The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, January 24, 1863, Image 1

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    .J II K OltKfJON A ltd US.
itv i. w. vumu.
ti:hms of Ncnscitii'iios.
I'ht AU"' '" '" '"'"'' "' Thrre Dtitluri
, anilum, if '''
Yhrn 'Af i""' ""' ' adnmrr, i'nur
(,, in lit rhargnl if paid in nix mantlm,
f'i'' '""'"' "' "f V""'
Tw '""r I"" rh'tiH"! fin nix miuilu
Vi) mime' il'l""" ",''r"'r'l J'"' " """'
Vii dininiliniird until all iiimiii;;m
mr '""'. nil""'1 """''"" nj llir imliliHliri .
Single ciiiim liernlij Jil t cnif.
ill" (Mi'(;mm Cliliri'liiiiiin I
Tin: Kxisitnit. oi' Tin: Son. Dim-
(iNSTIIATi n II Y III MAN I'llVsini.otiY.
Dr. .1. W. Ibnper, in his lute excellent
Willi c 1 1 1'liVMology, has placed lliis iniil
iT in ll l'f-'ht 'ng I'"!"1' '"r by ChriMiuns.
Alter ilclnollslrnling tin' VllllH! of It liol'V-
diih hiv, iiml I'fgislcriiiggnnglieui ; by coin
pnrisnii nf their li'M'liiinriil, IVi. in ilic
lowest gl'lulc of llllilillil life, lolho I 1 ji ill n'
limn; In! says :
" I'ut what if it should linn mil
tlml, tVoiu tin! study of t lit coiebrnl
iiicrhiinisiii, distinct ihimiI' cmii In' ob
tained on tins pninl 1 1 roof nf just us
riigclltU 1 1 ll I II I ( ill support nf tliedne:
(lilll! of tin' cxisti'iiou III' llin MMll us
llml liii li wu liuvi' nf iIk I'xi.-ti'iici!
'of tlio external win hi, iiihI nf precise
ly llit Minn) I'lliiriictcr: Williinil,
tlii'ii'foi'i', tn-iMi ji ini.r myself willi nu ll
oilier evidence as might In1 drawn
from llii'olnjrii'sil or inel'.iphysioul
sources, iiml which are 1 1 h r 1 n- e.
tiiiiiciius In tin' iiliji'cl of tliis mk, I
sliall il'in'i'i'il In point oiil sin li cull' id
I'latioiis iis naturally tiller iheiii'-ehi's
to nlir I n i 1 1 1 1 s when Wi' recall lli'u'i'll
ciul stliirlill'i! of tin! hi'i niis nppara
tUS. Hopi'Illing, tllrivfnl'i', Midi farts
us mil v I"' iii'i'i'-smit for tin1 irnnT un
derstanding id' this interesting arg u
ini'iit, I present it ns follow s :
Tin' silllili' I'i'll.lti'il nervous me
cousins essentially of these portions,
a cent ripctul lilii i', U'Mil', mid n
centrifugal lil'l'i' ; til'' centripetal li'i'iv
may liavo its outward or roi 'ri in:.' fx
tri'iiiitv vesicular or 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1- material.
Tlllis rule diluted, this inorliani' in is
I', -;i J In receive external iniii v io;r-,
which, if Mirli l.i 1 1 n;i : may I"' np-
pl'opl'ly IIM'il, lll'i' ruin '! I.'il or !
Il.'i t il in pai l l'
inoiiiiiis, nii'l tin'
Kill tli.1 an,
ini'i'i' iiistriiini'iit, i
lli'tioll, llllt
poWiT of its o II.
lis lltlY lili'i'llillliia
tin' u.iiii.'Iioii into
r iilil'' I i taio' il.
d l.y ii-i'lf, i- n
I'a'lv, it i' tni'', for
in;: no inii'iinr
It :i it 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 -
roiil 1 1 alii '' in
ircM it
Weekly N(;vsii;iiei', dovnlcil u, l(t Interests of tin; Lal-oriii; CIhssch, and advoctithig the side of Truth in every issue.
OIII'KI O X (! I T Y , 0 l I) C, O N, J A N U A It Y 2 4, ISO ?,.
No. 41.
yciirs pin t, Iiiih j iclili'il Mich i (.pli'iiiliil I
result. Tile muss of a plmiel liein'
known, tin; perturlmlions wliirli it can '
cmiso in iinollicr nre eiipulilo of ilirect
compulation, Iml it was ivscrveil fur
lieverrier In discuss tin; inverse proli
1 i I r il i . . ..i ... : i.. I
.in 'I lion, ' I H'l I 11 I Oil I IOI1S Ml
Details of Cistern TTcws.
C'llil'o, Jilll. 1 1 . A MrlllillU (liiiitl'Il
(if this Mioriiin.', Nnys llnil .Mi'ly'li'riuiiiil Ihir
iiiiiiclii'il to 'irklnir nail Kiiiirsi'ir(l
Slu riniiii. TIkti" Iiiis Ih'cii no filitin ut
Vicksliiirif fur kcvci-hI iIiivh.
(lispnlcli from .NcwIiitii, (N. (; ) (uli,
Iiml I Ik: place ol the iilanet. Thi! iviiortx -1 .000 rehcls in (jlolilsljoio' mill
discovery ol .Neptuni! was the result.! Kirtnn.
