at M itaiuoras and t.iki li posns-iou
of tlie city
Meinpli:--. ,1,111. II (,'cti S'.i'nn Hi's of
li, i d r. port pi h i s our lo-s at ick.lnirg
lit I. ."0 killed II In I HiMlliihil, llii, I till) ,i-l
I V capliirc. The J.iek-ot: A pp. nl Mil lie
relul o-s i)l k.ihd, woiiiuh l and
In --:ng.
t'liiio, J in II Ciipt Moure, in ecin
111:111. 1 0! 10 iii, a, tit'ii, k' d a c.iiiip of :iii)
ri bels lit 1 I 1 1 1 : t ' I g'ull's Mils, III III I, SI list
ol Port Piilmv, on the uiorti-lig nl the Slh
: ciau s eertihe;iti
but if the " i:iti
ihiti d. Pat will be tin
ihd. llraiii w ill, and ouuhl to, coin ml -
while ihc I -i- lights might In he :s-igue
to I'li-itioiis I lit v run hc-i till. 'I'hc nuiiil
gamation uf these paper- will nn :i -ur:il 1 v
suiicii the soiucxxliat ju-tly liiiiuded inin
plaint among the -i-ec-hcrs that llieOnx
eruiiicnt i- "partial" in int Ireating all the
.1, tf I'.ixi- -licet- idike :i- it peruiil-pii-linii-tcr-
to di-lributc tin- " hiiiid-oigiiii"
ni S.dein, while il limit-the pril ilege- of
an alder and more re-peet;dle paper In a
oi'UX cx.incr nil a Xhile-elei CaMI-c.
The cntintrv wi-he- Mr. M. ili, nc -iio. i iii
d bv t!
oj d
Asahcl Wccds. ll.e ls wire coniplenly M..,.r...-.l. .;
i . ,, .. .... , ol tie In killed. III ta'si-ii r,sntiis. . in .ill
I Is si, II Jen-. Il-; ili-voteS ft1 i i i . r n
: horses mid ii nt of siimll iirms iii re cm
id of space to i.eii.iui.ei.ig the j ,r,,, Tw n Vderals w ere w . Mile led, urn
J-'sepli Watt," a " roi k hottoui He i X' dilioii ttbM n( In in the fort
great central idea of the Iec!aration of
Independence The P.ights or Hlm istrv
and denying to legislative authority the
privilege of trampling upon these inaliena
ble rights in any case, no matter ho.v poor
and debased the human form in which they
are enshrined constitutes, just now, the
highest ambition of these patriots who
have brain enough to com nActid the great
fact that no nation cm be Io::g pro-perucs
and happy uidiss it regards, the W.,. w,
rg'.rj of man. Who .-hall ru'e a nation
whkh, through a bloody struggle, lias vin
dicated its right to a stable L'mriminii
lias emancipated it.r If from the control of
demagog, s who sei-k to ride into power
by operating upon the ignorance and low
pr'ju lice? of men, and ha? also vindicated
and tst.;l,li.-!.id the rights of Humanity
is a matter of small personal consideration
with great putr.'uts now. The wi.-h of ail
such will he gratified if the next udmini.
tr.v.ion (.hotilJ it plea.-e Cod to give r
another; -hall Le composed of tmti who
shall be a-Ji-rjuate to the work of pf rfuctlng
what may remain to Lc done in nnchoring
the Government on sure holding-, in ch ar
it:g aw ny the rubbidi from th great L;ittl-.-fi'-hl,
in fixing the political s-.tatus of a new
ikiii' t.t in cotj.m'.mity, in dtal'ng ju-.tlv
wi;h the prime movers of reb-linn, in
j-lacing thy whole nee of traitors North
mid South in the course of a gradual ex
tiiict:on, in irovidirg a pound sy.-t'tnof
finance, in properly dividing the heavy bur
thciH of the war, in atoning for innocent
blood that cn'ex to heaven for vu genree,
in etttling aright the multitudes of unf-irc-seen
and tliflicult e'ie.-:!lon3 yet to '-ring up
ml of the war, uud then to rule the conn,
try in harmony with the new and tlcvattd I
through ignorance or from covctousm -s
iiivated to powir. It is ail true, mid the
hundredth part has not been told. If it Lo
d," who has l.itily piid the Agent
f 1,7' 0 in hgil ti nders Walt has care
fully studied the " golden rule" hcretofoie
IS there, in the'
w ords of J, j'-,-., mi,
Abii'ghtv can
"an attribute of the
t'ue si.hs with lis"!' Vin! is tie. iv an nt
trd.ute of the Ah.rglity that can tol-m!-.
oi.-r exi-teiiee as a nation ..',..rc we pas,
throug.h tii- lire of lirii;,-..;;,.:.? We an:
all ti.ore cr hs.s gn.hy, und .tn-; of us are
" he;;; iug i:p w r.itu i.'i,-: the d
,. ... i e i .. . t . . i
"i.iui u'e riiiirg aiei e : c ,ur.,
li'.-at.oi.s n hi.-h ii
all the vies w hieli
only . i limir.
