The llcamtle of Malar. The rippling nils Willi music tills Thia beauteous world of ours, Tli flowers gay Unfold each day. To deck dame nature's bowers. And birds so thy, "With timid eye, Their voice en loud will nine, Wlih thrilling song, The day ulontr. Will aing tdrir .Maker's praise. The forest green, The tit-Id se re no, Ah' clorioiis I o I lie eight, The fluttering loaf, The golden ilieaf, Willi tieainree ever bright; A n,l should not we Contented be With kik Ii a world as this' For nature's call, To each and nil, In, don't tuke tiling amiss. How strain.- i: does went That many ne'er dream Of the joy s lliry ni'Iit possess, If they'd but look at home, Willi ihe wish not to roam After imaginary happiness. M n. SMOKixjjr-5.TJjo. Kiuiis:j:or,..A.f the Kroneh, having found that tlio stu dents in the oollojres of Franco wlio f-moko, are uVculi'dh infrrior in their selmlastie attainments to the non Miiokers.he tins prohibited this injuri ous habit in the colleges. It is said that the Knijvror put out " thirty thousand pipes in one day!" Would it not bo a irood thiinr for the rising generation of Ameriea, if i onie power could put out all the ei-' jrurs which American boys are in the j liabit of puflitiix? Joys, lo emperors , over yourselves, and put out the ci- j gars ! Let us declare war against ttv I bacco! Let our war-crv from IJafliu's liny to the Gull of Mexico bo, Away with tobacco! Away with tobacco! Givinv. tiik Hand. A very solemn ! method of taking an oatli in the East, i is liy joining hands, and uttering at I the same time a curse ujxm the fal.-o ', swearer. To this form, the wise man ' probably alludes in that proverb: ! "Though hand join in hand' though ! hey ratify their agreement by oath ! "the wicked shall not be unpunished : I but the seed of the righteous shall be 1 delivered." This form of swearing is ' Mill observed in Egypt and the vicinity. : rL'SLKS CAlil) w. c. JonwsoN, ATTORNEY ci COl NSKLOU AT LAW, lituf Solicitor in Chancery, "TTT1LL promptly attend to anybusinesswhich T f may be couirnitted to Ins professional charge before the District and Supreme Courls. Ultice uv. r Miiwato's tin store, iinmediatclyop pueite the .Main Street IIoue. Ure;..n City, October 1, 1;5?. J. II. .'I ITCH I'LL, ATToIi.NKY i. Col'.NaKLOP. AT LAW, And Solieitor in Chancery, I'ORTLASD, ORLGOS. Offi.c Frr.nt Sire!. rp;,ni Var;hn's Wharf. 4"olleclions made and pro.npt'y Mnltte l. :'apl.l C. ?l III It AY, JIOFSE, SIGS, ASD ORSA.VESTAL Sh p nrarly opposite the Mrt!,:litt Church, OKF.'i.lN CITV. April II.. l-.'.fi if JAS. CUNN Klt'S SONS' U. S. Typo FoundeiT, WM. FaIT.KXK" ,1 SON', Agent-, So 6lt ;iiiaoinc l Sax Fk.ixcisi'o. IVERV article necessary for a complete Xeus J or Job Priniii.g Office tumUlied at Ihe kw e.t pricn. Also, axon's for Tajlor's, fJord'.n's, Dejetier'a, Newbury's. Potter's, nn I llawlos' Presws. j-J DISS k C0, Commission lMcrchants ANB Jobh'rt in Flour, Grain, Fetil, Fruit, Leather, dc S. K. corner Frw. nud Washington sts., .S.1.V FUASCISCO. TjTonsi.'iimenls of all kin Is of California and Oregon Produce solicited. (.II.Itt.RT lU.VNOI.DS. O y s t e r Dealer, .16 TO III A. MX facil.tles of trensp. rtatiou enable me to conn.ct regularly with the stcamen iling ijeiweeii Portland and f-toria. Terms, c isli with orders, ttvsters delivered on the steamer at I'unlatid, at S6 per Sack, l"i.g .s the presenl rules in nl.uj wait r hay. In the event of an advance below, Ihe advance will b ndd-d to the figure. Ag-ut John II. IIoss, at Portlaud j C. I.. PiakKs, I. M , at .Ptoria. 1 A II orders promptly aticnded to. no 15 Flax-Seed Wanted! "iTiipromed to ered un OIL .MILL of or 1 near Saiem or Oregon City, if farmers will i contra,! to grow f..r e,t .ason five hundred' nrres of FI.AX 1'iiee per hushel, Ui ej,.!0. j Yield, I j to or) ,,, (, ucru " It may be j raised iu lots of 3 or oil a-r.n, and lo advantage nnywherc between Oregon City d Kug-na City. ! For particulars, address me h-m, at .Salein. i o.:i.a.';, imu. c. iioci, j 1 Avery and F;ed j .STABLE, AT OICEGON CITY. MHIK undersigned ha) in j purchased llio sta 1 ble property on H.xlU street, between Min und Water, Incur liabtou t Myers',) known as the ( it Potter Livery Stable, would inform ihe pu'jl.e thai the studio is now open, wliem am ';iits' iind L'l'litV iSaiMk' Norse es. iiii'M'.s and JJor.ics, and EKEl) OF ALL K I X 1) ,S' all on reasonable term. Also, A IMPM! a rem i sli H'l to Mccoiiiinodale flic traveling p,i0, M j ,,. deav.