.xmv the prnlileui we are dealing
willi is nf this inverse kind. It may
lie staled, (liven the i Iructiiri! of the
ccrchriini, to determine' the nature nf
the av'ent that set:, it in action. And
herein the fact, which ehiclly guides
us is I lit; ahsnliile niialoey ill I'nll
sll'liclinll liel ween the elemeiitary lil'
raii'rcnicnt of the ccrehruin and any
oilier nervous arc. In it we plainly
ccoenie Ihe centripetal and eeiilrii
ual lililes, and their colivereuce In
Dickinson on the "radical" Wada- sniil: A limit tin- finne time t!ic oilier in
wortu and tho " Conservative" Idivitliinl lKiiintt'(l. left his f.unily nml
Seymour. 1 rcsiiliucc of rrposc, liut not lor the si'iit
For tlii! Iji'iii lil or llit! Union nn'ii, ' f Wlir Lmiiti r He hi'-d liiinscll
wlictliiT lii ri'tiifuri! iittiii'lii'il to Ilic ri pnh-' iiwiiy upon tin; ilouMt- quick in tho oppo
lieiiii party or lliu dciiiociMtic oriiiiiziition, flin-ci ion hingM-r, nml for ncnrly
. , , i . I i Imlf n ynir liiil liiinscll' unions t lie hikes
i Olio snnaro (twelve liui, or lc, brevier mfMure)
: ! (1(1'
one iiikltiiijii "
Eacli BiiUciiuonl iniKrtion ' CO
I'liiinemcurclx one year 20 00
A liberal riuiluetion will bo Rmde to thoee who
mlvcrtmo by tlie year.
t?T The number of insrrlioni 1i6uld Im notcil
on t lie margin of nn ailvertinentent, ollierw'mt it
will be publisbed till forbiililen, and cliui'od nc
coiditigly. f5J" Obiliinry notices will bo ehiirgeil ti ulf tlie
Lbove rnti'S nf odvirtihiiig.
J.jb I'ristino executed wiih neatnesn nnJ
lini ili ll.
I'aymenl fur Job Printing tnni I be mailt B
drlirrru nf ihr unik.
tioil Matle Ibe l.ttuntry,' Mutf Made ihe'
St. Lnwrence county, in the Stntc of
New Yoik, which is settled by intellij;er.t
futnier3 nnd mechanics, end which the Tri
bune says bus not ti ruin-cursed city, or
even a hirjjc villiio within her boftlers, bus
struck two terrible blows ut the rebellion.
1 ! enno In tlif. nl-ntr Slifi revf K.lVli
volutilei-rs, whose "(.'hosts walked mire-j . .' J' ,.;,
, ' ,. . ... t ri'i lority in every ono of lit r twenty-nine
vt-nfo iiniuiiM us. oi-imuiiuii. j iiiliui- - y
.nil t. ti.i.l r.imii t ir. 11 ni.l I :i Mild mill in.
Hindi- by Diinii l S. UifkiliSDii in New Yolk , , ( ()f vjs(.ollsi lln, t
Citv. Oct. 8th. The rebel orinns in this' s s;,.t 0 IU nut -c-t of ileiiiinneiii'' ! cim first imvc fmir tlii-.iiiutnl of her sturdy
i'.... i :. .i i i.' t . r .1... r..i. n
iiu in .inn. in,, ,,A , " stntc nre c n in Hi rSi'Vinour ns n "con- me lieneiiion ns inosc oi tin: ininu'-ieu i
mivh it is ri'iiin'iei llmt n (jicut cxiii'diliem , , , .. ,.
,', , , ,, ,,. ,i. i . scrviitive, ' nml (hiiouiicin;' ns rndici
ol tlie uiiiibimts nml liiuisiiiiris, miller (n-n. ' . ..
Nniilcf, leli ForticM Menroe. tm the lt, l" abolitionists," &c, stwli ai Dickinson. I - , ,wsk(,d (im) ,imct,l, i towi.sdips ngainst Seymour, umomiting iir
for soini' Stmt In rn port. Fnjin indicutions : Holt, Slunlon, John A. Ionn, Kobe rt w utclit(l nnd waited, nml turned and j the ngregatc to a mnjority for Wade.
(h't nii'il niiiiiislnliiilile, the e nemy is pre- .,,. Onen, naiieroft , HuiK r, Cu?, Andy twisted hiugltter, until Antnnin, wlicit n i Worth of C 030 votes. Twenty-nine dis
piir. d liMimke a pnid demonstration en. , Ji)msn R ,,0,t llfoll(.r pHols ' miu.II knot ol di'lunet, ij.-f.'.t.-l desperate, j in t0llluining nlout
(jolilslioro nml Kingston. , , .. , , ,,, nnd despieab no .ticnnis, who lmu for . '
New York Im 1 1 -TI o st. J''0 f"""; r,y '""1' y r. 1, upon' the subsistence dep'.rt. equal vote wl, St. Lawrence county,
'ri.ile Ir,,!,. N,''W Orii-HH has rri d , l'""" ''T" , , - ;"""t f I,''tic 1"' ,,'i-!S,,1"tC' I mi M TribUn 0W
Tlie pin 'sier of the Creole reports llmt. tin- ""'.'-while it hnd any eli.ims lo loyalty, ; riini(. to lliu relief, by filtering the held. nous for their IiiiuiiU of lewd nnd vicious
nt rive-l Iioiii tlie Soul le em who nre now i.nriv n' rev iueu t m- L i .uu-iin i j . 111.7 .,.,.,... i resort, nnu lor Ilic Uegraeleil, ignorant, nun
tve me nonori'ii nnnie til I'l inueuu t, me
the sensory (jaueliu
Iiiiii and optic thalamus; we notice
the vesicular material at their cxlcr
mil ii'i'ilicrv as preseiili'd in lliecoii
yiiiilniit Cliltnii
wil I'nss on tlie t veiiiie,' (if Ihe
voliiliniis ol Hie 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 lirain; nml il
in oilier nervous arcs ihe striiclure is
merely aiiloinnlie, mid can display no
phenomena of itself, hut requires the
iiillui'iiec of an external ii'eiit if the
optical apparatus lie inert nnd uilliout
value sae under the ililliieiii'es of
liehl il'lhe amlilni y apparatus yields
iioiivull save under the impressions lnimls
of miiiiuI since there is between n i I ' r
these Mructiiros and tlie i leinenlary
Ml'llt'liii'.' of the cerehllllii It perfect
t. ,..,.,.1, il ,. ir , ii.Iii a' n'se nu n nl'ennw
' , , . , . : di r wliieli to perpetrate their covert trea
Iruly lovitl, nnd in earne t m trying' to s.ive i,..,.v
I III 1 . .,v ii r i .!... , ' i
i i in. ....iinii-e i .lev nre n ( I o i s
tin, iiiiit-iiiiiir tif tin. 1-it (Inr eiinlifni t s : J
.. . i." i i .. ! ..i.'i.i .. nml iinsse.-siwr linblu scut ime lit inn; fori To n-rve tlie devil in."