:i I son, l:i ' I,,, Siiiiretne Court
of i-con-:ii Ii i dicided In Hi-t.iai thr
' ' writ !',, i (oi I'll v. i,. ii. d ill In half i.f
laid down Icy A-ahe! as the 'fundamental' i the Z.k.e r:-.t, rs, urn -ted for r-s .tn.g tin-
article in the rrcu! of d. Hincr.u v. " , dr i!'i - thu- d, nv eg the nght of t!. 'n-,i
it ,.ii:'"-n!.d bv this rule he saw H was ll''"' '" '"-l"'1 the wr:l in h cisr.
II ........... I ... I I ! . I 1.
; i it- i i . , ' ' -"in., i a , .i i'i i.i I li.ll es u
.' '- ) r,,e to pay Asilnl in . ga tenders , .
', i lol. k 'ili w w as ( acini I luted Mat. s Si n
" " ''' Cf.;.- t.:ii t'n "l u! a ttn,-,,iinfi .. t(,r ,,, ,;lV
can-.- it " jt,u I l i, in M, Hat, in Ph I i lelphi.i, J in p: --The l!ti", tin i if
til-tic: to Mr. Watt, who we hear i- a ; ''' s '':'.v 'uld:-hed a h tter from lhel,ii-k
-- f,,:,,., ,., "...I ;,-r.,! , ...!., I a llMg s,,, idi-on, efl' ('I, ,r, stall itl'd the
ii ii i m ii ; r i;ic eaoiure nl
have d,
nv o!
ng rub
the practice of
graded the na-
the tiinra!
ne ti.ii.k that 1.
tic re ha I
- of the S.,!,-m .v
took n ir adi iec,
I oat.
What avail the pr.nv.-rs and tears
an 1 of t!.: churc'iv lo avert the'ii'.' storm of retributive justice, while
their tin tubers are Icieg u.,j .v ft,r,.v
duiiagogii!, to enthrone K.:i. a- k:iig, cud
drive a.;,,;,-',, Vuti,,. n:l into
the uiMern'-..-i ns wand. tiiig cult :!-(. ?
There is a great d--lit.v fur us in the fu-
tut", but we shall pa-s through the fire to f.ft-rn dnlhns a month
.. . - i .i t i
, eii.ll h.i.i nil , nn.!.! I lie- ulCies. Hulll l.ll
ail, I li.iiil r.
i:i I'rei nnaeks
iciri Iv us ii in I'f.-r .il ,,r.'i,.-i ,. '.. I....:....' I o-t
tin H-1 V to so n.t- rr.t tl.c f,..:ulv j,, il
(leivtrumt nt curr.-iicv he would tntas
Cairo, .Tint. 17 H)' nn arrival, today,
from Arkiinmm, Post, xvti learn that we
captured x'w regiments at that place, and
that two regiments of Texas Hangers not
knowing tint placu had unrrelidered enme
to reinforco Ilia rrbels. They did not din
cover the position of all'iiir.1 until too lata,
ami were also marched In im prisoners
The attack by gunboats on Al kaiiMi Post,
continued from Friday evening until Sun
day afternoon, at which limn the laud
forces Nlornieil ihc works.
Pliiliiilelphia, Jan. IT. Tim Pivm
Nnshville dispatch x:iv: (it'll, l.ongstreet,
with lliirleen brigades, arrived at Chatta
nooga, preparing lo nitark lioseerami next
The ehuttiinoogii llebel, of Thursday,
has u dispatch annnuiiciiig that a huge
Heel of fed era I Iran-port and gunboats
were coining up the river.
A 11 eidil'ii rebel regiment deserted re
enily and ciiiiid into our hues, near Miii
reeslioro. Washington, Jan. 1 1 Poster, of Con
n.etiiiit, oil ct ed n resolulion directing the
Coniniiltee on (''iniiiice lo iiiipiiie into the
expediency of making an appropriation for
the purpose of ciicoui ng ng emigration
front liurope In Ihc lulled S I u I i-h,
siemeil to Inin (hut it in 1 r prt-.n ul circutn
stance this was a mailt r ol national con
ei'in. The resolulion was adopted.
New York, Jan. IS - A Special di-p-itdi
In the Sunday .l,ri'iiay sni ; "The Army
nfllie Potomne is in million and n luitlle
is probably raging. The em-sing nf d,,.
I! ippiih niiioi k wan iolnilly ell, el. il at
I! chard's 1'ord, leu liilh alane l-'ieh r
iek-biirg" The 'Ci-iul mills; " prniu
Hews received III I he ( Inn I tin lit it is lion
deemed Certain that (iell. 1'iiiriisnle is, l.y
this time, ncro- ihc rni r, and rilnUfke
ihiddling inl in I All nrniv i.llie.r in
Wiishillgtoll Illlt O h i t for I he battle field
New York, Jan 1 The Tritium- pub
li-hi s a l -l 1 1 -r of one nf lis 1 1 , r. -poinl. nl
Willi the ininv nf tin- Potomac, iliiliniiiiiaiig
Hint li In it In- r forward inoli lliel.t Xiisnl.niil
lo be iicnle, mid sav that sin h pirta uU-s
Us we liiive rieeived nl tin- n.tenlioin ,,f
li-ii. Iwi'li-iile gne us reason to lnl.rie
llinl the ii rut jr is across tli- rmr
I "l 'lit piil'o'eil prison, rs In la ta i to la-ptrli-ctly
rilaLle, we hum that nn . 4il,
Hist , nt d.ivl.renk, the h In I I r.ini.4 eom
nn need h at mg l ieili i ii ksburg In r, ihtor. i-
lbagg !v the niiiriiing nf Ihe ,'ilh
i I. Veil la g nli st am, .in, ling In u'end t.'i
IMIII iii.-n, had led. Tin V w re e i-nl
if Irm-ps finin Ti iiiie;.si t-, Noith Curol.n.t
tltl'l I I enrgllt.