-r lo give jeneral sali.fttciin to nil who may favor me Willi a call. ' There will ( .11 1; , I,, , mi,.,,,;., hosller on lisnd (by day, night, and Suuday) t on customers. I hop by slrivt attention to business lo gam a share, of tin public patronage. u , , ,. J- M. HtAZKIt. Merino Bucks. IHAVK few three-qillirler blond MKItINO ULCK LA.Mlia, which J will sell low, My pUca a ai irtilesj west of tfayett. ' D2),mi OH APUI3 I I Br. Baker's Pain Tanacea la enmpoaed entirely of healing gums, and vegeta ble oil and herbs. It is perfectly sal for the nioet delicate to use. I cau mod aineerely aay that I have never known any, however delicate, to be injured by it in the leant. I will continue to nek the afflicted, w ho have not used it, to try it for the following diseases, If they nru not sutis ficd with its healing properties, the money will be cheerfully refunded by the agent where the medi cine i for sale. If you have pain in the Stomach or Bowels, try a dose of I'ain I'liuaeea internally, hnlho ex ternally over the parts affected, aiiii you will at once restore the proper action and relieve the pain. If you have a lliuise or Wound, hatlio it will with the Tain Panacea four limes a day. It will relieve the pain, and take out all the poison, and heal I he wound in n short time. It' vou are sum-ring from Neuralgia or Uheu mate Tains, apply the Pit i n Panacea freely, and takes diweofit internally, morning noon nud night; it will not only euro the puiu, but will re move the cause of the disease. If you have the IHspepsia, and your food dis ss es our stomach after eating, take a doso of 1" in Panacea after each meal. If you have a Cankered or Sore Mouther Throat, apply the I'ain Panacea to the tiffectrd parts, and gargle the mouth or throat thieeorfour times a day. It you have the Ihurth.r.t, or a relaxed state of the hoa-els, tuke a few doses of l'aiu Panacea, and Ihev will ishmi bo restored. If vou havo a i uint'ul stvellli g, hiilhe the parts freely, and vou will soon relieve the pain, and the swelling will be reduced, lfuni have a severe tooih-aehe, apply the Pain Puuucia on n p.ece of cotton, and bathe the gum at the tame tune ; if will stop the pain instantly. If you have a pain in the Breast. Side, Hark, r Kidiicys.bathe the parts atlccted moring and night; at the same tune kike adoaooflhe Panacea lu trrn ally. If a .Mother has a I' .iked breast, apply the Pain Panacea as hot as can be borne. If you feel chilly or cold, as though you were goirg to have a fever, take a do of l'anacea. 1 1 j on have a noun I, cut, or galls on your horse, apply the Pain Panacea; it will take cut all the lutlamation, and heal the sore in a short lime. Sold by all the prneipal druggists, and by KI-.1MM. ION, CO , Agents, lib and IIS 1- cut Mrott,fn franc soo. I' I MI'S IS FALLIBLE II MR RESTORA TIYL KOR llcttorin i Gray Hair to its Orhlnal Color . fT PltKVEXTS T II K II MP. FKOM KAI.I.- dindruiVand scurf from the head. ; It a'iavs all irritation of the scalp. It co.!s and rclrrhe the head, and impails to the hair n ' lieallhv, In, ly np;. aiance. ' P. S. The properties which "move dandrutr and sciiri l'iuui ll.e ht ad, allay irritation and free i I the scalp flam hum, r. render this artu.'c invalu- j able as a lot on in all cutaneous ntH-cli'Mis, such ' ( asncn, haul, ,-a.l i.n, urn, i. nnliluius, l.l w I las, liingwotins. Shingles, Hu, and Stint's of In- sects, and all erupt ons ol'lhe skill, ej that ' caused by POISON OAK. The only genuine article is put up iu PINT licttlrs, aul has the written sgnature of N, , Mil I Ik. nr I t. . i Z , i 7 , ' r i different style, whi. h is Ci ('NTEIIKKIT. l!K.I)INt;TO. A CO. U'holesa'e Agents, 4IG and 41; prnnt street, San Knane sen. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA KEMRMllKR. THIS IS TIIK Original ami (lenuine Article I K0W LFDlitP TO IK The Best Sarsnitrilla Ever .VaJt .' MIIS unr va'el prvnarKioi has performed some ofthe in M atoir-iiit:cnren that nie ' recorded in ihe history of M. d.cnie. 'I he rapnh I ty with hicli ihe pat.eut rt covers III it 1 1 li nut! kirt its! li under its influence is surprising Ilarh nevr eve , in which it is applied furnishes in the result a ih-w j certificate of its ell'.cj.-y and e, eii.c.-; and w., , have onlv to i.ol'il to the accumulated t.-stnririiv f multitud' S who have eiperienee,f Its henelici d cun vince Uie mot incredulous of us value. II.. (...., i W j .'w ,", c . o tor auiN crit ipiirio.i. If!" Fur sale by II .Iommmx i Co. and Urn iMiTov Sl ( o., S.iu Francisco; Itn-it A. l'om, ( Marv ille; II. JJ. M.,poi.ii i Co.. Sacniiieicw; and by llrugg.sts generally. july 'Jim.'! IslarN Hatsaiu of lid t.Urri) The 1 only pure and genuine llalsam is, and i.,r the la-t twenty years has been, prepared by Si tu W. roWl.R OL I.O., Ol lUMtOII and their printed I name, as well a the written s. 'nature of .. , liutit, appiar on Ihe outer wrappers. Would nroiJ the spun,, us end h'tre the take no tithcr! t )ou ; genome, I vv... i It-.. . y. . sure, sperny, and iermanent cure of caught, euldt, tore ! hi out, liionrhitit, attlunn, p'rurut, pneumnmii, croup, uhuoping rung h, blrrding at the lungt, pain in the lireatt or tule, and in fa. t every foim of throat, dust, and lung complaint, as well as CoNscumosi itself. This hous. hold remedy should he io the hands of every family an l Individual, as a timely nppli- , cation of It to a slight cold will cause nniiie,l,,ie relief; while cases of long standing,, : and apparently incurable character, will sii'cly yield to its wonderful curative powers and Hs tfreot adaptation lo the wants ol man wheu nf- ; tl CleJ. For sale in California by flediugton & Co., Henry Johnson & Co., Charles Morrdl, San Fran. cso; It. Jl. McPonsId it Co, Sacramento; I'.ice, Coffin At Co., .Marysville; Smilh A. vis,, ffregon. fels'irow 31 ill Seat and Land. THAVi: nn eicellent Mll.f. SKAT, aur. rounded with excellent TIM HFIf, which I would like to have improved. I will (five some millwright who wishes l invest in a saw mill or grist mill, or both, n u""i chance. The location ia one of the very he.t for selling lumber a level way to the mill s. at, no hills lo pull over, and handy lo heavy settlement. I wish also to sj ,,f a ,eCtin f .AM) near by. The il4.e is six miles west of La fay. itte, Yiitiilull county. , W. L. A OA M.S. Nor. 2.,, 1 ,.-,!. ;f;f j Yamhill J louse, AT LAFAYETTE, hf H orris Wo Mi. i.... i,ijiii or ii.ii i. nraav. IIiisiu-!tv valuable rem. dr is the best one eitant for tli-safe, ' I :s,B IfSMI; I'" e.k SJ.J 00 I he tahlv is furnished as well a that of any li')t I in the country, juiiel.', HTAIILISO. 10 OSWEGO, OREGON, A KoiirliiiKK-liool for lloytt fifiLi. rt rc on mondav. y i;iTKMI)KK Ktm, HCI. Af.0 SPENCER HALL, MLW ALKIE, OREGON , A HOAilPINi.-KCIfuoL FOH f.ll'.LMt Will be. opencl un Moisir, Kr.rTsnr.a !, Iftfil. Thess. schools will m organiu'd nnrl conilurti d under the supetvision of the auUcrilr, lo whom liny may b addressed, until the tirmiof opening, at Oregon City. Aug i ;,.(!(: i TiioMAH r. ?con FOR SALE. llonu'stviuls mul Valuable. Heal llstate. Hulldlug l.ota fruui Sto la $100 l-.acUU Also, 50 Him Lois ami Entire Mods of Beautiful Garden Lam'! in (ho city mid county of S A N F 11 A X C I S C 0, 0 N the line of the San Jose Itailroad, lit the WF.ST-FN1 PICFOT. The lillo is absolutely FKKFKC'P, being Span ish Uraiit, tinally confirmed and patented by the I'nited Stales. The Shnfler Hill respects this Title, The City Authorities respect it, The Pisiricl Courts and Supreme Court of the I'uited Slates resect it. llciudca, the Title has been forever quieted by a Final Peeree ami Judgment against