WiTi' lllllltltiil oy ll' n-ii'i siiiiiie 1 1. . i
1 1 v tloiilile rmvs tlieir honest i fTotts in enislim Hie rebel
ihe corpus Sll'ia- newstlmt the rebels Iiml III nle till ll'MUill
oil the tnlir.ils lit (iMlViston, ( I.exus
1 Stole the livery of the eoiirl of heaven,
nml In eai)-e they will not tun) aside
eld of politicid ji -gjery. to
to tic
Tlieir disgrncefnl nnd disloyal record
stands out ns the doings of men too stolid
in political depravity to be galea wun or-
(luiiirv instincts, niu loo regiirtiiess oi uie
popnhir will to be mindful of shame; nnd
ellhlioilts Were ploteetl ll 1 1 V ((ol
of cotton bid .'.I. The Unmet l.ine wns
enptureil; the ollicers, uii lmling me I up to enter ill
i nnd eritt- I.I) in n I were ki eril ov '
... . bin 1 1 tin nil onu'isitiou 1 1 : 1 1 1 v . to t III' war,
miek' trv Inilil rein I sf ameis. i lie gnu- ' ' , i
bunts Ciiflon nml Own sen were en;:nged, t' "PI"""- ""' l''-'del.l, save shiv ry, clo.r
I. ..i I. (I... f.MMi.i.f lo, in. t iim iiini A tint u In el.' nf ffii (InVi riiim-i; I h ive ilic
haviigbi.t one vwni.iiliil Two l.itrg.'S. W!iy trt (honorable nnd huiiiiliatin- ! ' """" "" A " m " " .' vm" State.
loaded with toa!, f, II into .be iV . ... , it nnlv shiM the, , . ,, i ' i .' i .....
The We.lliild, ll.eship ol Com-: ' , . . , . ' , p . . j ins if, inv r-. in . n,
Pe'iehaw wits not ciiL'aed, s. ; heads of the lenihiig rebels from (! s-rteil nrii:iisst nbell.otl by halves. It IS
i... , 1 I.. ,,!,! In. rn il I II, r colli 'Ml l.illlishnienl. Iml reiuslnlu tlieni at worse lliall Hue to seuei our .sons to tne
crew vm re tr ie-!' rri d lo n tr mspurt, tun
lli, f.-ii r i Ii LT she would fall into tin
criminal character of a largo shnreof their'
population," nnd where they figure on the
police books os having " 2,143,
279 notorious brothels, 1T0 places where
unto thieves and ruffians habitually resort,
103 loliey shops, with gambling and dunce
houses to match," BeS" g.ive the democratic'
ticket a majority of ten thousand nlnehvn-
the ilclcut they experienced nt tlie liuiuls 'Jred ami eighty-one t being 209 nioro
ol the people, should serve as a to sVI,inr-s mainnlv in the whohi
i ... ...i :..i.t... J
Throw out the vote of this Five
! Points Sodom, mid Wadsworth heats Sey-
' f t e l 1 II .1 . ..; ..4 I., .....
.1,,. hend nf the Government-.- ev Hem in nioou uim leave poi.ue.iii.s no, ,e
' "'"' '; , r . ,n,,,lV, blew lump. I'.y
1,1 lllls '"bi'ice m;.,M ,,.,,; ,r ,,.:,, ,.t , i,
as ill those, nnd. il'sertllifr the uli.-o- ls-.n,l ,.,,,., , .fr,. . ,;lt, cnhtu'ii-
lute illt'l llie-s nf the cerebral slrue- j, '..,,h:W nil I lit- limit's crew, col
lure in itself, In illlpllle till' plli'liolll- w MVl no , t In 'V were lii lowii up Willi 111 '
eua il displays In mi aeeiit lis perfect-hip Tl"' remainder of the crew wen"
Iv cxleriial to the liotlv and us imlf- siv.d. Our 1 .ml forces, under Cnhunl
iM'inli'iil of il as nre li''lit and sound, linrr II. i-mbably did not . xoeed Ihne lmu
il l,.. UK. !iiiiniiniIhii f ! (tt'oriimfiiit n mil n.
. , . I ' I tin Uli; in itoiiuiin,; va v v t ' v t ..-...
they r.. now ileiiounc'd by such whisky-1 for Tl,Ml()lK ,, lirc -Wck, no
snake I, unprincipled, specuhiting, nnd ' m.lU,,r ,ow stealthily or covertly, (ownrdly
Iri'ieoaal.le nllii s of the rebels us the Sn-) und fatal propositions of pe:ce. Rebellion
Inn s.iiiirt ns " abolitioi.i.sls" " radicals," i knows from spies niul sympathizers quite
.vr., ki'. It was in a great measure out
of deference to tic wednm of the eleino-
U 1 1 it-It , liefoie a piveil lii'ilnill can be
mndi', a cert iiu !piiii.' mu t
The t' ciiiiditioii of lb'' at'
tivity of : m il il ihTMiiis an' is lie l "-
fnl'i' ill'" pl'i'senei' and ii, linen : i
external ngent-a mhii il.imr whieli
can coiniiii'iice the piuuiiivi' i n i j -r. -s--ioii,
for willioiil it tin' lift li.tiietn can
d'ei'lav ho kind of ivult.'oer,
tiu'i'' inn
t he mi le
the li a t ill'- of thai
Ipt.lll.'ll lielWi'i'll
a.'-iit mid tin'
the eve milling
mid itii lud" its
al Ireali-i's.