I' iliiionlh, Vu , Jan Jsil, Yist.rl.iv
evrii ug the rt I-t Is ii I v ii ii i , 1 i.l.uut mm
iiif.itilry mid nn npni lin-avtwoik opiitr
this phiee, which lln-y lnire lieeii i I
mg I l.i t-t ink A fore was
itiovi-d ilimnlo citilesl llnir furl In r ud
l.iiici-, but lin y d d lint nlT r I. till,-.
The Ynkslnirg t Jpi-ildon ii lung rap
idly renrg anm-d MeCleriini l mil ,.-
. e I ill t nnnii.ili.l Tlie f.ini- il fi in h
Mil- l.lllnireil ll, o a. an I
Cairo, Jan IS --Thr .es ie, nor - ah- ul
Aik Hi- is Post mt from amt i,, ,',(.0 'pi,,, Ha '.'nn k llnl, num. Jul nml
III s.illg, tllid .'i.ll.lll plisnia rs; Bin. ti g id,
latter was (J. li Churi, i oiiiiiaii.drg ,e
ll ii nn I. i!,..l il,,t rini.ii'li i.f .i. , i n nl,. I, I,
ll.i- I t I ul.a in l,i .. at,, r u:u, , r.
. t, iltf. fur rin I our nf 1 tin I n.,,;i n,rii n n I.,.' I
41 p itp ft III ill. . :,
A Pacim,, pllu T "'
,,f 1 1'" United S, , "U,""o of, i
bt .Shubriek ' , bUl,' Itrv,, ,,, '"
1 A,m''''.cu,n,1,r,,,Wll,nfl
''' 'veii-ui,,,,,';,,;
I"M -counlH w,t 1(l 1 , .nj,,
"" 'l''rah, , 1 " Slliir,
1 ' -I'rate eliur,,,, ,"" nlJ.f
whowoul, i MHtm-rcm tlir Z, V'tS
'" l'v. I,I..m. Aeetirili,;".1''"!.'-;
urammiMifil,,, ,,,!.," J . pro-
.l'i''l' iN. y ih sig J K""1
'"M'irt-. ThatMiel, I",
'"hove , ,,,.n ,, , . Il
I;,1;;"-! '"s'JiiS
in the tineerilv of il. ..a . 10 "Inn
r ten gun. eV,, r ... 'u """.h,!.,
ire. nml , I, ,.i.i . u ul '"'! til,.
S. liule, ( I), i. ii- v
!!- mi J a.jS
Mini at Pniihiml lr "''"i
ll"' l lliiiliee Cnintuitl,,- ' lT,ii '
Tl"','il1 "ding tl, .
n.'...l..iR Ihe li, ,f p,a', U,"( ',
S',,,,v,,i,"k u , i- rr cii, ;;
''.g..u. was t! ,.,.,, " !
pass, ,!. 1 ""J
r Mr Hal,, informs m i,7t ,i, , ,
" ' I."Pai ,ise, ,
."'b' bushels . i.-C2 ,W
- Pr. il. nt J
III'.". Ulili.a I ... t ,.
the itlnhtv nf XI. . a " V Mii
l Mf .Urn,. X,lll.) uiliin.
I Iell I. I- in I i.k I
"'P"''" ti.l.l, I,.
l-ii i
I ! Oil
ill.-'llirf (-iilunai
a I in
v' M ct i
V I. UttrtoM hni ,m,
II mini nit -. X .
ne, ill , a i... ..I ... I. ,
' ' "t. ,!,, ,i
'" '''' ""'.- m-lui, uJ,
IV r,.- ' l,r.itll..lm,,(n,M .
I ,,. l, l. .,1 l-l ,l- .,,t1('
i. . ,- ill t. liner, .
,-Il,l 'I, in I,,. I. a
I" ltt tl Lroii,,.
i iwi ltnni,r....
in,- I-nl -I,.i..l, ., ( l,,,,,. Ik In iJ nh,. .,iM,
ii, initio, nirr ih.ii a ,;
XI 'i. '
ll llii f li
XX, r
ll 'I r t inn,. I,,,,.. ,J ....
n nl ...11 I- Iv H ! .-, r,,U,irt
I flail l-l . I r ll I I. i j, rlr,., ,
V XX ,H. ii ,
l' HI In I, i i rli i
I ' Irjll l.l.'tt kill
liiiiH. I.i
Illi: III' -.a,'. I ,.r 'a lr,... r.,r. n
i' 1 1; i s 1 1 i.i vi i: ...