the City! so that there is not even a cloud or shadow upon it. Whoever puHiasos one of llieso lota will buy a lot and not a lawsuit. Office No. Ill Naglec's Building, corner of Montgomery and Merchant streets, San Francis co. l;lnV. IIAKVF.Y S. liltiUVN. J). IYM. Jl ALL'S .1 V Hal sam lor liiiiiirs. Coiininiplwii, Atthmn, Sight Sireatt, Spitting UliMtl, foldt, fought, Inriurnin, Vatn in the Side, unit nil Ditcattt of the l.uugt. 1'r. Win. Hall's Italsaui for the l.uiig, in all o-rs, gives Ibe best of satisfaction. Ir. Win. Hall's l'alsum for the lain; wrought more cures since its iulroduclion has than any other couli medicine. lr. Win. Hall's Ba'sam for the l.ungs is en- ! d 'rs, d by your lead ng pliVMcians as the sales! ; i,,. r,...,.. ... (..tore Hie ouhlic 1 Pr. Win. Hall's llaltim f,,r Ihc l.onL' safe to u-i" an), 'Hi: children, an, I yet powerful iu cases ol chrome pulmonary diseases. Pr W in. Hall's llalsnm Ut the I.uul's bliugs lis ceri'licates alinool daily of its womlerful enrrs in all parts of tin coiinljy. The m. rr striking prisif of th intiiniV worth and rve'leiice of Pr. Wm. llall'S Balsam for the l,oi gs, is shown in Ihe inpdoy with ulnrli il lie conns a eenrral favntile Willi the poplf. Theie is nothing of a similar tialors hut what is soon cat into the shade when the I'.ol.ain has In-en thoroughly tested. The .nils lor us sale, the country over, in nrilrru g low supplies, ate very enthusiastic iu ils favor, saying: " Il is just the thing , it acts like a chaiiu ; its effects are mi- ly magical. I The purchase r should he verv particular !t ask I for, and lake none but Pr M I I.I.I A M II Al.l. S I II A I.SAM Knit TIIK 1.1'NiiS, which is war i rallied lo five or the money returned ! Fur talc bv all Prug.'ists, and by ' KKPIMilON .V CO. J See Ag' iils, 4It!and4IS Front street, Sji, h raue.M'O. Sick and Diseased You cau be cured ! An I T not 15a. I i-r ApM-al KailiiiLT to All with i Iltalth. I A KI Jou languid itniiim.ite, res'les, ajvel-te I.I MHS. IIOPY, HACK, and 1 1 K I ' Header, much of tins is caused from COI.P (aught nil Will n.'ly, or, in ses, n cases out of ten, sluggish li-e of he liver and b isal, and want of natural 1 perspiralion, iinliscreiinn to ihe use of food nud t sin tik , or from a dryues. iu the alm.pher.. Inch , , is a very uuheaitl,) purl r.f Hi elmntte in inv of , ihe awful, t o'ent, and !l PlKN PKA IIISl that oernr heie niusl Iw ullriloileil to th Now, i rea-.'er, I ha)e made this my stodv (.ir many venrs, and I i'.n assure y.,ii that mv PK HFIIIiFIFS ; in h.ohatim; roi:pi i, ,;i mre u,..e cause it will insure amin.i!in of ihe I.IVIJI, I'.lMlH, nl IIIiMNS-it BtPllgthen. Ihe, 1 n. res, and fives to the sufferer a I.L'lilifss f siarils, n an. I b'.dnv fe, lii,.. , streiK'il.. ,. is d. iirriilful. The in.iiiv r.i.eel.,1. . ul,n h.iv l,n k n.Ci.,1 I.. .! ....... it. , i in any of the f.,. wing diseases, must satmfy all bot the ; and i ignorant seej.tsc T ' 1 r J ')'J KI, OF lll I ll,'('-riOli; IiH tit iiiiisriiiar or Iumihv tri"ii''tii ari'I I 1 ! iiii iital I'lu-pfry; Fcvt r, .Am, j orcliill-i; ilifiiuiatif. iiriirulic or other jiaitH ; il'li tiou j aixl Ufakncssi of tlw ! lira iiiiiitioni, drliility I from (, tlil- , Ji.'ltion, too IfltlC'Il 1 o c t o r i n j., tleliaiicliery, I mul j OTHER CAISES. ! Iu case of ricitemeiil from constant ! INTF.MPF.ltANCK, and where PI.LIIIILM TRK.MKN.S has occurred, I have seen il r hnnge Ihe sufferer in half en hour from the most horrible stats to calmness; ami placidity. It can, indeed, bo con scientiously recommended In all suffering, and the proprietor regrets deeply ,.t j( M necesnnry thus to adv. rtise it, in ordVr Ihul its merits may be known. .Void highly concentrated. I'nre re duced lo .', wn for 9 j large (piarl bottles. Sold by every respectable druggist. Tim IJv. Ilobert Scliu)ler, of Pelaluma, says : " For jears, Isilh myself and brother bavu suf fend so from d)sH-jisia, weakness of mid sour so.mai'h, iiiihgesiioii, mi l flatulence, that life at limes was a burden. have used your