slriietiire thus liiuielil in relalimi
willi it, n s is strikiuv'ly iUiMraied by
cat Ii of tin' organs of ' eu'c. Thus
the peripheral extremities id' the
fibrils of the optic ve :itv ilioed
iii ii ciunliiiiati'in of a purely physical
kind, liavimr I'el ilioli to tie' pio" i'lies
of li'jllt : the ciile Mil I'o'e of ill"
cortiea, tin" iiii"ipiicnr.'d h iis. tic
diiiiirnvinatie iii-. tic interior inve
lilurt! of black pL'iiifhl. tln'-e me all
structures tin' object of whii !i we
ll 'ailv tllidei .land". We kmnv that
the ra'vs of lejlit 11111-1 lllidepjn I' '
I'lacli.Ill III the rimed sllll'iees lijuill
which tliey are iii. id.'iit. mid d. pii t
the iinaues nf external forms on tin'
Vctililt or I'l.u k pii'ini'lit, lie' ill-
pantline; or e Inicliic.', as the cu-e
inav lie, to repilale tl nlrau f
Uric'liulit. Sn eoinph lelv dn we ad
mit tliift principle of un iuhiplatio;i ol
struct nre tn Ihe nature of the nu'ent
which is tn set it in n liv itv, that in
this particular instance, wilhnul any
hesitation, we I'lu-s
ntitical instruniciils,
descriiilion in our optn
Hut in the same uimnier that, st il ting
from the widl known properties of
light, wo itilvaiii'.' tn the explanation
of the) use's, of I'acti of tin' various
parts of the eve-, then' nm he no
doul.L that the verse of this meth
od of re'iisonitlH would hi' possible In
nil illtellee't ol' sullie'ieilt power, wlm,
r, I'.. It ....iisiileralitill ol the struc
ture of the eve, might determine lh.
i,i'n....rlii.s of Infill. L'lli.h'd III llollle.'
ibis hv the iiiineinle that thciv must
he an adaptation hclweni smh slrui'
turi's iiii.lsit.'h properli.'s; iinil. in I'"'
same manner, a man lenf and ehinib,
hut ol an intellect e.f givnt riipaeilv,
iniLdit doubtless, from lb" eniK'ni
Finely of the eonstriietioii 'l 111,1 ,'lir
-i it,., imiiiie of soiuuls.
.1' na ........ in" ,
Nav. even more, it is not nnpnsMM
that he should hi' able I uupaie In-
in.ll Ilu. iihvsicu liecillialliy nl im
innvenie'iils which eniisliU'l" lijrlil nr
sound ri'speetively,
.1.1,1.. it. ut il.i.s.. nriifiiiiiti! iuiminial,
ami iIi.ihi. in transverse vibrations
S, th.'refnre, (h.'se ,nihl.'iiis pr"
smitlheiiiselvesun.h'raelniihle iisp.'e't.
nml urn cnnuM.) hnlh nf u iliivrl
nn inverse Hnluliein: (iiven llm niiliire
of IMit. to deli'i inim' what inusl ne-
cessiirily Im the ennslnie tioii ol lli
. :.. .. ti...... tin. i'
(inier nt vision; or, i"'"
I. r il... eve. In dcler in
I'll WlillUII 'l pi" " r T a
iebt .1,. i. im nf hiiht i and (lie
Ulltll n (IMJ lllia.n - -
Minus iniejht Im wiliI l' Hi" '
lieiuiiiK. This inverse! inel
trenlintr nntiiriil iiL'eiit i "H"
infancy, heciius.) of llm extreme M"
perrectinu ol our iumw icop-,
ih.iililb.tiM ubll t. has lieen Mild will
n..ii i ii... ..I'llni reader Hie I"'!"'
1J IIIU nun" m" ' 'Ill
tilh-l esmnplo whii'li I" funiihlma by
..i...,... n.i !, ieh. within R tew
i . , . . i i
ami III it iieelit is uie stun.
It wuiihl iml conipoit with tlie eili
j.'cl of this wol l; In plir-lb' this lll'.'ii
1 1 it ' it I in its tl.'l ills, yet I t 'annul hr iili-"i in;' thai, even so far as we
have already advanced, the point
which, nl'lcr all. is nf the tltiiue-l im
port. nice, h completely attained.
Those who have aecilM'il pllVsiol'iey
oi' leiejinu' lowaril inalcrialisui liavt!
never duly wt'i'.died tic accu-ntion
iln v inal.e. and certainly never
uii'h'i-t I the nature of tin' nrLTii-
iii.'iit- il c:in preM'iii; for such as the
here imperfectly set butli, from
their laie.'ib.. nature, will coiiiiueinl
theiic-eh es In many iuiud who tin not
appreciate lib' strcliiMll of purely
ini'taphv-ical ni'.'iiiiieiiis, and herein
llieV may becullte sll'-iT i'Mlt t' lib'
hi'jb'" I and ncist cutluriiej; interests
of our race.
Ami thus it may be proved that
tho-e actions which we term intellect
ual tl i not spring from mere mailer
alone, iioi are I hey functions of mere
material combinations! for lliniejli it
is iibli-pillahly tub' that the mind
eenc. to L'l'oW with tin' bodily stllie
ii f . .. '.t ?. ... i ....
lire, alio net-lines wun n, c.oi"iuo
too near us, what is urnmg on in our tniilst
us well ns we (lo. It is struggling on in
the hone that this nence iiaitv may gain
cmtie statesmen we have mentioned, that the nscendeiiev. when it e.xpicls to be for-
. , . . r -. . . 1 l..l
IM... ..ll... I ...1 .i I Mr l.llll'ti 11 H as IlllUietl 10 VltHl lU Mini .ll.tni H'l ll linisun, 11.1111 iinniiii n...... ..
il,;r, , -enpv Calves!..,, .bd not nrrive, 1 m-ent npp, als, i,d conform to the wishes; from its bloody hands, nnd h- rewarded for
.l tie' 1 1 ice Mien ,MI They did ,,, ,,, ,,,-,, or America . Is, lu re, in de- ils viHumy y hb-ral propositums.