' li .. . t lias 1 In ,a l w4
l.-i.J "-t L.ttrl .1 , '.nr. , a, Sl'tn M (Iltf I
j 1 ! ' S .r I.j,rl
, I ... ...Ir, .1 k,r ,, , V1 Rim; (,
; l- ll-l'IS'i I'l l.l'"-l.s. i,i..(',a, .s.i,,
: I' rf., A . , .., 4 ,. rti. I ,'r I .1, r t,,. , .
j Mi I. n r K in ii . i-i,',, u J,,, .,!
; I!... I I. ... i ... I-i. i .. i .. i . ..
cl-.'l in s.e U 3t ,,, rl k , .. .,, Llil!, .- , ,,:,
the Cil-t g ttinli X -ill have n liniiosli rni In , J I' ll,n. Si . in. t I m ,411. XX jinai k i .1
;;-'ii I a Xl f il ilt i
in . i o , , liar a.
ks . New Yi-ik. Jan. I I Ti o Pu-iiieg l.n Ai:..i i We lire r-.,. see list , ,, rll ; k", ,,, k . .,, 'La!, ,
( ' Post's Vnhin.t,.i ijH-eial tli-j iitch sat, the east g ttioti X oil have n luinii-ti n d In - I' H,,i'. Si in. t I f ,411. XX .
; ; our I,!..- k-vling fl-.-t h-j ,-t , aptured C,.,pka. Ag-nl at .S.,l,, has hr.d a good ! .,-,lr'" ,:',V",-;' r;",",'
I verr impnrtat l d,-p:itehe, frou, J. IT lavis , , , . , h " " " " " ' "' ' ' J 1 "
..n l In S. rc-.arv td .Stat..- t Mat,,,,, Mi. ' lT'Tl ,l ,H Ur'' " "M ' J "' ;"' 1 J
,i ! il.ll nin! iilher- in l-i in, im 'I'l,,. .1,. Iru I-." and : v hard loliaelibhiek III i ,-
reaci it. li,e t,at;u ,s wo'.s
erveJ. n
i.i, i.'r or -j
tor taking tt-lvait.ti.g-. iA the tide that
i ... i i
iu an tii a-.'-,: ei.jr.icti r an
ry up
worthies,:;: ...t of
ha- ne. iiiiiiilati-d 'as we are t,ad by a gen-tl-
ru in fi inn -';ilein i about vci.l v thou
an I the! irs in doing the tlirly Work of tin
i.ryf.ira few y-ar.s, whin; bitter im n
in w ic-Ky si,o
I or ail this in, i
.. . ... .- i.-i. ..i I,. .. ....
:s wlone al.uiit the H II. am t.t hers, in nriine Tim ih. lrl",i aim rtt'iiii,y Hard lo Ii aeli hlm k
. . ' - ' . . . . . . .
.-h-iipiasti r, " Asahcl l""'-"' '' many iinpc,: ant laet nml tie- gn ltd tic i m y - l,ul uiu-t-iy that you
la Is in r.gird to ih i.ij lit nut of tin; p-li
! lis. Th' V give tlif triiligr, state, uefll nf
the tie-1 i r it-r trails to wha li tin-rebel
! h-ad-rs are red'H i d, iiini idiowr th it mile
Ih. y i-iiii ip i Uly gi t ri la f e.ther ,y l.uro
.ve tain ttic Img Imr ill w h-sk v s am, nl , I" ".T ulr" 'S in
.-sillies, in. ii nan p irilllllg Hi" I IlorlS III
i till' fill. Ml dull Mill. i lit tin V lllll-t ,.e
tic. ,.,...e,,i, wo-, r.l, do- - IU'V. Wli.el, Has l,e.-n the p-ic- ol the sweat ,, th.-r fr ,t. T-M, d,. patches
t 'ltion l,rn Lronght ihi it all ' ami toil ol the woi king tin n, what have nrrived h-n-ye-tt rdav. Tin y nt re .ul up
I' at. To .- pan- the imta.n they gi.t i:i r. inrri? Tlnv have git J() in a tin hot load, d with had' nl nni-tinl,
s Lane, John Whitakt r, andAsithil, as so
an iner. ii-.-d i many cu.-c.i.-m s d IfiisiiiL' a moral inia-ina
pro-p.-rity, i, the- ivoik of gr.-at mind-, to- ail over the cnniilry. Watt has pa'rintic
'lay, xx !.;:..- slin.y tj. s nr.- bai'ii.g ally thrown on.- shnvelail of diit ov.-r car
n.e-ir Looks to .-ad captive- the kmuIu- , rioii-vxho will throw tl.
loin led, nml i:!eVnly th. in-, iv lo ,-,i
.... - 'p.. t.-. ... t . ii.
over ru ns of u fr. .; govi n.mei.t i-i ! ' 11 n . i mijiiiT.- e are gin
l.e in xt?