Cordial fllr. Weblii r's Invigorating rianguilier; four days, nnrl leel r llisil we liavn for years. CltA.VK A IIIIK;llAM and UF.Pl.NfrON it (,., rriiggists, Han Francisco, Agenls. no'Jy iaxhs'i JJIooni of Youth, 0 R Liqi'II) PEAUL, lot si Tirriso xii rsr.srsnar) Till low ami skin. Most Invaluable Toilet oiliclo ever invented. I(KOLN(;TON a. to, Sola agents for ihe Pacific coast, 4 1C simMIH Front slieel, Han Fiauciscu. Cliairs and Bedsteads f AUE IN TIIM COI NTV by ALKlkl) JL MAItWLAM, kept for sale at CHAKM AN A WAKNERg Oregtn City, Sepl 11, H1 S CO V ILL'S SAKS A T A It L L A AM) S T 1 L L I N (J I A ! Oil Blood S' hirer Syrup. IT is hereby recommended by Pbyicians ti cure Ihe following dm having their oii it n in n disordered stale of Ihe blood : Canker. I'lceriilions and Hulniceinent of the Joints, Cancel oua Tnniois, Kivsipelas, limit's F.vil, St. Anthony's Fire, While Swellings, Oil stinale Froplions, Pimples uu Ihe Face, Uheu malisin, Blotches, Pustules, Pjsiieinia, ele Sv phililic and Meicurial Atl'eclioiu nro cuted; fluorosis or olwlruetions in females; Leuchor- rhea or Whites, are relieved by the use of this Medicine. The medical properties of Sanuipaiilla iu eon junction Willi Slillingia are well known by all medical men lo bo Ihe best compound yet discov ered locleanse and purify Ihe blood, and eradicate all tiiimnni finlil llio svsleui. We have given the recipe to most phvsiclans iu iho counlry, that they may know what they aie ii-iiiL', and will eouliune lo send il bv mail lo those desirous of knowing Ihe iugiedieuls entering into its comikwiiiuii. that that tin v may re. tibe it in their piaelice. Tln preparation stands at the head of the list ol remedies for curing all diseases arising It, an mi outilies nllhe blood or diseased mallet luianij III thi svstein. Thousands who have used the .Viillingia and Sarsapardla Hill testify lo its lein.irkahle rlfeel in moving all imponnes irom llieir iiiimhi, g vmg lone and v cor lo the whole human Iraine, and le.lor ini! a health) action to all the luiiclions of the The testimonials received in its farot from many memlieis ol Iho Medical Faculty would, were we lo puhlish them, fill a Luge volume. It is prepared under the siiicrviioii of one oflhe oldest no, I hei pinctieal cheuusls iu Ihe counlry (Mr. . .V .Merrill,! iiiciuuali,) so as lo insure, a uniformity o composilioii and punty in all the in gredients. As a sprint; remedy, to purity and cleanse the blood, lenviui it free from all humors and impiiri lies, we asseit null conlideuca there is no heller n Sold by ail Piugir sls, and by ki:iim;ion, .v. co, Agem,, -llliand IIS Flout street, San Francisco. To whom all orders should be addrevned. PURIFY THE BLOOD. MOFFAT'S Vcmttiblc Lfv. 'ills MK high and i nvied celebrity w hi. h pre- invariable efficacy in all the d senses which Ihev proleu lo cure, has rendered the usual praclieo of pulling not only iinnei eary, but unworthy of them. They are known bv llieir Inula, their fo.l works tesiifi fur tli. in, and they thrive tuK by the laitfi or tne ere tulous. In nil eases of asthmi, acute and rlirmi r iheii- matisui, all', etiona oflhe bind, hr and kidneys luiioiis le) ers aaI li er coiupljiiuts, in the south and west, where these de.,ses pread, lloy s Ire found in) a.uible. I Uuleis, 1 1 r mi rs, anl oth ers, who onre use lb. im Me l.ein. s, w .ll neteraf er wards he without th, in. W'pesa.--o person w.ih this d stressing iliseas' should delay using these iilidicines humi.. dialely. Friiplion. of the skin, ervsiji. Lis, u If u. y, fever and ague foi this scourge ,,f the western country, these medicines will l,e fumd a safe, s.eedv. arid cert si il remedy. Oilier medl c n I. a) 0 the S) stem Slll.jeet to return of ,,. d s. am a cure b) these un de Hies IB Hlm4lieut. 'I sr tiii . sr siriirirn, tso sr. ci ast. Memrlal l)lra-.