,,.,t ile. uilniik All Hie lint IS titV n" ,.r , ,,, ri'bi ls of the (lift hi r nil! (if foul' . AnClCnt PrOWCSS
The n il
h :i' b itl; to .x.w urieius. ine n o r . , Ve doubt whether the pau'es ol history
.-!-- me ,..tim, I nt nbo-it o.iubl. ()iir ui-icon nt , , I rcoorj inst-iiiers of -reiter braverv thon
.s ,s e.t ina'eil nt l.'iD In I HO kilh.l. i.i..i letter froa. the, g.v ng us the m.-t -"rJ "s jmr , ' T 7
..iiiM ki-iip'-is.uiis. l.llsslV, ,vii'o.,.',,.mansM,r nets that our newly cliehd! w,rt' exhibited by the Tyroiese ... A. stna,
vikiiUv. iistinrciiesliiedunpeuiiile iu-l;;,.,,.,,,,,. Mr Having, Mauds ..long side ''S ?m"h 1"v,l10" Ul"jcr I'0,:a
M,r. nl.. their iitid-t. i,lf ,.;. ,.miM,t ,,,, , sentiment al.,t! -rto in 1609. The Tyrolese, l.ko Etlmn
C.,:,o. .! :. II.-Hviunval .f steac.e r .i,,,,,,,,, ,, S.-v,iio,.r iJau lmekeis ns ! Allen, went into buitle "in the name of
M t ,'lt'r.ii. the Yazoo riv.r.j. , vVe Ilk f,,!,,,, ,l.-m. j 0o.l," nnd - in the name of God ' conquer-
we have null ciitic r- is In .lie 1 1 in. , ,, .,... i -. (,r died. c trivc nn instanc
!nllll Ill's Ii bll'.M' Was CiilUlilell'. 1 lie 111
niour by a handsome majority. The rum
mies end debauchees, three-fourths cf
whom ore as ignorant ns they nre vicious,
elected Seymour, yet their bird of n feather
nt Salem thinks that the vole of these'
ruffians ought to shape the policy of the
whole nation immediately. Wo Oik our
honest farmers, who have no money invest
ed in groggerics or brothels, whether it
isn't rather a poor recommendation to tho
sicesh democracy that they owe their suc
cesses entirely to the mum nf creation?
Are such scum nnd ignorance more likely
to be right ihnn the intelligence of the
country? nnd nre you, Union democrats,
r. a ly to follow tlie S-leia stupid into such
i tn.'
full perfection nf lis powers at tin"
, .. , i -1 . . . . .. : l ...
i 'i ion nl iionuv iii.iiui ,i. . o ni'1..
h iiion-iiMlcd that all tins arises limn
ic iiieiea-e, pel lection, ami diminu
tion nt tin- instrument lurouvu wnicn
it is winking. An in niplMif'l arti
san ran not display his power through
in iinin'i fei I toi'l, nor, if the tool
. , , i i ...i..
simiibl i roKi'ii, or ot-einiii- o- o
ihn.ii'rh iinpairn I, is it any proed
that lib' aitisiiii has ceased tn exist;
mil so. thiiucli we admit that there is loree niul' r cell niaiiil oi .Mi I I'Miniini
h nl i iiilmrkt t' on tr iu-pnrts, iliwly pur
.un) l.y rcbiV udvaiiee, wheh (oinaiL'
w.lhin r.iiii.'e eif the guiibiiats wire dnveii
La. k with sevt re h's. At Inst iiet'iiaiils
,i . .. :.i. i... I ...
Il.e rltlire II'll, "III 'l ne'"i ', nil i" I
tind at Mmd No S2. em their way to:
Viilaib oll As lie.illv ns coil!, I he llf i r !
taan d. oar .e i til k lied, 1..V.) I woand
id, nml 1 ,01)') mi inj.
Cai iniiitti. ".Gen. Carter's expe-
iiitit.ll to lvtst Telilles-ei' reilehi d Maliellt S
t. r, l, iitneky, yeti rday, o:i its return
The re-uils nt the t Xpt till inn, which rim--sti"l
i I 1 . 1 10 il cat ally, were Ihe ileslruc
I on of to iiuporlaiit bridifi s, the k lhn-',
niul' j- rn I c.iptiiniiL' of 'i.'il) n-bels.
I he lal.iiu' of "I'll stand of arm nnd a
htre iinieuiit of ll'iar. i ilt and othi r !er s.
A brisk sk'imisli look pliee at Wautaifii
briiL't' iiml oil' ! lo r nt Tins
ra d Was one of tlie llio-t len. irdolls (if the and nliciidcd itli great h.ililsliips
mid privations. We lo-t ten un n. glen, Jan S The House today
pis,ed ii resolution thanking ''i'11 Ibuh ."
lor his utile im I i ner.'et'c n.liiuiii.-tr.ition
nf the nlfa'rs of the Gulf Department.