Tin: r.n r- n
Their Mien -s or defeat will n.e-as ttb..; t.-i uuiioii,.(. that Mich fiirlln r
' th-cidt- Hit- length f.f tl.c t,.,r;i,;,. '' I1' "ri-' ''' 'ake;i ih lo r. iid. r it -rob-
t that is 1,'tx a great srh;i f , r,.r. "c' lll(' ' 0r' (''';' " ""'' I' -Man-
Yo: .:. All! iill.t'' is In l.e , '""'I'1"')' W" r.T"' ''.'') a MIC-
rlii,li.:'d into bi tt( r behavior find launht n ! ' ' ' ' r"1"''"' "f Incatii,,,,
leon lint wiil U of i;-.; to him j',, ! , " r l'"w, r. I'1'''4'' '''mg nnaiiimity of
'omii:g time. ael,ou on the part of those, int. n sled,
. . I thientennl to Uitl the undertaking altogeth
rimrr Ivl.i ro
The Two Wings.
cr. Thi, t-houhl not be the
r),;r-.i.t,.w , ( a . ..-'r. If. . i ....
, ,U'U" "lSlr,"-':'-"b ; ' '"-' --io,, papers in Oregon are ox i (.'round tnong .oceupi,,!, und war
llllll f-CI-ri- un- nunrni-ml I.i. I,. .-1 I l i.i. . I i.-i
j -j '-! t- ; """"n i.a.sse.j : nam m woik in trv
through the fiery onleul of a revolution,
ng lo unite ihe two enough nlmivs running In waste, to locale
W illgS Of the th lliocraev Tin. i,p.. .1 l ...... ! nml ilrlei. li.,:i...i .1 1
,!, i ,, , , , J j..- n..i .ei - ,. ......inn. ii mil, jinn, m iiiaeiiine.
th onl, means under God or cWing a , wing which went off under the hd 0f ry at Oregon Ci.y. It is to .1 ter-st
nation which ... Wy ha, held to iua- ; Avery into the national" ,mrlv, H know,, or every man in this ,J , ,, ....rlirulur-
1" nab.,; rights, but , yraclire denied their , as the ore 7nW d tnocracy," while the I)' to property owners, that ort f ,.
(xi-.te,i,e boasted of iu largo liherty while j wing which i, ,)0w ceding froll, chinery h.,l, be set up, turning our nat
it ciis.aud others, preached or the purity Union organization, under Ihc lend ( Ami- I advantag-i, to pmfil,,!,!,. w.,;,uut Let
of re ligion and the sanctity 0f the family hel, i, al-o a Sn' wing, but, ,ke the our of means start the Subs(.-rip.ion l,st
relc, w ll ,t denied to itn own church ' Know Nothings, they have a " ,f,tt !. ! lilH-Tully. ami r.rmers throe-l,,it r,,.
'- marriage, pui its , I ,e difference bttwien tl
cvii (or.'im.ii. eann and it, ow n olf-pring ; " fiore hind" win"
.... ii ii. ... ti i. 11 i . . i ''l
- ... . .., i. .. ..... k nm. Ktioiked tln m or nothing- in principle, i, really a undent
to the l.i-.lir-t baMir for field hands, 0l,n.
.his wing and the
while it amount lo
or ,rostitijt-.s invi.f. d with n '
border ruffian urtny, armed with bludgeons, a" Mr. David Harvey, heir or Dr.
bowie liiiivt-t, nnd federal bayonets a do-' ,M('''""-I'li". ''d into the Stut.-
f"..,,n b-rritory struggling ,or the'liberty ! lZlr uT iVs'' .'" 'T'"" -
, ., . . . ' ' an in i ol the la-t Asst-inbly, relinnnishin"
ol toting on th.-ir own constitution, and ' the Slate's ,1,.;... t,. tl. iu ', ..
Inlilil ll I l,n u fit. . - .-I a ..I.i... 'l-l . . .1 '.. . ' .' .'
the 't-lM-tive frai
l-lllltllll .r .l..l..r. .... .1... I'. . . ..
1 '."'i-ijr uii uie 1111104 ot ihoso
whoso nticestorH on the mother' oidu were
held n " prop-rly"-used the tintionol
treasury iu extending t)f. nn,a 0f 1IJII11M
firvilude- i-mployed the finesse of cuniiinif
diiilomncf to Maze (
0 w i f ' iiis.M;nn; ,
the tilrengtli or the hlave power fitted out I
nnd H-nt off filibustering outlnw, to prey! Wo notice that Jimmy O'Mennt
upon licctioijii of foreign territory mpposed , I'1" found his way back to Oregon. I'rob
to be adapted to the profitable w.-reiKO of j u,,ly w cidii.-riiig round to buy out Uush
blave musde filled the ninety four thoii-j011'! hia remnant, an we underHtiind they
sand oHice: in tho gin of tho Prettid.-nt "r for Kale, How In it, "Malignant"
with b lnre majority of ilartt-brti-drr ami jjoiojj to u onl to O'Menn ngninT
tc man of tho privilege, of i fhiim. The inoni-y had been due nix days,
.chi-e, while it fastened the ''r Harvey paid inti-n-st on the
amouni tor that inn... Li-sh honest und
honorable men limn he is would have paid
in dli'iiplahtcrx. .'vi d,,ttjn (Jriiin.