--.eter fails to era l eate entirely nil the effects Mercury luliiiiiely s..,i,,.f Hi in the mrs. pr.ertnl preparat u of .sr.ipiirila Sight Strtntt, Srirnut Pehiiity, Aerrens emtiiAnuiti of all iimi, Hfir .;lrr !,(,,, 'o.iinri of the llnut, Vainter'i rhnlic. Piles, -. I'll, of omul proprietor of thi s, medi cines cured of Piles of Xi yenrn' stan. hug by the use of Iheee l.ife Meilll'lliea alone. orms of all kinds ale ell', dually ei,el. d by ibew me,. iriu.a. Parents ill do Hell lo n.loi uisier them Hheneier their, l, e IS suspected. It'.ief will lie certain, 'ike Life I'lllt and I'httml Ititlrrt Purify the blood, and thus remote all disens. frrsn Hie stslem A silifle trial Will s. the ,,' '...S and 'f.'.Y.V HITTERS be.,d llo' resell of coinie,iiiii ol the esliui itam i,f every palo nt r Prepared I. v I'll. W II.I.IAM II. MOFFAT, Itinailirau, cor. Worth t., Mr York .1. H.HMIM.;, Agent, t th, V ttfir,, y ihegnn City. Important to HuiHekeepers i'f Fum Hi might In be Without MKVKIi'iS M I R AC V I. O V .1 Vermin Destroyer. IT has destroyed rtcryr deji p infesting premises where itb a n of Vermin ceii iued, and proved to llie entire satisfaction l( jrehssers that it is the one thing needlul lo promote thorough ci annnrss. HEAD THIS ! tlfOre of Ihe I , H. ssl lasoertnr of lro- vlslons ami t lolhtna. Nvr V ssii, N. V.,J,,lyyi;, H.-.M. This is to certify that .! pli Mevar. I'raclir al ( In in st, has, by the use of Ins preparations, dnv- en all the rats from Ooveriimeni Store . fj of tins Inspection, which was infested wilh vm- de slruetlve aii nials; nnd that I wiimwed an ci traordmary desiruclioii of cockroaches, by Mr. Meyer; although, when he applied his powder about their places of resort, only n few were seen, soon after, iu less than fin, en nnuulcs, the lloor of the room was literally covered Willi them, some already dead, others dying, and I feel assured llint by a few applies!, ons of his Chemical Powder, (which is certainly very efficacious,) Mr. Meyer would entirely rid a house of the.,, biii.ius in "Is. JSi), p. (illlso.V, Intpeclot nf I'rorttmnt nnd Clnlhing. Hole Agents, A. II. NANUS It. fi), Whole sale PruogiBls, I II William sired, corner of Fill, ton, New Vork. For sale by . Joiisisosi A co., San Francisco, and by Prugglsta generally, ;ih CM, KESTER, Undertaker, ''" lir"r"1 III" people of Oregon Cily T T ami vicimly Unit be will keep a supply i,( Kculy-niadei CofliriH, of all hIzch, constantly on liaml. Ha will also keep a ' KM IIMICa and will be pn pared to ullenj in neneasnry business of fmieruls eolnii led with Ins lino, A7oi near Ihe Seimnnry. tJT Custom from Ihe count rv is respectfully solicited. Jui. a:t, IM.fJ. Bciuoraf. fillAUMAN, WAIlNI'.ll A. CO., ),(,, J bought uul ihe emirs iKx k of Aiusworlh A. Pier dor II in this elty, have removed In Ilia fire proof brick lately occupied by A. Y. I)., nan Ibfif old eland I (regon City, Hpt, :i, '(), Sr. A. U. STEELT, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Olllce at the ORF.GOS fITY lUttd STORK. (UUHJUN CITV DRUO t STORK, iV.W.V STREET, ((fpvisita the Methodist Church,) HAS CONSTIKIi OH tUNU DniL's. Mctlioiiii's. Patent Meili- ciiifM, Kerosene Ciintplie lie liui ning p niiti. ivi'., iVf. tk i m r i' ...AT Tllst... MMx'KhT f.r)ii7-;sr rillCES a i) i ii i: it v, AND HARNESS MAKING, oiixtiox cm'. I AM now earning on a Saddler's ami liar nesa maker's shop in this cit), and havo con staiilly on hand the best of Kfiuly-mnilt' liai'iiessiulilles, ln'l tiles, halters, niailinals, and eveiylhing iu my line. I mil also ready lo j make to older nil) thing iu my hue lhal iimv be called for, on a short imlice. My iimllo is, .Make a good ailicle, and sell il cheap. I solicit patron age nl home and fioin ahioad. Mv csliibli.hoteot ib ueai ly opsisiis Chariiiau A uruer's Old Mlsiid oil Maui siiret. J II. SCIIUAM. April IX.'.H. sD'ii'JisU'sCi 'iisU'sna (On Mam street, and formeily the " M i ll Street liaise,") OREGON CITY. flMIF. traeliug public are lespeclfully 1 invited to glte me a call. I be Unveil Moose is Iho m.l sl. as. autly hs'.ilrd holel in ihe Male, and has been so 1 srrauged as lo make it one ol the most eominodi. ; oils houses in Ihe counlry , Till'. T illLF. will always be supplied withj the best lhal the market nib. i. Is i titHht accommodations for ladies so, I families, - f 1 1 r M ; - I Hoard ami lodging, Hf eek Ihstid, Willi. oil lJg og, s i week Hoard per day, with lodging Single iiicbI Niiihl's lodging .ii nn . .'l Oil . I Ml . .'