A h.ll was reported by the Committee
tin Wavs iiml Menus In thiV which pro
vides for the issue of $'.M)H,mK),OI)l) of 'Jil
ci'itts to lead Pit kiason, and then decide
whether you nre of his " kind,'' or do you
train with l'al Malnue nml his tool at S.i-
("1 or UK-el . IH'i'iU' nil insuiiiee, ua a-
luted by a Saxoa Major, who, nailer the
French general Lefebvre, invaded the Ty
rol in August 18H9 with nn i.rmy of 4,1)00
men, 3,"UU of whom were slaughtered in
the first buttle. As these are war times,
we have no doubt it will interest the read'
Win n the mo-t ulrivauis conspiracy
which ever desecrated eai lll louud develop
l, mi us. nilt noon our National'
... . r . . n , i i'..m., I,,.,,, iii.ti. iiin,r I
uuitt-r, unit m i lhirts 10 lynssnere a , ers m oiu -tn'm t" n
halMnivid garrison, plae.-d therein u j m I'.urope tiHv years ago. 1 lie .m.jor
time nl brn'oiind iieiiee. neeordii'g lo uni-i says-
form iisicje, lor no other offense limn assert- . ponetr.t'ed to Iiispruck with
un: the supremacy o( thi ir country's Con- out great resistance; nnd nhhoiigh much
stitiition. mid giving to the bret .' ns till . w,is every where talked of nbout the Tyrol
1,1, thei-itif, lie: gloiimis nml I ,.S., stationed ou anil ti round the I'reimer,
Stripes of their f.itln rs - lit n the Inave Vet j,;,,-,. little credi' to it, thinking the
voliinti t is ho Wi re hurrying to tlie eh- rel'tls had been dispersed by n shott cm
fi iise of our nation's capital, to save it ( nonade: and we were nlrem'y considering
mull rule nnd rebellion and coulh'gi-alit'li. ourselves ns conquerors. Oar entrance
were bleeding by traitorous hands when j n,o the passes of the Dreimer, was opposed
slioii'.' men tieuibli tl, win n women w. pi, j ,v Sin ill corps, which continued
and children instinctively chmir clo-er to . l,I,, k. nflor n smart resistance. Among
the maternal bosom when nil commune others, I in reeiveti a man, luu e:gniy years
old, posted iieuiust the snleot a rock, nnd
sending death mid consternation among our
ration between the loyal States nml the
capital was cut oil' by rebellious forces
when Ihe I'd sidciit fleet of the United
i 1 . t. . a
States taut llien r.'CelitlV n icin tl in'' seat
niuks nt every shot. I poa toe llavarntlis
iesceiulin' from lielund to make l.un pr:s-
. ... . .. 1. I ... r .1 i. ! I .1.. I.. 1 l...t,.1i, r,,
e . ..... I. ..,.,, mi i ill k I ll I... I ......1.., ti'iij i r irii'ii i ll I'liniaii I,-, it,- i ll. ri'inv iiiiil .ill i.iiti 1.1, . I ,,i,
.., ,. . ,.,,1, 'I ll rt'ar Ol lOIIIH linn "", Illlllltlli... - ; , I . .
in t-oii iiniii wiiiioui'i ... .,, , ,i, s,, 'riiere ; r th s L-renl Stnte. Iioiii wire in " the name of the mm noiu ira;,
i ' ' - , , - , . .
between France
The iih n is a g"od one.
exist, nr that the death of the
dv implies its annihilation.
t j)- Fi'iilii e is so nnxioiis that there
should be ineibntioii .mil ii.t-r v.-i.l .on in
lh, New Vtuk World, Unit the New Yeik
I' reial mil-'i sIs that our liovcli lit
ft. til inl' rvem
m. . !
'" " " i neli'V in
li..... t is Wrsrmv Ii i inois - 1 Im were rep
I. .... l.l I 1 s savs I lis teal'. Ill Hist use IlirlHS ere t t.iin.i ...
""i" "'. .' . . . . .. :.. .1...,
has been raging iin hum em ft
ion It is routined to rliihll'cil niul us
sin..!., II v fil.d. In the town. Kmnkfoit,
..r vt..ti ..iiu'liiuiilrul rhihlreli huve i..,,,nr un t veslerdny
I,,,., sw nit nil', nml it is riigiug yn ' cemmciiils lliiil IMlinic mj
tcnilile ell'i't.
Btjs Ih fore the nr broke eat, f,"l,;V
IMIll in I'.oiiS were suppor.eti in i.";i" y
I n .. I. .,.,, I in
ciitlim; aii.m'li.nm' spininit ' "'i"".' ".
. prodnelUMl of the vain, nnd Uie
nbJibe.l ..c.e.h'.l 7:.".i't'l.0.o. lour
lilt Ik nf the collon coiiMiim d m I'.i'ghu.d
hUii.iMMi.niii) piiinids- were Amencan.
.u ( n,i.lii Hi-it 1 1 I lhi Hist lllllllllllt III
'r7. i!...i. a ...ion dilT, rent bran.'hes Frnleri, was the Univ. rs i
H " I ' .. , . . l .1. .. t... .1 l-i la of I II'
of government, where duty called Imn. by , 0lll.ri le sliontcil nload, luirruh. k licit the
n circuitous and u-aal route, and in j first, seized the second by the collar, nml
tlisguise, to escape ihe dag.'i r of the nssas-j u itl, the ejaculation, " t the name of
sill!" niul' when our hind was liih il with ex- ,,.'' precipitated himself w itli him into
cil.'iueiit nnd roir-ternntiiin nml alarm I th,. nhyss below. Marching onwards, we
when " shrii ketl the lined and stood slill j n, , resotind from Ihe summit of a hinli
the brave ' nml the conliiling innsses ItmK- rock: " Strvhni: shit.'l I e'i"p n tr iei.'
id nboiil lo see who were the men for the ! to which n loud " Ao," replied from the
l.mpire I oiiimsite side. I his was reportetl to t lie
public nf-l puke of Dantzic, who, iiotwithstnmliug,
lo us ordered us to advance; Imt ut the same
SnhTrcnsui v receipts. Anotlnr set lion i ,.x, niphiis lu such n, iai re were iwte l)n. m. pnll, nny wmiurew iroui uiu m.
Iixes bank 'circiihil.oii I percent on a i whom sulis.qiieiit events have luule coiit,-,. to the rear. The van consisting of
..r iiluited scale, in'cording to uiimimt id Spi,.ons in doniestic history. Tin y did 4,1101) Ilavnrians, had just cl umbered npn
,..,pil ' 'not, I ke the two charncli riz-'d by the 1 ,,.0, ravine, when we i.gnin henrd halloo d
St I ouis .Inn II It is stnt.'tl that a prophet Nullum, live in eueeity laughter; I v. r our bends: In the ivvne of the
ivlii'l furiv limit T ! on. Alunimoui-M'. i" nor wil-i Ilu' olio rn'ii nui im- tunu . ; nonj truunf. uui mn-i wm.,..v.v
..eiu reMitii.tleuee bctwe.'i. t lev.'l- ycr rt P r n.t bonds, for the e,,., ol ,, ,,,,,1 Ihe mnlbli g mass,
, .' .1,,. i,,;.l Il.e erowth $::il0,(ili0,ll!iO of heal tender notes 111 the ,., ,iit lose.' who were the men
opnii'iit "I mind . ;M,al f,irn..,...df..rfracti .1 not, s not In ,.r:s;s, ,,,. .1,,, ri.izer.s of .he !