Wo wiy mjnin to thu Ag.-nt that " hhin
plasters" don't pass in this county, uny
more than on the )r Yamhill lieserva-
ty, in well as the lower end of Mariun and
Yamhill, and Washington, should show
that they are awake to their own inli-ri.-sl.s,
as well as the interests ol our State, by
taking htoek iu the enterprise. One estab
lishment of the kind proposed, will serve ns
a nucleus round which other branches of
prolitable industry will grow up, und our
liiagnilic.-tit ndvantagi-H of water power
will iu lime be appreciated und properly
improved. Tim fulhiwing numcd gentle,
men have lih-d papers in the oflico of the
Sa.ereliirv i.r S . 1. 1 .. nu I :
. .... v.. un uninni nun. por.i-
lors, namely: A. I,., Thou. Char
mini, Ii. 1). C. .atouri-ttc, Arthur Warner,
W. Y. liuck, Wm. Wliillo. It, P. lhirclay,
Huii'l Harvey, (Jeo. II. A ikiinon, .1.1,.
Ib.rlow, John J). Dement, W, 0. J). -uii-nt,
D. P. Thouipsoii, Wm. Harlow, V. 0
Johnson, mid A. II. Stcilc, corpiiratorn
Cnpiltil slock, $.10,000; filed December II,
Til" .fllflt of llm till tuhri i, i, 0f ni.
Inry Ciaiimiiiiiuu it $lu,0o.
A. II r"Trnr, Trtittirtf
. i - i '
so ns in i.iik ni,, i K III ea-e nl ul, i-iiii -it-v
but our iiiihirs Wi fe ton iplii k for tin III.
Springfield, Mo, Ja" Kb- A di-patc
to (i'-ii. (.'nit,- -ay - ;
The enemy, o.Ool) to i'iii'cI strung, with
.. pin-, s of it rt ill- ty, umli r (leu Maimu
i.a. .. i i . .
.HIM', iui.ii hi! it lis on Hit- Mill. h. V toilghl
finin o'elnek uiit.l d.nk tl - pi r it'i !y, hill
were r.-puis, ,i m if cry im-lum . (ii-u
lltu-iHi, th." nflic. r in cnmnoiiid, was wound
id. About ."i n'eloi k in Ih." iilternnnii, Ire
d- r cov.-r nf d irU. -s, the i m my was will,
a.. i - . . '..
lil.iwtl I'l II s,il! (.-1,1111111-. Ill, tM, in,,,,,
..r . I .. i.. .. . I ... i i
ink in.- .nn uny mane i. luolisiriitions in
full force from nnnthi r point. Yc made
Mich prep-iriiliniis lo unci tlnin u, we had
i.i ...,a I I. ..I .1 .1
-" "" iniiiiiu, nm i nt-v eom i i en an i i... ...
,-, .11.. . , . . "' V. lin II n in ii'IiiB,
-,, . . . ,e ,,, , r -, i n, vainraml T.,, f fm, , ,,,!, ,
"' '.'ii"il HI llliaii gnill ,- I IM, la ,
warns .-sun .1 ,-jiruigs, nmi nnotlier pnrlion ''"" ..;" n i". ilu if n I.i.iih i ii
on ihe l,,i. k river mad. Cm. Cn uiu, 1 '"' "r,y "' ""' "nnit Wia.irn
St. I.nuis. Jan. 1 L 4 ; 'm .,. I'"", ll." K'-ii'". ....lit ..t l, I,kI,i
liaie lliritihiil the Salt in bl.u kgt, a d int-
at ha t the .actii!,t.n,cn iifi, eri,ev That
ui die m nn Uih. r'' l,:ts .
into it t iiidirini il inphj x, iia- ipalil,. f u
teranci, in., " .Muhgn.inl" I, iiim If, , n rur
fry t xamii.ittinii is lo In- tru ti ,, ilm , ,t
nl Usn the words "nv bri 'inli, i"
olv cnbbh r," m his as( ( ,,.,, . t h
t xpressinirt fur itlinnst his mdn !
for liiniilhs i.n viniis linn I'iiln'.
Agent himself w,ll in l nm arrive a I them
format-nil that tin- p. i.ple of Ongnn
nnt i mpl. .veil ,i,n, i,r mil , v ri,,,t
loin, to pr..t;tnli- tin- j ! n,' .,,,
w li e! his uctidi iilal t h vatioii n-i 11 .ll..t-
t. r Van I gitis Iii til, u.t i 1 1' iii. s nf sal ,ii, e
ll1 l-e mid t , Miration ,,f I,,, ,, r,.
vastly belt, r than hiiiiscll. (i,i nn in your
gm.-l wnik. Mr, nnd thr i-l, c,.
scoundrel til . ,.ri, H , -,,,ttl. ( " ,. j, ,,
living bbel nn p.ilrii.tisin nml thee, icy nnd
a sieiieli in the iiintnls of nil moral nun
li'.d women. A Mmiioi nr
r.,ririt.r J air -Mi, I'. '. ,hr, ll.r nt.!