.II . .ill J IIOllllM. P.C I l.lMll. Plopi.el I M i v. Illi.llr II I P. .1 Tfll M A K " JV"7 M IVrti iltiritiiti of k,rl!'''C (Ui)D UdltK iImi wr ill i wtll in gnu nit mil, n im y nH' timv i iUvitc. In i In- fi-(-i imt; ut ( 'ItftMiiMiirti-r, l.ftrr, I HIi , HoMfMiituI WhIi'Im. A ii atrlMH'iii ut Itiift KiiIi1i lt-lir o n.) U. Ji: . vn Iiid.I I'll- ki, Willi Wfieifitj ,i iltrm .lrHilr nm.U lo o.i r nml r mrr.. I'lH-i 111 (it thlt (illiraj Bill l!tlikfiil f.'f wt frtVur-, a It-1 U't i ( Vr .tli!nc.. hi futiiin JT U otr, ni th" ol I iik,p ilir ' I r . fjpm llmi,' OW.V.'O.V ITY. frli '.V Justice's Officr, Oh'LHoS CITY. I AM alwnvs on l,iio,t. nn I a II alien.! to the foi.i.r.fTisti r At t ti v'.v, ) ;tu ili!,'ii of Heeds, .Mi t'';.''es, leases, ImiihIs, I'tiwi-rs of Attorney, ('int facts, Ac, and nil olln r bos.aes,, eitmo lilted lo i,tv rare. i it'll, e ilnertlij npfmnle the Miinnr I'li.'.fii.;' done lli, siin. ,. ; hi laollp. j o irs a ud II o u s r!ai'k.mitliiii1' of all Kiiuls . out to onlep. IK Kill' als)sou baud STEEL Vl.tlHS. trnrtnnteil to ernur and do ss eisid work as any nttiersui the can also furich too wild .If.'OA.V. I ran nlwavs be f,,nu. t mv simp, McKiolay's, ready ahoe your, or do any ill ng iu the line nf mi Imi.oi. .., I all and see. I. v. I.KW IS Oregon Cily, April If., i.VJ. if Notlco. Ail tlosie in.lelili d In u. mil plens.. i-oine for ward and settle helm the ,',ih of J.u ry, and sine cisils, ss an olh. ei w,ll eerlainly wait on llieio aller that dale -and Ihiw haviiu lulls nir.iiosl us Dill present Ihein for pl.MI.enl PAN.NKMII'M ,v ACK KII.M AN. Oreooti Cily, Dec I, h K V. I, I. V ' H TEMPERANCE HOUSE, .Hold sf.,oiifie Gio. Alirinrlhy fn.'t, tlllKliON CITV. -10MP IIOOMS FI ITKI) I P will, ,. . CI.KAN and comforluhle llFDS, (" for Ihe especial accommodation of ilie-l'-'l' lT traveling public. Od.W, is.'.u. K. I) KKI.I.Y, Proprietor. Kemocut! MICHAEL MENOES CIIAKKS this method of informing his friends J. and Ihe puhbc generally lhal ha If AS Jih'MOYEII lo Ihe stand formerly kept by Mr, Miller, nearly Ojijiosite Cliftrinaii, Warner co. which he culls Tli Union MnvkvA, where lie Is prepared to keep all kinds of meat, and In ael the .nine t UKASOXAIJIsK riUCKsS: aa low as th mstket will airml, Ileef ' Million Pork " Veul MICIIAKh Oregon Cily, Hepi, u, IMfi". Sautes era en.iif'. 5 lo 1 0 nisi HI els PI cla 10 via MFNtiKH. N(.w Ferry, ACROSS TIIM (TiACKAMAH, ON TIIK OM Miniriaiil lload, RUNNING IIY JOSKI'II YOUNG'S TO I-'OSTHIl'S. Or'l'ravelersnait promire nl llio Ferry, II A Ct)N, FI.OHK, etc., etc, Tllo.M AM WATIMiniY. llliickwoods Magazinc AND Tlllt nritishjltcvi0wg Oro.t luduccmonujo iub,crlbJ FREMILM.S AND REI)VCTl0NSt I HCO'l'T A. Co Nh'AV YoilK Its: 'Hissz 1. Mil. l.tlMIHV OVVHr...... srtvativc), 'n,' (Cott. 1. 1111. iui ivitu,-vu, a. mi. wn,n MttlllHM Wug (I lee Cbuichl. "'-MtW . nn. vr.HiHtHii.i. ......! nil). "'"'w ft. Ul-At kWUOU'H MU.M. .I',y), I he present fl,,,., o( K will render the., publmaboiu unusuall. I, , " iug duiiiig Ihe forilmom,,,!, y( ,,. ' '"st cupy a tmd.lle giouud between , 1MI' news-ilems, etude speculalious, and Hus.T Ihe Inline, wieu f,.r , ,, , '' est and e.oi.emriil of ,h grn H 1 "! '' lb. tune shall have med ,w.v I . Peiiodicals tho, ,e must U r ,. .7 really Intelligible and rel,bl. ,,, ' events, and as such, In addition ' ."" lahhshed hleiary, .cle i,,( ,j ,lf(H, j . "'" acter, ,gB ,he, npM con.ij,., ''T reading public. " The receipt of Adtaara Shrn, . Hi Hi. h puhlisheiB gives additional ,!, ' llepnnls, luasmurli as they rill ill Ihe lir.iHl.f subscribeis als.ut ti U0B"C''" ot gnial edilioiia. M nuns. en. ,i.r ,.firM) I or an, nn. ,.r it.. (..,.. - oesiews For any two of ihe f,,i Ken,.,, I'orauHbl.e of lli.. Tuur lirvirws''." For all lour oflba l!evieHB... For III... kis.d's ,liic,,iie For Ilia. kie.d ml on,, lleriew For llsck.i, and !.,'"" l or Ilia. kml ami llu.. (e,1Pmi '' For Ilhukwood and llo. four Ksnrws OsjIui;, Il W i IM 00 I 00 . 