the body, we elenv libit II l 'i "s (.x,.(,n, 4;)0 oi nail, to take the place of Sll(t .1() 1 ,rne a part in pu
from that, either that the nnml elnl iml (,lln.;,1(,v ,, f()l. (K ,,0sits of coin in ; f,,,., nd were naturally hnk"d up
, . , ..... . . ... ... . 1. ...1 ..1 1
.. 1 ...... 1 t 1, i n .1... r. .11 ..r n.tti.rii He" i.iii n 1110 i.i ., inne'" n ii. uuttt i.uti
ias been mini' iiuiing sun t -. . mr not tein u. . . .
l irg' loree look our guns, Imt ,,. honnivd by maiks of popular I'l'i.n- w,.r,. thousands ol my comrnins in anus,
I nt dark. Mil, tin re-lninrri!-I (,.,.,.. both Iiml been enucnletl y nun , r., ,, liuru il niul overwiieiiuen "i
care known only ton fathers solicmnie . ucrcdiblu heap of DroKen rois, siones,
.w Vault .bin 11 13 old this inoruing !, a litthei's hope; belli were nii'sseiiw un i trees. Inn le.l ilown upon us .i.m. ....
.V, , . , i . r.n.iiim auinl" wraith -the bints ol uiiiiisiraius , ,p 0r u. moutiimiK. ah oi us
,s .1!) p. r c ut pr, n inn , , ., .,..,.:,.'., ,. n,..i i,e ,t nt
y i ne ivi'iiiut hv ir -ii- a ii" i" -. i - ' , . .' , , i it r ... .!.
I'll.. Governor re-'tnial. lied by ciicninl i'if'S "'l'i lornine 10 ,i nniim iil n snowcr en o;uei o.".. .-s
1 . ... I . . . a l.l; , t I refill lint tttr.
ect iiincolii s rxi-reise nil iniptiriiuii inuni in e npt'ii pu "I' i i ynuese, no ii" .usuc .-.. "
nfl'iirs in moments of per.l. la tins, tmir t otiiMlitir nioiiiiliiius in mimeinc iiiini-e.-'.
iv, bolli left the State ol m nmong them boys niul gins oi ten nun
..... , . - ,,. i. i i. . ...(.'...,.. ..r , ... .
MI. .1.1 I,,.. 0 ... IP .X If II-, COlllltrV S I'Vll nav, .'tint ti o nun lltinne .m m
l'i ., , m, 'vrsler.l .V nml re elect-! their birth und resitlence, nml their homes ' years of age, killed or woumleil n
rcJr v. s.s;i m ,,,, ur,.,,t B;, of,, . it..t m,
I ' liainlli I i , , , , ... , r, , , ,-, . . m niehteen lilies be-
UUie, null went ii"."i.u. ." n o in..-,- ... - -n
nl children, turned Ins ti n k ,i, n,, that we were r assemliletl ny me
other matter this week, prevents our giv
ing the letters of the French nnd Kuglislr
Ministers on tho Intervention question.
The French Minister M. Drouyn Do
LTInys very moderately proposes frour
his master Ihe Emperor, that the maritime
powirs of F-uropc, meaning Franco and
I'nglaiid, taking in Ilussia by way of com
pliment, probably because they are nfruid
the Northern Uear might conclude to eat
up Europe in their absence; "exert their
influence," in his own language, "nt Wash
ington, os well ns with the confederates, to
obtain on unuisAicc for s.ix months, during
which every act of war, direct or indirect,
should provisionally cease, on scu as well
ns on laud." In n former part he squints
nt u reason for interfering. " The' favoru
hie dispositions toward peace which are
beginning to manifest themselves in tho
North as well in the South, might on tho
other hand, second steps thul might be
made to recommend the idea of a truce."
Lord Russell don't see it, hints that tho
co-operation of Russia would be extremely
desirable in so large a contract, hut Fays?
" Her Majesty's Government hove, how
ever, not been informed up to the present
time that the Russian (Joveriimeiit havo
agreed to co operate will, England nnd
France ou this occasion, though that Gov
ernment may support the endeavors of
England and France to nttuin the end pro
posed.'' The closing argument of the Russiun
Minister is nn honest disclaimer on the
part ol the Russian Government lo inter
ft ro in any way with our domestic difficnb
tics, and probably did ns much as any
thing, besides ihn " .Monitor," to prercnt
intervention before this time.
Tho idea of a complete armistice, both
by tea and html, for six months, during
which time Southern hurhors would be
filled with European iron clads, and nil lur
other wants supplied, is refreshingly cool,
whether coming Irom u crowned sympathi
zer with rebellion ncross tho ocean, or
some Insignificant traitor at home.
" Rr.sinsF.rt to it." An old friend to
Col. 15. met him In New York City, nnd
asked" How is this, Colonel ? I thought
yon said If the President issued his mate
. f . ii.-nrj
I III i i ! a r
.. : . .1 t .. n 'l'i... el, . int. Iillt t.t hid tt'lll' lllll
I I ,.lil,. V X . 1 I III' fliaui'.e ' I" - ... ' . . . a a . .. J ' " " ' ' "
i, ,;i,,l.,.,;f...ii. Liver I to Ihe;, i , his broad nml fertile nerr-. and his Duke, .....I fora.ei six co u.i.ns. o; n , nror,nnia,;on, you tcould rs!g,
nV ,,;l ii leenstown to 28t., ol ln r. , exteasive VllZr. 'KVIh X I We yoi. still wear your shonhlcr-s.rap
I fttlllH 11 lit I i.s-.iiiiiii . ' ( i I "- , , ., t ...