lll((( lei It Uf llm tt. Illlirr "Itrli.f," , i. ,,,rl
lit il lll'ii.i.i.lll llllll nf ll,l ,i ) i f , ,ri.r ti,
eeiv.-d di-piiteht-s In night frtiiii Mnjnr Col
Iiii", coinuniiidii.g the post nt I.tbunnn,
slating nml i,i ,i oeloi k on aS.itm tj.i v umrn
ing, 7oo -'i ih nils nl Ilartsvilh' Hit.n k.-i
1,001) rehels Willi fj eiiiiiion i,min,ve ih, ,,,
live in, I. M lo thu south, when tin' rebels
mtiile a circuit mid reluriii-d lo 1 1 art t villi
l-'ighl'lig then column, ceil uml eo ititninl i'.'."'-. "I.a li lln-y ih.l iKi.i-ihnel, , ,.i
till .Siiinhiy 0r loss wm kdh dainl Al""" u" 1"'-"" n. nr-i,i
wounded. The r. b. l bis .. ;,n "v'U'r. ..f i,..-l ,i.rf e,ty ,,,,. ,
-.i I.... I I -1, ., . l-.ll'lllll l- ri-a-l l. I I.M-IM-.. M Hll.r.,,,,,1
" ""' I.icilllionil pll I In ni,y l, r ,,, ,l nil rtf .1,1 ,. ,l,
pers t-sliiiiiile Iheihilimg i done to l-'ri-d.-r " Mr W'm ll.til-. tn.l li .,.. 'l,l wif, ,.,
i. KK.iurg iioiii nm lioinliarduienl ut f,"f,o . """' I"'" "'my u. mi.or h... k
miiniinllng In Tl Imia al .1 tl Irrl -llm If. it.n i,
wl." I. fi I'lirllatiil, r iiiliratfinir alr,iiiilHiiil ami
f n i Ii uI rlinrgr-a), am.ainl. .1 In jtl,-.-;
( asi M.i Htsiror A"ii iuii.i - 'I'la. t,. ... ,,
lar Xfrmlily liuiv drill inirri III IWi, Mail, a, tlrnl
nil in iiih-i i.,r al i In nn ,mi Hiitnnlny rtrnmr, O r
on nm. ii. iiinanii hliiiitf 1 1, i ml nr reiCn,,,!
tn lll.lrrla.l Ihnr trrmera. ail-l l illli,- un In Iiiii.i.Ii
Portland, Me., Jan. I I -l,l J, Mr.
rill wi,m-eei,., p, ,s, .Senator yesterday.
St Paul, Jan 1 1 -.'x (iovi ruor Cam.
sey win elected ' S Seinilor to day.
in.iinuiipoiis, Jan. II. Ihiiiinis A
1 1
C if" w- rn.,n-, (, ,r,
"'I'ln-Siiiiiluiiitn," a tenn , , ,y
ilrinlml In ll,n i, , Irn tla nf ilia Him lary 'nnnni.
llllll - HlllllaH, ,y (' j ,,,, ,(, ,,,, fi(
S .' ir Hllllillll 'H ll,, e,,. rt f ,1,. ,.
I'iek WIINl0 lliiVl H S1 .Im iniir,.vr. l.ranifirr, i.a Ihe
r..r Ihe long term and David Tuipie Tor the l'"y'' "' "'" ii'iamay
short term ,m ".l'lt'""-'l I" A . (tiirin-lint ,,r li. p. Hn,ilh.
.N't-W Yolk. Jllll. I 2 -Vl-W flrlnnna ml. t fT TUf fell, Ill) ailli.llnla liima laaa.i I.....I..I
vici-nofllie .'Id says that negro retriiiienlt !". i'1"""1 ,,,r "'" N'"lary laiiiiiiiii..n :
"ro lo .lo duly ,lt ywlH p,U .,,.,,, .. "'r,".Am'" M
V i,,:,, ' ' ' "r.,.n,
nL 1 ""'I'' M la. kinmir (V. A-,,...,,, H.i. .L
(,'niro, Jan. I.'l.-Ui-n. Dodge. iiiti-rc"pl-ed
(.'ol. l-'orn-st in his reln-ut nt Monii-rey
II II I (111 .1 II tlUt t .
.... ... ..lue.i i-i ,P .,. ,.
ill no
lalllOlllll ilrvili,y
flni.l !iu
y,i7i i,'i
The relii-l fnreii si-eins to be lompleli ly 'M
.......I..,,. ui im:i,i are now prisoners
m i e.
Mi 1 1. Mi.
Ktl.t.M (iieina -Mraara. ( .'Ihiiiiiiiii, Wariiri ft
('ll.lllltll HimiIm ll.ll l.u .1 '11
Washinglnii, Jim. 17. Thr fii. i.,1. r I,. ,.i.i. ... i i ,, , .
tin .Mnp (.anal bill nr.- jubilant over ilu- ..rK...l,,.ei.r, .t ihn Hah . V,,, M.ll.
t7,it III?. " r'"V'n,"y' ''Mm'm T,,,"m '"'""' ""U ""'y "I'l'ly
,. ' " , ' '"'"'".' ci-riauuy oi Una linn, until our WV.I. a l ...