1 OH . 5 OH . 7 1 I 00 IMl 'r" "V pari of Ihe l'uilJSi.i- w.ll be hot lril,..,n.,i,, ,(8 " llackwisl," and but Vitamers, l.iati foi each of Iho lletiews. Al lli. aLovr pn, r. His p.riu,icals ,1IL. r. ni.hed foi I Mi I. ",N AM. IS 4 rrcmium to Now ubieribert the No., of Ib. M.I.e Pellud cal. f, ',. lori.i.brd complete. Icilanuf mJJ,l,mm.l.i.. I nlike the .owe .phrm.ra .M.c,0rt M ',, ilav.tbe,. l'erhHls-,1, ,M lft j N III. ,e.i ,,, ,,i r IS.CJ uearli as laluahle (, IM.I , nisj bs rfriiW ! .Sul.-irrii.rf. hi..miI(,mi ,, M,Q i Splendid OIUth F., IV I.ieknm.l s VI ,),. ,1.,.. . .. , For at.)' one lies rs i 00 ur no) t o in w s . . . . . , I-. IU kooi! nod one e.i n, l or IUrks. ai tsu ;, ' I' or three llei ie w s For l',l.iekwnnl an. I lines lienrws er the fool . lot II. si k.. I ii ii. I the four , ,1,,, II w 8 10 i (10 II IS) On II W i; tsi tr, f tl e nlM.te is.iik. a .11 lu,k. . lo AVu-,V.. riier. for , je IS.'.C, 'iZ,V 'Ji .tl our hoi' the .Ss,..nsii.l Viutt. I hu. a .Vric ih mny al,l. n ll.f Kepri.t ol the ( our llev ras slid lllaeka.-sl Kl t.owser utile ears l.t 3 Mio b i. al.oot th.. p.,, ,4 Iheengaas-sdi fsf one rot Asweshill nrer sgsoi be l.'.s'r cfTer i.k in, im . mriils s ihie i,r, prrsrnle., Wow i tho Time to Subscribe.! H" l.e.l.ill il.ees oni.1, ,B all i as, s, ks mids Inert to the I'ulititkm, f,.f at theM plirM h Collim a., on mo he aM aril loageult. Addiew, l.r ON :p M u r A CO. No i I I...I I street, ,w York. (i K i: A T MEDICAL DISCOVERY. Hl.U ll.l.'H '- Avv on lilnod s rup: SARSAVARII.LA ASD M'll.LISGA, ..H TIIK (THK Of N'li.fula, Syphilitic, und MiTi'U- i rial I iseiis,c.s, ( 1 sures, hkin ilisi ases, atxl nil ttlier tlieiiM's u hich arc can-eil Ii v nn Impure ttato of tbo Blood! THIS III.OOD ,t I.I VMK SVKCP a r is WAiiu v.viFP j 'lo core all a. rofnliiua and other disesiet that original fnun the si.oou oa mil. ItKAP TIIK STA'I'MMI'NT OK MR. M. .Mi H I l.l.l A MS, Who ia Fhlei in :v. Horace llu.linHI'i flsrea, regarding ll.e cine of Ins dsughlrr, lis s to till appearances cnppl. d for Ids with Ihs HI, hf KOI-1 I, A I Cia. iaTi, F.b.JS, Mssaas. A, I.. Ni inii.t. ,V co. Pear Sirs: I feel il my duty lo write you, sad let )ou know what your lllood and IjrerHjrsp has done foi my daughter, and lhal by fuitliilii it others who soll'er with the ssms ihsrsst know of it, and by Its use derive gtcsl broefil' My daughter F.liia has been sorely libeled "ilk Ht IIOFl'I.A, attended with great psin, for aioM than two years, hhe had some lireorsii rusnisf Fleers on one of li.-r feel, on on her kf, sad one on her kick. They caused cniilraclail l Ihe limbs so that al.e could mil wall. Al lime, fioni the lugh fecoiiimelidslion of "" lll.sul and l.iver Hyiup in cm mg su. h diiewei, I was induced to try II. Hhe commenced '"! " and as the med e acled on Ihe blood, llu ssn comilienced 1.1 lieal. Th" I""'" ','""J straight -sh ia imw gsining slfeiiglh. I " only used Ihree bollh s of the medicine, ltd can now walk unite well. Voiir Wood wl W" Myrup has dun wonders III n-slotinc lur b'sin. Willi Ihegroali sl t aspect, I r. u.siii . II. McWiUlia KTATFMFNT OF Itl'.V. IIOltACE DVM N KM., , . . Cify Mirtwtmry f 1'ntlnr of the frfl)!'"" church. . CiNi inaiTi, March SJ. W"' M .saaa. A b.Scuvii.l. am- ,..n,J,r Hear hirst M. M it Williams, H-i " .. . . ... ..e .l.l..l. I ..tor. I Ml iu in ciiurco o. woo l, i i ...minted with lb" circumstances of hi, daughter, and I have to. hcsilaimy lol """,c th'ZSnmnii Hcovius llMH-t. Kiva. Hvai-f r V all llm ptincipal Prnggl-ls every where, .r. A. II. HTKKI.K, !( !XA wU (1KO, W. HNKI.I., anccesssor V.'.1 V f, J Ag Sun, IJ.T - ff Importer ttn-l Cneral fj''0'U"ih imp in m at, '1M,rt00 nl Nem Yiakpriceilljilr. MMIR IIAI.K PF MIT Nil. 'J, L to 1. N. 4, adjoining K '" Ihisrdtv. I,,., at ll. ArifUi "'' Oregon Cily. March Inl: A. nil New year'.-"'VM;. ' aSmAN. Ifec, 15. I