miiiiii1" " I i .i r..i....,r.i u-1 ll, vet . i ...,,. I... i ... i. i ..f llieV D-nvo n L'enera
of l ie Fulcra I e fill in n sin ouuu. ii.... , . --, i...- - - - r-
yr Ol int. . I . ...... ....... ...,1 l,v e. tl i ... r 11., a in n nnd r.lshetl
il lopli! Ill the nrill OI liovcriiiiicin, y ." ; nr.-, iiuuis " " - -
Norih nre' treachery, niul ili'stiiiition reifniil in the , npmi our bnyoiicts with only their clcncheil
i i . a ti i i mm... i. L n tin a nn ii rr rr u in . Mn.... - . miw.. ....
l ll, War Ki pieiiineni, n -""" , ' , , -i.i1-ti1.t Icnmii. mid ordered forward cargoes ol sun- i,K .Nothing coni.l witnsiiuui ine.r .. .
in .He nar".'. '' V' "' : .'. 'V T L. favt.S'lJ. Isis.,!,.,. for f.n.ishinir soldi-rs. nnd with his p,,n,i,y. They dai'teel nt our fee. piu-h-
1 . .. . I ' . . nw hands, nml by tin- aid of Ins sons, np-r, n. down, pnlletl ns down, sirnnitut.
portioned them nuiotnr the needy upon ine ; rcni'lici! Hie nrms irom our mini..-,
L .. u i.,.i..f 1I,i mi ve loo. three! lit iroil linn, killed all French, Ha
re ociin'in. f - - - ' f.--- . .
nous ti) the ;imo of the Consliiniion; he vnrinus. nml Snxom, thnt did not cry mr
. ,., ,,.,.i nun u , n ill of accounts
I OO.l'i'ii,." " l.l
I ,,i her vet remain liiuiinilv.eel,
un. sices i" , , ii.. n ..
I,ng!,ah.lg..'leif.'e hn" been rngi-He'd in j Gb
in, A late lette r from Savannah
this duty- .
iv- l'resiilent I'ha'"!" l''' I""1'"
" Well," said tho democratic Colonel, " I
did, but I only meant that I would rciign
myielfto it."
... .. . i "". i . ' 1 ' ..... .
Considerable trouble wun ino V i v.ilutito. rtil his own servii'O lo the Uovem- qtmrtorl Ry doing so, 1, wun ooo ...e..,
o.i ' ......(..if nu nil IKIL IH't lll'U in . e , ... n.1.1 I.. ...... a.iiiiihi V U lliTl' i ...... ..apail nml liI I1L 1 IMTI V.
.. I Hiiliri'kl'llllllllll III nil i. . 1 iim ll a. n i " -a - - I 0 ..... ..- -
,1'iitetl l.y nicin.iuK " " .,.i i., il. interior. Some Muse lo go nun , . ,,iriml,iu cni-liiiiit When nil lav elenel nroiiml. ami mo tic-
"i" " " r . . i .. t 1 ....iv ,.w has lul ... . ... v ....i:...i.. ..... I..I...1 i m I rrn Imp. ns II
t'linr iiivuiir are ihki'ii oy ' " ; , ' i the rciicl on tn p uiuim- , ..-i.n.i 7 iory wn itnn . ,
1 " . . ..1 tl I.'. ..reihillllltlim. .. .. . J .' .1 .. 11.: I!... .... .1 It..,.,, mi. billilllilt. If
If brew, collie lull) use. suite n"i -, no filei by nun 1 nppouiieu 11 iii'iiiiiiiii- inoveil t out. h...iiii .-I- , -
. ... . ... .... u .... 1. II. . '
ll. ws of the
piiinliug ol th" Anii'ri.'an
1 " , ii,M-ii nt on in I t'l.rew, coin.-no., . miiii 11 ay mi "l'i
' 'V 1''" l ,f 1 .tl 1 1 chnnler first, All soldie rs eh nr.; t shot, u , . , (,f y,,,,,,,,,.,.
lr..i ,M",k. "f f ; ' lvesr.'l hung. Unt iimny , ,, , ,imM, ,,voted his t
verses four to nine, iai ( v rv (, ,,, M t,u n.iist und m ( ,,, ,, ,0 ,
1 1 (liciul i-nti- Foi l rul'iskl.
t c.ii.tL-im VorK.
lot, .1.1:.... I....I. 1111
f. tlar r : v, ",;
us le.llows! Kepiinniim, " lii.1iiK.ri(, in one town in .1
cmtie, 4,115. Krimblk'on Uii-rnty, 10-iJilXion of four hundred
7 r. n
... 1 .1 . e. .
tir TImtu liuvi! 'MTU tmriy www "'
ill one town 111 .Maine, uuv oi
riiuse, nnd Is ut thi" hour elotnir service
This limn s tiiiine Jamks a. Apswonni.
Tremendous npph.usc
I la reforence to Hortlo Seymour b
iiiiion thiir knees mid poured forth the
time nnd ihiuiks of their hi'iirts to Heaven, In the
country s, open nir ft scene so, so solemn, inni
!.'... 0 ..... ...n...ttliPAiinA
ti u ;il tinvrr fin e Trom IIIV rememornuiB
I cniild not but Join In their devotion, and
never In my life, I supposo, did I J'ry
more fervently.
Paxitaiiv Find. Tho Commerriid Ad-n.-rltsiT.
ltotiolnhi. Snndwleli IshineK snjs
souio two thousand (Ho Imrdred dollars
have been subscribed Tor the fcoliilcr ne
lief Fund, nnd was forwarded to Sun Frun
Cisco In November last.
Tho following Territorial officers,
for Washington Territory, were elected, on
tho 14th Inst.: Oeorgo A. Panics, Tiibho
Printer : R. M. Wulker, tin present' In
cumbent, Auditor: Wm. Cock, Treasurer,
and J. 0. Hoiul, Lihrwrlnn.
Hir Florence Nightingale) bai inffered
a relnpse, and but littlo hri ll bow en
tertained of her recovery.
ft'ti viiuiny , uuw