Ilr finHttnu (hrougli (lie lloust'.
clary gau, In amra-
llunlwarr lor Male,
ii v a .) j i. ttuti.ow
I I -I' Iii." I IX I l a .-..J iu,,;.'' .Mliri
J a.iir. .- in .lii.jj :n pari vl llir li
I. nn , mill 'n,
I auiirn' I imi a, uf nil k at t,
ll,,., nl a..l l, I,
I .1 .. I in-r .. .ai.,
Ilrill ll I' 4lll-a,
. I .ahl a' rillfttlll ?fl K,
llui. l'i 1 li.-.p- ( A in.
II. .I..I tin,
I, 'ill. IiH,
l-n,iutril S p-.k A ,j. rs. .Vr, 1,
I.r .a. i,,. I.r , ii (, nil!,
II .1, ll XX lir, f.U,
XX liaa turretr.,
mi l linnv i ll . r llii' ea l-si Ir dial. In m'! at
nli 1.1 K l,i. , at ill I.a a.,! , lir il f r i t'll rtll-
In i (m.uii I I). J 51
nn: Olti:tH 1 77 T .vf.'U.V.lKI'
i, IH Hi: srinml.
IMI.I. rmnni, i,.r ll,. Ilr.l Ifi.n of lli'f -
nu.l )ral nil MuMUV. I'CH ''.
1 1 .11.1 .
M V. M. 1 1. I'lii.e .,l ;i.l l. (.artinrnt
N XV II, si,, i i. Pr.ti, .pit '-J lrilni"'l
M,.. P. until, r.lli. l"l I'Ms""""11
All ilillillr.i Killil.lll.e ,...,lilll"t;"'
fn-r Ilnrti. II III III.- rlill.r-riliry liHtfrf,
li.. i mil Ih- iii liiilrM.lniiil. !
-'I, in: I'rmrr, lluiilins'. "l.
Menial an I l'ia till A i.ilni"He. titHV'
I.,.,. nn ,,,u, ..llii- liainl
'l lir.iil ilrlll.,rnl mil cm tl o( Hit H"
atinla-a ill a-. I In ill "tl j i.
I n, .,-lr ll,r illilll, I mil b-
III. ai. il.tilaira r r I. IIII. v.
I .,r mil e.ll i toi l) HirrliaiK'mlllai
I i.r tin-el i. ... .l,l.-tieill I ll'.llii.'V.
A ruirlnl i.Ki.1. r II In- ti-pt "t ilrJ
nf rn.y, nlt-mmr.- d-r 'J
Nm..- mil I." n.llr.l f.H Ir- """ '',U "
''in I ri,iiai.. r Ii-u inn.. l 1
I 'l lii iiul ill inlliilii n I. iHit
I'ni.ila Hlnr I r (,' "
...I- ll.r tl .tn.-t, nr litr mil.... 'I."1"1'1'
...r..,.l,...i .iit.l l.atr n.4 t ...i.p.rlrl
leer ut lrl tnlrr., mil l.r i l.r.l "
Ire in ...... .1 .... .. H ll. Ill I .')' cl'"'
M'IiiniI ilirai'lnra i mDr
la.,.,1. Hlm hi.. l.-..ri. i.."'"""" '
Hill l,,i. ll.., .., it il-tr ... el.-,-"' .'" v
,ra,,rr. tMUM IA"
.Inn '.'I, I Mi I. h.t.'l"
, ii. ii
IH it 1,,-nl.t Kit... call .'.- " U,,
I liitnl ...i.irr Il.r I I :""",d,r.
Il.i.l Il.r ,--i II"" """ , -Ufliiiifi
t i.1,..,, nf Il.r ( ...l.llir.nfM."" '" . . . ibt
(imiiiy nf I linkiiinat, ami ml '''!"it
Ilia t..i. r nl lilti-ril .lay ( "" ' Z m.
..(.I .,..y, l..r all .rr..i lrM"'""1 p-
ti-lir.lhiil III. II -trlliHll '', .,, 1,1. IH-
al. 1 1 l.a In oi...f. I" '' "" ,,11-Jj
t.a Unit llirir .rni-rijr - illW, .
I. , mlii-r tiil.iui.....t in.1.1- "'! ' ,, ( ouiiiy.
ill n an In. al I i.-K"ii (''). ,ul I"1
II. r Hutu null nf I . ltnn.t , I"'1' 1
lj...,e,ilriill emii.l.iil.l" UtA.tB,
.. .. 1 ' fr lli'r"'
J, .W, 1- .xa--;.
" w.M....(Mii-.1'"',,;a 'I
.In..- ' Or
i il.r ( Im k "iVrcru
.-...iinti-il lii-ini- Hi " ' , ,ii onif "
iiillimw Im ..iul na I'""",'" ,,", .ml
li'liin tl lU.iaiiiii iln tr '" ' u ,'rMtu"'-
lalr. 'J IJt.H. I Uf ' - '